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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A61053 A prospect of the most famous parts of the vvorld Viz. Asia, 3 Affrica, 5 Europe, 7 America. 9 With these kingdomes therein contained. Grecia, 11 Roman Empire, 13 Germanie, 15 Bohemia, 17 France, 19 Belgia, 21 Spaine, 23 Italie, 25 Hungarie, 27 Denmarke, 29 Poland, 31 Persia, 33 Turkish Empire, 35 Kingdome of China, 37 Tartaria, 39 Sommer Ilands, 41 Civill Warres, in England, Wales, and Ireland. You shall find placed in the beginning of the second booke marked with these [3 asterisks in triangle formation] and (5) together with all the provinces, counties, and shires, contained in that large theator of Great Brittaines empire. / Performed by John Speed. Speed, John, 1552?-1629.; Goos, Abraham,; Gryp, Dirck,; Speed, John, 1552?-1629. Theatre of the empire of Great Britaine. 1646 (1646) Wing S4882A; ESTC R218797 522,101 219

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Crosse of Saint George the Royall Ensign of England and a Rose the Kings badge as his faithfull Souldier receiving his pay dayly for himselfe and followers according to their degrees and estates Neither were the atchievements of Land services crowned with more plumes of Victories in the Helmets of the English then were their Sea services defensive and offensive both at home and abroad Their Navie Royall rightly te●rmed the Lady of the Seas and their Sea-Captaines farre out-stripping Vlysses in their Travailes and Descriptions for twise in our time hath the Sea opened her passage through the Straights of Magellan for Drake in his Pellican and Candish in his Desire to passe into the South World and to incirculate the Globe of the whole Earth whereby themselves and Souldiers all English have in those great deepes seen the wonderfull workes of the LORD But upon this subject I could willingly insist were it not that the argument of this present Description intends rather to speake of the Domestick and Civill warres of England then of the forraine and farre-fetched victories that have adorned and attended the Trophies of the English From the prosecution of the former and promulgation of the latter how unwillingly my Penne is drawne the roughnesse of the style and the slender performance of the whole doth manifestly shew They being for the most part civill Battailes fought betweene meere English-men of one and the same Nation wherein the parties victorers besides the losse of their owne side procured on the other the fall and ruine of them that were all of his owne Countrey many of them of his owne acquaintance and alliance and most of them perhaps his owne friends in any other cause then that in which he contended for But from this generall argument to proceed to some particulars it shall not be amisse to make some division of them according to their severall qualities of the severall quarrels in them which are found to be divers and of three severall natures Whereof the first were the invasions attempted by forraine Princes and enemies against the Kings and people of this Realme The second were meere Rebellions of Subjects against their annointed Princes And the third dissentious factions betwixt Princes of the bloud Royall of these three all these effusions of bloud have consisted And to begin with the first battell in this plot which was the first beginning of government of this state as it yet continueth Such was the attempt of William Duke of Normandy against King Harold the sonne of Earle Goodwin who prevailed so against him in fight at Battaile in Sussex a place so called by this event as the said Duke was afterward King of this Land and brought the whole Nation under his obedience as it hath beene continued to his posteritie ever since Such was the arrivall of Lewes son and heire to Philip King of France against Iohn King of England who being carried by his owne ambition accompanied with French Forces and assisted by the rebellious Barons of this Realme after variable fortune of fight in severall skirmishes battels and assaults was forced in the end without all honour or hope to prevaile to make a very shamefull retreate into his owne Countrey Such was also the entry made by Iames the fourth King of Scots against King Henry the eight of famous memory his brother in law and sworne allie at that time absent in the wars of France who contrary to his oath and alliance formerly made entred the North frontiers of England with a mightie Armie had the same discomfited and overthrowne and was himselfe slain in the field by the English forces under the leading of the Earle of Surrey at that time Lieutenant generall for King Henry And especially such was the late enterprise remaining fresh in memory of Philip late King of Spaine against our dread Soveraigne Lady now raigning in the yeare of our Lord 1588. attempting by his invincible Navie as he thought and so termed under the conduct of the Duke of Medina Celi which with great pride and crueltie extended against us arrived on our coasts to Englands invasion and subversion had yet neverthelesse here in the narrow Seas the one part of his Fleete discomfited taken and drowned and the other part forced to their great shame in poore estate to make a fearefull and miserable ●light about the coast of Ireland homeward so that of 158. great ships furnished for war came to their own coast of Spaine but few and those so torne and beaten by the English Cannons that it was thought they were unserviceable for ever and eleven of their ensignes or banners of Idolatry prepared for triumph and pride in Conquest were contrariwise to their shame and dishonour shewed at Pauls-Crosse and in other places of this Realme to Gods glory our joy and their endlesse infamy The INVASIONS OF ENGLAND And IRELAND With al their Ciuill Wars Since the Conquest The second sort of quarrels in these warres were meere rebellions of subjects against their annointed Princes and Governours and of these some have beene private and some generall Of the first kind for private occasions was that of Thomas Earle of Lancaster against King Edward the second his cosin-germane upon mislike of the Spencers greatly favoured by the King and as much envied of him who having his forces defeated at Borrow-bridge was there taken prisoner and after beheaded at Pomfret Of the same kind was that of Henry Lord Piercie surnamed Hot-spurre and Thomas Piercie Earle of Worcester his Vncle against King Henry the fourth at Shrewesburie where the said Lord Henry was slaine and the other taken prisoner and after beheaded in the same Towne So was that of Michael Ioseph the Black-smith in Cornewall and his company against King Henry the seventh for a Subsidie granted in Parliament to the same King who gathered a head of Rebellion so strong that at Black-heath neare London they abode battell against their Soveraigne but were there taken and afterward drawne headed and quartered at Tiburne Also such was that of Robert Ket the Tanner of Windham in Norfolk against King Edward the sixt pretended against inclosures and liberty to the weale publike was at Norwich taken in the field and afterward hanged on the top of the Castle of the same Towne And lastly so was that of Sir Thomas Wiat and the Kentish-men against Queene Mary for the bringing in of Philip of Spaine they being cut off at S. Iames and himselfe yeelded at the Court. Of the latter sort of Rebellions being generall were those of the Barons against K. Iohn and King Henry the third his sonne in their severall Raignes Against the father in bringing in of forraine powers and working a resignation of the Crown and Diadem to the great blemish of their King and Kingdome And against the sonne so prosecuted their attempts that their warres to this day are called and knowne by the name of the Barons-warres which had so lamentable consequence as that after the overthrow and
4 The Soyle for the generalitie is not very fruitfull yet it produceth such numbers of Cattle of such large proportion and such goodly heads and hornes as the whole Kingdome of Spaine doth scarce the like It is a Countrey replenished with all necessaries for the use of man yeelding without any great labour the Commoditie of Corne Flaxe Grasse Coales and such like The Sea also adding her blessing to the Land that the people of that Province want nothing that serves either for the sustenance of nature or the satietie of appetite They are plentifully furnished with all sorts of Fish Flesh and Fowles Their principall fuell is Coale and Turfe which they have in great abundance the Gentlemen reserving their woods very carefully as a beautie and principall ornament to their Mannors and houses And though it be farre from London the capitall Citie of this Kingdome yet doth it every yeare furnish her and many other parts of the Land besides with many thousands of Cattle bred in this Countrey giving thereby and otherwise a firme testimony to the world of the blessed abundance that it hath pleased God to enrich this noble Dukedome withall 5 This Counties ancient Inhabitants were the Brigantes of whom there is more mention in the description of Yorke-shire who by Claudius the Emperor were brought under the Romane subjection that so held and made it their Seat secured by their Garrisons as hath beene gathered as well by many Inscriptions found in walles and ancient monuments fixed in stones as by certain Altars erected in favour of their Emperours After the Romanes the Saxons brought it under their protection and held it for a part of their Northumbrian Kingdome till it was first made subjugate to the invasion of the Danes and then conquered by the victorious Normans whose posterities from thence are branched further into England 6 Places of Antiquitie or memorable note are these the Towne of Manchester so famous as well for the Market-place Church and Colledge as for the resort unto it for clothing was called Mancunium by Antonine the Emperour and was made a Fort and Station of the Romanes Riblechester which taketh the name from Rhibell a little River neere lithero though it be a small Towne yet by tradition hath beene called the richest Towne in Christendome and reported to have beene the Seat of the Romanes which the many Monuments of their Antiquities Statues peeces of Coyne and other severall Inscriptions digged up from time to time by the Inhabitants may give us sufficient perswasion to beleeve But the Shire-town is Lancaster more pleasant in situation then rich of Inhabitants built on the South of the River Lon and is the same Longovicum where as we find in the Notice Provinces a company of the Longovicarians under the Lieutenant Generall of Britaine lay The beautie of this Towne is in the Church Castle and Bridge her streets many and stretched farre in length Vnto this Towne King Edward the third granted a Maior and two Bailiffes which to this day are elected out of twelve Brethren assisted by twenty-foure Burgesses by whom it is yearely governed with the supply of two Chamberlaines a Recorder Town-Clerke and two Sergeants at Mace The elevation of whose Pole is in the degree of Latitude 54. and 58. scruples and her Longitude removed from the first West point unto the degree 17. and 40. scruples 7 This Countrey in divers places suffereth the force of many flowing tydes of the Sea by which after a sort it doth violently rent asunder one part of the Shire from the other as in Fourenesse where the Ocean being displeased that the shore should from thence shoot a maine way into the West hath not obstinately ceased from time to time to flash and mangle it and with his fell irruptions and boysterous tydes to devoure it Another thing there is not unworthy to be recommended to memory that in this Shire not farre from Fourenesse Fels the greatest standing water in all England called Winander-Mere lieth stretched out for the space of ten miles of wonderfull depth and all paved with stone in the bottome and along the Sea-side in many places may be seene heapes of sand upon which the people powre water untill it recover a saltish humour which they afterwards boyle with Turfes till it become white Salt 8 This Countrey as it is thus on the one side freed by the naturall resistance of the Sea from the force of Invasions so is it strengthned on the other by many Castles and fortified places that take away the opportunitie of making Roades and Incursions in the Countrey And as it was with the first that felt the furie of the Saxon crueltie so was it the last and longest that was subdued under the West-Saxon Monarchie 9 In this Province our noble Arthur who died laden with many trophies of honour is reported by Ninius to have put the Saxons to flight in a memorable battle neere Douglasse a little Brooke not farre from the Town of Wiggin But the attempts of warre as they are severall so they are uncertaine for they made not Duke Wade happy in this successe but returned him an unfortunate enterpriser in the Battle which he gave to Ardulph King of Northumberland at Billangho in the yeare 798. So were the events uncertaine in the Civill Wars of Yorke and Lancaster for by them was bred and brought forth that bloudy division and fatall strife of the Noble Houses that with variable successe to both parties for many yeares together molested the peace and quiet of the Land and defiled the earth with bloud in such violent manner that it exceeded the horrour of those Civill Warres in Rome that were betwixt Marius aud Sylla Pompey and Caesar Octavius and Antony or that of the two renowned Houses Valoys and Burbon that a long time troubled the State of France for in the division of these two Princely Families there were thirteene fields fought and three Kings of England one Prince of Wales twelve Dukes one Marques eighteene Earles one Vicount and three and twentie Barons besides Knights and Gentlemen lost their lives in the same Yet at last by the happy marriage of Henry the seventh King of England next heire to the House of Lancaster with Elizabeth daughter and heire to Edward the fourth of the House of Yorke the white and red Roses were conjoyned in the happy uniting of those two divided Families from whence our thrice renowned Soveraigne Lord King Iames by faire sequence and succession doth worthily enjoy the Diademe by the benefit of whose happy government this Countie Palatine of Lancaster is prosperous in her Name and Greatnesse 10 I find the remembrance of foure Religious houses that have beene founded within this County and since suppressed both faire for structure and building and rich for seat and situation namely Burstogh Whalleia Holland and Penwortham It is
of the Christian King of France his eldest son the Dolphin of France by their Salique Law no woman or heirs may inherit how justly I may not determine But yet the English have good reason to examine the Equitie For it cost our Edward the Third his Crowne of France to which he was heire in generall by marriage of a Daughter But the truth is we have beene ever easie to part with our hold there or at least forced to forgoe it by our civill dissentions at home else after all those glorious Victories of our Predecessors we might have had some power more to shew there as well as title FRANCE revised and augmented the attires of the French and situations of their cheifest cityes obserued by Iohn Speede. Are to be sould in Pops head alley by Geo●Humble Ano. 1626 THE SCALE OF MILLES 12 Aquitania lyeth on the West of France close upon the Pyrenaean Mountaines and Contunies 1 Another part of Biscay mentioned in the Mappe of Spaine and indeed differeth from that but very little 2 Gascoigne and Guien The first to this day keeps its name with a very little change from the Spanish Vascones The chiefe City is Burdigala or Burdeaux a Parliamentary and Archiepiscopall seat and Vniversitie of good esteeme was honoured with the birth of our Richard the second Another Citie of note is Tholouse a seate Parliamentarie and supposed to be as ancient as the Rule of Deborah in Israel This Gascoigne containes in the Earledom●s of Forie Comminges Armeniaci and the Dutch Albert. 3 Pictaria Poictu on the North of Guien a pleasant Region and a plentifull It containes three Bishopricks Poitiers Lucon and Mailazai Her chiefe Cities are Poictiers an ancient and the largest next Paris in all France Castrum Heraldi once the title of the Scotch Earles of Hamildon In this Province was fought the great Battel betwixt our Black Prince and Iohn of France where with eight thousand he vanquished fortie thousand tooke the King Prisoner and his sonne Philip 70. Earles 50. Barons and 12000. Gentlemen 4 Sonictonia severed from Poictiers but by the River Canentell and so differs but little from her fertility Her Metropolis Saints Her other chiefe Bourg Blay Marennes Saint Iohn D'angely and Anglosme Betwixt this Country Poictiers stands Rochell a place the best fortified both by nature and art of any in Europe And is at this time possest by those of the Reformed Religion where they stand upon their guard and defend their freedome of conscience against the Roman Catholikes of France 5 Limosin in limo sita saith some Maginus takes it from Liwoges her chiefe Citie toward the North which revolted was recovered by our Black Prince Her other Towns of note are Tulles and Vxerca and Chaluz where our Richard the first was shot It hath beene by turnes possest by French and English till Charles the Seventh Since we have had little hold there 6 Berry regio Biturigum from her chiefe City Bituris now Burges an Archiepiscopall See and Vniversitie It is exceedingly stored with sheepe and sufficiently well with other Merchandize of value 7 Burbone from her chiefe City Burbone heretofore Boya a Dukedome and much frequented by Princes and the Nobility of France by reason of her healthfull ayre and commodious Baths 8 Tureine the Garden of France Her chiefe Cities Bloys Amboys Trurs and a little higher upon the Loyre stand Orleance 13 Lugdunensis or Celtica lyeth betwixt the Rivers Loyre and Seyne and takes the name from Lugdunum or Lions her chiefe Citie This Province comprehends 1 Britany heretofore Armorica till subdued by Maximinus King of England about the yeare 367. since it hath had the name of Britany and for distinction from this of ours it is commonly styled Minor Britannia There is yet remaining a smatch of the Welsh tongue which it seemes the Invaders had so great a desire to settle in those parts as a trophie of their Conquests that when they first mingled in marriage with the Inhabitants they cut out their wives tongues as many as were Natives that no sound of French might be heard among their Children It hath few Rivers but that defect is in some measure made up by their neighbourhood of the Sea in so much that the Countrey is reckoned one of the most fertile in all France for Corne Wine and Wood. It breeds good Horses and speciall Dogges Iron Leade c. Her chiefe Cities are Nants Rhenes St. Brenie and Rohan It is divided into Britanniam inferiorem the base or lower Britanie Westward neerest England and Superiorem toward the Loyre Eastward Her chiefe ports are St. Malo and Breste 2 Normandie a part of the Region which was heretofore called Newstria and took the name it hath from the Norwegians Their first Duke was Rollo and the sixt from him our William the Conquerour It was lost from his Successors in the time of King Iohn Her chiefe Cities are Rhothomagus or Rhoan the Metropolis Constance and Cane memorable for the siege of our English H. the fift And Verveile besieged by Philip the second of France in the time of our Richard the first which when the King heard as he sate in his Palace at Westminster it is said he sware he would never turne his back to France till he had his revenge and to make good his oath brake through the wals and justly performed his threat upon the besi●ger Her principall parts are Harflew the first which King Henry the fift of England assaulted and New Haven given up by the Prince of Conde to Queene Elizabeth as a Pledge for such Forces as she would supply him with to maintaine Warres with the King in defence of Religion And Deepe c. 3 Anjoue regio Andegavensis a fertile Countrey and yeelds the best Wine of France excellent Marble and other faire stone for buildings Her chiefe Citie is Anjers which Ortelius takes to be Ptolemy's Iuliomagum It is now an Vniversitie To this Dukedome there are foure Earledomes which owe a kind of homage Manie Vandosme Beufort and Laval 4 Francia which gives name to the whole Kingdome and received it her selfe from the Germane Francones which before inhabited the great Forrest called Sylva Hircynia Her chief City and the glory of France is Paris or Lutetia auasi in lu●o sita in compasse twelve miles is reckoned the first Academie of Eu●rope consists of fiftie-five Colledges And here was Henry the sixt Crowned King of France and England In this Province stands St. Vincents where Henry the fift died and S●isons and the Dukedome of Valoys c. 5 Campaigne and Brye partners in the title of Earledome it is severed from Picardie onely with the River A fertile Countrey and hath many eminent Cities The principall is Rheimes where the Kings most commonly are Crowned and annointed with an Oyle sent they say from Heaven which as oft as it hath beene used never decreaseth It is the Seat of an Arch-bishop and Vniversitie of ●ote especially with our
though not at any great distance These setled themselves in the Northerne ●l●s as the other did in their Chersonesus The first at their removall varied not their antique name of Cimbri As for Chersonesus it is no● peculiar to this Countrey being as common as Peninsula for it imports no more 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 à terrâ Insulâ and of these there are many more some perhaps of equal ●ame Taurica Chersonesus was not far distant from the place of their first aboad Peloponnesus well known in Greece Thracia Chersonesus in Thrace and Aurea Chersonesus in India 8 But the Danes it seemes suffered some change as well in their name as fortunes Sxao Grammaticus gives it to one Dan the sonne of Huniblus which was their first Governour in their new Common-wealth But this is controlled by Becanus saith Quade who renders another Etymon how likely I leave to those which can best judge by their skill in the Danish Language The Cimbri saith he when they were grown to great multitudes bethought themselves of severall names to distinguish their Colonies Each following their owne conceit best to expresse the qualitie in which they most gloried Among the rest some there were which affecting at least the opinion of a valiant people such as scorned riches without honour honour without victory and victory without the blood of their Enemies assumed their name from that creature which Nature had marked out with this Character Gallum igitur gallinaceum tum bellicae la●dis et generosissimi animi tum indolis regalis et militis strenui et ad omnia m●menta vigilis optimum exemplar ut pro Symbolo et synthemate quodam sibi acceperunt ita nomen quoque ab eo placuit mutuari Vocarunt enim sese Dic Hanem et composite per concisionem Danem quod Gallinaceum significat 9 How ever the Etymon may be farre fetcht for ought I know yet doubtlesse at this day they make good the Elogie of a valiant and warlike Nation strong of body bigge boned and of a terrible countenance ambitious of a glorious death rather then a sluggish idle life It is the saying of Valerius Maximus Cimbros et C●ltiberos in acie gaud●o exultare consuevisse tanquam gloriosè et faelici èr vitâ excessuros lamentari verò in morbo quasi turpitèr peritur●s We our selves heretofore have felt their stroakes and submitted to their conquests in the time of Osbert King of Northumberland They were provoked by a rape done upon the sister of the Danish King For which the poore English dearely payd with two hundred fifty five years servitude under their Tyranny Yet since we have had and at this time doe injoy the benefit of their magnanimitie under the personall conduct of the right valiant and illustrious King Christian who hazzards both his state and life in the behalfe of his deare neece Elizabeth and her royall husband the Prince Palatine of the Rheine THE KINGDOME OF DENMARKE augmented by Iohn Speede are to be sold in pops head Alley by G. Humble 11 Their chiefe person of fame in course of Learning was Ticho Brahe an excellent Mathematician memorable for his artificiall Towre in the Isle of Fi●●ra In Religion the greatest part of them are now Lutherans but were first converted to Christianity by Ansuerus 12 We are come to her division which the Sea almost hath made to our hands For her severall Provinces are well nigh so many Ilands at least Peninsulae The chiefe are 1 Iuttia or the old Cimbria Chersonesus 2 Diethmarsia 3 Scania 4 Hall●ndia 5 Blescide 6 The Ilands in the Sinus Codanu● which lye betwixt Iuttia and Scania That is the West and this the East limits of the Danish Dominions North and South are the Ocean and the River Esdora or Hever 13 Iuttia as it was the first so is it the principall part of this Kingdome Her bounds upon the West and East and North are the Balticke Seas and upon the South it is joyned to Holsatia and the Istumes of Diethmarsia It is in length saith Maginus eightie German miles from the River Albis to the Cimbricke Promontory called Scagen and in bredth twenty It is a fruitfull Region for Wheat Rie Barley c. And in the Northwest there is good Pasture though more Northward it becomes sandie and barren and puts the Inhabitants to fish for their victuals by which they make a shift to live though hardly enough God knows in poore sh●ddes slightly clapped together and of as slender stuffe such as if need be they can remove at their pleasure upon very short warning and beare them away almost upon their back They transport into other Countries great store of good Horses for service besides Barley Cheese Butter Suet Hides and rich Skinnes Nuts and Fish In this Province are twenty eight Cities twenty Castles and foure Bishop-Sees Ripe●sis Arthusiensis and Aelburga all neere to the Sea-side Wilburga in the up-land Countrey From this Province came the Iuits who joyned in with the Saxons and Angles to Conquer England Her chiefe Townes as Rincopen Holne and Achausen 14 Diethmarsia is situated betwixt the Rivers Albis and Eidera They were a parcell of the old German Saxons and the Countrey it selfe is by some yet reckoned the lower Saxony but is in subjection to the King of Denmarke for it is the seat and title of his first sonne and heire apparent as the Dolphinate is to the sonne of France and Wales to the sonne of England Her Metropolis is Breme the rest Meldorpe and Heininckst Tellinckst and other rich Townes yet the soyle cannot be very fertile by reason of the moyst ayre and her many marshes especially toward the North which makes it unfit for tillage and indeed impassable for travellers Vpon which impediments the Inhabitants have made this advantage to keepe out all forraigne Invaders and appropriate what wealth they have to their owne secure possession 15 Scania or Scandinaria in the largest compasse comprehends more then belongs to the Kingdome of Denmarke and is invironed round about with the Seas except on that side where it is joyned to Muscovie On her West is the Kingdome of Norwey on her East Swethland and upon the South of that is this Scania which gives place to no Region at least within these Dominions either for wholesome ayre or fertile soyle for commodious Havens and plenty of Merchandize for dainty Rivers or store of Fish for Cattell Mines of Iron Lead Silver and Gold faire Townes and civill Customes The Metropolis is Lunpis This whole Province is some eighteene miles in length and in bredth about twelve in some places in others not above six 16 Hallaudia on the North of Scania and South of S●ecia is bounded with the Seas upon the West and on the East with vast woods which divide her from Gothland It is a fertile Region and not much unlike unto Scandia but that it comes some what short of her happinesse in soyle Her chiefe Towne
Worke more of worth The Palme wherein rare vertues be And for a Conquest crownes a King The Olive and the Cader Tree Faire fat and fruitfull these I bring In Egypt Syria and the Land Of Promise nam'd by holiest High I could not see nor understand For vertue any Trees come nigh As these worth praise are profitable They being of the worthiest kindes So in best sense hath Speed been able To please worth praise the worthiest Mindes In short to give him then his due This Art his better never knew IO SANDERSON THE CONTENTS OF THE CHOROGRAPHICALL PART THE FIRST BOOKE DESCRIBING THE WHOLE KINGDOME in generall with those Shires Cities and Shire-townes which are properly accounted for ENGLISH Countries and Counties Fol. BArk-shire 27 Bedford-shire 41 Buckingham-shire 43 Cambridge-shire 37 Chesse-shire 73 Cornewall 21 Cumberland 87 Darby-shire 67 Devon-shire 19 Dorcester-shire 17 Durham-Bishopricke 83 Englands Generall 5 Essex 31 Glocester-shire 47 Great Britaine 1 Hant-shire 13 Hertford-shire 39 Hereford-shire 49 Huntington-shire 57 Ilands 93 Kent 7 Lanca-shire 75 Leicester 61 Lincolne-shire 63 Man Island 91 Middlesex 29 Mounmouth-shire 107 Northampton-shire 55 Norfolke 35 North and East Ridings 81 Northumberland 89 Nottingham-shire 65 Oxford-shire 45 Rutland-shire 59 Saxons Heptarchie 3 Shrop-shire 71 Somerset-shire 23 Stafford-shire 69 Suffolke 33 Surrey 11 Sussex 9 Warwicke-shire 53 Westmorland 85 West-Riding 79 Wight Island 15 Wilt-shire 25 Worcester-shire 51 Yorkeshire 77 THE SECOND BOOK Containing the Counties of VVales Countries and Counties Fol. ANglesey Iland 125 Brecknock-shire 109 Caermarden-shire 103 Caernarvon-shire 123 Cardigan-shire 113 Denbigh-shire 119 Flint-shire 121 Glamorgan-shire 105 Merioneth-shire 117 Mountgomery-shire 115 Penbroke-shire 101 Radnor-shire 111 Wales Generall 99 THE THIRD BOOK Scotlands Kingdome in one Generall 131 THE FOVRTH BOOK Containing the Kingdome of Ireland Countries and Counties Fol. IReland Generall 137 Mounster 139 Leinster 141 Conaugh 143 Vlster 145 A Briefe Description of the Civill Warres and Battailes fought in England Wales and Ireland IN this platform here are contained Gentle Reader the severall Battailes fought by Sea and Land at severall times and in severall places of England and Ireland and the parts adjoyning within these five hundred yeares last past Descriptions of pictures after the manner of fight as the plot would give roome I have placed and in the margent by numbers marked observed the time yeare and event of every Battaile Which being undertaken in satisfaction of the honourable desire of certaine Martiall and Noble minded Gentlemen professours of Armes and followers of Fame desirous to see the passed proceedings of their owne professions dealt liberally with me to draw the plot and were most diligent themselves in giving directions to set downe the places persons and the issue of every Battaile fought either by Sea or Land in England Wales and Ireland And being finished in a farre larger platforme with the liking of the motioners and good acceptance of her that then was the mirrour of her sex and the maiden Martialist of the then knowne world the glorious and ever-living Queene ELIZABETH to whose sacred censure it was commended and dedicated I intended there to have staid it from further sight or publication Since indeed the silence of Englands civill warres better befitted Englands subjects they being the markes of her infamies and staynes to be washed away rather with repentance then any way revived by too often remembrance But these defects I saw could not be so smothered as to be quite forgot therefore I thought fit at least to make up her honour with our other proceedings in forraine parts and insinuate my penne into some little better applause by tracing the victories of the English as farre as the Sunne spreadeth his beames or the girdle of the earth doth any wise incircle it Not to mention then the fictions of Monmouth that makes our Authour another Caesar in his conquests nor Polydors proofes for Ethelstans title unto Scotland by the cut of his sword an ell deepe into a Marble stone things rather Poeticall then substantiall by truths testimonie In Syria the Long-shankes for the recovery of the holy Crosse made his sword drunke with bloud And before him the Ceur-de-Lion upon the same intent subdued Cyprus forced Cursat the King thereof into fetters of silver and gold assumed the Iland to himselfe whose title he intended to have changed for that of Ierusalem unto whom Guido the King thereof with Geffrey de Lenizant his brother and Raimund Prince of Antioch with Bo●mound his sonne sware fealtie to be true and loyall subjects unto King Richard France felt the heavie hands of Edward and Henry our English Kings when the one of them at Poictiers tooke prisoners Iohn King of France and Philip surnamed the hardy his sonne And the other at Azincourt in a bloody battaile tooke and slew foure thousand Princes Nobles Knights and Esquiers even all the flowre of France as their owne Writers have declared And at Paris the Crowne of France was set upon Henry 6. his head homage done unto him by the French that Kingdome made subject and their Flower-de-Luces quartered with our Lions of England Scotland like wise felt the fury of Henry 2. when their King William was taken prisoner in the field And to omit the Bailiolls that made themselves subjects to England At Novils-Crosse David King of Scotland was taken in battaile by the English Queene Philip wife to King Edward the third being present in field and both the Kings of France and Scotland at one time retained prisoners in London till their liberty was obtained by ransome Nor was Spaine free from Englands power when that Thunderbolt of warre our blacke Prince re-established Peter their King upon his Throne at Burgus to say nothing of the ruines Spaine suffered at Cadez by the English led by Essex in revenge of their unvincible vincible Navy in truth the seale of their truth-lesse cowardize unto this day And not onely the Garter which King Richard the first tyed about the legs of his Souldiers remaines still the Royall bound of Englands Combinators but the Round Table of sixe hundred foote circumference erected at Windsor by King Edward the third with the allowance of an hundred pounds by weeke for the diet of his Martialists may like wise witnesse Where the Worthy admitted by conference and continuall practise got such experience in military affaires that that which was ●aid of the Gadites might have beene said of them They were all valiant men of warre apt for Battaile and could handle speare and shield their faces were the faces of Lions and were like the Roes in the mountaines for swiftnesse In whose imitation Philip de Valoys the French King erected in Paris the like though his Knights proved not in courage like unto Edwards And from this Academy of Military professors commenced such Masters of Military discipline as Maximilian the Roman Emperour held it such honour to be incorporated into their Societies as himselfe became the King of ENGLANDS professed Souldier wore the
A PROSPECT OF THE MOST FAMOUS Parts of the World VIZ. ASIA 3 AFFRICA 5 EVROPE 7 AMERICA 9 WITH These Kingdomes therein contained Grecia 11 Roman Empire 13 Germanie 15 Bohemia 17 France 19 Belgia 21 Spaine 23 Italie 25 Hungarie 27 Denmarke 29 Poland 31 Persia 33 Turkish Empire 35 Kingdome of China 37 Tartaria 39 Sommer Ilands 41 Civill Warres in England Wales and Ireland You shall find placed in the beginning of the second Book marked with these *** and 5 TOGETHER VVith all the Provinces Counties and Shires contained in that large THEATOR of Great BRITTAINES Empire Performed BY JOHN SPEED LONDON Printed by Iohn Legatt for William Humble and are to be sold at his Shop in Popes-head Pallace 1646. ¶ The generall Description of the World HEaven was too long a reach for man to recover at one steppe And therefore God first placed him upon the earth that he might for a time contemplate upon his inferiour workes magnifie in them his Creator and receive here a hope of a fuller blisse which by degrees he should at last enjoy in his place of rest For this end was the lower world created in the beginning out of a rude masse which before had no forme And that it might be made habitable the Lord separated the dry land from the waters upon the third day Yet so as still they make but one Globe whose Center is the same with the middle world and is the point and rest as it were of all heavie bodies which naturally apply themselves to it and there are supported by their owne weight and equall poyze 2 It hath seemed incredible to such as measure the wonders of God by mans wisdome that this massie part of the world should subsist by it selfe not borne up by any outward prop incompast onely with subtile and fleeting ayre such as can neither helpe to sustaine nor resist the fall could the earth be moved from her due place But the wonder will cease if we remember that the Lord sitteth upon the circle of the earth Isa. 40. He set it upon her foundations so that it shall never move He covered it with the deepe as with a Garment The waters would stand above the mountains but at his rebuke they fled Yet he set them a bound which they should not passe Psal. 104. 3 Thus ordered by divine providence the Earth and Sea compose themselves into a Sphericall figure as is here described And is caused by the proper inclination of each part which being heavie fals from every point of the circumference and claps about the center there settles as neer as it may towards his place of rest We may illustrate both the figure and situation by a familiar similitude to an ingenious apprehension Suppose we a knot to be knit in the midst of a cord that hath many ends and those to be delivered to sundry men of equall strength to be drawne severall waies round from every part above and below and on each side questionlesse whilest every man drawes in the boes of the knots it must needs become round and whilst they continue to pluck with equall strength it must rest immoveable in the middle betwixt them since every strength that would destroy hath a strength equall to resist it So it is in the bosome of the earth where every part meets upon equall priviledges of nature nor can any passe farther then the center to destroy this compacted figure for it must meet there with a body that will oppose it Or if not yet could it not passe since every motion from the middle were to ascend which Nature will not permit in a body of weight as the earth is 4 Now though in a Sphere every crosse line which way soever drawne if it runne through the middle must needs be of equall quantity and therefore admits no difference of length or b●edth yet the Geographers for their purpose have conceived and but conceived a Longitude and Latitude upon the earth The Longitude they reckon from the first Meridian in the Azores and so Eastward round number the degrees upon the Aequator The Latitude from the Aequator to each Pole and number the degrees upon the outward Meridionall circle This inkling may suffice to instruct the ignorant in the search of any place that shall be hereafter mentioned in my Discourse 5 The compasse of the whole is cast by our latest and most learned to be 216000. English miles which though none ever yet so paced as to measure them by the foote yet let not the ignorant reject this account since the rule by which they are led cannot faile For we see by continuall experience that the Sunne for every degree in the Heavens gaines sixtie miles upon earth towards his circuit round and after 360. degrees returneth to the same point in respect of us as before it was Repeat the number of sixtie so oft and you will finde the account just And so by proportion of the Circumference to the Diameter which is triplu sesqui septima the same which 22. hath to 7. we may judge like wise of the earths thicknesse to the Center The whole Diameter must by rule be somewhat lesser then a third part of the circle that in proportion to 216000. will be 6872. halfe the number will reach the middle of the world and that is 3436. In this report both of the quantitie and forme of the earth we must not require such exactnesse as cannot vary a hairs bredth for we see that the mountains of the earth and often times the waves of the Sea make the superficies unequall It will be sufficient if there be no difference sensible to be reckoned in so great a balke For let us rudely hew a ball out of a rough stone still it is a ball though not so smooth as one of Crystall Or suffer a mote to fall upon a Sphaere of glasse it changeth not its figure farre lesse are the mountaines which we see in respect of the whole lumpe For other rules or termes Geographicall I referre thee to a peculiar tract that will afford me more roome and time 6 When the earth and sea were thus prepared with a due figure a just quantitie and convenient seate both in respect of the heavens and themselves Nature began at command of the most High to use her art and to make it a fit dwelling place for the image of God for so was man created and so indeed was the earth no other then the picture of heaven The ground brought forth her plants and fruits the skies were filled with the fowle of the ayre the waters yeelded their fish and the field their cattle No sooner his house was thus furnisht but man enters upon his possessions the sixth day And that shall be our tract to find out the worlds first Inhabitants where it was peopled in the beginning and how it was over-spread with Countries and Nations as now it is 7 In the first age there was little need of
sucked the sweetnesse they were not to be removed by the easie tearme of friendship but there kept hold till a people stronger then themselves dispossessed them The attempt was made by Scipio and the Roman forces but they withstood their assault with so resolved a courage and so strong a hand that it might oft-times be questioned Vter populus alteri esset pariturus and so held play almost 200. yeares and could not be fully subdued into the forme of a Province till the Reigne of Augustus Caesar yet after they were held to it till Honorius 3 About his sixt yeare was there a second Invasion made by the Vandales and soone after by the Gothes which bare sway for above 300. yeares The last King was Rodoricus who lost both himselfe and Kingdome for a rape committed upon the Daughter of Iulian a noble Gentleman and at that time Embassadour with the Moores in Africa When the Father had understood of his Daughters unworthy injurie he brought backe his revenge with him 30000. Horse and 180000. Foot of Moores and Sarazens which discomfited the King overthrew all the resistance which he could make and bespread the Country with their Forces where they and their posteritie stood firme till within the memory of some which yet live 4 This change of State was before prophecied and concealed in a large Chest within a part of the Palace which both the last King and his Predecessors were forewarned not to discover But the hope of an inestimable treasure made him transgresse and when he had entred there appeared nothing but the Portractures of Armed Moores with a presage annexed that when that part of the Palace should be forced open such enemies should ruine Spaine It is now at last but one people but yet retains the mixture of those many Nations which have heretofore possest it Goths Sarazens and Iews who were partly banisht hither by Hadrian the Emperour and partly sent hither by Vlider Vbit the Caliph after the Moores conquest 5 In all this Discourse touching the beginning and settling of the State of Spaine it appeares not from whence she derives her severall names of Iberia Hesperia Hispania It seemes they are more ancient then the entrance of the Carthaginians and therefore they allow us no certaine Story nor other reason indeed more then a likely Conjecture and in some scarce that Her first name of Iberia was given by her ancients from a River that runs almost through the middle of the Countrey So saith Maginus and relies upon Pliny and Iustin for his Authours Others give it rather to the Iberi the ancient people of Asia that came in under Panus from toward Syria possest it before the Carthaginians Her second name admits as much question Some fetch it from Hesperus the brother of Atlas and their twelfth King from Tubal Others beyond the Moone from the Evening starre because it is situate upon the West of Europe The last Hispania is supposed from one Hispanus or Hispalus who raigned in those parts and was the third in the account of some from Tubal or else from Hispalis now Seril rather we may take it from the fore-mentioned Panus Captaine of the Iberians by the prefixion of an S for so the Greeks give it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and since by their owne addition and corruption it is made Espania Hispania 6 Her whole compasse is reckoned to be 1893. English miles and her bounds are Seas on every side unlesse on the East towards France from which she is severed by the Pir●naan Mountains On the West he Atlantick Ocean on the North the Cantabrick and on the South the Fretum Herculeum and other parts of the Mediterraneum which divide her from Africa Her Rivers of note are specially 1 Minius or Mingo 2 Dorio now Duerus 3 Tagus now Taio famous for her golden sands Betis or Guadilquiver 5 Iberus now Ebro and 6 Ana or Guadiana which in one place glides under ground for fifteene miles together and gives the Spaniard an occasion as he will catch at any to bragge that they have ten thousand Cattle daily feeding upon one bridge Yet give them their owne sense the truth may be questioned For they have not such plenty of meat as they have of sauce 7 It yeelds indeed abundance of Oranges Lemons Capers Dates Sugar Oyle Honie Licorish Raisins Saffron Rice excellent Sacks and other Wines And in some places Sheepe Goats and swift Horses It hath beene heretofore noted for rich Mines in so much that Hannibal received daily 3000. from one Mine in Spaine The number is not answerable in proportion to other Regions of Europe Their Cities not so great nor so many The reason may be because indeed their women are not so fertile to multiply among themselves and their usage of strangers so uncivill that very few of other Countries seate themselves there as in France England and Germany And yet they have of late times sent many Colonies abroad into both Indies 8 They are extreamely proud and the silliest of them pretend to a great portion of wisdome which they would seeme to expresse in a kinde of reserved state and silent gravitie when perhaps their wit will scarce serve them to speake sense But if once their mouthes be got too open they esteeme their breath too precious to be spent upon any other subject then their owne glorious actions They are most unjust neglectors of other Nations aud impudent vaine flatterers of themselves Superstitious beyond any other people which indeed commonly attends those which affect to be accounted religious rather then to be so For how can hearty devotion stand wih cruelty lechery pride Idolatry and those other Gothish Moorish Iewish Heathenish conditions of which they still savour 9 Yet it hath yeelded heretofore men very famous for their severall endowments both of wit and religion The Apostle himselfe expresseth a great desire to see Spaine as hoping to doe much good among those which had entertained the name of Christ. Osius a learned Bishop in the time of Constantine the Great And Pac●anus mentioned by S. Hierome Isidore Fulgentius Arias Montanus Tostatus and Masius were all Spaniards Seneca Quintilian the Orator Lumen Romanae eloquentia as Valla styles him Martialis Lucan Silius Pomponius Mela were Spaniards Traian the Emperour Theodosius Ferdinand the Catholike and Charles the Emperour were Spaniards To this day it breeds good Souldiers slow but sure and successfull in their Conquests Yet such as prevaile more by art then valour Their continuall scarcitie of victualls inureth them to hunger and other hardnesse which oft-times wearieth out their enemie and makes him yeeld at least to their patience if not to their strength SPAINE Newly described with many adictions both in the attires of the people the setuations of their cheifest Cityest by Iohn Speed 1626 11 The present state of Arragon comprehends three of those Kingdomes as it was scattered by the Moores and Sarazens 1 Arragon it selfe which lyeth on the
twenty eight thousand and fifteene were of Religious order and yet among these he accounteth no part of Cornwall But from this report it may well be that Rossus Warwicanus complaineth of the depopulation of the Land which with Towne-ships saith he anciently had stood so bestrewed as a goodly Garden every where garnished with faire flowers 11 King Elfred the first divider instituted a Prefect or Lieutenant in every of these Counties which then were called Custodes and ●fterwards Earles saith Higdon who kept the Countrey in obedience to the King and suppressed the outrages of notorious robbers But Canutus the Dane when successe had set him upon the English Throne divided the care of his Kingdomes affaires into a foure-fold subjection to wit West-Sex Mercia Northumbre and East-England himselfe taking charge of the first and the greatest making three Tetrarches of especiall trust over the rest namely Edrich over Mercia Yrtus over Northumbre and Turkill over East-England Wales neither in this division nor that of King Elfred was any waies liable it being cut as we have said from England by King Offa but those remnants of the ancient Britaines divided likewise that Westerne Province into Kingdomes Cantreds and Commots as more largely we will shew in the plot of that Principalitie And this shall suffice for the division of England under the Saxons who enjoyed it the space of 567. yeeres from their first entrance under Hengist unto the death of Edmund Ironside and againe under Edward Confessor the terme of twenty yeeres 12 Now if any shall be so minutely curious as to enquire the meaning of the Emblematicall compartments bordering the Mappe the right side containeth the first seven Kings of that sevenfold State their Names their Kingdomes their Escocheons their yeeres of first aspiring the left side doth portraict the like of the seven first kings in each of those Kingdomes which by Christian Baptisme aspired to the hope of a Kingdome eternall 1. Ethelbert of Kent receiving Austens instruction 2. Sebert the East-Saxon converting by advice of B. Miletus the Temples of Diana and Apollo now S. Pauls in London and S. Peters in Westminster to the service of Christ. 3. Erpenwald the East-Angle received Baptisme by exhortation of King Edwin the Northumbrian though as it seemeth Edwin himselfe for a time deferred his owne Baptisme and was therefore martyred by his Pagan Subjects 4. Edwine the Northumbrian stirred up by a vision both to expect the Kingdome and to receive the Faith which he did by the preaching of Paulinus whom he made Arch-bishop of Yorke 5. Kingill the West Saxon converted by the preaching of S. Berinus whom he made Bishop of Dorcester neere Oxford 6. Peada the Mercian receiving Christian Faith by perswasion of Oswy King of Northumbers was murdered by his owne mothers some say his wives procurement 7. Ethelwolfe the South-Saxon Baptized at Oxford by S. Berinus where Wulpherus King of Mercia was his God father at Font. 13 And sith these Saxons first gave to this Iland the name of England we will here affixe for a close of all an ancient Epigram touching both this Country and her Name the rather because of late a principall part and prayse therein is surreptitiously against Lex Plagiaria taken from England and ascribed as proper to France A certaine Author saith Bartholomeus de proprietatibus rerum thus in verse describeth England Anglia terra ferox fertilis Angulus Orbis Insula praedives quae toto vix eget Orbe Et cujus totus indiget Orbis ope Angliaplenajocis Gens Libera aptajocari Libera Gens cui libera mens libera lingua Sed linguâ melior liberiorque manus ENGLAND fierce Land Worlds Angle fertile art Rich I le thou needst no other Countries Mart Each other Country yet thy succour needs ENGLAND Ioyes Land be free and joyous long Free Race free Grace free Kind free Mind Tongue Yet Hands passe Tongues for free and glorious deeds THE TYPE OF THE FLORISHING KINGDOME OF ENGLAND VVITH THE GENERALL DESCRIPTION OF IT AS IT WAS FROM THE TIME OF THE NORMANS CHAPTER III. THE Saxons glory now neer to expire by his appointment who holdeth both times and Kingdomes in his all-ordering hand their owne swords being the instruments and the Danes the maules that beat their beautifull Diademe into pieces the Normans a stirring Nation neither expected nor much feared under the leading of William their Duke and encouragement of the Romane Bishop an usuall promoter hereof broken titles made hither sodainly into England who inone onely battell with the title of his sword and slaughter of Harold set the Emperiall Crown thereof upon his own head which no sooner was done but the English went downe and the Normans lording it became owners of those Cities which themselves never built possessed those Vineyards which they never planted dranke of those Wels which they never had digged and inhabited those houses filled With riches for which they never had laboured for they found it to be as the Land whereupon the Lord set his eye even from the beginning to the end of the yeer not onely drinking water of the raine of heaven but having also Rivers of waters and fountaines in her valleyes and without all scarcitie whose stones are yron and out of whose mountains is digged brasse This made them more resolute at first to settle themselves in this fairest and fruitfullest part of the Iland the Conquerour using all policy both Martial and Civill to plant his posterity here for ever How he found the Land governed we shewed in the Heptarchie but his restlesse thoughts were not contented with conquering the Nation and their Land unlesse he also overcame their very Customes Lawes and Language 2 Touching the distribution of the Kingdome whereas other kings before him made use of it chiefly for good of the people and better ministring of Iustice he made use of it to know the wealth of his Subjects and to enrich his Coffers for he caused a description to be made of all England how much land every one of his Barons possessed how many Knights fees how many Plow-lands how many in villanage how many head of beasts yea how much ready money every man from the greatest to the least did possesse and what rents might be made of every mans possession the Booke of which inquisition yet in the Exchequer was called Domes-day for the generalitie of that Iudgement on all the Land Whereunto we may adde his other distribution of this Land worse then any former when thrusting the English out of their possessions he distributed their inheritances to his Souldier● yet so that all should be held of the King as of the onely tri● Lord and possessor 3 For the Lawes by which he meant to governe he held one excellent rule and purpose which was that a People ought to be ruled by Lawes written and certaine