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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16825 A compendiou[s regi]ster in metre contei[ning the] names, and pacient suffry[ngs of the] membres of Iesus Christ, a[nd the tor]mented; and cruelly burned [within] Englande, since the death o[f our] famous kyng, of immortal me[mory] Edvvarde the sixte: to the entr[ance] and begynning of the raign, of our s[o]ueraigne [and] derest Lady Elizabeth of Englande, Fraunce, and Ir[elande,] quene, defender of the faithe, ... Brice, Thomas, d. 1570. 1559 (1559) STC 3726; ESTC S109676 12,163 57

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¶ A compendious Register in Metre conteining the names and pacient suffryngs of the membres of Iesus Christ. and the tormented and cruelly burned within Englande since the death of our famous kyng of immortall memory EDVVARDE the sixte to the entrance and beginnyng of the raign of our soueraigne derest Lady ELIZABETH of Englande Fraunce and Ir●●●● quene defender of the faithe to 〈◊〉 highnes truly and properly apperteineth next and immediatly vnder God the supreme power and authoritie of the Churches of Englande and Irelande Sobeit Anno. 1559. Apoca. 7. ANd one of the angels sayeth S. Ihō spa●… sayinge 〈◊〉 what are theie whiche are ar●… in longe whyte Ga●…entes and when●… came they before the people before sealed by the angel And I sai●…d ●…o him Lorde thou ●…otest and he saied vnto me these are thei which 〈◊〉 great tribulatiō and washed their garmentes and made theym whyte by th●… blo●… the lambe therefore are thei in the ●…esence of the Throne of GOD and serue him day ●…nd 〈◊〉 in his Temple a●…●…at sytteth in 〈◊〉 Throne wyll 〈◊〉 amonge them 〈◊〉 To the righte honourable Lorde Par Marques of Northampion Thmas Brice your lordshippes dayly Oratour wisiheth cōtinuall encrease of grace concorde consolation in hym that is was and is to come euen the first and the laste AMEN IT maie please your goodnesse honorable Lorde to receiue in good parte the ●…ttie labour of my pen whiche albe it the rudenes quantite therof procureth not to be dedicate to so honourable a personage yet the matter it self is of soche worthines as duely deserueth to be graeuen in golde but who goeth about so finely to depict with Appelles instrumēte this saied Regester thinkyng to excede the rest not I poor wretch bicause I am assured that soch a worthie woorke as thereof maie bee written can not neither shall passe vntouched emong so many godlie learned but were it that no man hereafter shuld in more ample and learned maner set foorthe the same yet should my presumption if I so mente bee tourned to reproche for this I beleue that thei be in soche sorte regestred in the booke of the liuing as passeth either pen ynke or memorie to declare This my simplicitie and to bolde attēpt might moue your honor to cōiecture in me moche rudenesse or at the least might perswade me so to thinke but that experience hath shewed me the humilitie and gentlenes of your long tried pacience the certain knowledge whereof hath pricked me forwarde in this my pretence and beyng thereto requested of a faithfull brother frend I haue with more industrie then learnyng God knoweth finished thesame which beyng as I thought brought to good ende I desired according to the accustomed maner to dedicate thesame vnto soche one as would not contēpne so simple a gift And callyng you to mind right honorable lord I knewe none more mete first bicause youre knowledge in Christe teacheth you thesame godlie vertuous life whiche not onely your lordship but al other honorable c. oughte to ensue Secondly bicause these late yeres you haue had good experiēce of the troubles and miseries of the faithful which haue pacientlye embrased in their armes the comfortable although painefull crosse of Christ which in so great a nūbre is commonlye not so plenteous as commendable but what stand I praisyng this pa cience in them whiche yet deserueth the same seing y ● migh tie god his christ hath prepared frō euerlastyng for soche a glorious rich incomprehensible croune of felicitie continual cōfortes This my short simple worke I commēde and dedicate vnto youre Lordeship crauynge pardon at your handes for this my to homely and rude enterprise cōsidering that albeit golden frute ware offered in Peuter and by the handes of a simple man yet is the frute notwithstandyng stil precious and neither abased by the Peuter or giuer euen so honorable Lorde though the verses be simple and the giuer vnworthy yet the frute or mat ter is precious comfortable and good The order to attaine to the perfecte vnderstandyng of my mynde in settyng forthe thesame with figures and letters shal largely appere in this booke whiche I haue not onely dooen to make plaine vnto your honour the yere moneth and daie but also to all other that hereafter shall read it for that I doe pretend if God and fauour will permit it to vse the same as comō to the profit of al for which cause I haue al so placed a preface to y e reader But that it maye please youre honor in respecte of the premises to extende youre fauourable assistaunce to the manifest setting forth of thys short and simple woorke to the glorye of the great and myghtie God to the comfort of christians I as vnworthye and to bolde a suter most humbly craueth your Lordshyps ayde and supportation in the same especiallye to beare the rudenesse of my vnlearned style which alas I lament But nowe ceassyng to trouble your Lordshyppe anye longer this shall bee my continuall praier for you The wisedome of GOD direct your honour the mercie of God giue you spirituall power the holie ghost guide and comforte you with all fulnes of consolation in Christe Iesus Amē Your Lordships dayly oratour Thomas Brice To the gentle Reader mercye and peace MAy it please the gentle reader to take in good woorth thys shorte and simple regester conteyning the names of diuers althoughe not all bothe men women and virgins c. Which for the profession of Christ their Capitaine haue been moste miserablie afflicted tormented and prisoned and in fine either died by some occasion in prison or els erected in the charret of Elias since the. iiii day of February M. D. L. v. to the. xvii daye of Nouember M. D. L. viii wherein accordynge to the determinacion of our louynge most merciful father our long wisshed for and moste noble Queene Elizabeth was placed Gouernesse and Queene by generall Proclamacion to the greate comfort of all trew Englishe heartes This I commit to thy frendlye acceptatiō and fauourable scannynge gentle reader and all be it I doubt not but some of godly zeale both wise lear ned wil not neglect hereafter to set forth so worthy a worke namelye of the martyrdome and paciente sufferynges of Christes electe membres and also of the tyrannicall Tragedies of the vnmercifull ministers of Sathan yet at the request of a dere frend to whom loue and nature hathe linked me I coulde not withoute ingratitude denie his lawful desier attempting the same also the rather because it might be manifest to the eyes of the worlde and also put the learned of godly zeale in memory moore amplie to enlarge and at theyr good discretion to set forth the same pardon my rudenes therfore I beseche thee considerynge that wyll in the vnable is to bee estemed looke not vpō the basenes of the metre the trew nombre whereof can not easely be obserued in soche a