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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19175 The palinod of Iohn Coluill wherein he doth penitently recant his former proud offences, specially that treasonable discourse lately made by him against the vndoubted and indeniable title of his dread soueraigne Lord, King Iames the sixt, vnto the crowne of England, after decease of her Maiesty present. Colville, John, 1542?-1605.; A. C., fl. 1600. 1600 (1600) STC 5587; ESTC S108516 18,930 40

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doth not disaccord but accord with the right of Nations ingenere My third captioun grounded on the civill Law is so confused and cautelous that it cannot well bee reduced to anie forme I will therefore with this cleare demonstration open vp and impugne the same As for the ciuil Law if we meane the Romane or Imperiall to the Emperours their selues haue confirmed and obserued Iura sanguinis following Edicta Praetorum vnde Liberi vnde Legitimi vnde Cognati And if thereby we shall vnderstand the Municipall or common Law of cuerie Realme then may it be evidentlie prooued that euery Realme hes prouided and established fundamentall Lawes for maintayning the blood Royall in the right line Whereby it is euident that by the Law Ciuill in what sense soeuer it be taken his Maiestie hath a most iust claime and competition As to the Law Diuine by the historie of Iacob Esau may appeare what respect and preferment was giuen to Primogenitur or first-birth seing Iacob thogh he was elected did pretend no right thereto vntill his elder brother did renounce and abiure the same And in Numeri the same prerogatiue is confirmed to the eldest and euerie one ordained to succeede according to proximitie of blood Heerewithall the lineal succession of the Kings of Iuda from father to children and failing thereof to neerest kinsmen doeth manifestlie proue this Ius sanguinis to haue bene autorized as wel in the Pallice as amongst the people Neither can that of Moises in Deuteronom be omitted vbi Odiosae Filius primogenitus dilectae Filio praeferri iubetur such was the respect of primogenitur And albeit this right of primogenitur was altered in Iacob Ioseph Salomon and some others yet such few particular exceptions done at the speciall command of God whose pleasure is reason and whose power hes no limitation doth not abolish the generall Law more nor the particular fact of Phineas doth abolish the general Law against homicide or the Polygamy and incest of the Patriarkes destroy the Lawe against Incest and Adulterie Then the Law of God howsoeuer I haue wrested the same in my former partialitie doeth not derogate but corroborate the title of my Soueraigne Lord vnto the Realme foresaid But the chief question wherein I doe most cavill and calumniat is this If a Prince hauing Ius sanguinis to an other Realme as this present King of France Henrie the 4. beeing but King of Nauarre had to the Realme of France and as my soueraigne Lord hath to that of England if anie Positiue Law of that Realme where he should succeede can iustlie seclude him Whereunto my answere is negatiue impugning my former affirmation first in Thesi syne in Hypothesi by these vrgent reasons and examples following In Thesi First Princes having no superiour power but the supreame Godhead they be only subiect to his lawes omnibus alijs legibus humanis soluti dicuntur and if of their naturall pietie or goodnesse they shall humble them self to be subiect therevnto as Theodosius Valentinian seemed to advyse them saying Digna vox Principe Legibus se subditum esse fateri that subiection or rather moderation est voluntatis non necessitatis officium Which assertion is founded vpon good reason for if forraine Lawes should binde them then were they vassals no Princes if domestick lawes then shoulde they be astricted to punition in cace of transgression and to be astricted to punition is a manifest subiection no soveraignitie Next althogh it may be said that the Prince in his Fisque and in manie vther things quae sunt privati iuris is subiect to the Lawe yet neither may hee nor his crown be bound in ijs quae sunt iuris publici * Atqui ius Regiae successionis publicum est cùm omnes ●●…uitates sint publicae As also the same may bee verefied by all the titles of the Lawe conceiued of Dignities and Magistrates both in the Digestes and Code Thirdlie if anie Lawe may be extended to the crowne or Prince they suld bee expreshe mentioned therein speciallie where the Law is exclusiue dinisiue or obligatorie and for this cause the Law excluding the femals à feudis the Lawe of division of heritage inter fratres sorores the Lawe oblishing the successor with the goods of the defunct to pay his debts binds not the crowne when the crowne is not expressed per rationis sdentitatem the Law contra peregrinos conceiued simply without mention of the crown may not be extended therevnto To affirme the contrary heerof and to alleadge that Iura successionis haereditaria which be made in any Realme suld binde the Prince aswell as the people because they bee made within the Realme which he hes or pretends to haue is to sturre vp sedition yea it is as absurde and inept as to persew a Shiref or a whole Prouince for fulfilling all contracts made within his jurifdiction or within the precinct of the said Prouince or as who should think the Schoole-maister subiect to the order appointed by him self for ruling his Disciples Perdlie to this houre there can bee no example exhibite where anie having the title of blood to the crowne of England with power and courage to bear out the same that any Positiue law hath barred them For proof whereof I will vse onlie such examples as be most recent The Positiue lawes made in Henrie the sixt his time against Edward Duke of Yorke did not impeshe him nor his race from the crowne nor the bitter statuts made by Richard the vsurper against that most magnanime Prince of worthie memorie Henrie the 7. did not seclude him from the right which he had both by God and nature Yea in our dayes the manifold Lawes and libels defamatours made against the most christian King present could not impesh him from the crowne of France Now in Hypothesi I cum to examine such Positiue Lawes as bee obiected against the King my soueraignes title of which kinde there bee speciallie two One auncient an other later To impugne the ancient I take my first argument from the Rubricke or Intitulation thereof bearing these words De ceux qui sont nez outre ou de la mer. i. De trans mare natis By which Rubricke or argument it is verie probable that this stature in the originall thereof did not containe this word Peregrinis for the tenour of a Lawe shoulde not exceed the nature or substance of the title and so it should not preiudge his Maiestie who is borne within the said Yland As also to them that will indifferentlie marke the drift and intention of that statute they shall finde ittend onelie against children borne without the four seas which compasse the said yland whereby Scotland is no more secluded nor Wales Cornewall And so it is not improbable which some alleadge that the Rubrique foresaid should be De Peregrinis trans mare natis non De Peregrinis trans mare natis Secondlie because the
said Law was proponed in the 25 yeare of the raigne of Edward the 3. vppon a question mooued If children borne out of his alleageance might possesse heritage within England Whereunto was answered and enacted that all children borne ouersea hauing their Parents at the time of their birth at the faith and obedience of the croun of England should enioy alike benefite priuiledge as other heires borne within the Realm so the statute is a generall affirmatiue for that particular and the argument obiected therupon is â contrario sensu which kinde of argument prooues nothing For if I should say Omnis homo est animal Ergo quod non est homo non est animal the consequent wer false and therefore is the decision of the Law Argumentum à contrario sensu nō procedit in verbis narratiuis Legis Nec etiam in verbis dispositiuis Legis when that argument is inferred to correct or reforme the common Law like as in this cace it doth by drawing the Law contra trans mare natos in a specialitie contrair the common Lawe to the prejudice of higher powers which be not vnder the power or cōpasse of humane lawes and for this cause the other ancient decision is contrair to their intention wherin is said Argumentum á contrario sensu non procedit vbi sequitur correctio Iuris cōmunis in specie Thirdly the words of the said statute running vpon and so oft expressing heires and inheritance declares the meaning therof onlie to be directed for priuat persons who must succeede to their antecessors Iure haereditario for Princes succeede aswell Iure familiae as Iure haereditario ordinis naturae beneficio non hominis and are not as priuate mē astricted to enter cum onere debitorū but they enter as pleases them the one or the other way to the end their crownes bee not exhaust and exsorbed so the saide statute beeing conceaued for the vse of priuate men allanerly that must enter as heires and no other way it cannot preiudge his Maiestie who may enter an other way viz. per Ius familiae apperteining to all Princes Soveraigne Ferdlie seeing this Law against strangers was foūded vpon two respects which pertaine onlie to priuat men and not to Princes it can no way strike vppon them The first respect was grounded vpon the consideration of loyaltie Quia duorum Principum summorum vnus subditus esse non potest agreeable vnto that of the Evangell Nemo potest duobus dominis seruire The other respect was to saue transport of gold and siluer and other defended commodities and to cut off the occasion of priuate intelligence practises For which cause in France was made Ius albinatus as the practisians testifie Now in the person of a Royall successor these considerations of loyaltie transport and intelligence are not to be feared Fiftlie in Realmes where most strait Lawes bee kept against strangers as in France that Ius albinatus forsaid by which of necessity all strangers that would testate or succeed they must be naturalized with this clause modò sint Regnicolae yet Princes haue succeeded and do succeede to great lands and Dignities within that Realme without anie benefite of naturalization as the old Kings of Nauarre borne out of France to manie fair lands in Guyen and Languedok The D. of Lorane to the Dukerie of Bar yea of old the kings of England to the ample Dukeries of Aquitane Aniou Normandie and Britaignie and that because soveraignes are presumed euerie one to be brethren to other and being brethren it wer indigne to esteeme them externe or strangers and inept to make them subiect to Lawes of alleageance which be onely proper to subiects and vassals Sixtlie the clause conteined in the said pretended act excepting Les Enfans du Roy doth exeeme the king my soveraigne out of the compasse thereof for that word Enfans is in the Latine Liberi and be Liberi in the originall and right signification is not only meaned children in primogradu but also Nepotes pronepotes natinatorum qui nascentur ab illis Et ●…os omnes qui ex nepotibus descendunt lex duodecim tabularum filiorum nomine comprehendit Seuenthlie this Law foresaid de albinatu although conceaued generallie yet could it not bee extended to the crowne aswell as to the subiect and therefore the wise and learned did deuise the Lawe Salique for the succession Royall Last if this statute against forrain birth take place then shall manie absurde inconuenients follow therupon First Princes the ornament bewtie and light of the world without whome were nothing but darknesse disorder confusion they should be in worse condition nor the moste ignoble subiect of their Realme for by that Law subiects may euer succeed hauing their parents subiects but Princes cannot haue that immunitie because their Parents were neuer subiects Againe if a Prince for honor of his Realm or for securitie or enlarging therof shall matche him self or his children with a forraine nation where hee or they beget children what barbarous iniquitie wer it to preiudge the parents remaining abroad for so honorable causes or to hurte the innocent children for a matter which lay not in their power to mend Now for particular examples to illustrate these argumentes I alledge but a fewe both before and after the conquest to shewe that forraine birth makes not incapabilitie to the crowne of England Edward the King Confessor before the conquest did cal home out of Hungarie his Nevoy Edward surnamed Vdislae borne in Hungarie who deing before the king his Vncle the same King Edward declared Edgar Athelin sonne to the said Vdislae borne also in Hungarie to be iust heritor albeit he was afterward defrauded thereof And after the Conquest Richard the first going to conqueis Ierusalem institute his Nevoy Arthur who was borne in Britaignie young Duke thereof to be his successor Like as king Stephan and King Henrie the 2. were both borne in France their Parents not being of the alleageance of England yet they were capable of the crowne of England The vther argument wherewith they impugne his Maiesties title is grounded vppon a statute made in the 28. yeare of the raigne of Henrie the 8. of worthy memorie wherein by consent of his Estates in Parliament is graunted vnto him full power by his letters Patents or by his Testament signed with his hand to declair determine and designe the successour of the crowne in cace his owne children should faile without issue of their owne bodies and the said crown to bee established in the person of the said successor by way of reversion or retour as they call it By vertue of this authoritie or arrest of Parliament giuen to the said noble Prince our aduersares doe alledge that by his latter Will or Testament he did institute and ordaine the succession of Francoyse Countesse of Suffolke his Neice by Marie his youngest sister to