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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11541 Vincentio Sauiolo his practise In two bookes. The first intreating of the vse of the rapier and dagger. The second, of honor and honorable quarrels. Both interlaced with sundrie pleasant discourses, not vnfit for all gentlemen and captaines that professe armes. Saviolo, Vincentio.; Muzio, Girolamo, 1496-1576. Duello. English. 1595 (1595) STC 21789; ESTC S110859 158,622 305

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made a sally with all her troupes both horse and foote and assailing the enemie with an vndaunted courage followed her enterprise with suche valour and prudence that she freed the Cittie of Orleance from the siege being her selfe shot through the shoulder with an arrow thence she led her companye to Troe in Campanie where beeing encamped against the expectation of all the Captaines and Souldiers tooke the cittie in very shorte time and caused Charles the seauenth to be crowned in Rheymes as the ancient custome is hauing first deliuered the cittie from the siege which the enemie had laide vnto it Shortly after battering Paris and clambring on the walles as being famous amongst the stoutest Souldiers notwithstanding her legge was pierced quite through with an arrowe gaue not ouer the enterprise for all that but persisted till she had effected it Petrarch writeth that he knewe a damsell at Pozzuelo called Marie who borrowing the habit of a yong man after the fashion men wore their apparell there armed her selfe and was euen the firste that fought with the enemie and the last that retired Visina wife vnto Guido the cheefe of the house of Torrello vnderstanding how the venecians had laid siege to Guastella a castle of her husbands hee being abroad armed herselfe and led a companye of men to the place and spoyling many Venecians defended the Castle Margaret daughter to Valdiner King of Suetia and wife to Aquinus King of Norway remained inheritrix vnto these Kingdomes in the right of her husband and of her father and in the right of her sonne Olaus also of Dacia but the Duke of Monopoli waging warre against her shee encountred him with a mightie armie defeated his forces tooke him prisoner and led him in her triumph after the solemn order of the Romans Mahomet King of the Turkes waging warre against the Venecians sent a great armie vnder the conduct of one of his generall Captaines to take the isle of Metelino and besieging Coccino very strongly the inhabitants issued and fought verye valiantlye against the Turkes in the same Cittie was a young maide who seeing her father slaine by the Turkes in this fight and the Citizens beginning to fainte and feare got into the former companies and skirmished so couragiouslye with the Turkes that all the Citizens ashamed to see themselues ouercome in stoutnes and courage by a simple girle tooke hart and vtterlye destroyed their enemies and saued the Cittie Bona Lombarda first seruant and afterward wife to Petro Brunoro of Parma being in the warres that the Venecians had against Francesco Sforza Duke of Millaine after Pauono a castle in the territories of Brescia was taken with her courage and gallant forwardnes recouered it againe Margaret wife to Henry King of England and Sister to Renatus King of Naples being informed that her husband was ouercome in battaile and taken prisoner presentlye gathered certaine companies together and leading them to a place wherby the enemie was to passe encountred him ouercāe his camp and pursuing them that fled with her husband the King slewe an infinite company of men and in the end saued him and returned home with him and got him this most glorious victorie I remember that I being a youth a freend of mine sonne to a Trumpet that was in pay vnder the Captaines of the signorie of Venice was with a certaine cosin of his set vpon by eleuen other yong men that were their enemies which his mother perceiuing took a Partisan in her hands and defended her sonne and cosin and sorely wounding fiue of their enemies made the rest to flye Being in Rauenna I sawe in one of the Churches the carued image of a Ladie who being wife to a Gentleman that was cheefe of the house of Rasponi had euer in her life time accompanied her husband in all his warres and atchiued immortall fame by her prowesse and valour I was in Lombardie on a daye which was generally solemnised according to the custome ouer the whole Countrie and it happened at that time that there was a great quarrell betweene two rich houses among the Farmers and countrymen of that place the one part of which were called the Romani and the other the Ferrarisi both beeing vnder the Duke of Ferrara and meeting on this vniuersall feast daye at a village called Trefenta one of the Romani shot a Pistole at the cheefe of the Ferrarisi and thinking to haue wounded him missed him and hurte one of the Ferrarisi their wiues who was of so valiant a disposition that howbeit she was shot quite through yet said nothing to her freends nor complained of it leaste they should haue lefte their enemies and come to help her and so many of them might haue in meane while been spoyled by the aduerse parte but snatching a weapon out of one of the countrymens handes slewe him that had shot her and his fellowe that fought by him and so fell downe her selfe not able to performe any more liuing but foure daies after I haue read in the Cronicles of France that two great men growing to be enemies for the dukedome of Bretagne the one pretēding an estate in the same in right of his father as being his by inheritance the other claiming interest in it by the right of his wife as her doury c. one of thē was much fauoured by the King of Fraunce and the other of the King of England these two rising vp in arms one of them whom the King there least fauoured was taken and put in prison and the Frenchmen began to spoile his countrie and take his tenantes and comming to a Cittie where the Lady was wife to him that was taken besieged it and often assailed it though in vaine for she like a right valiant gentlewoman and of a manly courage prouided that not one woman in the Cittie should bee idle but bring her helping hand for the defence of the Cittie and maintenance of their honour causing some to make instruments of pitch and tarre and fire workes others to bring stones seething water and other things necessary at that instant and necessitie and very oftentimes issued very valorously and brauelye and firing her enemies tentes put them to great losse and confusion slaying manye of them but they daylye receiuing new supplies from the King she was forced to send for some succour to the King of England for which whilest she staied they draue her to manye inconueniences for the people began to mutter and to mutinie within the Cittie finding great want and scarcitie by reason whereof many dyed and she was much sollicited and importuned to deliuer vp the Cittie to the enemie and not knowing how to answere them she desired them to staye for Gods mercie but so manye dayes limiting a certaine time and if no aide came in the meane while then shee would doe their request those daies being expired whilste shee was heuilie musing what answere to make her citizens that had verye earnestlye besought her againe to