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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07158 A defence of the honorable sentence and execution of the Queene of Scots exempled with analogies, and diuerse presidents of emperors, kings, and popes: with the opinions of learned men in the point, and diuerse reasons gathered foorth out of both lawes ciuill and canon, together with the answere to certaine obiections made by the fauourites of the late Scottish Queene. 1587 (1587) STC 17566.3; ESTC S108326 51,432 108

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bereauing of her Maiestie of her rightfull crovvne and dignitie royall partlie in that vvith her priuitie tenne hundred thousande crovvnes vvere imploied by the Pope vppon any that vvould set vp in England the Roman Catholike religion and aduance her to the Crovvne in possession partlie in that shee gaue maintenance to her Maiesties knovven Rebels both in Flaunders and Scotland partly in that shee practised inuasion by forraine forces and actuall Rebellion by vnnaturall Subiects in these her Maiesties Realmes of Englande and Ireland 6 Ione Queene of Naples sent also at that time Pe●rus exi● Collinutiu● Blondi historia Paulus Aemilius and to the same end and purpose to Charles the french king and to Lewes Duke of Aniew the saide frenche kings vncle requesting them to bring all the forces they possibly could to the subduing of Charles her competitor in the kingdome of Naples Mary of Scotland sent many times to king Phillip At one of those times Osmond Wilkinson the messenger B. Rose the procurer the Spanishe Ambassad●ur the performer of men money for the rebellion At one time thentrie was appointed at Harwich in Suffolk inuasion confessed by Throgmorton Her letters to Babington Her letters to the Spanish Ambassador the confessiō of Babington and his confederates and the confession of her own Secretaries Father Henries message betweene her and the Pope and the combined Princes and to her vncle the Duke of Cuise and other princes combined to bring their forces not to preserue her in her possession of the kingdome of Scotlande but to the inuasion of this Realme of England and subduing of her Maiestie the moste lavvefull and vndoubted Queene of the same Ione the Neapolitan Queene in regard that the saide Lewes Duke of Aniow Collinutius vvould defend and protect her against the said Charles offered to make him her sonne by adoption and that he immediatlie after her death should succeede her both in the kingdome of Naples also of Sicelie Marie the Scottish Queen in consideration that king Phillip shoulde take her vvholy in his protection Proued by her letters to the said Spanish Ambassadour Barnard de Mēdoza and confessed by her Secretaries Naw and Curle likevvise the state and affaires of this Countrie promised to giue graūt to him by her last vvill and testament the right vvhich shee pretended to haue both to the succession of the crovvne of England and also of Scotland Ione Queene of Naples had great mightie Princes to take her part both out of Fraunce and from Prouince but both shee and all that held on her side had so strange a fortune and desaster as it is vvonderfull for the Pope by her meanes exalted vvas deposed the said Duke of Aniew Generall of the fielde that came into Ialie as Pandulphus Collinut us vvriteth vvith fifty thousand men and as Peter Mexia affirmeth thirtie thousand of them hors-men Collmitius lib. 5. so 228. Mexia in vita Ven●elai died by the vvay and xvi Barons and most of his gallant companie vvith him and the rēnant that suruiued returned home vvith more shame than vvith pride they came foorth begging all the vvay as they vvent by tvvo or three in a companie as Platina vvitnesseth and the Queene her her self vvas taken prisoner by him Platina in vita V●bani 6. vvhō shee firmelie hoped to haue conquered and slaine Marie the Scottish Queen vvhich had in Rome at seurall times three Popes in Spaine king Phillip in Fraunce the Duke of Guise in England and Scotlande Dukes Earles Lordes The proof of these is publik and most notorious Gentlemen and others too too manie bent to accomplishe her vnquiet humor and seditious desseinesse yet neither had shee nor anie that tooke her part any prosperous succes for 2 of her best friends of the three Popes died king Phillip hath neuer been vvithout ciuill vvarres and his handes full of vprores dangerous tumults the Duke of Guise so megre and so crossed in all his desseinements that he could not at any time helpe her nor vvell releeue himselfe the Dukes Earles and Lords for the most part that tooke her part either haue loste their goods liuelodes lands liberties and countries or haue been slaine of others or haue slaine themselues many Gentlemen hanged for her sake to the perpetuall infamie of them their race vtter vndoing of all their posteritie as touching her self neither her ovvn land could abide her nor the Ocean Sea to vvhose mercie in extreame refuge she committed herself could brooke her nor the land of England vvhere shee hath remained aboue xvi yeeres in our Soueraigne Ladie Queene Elizabeths protection could for the more part from her first comming like her Parrie his confession of her trustie man Morgans dealing with him for murdering of the Quene The consessiō of Naw Curle and all the cōspirators or be liked of her and she became all that vvhile prisoner vnto her vvhose Royall person she continuallie hoped and often practized to haue murdered Last of al Leonardus Aretinus in historia Florentina Collinutiut Mexia Paulus Aemilius Jone Queen of Naples being taken by Charles nephevv to Lewes king of Hungarie and the first King of Naples of that name vvas by the saide Charles vppon the aduise taken and had of the said King Lewes strangled in prison and so by Gods prouidence paid the death as the history vvitnesseth that she gaue to her first husband An reas King of Naples Mexia in vita Vencelai Marie Queen of Scotland although by fleeing out of her ovvn Realme of Scotland into Englande Vide Buconaenū fol. 199. 200. and by comming vnder the Queene of Englands protection shee escaped hitherto the due reuengement of her said husbāds death This appeareth by the commission directed to the duke of Norfolke others which met the Scottish Lordes at yorke that came thither requiring iustice in that behalf vvhen and vvhere the chiefest of the Nobilitie of Scotland pursued her by iustice yet because she hath sundrie times since that time conspired to destroy the sacred person of her Maiesty and being once or tvvise pardoned hath falne into a relapse or recination there hath been vppon due hearing and examination of the vvhol matter together vvith her personall ansvveares taken by the chiefest Lordes of the Realme The Parliamēt 27. regni Elizabethae assisted vvith the principall Iudges of the same sentence pronounced by them against her According to the Statute of association by Herselfe subsigned and allowed Her owne letters to her Maiestie And thus shee to the ioy of all good Christians and vvell affected English hath had Gods iudgement in her accōplished and performed that did not onlie kill her first husband King of Scotland but compassed also sundrie times the death of her Maiestie Queene of England and consequentlie vvas like to bring the vvhole Realme in danger of a generall massacre and present destruction had not
the eternall and Almightie Lorde of his vnspeakable and accustomed goodnesse by a myraculous discouerie preserued the same The second Chapter containing a second Analogie or Resemblance betvveene the Emperor Licinius and the said Marie Queene of Scotland A second president much resembling the case in question is offered vnto vs from our countrieman and most Christian Emperor Constantine the Great who commaunded the death of Licinius the Emperor and yet this act was neuer controlled by any writer The Historie AFter that Constantine had taken in open hostilitie Licinius consort with him in the Empire Eusebius Socrates Sozomenus Sigonius de imperio occidentali Mexia in vitis Constantini Marentii Licinii who fauoured the Heathen persecuted the Christians and came in armes to violate his person yet at the request of Constantia his sister wife to the said Licinius he spared his life bound him to remaine at Nicomedia in the Prouince of Bithinia But when afterwards Constantine was enformed that the saide Licinius attempted a new insurrection and was to that purpose confedered with other Princes Constantine the Emperor put to death his Colledge Emperor Licinius and neuer controuled therefore and sought to flee away from the place appointed than did he foorthwith commaund the said Licinius to be put to death in the xv yeere of the said Constantines raigne when hee was lx yeeres of age and in the yeere of our Lord God 377. The comparison and resemblance betweene these two cases is verie like First Constantine and Licinius vvere both chosen Lordes and Princes of the Empire So Elizabeth Queene of England and Marie Queene of Scotland vvere both called to the state of kinges in the yle of Britanie The Empire of Britanie diuided into two kingdomes as the Empire in Constantines time was into two Empires although in diuers distinct kingdomes and therfore the doinges of Licinius mought seeme to haue more colour of right to the Empire than Mary of Scotland to entitule herselfe in this Realme Marie queene of Scotland but a titularie queene Kings of Scotland haue been feudaturies done homage to the kings of England beeing also but a titularie Queen in her ovvn land as it appeareth by the Chronicles and by auncient recordes her Progenitors haue done homage for their kingdomes to the crovvne of England Licinius notvvithstanding manie princelie benefites receiued at the Emperor Constantins hands Eusebius Socrates insomuch that he vvas aduaunced by him to the mariage of his ovvne sister Constantia vvhich descended from a princelie progenie of kings yet contrarie to his oath and promise like an vngratefull man he became a professed enemie to Constantine Marie of Scotland albeit shee receaued manie great fauours at the hands of Queen Elizabeth in sauing both her honour and life Scotland in an 1568. England 1● reg Eliz. vvhen she vvas so earnestlie pursued by the Lordes and the commons both of Scotland and England yet like an vnthankfull person shee did shevve her selfe contrarie to her vovved promise an apparant enemie to the Queene of England Her letters to the B. of Glascon to B. Rose Morgan and Mendoza Licinius vvould alone haue bin Lord and prince of the Empire by the remoue of Constantine So Marie vvoulde bee the onelie Queene of Britanie Diuers books and pedegrees published by her agents and fauorites to that effect Resignatio facta 1567. Vide Buconanum fol. 196. And Holingsheds Chronicle fol. 388. and not onlie abandon her ovvne sonne from the kingdome of Scotland after that she had resigned the same vnto him but also expell her Maiestie Queene Elizabeth from her proper vndoubted kingdome of England Licinius vsurped an vniust title calling himselfe the vniuersall Emperor So did Marie of Scotlande giue long since In the booke called Expositio cansarum And she did it at her entrie into Poitiers in Fraunce and would not be reduced from the allowing of the same in all her proceedings ouer since both the title and armes of England vsurping therein the roiall state of her Maiestie and crovvne of England Licinius came not vvillinglie vnto Constantine but by force of armes vvas taken at Chrysopolis a Citie vvithin the prouince of Bithinia and brought to Constantine Marie of Scotland came not vvillinglie into the lande and dominion of our Soueraigne Queen Elizabeth Hollingsheds Chronicle fol. 392. but being encountred vvith her nobilitie enforced to leaue the field came by boate into Werkington Hauen in the vvest marches of England Licinius had his life once pardoned for open hostilitie against the Emperor Constantine Mexia in vita Cōstantini ca. 1. Eusebius Socrates Sozomenus Marie of Scotlande hath had her life spared for murdring her husbād also for hostilitie and treason practised against Elizabeth Queene of England 13. regni Reginae Elizabethae published in Parliament Licinius although pardoned Mexia cap. 10. Socrates lib. 1. cap. 2. Sozomenus lib. 1 cap. 2. yet vvas not too far trusted by Constantine but first cōfined to Nicomedia aftervvards to Thessalonica and there had a noble gard about his palace and person Marie of Scotland Iustlie mistrusted for giuing the armes and title of England and refusing to ratifie the treatie of Edingburg and afterward for procuring the rebellion in the North and manie other treasons since she had for her abode Carlile castle Bolton Castle Sheffeld castle all at the Queene of Englands great charges and expenses and great fauours vvas vpon most iust cause mistrusted and therefore confined to certaine statelie houses in England there had princely maintenance and an honourable gard attending her person Licinius did seeke to flee avvay from the place vvhereunto he vvas enioyned Marie of Scotlande did manie times practise the like in England Confessed by her before the Lords at Fodringa castle Licinius did treat vvith diuers princes and captaines to make nevv vvarres against Constantine Marie of Scotland did not onlie practise vvith diuers princes The practise of bringing in of forces cōfessed by her before the Lords Noblemen and others to bring in forreine forces into the Realme of Englande The rest confessed by Babington Ballard and other of that conspiracie and most horrible treason but also did conspire and contriue vvith euil disposed subiectes to England the chaunge of the state the ouerthrovve of religion the death of her Maiesties sacred person the massacre of the nobilitie and an vniuersal desolation of the vvhole Realme To conclude Mexia in vita Constantini ca. 1 Socrates Sozomenus in the foresaid places Licinius for endangering againe Constantines person and seeking by nevv troubles to aspire to the Empire like as Maximinianus before had done vvas by the appointment of Constantine adiudged to die Marie of Scotland hath giuen far greater cause to our Constantine Elizabeth Queen of England to fear nevv conspiracies both against her Maiestie the state of the vvhole realme like as the said