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A11863 Honor military, and ciuill contained in foure bookes. Viz. 1. Iustice, and iurisdiction military. 2. Knighthood in generall, and particular. 3. Combats for life, and triumph. 4. Precedencie of great estates, and others. Segar, William, Sir, d. 1633.; Rogers, William, b. ca. 1545, engraver. 1602 (1602) STC 22164; ESTC S116891 203,415 258

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Christian to the ende that if any of their Nobilitie were louers of Arms and honor they might appeare in our Triumphs with all things needful on Munday next after S. Matthew the Apostle At Meydeburg THen his Maiesty was pleased with the aduise of the foure and the fifteene men aforesaid to adde diuers other Articles as followeth That If any man had either openly or secretly slaine his wife or had aided or counselled another man to kill his master he should forfeit his horse and be expulsed the Lists If any man had committed sacriledge by spoiling of Churches or Chappels or had by force taken the goods of any widow or Orphan or not defended them to his power he should forfeit his horse and be punished with infamy If any man without warning had assaulted his enemy or by indirect meanes had procured him to be robbed of corne wine or other prouision feloniously he should forfeit his horse c. If any man in the Empire or vnder the Empire rashly and without licence of the Emperour did impose new and vnaccustomed tributes wherby the people might be damnified he should forfeit his horse and be taxed of infamy If any man had beene conuinced of notorious adultery hauing himselfe a wife or being a Batcheler had by force defloured any matron virgine or religious woman he should forfeit his horse remaine infamous If any Gentleman borne being the Owner of lands and reuenue and not therewith contented did exact or oppresse his Tenants or being the Officer of a Prince or other great Lord did wrest from his subiects to enrich himselfe for so doing he should forfeit his horse and be excluded from the Lists with infamie All which Articles being publikely read and approued were by his Emperiall Maiestie confirmed as Law CHAP. 27. ¶ Of Triumphs at the interuiewe of Pope Alexander and the Emperour Foedericus Barbarossa at Venice Anno 1166. ADuertizement being giuen to Venice that the Emperor resolued to come thither Piro Zinzano the Dukes sonne was sent with sixe long Galleyes to meete him at Rauenna After them were dispatched a great number of lesse vessels The Emperour being arriued at Venice the Pope was set in a rich chaire at the Church doore and there taried his comming Before the Popes feet a carpet of purple was spread vpon the ground The Emperor being come to the sayd Carpet forthwith fel downe and from thence vpon his knees went towards the Pope to kisse his feete which done the Pope with his hand lifted him vp From thence they passed together vnto the great Altar in S. Markes Church whereon was set the Table of precious stones which at this day is reputed one of the richest treasures of Europe Some haue reported that there the Emperor did prostrate himselfe before the Altar and the Pope set his foot vpon his necke While this was in doing the Clergie sung that Psalme of Dauid which sayth Super Aspidem Basiliscum ambulabis Which the Emperour hearing sayd Non tibi sed Petro. The Pope replied Et mihi Petro. After some dayes abode in Venice the Pope departed by sea to Ancona and the Emperor towards Germany by land either of them accompanied with Gentlemen Venetians in great number CHAP. 28. ¶ An admirable triumphal shew at Venice to congratulate the recouery of Cyprus Anno. 1366. AFter thankes giuen to God for the recouery of this Island euery man endeuoured to make demonstration of gladnes wherin no cost in banquetting or other solemnization was omitted Among these shewes of triumph and iolitie two sights there were most admirable and neuer before that time seene the maner of the one was a representation of Iusting on horsebacke For certaine portratures or images of men and horses were so made of skinnes clothed in silke with Lances and Shields as the wind by a straight line forced them to runne one encountering the other like to a course of the field The other was like vnto a combat where armed men did seeme to fight both which shewes were in the streete In the first the Actors were only 24 yong Gentlemen Venetians for personage apparell and yeeres very commendable The inuentor and director of these pastimes was Thomasso Bambasio who for such deuises and action was in Venice esteemed as in old time Roscius had bene in Rome Surely it seemeth strange that so many men richly attired and so many horses brauely furnished could be managed with so great dexteritie and one hauing ended his courses another was presently ready to supply that place In the meane while the Lances did seeme broken and the splinters flie about The duke with al the Nobilitie of the city beheld this miraculous sight and so did a multitude of people Among these beholders as mine Author sayth were diuers Noble men of England who trauailed to Venice purposely to see the maner of this Triumph and the Actors CHAP. 29. A Triumph in the reigne of King Richard the second 1390. THis noble Prince being aduertised with what magnificence and pompe the Queene Isabella of France had made her entry into Paris thought good to appoint a militarie triumph at London wherin appeared sixty Knights and so many faire young Ladies of his Court sumptuously apparelled With this troope his Maiestie rode from the Tower of London vnto Smithfield and passing thorow Cheapeside a proclamation was made that on Sunday and Munday next following these Knights would attende there to challenge all commers For him that deserued best in this Iust if he were a stranger the Queene and her Ladies had prepared a crowne of golde or if he were any of the sixty English Knights he should receiue a rich bracelet The English Knights likewise promised to giue vnto the stranger of best desert a faire horse with his furniture or if he were an English man hee should receiue a Falcon. This challenge and these prizes had bene by a King of Armes formerly proclaymed in England Scotland France Flaunders Brabant Henault and Germany which mooued many persons of Honour and reputation to come hither Among whom was William of Henault Earle of Oye or as some did call him of Ostrenant a young Prince much delighting in Armes This Noble youth desirous to honour the King of England his kinsman drew into his company many Gentlemen of his Nation with whom hee passed into England Then resoluing to performe that iourney thought good to take the consent of Albert his father Count of Henault Holland and Zeland Of whom with great difficultie he obtained leaue The like desire to honour the King mooued the Earle of S. Paul who had married the Kings sister And he brought with him a great troope of gallant Knights These two Princes came first vnto Calis where they found English ships readie to transport them But the Earle of Oye passed ouer first and being come to London had accesse to the King of whom he was with great ioy embraced The like courtesie he found in Iohn Holland the Kings brother
and called Borgo di Santa Maria or Mareenburg where is now the chiefe Church appertaining to this Order there unto belongeth so great riches and reuenues as these Knights may both for men and money compare with diuers Princes This countrey of Prussia is great and much thereof bounded by the riuer of Vistola and is also confined by Sarmatia the Massagets and Polonia These Knights are also Lordes of Liuonia which was likewise by them brought to the faith of Christianitie is with Christians inhabited CHAP. 27. Knights of the Sepulchre THis Knighthood is now extinct or rather conioyned vnto the Order of Malta The Ensigne belonging to these Knights was two Red Crosses vnited CHAP. 28. Knights of S. Mary The habit of this Order was very pompous and thereupon a red Crosse wrought with gold round about They were specially inhibited to weare gold in their spurres and horse harnesse They made profession to fight against the Infidels and all others that offended iustice notwithstanding they liued euer at home in rest with their wiues and children They were commonly called Caualieri di Madona but because they liued continually in ease and pleasure men termed them Fratri gaudenti as much in our language as Good fellow brethren It may be some of them are yet extant CHAP. 29. Knights of S. Lazaro These Knights doe professe to be obedient vnto their great Master and other officers of the Order they promise also to liue chast or at the least continent and content with one wife Also to be charitable and liberall chiefely to poore people infected with leprosie Moreouer euery Knight promiseth to weare a greene Crosse and before they enter into this Knighthood must prooue himselfe to be borne in lawfull wedlocke and a Gentleman both by father and mother and to beare Armes Also that he is descended of ancient Christians and no Morrano or Turke That he hath of rent at the least 200 crownes wherewith to maintaine his dignitie That he and his auncestors haue euer liued as Gentlemen without vse of any base or mechanicall occupation That he hath not bene suspected of any notable euill fact or is defamed for any vice That he be not indebted nor is wedded to any widowe or hath had more then one wife But besides these passable protestations he must vndertake to say fiue and twentie Pater nosters and so many Aue Marias with other superstitious things not worthy the writing This Order hath of late time bene much fauoured by the Dukes of Sauoy CHAP. 30. Knights of S. Stephano The Statutes annexed to this Order are not vnlike to those appertayning to the order of Malta sauing that these haue libertie to marrie The chiefe place of their resiance is the citie of Pisa where the Duke prepared them a Church and builded for them a pallace wherein to lodge And because neere to that Citie is a Hauen fit to receiue the Gallies wherin these Knights should serue it seemed good to that Prince to settle them there The Duke himselfe and his successors is Great master of this Order and vnder him are diuers other Officers of reputation This is the last Order or degree of Knights that I haue seene or read of THE THIRD BOOKE Concerning Combat for life Iusts Turnements Triumphes and Inaugurations of Emperours Kings and Princes The Contents of this Booke THe Prooeme Of particular Combats with their original Ca. 1. Whether Combats may be iustly permitted Ca. 2. When and how Combats were in vse Cap. 3. What exceptions or repulses may mooue the defendors to refuse the Combat Cap. 4. Whether a man of meane qualitie may chalenge his superior Cap. 5. What sorts of men may not be admitted to trial of Armes 6. Who was anciently accompted victorious in Combat Cap. 7. What was anciently due vnto such men as were victorious in publique Combat Cap. 8. Of the disequalitie of Gentlemen Cap. 9. Of the qualitie and disequalitie of great Nobilitie and the priuiledges due to all men professing Armes Cap. 10. Of Armes offensiue and defensiue Cap. 11. Of the Election of weapons Cap. 12. Certaine questions opinions and iudgements vpon accidents in triall and exercise of Armes Cap. 13. Of honour gained or lost by being disarmed in sundry places and sundry peeces Cap. 14. Of honour gained or lost by hurts giuen or taken in Combat for life or triumph Cap. 15. Of Combats ancient Cap. 16. The order of Combats for life in England anciently recorded in the Office of Armes Cap. 17. Of Triumphes ancient and moderne Cap. 18. Of Triumphes and their Originall Cap. 19. Of the maner of Triumphing and the habits of the Triumpher Cap. 20. Of the diuers qualitie of Triumphes in Rome Cap. 21. In what Order the Romanes triumphed Cap. 22. Of other furniture and pompe appertayning to Triumphes in Rome Cap. 23. Of the Triumphal going of Darius to meet Alexander the great Cap. 24. The Triumphal entry of Xerxes K. of Persia into Greece yet afterward forced for feare to flie into his owne kingdome Cap. 25. Of Triumphes in Germanie Cap. 26. Of Triumphes at the enteruiew of Pope Alexander and the Emperour Frederick Barbarosa at Venice Anno Dom. 1166. Cap. 27. An admirable Triumphal shew at Venice to congratulate the recouery of Cypres Anno 1366. Cap. 28. A Triumph in the raigne of King Richard the second Anno 1590. Cap. 29. A Triumphal passage of Charles the v. Emperor through France Anno 1540. Cap. 30. A triumphal entrie of Philip Prince of Spaine at Millan Anno 1548. Cap. 31. A Military chalenge in Italy Anno 1555. Cap. 32. Of triumphal challenges in France Cap. 32. Of one other Military action betweene fiue English gentlemen and fiue French Cap. 34. An other like action Cap. 35. An other chalenge of a French gentleman in Spaine Cap. 36. An other notable challenge in France Anno 1390. Cap. 37. An other most noble challenge Cap. 38. The triumphant interuiew of the Kings of England and France Anno 1519. Cap. 39. A triumph celebrated in France Anno 1559. Cap. 40. A Militarie triumph at Brussels Anno 1549. Cap. 41. The Inauguration of Carolus Magnus King of Italie Anno 773. Cap. 42. Carolus Magnus Inauguration being made Emperour Anno 1800. Cap. 43. The Inauguration of Pope Gregorie the tenth Cap. 44. The Inauguration of Henry the fourth King of England Anno 1399. Cap. 45. The Inauguration of Charles the French King at Rhemes Anno 1380. Cap. 46. At the Inauguration of King Henry the thirde French King three notable things obserued Cap. 47. The Inauguration of Charles the fift Cap. 48. Ceremonies appertaining to the deliuery of Prizes at Iusts and Turnements Cap. 49. Of Iusts and Turnements and how the Accidents in such exercises are iudged in the kingdome of Naples Cap. 50. Iusts and Turnements how they were anciently iudged by Iohn Tiptoft Earle of Worcester high Constable of England in the Raigne of King Edward the 4. Cap. 51. Triumphes Military for honour and loue of
so haue I long desired to do and no time more fit then now when the Constable and his company may be iudge Yet such is my hap as I haue no Armor at hand For supply of that want quoth Boucmelius I will take order that two Armors shal be brought vnto vs and of them the choise shal be yours with euery other thing fit for our purpose This agreement made they imparted the same vnto the Constable and obtained his license yet with condition that they should attend vpon him the next day at which time hee would with other noble men see what should be the euent of that Action About the houre appointed these Champions did appeare and at the first course Clifford with his Launce pearced through the Armor and body of Boucmelius of which hurt he presently died This accident much grieued the French and Clifford himselfe was not a little sory which the Constable perceiuing said vnto Clifford Be not dismayed for this is the fruite of like aduentures and if my selfe had beene in thy place I should haue done the same for better euer it is to doe then suffer at the hand of an enemy The Constable hauing ended his speech conuited Clifford with his company to dinner and then caused them to be conducted to the next towne in safety CHAP. 36. ¶ An other Challenge of a French Gentleman in Spaine IN the Army of the King of Castile there was a French Gentleman young of yeeres and in Armes of great reputation men called him Tristram de Roy. He seeing the warres ended betweene the Kings of Castile and Portugal determined to returne home Yet desirous by some means to gaine honor before his arriuall in France procured an Herauld to goe vnto the English Army and proclaime That if any Gentleman there would breake three Launces he would challenge him This challenge being heard in the English campe a braue young Gentleman named Miles Windesor accepted thereof hoping by that occasion to merit the honour of Knighthood The next day according to appointment he appeared in the field accompanied with Mathew Gorney William Beuchamp Tho Simons the L. Shandos the L. Newcastle the L. Bardolf and many others The French Challenger appeared likewise honourably graced with friends and thus both parties in readinesse to runne the Lord Souldichius bestowed the dignitie of Knighthood vpon the said Windsor Which done the one charged the other and the two first courses were perfourmed with great courage yet without any hurt But in the third course the armour both of the one and the other was pearced through yet by breach of the launces both of them escaped more harme CHAP. 37. One other notable Challenge in France Anno 1390. IN the reigne of King Charles the sixth three noble young men of great hope and much affecting the warre liued in that Court viz. Mounsier de Bouciquant the younger Mounsier Reynaut de Roye and Mounsier de S. Pye all Gentlemen of that Kings chamber In the same time also there was in England a Knight for valour and militarie vertue of great fame men called him Sir Peter Courtney He hauing obtained license passed the sea and trauelled to Paris After a few daies rest in that citie he challenged Mounsieur Trimoulie a noble Gentleman in great reputation who accepting the defie obtained license to answere appointing a day and place The time being come the King accompanied with the Duke of Burgundy and many other great Estates went to behold that conflict The first course was performed exceeding well and ether partie brake his launce with commendation But the second launce being deliuered into their hands the King inhibited more should be done seeming somewhat offended with the English Knight who had made sute that he might be suffered to doe his vttermost This Action by the Kings commaundement was stayed and Sir Peter Courtney therewith grieued thought good to abandon that Countrey and so desired he might doe The King well pleased he should depart sent vnto him an honourable gift and the Duke of Burgundie did the like The King also commaunded Mounsiuer de Clary a grea● Lord to accompany him to Callis By the way they visited the Earle of S. Paul who married King Richards sister of England The Earle in most courteous manner welcommed Sir Peter and the rather for that his Ladie had formerly bene married to the Lord Courtney his kinsman who died young This Sir Peter Courtney being well entertained the Earle and hee with their company supped together in which time as the custome is they communed of many matters Among which the Earle asked of Sir Peter how he liked the Realme of France and what conceit he had of the Nobilitie Whereunto Sir Peter with a sowre countenance answered That hee found in France nothing to be compared with the magnificence of England though for friendly entertainment hee had no cause to complaine yet saide Sir Peter I am not well satisfied in that matter which was the chiefe cause of my comming into France For I protest in the presence of all this Honourable company that if Monsieur de Clary beeing a Noble Gentleman of France had come into England and challenged any of our Nation he should haue beene fully answered but other measure hath ben offered to me in France for when Monsieur de Tremoulie and I had engaged our honour after one Lance broken the king commanded me to stay I haue therefore sayde and wheresoeuer I shall become will say that in France I was denyed reason and leaue to doe my vttermost These words much moued Mounsieur de Clary yet for the present hee suppressed his anger hauing charge to conduct Sir Peter safely vnto Calis Notwithstanding this heate quoth the Earle let mee tell you Sir Peter that in mine opinion you depart from France with much honour because the King vouchsafed to entreate you that the fight might stay whom to obey is a certaine signe of wisedome and praise worthy I pray you therefore Sir Knight haue patience and let vs proceede in our iourney Thus Sir Peter hauing taken leaue of the Earle passed forth towards Calice accompanied with Mounsieur de Clary who so soone as they were entred into the confines of the English Dominion Sir Peter most heartily thanked him for his company and courtesie But Clary hauing made an impression of such sowre speeches as Sir Peter had vttered in the Earles house said thus Hauing now fully performed the Kings commandement conducting you safe to your friendes I must before wee part put you in minde of your inconsiderate words in contempt of the Nobility of France And to the end you being arriued in England shall haue no cause or colour to boast that you were not answered in France Loe here I my selfe though inferiour to many others am this day or to morow ready to encounter ●ou not for malice to your person or gloriously to boast of my valour but for conseruation of the fame and honor
others these Englishmen determined to make proofe of their fortune Iohn Holland The Earle of Huntingdon Iohn Courtney Iohn Goulonfee Iohn Russell Thomas Scrope William Clifton William Clinton William Tailboys Godfrey Seten William Hacklet Iohn Dabridgcourt Henry Bewmount and others to the number of one hundreth or more went into France to shew their vertue in that Challenge Besides them also many others did passe the seas to see what should be done The first Englishman that passed the Sea was Iohn Holland brother to the King of England hauing in his traine Noblemen and Gentlemen of note about 60. who were all lodged within the towne of Calis The Challengers then hauing prepared themselues arriued at Bullaine in the beginning of May and were lodged in the Abbey where they were enformed of the excellent furniture which the English had brought Whereat they reioyced and made the more hast to their businesse Then they caused there greene Pauilions to be set vp betweene Calis and Bullen At the doore of euery Pauilion a shield was hanged which any man desirous to fight might at his pleasure touch The order of this Triumph was thus THe twenty and one day of May the Challengers appeared at the place ready armed and mounted Shortly after the English men came from Callis some to try their fortune and other to behold First of al Iohn Holland with his Lance touched the Shield of Bouciquaut and foorthwith he came out of his Pauilion and mounted on horsebacke which done th' one charged the other without more hurt then that the English Lords shield was pearced through The second course was also without harme And the English man preparing for a third course Bouciquaut denied to do more that day which the English Lord hearing turned himselfe to the shield of S. Pye touched it Then presently he came forth couragiously but the first course proued foule for that the horses kept not their right path Notwithstanding Holland disarmed the head of S. Pye The second course was performed better and the launce both of the one and the other broken vpon the Shields At the third course both their Headpieces were striken off and all the lookers on might see their faces Neuerthelesse the Lord Holland desired that for his mistresse sake he might breake one Launce more Which couragious offer both French and English commended Next to these Roy and the English man called Earle Marshall charged one the other with much commendation The third courses were performed by Bouciquaut and the Lord Clifford cousin to the Lord Shandois a man expert in Armes and of great fame The fourth English man that ranne was Henry Bewmount a Knight of good reputation The seuenth encounter was betweene S. Pye and the same Bewmount The eight encounter was betweene Roy and Peter Courtney The ninth encounter was betweene Bouciquaut and Courtney The tenth betweene S. Pye and Courtney who had touched all their shieldes The next encounter was allotted to Goulowfer and Roy. The next courses were betweene S. Pye and Iohn Russell The next was betweene Bouciquaut and Peter Scrope a young Gentleman of great courage but of no long practise in Armes yet was his encounter so violent as forced Bouciquaut to bleede at the eares and retire to his pauilion all that day But Scrope not contented with the honour of his successe against Bouciquaut touched the shield of S. Pye and presently the one encountred the other But at the second course by misfortune the English Knight fell downe and though with some helpe he recouered his horse yet ranne he no more that day Such was the successe of the first dayes Iusting The second meeting THe second day Gulielmus Clysetonius an English Knight expert in Armes encountred Bouciquaut with equall fortune The next encounter was betweene the L. Clinetonius and S. Pye either of them performing his part well The third encounter was betweene William Stamartius cousin to the Earle of Huntingdon and Raynol Roy who seemed to deserue best The 4. encounter was betweene Lancaster and Bouciquaut with small aduantage The 5. encounter was betweene S. Pye and Taylbois a Gentleman very yong Either of them was disarmed on the head and so returned to their Pauilions The 6. encounter was betweene Godfrey Seten and Roy at the first course Launces being strong their horses were forced to pauze At the second for the same reason th' one and th' other let fall their Launces without breaking At their third course th' one and th' other was hurt so as Roy was sore bruzed and Seten pearced into the shoulder Which wound he endured with great patience without shew of griefe suff●ed the Chirurgeon to draw backe the Launce and search the wound which courage was highly praised The 7. encounter was betweene an English man called Blanquetius and S. Pye The 8. encounter was betweene Thomalinus Messidonius and Bouciquaut This English man was richly armed at the first course pearced through the shield of Bouciquaut But at the third course he was vnhorsed The 9. encounter was betweene Nauartonius and Bouciquaut with equal fortune The 10 encounter was betweene Sequaquetonius an English Knight and Roy. This Knight was of experience in Armes and at the first course wel-neere vnhorsed his aduersary But at the last meeting the French Taint was so strong as the Englishman was wel-neere borne downe and so they departed Thus ended the second dayes Triumph ¶ Note here that the French King being disguised was present at all these exercises The third meeting THe third day likewise these noble Knights both English and French appeared The weather was faire calme and fit for Military action The first courses were performed betweene Iohn Sauage and Roy who at the first encountred so furiously as both th' one th' other was almost forced to fall from his horse The rest of their courses were honourable The second encounter was betweene Gulielmus Basqueneus cosin to the Earle Marshall and Bouciquaut At the third course they were both disarmed on the head The third encounter was betweene an English Knight called Scot and S. Pye Their first course was faire on both sides and so was the second But at the third course the French Knight lost his headpeece and the English Knight vnhorsed The fourth encounter was betweene Barnard Stapleton and s. Pye and either of them at the third course lost his headpeece The fifth encounter was betweene Iohn Arundel and Roy. This English Knight was reputed for horsemanship dancing and singing excellent The one and the other of them perfourmed their courses with commendation The sixth encounter was betweene Nicolas Stoner and Bouciquaut who in their third course lost both their headpeeces and so bare headed went away The seuenth encounter was between Iohn Marshal and Bouciquaut who was somewhat hurt with a splitter the other disarmed of his headpiece The eighth encounter was betweene Iohn Clifton and Roy with equall fortune The ninth encounter was betweene Roger
Lea and S. Pye either of them being disarmed on the head departed The tenth encounter was betweene Aubrigcourt and Roy. This Aubrigcourt was not borne in England but brought vp in the Court of the most noble King Edward At their first course they were both violently stricken on the head and in the next on the breast and so they parted But Aubrigcourt not so contented challenged Bouciquaut who answered him two courses with equall fortune and the third course they were both disarmed on the head Such was the successe of the third dayes meeting The fourth meeting ON Thursday which was the last these noble Knights returned to the field where Godfrey Eustace made the first encounter against Bouciquaut and were both hurt on the head The next encounter was betweene Alanus Burgius and S. Pye with being both disarmed on the head The next encounter was betweene Iohannes Storpius and Bouciquaut in which courses the English mans horse was said to fall downe The next encounter was betweene Bouciquaut and an English Knight called Hercourt belonging to the Queene of England but not borne in England At the first course Bouciquaut missed and the English Knight brake crosse which is an errour in Armes and thereupon much disputation arose betweene the French and English For the French affirmed that Hercourt by law of Armes had forfeited his Horse and Armes but at request of the company that fault was remitted and he permitted to runne one course more against Roy who had not runne that day and therefore willingly consented The courses betweene these Knights were exceeding violent but the Englishman being wearied was vtterly throwen from his horse and as a dead man lay flat on the ground but afterwards he reuiued lamenting that disgrace The fifth encounter was betweene Robert Scrope and S. Pye who after three courses gaue ouer without losse or gaine The sixth encounter was betweene Iohn Morley and Reginaldus Roy for the first blow was so violent as forced their horses to stand still in the place of meeting The seuenth encounter was betweene Iohannes Moutonius and Bouciquaut both of them at the first meeting had their shields pearced and after were disarmed on the head The eight encounter was betweene Iaqueminus Stropius and S. Pye At the first course both their horses went out At the second they brake both on the head At the third both their Lances fell from them and at the last the Englishman pearced through the Aduersaries shield but was himselfe dismounted The ninth encounter was betweene Guilielmus Masqueleus and Bouciquaut These Knights with equall courage and skill perfourmed well their courses The last encounter was betweene Nicolas Lea and S. Pye the one and the other of them brake their Launces well till at the last they were both disarmed on the head The Challenge thus ended all the troupe of English Knights hauing attended that busines full foure dayes thanked the French Knights for being Authours of so honourable a triumph On the other side the French much thanked the English for their company and the King who was there secretly returned home where hee enformed the Queene what honour had bene done to all Ladies CHAP. 39. The triumphant Interuiew of the Kings of England and France An. 1519. THese most excellent Princes hauing occasion of conference appointed a meeting in Picardie The day drawing neere the king of England passed the seas and arriued at Calice from whence hauing reposed himselfe he remoued to Guynes The French King likewise being come lodged at Ardes Betweene the one and the other of those townes as it were in the mid-way a place of meeting was appointed Thither went the one and the other of those Kings most royally mounted and followed with so great magnificence as in an hundred yeeres before the like sight had not bene seene in Christendome Some writers haue in vaine laboured to set downe the royalty and exceeding pomp of those Courts which might be seene but not expressed At the place of meeting two Pauilions were erected the one for the French king the other for the King of England These Princes being come embraced one the other and that done they went together into one Pauilion The French King was accompanied with his Lord Admiral called Boniuett his Chancellor and some fewe other Counsellors The King of England had with him the Cardinall of Yorke the Duke of Norffolke and the Duke of Suffolke Then hauing set in counsel and returned to their Pauilions they bethought them of entertainement sports and princely Complements For which purpose commandement was giuen that a Tilt should bee erected where Iusts Tournaments and other triumphall exercises continued about fifteene dayes for so long those Princes remained there One day the King of England conuited the French King feasted him in his Pauilion which was a building of wood containing foure roomes exceeding large and so richly furnished as haply the like had not bene seene in Christendome That Frame was purposely made in England and after the feast taken downe to be returned One other day the French King feasted the King of England in his Pauilion wherein hanged a cloth of Estate marueilous large and so rich as cannot be expressed The ropes belonging to that Pauilion were make of yellowe silke and gold wreathed together The Kings being ready to dine there happened so great a storme of wind as fearing the Pauilion could not stand they remooued from thence to the place where the Fortresse is nowe and beareth the name of that banquet The apparell Iewels and other Ornaments of pompe vsed by Princes Lords Gentlemen awaiting on those Kings cannot be esteemed much lesse expressed for as mine Author sayth some caried on their backes the prise of whole woods others the weight of ten thousand sheepe and some the worth of a great Lordship CHAP. 40. A Triumph celebrated in France Anno 1559. WHen the mariage betweene the King of Spaine and Elizabeth eldest daughter of Henry the French King was concluded in signe of congratulation and ioy a royal Triumph was proclaimed and prepared at Paris whereunto the Nobilitie of all France Spaine and the Lowe countreys repaired which done a solemne Iust and other military sports were taken in hand wherein the King in his owne person the Duke of Ferrara the Duke of Gwyze and the Duke of Nemors were Challengers The place for performance of that Action was appointed in the streete of S. Anthony in Paris and there a Tilt with euery furniture fit for such a feast was prepared To that place as at like occasions it happeneth resorted an infinite number of people to behold for whom scaffolds and stages were ready to receiue them and those places not capable of so excessiue a number many of the people bestowed themselues on the sides and roofes of the houses The first courses were performed by the French King to his great glory the rest of the Challengers also very honourably did the like Then the Lords and
he wotteth not whither He that with his Launce taketh away the rest of the aduersaries Armor meriteth more honour then he that taketh away any other ornament He that breaketh his Launce on the pomel or bolster of his aduersaries faddle deserueth worse then he who beareth his Launce well without breaking He that breaketh on the face or other part of the horse meriteth worse then he that breaketh not at all He that hurteth an horse shall not receiue honour although before he hath run well for he that hurteth an horse is in like predicament with him that falleth who cannot on that day receiue any honour He is worthy small estimation that cannot gouerne his owne horse or that sitteth loose in his saddle but much is he to be praised that with his force disordereth his aduersary in the saddle He that letteth his Launce fall can claime no commendation And lesse worthy praise is he that knoweth not how it should be charged He that breaketh the Launce furiously in many pieces is more reputed then he that breaketh it faintly in one onely place He that conueyeth his Lance into the Rest in due time is worthy commendation but he that carieth it shaking in his hand or vnstayedly in the Rest meriteth blame He that dexteriously carieth the Launce long on the arme and skilfully conueyeth it into the Rest nere the time of encounter is more allowed them he that suddenly and at the first setting out doth charge it To conclude he is worthy all commendation that beareth himselfe wel on horsebacke that sitteth comely that fitteth his body well with Armor that hath his person so disposed as if it were without Armor that can endure to weare it long that till the end of the day disarmeth not his head He that performeth not all his determined courses ought not receiue any prize or honor He that hurteth or toucheth an horse with his Launce shal neither haue prize nor praise for he is in case as though he had fallen He that doth fall may not run any more in that day vnlesse he falleth on his feet standing right vp and be also a Challenger for in that case he may returne to horse answere all commers because on that day hee is so bound to doe CHAP. 51. Of Iusts and Turnaments how they were anciently iudged by Iohn Tiptoft Earle of VVorcester high Constable of England in the reigne of King Edward the fourth FIrst who so breaketh most speares as they ought be broken shall haue the prize Who so hitteth three times in the height of the Helme shall haue a prize Who so meeteth cronall to cronall shall haue a prize Who so beareth a man downe with the force of his Speare shall haue a prize Here followeth wherefore the prize shal be lost FIrst who so striketh an Horse shall haue no prize Who so striketh a man his backe turned or disgarnished of his speare shall haue no prize Who so hitteth the Toyle three times shall haue no prize Who so vnhelmeth himselfe two times shall haue no prize vnlesse his horse faile him Here followeth how speares shall be allowed FIrst who so breaketh a Speare betweene the Saddle and the Charnell of the Helme shal be allowed one Who so breaketh a speare from the Charnell vpward shall be allowed one Who so breaketh and putteth his aduersary downe or out of the saddle or disarmeth him in such wise as he may not runne the next course after shal be allowed three speares broken Here followeth how Speares broken shall be disallowed FIrst hee that breaketh on the Saddle shall be disallowed for a Speare breaking Who so hitteth the Toile once shal be disallowed for two Who so hitteth the Toile twise for the second shal be abated three Who so breaketh a speare within a foote of the Charnel shal be iudged as no Speare but a Taynt Of prizes to be giuen FIrst who so beareth a man downe and out of the Saddle or putteth him to earth horse and man shall haue the prize before him that striketh Curnall to Curnall He that striketh Curnall to Curnall two times shall haue the prize before him that striketh the sight three times He that striketh the sight two times shall haue the prize before him that breaketh most Speares At the Torney TWo blowes at passage and ten at the ioyning ought suffise vnlesse it be otherwise determined All gripes shockes and foule play forbidden How prizes at Turney and Barriers are to be lost HE that giueth a stroke with a Pike from girdle downeward or vnder the Barre shall haue no prize He whose sword falleth out of his hand shall haue no prize He that hath a close Gauntlet or any thing to fasten his sword to his hand shall haue no prize He that stayeth his hand on the Barre in fighting shall haue no prize He that sheweth not his sword vnto the Iudges before he fighteth shall haue no prize HAuing here spoken of forreine triumphs I thinke it not impertinent and haply my duety also to remember what honour hath bene by like Actions done vnto the Kings of England our own natural Souereigns For albeit the Romans the Persians Syrians being heretofore the most mighty Monarches of the world and consequently of greatest pompe yet in later time and chiefly within these 500. yeeres no Prince Christian hath liued more honourably then the Kings of England And as their prowesse in Armes hath bene great so their Courts for magnificence and greatnesse needed not giue place to any which may appeare by the often and excellent triumphes celebrated before Kings and Queenes of this land Yea certaine it is that neither France Spaine Germany or other Nation Christian was euer honoured with so many Militarie triumphes as England hath bene chiefly in the raigne of her Maiestie who now liueth as hereafter shal appeare For besides other excellent triumphal Actions and Militarie pastimes since her Maiesties raigne a yeerely and as it were ordinary triumph hath bene celebrated to her Highnesse honour by the noble and vertuous Gentlemen of her Court a custome neuer before vsed not knowen in any Court or Countrey And albeit as hath bene formerly remembred the Triumphes of Germany were of great pompe and notable yet because they were furnished with the whole number of Princes and Nobilitie of that Nation and the celebration rare they seeme to me lesse admirable then our owne which haue continued more then 30. yeeres yeerely without intermission and performed chiefly and in effect onely by the Princes Lords and Gentlemen dayly attendant vpon her Maiesties Royal person Whereby the honour of those Actions is indeed due to her Highnesse Court onely CHAP. 52. ¶ Triumphes Military for Honor and loue of Ladies brought before the Kings of England A Triumph before King Edward the third 1343. THis King being the most warlike and vertuous Prince that liued in his dayes happened as mine Author saith to fall in loue with a noble Lady of his Kingdome and
vllam nisi datum tibi esset desuper Ioh. 19. It appeareth also that good Princes doe deserue diuine honour as S. Austen seemeth to affirme And the Apostle in his Epistle to Timothy saith Qui bene praesunt duplici honore dignisunt Good and godly Kings therfore haue receiued from God diuine vertue aboue all other creatures As was scene in Saul who being made King by Samuel foorthwith became inspired with the gift of Prophecie and the Spirit of God did enter into him whereby he prophecied with other Prophets 1. King cap. 10. We reade likewise that Salomon being created King obtayned the excellencie of wisedome 1. King 3. If seemeth also that Kings are diuinely inspired with diuers other parttcular graces and vertues as the kings of England and France by touching only do cure an infirmity called The Kings euill the Kings of Spaine as some writers affirme haue power to cast diuels out of mēs bodies CHAP. 6. Of Queenes NExt and neerest vnto the King his Queene is to take place because the weareth a Regall Crowne which no other person but a King may doe It seemeth also that a Queene ought to sit on the Kings right hand which honour the sacred Scriptures do allow Psal. 45. Astitit Regina à dextris tuis in vestitu deaurato And if she be a mayden Queene Soueraigne and absolute shee is In pari dignitate with a King may precede him also according to the dignitie of her kingdome And if she be a Queene of three entiere kingdomes as our Soueraigne is she may assume the title of an Empresse Also Officers and ministers appertaining vnto a Queene absolute are priuiledged equall with the Officers of Kings and may take place accordingly Lu de Pen. Ca. de priuilegijs Note also that albeit a Queene be the daughter of a Duke or an Earle or any other inferior degree yet shall she be called Queene by the dignitie of her husband And if she be the daughter of a King superior to her husband then may she also reteine the dignitie of her fathers daughter Iac. Rebuff alij dig lib. 12. which was the reason that the Lady Claudia daughter vnto King Lewis the 12. did take place before the Lady Loysia of Sauoy notwithstanding shee was mother to King Francis the first So did the daughter precede the mother Yet some doe hold that a Kings mother ought be preferred before all others alleaging the Text Positus est thronus matris iuxta thronum Regis the 3. of Kings We reade also in the same place that King Solomon beholding his mother comming towards him adored her and caused a Throne to be set on his right hand Which seemeth indeede to be her place in absence of the Queene not otherwise as mine Author writeth CHAP. 7. A Prince LIke as the splendent beames of the Sunne doe spread themselues in giuing light heat and comfort vnto all liuing things without any dimunition of his proper vertue either in substance course or brightnesse so from the sacred power and Regall authoritie of Emperours Kings and Queenes all earthly dignities doe proceed yet their owne Princely and soueraigne power In sua prima sublimitate doth not suffer or sustaine any blemish or detriment The first place and chiefest degree therefore after the Estates aforenamed appertaineth vnto the Prince or eldest sonne of the King in respect he is the first borne childe of his father and may claime to sit on the right hand as Baldus seemeth to affirme saying Primogenitus sedet ad dextram patris by imitation of the Christian beleefe Note that the eldest sonne of a King hath euer a title of greater dignitie then his other brethren viz. In England hee is called Prince of Wales in France the Dolphin in Spaine L' Infante c. Princeps dicitur quia est quasi prinicipalis in s●renuitate post Regem In Enland he is borne Duke of Cornewall and therefore needeth no ducall creation when he is made Prince he is presented before the King in Princely robes who putteth about his necke a sword bendwise a cap and Coronet ouer his head a ring ouer his middle finger a verge of gold in his hand and his Letters pattents after they be read The second place is due vnto the first sonne of the Kings eldest sonne So as the nephew seemeth to precede the vncle which hath bene a question of great difficultie and left vnto triall of the sword Yet in France it hath bene diuers times diuersly iudged but for the most part in fauour of the Nephew And in England the Nephew was preferred before the Vncle as Baldus noteth CHAP. 8. An Archduke Some hold opinion that this title of Archduke may be assumed by the eldest brother of euery Ducall family in Germany hath bene by custome so vsed as a title of greatest dignitie among brethren But Tillet saith that in France when any great Duke had the conduct of an Armie and thereby commanded other Dukes vnder him then was hee called Duke of France that is to say Duke of Dukes The which office for that it had so great a superintendencie was afterward called Meyer du Pallays This Meyer or Maior had the authoritie of a Vice-Roy and commanded in all causes both Military and Ciuil To this degree of Archduke belongeth a Surcoat a Mantle and a hood of Crimsin veluet wherewith he is inuested at his Creation he hath also a Chapeau or Ducal cap doubled Ermin indented with a Coronet about the same and one arch of gold with an Orbe hee also beareth a Verge or rod of gold CHAP. 9. A Duke These Dukes are ornified with a Surcoat Mantle and Hood at their Creation they weare also a Ducall cap doubled Ermin but not indented They haue also a Coronet and Verge of gold Note here that in England all Dukes of the Kings blood as his sonne brother vncle or nephew ought be reputed as Archdukes and precede all other Dukes Note also that hee who is a Duke tantùm shall take place before any Lord that is both a Marquesse and an Earle notwithstanding they be two dignities But he that is a Duke and Marquesse or a Duke and an Earle shal march before a Duke tantùm CHAP. 10. A Marquesse THe fift estate is a Marquesse called by the Saxons A Marken Reue that is to say a Ruler of the Marches This great Officer in the Kings battaile was chiefe Captaine of the Horse campe and next it authoritie vnto the He●tzog or Constable so that it should seeme he was in degree as our High Marshall is in England To this estate is due a Surcoat Mantle and Hood with a Coronet of golde Fleury CHAP. 11. An Earle In the Empire at this day are sundry sorts of Earles which they call Graues as Landgraues id est regionum Comites Margraues id est certarum marcarum seu districtuum vel agri ciuitatis aut regionis alicuius finium Comites Palatins qui sunt Iudices regni
the more rich they were the more they were esteemed Among the Grecians there was not anciently any meane to be aduanced but only by the Emperours seruice wherein whosoeuer did continue any time were he neuer so basely borne should notwithstanding be made a Gentleman The Egyptians and Affyrians would not admit any man to haue the title of a Gentleman vnlesse he were a souldier and skilfull in Militarie affaires The rest of the people liued as slaues without reputation The Tartarians and Muscouites doe holde no man worthy the name of a Gentleman vnlesse he be a man of Armes a Captaine or at the least a souldier of extraordinary account For learning is there of no price CHAP. 19. Of Kingdomes and how Kings are to precede according to the Councell of Constance in the time of King Henry the fift WE reade that anciently the greatest and most noble Kings of the world were these viz. The King of Sycionia the King Egypt and the King of Assyria but of them that of Assyria of greatest power For Ninus the sonne of Belus had conquered and brought to his obedience all the people of Asia India excepted Others affirme hee commaunded the one halfe of the world and some say he was King of a third part So writeth S. Augustine li. 17. cap. 17. de ci Dei It is likewise by other writers said that in ancient time were foure mighty Kingdomes by Daniel compared to foure mettals viz That of Assyrians in the East was likened vnto gold that of the Persians and Medians to siluer that of the North Regions to brasse that of the Romans in the West to yron But the kingdomes of the East were most honourable though at length it pleased God that the Empire of Rome resembled to yron both in longitude and latitude exceeded all others For as yron doth cut and decrease all other mettals so the dominion and power of Romanes abased and eclipsed all other Regall puissance Howsoeuer that were the glory and greatnesse of the Romane force in tract of time did also become of small force weake and feeble according to the prophesie of Daniel ca. 2. But leauing to speake more of times so ancient we say that in Asia the chiefe Kingdomes are Catai Tharses Turnester Corasina India Persia Media Georgia Syria Cappadocia Ethinia c. In Affrica is Ethiopia Libya Arabia Iudea Cilicia Mauritania Numidia and others In Europe are likewise many kingdomes but of them these are most potent viz. England France Scotland Spaine Portugal Denmark Moscouia Sweden Poland c. Now touching the Precedence of these Princes in Europe by diuers writers it is affirmed that the King of France may iustly claime the chiefe place First for that it pleased God to send from heauen vnto Clodoueus the first Christian King of that Nation three Lilies as a Diuine fauour to be from thenceforth borne in the Armes of that kingdome before which time the Kings Armes was three Toades Secondly they alleage that France is the most ancient kingdome of Europe and that Suardus was King of that Nation in the raigne of Alexander Thirdly because the King of France is anointed which indeed seemeth a marke of much preeminence Fourthly for that the French King beareth the title of Most Christian. Lastly because it hath been in sundry papall Consistories decreed that the Ambassadours of France should precede the Ambassadors of Spaine Others hold that Precedencie appertaineth to the King of Spaine First for that he is entituled The most Catholique King Secondly because he is King of many kingdomes and consequently of most honour according to the prouerbe of Sal. In mulitudine populi dignitas regis which reason Salust seemeth also to confirme saying Maxima gloria in maximo Imperio But we say the chiefe place of honour and Precedencie in Europe appertaineth to the King of England First in respect of ancienty For albeit Alexander first King of the Grecians and of Persia called himselfe King of the world euen at that time Brutus was King of England and as some haue sayd Suardus was then King of France But Gaquinus in his Chronicle of France maketh no mention thereof not recordeth his name among the number of French Kings Secondly the king of England is anointed and so is no other king but the French King the King of Sicil and the King of Ierusalem Thirdly the King of England is crowned which honour the King of Spaine Portugal Aragon Nauarra and many other Princes haue not Fourthly the King of England is a Prince most absolute as from whom is no appellation either in iurisdiction Ecclesiastical or Ciuil And albeit Enqueranus Monstellet writeth that in the yeere 1420. at the Interuiew of the Kings of England and France making their entrie into the Citie of Paris the French King did ride on the right hand and kissed the Relikes of Saints first Yet is that no proofe of his right in precedence for Quilibet rex seu Princeps in suo regno in culmine sedere debet so saith Corsetus de potestate Regia And admit that in time more ancient the Kings of France had precedence before England yet since the Conquest famous victories of Henry the fift and Coronation of Henry the sixt in Paris the Kings of England may iustly take place neither is the title of most Christian any proofe of ancienty being only an honour giuen for certein seruices done by King Pepin and Charlemaine to the Church of Rome As for the allegation of Spaine affirming that the King Catholike is owner of many kingdomes and therefore of most honor that reason is of no consequence For so is also the King of England whose only kingdome of England is by nature inexpugnable and so plentifully peopled as sufficeth not onely to defend it selfe against all other Nations but also to inuade and conquer as both Spaine and France hath made experience But the last and most effectuall reason in fauour of England is that the King and people thereof receiued the Gospell and faith Christian before France or Spaine Also the Bishops with the Ambassadours English had precedence in the greatest general Councels of Christendome as particularly appeared at the Councell of Constance where the Bishops of England were present and honoured accordingly At which time it was doubted whether Spaine should be admitted a nation but in the end the Spaniards were allowed for the fift and last nation And al the people there assembled were diuided into fiue classes or rankes viz. Germanes French English Italians and Spaniards The Germane ranke contained themselues Bohemia Hungaria Polonia Dalmatia Graecia and Croatia The French had place alone as a nation absolute To the English Nation Scotland Norway Denmark Sweden and Cyprus were adioyned The Italians had all the Kingdomes subiect to Rome Sicily Naples and Argier With the Spaniards were the Ambassadors and Bishops of Castilia Arragon Maiorca Nauarra Portugall and Granado This assembly contained the Legates and Ambassadors of 83. Kings Besides
deserued the titles appertaining to armes and beare about them the scarres and tokens of true valour Adrianus the Emperour would not permit any man to bee a Tribune or take charge in the warre whose beard was not full growen or whose witte or yeres were vncapable of that office neither would he suffer a Captaine to take any thing from his souldier Among many other parts of commendation required in a soueraigne commander there is not any more to bee honoured then liberalitie and contrariwise auarice ought to be extreamely abhorted For hard it is to attend the affaires of warre and ouer much to affect money Great reason therefore had Nicomedes to thinke himselfe vsed with indignitie by the Bithynians when he hauing borne all the offices of warre and was wounded in many places of his body was then repulsed All which notwithstanding Antisthenes was preferred and made General when hee had neuer performed any action praise worthy or memorable nor had endeuoured more then to make himselfe mighty in mony yet is not that Captaine to be misliked that can with honour and good conscience purchase wealth for thereby he hath meane and power to supply the wants both of priuate souldiers and publique scarcitie The office of a souereigne Commander may be compared vnto the skill of him that gouerneth well a priuate house which is to command things fit to make men obedient to reward the good and punish the euill In which offices the one and the other of these commanders shall not faile to finde enemies and therefore may be called a warre Here may we also remember that the Mauritanes being confederate with Iustinianus the Emperour consented that no man should be their Generall but such a one as was a friend vnto the Romanes or had receiued the Ensignes from a commander of the Romane armie which were these A staffe of siluer gilded a cuppe of leather ornified with siluer and a white vesture of small price The Romanes called these officers Magistri militum or Praefecti when they were sent to gouerne an army against the enemy or to giue counsell in the warre or had in charge to dispose of the campe for so was it decreed by Honorius and Theodosius Sometimes also their lieutenants were called Praefecti hauing in charge the defence of a particular prouince against the enemie and were in authoritie equall to him that led the army called Dux and before the Proconsul To this dignity Cabades being restored vnto the kingdome of Persia preferred Selanem a man of great fame and reputation in the warre and therefore called him Seosen which is the title of that Magistrate who commandeth all sorts of souldiers as the Constable doeth in France and the High Marshall in England The office of the Tribunes in Rome was to hold the soldiers in order to see them trained to keepe the keyes of gates to suruey the watch to dispose of the vittaile to correct false measures to punish offenders according to the quality of their faults to behold often the order of the army to here the quarels in question betweene souldiers and to visit the sicke For in deed the office of euery commander consisteth in doing iustice and obseruation of discipline He is also to be spare in giuing licence vnto Souldiers or to permit any horses to passe out of his countrey neither should he suffer them to be employed in hunting hauking or such like exercises a matter specially inhibited by the discipline of Augustus A soueraigne Magistrate militarie ought also to remember that after his commission be expired he ought not to depart the place of his charge within the space of fiftie dayes for so doing without licence of his superior he incurreth an offence capital such was the instruction which Zeno the Emperor did giue vnto Sebastianus notwithstanding his authority was ceassed and a successor come to receiue charge of the Armie THE Second Booke OF KNIGHTHOOD ¶ The Contents of this Booke THE Prooeme Of Knighthood Cap. 1. The originall of Knighthood giuen as a dignitie and what Princes haue authority to make Knights Ca. 2. The maner of making Knights about the yeere of our Lord 500. neere which time King Arthur reigned in England Cap. 3. The order of disgrading Knights in those dayes Cap. 4. Knights of the Round table Cap. 5. Howe actions Aduenturous ought be admired not discredited Cap. 6. The office and duety of euery Knight gentleman Cap. 7. Of Honourable Ornaments giuen vnto Knights Cap. 8. Knights of the Garter Cap. 9. Knights Bannerets Cap. 10. Knights of the Bath Cap. 11. Knights Bachellers Cap. 12. Ceremonies of degrading of Knights in England Cap. 13. Knights of the Toison Cap. 14. Knights of S. Michael Cap. 15. Knights of the Annunciation Cap. 16. Knights of S t. Esprit Cap. 17. Knights Templers Cap. 18. Knights of S. Iago Cap. 19. Knights of S. Iohn Ierusalem called knights of the Rhodes and now of Malta Cap. 20. Knights of Calatraua Cap. 21. Knights of the Band. Cap. 22. Knights of Alcantara Cap. 23. Knights of Montesio Cap. 24. Knights of Redemption Cap. 25. The originall of the knights Teutonici Cap. 26. Knights of the Sepulchre Cap. 27. Knights of S. Mary Cap. 28. Knights of S. Lazaro Cap. 29. Knights of S. Steffano Cap. 30. The Prooeme FOrasmuch as the Actions of Armes chiefly on horsebacke are and euer haue been vsed of Noble personages and Gentlemen of best quailitie whom the Romanes in their flourishing time by a generall tearme called Equites and are presently of the Italians and Spaniards named Caualieri without respect of priuate dignitie or other distinction wee will for this time yet with respect and vnder correction aduenture to English the word Eques a Gentleman that professeth honour vertue and Armes or any of them particularly discoursing of what qualitie hee ought bee as followeth First he must be of good constitution and conuenient strength to endure trauell in Actions appertaining to Souldiers Secondly he should be well fauoured of face and comely for commonly God and Nature giueth beauty to such persons as are destined to command and from others borne to obey hee hath withholden that fauour which moued some writers to affirme that the princely presence of Priamus did shew him to be worthy of gouernement and to commaund other men Thirdly hee should be of bold aspect rather inclined to seuerity then softnesse which countenace the Swisses and Turkes do much affect Fourthly hee must be sober and discreete not inclined to vaine delights or effeminate pleasures Fiftly hee ought bee obedient for of obedience proceedeth that the meaner are content to bee commanded by the better and the ignorant by those that know This vertue was greatly imbraced of the Romanes and occasioned their often victories For the punishment of disobedience inflicted by military Magistrates the Romanes haue left two most notable examples the one of Manlius Torquatus who caused his owne sonne for that fault to be slaine notwithstanding he had
silke of diuers colours garnished with gold The first of them did come vnknowen clad in white supposed to be the Prince himselfe Mutio Sforza in Ash colour The Count Philippo Tornello in skie colour The Count Francesco Beneuentano in yellow Ramando Cardona in Greene. Alessandra Gonzaga in Murry Count Caetano in White and Blacke Ferdinando Noya in gold colour The Castellan of Cremona in Blacke Nicolao Rusterla in Wax colour Il Signior della Trinita in Blew From Milaine this Prince passed into Germany followed with these Lords and Gentlemen whose names are vnder written The Duke of Alba. The Duke of Sessa The Admirall of Castilia The Marquesse of Astorgo The Prince of Ascoli The Marquesse of Pescara The Duke of Ferendina The Duke of Monteliano The Count of Lunensa The Count of Cifanta Lodouico Dauila gran Commendator Gomesio à Figureia captaine of the guard Officers of Houshold Don Francesco Astense Marchio à Naue Comes Oliuarius Don Iacobo da Azeneda Gualtero Padillano Gentlemen of the Chamber Don Antonio Rosano Rogomes a Sylua Gentleman Courtiers Don Gabriel a Cuenta Marchio Falcesio Don Barnardindi Mendoza Don Alphonso Fonario Don Iacobo di Cardona Don Iacobo di Achuna Don Henrico Erugues Don Barnardo Manriques a Lara Don Iuaro a Seiauerda Don Michael a Luna Don Lodouico a Cardona with others to the number of 97. Lords and Gentlemen twentie Pages besides Officers and Grooms Harquebuziers two hundred Lances an hundred CHAP. 38. ¶ A Militarie challenge in Italy 1555. AT such time as the French king with his armie remained at Ast the Emperiall campe not being farre from thence certaine French Lords challenged the like number of Italians to breake sharpe Lances for their mistresse loue in which action they would hazard both honour and life The Emperiall Lords accepted the challenge Thus the match was concluded yet the French fearing some subtiltie because the countrey fauoured the enemy procured Monsieur de Thermes with fiue hundred horse and 200. footemen to lye neere the place to the end he might defend his friends if need should require The first courses were performed betweene the Duke de Nemours and the Marquesse of Pescara who hauing ended their courses with honor they embraced one the other and so gaue place The next that presented himselfe was Monsieur de Classis sonne and heire of Monsieur de Vasey a Knight of the Order and Captaine of fifty men at Armes against whome came the Marquesse Malespina who in that encounter was sore hurt and dyed The third courses were betweene Monsieur de Mauns a Leader in the French Army and a Spanish captaine called Alba. In which reencounter the Frenchman was wounded in the necke and the fourth day after died The last was betweene Monsieur Monshany and the Earle Caraffa a Neapolitan whose encounter was so violent as with his Lance he pearced thorow the Armour and body of the Frenchman so farre as an Ell thereof was seene at his backe whereof hee presently dyed So was both parties partakers of misaduenture CHAP. 33. Of Triumphant chalenges in France NOw to th' end it may appeare that our Gentlemen of England haue bene no lesse desirous to honour their Nation in forraine countreys then willing to aduance the renowne of their Prince at home it shall not be as I thinke offensiue to remember some triumphal actions by them performed in forraine countreys as writers haue well obserued wishing our English Armorists and Historians were of like care to conserue al memorable actions tending to the honour of their owne Prince and countrey Of which acts it seemeth there are many worthy to be remembred For when the Duke of Buckingham or as mine Author calleth him the Erle of Buckingham remained gouernour of the Kings Armie in Bullonoys a certaine Frenchman approching the Campe with a lowd voice asked if any Gentleman there had a mistresse or other beloued Lady for whose sake and honour he would breake three Launces and aduenture three encounters of his sword This proud Challenge being heard by the English men one Ioachimus Cathorius as the Author calleth him a braue English Gentleman stepped forth which the Lord Fitzwater then Marshall seeing hee foorthwith sent word vnto the Frenchman whose name was Gauuenus Micelleus that he should be presently answered Whereof the French Gentleman very glad returned to his friends furnished with three Launces three Maces of yron three Swords and three seruants to beare them presented himselfe before the English Armie The English seeing him in this sort prepared to maintaine the challenge much marueiled thereat supposing that no Frenchman had dared to encounter the force of an English Souldier The brute of this brauado foorthwith was dispersed through the Armie and at last the Generall became thereof enformed who desirous to behold the combat mounted on horsebacke accompanied with the Earle of Stafford and the Earle or L of Deuonshire The Duke and other beholders thus assembled the Challenger and Defender begun their courses but by default of the horses their Launces missed at the first and at the next incounter very lightly th' one touched the others Armor The Duke beholding in what estate the matter stood and perceiuing night at hand commanded the conflict should cease til an other day and in the meane space required the Frenchman might be well entreated The next day of triall being come th' one and th' other appeared and with much commendation brake their Launces That done they came to the sword th' one assaulting th' other furiously till they were both hurt which the Duke perceiuing caused them to be parted and the Frenchman by an Herault was safely sent home to his friends CHAP. 34. Of one other like Militarie action betweene fiue English Gentlemen and fiue French ABout the same time and in presence of the said Duke of Buckingham one other conflict on horsebacke was performed betweene fiue French Gentlemen and the like number of ours who gained the chiefe honour I dare not for feare of mistaking set downe their names in English but thus I finde them in Latine On the French party was Nothus Clarus a Pimontesse Tristamus Iailleus Ioannes Castelmorantius Galleus Aunoeus Dom Hoyauius Ameus The Englishmen were Edwardus Bellicampus the son of Roger Iohannes Ambreticortius Ionaquinus Clitonius Gulielmus Clitonius and Gulielmus Francus CHAP. 35. Of one other like Action IT happened that certaine English Gentlemen hauing serued in the warre of France determined to returne home and obtained license of the Constable that so they might doe Their names do seeme to be Iohn Fitzwarren William Clinton Iohn Burley and Nicholas Clifford They being vpon their way one whom mine Author calleth Ioannes Boucmelius a French Gentleman did ouertake them and hauing before that time spoken with Nicholas Clifford touching matter of Honour and Armes asked him whether he could before he departed consent to make triall of his vertue by breaking of three Launces With all my heart quoth Clifford for
due to our French nation where neuer wanted Gentlemen to answere in Armes when any English man should challenge Well quoth Sir Peter you say well and with good will I accept your challenge and to morow I will not faile to attend you armed with three Launces according to the custome of France This agreement being made Sir Peter went foorthwith to Calice there to furnish himselfe of Armes fit for the Combat And making the Lord Iohn Warren then Gouernour priuie to what was intended the next day hee returned to meete Mounsieur de Clary betweene Bullaine and Calice thither also went the Gouernor and other English Gentlemen to behold The courses betweene these Champions being begun at the first encounter either partie brake well but in the second encounter by default of the English Knights Armour he was hurt in the shoulder as other English Gentlemen did well see which moued the Gouernour of Calice to say vnto Mounsieur de Clary You haue dealt discourteously to hurt Courtney when his Armour was broken I am sory quoth Clary but in my power it is not to gouerne Fortune what is happened to him might likewise haue come to me The matter standing in these termes Mounsieur de Clary returned into France supposing he had deserued great commendation But being come to the Court the King the Duke of Burgundy and Trymoulie himselfe blamed him and the Counsel of France gaue sentence that his goods should be confiscate because the King hauing commanded that Sir Peter should be without offence peaceably conducted to Calice the matter was otherwise handled To be short Clary was brought to the Kings presence and by the Counsel asked what reason he had to take Armes against amy man whom the king expresly had commanded to defend These words much perplexed Clary and the kings offence did greatly amaze him Notwithstanding with a good courage he sayd that what was enioyned him to doe he had most faithfully performed But Courtney with insolent speech taxed him and all the French nation which without dishonor might not be endured He therfore thought not only to haue bene free from blame but also merit commendation yet quoth he seeing my expectation faileth me I submit my selfe to the censure of the Constable and Marshals of France I also will endure the iudgement of Courtney himselfe and all other men of Armes in the kingdomes of France and England All which excuses submissions notwithstanding he was committed to prison and his goods confiscate til at the humble and earnest suit of Mounsieur de Coucy the Duke of Burbon the Earle of S. Paul and the Englishman to whom he had done wrong hee was restored to liberty Then said the Constable Doest thou thinke Mounsieur de Clary to haue done well or honoured the French nation by taking Armes against Courtney who was recommended vnto thee If ought hath bene by Courtney spoken in preiudice of the French Nobility thou ought haue complained thereof to the king and then haue proceeded by his Maiesties direction But the matter was not so handled by thee which is cause of thy punishmēt From henceforth therfore be more aduised for thy liberty giue thanks vnto the duke of Burbon Mounsieur de Coucy the Earle S. Paul who haue exceedingly entreated to compasse this fauor Such was the end of this military Action CHAP. 38. ¶ One other most noble Challenge THe strange euent of the former conflict betweene Courtney Trimolie and Clary mooued the Ladies of the French Court to incite Bouciquant Roy and S. Pie to attempt some new feates of Armes vpon the confines of the King of Englands possessions in Picardy This generous motion proceeding from the Ladies was easily apprehended by the French Lordes and Gentlemen and chiefly those three aforesaid beeing of all others most desirous of same and military glory The King being made priuie to this intention commanded those three Gentlemen to frame a forme of Challenge in writing which should be allowed or reformed as to his Maiestie should be thought good which was done accordingly containing this in effect THe great desire wee haue to know the noble Gentlemen inhabiting neere the kingdome of France and therewith longing to make triall of their valour in Armes haue mooued vs to appeare at Ingueluert the 20. of May next and there to remaine 30. dayes We also determine to be accompanyed with other noble Gentlemen louers of Armes and Honour there to encounter all commers with Lances either sharpe blunt or both and euery man shal be permitted to run fiue courses We likewise hereby giue you to vnderstand that such order is taken as euery one of vs shall haue his shield and Empreaze hanging on the outside of the Pauilion to th' end if any of you desire to runne then the day before you may with a wandor such a Launce as you intend to run with touch the shield And who so meanetb to try his fortume both with blunt and sharpe must touch the shield with either and signifie his name to him that hath our said shields in keeping It is moreouer ordered that euery Defendor may bring with him one other Gentleman in lieu of a Padrin to encounter vs both or single as it shall please them Wherewith we pray and desire all noble and worthy Gentlemen of what Nation soeuer to beleeue that no pride or malice hath moued vs to this enterprize but rather an earnest desire to see and know all such noble Gentlemen as are willing to make proofe of their vertue and valor without fraud or couin In witnesse whereof euery one of vs haue signed these Letters with our seales and Empreaze Written and dated at Montepessolane the 20. of Nouember 1389. Subscribed Bouçequaut Roy. S. Pye THese Letters shewed to the King were imparted to his Counsell who considering their tenor deemed them to be presumptuous chiefly in respect the place appointed was neere vnto Calis which haply might call into question the truce taken for three yeeres Whereupon some of the most ancient Counsellors thought it vnmeete to permit the Challenge But others perceiuing the Kings inclination did allow thereof because the words of challenge were modest and reasonable The matter thus debated in Counsel the King called into his chamber all the three Challengers to whom he said thus Bouciquaut Roy and you S. Pye behaue your selues well and with respect both to priuate and publique comelinesse performe what you haue in hand As for charge spare not for of our bountie we wil bestow vpon you ten thousand Florins to be discreetly spent to your owne honour Then after most humble thankes giuen vnto his Maiestie they determined to send the proclamation of their Challenge into diuers countries but chiefly into England The proclamation being in al places published euery courageous Lord and Gentleman put himselfe in readinesse and first of all the English being perswaded that in respect they were neerest it behooued them to appeare soonest Therefore before all
desiring both to honour her and please himselfe with her presence conuited all noble Ladies to behold a triumph at London to be there performed by the Nobles and Gentlemen of his Court This intention his Maiestie did command to be proclaimed in Fraunce Henault Flanders Brabant and other places giuing Passeport and secure abode to all noble strangers that would resort into England That done he sent vnto al Princes Lords and Esquiers of the Realme requiring that they with their wiues daughters and cosins should at the day appointed appeare at his Court. To this feast came William Earle of Henault and Iohn his brother with many Barons and Gentlemen The triumph continued 15. dayes and euery thing succeeded well had not Iohn the sonne and heire of Vicount Beaumount bene there slaine In this triumph also appeared the Earle of Lancaster and Henry his son The Earle of Darby The Lord Robert of Artoys The Erle of Richmount The Earle of Northampton The Earle of Glocester The Earle of Warwicke The Earle of Salisbury The Earle of Pembroke The Earle of Hartford The Earle of Arundel The Earle of Cornewall The Earle of Norffolke The Earle of Suffolke The Baron of Stafford with others In the raigne of the same King Edward a Royall Iust was holden at Lincoln● by the Duke of Lancaster where were present certaine Ambassadors sent by the King of Spaine for the Lady Ioane daughter to the King who should haue bene married vnto that King of Spaine but meeting her on the way she died A triumph was holden at Windsor before the same King Edward whereat was present Dauid King of Scots the Lord of Tankeruile and the Lord Charles de Valoys who by the Kings license was permitted to runne and had the prize Anno 1349. In Smithfield were solemne Iusts in the same Kings raigne where was present a great part of the most valiant Knights of England and France Thither came also noble persons of other Nations and Spaniards Cipriots Armenians who at that time humbly desired aide against Pagans An. 1361. A triumph before King Edward the fourth IVsts were againe holden in Smithfield where Anthony Wooduile Lord Scales did runne against the Bastard of Burgundie Anno 1444. A triumph before King Henry the sixt ONe other notable Action of Armes was personally performed in Smithfield betweene a Gentleman of Spaine called Sir Francis le Arogonoys and Sir Iohn Astley Knight of the Garter For after the said Sir Francis had wonne the honour from all the men at Armes in France he came into England and made a generall challenge but by the great valour of Sir Iohn Astley lost the same vnto him Triumphs before King Henry the seuenth AT Richmont was holden a solemne triumph which continued a whole moneth where Sir Iames Parker running against Hugh Vaughan was hurt and died 1494. One other triumph was in the same Kings daies performed in the Tower of London Anno 1502. Triumphs before King Henry the eight BVt farre exceeding all these was that magnificent Iust and Tournament at the meeting of the two excellent Princes King Henry the eight of England and Francis the French King who chusing vnto them fourteen others did challenge to run at the Tilt and fight both at the Tourney and Barrier with all commers The Challengers were the King of England the French King the Duke of Suffolke the Marquesse Dorset Sir William Kingston Sir Richard Ierningham Master Nicholas Carew and Master Anthonie Kneuet with their Assistants Sir Rowland and Sir Giles Capel with these were so many other French Gentlemen as made vp the number aforesaid For Defenders thither came Mounsieur Vandosme the Earle of De●onshire and the Lord Edmond Howard euery of them bringing in a faire band of Knights well armed This most noble challenge of these two mighty Kings accompanied with fourteene other Knights of either nation seuen they caused to bee proclaimed by Norrey King at Armes in England France and Germanie Anno 12 Henrici 8. One other most memorable Challenge was made by the same King who in his owne royall person with William Earle of Deuonshire Sir Thomas Kneuet and Edward Neuel Esquire answered all commers at Westminster The King called himselfe Caeur Loyal the Lord William Bon Voloir Sir Thomas Kneuet Valiant desire and Edward Neuil Ioy●us Pensier The Defenders were THe Lord Gray Sir William a Parr Robert Morton Richard Blunt Thomas Cheyney Thomas Terrel Christopher Willoughby the Lord Howard Charles Brandon the Lord Marquesse Henrie Guilford the Earle of Wiltshir● Sir Thomas Bullin Thomas Lucie the Lord Leonard the Lord Iohn Iohn Melton Griffith Doon Edmond Howard Richard Tempest After this Challenge was ended the prize appointed for the Challengers partie was giuen vnto Caeur Loyal and among the Defenders to Edmond Howard Another solemne Challenge was proclaimed and perfourmed by certaine English Knights viz. Sir Iohn Dudley Sir Thomas Seimor Sir Francis Poynings Sir George Carew Anthony Kingston and Richard Cromwel Anno 1540. Another action of Armes published in the Chamber of Presence at VVestminster by a King of Armes 25. of Nouember in the 1. and 2. of P. and M. FOrasmuch as euer it hath bene a custome that to the Courts of Kings and great Princes Knights and Gentlemen of diuers Nations haue made their repaire for the triall of Knighthood and exercise of Armes And knowing this Royall Court of England to bee replenished with as many noble Knights as any kingdome in the world at this day It seemeth good to Don Fredericke de Toledo the Lord Strange Don Ferdinando de Toledo Don Francisco de Mendoca and Garsulace de la Vega That seeing here in this place better then in any other they may shew the great desire that they haue to serue their Ladies by the honorable aduentures of their persons They say that they will maintaine a fight on foot at the Barriers with footmens harnesse three pushes with a pike seuen strokes with a sword in the place appointed before the Court gate on Tuesday the 4. day of December from the twelfth houre of the day vntill fiue at night against all commers Praying the Lords the Earle of Arundell the Lord Clinton Gartilapez de Padilla and Don Pedro de Cordoua that they would be Iudges of this Triumph for the better performance of the conditions following First that he which commeth forth most gallantly without wearing on himselfe or furniture any golde or siluer fine or counterfeit wouen embroidered or of goldsmiths worke shall haue a rich Brooch He that striketh best with a Pike shall haue a Ring with a Rubie He that fighteth best with a Sword shall haue a Ring with a Diamond He that fighteth most valiantly when they ioyntly fight together shall haue a Ring with a Diamond He that giueth a stroke with a Pike from the girdle downeward or vnder the Barrier shall winne no prize Hee that shall haue a close gantlet or any thing to fasten his Sword to his hand shall winne no
edomiti Burgraues quasi 〈◊〉 Comites Rheingraues qui praesunt rusticis In the Court Imperiall Comes was anciently the title of sundry officers as Comes Largitionum Comes laborum Comes Consistorianus Comes Palatij Comes Palaij had Iura Regalia and thereby might erect Barons vnder them as Hugh Lupus first Count Palatin of Chester made eight Barons and had that Earledome giuen vnto him by the Conqueror ita liberè ad Gladium sicut ipse Rex tenebat Angliam ad Coronam The Countie of Lancaster was made County Palatine by King Edward the third and had Barons Chancerie and Seale so had the Bishopricks of Durham and Ely The Offices of these Barons were to sit in Councell and Parliament with the Earle in his Pallace and to honor his Court with their presence Also for more magnificence these Earles kept their Grandiours and festiuall dayes as absolute Princes in their prouinces Comes Marescallus Angliae is an Earle by office and so is no other Earle of England but hee he is in the vancancie of the Constable the Kings lieutenant Generall in all marshall affaires His office is of great commandement and endued with many honourable priuiledges King Rich. the second in the 21. of his reigne granted to Thomas Holland Duke of Surrey Earle Marshal of England Quod idem Dux ratione officij sui habeat gerat deferat quendā baculū aureum circa vtrumque finem de nigro annulatum non obstante quod aliquis alius ante haec tempora baculum ligneum portare consueuerit To the degree of an Earle belongeth a Surcoat a Mantle and a Hood with a Coronet of gold with points only and no flowers CHAP. 12. A Vicount A Vicount is in degree dignity next vnto an Erle it was anciently a name of Office vnder an Earle and called Vicecomes or Subcomes and this office was to heare and determine causes of difference and to execute Iustice in the Earles County The Saxons called him the Shyre-Reue and in the Norman speech Vicount Hee is of greater dignity then a Baron as is the Vicount de Thureyn and the Vicount of Combre in Fraunce or as the Vicounts Mountacute and Vicount Howard of Bindon in England This degree hath a Surcoat a Mantle and a Hood and a Circulet without either Floures or Points as appeareth in the Margent CHAP. 13. A Baron NExt ensueth a Baron which dignity was called in the British tongue Dynast in the Saxon Thayn in Latine Baro which signifieth Vir grauis for Albertus de Rosa in his Dictionary expressing the signification of the word Baro sayth Barones dicuntur graues personae à Graeco vocabulo Baria quod idem est quod autoritas grauis Likewise Calap in his Dictionary sayth Baro est vir fortis à quo fit diminutiuum Barunculus Men in this dignity were euer of great reputation for Hortensius speaking of Barons whome Dominicus de S. Gemi calleth also Capitanius sayth Non solum militare sed prudenter atque grauiter ipsis ducibus consulere officium est Baronis Barons were also anciently accounted companions to Earls and others of higher dignity and therefore reckoned of that number called Peeres or Pares regni or Pares homines of some men pronounced Parhomines and corruptly Barones conuerting the letter P. into B. as Libard for Leopard The dignitie of a Baron is thus defined Baronia est quaedam dignitas inter nobiles habens quandam praeeminentiam inter solos simplices nobiles post principatus ex consuetudine introductam ex quodam mod● vtendi diuer simode diuersas patrias Cass. It seemeth also that a Baron in diuers Countreys is diuersly esteemed for in England they are to proceede according to their segniority but in Burgundy they be reputed the greatest Barons that are of greatest possessions And as a Duke had anciently vnder him ten Earles or Earledomes and an Earle 10 Baronies so a Baron ought be commander of some competent company of Segniories the greater the number be the more his honour Quanto maiora qu●●tractat tanto ipse maior est Dauid Likewise Salustius in his Prooeme of Catelin sayd Maxima gloria in maximo Imperio In the kingdome of Naples all Gentlemen hauing iurisdiction appertaining to their lands and castels are called Barons yet in diuers places of France no Segniory is reputed a Barony vnlesse it hath belonging vnto it foure Castels one Hospital one Colledge with a Chruch hauing also a Seale autentike Which dignitie is preferred before the title of Gentlemen yet is inferiour to all Countiships such is the opinion of Cassaneus lib. 8. One other degree of great estate and titular dignity there is called Princes although in England I haue not seene or read of any such in that kind yet where that title is in vse they precede Barons Some of them haue Iuraregalia and therefore do hold that dignitie either by custome or priuiledge as the princes of Orange Piedemont and Achaia haue Iura regalia But others do hold that title by custome which is of great force as Baldus affirmeth saying Consuetudini standum erit A Baron hath not Potestatem Principis yet is he numbred among noble personages and some Barons by reason of their Baronies haue so much authority ouer their owne vassals as if they conspire against them that offence is called treason in respect whereof the title of Baron is so much the more honourable Note that a Baron hauing Iura Imperialia or Iura Regalia is reputed equal vnto an Earle notwithstanding the Earldome or Barony doe differ in dignity Note also that Barons doe participate of diuers priuiledges and Immunities proper vnto other dignities aforesayd they are Lords of the Parliament in England and of them it is called the Barons Court For the Parliament makes not Barons but Barons Parliaments The title of Barons in France was anciently generall aswel to Princes of blood as all others holding immediatly of the Crowne So do we cal the greatest estates of England by the names of Barons Lords Spiritual and Temporall Of Barons in England there hath bene also anciently diuers sorts Some were Barons in name but not noble as the Barons of the fiue Ports and Barons of London whom Bracton maketh mention of in these words Coram Baronibus London And in another place Sicut Barones London coràm me testantur The Barons of the Exchequer are of like condition Other Barons both in name and dignitie yet not called honorable were Barons created by the Earles Palatines Of Barons honourable are three degrees viz. by Tenure by Creation and by Writ Barons by Tenure are Bishops chiefly caled Lords Spiritual and euer reputed honorable not in respect of noblenes in blood but for their function and office they are Peeres and Barons of the Realme They are also first in nomination and take place on the Princes right hand in the Parliament chamber They are also called Right honourable Lords and Reuerent Fathers in God They haue
the person of the Emperor and King of Romanes two Popes for one died there fiue Patriarches three and thirty Cardinals fourtie and seuen Archbishops a hundreth forty and fiue Bishops and 83. Suffragans Thirty and nine Dukes Thirty and seuen Earles being absolute Princes An hundreth and thirtie inferior Earles Seuentie and nine free Lords or Barons Knights of all Nations fifteene hundred Gentlemen twentie thousand besides Doctors Licentiats and Scholemen infinite For the King of England appeared Richard Beauchamp Earle of Warwick with him were foure Bishops viz. Sarisbury Chester Bathe and Bangor Sarisbury died during that Councell and liuing tooke his place aboue all other Bishops as an Archbishop and for the time was placed last in the ranke of Archbishops The Earle of Warwicks attendants were as followeth Hurting de Clough Knight Iohn Waterton Knight Iohn Seton Knight Piers Craft Knight Iohn Roch Knight Iames Hermford Knight Beringer de Beaumont Knight Gentlemen Nicholas Serpon William Newland Geffrey Offley Walter Hungerford Hugh Holdbach Iohn Fitton Thomas Wileot Richard Dutton Oliuer Dunley Petrs Craft Iohn Lantsdon Iohn Roche Thomas Fanhes William Newland Iohn Merbory Iohn Otlinger Ralfe Rainscroft Henry Vessey William Vessey Scholemen of Cambridge Henry Abundy Iohn Wells Iohn Sheirford Doctors in Diuinitie Thomas Palton Robert Appleton Iohn Stokes Ciuilians Scholemen of Oxford The Lord Prior of Orsestry Peter Rodley Priamus Farbach CHAP. 20. Of Magistrates NExt vnder Emperors Kings and Princes Souereigne are foure degrees of Magistrates Some are called Magni and Illustres Some are Medij and Spectabiles Some are Minimi and Clarissimi And some are Infimi The first may be named Magistrates souereigne as they who acknowledge no superior but the Maiestie of the Prince The second are they that yeeld obedience to them and command other Magistrates their inferiors The latter two are such as cannot command any Magistrate but haue power only ouer particular subiects within the limits of their iurisdiction Touching the first that haue authority to commaund all other Magistrates and acknowledge no superior but the Prince they are fewer at this day then heretofore Yet certaine it seemeth that some Romane Emperours authorized one Magistrate or Lieutenant without any companion to command all other Magistrates of the Empire and to him all Gouernours and Magistrates did appeale Which Magistrate they called Praefectus Praetorio True it is that at the beginning he was of no greater quality then Captaine of the Legions Praetorian as Seius Strabo vnder Augustus and Seianus vnder Tibertus vntill other Emperors succeeding by litle and litle encreased their authority as in the end the Praefectus Praetorio became Lieutenant generall and iudge of all questions and causes whatsoeuer by which occasion that office was giuen vnto men learned in the Lawe as Martian vnder Otho Papinian vnder Seuerus and Vlpian vnder Alexander All which came to passe before Armes were diuided from lawes and Iusticers from Captaines Afterwards this great office became imparted vnto two and sometimes three persons purposely to abridge the excessiue authority of one But touching the Precedencie of Magistrates albeit they cannot aptly be ranged with those of the Empire yet may they in some sort be placed according to the dignitie and degrees of those titles which the Romanes anciently vsed And touching their authority it shal not be amisse to know that a Magistrate is an Officer hauing power to command in the common weale among whom in the Romane Empire the Praefectus Praetorio was the chiefe hauing authority aboue all other Officers to whom also euery one did appeale To this Praetor or Praefect we may compare the Grand Mayor du Pallais in France who in times past did in that kingdome beare chiefe office To him also in some sort we may resemble the high Seneschal of England vnder King William the Conqueror and other Kings his successors These Magistrates might therefore bee reasonably called Illustrissimi chiefly in the Kings absence For sure it is that in presence of the King all power of Magistrates and Commissioners also doth cease For during that time they haue no authority of commandement either ouer other subiects or other Officers their inferiors But this mighty Magistrate is no more either in England or France yet during their authoritie they were called Illustrissmi which title signified a certein preeminencie aboue all Magistrates that were Illustres either Honorarij or Administrantes Nam accidentia denominant Subiectum Next to these Illustrissimi or Maximi the chiefe place of Precedencie is due vnto those whome we called Illustres and among them the L. Chancellour is chiefe etiam in dignitate impari as one whose excellent vertue ought be preferred before all other officers Likewise the Lord high Constable or Lord Marshall is a Magistrate Illust. the Lord Treasurer Admirall of England the Lord Chamberlaine and all others of the Kings priuie Councell may assume the title of persons Illust. or as we commonly call them right Honorable So saith Cass. It seemeth also that Doctours who haue read in schoole the space of twenty yeeres may be called Illustrissimi as Purpuratus noteth To these Illust. or right Honourable personages the lawes Emperiall haue graunted many great priuiledges as the same Barthol discourseth After these the Magistrates whome we formerly called Spectabiles and may in our tongue be tearmed Honourable ought to follow as commanders in Armes Iudges Gouernours or Lieutenants Generall of Prouinces and Cities c. The fourth place appertaineth to them that anciently were named Clarissimi or Right worshipfull who are inferiour Iusticers and Ministers Colonels Captaines and meane Officers c. Lastly are they whome the Romanes intituled Infimi and in English Worshipfull as Captaines of particular Castles Iudges in Townes corporate where no action is triable aboue 3000 shillings Note here that euery Magistrate is an Officer but euery Officer is not a Magistrate and of all Magistrates the Lord Chancellor hath euer had precedence not onely in England and Fraunce but of all anciencie in euery other place for read we may that Eginardus who wrote the life of Carolus Magnus was his Chancellor Likewise Tribonianus was Chancellor vnto the Emperor Iustinian Iosaphat was Chancellor to King Dauid 2. of Kings Vlpianus to the Emperour Alexander Seneca to Nero and in France the Chancellor hath so great preheminence as he precedeth the Constable vnlesse he be the Kings brother or his sonne For the better memory of the degrees aforesaid Lucas de Penna speaking of titular dignity hath left these verses vnderwritten Illustris primus medius spectabilis imus Vt lex testatur clarissimus esse probatur Et superillustris praeponitur omnibus istis CHAP. 21. Of Officers and their Precedencie OFficers seruing Princes are of diuers sorts among which some doe attend the Princes person others haue charge of his Treasure some are ministers of Iustice and some are commanders in warre For the better conceiuing of our intention therfore and the order of that which
yet he who findeth himselfe within his owne Libertie or Iurisdiction shal be preferred which mooued Caesar to wish himselfe to be rather the chiefe man of a little village among the Alpes then the second person in Rome Among common persons also chiefly where no dignity is fathers are to precede their sonnes Honora patrem tuum gemitum matris tuae ne obliuiscaris Eccles 3. Likewise among equals age is to be preferred in respect of wisdome and experience Many priuiledges and immunities are also due to old age and they in counsell ought to speake first Loquere maior natu decet enim te Ecclesiast 2. In the number of men meane borne they that be learned deserue most reputation chiefly when both for Armes and Ciuil gouernment they deserue praise because such men be meete as well for peace as warre Also among learned men the first place is due to Diuines the next to Ciuilians and the third to Physicians But Arnoldus de Villa Noua sayth Primus locus in mensasolet seruari Sacerdoti Medico in domo infirmi After men learned Iudges of inferiour Courts Notaries and Clerkes doe seeme worthy of respect and preferrement for more credit is to be giuen vnto a Notary or Scribe then to other men Super faciem Scribae imponet honorem Eccles. Also among popular persons they that be vertuous ought bee most esteemed because it were iniury to take reward from men of good desert Honor est praemium virtutis Arist. 8. Ethic. Men of good and charitable mind are also worthy honour for actions of Iustice and pietie are vniuersally praised and the more because men indued with vertues intellectiue are not many Perdifficile est bonum esse Pittacus In this number of Plebeians to be naturally borne of the countrey or towne where a man dwelleth is also reason he should be esteemed for Cicero sayth Potiores sunt Ciues quam peregrini They are likewise worthy of respect that are persons of good fame and name Bona fama impinguat ossa Eccle. Among strangers they ought be preferred that are borne in ciuil and noble Nations for by obseruation we see the people of some countreys are prone to infamous conditions and others inclined to honest endeuor Apuleius calleth the Aegyptians learned the Iewes superstitious the Scythians poore of corne the Arabians rich in sweete odours and Liuie noteth the Carthaginians for their perfidie and Cicero taxeth the Spaniards for their crast but praiseth the Graecians for skill in Artes. Horace sayth the Brytons are stout men and franke house-keepers and the Persians promise breakers c. Howsoeuer it be experience prooueth that all countreys are inhabited and euery man preferreth the place of his birth Dulcis amor patriae Among Citizens and inferiour persons they are not to bee neglected that descend of honest parents for a●be it euery mans mind be his owne yet the temperature of the parents complexion giueth a certaine aptnesse to vertue or vice whereof we presume the childe good or euill And verely albeit one man begetteth another yet rarely one minde bringeth forth another of like capacitie and qualitie Non mens vt corpus patrio de semine manat Pall. Also rich men are to be preferred because the more a man possesseth in the State the more carefull he will be to conserue it but poore men defiring to better their fortune are apt to innouation After rich men persons honest and industrious ought be esteemed for idle and vnprofitable members in euery Commonweale deserue rather to be punished then esteemed Omnis arbor quae non facit fructum bonum excidetur in ignem mittetur Mat 3. Among these sorts of men beauty and seemely proportion of bodie do promise much good and are to be preferred of which opinion Plato seemed to be saying Optimumest bene valere Secundo loco formosum esse Tertio habere diuitias bono modo partas And Ouid. Gratior est pulchro veniens de corpore Virtus Likewise of these men some deserue preferment for excellencie in the Art they professe and some because they are employed in Arts more necessary and commendable as Architectors and such Artificers as are entertained by Princes for they are dignified by their place according as the Prince affecteth their facultie which mooued Martial speaking of Cookes seruing Princes to say Non satis est ars sola coquo seruire palato Namque coquus domini debet habere gulam CHAP. 27. Of Funerals AS man aboue other creatures is honoured in life so ought his buriall be decent and honourable Wherein we are to follow the example of our Sauiour Christ being both God and man For albeit he subiected himselfe to worldly contumelies and death ignominious yet was his Funerall notable and glorious according to the prophesie of Esay saying Eterit sepulchrum eius gloriosum pro vt sepulchra Adae Abrahae Isaac Iacob eorum vxorum aliorum plurium patriarcharum fuerit gloriosa Cap. 11. It seemeth also of all ancientie that burying of the dead hath bene much commended For we finde in Eccles. Mortuo non negabis gratiam id est sepulturam We reade likewise that Tob. did bestow sepulture vpon men dead and slaine The Romanes likewise vsed many ceremonies in burying of the dead anointing their bodies and in burning them caused many sweet spices to be cast into the fire For so was the corps of Sylla buried This custome was also obserued among the Egyptians as appeareth in the last of Gene. where Ioseph commanded his Phisitions that they should embalme the bodie of his father Iacob In performing of which Ceremony they spent forty daies and thirty in mourning In like manner the people of Israel mourned for Moses thirty daies Deut. 34. And Valerius tit de Seruata relig Maketh mention that after the battell and slaughter at Canna the Senate of Rome commanded that e●ery Matrone of Rome should mourne thirtie dayes and not longer Other customes among other Nations haue bene vsed for some were enioyned to end their mourning within fourty dayes some others within three and some in seuen But in France and England the vse of mourning hath euer bene thirtie dayes chiefly among persons of honour as may be conceiued of a sentence giuen in Burgundy by an Officiall there who hauing cited before him a Ladie called Iaquelina de la Trimoille daughter to the Kings Lieutenant generall in Burgundy vpon certaine promises matrimoniall she answered by Proctor her apparance ought be excused in respect the thirty dayes of her fathers death were not expired During which time she might not goe out of her house which Plea was allowed By that which hath bene formerly sayd of the last of Gen. we may obserue three particular honours appertaining vnto a funerall viz. the embalming of the bodie the solemne mourning and the concourse of friends when the corps is carried to interrement For Ioseph assembled all his chiese kinsfolke and friends of the house of Pharaoh to