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A70427 An historical and geographical description of France extracted from the best authors, both ancient and modern. By J. De Lacrose, Eccl. Angl. Presb. Lacroze, Jean Cornand de, d. ca. 1705. 1694 (1694) Wing L136A; ESTC R223644 308,707 674

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Secular Clergy freed these from all Episcopal Jurisdiction and Innocent III. granted them this vain Priviledge that their Abbot might take upon him the Title of Cardinal of St. Priscus In 1563. the Protestants being Masters of this Town broke down the Images and it having since followed the League the French King Henry IV. took it by Storm in 1569. and caus'd Maillé Benehard the Governour and a Franciscan Fryer to be Executed forgiving the rest of the People In this Town there is a very ancient Castle a Colledge of the Fathers of the Oratory and some Religious Houses It is distant from Paris about thirty two Leagues to the South-West Peter Ronsard a Poet famous in the last Age was Originary of Vendomois in which I find no other considerable Places but M●ntoire and Ville aux Cleres Of Anjou ANjou Ducatus Andegavensis hath Maine on the North Brittany on the West Poictou on the South and Touraine on the East This Province is about 30 Leagues in length 20 in breadth It aboundeth with great Quarries of Slate wherewith most of their Houses are covered and even oft employed by Masons instead of Stones There are reckoned about 36 or 40 Rivers whereof the principal are the Loire the Sarte the Loir the Mayenne the Dive the Vienne the Couesnon the Oudon the Authion the Tonay the Layion the Eure the Guinate and such a number of Lakes Ponds Brooks and Fountains that several believe the Name of Anjou to be derived from that of Aiguade Du Chesne rejects this Conjecture as impertinent but when I consider that most of the Names of Countries have a reference to their situation that the Gascons who in their vulgar Language have preserv'd many ancient Gaulish Words call a River Gave that the Romans named the Inhabitants of Anjou Andicavi or Andegavi and that the Celtick Speech had a great affinity with the Teutonish I am apt to look on the Name Andegavi as a word compounded of three An-degaven In the Brooks to denote Men inhabiting a Country wash'd with many Rivers However it be this abundance of Water makes the Riches of Anjou both by a vast quantity of sweet Fish and the great number of Gardens and Meadows they make therewith fruitful This Province is partly Champian and has many Woods and Forrests where abound Stags Hinds Bucks Does Hares and all sorts of great and small Game and partly mountainous and cover'd with Vineyards that produce as delicate Wine as any in France most of which together with their Brandies and those of Orleanois are transported along the Loire to Nantes and thence into Forreign Country for Brittany has none or but very little of its own This Country is divided into higher and lower following the Course of the River Loire Anger 's is in the lower and Saumur in the higher The other most considerable Towns are la Fleche Montreuil-Belley Chateau-Gontier Beaufort en valée the Dutchies of Brissac Beaupreau Brezé Vaujour le Lude the Marquisates of Jarzay Bellay Touarcé the Counties of Monsoreau Maulevrier the Barrony of Craon c. the Abbies of Fontevraut and Borguéil the Castle and Convent of Verger c. The ancient Inhabitants of Anjou call'd in French Angevins and in Latin Andes Andi Andecavi or Andegavi had their own Commanders afterwards the Romans and since them the Kings of France and those of England enjoy'd it In 861. the French King and Emperor Charles the Bald bestow'd the Countries included betwixt the Sein● and Loire upon Robert the Strong Duke and Marquess of France on Condition that he should defend them against the Incursions of the Normans But the Posterity of Robert having obtain'd the very French Crown for his two Sons were Crown'd Kings viz. Eudes in 898. and Robert in 922. and his great Grand-son Hugh Capet began the third Race of the French Kings the Issue of Tertulle or Terculf to whom the same Charles had given some part of Anjou were accounted sole Counts of it during part of the Ninth the Tenth and the Eleventh Century They grew so potent and famous that Fulk V. became King of Jerusalem in 1131. and Henry Plantagenet Son to Godfrey III. Count of Anjou and le Mayne succeeded in the right of his Mother Mathilda to the Crown of England under the Name of Henry II. His Son Richard I. surnam'd Lions Heart enjoy'd likewise these Counties but they were Confiscated upon his Brother K. John by Philip August whose Successors gave them since several times in Portion to their Sons The French K. John erected Anjou into a Dutchy in 1360. in behalf of his second Son Lewis who became afterwards King of Naples and Sicily Count of Provence and Titular King of Jerusalem Charles the last of that Family instituted K. Lewis XI his Universal Heir and ever since this Province has been an Apannage or part of the Portion of the second Son of the French Kings as it is now enjoy'd by Philip Duke of Orleance Lewis XIV's Brother The City of Anger 's or Juliomagus Andegavorum Andegavae or Andegavi is situated on the River Mayenne after it hath receiv'd the Sarte and the Loire It 's the Capital of this Province having divers Seats of Justice Presidial Seneschalship Bailiwick Election a Mint where Money is coyn'd at the Letter● an University and a Bishoprick suffragan to Tours It is seated in a Plain very fertil producing delicate Fruits and very good Wine the River Mayenne divides it into 2 parts whereof the greatest which is call'd the City lyes on the steep of a little Hill where the Church of St. Maurice and the Castle of Anger 's are to be seen This Church which is the Cathedral is distinguished from all others by 3 high Steeples raised up on the body of the Church the middle of which being built on an Arch and underpropt only by the two others is accounted a Marvel On solemn Days are shewn the Relicks as the Sword of St. Maurice one of the pretended Pitchers wherein our Lord chang'd Water into Wine said to be brought from Jerusalem by Renatus K. of Sicily and resembling a Jasper Here is the Tomb of this Prince whose Body was brought hither from Aix in Provence as also his Picture drawn by himself The Chapter of the Cathedral is composed of 29 Canons a Dean a great Archdeacon a Treasurer an Arch-deacon beyond the Mayenne an Archdeacon beyond the Loire a Singer two other Treasurers and a Penitenciary This City has been beautify'd and encreas'd from time to time by its Counts but especially by our King John who built that part which lyes now beyond the Mayenne some surname it the Black City because its all covered with Slates Anger 's is much resorted unto at a Festival which the Roman Catholicks call La-Fete-Dieu the Feast of God Then you may see all the Priests and Monks and 4000 Inhabitants bearing as many kindled Torches and withall as many engraven Histories of the Holy Scripture as there are Wards in the
p. 201 he says that No-gent-le-Roy is situated on the River Eure betwixt Dreux and Chartres which is true Then he adds Dreux or Drocum is upon the Blaise c. The worst Map in the World might have shewn him that those three Towns are seated on the same River It 's true More●y has lead him into that mistake but what his pardonable in the compiler of a great Dictionary who is ●ir●d out by the length and tediousness of the Work and distracted by the ●ariety of matters is not so in a Geographer Besides that there is a River call'd Baise in Guienne but no River Blaise in all France A Vocabulary of this Authors Faults would make up a small Volume and therefore I shall only add an instance or two more P. 309 he calls twice after Robbe Briancon a Bishoprick Neither Morery nor any other Author that I know of mentions any such thing For the Brianconnois were ever as they are still a dependency of the Caturiges and the Prelate of Ambrun P. 320. He puts after Robbe Serres in Viennois that is in the Northern part of Dauphiné tho it lies in Gapencois or in the South of that Province This as true as what he says p. 17 that at the beginning of this War the French King put 700000 Men in Arms and that he alone has more Religion Merit Glory Revenus and Soldiers then all the Crown'd Heads of Europe together without excepting his dear Ally the Turk The former Description of France being so faulty I let the Reader judg what trouble I have been at in chusing the best and including what ever seem'd to me most essential in the Compass of this Book It is divided into two parts whereof the first is an introduction to the Second a general survey of the whole Country and an explication of several Offices and terms that can scarce be fully unde●stood without it Tho this part be very short yet you will find there several things concerning the French Monarchy and Politicks the power of their Parliaments the state of their Nobility and Gentry the increase of Popery the breaking up of the Reformation the causes that retarded its progress and have altogether eclips'd it in that Kingdom all which is not easily to be met with any where-else The second contains an Historical and Geographical Description of the twelve Great Governments into which France uses to be divided besides Lorraine and the County of Burgundy There I treat of the different Revolutions of Each Government of its ancient Inhabitants of its Gaulish and Latin names and other Antiquities of its borders extent subdivisions Air Climate Fertility Rivers Lakes Mountains natural Curiosities c. I set down the distance of the Capital Cities from Paris or from each other and of the most considerable Towns in each Government from their Capital their Latin names Antiquities Lords and Titles their Civil and Ecclesiastical Government with the several Changes they have undergone their most remarkable Buildings Trade Inhabitants the Great Men they have produc'd their Soyl and Territory c. Books newly Printed for T. Salusbury at the Kings-Arms next St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street THe Reformed Gentleman or the English Morals rescued from the Immortalities of the present Age shewing how inconsistent those pretended Genteel Accomplishments of Swearing Drinking Whoring and Sabbath-breaking are with the true Generosity of an Englishman With an account of the proceedings of the Government for the Reformation of Manners By A. M. of the Church of England bound in 8. Price 1 s. 6 d. 2. An Essay against Vnequal Marriages in 4 Chapters 1. The Introduction 2. Against old Persons Marrying with Young 3. Against Persons Marrying without Parents or Friends Consent 4. Against Persons Marrying against their own Consent By S. Sufford in 12's bound Price 1 s. 20. The safety of France to Monsieur the Dauphin or the Secret History of the French King proving that there is no other way to secure France from approaching ruin but by deposing his Father for a Tyrant and Dostroyer of his People Done out of French 12. bound price 1 s. 21. The History of the late great Revolution in England and Scotland with the Causes and Means by which it was accomplished with a particular account of the Extraordinary Occurences which happened thereupon as likewise the settlement of both the Kingdoms under their most serence Majesties King William and Queen Mary with a List of the Convention 8. bound price 5. s. A General and Particular DESCRIPTION OF FRANCE PART I. THE Method I shall observe in this Description is To give at first a General View of this ancient and large Kingdom To speak of its old and modern Bounds and Divisions Of its Soil Inhabitants Government Policy Magistrates Religion c. And then to give a Particular Description of each of its Provinces CHAP. I. Of the ancient and modern Bounds and Divisions of France Of her Mountains Ports Rivers and Forests FRANCE has not changed her ancient Limits to the South West and North seeing as Gallia of old it has to the West the Ocean of Aquitain to the North the British Ocean as far as Calis by which Sea it is divided from England the Mediterranean Sea on the South which is also called the French Sea with the Pyrenaean Mountains that part her from Spain As to her Limits on the East and North-East they are very uncertain especially in this time of War Before the late Conquests it was bounded by the County of Burgundy Elzas the Dukedom of Lorrain and Barrois and part of the Spanish Netherlands viz. the Province of Luxembourg Hainault Brabant and Flanders But at present the French King is Master of all those Countries except of a little part So that his Kingdom has almost recover'd its ancient Limits on that side viz. the Rhine and the Mouth of the Meuse Her Form is almost round and in a manner oval so that she is as broad as long and may be of 25 days Journey in length from Brest to Strasbourg and of as many in breadth from Dunkerque to Perpignan that is 250 Leagues which make about 1000 Leagues in circuit The ancient Galli called Celtae transplanted themselves into Asia where they gave their Name to a whole Country called Galatia Gallo-Graecia or Gallia Minor and now Chiangare being part of Natoly or Less Asia Another Colony of the Gallick Nation having passed the Alpes conquered a good part of Italy which made the Romans to distinguish them into Cisalpins and Transalpins However the Country on this side the Alpes retained the ancient Name of Gallia and falling afterwards under the Power of the Romans was divided by Augustus into four Parts viz. Gallia Narbonensis called also Gallia Braccata because of the Braccae a kind of broad long Coats the Inhabitants wore The other Parts were the Celtick Gallia or that of Lyons the Belgick and the Aquitanick which had all three the common Surname of Gallia Comata because the
that Court where their Power is very considerable since the Suppression of the Charge of Lord Constable upon whom they were formerly depending However this Power is somewhat counterballanced by their great Increase in Number of late years The Lord Chancellor is the Head of all the Courts of Justice and presides in all the King's Councils in his Absence Besides he cannot be destituted but by Death or Trespass And therefore the Kings to keep this great Minister in awe have a Lord Keeper of the Seals whom they cause to discharge the Chancellor's Functions by giving him the Seals in which Occasion the Chancellor retains no more but the bare Name of his Office He has under him the Masters of the Requests who serve quarterly judge the Differences between the Officers of the Crown and prepare such Matters as are to come before the King 's Great Council This Council is now a Soveraign Court of Justice whose Sentences are executed throughout the whole Kingdom it 's composed of the Chancellor and eight Masters of Requests From this Court issue all the Placates Ordinances and Proclamations There are also a Council of State a Council of the Exchequer a Privy-Council to determine Appeals and Contests about the Jurisdiction of Judges and the Cabinet Council who manages all the Affairs and is as the Soul of the Realm Besides the twelve ancient Peers of France there are near a hundred more created since two or three Centuries but though they have the Priviledge to sit in the Parliament at Paris and not to be judged by any other Court yet they fall short of the Lustre and Power of the first Peers The Knights of the Order of St. Michael instituted by Lewis XI in 1469 are in no extraordinary Repute and this Order is now only considered as a step to that of the Holy Ghost instituted by Henry III. in 1570 whose Knights are fewer in number and more respected it being given as a token of special Favour and to such as are already of St. Michael's Order and considered by their Birth or Merits I supersede to speak of the Lord Admiral the Vice-Admirals and Rear-Admirals Of the Generals Lieutenant Generals Masters de Camp Collonels c. Of the Masters of the Ordnance of the Lord Treasurers Counsellors and Secretaries of State of the Ambassadors Lord Almoner Under Almoners Chaplains in Ordinary and other Officers either Civil Military or Ecclesiastical who are little or nothing different from the like in England But I must not forget to speak a word of the King's Confessor who though he has originally no more Power than the Clerk of the Closet here yet through the superstitious Condescension of the late Kings and the shrewd Management of those cunning Politicians Cotton Annat and La Chaize are become so powerful as to get into their Hands the Direction of the most important Affairs of the Kingdom under pretence of Conscience When the Jesuits were recalled into France King Henry IV. was advised to take one of these Fathers for his Confessor who should be as an Hostage for the Fidelity of the whole Club. But this very Caution proved his Ruine for Father Cotton whom he pitched upon having first seduced his Queen laid his Plot so well with Spain and his Fellow-Jesuits that the King was murthered by Ravaillac And that Henry's Ghostly Father and Queen had a Hand in this horrid Business can hardly be doubted after the Insinuations the sincere Mezeray gives of it There are two Charges in France the like I don't know that we have in England or at least they are not here in such a Consideration as in that Kingdom The Officers who discharge them are always Counts or Dukes or Princes of the Blood and are called the Great Huntsman and the Great Falconer of France They have large Appointments Gifts and Profits and several Officers under them whose Places are at their Disposal The Captain General of the Hunting-Nets and the Great Wolf-Hunter keep likewise an honourable Rank and all four are sworn by the King himself I shall finish this Chapter with mentioning the Way of administring Justice in France Suits are for the most part commenced before the ordinary Judges of the Place which are called Royal or Seigneurial according as the Town or Village depends ●mmediately upon the King or a private Lord except in some particular Cases or when one of the Parties concerned is exempted from their Jurisdiction Thence ●hey are brought before the Baylives or Se●eschals who are Chief Justices of a certain Precinct called Baylwick Vriguory Provostship or Seneshalship These Baylives are Noble Men who bear a Sword instead of a Gown and seldom discharge their Office themselves but have two Lieutenants under them one for Civil and the other for Criminal Causes The last and Supream Jurisdiction is ●he High Court of Parliament each of which is composed of ten twelve or fifteen Presidents and well near eighty or an hundred Counsellors The Power of this Court ●s yet very great because of the many Noble and Priviledged Men whose Causes immediately resort to it But it was much greater in times past especially that of the Parliament of Paris which was in some manner a standing Assembly of the General States For no Edict or Proclamation of the King had the Force of a Law before ●t was ●enteriné or ratify'd by them and they might reject such as were not in their Judgments fit for the Publick Good A Boldness of which History furnisheth us with several Examples even under the most powerful and respected Princes as Lewis XI Francis I. and Henry IV. But the late Ministers Richelieu Mazarin Colbert and Louvois have so far undermined the Authority of these Courts that they not only dare not reject any of the King's Edicts but dare not so much as make use of the Word Enteriné their Style being now Lû verifié en Parlement That is Read and acknowledged for a true Writing or Order of the King The Intendants are the Men whom the Promoters of Arbitrary Power have made a special use of to bring down the Power of Parliaments They are a kind of Overseers whom the French Kings began to send into the several Provinces of their Dominions fifty or sixty years ago and who under pretence of setling the King's Revenues reconciling Differences about it or seeing Justice well done have considerably encroached upon the Jurisdiction of Parliaments without that the Complaints of the last were ever regarded at Court The preposterous Zeal of these Magistrates against the Reformed was none of the least Causes of their Decay for as often as any Suit wherein both Churches seemed to be concerned came before them we were sure to get an Arrêt de Partage or that the Protestant President and Counsellors would give their Voice in favour of the Defenders whereas the Roman Catholicks would decide for the Plaintiffs how ill grounded soever their Actions might be This of course brought the Decision of the
〈◊〉 Kings of England France and Portugal but fi●●ly remained to the Counts of Auvergne T●● last of them called Bertrand the second exch●●ged it with Lewis XI for the County of La●●gais in 1477 and that this Agreement mig●● never be broken the shrewd King prese●● our Lady of Boulogne with it In 1544. H●● VIII King of England took Boulogne fortified 〈◊〉 lower Town of it and built several Forts i● the Countrey but seeing that the keeping 〈◊〉 this Town would cost him much more than 〈◊〉 was worth he agreed with the French King Henry II. to restore it to him for the Summe● 80000 Crowns to be paid in eight Years Th● Treaty was concluded in 1549 but I do not he●● that is was ever performed as to the paying o●●● the money Boulogne Capital of this County is a Se●port formerly Renown'd for being the ordinary passage from Gaul into Great Brittain b●● at present not very commodious some say th● it was spoil'd by a Bank that the Emperor Maximinian caus'd to be rais'd before it It is divided into upper ●nd lower Town and seated upon the River Liane sixteen leagues north of Abbeville It has a Bishoprick suffragan to Rheims since the year 1566 nine years after that Teroanne was razed But De Valois pretends that the Bishoprick was rather restor'd to that City or fired in it than instituted anew because those Prelates were styl'd Bishops of Boulogne and Teroanne that the first as well as the last are call'd Givit●● Morinorum and that the name of City is never given by Ancient Authors but to an Episcopal See There was formerly near the Haven an Octogone Tower called in French la Tour d'Ordre and by the English the Old man it s said to have been built by Caesar It was eighty foot in Circuit and Charlemaign looking upon it as a fit place for a Beacon caused it to be repaired but his Successors given either to Wars or to Pleasures suffer'd it to decay so far that it fell some 20 years ago The most considerable Buildings of Boulogne are the Cittadel the Cathedral Church of our Lady to whom the French Kings at their coming to the Crown are bound to offer a Heart of pure Gold weighing 2000 golden Crowns There are besides the Parochial Churches of St. Nicholas and St. Joseph the Abby of St. Willmore and the Palace where the Baily keeps his Seat Some take Boulogne for the Portus Iccius of Caesar but Adrian de proves that it is the Gesoriacum of Pliny which name about Constantine the Great 's time chang'd into that of Bononia The other Towns and considerable Buroughs are Bournonville Monthulin upon or near the Liane four or five leagues East of Boulogne Ambleteuse a Sea-port two leagues north of the same it s the same that Beda calls Amfleat or Amfleot which denotes a place where the Sea ebbs and flows Estaples Stapulae upon the mouth of the Canche almost six leagues south of Boulogne De Valois believes it to be the Portus Iccius of Caesar because Ptolomy distinguishes Portus Iccius from Gesoriacum and puts them in the Countrey of the Morini 'T is a small Town well fortified famous for being the Native Countrey of James le Fevre who for his Learning did deserve the Praises of the Roman Catholicks tho he was one of the chief Promoters of the Reformation The Recover'd Countrey THat which the French call Pais Reconquis is a small Tract of Land that has not above five leagues in length North and South and as much East and West where it is broadest coming from Boulogne you enter into the Principality of Ardres Arda or Ardea the chief Town of which is seated upon a Hill and divided into upper and lower both well fortified Before the year 1067 it was but a Village erected into a Town out of the Ruines of the Castle of Selnesse by one Arnoul Lord of that place or as others pretend by one Arnold Lord of Ardres with the Consent of Baldwin Count of Guines by reason of the great number of Shepherds who resorted to that place for its excellent Pasture-ground In 1520 Francis I. and Henry VIII had an Interview near this Town their Court was so brisk and their Attendants so richly adorn'd that the place is yet called The Field of the Golden Cloth Cardinal Albert of Austria took this Town in 1596 but restored it to the French King Henry IV. three years after by the Treaty of Vervins Guisnes is a small Town 3 miles North-west of Ardres and above 3 leagues from the Sea It has the title of a County and formerly the Towns and Burroughs of Ardres Fiennes Witsant Andriae Bredenarde Sangate and Colemude depended on it Sifri a Dane took it from the Monks of Sithiu or S. Omer and made homage of it to Arnoul Count of Flandres who countenanced him Before the French took it from the English it was environ'd with strong Forts as Blanes and St. Inglevert It came in the hands of the English under King John of France the same way that a late Conquerer has usurped so many Towns The Governour of Guisnes being gone to a Festival of the Knights of the Star Edward K. of England bought the Town from his Lieutenant There was then a Truce between the two Monarchs and therefore the wronged King John would have resented this match as a breach of it But Edward answered That this Assertion was contrary to the doctrine of late Philip of Valois the French Kings Father for when an English Traytor that would have sold to him the Town of Calice was discovered this Prince coldly answered that such Negotiations did not break a Truce The County of Oy● is separated from that of Guisnes by a small River which Duchesne calls a Channel drawn from the Sea 'T is a Countrey of about 4 leagues in length and 3 in breadth Modern Geographers speak of some wavering Marshes and swimming Islands between this Countrey and that of Guisnes Calice is now one of the strongest Towns and the very Key of France towards England for its Fortifications consist in nine great Bastions besides those of the Cittadel and several Out-Works lin'd with stone It has a double Ditch very large and deep that can be filled with the River Hames that runs along its Walls There is also a Marsh and several Brooks that render the approach of this Town very difficult neither can one go to it but upon the Causey or madeway called the Bridge of Nieullay As to the Haven its Entry is defended by a Fort call'd the Risban and it is divided into two the smaller is called Cadegray the bigger is shut up by two Moles faced with stone Five years ago the present French King begun to build a Mole upon great piles droven into the sand beneath the low-Water-mark which will be 30 yards wide and make an Harbour fit to receive third or fourth Rates Men of War whereas a good Merchant-man cannot get into the present Havens This
West coast you meet with the Souille that receives the Herouille and the Burd which go by Coutances The See and the Ardee fall both into the Bay of Avranches I would begin here the particular description of this Province were it not that I think my self Obliged to say something of the first Dukes of Normandy from whom our Kings of England are descended and by the way to show the just claim they may still lay to that Noble Dukedom their Ancient Patrimony Raoul having setled himself in Normandy not only by Conquest and force of Arms but also by the voluntary yielding of Charles the simple and his Marriage with Gisele Niece to that King gave good Laws to his Subjects Among others that the Poor might have right done to them without any Expence he ordered that any Murderer Robber Incendiary or any one that should pursue another with a naked Sword should be stop'd and brought before a Justice without any other Warrant than the Out-cry of the Wronged Person This is the Origin of what the Normans call the Clamour of Haro which they make use of when they think themselves wrong'd or oppress'd perhaps too often as they are accus'd to be of a litigious Temper Howsoever it may be Haro seems to be an abbridged word for Ha Raoul as tho' they would still implore the Justice of their first Duke Raoul took the name of Robert at his Baptism was succeeded by William I. surnamed Long-sword in 917 or 920 and was succeeded by three Princes named Richard Robert II. Son to the last of them in 1028. was Father to our William the Conquerour whom he got from Helen Grand Daughter to Edmond Ironside one of our Saxon Kings if we may believe Thomas Rudborn who quotes several Authors for this History Thus England and Normandy were quietly enjoyed by our Monarchs till the French King Philip August taking hold of the Civil War which the English Barons raised against King John deprived him of his Dutchy of Normandy under pretence that he had caused his Nephew Arthur to be murther'd It was reconquered by Henry V. but lost again under Henry VI. during the Civil Wars between the Houses of York and Lancaster However it remains uncontested that this Province has been possess'd successively by fourteen Dukes of the same Race six of whom were Kings of England I must not forget that the Normans are Witty and Ingenious especially in making Establishments which their Envious Neighbours would find fault with and on that account stain them with Treachery Their Countrey is so great and so Populous that there are reckon'd a hundred Towns and a hundred and fifty considerable Burroughs So that the Reader may not expect I should describe them all but only such as are most Eminent and of which some Particulars are come to my knowledge Norman Vexin THis Countrey was anciently inhabited by the Veliocasses Velocasses or Belocasses whose Territories reached from the Andelle to the Oys● but after the Normans had conquer'd the best part of Neustrie it was divided into two parts whereof that which obey'd the French King was called the French and the other the Norman Vexin De Valois relates a remarkable thing namely that the feuds between these two People are yet as great as if they were still Enemies and had not the same Master so that they seldom marry together nor will they Trade or have any thing common one with another The Norman Vexin confines upon the Isle of France from which it is separated by the River Epte The first considerable Town you meet with is Gisors scituated upon the same River fourteen leagues Northwest of Paris with a Bailiwick resorting to the Parliament of Rouen Under the Reign of Philip I. King of France William the red King of England took it from a Knight call'd Payen and fortified it in 1228. Henry III. King of England had an Interview between this Town and Trie with Philip August King of France upon the news of the taking of Jerusalem by Saladin And having consulted about the means to recover the Holy Land they resolve to take the Cross together with many other Princes in memory of which they erected a Cross in the Field where they had made this Agreement and promised one another to leave off their differences till their return Pont de l'●rche Pons arcûs eleven leagues almost West of Gisors and seven miles South of Rouen is an important passage upon the Seyne near the fall of the Eure into it and therefore it has a particular Governour It was the first Town which surrendred it self to Henry IV. after his coming to the Crown in 1589. D● Chesne esteems that Pont de l'arche is the Castle Pistae which Charles the bald built to withstand the Incursions of the Normans but most of the other Geographers believe it to be one of these tvvo neighbouring places Pistres or Poses Rouen nine leagues South-east of the mouth of the Seyne and above thirty North-west of Paris situated upon the same River and is one 〈◊〉 the biggest richest and most populous Ci●●●s in that Kingdom and the Capital of Nor●●●dy It s Archbishop calls himself Primate 〈◊〉 that Province hath the six Bishops of it un●●r him and does not acknowledge the Me●●opolitan of Lyons since the Year 1457. The ●athedral Church under the Name of our La●● has ten Dignitaries fifty Canons eight pet●● Canons and a great number of Chaplains 〈◊〉 has three great Towers the first call'd the ●●ower of St. Romain is cover'd with Lead ●●d has one of the finest Steeples in the World ●●ith 500 fifty steps the second is call'd the ●●tter-Tower built out of that Money which ●ardinal George of Amboise the Pope's Legate 〈◊〉 France gather'd from the Inhabitants to give ●●em leave of eating Butter in Lent the third ●●ower is all made of Wood and raised upon a ●●orch with great Art Duchesne speaks of two ●●eat Bells the first in the Tower of St. Ro●ain is one of the biggest in France and bears ●●e name of George of Amboise who caus'd it to 〈◊〉 made the other is in the Wooden Tower 〈◊〉 this Church are also to be seen the Mausoleys 〈◊〉 Sepulchres of the Dukes of Normandy and 〈◊〉 the Archbishops of that City a white Mar●●e Statue of the French King Charles V. and ●●at of the Count of Bedford who was Prote●or of France during 13 years under our Hen●● VI. He is represented on Horseback upon ●●s Monument in the Chappel of the Virgin ●ary behind the great Altar Lewis XI visit●●g this Church some body told him It was 〈◊〉 shame that so great an Enemy to his Crown should have so fine a Tomb and that he 〈◊〉 to be removed from thence No answered French King It is well that he lyes th● for if he were alive he would frighten 〈◊〉 away There is likewise a Chappel under the 〈◊〉 of the Saints Innocents where is repres●●● St. Romain Archbishop of Rouen in the 〈◊〉 Century with a
hundred most of whom they had the Barbarity to kill Next to Jargeau is the Castle and Garden of Jenaille with an artificial Rock made up of Shells and little glistering Stones of different colours whence spring Water-spouts that represent various figures Sully Solliacum four Leagues South-East of Jargeau on the same side of the River Loire is an antient Castle and Town with the Title of a Barony that has produced two famous Bishops of Paris in the Twelfth Century Maurice and Odon of Sully It was erected into a Dutchy and Peerdom by Henry IV. in 1606 to gratifie the Marquis of Rosny who had done him so many services This Lord was a Protestant and continu'd so all his life notwithstanding the Apostacy of his Master He has left Memoirs of what happen'd most considerable during his life that are much esteem'd The Lords of Sully have there a fine Castle Park and Garden Clery upon the Doure seven Miles South-East of Orleans is a Village noted for a Church under the name of our Lady The English plunder'd it after the taking of Meun in 1428. but the French King Lewis XI repair'd it and richly endow'd a Colledg of Canons which he fou●ded there chusing it for his Grave The other places in the Election of Orleans are Chateau-Neuf Ascheres Bazoches Artenay La Ferte-Seneterre a Barony with a fine Castle St. Aubin Ouzouer on the Loire and St. Benoit Baugency or Bois-jenci Balgentiacum a Town on the River Loire almost six Leagues South-West of Orleans with an Election and an Arch-Deaconship It 's seated in a most pleasant Soil fertil in Corn Wine and Fruits and abounding with Game It 's here that Lewis VII assembled the Prelates and Barons of his Kingdom to be divorc'd from Q. Eleanor his Wife says Du Chesne to which Mezeray adds That the King pursu'd the Separation vigorously I cannot but admire the blind zeal of the French Historians who to save the honour of this Prince turn him into the greatest Blockhead that ever sate upon a Throne when they make him divorce upon pretence of Consanguinity the rich Heiress of Guyenn and to restore her Dowry which did so mightily weaken him tho' he could not ignore she would deliver it into the hands of a p●tent Neigbour The truth is this was a trick of the C urt of Rome to put a stop to the growth of the French Monarchy lest those Kings should keep the Popes within the due limits of a Spiritual Jurisdiction as the first Emperors of France and Germany had done To compass their End those crafty Priests made use of the love of Queen Eleanor for young Henry Plantagenet Duke of Normandy Count of Anjou Maine c. and future King of England For it was the Queen who propos'd and pursu'd the Divorce at Rome as Tho. Wikes an English Historian tells us Agitata says he diutius lite inter Alienoram Reginam Francorum virum suum Regem ipsa Regina acriter petente Divortium ratione consanguinitatis quam proposuit inter se virum suum Auctoritate Apostolica celebratum est Divortium inter eos Instantius autem laborabat ad Divortium eo quod ad Nuptias Henrici Ducis Normaniae futuri Regis Angliae ferventius aspirabat Erat ipsa filia Vnica Haeres Ducis Aquitaniae quam nos Vasconiam nuncupamus Soluto quoque Matrimonio inter ipsam Regem ad Nuptias Ducis quas concupierat illico convolavit Haec secundum Historiae veritatem huic opusculo dignum inserenda judicavi Histor Angl. script Tom. II. p. 29. Here then it was that the sentence of that Divorce so fatal to France was pronounc'd on Tuesday before Palm Sunday 1152. Forty eight years before another National Synod had been held at Baugenci on occasion of King Philip I. Marrying Bertrade of Montfort against the advice of the Barons of his Realm In 1428. Baugenci was taken by the Count of Salisbury but retaken by the French after they had master'd Meun This Town has had its own Lords since the middle of the Thirteenth Century till 1544. that it was reunited to the Fr. Crown Meun or Mehun was an antient Castle built on a Hillock near the confluence of the Mau●e and Loire on the North-side to oppose the irruptions of the Vandals Meun Magdunum Maidunum or Maudunum is now an indifferent good Town four Leagues South-West of Orleans and two North-East of Baugenci One St. Lifard accompanied with Vrbicius laid here the Foundation of a Monastery since turn'd into a Collegiate Church After the taking of Yanville Meun surrender'd to the Count of Salisbury who put a strong Garrison in it notwithstanding which it was soon after retaken by the French This Town was one of the Country-Houses most frequented by Charles V. and the Inhabitants have a Proverb to signifie that he dy'd there in 1381 tho' Historians relate that it was in another Country-House call'd Beauty upon the Marne Whatever be of that Meun gave its name to a famous Poet a Dominican Frier call'd John Clopinel or John of Meun who flourished about the end of the XIII Century and the beginning of the XIV and finish'd the renown'd Roman of La Rose begun by William of Lorris There are two other notable Burroughs in the Election of Baugenci viz. Chaumont and Ouzouer le Marche Pluviers or rather Pithiviers is the Head o● another Election and Archdeaconship The Latin Authors call it diversly Petiveris Piverum c. It 's a Town and a Castle seated with a Bridge on the small River Pituere nine Leagues North-East of Orleans near to a Village call'd Pithiviers le Vieil It has an antient Priory depending on the Abby of Cluny and founded in the Seventh Century besides a Kings Court of Regal Justice resorting to the Presidial of Orleans Yanville six Leagues West of Pithiviers is another Regal Court of the Bailiwick of Orleans The Fr. King Henry IV. took it after Estampes on a Sunday November 11. 1589. and Garrison'd the Castle Yeure le Chastel a League East of Pithiviers and Neufville four Leagues South-West are two other Regal Seats of Justice The other Towns or Burroughs in this Election are Thoury Autruy Sermaizes Soizi-Males-herbes Briares and Puizeaux This last is call'd so from the abundance of Wells that are otherwise very rare in this Election and the Country of Gastinois Of Gastinois GASTINOIS Wastinensis or Vastinensis Pagus has the Isle of France on the North and North-East Bourgogne on the East Nivernois and Berry on the South and Proper Orleanois on the West reaching thirty Leagues North and South from Mont le hery in the Isle of France to Pouilly in Nivernois and about sixteen Leagues East and West where 't is broadest as from Chastenay in the Country of Chartres to Moret in the Isle of France But 't is to be observ'd that that which now bears the name of Gastinois is made up of two Countries viz. Pagus or Comitatus Milidunensis the
East and West is but 5 Leagues and not quite 4 North and South That it belongs by right to His Majesty William III. as part of his Patrimonial Estate is undeniable though to put an affront if it were possible upon that great Prince the Parliament of Paris have adjudg'd it to Charles Paris of Orleans last Duke of Longueville kill'd in the Dutch War of 1672 and tho Lewis XIV pretending to be his Heir lords now over it as though it were his own But to determine whether the French Kings as Counts and Marquesses of Provence are Lords Paramount of this Principality would require too long a discussion I shall only observe 1st That in 793 William au Cornet or au Court-nez High Constable of France having conquered Orange from a Sarracen King called Theobard took the Title of Count by the Grace of Go● which was then proper to Sovereigns 2dly That since the Right Prince of Orange is now King of England he may in compensation justly lay his claim to those vast and rich Dutchies and Counties of Normandy Guienne Poictou Maine Touraine Anjou that were the undisputable inheritance of his Predecessors besides his right to the whole Kingdom of France The City of ORANGE Aurasio Cavarum or Secundanorum Colonia lies a League West of the Rhone and 6 North of Avignon with the Title of Principality and a Bishoprick Suff●agan of Arles This was formerly a Roman Colony of the second Legion there are still to be seen the remains of a Cinque and a Triumphal Arch almost whole There was a kind ●f little Parliament whose Members were one half Roman Catholicks and the other Protestants but it was cashier'd by the French King in 1687 and changed into a Viguiers Jurisdiction under the Parliament of Aix It has still a Mint and an University It s strong Cittadel and other Fortifications were razed in 1660. against the Agreement made some Months before with Count Dhona Governour of the Town The Protestant Religion was forbidden there though there are 12 or 15 Jewish Families offered in the City and above as many in the dependencies of it The other places of note are Caderousse Courtezon Jonquieres Vaqueyras and Gigondas but formerly this Principality extended much farther within Tricastinois Diois Valentinois Gapencois Sisteronnois the County of Nice the County Venaissin and even beyond the Rhone into the Dioceses of Montpellier Nismes and Lodeve in Languedoc Of the Islands of Provence THE Isles of Martegues Maritimae Avaticorum which are called by some Venice of France are made of a Triple Town with the Title of Principality belonging to the Duke of Vendome For they are divided into 3 Parts Ferriere l'Isle and Jonquieres and seated on the Pond of Berre from whence they have digg'd great Ditches for a Communication with the Sea distant about an English Mile so that the greatest Boats come up to the Town from the Sea and go through the Pond for the conveniency of Trade and they may easily go from one Town to the other upon Bridges There are all sorts of good Fish caught in certain high Sea-rushes called Bourdigaux the Inhabitants are great Lovers of Dancing and Mirth whence comes the common Proverb to dance the Martingale This Town has had several Masters for it belong'd once to the Viscounts of Marseille then to the Counts of Provence Francis of Lorrain Dutchess of Mercoeur Estampes Ponthievre Princess of Martegues brought all her Estate into the House of Vendome by her Marriage with Caesar Duke of Vendome a Legitimated Son to Henry IV. These Islands lye 8 Leagues West of Marseille 10 South East of Arles and 12 South West of Aix The Islands Stacades call'd also the Golden ●●ands or Hyeres Olbia and Areae because ●ey lie over against the Town of that name ●e 3 in number call'd by the Latins Sturium ●henice Phila and in French Island of Le●ant or of Tilan Porte-Cross which has a Gar●ison and Porquerolles all three in the Diocese ●f Toulon In Cassian's time these Islands were ●nhabited by Monks some of whom under ●ope Innocent the III. were Cisternians They ●re so fertile that after the loss of Rhodes the ●nights of S. John designed to settle there with ●he French King's leave The Islands of Lerins Lero Planasia or Le●i●us are but two in number ove● against the Town of Cannes towards Antibes which are call'd Islands of S. Margaret or Lero and of S. H●norat Planasiae or Lerinus The first draws ●ts name from a Chappel dedicated to that Saint ●t is three quarters of a League long and one quarter broad there are five Ports and a Cittadel newly fortified to defend it The other draws it from S. Honorat who founded there a Monastery in 375. driving away as 't is said the Serpents that made it desart and cau●ing a Fountain of fresh-water to spring there which is still in being He was afterwards Bi●hop of Arles This Solitude has been for ●any Ages together the Nursery of the Pre●ates of Provence and of the neighbouring Churches For thence are issued 12 Archbi●hops as many Bishops 10 Abbots 4 Monks numbred among the Holy Confessors and 105 Martyrs The Air is very temperate the So● fertile The Spaniards surpriz'd these Islan● in the beginning of this Age laid waste th●● holy place pull'd down those fine Forests o● Pine-trees which formed many covered Walks adorned by a vast number of Oratories but i● 1637. they were turned out of them Ther● are in the Island of S. Honorat 3 Walls and ● Chappels they Fish there a great deal of Corral As for Chateau-d'if it is a little Island tw● Leagues South of Marseille with a good stron● hold where the biggest Ships stop becaus● they cannot get in the Port of that City fo● want of Water There are some Islands o● the Mouth of the Rhone but cover'd only wit● Grass and Mountains CHAP. XVII Of Dauphiné THis Province the nearest to Italy confines on the North to that of Bresse and the Dukedom of Savoy is separ●ted from Piedmont by the Alps on the East from the County of Nice Provence the County Venaissin and the Principality of Orange by the sam● Mountains tho' interrupted in some places towards the South and from Languedoe on the West by the Rhone It reaches above fifty common Leagues of France or 38 of DAVPHINE East and West from Pignerol to the Rhone and above forty North and South from Fort de Baraux on the Borders of Savoy to Cisteron in Provence The Country is Mountainous all over except in the North-West of Low Dauphine however it produces excellent Wine and abundance of Corn of all sorts as Wheat Rye Barly Oats Spelt Lentil Beans Pease and other kind of Pulse There are also many Woods and some of them are pretty large and full of Bucks Deers Shamoys and other Beasts of Game but the greatest part of their Woods are Warrens that abound with Hares Conies Pheasants red and gray Pratridges c. Neither does it want
Valour and Bravery and for their being fit and as 't were born to all that they are minded to Undertake in Learning War or Mechanicks wherein they very Expeditiously imitate whatever they see perform'd by Strangers They are very cleanly in their Diet and Apparel and very apt in the one or the other to go beyond their Means Quality and Birth which by comparing them to Spaniards Italians and other Nations has been taken notice of Their Cloathing as to the Making is never certain no more as to the Mode then as to the Stuff wherein continually they change at least from year to year The Men here are Comelier and Stronger and of a finer size than Spaniards and Italians but not then the Germans Dutch or English As to the Women they are Handsomer In some Provinces than others For in Normandy Picardy and on this side the Loire they are commonly more agreeable than in the ancient Aquitain that is in Auvergne Perigord the Country of Limoges Gascony and Vpper Languedoc The other part of Guienne especially at Bourdeaux part of Dauphiné Lower Languedoc and Provence shew more pleasing Faces and even exquisite Beauties As we have said that the French Man renders himself fit for every Thing he is chiefly so in Arms and War-fare He likewise gives himself over to Study Eloquence to all Arts and to Merchandize He carries freely his Trade to Foreign Nations and there Manures the Land and knows not to be Lazy He is very Industrious and Works merrily though he is found fault with for not being Patient and willing to endure in War The French Nobility are above all most rare Horsemen and have a particular Care of their Honour even to excess witness the damnable custom of Duels which the Edicts of the present Prince have not yet been able totally to suppress The People of France are generally Meek and Good every where except in some few places where they are a little too Blunt and Rustick The Vulgar bears an extream Respect to great Persons whether they be of the Nobility Officers of Justice or of the Revenues Ecclesiasticks and other Men of Long Gown are especially Honoured And there is hardly any Nation in the World that has so many Officers of all sorts as the Kingdom of France The Merchant nay and the very Tradesman if at any time he becomes Wealthy pushes his Children to it And into several Parliaments of France and other Courts of Justice the Nobility Sues for Offices too whence comes that infinite number of literate Men though their Reward be but small and that all Offices be Sold which is not usual in other States of Europe Thence also proceeds a swarm of Advocates Sollicitors Registers Notaries and other Men of Business whose number has been extraordinarily increas'd by the late Edicts of Lewis XIV and his Creation for Money of an incredible number of new Officers which must needs impoverish the Kingdom and bring it at last to an utter Ruin For either these new Offices will be suppress'd in time of Peace and consequently a great many Families will be Ruin'd that have bestow'd their ready Money and some their Estates upon these Employments Or if they be continued the common People will be oppress'd by the multitude of Officers and the number of Merchants Trades and Husbandmen mightily diminish'd Another great Abuse that may prove at last the Ruin of France is the extraordinary increase of the Gentry For whereas in England younger Brothers even of the greatest Noblemen make no difficulty of becoming Merchants nay and Tradesmen too if they have no inclination to Learning The youngest Son of a simple Gentleman in France would account it a great Dishonour to his Birth to do any thing but to wear a Gown or a Sword which makes that the French Gentry who is almost as numerous as the other Inhabitants can hardly subsist in time of Peace Besides the Faults which the French have common with other Nations as to be too much given to Play to Women Debauchery Blasphemies and Cursings it cannot be deny'd but that they are Hasty and Cholerick However you will find amongst 'em very few instances of those secret and awful Revenges that are so often practis'd by some of their Neighbours As to their Levity we may in their behalf make use of Charles the Fifth's saying That they are Wise without making any shew of it For though they are not so Crafty as the Italians nor so Vain and Proud as the Spaniards yet do they not want Policy and Cunning. Finally the French are very Religious and have always feared their Gods and whatever Religion they Embraced they firmly stick'd to it The frequent Wars which they have Undertaken or Suffered upon this account shew the Truth of this Assertion They are very Respectful to Ladies and give them large Liberty neither do they shut them up as the Italians and Spaniards do whence it comes that they are cordially Beloved and served by their Wives and that the Visits and Practises of young Women end generally in a happy Wedlock The French Tongue for the most part is a Branch of the Latin The Romans becoming Masters of the Country and introducing their Laws in it changed the Speech of the Natural Inhabitants or by little and little made them loose it If the German Tongue had been there spoken before or the British they were at last totally routed and a kind of corrupted Latin took their place Now a days each Province has its peculiar manner of Speaking and Dialect However there is still a difference of Speech betwixt the Provinces on this side the Loire and those beyond it The first Speak French and the last Gascon taking this Word as usually taken at Paris for those of Languedoc and Dauphiné Provence and Guyenne the Latin Tongue having left deeper Footsteps of its Residence in those four Provinces than among the other French whose Language is purer especially about Blois Orleance and Paris CHAP. IV. Of the Riches Strength and Government of France THE Kingdom of France is Rich and Potent by its Situation by the great numbers of its Cities and Inhabitants and by its Wares of all Sorts of which there is a great Trade As to the Riches the King takes what he pleases in his Taxes Excise upon Salt Impositions upon Merchandises that go out and are brought into France besides his Patrimony whereupon the Kings have lived during a long time The Revenues of the Kingdom before the Dutch War of 1672 were deem'd to amount to 170000000 Livres that is about 15000000 Sterling but have ever since still diminish'd partly by the continual Taxes that impoverish the People and partly by the stop which the Wars have put to Trade but much more by the Persecution of the Protestants which has made the price of the Lands considerably fall disturb'd the Traffick of the Realm and depriv'd it of great Sums of ready Money which the French Refugees have brought over with 'em
and being despised by Princes and Lords fell to the share of the Knight of the Watch and his Comrades From the top of this Mountain one may have a full sight of Paris Vincennes commonly called Le bois de Vincennes is a strong Castle in a Wood not quite a League off Paris towards the East it 's surrounded with a good Ditch and eight great square Towers for its Defence Philip August raised up a Wall about the Wood in 1185. Philip of Valois begun the Tower or Castle in 1337 which K. John and Charles V. ended Q Mary of Medicis begun the Gallery that is on the side of Paris in 1614 and Lewis XIV added new Buildings to it It s Court is spacious and fair a side of it is the Holy and Royal Chappel dedicated to the Blessed Trinity by King Charles V. in 1379. Here are also the Chains of the Streets of Paris sent thither by Charles VI. to punish that City's Rebellion This Place is so very pleasant by its fine Walks in the Woods about it that several Kings have chosen it to end their Lives in as Philip the Fair Lewis Hutin or the Proud and Charles the Handsome Farther into the Woods is a Convent of Minims surnamed Les bons Hommes which is one of the pleasantest Monasteries that can be seen As for the Castle the Inside is every whit as magnificent as what appears without The Princes of the Blood who were taken in the beginning of the last Troubles of France were confined here as had been several others before them Cardinal Mazarin dy'd at Vincennes in 1661. There is still seen an Oak under which King Lewis IX was wont to render Justice for though he went to Vincennes as to a retir'd Place however that the least Absence should not prove hurtful to the poorest of his Subjects at certain hours of the day he sate at a Table covered with a Carpet and ordered his Ushers and Heraulds t● cry out whether there was any that wante● Justice Thence apparently comes the Frenc● Proverb Mettre une chose sur le Tapis To put 〈◊〉 thing upon the Carpet for to propound a Business St. Maur is a Castle built upon 〈◊〉 Height joyning a pleasant Forest near th● Marn about three Miles off Paris but in imperfect because Francis I. that begu● that Building had not time to finish it ye● its considerable for several Rarities as Francis the First 's Head very well worked i● Copper his Devise a Salamander environed with Lillies and these Words Non deflorebimus isto Praeside istis ducibus Henry IV. gave this House to the Prince of Condé Returning to Paris along the Marne you find a League from that City the Village of Charenton which by some old Ruines seems to have been formerly a strong and considerable Town Between this and the Palace of Conflans was an admirable Echo which repeated Words to ten times with such a Noise and quickness as tho' they had been as many Canon-Shots It 's great pity that the Cloyster which the Carmelites have built there upon the Ruines of a Church have deprived the World of so great a Wonder Some years ago Charenton was yet more famous for the Temple the Protestants of Paris had there to which have at one time or other belonged so many great and learned Men as Aubertin Du Moulin Mestrezat Daille le Faucheur Dre●ncourt Gache Claude I supersede to name ●wo late Ministers one of which was ac●ounted one of the learnedest Men in France ●nd the other one of the Eloquentest be●ause they are both living and in England The Palace of Conflans where Jane Queen ●f Navarre dy'd in 1349 belongs now to ●he House of Villeroy The most considera●le part of it is a vaulted Gallery enriched ●ith a great many Pictures drawn to the ●ife as two Sibylles three Roman Empe●ors four Popes several Sultans and great Commanders especially the famous Scander●eg or Castriot Several Learned Men as ●eneca Scot Thomas Aquinas Platina Guic●iardini c. The Kings of England of Navarre The Dukes of Savoy and of Lor●ain the Families of Valois Bourbon and Nassau all set in gilt Frames and brought ●rom Italy and 21 among the rest out of ●he House of Medicis Three or four Leagues East of Paris ●s the Village of Chelles with a Church founded by Queen Clotilde Wise to Clovis the Great and since repaired and erected into an Abby of Nuns by Queen Baudour Wife to Clovis II. Their Son Clotaire King of France was interred in that Abby in 666 and King Robert had a Palace in the Village Higher up to the North four Leagu● from Paris is the Borough of Gonnesse r●nowned for its Bread and Francis the First Answer to Charles the Fifth's Letter stuffe● with ample Titles for he writ nothing el● but Francis King of France of France an● so to the end of the Page where he p● these Words Lord of Vanves and Gonnes● A Joke not much unlike to that of Hen● IV. who answering a Letter of the Span●ards filled up with Bravado's of the sam● Nature called himself King of Gentilly St. DENIS a pretty Town two League from Paris situated on a Brook called 〈◊〉 Crou in the middle of a fruitful Plain an● full of Game At the beginning it was b● a Country House of the Lady Catulla wh● buried there the Bodies of St. Denis Bisho● of Paris and of Eleuthere and Rustic his tw● Priests beheaded in the Persecution of Decius after the Year 250. For the Fable 〈◊〉 St. Denis the Areopagite coming over in● Gaul to preach the Gospel has been so solidly confuted by Launoy and other learne● Roman Catholicks and French Men too that I need not to disprove it I shall only observe that it has been invented by Hildu● Abbot of St. Denis in the Ninth Century and that though in this and subsequent Ages shrewd and Deceitful Monks gull'd 〈◊〉 much as ever the Ignorant and Credulous Vulgar however this ridiculous Opinion did not want Opposers among the rest ●●e Learned John Scot Erigene who unde●eived the Emperour Charles the Bald. The Church was built by Dagobert I. and ●e Abby founded by the same King who ●ave to the Abbot an absolute Authority o●er all the Inhabitants of St. Denis and such ●hat it extended upon their Lives and For●unes and that they were in a manner his ●laves Moreover he instituted a yearly ●air of four Weeks length to be kept in a ●ield near the Church during which he ●orbad the Merchants of Paris to sell any ●ares or Commodities Charlemaign or●ered that all the Kings and Bishops of ●rance should obey this Abbot that the ●ings should neither be crowned nor the ●ishops ordained without his Leave that all ●is Subjects should pay him a Tax for each ●f their Houses that Slaves who should ●illingly pay it should be put at Liberty ●nd called the Free-men of S. Denis In 834 ●ewis the Meek who had been deposed by ●is Sons had his
Vine●cus the Land of Vimeux is included between ●nienois and Normandy from which it is se●●rated by the River Bresle call'd likewise Au●● and betwixt the Sea and the River Somme ●at divides it from the County of Ponthieu ●s extended above 14 leagues East and West ●om Molien le Vidame in Amienois to Cayeu on ●e Sea-cost and 5 North and South from S. ●●lery to Bauchen upon the Bresle S. Valery ●●e Capital is seated on a Hill near a Bay made ●y the mouth of the Somme and call'd S. Valery ●r mer to distinguish it from another Sea-town 〈◊〉 Normandy call'd S. Valery en Caux or S. Va●ry les Plains It 's Port is not extreamly good ●ecause of the great quantity of Downs that ●re about it neither are Cayeu Cadocum Augst 〈◊〉 Augusta better tho they seem to have formerly ●een of some Consideration Notwithstanding ●he Countrey is fill'd with a vast number of Villages and good Burroughs whereof the chief ●re Bauchen Gamaches a Marquizate Anssennes ●nd Sennerpont all upon the Bresle Arguel Riencour Oysemont Bailleul whence John de Bailleul that became King of Scotland w●●ther Lord or Ordinary or of another ●leul in the Countrey of Dieppe Ponthieu THis County included between the Ri●● Somme and Canche on the South and No●● the Ocean on the West Amienois and Artoi●● the East is about nine leagues East and W●● and nine or ten North and South It is wa●●ed with many fine Rivers as the Somme 〈◊〉 Maye Authie c. It was in former A●● but thinly inhabited because of the m●● Woods that almost took up the whole Co●trey but it s now very thick peopled t● there be still several Forrests This County 〈◊〉 been often given in Portion to the C●●dren of the French Kings and has had bef●● its particular Counts since the tenth Centu●● In 1279 Eleanor of Castile Heiress of Ponth●● was Married to Edward I. King of England 〈◊〉 brought this County to these Monarchs wh● was the occasion of many bloody Wars Abbeville upon the Somme is the Cap●● of this County eight or nine leagues Nort●west of Amiens It is one of the biggest a● strongest in this Province and some will 〈◊〉 it was never taken for which reason they 〈◊〉 it the Faithful or the Virgin City of that Co●●trey It has a Bailiwick Presidial five Ga●● twelve or thirteen great Parishes and seve● Monasteries The River Somme and the small ●ver Cardon which discharges it self into it ●ake it a great Trading Town and give it the ●nveniency of exchanging its Linnen Cloth ●ooll and Corn for other Commodities that ●e brought in Boats from the Sea into the very ●own 'T is uncertain in what time this City ●as built for I find no mention made of it be●●re the tenth Century That Hugh Capet gave 〈◊〉 in Portion to his Daughter Giselle How●er it seems by the Original of the Name of ●bbeville Abbattis villa that it was built by ●me Abbot of St. Riquier for there is yet a ●own of that Name two leagues North-east ●on the River Cardon which Opinion Adrian 〈◊〉 Valois seems to confirm Abbeville has lately produced the best Geo●aphers of France as Nicolas Sanson who dy●● 1667 William Sanson his Son and Peter du ●l who are yet alive for ought I know and the ●esuit Philip Briet who died in 1669. It is said ●at in 1636. some Women disguised in Mens ●oaths fought the Spaniards near S. Riquier ●d brought away two of their Colours Nine miles North-west of Abbeville on the ●orthside of the mouth of the Somme is the Sea●ort Town Le Crotoy Two leagues South east 〈◊〉 Abbeville is an important passage in an ●land formed by the same River called Pont●-Remi near to which are to be seen the re●ains of one of Caesar's Camps Rue upon the ●aye five leagues North-west of Abbeville is a ●rong Town by reason of its scituation being ●viron'd with Marshes and having a Pond or ●ake on the East-side Near the source of the same River is 〈◊〉 Burrough of Crecy which gives its name 〈◊〉 Forrest hard by but is much more famous 〈◊〉 a Battel fought there between the English 〈◊〉 the French in 1346 King Edward III. co● into Ponthieu of which he was Lord enc●●ed at the Village of Crecy King Philip of V● came to encounter him on the 26th of A●g● But the last was totally routed and left 30●● Foot upon the spot and 1200 Horse be●● that he lost fourscore Colours and the F●●●er of his Nobility as John of Luxenburg 〈◊〉 of Bohem. Charles Count of Alencon the Ki●● Brother Raoul Duke of Lorrain the Count 〈◊〉 Flanders Harcourt and Sanserre the Dauph●● Viennois c But the greatest mischief for 〈◊〉 French was that a Fog having kept them s●● the sight of the Enemy till nine or ten a Cl● in the morning the English in the mean w● planted the Colours they had taken f●● them upon a height which the decei●● French taking for their own resorted to th● and received a greater overthrow than the 〈◊〉 day Their dead Bodies were Interred by K● Edward's order at Monstreuil and the bur●● lasted 3 days Crecy had formerly a Royal House wh● Ebroin Mayor of the Palace besieg'd when 〈◊〉 Warr'd against K. Thierry and his Mayor L●●●sius and took both the King and the Town Fredegarius relates The Town of Monstre●● scituated upon the Canche nine leagues 〈◊〉 of Abbeville five North-west of Crecy and t●● East of the Sea It was but at first a Villa● which encreased into a Town by the buil●● 〈◊〉 a Castle and of a Monastery by S. Salvius ●●shop of Amiens where he would be Intterr'd ●d whence it has gotten the name of Monaste●●lum Monstreuil or Monstrelet Besides there ●e still two Ancient Abbyes of St. Bennets Or●r one of Monks and the other of Nuns ●ng Philip I. having divorced from him his ●ife Berthe sent her away to this Town up●● which he assigned her Dowry and where ●e dyed in 1093. Monstreuil is divided into ●pper and lower Town and has a strong Cit●del and Baillwick Great B●ats can go up ●he River by the help of the Tide to this ●own Boulenois THis County is but 13 or 14 leagues long North and South and about 7 broad East and West It was Anciently inhabited by the Morini as well as Teronane if it be true that Boulogne is the Gesoriacum of Pliny and Ptolomy It is still the most mountainous pa●t of Picardy especially along the Coast which render them almost unaccessible However it does not want either Woods or Rivers and affords such a good race of Horses that the Inhabitants can furnish 3000 Troopers It was erected into a County together with St. Paul Guines and Artois by Charles the Bald Emperor and King of France when he marryed his Daughter Judith to Baldwin Ironside Count of Flanders in 863. The County of Boulogne was successi● enjoyed by several illustrious Houses wh●● allied themselves at one time or other with
the Wars of the Holy Land by ●●e Conquest of Antioch which they possess'd 〈◊〉 long time under the Title of Principality I find a small Town in this Province call'd ●●auteville near the Sea-cost five miles South●●st of Coutance and eleven Northwest of ●●●vranches but cannot tell whether it was the ●itle of the Lord Tancrede Nine leagues West of Caudebec upon ano●●er small Brook near the mouth of the Seyne ●●es Harfleur Hareflotum so call'd because 't is ●●●ed on a Bay where the Sea ebbs and flows 〈◊〉 was formerly a considerable Town before 〈◊〉 de Grace was renown'd The English ●●ok it by Storm some time before the Battle 〈◊〉 Azincourt Havre de Grace Franciscopolis two leagues ●ell of Harfleur is now one of the strongest 〈◊〉 a Port Towns in France The French Kings ●ancis I. and Henry II. fortified it in 1562. ●●nder Charles IX the Vidame of Chartres and ●●eauvoir la Nocle seized upon this Town for the ●rotestants and having treated with Queen ●●lizabeth deliver'd it into her hands The ●●ench King to recover this place flattered ●●●e Protestants so well that they themselves ●elp'd to besiege and retake it The Count of ●arwick very couragiously defended the place ●●r some time but the want of fresh Water ●●nd the Plague destroy'd 3000 of his Men for●ed him to Capitulate on the 28th of July in ●he same Year Lewis XIII did since encrease ●he Fortifications of that place and built there 〈◊〉 Cittadel flank'd with four Royal Bastions However as the Town is not strong on the Land-side it could still be taken that way 〈◊〉 the Cittadel block'd up Havre de Grace is 〈◊〉 pleasant and well Trading Town with 〈◊〉 Buildings and Markets Seventeen miles North-east of Havre de Gr●● is the Ancient Burrough of Fescamp fam●● for an Abby of Nuns founded by one W●●gen a French Lord under Clotaire III. Rich●●● II. Duke of Normandy repaired it and wo●●● be buried there in a Stone Coffin which s●●● that time he caused to be filled up every F●● day with Corn and to be distributed to 〈◊〉 Poor together with twenty pence This A●●● by is now possess'd by Benedictine Mo●● Fescamp would be very fit for a Landing 〈◊〉 great Vessels can run aground very near t●● Shoar and then go off with the Tide Eight leagues almost East of Fescamp is anot●● Town called St. Valery by the name of an A●cient Abbot It 's more considerable than 〈◊〉 camp but not so fit for a Descent because 〈◊〉 the banks that reach above a league into the S● Seven leagues East of S. Valery is the famo●● Sea-port of Dieppe the Juliobona Caletorum 〈◊〉 Ptolomy and Peutinger's Tables as appears by 〈◊〉 distance from other Towns noted in the Iti●●●rary or Journey of Aethicus It is seated 〈◊〉 the foot of Mountains whence flows the ●●ver Arques that separates the Town from th●● Suburbs and forms a long and strait Hav●●● that can harbour a great number of Vessels and those of 500 Tuns too but is of hard access The Town is pretty big and well bu●●● has a great Kay a Fort called Pollet and a Castle The Inhabitants Trade into the East and We●● Indies England and the Low-Countries and ●re esteem'd good Mariners and Handicraft●en also especially in working Ivory-horn ●nd Tortle-shell and making Bussols and other ●nstruments of Astrology Dieppe has been of●en taken and re-taken during the Wars be●ween the English and French since the Year ●195 The Protestants have often been Ma●●ters of it in the last Century and it served ●or a place of Refuge to King Henry IV. whence ●●t came that the Countrey thereabouts was fil●ed with Protestants The Citizens in imitati●n of Rouen have instituted Floral Games where ●hey give Rewards to such Poets and Orators ●●s get the Victory over their Competitors Rigord and William the Breton testifie that this Town was anciently burnt by the French and we ●nd among the Subscriptions of the Council of ●●halon in Burgundy that of Betto Bishop of Ju●●●hona but as there was never a Bishop of Di●●p● nor any other Prelate in the whole Diocess ●f Rouen besides that of Rouen so De Valois believes ●hat it must either be Anger 's or Troyes Two leagues South of Dieppe and the Sea ●●ies the Town of Arques upon a River of that ●ame In Latin Arcae or rather Arcus It was ●ormerly call'd Hasdans and had a good Road ●ut is now more famous for a Victory that ●he French King Henry IV. obtained over the Duke of Mayenn and the Leaguers the 21st ●f September 1589. This great Prince had not ●bove 500 Horse 1200 Footmen and 2000 ●witzers but he posted himself so well be●ween two Hills and the River Bethune that with this small Army he routed 30000 men Dieppe and Arques together with some Vilages as Pierre-Pont Val-le-Roy Tilly St. Supli a●● Criel upon the mouth of the Iere between th●● River and Seye constituted the Countrey 〈◊〉 Tellau or Taloui Tallogus Pagus which h●● excellent Salt-pits but both the Salt-pits a●● the name of the Countrey are perished Seven leagues East of Dieppe lyes the To●● of Eu Aucum or Auga near the mouth of t●● Bresle or Ou a small league from the S●● and a Village called Tresport Ulterior Portas th●● lyes upon it and has an Abby of St. Bea●●● Order The scituation of Eu is pleasant because of the Meadows that encompass it R●lon first Duke of Normandy had planted there 〈◊〉 Colony but the French took the Town by Sto●●● and kill'd all the Males It has the Title of 〈◊〉 County and Peerdom erected by Charles VII 〈◊〉 1458. and has been possessed by several Il●●strious Houses as those of Lusignan Bri●●● and Guise since the twelfth Century till 〈◊〉 Year 1664. that it was given to a Daughter 〈◊〉 the Royal Blood the Lady of Orleance Ra●●l 〈◊〉 Brienne second of that Name was High Co●stable of France after Raoul the first his Brother was taken at the Battle of Cressy in 134● and brought Prisoner into England But at 〈◊〉 return being convicted of High Treason 〈◊〉 favouring the English he had his Head cut o● on the 18th of November 1581. The Counts 〈◊〉 Eu have given another High Constable to Fran●● under the Name of Philip who in the time 〈◊〉 the French King Charles VI. brought a considerable Succour to Sigismond King of H●●●ry against Bajazet II. Emperour of the 〈◊〉 John Count of Nevers and since Duke of Bur●undy was with him followed by 2000 French Gentlemen The Battle was given near Nico●olis a Town of Bulgary on the Danube in ●396 but the Christians totally routed and 600 French Gentlemen that had been taken Prisoners cut into pieces before the Eyes of the two Counts whom he kept alive with fourteen ●other Lords to get a Ransom of 200000 Duckats Nine leagues South of Eu near the source of the Bresle is the Town of Aumale Alba-marna or Alga-marla that is white Earth with the Title of Dutchy and