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A48796 The states-men and favourites of England since the reformation their prudence and policies, successes and miscarriages, advancements and falls; during the reigns of King Henry VIII. King Edward VI. Queen Mary. Queen Elizabeth King James. King Charles I. Lloyd, David, 1635-1692. 1665 (1665) Wing L2648; ESTC R200986 432,989 840

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man a good Christian and a noble Confessour His soul was well setled his stature was mean but well proportioned his complexion phlegmatiqne his countenance amiable and cheerful his voice plain and distinct and his temper sound and healthful WHo is the honest man He that doth still and strongly good pursue To God his Neighbour and Himself most true Whom neither force nor fawning can Vnpin or wrench from giving all their due Whose honesty is not So loose and easie that a ruffling winde Can blow away or glitt'ring look it blinde Who rides his sure and even trot While the world now rides by now lags behinde Who when great trials come Nor seeks nor shuns them but doth calmly stay Till he the Thing and the Example weigh All being brought into a sum What Place or Person calls for he doth pay Whom none can work or wooe To use in any thing a trick or sleight For above all things be abhors deceit His words and works and fashion too All of a piece and all are clear and straight Who never melts or thaws At close tentations when the day is done His goodness sets not but in dark can run The Sun to others writeth Laws And is their vertue Vertue is his Sun Who when he is to treat With sick Folks Women those whom passions sway Allows for that and keeps his constant way Whom others faults do not defeat But though men fail him yet his part doth play Whom nothing can procure When the wide world runs Bias from his will To writhe his limbs and share not mend the ill This is the Mark-man safe and sure Who still is right and prays to be so still Observations on the Life of Thoma● Cromwel Earl of Essex PVtney saw his Cradle in a Cottage and England saw his Coffin in a Ditch His Original was mean his End meaner A suddai● height in an unsettled time ruined him A mode rate and leasurely Greatness is safe His Bloo● ran low but pure ennobling the veins it flowed i● with a Spirit that was to raise a Family and Deserve that Honour that others Inherit His hone 〈…〉 Parents conveyed him a strong Constitution tha● could support stronger Parts The poor man good Temper is an Inheritance and the Rich hi 〈…〉 Effeminacie his Disease A private School civilized his Parts Trave● and Employment improved them His Necessity when at home made him a Soldier abroad and hi● Observations abroad made him a Man at Home The Experience of Travel enlarged his Soul an● the Hardship of War knitted and consolidated it 〈…〉 His hard Fortune at Cambray was the occasion o 〈…〉 his good One in England and had he not been un 〈…〉 done he had been undone For his promising look 〈…〉 commended him to Frescobald the Merchant fo 〈…〉 Relief and to Cardinal Wolsey for Service in whos● private Service of Secretary for his Embassie i● France he prepared himself for that more public of Secretary of State in England Great Scholar h 〈…〉 was none the Latine Testament gotten by hea●● being his Master-piece nor studied Lawyer neve● admitted to the Innes of Court nor experienced Souldier though Necessity cast Him upon it when the Duke of Burbon befieged Rome nor Courtier till bred up in Cardinal Wolsey'● Court yet that of the Lawyer in him so helped the Scholar that of the Souldier the Lawyer that of the Courtier the Souldier and that of the Traveller all the rest being no Stranger to Germany well acquainted with France most familiar with Italy so that the result of all together made him for Endowments eminent not to say admirable His Apprehension was quick and clear his Judgement methodical and solid his Memory strong and rational his Tongue fluent and pertinent his Presence stately and obliging his Heart large and noble his Temper patient and cautious his Way industrious and indefatigable his Correspondence well laid and constant his Converse insinuating and close None more dexterous to finde out none more reserved to keep a Secret He was equal saith my Author to the French Politicians when under his Master he over-reached them when alone doing more in one month with his subtle Head then the other in twelve months with his stately Train The King of France would have pensioned up his parts but the Vice-Roy of England advanced them His Master brought him first to serve his Country in Parliament that great School of Experience and then his King at Court where defending his Masters great actions he made it evident he could perform greater such was his Wit such his Eloquence that they who hated the Client admired the Advocate And thoug● he could not keep his Patron from falling yet he raised himself that being the first time his Eminent Parts were observed An advantagious starting is more then half way in the Race of Preferment For hereupon he is first Master of the Kings Jewels and then of what was more precious his Secrets His conscience inclined him to the Churches Reformation his Interest complied with the Kings he unlocked the secrets of Monasteries by his Spies and put the King upon destroying them by his Power The University of Cambridge made him Chancellour to save it self where though he did no great good yet his Greatness kept others from doing harm in an Age wherein Covetousness could quarrel a Colledge as well as an Abbey into superstition He was trusted by the King with the Rolls and Records of England and by the Scholars with the Charters and Statutes of their Universities He reforms the University in order to the Reformation of the Church enjoyning the study of the Scripture and the Tongues instead of School-Divinity and Barbarism recommending Aristotle Agricola Melancthon to their reading and the Doctrine which is in Spirit and in Truth to their Faith and razing the Popes Bulls to make way for the Kings Favour He was an eminent Minister of State and chief Governour of the Church proceeding in Convocation very discreetly modelling the Church-Laws very prudently and moderately looking into Monastical Abuses very narrowly and industriously mawling Religious Houses violently pulling down those Nests that the Rooks might not return His Master had disobliged the Pope and he weakeneth him It was not safe to disown his Supremacy and entertain thousands of his Creatures If a Kingdom be divided against it self it cannot stand and if one part of the English pay their devotion to a supream Head at Rome and another to a supream Governour in England they must both fall If the persons might disturb the Government it is fit their Estates should secure it and if the Papists should foment a War their Lands should maintain it But Cromwel contrives that the Pope should confirm Alienations in Wolsey before he should practise it for the King As the King knew whom he employed when he trusted him so he knew whom he trusted when he employed Doctor Lee an able servant to an abler Master He first decoyed Religious Men out of their
Covents by the allurement of Liberty and then forced them out by Power and Authority As the Abbeys improved his Estate so his Master advanced his Honour he had one Privy Seal always to act by and was Keeper of another He had no sooner attained an Earldom for himself but foreseeing the alteration of Affairs he secured a Barony for his Son not forfeitable by the Attainder of the Father Within five years he was Master of the Jewel-house Secretary of State Baron Vicar-General Master of the Rolls Knight of the Garter Keeper of the Privy-Seal Lord High Chamberlain and Earl of Essex within five months he quitted place and in five minutes lost all He must needs be envied whose Birth was so much beneath all others and his Preferment above them especially when the King in preferring him injured others as the Citizens in managing the Jewels the Courtiers in undertaking State-affairs the Lawyers in the Rolls the Nobly Descended at Windsor the Clergy in the Convocation the Earl of Oxford and the Family of the Bourchiers in the great Chamberlainship and Earldom of Essex But he cares not whom he displeaseth if he can oblige his Master whose power he advanceth in the Parliament and Synod as he improveth his Revenue in the Office of first-Fruits and the Court of Augmentation His Greatness was allayed with his Goodness and the Envy of the One mitigated by the Liberality of the Other He had not more Suiters at his door then Alms two hundred at a time Sir Thomas was a Name of Awe and Reverence to the Rich and blessed by the Poor That Name levelled the proudest Citizens House for his conveniency and bowed the poorest mans Knee to his Honour He could at pleasure work upon the Lords by the Commons and on the Commons by the Lords as Cardinal Wolsey perswaded the Commons to four shillings in the pound upon the Lords president and the Lords to as much upon the Commons and he kept up the Cardinals way of Anticipation that the people should be always one Subsidy before-hand He set up the old Taxation of Knighthood at Queen Anne's Coronation and levied it He confirms the Kings Supremacy by a Law and establisheth his Daughter Elizabeth's Succession by an Oath first taken by the Parliament and then by the Kingdom for whose support he contrives the lesser Monasteries should be first escheated and then the greater He was so honest that he acquits Queen Anne in his Letter to the Queen yet so much a Statesman that he condemn'd her upon the Bench. But to secure the Interest of England he improved its Religion that as some few late Acts had disobliged the Pope a new frame of Christianity might exclude him The differences between Us and Rome were to be widened lest they should close and he judged it prudence to engage the conscience and the estate in one bottom that he might hold the One out of the tenderness of the Other The Kings Supremacy cut off the Papists and the Six Articles the Protestants Reformation must be managed leasurely and alteration of Religion by just degrees Instruction preceding execution and the peoples capacity growing up with their Governours Regulation The times are troublesome but Cromwel calm and quiet and watchful over Occurrences Insurrection giving him an advantage of a new Settlement He takes down the Occasions and Ornaments of Idolatry Images Shrines Pilgrimages c. and then the Thing it self Take off the paint of Rome and you undo her As the Laws and Injunctions so the Alliance of England must secure its Interest A Protestant Queen must be married to the Reformed King the Duke of Cleve's Sister must woo the King that Essex might have that whispered in the Kings Bosom abed where he was best disposed which he insinuated into his Ear at the Council-Table where he was worst But the King was not so well pleased with her Beauty as Cromwel was with her Religion which Stephen Gardiner who hated her for her Religion and Cromwel for his Greatness observing shewed the Kings loose Affections at once how to be rid of his Match and which he was as weary of his Match-Maker The Queen is divorced being never known by Henry who disliked her at first view and kept her rather in Policy to oblige the German Princes then of pleasure to fill his own Bed Cromwel is arrested for presuming to act in some matters of State without the Kings privity or Commission and attainted by a procedure he had invented dying as cunningly as he had lived for some ambiguous words which Power interpreted to his Ruine His last words were so wary that they might become Bellarmine and Luther at once that the Protestants call them his Confession of Faith and the Papists his old Religion for confessing his Offences against God and the King in his many Employments he said he died in the Catholique Faith Some will say the Protestants think no great gain to have him and the Papists no loss to part with him yet we must needs confess that he was a Wise Man because he always consulted the Learned in the Laws a out all his proceedings He was a Good man witness Frescobald whose mean Person he took notice of whose small Kindeness he acknowledged whose Services he condescended to whose Wants he relieved and whose Debts he recovered He was a Noble man because he refused another mans Coat of Arms who was of his Name saying What shall I do with it for he may pull it off my back at pleasure In a word He was so Mean before he rise so Worthy afterwards that no Times had Raised but those more troublesome none Ruined him but those most loose of Henry the VIII Observations on the Life of Sir Thomas Audley SIr Audley's Birth was Generous his Education more Essex bred him to that Honour which his Ancestors lost His Soul ennobled his Body and his Body graced his Soul The one quick solid apprehensive and judicious the other tall and majestick King Henry loved a Man and here was one whose Austerity was allayed with Debonairness whose Gravity was sweetened with Pleasantness whose Knowledge was as large as his Authority whose Wit was equal with his Wisdom whose Memory was strong and Judgment solid His fair Estate brought him to the Temple his proficiency in the Law to the Court His reading upon the Statute of Priviledges commended him to the Kings Service his speaking for the Prerogative in Parliament brought him to the Kings Favour Although the Liberties of the People can never be secured without the Prerogative of the Soveraign who cannot do the good they would if he wants a power to do the evil they fear yet his first Preferment was to withdraw him from Popularity and the second onely to confirm him to Soveraignty Noble Service is the way to a Royal One His Stewardship to the Dutchy of Suffolk raised him to the Attorneyship of that of Lancaster But in troublesome and designing times
World the good Knight was forced out of his house and the Kingdom He was the first that said Policy is not the learning of some Rules but the Observation of Circumstances with a present minde in all junctures of affairs which he would say was their happiness onely that had good memories For when one said he had seen much heard more and read most You were said he a more compleat man could you say I remembered as much Secretary Walsingham would say My Lord stay a little and we shall have done the sooner Secretary Cecil said It shall never be said of me That I will defer till to morrow what I can do to day And Sir Richard Morisin Give me this day and take the next your self Noble was his Resolution when he said He scorned to take pensions from an Emperour of Germany since an Emperour of Germany took pay of the King of England His statute was something tall and procured him reverence his temper reserved and commanding security to his person and his business He that knoweth to speak well knoweth also where he must hold his peace said the old Graecian Think an hour before you speak and a day before you promise said this English-Roman With Ferdinand the Emperour he prevailed for the Popes assistance and with Maximilian for his Masters against the French Never was his Master Henry so high as to set him above treating nor his Soveraign Edward so low as to make him afraid of War although he looked upon the way of Treaties as a retiring from fighting like Beasts to arguing like men whose strength should be more in their Understandings then in their Limbs I have said a great Prince greater confidence in my Reason then in my Sword and am so resolved to yeild to the first that I thought neither my self nor others should use the second if once we rightly understood one another It 's humane to use Reason rather than Force and Christian to seek peace and ensue it Christian was his Temper and Religious his carriage so charitable that he relieved the Confessors as though he had been none himself and so constant that he continued his sufferings as if there were no other Much good did his Countenance do the Exiles in the Courts of Forreign Princes and more his Authority at the Troubles of Frankford where his Motive to love was the hatred of the Enemy Observations on the Life of Doctor Nicholas Wotton NIcholas Wotton son to Sir Robert born at Bockton-malherb in the County of Kent a place so named from some noxious and malignant herbs growing therein was bred in Oxon Doctor of the Civil Laws and was the first Dean ●f the two Metropolitan Churches of Ganterbury and York He was Privy-Counsellour to four successive Soveraigns viz. 〈…〉 ing Henry the VIII Edward the VI. Queen Mary Elizabeth He was employed thirteen several times in Emassies to Forreign Princes Five times to Charles the Fifth Emperour Once to Philip his son King of Spain Once to Francis the First King of France Once to Mary Queen of Hungary Governess of he Netherlands Twice to William Duke of Cleve Once to renew the peace between England France and Scotland Anno 1540. Again to the same purpose at Cambray Anno 1549. Once sent Commissioner with others to Edenburgh in Scotland 1560. He refused the Archbishoprick of Canterbury proferred him in the first of Queen Elizabeth He died January 26. in 1566. being about seventy years of Age and was buried in Canterbury Justinian reduced the Law of Nations to one Body and Doctor Wotton comprehended them in one Soul Publick was his spirit and such his thoughts That profession that was designed for the settlement of the worlds commerce was now confined to a Bishops Court a Churchwardens Oath or a rich mans Will when this excellent Person first enlarged it as far as the sea in the Cases of the Admiralty and as wide as the world in the Negotiations of Embassie Others were trusted with the Interest of Princes He with that of Nations He that saw him would think he could deny nothing so modest Scholar-like his looks He that heard him would judge he would grant nothing so undeniable his Reason so irrefragable his Arguments His speech was as ready as his resolution was present His apprehension quick and clear his method exact his reading vast and indefatigable his memory strong as to things though not to words tenacious his elocution copious and flowing What 〈…〉 Henry Wotton said of sir Philip Sidney I may say 〈◊〉 Nicholas Wotton That he was the very measure of congruity What that Counsellour writ to the Frence King in a great sheet when he required his Advice that our Doctor advised our Princes in several Discourses viz. Madus A Mean Sir said King Henry to him now not forty years old I have sent a Head by Cromwel a Purse by Wolsey a Sword by Brandon and I must now send the Law by You to treat with my Enemies Augustus lamented for Varrus his death because he said Now I have none in my Countrey to tell me the truth With Wotton went off that faithfulness that Peasants have and Princes want None more resolute abroad none more bold and downright at home His plain dealing saved King Henry some Treasure King Edward the North Queen Mary Calice for a while and Queen Elizabeth her Faith and Crown A Vertue that made him the Overseer of most Forreign Ministers Actions abroad and one of the sixteen Executors of King Henry's Will and Testament at home Gardiner was sly and close but Wotton prudent and wise In the Treaty at Calice there are two things remarkable of our Doctor 1. That he first insisted on the peace with France before that of Scotland 2. He would say Rather give away Calice then reserve a Right in it fifteen years hence for never was the Interest of any Nation so constant as to keep a promise half so many years Indeed Sir Cecil's reach went no further for a Layman then Doctor Wotton for a Church-man Therefore they two were pitched upon for the management of the Intrigues and Affairs of Scotland Many envied this happy man but none could be without him who was the Oracle of both Laws at Councels who could sum up the merit of any Cause recollect the circumstances of any Affair and shew Tables of Trade Commerce Situations Counsels Revenue Interest c. the readiest and exactest any in England But all these Qualifications must die and he with them leaving it as his Advice First To Church-men To understand well the Common and Canon-Law as well as the Divine by the first whereof they might understand their right as by the second they informed themselves and others● their duty Secondly To Statesmen Travel and History Thirdly To Embassadors 1. A good Purse 2. A noble and sober Train 3. Constant correspondent and observation 4. A happy medley of Debonai● ness and Complacency Reservedness and Gravity with the first he had taken
his Memory his Standard was born in the Fore-ward all this Expedition A Person in whom Prudence was even with Activity Resolution with Prudence 〈◊〉 Success with Resolution Moderation with Success Honour and Favour with All. Observations on the Life of Sir Thomas Darcy SIr Thomas Darcy was one of King Henry the Eighth's first Counsellours so advanced as most of his Fellows not for Affection but Interest owing his Promotion to his own sufficiency rather then his Masters favour His Counsel was weighty at Home his Assistance necessary Abroad where in behalf of Pope Julius the second and the Emperour he did more with 1500 Archers in a year for the ballancing of Europe then had been done before in an Age. No Employment so dangerous at that time as that of the Warden of the West Marches of Scotland none so able for that Employment as my Lord who was equally knowing and stout and at once most feared and most loved The Earl of Shrewsbury made some Inroads into Scotland the Lord Darcy seconds him But being surprized by the Duke of Albany's preparations he had as much Wit to make Peace as he had Resolution to carry on the War None knew better when to yeild none better when to conquer so great a command had he over himself so great over the Enemy that he brought them to request his Wish and offer what was his Interest With the Duke of Surrey's assistance by Land and Fitz-Williams his by Sea he reduced that Nation to a good Inteligence with Us that year and a Peace the next a Peace as he observed that would be no longer kept then we had a Sword in our Hands and an Army on their Borders For Conscience guided other parts of the World he said and Fear Scotland Whence he invaded them duely once a year Observations on the Life of Sir Thomas Howard SIr Edward's Brother in Worth as well as Blood His Fathers Interest set him up and his own Industry kept him so All the Children were brought up for Sea-Services this Gentleman for Sea-Commands He immediately succeeds his younger Brother in the Admiralty and wisely considering the advantage of the French Gallies in a calm the number of their ships the danger of their windes for us if they blew Southwest desired of the King so many Souldiers a● might man the ships and make good the landing wherewith he scoured the seas and secured the Kings passage with so much Honour that he was able to assist his Father at Court as much as Wel 〈…〉 did Fox his Gallantry being no less pleasing to his Master then the other young Favourites Compliance and both these young men had no less Art to govern this Prince then he had to govern his Kingdom These Arts which all other Favourites use being Hopes and Fears which as Doors and Passages to the heart are so guarded by their vigilancy that they can both let themselves in and keep all others out the two Ends upon which the Thread of Government depends His Father is made Duke of Norfolk and he Earl of Surrey both are an eye-sore to the Cardinal whose Fortune had no Superior in the Kings Favour whose Ambition would endure no Equal The Old Mans years and cares are fitted with a Retirement in the Country the Young Mans ambition and activity with a Government in Ireland which he reduced as speedily to obedience notwithstanding Desmond's Rebellion as he had to civility had it not been for Wolsey's Underminings who endured no publick service but what he did himself and would chuse rather that the Kingdom should perish by a Traytor then be saved by a Nobleman Beloved he was by that Countrey where he left a Peace and a Parliament Anno 1521. so that they were loth to part with him Wanted he was by the King to scour the narrow seas for the French War so that he must have him The King had made him formerly His Admiral the Emperour upon his return from England makes him his and with both their Commissions he lands in Normandy wastes the adjacent Countries sparing onely Religious Houses takes and sacks Morlais in Bretaign which he entered under the smoak burns their ships commands the sea and sets the Emperour safe in Spain advising his Majesty from thence to make a general Muster of his Subjects for his own satisfaction and others terrour March 27 1522. The troubles in Scotland required an able Head and a stout Heart two Endowments that no man was more Master of then the Earl of Surrey now Duke of Norfolk upon his beloved Fathers decease whose Prudence toyled the Scots to deliver up their King as his Prowess frighted them to yeild up themselves as they did in that most exquisite Treaty where the Earl of Worcester beat the Bush saith my noble Author and our Duke catched the Hare A while after he is Earl Marshal and Embassador to King Francis about those two grand points 1. That the French King should set up a Patriarch 2. That he should stop up all the payments made to Rome with fair promises of that supply of men and money he then most wanted When the Pope stuck to Queen Katharine three things he advised the King to 1. To teach the people that a general Council was above the Pope and proclaim that he did appeal to it 2. To fix upon every Church-Door the Dowagers Appeal to Rome and the late Statute against it 3. To consederate with the Kings of Hungary and Poland the Estates of the Empire and the Hanse Towns Three things that would settle his People at home and strengthen his Interest abroad To which he added the Statute of Succession the Oath of Supremacy sir Howard's Embassy to the Scotch King the suppression of Religious Houses the War in Ireland under sir William Sheffington and a thorow search into the bottom of the Rebellion in the North by a connivance and delay But all his services could not quit him from suspicion nor his popularity from envy The Lord Darcy accuseth him to excuse himself and Cromwel seconds him to secure himself and as unhappinesses follow one another in the same order as one wave floweth after another his Nieces miscarriages threatned his fall but that the honest man as appears from a Letter the whole Council sent to sir William Paget then resident in France was the first that declared against her and put the King upon the most safe and honourable ways of trying her which satisfied his Majesty so far that he employed him as chief in the Treaty upon the Borders and General in the War when that Treaty failed Sir Anthony Brown upon his Recommendation being added to the Commissioners in Scotland and to the Privy-Council in England as Master of the Kings Horse as Sir John Gages was Comptroller of his House Several Persons came to London for a Reward of their Scotch services this Duke gave the King a wary and grave counsel to bestow upon them as much Land as they could win in
Croix to the Scotch King to tell him That though he saw no Enemy at Sea he hoped to finde some upon the Land That he came to justifie Bretons death which it was as much below a King to revenge as it was below a Privy Counsellour to have deserved That he expected as little mercy as he intended his sword being commissioned to spare none but the King whom no hand must touch To this Defiance he added a Caution to the Herauld That he should bring no messenger from the Enemy nearer then two miles of the Camp So well were the Scots incamped that when neither Arguments nor Stratagems would draw them out the Earl cuts off their provision there and under the covert of a smoak got the Earl under the hill and under another of mist got they atop The Scots played the men until Stanley and Darcy did more then men and the old mans Reserve concluded the doubtful day in so compleat a Conquest as brought 12000 Arms 16 Cannons 4000 Prisoners and a Peace to the English Borders Upon which the General retires to those more necessary exercises of Justice and Government until his Masters return When all his Services advanced him at that time when it was a Maxime of State That Honours are the Lustre and Security of Crowns to his Fathers Dukedom of Norfolk as his Sons Merits promoted him to his of the Earldom of Surrey The Kings Coffers decay and his Occasions grow The old man retires to his Country-house having enjoyed his Honour Thirty years to enjoy Himself Three One of his last Undertakings being the appeasing of the London-Tumult May 1. 1517. when he left this behind him A potent and wanton City is a shrewd Enemy Observations on the Life of Sir William Compton HE was chief Gentleman of the Bedchamber to Henry the Eighth and next to the chief in the affections of the same Prince If his spirit had been as even with his favour as his favour was with his Merits he had been the most useful as well as the most eminent man in England but he was too narrow for his Fortune and more attentive to his private advantage then to the publick affairs This Saying is at once his History and Monument Kings must hear all but believe onely one for none can give a solid advice but he that knoweth all and he must not be every body As to the affairs of Europe Sir William was cleerly for the League against France as an opportunity to regain our Right in France and strengthen our Interest in the Church and the Empire My Lord Darcy was against it because France was too hard for us before it swallowed up our a Confederates and much more since advising some more noble attempts for our just Empire upon the Indies The young King is for a War with France as an Engagement upon the Pope to advance England above all other Kingdoms and declares himself as much Sir William's in opinion as he was his in affection This Gentleman had a deep insight in any thing he undertook because he had a great patience to consider an advantageous slowness to recollect a strong memory to grasp and an indifferent temper to judge but when a matter exceeded his capacity or out-reached his sphere and orb he had either a peremptory and great word to urge it or a sleight to wave it or a subtlety to perplex it that his amazed fellow-Commissioners should as little unstand it or a countenance and gesture to overbear it However in general he was close and reserved he had need go softly that cannot well see leaving himself without observation or hold to be taken what he was He studied the Kings nature rather then his business and humoured rather then advised him The referring of all to a man becomes a Prince whose self is not himself but the community their good and evil being as my Lord Bacon writes at the peril of a publick fortune but not a subject whose private advantage may be a publick ruine not a Favourite whose benefit by that selfishness may be narrow as his own Fortune but the hurt done by it is as large as his Master who must needs be undone when his servants study to please Him and to profit Themselves Observations on the Life of Sir Henry Marney SIr Henry Marney was one of young Henry's first Council who loved his Person well and his Prosperity better and impartially advised him for his good and modestly contested with him against his harm that Council that was hand as well as head and could perform as well as advise This was the searching Judgement that discovered Buonviso the Lucchess his Letters to the French King betraying our designs as soon as thought on and instructing him for prevention before our King was ready for the attempt Industry and Thrift over-rules Princes This Personage had no time to transcribe Intelligence but what he borrowed from his sleep nor money to buy it but what he saved out of his allowance yet he understood more then any one Prince in Europe and was more consulted then any one Statesman His Judgement was much valued his Integrity more ever offering what was solidly safe rather then what was superficially plausible as one who was a stranger to the wisdom of the latter Age as Sir Francis Bacon describes it which is rather fine Deliveries and shifts from Inconveniences then solid and grounded courses for advantage His foresight was large and his spirit larger he considered all Circumstances that occurre● to him judged what he considered and spo 〈…〉 what he judged with that resolution as to his opinion that argued he understood the matter in question with that modesty as to his Superiours th 〈…〉 shewed he understood himself Observations on the Life of Sir Edward Poynings SIr Edward Poynings was the third of eighteen Counsellours bequeathed by Henry the V 〈…〉 to his Son with his Kingdom a Pri 〈…〉 Council wherein there was not one Lawyer an● a Cabal that never condescended for advice to an● below themselves or for performance of any of their Decrees to any besides themselves being a compleat Body of active and knowing men in their own Orb. Who more prudent then Surrey who more resolved then Poynings whose Vigilancy made him Master of the Cincue Ports as his Valour advanced him General of the Low-Countrey Forces whom he led on to several services with success and brought off with the loss of not above an hundred men with Honour from the Lady Margaret and Applause from the whole Countrey No less happy was he in his Government of Tournay until the Council at home now grown thin by the secession of Warbam Fox and Norfolk had more need of him then Garisons abroad Vainly is that spirit penned within a City that was equal to a Kingdom It is the unhappiness of other Monarchies that they have not Men answerable to their Employments it was the unhappiness of this that it had not Employment suitable to
winde and sun 4. He impales the Flank and Reer with Muskets Pikes and Carriages 5. His Divisions were sundry but well ordered to relieve one another His main Battels three the largest in the front the next in the middle with some spaces between for the first to rally it self or embody with the second the third and strongest in the Rear so divided that the two first Battels may retreat into it and draw up in its Rear to watch the Enemies disorder in pursuit It 's observed of the Turks that they never put their Janizaries their best Souldiers in the Front but make use of them for Reserves by which they have been very successful This Noble Marquess went not by rote or fore-conceived Rules but by present Prudence observing time place and persons neither would he lie open to an Enemies design by a constant Method but alter his Stratagems and contradict all the Rules of Discipline to disorder the Enemy and disappoint his expectation He hath sometimes compounded the wings of his Battel of the ablest men and the Battel it self of the meanest ordering them if over-powered to make their retreat to the Rear of the other Divisions through the spaces appointed for that end which the Enemy perceiving followeth not smelling the drift not without disorder as in all pursuits between the two strong wings who crush them in pieces his field-Pieces after once or twice discharging were drawn within the Divisions of the main Battel to fire the Enemy at his next approaches if the front were disordered and to avoid the execution of his Enemies his files were thin and his Dragoons ready to seize theirs whereby at least they were hindered from shooting his Forlorn retired to the main Battel and out of the Flanks thereof issued with Fire-pots and Granadoes upon the engaged Enemy His Horse were in four Battalia's whereof the first was the greatest lined with shot placed on each wing of the main Army always opening upon the opening of the Enemy The greatest trust between man and man is the trust of giving Counsel For in other confidences saith my Lord Bacon men commit the parts of life their Lands their Goods their Children their Credit some particular affair but to such as they make their Counsellours they commit the whole by how much the more they are obliged to faithfulness and integrity None was more trusted then the Marquess none more trusty none understood clearer what was fit nonespoke plainer what he understood What wants a Soveraign said a flattering Courtier Truth said a serious King Never had King more need of it then Henry never less of it then he whom it was less fatal to Ruine then to Displease But this Souldier was as much above Fear as Flattery that told him when pensive That never was that man merry that had more then one Woman in his Bed more then one Friend in his Bosom more then one Faith in his Heart So wary was this Gentleman that he was not rash and so lost his advantage so valiant that he was not contemptible and so lost his command He led others by the strongest authority of his own forwardness his own Example he was led himself by the best Guide his own Observation his own Experience His Book limited not his Design nor his Paper-plot his Undertakings Land-service was his Exercise but the Sea his Delight the Compass his Study the Stars his Care Trade his Thoughts our own and forreign Havens his Discourse a Sea-man his Familiar and three Sea-fights his Triumph His converse and speech was Souldier-like plain short smart and material there was a time when he would say nothing and a time when he would say something but never a time when he would say all He was in a word the happy man who notwithstanding that the times could not endure his Vertues nor he their Vices died at once full of honour at Court and applause in the Country with this Monument from the King That Honest and Good Man Observations on the Life of Sir Robert Wingfield HIs Parts and Person endeared him to the English Court his Travel and Experience recommended him to Forreign Negotiations particularly in the Emperour Maximilians Court whom his arguments and his own Interest drew off from France Sir Robert helping him to some Observation touching the breach of the Articles of Cambray as his pretence to this alteration and offering him what men and money he pleased as his encouragement to this undertaking sending in the mean time one Nicholas West D. L. and Dean of Windsor to feel the Pulse of all the Princes in Christendom and advising upon an intire reflection on their several Interests the repair of our frontier Towns and Forts an Army ready in the North and a constant Parliament He is Deputy of Calice and Viceroy of France What the French lost in the Field they got by Treaty until Sir Richard's time whose Policy went as far as his Masters Power in that Accord Which tied up they said the French Kings bands behinde his back and the Scotch between his legs Yea he almost perswaded Maximilian out of his Empire 1516. though he wished the King not to accept of it until the French were out of Italy Some do better by Friends or Letters Sir Robert best by himself observing that he never failed but when he intrusted others with what he could do himself his person breeding regard and his eye seeing more then any he could employ and his present minde being more ready in his own affairs upon any alteration to come on draw back o● otherwise accommodate matters then any Substitute who seeth not the bottom of things nor turn to occasions He had about him his Blades and Gallants to expostulate his Orators and fair spoken men to perswade his close and subtle ones to enquire and observe his froward men to perplex and his plain Agents to report Attendants for all services whose experience made them knowing and confident Doctor West Pace Lee and Gardener's way was the Circuit afar off Sir Robert's was the Surprize quick and nicked no man observing time more closely no man watching Natures tempers interest advantages and ends more indefatigably It was the observation of those days That Sir Robert Wingfield was the best to prepare and ripen Designes and Sir Thomas Bolen to execute them But that Age was too boysterous and he too wary to advance beyond the reputation of 〈◊〉 knowing Agent in which capacity he lived or 〈◊〉 a resolved Patriot with which honour he dieth Observations on the Life of Edward Stafford Duke of Buckingham HIs Blood was high his Revenue large and he was born to adorn the Court rather then to serve it He vied with the King in Gallantry and with the Cardinal in Pride of the one he speaks irreverently That women governed him more then he did the Kingdome of the other ●nd screetly That Francis governed France and Harry England and Wolsey both adding That the Commonalty might well
Charity Observations on the Life of Sir Thomas Wentworth SIr Tho. Wentworth of Nettlested in Suffolk so a younger Family confessed by the Crescent in his Coat descended from the Wentworths of Wentworth-wood-house in York-shire and was created Baron Wentworth by King Henry 8. He was a stout and valiant Gentleman a cordial Protestant and his Family a Sanctuary of such Professors John Bale comparing him to the good Centurion in the Gospel and gratefully acknowledging him the cause of his conversion from a Carmelite The memory of this good Lord is much but unjustly blemished because Calis was lost the last of Queen Mary under his Government The manner was huddled up in our Chronicles least is best of bad business whereof this is the effect The English being secure by reason of the last Conquest at St. Quintin and the Duke of Guise having notice thereof he sate down before the Town at the time not when Kings go forth to but return from battle of mid-winter even upon New-years-day Next day he took the two Forts of Risebank and Newman-bridge wherein the strength of the City consisted but whether they were undermined or undermoneyed it is not decided and the last left most suspitious Within three days the Castle of Calis which commanded the City and was under the command of Sir Ralph Chamberlain was taken the French wading through the Ditches made shallower by their artificial cut and then entring the Town were repulsed back by Sir Anthony Ager Marshal of Calis the onely man saith Stow who was killed in the fight understand him of note others for the credit of the business accounting fourscore lost in that service The French re-entring the City the next day being Twelfth-day the Lord Wentworth Deputy thereof made but vain resistance which alas was like the wrigling of a Worms tayl after the head thereof is cut off so that he was forced to take what terms he could get viz. That the Towns-men should depart though plundered to a Groat with their lives and himself with 49 more such as the Duke of Guise should chuse should remain prisoners to be put to ransome This was the best news brought to Paris and worst to London for many years before It not onely abated the Queens chear the remnant of Christmas but her mirth all the days of her life Yet might she thank her self for loosing this Key of France because she hung it by her side with so slender a string there being but five hundred Souldiers effectually in the Garison too few to manage such a piece of importance The Lord Wentworth the second of June following was solemnly condemned for Treason though unheard as absent in France which was not onely against Christian charity but Roman justice Festus confessing it was not fashionable amongst them to deliver any man to die before he which is accused have the accusers face to face and have licence to answer for himself concerning the crime laid against him It was well for this Lord that he was detained in France till his ransome was paid and Queen Mary dead who otherwise probably had lost his life if he had had his liberty But Queen Elizabeth coming to the Crown he found the favour or rather had the justice to be tryed again and was acquitted by his Peers finding it no treachery cowardise or carelessness in him but in Sir John Harlston and Sir Ralph Chamberlain the one Governour of Risebank the other of Calis-Castle for which they were both condemned to die though their judgement was remitted This Lord was the onely person I have read of who thus in a manner played Rubbers when his head lay at stake and having lost the fore recovered the after-game He died a very aged man 1594. Thus far Mr. Fuller Two ways a Courtier advanceth himself the first that more leisurely slow though sure of watching Offices Preferments and Dignities that may by steps bring them to the Kings presence The second that more quick and short but most practised of following the Court for such extraordinary Commissions and particular services to the Empire as may without the danger of delays that must be fatal amidst so many Competitors recommend him to his favour It was below Sir Thomas his Estate to stoop to that first method it suited more with his activity to embrace the second Two usually-inconsistent qualities he had The closeness of an Agent and The Valour of a Souldier To Rome he was sent in disguise and to Treport with an Army so graceful his carriage so insinuating his affability so clear and well-weighed his discourse so searching and comprehensive his judgement so gravely Aiery so Majestically pleasant his countenance so becoming his gate and apparel so watchful his Negotiations so winning his Addresses so discreetly smart his Reparties darting a suddain lustre and vigour to the darkness and heaviness of his graver Discourses neither common nor unsavoury neither affected nor far-fetched neither abusive of others nor mis-becoming himself so discreet and well-managed his complaisance with reference to circumstances person place time matter and cause that he had Cardinal Senhault's Secretary to bring him to the Popes Closet the Emperours Agent Randolphus to introduce him to Court that he won Fryar paul to shew him the mysteries of the Church Engineer Palvino to represent the Popes Cities Towns Fortifications Havens Harbours Antiquities Seminaries Exercises Ships Treasure Armories Arsenals Maga●ines having always by him a Card of the Territories and the Popes Bedchamber-man to shew him all the Papers and Transactions that concerned Henry the eighth So well experienced his Conduct so well disciplined his Army so watchful and industrious his Nature so good his pay though he pawned as once in Normandy his own Estate to satisfie his Souldiers so noble his rewards of valour and service it being his rule That every man should enjoy as much as he could conquer so prevalent his example that he did more with 2000 men in three moneths then the Duke of Suffolk had done with 8000 in three years The Duncery and idleness of the Monks in his time as he writes himself made Erasmus a Student the sloth and carelesness of Commanders in Sir Thomas his time made him a Souldier Edward the third of England having sent to France to demand the Crown by Maternal Right the Council there sent him word That the Crowe of France was not tied to a Distaff To which he replyed That then be would tie it to his Sword Sir Thomas Wentworth demanding Normandy in right of the Dukes thereof Kings of England was told That Dukedomes were never given away in France by the Wills of the Dead Nay then replyed he we will have them against the Wills of the Living It 's written of our Henry the fifth that he had something of Caesar in him which Alexander the Great had not That he would not be Drunk and something of Alexander the Great which Caes 〈…〉 had not That he would not be Flattered Sir Th
〈…〉 was had both their Vertues none of their Vices Non tam extra Vitia quam cum summis Virtutibu 〈…〉 Though he could not avoid misfortune and p 〈…〉 sper yet he could yeild to it and retire that 〈◊〉 perienced File that could not withstand the enemi 〈…〉 shot could fall down and escape it Privacy at once secured and supported this unfortunate Gentleman It is much to know how to lead and bring on successfully it 's more to retreat and come off handsomely and give over a bad game Since he heard ill I hear no more of him but this One being designed an Agent waited upon this knowing and experienced Lord for some Directions for his conduct and carriage he delivereth himself saith my Author thus To secure your self and serve your Country you must at all times and upon all occasions speak truth for as he added you will never be believed and by this means your truth will secure your self if you be questioned and put those you deal with who will still hunt counter to a loss in all their disquisitions and undertakings Observations on the Life of Sir Clement Paston SIr Clement Paston was a Souldier and a Souldiers Son Valour running in the Blood for three Generations and maturated by Noble and Heroick Actions for Glory and Success Designed he was by his Friends for the Gown but by his own Nature for Armour Born for Action rather then Contemplation When his Father asked him what he would desire of him he desired a Horse and a Sword He was tried in the King of France his service in Henry the Seventh's time for his overthrow in Henry the Eighths He was the first that made the English Navy terrible and the last that made our Army so He took the Admiral of France and saved him of England 30000 Crowns he received by way of Ransome from the first and 1000 l. by way of Gratitude from the other A Cup he would shew that the first gave him every Holy-day and a Ring of the seconds every Christmas Two Kings made use of his Person and two Queens of his counsel which he gave even on his death-Bed His advice was short but resolute his words few but pertinent his discourse commanding and Souldier-like his word the Decr 〈…〉 of the Medes King Henry the Eighth called him His Champion the Protector in Edward the Sixth time His Souldier Queen Mary Her Seaman● and Queen Elizabeth Her Father When W 〈…〉 was overthrown he would deliver himself up to Gentleman and therefore onely to Sir Clement P 〈…〉 ston The two great Interests of Souldiers is Pay and Honour He mortgaged his Estate twice to satisfie them for the one and pawn'd his Credit 〈◊〉 Court often to encourage them for the other getting his Commanders always power and authority enough to do their Masters business but never enough to do their own There being always a contest between the Po 〈…〉 lacy and the Souldiers whom nothing reco 〈…〉 ciles but downright force and necessity it Wa● death to his Followers to be irregular because one of their miscarriages exasperates a million and d 〈…〉 stastes a Kingdom so necessary is a strict Discip 〈…〉 in the Camp and an impartial Justice in the Countrey Outward occasions help fortune a mans own temper makes it when there be as my Lord Ba 〈…〉 writes no stops or restiveness in a mans minde but that the wheels of that keeps even with those of fortune Sir Clement and Cato Major were both of 〈◊〉 make both having tantum robur corporis ani 〈…〉 ut quocunque loco nati esset fortunam sibi facturi videbantur Observations on the Life of the Lord Rich. HE must needs be preferred who was so richly descended and nobly allied as to shew at Court upon his first appearance sixty Noblemen and Knights of his Relation and a hundred and fifty thousand pound a year revenue among his Friends He was more beholding to the Temple for his Law then to the Universities for his Learning His severe and active Nature aspiring above the pedantiqueness of a Scholar to the usefulness of a Statesman I could never endure saith he those studies that furnish me onely with unactive thoughts and useless discourse that teach me onely to think and speak His staid and solid parts commended him to Cromwel and Cromwel recommended him to King Henry the Eighth He was Solicitor-General to His Majesty and Steward to his Master Cromwel was the Mawl and Rich the Hammer of Abbeys He laid open to the Monks their faults and his Master made use of it to force them to a surrendry For as he said when those religious Societies saw they had faults enough discovered to take away their Lands they had wit enough to give them up His Counsels overthrew Popery and his Deposition cut off Sir Thomas More for being sent to Sir Thomas after much discourse with him he asked him this subtle Question Whether be would acknowledge the King supreme Head if it were enjoyned by an Act of Parliament Sir Thomas asked him 〈◊〉 again If the Parliament enacted that God should 〈◊〉 be Lord whether he should consent to it And those words undid him He saw that the Protestant Religion was the interest of England as well as the Doctrine of Scripture and therefore he carried it on in point of policy as Archbishop Cranmer di● in point of conscience King Henry the eighth admired his distinct reasoning and stayed judgement and Queen Anne Bullen was taken with his grace 〈…〉 cloquence and ingenious discourses In the morning his plyant soul that could answer all the turnings and windings of business was as reserved and solid as that of a demure States-man in the evening as cheerful and merry as that of a Debona 〈…〉 Courtier He was the wisdome of the Court in the Presence and its wit in the Closet its Oracle there and its pleasure here King Henry the eighth made him one of his L●gators and King Edward the sixth one of his Council Under him he carried on the Protestant Religion in point of conscience which others managed in point of interest He designed the degrees of the Reformation and he set out its method then whom none more zealous in things necessary none more moderate in things indifferent Active he was but wary stirring but cautious To him the Reformers resorted in point of Law as to Cranmer and Ridley in point of Religion Such his Prudence that the Protector made him his Friend such his Integrity that the King made him Chancellour where his Decrees were just his Dispatches quick his Judgements speedy his Sums of Debates full and satisfactory his Sentences irreversible his Assistants in the Rolls and other Courts able and honest None more complyant to Reason none more stiff in things against Reason He would do any thing for King Edward the sixth's interest nothing for Duke Dudley's ambition therefore he observing the course of Affairs would rather resigne his Place then his
Prince more dangerous his Disguise as who acts all things against his Master by his Authority Let no man upon this example ever repose so much upon any mans single Counsel Fidelity or Discretion as to create in himself or others a diffidence of his own Judgement which is likely to be most faithful and true to a mans own Interest Let every man have some things that no man shall obtain and some things that no man must dare ask because you see here if we let all go without reserve our Reputation is lost in the world by the Reputation our Favourite gains with us There was in Rome a certain man named Enatius somewhat entred in Age and of natural condition mutinous ambitious and troublesome Adrian being advertised that he was dead fell into a great laughter and sware That he could not but wonder he could intend to die considering what great business he had night and day Considering how many Affairs he had to manage how many cross accidents to accommodate I wonder what time he had to die And considering his many pretences for the Protestant Religion especially that for King Edward's I wonder with what face he could die a Papist But I have forgot my self for there are two sorts of persons in Machiavel that must either not believe or not profess any Religion The first the States-man that acts in publick Affairs the second the Historian that writes them Observations on the Life of Sir William Peter HE was born in that great Nursery of Parts Devonshire and bred in a greater Exeter-Colledge That Colledge made him a Scholar and All-Souls a Man His capacity was contemplative and his Genius active observing rather then reading with his eye more on men then Books studying behaviour rather then notion to be accomplished rather then knowing and not to erre in the main rather then to be excellent in circumstance His Body set off his Parts with a grave dignity of presence rather then a soft beauty of aspect His favour was more taking then his colour and his motion more then his favour and all such as made his early Vices blush and his riper Vertues shine The Earl of Wiltshire first pitched upon him for his Sons Tutor and then for his own Companion Noble Families set off hopeful Parts and improve them Cromwel's quick eye one day at my Lord spyeth his Personage and observes his Carriage He was a man himself and understood one Nothing would satisfie him but that the young Gentleman should come to Court and go to Travel King Henry loved any All-Souls man but was enamoured with him in whom concurred the three Perquisites of that Society 1. A Gentile Extraction 2. A graceful Behaviour 3. Competent Learning The young man designed for business was to travel for Education and the Scholar for Experience 1. His Pension is allowed him 125 l. a year 2. His Tutor is assigned who had been there before and could instruct him what he should see where he should go what acquaintance to entertain what exercise or discipline to undergo 3. His Instructions were drawn up as 1. That he should keep a Diary of what the chiefest places and the eminent persons either apart or in Conventions yielded worthy of Remarque and Observation 2. To have before him a Map or Card of every place he goeth to 3. Not to stay long in any one place 4. To converse with no Englishmen but Agents Embassadors or such grave persons as his Majesty would direct him to 5. To endeavour after Recommendations from persons of quality in one place to those in another keeping still his correspondence with the most publick and eminent persons of every respective place Within five years he returned a compleat Gentleman correcting the Vices of one Country with the Vertues of another and being one happy Composition of every Region Sir John Philpot was not so much the worse as Sir William was the better for travel He returning the shame of all Nations of his own by his weakness abroad of others by their follies at home This coming home the honour of his own by his abilities abroad of others by his perfections at home Two things improved his travel 1. An Artificial and careless freedome that opened others 2. A natural gravity that shut him up and was more capable of observing their Vertues and escaping their Vices Peter Earl of Savoy came to do his homage to Otho the fourth in a double attire on the one side Cloth of Gold on the other shining Armour the Emperour asked him what meant that Lindsey-Woolsey he answered Sir the attire on the right side is to honour your Majesty that on the left is to serve you Sir William Peter returns with those Gayeties of carriages on the one hand that might adorn a Court and with those abilities on the other that might support it His first employment was the Charts the Latine Letters and the Forreign Negotiation the next was Principal Secretary In which Office Wriothesley was rough and stubborn Paget easie Cecil close Mason plain Smith noble Peter was smooth reserved resolved and yet obliging Both the Laws he was Doctor of and both the Laws he made use of the Civil Law to direct Forreign Negotiations and the other t 〈…〉 give light to Domestick Occasions In the Kings absence in France 1544. Cranm 〈…〉 and Thorleby are to assist the Queen in matters o 〈…〉 Religion the Earl of Hertford in Affairs of War the Lord Parr of Horton and Doctor Peter in th 〈…〉 Civil Government whose Maxime it was It i 〈…〉 the interest of the Kings of England to be the Arbit 〈…〉 of Christendome Thus much he was to the Que 〈…〉 by Henry the eighth's Deputation and no less to King Edward by his Will A man would wonder how this man made a shift to serve four Princes of such distant Interests as King Henry King Edward Queen Mary Queen Elizabeth until he recollects the French King who enquired of a wise man how he might govern himself and his Kingdome the wise man took a fair large sheet of Paper and in stead of an infinite number of Precepts which others use to offer upon that subject he onely writ this word Modus A Mean In King Henry's time he observed his Humour in King Edward's he kept to the Law in Queen Mary's he intended wholly State-affairs and in Queen Elizabeth's he was religious his years minding him of death and his death of his faith He moved with the first Movers in most transactions to his apparent danger yet he had motions of his own for his real security Able he was at home and very dexterous abroad particularly at Bulloign The Philosophers exercising their Gifts before an Ambassador he asked one that was silent what he should say of him Repart to your King saith he that you found one among the Graecians that knew how to hold his tongue Ab said Mounsieur Cha●illon we had gained the last 200000 Crowns without Hostages had 〈…〉
John had a moving beauty that waited on his whole Body as that standing one doth upon the Face and Complexion Such a grace and comeliness waited on his Noble Meen as exacted a liking if not a love from all that beheld him A midling Clarity and quickness is best in Wine that is neither too thick upon the Lees nor yet too quick our Knights comportment and carriage was neither dull nor vapouring neither gross nor affected but of a becoming temper at equal distance with the Clown and the Pedant what 's contemptible and what 's invidious 3. But both these were set off with his Person of a middle stature neither tall to a formidableness nor short to a contempt straight and proportioned vigorous and active with that pure blood and spirits that flowed and flowred within his swelling Veins and disposed him to those natural and innocent those manly and noble Exercises of Dancing c. Dancing I say which he was not exquisite in for that is vanity nor ignorant of for that 's meanness but a graceful exercise wherein he was carelesly easie as if it were rather natural motion then curious and artificial practising which endeared his severer Vertues to that place where the worth that riseth must be complaisant and pleasing as well as serviceable and useful But the favour which proceeds from personal grace and comeliness although it seem to be doubly united yet it is that which is soonest dissolved and dissipated there being nothing so inconstant as mens humours which not onely change through Ages but also by some small occasion or accident which may arise Sir John therefore brought himself into Court by what humoured but kept himself in there by those things that did oblige him and stood not upon his Majesties pleasure but his Interest adding to his more aiery Courtships more solid Employments From the softer Court therefore we must follow him to the Camp and that before Terwyn where we finde him daring and active 1. In skirmishing the French every day 2. In recovering the red Gun overthrown in a Lane from 10000 French under the Earl St. Paul as General with 250 resolute Reformades under himself but Captain although he was once taken Prisoner as before Calice where he redeemed himself from the Officer that had taken him for 250 Crowns on condition he would conduct him safe from the French Quarter as the man did until they were gone so far that Sir John takes him Prisoner compelling him to the Reimbursement of his money with 200 Crowns more to be bestowed on the Common Souldiers As severely active was he at the siege of Tournay as the oldest Souldier and yet as innocently pleasant at the Mask there as the youngest Courtier One of the sixty he was that went with the King to cut off the Passage between that City and the Army and one of the eleven that went with his Majesty to entertain the Ladies at Lisle From serving one King in France he had the honour as it was thought to kill another in England I mean James of Scotland and challenge a third in Paris The same thing raised him that advanced Wolsey for he being sent to Maximilian after Treasurer Napbant had brought him to Court dispatched his business so soon that the King chid him for not being gone when he was returned and withal asked him Whether he had seen the Post that he had sent after him about a circumstance that had escaped him He answered He met him in his return but he had presumed to adde that particular of his his own head for which he asked his Majesties pardon and had his favour too for the Deanery of Lincoln and the Almonership Sir John was commanded with 1500 men to cut off the Convoy to Terwyn which he performed with that speed and success that when the King saw him he said I I Sir John while we are fooling the Town is relieved So it is indeed said he for I have sent them 2000 Carcases and they have spared me 1200 Wagons of Provision I but said the King I sent after you to cut off the Bridge Dreban That replyed the Knight was the first thing I did wherefore I am upon my knees for your Majesties grace and pardon Nay then said the King by Lady thou hast not my pardon but my favour too He is the man for a Princes service whose minde is present and prudence is ready to meet with suddain occasions and accommodate unexpected emergencies The first effect of that favour was his Nomination for one of the sixteen that answered the French Challenge at the Lady Mary's Marriage at Paris November 7 1513. which shewed his man-hood and how valiant he was The second was that he was one of the Forty five that were to be about his Majesty at the instant of his Interview with the King of France at Guisnes which was an Argument of his presence and how goodly a man he was The third was that he was one of the Twenty two that with the Earl of Surrey Lord Admiral and Sir William Fitz-Williams Vice-Admiral proposed that secret and therefore successful Designe upon Britain under pretence of Scowring the Narrow Seas for now he is as good in the Sea as he had been in the Field for which he and eight more of his fellow-Captains Sir Joh. Cornwallis c. are Knighted by the aforesaid Lord Admiral which speaks him a Sea-man and indeed one of a general capacity The fourth was the great Trust his Majesty reposed in him when he was sent in disguise to widen the difference that was newly broken out between the Duke of Bourbon the High Constable of France and the French King which he managed so well that the discontented Duke declares for the Emperour and the King of England to the great encouragement of the English the satisfaction of his Majesty and the success of his Designe upon Anchor Boungard Bray and other places where Sir John shewed himself as active now as he was before cunning as much surpassing the French Spirit in action as he had over-reached their Prudence in Negotiation But in vain was it to serve that King unless a man obliged the Cardinal he that courts the Virgin Mary must not neglect her little Saints him he attended in his second Journey to France first to honour and then to serve him And now after his decease when King Henry had done the work of mercy which was most proper for himself as being most popular upon the Lincolnshire Rebels he deputed the Duke of Suffolk Sir Francis Bri●ns and Sir John Russel to perform that of Justice which is most distastful wherein yet he behaves himself with that exactness that the Country was very well pleased and the King as well satisfied insomuch that we finde our Knight now called from a Commander in the Field to be Controller at Court where he managed his Masters Expences thriftily reduced his Family discreetly reformed his followers effectually and filled up his
conducted by Reason engage those difficulties she encountereth in the execution of her designs Reason discovered him his enterprizes his Will enclined him to them and the noble transports of his regular passions set out both with that ardour and vehemencie as bear down obstacles and compass the design A hope he had that never rashly engaged him in desperate undertakings an audacity that precipitated him not weakly into impossibilities and a choler that led him not blindly to inevitable ruines Consideration managing the first Discretion and Foresight the second and Reason the third What doth it avail a man to be wise in knowing what is fit to be done prudent to invent means just to appropriate affairs to publick good authorized and happy to cause them to succeed if a Courage guided by Reason accompanied with Prudence ruled by Discretion animated by a generous Boldness be not diligent quick and prompt for Execution His Nature was generous and constant His Education like that of the Roman Youth among Statesmen manifold and solid His Soul was free and dis-engaged from any particular Design 3. Eloquence That added to his Parts what colours do to a Picture state grace and light Reason is the Ornament of a Man Speech the Interpreter of Reason and Elequence the grace of Speech wherein the Orator excelleth other men as much as they do other creatures His Wisdom advised his Prudence contrived his Courage resolved and his Eloquence perswaded adding at once gracefulness to his Designs and vigour to his Enterprizes as that wherewith he could satisfie mens Reasons and master their Passions by which he carried them whither he pleased His lively Expression animates his Reason his Eloquence his Expression and his Gesture his Eloquence whereby he charmed the Senses mollified Hearts incited Affections framed Desires checked Hopes and exercised a sacred Empire over every man he dealt with These qualities improved with Travel raised the Doctor to be the Chancellour's Secretary and the Legantine Courts chief Scribe at home a sly Agent in Italy a successful Orator in Germany and Leiger Embassador in France In Italy he with Doctor Fox having the King of France his Agent to second them gained the Popes Commission for hearing of the Cause between King Henry the VIII and Queen Katharine In Germany he undermined the French King and in France the Emperour Upon the poor Pope whom he found not worth 20 l. perplexed between the King of England who had set him at liberty and the King of Spain who had maintained him he wrought so far as to gain a dubious Letter in Cypher to the King and a clear promise to the Cardinal both about the suppression of some Monasteries and the Divorce which the crafty Agent extorted from the fearful man with his Necesse est c. although all this while he palliated this his main business with some impertinent overtures about King Henry the seventh's Canonization None better understanding the just degrees seasons and methods of Affairs then this Doctor Where he spoke one word for his Majesties Divorce he spoke two for the Cardinals Advancement having the French Kings Letter with him to that effect in omnem eventum In order whereunto he threatned the Pope from Germany and Germany from Rome so that their mutual jealousies forced them to a compliance with his Royal and Sacred Master A great Agent he was in this business while Wol●ey's Secretary a greater when the Kings in which capacity he writ they say one Book for the Pope's Supremacie in his Masters Name and another for the Kings in his own He draweth the Kingdom 's Remonstrance against the Pope and the Pope's against the Kingdom He and Doctor Fox are employed to gain the Vote of Cambridge for the Divorce where he brought it from the Negative to even Voices and from even Voices to a Disputation and upon that to a Determination on the Kings side for which we find him now Bishop of Winchester Archbishop Cranmer's Assistant at pronouncing the Divorce at the Priory of Dunstable and one of the two Embassadors at the Interview between King Francis and King Henry As he had declared himself by writing so he drew up a Form whereby others might declare themselves by oath for the Kings Supremacy And as he owneth the Kings Authority so he maintaineth it in his Apology for Fisher's Death But because no power is lasting when Religion is not v●nerable the wary Bishop promotes the Statutes of six Articles in the House of Commons in spight of Cromwel and Cranmer and urgeth the retaining of some essential Latin words in the translation in the Convocation Words for their genuine and native meaning and for the Majesty of the matter in them contained not to be Englished Though he could not keep the word from shining yet had he wit enough to keep it in a dark Lanthorn to keep the Laity at their distance and bear up the Will-worship of Rome Had he kept here King Henry had been satisfied but when his success improved his boldness and that precipitated his undertakings he must be quarreling with the Protestant Queens and so fall out with the Uxorious King under whose displeasure he continued while he lived as he did under his sons afterwards First for refusing a confession of his fault and then for not subscribing some Articles proposed unto him though he owned the Supremacy the Reformation and said of the Common-Prayer That though he would not have made it so himself yet be found in it such things as satisfied his conscience and therefore be would both execute it himself and cause others of his Parishioners to do it and if be were troubled in conscience he would reveal it to the Council and not reason openly against it so that he lost his Liberty and his Bishoprick until he was restored to both by Queen Mary who kissed and called him her Prisoner in the Tower and likewise advanced him to the Chancellourship wherein he did more harm by others then himself keeping alwayes behinde the Curtain and acting in Oxford by Visitors in London bv Bonner and in his own Diocess by Suffragans Onely in two Particulars he declared himself 1. Against the Princess Elizabeth saying In vain it is to lop the Branches while the Root remains 2. Against the Exiles Threatning that he would watch their supplies so that they should eat their nails and then feed on their fingers ends But threatned Folks live long and before the Confessors were brought to that Bill of fare the Bishop was eaten of worms himself dying suddenly and strangely wholly a Protestant in the point of merit who had been in other things so zealous a Papist One piece at once of his Prudence and Resolution and I have done The Lord Protector by Letters sollicited Gardiner to resign Trinity-Hall to the Kings hand who designed one Colledge out of that and Clare-Hall Most politick Gardiner saith my Author not without cause suspecting some design or casualty
In Love-Letters to her notwithstanding that Queen Elizabeth bid him take care what pillow he rested his head on 2. In his Mediations at Court so importune for her that the Queen would say The Queen of Scots shall never want an Advocate while Norfolk lives And 3. By some private transaction with the Pope and Spaniard to which Leicesters craft trepanned him against his friend Cecils advice which in a dangerous juncture cost him his life For the people wishing for the security of the succession in a Protestant and an English hand that the good Duke were married to the Mother and his onely Daughter to her young Son subtile Leicester and Throgmorton laid a Train for the plain man by Conferences with Murray Cecil c. until a Plot was discovered and the Duke notwithstanding Cecils advice to marry a private Lady retiring to Norfolk to finish the Match with the Queen was upon Letters taken with Rosse surprized and committed to the Tower he saying I am betrayed and undone by mine own whilst I knew not how to mistrust which is the strength of wisdome After a solemn Tryal he is beheaded for Indiscretions rather then Treasons loosing his head because he wanted one Never any fell more beloved or more pitied such his singular Courtesie such his magnificent Bounty not unbecoming so great a Peer High was his Nobility large his Interest singularly good his Nature comely his Person manly his Countenance who saith Cambden might have been a great strength and Ornament to his Country had not the cunning practices of his malicious Adversaries and slippery hopes under colour of publick good diverted him from his first course of life His death was a blot to some mens Justice to all mens Discretion that were concerned in it as generally odious though quietly endured which proves saith one That the common people are like Rivers which seldome grow so impetuous as to transcend the bounds of Obedience but upon the overflowing of a general Oppression Observations on the Life of Sir Nicholas Throgmorton SIr Nicholas Throgmorton fourth Son of Sir George Throgmorton of Coughton in Warwick-shire was bred beyond the Seas where he attained to great experience Under Queen Mary he was in Guild-hall arraigned for Treason in compliance with Wiat and by his own wary pleading and the Juries upright Verdict hardly escaped Queen Elizabeth employed him her Leiger a long time first in France then in Scotland finding him a most able Minister of State yet got he no great Wealth and no wonder being ever of the opposite party to Burleigh Lord Treasurer Chamberlain of the Exchequer and Chief Butler of England were his highest Preferments I say Chief Butler which Office like an empty-covered Cup pretendeth to some State but affordeth no considerable profit He died at Supper with eating of Sallats not without suspicion of poyson the rather because it happened in the house of one no mean Artist in that faculty R. Earl of Leicester His death as it was sudden was seasonable for him and his whose active others will call it turbulent spirit had brought him unto such trouble as might have cost him at least the loss of his Personal Estate He died in the 57 year of his Age Febr. 12. 1570. and lieth buried in the South-side of the Chancel of St. Martin Cree-church London A stout and a wise man that saw through pretences and could look beyond dangers His skill in Heraldry appears in his grim Arguments against the King of France in right of his Queen of Scots Usurping of the Arms of England and his experience in History in his peremptory Declarations of the Queen of Englands Title in right of her twelve Predecessors to those of France But his Policy much more by putting Montmorency the great Enemy of the Guizes upon perswading his Master out of the humour of wearing those Arms with this Argument That it was below the Arms of France to be quartered with those of England those being comprehensive of these and all other of his Majesties Dominions An Argument more suitable to that Prince his ambition then convincing to his Reason Wise men speak rather what is most fit then what is most rational not what demonstrates but what perswades his and takes But being endangered in his Person affronted in his Retinue and served with nothing at his Table but what had the Arms of England quartered with those of France he dealt underhand with the Earl of Northumberland to understand the scope the Reformed propounded to themselves their means to compass what they aimed at and if at any time they were assisted upon what terms a League might be concluded between the two Kingdomes The Advices collected from all his Observations he sent to the Queen were these 1. That she should not rest in dull Counsels of what is lawful but proceed to quick Resolutions of what is safe 2. That to prevent is the policy of all Nations and to be powerful of ours England is never peaceable but in Arms. 3. That how close soever they managed their Affairs it was a Maxime That France can neither be poor nor abstain from War three years together Francis Earl of Bedford bore the state of the French Embassy and Sir Nicholas the burden who gave dayly Directions to Sir Thomas Challoner in Spain Sir Henry Killigrew in Germany and Sir Thomas Randolph and Sir Peter Mewtas in Scotland to the two first to enjealous the Princes of those Countries and to the last to unite the Nobility of Scotland he in the mean time suffering himself to be taken prisoner by the Protestants at the battle of Dreux that he might with less suspition impart secret Counsels to them and receive as secret Advices from them until discovering their lightness and unconstancy they secured him as a person too cunning for the whole Faction and too skilful in raising Hurley-burleys and Commotions When the young Queen of Scots would needs marry the young Lord Darley he told her that was long to be deliberated on which was to be done but once And when that would not do he advised 1. That an Army should appear upon the borders 2. That the Ecclesiastical Laws should be in force against Papists 3. That Hertford should be secured and 4. That the Lord Dudley should be advanced But the Queen being married to the Lord Darley an easie and good-natured man whom Queen Elizabeth wished to her Bed next Leicester and affronted by her subjects Throgmorton disputes the Queens Authority and non-accountableness to any against Bucbanans damned Dialogue of the Peoples power over Kings until smelling their designe of revolt to the French and cruelty upon the Queen he perswaded her to resigne her Government saying That her Resignation extorted in Prison which is a just fear was utterly void The next news we hear of this busie man was in his two Advisoes to the Queen of Scots friends 1. To clap up Cecil whom they might then he said deal
to Brussels to make it with no less commendation for the prudent Articles he proposed then censure for the hazard he incurred in the Proposal So equal and even did old Dale carry himself that the Duke of Parma saw in his Answers the English spirit and therefore saith my Author durst not try that Valour in a Nation which he was so afraid of in a single person That he had no more to say to the old Gentleman then onely this These things are in the hand of the Almighty None more inward with other men then Sir Francis Walsingham none more inward with him then Sir Thomas Randolph well studied he was in Justinians Code better in Machiavils Discourses both when a learned Student of Christ-church and a worthy Principal of Broadgates thrice therefore was he an Embassadour to the Lords of Scotland in a Commotion thrice to Queen Mary in times of Peace seven times to James the sixth of Scotland for a good understanding and thrice to Basilides Emperour of Russia for Trade Once to Charles the ninth King of France to discover his designe upon Scotland and once to Henry the third to open a Conspiracy of his Subjects against him Great Services these but meanly rewarded the serviceable but moderate and modest man though he had as many children at home as he had performed Embassies abroad being contented with the Chamberlainship of the Exchequer and the Postermasters place the first but a name and the second then but a noyse to which were added some small Farms wherein he enjoyed the peace and innocence of a quiet and retired Life a Life which upon the reflexions of a tender Conscience he wished a great while as appears by his Letters to his dear Walsingham wherein he writes How worthy yea how necessary a thing it was that they should at length bid Farewel to the snares be of a Secretary and himself of an Embassadour and should both of them set their mindes upon their Heavenly Country and by Repenting ask Mercy of GOD. Observations on the Life of Sir Amias Poulet SIr Amias Poulet born at Hinton St. George in Somersetshire Son to Sir Hugh and Grand-childe to Sir Amias Poulet was Chancellour of the Garter Governour of the Isles of Jersey and Gernsey and Privy-Councellour to Queen Elizabeth He was so faithful and trusty that the Queen committed the keeping of Mary Queen of Scots to his custody which he discharged with great fidelity As Caesar would have his Wife so he his Spirit above the very suspicion of unworthiness equally consulting his Fame and his Conscience When he performed his last Embassie with no less satisfaction to the King of France then honour to the Queen of England at once with a good humor and a great state he would not accept a Chain and all Gifts are Chains from that King by any means until he was a League from Paris then he took it because he would oblige that Prince and not till then because he would not be obliged by any but his Soveraign saying I will wear no Chains but my Mistresses It is the Interest of Princes that their Servants Fortune should be above the temptation it is their happiness that their Spirits are above the respects of a private concern Observations on the Lives of Sir James Crofts John Grey of Pyrgo Sir Henry Gates EMblems of Honour derived from Ancestors are but rotten Rags where ignoble Posterity degenerates from their Progenitors but they are both glorious and precious where the children both answer and exceed the Vertues of their extraction as in these three Gentlemen whose Ancestors fill both Pages of former Kings Chronicles as they do the Annals of Queen Elizabeth Three Gentlemen whom it's pity to part in their Memoires since they were always together in their Employments All three were like to die in Queen Mary's days for the profession of the Protestant Religion all three spending their Lives in Queen Elizabeth's for the propagation of it 1. Sir Henry Gates lying in Rome as a Spy under the Notion of Cardinal Florido's Secretary six years John Grey drawing up the whole Proceedings and Methods of the Reformation for ten years and Sir James Crofts being either the vigilant and active Governour of Berwick or the prudent and successful Commissioner in Scotland for seven years When the French threatned us by the way of Scotland the Earl of Northumberland was sent Northward for his interest as Warden of the middle March Sir Ralph Sadler for his wisdome as his Assistant and Councellour and Sir James Crofts for his Conduct as both their Guide and Director-general An Estate in the Purse credits the Court Wisdome in the Head adorneth it but both in the Hand serve it Nobly did he and Cutbbert Vaughan beat the French that sallied out of Edinburgh into their Trenches but unhappily stood he an idle Spectator in his quarter the next Scalado while the English are overthrown and the Duke writes of his infidelity to the Queen who discharged him from his Place though not from her favour for in stead of the more troublesome Place the Government of Berwick she conferred on him that more honourable the Controllership of her Houshold Great Service did his Valour at Hadington in Scotland against the French greater his Prudence in Vlster against the Spaniards Although his Merit made his Honour due to him and his Blood becoming though his Cares Travels and Dangers deserved pity his quiet and meek Nature love though he rise by wary degrees and so was unobserved and stood not insolently when up and so was not obnoxious yet Envy reflected as hot upon him as the Sun upon the rising ground which stands firm though it doth not flourish as this Gentleman 's resolved Honesty did overcoming Court-envy with a solid worth waxing old at once in years and reverence and dying as the Chronicle wherein he dieth not but with Time reports it in good favour with his Prince and sound reputation with all men for three infallible sources of Honour 1. That he aimed at Merit more then Fame 2. That he was not a Follower but an Example in great Actions and 3. That he assisted in the three great Concerns of Government 1. in Laws 2. in Arms and 3. in Councils In Aesop there is a slight Fable of a deep Moral it is this Two Frogs consulted together in the time of Drowth when many plashes that they had repaired to were dry what was to be done and the one propounded to go down into a deep Well because it was like the water would not fail there but the other answered Yea but if it do fail bow shall we get up again Mr. Grey would Nod and say Humane affairs are so uncertain that he seemeth the wisest man not who hath a spirit to go on but who hath a wariness to come off and that seems the best course that hath most passages out of it Sir James Crofts on the other hand hated that irresolution that would do
King James he was unexpectedly preferred Arch-Bishop of Canterbury being of a more Fatherly presence than those who might almost have been his Fathers for age in the Church of England There are two things much charged upon his memory First That in his house he respected his Secretary above his Chaplains and out of it alwayes honoured Cloaks above Cassocks Lay above Clergy-men Secondly That he connived at the spreading of Nonconformity insomuch that a Modern Author said Had Bishop Laud succeeded Bancroft and the project of Conformity been followed without interruption there is little question to be made but that our Jerusalem by this time might have been a City at unity within it self This Arch-Bishop was much humbled with a casual Homicide of a Keeper of the Lord Zouch's in Bramel-Parke though soon after he was solemnly quitted from any irregularity thereby In the Reign of King Charles he was sequester'd from his Jurisdictions say some on the old account of that Homicide though others say for refusing to License a Sermon of Doctor Sirptborps Yet there is not an Expresse of either in the Instrument of Sequestration the Commission onely saying in the general That the Arch-Bishop could not at that present in his own Person attend those Services which were otherwise proper for his Cognizance and Jurisdiction To say the truth he was a man of good intentions and knew much but failed in what those ordinarily do that are devoted to our modern singularities being extreamly obstinate in his opinions which the King was more willing to understand than follow because most times he looked upon things according to the rigour of Ecclesiastick maximes and was either too curious and irresolute by variety of reading or too peremptory and positive from the strictnesse of his Rules or too zealous by reason of the seriousnesse of his Study or wide from the matter by reason of his inexperience and aptnesse to require in the times he lived the regularity of the times he read of heeding not the force of Circumstances the errours of Comparison or the cautions of Application I like his Apology for his severity to the Clergy that he was austere to prevent others being cruel as well as his zeal for the Protestant Religion onely his Principles betrayed his profession which he rendered too obnoxious while he supported it by those novel grounds which our Adversaries could make us confesse were Heterodox and by those streight-laced foundations which we saw our selves too narrow As for instance King James his vast capacity took him up once for making the Scripture the onely rule of Civil Affairs owning the piety but observing to his face the imprudence of that assertion Imprudence I say as for many reasons so for this because to assert a truth upon a weak principle is to tempt the world to doubt of the strength of the first when they see the weaknesse of the other Whether he went off in discontent and said He would not attend at the Councel-Table because he should not wait at the Altar Whether he had such malignant followers as called themselves Nicodemites or Night-Disciples Whether he turned noon-day into mid-night and mid-night into noon-day having a candle always burning in his Chamber or if so for what reason I would not have one of my years determine but rather refer the present age to his Contemporaries pen which describes him thus A very learned man he was his Erudition all of the old stamp fitly principled in the Doctrine of St. Augustine pious grave and exemplary in his Conversation But some think him a better man than Arch-Bishop and that he was better qualified with merit for the Dignity than with a spirit answering the Function in the exercise whereof he was conceived too facile and yielding his extraordinary remisness in not exacting strict Conformity to the prescribed Orders of the Church in point of Ceremony seemed to resolve those legal Determinations to their first Principle of Indifference and led in such an habit of Inconformity as the future reduction of those tender-conscienced men to long discontinued obedience was interpreted an innovation Observations on the Life of Sir George Calvert SIr George Calvert was bred first in Trinity-Colledge in Oxford and then beyond the Seas His Abilities commended him first to be Secretary to Bobert Cecil Earl of Salisbury Lord Treasurer of England Afterwards he was made Clerk of the Council and at last principal Secretary of State to King James succeeding Sir Tho. Lake in that Office Anno 1619. Conceiving the Duke of Buckingham highly instrumental in his preferment he presented him with a Jewel of great value which the Duke returned him again not owning any Activity in his Advancement whom King James ex mero motn reflecting on his Abilities designed for the Place This Place he discharged five years until he willingly resigned the same 1624. on this occasion He freely confessed himself to the King that he was then become a Roman Catholique so that he must either be wanting to his Trust or violate his conscience in discharging his Office This his Ingenuity so highly affected King James that he continued him Privy-Councellor all his Reign and soon after created him Lord Baltemore of Baltemore in Ireland During his being Secretary he had a Patent to him and his Heirs to be Absolutus Dominus Proprietarius with the Royalties of a Count Palatine of the Province of Avalon in the New-found land a place so named by him in imitation of old Avalon in Somersetshire wherein Glassenbury stands the first-fruits of Christianity in Britain as the other was in that part of America Here he built a fair house in Ferry-land and spent twenty five thousand pounds in advancing the Plantation thereof Indeed his publick spirit consulted not his private profit but the enlargement of Christianity and the Kings Dominions in that his ancient primitive and heroick work of planting the world After the death of King James he went twice in person to New-found Land Here when Monsieur de l'Arade with three men of War sent from the King of France had reduced our English Fishermen to great extreamity this Lord with two Ships manned at his own charge chased away the French-men relieved the English and took sixty of the French Prisoners He removed afterwards to Virginia to view those parts and thence came into England and obtained of King Charles the first who had as great an esteem of and affection for him as King James a Patent to him and his heirs for Mary-Land on the North of Virginia with the same Title and Royalties conferred on him as in Avalon aforesaid now a hopeful Plantation peopled with eight thousand English Souls which in process of time may prove more advantageous to our Nation Judge Popham and Sir George Calvert agreed not more unanimously in the publick design of Planting than they differed in the private way of it the first was for extirpating Heathens the second for converting them He sent
countenance our Cause His extraction was Gentile and Ancient as appeared from his Ancestors Estate which was more than he could purchase without borrowing when at once Lord Keeper Bishop of Lincoln and Dean of Westminster His minde great and resolute insomuch that he controuled all other advices to his last to his losse in Wales and daunted Sir John Cook as you may see in his character to his honour in England His warinesse hath these arguments 1. That he would not send the Seal to the King but under lock and key 2. That being to depute one to attend in his place at the Coronation he would not name his Adversary Bishop Laud to gratifie him nor yet any other to displease the King but took a middle way and presented his Majesty a List of the Prebendaries to avoid any exception referring the Election to his Majesty himself 3. That he proposed a partial Reformation of our Church to the Parliament to prevent an utter extirpation by it 4. That he exposed others to the censure of the Parliament 1625. to save himself 5. That he answered to several Examinations without any the least advantage taken by his Antagonist This character of his I think very exact That his head was a well-fitted treasury and his tongue the fair key to unlock it That he had as great a memory as could be reconciled with so good a judgement That so quick his parts that others study went not beyond his nature and their designed and forelayd performances went not beyond his sudden and ready accommodations Onely he was very open and too free in discourse disdaining to lye at a close guard as confident of the length and strength of his weapon Observations on the Life of Sir Isaac Wake THis honourable person whom I look upon at Oxford in the same capacity and fortune that Sir Robert Naunton and Sir Francis Nethersole were in at Cambridge He was born in Northampton-shire his Father Arthur Wake being Parson of Billing Master of the Hospital of St. Johns in Northampton and Canon of Christs-Church bred Fellow of Merton-Colledge in Oxford Proctor and Orator of that University whence he was admitted Secretary to Sir Dudley Carleton Secretary of State and afterward advanced into the King's service and by his Master and the Duke of Buckingham employed Embassadour to Venice where he neglected his own interest to attend his Majesties employment the reason that he dyed rich onely in the just conscience of his worth and the repute of his merit Coming from Venice he was appointed Lieger of France and designed Secretary of State had not Death prevented him at Paris being accomplished with all qualifications requisite for publick Employment Learning Languages Experience Abilities and what not King CHARLES hearing of his death commanded his Corps to be decently brought from Paris into England allowing the expences of his Funeral and enjoyning his neerest Relations to attend the performance thereof These accordingly met his body at Bulloign in France and saw it solemnly conveyed into England where it was interred in the Chappel of the Castle of Dover His REX PLATONICUS or his Latine account of King James his six dayes stay at Oxford speaks his Learning and his Instructions for Travel his experience He observing his Predecessors failings retrenched his expences satisfying himself with a repute of noblenesse while in his way to preferment and others with the expectation of his bounty When preferred he seemed liberal that he might not be despised abroad but he was neer that he might not be odious at home His prodigality it may be might have satisfied the curiosity of a few Strangers while he incurred the displeasure of all his friends Besides a close wary man may be bountiful at his pleasure but the munificent cannot be so easily sparing for if his occasions or fortunes check his profuseness all his gallantry is in his first action of good husbandry Caution in expences if it be a vice is one of those saith the Italian that never disinherited a man Nay of the two saith Machiavel It 's more discretion to hold the style of miserable which begets an infamy without hatred than to desire that of Liberal which being maintained by necessitous courses procures an infamy with hatred As never did States-man a brave action that seemed illiberal so never did he any such that was not so Yet four things our Knight spared no cost in 1. Intelligence He could afford he said a golden key for the Pope's Cabinet 2. Books his Study was his Estate 3. In watching the Spanyards saying The Indies will pay for this And 4. Entertaining knowing men often applauding that Emperour's maxime That bad rather go fifty miles to hear a wise man than five to see a fair City And this he was eminent for that he saw nothing remarkable in Foreign parts that he applyed not to his own Countrey Sir Henry Wotton being not more curious in picking up small Rarities to pleasure particular persons than Sir Isaac Wake was industrious to observe any useful invention that might improve the publick good Observations on the Life of the Lord Cottington SIr Fran. Cottington being bred when a youth under Sir .......... Stafford lived so long in Spain till he made the garb and gravity of that Nation become his and become him too He raised himself by his natural strength without any artificial advantage having his parts above his learning his Experience above his Parts his Industry above his Experience and some will say his Successe above all So that at last he became Chancellor of the Exchequer Baron of Hanworth in Middlesex Constable of the Tower 1640. and upon the resignation of Doctor juxon Lord Treasurer of England gaining also a very great Estate Very reserved he was in his temper and very slow in his proceedings sticking to some private Principles in both and aiming at certain rules in all things a temper that indeared him as much to his Master Prince Charles his person as his integrity did to his service Nor to his service onely but to that of the whole Nation in the Merchandize whereof he was well versed to the trade whereof he was very serviceable many ways but eminently in that he negotiated that the Spanish Treasure which was used to be sent to Flanders by the way of Genoa might be sent in English Bottoms which exceedingly enriched England for the time and had it continued had made her the greatest Bank and Mart for Gold and Silver of any Common-wealth in Europe Indeed the advantage of his Education the different Nations and Factions that he had to deal with the direct opposition of Enemies the treachery of Friends the contracts of States-men the variety and force of Experience from the distinct knowledge of the natures of the people of several Countreys of their chief Ministers of State with their Intrigues of government made him so expert that the Earl of Bristol and Sir Walter Aston could do nothing without him and he
and Antiquity of whose old pieces he was the greatest Hoarder in Europe setting aside Ferdinando de Medicis grand Duke of Tuscany from whom by the mediation of Sir Henry Wotton he borrowed many an Antique Sculpture which furnished his Archives so well as we may guess by Mr. Selden's Marmora Arundeliana that as my Lord Burleigh's Library was the most compleat one for a Politician my Lord Bacon's for a Philosopher Mr. Selden's for an Historian Bishop Vsher's for a Divine my Lord of Northampton's for a Poet Mr. Oughtred's for a Mathematician Dr. Hammond's for a Grammarian or an universal Critick so the Earl of Arundel's was the best for a● Hearld and an Antiquary a Library not for shew but use Neither was he more in his study where he be stowed his melancholy hours than in Councel where he advised three things in reference to the Foreign troubles 1. Correspondence abroad 2. Frequent Parliaments 3. Oftner progresse into the Countries Neither was he lesse in the Field than in Council when General against the Scots the more shame that Protestants should 〈◊〉 time rebel against their King when Papists vent 〈…〉 red their lives for him After which Expedition he was ordered beyond Sea with the Queen-Mother of France 1639. when they say he looked back on England with this wish May it never have need of me It 's true some observe that the Scots who cried upon him as a Papist yet writ under hand to him their Noble Lord as they did to Essex and Holland so effectually that they had no heart to that War afterward and it is as true that thereupon a schedule was now the second time given of the parties that combined against the Government viz. 1. The busie medlers that had got the plausible trick of Haranguing since King James's time not used in Parliament from H 6. time to his 2. The covetous Landlords Inclosers Justices of the Peace that ruled in the Country and would do so in Parliament 3. Needy men in debt that durst not shew their heads in time of Peace 4. Puritans that were so troublesome against Hatton c. in Queen Eliz. dayes and under pretence of Religon overthrew all Government 5. Such Male-contents as either lost the preferment they had or had not what they were ambitious of with their Kindred and Dependants 6. Lawyers that second any attempt upon the Prerogative with their Cases Records and Antiquities 7. London Merchants that had been discovered by Cranfield and Ingram as to their cheats put upon the King in his Customes and Plantations 8. Common-wealths-men that had learned from Holland in Queen Eliz. days to pray for the Queen and the State And 9 Because there cannot be a Treason without a P such Recusants as were Hispanioliz'd whereof this Earl was none but though as a Church-Papist he had most of the Catholick Peers votes devolved on him he never bestowed them undutifully albeit sometimes stoutly and resolutely A great friend he was to all new Inventions save those that tended to do that by few hands which had been usually done by many because said he While private men busie their heads to take off the Poors employment the publick Magistrate must trouble his to finde them maintenance Either he or the Earl of Northampton used to say when asked what made a compleat man To know how to cast Accompts an accomplishment though ordinary yet might save many an Estate in England Observations on the Life of Esme Duke of Richmond GReat in his Ancestors honour greater in his own vertu and greatest of all in that like the Star he wore the higher he was the lesse he desired to seem affecting rather the 〈◊〉 than the pomp of noblenesse therefore his courtesie was his nature not his craft and his affableness not a base servile popularity or an ambitious insinuation but the native gentlenesse of his disposition and his true value of himself He was not a stranger to any thing worth knowing but best acquainted with himself and in himself rather with his weaknesses for Caution than his abilities for Action Hence he is not so forward in the traverses of War as in Treaties of Peace where his honour ennobled his cause and his moderation advanced it He and my Lord of Southampton managing the several Overtures of Peace at London Oxford and Oxbridge with such honourable freedome and prudence that they were not more deservedly regarded by their Friends than importunately courted they their Enemies who seeing they were such could not be patient till they were theirs though in ●ain their honours being impregnable as well against the Factions kindnesse as against their power At Conferences his conjectures were as solid as others judgements his strict observation of what was passed furnishing him for an happy guesse of what was to come Yet his opinion was neither variably unconstant nor obstinately immoveable but framed to present occasions wherein his method was to begin a second advice from the failure of his first though he hated doubtful suspense when he might be resolute This one great defect was his good nature that he could never distrust till it was dangerous to suspect and he gave his Enemy so much advantage that he durst but own him for his friend One thing he repented of that he advised his Majestie to trust Duke Hamilton his Adversary with the affairs of Scotland in compliance with the general opinion rather than the Marquess Huntly his friend in compliance with his own real interest an advice wherein his publick-spiritednesse superseded his particular concerns and his good nature his prudence So true is it that the honest mans single uprightnesse works in him that confidence which oft-times wrongs him and gives advantage to the subtle while he rather pities their faithlesness than repents of his credulity so great advantage have they that look onely what they may do over them that consider what they should do and they that observe onely what is expedient over them that judge onely what is lawful Therefore when those that thought themselves wise left their sinking Soveraign he stuck to his Person while he lived to his body when dead and to his cause as long as he lived himself attending the first resolutely burying the second honourably and managing the third discreetly undertaking without rashnesse and performing without fear never seeking dangers never avoiding them Although when his Friends were conquered by the Rebels he was conquered by himself retyring to that privacy where he was guessed at not known where he saw the world unseen where he made yielding a conquest where cheerful unconcerned in expectation he provided for the worst and hoped the best in the constant exercise of that Religion which he his maintained more effectually with their Examples than with their Swords doing as much good in encouraging the Orthodox by his presence as in relieving them by his bounty In a word I may say of him as Macarius doth of Justine There was no
Vice but he thought below him and no Vertue which he esteemed not either his duty on ornament Neither was his prudence narrower than his virtue nor his virtue streighter than his fortune His main service was his inspection into the Intrigues and Reserves of the Parliamentiers at Vxbridge and his cajoling of the Independants and Scots at London where the issue of his Observations was That the King should as far as his conscience could allow comply with the unreasoble desires of an illimited ambition to make it sensible of the evils that would flow from its own Counsels being confident as events have assured us that the people would see the inconvenience of their own wishes and that they would return that power which they sought for but could not manage to its proper place before it became their-ruine for unbounded Liberty overthroweth its self But alas it was too late to grant them any thing who by having so much were onely encouraged more eagerly to desire what they knew the King in honour could not give For when a Prince is once rendred odious or contemptible his Indulgences do him no lesse hurt than injuries As his services were great so were his Recreations useful Hunting that manly Exercise being both his pleasure his accomplishment his accomplishment I say since it is in the list of Machiavel's rules to his Prince as not onely the wholsomest and cheapest diversion both in relation to himself and his People but the best Tutor to Horse-manship Stratagems and Situations by which he may afterwards place an Army what-ever Sir Sidney's apprehension was who used to say Next hunting he liked hawking worst Observations on the Life of the Lord Chief-Justice Banks SIr John Banks his Parents perceiving him judicious and industrious bestowed good breeding on him in Grayes-Inne in hope he should attain to preferment wherein they were not deceived For after he was called to the Bar for some years he solicited Suits for others thereby attaining great practical experience He afterwards might laugh at them who then did smile at him leaving many behind him in Learning whom he found before him in time until at last he was Knighted by King Charles made first his Attorney then Chief-Justice of the Common-Pleas dying in the middest and heat of our Civil Dissentions He ordered by his Will that his Body should be buried under some plain Monument at the discretion of his Executors and after an Epitaph mentioning the severall Places he had held this Motto to be added Non nobis Domine non nobis sed Nomini tuo da Gloriam By his said Will he gave to the value of thirty pound per ann with other Emoluments to be bestowed in pious Uses and chiefly to set up a Manufacture of course Cottons in the Town of Keswick He was one whom the Collar of S S. S. worn by Judges and other Magistrates became very well if it had its name from Sanctus Simon Simplicius no man being more seriously pious none more singly honest When Sir Henry Savile came to Sir Edward Cook then at bowls in Arch-Bishop Abbot's behalf and told him he had a Case to propose to him Sir Edward answered If it be a Case in Common-Law I am unworthy to be a Judge if I cannot presently satisfie you but if it be a point of Statute-Law I am unworthy to be a Judge if I should undertake to satisfie you without consulting my Books Sir John Bankes though ready without his Books on the Bench yet always resolved Cases out of them in his Chamber answerable to his saying to Dr. Sibs A good textuary is a good Lawyer as well as a good Divine His invention was prompt and ready his apprehension sure and solid his memory capacious and retentive his knowledge in the Law and the inward reasons of it profound his experience in affairs of State universal and well laid patient he was in hearing sparing but pertinent in speaking very glad always to have things represented truly and clearly and when it was otherwise able to discern through all pretences the real merit of a Cause He was a man of singular modesty of the ancient freedome plain-heartednesse and integrity of minde Very grave and severe in his deportment yet very affable in such sort that as Tacitus saith of Agrippa Illi quod est rarissimum nec facilitas authoritatem nec severitas amorem diminu●● And in a word so even and circumspect he was in the several turnings and occasions of his life that though he went himself and brought over as many as he had any interest in to the King I finde him under no extraordinary displeasure from the Rebels and I observe but one unhappinesse in his whole life and that is that all men speak well of him Observations on the Life of Sir Tho. Edmonds THe Trophees of Miltiades would not let Themistocles sleep nor the Courts-advancements of his Relations this Gentleman to sit still having both Livie's qualifications for an eminent man a great spirit and a gallant conduct for actions a sharp wit and a fluent tongue for advice Whence we meet with him Comptroller of the Kings Houshold at home and his Agent for Peace abroad equally fit for businesse of courage and resolution and for affairs of Councel and complement I think it was this Gentleman who foreseeing a Contest likely to ensue between the English and the Spanish Embassadors to the first whereof he belonged went to Rome privately and fetched a Certificate out of the book of Ceremonies which according to the Canon giveth the rule in such cases shewing that the King of England was to precede him of Castile a good argument because ad homines wise men having always thought fit to urge not what is most rational in its self but what all circumstances considered is most conrincing Sir Thomas Edmonds used to puzzle the Catholicks about six Records 1. The original of Constantine's grant of Rome to the Pope 2. St. Marke's grant of the Adriatique Guiph to Venice 3. The Salique Law in France 4. The Instrument whereby King John passed away England to the Pope 5. The Letter of King Lucius And 6. The Ordinal of the Consecration at the Nags-head Neither did he perplex them with these Quaeries more than he angered the Faction with his Principles Tertio Car. I. 1. That the King was to be trusted 2. That the Revenue was to be setled 3. That the Protestant cause was to be maintained 4. That Jealousies were to be removed and things past were to be forgotten Observations on the Life of Sir Paul Pindar HE was first a Factor then a Merchant next a Consul and at last an Embassador in Turkey Whence returning with a good purse and a wary Headpiece he cast about what he might do to gratifie K. James and the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury most and finding them much pleased with acts of Charity and Piety he repaired the Entry Front and Porches of St. Paul's Cathedral to
to raise other mens He neglected the minute and little circumstances of compliance with vulgar humors aiming at what was more solid and more weighty Moderate men are applauded but the Heroick are never understood Constant he was in all that was good this was his heroick expression when solicited by his Wives Father to desist from his engagement with the King Leave me to my Honour and Allegiance No security to him worth a breach of Trust no interest worth being unworthy His conduct was as eminent in War as his carriage in Peace many did he oblige by the generosity of his minde more did he awe with the hardinesse of his body which was no more softned to sloath by the dalliances of a Court than the other was debauched to a carelesnesse by the greatnesse of his Fortune His prudence was equal to his valour and he could entertain dangers as well as despise them for he not onely undeceived his enemies surmises but exceeded his own friends opinion in the conduct of his soldiers of whom he had two cares the one to discipline the other to preserve them Therefore they were as compleatly armed without as they were well appointed within that surviving their first dangers they might attain that experience resolution which is in vain expected from young and raw soldiers To this conduct of a General he added the industry of a Soldier doing much by his performances more by his example that went as an active soul to enliven each part and the whole of his brave Squadron But there is no doubt but personal and private sins may oft-times over-balance the justice of publick engagements Nor doth God account every Gallant a fit instrument to assert in the way of war a righteous cause the event can never state the justice of any cause nor the peace of mens consciences nor the eternal fate of their souls They were no doubt Martyrs who neglected their lives and all that was dear to them in this world having no advantageous designe by any innovation but were religiously sensible of those ties to God the Church their King their Countrey which lay upon their souls both for obedience and just assistance God could and I doubt not but he did through his mercy crown many of them with eterlife whose lives were lost in so good a cause the destruction of their bodies being sanctified as a means to save their souls Observations on the Life of the Lord Herbert of Cherbury Edward Herbert son of Richard Herbert Esq and Susan Newport his Wife was born at Montgomery-Castle and brought to Court by the Earl of Pembrook where he was Knighted by K. James who sent him over Embassador into France Afterwards K. Charles the first created him Baron of Castle-Island in Ireland and some years after Baron of Cherbury in Montgomery-shire He was a most excellent Artist and rare Linguist studied both in Books and Men and himself the Author of two Works most remarkable viz. A Treatise of Truth written in French so highly prized beyond the Seas and they say it is extant at this day with great Honour in the Popes Vatican and an History of King Henry the Eighth wherein his Collections are full and authentick his observation judicious his connexion strong and ●ohaerent and the whole exact He married the Daughter and sole Heir of Sir William Herbert of St. Julians in Monmouth-shire with whom he had a large Inheritance in England and Ireland and died in August Anno Dom. 1648. having designed a fair Monument of his own invention to be set up for him in the Church of Montgomery according to the model following Upon the ground a Hath-pace of fourteen foot square on the middest of which is placed a Dorick Column with its right of Pedestal Basis and Capitols fifteen foot in height on the Capitol of the Column is mounted an Urn with a Heart Flamboul supported by two Angels The foot of this Column is attended with four Angels placed on Pedestals at each corner of the said Hath-pace two having Torches reverst extinguishing the Motto of Mortality the other two holding up Palms the Emblemes of Victory When this noble person was in France he had private Instructions from England to mediate a Peace for them of the Religion and in case of refusal to use certain menaces Accordingly being referred to Luynes the Constable and Favourite of France he delivereth him the Message reserving his threatnings till he saw how the matter was relished Luynes had hid behind the Curtain a Gentleman of the Religion who being an Ear-witnesse of what passed might relate to his friends what little expectations they ought to entertain from the King of England's intercession Luynes was very haughty and would needs know what our KING had to do with their affairs Sir Edward replyed It 's not you to whom the King my Master oweth an account of his actions and for me it 's enough that I obey him In the mean time I must maintain That my Master hath more reason to do what he doth than you to aske why he doth it Nevertheless If you desire me in a gentle fashion I shall acquaint you further Whereupon Luynes bowing a little said Very well The Embassador answered ' That it was not on this occasion onely that the King of Great Britain had desired the Peace and prosperity of France but upon all other occasions when ever any War was raised in that Countrey and this he said was his first reason The second was That when a Peace was setled there his Majesty of France might be better disposed to assist the Palatinate in the affairs of Germany Luynes said We will have none of your advices The Ambassador replyed That he took that for an Answer and was sorry onely that the affection and the good will of the King his Master was not sufficiently understood and that since it was rejected in that manner he could do no lesse then say That the King his Master knew well enough what he had to do Luynes answered We are not afraid of you The Embassador smiling a little replyed If you had said you had not loved us I should have believed you and made another answer In the mean time all that I will tell you more is That we know very well what we have to do Luynes hereupon rising from his Chair with a fashion and countenance a little discomposed said By God if you were not Monsieur the Embassador I know very well how I would use you Sir Edw Herbert rising also from his Chair said That as he was his Majesty of Great-Britain ' s Embassador so he was also a Gentleman and that his Sword whereon be laid his band should do him reason if he had taken any offence After which Luynes replying nothing the Embassador went on his way toward the door and Luynes seeming to accompany him he told him there was no occasion to use such Ceremony after such Language and so departed expecting to hear
of Italy into the Chair of Canterbury but Charles the Emperour by the Popes power secretly retarded his return fearing it might obstruct the propounded marriage between his Son and the Queen Indeed the Queen bare the Cardinal an unfeigned affection for six reasons 1. For his grave and becoming presence that endeared him no less to those that saw him then his parts and prudence did to those that conversed with him The Diamond is then orient when set in Gold 2. For his disposition as calm as her Majesties and as meek as his Profession 3. For his Age being about ten years older the proportion allowed by the Philosopher between Husband and Wife 4. For Alliance she being daughter to Henry the Eighth and he Grandchild to Edward the Fourth 5. For his Education with Her under his Mother 6. For his Religion for which he was an Exile as she was a Prisoner and both Confessors But now when the marriage with Prince Philip was consummated Pool at last got leave for England and to wipe away all suspition of Lutheranism wherewith he was formerly taxed he became a cruel that he might be believed a cordial Papist For meeting in Brabant with Emanuel Tremelius requesting some favour from him he not onely denied him relief but returned him rayling terms though formerly he was not onely his very familiar Friend but his God-father too when of a Jew he turned Christian Arrived in England as the Historian goeth on he was first ordained Priest being but Deacon before and then consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury the Queen being present at Bow where rich in costly Robes and sitting on a guilded Throne his Pall was presented to him Adorned he presently mounts the Pulpit and makes a dry Sermon of the use and honour of the Pall without either Language or matter all admiring the jejuness of his Discourse as if putting off his Parts when putting on his Pall. He made the breach formerly between England and Rome by exasperating both sides he now reconciles it obliging many by his carriage awing as many by his presence dazling all by his pomp and splendour Now he confirmeth the Institution of Clergy-men into their Benefices he legitimateth the Children of forbidden marriages he ratifieth the Processes and Sentences in matters Ecclesiastical and his Dispensations were confirmed by Act of Parliament Two things he was intent upon 1. The Church-Priviledges whereof one he procured was That the Clergy should not shew their Horses with the Layty but under Captains of their own chusing 2. The Spanish Interest and therefore Paul the fourth who was as intent upon the French and looked upon the Legate as the principal Promoter of the last War in France sends Cardinal Peito to ease him of his Legantine Power in England But the Queen so ordered the matter that by her Prerogative she prohibited Peito entrance into England and got the foresaid Power established and confirmed on Cardinal Pool as she did likewise 1000 l. 2 year for his better support out of the Bishoprick of Winchester The more he lived in England the more he was Italianized conversing with their Merchants and practising their thrift his Pomp being saith my Author rather gaudy then costly and his attendance more ceremonious then expensive Fearful he was of a Bank here if Queen Mary died careful of one beyond Sea if he lived therefore as he sends all his Estate to Italy by his Will when he died so he did most of it by Bills of Exchange while he lived the first was judged his Policy the heart whereof is prevention the second his Gratitude bestowing his Superfluities on them who had relieved his Necessities Of all his Estate Aloisius Priol took but the Breviary he had always in his Pocket so devout he was and the Diary he had always in his Closet so exact he was to observe what was done by others and recollect what had escaped himself Die he did not of Italian Physick wilfully taken by himself as Mr. Fox suggests nor of English Poyson given him by the Protestants as Osorius affirms but of a Quartain Ague then Epidemical in England and malignant above the ordinary nature of that Disease This man was a Catholick in his Interest and Charity and a Protestant in his Conscience We cannot was his saying give too much to Gods grace nor too little to our own merits He said when he came to England I came hither not to condemn but reconcile not to compel but desire He would burn the Ashes of one or two Protestants when dead to avoid the suspition of Heresie but the Bodies of none when alive to contract the real guilt of Cruelty In Council sound were his Debates for the main circumspect his Suggestions of Circumstances reaching his foresight of Consequences wary his Precautions of Impediments moderate and soft his Advices prompt and steady his Expeditions happy his Memory many his Observations large his Reading strong his Spirit solid his Judgement sharp his Apprehension fluent but weighed full but pertinent grave but quick his Discourse what he pronounced was a Decree with Queen Mary what he said was Law with King Philip 〈…〉 His naked Proposition was Demonstration his Word Reason fetched from the Principles of things and grounded on their Causes His Modesty never sued for Greatness though that sued for him for great men he said were lave to six things 1. To mens humours 2. To business 3. To Fortune 4. To their own Followers 5. To Fame and 6. To the Publick I will say no more of him but that Modesty undoeth a Maid and is the fool onely that puts Vertue out of Countenance Bashfulness is at best but a weak and treacherous Vertue Observations on the Life of Sir John Russel HIs Name and his Valour is as ancient as the Conquest Vertue flowing in every Age of that Family with its Honour and Worth keeping pace with their Advancements In every man that we meet with there are three things that immediately offer themselves to our Consideration 1. The Mind 2. The Behaviour And 3. The Person His Mind was befriended by Nature with a quickness and a capaciousness helped by publick Education to a solidity and stayedness improved in Travel with Observation and raised by the slow but happy degrees of his Preferments to Skill and Experience They had need be slow and wary in that place where there is no failing the second time the first errour being irremediable therefore well-ordered Policy imitateth Nature which worketh slowly and step by step causing the Blade to come from the Grain the Tree from the Graft the Blossom from the Tree and Fruit from the Blossom so saith my Author ought Policy to raise great persons from one degree to another to the end that having made their Essays in meaner matters they may finish their Master-pieces in more eminent Affairs 2. He that demeans himself well is ever ushered in by a friend that recommends him to the company that knew him not Sir
at the settlement of Governments but fall after it being but unruly Waves to a steady Rock breaking themselves on that solid Constitution they would break Few aimed at Favourites as Sir John did at the Lord Chancellor but their Arrows fell on their own heads Soveraignty being always struck through prime Counsellours and Majesty through its chief Ministers Sir John Perrot no sooner clashed with Hatton then he lost the Queen and ever since he reflected on his Dancing he lost his own footing and never stood on his legs Observations on the Life of Sir Francis Walsingham HE was a Gentleman at first of a good house but of a better Education and from the University travelled for the rest of his Learning He was the best Linguist of the times but knew best how to use his own tongue whereby he came to be employed in the chiefest Affairs of State He was sent Ambassadour into France and stayed there a Leiger long in the heat of the Civil Wars At his return he was taken Principal Secretary and was one of the great Engines of State and of the times high in the Queens favour and a watchful servant over the safety of his Mistress He acted the same part in the Courts of France about that Match that Gundamor if I be not mistaken saith Sir Robert Naunton did in the Court of England about the Spanish His apprehension was quick and his Judgement solid his Head was so strong that he could look into the depth of men and business and dive into the Whirlpools of State Dexterous he was in finding a secret close in keeping it Much he had got by Study more by Travel which enlarged and actuated his thoughts Cecil bred him his Agent as he bred hundreds His Converse was infinuating and reserved He saw every man and none saw him His Spirit was as publick as his Parts and it was his first Maxime Knowledge is never too dear yet as Debonnair as he was prudent and as obliging to the softer but predominant parts of the world as he was serviceable to the more severe and no less Dexterous to work on humours then to convince Reason He would say he must observe the joynts and flexures of Affairs and so could do more with a Story then others could with a Harangue He always surprized business and preferred motions in the heat of other diversions and if he must debate it he would hear all and with the advantage of aforegoing speeches that either cautioned or confirmed his resolutions he carried all before him in conclusion beyond reply He out-did the Jesuites in their own bowe and over-reached them in their own equivocation and mental reservation never telling a Lye but warily drawing out and discovering truth As the close Room sucketh in most Air so this wary man got most intelligence being most of our Papists Confessour before their death as they had been their Brethrens before their treason He said what another writ That an habit of secrecy is policy and vertue To him mens faces spake as much as their tongues and their countenances were Indexes of their hearts He would so beset men with Questions and draw them on pick it out of them by piece-meals that they discovered themselves whether they answered or were silent This Spanish Proverb was familiar with him Tell a Lye and finde a Truth and this Speak no more then you may safely retreat from without danger or fairly go through with without opposition Some are good onely at some affairs in their own acquaintance Walsingham was ready every where and could make a party in Rome as well as England He waited on mens souls with his eye discerning their secret hearts through their transparent faces He served himself of the Factions as his Mistress did neither advancing the one nor depressing the other Familiar with Cecil allied to Leicester and an Oracle to Sussex He could overthrow any matter by undertaking it and move it so as it must fall He never broke any business yet carried many He could discourse any matter with them that most opposed so that they in oppofing it promoted it His fetches and compass to his designed speech were things of great patience and use Twice did he deceive the French as Agent once did he settle the Netherlands as Commissioner and twice did he alter the Government of Scotland as Embassadour Once did France desire he might be recalled because he was too hard for the Counsel for the Hugonots and once did Scotland request his remand because he would have overturned their Constitution 53 Agents did he maintain in Forreign Courts and 18 Spies for two Pistols an Order he had all the private Papers of Europe few Letters escaped his hands whose Contents he could read and not touch the Seals Bellarmine read his Lectures at Rome one moneth and Reynolds had them confuted the next So patient was this wise man Chiselhurst never saw him angry Cambridge never passionate and the Court never discomposed Religion was the interest of his Country in his judgement and of his Soul therefore he maintained it as sincerely as he lived it it had his head his purse and his heart He laid the great foundation of the Protestant Constitution as to its policy and the main plot against the Popish as to its ruine He would cherish a plot some years together admitting the Conspirators to his own and the Queens presence familiarly but dogging them out watchfully his Spies waited on some men every hour for three years and lest they could not keep counsel he dispatched them to forraign parts taking in new Servants His training of Parry who designed the murder of Queen Elizabeth the admitting of him under the pretence of discovering a Plot to the Queens presence and then letting him go where he would onely on the security of a Dark Sentinel set over him was a piece of reach and hazard beyond common apprehension But Kingdomes were acted by him as well as private persons It is a likely report saith one that they father on him at his return from France when the Queen expressed her fear of the Spanish designe on that Kingdome with some concernment Madam said he be content not to fear the Spaniard hath a great appetite and an excellent digestion but I have fitted him with a bone for this twenty years that your Majesty shall have no cause to doubt him Provided that if the fire chance to slack which I have kindled you will be ruled by me and now and then cast in some English ●uel which may revive the flame He first observed the great Bishop of Winchester fit to serve the Church upon the unlikely Youths first Sermon at St. Al●allows Barking He brought my Lord Cooke first to the Church upon some private discourse with him at his Table The Queen of Scots Letters were all carried to him by her own Servant whom she trusted and decyphered to him by one Philips as they were sealed again by one Gregory so
act 5. That no new Office should be bestowed in a moneth 6. That Ministers should meddle with no Controversies 7. That Embassadors should be sent to Forreign Princes 8. That no Coyn should be transported beyond Sea 9. That no person of quality should travel for six weeks 10. That the Train-bands should be mustered 11. That Ireland the Borders and the Seas should be provided for 12. And that the dissenting Nobility and Clergy should be watched and secured Adding withal a Paper for the Reading of the Epistle the Gospel and the Commandments in the English Tongue to encourage the Protestants expectation and allay the Papists fear In the same Proclamation that he drew up the Sacrament of the Altar was to be reverenced and yet the Communion to be administred in both kinds He advised a Disputation with the Papists one day knowing that they could not dispute without leave from the Pope and so would disparage their Cause yet they could not say but they might dispute for the Queen and so satisfie the People and is one of the five Counsellours to whom the Designe of the Reformation is opened and one of the eight to whom the management of it was intrusted There you might see him a Leading man among the States-men here most eminent among Divines at once the most knowing and pious man of that Age. As his Industry was taken up with the establishment of our Affairs at home so his Watchfulness upon Sir Edward Carnes deposition of his Embassie was intent upon the plots of France and Rome abroad in the first of which places he made a Secretary his own and in the second a Cup-bearer At the Treaty of Cambray my Lord Howard of Effingham the Lord Chamberlain and he brought the King of Spain to the English side in the business of Calice 1. That France might be weakened 2. That his Netherlands might be secured 3. That the Queen his Sweet-heart might be obliged until he discovered Queen Elizabeths averseness to the marriage whereupon had it not been for the Viscount Mountacute who was not so much a Papist as to forget that he was an English-man and Sir Thomas the Spaniard had stoln over Catharine Grey Queen Elizabeths Neece for a pretence to the Crown as the French had the Queen of Scots her Cozen. After which he and Sir William Cecil advised her Majesty to that private Treaty apart without the Spaniard which was concluded 1559 as much to the bonour of England now no longer to truckle under Spain as its interest no longer in danger from France Sir Nicholas Throgmorton was the Metal in these Treaties and Sir Thomas Smith the Allay the ones mildness being to mitigate that animosity which the others harshness had begot and the others spirit to recover those advantages which this mans easiness had yeilded Yet he shewed himself as much a man in demanding as Sir William Cheyney in gaining Calice replying smartly upon Chancellour Hospitals Discourse of ancient Right the late Treaty and upon Montmorency's Harangue of Fears Conscience Pitying the neglected state of Ireland he obtained a Colony to be planted under his base Son in the East-Coast of Ulster called Ardes at once to civilize and secure that place So eminent was this Gentleman for his Learning that he was at once Steward of the Stannaries Dean of Carlisle and Provost of Eaton in King Edward's time and had a Pension on condition he went not beyond Sea so considerable he was in Queen Mary's Well he deserved of the Commonwealth of Learning by his Books 1. Of The Commonwealth of England 2. Of The Orthography of the English Tongue and of the Pronunciation of Greek and 3. an exact Commentary of matters saith Mr. Cambden worthy to be published Observations on the Lives of Dr. Dale the Lord North Sir Thomas Randolph I Put these Gentlemen together in my Observations because I finde them so in their Employments the one Agent the other Leiger and the third Extraordinary Embassador in France the first was to manage our Intelligence in those dark times the second to urge our Interest in those troublesome days and the third to represent our Grandeur No man understood the French correspondence with the Scots better then Sir Thomas Randolph who spent his active life between those Kingdomes none knew better our Concerns in France and Spain then Valentine Dale who had now seen six Treaties in the first three whereof he had been Secretary and in the last a Commissioner None fitter to represent out state then my Lord North who had been two years in Walsinghams house four in Leicesters service had seen six Courts twenty Battles nine Treaties and four solemn Justs whereof he was no mean part as a reserved man a valiant Souldier and a Courtly Person So sly was Dale that he had a servant always attending the Queen-mother of France the Queen of Scots and the King of Navarre so watchful Sir Thomas Randolph that the same day he sent our Agent in Scotland notice of a designe to carry over the young King and depose the Regent he advised our Queen of a Match between the King of Scot's Uncle and the Countess of Shrewsbury's Daughter and gave the Earl of Huntington then President of the North those secret instructions touching that matter that as my Lord Burleigh would often acknowledge secured that Coast My L. North watched the successes of France Dr. Dale their Leagues and both took care that the Prince of Orange did not throw himself upon the Protection of France always a dangerous Neighbour but with that accession a dreadful one Sir John Horsey in Holland proposed much but did nothing Sir Thomas Randolph in France performed much and said nothing yet both with Dr. Dales assistance made France and Spain the Scales in the balance of Europe and England the tongue or holder of the balance while they held the Spaniard in play in the Netherlands watched the French Borders and kept constant Agents with Orange and Don John Neither was Sir Thomas less in Scotland then in France where he betakes himself first to resolution in his Protestation and then to cunning in his Negotiation encouraging Morton on the one hand and amusing Lenox on the other keeping fair weather with the young King and yet practising with Marre and Anguse Nothing plausible indeed saith Cambden was he with the wise though youthful King James yet very dexterous in Scotish humours and very prudent in the Northern Affairs very well seen in those interests and as successful in those Negotiations witness the first and advantageous League 1586. Video rideo is Gods Motto upon Affronts Video Taceo was Queen Elizabeths Video nec vident was Sir Thomas Randolphs These three men treated with the Spaniard near Ostend for Peace while the Spaniard prepared himself on our Coast for War So much did Sir James Crofts his affection for Peace exceed his judgement of his Instruction that he would needs steal over
nothing because it may be at liberty to do any thing Indeed saith one Necessity hath many times an advantage because it awaketh the powers of the minde and strengtheneth Endeavour Sir James Crofts was an equal Composition of both as one that had one fixed eye on his Action and another indifferent one on his retreat Observations on the Life of William Lord Grey of Wilton THat great Souldier and good Christian in whom Religion was not a softness as Machiavil discourseth but a resolution Hannibal was sworn an Enemy to Rome at nine years of Age and my Lord bred one to France at fourteen Scipio's first service was the rescue of his Father in Italy and my Lord Grey's was the safety of his Father in Germany He had Fabius his slow way and long reach with Herennius his fine Polices and neat Ambuscadoes having his two Companions always by him his Map and his Guide the first whereof discovered to him his more obvious advantages and the second his more close dangers His great Conduct won him much esteem with those that heard of him and his greater presence more with those that saw him Observable his Civility to Strangers eminent his Bounty to his Followers obliging his Carriage in the Countries he marched through and expert his Skill in Wars whose end he said was Victory and the end of Victory Nobleness made up of pity and munificence It lost him his Estate to redeem himself in France and his Life to bear up his Reputation in Berwick Having lived to all the great purposes of life but Self-interest he died 1563 that fatal year no less to the publick sorrow of England which he secured then the common joy of Scotland which he awed Then it was said That the same day died the greatest Scholar and the greatest Souldier of the Nobility the right honourable Henry Manners Earl of Rutland in his Gown and the honourable Lord Grey in his Armour both as the Queen said of them Worthies that had deserved well of the Commonwealth by their Wisdome Counsel Integrity and Courage Two things my Lord always avoided the first To give many Reasons for one thing the heaping of Arguments arguing a neediness in every of the Arguments by its self as if one did not trust any of them but fled from one to another helping himself still with the last The second To break a Negotiation to too many distinct particulars or to couch it in too compact generals by the first whereof we give the parties we deal with an opportunity to look down to the bottom of our business and by the second to look round to the compass of it Happy are those Souls that command themselves so far that they are equally free to full and half discoveries of themselves always ready and pliable to the present occasion Not much regarded was this gallant Spirit when alive but much missed when dead we understand what we want better then what we enjoy and the beauty of worthy things is not in the face but the back-side endearing more by their departure then their address Observations on the Life of Edmund Plowden EDmund Plowden was born at Plowden in Shrop-shire one who excellently deserved of our Municipal Law in his learned Writings thereon A plodding and a studious man and no wonder if knowing and able Beams in reflexion are hottest and the Soul becomes wise by looking into its self But see the man in his Epitaph Conditur in hoc Tumulo corpus Edmundi Plowden Armigeri Claris ortus Parentibus apud Plowden in Comitatu Salop natus est à pueritia in literarum Studio liberaliter est educatus in Provectiore vero ●tate Legibus Jurisprudentiae operam dedit Senex jam factus annum aetatis suae agens 67. Mundo Valedicens in Christo Jesu Sancte obdormivit die Sexto Mensis Februar anno Domini 1584. I have the rather inserted this Epitaph inscribed on his Monument on the North-side of the East-end of the Quire of Temple-Church in London because it hath escaped but by what casualty I cannot conjecture Master Stow in his Survey of London We must adde a few words out of the Character Mr. Cambden gives of him Vitae integritate inter bomines suae professionis nu 〈…〉 secundum As he was singularly well learned in the Common Laws of England whereof he deserved well by writing so for integrity of life he was second to none of his profession And how excellent a Medley is made when Honesty and Ability mee in a man of his Profession Nor must we forget how he was Treasurer for the honourable Society of the Middle-Temple Anno 1572 when their magnificent Hall was builded he being a great Advancer thereof Finding the Coyn embased by Henry the eighth so many ways prejudicial to thier State as that which first dishonoured us abroad secondly gave way to the frauds of Coyners at home who exchanged the best Commodities of the Land for base Moneys and exported the current money into Forreign parts and thirdly enhansed the prizes of all things vendible to the great loss of all Stipendiaries He offered 1. That no man should melt any Metal or export it 2. That the Brass-money should be reduced to its just value 3. That it should be bought for good by which silent and just methods that defect of our Government for many years was remedied in few moneths without any noise or what is proper to alterations of this nature discontent The middle Region of the Air is coolest as most distant from the direct beams that warm the highest and the reflexed that heat the lowest the mean man that is as much below the favour of the Court as above the business of the Country was in our Judges opinion the most happy and composed man this being the utmost of a knowing mans wish in England That he were as much out of the reach of contempt as to be above a Constable and as much out of the compass of trouble as to be below a Justice A Mean is the utmost that can be prescribed either of Vertue or Bliss as in our Actions so in our State Great was the Capacity and good the Inclination of this Man large the Furniture and happy the Culture of his Soul grave his Meen and stately his Behaviour well-regulated his Affections and allayed his Passions well-principled his Mind and well-set his Spirit solid his Observation working and practical his Judgement and as that Romane Heroe was more eminent whose image was missing then all the rest whose Portraictures were set up so this accomplished Gentleman is more observable because he was not a States-man then some of those that were so There is a glory in the obscurity of worthy men who as that Sun which they equal as well in common influence as lustre are most looked on when eclipsed Observations on the Life of Sir Roger Manwood SIr Roger Manwood born at Sandwich in Kent attained to such eminency in
and her own sake the Knowles were of the same blood with her Majesty the Norrises spent theirs for her 1. My Lord Norris died at Court an honest man 2. Sir Francis at Bulloign a good Souldier 3. Sir William at Berwick a brave Governour As the first eminent Norris suffered for Anne Bullen the Queens Mother so the first eminent Knowles suffered with Protestantism her Religion 4. Sir Thomas at Munster a wise President 5. Sir Maximilian at Bretaign an expert Engineer 6. Maximilian at Groen a renowned Heroe 7. Sir John was a most accomplished General no less eminent for his safe retreats then for his resolute onsets France hath recorded this testimony of him That he brought on his men so warily as one that could bring them off and England this That he brought them off so resolutely as one that durst bring them on His fortune often overthrew his enemy and his wisdome oftner saved his friends His Conduct was famous and his Discipline exact His Actions are Presidents and his Orders Laws of War to this day He was bred under Castilion and out-did him Ireland was always possessed but never conquered till Norris came who could lie on the coldest earth swim the deepest Rivers Norris could not rise though he deserved his Honour because of Leicester that favoured his Brother Knowles and Essex that envyed him neither could Knowls advance because of Sussex that feared and Cecil that suspected him The Knowles were deserving but modest favoured but humble powerful but quiet rather firm at Court then high allied to the Queen and faithful to the Crown Queen Elizabeth advanced Sir Francis to the Vicechamberlainship Treasurership of the Houshold Captainship of the Guard and the Order of the Garter because she said He was an honest man and King James and King Charles raised his Son Sir William to the Earldome of Banbury because he was a serviceable man force the straightest Passes find out the most secret corners tread the softest Bog who could endure any thing but an affront and a Superiour the first whereof upon a repulse at Court saddened his heart as the second upon another Deputies being sent over him broke it Unsuccessful he was with Don Antonio in Spain because he understood not the Country In the Low-Countries he gained experience first and then victory in Ireland he had Connaught for his Grave Mount Norris his Monument and the Letter of Queen Elizabeth to his Mother his Epitaph Honestly faithful was that family to their Mistress that was and providently so were they to their Master that should be Handsom men they were when attending at Court and valiant when called to the Camp Norrises Knowles 1. The Norrises are employed in Embassies of War wherein they were active 1. The Knowles are abroad in religious Negotiations for which they had been Confessors Sir Francis in France and Sir Henry in Germany 2. My Lord Norris his resolution was very becoming in the demand of Calice 2. Francis Knowles his meekness was suitable to his perswasions for Religion 3. The Irish Conspirator Thoumond opened a Plot against the Government in Ireland to the Agent Norris 3. And the Scots Schismatick Humes discovered a designe against the Church in England to the Embassadour Knowles In 88 My Lord Hunsdon guarded the Queens person with 34000 foot and 2000 horse the Earl of Leicester commanded the Midland Army of 22000 foot and 1000 horse Sir Roger Williams and Sir Richard Bingham were in the head of 20000 in the Thames mouth and Sir John Norris and Sir Francis Knowles with other Assistants sate in the Council of War to overlook all Sir John advised three things 1. The Guarding of the Havens 2. The Training of the Militia and the preparing of them to be at an hours warning upon a signal given which was then the firing of a Beacon 3. That if the Enemy did land the Country should be laid waste before him the Train-bands alarming him day and night Sir Francis added 1. What Shires and what numbers should assist each Coast how the men should be armed how commanded and in what order they should fight 2. That the Papists should not be massacred as some would have it but secured 3. That the Deputy of Ireland should be instructed 4. That the King of Scots should be engaged 5. That Agents should be sent to the Netherlands and to France And 6. That the Queen should encourage the people with her own presence Sir John Norris died when he saw beyond others expectation and his own merit the Lord Burghe made Lord-Deputy and himself but President of Munster his great minde sinking under one affront from his Soveraign which had born up against all the assaults of her enemies leaving this honour behinde him That he laid the best grounds of Military practice in England But who can stand before Envy A further Character of Sir John Norris from Queen Elizabeths Letter to his Mother My own Crow HArm not your self for bootless help but shew a good example to comfort your dolorous yoak-fellow Although we have deferred long to represent to you our grieved thoughts because we liked full ill to yeild you the first reflexion of misfortune whom we have always rather sought to cherish and comfort yet knowing now that Nec'ssity must bring it to your ear and Nature consequently must move both grief and passion in your heart We resolved no longer to smother neither our care for your sorrow or the sympathy of our grief for your loss Wherein if it be true That Society in sorrow works diminution We do assure you by this true Messenger of our minde that Nature can have stirred no more dolorous affection in you as a Mother for a dear Son then Gratefulness and memory of his Service past hath wrought in Us his Soveraign apprehension of our miss for so worthy a Servant But now that Natures common work is done and he that was born to die hath paid his Tribute let that Christian discretion stay the flux of your immoderate grieving which hath instructed you both for example and knowledge that nothing in this kinde hath happened but by Gods Divine Providence And let these Lines from your loving gracious Soveraign serve to assure you that there shall ever appear the lively Character of our Estimation of him that was in our gracious care of you and yours that are left in valuing rightly all their faithful and honest Endeavours More at this time we will not write of this unpleasant subject but have dispatched this Gentleman to visit both your Lord and you and to condole with you in the true sense of your love and to pray that the world may see what time cureth in a weak minde that Discretion and Moderation helpeth in you in this accident where there is so just cause to demonstrate true Patience and Moderation Your Gracious and Loving Soveraign E. R. Observations on the Life of Secretary Davison THat Meteor of the Court raised onely in an
many must fight with many Our Deputy found that great Honour hath its great Difficulties yet was he so constant and resolute that with Marcellus he would say That as there are many things a good Governour ought not to attempt so ought be not to desist or give over an Enterprize once begun and taken in band Therefore his Character is One daring in his person close to his purpose firm to his dependencies of a deep and large soul who looked upon the chargeable War in Ireland as an equal remedy against a worse in England to the letting of blood in one part against the effusion of it in another and advised the bestowing of Church-lands among the Nobility of both Perswasions in Ireland as in England who would then hold their Religion with their Land in Capite and stick to the Queen as the great support of both against all pretenders whom then most would vigorously oppose and all would fairly leave Observations on the Life of Sir Thomas Roper SIr Thomas Roper Servant to Queen Elizabeth was born in Friday-street in London whose Grandfather was a younger son of the house of Heanour in Derbyshire He going over into the Low-Countries became Page to Sir John Norrice and was Captain of a Foot-company at sixteen years of Age. What afterwards his Martial Performances were will appear by the following Lines transcribed out of the Originall of his Patent Whereas Thomas Roper Knight one of our Privy-Councellours of the Kingdome of Ireland long since bath been known unto us famous with the splendour of his warlike Vertue as who by the many Atchievments valiantly performed by him in the late War of this Kingdome hath gained the eminent Repute both of a stout Souldier and a discreet Commander whose Valour chiefly appeared in his Retreat near le Boyle in our Province of Connaught where with very few horse he undauntedly charged great troops of the horse of the Enemy who in a hostile manner forraged the very bowels of the Kingdome and by his wisdome made such a singular retreat that he not onely saved himself and his men but also delivered the whole Army from great danger and slew very many of his Enemies Who also when our Province of Ulster was all on fire with war being one out of many was for the tried Resolutios of his Mind chosen by the Right honourable the Earl of Essex then General of the Army to undertake a Duel with Makal and declined not to expose himself to the appointed Duel And also when the aforesaid Thomas Roper in the late war in the Kingdome of France at Brest by exposing himself to the greatest perils and shedding of his own blood demonstrated his Courage to be unconquerable Who also in the Voyage to Portugal behaved himself valiantly and honourably as also at Bergen in the Netherlands when it was besieged by the Spaniards approved himself a young man of invincible Valour in the defence thereof Who also in the day wherein Kinsale was assaulted was placed in the first Rank nearest of all unto the Town and with no less Success then Valour to the great safety of the whole Army beat back and put to flight the Spaniards who in the same day made several Sallies out of the Town Know therefore that We in intuition of the Premises have appointed the aforesaid Thomas Roper Knight c. Then followeth his Patent wherein King Charles the first in the third of his Reign created him Baron of Bauntree and Viscount B●ltinglass in Ireland He was a principal means to break the hearts of the Irish Rebels for whereas formerly the English were loaded with their own Cloaths so that their slipping into Bogs did make them and the clopping of their breeches did keep them prisoners therein he first being then a Commander put himself into Irish Tro●zes and was imitated first by all his Officers then Souldiers so that thus habited they made the more effectual execution on their enemies He died at Ropers Rest anno Dom. 164. and was buried with Anne his Wife Daughter to Sir Henry Harrington in St. Johns Church in Dublin Observations on the Life of Sir Henry Umpton SIr Henry Vmpton was born at Wadley in Barkshire He was son to Sir Edward Vmpton by Anne the Relict of John Dudley Earl of Warwick and the eldest Daughter of Edward Seymour Duke of Somerset He was employed by Queen Elizabeth Embassador into France where he so behaved himself right stoutly in her behalf as may appear by this particular In the moneth of March anno 1592 being sensible of some injury offered by the Duke of Guise to the Queen of England he sent him this ensuing Challenge For as much as lately in the Lodging of my Lord Du Mayne and in publick elsewhere impudently indiscreetly and over-boldly you spoke badly of my Soveraign whose sacred Person here in this Country I represent To maintain both by word and weapon her Honour which never was called in question among people of Honesty and Vertue I say you have wickedly lyed in speaking so basely of my Soveraign and you shall do nothing else but lye whensoever you shall dare to tax her Honour Moreover that her sacred Person being one of the most compleat and vertuous Princess that lives in this world ought not to be evil spoken of the tongue of such a perfidiour Traytor to her Law and Country as you are And hereupon I do defie you and challenge your person to mine with such manner of Arms as you shall like or chuse be it either on horse-back or on foot Nor would I have you to think any inequality of Person between us I being issued of as great a Race and Noble House every way as your self So assigning me an indifferent place I will there maintain my words and the lye which I gave you and which you should not endure if you have any courage at all is you If you consent not to meet me hereupon I wil hold you and cause you to be generally held one of the arrantest Cowards and most slanderous Slave that lives in all France I expect your answer I finde not what Answer was returned This Sir Henry dying in the French Kings Camp before Lofear had his Corpse brought over to London and carried in a Coach to Wadley thence to Farington where he was buried in the Church on Tuesday the eighth of July 1596. He had allowed him a Barons Hearse because he died Ambassadour Leiger Observations on the Life of the Earl of Essex IT is observed that the Earl of Essex had his Introduction to favour by the Lord of Leicester who had married his Mother a tye of Affinity This young Lord was a most goodly person in whom was a kind of Urbanity or innate Courtesie which both won the Queen and too much took upon the People to gaze upon the new-adopted Son of her favour He was noted even of those that truly loved and honoured him for too bold an Ingrosser both of Fame
honourable Family whose prime Seat was at Lediard-Tregoze in Wiltshire though their first settlement was in South-Wales He was bred in the Wars from his youth and at last by King James was appointed Lord Deputy of Ireland and vigorously pursued the Principles of his Predecessors for the civilizing thereof Indeed the Lord Mountjoy reduced that Countrey to obedience the Lord Chichester to some civility and this Lord Grandison first advanced it to considerable profit to his Master T. Walsingham writeth that Ireland afforded unto Edward the third thirty thousand pounds a year paid into his Exchequer but it appears by the Irish Records which are rather to be believed that it was rather a burthen and the constant Revenue thereof beneath the third part of that proportion But now the Kingdom being peaceably setled the income thereof turned to good Account so that Ireland called the Land of Ire for the constant broils therein for four hundred years was now become the Land of Concord This noble Person recalled into England lived many years in great repute leaving his Honours to his Sisters son by Sir Edward Villiers but the main of his Estate to his Brothers son Sir John St. John Knight and Baronet So sweet and charming his Conversation that he was beloved by all his Superiours and envied by no Inferiour being never advanced to any great Dignity but he was wished to a greater So exact his vigilancy so constant his industry so plausible his actions attended with no lesse civility to all men than duty to his Soveraign So frank and ingenious his Integrity that none feared him so discreet his management of Businesse and so strong his judgement that any might confide in him One he was that crossed the Italian Proverb Di Dunaridi senno e di fede In e Manco che non Crede having more money more faith yea and more wisdome too than was generally esteemed I mean wisdome of behaviour wisdome of busidesse and wisdome of State in the last whereof he aimed at a general settlement which he observed would bear particular errours provided that Care Labour Vigilancy and prudent Inquietude attended that forceth Difficulties constrains Fortune assures good Counsels corrects bad supports and overthroweth designs disposeth of accidents observeth time manageth hazards forgets nothing seldome trusts others and improveth all Occurrents and that first maxime of Policy he observed That who layeth out most layeth out least that petty frugalities undo the main Interest Observations on the Life of Sir Tho Overbury SIr Thomas Overbury son to Sir Nicholas Overbury one of the Judges of the Marches was born at Burton on the Hill in Gloucestershire bred in Oxford and attained to be a most accomplished Gentleman partly at Grayes-Inn● and partly in France which the happinesse of his Pen both in Poetry and Prose doth declare In the later he is observed to be the first writer of Characters of our Nation But if the great parts of this Gentleman were guilty of Insolence and Petulancy which some since have charged on his memory reporting of him that he should say Somerset owed his advancement to him and that he should walk with his hat on before the Queen we may charitably presume that his reduced age would have corrected such Juvenile extravagancies It is questionable whether Robert Carr Earl of Somerset were more in the favour of King James or this Sir Thomas Overbury in the favour of the Earl of Somerset untill he lost it by disswading that Lord from keeping company with a Lady the Wi●e of another person of honour as neither for his credit here or comfort hereafter Soon after Sir Thomas was by King James designed Embassador for Russia His false friends perswaded him to decline the Employment as no better than an honourable Grave Better lye some days in the Tower than more months in a worse Prison A ship by Sea and a barbarous cold Countrey by Land Besides they possessed him that within a small time the K. should be wrought to a good opinion of him But he that willingly goes into a Prison out of hope to come easily out of it may stay therein so long till he be too late convinced of another Judgement Whilest Sir Thomas was in the Tower his Refusal was presented to the King as an Act of high Contempt as if he valued himself more than the King's service His strict restraint gave the greater liberty to his enemies to practice his death 1615. which was by poyson performed Yet was his blood legally revenged which cost some a violent and others a civill death as deprived of their Offices The Earl was soon abated in King James his affection Oh! the short distance betwixt the cooling and quenching of a Favourite being condemned and banished the Court. Exact are the remarks he drew up of Foreign Countreys therefore no lesse such his transactions for his own In this most esteemed with King James and his Master that he suited both their Geniuses in the easie and clear method wherein he expressed the most difficult and knotty Affairs for they both being perplexed with that variety of Affairs in general that they could not readily look into difficult Cases in particular loved those that made things out easie and clear to them as well fitted for their apprehensions as obvious to their judgement owning a Soul so quiet that abate its youthful extravagancies it knew not a motion but what was Duty and Interest felt no agitation but what was reason and what Philosophy conveyed into the souls of the wisest and observation insinuated into the spirit of the closest if he expected a recompence suitable to his services or an acknowledgement answerable to his merit he understood not the humour and nature of man-kinde the interest of Favourites or his own parts too guilty of reputation to be advanced and of power not to be suppressed It 's Machi●vel's rule That they who rise very high should descend timely and quit the envy lest they lose the honour of their greatnesse Although this Gentleman's skill in accommodating Factions in the Art of Negotiation in the charm of Language in the Interest of Princes in mastering his own Resentments as well as his Enemies that provoked him had preserved him if he had known as well how to hold his Tongue as how to speak if he had understood others humours as well as they did his and if he had skilled as well from whom to have refused kindnesse as from whom he deserved it In a word he that considered so many other Maximes was defective in complyance with his own viz. That vertue is there unprofitable where too great and that many had lost the favour of their Masters by over-much meriting it Observations on the Life of Sir Clem. Edmonds SIr Clement Edmonds that learned and judicious Remembrancer of the City of London was born at Shratvardine in Shropshire and bred Fellow of All-Souls Colledge in Oxford being generally skilled in all Arts
to the buildding of Audley-End as might displace his Father An Apothecaries boy give● the first and a servant that carried the money the second both whom he surprized with the Spanish proverb Di mentura y sacaras verdad Tell a lye and finde a truth Indeed the natures and dispositions the conditions and necessities the factions and combinations the animosities and discontents the ends and designs of most people were clear and transparent to this watchful man's intelligence and observation who could do more with King James by working on his fear than others by gratifying his pleasure When I observe how close and silent he was at the Council-Table it puts me in minde of the man that gave this reason why he was silent in a Treaty and Conference Because said he the Enemy might know that as there are many here that can speak so here is one that can hold his peace Observations on the Life of Sir Francis Bacon SIr Francis was born where we are made men bred where we are made States-men being equally happy in the quicknesse of the City and politeness of the Court He had a large minde from his Father and great abilities from his Mother his parts improved more than his years his great fixed and methodical memory his solid judgement his quick fancy his ready expression gave high assurance of that profound and universal knowledge and comprehension of things which then rendered him the observation of great and wise men and afterwards the wonder of all The great Queen was as much taken with his witty discourses when a School boy as with his grave Oracles when her Counsel learned He was a Courtier from his Cradle to his Grave sucking in experience with his milke being inured to policy as early as to his Grammar Royal Maximes were his Sententia Puerilis and he never saw any thing that was not noble and becoming The Queen called him her young Lord Keeper for his grave ingenuity at seven years of age and he could tell her Majesty be was two years younger for her happy Reigne At twelve his industry was above the capacity and his minde above the reach of his Contemporaries A prodigy of parts he must be who was begot by wise Sir Nicholas Bacon born of the accomplished Mrs. Anne Cook and bred under the wise learned and pious Doctor Whitgift His strong observations at Court his steady course of study in the University must be improved by a well contrived Travell abroad where his conversation was so obliging his way so inquisitive his prudence so eminent that he was Sir Paulet's Agent between the Juncto of France and the Queen of England He allayed the solidity of England with the Ayre of France untill his own Affairs and the Kingdomes service called him home at his Fathers death to enjoy a younger Brothers estate and act his part Policy was his business the Law was onely his livelyhood yet he was so great a States-man that you would think he only studied men so great a Scholar that you would say he onely studied Books Such insight he had in the Law that he was at thirty her Majesties Advocate such his judgement that he was the Student of Grayes-Inn's Oracle so generous and affable his disposition that he was all mens love and wonder He instilled wholsome precepts of Prudence and Honour to Noble-men particularly the Earl of Essex to whom he was more faithful than he to himself Great principles of Arts and Sciences to the learned noble Maximes of Government to Princes excellent rules of Life to the Populacy When his great Patron Essex sunk he was buoyed up by his own fleadiness and native worth that admitted him to the Qu own presence not onely to deliver matter of Law which was his profession but to debate matters of State which was his element his judgement was so eminent that he could satisfie the greatest his condescention so humble that he instructed the meanest his extraordinary parts above the modell of the age were feared in Queen Elizabeths time but employed in King James his Favour he had in her Reign but Trust onely in his It 's dangerous in a factious Age to have my Lord Bacon's parts or my Lord of Essex his favour Exact was his correspondence abroad and at home constant his Letters frequent his Visits great his Obligations moderate and temperate his Inclination peaceable humble and submissive his minde complying and yielding his temper In Queen Elizabeths time when he could not rise by the publick way of service he did it by that more private of Marriage and other commendable Improvements whereby he shewed a great soul could be rich in spight of Fortune though it scorned it in point of Honour In the House of Commons none more popular none more zealous none so knowing a Patriot In the house of Lords none more successfully serviceable to the Crown the easie way of Subsidies was his design in Queen Elizabeths time the union with Scotland was his contrivance in King James's His make and port was stately his speech flowing and grave each word of his falling in its place the issue of great reason when conceived and of great prudence when expressed so great skill he had in observing and contriving of occasions and opportunities in suiting of Humours and hitting of Junctures and Flexures of Affairs that he was in his time the Master of speech and action carrying all before him The Earl of Salisbury saith Sir Walter Rawleigh was a good Orator but a bad Writer the Earl of Northampeon was a good Writer but a bad Orator Sir Francis Bacon excelled in both Much he said he owed to his Books more to his innate Principles and Notions When he thought he said he aimed more at Connexion than Variety When he spake he designed rather the life and vigour of expression and perspicuity of words than the elegancy or order of phrase His axiome was Words should wait on things rather than things on words and his resolution was That all affected elegance was below the gravity and majesty of a publick discourse He rather judged Books and Men than either read or talked with them His Exercises were man-like and healthful his Meditations cohaerent his Table temperate and learned where his great Discourses were the entertainment and he himself the treat resolving Cases most satisfactorily stating Questions most exactly relating Histories most prudently opening great Secrets most clearly answering Arguments and replying most familiarly and speaking what he had thorowly weighed and considered most effectually All matters and speeches came from him with advantage so acute and ready his wit so faithful his memory so penetrating his judgement so searching his head so large and rational his soul My Lord of Salisbury said he had the clearest prospect of things of any man in his age and K. James said That he knew the method of handling Matters after a milde and gentle manner His Religion was rational and sober his spirit publick
the Hugonots depended and put a re 〈…〉 resolution in King Lewis to advance against the Valtoline and Spain by the advantage of the Leagu● with England proceeding upon this Maxime wi●● that King They that have respect to few things 〈◊〉 easily misled I had almost forgot how this Lord finding tha● want of Treasure at home was the ground of ou● unsuccessful and despicableness abroad and tha● Principe senza quatrius è come un muro senza cr●l 〈…〉 da tulls scompisliato That a Prince without money is like a wall without a Crosse for every one to draw upon did mention the Excize in the Parliament-House and in no ill meaning neither and was violently cryed to the Bar and though a person of that eminence as being then a Privy-Councellor and principal Secretary of State he hardly escaped ●eing committed to the Tower So odious was ●●at Dutch-Devil as they called it in the excel●●t King Charles which was raysed by the belo●ed Parliament with many more that were conju●ed up in three or four years but not likely to be ●aid in three or fourscore Living in those times when weak men imagined ●o themselves some unknown bliss from untried go●ernments and considering that alterations coun●ervail not their own dangers and as they bring ●ittle good to any so they bring least of all to those ●hat first promoted them This Lord refused to be ●he mouth of the Zealous multitude whose rage ●ould neither be well opposed nor joyned with whom a pardon or compliance might bring off leaving their Demagogues to compound for their fol●●y with their ruine choosing rather to be patient than active and appear weak than be troublesome and once resolved upon an exact survey of circumstances for power against the faults of it on the one ●●and and the affronts of it on the other he gained the esteem of all parties by his fidelity to his own I am much taken with his plain saying which I finde of late printed There will be mistakes in Divinity while men preach and errours in Government while such govern And more with his method of proceeding in his affairs whereof he laid first an Idea in his own minde and then improved it by debate the result whereof was usually so compleat as shewed the vast difference between the shallow conceptions of one man and the deep judgement of many Observations on the Lives of Sir Richard and Sir Jerome Weston Earls of Portland SIr Richard Weston in his youth impaired his estate to improve himself with publick accomplishment but came off both a saver and a gainer at the last when made Chancellor of the Exchequer and afterwards upon the remove of the Earl of Marlborough July 15. in the fourth of King Charles Lord Treasurer of England His activity in Parliament made him considerable at Court none fitter to serve a Prince than he who commands the humor of the people Indeed where ever he was he discovered himself able and faithful 1. In his Foreign Employments his judgement was searching and reach admirable he being the first that smelt out the intentions against the Palatinate which were then in brewing and mashed with much art In his Domestick charge his Artifice was singular both in a faithful improvement of the In●●mes and a discreet moderation of the expences in his Masters Revenues In his Aspect there was a mixture of authority and modesty in his apprehensions quickness and solidity in his port and train a suitable dignity and correspondence with little noyse and outward form An enemy to Complements yet very courteous no flatterer yet of great power irreconcileable to frothy formality yet maintaining a due regard to his person and place A great Scholar he was and yet a great States-man of various erudition and as large observation He secured himself much by Alliances with the best Nobility more by the love and what is more the esteem of a constant King it being one of the wonders of that time that my Lord of Canterbury and he who were at so much distance from one another should be so inward with their Soveraign but that that excellent Prince measured not his affections to his Dependants so much by a particular interest as by a publick serviceableness The necessity of the Exchequer put him upon some ways of supply that displeased the rabble though his three particular cares viz. The paying of the Navy the satisfying of the City and the Queen of Bohemia's supply three things he was very much intent upon while Treasurer obliged the wiser sort of men I know nothing he was defective in being careful to use his own words to perform all duties with obedience to his Majestie respect to the Duke and justice to the particular parties concerned But that he had so much of his Master's love and so little of his patience being grated as all States-men are that have to do with various interests and humors between a strong inclination of satisfying every man and the impossibility of pleasing all Considering the importunities of persons and affairs a little impatience must needs fall upon your Lord-ship writes Sir Henry Wotto● to him unlesse you had been cut out of a Rock of Diamonds especially having been before so conversant with liberal Studies and with the freedom of your own minde In his time was the great Question agitated Whether a Prince should aime at the fear or the lov● of his People Although no Prince did more to oblige his People than the Excellent King Charles the I Yet was there no Prince ever more advised to awe them For this Lord and many more who looked upon over-much indulgence as the greatest cruelty considering that men love at their own pleasure and to serve their own turn and that their fear depends upon the Princes pleasure were of opinion That every wise Prince ought to ground upon that which is of himself and not upon that which is of another government being set up in the world rather to trust its own power than stand upon others courtesie Besides two things the vulgar are taken with 1. Appearance 2. The event of things which if successful gains both their love and reverence Neither was the Father more exact in his Maximes than the Son in his of whose many infallible principles this was one That it was the safest way for the King's Majestie to proceed upon a Declaration that the Faction at Westminster was no Parliament upon his own and his most loyal Lords and Commons removal to Oxford And this another That provided the Gentry and Clergy were well principled and His Majestie that now is had a constant correspondence with the most eminent of them it was our Interest to promote his Majesties grandeur abroad and sit still at home untill the Faction might be so secure as to divide and his Majesties Interest became so conspicuous by the Principles that were kept up at home and the State that was born abroad as to command all And really his
which he could not choose but smile at knowing as he used to say That Treason is alwayes within five years weary of its self the People being more impatient of their own Libertinisme than of the strictest and most heavy government His way of Intelligence from L●●don by Mistresse E. P. friend to J. M. puts me 〈◊〉 minde of a passage in Queen Elizabeths Reig● who being presented with an Overture out 〈◊〉 Spain so secretly managed by the Councel there as the first news of its approach came with its sel● the Messengers out of fear of a surprizal dispensing the Ceremonies commonly used in the behalf of Embassadors something strange considering the haughtinesse of that Nation did much inflame the Lord Treasurer's desire to know the farthest extent of the Negotiation as conducing to a present advantage that such an Answer might be made as should in some proportion quadrate with the demand of the Catholique King at that time standing upon Termes little different from those of an Enemy And being informed from the ordinary Espials he kept about his Person that the attempt was something difficult if not impossible the Don out of distrust still carrying his Instructions in his bosome Burleigh caused such a Jesuite to be apprehended as by reason of former miscarriages could not expect mercy and imparts his desires to him under as large promises if he brought them about as threats to be revenged on him and his Associates if he found himself abused All which though with some reluctancy he undertook and performed through the mediation of a fair Lady that first took away his Commission and then again layd it under his pillow whilest he slept His early endeavours for Peace by Addresses to London Scotland Cornwal speak his integrity and his prudence Every inconsiderable person may be powerful at disturbances but to forme Peace requires much wisdome and great vertues and his observations upon the division of the great Faction to two parties Independent and Presbyterian His care and watchfulness none of their clashes escaping his reach which was ready to accommodate as occasion served their respective Interests in their New models and alterations making as good use of Fears and Jealousies between them as they had done between the King and his People These and other his services recommended him to the attendance of his most excellent Majesty when Prince in the perfecting of the Western Association when it was thought fit to put the happiness and hope of the Kingdom in two bottomes with whom he continued with a constant fidelity in all difficulties performing several Embassies during their banishment with honour particularly one to the Emperour who had great respects for his Master and an aweful regard of his Cause till it pleased God to bring his Majesty by his and others counsel to his Father's Throne which he just saw and dyed Master of the Rolls June 1660. From one of whose Relations I have these Notes and Postils containing some of the policy of the late Times from 1642. to 1659. which I set down nakedly as I finde them not supposing they are his but that they were among his Papers 1. It is against the experience of the wisest Princes of France and England to leave their chief City in times of tumult yet it was necessary for the King to do so as well to break the fury of the worst people there by distance and time as to dis-abuse the best abroad by his presence and time and indeed it had been a shame for him to have perished in a tumult 2. It was urged that the King should not delay any longer the War but besides that nothing could perswade his gracious Majesty to a War but pure necessity It 's usually observed that if Boutefeus make not the feud irreconcileable by a desperate action Rebels cool consider break suspect fear and fall off to nothing 3. The repulse of Hotham did the King excellent service by alarming all the Loyal in the Kingdome with their designed plot 4. Especially when the Country saw the King so unwilling to engage that he discharged their guards several times 5. It was thought unfit to send to the Faction from Nottingham until it was rejoyned that men of understanding and fidelity are usually employed to those persons against whom a War is to be managed to discover their design humour forces succours and what-ever might succour or strengthen them which none but they who were secured with the priviledg of Agents might do and none were judged fitter than they that were best acquainted with the knowing Ladies and the talkative Lords 6. It was offered that Intelligence should be written to satisfie the people and make the vulgar pretences ridiculous But quaere whether it is possible for the Areana Imperii to remain always under so exact a discipline as may admit a thorow-inspection of the multitude without danger 7. When it was urged as the fundamental Principle the King should proceed upon that the Faction at Westminster was no Parliament the King being firme to his promise as there was not a juster man alive not to dissolve them without their leave it was judged that self-preservation being the first principle in nature that concession which wisdome saw then and experience since so contrary to that principle was rather to be repented of than performed 8. It is a very great advantage to the King's Cause that his Messages of Peace were sent alwayes after his Victories and his Enemies after their defeats And that his Declarations were natural easie as grounded upon obvious principles of Scripture Law and Reason and theirs harsh forced and wilde as grounded onely upon Pretences and Fancies 9. It 's a probable opinion that it is in vain to treat with the Rebels who can never trust the King with their guilty heads 10. It is in vain to yield them any thing since all Concessions have no other issue than either or both of these two inconveniences 1. That they make the Faction so insolent that the King should not be able to deny nor grant them any thing 2. That they justified former proceedings and layd the blame upon the King for not granting that sooner which he thinks fit to grant now Besides it 's more fit Propositions come to the King than from him 11. It may be wondered that the King doth not cut off the chief of the Rebels as they fall into his hands according to the usual Maxime in that case but that his inclination to clemency is inexpressible and that the principle he goeth upon is fure though deep viz. That so much are Man-kinde in general and the English in particular obliged by fair usages that the generality of this Nation returned nine times in 1300 years after long intervals of Usurpation out of gratitude as well as duty unto their Allegiance to the posterity of good pious mercifull but unhappy Princes 12. When it was urged against the King's going to London upon the successe in the West that
graceful Eloquence doth meet a There were two sorts of these Knights the first made by way of encouragement the second by way of Reward Sir Ralph was of the second sort and the last that survived of that sort b That of the Queens Marriage c Luther Melancthon Carolostadius b The Creed The Lords Prayer and the Commandments e Saith Sir Richard Baker f Per celebriora Anglorum Gymnasia artes excoluit * Being called Bifrons Janus g Cecil was the first * Mr. More in the printted Life of his Grand-father Sir Tho. More page 334. * That is from Will. Molineux Knight of Sefton in Lancashire Cic. pro Archiâ Poetâ * When Cardinal * One of the house of York * He is made Viscount Rochford * They were 50 with an Archer a Demilance and a Constillier apiece They and their horses being vested in Cloth of Gold * Of Bretany and Normandy a Master of the Ordnance who was killed the first night before Therouene Edw. 6. Bacons Ess 116. The Duke of Somerfet's march a The same day that 30 years ago they were beaten at Flodden b He made the first and last Bannerets The Lady Stanhope c Whom they put in new Liveries d For contriving the death of a Privy 〈…〉 Counsellour There was another of his name Sheriff Nephew to this Knight in 25 of H 8. Lord Bacon's Essayes a A Duffeild b Recommending to him the care of three thrings 1. His God 2. His Soul 3. His Company Full. Hist Cambr. p. 119 Vid. Full. Eccl. Hist Edw. 6. T. F. p. 9. This story is related from the mouth of his Grandchild the Earl of Warwick that last was See Ep. ad Lect. Lees Plees des Coron Eth. l. 10. c. 7. Vid. Waterhouse in Fortesc de laud. Leg. Angl. Vid. Cok. in Littl. Prefat Q. Mary Here William Cordel doth in rest remain Great by his Birth but greater by his Brain Plying his studies hard his Youth throughout Of Causes he became a Pleader stout His Learning deep such Eloquence did vent He was chose Speaker to the Parliament Afterwards Knight Queen Mary did him make And Counsellour State-Work to undertake And Master of the Rolls Well worn with Age Dying in Christ Heaven was his utmost Stage Diet and Clothes to poor he gave at large And a fair Alms-House founded on his charge Fuller Eccles Hist B. 8. Cent. 15. Cambd. Eliz. an 1576. The things that overthrow a Favourite * The first of these loved Alexanders interest the other his person * France Spain and England Cicero * He meant land Anno H. 8. 24. Mach Prince p. 56. 6 Viz. The Lord Tho. Seymour Hist Camb. p. 131. * His Mother was Daughter to the Duke of Clarence and Granchild to Edward the IV Full. Hist Cent. 16. p. 14. * Governor of Bi●● * Kept at Black Fryars Upon Record in Sir Rob. Cotton's Library * As Ecclesia poenitentia Episcopus Sacrificium Pontifex * Viz. Those of his Diocess * In King H. 8's time when they rise against the Resormation * When the rising was there Q. Eliz. a Descended of the Roman Cecilii say some b Grays Inne c Fuller Holy State ex Arist l. 2. de Coelo c. 4. 10. d Camb. Eliz. anno 15 79. 80. Take all there 's but one Jove above him He Is Rich Fair Noble King of Kings and free My Inferiour shall not fear my Superiour shall not despise me * Cicely Daughter of Thomas Bourchier late Earl of Essex Verulam's Essays Cambden Eliz. 13. K. H. 4. K. Ja●es * In Opposition to him of Spain In Ll. a They say his father married a Familiar of King Henry's See his Negotiation in France in his Letters to Cecil in The compleat Embassador See Fuller in his Worthies * Causa virtus à Deo vel ipse Deus Vol. 3. p. 95● * Camb. Eliz. 1560. Bacon Ess 7. Oct. 15. 1565. * Sir Tho. By the learned industrious and ingenious Edward Waterhouse Esquire of Si●n Colledge a Which he made out from Dr. Wottons Discourse on that subject at Cambray b To which Queen Elizabeth addeth a saying of Valentinians Have the French for thy Friend not for thy Neighbor c De jure Reg. apud Scotos d About moneys transported beyond Sea Cambden Eliz. 1566 * Cambd. Eliz. anno 1577. * The Marquess of Northampton the Earl of Bedford John Grey of Pyrgo Sir William Cecil and Sir Tho. Smith * The Doctors Parker Bill May Cox Grindal Whitehead Pillington and Sir Tho. Smith * At Cambray * Who put Cardinal Wolsey then but a Schoolmaster in the Stocks His Eliz. 1584. * As Cyrus at Thermopylae Crassus in Parthia therefore Alexander had exact Maps always about him to observe Passages Streights Rocks Plains Rivers c. Nethersole Fun. Orat. Prince Hen. p. 15 16 17. * Sir Rob. Naunton in his Fragmenta Regalia a 2 Sam. 20 2● b 1 King 4. 6. c 1 King 12 d Ibidem See Davies of Ireland and Ware and Powel of Wales H. W. Sir Robert Naunton F. B. a Leicester See Sir H. Wottons Observalions b He was one of them whose Natures disclose but slowly c Under Dr. Whitgift a His Eliz. to which Cambden gave but the language and the transcript a From the mouth of Mr. Ramsey Minister of Rougham in Norfolk who married the widow of Mr. Giles Fletcher sou to this Doctor * In his volume of English Navigations P. 473. † Camb. in his Eliz. Anno 1583. when he was Agent in Muscov as afterward Ambassador K. James In his Book called The Declination of Monarchs Sir Robert Naunton ' s Fragmenta a Adversus perduelles a Where he was Bridegroom a Witnesse his entertainment at London H. Holland p. 39. a Domanda assai che non Manchera poi calare Proverb Hisp apud Insig D. Howeilum de legatis Psal 104. 3 a In the life of Richard the second b Sir John Davies in Disc of Ireland pag. 39 c. * Vere's Commentaries a Therefore the Yoke is their supporter * Cambde● Eliz. Anno 1587. Idem Anno 1600. * The E● of Essex The Lo● Nortis Plau. in Aularia * Though some observe that his digressions marred his repute and had broke his neck had he lived in any Kings reign but King James's * Vid. Duke of Buckingham's Life K. Charls Compleat Instructions for a States-man given by L. B. to D. B. a Sir Hen. Wotton's life of the Duke of Buckingh a 1. Of the Prerogative Royal. 2. Priviledges of Parliament 3. The proceedings in Chancery 4. The power of the Star-Chamber * Being not used to the Common-Prayer * In Tiberio● a As about the Petition of Right in reference to which he Sergeant Glanvile sat●●fi●d the Lords Admin Card. de Rich. p. 283. F. O. p. 12. 〈◊〉 O. 134. a See the Ea●●●f Northampton's Speech b See Lord Spencer c Nobly communicated to all ingenious persons by the honourable H Howard of Norfolk greater in his own worth than in any ti●●es a See his late Majesties recomdation to him at his departure from Hamton-court * In France 1629. * At Perro●s Aleppo a So saith the Historian but I think as much against them as against the K. Not onely because the welfare of K. people are inseparable but also because there is not a more common saying among the people than defend me and spend J. H. * 〈◊〉 T. C. a The most pious learned wise and Reverend Father in God the Lord Arch-Bishop of Cant. was his Domestick E 〈…〉 E 〈…〉 Meditat. 2. Exemplified by his Chaplain Tho. Pritter 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vid. crudit J. H. de lega●s p. 25. a Since published
week The time lost upon his misfortunes which made it necessary for him often to break his great series and method of undertaking He I say that shall compute and sum up this the particulars whereof are nakedly told without any straining of the truth or flourish of expression must be much to seek how a man of so many actions should write any thing and one of so many writings should do any thing and more how one of so many fatall diversions could keep up a steady minde for those great but exact arguments that it hath left in the world especially when there was one very difficult particular in all his composures viz. that none of his Discourses with which his History or other Books are embellished passed his exact hand before the most knowing and most learned men in that faculty to which those discourses belonged had debated them before him who after their departure summed up all into those excellent pieces now abroad under his name which I blame not King James for envying being the nearest his own though I think not that learned Prince of so low a spirit as out of an impertinent emulation to affect Sir Walter Rawleigh the lesse for the great repute that followed him because of his pen which being more dangerous than his Sword I wonder that wise Prince indulged him especially since that Master Hampden a little before the Wars was at the charge of 〈…〉 3. 52 sheets of his Manuscripts as the 〈…〉 himself told me who had his close chamber his fine and candle with an Attendant to deliver him the Originals and take his Copies as fast as he could write them 2 To the second viz. the weaknesse of the last part of his life 1. There was not a greater reach in that advice of his to the Queen when some were for attacquing Spain one way and some another to cut off its commerce with the Indies than there was shortnesse of spirit in trusting the most hopeful part of that expedition to Sir John Burroughs when he sunke under the most disastrous himself Yet 2. That he when Captain of the Guard Warden of the Cinque-ports Governor of Virginia a place of his own discovery preferments enough to satisfie a regular spirit should stand on termes with King James against the Law of the Land the Genius of the Nation the resolution of the Nobility and Reason it self that knoweth there is no cautions that hold Princes but their interest and nature was a greater infirmity But 3. That he upon the Kings frown for his former indiscretion upon him and Cobham should engage upon so shallow a Treason so improbable to hurt others or benefit themselves that if ever folly was capable of the title or pity due to innocence theirs might claim so large a share as not possible to be too severely condemned or slightly enough punished and that with such weak and inconsiderable men as were rather against the government than for one another Grey being a Puritan and Cobham a Protestant were the greatest but there is one particular more behind That he who could employ his restraint so well should lye under the justice as well as jealousie of K. James And knowing that Princes must not pardon any able man that either they have wronged or that hath wronged them be so intent upon a foolish liberty wherein he lost himself and his in that unhappy voyage of Guiana a voyage that considering King James his inclination to the Match his own obnoxiousnesse to that King abroad and Cecil here for obstructing the Peace with Spain and Gondamor's vigilance must needs be as unsuccessful as it was disgustful Methinks he that was of so incomparable a dexterity in his judgement as the Treasurer grew jealous of his excellent parts left he should supplant him of so quick and ready apprehension and conduct that he puzzled the Judges at Winchester of so good a Head-piece that it was wished then on the Secretary of State 's shoulders of so considerable an interest that notwithstanding his fourteen years imprisonment Princes interceded for him the whole Nation pitied him and King James would not execute him without an Apology And to say no more of so much magnanimity that he managed his death with so high and religious a resolution as if a Christian had acted a Romane or rather a Roman a Christian might have gone off the world at a higher rate but that there is an higher power governs wisdome as invisibly yet as really as wisdome doth the world which when I look back upon my Lord of Essex I call fate but when from him I look forward to Sir Walter Rawleigh I believe a providence He had a good presence in a handsome and well-compacted person a strong natural wit a better judgement with a bold and plausible tongue which set off his parts to the best advantage to these he had the adjuncts of a general Learning which by diligence and experience those two great Tutors was augmented to a great perfection being an indefatigable Reader and having a very retentive memory before his Judges at Winchester humble but not prostrate dutiful yet not dejected to the Jury affable but not fawning hoping but not trusting in them carefully perswading them with reason not distemperately importuning them with conjurations rather shewing love of life than fear of death patient but not careless civil but not stupid Observations on the Life of Thomas Sackvil Lord Buckhurst HE was bred in the University of Oxford where he became an excellent Poet leaving both Latine and English Poems of his to posterity Then studied he Law in the Temple and took the degree of Barrister afterwards he travelled into Foreign parts was detained for a time a Prisoner in Rome which he revenged afterwards in the liberty of his speech at the Powder-Traytors Tryal Wen his liberty was procured for his return into England he possessed the vast inheritance left him by his Father whereof in short time by his magnificent prodigality he spent the greatest part till he seasonably began to spare growing neer to the bottom of his Estate The story goes that this young Gentleman coming to an Alderman of London who had gained great penny worths by his former Purchases of him was made being now in the wane of his wealth to wait the coming down of the Alderman so long that his generous humour being sensible of the incivility of such Attendance resolved to be no more beholding to Wealthy Pride and presently turned a thrifty improver of the remainder of his Estate But others make him as abovesaid the Convert of Queen Elizabeth his Cousin-German once removed who by her frequent Admonitions diverted the torrent of his profusion Indeed she would not know him till he began to know himself and then heaped places of Honour and Trust upon him creating him 1. Baron of Buckhurst in Sussex Anno Dom. 1566. 2. Sending him Ambassador into France Anno 1571. Into the Low-Countries Anno Dom. 1566.
3. Making him Knight of the Order of the Garter Anno 1589. 4. Appointing him Treasurer of England 1599. He was Chancellor of the University of Oxford where he entertained Qu Elizabeth with a most sumptuous Feast He was called the Star-chamber-Bell so very flowing his invention and therefore no wonder if his Secretaries could not please him being a person of so quick dispatch faculties which yet run in the blood He took a Roll of the names of all Sutors with the Date of their first Addresses and these in order had their hearing so that a Fresh-man could not leap over the head of his Senior except in urgent Affairs of State Thus having made amends to his house for his mispent time both in increase of Estate and Honour being created Earl of Dorset by King James he died on the 19th of April 1608. The Lord Buckburst was of the noble house of the Sackvils and of the Queens consanguinity his Father was that provident wise man Sir Richard Sackvil or as the people then called him Fill-sack by reason of his great wealth and the vast Patrimony which he left to this his son whereof he spent in his youth the best part until the Qu by her frequent admonitions diverted the torrent of his profusion he was a very fine Gentleman of person and endowments both of Art and Nature His elocution is much commended but the excellency of his Pen more for he was a Scholar and a person of quick faculties very facete and choice in his phrase and style He was wise and stout nor was he any ways insnared in the factions of the Court which were all his time very strong He stood still in grace and was wholly intentive to the Queens service and such were his abilities that she received assiduous proofs of his sufficiency As 1. In his Embassie to France whereas the Queen-Mother complemented him he behaved himself very worthy of his Mistrisses Majesty and his own Peerage there he had an experienced Tuscan Calacanti by name to deal with that Florentine Queen Montmorancy's brother to undermine the Guises and his own great parts to grapple with old Hospital He began that subtle piece the French Match under pretence whereof we balanoed and understood Europe and Walsingham finished it 2. In his Negotiations in the Low-Countries where he watched Leicester and the Commanders he observed the States and their changeable and various Interests accommodating the present emergencies and suiting their occasions They that censure this Nobleman's death consider not besides the black worm and the white day and night as the Riddle is that are gnawing constantly at the root of the tree of Life There are many insensible diseases as Apoplexies whose vapors sodainly extinguish the animal spirits and Aposthumes both in the upper and middle Region of man that often drown and suffocate both the animal and vital who are like embodied Twins the one cannot subsist without the other If the animal wits fail the vital cannot subsist if the vitals perish the animals give over their operation and he that judgeth ill of such an act of Providence may have the same hand at the same time writing within the Palace-walls of his own body the same period to his lives Earthly Empire The End of the Observations upon the Lives of the Statesmen and Favourites of England in the Reign of Queen Eliz. THE STATES-MEN and FAVOURITES OF ENGLAND IN The Reign of King James Observations on the Lives of the Cliffords Earls of Cumberland THE name hath been for three Ages ancient and Noble and in this last Age Warlike and serviceable They had the government of the North in their own right for an hundred yeares and the hereditary Sheriff-dome of Westmorland in right of the Viponts their Relations for two Henry the first Earl of Cumberland was raysed by Henry the Eighth to that Honour 1525 for his service at Tournay and Berwick Henry his son was by Queen Mary honoured with the Garter for his conduct against Wyat and by Queen Eliz. graced with peculiar favours for his Industry Integrity and Vigilance in the North. As Nature so Nobility subsists and grows by the same thing that it is made of Vertue that creates supports it Observations on the Life of the Lord George Clifford GEorge Clifford Lord Clifford Vesoye c. Earl of Cumberland was son to Henry second Earl of that Family by his second Lady a person wholly composed of true honour and valour whereof he gave the world a large and clear demonstration It was resolved by the judicious in that Age The way to humble the Spanish greatness was not in pinching and pricking of him in the Low-Countries which onely emptied his veins of such blood as was quickly re-filled But the way to make it a Cripple for ever was by cutting off the Spanish s 〈…〉 ews of War his Monies from the West-Indies the back-door robs the house In order whereunto this Earl set forth a small Fleet on his own cost and adventured his own person therein being the best born Englishman that ever hazarded himself in that kinde His Fleet may be said to be bound for no other Harbour but the Port of Honour though touching at the Port of Profit in passage thereunto I say touching whose design was not to enrich himself but impoverish the Enemy He was as merciful as valiant the best metal bends best and left impressions of both in all places where he came Queen Eliz. Anno 1592 honoured him with the dignity of the Garter When King James came first out of Scotland to Yorke he attended him with such an equipage of Followers for number and habit that he seemed rather a King than Earl of Cumberland Here happened a Contest between the Earl and the Lord President of the North about carrying the Sword before the King in Yorke which Office upon due search and enquiry was adjudged to the Earl as belonging unto him and whilest Clifford's Tower is standing in Yorke that Family will never be therein forgotten His Anagram was as really as literally true Georgius Cliffordius Cumberlandius Davidis regno clarus cum vi fulgebis He died Anno 1605. leaving one Daughter and Heir the Lady Anne married to the Earl of Dorset This noble person taught the world That the Art of making War hath not a positive form and that it ought to be diversified according to the state of Occurrences They that will commit nothing to Fortune nor undertake any Enterprize whose event appeareth not infallible escape many dangers by their wary conduct but fail of as many successes by their unactive fearfulnesse It 's uselesse to be too wise and spend that time in a grave gaze on businesse that might serve the speedy dispatch of it Neither was our Peer great onely in the atchievements of the Field to please higher spirits but gaudy at Court to astonish and ravish the lowest making noble expences when necessary and appearing splendid on the important
onely could finish that Treaty which they had for many years spun out Men take several ways to the ends they propose themselves Some that of confidence others that of respect and caution c. when indeed the main businesse is to suit our selves with our own times which this Lord did and no man better untill looking into the depths of the late Faction he declared at the Council-Table 1639. that they aimed at the ruine of Church and State And viewing the state of the Kingdome he advised That Leagues might be made abroad and that in this inevitable necessity all wayes to raise money should be used that were lawful Wherefore he was one of those few excluded the Indempnity by the Faction and had the honour to dye banished for the best Cause and Master in those foreign Countries where he suffered as nobly for the Crown of England in his later dayes as he had acted honourably for it in his former When he never came off better than in satisfying the Spanyards about toleration reducing the whole of that affair to these two Maximes 1. That Consciences were not to be forced but to be won and reduced by the evidence of Truth with the aid of Reason and in the use of all good means of Instruction and perswasion 2. That the causes of Conscience wherein they exceed their bounds and grow to matter of faction lose their nature and that Soveraign Princes ought distinctly to punish those foul practices though overlaid with the fairer pretences of Conscience and Religion One of his Maximes for Treaty I think remarkable viz. That Kingdomes are more subject to fear than hope And that it 's safer working upon them by a power that may awe the one than by advantages that may excite the other Since it 's another rule that States have no affections but interest and that all kindnesse and civility in those cases are but oversights and weaknesse Another of his rules for Life I judge useful viz. That since no man is absolute in all points and since men are more naturally enclined out of envy to observe mens infirmities than out of ingenuity to acknowledge their merit He discovereth his abilities most that least discovereth himself To which I may add another viz. That it is not onely our known duty but our visible advantage to ascribe our most eminent performances to providence since it not onely takes off the edge of envy but improves the reason of admiration None being lesse maliced or more applauded than he who is thought rather happy than able blessed than active and fortunate than cunning Though yet all the caution of his life could not avoid the envy of his advancement from so mean a beginning to so great honours notwithstanding that it is no disparagement to any to give place to fresh Nobility who ascend the same steps with those before them New being onely a terme saith one onely respecting us not the world for what is was before us and will be when we are no more And indeed this Personage considering the vanity and inconstancy of common applause or affronts improved the one and checked the other by a constant neglect of both Observations on the Life of Sir Dudly Carleton SIr Dudley Carleton was born in Oxford-shire bred in Christs-Church in Oxford under Dr. King and afterwards in relation of Secretary to Sir Ralph Winwood in the Low-Countreys where he was very active when King James resigned the cautionary Towns to the States Here he added so great experience to his former Learning that afterwards our King employed him for twenty years together Ambassador in Venice Savoy and the United Provinces Anne Gerard his Lady Co-heir to George Gerard Esquire accompanying him in all his Travels as is expressed in her Epitaph in Westminster-Abby He was by K. Charles the first to balance the Duke of Buckingbam's enemies in the House of Peers with the Lord Mandevil now Earl of Manchester and the Lord Grandison created Baron of Imbercourt in Surrey and afterwards Viscount Dorchester marrying for his second Wife the Daughter of Sir Henry Glenham the Relict of Paul Viscount Banning who survived him He succeeded the Lord Conway when preferred President of the Council in the Secretary-ship of State being sworn at White-Hall December 14. 1628. and dying without Issue Anno D●m 163 ... Much ado he had to remove a State-jealousie that was upon him That he insisted on the restitution of some Towns in Cleves and ●uliers to gratifie the Spanyards at that time in ●reaty with us more to remove a Church-jealou●e that in negotiating an accommodation in Re●gion he designed the undermining of the Re●onstrants then in so much power there In which ●atter he was at a losse whether his Majesty should ●terpose by Letter or Message The former he said was most effectual but the later lesse subject to 〈◊〉 constr●●●on considering Barnevel's interest in ●he State But he had a Chaplain one Mr. Hales that kept this Controversie even on the one hand while he balanced the State-interest on the other equally carefull that the United Provinces should not be over-run by the Armies of Spain and that they should not be swallowed up by the protection of France Watchful was his eye there over the West-India Company Diligent his carriage upon any accommodations from Spain which he apprehended always as a design to distract that people then in regard of their unsetlednesse but too apt upon any dispute to fall into faction Great his industry in reconciling Sir Horace Vere and Sir Edward Cecil for the honour of the English Nation and the advancement of the common service Sincere his services to the Prince Elector and his Lady Exact his rules of Traffique and Commerce and dexterous his arts of keeping the States from new alliances notwithstanding our likely Marriage-treaty with Spain especially since the Prince of Orange bluntly after his manner asked Qui at ' il vestre Marriage And indeed he behaved himself in all Employments so well becoming a man that understood so many Languages that was so well versed in Ancient and Modern History t 〈…〉 had composed so many choice pieces of Politi 〈…〉 that was so well seen in the most practical Mathe 〈…〉 ticks and added to these a graceful and charm 〈…〉 look a gentle and a sweet elocution that no● withstanding his and his brother Bishop Carle 〈…〉 rigidnesse in some points kept him to his dyin● day in great favour and most eminent service a●● sailing in nothing but his French Emb●●●● becau●● there he had to do with Women L 〈…〉 g behind him this observation That new Common-weal●● are hardly drawn to a certain resolution as 〈◊〉 knowing not how to determine and remaining 〈◊〉 in suspence take ordinarily that course rather whi●● they are forced to than what they might choose f●● themselves And this eminent service when 〈◊〉 assisted the Earl of Holland in France viz. That 〈◊〉 pa●ified the high difference there upon which 〈◊〉 revolt of