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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16612 A briefe censure vpon the Puritane pamphlet entituled, (humble motyves, for association to maintayne religion established.) Reprooving of it so many vntruthes, as there be leaues in the same. 1603 (1603) STC 3519; ESTC S116908 31,775 92

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are become dennes of theeues and serpents The names of Arch-bishops Bishops Arch-deanes Deanes and such be Dyabolicall No signe of the Crosse or memory of mans Redemption may be vsed Assoc pag. 39. and whatsoeuer religeth a man to God must not be remembred vnder their curse for superstition If we put these people into ballance with the idolatrous Gentiles Turkes Iewes and Brachmans it is euident by al writers that although those Infidels doe erre in true Religion yet they maintayne forged Priesthoods Sacrifices and other tokens of Reuerence to keepe in seare of a diuine Maiesty all which thinges be wanting in this Puritane hauing no one positiue or affirmatiue opinion concerning worshippe And so for Religion and binding of men to God haue brought in a plaine priuation of those duties irreligion and a freedome to all liberty and vndutifulnesse both to God and man THE VI. VNTRVTH IN THE sixt worde established IT is euident by the whole discourse of this Religious Associator and so hee rearmeth himselfe in diuers places that he is a Puritane and laboureth to settle that same profession as he bewrayeth in plaine tearmes Pag. 19 And yet who knoweth not but Puritanes be condemned at the least as before in 32. questions by that Religion which is setled in England Admonit Purit Com. B Parl. 5. et 13. Elizab. as their owne Admonition the Communion booke and Parlaments themselues are witnesse against them Therefore this Innouator seeketh not to associate to maintayne any Religion setled but to settle his own vnsetled sect THE VII VNTRVTH THE seauenth foule and flattering Vntruth is two leaues longe as though Puritanes were the most loyall louing and obedient subiects which her Majestie hath and in respect of them neither Councell Nobility Bishops or any other were dutifully carefull of her preseruation But Sr because you pretend you selfe so dutifull a Subiect to our Soueraigue and regardfull of reuerence to the English Protestant Clergy and that Religion which they professe you will giue me licence to vtter in a fewe wordes the true allegeance and loue which your reformed Seignorie and eldership beareth vnto them For except this affection be knowne to bee excellent in your Society you will not bee worthy to be admitted to such exempted fauour with our Queene and her Bishops to whome you write Then I will condemne you by your owne sentences to be vndutifull to her Maiesty our Queeene moste malitious to her Clergy and deuoted Aduersaries to their Religion for whose maintenance you counterfeite desire of Assoctations And to exemplifie what forreigne Religion is so gratious in your eies as that of Geneua Admonit parl in fin Repl. Admon Parl. tract 20. and other Churches there abouts which you call for that reason resormed your Admonition to the Parlament approoueth the Presbitery of Scotland and the French Puritanes so farre that you propose them for example of imitation to England your owne writings I hope you will not deny And if you forsake Caluin and Beza your Fathers and dearest friends you are discredited for euer Then to begin with them first which I named last let the Reader iudge vvhether our Soueraigne her Arch-bishops Bishops with the rest of the Parlament Ministery and their Religion so contrary vnto Puritanes liue in security be honoured by this people Concerning Princes which be not of Caluins purity he vseth these wordes Caluin in Da. c. 6. v. 22.25 c. They spoile themselues of all authority yea they are vnworthy to bee accounted in the number of men and therefore we must rather spit vpon their heades then obey them And touching the English Communion booke which is the rule of Parlament Religion hee calleth it fooleries Stat. 1. Eliz Surn of hol disc Beza epist ded nou test an 1564. et epist ad Episcop Ebor Beza euen in his Epistle to her Maiestie of England defendeth Rebellion against Princes of a different Religion and honoureth such as bee slaine in such quarrels with the glory of Martyrs And in his Epistle to a Protestant Bishop of England condemneth the exercise of their Religion The reformed Churches of France holde the same sentence both concerning King and worship in their 39. Article Congreg artic 39. Articul Puri Scon Two of the chiefest Articles of the Scottish Puritanes be these 1. Bishops and Archbishops haue no authority their very names and titles be Antichristian and Diabolicall 2. It is heresie for any Prince to call himselfe heade of the Church But he may be excommunicate and deposed of his ministers And to come to English Puritanes and the Consistory of your Eldership and reformed Scignorie the chiefest Patron thereof T. C. is knowne to be an ancient and mortall enemy to the present Arch-bishoppe of Canterbury and is farre from allowing the Titles names dignities and authority of him or any Bishop Deane high Commissionor or other by her Maiesties proceedings that as the same Arch-bishoppe hath gathered to my handes T. C. in repl to the ans of the Admonit I. whitgift prefat to the ans to the Reply of T. C. T. C. in Repl. in fin Confes c. 18. T. C. repl pag. 5. T. C. pag. 144. he wil not allowe him the dignity of a Doctor but Ironice and scoffingly after your manner calleth him M. Doctor 370. times at the least in one litle book And telleth vs that the equality of Ministers is consirmed by the sentence of the Puritanes of Heluctia Tygurine Berne Geneua Polmia Hungary and Scotland with others And although you to slatter the Protestant Arch-bishops and Bishops of England woulde bring your disagreement from thē toceremonies yet he desendeth that the doctrine of the English Protestants is such that Puritanes are bound to deny it with losse of as many liues as they haue haires on their heades And for reuerence and duty to our Soueraigne denounceth by his Euangelicall preeminence against all Protestant Princes which will not be Puritanes and embrace their Presbitery that to vse his own wordes They must submit their Scepters and throwe downe their Crownes before the Church of their Eldership and licke the dust of their feete The highest cathedrated sentence of your Admonition written in all your names rayleth at the Protestants affirming your contentions to be but Ceremonies But I will alleadge the wordes of that holy worke both for your confusion in this and all other your wicked practises in this Association These they be Lordy Lordes Arch-bishops Bishoppes Prefat Admon Parl. Admonit tra 2.3 c Suffraganes Deanes Doctors Arch-deacons Chauncellors and the rest of that prowde generation whose Kingdome must downe Titles liuings and offices of Metrapolitane Arch-bishop Lordes grace Lordshippe Suffrragane Deane Arch-deacon were denised by Antichrist and are plainely in Christs worde forbidden and are vtterly with speede to be remooued Prefat Admonit supp But in a few wordes to say what we meane either must wee haue a right ministerte of God and a right
spirituall and ecclesiasticall causes dangerous to the Temporall estate of any Ciuill Ruler or Magistrate or perilous to their Person Be not those Regiments diuers and distinct euen in the iudgement of Puritanes themselues then the one is not perilous to the other How many hundreds of yeares were they thus deuided among the Israelites without confusion or perill one to another That Nation came to moste calamities Li. 1. Mach Li. 2. Mach. Iosephlib antiq bell Genebr Cronol Bellon Tox to 1.2 bill turrie Petr. Mass lib 1.2.3 hist indie when these Regiments were vnited togither about the time of the Machabees and after In the Turkishe Regiment the Caliphes Rule in Religious causes and yet without perill to the Imperiall State Among the Indian Pagans the Brachmans ouer-rule their Princes in like cases yet without preiudice to their Persons or Temporall dignities Among the ancient Gentiles the Flēmens and Archflēmens had that charge yet no Temporall Regency endangered And now in Italy Spame France Polonia the Empire and so manye Catholicke Countries the Romaine Iurisdiction ruleth in spirituall affaires And yet what State of these countries What Person of those Princes is by that in peril And in Englād when that Superiority reigned in it so many hundred yeares and in the daies of almost 200. Fox tom 1. Mon in Catal Reg. Stowe hist Kinges of this Nation which of their estates or persons vvas endangered by that Regiment then it is not the doctrine of Catholickes in this point any plot or practise by thē which palyeth at hazard with the persons of Princes or draweth kingdomes to ruine But it is the presumptuous factious opinions of Puritanes vvhose priuat spirit in euery meane and vnlearned man doth not only condemne the sentence of Queene and Parlament and her Superiority by that title in spirituall busines but may by their Profession doth by open Pamphlets Inuectiues controle all Princes and Magistrates both in Ecclefiasticall and Temporall causes and dispose of Kingdomes cuntreis and Cities at their high will and pleasure as they did at Geneua Collin in France and other places as I haue recited before THE IX VNTRVTH BVt if we will beleeue this Puritane her Maresties Person shall still remaine in peril except his coufaile be admitted for her deliuery by which shee shal be enfranchised from such dangers His presernatine and Antidote to vse his phrase followeth in these words It would be enacted that all Gentlemen Magistrates and Possessioners within this Realme shall take the oath of Assmiation for the defence and perpetuation of Religion now publickely professed within this Realme And the oath of Supremacy be mimstred with like addition to all men generally within this Realine from the age of sixteene yeares vpwardes twice euery yeare by the Mayors and Couernours of Cities Townes and Corporations and by Stewards and other Officers in Mannors and Lordshippes in their Cuntreis and their Leetes and Law-daies And if they refuse to enter into such league or oath that eucry such person shall be holden and reputed as suspected and shall be thereby disabled to beare any office or authority in Common wealth and shall also be bound to his good behauiour sequestred from all his aronour and weapons and if hee bee possessed of lands within this Realme shall yearly pay vnto your Maieflie the fourth part thereof c. This is the sentence of this Solon In vvhich how many vntruthes and fooleries there be it is not an easie account But because I deale in liberality with this Doctor I will put thē togither in one First then I conclude by this high Authority that Puritanes bee most wicked lying and dangerous members in this Kingdome and moste worthy by their owne iudgment to incurre these penalties which they practise against Catholickes For if this inuention were put in execution Catholickes shoulde become so impious as Puritanes be to make no account of oathes This stratagemme coulde take no effecte but the Queene would be more endangered both in regard of the perils pretended more vnknowne and the offendors coulde not be distinguished friends coulde not bee decyphered from enemies But by this mans confession all Puritanes be manifest aduersaries to her Maiestie in this matter for they both deny the Religion now publickly professed in the Realme as also her Maiesties Supremacy in most vncharitable tearmes Then when Puritanes as this man assureth will take these oathes both concerning the Religion established in England and her supreame Ecclesiastical power which they so much condemne they be condemned to be the most impious irreligious and disloyall people vtterly vnworthy any office credit or confidence in common wealth but by their owne lawe to bee bounde to these disablements penalties and payments which they inuent for Catholickes whose fidelities wordes oathes may be admitted for security of the greatest perill as these men acknowledge by this Inuention THE X. VNTRVTH BVT to manifest farther the folly falschood of this dreame deuice If any coulde be so mad to imagine that so wise a Princesse Councell Nobility Protestant Clergy and Commons for he desireth that his law may be presently enacted would immediatly after the dissolution of a Parlament wherein these toyes were reiected summon the whole kingdome againe to please such people Yet his intent against Catholicks would not be obtayned I will not examine the particulers of his fooleries therein but experience shall pleade against him for either the same or more grieuous haue beene enacted and are daily executed against vs yet he maketh these complaints of perilles by encrease of Catholickes within this kingdome For first concerning his oathes of the Reltgion now established and her Maiesties Supremacy are they not tendered to all Magistrates at their admittance The first Parlament it selfe only excepteth the Nobles of this Realme Parl. 1. Eliz 5. Eliz. to whom this man likewise seemeth to allowe that exemption And How often haue such oathes and interrogatories beene ministred to the Catholickes of this Nation Gentlemen and other Possessioners not Possessioners whome this lawe-maker includeth not Stat. 1. Eliz. c. 1. the Satute of Supremacy giueth the same authority for ministring the oath of that Superiority in as ample manner as he prescribeth only he aduiseth it to bee taken twise in the yeare which limitation imployeth no other vse or end but to make men dissolute in swearing forswearing as these Puritanes be for who wil hope for truth in him vvhich is accustomed to forsweare which by all lawes be reiected for witnesses And this great Politician himself calleth al Parlament persons which applauded not their deuises Papistes and yet most of them had taken the oathes which hee prescribeth But harken vnto his penalties The denyers of these oathes shall only be disabled to beare office bounde to the good behauiour sequestred from their armour weapous Pag. 23. Stat. 1. 5. Eliz. and pay yearely the fourth part of their landes to