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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19566 A confutatio[n] of vnwritte[n] verities both bi the holye scriptures and moste auncient autors, and also probable arguments, and pithy reasons, with plaine aunswers to al (or at the least) to the moste part and strongest argumentes, which the aduersaries of gods truth, either haue, or can bryng forth for the profe and defence of the same vnwritten vanities, verities as they would haue them called: made up by Thomas Cranmer ... translated and set forth, by E.P. The contentes whereof, thou shalte find in the next side folowinge. Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556.; E. P., fl. 1556. 1556 (1556) STC 5996; ESTC S109030 77,248 224

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Dauyd in whose dayes open Idolatrye was not alowed and practysed by the consente of the kinges Bishoppes hyegh priestes Scrybes Pharises Which of the Prophetes did not the open visible churche persecute Where was the visible churche in the tyme of Elias Were not al that were knowne and thought to be of the churche worshyppers of Baal in somuch that Elias thought there had bene left aliue of gods true churche but himselfe only And yet not wythstandynge God had preserued hys churche knowne but onely to hymselfe for he knoweth who ar his Who smote Micheas the true Prophete of God but the chefe Priest and Bishoppe Zedechias And he with foure hūdred Pryestes more of his own minde and religion disceaued Achab and promysed him victory ouer the Assirians although God had made them no such promyse but rather had pomted the contrarye as it came to passe Vho commaunded Ieremy to be beaten for his true prophesyeng but Phashur the Archebishop Who perswaded wyth the kinge that Ieremy the true Prophete of God was a sedicious felowe and wente about to discorage the people in Ierusalem that they shoulde not resyste Nabuchodonozor kyng of Babylon but the priestes Yea and when the kynge deliuered him out of prison who but these holy men of the Churche procured hym to be caste agayne into a depe doungyō where they would haue famyshed hym if God had not put in the kynges harte to take hym out and deliuer him These be the fruites and practyses of the vysyble and seene Churche whyche if it bee true that the papistes say cānot erre But what so euer they saye it forceth not for we knowe what the spiritualty as they cal thēselfes haue beē since the beginning the verye expressed image wherof is set forth and declared in the Machabies as they that reade the story shal perceaue it wel inough by Alcinus Simō Iason and Menelaus Now let vs come to the new testamēt and see what the visible and knowen churche was vnder it Who was the true churche or how was it knowen to the people in Christes time The hiegh Priestes Bishoppes Scribes Pharises and Saduces whiche appeared outwardly and boasted themselues to bee the churche of god were in dede as Christ called thē ser pētes the generacions of vipers hipocrites children of hell painted tombes perse cuters of true religion and murtherers of the prophetes yea of himselfe and his Apostles men that shut vp the kingdome of heauen so that neyther they would enter therein themselues nor suffer the poore simple that were desierous to knowe the trueth to enter but excommunycated and thrust them out of the churche as men caste awaye as heretikes and forsaken of God whosoeuer beleued on Chryste Who commaunded the Apostles that they should preach no more in Christs name Who caused Steuen to be stoned And Iames to be throwne of the pinacle who gaue auctoritie to Paul to bind and bring before them al that professed Chryst Who commaunded him to be buffeted Who accused him beefore Festus and Agrippa Who stired the Gentils against hym in al coūtries where he wente to preache but the churche If you wil then nedes Iudge the outwarde visible churche that sitteth in Moses chayer though they doe not as the chayre requyreth to be the true churche of god I pray you then tel me who caused Constantinus the Emperor to banyshe Athanasius Who exiled Chrisostome and many other moe godly and well learned Bishops slew a great nōber of godly wel learned me but the Priestes by seducīg the Empris Eudoria who put out the eyes of Constantyne the forth Emperour caused him to be slain because he pulled the Images out of the church being worshipped cōtrari to gods holi wil cōmaūdemēt but his owne mother by the counsel of the Pope the Byshoppes being then taken for the Churche Who deposed Henry the fourth Emperour causing hys owne sonne to rebell against him Who deposed Childeri●us the french kyng assoiling his subiects from theyr obedyence to hym made Pipine kynge in hys steade but the Pope and hys Churche men Let vs come to oure own realme and speake of thinges done in our own memory Who procured kyng Henry the eyghte in the beginning of his reigne to war agaynst the frenche kinge where beesides the murther cōmytted adultery was lerned theft sacrilege practised lying swearing yea and for sweringe with all other kindes of vyces vsed whych be the very fruites of war but the cleargy For the pope thē being in warre with the French king to make his part good the stronger procured the Bishops of the church of Englād beyng the Popes deare darlynges chefe of the kinges counsel to entytle the kyng to his right of the realme crown of Fraūce to encourage the young kyng thereto the Pope accursed the kyng of Fraūce al his aiders succurrers Then free pardons flue abroade as thycke as butter flyes in sommer but so free that the realme therby and the sayd warres was robbed of a grate deale of our treasure and in maner halfe vndone There was ful remission a pena culpa preached at paules crosse almost in eueri sermō through al England promisīg that whoso euer died in the Popes quarel his soule should be in heauen before his bones wer colde After whē the same kinge Henrye had iustlye by the aucthoryte of GODES worde and the ful consent both of the parliament and conuocacion abolyshed the vsurped power of the Bishop of Rome then the Pope enterdyted the whole Realme and sent Cardinal Poole from prince to prince to excite and moue them if he coulde haue broughte it to passe to make open warre against the king and the realm as it appeareth in a Sermō preached by Tonstall nowe Bishoppe of Durham and set out in prynte openly Which sermon al other tel truthes openinge the abuses and tirannye of the Bishop of Rome are now put to silence Who were the workers of all these mischeues who these .iii. yeres paste hath persecuted prisoned and burned so many learned and Godlye men onely for their true faythes sake grounded vpon gods most holy worde men worthy to bee cōpared with the olde martirs of the primitiue church as well for the constancye of theyr fayth as also for pacience and charity shewed at their deathes but the churche as they call thēselues who by their cruel tiranny hath enforced so many notable members of Christ leauinge wife children kinsfolke Landes and goodes either to flye into straunge realmes or els from town to town from Citie to Citie onelye beecause they woulde not drynke of the venemous cuppe of the whore of Babylon who hath wrought al these wickednesses but onelye the mitered prelates and their popishe priestes If we shal alow thē for the true church of god that appeare to bee the visible and outwarde churche consistyng of the ordinarye