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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B01248 By the King. A proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of flesh in Lent or on fish dayes, appointed by the law, to be hereafter strictly obserued by all sorts of people.. England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I).; James I, King of England, 1566-1625. 1620 (1620) STC 8655; ESTC S123810 4,277 3

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cases of necessitie onely vpon paine of Our high displeasure and to bee proceeded against by Our Attourney Generall in Our Court of Starre Chamber as contemners of Our Royall Commandement and vpon such further penaltie as by the Lawes and Statutes of Our Realme may be inflicted on those as shall wilfully offend in this kinde And as these Orders are to be executed in the City of London and places neere to the same So is Our expresse Pleasure and Commandement That Our Iustices of Peace in all Shires within their Rule and all other Maiors Bayliffes and chiefe Officers in Townes corporate or in any Liberties within their Precincts shall cause the same to be obserued and performed in like manner and that no manner of Toleration Fauour or Conniuencie be vsed by any Iustice of Peace or other Officer contrary to the true meaning of this Our Proclamation as both they that shall presume wittingly so to tolerate the offence as also the party himselfe offending will answere the same at their vttermost perils Our Commandement being That Our Lawes in this case shall be heereafter seuerely executed vpon all offenders whatsoeuer Further charging and commanding the Lord Maior of Our City of London the Iustices of Assize in their seuerall Circuits the Maiors and chiefe Officers of all other Cities and Townes corporate Iustices of Peace Lords of Liberties and all other Officers and Ministers within the seuerall Counties of this Our Realme That they and euery of them fully obey this Our Pleasure and cause and compell the same to be obeyed and executed by others as they will answere the contrary at their vttermost perils And for the due execution of the premisses in all other the Counties of this Our Realme aswell as in Our Cities of London and Westminster We doe hereby straightly Charge and Command all Our Iustices of Peace within the same Counties aswell within Liberties as without That yeerely and euery yeere hereafter before Lent they cause to come and appeare before them all Inholders Cookes Tauerners Alehouse-keepers Butchers and other Victuallers whatsoeuer and to require and take of them to Our vse seuerall Recognizances with Sureties for obseruation of the premisses viz. The principals in ten pounds and their two Sureties in fiue pounds apiece And if they shall refuse or neglect to enter into such Recognizances That then the sayd Iustices shall suppresse such persons so refusing from victualling any more and shall also cause them foorthwith to become bound by Recognizance with Sureties to Our vse viz. The principals in twentie pounds and their two Sureties in ten pounds apiece not to Victuall or sell Beere or Ale from thenceforth which if they shall refuse to doe then the said Iustices to commit to prison all such persons so refusing to enter into such Recognizance vntill they shall submit themselues and become bound as aforesaid And further for all such Inholders Cookes Tauerners Alehouse-keepers Butchers and other Victuallers as shall not appeare before the said Iustices as aforesaid That they immediatly send foorth their Warrants or grant Processe against them and euery of them so making default to appeare and answere their contempt at the next generall Sessions of the Peace And further for the more due punishment of Inholders Keepers of ordinary Tables Cookes Butchers Victuallers Alehouse-keepers Tauerners and such like who shall forfeit their Recognizances by killing or dressing of Flesh or suffering it to be eaten in their houses in the Lent time and other Fish-dayes And to the end that the same may be as well taken in due forme of Law as duely certified into Our Exchequer We doe will and require all Iustices of Peace as well within Liberties as without That at such times as they shall meet within their seuerall Diuisions for the taking of such Recognizances that they giue notice to the Clerkes of the Peace or their Deputies to attend them for that purpose Of whom Wee will require a strict Accompt for the Legall taking and returning of the same Recognizances into Our said Exchequer The said Clerkes of the Peace and their Deputies taking for the making and certifying of the same Recognizances of all Inne-keepers Tauerners Cookes Butchers the Fee of two shillings sixe pence And of all Alehouse-keepers the Fee of twelue pence as limited to bee taken by the Clerke of the Peace for Our County of Middlesex for euery such Recognizance and no more And lastly for that the Fishmongers vpon the obseruation of the aforesaid Orders may perhaps take occasion thereby to enhance the prices as well of fresh as of Sea fish Wee doe therefore hereby further charge and command all Fishmongers whatsoeuer That they sell and vtter their fish at moderate and vsuall Rates and prices And that all Iustices of Peace Mayors Bayliffes and other Our Officers as well within Liberties as without to whom it shall appertaine shall take from time to time such order with the said Fishmongers that Our Subiects be not grieued by any such enhancement or encrease of prices vpon fish vpon paine of Our high displeasure and such further punishment as may be inflicted vpon them by Our Lawes Giuen at Our Palace of Westminster the thirtieth day of Ianuary in the eighteenth yeere of Our Reigne of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the foure and fiftieth God saue the King ❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker and Iohn Bill Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie M.DC.XX