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A68465 A true discourse historicall, of the succeeding gouernours in the Netherlands, and the ciuill warres there begun in the yeere 1565 with the memorable seruices of our honourable English generals, captaines and souldiers, especially vnder Sir Iohn Norice knight, there performed from the yeere 1577. vntill the yeere 1589. and afterwards in Portugale, France, Britaine and Ireland, vntill the yeere 1598. Translated and collected by T.C. Esquire, and Ric. Ro. out of the reuerend E.M. of Antwerp. his fifteene bookes Historicæ Belgicæ; and other collections added: altogether manifesting all martiall actions meete for euery good subiect to reade, for defence of prince and countrey.; Historia Belgica nostri potissimum temporis. English Meteren, Emmanuel van, 1535-1612.; Churchyard, Thomas, 1520?-1604.; Robinson, Richard, citizen of London. 1602 (1602) STC 17846; ESTC S105716 105,507 166

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and their countrie fortified themselues and the same euery where Notwithstanding on the 7. Ides of Aprill Anno Dom. 1577. King Philip confirmeth this as a perpetuall decree Hereupon the Prince and the States doe call vpon the new Gouernour Don Iohn the Bastard of Austrich for money and hauing receiued some certaine pay doe satisfie in part the souldiers there so long soiourning So the Spanish Italians and Burgundian souldiers as well footmen as horsemen on the 11. of May doe forsake and depart from Vtrich and from all the Castles and Fortresses thereabouts About the same time the before named Countie Egmont captiue with the other two Noblemen taken by the Spaniards the last yéere and besides these Valdesius with fiue or sixe others taken by the States were all dismissed and sent home and at length all other strangers also vnto whom their promised pay being now made Countie Maunsfeld Gouernour of Luxenberg performeth safe-conduct departing out of Luxenberg into Italy very rich and passing ioyfull To conclude Don Iohn who before the departure of the Spaniards out of the Netherlands could not be made gouernour of the same now in the meane time prepareth himselfe to take vpon him that gouernmēt at Louaine where when very many Noblemen came to congratulate his thither comming on the Calends of May this said yéere 1577 he with a great number of Noblemen of his traine in great solemnitie honour and triumph went to Bruxels where on the 4. of May he was enstalled Gouernour General for the Spanish King ouer all those Netherlands The people verely perswading themselues that henceforth now perfect stabilitie of peace would possesse their expectations But within a while after he seeing the gouernment of the Countrie in his absolute power and possession began forthwith to execute that authoritie which in secret manner he had from the King enioyned him And hereupon priuily conferreth out of hand with the Germane souldiers as yet staying in the Netherlands to this end especially that he may haue certaine chiefe Cities there by some suttle sleight or cunning deuice rendred into his hands But his Letters mentioning those secret deuices were intercepted as God would haue them in France and so his fraude or guile being now discouered he aforehand taketh the citie of Namur But when he attempted the like thing against Antwerpe his enterprise had no successe for the Castle being fortified and defended by Boursius in the behalfe of the States this meanes policie and power sufficiently preuailed against the enemies enterprise Againe also Bergen opt Zome Breda and Shertogenbusch this Don Iohns forces were discomfited by Champigny in the States behalfe valiantly encountring and ouermatching the enemie at all assates Hereupon the Prince of Orange and the States doe write vnto the Spanish King accusing the said Don Iohn of his indirect dealing contrarie to the confidence they reposed in him They also certified his Maiestie that this Don Iohn faining peace and the procuring thereof amongst them would not sticke to depart the countrie if he were sure to bring it to passe thereby that the Catholike Religion as he termeth it and the kings authoritie might so rest in safetie And yet in the meane time after all this protestation this Don Iohn sendeth for the Spanish and other dismissed souldiers to come backe againe To crosse him therefore another way preuenting his purpose the States doe cast downe the Castle of Antwerpe mistrusting he would forth with be their euill neighbour there first of all and incontinently they prepare them to warre against Don Iohn Therefore they send speedely for the Prince of Orange not farre off as then whom they condiscend to make the chiefe Gouernour of Antwerpe Hereupon groweth a ielousie whereby many of the Noblemen being mooued in some manner contrarily doe send for the Archduke Matthias brother to the then now still Emperour Rodolphus 2. and sonne of Maximilian before Emperour hoping vnder his authoritie to haue particular iurisdiction in the seuerall Prouinces there which thing when they of Gaunt did heare of they take the Duke of Ascot with others of that faction and commit them to safe kéeping Here it is especially to be remembred that on the 17. day of Iuly that yéere 1577. came first to the Prince of Orange a worthie and forward souldier Master Iohn Norice second sonne to the Lord Henry Norice Baron of Rycot in Oxfordshire a Gentleman of great courage and dexteritie who as Captaine Peter Cripse a follower of him in this his first seruice and in all others afterwards for a long time saith landed first at Dunkirke with thrée hundred Englishmen where he arming thē marched toward Antwerpe with them where the said Prince of Orange remained and so from thence to Brokam where he made pay to all his souldiers the last day of that moneth of Iuly 1577. aforesaid Duke Matthias being come into those countries and at the first thus forsaken of them whom he should haue had his assistance by the perswasion yet of the Prince of Orange is by the States chosen and ordained their chiefe Gouernour for the King and Don Iohn is publikely proclaimed an enemie to all the Low Countries Datum Bruxellae 7. Decemb. 1577. The States in this yéere send their Ambassadours vnto diuers Monarchs and Princes of diuers kingdoms and countries to excuse themselues and accuse Don Iohn of the misgouernment of the Netherlands In France they were offered by the King his brother and Quéene Mother both fauour and furtherance for their defence And here it is to be remembred that whereas by reason of the same request of the States made vnto the Quéenes Maiestie of England certaine euill disposed persons flattering the King of Spaine bore him in hand that the Quéenes Maiestie did ambitiously seeke to vsurpe the gouernment of those Low Countries contrarie to his good pleasure Her Maiestie therefore being giuen to vnderstand of those slanderous and false bruites giuen out against her to purge her selfe of such sinister dealing and of that false and vndeserued surmise suggested to the said King and dispersed abroad to blemish her Highnes credit and estimation with other Christian Princes to the intent she would rather be knowne to God and the whole world To eschue euill and doe good to seeke peace and insue it Psal 34.13 and not to be an intruder into those troubles as it was falsely surmised to nourish the ciuill warres in those Countries laboureth by princely and friendly meanes of perswasion to the Spanish King for carefull conseruation and preseruation of the same and likewise in Christian and friendly manner exhorteth the Prince of Orange and States of those Countries to submit themselues to their soueraigne Lord and King in all humilitie and obedience and so ceasing from ciuill discord if that they would reiect their weapons and practise to appease those troubles with patience no doubt of it God would worke in the Kings heart to forget and
his deaths wound whereof the said Frier died presently Confirmed also by Captaine Cripse that after the said Generall Norice with his forces had lien there fiftéene daies sacked the towne and taken the spoyle they were commanded by the States to deliuer the towne to Monsieur Famoise who then to take the charge of the towne with his Dutch souldiers and Monsieur Temples Wallons perceiuing the English forces to depart away very rich out of the towne fell vpon them suddenly for the spoyle where they killed moe of the English then were killed at the winning of the towne where Generall Norice himselfe was shot thorow the buttocke and had his horse killed vnder him and euen then Captaine Price a braue souldier forsooke his owne horse and mounted him vpon the same and so altogether they marched out of the towne toward Antwerpe The States againe send the Lord Nienort with his companie thither he in his owne person with the same companie of souldiers boldly assaileth Renenberg with often skirmishing he killeth a great number of the enemies putteth them to flight and as they were flying pursueth them hard at the héeles euen to the very walles of Groning giuing them a great ouerthrow where hée slew aboue sixe hundred of the Renenbergers so as there was left for the said General Norice foure of the enemies Brasse péeces of Ordenance a great number of fardels and very many horses This victorie by the Lord Nienort thus gotten the 9. of Iuly 1580. he pitcheth his Tents not farre from the towne of Groning there resting in better securitie for a season And so the citie of Stenwick after foure moneths siege was in this manner at length by Gods good prouidence deliuered And within a little while after namely on the 23. of the said moneth of Iuly Countie Renenberg himselfe after he had béen certaine daies sick deceased in his Campe as some suspect by poyson After all this on the 17. of September this yéere 1580. a consultation was had at Lewarden in Frizland where it was decréed on the behalfe of the States to send the said Generall Norice to resist the enemie Spéedie dispatch herein was made and an armie was furnished out against a Spanish Generall named Verdugo They I meane the States hauing leuied and armed certaine bands of horsemen and footemen also mustering their companies and paying them one moneths pay aforehand doe make the said Generall Norice chiefe Gouernour of them He with conuenient spéede hauing these his forces well fortified with sixe Brasse peeces marcheth manfully to méete the said enemie But it fell out so that in both armies the plague was very contagious whereby many officers of this armie died in their Tents Here for a certaine space while both armies were thus setled afterwards Verdugo pitcheth his Tents at Northorne Him pursueth hard the said Generall Norice vnto whom came eleuen Ensignes of Englishmen vnder the conduct of the valiant Colonell Sir Thomas Morgan he himselfe hauing vnder his charge ninetéene Ensignes of all these countries vz. foure of Nassawes Regiment nine of Monsieur Sannoy and sixe of Nienorts Regiment so being vnder them thirtie Ensignes which made in all scarsely thrée thousand footemen To these were ioyned the troupes of horsemen vnder their seuerall Captaines as the Colonell Gore Captaine Elenborne and Henry van Eky who were in number scarse fiue hundred So then with such a braue armie marcheth forwards the said worthy General Norice on the 30. day of September that yéere 1580. towards Newziel a place in Frizland Now Verdugo setting his forces in order and battell aray had got to his greatest aduantage for his station the vpper ground néere the ditches where the valiant worthie souldier Captaine Roger Williams before named with the English horsemen vnder his charge together also with Elenbornes horsemen aforesaid doe set vpon one great band of Verdugoes footemen of whom they killed many and put many to flight But as euen then one Wingard a Captaine companion of Verdugo made towards them with certaine especiall troupes while the horsemen of the States had the enemie in chace Verdugo with two troupes of Lansiers by maine force charged into the armie of the States and so assailing them not only found Munition prouision wagons and other necessaries but also caried them quite away and tooke also from them many Ensignes where many of the States souldiers were slaine and taken prisoners but few of Verdugoes company of any reputation were then either slaine or taken And so afterwards Verdugo himselfe confessed that if this armie of the States had forborne and prolonged a few daies more from this fight a great number of these enemies had departed determinately and would otherwise haue prouided for their safetie elsewhere without any field there fought at that time Here in this conflict had the said Generall Norice his right hand hurt with a bullet and many of his souldiers which escaped the enemies hands were for the most part spoyled of their armour and weapons very many of them leauing their armour in those places where necessitie compelled them either to leape or swimme ouer those ditches This also confirmed by Captaine Cripse who being there an actor was in eight seuerall places hurt at the least Thus much my author mentioneth of the conflict at Northorne and thus farre he writeth of the warres managed betwéene Alexander Prince of Parma for and in the behalfe of the Spanish King and the Archduke Matthias for and in the behalfe of the States of the Netherlands which Archduke by occasion of displeasure of the King departed shortly after towards Austrich leauing the gouernment of those Low Countries and the ordering of the warres vnto the Prince of Orange who by generall consent of all the States ordering all things with wisedome and prouident foresight held the enemie at the sword point for one whole yéere from the end of 1580. to the beginning of the second yéere after 1582. at what time Monsieur the Duke of Aniow and brother to Henry the 3. King of France was sent for and chosen to succéed in gouernment of those Countries and ordering of the warres in manner and forme following The Warres in the Netherlands vnder Francis Duke of Aniow against Alexander Pr. of Parma AFter that the said Monsieur with other Noblemen of France ariuing in Kent on the first of Nouember 1581. had beene honourably receiued at London and intertained at her Maiesties Court at Whitehall with princely feastings and banquettings all that Christmas and being accompanied with the Quéenes Maiestie of England she with her Nobles brought him on his way to Canterbury feasted him there also and each of them tooke leaue of other And after that the Quéenes Maiestie had sent with him in fiftéene shippes the Right Honourable Robert Erle of Leicester Henry Lord Hunsdon Charles Lord Howard Baron of Essingham Knights of the Garter the Lord Willowby the Lord Windsor the Lord Sheffield Master Philip
said sonne Philip married with Mary Quéene of England on the 19. of Iuly 1554. and in the next yéere following 1555. he gaue this his said sonne Philip full possession and principalitie ouer the said Countries of the Netherlands which hee had himselfe so gouerned not without some seueritie 38. yeeres Finally omitting larger discourses of this Charles the 5. Emperour of his so many notable and memorable expeditions in in his life time performed let these few words suffice that he made nine into Germanie seuen into Spaine seuen into Italy tenne into the Netherlands foure into France and two into England which in all were nine and thirtie After all this to make an end of his memorials he resigning vp the Empire and iurisdiction thereof vnto the Princes Electors of the same in the yeere of our Lord 1557. and so leauing Germanie departed into Spaine where he finished the race of his mortall life on the 20. day of September in the yeere of our Lord 1558. hauing been Emperour for the full space of nine and thirtie yeeres The third circumstance is this That his aforesaid younger brother Ferdinando succeeding him in the Empire on the 18. day of March 1558. did so godly and so religiously gouerne the same from his first inauguration thereunto that he had much adoe to be confirmed in this Imperiall dignitie by Pope Paul the 4. of that name Bishop of Rome because he this good Emperour granting peace vnto the Churches of Germanie preferring the Gospell the same Pope Paul withstood him in Italy and thwarted him with warlike forces out of France to come of purpose to Rome there to disgrace and disanull his gouernment euen in that same very yeere 1558. aforesaid This good Emperour notwithstanding perseuering an Imperiall sincere Patrone of the sacred religion to his great comfort saw his sonne Maximilian also chosen and crowned King of Romanes in the moneth of Nouember 1564. And so he himselfe hauing been Emperour sixe yeeres and vpwards was by the God of peace called out of this troublesome world on the 25. of Iuly Anno 1565. The fourth and last circumstance yet not the least which I gather out of my Authors first booke is this That as the said King Philip of Spaine had been from the yeere of our Lord 1555. aforesaid possessed in his soueraigntie ouer the Netherlands vntill this yeere 1565. aforesaid so his father Charles the 5. Emperour in his time was not so seuere an Eagle but this his sonne now becomes as sore a Lion ioyning hands as it were with the Pope of Rome And whereas they two made other Christian Princes beléeue they became right restorers of Christian policie in processe of time they prooued themselues to be destroyers of the peace and weale publike of a good gouernment in sending foorth the Spanish Inquisition as the ground of al the griefe in the Netherlands and the originall cause of the ciuill warres there now following The originall ciuill Warres in the Netherlands vnder the Duchesse of Parma FOr first by the said Inquisition sent from the Pope and the Spanish King into the Netherlands against the professors of the Gospell or of the reformed religion thus it fell out That the King hauing chosen new Bishops for the purpose sent them thither to execute the said Inquisition amongst them They of the reformed religion hereupon exhibit to the Lady Margaret Duchesse of Parma and Placencia sent by the King thither for their Regent and Gouernesse vnder him a little printed booke wherein they craue mitigation of the Kings Decrée hoping as they alleaged that he would not infringe and frustrate their ancient priuiledges and franchises in those points and for that cause they were reputed and called Geusij viz. poore men Which thing being interpreted to the worst in Spaine and sore stomacked by the King they of the reformed religion perceiuing the same fire euery day more and more to burst foorth to quench or at least as it were to auoide the same by publike assemblies at Sermons and conuenient places doe prouide for their profession and for protection of their particular estates Hereupon on the other side began Idolatrie to outface and disanull their doings by the Papists yet for all this the said Ladie Margaret Duchesse of Parma then Regent was commaunded by the King to graunt securitie vnto the Nobilitie of the professors who had béen before suiters vnto her for the same that they might fréely haue their assemblies and Sermons till further order were taken therein Then they of the reformed religion laid away their weapons and some Idolatrous personages were put to death Meane while the Regent hauing gathered vnder her some forces began to sow discord and debate amongst the reformed Nobilitie whereof the lesser part being stirred vp or rather enforced by her menacings and threatnings doe againe take them to their weapons whereupon at Antwerpe did sedition and tumult arise To auoide future daunger William Prince of Orange and Counte Nassaw hereupon departeth out of the Netherlands in happie time Againe at Antwerpe was commandement giuen in certaine places that Sermons should be prohibited and so all things seeme to stand in vncertaintie though some hoped that the Kings displeasure would be pacified To conclude yet so many as were suspected of the reformed religion were taken and violently put to death many others taken endured long imprisonmēt many others fearing worse to come fled these Low Countries dispersing themselues into diuers parts of Europe And all this continued vnder the said Duchesse of Parma Regent for the space of twentie moneths In the time of these troubles and graunt of an Interim to haue frée libertie in preaching the Gospell there fell out a bloodie conflict neere Antwerpe at a place called Austeruile for one Monsieur de Toloze a Protestant suspecting bad practises of the Regent gathered and assembled two thousand souldiers in a fortification not fullie accomplished at the said Austeruile meaning with that force to aide them of Antwerpe if ill measure were offered them which the Regent went cunningly about for she in all secret manner raised a thousand horse and foure thousand footemen and gaue the charge of them to a gallant Captaine called Monsieur Beauvois albeit a cruell man who immediatly marched priuily towards this new fortification and before Monsieur Toloze could make himselfe strong to withstand his enemies the Regents power in the breake of day set vpon the vnreadie and féeble force of Toloze and charged them so furiously and hotly that they entred the weake fortifications ouerthrew the whole companie of Toloze sauing a few that escaped dangerously into Antwerpe among which souldiers Captaine Churchyard saued himselfe and entred Antwerpe Notwithstanding Toloze being slaine and almost all his men the enemie after the victorie gotten marched with all possible spéede towards Antwerpe where fortie Ensignes of the Regents power were in battell on the Market place readie to
succoured and made somewhat in strength and in hope of good fortune the armie meant to passe ouer a little riuer néere Tielmount but by the way were sharply encountred with the whole power of the Duke of Alua where in hazard the Count de Hostraet was shot in the legge of which wound he died andn after The Duke likewise a politike souldier and great gouernour bearded the Prince a while with hot and cruell countenance and so sent Iulian Romero to lie in ambush betwéene a bridge and passage full in the face of the Princes Campe marching to passe the water which Romero most like a rare great souldier in a fine warlike sort couched his force flat on the earth behinde the Forlorne hope sent from the Prince to view and make place for his armies passage Romero came before as one that knew the aduantage of time couching close as flat as they might and so the day consuming all was in rest and both parties in a great wood lay as close as they could The Duke maintaining skirmish followed still after the Réergard of the Prince Romero suffered both the Carriage Vaungard and Battell to passe the bridge and as the Reergard aduaunced themselues to march ouer the passage Romero descried his power of sixe thousand shot and so put al the Forlorne hope to flight or slew the most of them A noble Frenchman called Monsieur de Malberg and all his companie of foure thousand braue souldiers were there defeated with others to the number of eight thousand men which fight and slaughter endured in great and bloodie broyle till the very night approched and compelled both the Camps to lodge within Cannon shot one of another and in the night the Duke priuily stole away for some hidden cause and policie for the next morning Monsieur Ianlis and seuen thousand footemen with fiftéene hundred horse marched ful vpon the Dukes power in a faire plaine néere vnto Namur The Duke dreading Ianlis boldnes and the Princes Camp not farre off turned him backe another way and made his march very fast for feare of a blow then Ianlis and all his noble troupe ioyned with great ioy with the Princes power Immediatly the Prince prepared to besiege a towne called Chasteau Cambresi and marching thitherwards the Duke waited at hand but the towne was strongly besieged notwithstanding the Duke as the Prince had intelligence minded to disturbe him the espials of the Dukes Campe were by the Prince taken which declared in what disorder the Dukes Campe lay whereon without sound of Drumme most secretly the Prince marched to méete the Duke and the barking of dogs vnder the Ruitters waggons gaue warning how both the armies were almost mingled together the night being dark whereat a great alarme arose on both sides but the Dukes Campe within two houres was intrenched and so a great encounter of horsemen a long time passed out the morning in skirmishing with many slaine and hurt The Prince then departing from Flaunders came into France néere Guise and S. Quintins and marched after to disperse his armie towards Strasborogh in the which way Churchyard departing frō the Prince to England so leaues this true testimonie for a witnes that the author which wrote the other historie which Robinson translated left partially out of his booke whereas these matters at that season were worthie of memorie Written fom pag. 5. hitherto by Thomas Churchyard The ciuill Warres proceeding in the Netherlands vnder Don Ferdinando Aluares de Toledo Duke of Alua sent thither by the King of Spaine as Commander Generall AFter all this King Philip still prosecuting his former purpose with further extremities in the yeere of our Lorde 1567. sent thither Don Ferdinando Aluares Duke of Alua by the title of the Kings Commaunder Generall a noble personage no doubt but a notable cruell Tyrant tall of personage leane of bodie like vnto Brutus or Cassius whom Caesar censured to be feared strong of members vpright in stature long and leane faced hollow eyed of fierce and grim countenance with a long and gray beard haughtie of minde stoute of courage and as my Author saith Magnus Aulicus Insignis Dissimulator yet of surpassing skill and knowledge in feates and policies of warre excéeding therein all Spaniards of his time who as he exercised most seuere martiall discipline in his warres so vsed hee great iudgement in leading foorth his armies pitching his Tents and pointing out harbours for his souldiers because he was of long time a continuall practitioner in warres defensiue and offensiue and so bold he was and of such stout selfe-conceit as one fearing no daunger that he would take vpon him no charge of any armie except he might haue the chiefe place and prerogatiue of Commendator Generall as the Spaniards call it As certainly he serued both the father Charles the 5. Emperour before remembred and Philip the sonne now mentioned in chiefest place or calling of Martiall affaires and that in most important and difficult enterprises managing their warres in Italy Spaine France Hungary Germany Africk and the Netherlands who now entring there in person all armed found all things in peaceable state But within a yéere after he began to be stirre him in the ininoyned Inquisition afresh euery where grieuously vexing and persecuting the inhabitants with new impositions mutinies confiscation of goods imprisonment ciuill warres and vnmercifull death daily inueighing against them that they had broken their alleageance to the King and his supreame authoritie and that they had lost all priuiledge of libertie life and possessions therefore he calleth a generall new Councell of the States abrogating old and establishing new lawes quite contrarie to the ancient former customes of those countries vrging daily the new Bishops to be diligent in executing the said Inquisition Summo iure or rather Summa iniuria according to that saying Sic volo sic iubeo stet pro ratione voluntas he himselfe setting all things in order for ciuill wars fortifieth old and erecteth new fortresses Castles and muniments making prouision for prisons and other such preparations This being in the yéere 1569. our English Merchants and Marriners amongst whom my selfe a poore Clerke trauailing towards Antwerpe for my preferment they some in one place some in another I at Flushing vpon Christmas éeue were taken out of our beds and our ships and goods by the Kings commaundement imbargued so carried to the Geuarghen huise as they called it The cause whereof was that certaine ships with the Kings treasure driuen néere the coast of England by tempest of weather were taken by the Quéenes Maiesties ships brought into the Themes by meanes whereof both English Merchants and Marriners were detained in prison and their ships and goods restrained as well in all the Spanish Kings dominions as also on the other partie the King of Spaines subiects and goods were arested in the Quéenes Maiesties kingdomes of England Wales and Ireland which continued for the space of two yéeres following
Generall sent letters into England by Captaine Maxie Tuesday we remoued to Feynes Thursday the seauenth of October anno dict we dislodged to Bauongie Simples Fridaie from thence to S. Ouen Sonday from S. Ouen to Ferie Monday we remoued to Bauongie Monday from Bauongie to S. Hillarie Monday the eight of Nouember dict we dislodged to Tilyel Thursday the eleuenth day we dislodged from Tilyel to Fugeralles Wednesday to the Castell of Dorec This fort seemed of such strength vnto the Prince Dombeez and some of his Counsell as Mounsier la Verdune that they thought it not meet to be vndertaken without speciall meanes such as we wanted hauing neyther munition nor any other thing fit for seruice sauing two or three smal iron peeces for batterie Our men such as were reserued from the extremitie of the then late sicknesse amongst vs being verie weake and feeble hauing wanted of long time before both clothes and money yet it pleased God that by the most politicke and circumspect direction of my Lord Generall the enimy was drawen to abandon the same this present night to the great freeing of those parts there abouts and Captaine Latham was put in as Gouernour of the same The same Sonday at night my Lord Generall sent Mounsier Carmarak with letters to the Lords of the Counsell Friday the Armie dislodged to Pyboray Monday from thence to Ernye Thursday the second of December anno dict the Armie dislodged from Erny to Gorrone From this place my Lord sent letters into England by Captaine Richard Wingfield Captaine Moreton and Captaine Dennis who had licence to repaire thither Sunday our Armie dislodged to Ambrizer where my Lord Generall kept his Christmas Tuesday we dislodged from thence to S. Georges Wednesday and so from S. Georges to S. Germyns Saturday the eight day of Ianuarie anno dicto the Armie remoued to S. Iohn sur le Meyne Sonday from thence to Baconiere Monday from Baconiere to Bourne en le Forest Thursday the Lord Generall road to Vi●terie where the Princes of Condy and Dombeez by commandement from the king met together for the determining of some present seruice against the league which was concluded and in fine Sir Henry Norice at the request of the Prince Dombeez was sent ouer with letters to the Lords of the Councell to my Lord his father and my Ladie his mother and others his friends in England and withall to know her Maiesties resolution whether for the reenforcing of the troupes in Britanie or for the disposing of them elswhere Monday Sir Henrie Norice departed from Laual to imbarque himselfe at Cane Monday the first of Februarie anno dicto at night M. Carmerek returned with letters to my Lord Generall wherein his Lordship had licence to come ouer Thursday the Lord Generall departed from Goron where the Campe at that time lay for England leauing Captaine Anthonie Wingfield Sergeant Maior sufficientlie authorised till his returne Sunday the Lord Generall came to Cane where for want of sufficient tyde he was driuen to stay vntill the last of this moneth Monday the first day of March anno dict his Lordship finding a Barque of M. Champerneyes hee imbarqued himselfe in the same whom Colonell Sherly and Captaine Lo with others also accompanying they had a verie good gale blowing full Southwest which continued vntill three of the clocke the next morning after which time we were very much becalmed vntill ten of the clocke When hauing a reasonable faire winde at west southwest we recouered the Iles of Wight where wee had very much foule weather So y t his Lordships horses being in a smal Fleebote some doubt was here of the safetie of them which afterwards God be thanked obtained safelie the harbour we being within the point there anchored and the next morning his Lordship landed at Portes-mouth Here endeth the Iournall of the seruice in Fraunce against the Leaguers Anno. 1591. THE MEMORABLE SERVICE OF THE NOBLE Generall Sir Iohn Norice Knight performed Anno Dom. 1594. at Brest in Britaine THe first of September our worthie Generall Sir Iohn Norice landing with new forces out of England at Penpole receiued letters presently from Marshall D'Aumond and Sir Thomas Baskeruil who commanded in his absence the English troupes being then before the Castle of Morlayx in what termes they stood expecting euery day to be fought withall by the enemie Duke Mercoeur who was aduanced for the same purpose within thrée leagues of them and did but onely attend the comming of Monsieur Boisdolphin with some French horse to ioyne with them but this their temporizings in the end cost them the Castle for immediatly the very next day after the Generals landing with great expedition to wit the second of September he put himselfe vpon the way to Morlayx and vpon the fift of the same moneth ariued there being fourtéene leagues distant His comming was generally ioyed at by all the Britons but especially by the inhabitants of Morlayx whose good or ill estate depended on his comming for both the Castle a cruell neighbour held against them and the Duke Mercoeur was at hand to rescue the defendants who in assurance of reliefe from him acquitted themselues manfully namely the Gouernour himselfe Monsieur Rochempoul the Count Magnion and Monsieur Rostin with diuers other gallants But the Generall so amated the Enemie that the Duke Mercoeur not onely stayed from marching néerer vnto vs but the tenth of the same retired with all his forces both French Spanish assuring himselfe that he could expect of Sir Iohn Norice nothing but blowes They of the Castle acquainted therewith within two daies after the Dukes retreit yéelded vp the Castle So that only his presence without the hazard of any of her Maiesties subiects both enforced the Duke to retire and the Castle to yeeld This Castle thus rendred we staied there ten daies in respect that the Marshall wanted money for the satisfying of his people whereof at the last he was fournished by those of the towne of Morlayx Then Mounsieur de Lyscot a wonderfull braue man and the Baron of Molac were sent before with some Harquebuziers to the end they might blocke vp the Fort of Croyzon by Brest and preserue the quarters about who were further assisted with foure hundred men out of our ships by Sir Martin Fourbysher who commaunded the English shippings And presently the armie dislodged to a place called Iuez thence to a Village called La Fou next to Chastrau-lin the next day to Lacornan a village thrée leagues from Quinper-Corentin which was held hy the Enemie The same night the Marshall with foure hundred French and Sir Iohn Norice with as many English marched to Quinper-Corantin and on a sudden surprised the suburbs and possessed them with smal resistance The towne was willing to yéeld but that the Garrison would not suffer them But Sir Iohn Norice whose minde was still to doe some