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A05310 The abbreuyacyon of all generall councellys holden in Grecia, Germania, Italia, and Gallia, compyled by Joh[a]n le maire de belges, most excellent hystoryograffer to kynge Lowys the. xii. of late french kynge dedycated to the sayd kyng Lowys. Ann d[omi]ni. 1519. Translated by Joh[an] gowgh the prynter herof, by the kynges gracyous priuilege, for. vii. yeres ensewynge, dwellynge in Lumbarstrete agaynst the stockys market.; Traicté intitulé de la difference des schismes et des concilles de l'eglise. English Lemaire de Belges, Jean, b. 1473.; Gough, John, fl. 1528-1556. 1539 (1539) STC 15453; ESTC S104745 44,904 146

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insomoch that after hym folowed his wyffe with gret nōbre of people And w t them conradus kynge of romaynes Alfonce kyng of Spayne Rycharde the fyrste of England with great nombre of knyghtes and barons whiche was the seconde passage vnyuersall y ● crystendome made to the holy Lande of Ierusalem ¶ And as Platyne sayth this Eugenius and saynt Bernarde was the cheyf setters forth in this counceyl for this armye And so returned to rome quyetly ¶ Of the thyrd councell holdē in Ouernya of two other councelles one at Towers another at Dygyon THus the .xx. sysme of y ● churche was agaynst bisshop Alysaunder the thyrde of that name borne at Senys the yere of our Lorde M.lxxx and this sysme dyuysion endured in the churche .xvii. yeres agaynst .iiii. Antypapes that then rayned were suffered by y ● emperoure frederyke called Barbarouse and so this Alyxsaūder fled out of Rome for socoure vnto kynge Phillype augustus who then assembled a coūceyll in Cleremonde in Ouernya agaynst the forsayd Frederyke for mayntenynge of victor Antypape by the which varyaunce and dyuysyon in crystendome in this meane season Ierusalem was wonne by y e soul dan Saladyne which was neuer yet recouered to this day this was the yere of Chryste .1184 and so this emperour Frederyk wolde fayne a brought to passe a vnyte concorde wold haue had this co●●ceyl at Dygyon ī Burgony where they shulde amet with kynge Phyllype and the kynge of Boheme and kynge of Scottes and shuld haue had the said antypape Uictor whiche he brought all to passe byforce of armes or els not ¶ But yet this Alexsaunder bysshup of Rome wolde not consent to come there for he had that place in susspecke and so gadered a nother counceyll at Towers and thus y ● emperour Frederyk in spyte and displeasur returned in to Almayne and sent Uictor his antypape in to ●talye thus was al thyngꝭ in more pertur bacyon vnquyetnesse thē it was afore thus al cristen people may se what myschefe vengeaunce hath ben through y ● obstynacy of wycked bisshops of Rome ouer all crystendome euer wyll be vntyll the hande of God put remedy ¶ Of two coūceylles in fraunce holden in Parys in Phyllyps tyme and of the disi●e of Salandyne IN the tyme of this phyllip august came Enbassatoures quene Isabel from the kynge of Ierusalem which came for socour for the cristen prysoners y ● Saladyne soldā had in captyuite wherupon was gadered a coūseyll at Parys to no purpose but for the socour of crysten mē for the kyng Phillyp had as then great warre agaynst Hew duke of Burgone and other ¶ And thus this sayd Phillyp sent enbassatours to kynge Rycharde curedelyon desyring hym of ayed in this cause to the whiche he graunted w t good wyll so shortly after he assembled a great armye on both partys of Fraunce and England and went on a croose agaynst the ennemys of cristendome but the forsayd kīg Richard could not obtayne his purpose for he was slaine afore a Castel or he came to Ierusalem and notwithstandynge his sone toke that Iourney on hym for the mayntenaunce of this was payed al the hole rentes of the churches and monestaryes in Fraunce whiche was called y ● subsedy of Salandyne and after this forsayd company folowed Frederyke emperour w t a great puyssaūce which was called y ● thyrde generall viage in to the holy lande ¶ Of another coūceyl holden in Fraūce by a Legat of the bysshop of Rome agaynst kyng phillype augustus THus another coūceyll was holden agaynste Pyyllype after his retorne by y ● legat of Innocēt y ● thyrde of that name there was y ● kynge Pyllype enterdyted and all the Realme for forsakyng of the Quene which was the bysshops kynswoman and herupon the Kynge armyd hym raysed a great armye he exyled all the bysshops that consented to the curse and put them in Pryson and frome theyr benefyces c. ¶ Of the counceyll holden at Parys agaynst the albygens IN y ● tyme of Lowys father to saynt Lowys then Gregory the .ix. rayned Anno. Dn̄i .1226 then came in to Fraūce a legat from the Bysshop whiche legat was named Romanus there was gadred a coūceyll they concluded to warre vpon the herytykes Albygoys whiche was in y ● coū●re of Auynion in Prouaūce Languedock whiche were repleat with great vyllany and herysyes and so the Kynge went vpon these countryes subdued them and in retournyng home he dyed ¶ Of the fyrst coūceyl holden at Lyons in the tyme of saynt Lowys kynge and of Innocent bysshop of Rome the .4 of y t name borne in Genys THe which bisshop came into Fraūce for soco●r for case that the Emperour Frederyk persecuted hym Anno Dn̄i .1246 and y ● Emperour was syted to appere at this counceyll and came w t a great company and at turayne he retourned home agayne for his ennemies were entred into his countrye ¶ This debat contynued long tyme the space and tyme of thre bysshops of Rome successyuely y ● was Honorius the .3 the other Gregorye Innocent afore wryten and thus thorow y ● cruell obstynacy of these bysshops there arose great mischeffe dissencion through al cristendome so therby was engendred great war in al crystendom in the which tyme of warres was lost Constantinople so at this coūceyl was nothyng concluded through the great ruyne that fell in crystendome by these forsayd bysshops of Rome one after a nother ¶ Of the seconde counceyl of Lions in the tyme of Gregory the tenth and in y ● tyme of kynge Phyllyp sone to saynt Lowys THe yere of grace .1232 rained kyng Phillip sone to saint Lowys who assembled a nother counceyll at Lyons wherunto came Gregorye bysshop the tenth borne in Plesaunce this Kynge Phyllyp was the fyrst y ● gaue y ● bisshop a garde of men of armys also he gaue hym .3 stronge Places for his sauegard about Lyon and to this counceyll came themperour Michel paleolog of Constantinople for the Reformacion of the greke church which had fallen the .xiii. tyme in to Ruyne and yet wolde not be reformed ¶ Of another coūcell holden at Parys in the tyme of kyng Phillyp the fayre agaynst y ● bysshop bonyface the eyght whiche vsed great tyranny agaynst y ● Clerge PHyllyp the fayre a prudent vertuous kyng began to raygne .1286 in his tyme possessed the see of Rome Boniface the .viii. successoure of Celestyne the .v. which was a wyse and a vertuous man the which Bonyface craftely deceyued this bonyface was of the nature facyon of the Italyans as arrogaunte and fyerse which nothynge considering the beneficial giftes y t his predecessours had receyued in Fraūce as ye shall here more at large ¶ This sayd Bonyface the .8 sent as strayte a cōmaundement vnto the kyng of Fraūce by an enbassade a fyerse bysshop howe that
was a venecyan borne as Platina historial wryteth of his lyfe which propryete is very straūge among meke good bisshops for in his warres he syted the Dolphyne of Fraunce whiche afterwarde was lowys the eleuenth kynge of Fraunce of that name that he shulde come w t a great company of men of armys to rayse and trouble the counceyl of Basyle agaynst Felix his aduersary y ● was chosen by the sayd counceyll whose name was Ame duke of Sauoy somtyme an holye heremyte and thus shortly to conclude this .xxiii. sysme that which was bytwene Felix eugenie whiche contynued .xvi. yeres tyll the deth of of eugenius whome succeded N●colas the .v. borne in the towne of sarasanne in y ● lordshyp of luke sone to a physytien who was chosē Anno .1447 and at this tyme the church was in diuysion in thre partyes for the one alowed Eugenius and the other Felix and some neyther of both and were not content with the one nor with the other and inconclusyon it was determyned by themperour Fredericus the .iii. that felix of sauoy shulde be constrayned to gyue his dignyte profyte to the sayd Nicolas and this felyx was content to be come Cardynall and Lega● appostolyke ouer al countryes to se peace and vnyte vnyuersall and thus endeth the .xxiii. sysme and yet notwithstandynge al decrees and actes whiche the sayd Felix dyd in his papalyte was confyrmed to be good so dyed in good estymacyon and holynesse c. ¶ Of the .xxiiii. sysme which contyneweth to this day as we haue had and haue experyence of ANd so brefly to procede and conclude the .xxiiii. sysme began in calixtus dayes wherof I make no mencyon bycause myne auctoure leueth there at the xxiii ●●sme as he then hauynge no delyte nor pleasure to wryte therof bycause the abuses and abhomynable vyces enormytes be to tedius to wryt specyally of the arrogaūt abhomynacyons sysm●s bataylles blode sheddes luxury symony buggerys treasons poysons with in numerable vyces to moch abhorryng all Cyuyll lyuynge and vrbanyte what shal I say there is so many now lyu●ng that which haue experyence of the ly●e actes of some of these antecristyans bisshops of Rome folowynge specyal●y Iulius the seconde that I can wryt no more of pope holy lyuynge ypocrytall deceyt and dissymylacyon and extorsi●n and so to procede ¶ After Nycolas rayned Calixtus the thyrde who rayned .iii. yeres Anno dn̄i .1455 then rayned in england Henry the syxth crowned in Fraunce ¶ After hym rayned Pius the seconde Anno dn̄i .1458 in Henry the .vi. tyme. ¶ After Pius rayned Paulus the seconde who rayned .vii. yeres Anno dn̄i .1464 in whose tyme rained in Fraunce Lowys the eleuenth afore wrytten and kyng Edward the fourth in Englande ¶ After Pius rayned sixtus the fourth thurtyne yeres then rayned Edward y ● fourth in Englande Anno dn̄i .1471 ¶ After Pius rayned Innocentius the eyght who rayned .viii. yeres Anno dn̄i 1435. then rayned Rychard the thyrde in Englande ī whose tyme was great waters in Rome great famyne through al out eutopa great pestelēce folowed ¶ After Innocentius Alexander the .vi who rayned .xii. yeres Anno dn̄i ●492 Then rayned kynge henry the .vii. of Englande ¶ After Alexander rayned Pius the dayes and Iulius the seconde succeded hym whiche was a great warryar and ī al his tyme was no peace through all crystendome but through his malycyous mynde was all Crystendome in warre batayl and stryffe w t shedynge of Crysten mennes blode to pytefull and lyued an excecrable lyfe both afore god man he rayned .x. yeres Anno dn̄i 1543. then rayned kyng Henry y ● seuēth ¶ After this Iulius rayned Leo the .x. he rayned .ix. yeres Anno dn̄i .1513 in the v. yere of kynge henry the .viii. in his tyme began Luter to wryt Anno 1517. ¶ After leo rayned Adrianꝰ de traiecto who rayned one yere and .1522 the .xiiii. yere of kynge Henry the eyght ¶ And after hym rayned Clemēt the .7 Anno M. ccccc.xxii who rayned .xiii. yeres in the tyme of kynge Henry the .viii. ¶ And after hym Paulus y ● thyrde Anno M. ccccc.xxxv this Paulus was the .cc.xxi. bysshop of Rome in whose tyme now largly appereth the .xxiiii. sysme which longe hath endured and yet more largely shall appere to the hye honor of God and to the great tranquilite of all crysten regyons for the which let vs all gyue laudes and prayer to god that antechryst may be knowen apparently in his owne nature and kynde in the ●yes hartes of all crysten people and that he may be vtterly confounded with all his assystence and adherentes tradycyons sectes thus fynysheth this lytell abbreuyatyon foloweth the conclusyon of the auctor ¶ Here foloweth the cōclusyon of this boke IT is to be vnderstonde that thynges concernynge prophesyes and thynges to come we haue no certayne determynatyons nor yet iust iudgementes of as cōcernynge the veryte and trewth yet it is wryten y ● the world accordynge to scryptures shall fynysshe by fyre elymentall Also it is wrytten in scripture as the appocalypsis wytnesseth that afore that tyme Antechryst shall apere afore al people and shall be knowen after the antechryst openly knowen shall the great and horryble sysme appere the twenty four y t which so lōge hath ben hyddyn afore the people for the whiche crystyen kynges and prynces shal be in enforsed and constrayned to set to theyr power to resyst to s●t reformacyon in the church catholyke vnyuersall as it hath ben reuelated by inspyracyons reuelacyons dyuyne as appereth by the appostles prophetes sybylles sayntes auncyent astronomyers metamatisians whose inspyracions hath set furth a great part of the cōmynge of such lyke thynges ¶ Yet notwithstandyng al such prophesyes and pronostycations as hath ben wryten yet remayneth storyes and wrytynges of dyuerse and of many other holy persons dyuyne which had reuelacyons as these auctours folowynge boccase saynt vincent de valentia abbat Ioachym of calabre raymundus lulliꝰ reuelacyons of saynt Brigit besyde certayne pagans which I make no mention of yet notwithstandynge I wolde y e no person shulde obstynatly stande fa●te in ony lyke proph●syes and sayenges as an ar●icle of scripture nor to gyue fayth there vnto none otherwyse then the catholyke churche wyll it admit and so a● all such sentēsyes wryten and set forthe in la●yne to the intent y ● all people may perceyue of whense they be of whome and so foloweth now the hole substaūce of all thynges that is afore wryten penned and declared by the most noble oratour mayster Alayn charter whiche wrytcth this sentensyes worde ●or worde in the end of his boke called L●xil wherof I do translate but a parte which is expedyent and serueth for this tyme. ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ❧ ❧ ¶ In olde tymes past was decreed in y e latyne church now called Rome as concernyng
y ● sacreed ordinaūce of maryege with y ● dignite of preest hode which ▪ was pretended vnder y ● coloure of clennesse chastite without spot yet notwithstādīg now is alowed y ● statute of cōcubynage which is clene cō●rary against al statutꝭ decreed by goddes lawes or of clene lyuyng but rather folowynge al sensualy●e bodely lustes pleasurꝭ it is to be iudged y ● the makers of such statutes or decrees were more apt vnto au●●ice and couetousnesse through the procuracyon of symony with dyuerse other vn●efull wayes stryfull with processe corrupt as by benefyces prelacions spyrytual whiche ar defyled spotted w t wordly cures busynes temporall thus largely wryteth storyes of the greke churche and the latyne also as concernynge the ambylyon and dishordinaūces of preestes relygyous persons and men of the clargy which was onely the cause of the seperacion of the people of boheme and also of other nacions of the churches of Rome what shall I meane of Boheme none other then al crysten regyons for the prelates of the church w t theyr adherentes hath so abhominably fylthily enfected not only them selues or theyr estate but al crystendome y ● they haue gyuen occasyon to be disdayned of all crysten p●ople both great and small and to be holden as straungers dishobedyent to the holy catholyke church of christ through the baroynesse who were clene desti●ute of theyr dyewty of cle●e holy mynistracyon lyuynge haue set fur●h vsed all vnlawfull tradycyons vayne lu●uryous werkꝭ of ba●dry and for● cac●on I may not wryt so large w t my 〈◊〉 as I culde onely for to vtter to moche theyr abhomynacyon for mānes eres to here or iyes to rede ¶ And yf I shulde say al that I thynke I shulde say playnly the ex●esse and fatnesse of the goodes temporall medled w t the hote sulfure of enuy with the hete of ambycyon and lechery hath made them redy to put the fyre into the Church but this matter is of to depe inuestigacyon and y ● determinaciōs doubtfull though there be experyence and proffe therof ynowgh so w t this I holde my peace but yet I pray vnto hym which consecrated our mother the holy church w t his blode that which I do thynke folow not pyte hath caused me to wryt this wherfore pray we all to god that al chrysten prynces may perceyue theyr dyewty regall to set forth goddes worde prosperiously vnyuersall accordynge to goddes wyll and to reforme all such enormytes s●smes which antechryst hath deceyued vs by whiche we may auoyd to y ● hye honor of God and tranquyl lyte of all chrysten regyons Amen ❧ ❧ ☞ ☞ ❧ ❧ ¶ The tenour of the Kynges preuylege HEnry by the Grace of God Kynge of Englande and of Fraūce defensor of the fayth lorde of Irland supreme hede vnder crist ouer the catholyke church of Englande To all maner of people exercysing the art of pryntyng we gyue gretynge and to vnderstande that we haue onely graunted and lycencyd vnto Iohn̄ gowgh cytesyn● and stacyoner of London that he onely to prynte vnder our pryuelege all maner of bokes new begon translated or compyled by the sayd Iohn̄ gowgh ▪ all suche as he doth cause to be translated and prynted by his procurement cost or charge we graunt lycence auctoryse to the sayd Iohn̄ gowgh his assigne●s factors to prynte all such storyes newe begonne lawful and not prohybyted so that all such storyes or bokes be perused ouersene by our coūceyl or by such as we shal admyt we graunt to the sayd Iohn̄ gowgh the makyng pryntyng and vtteraunce of al such bokes newe set forth to his owne aduantage for y ● space of .vii. yeres Imedyatly ensewynge the pryntynge and settynge forth of all such bokes or processe new begonne and not afore prynted and thus duryng the tyme afore lymyted that in onywyse no person vsyng the scyence of printing or not vsyng do by any maner of crafte or delay prynte with in this ont Realme or cause to be prynted elswhere no such bokes but that the forfayd Iohn̄ gowgh haue the onely auantage accordynge to 〈◊〉 of this our forsayd lycense and pleas●t to hym onely graunted vpon payne of forf●●●ture of all such bokes contrary imprynted to the effect of this our lycense cōmaundyng therfore all subiectes ▪ offycers and mynysters to ayde and fauourably assyst the sayd Iohn̄ gowgh in the executyng of this our lycense and auctorite yf nede requyre ¶ God saue the kynge ¶ Cum priuilegio regali ad solū imprimendum ꝑ septiennium ¶ Inprynted by me Iohn̄ gowgh dwellynge in Lumbard strete agaynst the st●ckes market at y ● sygne of the mermayd Anno dn̄i M. ccccc.xxxix
these enormytes and Incōuenyences it was expedyent for dyuerse Kyngꝭ Pryncꝭ to assemble dyuerse councelles and congregacyons of wyse prudent persons and faythfull chrysten Rulers and gouerners the which counceles doth more playnly appere in the fyrst parte of this present boke and specyally in the .vii. fyrste sysmes ¶ Of the fyrst sysme deuysyon that began in the churche of Rome with persecucyons and deuysyons that arose through the possessyons that constantyne the emperour gaue to the Bysshop of Rome Syluester and his successours IT is a comune experience dayle sene and harde that none euyll is engendred but through some euyll and malyuolent persone as it appered playnly by one Nouatus an heritike preest cardynall of Rome which was y ● fyrst y e inuiolated y e church of Rome through his detestable abusiōs ypocrysy for he pretēded none other but to obtayne y ● dignyte of the see of rome vnder his fayned holynesse that was throughe Rygore and ambysyon Thus vnder his false subtyll pretence was reysed vp two anty papis agaynst the holy bysshop saynt Cornelis the one was y ● sayd Noua●us at rome the other nicostratus in affrica and so was expulsed the said Nouatus frome y ● knowlege of the churche of Rome named hym selfe vnmaculat clene without spot and al his diciples and thus they a bode in theyr appostasy as men that denyed the fayth catholyke not worthy to come agayne to the crystē Relygyon accordyng as Chrystes dycyples dyd preach and teache the Gospell For the whiche errour it was thought expedyent to assemble a counsell in Rome of .40 Bysshoppes In the whiche coūceyl the sayd Nouatus was cōdempned which was the fyrst counceyll that was assembled in the church of Rome except in the prymatyue churche by the Appostles and Discyples of Chryste Thus abode Cornelis a Romayn in y ● see bysshop suffryng great tribulacions and persecucyons through the sysmes of the two forsayd antypapes n●uatus and Nycostratus cardynalles and perforse put Cornelius to exyle so afterwarde he was put to y ● Crowne of marterdome vnder the tyraunt Decyus emperour he rayned bysshop of Rome .ii. yeres and .iii. dayes and so he gaue his power and auctoryte to steuen and thus the see of Rome lyued many yeres after Chrystes passyon in great perfeccyon symplyci●e holynesse replet with grace and vertue vntyll the tyme that Cōstātyne poysoned holy perfeccion w t temporall possessyons whiche he gaue then to the church of Rome and so rayned after Cornelius Fabyan the fyrst the .xxi. bisshop of Rome whiche cristened Phillip the fyrst Emperour of y ● name of y e naciō of Arabye who began to raygne Anno dn̄i .cc.xlvi. which when he dyed gaue al his treasours possessyons vnto y e sayd Fabyan bysshop of Rome the whiche Emperour dyed vnder Decius the Tyraunt and so bycause that Decius the tyraunt coude not obtayne Kyng Phyllyppes treasours whiche was gyuen to Fabyan bysshop of Rome Then Decyus caused great persecucyon through all the worlde amonge crysten people whiche was y e .vii. persecucion after Nero the great tiraunt so in this persecucyon Fabyan was put to deth by cruell martyrdome with the fyrst and the .xxi. martyre bysshop of Rome folowynge Saynt Peter and vnder y ● sayd decyus dyed martyrs Sebastian saynt Agatha Appolonia with many other y e were innocent of the treasours that fabyane had whiche was y ● specyall cause of this cruell persecucyon of chrystes flocke ¶ And so this cruell tyranny contynewed many yeres by detyns and his successours and so after Detyns successid Ualeryan gallus which began the .viii. persecucion vnder whom dyed Sextus bishop of rome the fyrst of that name also Laurens his deacon which distrybuted the goodes of the church to the pore accordyng to y ● law of God also saynt Ypolyt with dyuers other martyrs dyed vnder hym And after hym Aurclianus emperour borne ī Dalmace the .xxxii. emperour founder of Orleaunce in Fraunce And y ● cytie of Geneue vpon the lake in sauoy he persecuted the .ix. persecucion on Christes flocke or region through cristendom to pytefull to suffer THe .x. persecucion was most cruely vsed through Dioclesian Maximyan Emperours borne in Dalmatiq̄ whiche persecucyon endured .x. yeres whiche Dioclesyan caused hym selfe to be honoured lyke a God in kyssyng his fete as popis of late daies hath vse princes and crysten rulers to do which was abhomynable afore God man and this sayd Dioclesian persecuted ouer al the Orientall partes of y e world Maximian in lykewyse in y ● occident partes and tyranny vpon chrystes chosen chyldren was so horryble vnmerciful lyke bochers of bestes that it was to exec●eble in the syght of all people impossyble for pen to wryt for in the space of a moneth in y ● pa●tꝭ of Englād Fraūce was put to deth .xvii. thousād christē people in so moch that y ● fayth of chryst was almost in Englande and fraūce extynckit that no man durst shew hym felfe a crysten man for fere of deth and tyranny all bokes of Chrystes fayth brent that myght be goten so after this cruell persecucyons the deuyll ennemye to al mākynd engendred many heresyes as Sabellyans that denyed y t Ihesus Chryste was not the sone of God and also y e herytykes called Manekis put forth two questyons one good y ● other euyl whervpon was gadred a great counceyll in Antioch agaynst Paule the samosethā bysshop which denyed the virginite of the virgyne Mary mother of chryste In the whiche counceyll and busynesse was assembled .xviii. bysshoppes in the cyte of senesse in the countrey of naples ¶ All this persecucyon endured vnto y ● tyme of Constantyne y ● great emperour in which tyme was martyred and put to deth for Christes fayth all these sayntes Marcellyn Marcell Melchiades bysshops of Rome Also Agnes Anastase Barbara Crispyn and Crispian Crystofer Cosme and Damyan Kateryne Luce marget George maximiliā quintyn Blase Mauryce Uincent many without nombre whose names are wryten in the boke of lyfe ¶ Here foloweth the occasyon of the sismes and enormytyes that came of the donacyon and gyftes of Constantyne to the churche of Rome THus haue you harde howe the fylthy treasours y ● Fabyan helde Chrystes churche was infected fyrste with by the couetous mynde of Fabyan bysshop of Rome whiche held the treasours of Phyllyp kynge whiche dyed vnder Decyus the tyraunt whiche Decyus cruelly persecuted all crystendome for with holdynge the sayd tresory of kyng Phyllyp and so afterward the forsayd No●atus Nycostratus was proued false prophetes antipapes openly to theyr great rebukes and shame by a generall counceyll and yet after this there ●ose agayne throughe all Chrystes churche great dyscordes trybulatyōs persecucyōs through the infexions pryd of arrogansy y e arose in the church of Rome through the treasours and gyftes of cōstantyne and of his successours where
assēbled aboue .300 prelates of dyuerse coūtres through all crystendom this coūceyl was partly gadered at kyng Phillips req̄st to reproue y e forsayd boniface an herytyke a sismatyke whiche was his cruell ennemy to disanul his actes and decrees howbeit it came not to pas though clement bysshop promysed hym the coūceyll wold not consent therunto yet notwithstādyng it was iudged sayd and declared that his actes and decrees against y ● Kynge were nowght vniust and of no valoure ¶ Also at this coūceyll was vtterly destroyed all the rules wrytynges of the Templers and brent them and all theyr possessyons gyuen vnto y ● order of saynt Iohn̄s in Ierusalem the which we call the knyghtes of the Rodes ¶ Also at this coūceyll the gray Fryers were at great dyuysyon within them selues for y ● which was decred many actes and decrees in y ● canon boke called Clementynys compyled by this sayd Clement bysshop of Rome also at this coūceyll was great counceyll for to recouer the holy Lande but it nothyng auayled also some hystoryans holde opynyon y t this bysshop Clement kepte two other coūceyls in Fraunce to destroye the herysyes that were in valdoyes and pyemont and sauoye this fynyshed y ● great counseyll of Uyenne ¶ Of a counceyll holden at Auynyon AT the tyme of the .xxi. sysme ye shal here more largly of in y ● later end of this boke and so this coūceyll of Auynyon began by Iohan bisshop of Rome the .xxii. of y ● name a graye Fryer in whose tyme arose an Antypape by y ● mayntenaunce of themperour Lowys of Bauaria the whiche antypape helde a counceyll in Italye where as he declared y ● sayd Iohn̄ .xxii. of that name to be an herityke and this sayd Antypape and his company helde opynyon y ● Chryst his discyples were pore and y t they had nothyng pryue nor comon the which was proued the countrary in this counceyll of Auynyon ¶ Of two coūceyllys holden in Fraūce at Parys in y ● tyme of kynge Charles the syxth forcause of a great dyssencyon that was in the church in the two and twenty sysme SOme men wyll thynke that kynge Phyllyp la bell dyd for a polecy cause Clement to moue the see appostolyke from Rome so to be kept at Auynyo● but al thynges pondered it tourned his country to moche trouble ruyne and grefe as longe as it was there-holden the space of .lxxiiii. yeres for as sone as the see appostolike was moued to Auynyo● by Clement then succedyd Iohn̄ the .22 of that name Anno .1327 of our Lorde in his tyme rayned Lowys de Bauaria Frederyk duke of oystryche which had great warre together by this meane also kynge Phyllyp de valoys father of kyng Iohn̄ y ● was prysoner in Englād through y ● cause y ● .xxi. sisme of y ● which ye shal here more of in y ● last part of this boke thrugh this forsaid cause arose also an Antipape ī Italye named Nycolas y ● thyrd which was supported by the emperoure Lowys de Bauarya ¶ Also yet further incōuenyenses arose by this meane y t this sayd Bisshop preached and supported dyuerse visions fātasyes and dremyes of contemplacyon whiche was of lytle fayth y e whiche dyuerse doctoures in dyuyne withstode proued the contrarye yet furthermore this sayd bysshop oppressyd y ● realme of Fraunce w t imposycyons donacyons and decimis subsides expectatyues with other inuencyons such as y ● court of Rome could well cōtryue in so moch that no learned man of Parys could obtayne any benefice but they were polled and pylled by cardynalles curtysians vnder thē of auynyō through y ● whiche pyllage abhomynable liuynge it was generally called the whore of babylon for theyr great pyllage ryches pomp pryde in somoch they had the halfe of al the benefyces in Fraūce and this abhomynacyon was sore resysted by the vnyuersyte of Parys ¶ After this shamful ruyngne y ● sete appostolyke was remoued to rome agayn Anno Dn̄i .1376 in y ● tyme of Gregorye the eleuenth borne in Lymogys and he was not longe without great preiudyce and flaunder by the .xx. sisme moued by Urbane the .vi. Neopolitane borne whiche Urbane caused .v. Cardynallys of Fraunce to be drowned and in this season was two bysshops in crystendome the one in Rome and y ● other in Auynyon in somoch that people were so a mased troubled that they colde not iudge nor knowe which of them was in y ● iust and in ryght auctoryte and this sysme endured .40 yeres which was more troblous and daungerous then any y ● euer befel afortyme thus befel euyll vpon eyull so the Bohemis became as y ● tyme requyred farre from the faythe vtterly denyed and disspysed the Romayns ¶ Thus was all crystendome vexed troubled with these two bysshops whiche contynued many yeres successyuely from bysshop to bysshop after the dethe of Urban y ● which held his see at Rome after whome succeded Innocent the .7 and after hym succedyd Augelus a Uenecyan whom was named Bonefacius the .ix. and thus after Clement .vi. y ● dyed in Auygnyon succedyd Benedictus .xiii. whose errours were worse thē were afore for this Benedictus was very obstynat ¶ By this occasyon was Charles sore moued and vnquyeted through these sysmes sent noble enbassatours vnto Auynyon to y ● bysshop which was onely for the concorde vnyte of cristes Church but it lytel auayled for they retourned without aunswer ¶ That seynge the kynge assembled at Parys a great counceyll of all his prynces and barons w t the prelates the best learned mē of his realme where as they cōsulted togyder y t both bisshops shulde be deposed wherupon the duke of bauarye and y ● duke of Burgone went to the by●shop at Auynyon to discus this message with a noble power and when the bysshop vnderstode what was theyr comynge and wherfore for feare to consēt fled away secreatly out of Auynyon left them alone without farewel or leue taken retourned in to his natyue coūtrye wherof these dukes were abasshed and so retourned to Parys agayne pensiue where y ● Kyng lay after this they helde another coūceyl in the same Cytie in the tyme of charles y ● .vi. for this vnyon of the church to y ● which this bisshop y ● fled wold not cōsēt nor be cōfyrmable ¶ Of other two coūcellys in Fraūce the one at lyons y ● other at burges by the cōmaūdement of charles y ● .vii. al to abolyshe this sayd sysme AFter the great coūceyl of cōstaunce whiche was assembled in Almayne by the aduyse of sygisemundus with the assystaunce of .v. pryncypall crysten nacyons that is to wet germany Fraunce Englande Spayne Italye for to extyrpe these sismes in the church and to depose thre bysshops sysmatykes y t was Gregorye the .xii. Alexaūder the fyfth Iohn̄
stode vacant the space of two yeres thre monethes .xvii. dayes For bycause y ● cardynalles coulde not agree at that elexcion and counceyl of carpentras in so moche that they fell togyther and fought in the whiche arroure was slayne two of the chefyste Cardynalles and this hurle burley in shorte tyme after they gathered a coūceyll at lyon and they held theyr cōclaue within the black freres called our lady of conforte where as they cōcluded to haue Iohn̄ the .xxii. of y ● name borne in Cauors Anno dn̄i 131● and some wryters say that he was chosen by kynge Lowys and Phyllyp his brother kynges of Fraunce and his brother countye of poyeters ¶ After the coronacyon of y ● sayd Iohn̄ the .xxii. of y ● name he kept his resydence in Auynyon and for his fyrst acte he exercysed a marueylous iustyce agaynst Hewe bysshop of caours the which bisshop was taken w t a cōspyrasy agaynst the bysshop of Rome Iohn̄ .xxii. for the which he was degraded and delyuered to the hangman and cruelly put to deth so in this meane season Lowys de bauaria kynge of romayns ouer came in batayl duke Frederyke of Ostrich whiche toke vpon hym bycause he had y ● corone of myllan he wolde vsurpe thempyre of Rome without auctoryte agaynst the whiche Iohn̄ bysshop aforesayd withstode with great indignation with dyuerse censurys curses agaynst y ● sayd kynge of bauaria which was called nycolas the .v. which caused the .xxi. sysme which seassed not vnto y ● boniface counte de Pisa toke prysoner this sayde antipape the which raysed a great decyme thorowe al the church of Fraunce vnder colour to goo agaynst the sarasyns w t a hole crosse for the which was money gathered he dyd pretend nothyng lesse in this .xxi. sysme amonge the valdays and y ● comons of Lyon arose and engendred many great heresyes ¶ Of the two and twenty sisme longest incontynuaunce and most sclaunderous amonge all other for throughe it the lande of Boheme became full of heresyes ❧ ❧ ☞ ☞ ❧ ❧ THis .xxii. sisme contynued forty yeres in the which season was many bisshops of rome one agaynst another whiche was so obscure and crafty that al y ● clargy in crystendome were troubled therwith to iudge to whome partayned the ryght and iust tytle who shuld possesse the iust patrimony of saynt peter called these appostolyke some sayd the one some opynyon of the other by the which dyuysion the bohemes fel in great decay and heresyes as then it was taken and called bicause partly it pretēdid agaynst y ● vsurped maiesti of y ● bisshops of rome and agaynst theyr fylthy deceytfull c●uy●ousnesse inuented for theyr owne lucre for money and pylled and robbed al the worlde many yeres clene agaynst all goddes lawe and holy scrypture as nowe it is euydently perceyued that the lyght is at his lybertye and not darkened as it was then and these be the here syes y ● the Bohemes helde as then was that y ● bysshop of Rome was a bisshope of no hyer preeminence then other bysshops be eche for his perticuler dyoses also they held that there was no purgatory to be remitted by theyr power also that it was vayne and vnprofytable to pray for soules ons passed this lyfe but helde opynyon that it was a profyte inuented by the couetousnesse of Preestes onely for lucre also y ● ymages of Chryst and of sayntes were not to be worshypped nor to stande in syght for it was Ydolatry and also that all the orders of F●eres beggers was not of God but inuented by the deuyllys crafte also that no preest nor bysshop shulde possesse no temporalytes nother in auctoryte nor in iurisdiccion these were great heresyes as y ● tyme required as nowe many may haue experyence ¶ And so to procede come to our purpose of the .xxii. sysme it began the yere of our Lorde a .1378 y ● was anone after the court of Rome was remoued from auynion to Rome agayne by the meane of bysshop Gregorye y ● eleuenth of that name borne in Limogis as I haue wryten more playnly in the seconde parte of this boke where as I wrote of two coūcellys holden at Parys in the tyme of kynge Charles the syxt ¶ Thus that I may come directly and folowe the courses of these sysmes Ye shall vnderstand that in the yere aboue wryten the .xxii. sisme began in the tyme of Gregorie the .xi. the which remoued y ● ●ee appostolyke from Auynion vnto rome then at y ● tyme the cardynallys were deuyded in two bandys or partys so the cardynallys of Italy set vp Urban the .vi. borne in naples and the French cardynalles set vp Robert of Geneua who was called Clement the .vii. and he kept his see in auignion bycause of this sysme thus al cristendome was deuided in two partys by the wilfulnesse of these two monstruous Antypapes beynge a straūg syght as it were a man to haue two heddes and so this sysme infected the oryent partes of Italy Almayne Hungory which gaue obedyēce to Urbā the .vi. on the other part Fraūce spayne Englande helde with Clement the .vii. whiche was the occydent parte ¶ In the tyme of this great dyuysyon Lowys duke de aungeoy which fauoured bisshop Clement the .vii. which held his auc●orite in auynyon and so entred into Italy w t .xxxi. thousande horse men of armys party for the Realme of Naples and also to socoure quene Ione agaynst kynge Charles of Hungry as well as for the dyfference that was bytwene the two bysshops aforesayd antypapes to thend to gyue clemēt the hole auctoryte but in conclusyon this sayd duke of aungeoy sōne of kynge Iohn̄ y ● was prysoner in England fel sycke and died within the space of two yeres in the land of polonya afore he had fynysshed his sayd warres for the which this sayd french men departed thense into fraūce agayne this forsayd bysshop Urban yet coulde not lyue in peace with Charles kyng of Hungry and of naples but was constraynt to flee out of Rome to Gennes by see where as in y ● passage he caused to be drowned .v. Cardynallys whiche were great frendes of this sayd clement in auynyon dyd fauoure hym greatly thus this forsayd quene Ione sold auinion the coūty of venyse vnto Clement the .vii. but some stories wryt y ● they chaūged for y ● tribuit which y ● realme of naples ought to y ● church of rome ¶ For to retorne wryte yet further of bysshop Urban the .vi. of the .xxii. sysme ye shall vnderstande that this sayde bysshop as storyes do wryt was a very peruerse man the which toke great pleasure to sowe disce●tions and debatys amonge crysten prynces soner raither then to set peace vnite and concorde the which dyscordys and debaytes were not apeased longe after his death and thus longe endured this sysme and so in his place was