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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A95878 Babylons beautie: or The Romish-Catholicks svveet-heart. Containing a most lively and lovely description of Romes cardinall vertues and rarest endowments, with her apostolicall benedictions on kings and kingdomes, under her tyrannicall subjection; briefly and bravely depainted, in their native-splendour. A worke most seasonably composed for the revived eternall shame of all the mad-maintainers and idolizers of Romes great Diana, so cried-up and fought for, now a daies, by papists, atheists, and formall malignant Protestants. / By John Vicars. Vicars, John, 1579 or 80-1652. 1644 (1644) Wing V293; Thomason E44_9; ESTC R23310 32,354 40

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which the Emperour accordingly did whereupon the Pope like self-flated Nebuchadnezzar or indeed most like Lucifer himselfe trod with his foot on the Emperours necke and with his proud heart and mouth most blasphemously abused that Scripture Thou shalt goe upon the Aspe and Basiliske and upon the Lion and the Dragon shalt thou tread O intolerable impudence and monstrous pride and blasphemie The beslaved Emperour herewith ashamed made answer with his necke still on the ground Not to thee but to Peter Whereat the Pope stamping againe contemptuously upon the Emperours necke said Both to me and to Peter Herewith the poore Emperour was forced to be content and silent and so was absolved from his Excommunication by the Pope Yea and this very same Pope as Robert Mortensis an Historian testifies made Lewis King of France and Henry King of England goe on foot as his Lackeyes and hold the bridle of his horse whereon the Pope rod the one on the right and the other on the left-hand and thus in great pompe and Satanicall pride they led him through the City of Boyancie which borders on the river Lucra And of Pope Sistus the fourth it is recorded that he made no reckoning to goe up and downe in his house cloathed with the richest cloth of gold the covering of his beds being also of cloth of gold the basons also wherein he did his necessaries were of pure silver and that he caused the shooes of his friend Tereza to be covered with very rich and precious stones And thus I thinke I have briefly and bravely painted out the diabolicall Pride and insolencie being the first part of Babylons Beautie the rare effigies of this dissembled Apostolicall humble Servant of Servants but indeed most arrogant and supercilious Lord of Lords and King of kings And now the next conspicuous colour which so illustrates the Beauty of Babylon shall be her accursed Covetousnesse her infatiated griping and greedie avarice hungring and thirsting like a bottomlesse whirlpoole after gold and gaine ex re qualibet by hooke or by crooke by Simony or Sodomie as these following examples will make most cleare and evident to any unblinded eye in the world Benet the 9th Pope of Rome sold away his Popedome to Gregorie the 6th for a 1500 lb. in gold And Frederick the 2d Emperour of Rome paid for but one absolution or pardon to Pope Gregorie the 9th an 125000 ounces of gold as it is recorded in the Romish Pontificall and those other Writers Naucleer Pineda and others who speake with the least thereof confesse an 120. thousand ounces to have been paid to the Pope as afore-said Yea the King of Spaine as Josephus Angles testifies was forced to pay an 100000 Duckets for one indulgence or pardon to the Pope And for money the Popes of Rome allow publike Stewes both in Italy Spaine and Rome it selfe even under the Popes nose insomuch that as the Writers of Romes rare acts doe testifie the yearly rent and revenew which now of later times came to the Pope for the allowance of those publike Stewes came to full 40000 Duckets which was constantly paid in by the Curtizans or Whores And in particular Pope Paul the third enjoyed the rent of above 40000 Whores which were in Rome the rent being a julio or Spanish-royall every weeke which came to a mightie masse of money in the yeare And it is recorded of Pope Boniface the ninth that in the time of his hearing masse such was their papall devotion or rather devotation he used to sell Benefices for large sums of money And in speciall to come nearer home our Kingdome of England hath been so miserably exhausted by the yearly taxations imposed on it and extracted from it by those skilfull but most hatefull gold Alchymists of Rome that indeed Rome proved a most devouring bottomlesse gulfe to our State supping-up and swallowing down into her insatiable paunch the creame and fat of the whole kingdome so as the Popes prey and spoiles in this kingdome were by credible Writers accounted equall very neare to the Kings of Englands owne yearly revenewes Insomuch that England was commonly stiled the Popes Asse And the writers of those times compared this our kingdome to a fruitfull Vineyard spoyled by every one that passed by and rooted up by the wilde Boare of the wood the Pope of Rome By reason of which Romes horrible rapine and unlimitable covetousnesse Mantuan an ancient Writer of Romes rarities hath given Rome and that most rightly this title and inscription Venalia Romae Templa Sacerdotes Altaria Sacra Coronae Ignis Thura Preces Coelum est venale Deusque That is At Rome We Priesthood Churches sell for pelfe Pray'rs Altars Crownes Masse Fires Heav'n God himselfe And thus as you have had a summary sight of Babylons Beautie in this pale and whitely colour of Covetousnesse and most excessive griping Avarice So I shall now desire the Reader to cast his modest eyes if he can endure it a little while on Romes ramish and right whorish Incontinencie and most unchast painted Braverie or rather Bawderie And here in the first place I shall give you one undeniable cause of incontinencie in the Priests of Rome from the top to the toe from the Pope their holy Father himselfe to the most base and beggarly inferiour Fryers and hedge-priests of Rome besides the publike toleration of Stewes as afore-said a most stinking streame from a most filthy fountaine namely the Popes most horribly pernicious Decree to make it unlawfull for any of their Priests or Ecclesiasticks to marry by which means in the dayes of Pope Gregorie who first forbad Priests marriage this said Pope afterward causing a fish pond of his to be fish'd and sewed in the cleansing of the pond they found to the number of 6000. sculs of little Infants in that one pond which had been begot in that unchaste condition of Priests about him and had been murthered and cast into this the Popes pond Pope Joan alias Pope John the eighth an English-Woman a right Whore of Rome indeed without figure or Allegorie In the time of her Papacie even whiles she was Popesse committed reall and carnall Whoredome with a slave which she kept and put much trust in for such filthy and loathsome secrets with whom she used much yea it seemes too much familiarity in this kind and by whom she prooved with child yet so secretly was it carried that none but they two knew it till it pleased God the great Explorator and discoverer of all secrets to bring it to open knowledg and shame in the very streets as she past along in accustomed Papall pompe to visit forsooth St John de Lateran being come to a certaine place in Rome betweene the Church of St Clement and the Theatre with sudden and extreme paine she there brought forth a creature to the wonderfull amazement of all that were present and
Let us looke a little also into Flanders upon one of the most inhumane Sons of those unnaturall and unreasonable Popes of Rome who may indeed be Instar omnium I meane that Duke or rather Devill D' Alva who himselfe publikely professed that he had destroy'd and kil'd by torments 180 80 of the reformed Protestants in Flanders in the space of 6 yeares merely for the cause of Religion Yea who caused women with child to have their bellies ript open and their innocent infants to be slaine the men to be flead and their skins to head drums Some to be burned with gentle fires which would hardly burn therby to lengthen out and strengthen their paines and miseries made others to be torn in peices with glowing fiery-tongs and the very carcases of dead Protestants lust as you heard of their Satanicall Sires the fore-mentioned Popes to be digged out of their graves and hanged on gallowes and was not here a devill of hell indeed only covered with flesh in a mans shape In Westphalia also in Germany the Infants were by the Romish bloud-bounds there torne out of the wombs of great bellied women cut in peeces so bound to the mouths of their Mothers ô unpatern'd and unparalel'd Monsters of men the like hellish hearts never heard of men forced there by famin to feed on the flesh of their own children and tender infants of about 2 yeares old twice more barbarous than bloody Herod were inclosed againe in their mothers bodies and so strangled in their mothers bloud yea and the men which is as shamelesse as savage were hanged up by their privy-members if ever Turks or Iewes or any other most inhumane and godles Canibals or Heathens whomsoever could execute more savage and odious barbarities to mortals let any either Protestant or Papist be judge Besides let us here call to mind which I had almost forgot and omitted the 100000 Christian and godly Albigenses who perished at the word and by the sword of Pope Innocent the 3d and that from the beginning of the Iesuites Society to 1580 being the space of 30 yeares almost 900000 Protestants were put to death in France England Spaine Italie Germanie and other countries and parts of Christendome nay in France alone an 100000 Protestants or Hugonets as there they terme them were shamefully murthered in a short season Bartholomew de Case also did witnesse with his tongue and pen who saw it with his eyes that within the space of 40 yeares the Spaniards those bloudie sons of their bloudie and barbarous fathers the Popes of Rome had killed and destroyed by most hideous horrible waies and devices of tortures to destruction not lesse than 15 millions of the poor West-Indians whō they conquered and then so cruelly destroyed that the very poor Heathens themselves at last hearing of a heaven and a hell after this life and of the eternall happinesse of the one and everlasting horrour of the other and demanding Whither the Spaniards went when they were dead and it being answered to Heaven O said they then we will never goe thither where the Spaniards are to be Say now then good Reader who ever thou art are not these Popes excellent Pastours And are not such Popish Swords and torments precious Pastures to feed and breed up poore conquered and captivated wretches bodies and soules in their most accursed pinfolds And thinke not I desire thee that these relations are untruths and fictious effects of my spleen and wrath to Rome and Romanists but if thou pleasest to enquire thou shalt find all I have writ justified by authentick authours both Popish themselves and others also and especially these latter and most lamentable barbarities testified for most true by a witnes without exception being a strange and strong friend and favourer of Papists and Poperie yea so farr their friend as not to be afraid nor asham'd in his pulpit publikly to preach and professe that Papists in England and Ireland were the Kings best friends and most loyall and loving Subjects though he himselfe had formerly both preached and printed these fearfull relations of them I meane that abhominable apostate Iohn Squire late priest of Shorditch in his Sermons on 2 Thess 2. preached in Pauls Church and extant in print with many others I say both moderne and ancient Writers whom for brevitie sake I have all along purposely pretermitted but to go-on Besides those ineffable cruelties fore-mentioned thus done to the bodies of poore Christians ô the hellish impieties done to the poore soules of those that survived and were inforced by captivity and conquering thraldome to live in the spiritually burning brick-kils of such terrible soule-taske-masters to live I say under their spirituall whoredomes and Romish fornications to the most fearfull and finall damnation of both their bodies and souls at last a misery farre beyond all forespoken And were not these then monstrous and mighty Nimrods indeed hunters I say not of beasts but of mens bodies and souls and that even before the Lord too most impiously and impudently carelesse and fearlesse of Gods all-seeing eye or revengfull hand against them But to proceed I might here in the last place call to the Readers remembrance for the finishing of this 5th peece of Babylons Beautie and bloudie Braverie the fiery flames mixed with much precious bloud of Gods deare Saints and Martyrs in those Popish Marian daies in this Kingdome of England wherein so many hundreds of holy and heavenly servants and souldiers of the Lord Jesus Christ of both sexes and all sorts and ages by the accursed cruelty and tyranny of Popish Prelates and other Antichristians right bloudie sons of the fearlet Whore of Rome gave their bodies most willingly and chearfully to be tortured and burned to ashes only for the name of the Lord Jesus and his most pure and precious Truth and Gospell Yea I might here also call to just remembrance the furious rage and wrath of the Spanish Antichristian sons of the Romish Strumpet those White-boys of their murderous Mother Babylon in their formidable and but blessed be our good God falsly called and counted Invincible Armado or fleet of mighty ships by sea in an 1588. set out with all the engines and accoutrements of malice and mischief to invade and ruinate to over-runne and overthrow this our kingdome of England and our most precious Lady and Soveraigne Qn. Elizabeth that most fair Phenix and famous paragon of her time and crowne of her Sex a Princesse of ever most blessed and precious memorie And when they saw that this by Gods mighty power and most mercifull providence prevailed not O the many plots and conspiracies which the pernicious Pope of Rome Spaine and their hellish Jebusites contrived and attempted against the sole and sacred person of that precious Princesse to bring her and her Protestant people and kingdome to ruine and destruction As hath beene fully and exactly related