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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A81935 An exact history of the several changes of government in England, from the horrid murther of King Charles I. to the happy restauration of King Charles II. With the renowned actions of General Monck. Being the second part of Florus anglicus, by J.D. Gent. Dauncey, John, fl. 1633.; Bos, Lambert van den, 1640-1698. Florus Anglicanus. 1600 (1600) Wing D290; Thomason E1917_3 128,942 323

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where in the presence of God he promised upon Oath not to violate or infringe the matters and things contained in the aforementioned Instrument but to observe and cause the same to be observed and in all things to the best of his understanding govern the Nations according to the Laws Statutes and Customes seeking peace causing justice and Law to be equally administred Presently after the Administration of this Oath the following Proclamation was by Order of the Counsell published throughout all the Territories and Dominions of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland viz. Whereas the late Parliament dissolved themselves and resigning their whole powers and Authorities the Government of the Common-wealth of England Scotland and Ireland by a Lord Protector and successive trienniall Parliaments is now established And whereas Oliver Cromwell Captain Generall of all the Forces of this Commonwealth is declared Lord Protector of the said Nations and hath accepted thereof We have therefore thought it necessary as we do hereby to make publication of the premisses and strictly to charge and command all and every person and persons of what quality and condition soever in any of the said three Nations to take notice hereof and to conforme and submit themselves to the Government so established And all Sheriffs Mayors Bayliffs c. are required to publish this Proclamation to the end none may have cause to pretend ignorance in this behalf This Proclamation was first of all proclaimed by a Serjeant at Arms in the Pallaceyard Westminster and by the Lord Major Sheriffs and Aldermen of London at the Royall Exchange and afterwards throughout all England Scotland and Ireland The City of London to shew their willing concurrence to this great Change invite the Protector to a Dinner at Grocers-Hall whither he is attended with a great deal of magnificence and received with as much pomp and splendor as possibly could be There he first first makes use of the Power given him in giving Titles of Honour by dubbing of Sr Thomas Viner then Lord Major of London Knight And now out of imaginary fears of danger the better to secure his state a seeming Plot is found out some Cavaliers are sent to the Tower and the others warned from London upon it but the Protector to shew his clemency at his first entrance into the Government after some small time of durance releases again those who were imprisoned in the Tower The King of Scots being now come into France was there honourably received by the Court where he took up his residence at which time there were many discontents of the Princes of the blood against the aspiring ambition of Cardinall Mazarine in so much that it had like to have come to a civill warre To compose which difference the King of Scots offered to mediate in order to a reconciliation wherein he so farre prevailed that he procured a Conference between Deputies on both sides to whom although he urged his own condition as an argument for the French King to compose the difference in love rather then to to stand it out all which proving ineffectuall both sides betake themselves to armes the Treaty not succeeding caused him to lie under the displeasure of the Cardinall The Scots in the Highlands under the command of Glencarne and Kenmore by Commission from the King rally and rise to a considerable body of neer 4000 Horse and Foot hoping they might once more fairly dispute their quarcell in field but Major Generall Morgan with 1500 Horse and Foot coming upon them at their Rendesvouz before they could get into any good order killed neer 200 on the place took most of the rest Prisoners Glencarne himself hardly escaping with about 40 Horse The three Agents from Holland having been here all this while and little or nothing agre on for the ratification of a Peace between the two States two of them went over to receive fuller power from the Lords States as was pretended but it was rather suspected that it was to fetch Money which was the only bait by which the Protector could be won to an accord for at their return the Peace was suddenly clapt up and by a large Proclamation annexed to the Articles shewing the reason 's of the Peace which would so much as was pretended redound to the good of the Nation though no understanding Englishman but might guesse at the inconveniencies of it proclaimed on the 5th of Aprill at London and after in other parts of England And now another Plot succeeds the last the chief designers are pretended to be Gilbert and John Gerrard Esquires brothers one Jones an Apotheeary Tewdor Fox and Vowell the design was to have slain the Protector raised an Army and brought in the King but how no man ever knew however these feigned Plots or at least Plots first contrived by themselves are good seturers of Tyrants and usurpers for hereby they fright men from reall designments the plotters are sent to the Tower and a High Court of Justice is erected for their triall Gerrard and Vowell are condemned to be hanged the rest are saved Vowell according to sentence was hanged at Charingcross but Coll. Gerrard upon Petition had the favour to be beheaded at Towerhill where he behaved himself so gallantly and looked death so unappalledly in the face that his very enemies were forced to admire his courage and constancy At the very same time Don Pantaleon Sa Brother to the Lord Ambassador of Portugall was beheaded on the same scaffold for having committed a ridiculous Riot on the New Exchange where followed by a crew of mad fellowes Servants and Lacquies to his Brother or himself he shot a Gentleman that was there walking in the head and had done further mischief had not the noble Coll. Gerrard who was for an other cause beheaded before him stopt their fury and with his Rapier drove them before him down stairs This Portugall came with so great fear to the block that many deemed his life was gone before the blow with the Axe was given The King of Scots being still in France and finding notwithstanding his own and his Mothers endeavours that the Treaty with France and England was vigorously solicited by Monsieur Newfvill Seeing that by necessary consequence the Peace being concluded he and his party must be enforced to leave France thought it a great deal better and more honourable voluntarily to desert that Kingdom then to stay till he were forced out by complement so he with his Brother the Duke of York his Cousins Prince Rupert and Edward retired themselves to Chatillon a house of the Prince of Conde's from whence not long after the King and Prince Rupert went into Germany But now Glencarne reenforced by hopes of Middletons coming out of Holland with supplies of Money and Ammunition begins to stirre again in the Highlands exhorting his Countrymen to gain themselves immortall fame by redeeming themselves and their posterity from the slavery and bondage they now lay under filling their
Person and Authority and to proceed against all such Offenders according to Law and Justice which Declaration was published Munday May 7th From Ireland arrived a Declaration of the General convention there wherein they expressed their detestation of the most execrable murder of our late most Gracious Soveraigne Charles the first and the illegall proceedings of the High Court of Justice against him The Parliament Ordered 50000lb to be sent over to his Majesty for a present as a test of their duty and loyalty and 50000lb more towards the payment of the Arrears of the Army and sent a Committee to the City to desire them to raise the money immediately for which they should receive satisfaction by the next assessement and receive in the mean the interest at 6. per cent which was presently granted by the City and care taking for its spedy provision The Commoncounsell of the City of London to testifie their loyall gratitude to his Majesty Ordered 10000lb to be sent for a present to his Majesty and 300lb to be given to the Lord Mordant and Sr John Greenvile who brought them his Majesties Letter to buy each of them a Ring They likewise ordered that to the most illustrious Prince James Duke of York and his Princely Brother Henry Duke of Glocester a 1000lb be presented to each of them The Parliament Order that a stop be put to the sale of the Estates of the Lord Craven Sr John Stawell and Alderman Bunce and likewise to the estate of the Duke of Buckingham and that their names be inserted into the proviso of the Bill of of Grants and Sales The Horse adjourned Easter Term to Quinque Paschae being May 28th 1660. Upon the third of May the Lord Mountague having received a Letter from his Majesty together with his Majesties gracious message to the House of Commons the Letter to his Excellency and Declaration presently called a Counsel of War to whom he communicated the said Letters which were received by them all with much hearty affections and testimonies of their exact loyalty and duty to his Majesty whereupon the General firing the first Gun himself cried God blesse King Charles the Guns from the rest of the Fleet with those from Deal and Sandwich Castles did with loud Vollies re-eccho the joy for such a happy time the shouts of the Seamen testifying their extraordinary cheerfullnesse and alacrity But now comes the day the like whereof was never enrolled in the Enguish Calender nor ever was there known a day whereon the people did with so unanimous and generall consent testifie their unexpressible content and gladness And well might they since from this time alone we can truly date the restored happinesse of the English Nation what passed before being as it were only glimmerings of this immense and radiant light The Parliament having the day before Ordered the Proclamation of his Majesty to be on the 8th day of May he was with the greatest solemnity possible all the chief Lords of the Parliament attending in their Coaches together with many eminent Members of the House of Commons the Lord General the Lord Major and Aldermen with the whole Militia of the City Proclaimed Charles by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland the most potent mighty and undoubted King Nor did they intend by this Proclamation to seem as if they thought his Reign was to be begun from that time but confessed that forthwith upon the death of his Father the Imperiall Crown of England and the Dominions thereof did as absolutely bring unto him as now after Proclamation so that this is the twelfth year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord King Charles the second whom God preserve The House of Lords the House of Commons and the City of London made choice of severall most eminent and worthy persons of their number to attend his Majesty which that they may not by posterity be forgotten I have inserted their names For the House of Lords Earl of Oxford Earl of Middlefex Lord Brooke Earl of Warwick Lord Viscount Hereford Lord Barkley For the House of Commons Lord Fairfax Lord Bruce Lord Falkland Lord Castleton Lord Herbert Lord Mandevile Sr Horatio Townsend Sr Ant. Ashey-Cooper Sr George Booth Denzill Hollis Esq Sr John Holland Sr Henry Chomely For the honourable City of London Sr James Bunce Bar. Alderman Langham Alderman Reynardson Alderman Browne Sr Nicholas Crispe Alderman Thomson Alderman Fredrick Alderman Adams Recorder Wilde Alderman Robinson Alderman Bateman Alderman Wale Theophilus Biddulph Richard Ford. Will. Vincent Thomas Bludworth Will. Bateman J. Lowes Esq Major Chamberlaine Coll. Brumfield By Order from the Parliament that all Signs of the late Arbytrary Power might be rased the States Armes were to be taken down from all Churches and publick places that in the Parliament House and in Guildhall being taken down and the Kings Armes set up in their room the Statue of his late Majesty was likewise set up again at the Chappel in Guild-hall-yard The Votes of the Parliament were also for the Fleet to go immediately to receive his Majesties Orders and be at his Devotion That the Kings Majesty be desired to return speedily to Parliament and exercise of his Kingly Office That all Ministers shall in their publick prayers pray for his Majesty under the name of Our Soveraign Lord Charles by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith c. And the most Illustrious Prince James Duke of York with the rest of the Royall Progeny Which is the hearty and fervent prayer of the Author and all good Subjects and so let the conclusion be Long live King Charles II. THere is now made publique Eighteen Books of the Secrets of Art and Nature being the sum and substance of Naturall Philosophy First designed by John Wecker and now much inlarged by Dr. R. Read Sould at the Star in St. Pauls Church-yard
thirtieth Articles concerning Church-censure and Synods They likewise constitute General Monck together with General Montague to be Generals at Sea for the next Summers expedition and accordingly command Montague to go to Sea with all possible speed And because several Members had impeachments against them and upon that score were secluded the House they disanull those impeachments and re-admit them as namely Mr Denzil Hollis and Sr Robert Pye About this time the Deanry of Christ-Church which had for a long time been in the hands of Dr Owen a man look'd upon at Oxford as a hair-brain'd schismatick was taken from him and confirmed to Dr Reynolds a man who farre better deserved it They likewise at the beginning of March released the Lord Lindsey the Lord Sinclare and Lord Lauderdale from their tedious imprisonments to which upon various pretences they had been committed Dr Walker and Dr Turner were made Judges of the Admiralty and Probate of Wils and Dr Wiseman constituted the Commonwealths Advocate And now was the Lord General invited to Dinner by the Company of Mercers and afterwards by several other of the Companies the Citizens striving mutually who should in the best manner discover and expresse the gratefulness and esteem they bore for his noble and heroick actions At this time there was an assembly of a Parliamentary Convention in Ireland summoned by Sr Charles Coote and the Lord Broghill for the better Regulating of affairs there till all things in England might be in a better posture The Parliament that they might testifie to the world that they were not so forgetfull of Oaths as their fellow-Members order the solemn League and Covenant to be set up and read in all Churches and likewise to be set up in the Parliament that they might remember they had sworn for the maintenance of the King and his posterity Collonel Lambert being found to lurk up and down about the City notwithstanding the Order of the Parliament was as a person too dangerous to be trusted to himself at such a time as this committed to the Tower Orders were sent down to Hull by Collonel Alured and Major Smith that Collonel Overton should immediately deliver up that Garrison into the hands of Collonel Fairfax and to repair immediately to London and he notwithstanding his former Declaration that he was resolved to keep it till the coming of King Jesus presently obeyed the Order and Collonel Fairfax accordingly took possession of the place Sr Arthur Haslerig and others were questioed before the Parliament and Counsell of State but nothing extraordinary being found against him as to the designs were then on Foot it was passed by The Parliament made Sr Peter Killigrew Governour of Pendennis-Castle and worthy Mr Morris Commander of Plymouth-Fort and Island There was about this time a conference between ten of the Counsell of State and ten head-Officers of the Army the Generall being present concerning the Government but the conference being only for mutuall information and satisfaction it had no result The Parliament ordered that the Examination of Sr George Booth and his Lady should be taken off the File and given to him he deserving to have his Encomium put on in the room of it And now they obliterated the Engagement which was made by the Rump in 1649 to free them from punishment for the impious murther of their Gracious Soveraign out of the Journall and voted it to be null and void And now the time of their dissolution being come they put out the Act for summoning a new Parliament in the Name of the Keepers of the Liberties of the Commonwealth of England The Qualifications which they put out being only these That all persons who have advised aided or any wayes assisted or abetted the rebellion in Ireland All those who profess the Popish Religion All that advised or voluntarily aided in the Warre against the Parliament in 1641 unless they have since given a manifestation of their good affection shall be uncapable of being elected Members for the ensuing Parliament and no person elected and thus qualified to sit in the House upon a high penalty Though these Qualifications did seem at first to exclude a great number yet divers eminent and worthy persons though they had actually been in the Kings service in the late War having been engaged in Sr George Booths quarrell for the naturall interest were elected and admitted to sit in the House The City having compleated their Militia as well Auxiliaries as trained Bands made choice of his Excellency the Lord Generall to be Major Generall of all their Forces Major Generall Brown being Collonel of the Regiment of Horse The Parliament ordered 9000lb to be given to Major Generall Brown in satisfaction for those great losses which he had received under the tyranny of the Rump for his noble and publick spirit They likewise gave 20000lb as a gift to his Excellency And before their dissolution they released Dr Wren who for about eighteen years had suffered imprisonment in the Tower of London a man who doubtless deserved better usage but that the times then did not well understand him They gave power also to the Counsel of State to release what Prisoners upon State-matters they should see good and particularly Maj. Gen. Lambert They ordered a stop should be put to the sale of the Estate of the Lord Craven and Lord St John the first of which had his Estate taken away from him by more than hellish injustice Some neglect being in the Printer concerning the Printing of the Act for the Militia and it being supposed there was a designe of some of the late Rump to make some alteration in the Act as might suit for their turn or else upon the Parliaments dissolution by violence to hinder it The Parliament ordered a Committee to take care that it should be finished with all expedition which accordingly was performed And so this part of a Parliament which was chosen in 1640. was now finally dissolved in 1660. by their own Act which was That the day for dissolution of this Parliament be from the sixteenth of March 1660. Multiplicity of business having caused them to alter the first appointed day About this time our gracious Sovereigne King Charles the second hearing of the transactions of affairs in England and seeing how the face of all things began to alter so that great probability there was of being admitted to his undoubted Right without the effusion of his Subjects blood removed his Court from Brussels to Breda in Holland a Town belonging to his Sister the Princess of Orange there expecting till England might be brought into such a posture as might fit it for his happy and wished for reception The Parliament at their dissolution had conferred on the Counsel of State all Power whatsoever in the Interval till the assembling of the Free Parliament April 25. 1660. which accordingly they executed so prudently and wisely and preserved the Nation in peace and put the affairs of the Kingdom in