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A91186 An exact chronological history and full display of popes intollerable usurpations upon the antient just rights, liberties, of the kings, kingdoms, clergy, nobility, commons of England and Ireland Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1666 (1666) Wing P3962A; ESTC R232177 595,052 408

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Non-sequitur 6ly The Kings of England France Spain Hungary Poland Denmark Sweden Bohemia Scotland Cyprus and others have been usually anointed crowned by their own Bishops the Kings of England most frequently by the Archbishops of Canterbury yet some times by the Archbishop of York or Bishop of London or Winchester Are therefore these Bishops that crown anoint them Kings thereby intituled to be their Soveraign Lords in all Temporal and Spiritual things and advanced above all other Archbishops and Bishops in their Realms not present at their Coronation Consecration and may dispose of their Bishopricks Crowns kingdoms at their pleasures If not I hope the Roman Pontifs will from henceforth disclaim this grand Argument for their Supremacy as most false and absurd The rather because none of the Jewish high Priests Priests ever pretended to much lesse exercised such a power over any of their most impious idolatrous Kings as Popes both claimed and exercised over pious Christian Kings Emperours to their eternal infamy And because Kings are actual Kings by desent or election before their Coronations The 3d. and principal warrant from the Old Testament which Popes and their Parasites insist on for their Supream Athority over all Christian Pagan Kings and Emperors Persons Crowns Kingdoms to dispose depose root out destroy them at their wills is that Text of Jeremy 1. 10. The Lord said unto Jeremiah See I have this day set thee over the Nations and over kingdomes to root out and to pull down and to destroy and to throw down to build and to plant Whence they thus argue Jeremiah the Priest to whom this power under the Law was given was but a Type of the Popes Christs Vicar General his absolute Dominion power under the Gospel of whom this Text was principally meant Therefore Popes may pull down root out destroy and throw down all Kings Emperors Kingdoms at their pleasures and dispose of them at their wills Thus Pope Gregory the 7th in his Confirmation of his Execration of Henry the Emperor Pope Innocent the 3d. Pope John the 22d Ostiensis Alvarus Pelagius Augustinus Triumphans Caspar Scoppius Carerius Radulfus Cupers Lelius Zecchus Bozius Marta Bellarmine and other Romanists conclude with very great Confidence from this Text. But to dismount these aspring Roman Bishops and Rooks I shall desire them to demonstrate first how Jeremiah only one of the private Priests of Anathoth not the high Priest of the Jews was in this and this alone a Type of the Pope or Peter If not then their pretences argument are false If yea then let them produce some Scripture warrant for it 2ly How Jeremiah and the high Priest too from whom they claim their power can be both Types at once of the Pope and his Papal pretended prerogatives 3ly Whether the High Priest had any such Supremacy vested in him as Jeremiah here received If not then Jeremiah was paramount him in Jurisdiction and might remove extirpate him at his pleasure as well as whole Nations Kingdoms being a Member of the Israelitish Nation and Realm and so the High Priest not Supream as they formerly argued If yea What need of any such special Commission from God to Jeremiah alone without the high Priests privity or delegation to the prejudice of his inherent high priesthood 4ly Whether this transcendent power was given only to Jeremiah as an extraordinary Prophet of God sanctifyed in and called from the womb or as he was an ordinary Priest If as an extraordinary Prophet only as the Text expresly resolves then Popes can lay no Title to it till they can prove themselves such extraordinary sanctifyed called Prophets as Jeremiah and produce the like special divine Commission to each of them from God himself as he received If as to an ordinary Priest alone then every ordinary Priest among the Jewes heretofore had and by like consequence every ordinary Masse-priest in the Church of Rome hath as absolute a Soveraign power over all Kings Emperors Nations Kingdoms of the world as the high Priest or Pope himself pretends to from this Text and then where is his sole Monarchy over them when equally and intirely divided amongst so many inferiour Priests or any Kings or Kingdoms safety 5ly Whether it extends to Kings there being not a word of Kings but only of Nations Kingdoms in this Text 6ly Whether Jeremiah by virtue of this Commission did either challenge or exercise any such Soveraign Authority over Amon Jehoiakim or Zedekiah Kings of Iudah their kingdom under whom he lived though very wicked and idolatrous by deposing them from their thrones absolving their Subjects from their allegiance and setting up other Kings in their steads If not it is infallible then this was no Commission for such a rooting out destroying pulling and throwing down as these Pontificians dream of but of far different Nature to wit only by denouncing Gods judgements against them that if they persevered in their sins God himself would root out and destroy pull and throw them down but if they repented upon his menaces he would build and plant them This God himself declared to be his only meaning even to Ieremiah himself and to us ch 19. 5. to 11. Then the word of the Lord came to me saying O House of Israel cannot I do with you as this Potter saith the Lord Behold as the clay is in the Potters hand so are ye in my hand O house of Israel At what instant I shall speak concerning a Nation and concerning a Kingdom to pluck up and pull down and to destroy it If that Nation against whom I have pronounced turn from their evil I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them And at what instant I shall speak concerning a Nation and concerning a Kingdom to build and to plant it If it do evil in my sight that it obey not my voice then I will repent of the good wherewith I said I would benefit them Now therefore go to speak to the men of Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem saying Thus saith the Lord Behold I frame evil against you and devise a devise against you return ye now every one from his evil way and make your wayes and your doings good This way of working out pulling down building up and planting Kings and kingdoms and no other he useth throughout his prophecy especially ch 25. 17. to 38. where God commands him to take the wine cup of his fury at his hand and to make all the Kings and kingdoms of the world to drink it that so they may spue and fall and rise no more and become a desolation for their sins if they repented not This was the rooting up and pulling down which Samuel exercised towards Saul the first King of Israel and his kingdom when he thus publikely menaced them But if ye shall still do wickedly ye shall be destroyed both you
hic c. Christi Ministri sciant Apostolatum non esse Dominium sed summae Humilitatis Ministerium ut ponant animas pro fratribus suis And if this be not sufficient he thus quite subverts the foundation of Peters and the Popes Supremacy Christus super seipsum videlicet firmam petram suam aedificat Ecclesiam Et mutato nomine Petrus à petra denominatum per quod significatum est quia cunctis super illud fundamentum quod est Christus aedificantur juxta Prophetam vocandum sit nomen novum quod os Domini nunciavit And what that name is St. Peter himself defines 1 Pet. 2. 4 5. Ad quem accedentes quasi ad lapidem vivum ipsi tanquam lapides vivi the same with Peter superaedificamini domus spiritualis c. This Antichristian Pontiff dying of a feaver Anno Domini 1125. Lampertus Bishop of Hostia ambitione quorundam potius quam bonorum consensu arte magis astutia Leonis Frangepanis potentissimi Civis quàm cordatorum hominum suffragiis magna equidem contentione in Pontificem electus erat à populo the Cardinals electing creating Theobald Cardinal of St. Anastatia Pope calling him Coelestine against whom Lambert prevailing by Leo his power took upon him the name of Honorius the 2. cum potissimorum in Curia Romana judicio tanto censeretur dignus honore omnibus ejus superbissimis regni titulis insignitus His Papacy was more peaceable them his predecessors Omnibus enim terribiles erant Romani Pontifices excommunication●s fulminae qui sibi adversantes ipso etiam Imperatores egregie compescere poterant But yet though the Emperor having quitted the right of Investitures as aforesaid durst not to claim or assert yet the Kings of England and France did strenuously exercise assert Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction over Bishops and their Churches and collated to all Ecclesiastical Dignities notwithstanding Calixtus Decrees as is evident by these memorable Passages in the Epistles of Hildebertus Caenomanensis Episcopus flourishing in that age who thus complained of H. 1. King of England Epist 19. Longum est enarrare quàm constanti tyrannide Rex Angliae in nos faevierit qui temperantia Regis abjecta decrevit non prius Pontifici parendum quàm Pontificem compelleret in sacrilegium quia etenim turres Ecclesiae nostrae dejicere nolumus transmarinis subjiciendi judiciis coacti sumus injurias pelagi sustinere singularem scilicet molestiam itineris atque unicam totius humanae compaginis dissolutionem Tantis igitur agitati turbinibus ad Apostolorum limina decrevimus proficisci magnum novae tribulationis arbitrati remedium si Romanus Pontifex nobis consilio subvenerit auxilio After which he being made Archbishop of Towers and taking upon him to dispose of the Deanery Archdeaconry Prebendaries thereof without and against the King of France his assent in obedience to Pope Paschals and Calixtus forecited Decrees the King thereupon confiscated his Churches temporalties whereof he thus complained in his 67. Epistle to this new Pope Honorius the 2. Quantis tribulationum turbinibus Turonensis agitatur Ecclesia vestram venerande Pater latere non credo sanctitatem Adhuc enim Francorum Rex innocentiam meam tantum persequitur odio ut traducar in gravamen Ecclesiae quod constate esse Sanctuarii fisco ascripsit Tota quoque terra ipsius ita mihi his qui mecum sunt in Domino suspecta est clausa ut nec ego nec illorum aliquis in ea pedem ponere audeant His aliisque permor angustiis quia zelo zelatus sum legem Domini Dei quia non sum transgressus terminos quos patres nostri posuerunt quia dignitates Ecclesiasticas nec ex Regis praecepto disposui nec ei disponendi facultatem indulsi Sciens enim quia Oportet magis Domino obedire quam hominibus personas elegi quae in exequendis Ecclesiae negotiiis Pondus diei portant aestus Alteri igitur Archidiaconatum alteri Decaniam dedi c. Haec idcirco vobis Pater sancte scripsi quatenus si quis aliud Sanctitati vestrae de praefato retulint negotio vos ipsam cognoscatis veritatem Not by way of Appeal And in his 75 Epistle he complains That not so much as one of his Friends defended his or his Churches cause with the King of France to procure their peace Silent amici silent Sacerdotes Jesu Christi denique silent illi quorum suffragio credidi Regem mecum in gratiam rediturum c. ne sagittas suas in sene compleret Sacerdote ne sanctiones Canonicas evacuaret ne persequeretur cineres Ecclesiae jam sepultae c. Although this Bishop complained thus of these Kings to this Pope and others yet he declaimed more bitterly against the Corruptions of the Pope and Court of Rome in one of his Epistles omitted in the Jesuites Edition of their Bibliotheca Patrum Romani sunt quos timent qui timentur Hi sunt quos haec peculiariter provincia manet inferre calumnias deferre personas afferre minas auferre substantias Hi sunt quorum laudari audis in otio occupationes in pace praedas inter arma fugas inter vina victorias Hi sunt qui causas morantur adhibiti impediunt praetermissi fastidiunt admoniti obliviscuntur locupletati Hi sunt qui emunt lites vendunt intercessiones deputant arbitros judicanda dictant dictata convellunt attrahunt litigaturos protrahunt audiendos trahunt addictos retrahunt transigentes Hi sunt quod si petas nullo adulante beneficium promittunt pudet negare paenitet praestitisse Hi sunt qui negant reverentiam Clericis originem Nobilibus consessum prioribus congressum aequalibus cunctis jura Nullum illis genus hominum ordinum temporum cordi est In foro Scythae in cubiculo viperae in convivio scurrae in exactionibus harpyae in collocutionibus statuae in questionibus bestiae in tractatibus cochleae in contratibus trapezitae Ad intelligendum saxei ad judicandum lignei ad succensendum flammei ad ignoscendum ferrei ad amicitias pardi ad facetias Vrsi ad fallendum Vulpes ad superbiendum Tauri ad consumendum Minotauri Spes firmas in rerum motibus habent dubia tempora certius amant ignavia pariter conscientiaque trepidantes Cum sint in praetoriis Leones in castris lepores timent foedera ne discutiantur bella ne pugnent Quorum si nares afflaverit rubiginosi aura marsupii confestim videbis illic occulos Argi manus Briarei ingenium Sphyngis In his 82 Epistle to Pope Honorius the 2. he thus declaimes against Appeales to Rome Honorio Deigratiâ Excellentissimo Reverendissimo Patri suo Sanctaeque Romanae Ecclesiae Summo Pontifici H. humilis Turonum Minister debitae integritatem obedientiae Philosophus ait colere officis non exasperare verbis oportet potestatem
Romans wherby he so obliged them to him that Innocent after his release out of prison thought it not safe to stay at Rome but taking ship with his Cardinals passed over to Pisa and there excommunicated Anacletus From thence sending a Legate to Ludovicus Crassus King of France to relate the equity of his cause desired he might be there received as Pope the French Bishops being doubtfull to which of these Popes they should adhere some of them siding with Anacletus against Innocent thereupon a Council was held at Stamps where by St. Bernards means who stickled for Innocent and writ many Epistles to Kings Princes Bishops in his behalf Innocent was received as Pope After which he posted into Germany to Lotharius where a Council of Bishops was called at Leodium which received him as Pope engaging Lotharius the Emperor by Oath to restore him if he would crown him Emperor After which returning into France having by St. Bernards Epistles travel mediation engaged the Kings of Germany England Scotland Spaine Jerusalem to receive him as lawfull Pope he held several Councils at Rhemes Placentia Pisa and Claremount wherein he solemnly excommunicated anathematized Anacletus and all his adherents with horrible execrations St. Bernard in his 125. Epistle renders this account of these two Popes elections and proceedings ad Magistrum Galfridum de Loratorio Tu tibi quiescis mater tua Ecclesia graviter conturbatur habuit sua tempora quies sanctum otium hactenus sua negotia licenter libenterque exercuit Tempus faciendi nunc quia dissipaverunt legem Bestia illa de Apocalypsi cui datum est os loquens blasphemias bellum genere cum Sanctis Petri Cathedram occupat tanquam Leo paratus ad pr●dam he means Anacletus Altera quoque bestia penes vos subsibilat sicut catulus in ●bditis Illa ferocior ista callidor pariter convenerunt in unum adversus Dominum Christum ejus Demus operam cito dirumpere vincula eorum projicere à nobis jugum ipsorum Nos in nostris partibus una cum aliis Dei servis divino igne accensis Deo cooperante laboramus in conveniendo populo in unum Reges ad diripiendum pravorum consensum ad destxuendam omnem altitudinem extollentem se adversus scientiam Dei. Nec infructuosè Alemanniae Franciae Angliae Scotiae Hispaniarum Hierosolymorum Reges cum universo Clero populo favent adhaerent Domino Innocentio tanquam filii patri tanquam capiti membra solliciti servare unitatem Spiritus in vinculo pacis Merito autem illum recepit Ecclesia cujus opinio clarior electio sanior inventa est nimirum eligentium numero vincens merito At tu frater quid adhuc negligis quousque vicino serpenti tua malè secura dormitat industria Scimus quidem te filium pacis nulla posse ratione induci deserere unitatem sed profectò non sufficit nisi defensare atque ipsius quoque turbatores totis viribus debellare studueris Nec quietis timeas detrimentum quod non parvo tuae gloriae incremento compensabitur si fera illa vicina vobis tuo studio mansuescat vel obmutescat tantam Ecclesiae praedam Comitem dico Pictaviensem in man tua Dei pietas de ore Leonis eripiat In his Epistola 124. ad Hildebertum Senonensem Archiepiscopum qui nondum acceperat Papam Innocentium Epistola 126. ad Episcopos Aquitaniae contra Gerardum Engolismensem Episcopum Epistola 127 128. ex persona Ducis Burgundiae Guillermo egregio Comiti Pictaviorum Duci Aquitanorum Epist 129. to 140. he pleads Pope Innocents cause and election against Anacletus commending those who assisted Innocent exhorting them to persevere therein and menacing those who would not embrace him or adhered to Anacletus wherein he hath some strange Hyperbolical expressions Quidam juxta Esaiam vidi foedus percussisse cum morte cum inferno fecisse pactum Ecce namque Christus Domini Innocentius positus est in ruinam in resurrectionem multorum Nam qui Dei sunt libenter junguntur ei qui autem ex adverso stat aut Antichristi est aut Antichristus Cernitur abominatio stare in loco sancto quam ut obtineat incendit igni sanctuarium Dei. Persequitur Innocentium cum eo omnem innocentiam Fugit ille nimiram a facie Leonis sicut dicit Propheta Leo rugiet quis non timebit Fugit secundum praeceptum Domini dicentis Si vos persecuti fuerint in una Civitate fugite in aliam Fugit in hoc verè virum se Apostolicum probans quod Apostolica sese forma insignierit Nec enim Paulus erubuit in sporta dimitti per murum sic effugere manus querentium animam suam subfugit autem non parcens vitae suae sed dans locum irae non ut mortem evaderet sed ut vitam acquireret Merito Ecclesiae Innocentio concedit ipsius vicem quem per eadem vestigia gradientem 〈◊〉 Nec sanè otiosa fuga Innocentii Laborat quidem sed honestatur in laboribus suis pulsus urbe ab orbe suscipitur finibus terrae occurritur cum panibus fugienti Et si furor Semei Gerardi Engolimensis nondum ex toto quiescat maledicere David Velit nolit pictor qui videt irascitur magnificatur in conspectu Regum portans coronam Gloriae Nunquid non omnes Principes cognoverunt quod ipse est verè Dei electus Francorum Anglorum Hispanorum pestremo Romanorum Rex Innocentium in Papam suscipiunt recognoscunt singularem Episcopum animarum suarum Solus adhuc ignorat Achitophel suum jam patefactum ac dissipatum consilium Fructra molitur miser super populum Dei malignare consilium cogitare adversus Sanctos sanctofirmissime adhaerentes continentes curvare genua ante Baal Nulla fraude praevalebit parricidae suo obtinere regnum super Israel super Civitatem sanctam quae est Ecclesiae Dei viventis columna fidei firmamentum veritatis Funiculus triplex difficile rumpitur Electio meliorum approbatio plurium quod his efficacius est morum attestatio Innocentium apud omnes commendant summum confirmant Pontificem Ad quod sane vestra Pater expectatur sicut pluvia in vellus vel sera sententia Non improbamus tarditatem quia gravitatem redolet levitatis abolet notam Nam Maria non statim respondit Angelo salutanti prius cogitans qualis esset illa salutatio Et Timotheo praecipitur nemini ci●ò manum imponere Dico tamen ego vobis notus Pontifici ne quid nimis dico ut familiaris notus non plus sapere quàm oportet sapere Pudet fateor quod Serpens vetustissimus nova audacia relictis insipientibus mulieribus etiam robur pectoris vestri visus est attemptare tantam Ecclesiae columnam
Galliarum regno susciter●s 〈◊〉 enim Paternitas vestra quod cum Regnum Sacerdotium inter 〈◊〉 conveniunt bene regitur mundus floret fructificat Ecclesia Cum vero inter se discordant non tantum parvae res non crescunt sed etiam maximae res miserabiliter dilabuntur whereupon this Pope made no further progresse in these Usurpations This Yvo Carnotensis asserts the Supremacy of Kings as well in Ecclesiasticals as Temporals That they ought not to be excommunicated That if they receive any Excommunicate persons into their royal favor and protection the Bishops Priests and people ought to absolve and receive them into their Communion Dispositiones rerum temporalium Regibus attributa sunt Basilei id est fundamentum populi et caput existunt Si aliquando potestate sibi concessa abutuntur non sunt a Nobis graviter exasperandi sed ubi Sacerdotum admonitionibus non acquieverint divino judicio sunt reservandi not to the Popes tribunal ubi tanto districtius sunt puniendi quanto minus fuerint divinis admonitionibus obnoxii unde habetur in libro Capitulorum Regalium auctoritate Episcoporum constitutorum Si quos culpatorum Regia potestas aut in gratiam benignitatis receperit aut mensae suae participes effecerit his etiam Sacerdotum et populorum conventus suscipere in Ecclesiastica communione debebit ut quod principalis pietas recipit nec a Sacerdotibus Dei alienum habeatur Upon which account Yvo thus justifyed his reception of Gervasius an Excommunicated person ad communionem in Paschali Curia Pro regia honorificentia hoc feci fretus auctoritate Legis praedictae which he there recites thus ratified and prefaced in his Decretals and in the 12. Council of Toledo Vidimus quosdam flevimus ex numero culpatorum receptos in gratiam Principum extorres extitisse a Collegio Sacerdotum quod notabile malum illa res agit quia Licentia principalis in qua se solvi licentius curat ibi alios alligat quos in suam communionem videtur suscipere à communione pace Ecclesiae eligit separare qui cum illa convescant sola Sacerdotum communione priventur Et ideo quia remissio talium qui contra Regem gentem vel patriam agunt per definitiones Canonum antiquorum in potestate solum regia ponitur cui et peccasse noscuntur adeo nulla se deinceps a talibus abstinebit Sacerdotum communio Sed quos regia potestas aut in gratiam benignitatis receperit aut participes mensae suae effecerit hos etiam sacerdotum ac populorum conventus suscipere in Ecclesiasticam communionem debebit ut quod Principalis pietas habet acceptum neque à Sacerdotibus Dei habeatur extraneum This was the received practice both of the Churches Realms of France Spain and of England too as the learned French Advocate Pierre Pithou proves at large by several Histories Presidents Authorities before and under Pope Gregory Vrban and Paschal the 2. whose excommunications of the Emperors Henry 3. 4. and their adherents by all these resolutions were meerly uncanonical and voyd by this approved antient Law which gave Emperors and Kings power to absolve their Excommunicated Subjects and exempted themselves much more from Excommunications which Priviledge the French Kings Clergy strenuously maintained against this usurping Pope Paschal who though he miscarried in his Design of stripping the Emperor and King of France of their right of Investitures yet he so terrified the King of Hungary with his Thunderbolts that after a great Schism and contention between them Literis graviter scriptis renunciavit Pontifici Investituras Episcoporum aliorum Praelatorum as the Century Writers inform us out of Martinus Capel But these Letters being not extant we cannot resolve upon what terms or how farre he quitted this his ancient indubitable Prerogative royal to this Pope Before I proceed to the next Popes Contests with the Emperor I cannot but inform you what censure Sigebertus Gemblacensis Monachus living and dying under Pope Paschal in the year of Christ 1112. hath given in his Chronicle of this Controversie between the Emperors and Popes about the right of Investitures Anno 1111. Henricus Rex Romam vadit propter sedandam discordiam quae erat inter Regnum Sacerdotium quae caepit a Papa Gregorio septimo qui Hildebrandus nominatus est et exagitata a successoribus ejus Victorie Urbano et prae omnibus a Paschali magno scandalo erat toto mundo Rex autem uti volens authoritate et consuetudine et authoralibus privilegiis Imperatorum qui à Carolo Magno qui post de Regibus Francorum imperavit Romanis jamque per trecentos et eo amplius annos imperaverant sub 63 Apostolicis dabat licite Episcopatus et Abbatias et per Annulum et per Virgam Contra hanc majorum authoritatem censebant Papae Synodali judicio non posse nec debere dari per Virgam vel per Annuium Episcopatum aut aliquam Ecclesiasticam Investituram a Laicali manu et quicunque ita Episcopatum aut aliam Ecclesiastici juris Investituram accipiebant excommunicabantur Propter hanc praecipue causam Rex Romam tendebat After which he reciteth the forementioned Charter and Oath of Pope Paschal and his Cardinals confirming this antient right of Investitures to the Emperor and their perfidious violations thereof upon which many prodigies and calamities ensued I shall hereunto subjoyn these passages out of Joannes Aventinus relating the original and progresse of the Contests between this Emperor Pope Paschal and his predecessors touching Investitures Per triginta tres annos a Gregorio Urbano continenter sanguine ovium belligratum est c. donec Augustum Paschalis per filium Henricum è fastigio rerum in privatum statum deturbavit pollicitus se in Germaniam ad Conventum solennem Augustam Rhaetiae venturum Dumque eo contendit certior fit de morte Augusti Henr. 4. ad Padum ergo substitit atque coacto suae partis Coetu acta Gregorii Urbanique comprobat Clementis tertii caeterorum Episcoporum atque Augusti rescindit pollui Religionem si quispiam sacrificus suffragio prophano cooptatus fuerit fidemve principi dederit Necesse est cuivis Christiano in Romani Pontificis leges jurare decernit c. Proinde debere homines consideratius jam loqui cum illo atque pro legibus habere quae dicat Quicquid adversus Romanum Senatum Pontificalemve se extulerit contundendum esse decernit Conventu peracto ad Caesarem Legatos cum mandatis mittit se in Germaniam venturum ubi de summis utriusque rebus colloquatur promittit Inde Romam ipse at Caesar Reginoburgum ad hyemandum petit adventum Paschalis praestolatur Verum is se in Gallias Cluniacum confert Postea Augustobonae in Trecassiorum Galliae Lugdunensis Vrbe
credit In the mean time since Kings Emperors were long before Popes Bishops who derive all their Lordly power Splendor Temporalties Jurisdictions Bishopricks precedency above other Ministers only from their donations not they their Crowns Kingdoms or Regal Authority from Popes or Bishops as all Histories attest against their Papal pretences to the contrary Since the Moon doth frequently ecclipse the Sunne by the interposition of her body between it and the earth as the Papal and Pontifical power hath frequently ecclipsed more or lesse the power splendor of our own and other Kings and the Roman Emperours but these Suns ver ecclipseth the Moons but only the interposition of the earths Ball betwixt them in their Divine jurisdiction being very little granted to them out of meer bounty not duty as I shall prove in due place Since the Jurisdictions Constitutions Decrees Ceremonies Franchises of Popes Prelates are still various and subject to change like the Moon the Light both of their Doctrine and Life since Pope Gregory the seventh Innocent the third Adrian the fourth Boniface 8. hath been rather Moon-light yea darkness it self then Sun-shine and the Popes Bishops Priests Monks of the Church of Rome it self more carnal earthly ambitious vitious and dark then the Kings Princes Civil Magistrates and Lay-people as St. Bernard and many of their own Authors as well as Protestants assert that the Papacy opposing and exalting it self ever since these Popes above all Christian Kings and Emperours is that Man of sin which Christ himself shall destroy with THE BRIGHTNESSE OF HIS COMMING LIGHT of the Gospel I shall rather conclude that the Pope with his Prelates Priests are the Moon and their Church the Night the Emperour and Christian Kings the Sunne and their kingdoms the Day signified in Genesis 1. then Popes and Prelates of the Church of Rome if rightly parallel'd The 2d Text alleged for the Popes Supremacy over Kings and Emperours as well in Temporals as Spirituals is The High Priest and Priests anointed crowned Saul David Solomon Jehu Joash Kings of Judah and Israel as Popes and Bishops do Kings now Ergo they were paramount their Kings as well in Temporals as Spirituals because they were anointed by and received their Crowns and Kingdoms from their hands alone who might dispose of them at their pleasures Thus Pope Adrian the 4th argued from Popes coronations of the Roman Emperour deduced from the Jewish high Priest Whence hath he King Frederick the Empire but FROM US By election of the Princes he hath the Name of King by OUR CONSECRATION he hath the name of Emperour Imperator quod habet totum habet a nobis Whatever the Emperor hath he hath the whole from Vs It is in our Power to give the Empire to whomsoever we will Hence Laurentius Ostiensis Alvarus Pelagius Marta with sundry other Pontificans thus second Pope Adrian Since Kings are made Kings by their Unction which can be had from none BUT A PRIEST as Saul and David by Samuel It is apparent they are above above Kings and That all Kings receive both the Confirmation and Administration of their Kingdoms from the Spiritual Iudge The Emperor receives his Temporal power from the Pope and Church of Rome who Confirms Annoints Crowns him therefore approves rejects and deposeth him at his Pleasure To which I reply 1. That Samuel anointed Saul and David to be Kings not at but before their Coronations and that by Gods special command as his Minister only not their Superiour whence Samuel told Saul The Lord anointed thee King over Israel and David alwayes stiled him THE LORDS ANOINTED not Samuels refusing to offer the least violence to his person upon this account So David is stiled Gods anointed who tells him I anointed thee KING over Israel and called him Mine anointed adding With my Holy oyle have I not Samuel anointed him 2. Neither Samuel nor any other of the High Priests who anointed Saul David or any King of Judah or Israel did ever from thence either claime or exercise the least Jurisdiction or Superiority over their Persons Crowns Kingdoms in Spiritualties or Temporalties as Popes and Prelates claime exercise over Christian Kings and Emperours Crowned by them Nor yet Jehojeda the High Priest who not only Anointed and Crowned Joash King but was the principal Instrument in preserving and restoring him to his Crown when Usurped by Athaliah But they all dutifully submitted to and obeyed their Royal commands ordinances in all Ecclesiastick and Divine as well as civil things as the premises evidence 3ly Not only the High Priests but Elders and People anointed David and Jehoahaz Kings without any Priest or High Priest that we read of Yet none of them claimed exercised any Supremacy over these Kings upon this account 4ly Zadoc the Priest and Nathan anointed Solomon King by King Davids special command not their own Authority who put Abiathar the chief Priest from being Priest unto the Lord because he sided with Adonijah and crowned him King and made Zadock Priest in his place Here the very King deposeth the chief Priest and tells him he deserved also to dye for anointing Adonijah not the high Priest the King for being crowned and anointed by Zadock 4ly One of the sons of the Prophets a young man by the Prophet Elisha his command from God not the high Priest anointed Jehu King saying Thus saith the Lord I HAVE ANOINTED THEE KING OVER ISRAEL which having executed he opened the door and fled If this young Prophets meer anointing Jehu King gave him an absolute Jurisdiction over him in spiritual and temporal things as these Pontificians argue then this Minor Prophet likewise gained the supream Jurisdiction over the high Priests themselves and Zadock and Nathan over Abiathar the chief Priest by anointing Solomon King as well as over Jehu and Solomon which they dare not averre 5ly Popes themselves who pretend to this absolute Soveraign power over Emperors Kings by reason they crown and anoint them are both elected crowned and anointed Popes by Bishops and Cardinals only not Popes as all their Historians Pontificale Ceremoniale Romanum attest Will Popes then inferr Ergo they are higher greater in Power Jurisdiction then Popes and may dispose of the Papacy Popes and depose them at their wills Besides in the Church of Rome all other Episcopal Churches and our English Church meer Presbyters at first and of latter ages inferiour Bishops and Clergymen both elected anointed consecrated and installed all their Patriarchs Metropolitans and Archbishops Will it therefore follow that they are superiour to Patriarchs Metropolitans Archbishops in Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and may remove them at their wills If not then this grand Argument of Popes Popelins for the Popes Prelates supremacy over Emperors Kings Churches kingdoms in Temporals and Spirituals because they anointed crown them is a meer ridiculous