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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A45112 The history of the houses of Douglas and Angus written by Master David Hume ... Hume, David, 1560?-1630? 1643 (1643) Wing H3658; ESTC R398 531,313 470

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mother bare me a Commander not a fighter but our Douglases were both maximi Imperatores nec minus strenui bellatores wise Commandars and hardy fighters and warriers they had both good heads and good hearts and hands In the beginning ere Rome came to its greatnesse it is said of the first Captains Decorum erat tum ipsis ducibus capescere pugnam That it was no disparagement but honourable for the Leaders themselves to sight with their own hand None were more ready and forward to fight then the Douglasses onely Wallace is thought to have gone beyond any of them But he is but one and that singular and extraordinary without any second at least of his own name and our comparison stands between name and name where the number is as well to be remembred as the worth So many so valorous of one surname is that which we have undertaken to prove Besides none of the Douglasses did ever encounter with Wallace to try who was the better man and if we parrallell their actions done apart what act o●… Wallace can be produced more admirable then that of Archbald Tineman at the battell of Shrewsburie where with his own hand he s●…ew Blunt the King of Englands Standard-bearer and three more who were apparelled like Kings and at last unhorst the King himself whom he had also stain if he had not been rescued by his sonne Henry the fifth In an English manuscript I have seen it thus expressed And there with fiery courage he assails Three all as Kings adornd in royall wayes And each successive after other quails Still wondering whence so many Kings did rise Till doubting lest his hands or eye sight fails With these confounded on the fourth he flies And him unhorses too whom had he sped He then all Kings in him had vanquished For Henry had divided as it were The person of himself into foure parts To be lesse known and yet known every where c. It is written also of William Lord of Niddisdail that he was exceeding both stout and strong beyond any that lived in his dayes so that whomsoever he strook but once with mace sword or speare he needed never to double his stroke eveblow carried death with it Also James slaine at Otterburne his personall valour and strength is very highly extolled by the writers of these times who besides that he had the better of Percie in their duell at Newcastle he himselfe was the chiefe cause of the victorie that got the honour of the day at Otterburn where he lost himselfe but wan the field by his own personall valour They tell how he fought with a huge iron mace that was heavier then any ordinary man of those dayes could weild and more then two or three of such as now live Qualia nunc hominum producit corpora tellus We might adde unto these Archbald Bell the Cat Earle of Angus who in a duell with Spence cut off his thigh through bone and all at a blow and divers others as Archbald of Kilspindie whom King James the fifth called alwayes his gray steel for his valour and ability of body but these shall suffice here for a taste of their valour But we will not content our selves with a generall and absolute commendation we will also descend to the comparative which we desire may be as farre from envie as we hope it shall be found neere to truth To begin then first at home there is no subjects race in this Countrey that can match them in these of which we have spoken Antiquity Nobility Greatnesse and Valour or worth in these I say joyntly that is there is none so Ancient and withall so Noble Great and Valorous No name is or ever was in this Countrey of which there can be reckoned so many and so worthy for so stands our comp●…rison The Grahames are very Ancient in the dayes of Ferguse the second anno 424. and very Noble but have never attained to that degree of Greatnesse as the Douglasses have done The Hayes also are a very old and honourable name in the reigne of Kenneth the third anno 976. but not so anci●…nt as our Douglasses by two hundred yeares for they began in the reigne of Solvathius anno 767. These two Hayes and Douglasses doe agree in this that they are as the Grahames also are naturall Scots borne but there is great odds betweene them other wayes For the Hayes have not reached to that pitch of greatnesse either in degree or estimation and account of men by many stages as the Douglasses have attained Other names which now are great are nothing so ancient and besides are come from other Countreyes such as Hammilto●… Gordons Campbels The Campbels from France and the other two out of England The Hammiltouns came in King Robert Bruces time the Gordons in Mackolme Kenmores The Murrayes are more ancient and before all these yet they are strangers and not of the first bloud of the Scots and there was but one of them great and remarkable who was Governour of Scotland few or none Nobilitated till of late but none of all those names comes neere that number of Nobles and Worthies by lineall or laterall descent and as it were of hereditarie vertuous succession and race of men which we finde of the Douglasses There have beene some great and worthy of other names but if they enter into comparison they will be found rari nantes in gurgite vasto but few one or two eminent of a name or of the chiefe house it will also appeare that their honours most of them have flowed more from their Princes favour then their owne great deserving or great service against the enemie The Cummins were the most numbrous and powerfull of any that ever were in Scotland before or since as some of our Writers say yet their greatnesse hath rather beene in lands and possessions or friends then in deeds of armes and prowesse of Chivalrie having done little or nothing of note and worthy of renowne John Cummin indeed fought three battels at Roseline in one day against the English in which we finde nothing reported of his personall valour whereas the Douglasses did ever shew themselves in person to be singularly valorous Besides he was but one man the rest are buried in silence and there is nothing to be found of them all though all their actions were put together that deserves to be compared with the deeds of any one man amongst many of the Douglasses Moreover as there was no great action in them they were scarce good Patriots using their power to the disadvantage of their Countrey and the opposing of the Liberties thereof in King Robert Bruces dayes rather then for the good and standing of the Kingdome which the Douglasses did ever We finde also that they were not very carefull to keepe their promises and thought the breach of their words and faith so it were for their advantage a point of good wisedome and policy a foule and base quality
1318. in May. The next was in the year following 1319. when King Edward having gathered an army lay before Berwick These two entred England as farre as Milton which is within 12. miles of York where the Archbishop of Yorke and the Bishop of Ely Chancellour made head against them in which conflict there were foure thousand English slain amongst whom was the Major of Yorke and a thousand drowned in the water of Swail and if the night had not come in too soon the battell being joyned in the afternoon few or none of them had escaped as it is thought It is called the battell of Milton or Swail or the white battell because there were a number of Priests slain at it belike they have been apparelled in their surplices Hollinshed in his Chronicle of England relateth the manner how it was done He sayes that as the English men passedover the water of Swale the Scots set fire upon certain stacks of hay the smoke whereof was so huge that the English might not see where the Scots lay And when the English were once gotten over the water the Scots came upon them with a wing in good order of battell in fashion like to a shield eagerly assailing their enemies who were easily beaten down and discomfited Many were drowned by reason that the Scots had gotten betwixt the English and the bridge so that the English fled betwixt that wing of the Scots and the main battell which had compassed about the English on the one side as the wing did upon the other The King of England informed of this overthrow brake up his siege incontinently and returned to Yorke and the Scots home into their Countrey of Scotland Their third expedition was that same yeare at Hallowtide when the Northern borders of England had gotten in their cornes and their barns were well stuffed with grain which was their provision for the whole yeare They entred England and burnt Gilsland tooke divers prisoners and drave away all the cattell they could finde Then they went to Brough under Stanmoore and returned by Westmooreland and Cumberland with great booty and spoil none offering to make head against them The fourth was in the yeare 1322. when the King of England grieved with these invasions having complained to the Pope had purchased a Legate to be sent into Scotland to admonish King Robert to desist from further disquieting the Realme of England and because he would not obey he with Sir James Douglas and Thomas Randulph were accursed by the two Cardinalls the Archbishop of Canterbury and York and all the Priests in England every day thrice at Masse These two Sir James Douglas and Randulph some say the King himself following the Legate at the heels as it were entred England little regarding their cursings and wasted the Countrey to the Redcrosse and coming to Darlington at the feast of Epiphanie stayed there a while for gathering of booty and destroying the Countrey The Lord Douglas on the one hand and the Lord Stuart of Scotland on the other the one going towards Hartelpool and Caveland and the other towards Richmond The inhabitants of Richmond-shire having no Captains to defend them gave a great summe of money as at other times they had done to have their Countrey saved from fire and spoil These adventurers stayed 15 dayes in England and returned without battell It is said that the Knights of the North came to the Duke of Lancaster then lying at Pomphret and offered to go into the field with him against the Scots but he refused whether by reason of the discord between him and K. Edward or for some other occasion I know not At this time it is that the King gives to Sir James Douglas a bounding Charter of Douglasdale dated apud Bervicum super Tuedam anno Regni nostri decimo quinto which is either the yeare 1320. or 1322. the first of April It bears Jacobo de Douglas filio haeredi Gulielmi Douglas militis which decides the question of his age and his brother Hughes who outlived Sir James 12. or 13. years and calls himself his heire as shall be showne It hath also this clause Volumus insuper c. wee will also and grant for us and our heires that the said James and his heires shall have the said lands free ab omnibus prisiis petitionibus quibuscunque ita quod nullus ministrorum nostrorum in aliquo se intromittat infra dictas divisas nisi tantum de articulis specialiter ad coronam nostram pertinentibus To return King Edward conceived such discontent and was so grieved at this so wasting of his Kingdome that he gave order to levie an army of 100000 to enter Scotland at Lammas whereof K. Robert being advertised entred England neare to Carlile and burnt some towns which belonged to King Edwards own inheritance spoyled the Monastery of Holme where his fathers corps were interred Hither the Earle of Murray and Sir James Douglas came to him with another army whereupon marching further Southward they came to Preston in Andernesse and burnt all that towne also except the Colledge of the Minorites This was fourescore miles within England from the Borders of Scotland Then they returned with their prisoners and booty to Carlile where they stayed some fourteen dayes wasting and destroying all about with fire and sword and so they returned into Scotland on Saint James day having remained within England three weeks and three dayes without any opposition or resistance They were not long at home when K. Edward entred into Scotland with his army and passed to Edinburgh but for want of victualls which were conveyed out of the way of purpose by King Roberts command and direction he was forced to make a retreat and goe home the way he came having discharged his choller with what he could meet with in his return But hee was quickly followed by the two Colleagues Sir James and Randulph who entred England burnt North-Allerton with other townes and villages as farre as Yorke and overtaking the King at the Abbey of Biland gave him battell and defeated him There was taken John Britton Earle of Richmond who had also the Earledome of Lancaster he being ransomed for a great summe of money passed over into France where he remained and never came back again into England The English Chronicle to excuse this defeat layes the blame hereof upon Andrew Barkeley Earle of Carlile whom they say Sir James Douglas corrupted with money upon which pretext Barkeley was executed suffering good Gentleman to cover other mens faults It doth me good to heare Master John Major answer the English Writers in his round and substantiall manner It is but a dream saith he and spoken without all likelihood for neither were the Scots ever so flush and well stored with moneyes as to corrupt the English neither was that the custome of good Sir James Douglas a valiant Warriour who did what he did not with gold but with another mettell sharpe
with the roughnesse thereof being so Mountainous and full of heaths and wasts harder enemies then the inhabitants giving no place to the vertue and valour of the people very absurdly and maliciously for as touching the first that they have had no desire of it it is a childish alledgeance when they see they cannot get a thing to deny that they desire it The great means they have used the many attempts they have made and that common and proverbiall speech so ordinary in their owne mouthes and devised amongst themselves Qui la France veut gagner a l' Escosse faut commencer do testifie the contrary And above all their often intending a full conquest of it as their owne Histories beare record And as for the hinderance by France their aides to Scotland have not been very great nor very frequent yea it may bee said justly that France hath received more help then ever it gave for since the league with Charlemaigne it may be truely said without any poeticall hyperbole nulla unquam Francis fulsit victoria castris sine milite Scoto that the French armies never wanted Scottish souldiers but the Scots have but very seldome had Frenchmen to helpe them And if the Kings of England have sometimes bended their forces towards France yet they did it not alwayes but have made more warre in Scotland when they had peace with France And it is amongst the complaints of our Nation that France have cast them into warres with England when they might have had peace Like as when they had advantage by warre France did often wring their weapons out of their hands and forced them to a disadvantagious peace which was commonly the greatest fruits of their friendship and league Now as for the difficulties of hills hunger c. These are not so great as they talke of for neither is it altogether so poore nor so hilly and mountanous as they would have it beleeved to bee and if King Robert at this time or any other at any time have caused spoil and waste in the Countrey at some times thereby to famish or straiten the enemy or have chosen to vexe or trouble them with a Camp volante to eschew the hazzard of a battell as Douglas and Randulph did at this time it hath been the practice of all warriours of all Nations but neither hath it been neither could it have been the onely mean of conserving this Countrey in freedome except manhood and valour had been joyned with it and that in a great measure whereof sufferance and hardnesse to endure great straits want scant cold hunger and travell is no little part As on the contrary not to be able to endure these is effeminatenesse the ordinary consequent of riches wealth ease abundance and delicacie all reprochfull to men Even as the other I confesse are oft the consequences of povertie and are helps to harden the bodies and whet the courages of men Wherefore if they had meant nothing else but that the poverty of Scotland did preserve the liberty thereof because it kept the inhabitants in continuall exercise both of body and minde and did not suffer them to grow tender delicate and effeminate but hardned their bodies against want and their minds and courages against perills and dangers which they imployed for the defence of their Countrey and by the which as the chief means under God they did defend it we could well admit of it and acknowledge as much poverty that is to say want of superfluity and vanity invented by soft and womenly minds and covered under the maske of civility as hath begotten in them valour and temperance as it is said to have done in many people before the Romanes Macedonians Turks Parthians Scythians c. But since that is not their meaning but even to detract from their valour they exprobrate their poverty and casts it up for a reproach to breed contempt of them in others and to ascribe to it what is due to their worth to wit the liberty and preservation of their Countrey from all forrain enemies we may say justly that it hath not been the immediate cause of their being preserved against England Danes or whatsoever enemy but that there hath been as much sufficiency of things necessary call it riches or by what other name you list as hath moved other Nations especially England to covet it and coveting to invade it and when they had done their best they were driven from it not so much by the barrennesse and roughnesse of the soyle as by many and sad stroakes of the inhabitants thereof and by such acts and deeds as became wife valiant and couragious men Touching all which this one example will serve to confute whatsoever hath been or can bee said in this kind then which we need no other proof and that is this same huge and great army raised by this King Edward the third and intending to have come into Scotland if hee had not been thus affronted by Sir James and Randulph and before in his fathers time at Biland and which admitteth for no exception at Bannockburne In all which there is no colour of want of will he showed it he professed it and presumed to devoure them in an instant No want of forces having gathered from all Countreyes not onely his subjects but his friends also no scarcitie of victuall hee had abundance of all things no hills nor mountains they met in the plain fields no forrain aid on the Scots side that we heare of besides the two Brabanders that King Edward sent to help them And so again whatsoever progresse or appearance of conquest the English have made of Scotland it was never by their valour and armes but by the advantage of an intestine warre they siding with the one party and at last overcoming both as did Edward the first in the dayes of Balliol wherefore they make a wrong account and much mistake the matter that thinke the liberty of this Kingdome hath been maintained more by the wants of our soyle want of will in our enemies or of leasure in the English then by the worth of our predecessours if wee weigh things rightly But the true way and mean by which our Countrey and liberty thereof have stood and by which they have relieved and vindicated it when it was thralled are these we have spoken of by which also they procured peace at all times and now also at this time For the same yeare in March Ambassadours came from Edward to treat of perpetuall peace which the next yeare was concluded by the Parliament of England held at Northhampton unto this Parliament for treating of Articles of peace King Robert sent Sir James with some Prelates where it was concluded on these conditions That the King of England should renounce all title and claime that he and his predecessours had ●…aid to the Crowne of Scotland and deliver unto them whatsoever Bonds Contracts Writs or Evidents they had for their pretended Title thereto And
should leave that Kingdome as free as it had been in the dayes and at the death of King Alexander the third from all bondage and servitude for time to come That the Scots should also resigne to the English all lands and possessions which sometimes they had in England or held of England in fealty as beneficiars thereof and that the Marches between the two Kingdomes should bee Cumberland and Northumberland unto Stone-moore That David sonne to King Robert should marry Jane King Edwards sister called by some Jane of the Tower and by the Scots Jane make peace in derision and that King Robert should pay to Edward three thousand marks sterling for the dammage done to his people in the late warres by Sir James and Randulph Earle of Murray The first of these articles was presently performed and the King of England delivered all the Writs and Evidents which hee had concerning his alledged superiority of Scotland and amongst them an Indenture which they called Ragman saith Hollinshed and certain Jewels won from the Kings of Scotland amongst which the blacke Crosiere or Rood was one This peace the same Authour calleth unprofitable and dishonourable done by evil and naughty counsell If it were dishonourable for England it was so much the more honourable for the Scots that gave the peace But the dishonour hee meaneth is the renunciation of his title to the Crowne of Scotland whereof he had fair claiming King Robert and the Scots had driven him out of his usurpation and vindicated their liberty by force of armes And as for his right and title in Law the world knowes what small account Scotland ever made of his pretensions having never been subject unto any but to their owne King Wherefore it was onely to take away all occasion of cavilling and the better to keep peace with their neighbours that they desired this surrender as they had done before with Balliol whose right notwithstanding carried a greater show of equity and reason and truly it is not so much to be wondered at that King Edward condescended to these Articles as it is that King Robert should have yeelded to them being more unprofitable for him then for the other and a man would think it very strange that he should part with Northumberland or give any moneys to recompense any dammage done in a just warre and that there should not rather money have been given unto him as a dowrie or portion with his daughter in law But the time answereth it hee was now of a good age and unmeet for travel and warres being wearied with battells and cloyed with victories and ceased by sicknesse he longed for peace to himself and to his posteritie but with what fidelity and how little it was kept by King Edward we shall heare hereafter No aliance nor bond of amity which ought but seldome doth tie Princes and great men could keep him from breaking of this peace The marriage was solemnized at Berwick with all the pompe that might bee after which King Robert lived not a full yeare A little before his death being at Cardrois which stands over against Dumbarton on the other side of the water of Levin whether hee had withdrawne himselfe by reason of his age and sicknesse to live a private and quiet life hee called his friends together and made his last Will and Testament in which having ordered all his other affaires hee called to minde a vow that he had made to go into Syria and there to fight against the common enemy of the Christian name but because his warres before and now his age and sicknesse would not suffer him to performe it in his owne person hee recommended the performing of it to Sir James Douglas requesting him earnestly to go and do it for him and withall to carry his heart to Hierusalem and there to bury it neare the holy Grave This was esteemed a great honour in those dayes both by Sir James himself and others and withall a cleare and honourable testimony of the Kings affection towards him and so he interpreted it Wherefore King Robert dying the 7. of July 1329. hee made himself ready and prepared all things for his voyage very diligently yet there were some of the most judicious in those times who tooke it to have a deeper reach and that however he did also respect Sir James and thinke him the fittest for this businesse his main designe was to prevent all dissention which might have risen between these two great Captains Douglas and Murray Randulph to obviate the which they thinke he devised to send Sir James out of the Countrey upon this honourable pretext But there bee Authours that say the King did not particularly designe Sir James by name but desired his Nobles to choose one of his most noble Captains in the Realme for that effect and that they after his decease laid it upon Sir James with one consent who most willingly accepted thereof as one who during King Roberts life had served the body wherein the heart had lodged But whether the King desired him by name or the Nobility did interpret the Kings meaning to be such under the title and description of the most noble Captain or that they themselves did deem him to be so as indeed he was most worthy so it was that the charge was committed unto him and he most gladly undertook it when his presence was very needfull for the Countrey For before he tooke journey their fell out a matter that occasioned great troubles afterwards by Edward Balliol One Lawrence Twine an English man borne and one of those who had obtained lands in Scotland for reward of his service in the warres a man well borne but of a vitious life This man after King Roberts death presuming of inpunite in respect of K. Davids youth loosed the reignes to his licentious lewdnesse and being often taken in adultery and admonished by the officiall of Glasgow when he would not abstain from his wickednesse he was excommunicated wherewith being i●…censed he tooke the officiall as he was riding to the towne of Aire and kept him prisoner till hee was forced to redeeme his liberty with a summe of money Sir James Douglas highly offended with this enormity caused seek him that he might be punished which Twine understanding and fearing that he should not long escape his hands if he stayed within the Countrey fled into France and addressing himself unto Edward Balliol he perswaded him to enterprise against the King of Scotland and recover that which he had so good right to and so faire an opportunity which Balliol did in Sir James his absence by his voyage or after his slaughter in his voyage And no question his absence was a strong inducement both to this Edward and to Edward of England to attempt the subduing of Scotland which he did thinke would prove 〈◊〉 by making Randulph away which he sought to have done by poyson Sir James being absent So that either the Kings
it in which Smith the accuser was slain The same booke also saith that in the yeare 1420. or 21. the Earle Douglas entered England and 〈◊〉 the towne of Aewels But here it will not be impertinent for us to step over to France and see what Buchan and Wigton are doing seeing that this imployment gave Wigton occasion to show himself there and did afterward also draw over his father the Earle Douglas thither and the order of time doth also leade us to speake of those things in this place We have told before how John Stuart Earle of Buchan who was second sonne to the former Governour and brother to Murdock present Governour of Scotland and Archbald Douglas Earl of Wigton whose sister Buchan had married were chosen to conduct the forces sent into France to aid the Daulphin against the King of England and Duke of Burgundie The chief Gentlemen of note and qualitie that went along with them were Robert Stuart another sonne of the Governour Alexander Lindsay brother to the Earle of Crawford and John Swinton Knights being arrived in France they were received of the Daulphin with great joy and made heartily welcom who gave them the Towne and Castle of Chastillion in Turrain for their rendezvous and place of retreat and resort being a fertile Countrey and abounding in all things necessary as also for that it lay neare unto the enemy for the Duke of Clarence King Henries brother and Lieutenant was about to have spoyled the Countrey of Angiers or as Hollinshed had spoyled it already and had retired into the towne of Beaufort in the Vallay and was ready to assault a towne called Vielle Bauge old Bauge some two dayes before Pasche The Scots expecting that as the manner then was he would have abstained from all feats of armes and have given himself to the devotion of the time or having as some others say taken and given assurance for eight dayes which is the space of time commonly bestowed upon that solemnitie were somewhat remisse and negligent in their discipline The Duke of Clarence having notice hereof by a Lombard called Andrew Fregosa as some say or by some Scottish prisoner intercepted as the Annals of France do beare who discovered to him the government of their army and the carriage of their Leaders and Captains was very glad of so good occasion as hee deemed it to take them at unawares and defeat them Wherefore he rose presently from dinner and taking with him onely the horsemen leaving the Archers under the conduct of the bastard of Clarence Sir Thomas Beauford whom he had lately Knighted at Angiers together with two Portugall Captains to assist him he made straight toward the enemy saying that he and the Nobles onely would have the honour of that day Hee went with great confidence to have surprized the enemy carrying a faire Coronet of Gold on his head and very magnificently apparrelled as if hee had beene riding in triumph There was a Village called little Bauge through which the Duke was to come where a few Frenchmen of the Daulphins side lay These being terrified with the sudden coming of the English got up into a steeple for safety and sanctuary there while they make a halt and assault the steeple the cry riseth and the noise of their approach was carried to the rest of the Army whe presently ran and took armes While they were arming themselves Buchan and Wigton sent 30. Archers to keep a certain bridge by which it behoved the enemy to passe over a brooke which ran in the way These went as they were commanded and as they were going Hugh Kennedie came out of a Church where he lay with an hundred men but unarmed or halfe armed by reason of the great haste and joyned with them while they defended and made good the bridge and kept off the horsemen with shot of arrowes the Duke with the principall of his company alighted from their horse and made such an onset upon them that they were forced to leave the bridge and passage open for the enemy Being past the bridge while the Duke mounteth again on horseback and the rest of his folks are passing after him Buchan and Wigton came upon him with two hundred horse and enter there into a sharp conflict on both sides both parties being most part Noble men who were desirous of glory and had a minde to give a proof of themselves with equal courage and hatred The Scots were glad to have occasion to show the French what they could doe and to confute their whisperings and surmises wherein they reproached them as fit onely to consume victuals and the English were moved with great indignation that they should bee thus perpetually troubled by the Scots not onely at home but also abrode beyond the sea in a forraine countrey And none among the English fought with a greater courage and resolution then the Duke himselfe but Sir John Swinton espying him being easily knowne by his Coronet shining with pretious stones and his glistering armor ran fiercely at him with a lance and wounded him in the face hee being hereby in a great fury put forward his horse to have charged the enemy but was encountred by the Earle of Buchan who ran him through with a speare and so slew him or as others felled him downe to the ground with a steell hammer The rest seeing him fall some fled and many were slain in their flight being pursued till the night came on This battell was fought on Pasch Eve in the yeare 1420. or as our Writers and the English 1421 There were slain of the English 200. Nobles and Gentlemen The Duke of Clarence The Earle of Tankervill The Lord Rosse Sir Gilbert Wimfravill whom they call Earle of Angus John Lumlay Sir Robert the Earle of Summerset and his brother whose sister James the first did marry afterward Suffolk and Perch the Lord Fitzwater Sir John Barcklay Sir Ralph Nevil Sir Henry Englishes Sir William Lanton Sir Thomas Boroughes were taken prisoners There were but few slain of the Scots and French and those meane and obscure men This is the most common report of the Duke of Clarence his death but the booke of Pustardan saith that he was slain by Alexander Macklellane a Knight in the Lennox who also having taken the Coronet from off his head sold it to John Stuart of Darnelay for 1000. angels This victory being obtained most part by the vallour of the Scots the Daulphin in recompense hereof made Buchan Constable of France and morgaged the Dukedome of Turraine to Wigton the revenue whereof at that time was vallued to 10000. crowns The reversion of this Dutchy he gave afterward to the Earle Douglas his father who was created absolute Duke of Turrain and Lord of Longu-vill and established the same to his heires male as shall be shewed hereafter The French Writers say also that he made Wigton Marshall of France The King of England upon the death of his
diligence order and exhortation all possible meanes used both humane and divine wisedome joyned with religion and prayer and what pious formes were then in use They digged trenches and ditches which they covered with greene turfe for the horsemen to fall into and did knit together and twist as it were a net of crosse ropes to entangle the footmen which stratagems being seconded with true courage resolution and valour of the common souldiers and Commanders together with the device of those that were set to keep the baggage the sculs and grooms who made showes and musters as if they had beene another armie of their owne head without the direction of any were the chiefe meanes of the victorie For the first was the overthrow of the men at armes and barbed horses and the second the bane of the middle battell of the English who seeing this trap laid for them fled presently and turned their backs But above all these the principall and prime cause was even the Lord of hosts who guided all these and gave successe unto them Let no mortall man ever think other of any his enterprises or that any man however wise provident or valorous can use his wisedome providence or valour or whatever other vertue he hath to any purpose or succesfully unlesse it be given him in the very instant of using it A lesson much inculcat but little learned often approved by experience but seldome marked or soone forgotten at least little appearing by our practice and which doth produce no other effect but a superficiall acknowledgement and slender confession thereof But to returne to our Douglas though the King himselfe did thus escape his service yet out of all doubt he hath beene imployed against his subjects seeing our Historians doe tell us that after this battell there were divers incursions made into England for which they never stirred but sate quiet for 2. or 3. yeares howbeit there are no particulars set downe In the yeare 1316. King Robert Bruce went into Ireland to support his brother Edward Bruce made King of Ireland and King Edward of England thinking this a fit opportunity for him to be revenged on the Scots did levie a great Armie and came to the borders of Scotland hoping to doe some notable exploit now in the Kings absence But many things faile that are intended and princes as well as others may be disappointed of their purposes and frustrate of their hopes It seemes he had forgotten or not well considered what a Lieutenant he had left behinde him and how good a second Sir James had alwayes beene to his master the King But howbeit he knew it not perhaps or would not take any notice of him yet King Robert knew it full well and put such trust and confidence in his well knowne worth and sufficiencie that he durst go abroad out of his owne Kingdome and hazzard himselfe and the flower of the youth in Ireland concrediting the Countrey unto his care and conduct leaving him Governour in his absence and entailing the Crowne unto him next unto Thomas Randulph by making him Protectour of the young King during his minority if he himselfe should happen to die in that voyage as the blacke booke of Scone doth witnesse And indeed Sir James did not deceive the Kings expectation and trust neither did King Edward finde him asleepe but watchfull and diligent in his charge as became a good Governour for he raised an Army to give him battell and put both him and his people to flight slew three notable Captains with his owne hand Sir Edward Lillow a Gascoine Captaine of Berwick others call him Callock and say that he was slaine at the rescue of a bootie which he had taken in the Merse and Tivedale which narration agreeth with the Bruces booke which calls him Edmond de Callock The second was Sir Robert Nevill and the third a Nobleman whom they doe not name onely they say that Sir James slew him with his owne hand but the Bruces booke calls him John de Richmond and sayes he slew him in Jedward Forrest in the midst of his Armie Sir James having very few with him not above fiftie horse and some Archers in a strait Cleugh or Valley betweene two hills which he had of purpose taken as a place of advantage and tying together the young birk trees by their boughs in the way by which the English were to passe the horsemen being entangled in the thickets he set upon them and defeated them From hence it is that some think the Earls of Douglas and Angus have stakes rice in their Coat of Armes yet such points of Heraldrie are hard to interpret and give a reason for them This was the second peece of service that he did to King Edward himselfe say some others but others say that the King was not there in person but sent a great Army commanded by divers Captains with whom Sir James fought in three severall battells at three sundry times and slew all their Chieftains with most part of their companies Others againe a●…irme that in every one of those battels he slew the Commander with his owne hand in sight of both Armies the which whatsoever way it was the victorie was notable and glorious And thus did he governe in the Kings absence He had beene a good subject before when the King was present now we see how well he governes when he is absent and at his returne laying downe his authoritie and returning to his former subjection he proves as good a companion and colleague unto Thomas Randulph then made Earle of Murray with whom the King did joyne him for the prosecuting of the warres It is seldome found that these vertues are so happily linked together in one person abilitie to governe and willingnesse to be subordinate and obey excellencie of parts and patient enduring of an equ●…ll and companion I have often observed and admired it in these two the ground whereof seemes chiefly to have beene in Sir James his love and modestie as we observe in his carriage towards this man at Bannockburne that in all their joynt-services being equall in authority and both commanding in chiefe we never heare of any question controversie or debate of any grudging or heart-burning betweene them but find them ever agree and concurre without any dissention or variance with one heart and minde as if they had beene one man in all businesse whatsover Their first association after the Kings returne out of Ireland was when they went and burnt Northallerton and Burrowbrigs and spoyled Rippon where they spared the Church onely they caused those that fled thither to pay 5000. marks sterling to be free They burnt also Scarborough towne and hearing that the people had fled into the woods with their goods and cattell they went and searched them out and brought away a great bootie Then returning home by Skipton in Craven they spoyled the Towne and after burnt it without resistance This was in the yeare
We have heard how desperately things went on the Brucian which was the onely right side hee that was lawfull King durst not bee named nor there was none that durst do so much as once offer to call him King but the little children in their play who still stiled him so whether by a naturall inclination to their rightfull Prince or by some spark of Divine inspiration joyned therewith who can tell or who knowes these things what motions will either remain of old or spread of new in the hearts of men where Gods work is to be done wise men keep silence and therefore the stones behoved to cry out and foolish simple babes beare witnesse that the Bruce was King for all the usurpers confidence and crueltie no doubt it was with great derision and contempt of the hearers but the event did justifie it that it had a secret mover No man saw the means how it could come to passe but means will not be wanting where a work is to be done This ought to be a heartning to good subjects in their lawfull Princes quarrell and for good men in all good causes not to despaire for want of means Let men do their best means will come from whence they least dream on Perhaps it will fall out so here in this case Out from among the midst of the enemies the first glimpse of deliverance doth arise There were that conspired against the Bruce to wrack him and the Countrey England and the Balliols faction in Scotland and those had overrunne all There comes a blink of favour and hope from Rome by the procuring of France The Pope sends to King Edward of England to desist from invading of Scotland but that evanished without effect pride had so farre prepossessed his heart that he thought himselfe sure to make a conquest of Scotland pleasing himself in his owne conceit and supposing Scotland neither durst nor could ever make head against him hereafter wherefore he will not do so much as give the Ambassadours leave to come into his sight A manifest contempt not so much of the people as of the voyce of equity and reason But he called it reason what he had ability to doe Stat pro ratione volu●…as is the voyce of Tyrannie and indeed a change being to come pride behoved to go before bùt the working of this is obscure and not perceived at first openly di●…ention amongst the conspirators doth arise upon a light occasion a gnats wing as the Proverb is but it growes to a Mountain Talbot an English man was appointed with Balliol as hath been said for to govern Scotland his co-adjutors for re-conquering of it were amongst other Scots Englized David Cummin Earle of Athole Henry of Beaumont John Mowbray an old favourer of that faction from the time of Edward the first of whom he had received diverse lands for ill service to his Countrey which Edward esteemed to bee good as indeed it was profitable to him This John Mowbray was dead and had left his lands to be divided between his two daughters and his brother Alexander or rather as a bone and a matter of debate amongst the whole faction for his daughters claiming it as heires of line his brother by heire-male as entail the Case was brought to judgement Henry of Beaumont had married one of the daughters he therefore was fracker froward that way as one that was interessed Talbot and Cummin swayed this way Edward Balliol enclined to the other party and gave sentence for Alexander the brother Hereupon dissention ariseth they grudge and murmure against the judgement they complain of it in their open discourse and speaches as unjust they withdrew themselves from Court as mal-contents Talbot goes into England perhaps to complain to the King and as he came thorow Lowthian hee is taken by some of King Bruces party who began to show their heads upon this occasion and carried to Dumbarton where hee died Beaumont put hand to work and without so much as acquainting the King withall takes Dungard a strong Castle in Buchan and the rest of the lands that were in plea hee ceaseth them and makes them his owne by the law of the strongest Cummin gets him into Athole and there fortifies himself against whosoever should assail him This terrifies Balliol so that he retreats his sentence and turnes his coat agreeth with those two granting unto Beaumont the lands which he had adjudged from him and giving Cummin diverse other good lands which belonged to Robert Stuart who shall reigne afterward to shew upon what ill ground that gift was founded But is he the better for this injustice for injustice it must be either first or last he is not so much the better as in likelihood he should have been for injustice is never profitable If hee gain one he losseth another hee winnes Cummin and Beaumont but he loseth Alexander Mowbray who thereupon joins himself to the other party And thus was this usurpers faction brangled then bound up again and after divided again by want of worth in Balliol their head But this is not all for it seems that Cummins mind hath not been so much soundly reconciled to Balliol as it hath been onely plaistered over which may appea●…e to bee probably collected out of the History which they say is thus Edward of England came with 50000. men into Scotland to what purpose so many was there warre None saith he nor rebellion greatly that appeared any where what doth hee then doth he fight with any man doth he fortifie Castles we heare no word of any such matter What hath been his intention then wherefore came he and with so huge an Army they tell not But let actions speake they will tell All agree in this that he tooke away Balliol into England there is one point Then hee hath been jealous of him and hath feared perhaps that he would not continue long his vassall as his Grandfather had proofe in Balliols father but what doth he more hee leaves Cummin to guide the 〈◊〉 in Scotland there is another point Hee makes him Viceroy in Scotland for Balliol and Balliol in effect prisoner in England Of which course Edward of England is the Authour let it bee so who will purge Cummin of having been a Counseller a suggester of information for his owne advancement he being a man that did ever hunt after preferment which he made the scope of his actions and compasse by which he ever sailed being also of an aspiring mind and of a fickle and various disposition and nature However it be this is another division in that society between the Edwards the usurping Kings And thus much of the estate of their faction Concerning the other partie that stuck to the lawfull King Robert Stuart that afterward was King had escaped Balliols ambush being but fifteen yeares of age and by the help of his friends was conveyed to the Castle of Dumbarton where hee was received by Malcolm Fleeming Captain thereof Now
of the souldiers and left the rest in the Ships to keepe the mouth of the river and he himselfe marched to Cowper in Fife to take it It had beene deserted by the Englishmen for want of vivers in the time of Murray the Governour and now againe it was seized by the Englized Scots for the use of the English Their Captaine at this time was one William Bullock an English Priest but a valiant man who was also Treasurer for them and the faction The Lord Liddesdale deales with him that seeing there was no hope of succour from England and that the Scots Garrison was not to be 〈◊〉 to he would forsake the English faction and enter into King Davids service promising to procure him lands in Scotland Bullock accepted his offer and having obtained his promised lands hee did much service afterward to the King and the Lord of Liddesdale Having by this meanes recovered Cowper he returned to the siege of Saint Johnstoun where as he was ever forward he was hurt in the leg with the shot of a Crosbow going to the Scalade Neverthelesse he departed not till the Towne was taken or given up by the Governour thereof Thomas Uthred The manner of the taking of it was this when the siege had lasted foure moneths and was like to have continued longer the Earle of Rosse by digging of Mines drew away the water and dried up the Fous●…es and Ditches so that the Souldiers going to the assault upon dry ground and approaching the walls without any let or difficultie beat the defenders from off the walls especially by shooting of darts and arrowes out of the Engines which they had caused make And so they rendred and departed with bag and baggage in the yeare 1340. Within foure dayes after Stirline was also besieged and rendred on the same conditions After the siege of Saint Johnstoun was ended the Lord Liddesdale rewarded the Frenchmen very liberally and sent them backe into France well contented He caused also restore to Hugh Hambell one of his best Ships which was taken by the enemie during the siege For Hambell having adventured to approach the Towne with his Ships to give an assault one of them was taken by the English and now was restored Thus K. Davids party did flourish by the faithfull valour of these his good and notable subjects and prevaile against the pretended K. Balliol who seeing such successe in K. Davids affaires durst show his face no longer but having lurked a while in Galloway by changing and shifting places for feare of being intercepted and wearying of that kinde of life he returnes into England now the second time after his conquest he did not possesse his Kingdome long and but with little ease or contentment what by the Scots chasing of him what by the King of England his good Master detaining of him little better then a captive A shadow of a kingdome or slaverie rather being miserable indeed yet sees he not his miserie but seeketh it againe and loseth it againe But let us returne to our Lord of Liddesdale who desists not here from doing of good service to his King and Countrey Edinburgh Castle is yet in the possession of the English it was too strong to force wisedome must supply which was not lacking in him no more then valour a good harmonie and happy conjunction which were ever to be wished There was one Walter Towers of whom are descended the Towers of Innerleith a man of his acquaintance and a follower of him had by chance a Ship laden with victuall in the Firth of T●…y beside Dundie Liddesdale causeth him to bring about his Ship to Forth where as he was instructed feigning himselfe to be an English Merchant and sending some flagons of very fine wine to the Captaine of the Castle he prayed him to take him into his protection and that he would give such order as the rest of his victuall might be free from all danger and perill of his souldiers and of the enemie promising that if the Garrision in the Castle had need of any thing he should command any thing that was in his power so ●…arre as it could reach The Captaine desired him to send some hogsheads of the same wine and some bisket bread and promised him accesse when he pleased he further warned him that he should come timely in the morning for feare of the Scots that did make frequent onsets and incursions in those parts The Lord of Liddesdale being advertised hereof chooseth out 12. of his best men and the same night goeth out to Walter Towers ship and he and his men having borrowed the Mariners apparell did put it on above their Armour and so went to the Castle carrying the wine and victuall with them he had before placed the rest of his men as neare as he could that they might be in readinesse upon a signe given them to come to the Castle to his aid Liddisdale himselfe with Simeon Fraser and William Bullock say our Writers but his name was Sir John Bullock went a little before and the rest followed a certaine space after When they were let in within the Bulwarke perceiving the keyes of the Castle hanging upon the Porters arme they slew him and without noise opened the gate and presently gave the signall by winding of a horne This sound gave warning both to his friends and enemies that the Castle was taken Both made haste the one to defend the other to pursue but the Scots having a steep hill to ascend behoved to come forward the more slowly for that cause lest their Lord should be excluded from his men they cast down the carriage in the gate to keep it open and having fought a sharp fight at last they that were within gave place the Captaine with six more were taken the rest were all slaine And having thus wonne the Castle he made his brother William Douglas say they but should call him Archbald Keeper and Captain thereof This same yeare or the next 1342. the 30. of March Alexander Ramsay tooke Roxburgh in Tividale and sone after John Randulph was set at liberty in exchange for John Montague taken in France saith Major and tooke in his owne Castle of Lochma-bene in Annandale So that by the industrie and efforts of these three Wairdens the Lord Liddesdale in the middle March Alexander Ramsay in the East and John Randulph in the West the English were wholy expelled out of Scotland beyond the Borders which fell out in the time of Edward the third neither did the English men possesse one foote of Scottish ground excepting the towne of Berwick Such good service did these Noblemen with the other good Nobilitie in the minoritie and absence of their Prince from his Countrey against the great force of England and a great part of their owne Countrey of Scotland being unfaithfull Subjects unnaturall Scottishmen And this these Nobles did even for the love they bore to King Robert this Davids
Galloway as hath been said and gave it to his second sonne this Archbald Thus much I thought good to advertise the Reader in this place for the better distinguishing of them Of William Lord of Niddisdale sonne naturall to this foresaid Archbald Lord of Galloway commonly called The black DOUGLAS THis William Lord of Niddisdale sonne naturall to Archbald Lord of Galloway is if any else worthy who should be 〈◊〉 of by himselfe being highly commended by Writers who say that he was the prime and principall of the youth of Scotland that he was a man accomplished with all abilities of body and minde straight and tall of stature not overcharged with flesh but big of bone a mighty personage valiant courteous amiable merrie faithfull and pleasant in company and converse of such extraordinary strength that whomsoever he strooke with Sword or Mace he fell to the ground were he never so well armed he was also wise and sober At one time having but 800. in his company he fought against 3000. English of which he slew 200. and tooke 500. prisoners This is he that is commonly called The blacke Douglas because he was of a blacke and swart complexion His first vassallage of note was at the inroad made by Robert Earle of Fise and James Earl Douglas when they burnt Cumberland Westmoreland and Northumberland In this expedition he is said to have gained great reputation for beside many other exploits not expressed he with other two only made great havocke of the enemies at the burning of the Suburbs of Carlile who offered to hinder him from passing t●…e bridge by slaying some and turning over others into the river Some say that he slew with his owne hands three of the most valiant of the English of which one was a chiefe Commander afterwards when the same Towne was besieged the enemies having made a sally whilest he repulsed them and followed too eagerly he was engaged too farre in the midst of his enemies and taken prisoner As he was led along toward the Towne by foure men having beene before disarmed and his weapons taken from him he strooke two of them to the ground with his fists and the other two betaking themselves to flight he returned safe to his company Hereupon his name was terrible to the English especially the common sort who did ordinarily affright and skare their children when they would not be quiet by saying The blacke Douglas comes the blacke Douglas will get thee These his vertues moved Robert the second to favour him so farre as to bestow his daughter on him though he knew him to be a bastard The Ladies name was Giles or Egidia and she was a mirrour of rare and singular beautie so that whithersoever she went she drew the eyes of all men towards her with admiration The chiefe noble youths of the land did sute her in marriage but the King preferred our William of Niddisdale for his worth before them all 〈◊〉 writeth that the King of France having heard of the ●…ame of her beautie sent a painter into Scotland privately who having drawne her portraiture truly and shewed it to the King he was so enamoured thereof that incontinent he dispatched Embassadours to desire her in marriage but all too late for she was married before their coming to Niddisdale The King gave him and his heires to be begotten by him with his daughter the Lordship of Niddisdale lying nearest unto Galloway with the Office of Warden of that Border and Sheriffeship of Dumfrees with the Office of Justice and Chamberlaine with a pension of three hundred pound sterling by yeare out of the great Customes of certaine Burrowes designed to that effect He had by this Lady a daughter who was married to Henry Sinclaire Earle of Orkney who bare to him a sonne called William afterward Earle of Orkney This daughter of his married to Orkney was named Giles after her mother as appeareth by a note that is extant of the descent of the Sinclairs Her husband is called Henry Sinclaire and his titles are Knight of the Cockle of the Garter and Prince of Orkney This note calleth William Douglas Lord of Niddisdale Prince of Danskine Duke of Spruce Sir William Sinclaire sonne to Henry and Giles is called Knight of the Golden Fleece and of the Cockle Prince of Orkney Duke of Holdenburgh Earle of Cathnes Lord Sinclaire Lord of Niddisdale with the valleyes of Neth Sheriffe of Dumfrees Great Admirall of Scotland Warden of the Marches Great Justice Generall Baron of Erkfoord Caverton Cowsland Rosseline Pentland Harbarshire Disart Newbrough in Buchan Titles to wearie a Spaniard which I have s●…t downe to recreate the Reader either by seeing his greatnesse or to laugh at the vanitie of the Writer and yet he hath forgotten one of his titles which is Chancellour of Scotland as Buchanan calls him and a confirmation given him by King James the second in the yeare 1456. April 29. wherein he calls him his Chancellour and Cousin This confirmation is of the Earledome of Cathnes united into one Baronie and his lands of Orkney in compensation of his claime and title to the Lordship of Niddisdale Offices and Pensions whatsoever that were given to William Douglas his Grandfather by his Mother by contract of marriage with Giles Stuart daughter to K. Robert by his wife Elizabeth Moore as is at length therein contained About the time of the field at Otterburne because some Irishmen that adhered to England had roaved upon the coasts of Galloway and carried away store of booty and spoile the Lord of Niddisdale to be revenged thereof gathered together a competent number of men by the aid of his brother-in-law Robert Earle of Fife and by licence from the King providing himselfe of Ships and vessels passed the seas into Ireland and besieged Carlinfoord a rich Towne in those parts The Townesmen fearing their Towne should be taken by assault obtained a truce for certaine dayes promising to give him a summe of money to have their Towne saved But in the meane time they assembled some 500. men through the help of a neighbour Towne called Dundalke and joyning with them they divided themselves into two squadrons or companies the one of which invaded Robert Stuart of Disdier who conducted the Earle of Fifes men and was gone abroad to bring in some prey the other assailed the Lord of Niddisdale who lay still before the Towne Notwithstanding of this unexpected sally they were received with such courage and valour that at last they were put to flight and immediately Niddisdale gave an hard assault to the Towne and carried it having taken and rifled it sufficiently he set it on fire and burnt it to ashes Others write that at his first landing the Citizens hearing it was the Lord Niddisdale whose name was so fearfully spread over all those quarters not only rendred the Town to him but also received him with great triumph as if he had been their King or Prince and
required seeing the whole Kingdome hath interest in the matching of their Princes and Kings children There he handled the busines so that the contract with Marches daughter was declared void and null and his owne daughter Marjorie Douglas was contracted to the said Prince David by consent of the Parliament having offered a greater portion with her then the Earle March had done with his daughter He obtained for her joynture all the rents and revenewes which belonged to the King on the south side of Forth The way he tooke to bring this to passe was by the means of the Kings brother Robert Earle of Fife now made Duke of Albany and Governour of the Countrey under the King as he had been in their fathers time who did also then even govern both King and Kingdome and every thing as he listed and Douglas and he were inward and deare friends as his brother James slain at Otterburn and he had ever been now whether the Earle Douglas had that respect indeed to have matters of such importance to the Kingdome done by common advice of the Nobility chiefly or if his chiefend were his owne particular because of the old emulation betwixt the Earles of March and Douglas to hinder the growth of that house by this great advantage of aliance or if hee had an eye to both or to any thing else I leave it to be judged of others The marriage was solemnized in the Church of Bothwel the yeare 1400. with greater haste then good speed or any comfort to either party that we heare of For neither came this David ever to bee King which was the thing that was expected that thereby the house of Douglas might have been greatned Neither did this aliance of Prince David with the Earle of Douglas stand him in any stead in that hee was most miserably handled by his Uncle the Governour who aspired himself to the Crowne which makes me to wonder why hee did not rather hinder this marriage of his Nephew with the Earle Douglas then thus further it seeing in all likely hood it might have been a great let and strong hinderance to those his ambitious designes But so are the secrets of things hid from us that wee cannot finde out the causes and reasons of them by no means being not observed or not mentioned by the Writers of those times hovvever this marriage bred great contention and enmity betvveen the Earles of March and Douglas though neare kinsemen and did also disturb the peace and quietnesse of the Kingdome for March before the marriage was solemnized did not stick to goe to the King and upbraid him with breach of promise which he said was neither just nor Princely craving also 〈◊〉 and roughly the restitution of his mony which he had advanced for his daughters portion The King having not answered him according to his mind hee spared not to threaten that he should be avenged on that rufle and disgrace that he had put upon him and his daughter And so retiring from Court he fortefies his Castle of Dumbarre and gives it in keeping to his Nephew Robert Metellan he himselfe having received leave of King Henry went into England whereupon the Castle of Dumbarre was summoned in the Kings name by an Herauld of Armes and was surrendered by the Captain thereof Robert Metellan into the hands of the Earle Douglas The Earle of March returned into Scotland but being excluded out of his Castle at Dumbarre went back again into England taking his Lady and children along with him together with the nearest of his kinsmen and his chief friends accompanying him There he joyned with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 called hote spurre a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the house of 〈◊〉 and trusting to the favour and good will borne him by these who dwelt on the East Border or March of Scotland most of which were his vastalls and dependers many of them his kinsmen and all of them 〈◊〉 to him by some relation or obligation he troubled the Merse chiefly and the Earle Douglas lands with frequent incursions and inroades The King hereupon caused proclaime him rebell and yet notwithstanding sent to him a Herauld of Armes with profer of pardon and restitution upon condition that hee would returne and live peaceablely at home and that he should receive all such satissaction for any wrong he could justly complain of as he desired But when hee 〈◊〉 to embrace this offer the Herauld passed on to King Henrie and complained of the Earle of March craving that hee might bee delivered according to the Articles of the tr●…ce But hee was answered by the King that hee had given him his word and could not breake it In the mean time P●…rcie and the Earle of March being emboldned with divers successefull attempts upon the 〈◊〉 adventured with 2000. men to come into Lowthian where they wasted the Countrey near unto Hadington assaulted the Castle of Hales twice but in vain burnt the townes of Hales Trapren Markill and other adjacent villages And while they encamped at Linton upon Tine hearing of the Earle Douglasses approach who had raised sufficient forces and was marching towards them and was come as farre as Penkrake they arose and fled in great haste leaving behind them all their booty together with their owne luggage and carriage The manuscript and black booke of Scone say clearly that the Earle Douglas followed them so quickly that he overtooke them or they got to Berwick and killed divers having wrested an ensigne out of the hands of Sir Thomas Colbouth which he brought into Scotland with him Boetius relates it not much otherwise Other Histories make no mention hereof but onely say that the Earle returned to Edinburgh with great congratulation and joy of all men He died not long after of a burning fever the same yeare 1400 in the beginning of February very unseasonably for his Countrey which was destitute of able Commanders in warre having lost divers others of good note not long before He was buried in Bothwell with his La●…ie He was a man nothing inferiour to any of his Predecessours or Successours of his house and name in any kind of vertue and in speciall of true and reall kindnesse to his friends and followers as appe●…reth by a letter of his to the Earle of March in favour of the Laird of Ridpeth a Gentleman in Lammer moore who was his follower and was wronged by the Earle of March in the possession of some lands but more in Marches refusall to right him he assembleth his forces and dispossesseth the Earle of Marches sonne and reponed Ridpeth in his right and maintained him therein ever after which his successours doe enjoy at this day As for his valour and conduct in warre hee is termed the best Captain of his time and that in his person the splendour and glory of warrefare both stood and fell Others say that hee left behinde him an honourable memory of high Prowesse and noble valour shewed in many enterprises by
Hollinshed writeth that in respect of his Noble parentage and valour he was tenderly cherished by King Henry and frankly and freely demit●…ed without ransome and such indeed is the custome of generous minds to honour vertue even in the enemy It is generally agreed upon by all that he was highly honoured and esteemed so that the King or some of his Nobles caused draw his picture which is still to be seen in the privie Gallery at White Hall But touching his delivery some say that when he had stayed in England certain moneths he was with difficulty set at liberty after he had payed a great summe of money Others write that he was detained eight or nine yeares at least but that seems to be too much for this battell called Shrewesbury field was in the yeare 1403. in the fourth yeare of King Henry on Saint Magdalins day and Douglas was set free at the death or not long after of K. Robert the third of Scotland in the yeare 1406. When the Earle hard word of his death he made shift to agree for his ransome and so returned with all speed into Scotland It is said that George Earle of March did him very good Offices in England and was a chief mean and instrument of his delivery being reconciled to him during his imprisonment wherefore the ●…arle Douglas at his 〈◊〉 procured liberty for the Earle of March to come home into Scotland and to be received a free Liege again but upon condition that he should suffer the Castles of Lochmaban and Dumbarre to remaine with the Earle Douglas and his heires notwithstanding of any agreement made between them to the contrary in England And so in the yeare 1411 he was restored by the Governour a●…ter hee had remained fifteen yeares in England or thereby having done great hurt to his Countrey and much good service to the Kings of England but for all the service hee did hee could neither move the King to restore him and repossesse him again in his owne neither obtain competent means and allowance for his estate and quality A notable example for Subjects to learne hereby not to forsake their naturall King and native Countrey in hope to be supported or ayded by forrain Princes farre lesse thus to hurt and endammage their owne Countrey for the pleasure and advantage of strangers The black book of Scone ascribeth the restitution of the Earle of March to Walter Halyburton sonne in law to the Governour Gener Gubernatoris by marrying his daughter Isabell a widdow and Countesse of Rosse for which he got from March a fourty pound land in Birgeam and that the Earle Douglas got back Lochmaban and the Lordship of Annandale however it bee a yeare or two after the Earle Douglas was returned the Earle March was restored whereunto Hollinshed al●…o seemeth to agree for in another place after the death of King Robert which hee setteth in the yeare 1408. forgetting what hee had said before that the King dimitted Douglas frankly and freely hee writeth thus Archbald Earle of Douglas as yet remaining captive in England after hee had knowledge of King Roberts death to wit five yeare after this at least by his owne account made shift to agree ●…or his ransome and so being set at liberty returned with all speed now at length into Stotland Wherein he contradicts himself and casteth downe all that liberality and mag●…nimity of his King in dismissing the Douglas freely and with so much the more blemish as in saying it was done he acknowledged it should have been done as it had indeed been most honourable and Princely and might perhaps have gained the heart of that worthy Nobleman But we find but ●…ew actions in that kind of full beneficence practised towards the Scots and it seems that his great worth hath extorted their admiration and some Offices of courtesie common humanity such as were the preservation of his life and curing of his wounds but the old grudge of Nationall quarrell remaining still in vigour did choake the fruit of true Princely dealing and kept ●…t that it came not to that full maturitie of beneficence which the party deserved and was suteable fot such a King Wherefore let him content himself with this honour that his valour was acknowledged abundantly and himself by the confession of King Henries owne Heraulds accounted one of t●…e chief Chivaliers and Champions in Albion and let him thanke his own prowesse more then their kindnesse for this testimony Wee will also adde a witnesse of these in our times on●… of their owne Poets Samuell Daniell who speaking of King Henries son who releeved his father in the battell of Shrewesbury from the Earle Douglas he writeth thus Lib. 3. Stanza 113. Hadst thou not here lent present speedie aid To thy endangered father neerely tired From fierce encountring Douglas overlaid That day had there his troubled life expired Heroicall couragious Blunt arrayed In habit like as was the King attired And deem'd for him excus'd the fault of his For he had what his Lord did hardly misse Taking Blunt for one of those that were apparelled like the King whereas others account him to have been the Kings Standard-bearer But in the warres between York and Lancaster it is more amply set downe in this sort Lib. 4. Stanza 49. Yet here had he not speedy succour lent To his endangered Father neare opprest That day had seen the full accomplishment Of all his travels and his finall rest For Mars-like Douglas all his forces bent T' encounter and to graple with the best As if disdaining any other thing To doe that day but to subdue a King Stanza 50. And there with fiery courage he assailes Three all as Kings adorn'd in Royall wise And each successive after other quails Stil wondring whence so many Kings should rise And doubting least his hands or eye sight fails With these confounded on the fourth he flies And him unhorses too whom had he sped He then all Kings in him had vanquished Stanza 51. For Henry had divided as it were The person of himself into foure parts To be lesse knowne and yet known every where The more to animate his peoples hearts Who cheared by his presence would not spare To execute their best and worthiest parts By which two speciall things effected are His safetie and his Subjects better care And in the 54. Stanza speaking of Hotspurre But he as Douglas with his fury led Rushing into the thickest woods of speares And brooks of swords still laying at the head Then a little after in the 56. upon the killing of Hotspurre Which thus mispent thy Army presently As if it could not stand when thou wert down Disperst in rout betakes them all to flee And Douglas faint with wounds and overthrowne Was taken Who yet wanne the enemy Which tooke him by his noble vertue showne In that dayes mighty worke and was preserved With all the grace and honour he deserved And that was all to be preserved and
respected but not easily nor soon dismissed for besides what hath been said of this point there is an Indenture yet extant which contains the agreement betwixt King Henry and him That whereas the said Earle was lawfull prisoner to him or to his sonne John of Lancaster he should have free libertie to returne to his own Countrey of Scotland upon his giving of twelve Noble Hostages for his reentry into the Castle of Durham being then in the custody of the said John of Lancaster The Hostages were 1. Archbald Douglas his owne eldest son and heire 2. James his brother 3. James son and heire to James Lord Dalkeith 4. Sir John Mongomery Lord of Adderson 5. Sir John Seiton sonne and heire to the Lord Seiton 6. Sir William Douglas of Drumlainrig 7. Sir William Sinclair of Hermiston 8. Sir Simon 〈◊〉 sonne and heire to Sir Adam of Glendining 9. Sir John Harris Lord of Terregles 10. Sir Harbert Maxwell 11. Sir William Hay 12. Sir William Borthwick The Condition beares that upon the Earles reentry of his person into the wards of the said John of Lancaster the said Hostages were to bee set free to repair with safe conduct into their own Countreyes and that within fourty dayes after the Earles re-entry or after his death And that the Prince Thomas and his said brother John and the Earle of Westmoorland should be obliged by expresse commandment from the King to secure the said Hostages during the time of their abode and residence in England And if the Earle should fail of his re-entry again that the said Hostages should be at the Kings disposing And in case the said Earle should die his eldest sonne and heire was to abide prisoner with the King in his sons keeping and the rest of the Hostages were to be set free immediately And further it was conditioned that the Earle should do his uttermost to keep the truce that had been reated of between the King his Counsell and the said Earle and that he should cause it to be ratified and confirmed by both the Realms of Scotland and England for sixteen yeares and in c●…se he could not obtain that that then the said Earle for himself and his Countreyes betweene the East and West seas inhabited by any of his men and vassals should keepe truce with England from Pasch next till Pasch thereafter These conditions were drawn up by the Kings Councell in forme of an Indenture whereof each had a counterpane signed sealed and delivered reciprocally by the said parties at London the fourteenth of March 1407. During the time of his captivity in England the Duke of Rothsay was famished to death by his Uncle the Governour who being accused thereof by the King his brother made such a slender purgation that the King fearing he would doe the like to his other sonne James sent him by sea to France where he might remain in safety while he were come to years But being driven in by storme of weather into the coasts of England he was detained as a prisoner by the King and State Hereupon followed the death of the desolate father and the continuance of the Governour in his Office And now Douglas being come home in the yeare 1411. hee kept good correspondencie with the Earle of March ever after for there had alwayes beene friendship betwixt the two Houses of March and Douglas untill the match with the Duke of Rothsay did separate them and now that being away and digested and March having furthered Douglasses delivery out of captivitie and Douglas procured or helped to procure Marches peace and restitution they joyned ever thereafter in all common affaires Some write that those two did burne the towne of Roxbrough but it seems to bee mistaken for that was done ere they came home by William Douglas of Drumlanrig and Gawin third sonne to the Earle of March After their return there is no mention of any exploit of warre between Scotland and England for the space of tenne yeares whether it were that there hath been any truce or that Henry the fourth dying his sonne Henry the fifth was so taken up with the warre with France that he had no leasure to looke toward Scotland or that the Governour durst not attempt any thing against him for feare hee should send home the rightfull heire to the Crowne of Scotland whom he had in his power and custody and who he doubted not would finde favour enough in Scotland both for his right and out of commiseration of his estate and condition So there was nothing done except some slight and private inrodes such as when the Earle Douglas burnt Penmoore a towne in England at which the Earle March is also said to have been in the yeare 1414. In the yeare 1420. The Governour died and his sonne Murdock was made Governour in his place having been relieved a little before by enterchange of a sonne of the Earle of Northumberland He was a man of a dull and heavy spirit and of no authority not so much as to governe his owne family which made him to be little regarded about this time the civil warre in France grew hot between Charles the sixth King of France Philip Duke of Burgundie and Henry the fifth of England on the one part and the Daulphin of France on the other for Philip of Burgundie had perswaded the King of France to dis-inherrit his sonne the Daulphin and to give the Crowne with his daughter to Henrie of England So that the Daulphin afterwards King Charles the seaventh was redacted to that extremity that his enemies called him in derision King of Bourg because his residence for the most part was in Bourg in Berrie Wherefore he being thus abandoned by his own Countrey men and destitute of all forraign help sent this yeare the Earle of Vandosme Ambassadour into Scotland to crave aid according to the ancient League and made great promises to all the Scots that would assist him in this quarrell It was willingly granted by the whole State and seaven thousand men agreed upon as a competent number for that service which was soone made up of Volunteers the youth of Scotland being now greatly multiplied by long peace with England Their Generalls were John Earle of Buchan and Archbald Earle of Wigton the one sonne the other sonne in law to Archbald Earle of Douglas Whilest they were busied in France the Earle Douglas was not idle at home for the black booke of Scone beareth that hee went with an army to besiege the Castle of Roxbrough and with the Governour Murdock against Berwick but they returned both without effecting any thing by reason of the treachery of some Scots wherefore this was named the foule roade We reade of Douglas also how hee was judge to a duell in Bothwell-haugh between John Hardy and Thomas Smith this Smith had accused the other of treason which Hardy denying and the other not being able to prove it by witnesses the comb●…t was appointed for triall of
new and mean in regard of him as then but growing under the Kings favour And so it is indeed the Prince honoureth his worthy Nobles by his favours to them and they grace adorn and decore and give a lustre and splendour to him and his Court by their presence and attendance thereat And it is wisedome so to esteem and so to use them and happy are they on both sides and happy is the Countrey where they thus agree and concurre This was he in the yeare 1430. in October released out of prison and this solemnity being ended hee past into France and was installed in his Dutchie of Turrain whether he went thither for that onely or if hee used that fairest colour of his absence that he might not see the government which hee disliked and in which hee had no employment I leave it yet his going thither gave others occasion to grow great and to be employed especially the house of Angus which was at last the overthrow of his house So as the honour and profit they had in France may have been said to have beene their wrack in Scotland what by the envie of their greatnesse what by their absence from home as hath beene said So uncertain are the affaires of the world neither is there extant any mention of his actions in France though at that time from 1430. till 1437. the warres were very hot there King Henry the sixth of England being brought over in person and crowned in Paris It is attributed to the Earle Douglas that he moved the King of France to require King James his daughter Margaret in marriage to his sonne asterward Lewis the eleventh and that he met her when she landed at Rochel and was present at her marriage He remaineth there untill the yeare 1437. in which the 21. of February King James was slaine at the Black friers in Saint Johnstoun by Patrick Grahame and Robert Stuart at the instigation of Walter Stuart Earle of Athole the Kings fathers brother by the Earle of Rosses daughter who pretended to be the rightfull heire to the Crowne and that he was wronged and defrauded by the sonne of Elizabeth Moore who was onely a Concubine as he alledged This posterity of Elizabeth Moore he had craftily caused to destroy one another the Governour Robert to destroy David Duke of Rothsay and now King James Davids brother to destroy the house of the Governour D. 〈◊〉 and his children And thus causing the King to spoile and weaken himselfe by cutting off his friends none being left alive but the King and his onely sonne a childe of six yeares he was emboldened to put hands in the King also so much the rather because he knew that many of the Nobility were discontented what with being imprisoned what with being endamaged in their goods lands and rents what with putting to death o●… their friends So that he hoped that they would be wel contented with the Kings death at least they would not take great care or paines to be revenged therof which things if the Earl Douglas foresaw and being grieved therewith admonished the King thereof or caused any other to warne him that these courses were not for his good this event sheweth he did the part of a faithfull Subject Friend and Counsellour However it was not so well taken by the King at that time as being contrary to his humour and present disposition He did wisely also to withdraw himselfe seeing he could not help things as he would have gladly done Now that the King was dead he returns home and was present as some think at the Coronation of his sonne James the second who was crowned at Edinburgh the tenth of March 1437. not a moneth or no more then a moneth after the death of his father where it is to be observed that either the death of the King is not rightly said to be in the yeare 1437. in February in stead of 1436. or else they reckon the yeare from the first of January which was not the custome then And yet Buchanan meanes so for he layes he was slaine in the beginning of the yeare 1437. in February which makes me think the Earle Douglas hath not come in time to the Coronation seeing he could hardly have used such diligence to have had notice of the Kings death made himselfe readie and come home out of France in so short a space though the winde had favoured him never so much However through his absence his adverse partie and faction had gotten such possession of guiding State affaires in the late Kings time and had so handled the matter that he was no whit regarded nor was there any account made of him He was not admitted to the managing of any businesse of the Common-wealth or any publick place or Office therein Creighton and Levingston the one made Protectour or Governour the other Chancellour did all according to their pleasure Our Writers say that the reason hereof was because the Nobility envied the greatnesse of Douglas which was suspected and too much even for Kings How pertinently either they write so or the Parliament thought so I referre it to be judged by the indifferent He was farre from the Crowne to which he never pretended title his predecessours had quit all pretension title claime or interest thereto in the time of K. Robert the second he that did claime it and gave over and all his posterity after him had ever behaved themselves modestly they had submitted themselves to all government even to be ruled by them who were but Governours onely and not Kings Robert and Murdock as obediently in every thing as any of the meanest of the Nobility and had never given occasion of any suspition to any man nor taken upon them any thing beyond or above the rest unlesse it were they tooke greater paines in defence of the libertie of the Countrey in which they spent their lives under their Kings And this same man in the late Kings time had behaved himselfe most humbly going to prison once or twice and obeying his Soveraign in all things without the least show of discontentednesse farre lesse of opposition So that whatever hard opinion either the King had taken of him or any man had put into the Kings head hath beene without his deserving who if he had beene that way disposed how easily might he have troubled the Governour and the whole Countrey But suppose they did suspect and were jealous of his greatnesse though without a cause what moved them to neglect and passe by the rest of the ancient Nobilitie was there none of them fit for those places where was the Earle of March a valiant man and of an ancient stocke Where was the Earle of Angus the Earle of Cassils and divers others They will say that Creighton and Levingston were wise men But were they the onely wise men were there no more wise men in the Countrey Then if they were wise were they good also were they just were they
a few of those It is hard to beleeve this upon any mans word chiefly such a one as lived not in those times nor was an eyewitnesse as we say of things who by such speeches would have us to conceive more then he could or by any could be expressed in words But what one man could only gather out of Histories we might also ●…ve gathered by the same Historie if he had named his Authors or showne the way of his collecting of it from thence But there being no footsteps of such enormities in the Histories which we have that can lead us to this I know not if we be bound so to reverence any mans person as to receive it absolutely That which followes is of the same kinde wherein the evils of those times are amplified That it fell out well for Scotland that England had their owne civill warres in those dayes otherwise Scotland had sunke under the burden For first their civill warres from this time which was from 1444. untill 1448. were not great and but secret grudgings onely The commotion of Blue-beard was not untill 1449. and in Kent by John Cade in 1450. Then the forraine warres with England might have moved the discord at home as they have done often and men fit for warlike employment and given to arms should have had matter to exercise themselvs upon the common enemie who in time of peace for want of such employment as they are inclined to are the cause of much evill at home Last of all we finde the contrarie by experience for notwithstanding of these dissentions and disorders yet they obtained a notable victorie of the English by the same Douglasses who are accounted so disorderly in time of peace but have ever proved in the eyes of all men honourable and dutifull in warre their enemies not being able to detract from their manifest and evident worth The occasion of this victorie fell out thus Wee heard how after the burning of Anwicke by James Douglas younger brother to the Earle a Truce was taken for seven yeares notwithstanding of which in this yeare as would seeme or in the next at farthest the English without any regard of the Truce made inroades upon Scotland spoyled forrowed and burnt the Villages farre and wide where they went which the Scots would not suffer to passe unrevenged Wherefore to cry quit with them they entred England and returned unto them as much hurt as they had received and the storme fell chiefly upon Cumberland from whence the beginning of the troubles had arisen which was by this incursion almost redacted to a wildernesse When newes hereof were brought to London they gave order for levying of an Army of 40000. men as some write intending to bring Scotland under their subjection which they thought would not be hard to doe in respect the Countrey had beene so lately wasted and impoverished as also ●…or that they knew their divisions at home Therefore having made a levie of the best and choice souldiers the Earle of Northumberland is made Generall and there was joyned with him a certaine man called Magnus onely a Gentleman borne who had given good proofe of his valour many times in France where he had beene brought up and trained in the warres from his youth This man bearing great hatred to the Scots and being too confident of his owne sufficiency is said to have obtained of the King of England for the reward of his service whatever lands he could winne from them for himselfe and his heires in perpetuall inheritance He was remarkable by his long and red Beard and was therefore called by the English Magnus Red-beard and by the Scots in derision Magnus with the red Maine as though his beard had beene an horse Maine because of the length and thicknesse thereof The Manuscript calleth him Magnus with the red hand taking the word Maine for the French word which signifieth an hand but the attentive Reader may perceive the errour and how it was a word meerely Scottish and used by the Scots in derision The King of Scots hearing of this preparation in England caused also levie an Army wherein he made the Earle of Ormond George or rather Hugh Douglas Generall who immediately went into Annandale through which the English Army was to come Both sides being thus prepared the English having passed the Rivers of Solway and Annand pitch their Camp upon the brinke of the water of Sarke The Scots marched towards them and they hearing of their approach made themselves ready so that being come within sight one of another they ranged their men in order of battell In the right wing of the English Army was this Magnus with the red Maine In the left Sir John Pennington with the Welsh men The middle battle was led by the Earle of Northumberland himselfe On the Scots side was the Earle of Ormond in the middle battell over against Northumberland and William Wallace of Craiggie opposed Magnus and against Sir John Pennington was placed the Knight of Carlaverocke called Maxwell and Johnston of Johnston with many inland Gentlemen saith the Manuscript because they had no great confidence in their owne Annandale men who were more set upon spoile then victorie Ormond exhorted the Armie in few words telling them That they had great reason to hope for the victorie because they had taken armes being provoked thereto and that it could not be but that so just a cause should have a happy event Onely behave your selves valiantly abate the pride of the enemy with a notable defeat and so you shall reape a long lasting fruit of a short travell When the English Archers did annoy the Scots with their arrowes from afarre William Wallace cried out with a loud voice so as he was heard by his followers Why should we stand still thus to be wounded afarre off Follow me sayes he and let us joyne in hand stroakes where true valour is to be seene and so marching forward and the rest following his example they made so fierce an onset that they quite overthrew the right wing thereof Magnus perceiving that being more mindfull of his honour acquired in time past then of the present danger resolved either to restore the battell or lose his life with credit pressed forward against Craiggie Wallace to have encountred him and ere he could come at him he was encompassed about by the Scottishmen and slaine his death put the English in such a feare for they had great confidence in his valour and conduct that they without any further resistance turned their backs and fled in great disorder The Scots pursued so fiercely and eagerly that there was more of the enemies slaine in the chase than in the battell chiefly upon the brinke of the River of Solway where the tide being come in the river was not passable and such as adventured to take it were drowned There were slaine in this battell 3000. English and amongst those their great Magnus and the Scots deadly enemie who
7. That this Indenture should be showne to the Pope and ratified by him And so it was sealed and subscribed with a Henry as long as the whole sheet of Parchment the worst shapen letters and the worst put together that I ever saw And as I beleeve it hath a particular Letter of confirmation of the Pope in the hands of the Earle of Angus It is thought that when William Earle of Douglas went secretly into England that his errand was to this or some such purpose to have made a proffer of his service to King Henry on these or the like conditions For even then the seeds of civill discord were sowne and began to bud forth But either because things were not as yet come to any ripenesse or for that the Earle of Douglas was fallen into disgrace with his Prince nothing was done Now about the year 1460. in the minoritie of King James the third King Henry came into Scotland and did thus transact with the Earle of Angus A rare thing and whereof the like example is hard to be found in any subject except it be the Earle of Douglas concerning the Dutchie of Turaine with the King of France which is not unlike in many things Howsoever this shews how little inferiour the house of Angus hath been to the house of Douglas in credit and authority at home and abroad This Indenture took no effect it being now too late and King Henries estate brought to so low an ebbe that both his friends and his fortune having forsaken and turned their backs upon him his aide could not suffice against the whole power of England to make head against King Edward and to stoppe the current of his victories Notwithstanding Angus gave him a taste of what he could have done for him and shewed him in a notable exploite how available his service would have been if his case had not been desparate and past recovery Which though it were not rewarded with a Dutchie yet doth it not want nor ever shall want the due reward of high praise and honour as one of the hardiest and greatest interprises that hath been atcheived by any subject The Queen King Henries wife had obtained of her friends in France a few souldiers 300. of which were in the Castle of Anwick with Monsieur Brissac their commander King Edward following his victories and that he might prevent or suppresse any commotion that might arise in the North parts or out of Scotland was come to Durhame with a great Army He himself remaining in the Town sent abroad his Commanders to take in all such Castles as stood good for King Henry Amongst others he sent the Earle of Warwick to besiege Anwick with 20000. men He had another Army lying about Bambrough not far off from this and a third besieging another Town King Henry and more especially his Queen being very solicitous for the French men dealt with the Earle of Angus very instantly to have them relieved He promised to do his best and performed no lesse than he promised He assembled to the number of 10000. horse amongst whom there were 500. empty horses or moe for commonly the best appointed have ever two horses for service upon which he might mount the French-men and bring them away So he marches toward Anwick and when he came within a little space of the Castle he ranged his men in order of battell in the sight of the English Army making show as if he would have invaded them or at least that he meant to bide them battell if they should offer to set upon him or hinder him in his purposed businesse In the meane time he sent those 500. spare horse conducted by some choice troups to a posterne of the Castle to receive the French and so brought them away Some of the the English esteeming it a great affront to suffer them to be carried away in such sort from under their noses advised the Earle of Warwick to stay them But he was resolute in the contrary and told them that he had no commission to fight And sayes he who knowes what more aide these may have near hand in the parke or some other place And suppose they have not these are certainly all choice men able enough to sustaine our charge They cannot take the Castle with them into Scotland let them take the men I shall get the Castle which is all that my commission bears And so he lets them go who returned into Scotland with the French men an acceptable present chiefly to the Queen of England This was a fair assay and preamble of his ensuing services which being prevented by King Henries destinie and his death were smothered in the cradle and his Dutchie engrossed in parchment to have lien betwixt Trent and Humber is confined to a narrower precinct within the compasse of a Coffer Notwithstanding of this greatnesse and power to make him yet stronger and more puissant on the borders he did excambe his Lands in the Maines and Clarberon with Robert Grahame of old Monrosse and got for them the Lands of Eskedale upon the border He contracted his sonne Archbald and his heir apparant to Catherine daughter to Alexander Earle of Huntly or to any other of his daughters which the said George should choose The portion 2000. markes the termes of payment 10. years 100. markes every terme That if Archbald should die his brother whom the Indenture doth not name should marrie one of the said Earle of Huntlies daughters That the Earle of Angus should give his sonne 100. mark Land in Angus That Archbald after he be seven years old shall be given to the Earle of Huntly and the Earle of Huntlies daughter to the Earle of Angus The Indenture is dated at Saint Andrews 1461. the last of September This marriage took no effect what ever were the cause thereof Either before or after this there fell out a dissention amongst the Estates about the choosing of a governour and protectour for the young King James the third In which he and his brother Bishop Kennedie with the greatest part of the Nobilitie opposed themselves to the Queen who pretended to be Tutrix and had now usurped that place a year while as the Nobilitie being busied in the Warres had no leasure to look into these things The Queene and such as followed her remained in the Castle and the other party in the Abbey of Halyroodhouse A Convention being appointed the Queene and her faction came to the Parliament house and declared her Tutrix So soon as this was known the Earle of Angus and James Kennedie came up to the market place where the said Bishop declares that their intention was nothing else but to maintain their old law and the ancient practice of the Countrey which was that in such cases the Nobilitie should choose one whom they thought most fit to undergo that charge of governing which was for the good both of the King and Countrey whereas they of the other party
favour of the Earle of Angus Other things remarkeable we have none untill about the time of the Field of Flowden which makes it seem to be probable which some allege that all this time he was confined in Arane The pretended cause as they say was secret intelligence with King Henry of England but the true cause they say was his taking Jean Kennedie daughter to the Earle of Cassils out of Galloway to whom the King bare affection and to whom the Earle gave infeftement and seizing of the Lands of Bothwel although he never married her As touching the pretended cause it hath no appearance at all seeing there was alwayes peace and friendship betwixt us and both the Henries the 7. and 8. untill the warre was denounced or a very short time before And concerning that of Jeane Kennedie we have a note of an Indenture betwixt Angus Chancellour and the Lord Kennedie but they have neglected to set down about what it hath been in the year 1496. So that we are uncertain what to think of it And contrary to this we finde that the Lands of Bothwel were not in the Earles hands but in his sonne Georges who got them from the Lord Bothwel in exchange for the Lordship of Liddisdale which for that cause he resigned into the Kings hands in favor of the Earle Bothwel in the year 1492. so that the Earle could not give her the Lands that belonged to his sonne Further our Histories tels us that when James Earle of Aran who was sent with the Navy which the King had prepared for a present to Queene Anne of France had turned in upon Ireland and having burnt Knockfergus was come to Air a Sea-port in Coile the King offended with his folly gave the charge of the Ships to Angus for prosecuting of the voyage But Aran having heard of it hoysed saile and was gone before Angus could come to the place where the Ships lay Now although it should seem by this that the King continued his favour toward him yet there are some apparant reasons to move us to think that it hath been somewhat diminished For Alexander Lord Hume was made Warden of all the three marches and that before Flowdon of which the east and middle march at least had continued under the government of the Earles of Angus for the space of three or foure generations descending from father to sonne by succession from Earle William in the persons of James and George to this present Archbald Other mention or monument of him we have none till the Warres betwixt King James the 4. and King Henry the 8. of England It is reported by some that the Queene and he did what they could to disswade the King from that Warre but when he could not prevaile with him he followed him into England There the King having wasted Northumberland and taken Norham with some few other Castles got a view of the wife of one Heron of the Foord and did so fancie her that he neglected the prosecuting of the warre and care of his Army and did nothing but dallie with her Whilest the Army lay there idle the English sent a Herauld to the King desiring that he would appoint a day for battell But the greatest part of the Nobility did dislike it And the Earle of Angus though he saw all this and many moe errours yet he held his peace all this while whereas the rest of the Nobilitie reasoned with the King but in vain For the King told them flatly he would fight them though they were a hundreth thousand more and that he would retire Then and not till then the Earle of Angus hearing his answer and knowing the danger of such resolution being the Chief man amongst them both for years and authoritie he went about to set before the King the reasons of the counsell given him hoping by that meane to break him of his determination in these words Sir said he your Majestie hath done abundantly to satisfie your friendship with the King of France in that ye have made the King of England withdraw the greater part of his Army out of France and have turned the danger of the War from him without endangering your self For they cannot keep the fields long in a Countrey that is so cold and wasted especially now when the Winter is so near Neither need your Majestie to wonder that the French Ambassadour is so instant with us to fight he being a stranger it is no strange thing to see him prodigall of other mens bloud who doth not regard the good of the parties but the benefite that will thereby redound to France Besides his request is altogether impudent and shamelesse For he requires us to do that which his master a man of great understanding thinks not fit to do for his own Kingdom Neither should the losse of this Army seem small because our number is few for all that are of worth excell either in wisedome or valour in Scotland are here and these being slain the vulgar will become a prey to the enemy Therefore as it is safest for the present to prolong the Warre so is it most profitable in generall For if Lewis would have either thè English exhausted with charges or wearied with delay what is more convenient then to compell him to divide his Forces by keeping one half thereof continually in readinesse against us who lye in wait to invade his Countrey upon every occasion so to ease the French of so much of their burden As for your honour and reputation which men pretend what can be more honourable than having razed so many Forts and Castles wasted and spoyled their Countrey with fire and sword to returne laden with such store of spoyle that they shall not be able to recover their losses nor their soile redeem the former beautie in many years though there should happen to be peace What greater commoditie can we expect to reap of the Warre than in such a tumultuous noise of Armes to have leisure to refresh our souldiers with ease and quietnesse to our credit and to our enemies shame Of all the victories that are acquired that which is obtained more by counsell than force of Armes is most properly the victory of man and the praise of it doth onely redound to the Commander and Generall for in it the Armie can claim no part or interest When the Earle had ended his speech all that were present shewed by their countenance that they did approve and assent unto his counsell But the King who had solemnely sworn to give battell heard him unwillingly and answered angerly bidding him if he were afraid go home Then Angus seeing the King obstinate and fore-seeing in his minde what would be the event of such headinesse burst forth in teares and after a while having gathered his spirits again when he was able to speak If my former life said he doth not free me from the imputation of fearfulnesse I know not by what other
to the Black-Nesse for whom his mother Dame Alison Douglas coming often to entreat the King for him though he alwayes used her courteously and gave her good countenance and that almost onely to her of all their friends so that his language was by way of excusing without deniall yet she could obtain nothing till a little before his death about the rode of Fawla when hee began to misse their service then he set him at libertie His implacabilitie did also appear in his carriage toward Archbald of Kilspindie whom he when he was a childe loved singularly well for his ability of body and was wont to call him his Gray Steell Archbald being banished into England could not well comport with the humour of that Nation which he thought to be too proud and that they had too high a conceit of themselves joyned with a contempt and despising of all others Wherefore being wearied of that life and remembring the Kings favour of old toward him he determined to trie the Kings mercifulnesse and clemency So he comes into Scotland and taking occasion of the Kings hunting in the Park at Stirlin he casts himself to be in his way as he was comming home to the Castle So soon as the King saw him afar off ere he came near he ghessed it was he and said to one of his Courtiers yonder is my Gray Steell Archbald of Kilspindie if he be alive The other answered that it could not be he and that he durst not come into the Kings presence The King approaching he fell upon his knees and craved pardon and promised from thence forward to abstain from all meddling in publick affairs and to lead a quiet and a private life The King went by without giving him any answer and trotted a good round pace up the hill Kilspindie followed and though he wore on him a Secret or shirt of Maile for his particular enemies was as soon at the Castle gate as the King There he sat him down upon a stone without and entreated some of the Kings servants for a cup of drink being wearie and thirstie but they fearing the Kings displeasure durst give him none When the K. was sat at his dinner he asked what he had done what he had said and whither he was gone It was told him that he had desired a cup of drink and had gotten none The King reproved them very sharply for their discourtesie and told them that if he had not taken an oath that no Douglas should ever serve him he would have received him into his service for he had seen him sometime a man of great abilitie Then he sent him word to go to Leith and expect his farther pleasure Then some kinsman of David Falconer the Cannonier that was slain at Tantallon began to quarell with Archbald about the matter wherewith the King shewed himself not well pleased when he heard of it Then he commanded him to go to France for a certain space till he heard farther from him And so he did and died shortly after This gave occasion to the King of England Henry the 8. to blame his Nephew alledging the old saying That a Kings face should give grace For this Archbald whatsoever were Anguses or Sir George his fault had not been principall actor of any thing nor no counsellour or stirrer up but onely a follower of his friends and that no wayes cruelly disposed He caused also execute Sir James Hamilton of Evendale for divers reasons but that which incensed him most was his correspondencie and secret trafficking and meeting with the banished Douglasses especially with Sir George whom he met with in the Park-head as the King was informed There was no man that he could hear had but received them into his house but he caused apprehend and execute the rigour of the law upon them He caused the Laird of Blackader bring in John Nisbet of the Spittell and made him to be executed to death for receiving as was alledged at least the Earle of Angus into his house These many executions proceeding from many reports and delations given to him bred great suspition in his minde all the woods seemed full of theeves Many were put to death for the Douglasses this was a token that they had many favourers many were offended by these executions and so many ill-willers by being offended So his suspition against the Nobilitie was daily increased his jealousie growes cares multiply his minde is disturbed which would not suffer him to sleep sound but troubled his head with dreames and fansies In the mean time the Warres began with England by mutuall incursions on the Borders The King sent George Gordon Earle of Huntley to the Border to represse the English But they seeing his Forces so small came forward to have burnt Jedburgh The Lord Hume hearing of their intention went and lay in their way The Earle of Angus had been sent down to the Border by the K. of England to wait for occasion to do something against Scotland and was now with these English here Hee disswaded them from fighting and told them that the Lord Hume would not flee nor his men leave him and that they would all die at his feet But they would needs fight and were overthrowne The Earle of Angus himself was almost taken for he was caught about the neck and rid himself again with his dagger and so escaped There were some slaine more taken all scattered and chased The King was so glad hereof that he gave the lands of the Hirsell to Sir Andrew Ker of Little-dean for bringing the first newes hereof but he that was the chief actor the Lord Hume got nothing This was at Halden rig Then was the rode of Fawla where the Nobilitie did flatly refuse to fight and suffered the English to retire and escape without battell or skirmish The King being there in person was so enraged hereat that he burst forth into open railing against them calling them cowards and beasts that were not worthy of their places or Predecessours and withall told them that he should bring home those that durst and would fight meaning the Earle of Angus and his friends Then followed on the neck of this the defeat at Solemne-Mosse where Oliver Sinclar being deserted by the Nobility was 〈◊〉 to flie and so lost the day and many were taken prisoners many also yeelded themselves to the English The King who was not farre off when he heard of it was wonderfully commoved having his minde distracted with indignation anger grief and sorrow now thinking how to be avenged on them that had dealt thus traiterously with him then of new preparation for the Warres how it should be managed For which he saw now there was but one way left which was to bring home the Earle of Angus upon what ever terms seeing at last what a subject he had thrust from him and repenting him said he should bring him home that would take order with them also But
their own slain of the enemie besides Sir Ralph Ivers and Brien Laton 200. or as others say 800. amongst whom there were divers Gentlemen of good note and qualitie There were taken prisoners 1000. or as others 2000. with all their baggage which had been left at Melrosse of which there were 80. of good birth and qualitie It was no little furtherance to the victory the advantage which the Scots had of the Sunne going down and so beating full in the eyes of the enemy as also of the Winde that blew the smoak of the Powder on their faces likewise so that they were blinded two wayes They had also marched so fast to overtake the Scots that they were quite out of breath almost ere they came to strokes and when they came to them at the first joyning the Scots that were on their side fled without fighting It is said that the Earle of Angus was so resolute and void of feare that when they were going to joyn battell he perceiving a Heron flie over their heads cryed out aloud `` O that I had my white Gose-hawke here we should all yoke at once The honour of the victorie was wholly given to him and the profit came to the Governour But the more honour that Angus got at home of his own countrey-men the more hatred he had of the Enemy the English King Henry blamed him saying he was ungratefull and vowed to be avenged of him for it As if any gratitude could binde a man to betray his Countrey or any benefite tie him to omit his duty toward it Angus had never learned such gratitude of his Predecessours nor could his noble heart stoop to such mercenarinesse And as for his threatnings he looked upon them with the same courage and resolution Is our brother-in-law offended sayes he that I am a good Scottish man Because I have revenged the defacing of the tombes of my Ancestors at Melrosse upon Ralph Ivers They were better men than he and I ought to have done no lesse And will he take my life for that Little knows King Henry the skirts of Kirnetable I can keep my self there from all his English hoste The newes of this victory being come to France the King sent Monsieur de L'orge Earle of Montgomerie into Scotland with 3000. foot and 500. horse to assist against England He gave him also commission to bestow the order of the Cockle or S. Michael on the Governour Angus Huntley and Argyle which he did accordingly De L'orge arrived about the fourth or fifth of July 1545. and moved the Governour to assemble some power of men about 15000. which were mustered at Hadington From thence they went to the Borders and encamped over against Warke an English Castle upon Tweed But they did nothing to any purpose Hereupon the Count Montgomerie returnes into France the rest of that year and the next following with a good part of the year 1547 there was nothing done abroad or at home save that the Cardinall was busied in causing execute such as were of the reformed Religion whereupon followed his own tragicall death and the French Galleyes coming besieged S. Andrewes Castle and carried away the authors of the Cardinals slaughter into France The Earle of Angus hath had no hand in all these broyles for he is never mentioned in any of them Only his naturall son George is said to have gotten the Abbacie of Arbrothe But then if he got it he might have been called Abbot and not Postulat or Postulant which implies that he was ever asking it but got it not In the same year 1547. in August King Henry of England dying his son Edward a childe of some eight or nine years of age succeeded and his Uncle the Earle of Hereford was created Duke of Sommerset and made Protectour of England He levied two Armies to come against Scotland one by sea another by land in which he came himself in person and with him the Earle of Warwick It contained 18000. men He pretended for the cause of his coming the performance of the marriage betwixt the King his Nephew and the young Queen of Scots together with the observation of the Articles agreed upon with the Scottish Nobilitie in the Treatie of Peace with King Henry The Governour was mightily perplexed herewith He had no forraigne aide and he distrusted his Countreymen at home Notwithstanding he causeth it to be proclaimed that they should assemble themselves to resiste the common enemie They had their randezvous at Edinburgh and there came thither to the number of 30000. men From thence they march to Musclebrugh which is seated at the mouth of the river of Eske in Lowthian some foure miles from Edinburgh The English lay at Preston within two miles and their Fleet sailed along the Coast still in the view of the Land army ready to second or succour it The Protector looking down from Carberrie Hill and perceiving the Scottish Army to be greater than he had expected in regard of the civill discord and dissention that was amongst them called a Councell of Warre to advise about the Battell and in the mean time he sends a Letter to the Governour to try if things could be taken away without blood The summe of the Letter was that he was come to crave the performance of the marriage and the observance of the conditions agreed unto by the Scots If they would not yeeld to that yet if they would but promise not to enter into terms of marriage with any other forrain Prince nor carry her out of the Countrey till she were come to years of discretion to choose her own husband they should return in peace and make satisfaction for any dammage their Army had done This was very reasonable but it should have been treated of before they came from home and rather by Ambassadours than in the field and camp It hath never been the cause of their coming with an Army but rather hope that no head could have been made against them in respect of the dissention for Religion and other divisions which perswaded them to come Now the sight of an Army which was a sufficient party for them had taught them wisedome and moderation in their conditions If the Governour could also have moderated his hope of victorie which arose from his confidence in the number of his men the bargaine had been agreed on and the businesse had ended without blood But his councell of Warre his base brother the Bishop of S. Andrews George Durie Abbot of Dumfermling Archbald Beton and Hugh Rigge puffed him up with idle hope of a sure victory So the Letter is supprest and preparation made for battell The Armies were thus ordered The English were divided into three battels Whereof Warwick led the Vaunt-guard together with Sir Francis Brien who commanded 800. light horsemen which were in the wings The Protectour himself commanded in the mid battell having with him Sir Peter Mewtas with 600. Musketiers and Jamboas a Spaniard
by a Witch in the Highland to whom he had sent to enquire of his death and she had told that he should die at Corraighie But whether the messenger or he himself mis-took the word he understood it of Creigh a place which was in his way to Aberdene and which riding thither he alwayes did shunne by reason of this Sooth-sayers speech or if at any time he did adventure to go by it he was sure to be well accompanied and to have the fields cleared and curried before But this event discovered his mistaking It was also told him by some of the same profession that the same day on which he was taken he should be in Aberdene maugre those that would not so neither should one drop of his bloud be spilt This seemed to promise him a successefull journey but the ambiguitie thereof was cleared by his death for he was indeed that night in Aberdene being carried thither upon a paire of creels or panniers and that against the will of all his friends who would not have had him brought thither in such a guise Neither did he lose any bloud but was choak'd for want of breath Such are commonly the answers of such spirits ambiguous and of no use to the receivers yet mens curiositie is so prevalent that posterity wil take no warning of former examples Murray being glad of this so-unlooked-for-victory sent to the Ministers of Aberdene to be ready against his coming to go to the Churches and give God thanks for that dayes successe which they did very solemnely and no question heartily as men are wont to do while the memory of a great delivery is yet fresh in their mindes The next day John Gordon the Earles son was execute and his brother Adam was pardoned in regard of his youth George the eldest brother fled to his father-in-law Duke Hamilton and afterward being arraigned condemned of high treason he was sent prisoner to the Castle of Dumbar Who doth not see through this whole journey but especially in this catastrophe an over-ruling power and providence doth either willingly shut his eyes or else hath his understanding blinded by partiality or prejudice Five severall times at Bawhan at Straboggie at Inner-Nesse at Aberdene and last of all at Corraighie did Huntley attempt to cut off these men who were many degrees weaker and five times is hee disappointed And that neither by their wisedome or strength but by him who confounds the wisedome of the wise and who delivers without the help of the arme of flesh Neither were they delivered onely but their enemies were also taken in the trap and fell into the pit which they had digged for them Let men observe it and let them learne not to confide in their own never so seeming wisely grounded projects lest they be thus disappointed as Huntley was This fell out in the year 1562. After this they returned with the Queen to Edinburgh where we will leave them in rest and so in silence a year or two In the year 1564. Matthew Stuart Earle of Lennox returned into Scotland after 22. years exile and was restored to his estate in a Parliament Not long after his sonne Henry Lord Darnely having obtained leave of the Queen of England for three moneths came to do his duty to the Queen as his Princesse and Kinswoman Hee being a proper and handsome young man and her Cousin Germane by his mother Lady Margaret Douglas the Queen began to think him a fit husband for her and ere long did propound the matter to the Nobilitie craving their consent and approbation thereto They were divided in their opinions Hamilton and Murray were against the match fearing alteration in Religion he being a Romane Catholique as the Queen also was Besides they thought it not fit to conclude any thing without the Queen of Englands consent Morton was for it and thought it great reason that shee should have her libertie in her choyce of a husband He liked also the party being his near Kinsman the Lady Margaret Douglas and he being brothers children Wherefore having endeavoured to draw those that stood against it to be of his opinion when he could not prevaile he professed openly he would do what lay in him to set it forward and speaking to the Duke and Murray It will be long sayes he ere you two agree on a husband for her if she marry not till you do I fear me she marry not these seven years and so he left them The rest bound themselves to withstand it Her Uncles of Guise did also oppose it intending to bestow her on some forraine Prince so to strengthen themselves by some great alliance The Queen of England did not so much dislike it as she desired to have some hand and stroke in it Notwithstanding all this opposition the marriage was consummate the 27. of July 1565. about some six moneths after he came into Scotland Whatsoever the motives were that induced the parties thus to hasten it so it pleased God in his wisedome and providence to dispose of things that by joyning of these two this happy conjunction of the two Kingdomes which we now see and enjoy should spring from them without all controversie or question The eldest daughter of King Henry the seventh of England Margaret had but two children James the fifth by King James the fourth and Margaret Douglas born at Harbottle by Archbald Earle of Angus her second husband James the fifth left behinde him but one childe Mary sole heire to the Crowne of Scotland Lady Margaret Douglas being brought up with her Uncle Henry the eight was married to Matthew Stuart Earle of Lennox who being banished and living in England had by her Henr●… Lord Darnely and Charles father to Arabella So that by this marriage of Queen Mary to Henry Lord Darnely the whole right that was in Queen Margaret to the Crowne of England failing the heires of King Henry the eight was combined and united in the persons of these two and their off spring What eye is so blinde as not to see evidently the hand of the Almighty in this match In taking away her former husband the King of France in bringing her back again into Scotland in sending Lennox into England there to marrie Lady Margaret Douglas in bringing him and his sonne Henry home again after 22. years absence and in moving Queen Mary to set her affection on him I make no question but this consideration of strengthening the title to England hath been amongst the motives that drew on this match though we finde none or very slender mention thereof in our writers The next day after the marriage they were proclaimed with sound of Trumpet at the Market-Crosse of Edinburgh by a Herauld Henry and Mary King and Queen of Scotland This was ill taken both of the Nobility and Commons A King made by Proclamation The voice of a Herauld to be in stead of a Parliament King Francis her former husband had not
go before all than follow any This one thing give me leave to remember concerning the King Hee is the most apparent instrument that is in Europe and so in the world of whom wee can expect greatest good and comfort to the Church of GOD as being the onely King that hath been bred in the purity and sincerity of Religigion and therefore of great expectation and because of this expectation greatly favoured and beloved of all true Professours of Religion every where He is of a great spirit ingine wit judgement and learning Great pity therefore it were that such an one should be lost either through corruption creeping into his own minde or by the poysonable suggestions of others You doe therefore exceeding well to cherish him calmly and to entreat him gently and deale with him in an humble and submisse manner which is the way to tame and gaine even wilde-beasts that are without reason farre more is it like to prevaile with reasonable men and most of all with Princes who in respect of the height of their place are not to be violently thralled or enforced which were the way to spoyle them as they write of Alexanders horse Bucephalus whom Philips riders could not manage or over-master by force of bit or bridle but Alexander by stroking and making much of him made him manageable And if ever you intend any worthy or great enterprise in this Countrey or in Europe behold the mean use it wisely and the LORD of Heaven give successe But this I hope may be suggested to your consideration that you would weigh with your selves and see whether or not this obsequiousnesse so to term it be the onely mean to be used toward him smoothing all and allowing all never mentioning the abuses that have been and yet are in this Countrey or if it be not fit also to remonstrate freely though reverently what hath been or perhaps yet is amisse in Religion and the common-wealth in some such forme as is set down here in the end of this Letter And whether it bee fit or tolerable for the gaining of him to a right course that such men as have no good meaning have his eare and bee his most intimate and ●…nward Councellours Now I feare mee greatly that the meane by which they have perverted all and which may be still used to pervert all and whereby they have gained most upon his tender age is the eye he hath to our neighbour Kingdome of England upon which his minde is greatly set and to which no question he hath the right of succession yet hath he need of assistance to obtaine the possession thereof And they perswade him as hee may also thinke of himselfe that this cannot be done without helpe from the Papists in England France Spaine Italie and from Rome it selfe and that the way to make them to be for him is to put them in hope of him by perhaps a present toleration countenancing cherishing and advancing of their Religion And this he may thinke cannot stand with the puritie of Discipline and Government of our Church which may make him the more averse and hardly affected toward it and thinke it fit to curbe it and so the more to encline to Episcopacie by which as he shall more please the Statesmen of England so shall he be able the more to restraine our Preachers and their freedome of speech and the more freely deale and trafficke with Papists and so make use of all sorts of people because he may thinke all sorts necessary for his ends whereas indeed none of these are of great consequence For Papists that are without the Countrey as France or Spaine will never in their hearts wish him to be King of England France for his nearnesse to them will not desire that he be so great in respect of hi●… claime to their owne Countrey and because so the league with Scotland will fall and they shall want the assistance of the Scots against that title Spaine pretends a title themselves which the Papists in England will rather set forward then hinder Such Papists as are within the Island are of small force and almost of none yet in Scotland and not so many in England as to counterpoise the Protestants Bishops there stand by the State not the State by them men of meane birth no great riches lesse following attendance or friendship easie to be framed to what course he pleaseth their life-time being reserved or without condition Those that seek Reformation are the strength of that Countrey and certainly the wisest in it of greatest power by the peoples favour and credit in Parliament and every where Your Lordship hath seene the lettter directed to you all from some of them containing their judgement not to be contemned gaine these gaine that Countrey This as it is the truth would be imprinted in his minde by such persons and meanes as are fit and others removed who perswade him otherwise and his Majestie made to know that by blending and mingling of Religions or by professing or seeming to favour and incline to a contrary Religion hee cannot attaine to that Kingdome That hee is happy in this that the professing and advancing of the true Religion is most profitable for his honour and prosperous estate in the world and the best meane to preserve his owne and to attaine another Kingdome Neither doth hee stand in need of any bastard or spurious policie or farre sought profane or wicked course a plaine and sincere uprightnesse in maintaining justice pietie and religion in this his present Kingdome will serve his turne and the more seriously fully and exactly that he observe and follow this way it will increase his credit and reputation so much the more there and facilitate his designes And this is that which will most throughly joyne him to your Lordship as the opinion of the contrarie is the most effectuall meane that ever they can use to dis-joyne him from you From the same ground it arises to be considered whether it be fit to suffer his Majestie and the Ministerie to bee at such variance they finding fault with him and he committing and confining them and if it be not to be feared that it beget in him a loathing of them and in them and the Countrey a wearinesse of him And whether therefore it were not better to interpose your credit to informe him freely and truly then thus to looke through your fingers as wee speake and behold things and onely now and then procure some little reliefe to them which forme of dealing rather fosters the rancour then remedies it seeing the King gets not the thanks of it himselfe Certainely if I were a Politician an ill affected Statesman and had a desire to make way for another intrant I would take this course to incense him and irritate him against the Ministerie that hee might commit them or at least feed and foster his disposition herein that so hee might bee brought to loathe them and to
beyond Spey THou who but lately didst endure the smart Of roughest stormes and with a Pilots art Hast scap'd the many dangers of the seas O Angus now in place of wished ease New troubles come I know not by what fate Keep your great spirit firme in every state Shake off sad thoughts and let your looks appear Chearfull without the darkning clouds of fear Deep cares expell let not impatience haste Those ills which of themselves approach too fast Poor worthlesse soules are prest below the weight Of light afflictions to a noble height In crosse affaires doe thou thy courage raise By this thou maist obtaine deserved praise He merits honour and may justly be Esteem'd a man whom no adversitie Dejects nor prosperous successe swels with pride But by a constant temper doth abide Still like himselfe and with an equall minde Both fortunes beares Let every boistrous winde And threatning wave oppose his labouring oare He steeres his course and seekes the wished shoare Slighting the angry waters chiding noise Let these like hard examples prompt your choice Learne to meet ills till you with all compare For fortitude admir'd Ulysses bare Worse harmes then yours a stranger poore alone Uncloath'd an Exile wandring and unknowne Aeneas and Antenor suffered long Ere Rome was built or Venice but I wrong Our owne to dwell on strangers since there be More store at home marke the whole Progenie Of Douglasses your fathers how they are Fam'd for their gallant acts in peace and warre Each worthy was the glory of his time None without vertue can to honour climbe Looke on all ages you shall hardly see One rais'd by fortune but through miserie Who live at ease and least disturbance feele Soone beare the mock'ry of her rowling wheele How many traines hath peace What discords warre What troubles exile Yet no pleasures are O 〈◊〉 but after toile nor have we rest Till 〈◊〉 and difficulties are past So thou when this is past hereafter may Injoy at home a calme and pleasing day And to your dear friends chearfully relate The sad effects of Fortunes sullen hate Sad now but pleasant to remember when Your prentisage hath brought a noble gaine This is the way would you a great name win Then tread the steps your Grandsires travell'd in Where Vertue Fortune where your God doth call Follow my thoughts deceive me or you shall Excell those Worthies who alreadie are Or will be famous so the starres prepare Your youth Faire vertue never dwells alone Hard labour is her neare companion Un-easie taskes she loves and joyes to beat The roughest wayes and triumph over fate Be bold and onward take your mounting flight Till you have reacht a true Olympian height Be bold I say and let no furious winde Though earth and hell should mix shake your brave minde Onely with God whom you must still adore You may be instant and his aid implore Let him direct your course and he will be Your Pilot through the waves of misery Steering your barke by every Rocke and Shelfe Each strait and wheeling Poole His sacred Selfe Will guide the Oare first to a place of rest On earth then after death thou shalt be bl●…st ●…aults escaped in some copies IN the Preface page 6. line 18. for Long Willie reade Longe-ville p. 11. l. 2. for unum r. unam l. 15. for 〈◊〉 r Duglasiis In the Booke p. 14. l. 21. for wanted r. was p. 25. l. 11. supply sonne p. 34. l. 36. supply lessened p. 43 l. 1. sup long p. 52. l. 43. for in furious r. injurious p. 64. l. 1. for people r. pope p. 70. 72. 74. 76. 78. in the titles for Galloway r. Liddesdale p. 76. l. 17. for rather brother r. father-brother p. 80. l. 13. for Douglas r. Angus p. 85. l. 8. sup Prince p. 102. l. 37. for words r. wounds p 107. l. 42. for making r. marrying p. 131. l. 38 sup not p. 145. l. 7. for thing r. though p. 148. l. 30. r. therefore ●…ow on p. 154. l. 34. for extracted r. execrated p. 168. l. 31. for life r. Fife p. 171. l. 44. r. the prisoners goods were exchanged p. 177. l. 18. for moved r. composed p. 179. l. 34. for new r. shew p. 233. l. 30. sup not p. 244. l. 〈◊〉 sup not p. 277. l. 3. sup honos p. 278. l. 10. for mother r. brother p. 335. l. 32. sup out of FINIS Their Antiquitie and Originall 2 Of their Nobility 1. Of Vertue 2. Of Degrees 3. Of Offices and imployment 4. Of bloud 5. Of Fame 3. Greatnesse 4. Their 〈◊〉 lour Liv. lib. 7. d●… lacu Curtio Livius B●…et lib. 10. pag. 195. Holl. p. 164. Scot. Chr●… Anno 787. 1316. King Robert Bruce in Ireland The whi●… 〈◊〉 The battell of Billand 〈◊〉 The Douglas Emrauld Charter Douglas sent into France to Balliol 1327 Douglas at Stanhop park Peace with England King ●…ruce 〈◊〉 1329 His marriage He is made Lord of Galloway His sonnes 1332. Battell at Duplin Balliol Crowned at Scone Douglas 〈◊〉 Balliol at Annand the 25. of December 133●… Warre proclaimed Berwick 〈◊〉 sieged by K. Edward the third Occasion of the battell at Halidoun hil●… Sonne naturall to Sir James Her marriage One childe 〈◊〉 1335 Convention at Perth 2. April 1335. Cummin overthrown at Kilblane and slain 1337. A battell at Blackburne John Stirline defeated by Liddesdale He takes the Castle of Hermitage Hee fighteth five times with Lawrence in one day and 〈◊〉 him He is sent Ambassadour into France Perth besieged by Robert Stuart Recovereth Cowper Perth taken Stirline taken The originall of Innerleith Occ●…sion of taking the Castle of Edinburgh The Castle taken hee makes Archbald Douglas his brother Keeper Alexander Ramsay taken by Liddisdale and starved in the Hermitage 1346. He is banished and restored again The battell of Durham King David taken Liddesdale taken also 1353 He is slaine by the Earle of Douglas His marriage wives and children Hee is taken prisoner at Durham Ransomed He killes Liddesdale And obtains his whole estate Conflict at Nisbet-moor He takes Berwick 1355. R●…gained by the English Douglas at the battell of Poictiers 1363 A Parliament The union of the Kingdomes sought Sir Thomas Musgrave tak●…n by Douglas The originall of the house of Glammes 1384. Earle Douglas ●…ath His wife and children The Originall of the houses of Drumlanrig and 〈◊〉 He goeth into France He taketh Berwick 15000. horsemen Occasion of the battell of Otterburn A combat betwixt Percie and Douglas The battell of Otterburn Douglas slain Buried at Melrosse He taketh and razeth the Castle of Lochmabane His death He found the Hospitall of Holywood He is called the blacke Douglas He marries the Kings daughter Egidia His daughter married to the 〈◊〉 of Orkney 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 into Ireland He takes and burnes Calinfoord He returnes out of Ireland He is made Admirall He is murthered by the Lord Clifford His marriage His children He refused to be Duke His daughter Marjory contracted to Prince David
both the Edwards being absent and he having a particular spleen against Cummin who possessed his private inheritance the said Robert with the help of Colin or Duncan Campbell in Argyle from whom he obtained an aid of foure hundreth men had taken the Castle of Dunholm in Coile and destroyed the English Garrison there whereupon the men of Boote which was his private inheritance had taken armes slain Allane Lyle there Captain and Sheriffe who was placed there by Balliol and Cummin and were come home very joyfull to their old master the Stuarts Upon this Thomas Bruce Earle of Carrict with his friends and neighbours of Coile and Cunninghame and William Karrudise of Annandale who had ever refused the English yoake coming forth out of the place where they had lurked resorted to him also John Randulph Earle of Murray was returned from France and did incourage them with hopes of forreign help of Jefferey or Godfrey Rosse Sheriffe of Aire had drawne Coile Carrict and Cunningham to be of the partie Ranfrow was also returned tò the Stuarts By their example the dependers of Andrew Murray had drawne all Cliddesdale to them partly by faire means partly by force These under the command and leading of Robert Stuart and John Randulph had passed into the North parts chaised David Cummin Governour for the English to Lochaber and compelled him to yeeld and swear obedience to David Bruce Notwithstanding that the enemy had committed to him so great a charge as to bee Lieutenant for him in those parts About this time or a little before William Lord of Liddesda●…e returns from his captivity having been three yeares in prison And hee is no sooner returned but that presently he begins to serve his King and Countrey faithfully and diligently against both their enemies Scots and Englized usurpers recompencing his long imprisonment with his enemies losses especially in Lowthian for the more easie performance hereof and that hee might annoy them that were in the Castle of Edinburgh which was then held by the English and them that went toward it hee lay in wait in Pentland-hills To him John Randulph after that he had left David Cummin Earle of Athole Lieutenant for him in the North parts Randulph and Robert Stuart were chosen Governours by the Kings party did adjoyn himself as to his old and fast friend from thence they both went to Perth to a Convention of the States the 2. of Aprill 1335. But there was nothing done at that meeting because of the enmity betwixt the Lord Liddesdale and David Cummin Earle of Athole The occasion was the Lord of Liddesdale alledged that hee was detained longer in prison then other wayes he would have been by the means of the the Earle of Athole who no doubt did thinke it meet for Balliol and the English faction and therefore advised them to keep him And certainly he was wiser in that point then they that set him at libertie for ransome Now under the colour and pretext of this ill will between him and Liddesdale Athole was so strongly accompanied with his servants and dependers that the rest being jealous of his disposition and fearing his present power did conclude no matter of importance Robert Stuart enclined toward him but all the rest favoured the Lord Liddesdale Robert was young and knew not the disp●…sition of Athole which the rest knew better and what ods was between them in fidelitie which was not long in discovering For King Edward of England came with a great army both by Sea and Land and brought Balliol with him So soone as he came to Perth Athole being solicited to defection from Bruce he was not very hard to wooe whereas Liddesdale did still his uttermost endevours for him One of the Governours to wit Robert Stuart being sick and the other John Randulph thinking it too heavie a burden for him alone to fight divided his forces that so he might the more annoy the King Now word was brought to him that there was a great army of the Guelders coming through England to joyne with Edward and help him against the Scots Wherefore Randulph passeth over into Lowthian to try if he could conveniently intercept them and cut them off ere they should joyn with the King There came hither to assist Randulph the Governour Patrick Earle of Marche William Lord Liddesdale and Alexander Ramsay of Dalhousie and others These being assembled together lay in wait for them near Edinburgh in the Borrow moore and so soon as they came in sight one of the other without any delay of either side they joyned battell and after a great conflict the Guelders were put to rout and chased to a little hill where was a ruinous Castle There they were besieged all that night and the next day they rendered themselves lives safe Others write that they fled to the Castle hill of Edinburgh up Saint Maries wind or lane defending themselves valiantly through the high street till they came to that place where they slew their horses and made as it were a rampart of their carcasses and so saved themselves There they stayed all that night and having neither meat nor drink nor convenient lodging opprest with hunger and cold and thirst yeelded themselves on the morrow This narration seems not to bee so probable as the former for if it had been at the Castle of Edinburgh it might have made them more support atleast releeved the Duke and have saved him Besides that the town of Edinburgh should suffer strangers to passe through the midst of them and neither aid them if they were friends nor as●…ail them if they were enemies nor shut their gates if they were neutrall for fear of some danger to come to their towne thereby but suffer both parties to have free accesse into their chief street and to stand as lookers on it hath no great likelihood They ascribe also the winning of the field to the Lord of Liddesdale who was not as Hollinshed sayes present at their first joyning battell but came to it from Pentland-hills in so convenient time that if he had not come the Guelders who fought exceeding well had got the day Others make no mention of Randulph but of the Lord Liddesdale and Alexander Ramsay with him Those that write of this battell tell of a huge and wonderfull stroake given by Sir David Annand in his fury hee being hurt stroke his enemy on the shoulder with a Pole-axe and clave him and his horse down to the hard pavement in which the force of the stroake left a great mark long after And no lesse memorable is the valour of a woman in the Guelders army who at the beginning of the battell stept forth before her company and encountred in a single combat or duell a Scotish Squire named Robert Sha●… whom she slew and afterwards beat downe her enemies on each side till at last after a good time shee was compassed about and so slain The Duke of Guelder their Captain having yeelded was
heart was with the other party and hee carried no great good will to the English This being perceived he was the worse entreated by them so that one day his head was broken by the Marshall Thomas Kneveton whereat taking indignation hee sought all means to bee avenged thereof and so brought it to passe that he shortly after slew him and to avoid the danger of punishment fled to the Lord Liddesdale whom having informed of the negligence that was growne amongst the English he perswaded him to take advantage of their sloath he nothing slack in a businesse of that nature went secretly in the night to the Towne and slew foure hundreth of them in their sleep and drunkennesse before they could make any resistance About this time Murray the Regent dieth after he had brought back all the Northerne parts of Scotland to his Princes obedience excepting Perth a great losse for his Countrey and hee greatly regrated But no losse is without some gain Robert Stuart had now recovered his health who was the other Governour and as some write hee assumed the Lord Liddesdale for his collegue whether that were so or not and what ever his place and name was hee was a notable adjunct to Robert Stuart and under his authority performed much good service and profitable to King and Countrey with great hazard of his life by receiving of many wounds while he did assail and vanquish greater numbers with far fewer So that by his prowesse and singular valour hee reduced Tivedale Niddesdale Annandale and Cliddesdale except the Hermitage to the Kings obedience having expulsed from thence all the English These lands and strengths were lost again after the battell of Durham and recovered again the second time by VVilliam the first Earle of Douglas which wee have inserted here lest men inconsiderately should confound and mistake the one VVilliam for the other By these doings his name came to bee spred throughout the whole Island insomuch that Henry Lancaster Earle of Darbie hearing thereof and being himself a valiant man and desirous of glory provoked him to fight with him hand to hand on horseback but at their first encounter the Lord of Liddesdale his hand was so sore wounded with his owne speare which brake hard at his hand that hee was not able to prosecute the combate whereupon it was delayed Major maketh mention of his justing and joyneth Alexander Ramsay with him at Berwick hee telleth also of one Patrick Grahame who being provoked and challenged by an English man into the field told him he was content but wished him to dine well for ●…ee would send him to suppe in Paradise which hee also did hereupon hee condemns these justs and duels in time of peace so that it should seeme there have been some peace or truce But wee heare not of any I doe rather thinke there hath been some assurance at that time That same yeare the King of England sent a very valiant Knight named Sir Thomas Barcklay into Scotland with a great power of men to assist their faction Robert Stuart and the Lord Liddesdale goe against him and gave him battell at Blackburne where the Lord of Liddesdale fought so eagerly that all his men being slain he and Robert Stuart having onely three left with them continued still fighting and defended themselves till night which being come on by favour thereof they escaped and saved themselves by flight It was not long ere he recompensed this losse by the defeating of John Stirline and his company This Stirline with five hundreth men assailed the Lord Liddesdale at unawares at a place called Cragens having but fourtie in his company as he was journeying without any feare or suspicion of an enemy This did put him into a great feare at first but he recollecting himselfe out of that sudden affrightment fought so valiantly that hee defeated Stirline slew fiftie of his men and tooke fouretie prisoners Afterward the English that lay at Creighton made divers onsets and incursions upon him in one of which he was runne through the body with a speare and was thereby disabled to doe any service for a season So soone as he was recovered being accompanied with twenty men onely he set upon sixty English at a place called The blacke Shaw and having wisely taken the advantage of the ground which was fitter for foot then horsemen he slew and took them every one In the same year 1338. the 24. of December or as others the 2. of November he set upon the convoy of the English that were carrying vivers to the Castle of Hermitage as they were in Melrosse or neare to it and defeated them but not without gre●…t slaughter of his owne men and so having got the victuals he went and besieged the Castle of Hermitage ●…ooke it and did victuall it with the same victuall which he had taken at Melrosse He vanquished also Lawrence Vauch alias Rolland Vauch a very valiant man with a great company of Englishmen And in the yeare following 1339 he fought five times in one day with Lawrence or William Abernethie a Leader under Balliol and having beene p●…t to the worse foure times saith Hollinshed Boetius five times at the sixth time vanquished him and slew all his men and took himselfe prisoner and thereafter presented him to Robert Stuart who sent him to the Castle of Dumbartan For these and such other exploits atchieved by him he was highly esteemed of all men and got the name which is commonly used of him The flowre of Chivalrie He was after this sent Ambassadour into France to informe King David of the estate of the Realme and to conferre with him about weighty matters being either chosen for his worth or only sent by Robert Stuart as his Collegue and so fittest for that employment While he was there he obtained pardon of the K. of France and peace for one Hugh Hambell a famous Pirate During his absence in France Robert Stuart had laid siege to St. Johnstoun in the yeare 1339. and had divided his Army into foure squadrons under foure chiefe Captaines each Captaine commanding a part of which he himselfe was one the Earle of March another William Earle of Rosse the third and Magnus Mowbray Lord of Cliddesdale the fourth It was divers times assaulted but they were repulsed with losse it being valiantly defended by the English that were within They had lien at it ten weekes without doing any good and were now almost quite out of hope to take it so that they began to thinke of leaving off when in the very meane time the Lord Liddesdale arrives on Tay having brought with him out of France Hambell the Pyrate with five ships well furnished with men munition and weapons These men the Lord Liddesdale had hired in France of purpose for this businesse amongst them were two Knights of the family of Castle Galliard and two Esquires ●…iles de la Hayes and John de Breise He landed a part
are they accounted of Let us either think better of them or finde the lesse fault with him Certainly if he cannot be fully excused yet can he not be over hardly censured neither condemned yea no more condemned for the moving then praised for his speedy leaving off and yeelding truly acquiescing and sincerely obeying in all times thereafter Of James the second of that name the eleventh Lord and second Earle of Douglas slaine at Otterburne UNto William the first Earle his son James did succeed a man in all kinde of vertue worthy of so great a father and honourable place who was no whit inferiour to him either in courage or fortunatenesse unlesse we account him lesse fortunate for that he lived but few yeares wherefore wee shall heare his owne judgement at his death He had two wives Euphane eldest daughter to the King as we have said by his wife the Earle of Rosses daughter yet the genealogie of the Kings in the Acts of Parliament sayes that she was daughter to Elizabeth Moore and not the Earle of Rosses daughter He had a son by her who lived not halfe a yeare he had also two base sons William of whom is descended the house of Drumlanrig as evidents do witnes given by Jacobus Douglas Comes de Douglas silio nostro and Archbald of whom is come the house Cavers and Sheriffes of Tivedale who if they had beene lawfull had been sonnes to the Kings daughter and had succeeded to the Earledome before his brother Archbald the Grimme who did succeed to him But though they did not succeed yet have they shewed themselves very worthy and amongst the chief great men of the land Of this William also are descended the houses of Coshogle Pinyerie Daveine and others in Niddisdale for Archbald Douglas the first of Coshogle was second sonne to this William of Drumlanrigge and was married to one Pringle of the house of Galasheiles who bore to him twelve sonnes and after his death shee was married to one Carnel Wallace and bore twelve more to him also Touching Earle James his actions which were done in his fathers daies one thing we have spoken of them in his fathers life as most proper there is one thing more besides what hath been said recorded of him by some that during his fathers life he was sent into France for renewing t●…e ancient League with that Kingdome in which Ambassage were joyned with him Walter Wardlaw Cardinall and Bishop of Glasgow and his Uncle Archbald Lord of Galloway This is said to have been in the yeare 1381. which is the eleventh yeare of the reigne of Robert Stuart The occasion of it was a message that came out of France from Charles the sixth who desired to have it so After his returne in September hee recovered the towne of Berwick from the English and entring England with a competent power burnt and spoyled all the Countrey about as farre as Newcastle About the time of his fathers decease in the yeare 1384. there was a Truce concluded between France and England to last a yeare in which Scotland was also comprehended This treatie was at Boloigne or at Lillegham as others write and for intimation hereof some French men were directed to come into Scotland but while they prepare themselves too negligently the Earles of Northumberland and Nottingham with such as lay nearest to the Scottish Marches laying hold of this opportunitie to annoy Scotland so that the Scots should have no time to revenge it before the truce were proclaimed entered Scotland with an Army of 20000. or as others say 10000. horse and 6000. Archers and Bowmen and spoyled the Countrey farre and wide especially the lands pertaining to the Douglasses and Lindsayes The Scots who trusting to the brute of the truce dreamed of no such thing finding themselves thus used were greatly grieved with their owne sloth and no lesse incensed at the fra●…d and falsehood of England and resolved to avenge the same In the mean time the report of the English incursion coming to the eares of the French who had the charge to intimate the assurance admonished them of their slownesse wherefore to make amends though somewhat too late they hasten over to London in the very time that the English Army was in Scotland There they were very chearefully received and magnificently entertained with feasting and banquetting and under this colour cunningly detained untill it was knowne that the English Army was come home and dismissed then being suffered to depart they came into Scotland and shew their Commission The greatest part of the Nobility but chiefly the Earle of Douglas and such as with him had received great losse by that expedition cried out against the craft of the English that this their fraud and manifest ludification was no way to be suffered The King went about to pacifie them and shewed plainly that hee meant to receive and keep the truce which they perceiving drew out the matter at length by reasoning and arguing to and fro untill such time as they had gathered together quietly 15000. horsemen then Douglas Dumbarre and Lindsay withdrew themselves from Court without noise at a day appointed and joyning their companies at the place of rendevous enter England with displayed banners waste and spoile Northumberland to Newcastle Then they doe the like to the Earle of Nottinghams lands and the Mowbrayes and so returne home with a huge prey of men and cattell Straight after their returne the truce was proclaimed meeting fraud not with fraud but with open force by a just and honest recompence and retalliation Neither were the English discontented for all this to accept the truce acknowledging that the Scots had reason to doe what they did or confessing their owne weaknesse and want of ability to avenge it at this time or both by their sitting still and acceptation for neither could right though weake have had patience in so great an injury neither would force if it had thought it selfe sufficient have been bridled with reason onely in so manifest an affront and so great dammage How ever it be they stirred not and so the truce was kept till it expired of it selfe When it was runne out John de vienne a Burgundian a very valiant man Admirall of France and Earle of Valentinois arrived in Scotland and brought with him 2000. men amongst whom were 100. men at Armes He brought also 400. Curiasses and 400. halfe long swords to be distributed amongst the Scots and as some write 50000. Crownes Before their coming James Earle of Douglas entred into England with a new Armie and upon their arrival was called back to Court where they attended his coming Then having consulted of their businesse and the Army being ready they accompanied him into England where they tooke in the Castles of Wark Foord and Cornewall and spoyled and burnt the Country between Berwick and Newcastle But when they intended to goe on further the continuall rain that fell in great
abundance being in Autumne did so spoile the wayes and raise the waters and wet the Souldiers with their armour that they were forced to retire home again into Scotland In the mean time King Richard greatly moved that the Scots must bring in strangers to waste his Countrey entereth Scotland with an Army of 60000. foot and 8000. horse and used all sort of Hostilitie in the Merse and Lowthian not sparing the religious houses and persons such as Newbotle Melrosse and Dribrough with the Monkes thereof The French Admirall better remembring and more carefull of his Masters directions then considering what was fit to bee done dealt earnestly with the Earle of Douglas to give him battell But the Earle knowing better and regarding more the good of his Countrey and weighing with judgement the English power and forces would no wayes listen to him he told him it was not for want of affection to doe the King of France service that he refused to fight but in respect of the unequall number and appointment of the Armies at that time And that he might the better see the English forces he tooke him up to a hill from whence they might have a reasonable view of them as they passed by in order which when the Admirall had seen and considered thereof hee easily yeelded to the Earles opinion Hollinshed setteth downe the oddes saying that the Scots and French were not above 8000. speares and 30000. of all other sorts and the most part of those not well armed where he reckoneth of English 6000. horse and 60000. Archers which are 2000. horses fewer then our Histories do reckon In this inequalitie therefore being no lesse a wise Conductour then a valiant Warriour he resolved not to hazard a battell but determined to take another course which he did for he entered England on that quarter which was furthest distant from the English Army and wasted Cumberland and the adjacent Countrey neare to it The King of England being advertised hereof purposed to have followed him and forced him to fight but being better advised and put in mind no question of what had be●…allen his Grandfather Edward the third at Stanhope Parke against good Sir James he altered his purpose and marched the readiest way home And so both Armies having spoiled and wasted each others Countreyes they returned without encountring or fight of other In the return the Earle Douglas perswaded them to besiege Roxbrough Castle making full account that the King of England would not raise a new Army before the next Spring and so they sat downe before it but it did not continue eight dayes ere they raised the siege The cause was a reasonlesse demand of the Frenchmen who would needs have the Castle to bee given to them and to belong to the King of France when it were wonne from the enemy This demand did so offend the Scots that they could by no means heare of it and so the enterprise was deserted upon this occasion but chiefly by the Frenchmens insolent and licentious behaviour and carriage in the warres who rob and steal and use all manner of force and violence there arose many times great strife and many quarrells between the Country people and them for the Country people watched them when they were alone or but few together and sometimes robbed them of their horses sometimes of their valises and luggage sometimes they hurt and at other times slew of them The French Commanders complained to the Kings Councell and the common people answered that they had received more losse and hurt by the French who professed themselves to be friends then they had done by the English who were sworne enemies And therefore they said it were reason that the French should no wayes be suffered to goe home untill they had satisfied for the wrongs they had done The Earle Douglas in this hard case seeing they were strangers that came to aide Scotland was willing partly to bear with their faults as proceeding from an evill custome and form used at home in France and therefore interposed himself to have mitigated the people but could hardly pacifie them yet at last with great instancy and entreatie being greatly favoured and generally well beloved and popular hee obtained that the common Souldiers and the Army should be suffered to returne into France and that their Captains and Commanders should be retained still untill satisfaction were made for the losse they had sustained And so the King of Frances desire was satisfied who had then sent for them and withall order taken with the dammage done by them This was the aide and this was the successe of the help received from France now the second time It was very small before and it is now to very little purpose more hurtfull and troublesome to the Countrey then of importance against the enemy A●…ter their embarking the Scots remained still in England the space of two moneths and then the English having withdrawne and conveighed all the victuall out of the way they returned into Scotland And hereby they did show clearly how little they leaned to forrain aid without which there greater enterprises were ever performed neither was there ever either by these or by others before or since though we looke over all Histories any great exploit atchieved All the help they ever got was onely in the besieging of some Townes at some happening times and some such trifles scarce worth the naming in respect of the whole power of the body and state of the Countrey which I remark again and commend to the Reader to be truely considered for vindicating the valour and worth of the inhabitants from that obloquie and unequall judgement of such as diminish and impair it who cannot but know that it was never forraine forces as is wrongfully surmised but the vertue and valour of their Predecessours that hath preserved the honour and liberty of their Countrey all manner of wayes and that any one man amongst diverse of the name of Douglas hath done more in that cause then the force of France if it were put all together did ever to this houre The yeare following the Earle of Douglas with Robert Stuart Earle of Fife and Archbald Douglas Lord of Galloway his Uncle entered into England with an Army of three thousand men passing the water of Solway so secretly that they were at Cocket-mouth on such a sudden that the people had no leasure to convey their goods out of the way Wherefore having for the space of three dayes gathered together a rich bootie they returned home through Cumberland Westmerland and Northumberland into Scotland again without any encounter Not long after Archbald Lord of Galloway in company of the same Earle of Fife made a road into England in revenge whereof the King of England sent an Army into Scotland which did great harm in the Merse and occasioned that notable battell of Otterburn For the Scots irritated herewith boyled with de●…ire of revenge being at that time very flourishing
with strong youth and never better furnished with Commanders But King Robert a man by nature given to quietnesse farre stricken in yeares seaventy three yeares old was become slacker and seemed not to make so great account of the publique injuries His eldest sonne John was dull of nature and having received a hurt by a stroake of a horse which pertained to James Douglas Lord of Dalkeith was thereby lame of a legge and halted and so unfit for the travell of warre Therefore they have their recourse to the Kings next sonne the Earle of Fife and do easily agr●…e with him resolving to avenge the hurt and dammage they had lately received So every man promising his best endeavour appointment is made to conveen in August or as some say in July but so covertly as it should not come to the knowledge of either of the two Kings lest the King of Scotland should hinder them or the King of England prevent them yet when they had used all the expedition and secresie they could The English had notice of it and were informed of both the day and place of their meeting Wherefore that they might entrap them and take them at unawares they advertised one another and the Noblemen commanded the Commons to be in a readinesse against the next advertisement without appointing any certain day for feare that the Scots should heare of it These things thus ordered when they heard that the Scots were conveened in Tivedale not farre from the March to the number of 30000. or as Froysard saith 40000. men not daring to joyne battell with such a multitude they concluded not to stir or appeare before the coming of the enemy but that every man should ramain in his owne bounds till they saw on what coast and quarter the tempest would light and then to take the best course they could according as occasion should offer and if they could doe no more to invade Scotland on another hand farre from the enemy as the Scots had done to them the yeare before and so to recompense losse with losse In the mean time they sent a spie to the Scots camp who might bring them more certain report of all things desirous to know not onely their intention but even their particular speeches and actions Hee who was sent being nothing different from the rest in language apparell or armour did easily passe for a Scot and by that mean having been in the company undiscovered and having observed sufficiently all that was needfull to be knowne as he returned to his horse to be gone which he had bound to a tree he found that he was taken away whereupon taking him to his feet with his cloake boots and spurres and his other riding equipage he was perceived suspected taken and examined what he was whence he came and whither hee went and being found to vary in his answers hee was brought before the Generall of the Army where being threatned with the rack he confessed all and revealed the English mens intentions and purposes Upon this the Scots altered their purpose and whereas they were before minded to have gone all together in one Hoast they now divided themselves in two so that the greatest part of the Army should passe in at Carlile led by the Kings two sonnes the Earles of Fi●…e and Stratherne together with Archbald Douglas Lord of Galloway Uncle to the Earle The other part of the Army was committed to the Earle of Douglas and with him George and John Dumbars Earles of March and Murray his Uncles William or James Lindsay Earle of Crawford the Earle of Arolle Constable the Lord Montgomry and Patrick Hepburn of Hales with his sonne the number of his company is not agreed upon Some say that he had the halfe of the Army 15000. others but 2000. foote and 300. horse with as many foote men waiting on the horse men who were lightly armed and able to fight and almost equalling the horse men in speedy expedition Some say they were foure thousand chosen horsemen in all which is most apparent by the great diligence and haste he made with his company he entred England on the East hand and crossing the river of Tine with great celerity hee was past Durham before ever the enemy was advertised or knew of his coming till he himselfe made it knowne by fire and smoake in burning the Countrey The Earle of Northumberland hearing of him himselfe being a man of great yeares sent his two sonnes Henrie and Ralph hardy and valiant young men to Newcastle commanding the rest of the Countrey also to resort thither that they might intercept the Earle of Douglas in his returne but hee having spoyled the Countrey about Durham and gotten a great bootie passeth Tine again about three miles above Newcastle and being desirous of glory and encouraged by this successe esteeming it but small honour for him to spoil the villages and not to dare to looke upon the townes marched towards Newcastle and did make offer to have assaulted it and as some write did assault it having first filled the ditches with hay and faggots hoping thereby to have drawne out the enemy to the open fields having stayed there two dayes there passed some light skirmishes amongst them every day And at last Henrie Percie eldest sonne to the Earle of Northumberland called Hotspurre being desirous to trie his valour either provoking the Earle Douglas or provoked by him the combate was offered and accepted betwixt them They mounted on two faire steeds and ran together with sharp ground spears at outrance in which encounter the Earle Douglas bore Percie out of his saddle But the English that were by did rescue him so that hee could not come at himself but he snatched away his spear with his guiddon or witter and holding it aloft and shaking it he cried out aloud that hee would carry that into Scotland as his spoil Hollinshed saith out of F●…oysard that they did not runne on horseback but that in an assault at the Barriers without the gate Douglas by chance being matched hand to hand with Percie by force pluckt his Pennon from him and holding it up on high said he would carry it for his sake into Scotland There was then at Newcastle a great number of people for besides the indwellers there were all the choice men from York to the borders as the Writers relate Wherefore Earle Douglas in respect of his small number caused keep strait watch and on the morrow removing his Camp he marched toward Scotland a slow pace being loden with bootie Then sending it away before hee assaulted tooke and demolished a certain Castle and Towne that was in their way called Pouclane whereof Sir Aymer of Alpholl was Lord whom he tooke within the Castle and made him a prisoner Then marching forward they came to a place called Otterburn about twelve miles from Newcastle where they pitched downe their tents that the Souldiers might take some rest and refresh themselves after their great
that hereupon he used them courteously But when his men were in great security scattered and separated as fearing no hurt or danger and some at their Ships some sent with Robert Stuart of Disdier to spoile the Countrey about which stood out against him and to furnish his ships and the towne so that there remained not with the Lord Niddisdale above 200. men when they set upon him as before we have said and being beaten the Towne was sackt and burnt Then they tooke 60. ships which they found in divers Havens and Creeks and laded 15. of them with such spoile as they had gotten and burnt the rest Then returning homeward they spoiled the Isle of Man which lay in their way He landed at Loch-rien which divides a part of Galloway from Carrict and hearing there of the roade into England he hasted him hither with all diligence But truce being made for certaine yeares with England that he might not languish in idlenesse he passed into Spruce from whence he heard that an Army was to be sent against the Infidels There hee gave such proofe of his vertue and valour that hee was chosen Admirall of the whole Fleet which was very faire and great esteemed to consist of 250. saile and was there created Duke of Spruce and Prince of Danskin But there arose dissention betwixt him and the Lord Clifford an Englishman upon an old emulation and present envie of his new preferment at which Clifford grudged Wherefore being challenged to the field by Clifford he accepted it gladly but the other weighing with himselfe what a hazzard he was like to runne by fighting with such a man of such incomparable valour found meanes before the day of the combat came to make him away by hired Assasines and Brigands who murthered him in the night on the bridge of Danskin The Manuscript seemeth to say that combat was not taken on there and then but long before while they were both at home and that Niddisdale before the day passing to Paris to provide armour fit for him or on whatsoever occasion else Clifford gave it out that he had fled the combat but when he saw that he was returned before the day appointed fearing to match with his well knowne strength and valour would have shifted the fight with many frivolous excuses Now there being assembled and met together at that time brave Knights from all the parts of Christendome Clifford partly for envie of the honour conferred upon his adversary and partly remembring their old debates but chiefly because of this disgrace and infamie of being put to this necessitie of refusing to fight with him hee caused mercenarie cut-throats to lie in wait for him who as he happened to walke through the streets and view the walls of the Towne set upon him and murdered him not without great difficultie by which losse that enterprise against the Infidels was disturbed and dashed We told before how he is stiled Prince of Danskin and Duke of Spruce in the Monuments of the Sinclairs of whom one had married his daughter sure it is by the report of many eye-witnesses that there was a gate in Dansick on which the Coat of the Douglasses was carved and graven in stone which decaying and being of late re-edified this monument of him is perished The common opinion is that Dansick having beene taken by Infidels was regained by Scottishmen and therefore it is that the Scots have such priviledges there and there is a part of the Town which they call little Scotland which is inhabited almost with Scottishmen All which must be referred most apparently to the Lord Niddisdale and to this time and doth testifie in some measure he hath surpassed the quality and condition of a private man or of a stranger in those parts seeing he acquired the title of Prince and D●…ke whereof we can affirme no more then hath beene said This fell out about the yeare 1389. or 1390. about the death of King Robert the second Of Archbald the second called The Grimme the third Earle and twelfth Lord of Douglas and Bothwell UNto James 〈◊〉 at Otter●…urn succeeded his brother Archbald whom 〈◊〉 wrongfully calleth his Cousin Hee was married to the daughter of Andrew Murray sisters sonne to K. David Bruce and Governour of Scotland by her he got the Lordship of Bothwell and many other lands and she bare to him two sonnes first William who died a yeare before his father without children and 〈◊〉 who succeeded to his father also a daughter named Marjorie married to David Prince of Scotland Concerning this Archbald the Grim we finde not many particular acts of his recorded besides those which he did in his fathers time and in his brothers of which we have already spoken although certainly hee cannot but have done divers worthy of memorie seeing he hath the name and reputation of a most worthy Captaine being so sterne and austere in carriage and countenance that hee was termed The Grimme Douglas and by our Writers Archbald the Grimme Now that we may the better understand the reasons of the Douglasses proceedings and actions let us as our manner is take a generall view of the estate of the Countrey at this time His succession to the Earledome by the death of his brother was as we have said not long before the death of King Robert the second who died in the Castle of Dundonald in the yeare 1390. April 19. Before his death there was a Truce taken betweene England and France for the space of seven yeares wherein Scotland was also comprehended By reason of this Truce partly and partly for that his sonne John who was afterward called Robert the third was lame both of body and minde and so no wayes fit for warre there is no mention of any exploit done by this man onely it is said of him that when King Robert the third in the year 1396. and the seventh of his reign created divers Dukes and would have made this Archbald one he refused it as a noveltie and an empty title not worthy of the accepting seeing it was neither bestowed for merit nor service done nor had any reall advantage in it save an airy show of appearing honour to please the humour of ambitious minds of which he was none The next yeare following Richard the second of England was deposed and the Duke of Lancaster was made King in his roome who was Henry the fourth In the beginning of Henries reigne the seeds of warre were sowen upon this occasion George Dumbarre Earle of March had betrothed his daughter Elizabeth to David the Kings eldest sonne and had payed a great part of their portion before hand But the Earle Douglas alledging that the Kings private contracting of his sonne without the consent of the State was not according to the custome of the Kingdome nor right and orderly done caused the matter to be propounded by his Majestie to the Parliament as former Kings had done and as reason
brother came into France in May or about the beginning of June and carried along with him the heire of the Crown of Scotland afterwards King James the first thereby to divert the Scots from assisting the Daulphin or to have made the Daulphin to suspect their fidelitie but none of those plots succeeded as he would have had them for neither would they acknowledge him for their King being in anothers power neither did the Daulphin conceive any sinister opinion or jealousie of them Wherefore the same yeare or the next to wit one thousand foure hundreth and twentie one the Daulphin caused besiege the Towne of Cosme upon Loire And Henry departed from Paris to have relieved it but by the way hee was overtaken with sicknesse and returned to Bois-devincins yet he sent the Duke of Bedford with a puissant Army to succour it and the Scots and French finding themselves too weake to resist rose and retired to a strength where the rest of the Army had assembled with resolution to abide the enemies comming While as the English were preparing to fight newes were brought them of their Kings death which made them to alter their purpose of giving battell The King died about the last of August one thousand foure hundred and twenty one and his corps was carried into England the two and twentieth of October Not long after Charles King of France died also which was the occasion that Buchan and Wigton with many of the Gentlemen that accompanied them returned into Scotland But it was not long ere the Daulphin had need of them sent his Chancellour Rene de chartres and the Archbishop of Rheines into Scotland to recall his Constable but the Earle of Wigton was so vehemently sick that he could not possibly travell Wherefore the Earle Douglas his father went in person himself and being a Noble man greatly regarded far above any other Subject in Scotland there went with him great store of young Gentlemen some to doe him honour some to bee participant of his fortunes and most to bee trained under him in discipline of warre So besides those that went over with Buchan and Wigton in the yeare 1420. there went at this time with the Earle Douglas 10000. more as saith Hollinshed They landed at Rochell and being to come to the Daulphin were gladly welcomed and much made of especially the Earle Douglas of whom he had heard much by report that hee was both valiant and skilfull in warre And therefore he enstalled him in the Dutchie of Turrain which he gave to him and his heires for ever having onely engaged it before to his sonne upon reversion and moreover made him Marshall of France This hath been in all appearance in the yeare 1423. at most yet we do not finde any memorable thing done by them or against them untill the battell of Vernoill which if we reade our Histories one would think it had been fought immediately upon their landing thought it be cleare that it was not till after the death of King Henry the fifth and in the second yeare of his sonnes reigne in the yeare of God 1424. The occasion whereof was this The Earle of Bedford having besieged Ivery the Daulphin to relieve it sendeth the Army under the Conduct of the Duke of Turrain whom the French call Marshall Douglas of the Constable Buchans the Earle of Narbon and others They not being able to force Bedfords camp when they were come within two miles of him returned towards Vernoill in Perch which belonged to the King of England and sent word to the Garrison there that they had discomfited the English Army and that Bedford with a small number had saved himself by flight The Garrisons giving credit thereto did open the gates and received them with the whole Army into the towne where having left a part of their Army they came and encamped in the fields neare the towne Bedford having gotten Ivery by composition or surrender followeth them and sent word to the Duke of Turrain by a Trumpet that he would come and dine with him The Duke bade him come he should be very welcome for all was ready Neverthelesse when the point came to consultation his opinion was that they should not fight at that time because hee thought it not fit to hazzard a battell but in case of necessitie and that they had no necessitie to fight at that time in respect that they had Vernoill in their hands and other two good townes besides whereby they might bee plentifully furnished with provision which the English could not have and thereby would bee constrained to retire But the Earle of Narbon was earnest to have them fight and said the Nobility of France should not receive such a bravade from the enemies and if none would fight he would do it alone and so getting him hastily out of the Counsell he began to put his men in order The Duke of Turraine tooke such indignation hereat that hee should offer to fight without his leave that hee determined not to ●…ave stirred at all and it was long before hee would suffer his men to goe forth yet at last thinking that it would reflect upon him if he should sit still and see them overthrown in his sight he armed and went forth also But then there arose some strife for the vantguard betwixt them which made things to be so confusedly handled that the English got the victory slew the Duke Buchan Sir Alexander Lindsay Robert Stuart and Sir John Swinton with above 2000. others of all sorts Hollinshed in his Chronicles of England saith but upon what warrant wee know not that the Earle Buchan Constable was not slain but lost an eye onely and was taken prisoner he reckoneth among the slain Sir Alexander Hume whom our Writers doe not mention yet it is true and knowne to them of that house that Sir Alexander Hume of Douglas went thither in the Earle Douglas company and was slain with him for they tell how Sir Alexander being minded to send his brother David Hume of Wedderburn went to accompany the Earle to his Ship and when they were parting Douglas embracing him kindly said to him would I have beleeved Sir Alexander that ever you and I could have been separated from one another To whom hee replied surely then my Lord I shall not part and so taking his brother Davids apparrell and furniture and sent David back he went with him to take care for his house and children in his absence or in case of his death which he also did with such fidelity and industry after the death of his brother that he greatly increased the estate and purchased for a younger sonne of his brothers called Thomas the lands of Tiningham and for another named James the lands of Spot hee is said to have purchased Wedderburn for himself but the truth is he had it tenne yeares before not by marriage but by the gift of Archbald Earle of Douglas which must have beene the same
accounted also just who does it byorder and modestie that hath patience to sute it and abide the delayes of a Court-sute it being a mean to purge blood out of the land Neither does either Philosophie or Religion forbid it but by the contrary commands allowes it Only the caution is that the minde of the pursuer be voide of malice and his eye set upon justice of which intention the searcher of hearts can only be the competent judge If some Imperfections and weaknesse of nature do mingle with the action we must not alwayes for that either utterly reject the action or condemne the authour But we must acknowledge that as right which is right and pardon the imperfection which none wantes We must not exclaime against it as if it were nothing but partialitie Nor against the doer as meerly vindictive cheifely in a fact so very enormous as the murthering of his Cosins was wherefore if we shall without partialitie in our selves consider this whole pursuit and give it the right name we shall call it kindnesse to his kinsmen equitie justice modestie and patience rather than wrong and malice and praise him for his kindnesse and faithfulnesse in friendship in revenging their quarrells which hath been his very inclination as will appeare hereafter yet not only this his just pursuite but every thing that fell out in the countrie is laid upon him to brand him as the slaughter of James Stuart by the Boydes and the like the taking of the castle of Hales by Patrick Dumbarre which he is said to have taken and killed the keeper thereof because the Lord Hales had then received the Queen mother into the castle of Dumbarre who had fled hither to eschew the troubles of the times The Earle Douglas within a few dayes after got the castle of Hales againe on condition to suffer the said Patrick Dumbar and his men to depart with their lives safe Likewise he is said to have constrained Sir James Stuart the blacke knight of Lorne who had maried the Queen mother to goe out of the countrie upon some speeches uttered by the said Sir James against the ill government of the affairs of the kingdom But neither is it set down what the words were neither what sort of constraint was used towards him This Sir James as he was sailing into France his ship was taken by the Flemings and he himself died soone after The next year which was 1448 there fell out warre with England and incursions made on both sides by the Borderers where the Earle Douglas began again after so long an intermission to wit from the entrie of King James the first in the yeare 1423. the space of twenty five years to take upon him the managing of the warre which his house had ever done and he now also discharging with honour and following the footsteps of his predecessours for Dumfreis being burnt by the Earle of Shreusburie or Salisburie Dumbar spoiled by the Earle of Northumberland James Douglas the Earles brother burnt Anwick in England where having gotten great store of bootie and many prisoners as the others had done in Scotland being almost equall the prisoners goods were changed byconsent agreement of the captains But this was onlya small assay before a greater matter which followed this same year as should seem yet there was some cessation for a while and truce taken for seven years In which time the Earle who as we see was so zealous in prosecuting the revenge of the wrong done to his Cosins showes another propertie no lesse commendable which is to be as kind and forward to advance his friends as he had been to quell his enemies For the same year James Dumbar Hollinshed calles him John Earle of Murray being dead first he obtaines the foresaid Earles daughter who was Neece to King Robert the second by his daughter for his third Brother Archbald then the title of Earl of Murray from the King notwithstanding that she whom his brother had married was but the youngest sister the elder being married before her fathers death unto James Creighton of whom the house of Fenderet is descended how it came that he was preferred before 〈◊〉 who married the elder sister whether because the titles of Earles do not go by succession unto the heirs of Line but by the pleasure of the Prince and that he had more court then Creighton or whether there was some respect also had to the kinred or what ever cause there were of it it gave matter of speech to his enviers and to our histories it hath furnished matter of Censure as a wrong done to the elder sister to whom they think it belonged he obtained also his fourth brother Hugh to be made Earle of Ormond and his fifth brother John to be Lord of Balvenie and Baron thereof with many rich and fruitfull lands In which actions of his when men can finde no ground of alledging that he did any wrong they blame him as immoderate in augmenting too much the greatnesse of his house Wherein I cannot but praise his kindnesse and carefulnesse in preferring of his friends by all lawfull meanes which is a dutie standeth with wisdom and a right wisdom neither was it ever or can it be ever justly discommended where there is no injurie committed Whereas not to do it if a man be able and not to seem to do so proceeds either of carelesnes or that which is worse wickednesse selfe love and in some envifulnesse and malignity even to their owne friends Which kind of doing deserves no commendation when it is but carelesnesse farre lesse when it is done of malice last of all when men doe not onely not labour to advance their friends but even endeavour to keep them under by a point of wisedome which they thinke very deep that they may remain servants to them fearing that if they come to any preferment they would not be so ready to serve them and might perhaps grow up above them This humour as it is malignant and an ill disposition so it is no great good wisedome whatsoever subtilty it may seem to have in it for they advert not that they hinder them who would stand them in stead and cut them short in power to be steadable to them and so cut down the props of their owne standing and such as would support them in their need necessity And while they feare that their friends out-strip them they give place and matter to their enemies to overtop them both Now the feare which they apprehend of their friends neglecting their duetie to them is very farre off and if ever it come to passe it should not be envied providing that kindnesse remain among them though they should grow greater then they and howbeit they answered not our expectation in kindnesse except it were joyned with extremitie of wickednesse and perhaps not then neither ought we to repent or repine it being much more tolerable then to bee overmatched by an
fathers death who died without heirs male she was heir to her father by the renunciation of her sister Elizabeth who was married afterward to Alexander Hamilton of Cadyowe and so she was Countesse of Marre and Angus Dowager or Lady tercer of Marre and inheritrix of the Earldome of Angus Her first husband dying without issue she was married after his death to William the first Earle of Douglas she being his third wife as hath bin shewed in the year 1381. She was a kinde Lady to her friends loving to her sister Elizabeth and a carefull mother to her sonne George Earle of Angus She is never designed Countesse of Douglas either for distinction being better known by her titles of Marre and Angus or because these were more ancient and no lesse honon●…able She is the twelfth from Bancho and tenth from Walter the first Stuart and she is the last of that Name in the house of Angus And thus much of the house of Angus in generall before it came to the Douglasses of whom now it is time to speak Of the first Earle of Angus of the Name of Douglas Of William the first Earle of Douglas and Angus WE shall do no wrong to reckon William the first Earle of Douglas as the first Earle of Angus also of the Name of Douglas seeing he married the inheritrix of Angus Nay we should do him wrong to omit him being the root from which all the rest are sprung He was the first Earl of Douglas and first Earl of Angus of the Name of Douglas though it be true that he was 23. or 24. years Earl of Douglas before he came to be Earl of Angus and that is all the difference betwixt the antiquitie of these two houses in the possession of that Name Now that it was Earle William himself and none else it is evident by a bond made by the said Earle William to his sister Marjorie Countesse of Marre for the due payment of the said Marjories third let to him and Margaret Stuart Countesse of Marre and Angus where he calls her his wife Also that the same Earle William was father to George it is clear by a Charter of Tutorie and entaile made by Sir James Sandilands of West-Calder to George in which Sir James speaking sayes thus The Land of Calder were given to my father and mother of good memorie by my Lord Sir William Earle of Douglas and Marre his father that is father to George Of the life of this William we have spoken in the house of Douglas whither we referre the Reader Of George Douglas second Earle of that Name and sonne to Margaret Stuart Countesse of Marre and Angus GEorge his sonne entreth to the Earledome in the year 1389. the 9. of Aprile a boy of seven or eight years old at most for he was born but in 1381. which is the first year that we finde his father and his mother married His mother resigned the Earledome of Angus in his favour at a Parliament in the aforesaid year 1389 the 9. of April so that he hath the title of Earle of Angus from that time forth notwithstanding his mother was alive He had to wife Mary Stuart daughter to King Robert the third being then about 16. or 17. years of age All that we hear of him in our Histories is that he was taken prisoner with the Earle of Douglas at the battel of Homeldoun in the year 1402. When he died is uncertain onely thus much we know that his sonne William kept Courts as Earle in the year 1430. So he hath lived 42. or 43. years And certainly he hath not lived long for aster his death Mary Stuart his wife was twice married first to the Lord Kennedie and bare to him John Lord Kennedie and James Arch-bishop of Saint Andrews who are called brothers to his sonne George Earle of Angus Then she was married to the Lord John Grahame of Dindaffe-moore and bare to him Patrick Grahame Bishop also of Saint Andrews and James Grahame first Laird of Fintrie His children were William and George both Earles of Angus afte●… him Of William the third Earle of Angus and second of that Name of William TO George succeeded William his sonne by Mary Stuart as all our writers do testifie and all men acknowledge He was amongst those that were committed to prison by King James the first in the year 1424. After this he was employed to receive the Castle of Dumbarre when the Earle of March was imprisoned in the year 1435. the 29. of King James the first his Raigne he was made warden of the middle March In the year 1436. he was sent against Percie who either by private authority or publick allowance had entred Scotland with 4000. he was about the same number and had with him in company men of note Adam Hepburne of Hales Alexander Ramsay of Dalhousie Sir Gilbert Johnstoun of Elphinston They fought at Piperdain or Piperdean as say Boetius and Holinshed perhaps Harpardean by Hadington for we see that most of them are Lowthian-men that are remarked to be in his company yet it is hard to think that Percie could come so farre in with so few The Earle of Angus was there victor beginning his first Warres upon Percie fatall to the Name belike There were 〈◊〉 of the English 400. together with Sir Henry Cliddisdale Sir John Ogle Sir Richard Percie Knights taken prisoners 1500. Of the Scots one onely of note was slaine Sir Gilbert Johnstoun of Elphinston Buchanan cals him Alexander but amisse a gentleman of singular approved vertue sayes Buchanan and Boetius tells the manner while he pursues the enemy too eagerly Before this Archbald Earle of Douglas and Wigton was gone into France male-contented with the government having been twice committed prisoner to receive his Dukedome of Turaine Every mis-hap is good for some body that gave occasion and way to this employment for while the house of Douglas was present who but they for service against England who but they were able to do it Now they being absent who but a Douglas A branch of that tree and not long since come of it especially being the Kings Cousin so near So they begin and so they shall continue with the like vertue We hear not whom he married nor any thing of his children save of his sonne James who did succeed to him Neither is it known when he died precisely onely we finde that he was dead before the 1437. the 27. of Februarie So that reckoning from the first year of his fathers marriage in the 1398. he hath lived some 41. years in all and 13. years Earle from the 1424. Of James the fourth Earle of Angus of the surname of Douglas AFter William his sonne James was Earle Our warrand is a writ where he is served heir to William his father in Killiemoore of the date 1437. Febr. 27. some 6. or 7. years after the death of King James the first
chased by so few Besides these there were many others that had fled before and divers stayed still in the City lurking This conflict fell out in the year 1520. the last of April in which there were 70. slaine and two of note Patrick Hamilton brother to Arran and the Master of Montgomerie The Chancellour as we have said fled disguised to Stirlin to the Queen After this Sir David Hume returning to the Merse and being thus strengthened by the authority and countenance of Angus found means to take his own house of Wedderburne from those that had kept it since the killing of De la Beaute He took also the Castle of Hume at the same time which had been seized on by the Governour and was kept by men that he had put into it And thus was the Earle of Angus partie settled and strengthened in the Merse Also in Lowthian he had no opposition or contrary neither in Tividale and such other parts of the borders The Hamiltons were the onely great men that had any equality to match him and were now incensed by their losse at Edinburgh Some of his friends lay near unto them Robert Lord Boyde was his depender and speciall friend He was also near to him in bloud for Angus his Grand-mother Elizabeth Boyde was sister to Thomas Boyde Grand-father to this Robert The Lord Boyde was nearer to Arran for King James the third his sister was mother to Arran and Grand-mother to Boyde as is probable But Boyde followed Angus more than him His house of Kilmarnock in Cunninghame lay nearest to their Forces in Cliddisdale and farthest from the Earle of Angus his power and friendship Therefore they besiege it but without successe it being so well defended that they rose and went away without getting of it The next year 1521. the 18. of July Angus came to Edinburgh accompanied with his friends and especially the Humes that were banishshed as our writers designe them By which he means rathest as I think George now Lord Hume for he is Lord ever after this and Sir David of Wedderburne with his brothers who may be said to have been banished in regard he was denounced Rebell and out-lawed but otherwise he never went out of the Countrey but dwelt ever still in some part of the Merse There Angus as Buchanan sayes but as our folks say George Lord Hume and Wedderburne by Angus his connivence took down the heads of the late Chamberlain and his brother William and interred them solemnly in the Gray-friers He passed from thence to Stirlin hoping to have found the Chancellour Beton there but he was fled From thence he returned to Edinburgh About the 28. of October the Governour returned out of France Angus his power seemed to him to be too great He determines to diminish it For which purpose he commands himself to go into France causeth his uncle the Bishop of Dunkell to be sent for to Rome as wee have said above Neither did Angus return out of France untill the Government was taken from the Duke who from this time forward doth nothing of importance For the next year 1522. he went with an Army to Solway to have invaded England But his Army loved him not all went unwillingly with him and against the hair The Earle of Huntly being come within three miles of England openly refused to go any further so that he was forced to move Dacres and Musgrave English-men under hand to sue for peace that he might have some shew of an honourable cause for his retreat Wherefore the 10. of October the same year away he goeth again to France having stayed one full year in Scotland and returnes into Scotland the next year 1523. the 22. of September He brought then with him 3000. foot and 100. men of arms Then assembling an Army of Scots the 20. of October thinking to do great matters with his French aid but having passed Tweed at the Bridge of Melrosse he was served just as he had been the year before they refused still to enter into England Thereupon he came back again to the other side of the River and coming along by the bank thereof on Scottish ground he began to batter from thence the Castle of Warke standing on the other side of the River on English ground And having made a breach caused his French-men to give the assault who entred the breach but they were repulsed again and beaten out So he left the siege and retired to Lawder in the night In the spring he goeth again into France promising to return before September and taking a promise of the Nobilitie that they should not transport the King from Stirlin before his return This their promise was keeped with the like fidelity as he had kept his promise made to the Chamberlain For the King was brought to the Abbey of Halyroodhouse by the Queen his mother The Earls of Arran Lennox Crawford and many others And from thence with all solemnitie of Parliament to the Parliament house where he did solemnly abrogate the Governours authority by which mean he saved him a labour of returning into Scotland again He needed not neither did he return any more to it nor passe the Seas for that errand He had governed or rather mis-governed the space of nine years He spent in his journeyes and staying in France five whole years or six of these nine being absent from the countrey and leaving it a prey to forreiners and civill ambition and dissention and when he was at home he abused and oppressed the Nobilitie by slaughter or banishment But though he returned no more yet others returned for him those whom he had caused go to France by his authoritie do now return without his licence yea without licence or recalling of any other for ought we read The Earle of Angus returnes after he had been in France almost three years He returned through England having first sent Simon Panango and obtained licence of K. Henry by whom he was received lovingly and dismissed liberally For K. Henry desired greatly the diminishing of the Governours authoritie was glad of the alterations in Scotland therefore did make the more of Angus because he knew that he was opposite to the Duke At his returne he found the estate of the Countrey in this case We told before how in the year 1518. the Queen his wi●…e and he had with-drawn themselves into England and stayed at Harbottle where she bare her daughter Lady Margaret Douglas how her husband having returned into Scotland she after her deliverie went to the Court of England to visit her brother and her sister with whom she stayed for the space of a whole year In which time the Earle her husband becomes acquainted with a daughter of Traquair by whom he had a daughter called Jeane Douglas married afterward to Patrick Lord Ruthven When the Queen came home again he meets her at Berwick and brought her to Edinburgh She having
him to carry himself more soberly and not to irritate the Nobilitie for as he understood they bare him no great good will and would not faile to do him some mischief one time or another but he answeredhim in Italians Parole parole all was but words he feared them not they were no body they were but like Ducks which if some of them be stricken down the rest will lie in To whom the other replied Take heed you finde them not rather like Geese of which if you stirre but one all the rest will flie upon you and so plume you that they will leave you neither Feather nor Down So when he was desired by some Diviner or Sooth-sayer to beware of the Bastard he said That Bastard should not have power to do much hurt in Scotland so long as he lived understanding it to be spoken of Murray who was Bastard-brother to the Queen But the Bastard that slew him was George Douglas as is the most received opinion who stabbed him with the Kings dagger having none of his own then about him This brought Morton into great trouble for the next day being the day of the Parliament the banished Lords compeered in the Parliament-House as they had been summoned where finding no accuser now that Rizio was gone the Parliament was deserted and the Queen reconciled unto them intending to use their help against the slayers of Rizio Wherefore she went first to Seton then to Dumbar where she assembled a sufficient number of men so that Morton Ruthven and their partners were fain to flee into England but some of them lurked in the High-lands Their Goods were confiscated their places and Offices disposed of to others Their friends who were no wayes accessarie to that fact were committed to prison Sir David Hume of Wedderburne onely because he was Mortons kinsman was sent first to Dumbar then to the Ken-moore in Galloway It is true it was his brother-in-laws house and Loghen-varre was indeed a loving brother yet was it farre from home neither was he set free without bail to re-enter when he should be required Thus were the dice changed Morton was at Court when Murray and his complices were banished now they are in Court when he and his associats are dis-courted and forced to ●…e He had favoured them but had not joyned with them they favour him but think it not good to take part with him Yet had they more reason to do it for his fact had wrought out their Libertie theirs had made him to be suspected But whether they would not or could not do him any good or that they thought the time was not fit and a better time was to be expected the King who was the chief authour and first mover of it having forsaken him he was constrained to with-draw himself into England as we have said There he did not remain long in ease and quiet for about the beginning of May the Queen sent Master John Thornton Chanter of Murray desiring that he and the rest might not be suffered to harbour within the Queen of Englands Dominions She sent the same Thornton also to France with the like message but it needed not for they never meant to go thither Queen Elizabeth sent one of her servants William Killigrew and by him promised to cause them voide her Realme before Mid-summer It was so done in shew they were warned to depart and did depart from Newcastle abstained from conversing in publick but they lurked privately in a place not far from Anwick No search was made for them and the Messenger had whispered them in the ear when he commanded them to be gone that England was broad and wide Before they came from Newcastle he lost his good friend the Lord Ruthven whom God called to his rest in mercy Thus was he banished from Scotland England France and Ireland yet did he lurk still in England But he lurked not long for matters were in brewing at home which gave occasion to his returne The Earle Both well was now become the Queens favourite all men followed him all preferment came by him His thoughts were high his ambition no lesse than to injoy the Queen if she were free from a husband To bring this designe to passe she was content to forget all private quarrels with Morton and he presumed that Morton being abandoned of the King and ingaged to him for his return and restitution as also being led with hope of his further goodwill to gratifie him in any thing that might be procured from the Queen would be induced either to become his friend or at least not to be his enemy nor to raise or to side with any Faction against him which he esteemed a great point of much importance There was amongst Bothwels followers one M. Arch. Douglas a brother of the house of Whittingame by his mediation all former quarrels were taken away on both sides Mortons peace procured from the Q. on condition he should not come within a mile of the Court This restraint he reckoned to be rather beneficiall than hurtfull to him seeing that by that mean he should be the farther off from whatsoever should happen amisse Wherefore being returned before the Q. was brought to bed of her son James the 6. which was the 19. of June 1566 he becomes a spectatour beholding a farre off what would be the issue of things To sit on the shoare to behold others at sea tossed with winde and wave though it cannot but stif our pity and commiseration in common humanity yet when we reflect upon our selves and consider how happy we are that are on firme land free from these fears and dangers the joy and contentment we have in our own safety doth swallow up the former consideration of anothers danger So it was with Morton he saw what a fearful tragedie was like to be acted at court but not being able to hinder it he chose to keep at home He was the Kings kinsman yet could he do him no good having had experience of his weaknes and inconstancy in his forsaking of him after the killing of Rizio He was beholding to Bothwell for his restoring and therefore bound not to oppose him in honesty and dutie he could not aid nor assist him in such courses Wherefore he useth the benefite of his confining and becomes a looker on To declare the estate of those times and to dilate it let them do it that can delight to blaze the weaknesse of those whom they ought to love and honour and who have that task imposed upon them by whatsoever necessitie For my self neither am I any way necessitated thereunto neither could my soul ever delight in the reproach of any I wish I could cover the sins of the world they should never be uncovered or known but where necessity did require it that so they might be taken away by order My endeavour should rather be with the blessed sons of Noah to overspread
which had come indeed under the conduct of Martige of the House of Luxemburg but that the Civill Warres at home made him to be called back again The Earle of Argyle came to Glasgow with 600. horse and had some conference with the Hamiltons and others of that faction but they not agreeing he went home again and did nothing Huntley also with 1000. men was coming toward Edinburgh and was on his journey as farre as the water of Erne but the Bridges and Foords being guarded by the Lord Ruthven he went likewise home again Last of all they procured Letters from the Queen of England in which she desired that they would delay the meeting till such time as she were informed of their proceedings and justnesse of their cause why they took Arms against their Queen her Cousin of whose wrongs she behooved to take notice and be sensible It was hard to offend her but harder to suffer their adversaries to gain the poynt they aimed at which was in the Queens name and by her authoritie to keep a meeting and to forfeit all those who were on the K. side having already appointed a day for that purpose Wherefore they go on with their Convention and punish some few for example to terrifie others And for suppressing the daily incursions of the Niddisdale Anandale and Galloway men they raised an Army of 5000. horse and 1000. Musketiers which expedition because it was memorable for the extreame scarcitie of victuals when they came to Hoddam was called The Roade of Hoddam They set forth from Edinburgh the 11 of June and returned thither againe the 26. The chief thing that they did in that journey was that they seized the houses of Bog-hall Crawford Sanwhere Logh-wood Hoddam Logh-Maban and Annand Logh Maban is a house of the Kings and was then in the Lord Maxwels keeping but now being surrendred Drumlenrigge is made keeper of it who was also made Warden of the West Marches Assoone as the Regent was gone from thence with his Armie Maxwels folks who had hidden themselves in some secret corner of the Castle turned out Drumlenrigges men and re-possessed themselves thereof again Logh-wood belonged to Johnston Hoddam to the Lord Harris and the rest to their severall Lords and Owners which were all spared on hope of their promised obedience Onely Skirlin was razed and Ken-Moore a house of Loghen-varres who was obstinate and would not yeeld upon any condition The Regent and Morton sent Sir David Hume of Wedderburne to him who was brother to his wife but no entreatie nor threatning could prevail with him or move him to submit himselfe When they threatned to pull down his house he said They should by so doing save him a labour for he meant to take it down himselfe and build it up again better Which was performed on both sides for it was cast down the 16 of July and he did afterward re-edifie it much better Many yeelded divers stood out of whom there came a thousand within a mile of the Regents Camp Who were their heads is not mentioned but as yet Maxwel Johnston Loghen-varre and Cowehill were not come in and whether it were any of these or some other we have not learned Morton and the Lord Hume with a thousand horse went out against them but they were gone before they came neere and fled to the Boggs and waste Marishes In their return at Peebles they received Letters again from the Queen of England wherein she renewed her former request to them that they would send some up to her to inform her of the equity of their cause The Regent himselfe undertakes the journey with whom went Morton Lindsay the Bishop of Orknay Master Pitcarne Abbot of Dumfermeling Sir William Metellan Secretary Master James Mackgill Master Henry 〈◊〉 and Master George Buchanan The Queene having heard their Justification and Defences made answer That she saw nothing for the present to object against their proceedings yet she desired them to leave some of their company behinde to answer to such things as might be objected afterward by their Queens Ambassadours While they are there Duke Hamilton came over out of France and desired the Queene of England to cause Murray give over the Regents place to him being as he alledged his due seeing he was next heire to the Crowne But the Queen perceiving that he intended to make some stirre and to raise new troubles in Scotland commanded him to stay and not depart till he were licensed The Regent with his company was dismissed and returned into Scotland the 2 of February Within a while after the Duke returned also being made Lieutenant for the imprisoned Queene and adopted to be her father He sent forth his Proclamations commanding that no authority should be obeyed but his which no man would obey And that none might fear him the Regent went to Glasgow with an Armie and there Hamilton came ro him and promising to acknowledge the King and Regents authoritie he gave pledges to be kept till such time as he should do it prefixing a day when he would come in When the day was come he came to Edinburgh and began to shift and desire a longer day while he might have the Queens consent Then being asked what he would do if the Queen would not give her consent he answered that he would do nothing and what he had done already he had done it out of fear Hereupon he and the Lord Harris were sent to prison in the Castle of Edinburgh The next to be taken order with were Argyle and Huntley Both had been busie in the Regents absence but not alike Argyle had onely showne himself in the fields but had done hurt to no man Huntleys case was worse he had vexed the Mernes and Angus made Lieutenants about the water of Dee and behaved himself in all things as if he had been King After much debate Argyle was onely made to take an oath that he should be obedient in time coming and Huntley was also pardoned save that he was ordained to make satisfaction and restitution to the parties who were robbed and spoyled by him and his followers For the performance of which the Regent and Morton went to Aberdene Elgin and Inner-nesse with two Companies of Harquebusiers and Musquetiers where having received hostages and sureties of Huntley they returne to Perth to hold a Convention of the States Thither were brought two Packets of Letters from the two Queens The Queen of England made three Propositions First that the Kings Mother might be restored to her former Place and Crown Secondly that if they would not yeeld to that yet that her name might be used in all Writs and joyned with her sonnes and that the Government should continue in the Regents hands The third last was that if none of these could be granted she might be suffered to live a private life as another subject with as much respect and honour as could be given to her without
prejudice of the King This last was accepted the rest rejected Queen Mary in her Letters desired that the Judges might determine of her marriage with Bothwel and if it were found to be unlawfull that they would declare it to be null and pronounce her free from him To this they answered that they saw no reason of such haste He being absent and out of the Countrey beyond sea the laws allowed him threescore dayes after he was summoned at the shore and Peer of Leith before which time were expired the Judges could not give out any sentence But if she had such a minde to be rid of him her shortest cut were to write to the King of Denmark to execute him for his murder and Piracie The reason why they would not have her marriage with Bothwel dissolved was to hinder her matching with the Duke of Northfolk who would not adventure upon uncertainties he could not be sure so long as her marriage with Bothwel stood firm he being alive no legal divorcement had bin yet obtained So they thought by this dilator they would gain time time might work out some better effect than did appear for the present For the Regents friends in England had written to him That Northfolks Plot and the Queens was so laid so strong and cunningly conveighed that no power wit or wisedome was able to resist it yea though all the rest of Brittain would oppose it yet he remained steadfast and sent to the Queen of England one of his Domesticks to acquaint her with Queen Maries Petition and their answer But she not being satisfied with the Bearer Robert Pitcarne Abbot of Dumfermling was sent to her from a Convention holden at Stirlin for the nonce About the very same time that he came to London the Duke of Northfolke was committed to the Tower the 11. of October and the conspiracie discovered the partie still remaining so strong that she not daring to meddle with Queen Mary was purposed to have sent her into Scotland by sea but things beginning to settle she altered that resolution Now in confidence of this so strong a partie Secretary Metellane had taken himself to that side and stirred up all he could against the Regent He had so dealt with the Lord Hume and Grange Captain of the Castle of Edinburgh that he had brought them over to that party Hereupon he is sent for to Stirlin whither he came and brought along with him the Earle of Athole to intercede for him if need were There Thomas Crawford afterward Captain Crawford a follower of the Earle of Lennox accused him of being accessarie to the late Kings death whereupon he was committed to a close chamber in the Castle Sir James Balfoure one of his Complices was also sent for and the Convention were of opinion that both of them should be used as enemies to the King and guiltie of treason But the Regents lenitie marred all he pardoned Sir James and sent Metellane to Edinburgh to be kept by Alexander Hume of North-Berwick Grange counterfeiting the Regents hand brought a Warrant to Alexander to deliver Metellane to him which he did and so Grange carried him up to the Castle After this the Regent went to the Merse and spake with the Lord Hume whom he found to be alienate from the Kings side and inclined to the North-folcian Faction From thence he went to Jedburgh where Morton and others came to him He past with them to Hawick the 20. of October and from thence he rode through the whole Dales he riding on the Scottish side upon the Borders and a Company of Englishmen on the English side that they might not flee from one side to another nor any of them escape He lay two nights at Cannabee one at Copshae-holme two on the water of Milke and so came to Dumfreis In this circuite he constrained the Borderers to put in pledges and hostages to the number of 72. for keeping of the peace and good order whereby he gave great contentment to the whole Countrey and gained great reputation and admiration even of his very enemies He returned to Edinburgh before the 21. of November the day appointed for the triall and arraignment of Secretary Metellane There finding that he had assembled so many great men that were for him Hamilton Huntley Argyle and others he adjourned the arraignment and deferred the judgement That Faction was now become very powerfull many were fallen off from the Regent many had joyned themselves to the North-folcians relying mainly on the Dukes power And although he were now committed yet the Faction held good and the plot went on The Earles of Northumberland and Westmerland with six thousand Foot and two thousand Horse came with displayed Banner to Durham and there burnt the Bible and Service-Book heard Masse in Darnton and besieged Bernard-Castle which was rendered upon composition But being pursued by the Earle of Warwick with an Army of twelve thousand and Sussex with another of seven thousand men they were forced to flee into Scotland about the 22. of December and put themselves into the hands of theeves that lived on the Scottish Border with whom they abode and lurked a while but not very long For Morton dealt with one Hector Arme-strang by Sir John Carmichael and got the Earle of Northumberland into his hands and delivered him to the Regent hee sent him to bee kept in Logh-leven a prisoner being an enemie no lesse to him and the Kings side than to Queen Elizabeth This made her give the better ear to Robert Pitcarne Ambassadour from the Regent and to desist from requesting any more that Queen Mary might be restored again to her former place and estate Shee declared also that she took that which the Regent had done very kindely in pacifying the Borders apprehending Northumberland and imprisoning of him pursuing Westmerland and his Faction as enemies his offering his best aid and assistance to her Captains and Governour of Berwick She promised to be ever mindefull of these his good offices and good-will shewed towards her and that she should be readie to aid him when he should need yea that he might use and command all the Forces in England as his own Thus by the over-throw of the English Rebels by the favour of the Queen of England and the love of his Countrey people at home the Regent was more strengthened and the Kings side became the more powerfull His adversaries therefore seeing no other remedie resolved to cut him off and make him away by treachery James Hamilton of Bothwell-hawke one whose life the Regent had spared before when he was taken prisoner in the field bearing arms against him under-took to kill him Wherefore having watched his opportunitie when the Regent was at Lithgow he placed himself in a house there by which the Regent was to passe as he rode out of the town and shot him with an Harquebuse out at a window the Bullet whereof after it had gone through the
Regent killed the Horse of George Douglas of Park-head a naturall brother of the Earle Mortons This fell out the 21. of January 1569. The Regent finding himself hurt alighted from his horse went to his lodging and died ere midnight Bothwell-hawke who had done the deed having mounted upon a horse which hee had ●…nding ready for him of purpose escaped untaken He was much lamented of all but especially of Morton who had best reason to be sensible of this losse seeing by his death the common cause did want a main pillar and supporter thereof and the Kings side which he followed was deprived of a sufficient and able leader He himself also had lost a dear friend with whom he had so long entertained honest and faithfull friendship and who had borne so great a part of that heavie burden and weight of State affairs with him For now the whole burden of guiding the Kingdome and managing the State lay upon him almost alone and that even in the time of the two succeeding Regents for the space of some three years or thereby They indeed bare the name and the authoritie but he was the man by whose advice and counsell by whose travels and paines both of body and minde yea and upon whose charges also often times most things were performed till at last he himself was chosen Regent and did then all things alone without a helper This was well known to all and was plainly spoken in the time of Lennox his Regencie A staff under a Hood so they termed Lennox Morton rules all Yet was it not so altogether neither was Lennox so devoide of judgement but behaved himself very well very judiciously courageously and courtiously even in Mortons absence in the taking of Pasley and Dumbartan and in his courteous usage of the Lady Fleming who was within the Castle of Dumbartan Onely because matters seemed to rely most upon Mortons good advice action and means the ruder interpreters made that hard construction of it as if Morton because he did much had therefore done all as commonly men are wont to judge and speak And it is very true that is said of Lennox in that Epitaph of him famam virtute resellit Yet it cannot be denied but that even while Murray was Regent Morton did very much and though he were not equall with him in place and dignitie for there was but one Regent yet he was such a second as might well be esteemed a yoke-fellow both in consulting and performing being a partaker with him in all perrils and burdens So that of all that is set down here of Murray Morton was ever an equall sharer and may justly challenge the one halfas his due And therefore it is that we have been so particular and insisted so long in Murrayes actions because of Mortons perpetuall concurrence with him in all things and his interest in every businesse Wherefore we hope it will not be thought impertinent to our Historie thus to have handled them although Morton were not the sole actor since he was a prime and maine one For whoso will rightly consider shall finde that saying to be true of these two which Permenio said of Alexander and himself Nihil Alexander absque Permenione multa Permenio absque Alexandro being applied to Morton For Morton did many things without Murray but Murray nothing without Morton And thus it went even when Murray was alive when all acknowledged his authority Now he being dead many swarved many made defection and as if they had forgotten what they had promised became open enemies The Kings party was weakened the adverse party strengthened both by forrain and home-bred power Fear might have terrified him ease sollicited honour and profit allured him to have left it and joyned with the other side But he shrinks not for any perill hatred or envie for no pains or travell to be sustained no case or security could allure him no hope of favour of riches of honour could move him to abandon it Which doth evidently justifie and clear him of all the imputations which the wit of man can devise or imagine against him Whether it be that he conspired with Murray to make him King he was now dead and that hope with him Or if it be any particular end and aime of his own what appearance is there that he could have any private end which he followed forth with certain danger and uncertain event or profit For clearing of which let us weigh the parties and the forces and meanes at home and abroad on both sides First there were of the Queens side Duke Hamilton Argyle Athole Huntley almost all pettie Princes in their severall Countries and Shires Also the Earles of Crawford Rothuse Eglinton Cassils the Lord Harris with all the Maxwels Loghenvarre Johnston the Lord Seton Boyde Gray Oglevie Levingston Flemin Oliphant the Sheriff of Air and Linlithgow Balcleugh Fa●…hast and Tillibardine The Lord Hume did also countenance them though few of his friends or name were with him safe one meane man Ferdinando of Broom-house Metellan the Secretarie a great Polititian and Grange an active Gentleman who was Captain of the Castle and Provest of the Town of Edinburgh they had the chief Castles and places of strength in their hands Edinburgh Dumbartan Logh-Maban France did assist them Spain did favour them and so did his Holinesse of Rome together with all the Roman Catholiques every where Their faction in England was great all the North-folcians Papists and male-contents had their eye upon Queen Mary Neither was she though in prison altogether unusefull to her side for besides her countenance and colour of her authoritie which prevailed with some she had her rents in France and her Jewels wherewith she did both support the common cause and reward her private servants and followers especially they served her to furnish Agents and Ambassadours to plead her cause and importune her friends at the Court of France and England who were helped by the banished Lords Dacres and Westmoreland to stirre up forraine Princes all they could Thus was that partie now grown great so that it might seeme both safe and most advantagious to follow it The other was almost abandoned there were but three Earles that took part with Morton at first Lennox Marre Glencairne Neither were these comparable to any one of the foremost foure In Fyfe there was the Lord Lindsay and Glames in Angus no such great men and no wayes equall to Crawford and Rothuse The Lord Semple was but a simple one in respect of Cassils Maxwell Loghenvarre and others Methvaine in Stratherne a very mean Lord Ochletree amongst the meanest that bare the title of a Lord and yet Kirkart was meaner than he both in men and means Neither was Ruthven so great but that Tillibardine and Oliphant were able to overmatch him They had no Castles but Stirlin and Tantallon which belonged to Morton The commons indeed were very forwardly set that way but how uncerraine and unsure a
Angus and the Lord Bothwell also had married her sister Margaret Relict of Walter Scot of Balcleugh The Lord Hamilton had been in great enmitie with him for besides the publick cause of Regent Murrays death he with his brother Claud of Pasley had killed Johnston of Wester hall a follower and depender of the house of Angus At that time the Countesse of Cassills Lyon by name of the house of Glames and a near Cousin to the Regent was a widow Whether the love to that Lady brought on the reconcilement or their reconciliation occasioned the affection to the Lady it is hard to say but so it was that Hamilton suited her in marriage and obtained his suit and by this all quarrels and more especially that slaughter of Westerhall was taken away And for the better satisfaction herein both the brothers the Lord Hamilton and Claud of Pasley made publick obeysance to Archbald Earle of Angus in the Palace of Haly-rood-house by coming the whole breadth of the Inner-Court thereof bare-footed and bare headed and falling down on their knees holding each a naked sword by the point delivered it to him to take hold thereof by the Pommell This was in the yeare 1575. the seventh of March being Monday A●… this Hamilton was married to the Lady Yet may it bee doubted whether he acquired more friendship in private by them than he furnished matter of obloquie in publick to the countrey because both these brothers were accounted authours or accessarie to the killing the Earle of Lennox then Regent and the Kings Grand-father as also they had been of that of Regent Murray These slaughters all the Nobilitie especially of the Kings side had solemnly sworne to avenge and now by this hee seemed to neglect that quarrell and his oath and that he had more care to be satisfied in his own particular for the slaughter of one mean man his depender It grieved particularly William Douglas of Logh-leven who desisted not from the pursuit of those that had slain his brother Murray after a privat manner seeing he could not get publick justice executed twice he set upon the Lord Hamilton as he was coming from Arbrothe and chased him so that he was constrained to return to Arbrothe again Another time as he was coming through Fyfe he made him flee to Darcie which he beset lay about it till the Regent sent to him and commanded him to desist However by the alliance of these Noblemen he seemed more strengthened more secured The Earle of Angus his Nephew was married to the Lord Ereskins sister daughter to the late Regent Earle of Marre a Lady of rare beauty and vertue and worthily made choice of by Morton who was author of the match both because of the Ladies deserving as also for that it not a little seemed to strengthen him seeing her mother and uncles during the minoritie of her brother had the custody education of the young Kings person which was the only way to attempt any thing against his Regencie Whether these things begat in him security and security bred carelesnessè to entertain mens love from whence did arise a loathing of him in all estates coldnesse in particular friendship or what ever the occasion was certain it is that he keeped his place more by the estimation of all than by the affection of many on the occasions following We shewed before how in matters of Church-government he ever inclined as the most politick course to the estate of Bishops The name was yet retained by custome the Rents were lifted also by them as we have said more for other mens use profit than their own They had also place vote in Parliament after the old manner and he would gladly have had them to have kept their power and jurisdiction over their brethren M. John Douglas being dead he filled the place by putting in M. Patrick Adamson his domestick Chaplain who then followed that course thoughbefore he had preached against it Many were displeased herewith all the Ministers especially they of greatest authority all men of all estates that were best affected to Religion He endeavoured also to have put the charge and cure of more Churches into one Preachers hands that there being the fewer to provide of stipends the Kings revenues who paid them out of the thirds of the Church lands might be increased by the surplusage which remained to him Hee did so eagerly presse this point that some thought it necessary to write against this course namely Master John Davidson Minister at Salt-Preston then a Student at S. Andrews Him he caused to be summoned to under-lye the Law and to be indicted criminally and being entreated for him he shewed himself so animated against him that he durst not under-go his triall but fled to England with the consent of those that were bail for him of whom he exacted the summe to the full and they willingly did choose rather to pay it than to expose their friend to the hazard of his wrath The Printer of the Book Robert Lake-privike was convicted by an assise or jurie and committed to the Castle of Edinburgh It was also hardly taken that he sought to diminish the authoritie of the Generall Assemblies of the Church by refusing to be present being desired at an Assembly holden in Edinburgh the 6. of March 1573. which was very frequently and solemnly kept almost by the whole body of the Countrey the Nobility Gentrie Commissioners from Burrowes as the custome had alwayes been and as he himself before had been present at them Yea he began to question the priviledge and libertie thereof by asking the Commissioners which were sent from them to crave his assistance thereat who had given them power to assemble the Kings Lieges without his leave who was in authority With this unlooked for demand they were dashed at first but re-collecting and gathering their wits again they answered He that gave power to preach aud hear preaching gave power also to conveene in Assemblies Neither doth it depend on man say they He said that was treason They answered That if so be then all the Apostles were Traitours and the primitive Church in time of persecution He said That they conveened onely to preach the word They answered That they conveened to advance facilitate and set forward the preaching of the word and that was to preach also But however if to conveene without the consent of the Magistrate were unlawfull preaching was also unlawfull unlesse they should preach to the Wals. A little velitation thus passed he in end refused to goe which did so grieve them all that a publick Fast was appointed to pray for diverting and averting of such things as he seemed by this to intend against the accustomed Assemblies He propounded to be reasoned whether the supreame Magistrate should not be head of the Church as well as of the common-wealth and there were Divines appointed to dispute it for the Church Master James
greatnesse and that their furie should be powred forth on somewhat else While they remained yet at Stirlin the Earle of Athole died suddenly which was matter of much talk and gave occasion to Mortons enemies to lay that foule aspersion upon him that he had poysoned him For all the Doctours did affirme that he was poysoned save onely Doctour Preston who said it was no poyson but being desired to taste of it and having onely touched a little thereof with the tip of his tongue it had almost cost him his life and he did never after fully recover but languished and was sickly so long as he lived Wherefore seeing it was certainly poyson Who could give it him said they but Morton And yet they could never tell how he could doe i●… For hee was not in Mortons lodging nor Morton in his as they knew and doe themselves confesse Neither were any that belonged to Morton in his house and though they had beene they were neither Cooks nor Cup-bearers nor Carvers to him So blinde is malice or so malicious are impudent detractours Morton cleared himselfe of this imputation at his death And yet there are some to this day that are not ashamed to report it In the next yeare 1579. in June upon the Kings longing to be abroad it was concluded in Councell that he should go to Edinburgh the 25. of September next but he came not till the 30. day thereof Morton and Marre were still with him as his chief Counsellours They invited him to Dalkeith where hee remained a certain space and returned to the Abbey of Haly-rood-house the 16. of October The day following hee made his entry through the City of Edinburgh with great solemnity and pompe with great concourse and applause of people rejoycing to see him whom they loved heartily and dearly as they testified by their acclamations and prayers powred forth for his safety and welfare After this on the 20. of October he kept a Parliament extant in the printed Acts. Hitherto wee have seene our Earle of Morton though not an absolute Favourite of fortune yet so cherished by her that howbeit shee did now and then frown on him yet shee seemed rather to try his strength whether or not he were able to endure a storme and ride it out with resolution than that she meant to over-whelme him in her waves for the issue did ever prove advantagious to him and he became rather a gainer than a loser by his sufferings But now having raised him to the highest dignitie and pitch of greatnesse that a subject was capable of according to her accustomed levitie all of a sudden turning down that was up of her wheele she brings him so low as to lose life and estate There is nothing more deserves our observation than these vicissitudes of great places to see men of low made high and than again falling from their height and greatnesse to become low which is to be seen in this last Act and Catastrophe of his Tragedie so notably as is rare to be found elsewhere Who could and would truly discover the depth of the mysteries of these times and tell exactly who were the chief plotters and first movers of this work and who were the instruments and executers thereof as he should do a piece of good service for clearing of the truth of things to posterity the ages to come so do I confesse for my own part that it is too hard a task for my self to performe and more than I will undertake or promise to do All that I can do is to set down the actions which are evident in grosse and to follow such conjecturall probabilitie in the narration as my weak judgement can lead me to We have heard how the King Queens factions did long contend and how Morton had ever been on the Kings side and how in his Regencie he had so handled businesse that they that stood for the Queen had yeelded and acknowledged the King and him as Regent The keeping of the Castle of Edinburgh was the last Act of opposition and with the yeelding of it all was whisht Lithington and Grange were taken out of the way who were the strongest or the stoutest upholders thereof Yet the Society was not quite broken or extinguished with them Master John Metellane sometime Priour of Coldingame and brother to Lithington Sir Robert Melvin uncle to Grange Pittadraw the Bishop of Dunkell and some others remained These he had committed to prison for a short while afterward had pardoned them and set them at liberty They kept still their old minde entertained mutuall friendship and correspondence and wanted onely occasion to shew the effects of their former disposition Especially Master John Metellane and Sir Robert Melvin bore great hatred to Morton the one for putting his Nephew Grange to death the other because he supposed Morton would have done as much to his brother if he fearing so much had not prevented it by poysoning himself as the common rumour was Besides these private grudges the publick cause did also egge them on and animate them against him which they never forgot and looked upon him as the man who had beene the bane thereof Yet they set it on foot again by 〈◊〉 of it openly and advancing it all they could secretly and indirectly using all the means they could to make all things work for the Queenes advantage She had her Agents and Ambassadours in France together with her Uncles of Guise and wanted not her under-hand Favourers in England that still had their eye upon her as upon the rising Snnne whom they esteemed the hope of their Religion Their suite now was who would not think it so both plausible and modest to joyn the mother and the sonne in an equality of government being so near joyned in nature It could not but be for the good of the Countrey and make much to confirme and strengthen their title to England Thus they said but how can this bee done He is in possession of the Crown how can it be taken from him again How can he be desired to dimit And though he would demit yet those of his party will never be contented that he should doe it On the other side Shee is living and dis-possessed but who that hath ever worne a Crowne can live and bee content to want it What other mids then and meane can bee found out but association in the Crowne So shall both have it and both be satisfied a happy society from which will flow the sonnes love and the mothers blessing All shall so goe well and it will bee easie to perswade a childe though never so wise being unacquainted with such things especially one that is so gentle and of so towardly disposition onely the difficulty will bee to move his old friends thereto they will never consent to it they will bee jealous and fearefull of any party or equalitie in ruling though of never so neare and deare friends they
in travell or had brought forth rather though not polished and refined it as now it is that his so beautifull and universally accepted birth his Arcadia Hee delighted much to impart it to Angus and Angus took as much pleasure to be partaker thereof There were with him at this time in England of the name of Douglas James Lord Torthorrell and Sir George his brother two sonnes of Mortons James of Spot and Archbald of Pittendrigh Also James of Maines and Sir George of Langnidderie There were besides these of note onely John Carmichael and his sonnes together with Hugh Carmichael the rest were but his ordinary servants and dependers He resided openly at Court being no Rebell and not convicted or guiltie of any crime committed against his Prince or Countrey No such thing was laid to his charge by his enemies otherwayes the receiving and entertaining of him had been a breach of the peace betwixt the Kingdomes All that could be alledged was that he had withdrawn himself from the furie of his enemies And yet as if he had been a Rebell and forfeited they intrometted with his rents and estate for their own use He spent his time there in learning to ride great horses and handling of his Armes and Weapons together with using such courtly and manlie exercises as became his age and place But above all he was carefull to observe the Government of the Countrey and Policie of that State and Kingdome making his own use thereof for his bettering both in Christianity and civill prudencie He looked with an heedfull eye upon mens wisedome and through that upon Gods working by their wisedome he noted the actions of those who were the guiders of that State Court and Countrey saw their aimes and designes and comparing them with his own affaires and things fallen out at home he called to minde what had befallen his Uncle Morton who like them had no lesse flourished but was soon cut down and withered who had been so powerfull and honoured but a little before yet in a moment as it were was overthrown and trod under foot His thoughts also reflecting upon himself and his own condition how hee was forced to forsake his own Countrey and depend upon the estimation of strangers that though for the present he were somewhat respected yet it was uncertain how long hee should be so no longer than they should think it profitable for their own estate and conduceable to their ends From hence raising his minde to the contemplation of all humane affairs and of all mor●… men 〈◊〉 all 〈◊〉 even of Princes themselves he learned that which few 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 learne of any ranke and fewer doe practise that are in high places whose places crave action and action over-treads contemplation hee learned I say truly to contemne all worldly things such as riches honour dignities and the like and truly to long and seeke after heavenly treasure which perisheth not and bringeth with it no anxietie or solicitude of minde having the soule fully set and fixed on God alone Many speake of it and that very well and not without some sense and feeling thereof but it lasts not save for a fit and sudden flash We are all of us too earthly and savour too much of earth from whence we were taken and of which we were made and thither also we bend and tend ever down-ward what through our naturall propension that way what by example of the multitude which like a violent stream of an over-bearing floud carries us along if we be not firmly built upon the rock of heavenly resolution and unlesse we keep fast our hold by perpetuall and never-intermitted meditation For him I dare avouch it that howsoever he refrained from outward showes for feare of falling into ostentation or whatever other wayes he was employed about in regard of his place and calling yet his minde was ever even in the midst of businesse wholly bent to God-ward and would have beene glad to have beene freed from all thoughts and affaires which had any mixture of earthly things And this disposition wrought in him by his being exiled he esteemed no small benefit and advantage of his sufferings so that in private where he expressed himselfe freely without all maske of ceremon●…e or nicenesse he hath many times been heard to thanke God very heartily and seriously with grave words and settled countenance saying That hee would not have exchanged the crosse of his first banishment for all the Crownes and Princes estates in the world farre lesse for an Earledome or Lordship such as Angus or Douglas So did God work with him by adversitie While he was thus working upon himself in England and framing his heart after a new mould and fashion which few knew or dreamed of God was preparing the way for his return to his place and honorsin Scotland The love which his Countrey-men bore to him was great and likewise generall and almost universall as it did commonly follow that popular name of Douglas to which it was in a manner hereditarie even in regard of his owne courteous milde and towardly disposition and of the great hopes and expectation of excellent fruit ●…rom so noble and worthy a plant This being accompanied with his suffering and innocencie together with his harmlesse youth age did move pitie and stirre the affections of most men toward him As for particular friends hee wanted them not as few Noblemen in this Countrey doe all the Nobilitie being linked and bound one to another by Kindred or alliance his house having beene so eminent of a long time and there being few of the Nobles but were either descended of it or tied to it by some consanguinity affinity or other relation And therefore one would thinke it strange that he should have beene so long banished yet when we looke upon his uncle Mortons case who had the same friends or more it is farre more strange that hee should have come to such an end But as in this when the appointed time came nothing could hinder his fall and overthrow so in Angus his case untill the time appointed by God did come nothing could worke his restitution What the estate of businesse was at his departure we have told already in Mortons life ere that yeare came fully to an end or not long after he had beene a yeare in England there fell out a change at Court which was thus Esme Lord Obignie now Duke of Lennox and James Stuart Earle of Arran had with their great riches and honours acquired much hatred from all sorts of men The Ministerie were offended at them for making master Robert Montgomerie Archbishop of Glasgow an Office then odious and unlawfull as being against the Lawes of the Countrey and ordinance of the Church and were jealous of the one as a suspected Papist and perswaded that the other to wit Arran was a downe-right Atheist The Nobilitie stormed and grudged at their extraordinary and sudden preferment For James was made
whether the Colonell had no Commission to take him or that hee did not thinke of it and thought hee had sped well enough already by taking Gowry is uncertain but however it were hee went away with the prey hee had gotten without attempting any thing against Angus And yet for all that Angus was not altogether secure knowing well his danger and the small power hee had to defend himselfe for in the day time hee went abroad a hunting that they might not know where to finde him and in the night hee caused his servants to keepe watch that hee might not bee surprized unawares Within three dayes after the Earle of Marre sent to him to let him know that the Master of Glames and hee had performed their part of the worke had taken the Castle of Stirling and were ready to wait upon his coming which they entreated him to hasten There was no choice they were his true friends and hee was no lesse theirs and they were resolved to runne the same hazard in that course from which there was no retiring for any of them Angus desired the Lord Oglebee and Master Oglebee of Powrie with others of that name to goe with him They were allied to the Earle of Gowry and were well affected to the businesse as also they were his owne vassals but being terrified with Gowries taking and thinking that their joyning with the Lords would incense the Courtiers to take some hard course with him and not knowing what his minde was herein they refused to goe Hee notwithstanding goeth with his owne family from Brechin to Stirlin and avoyding Perth he crossed the river of Tay at that place where it meets with Almont by boat and comes to Inshechaffray where he lodged with the Lord thereof but could not perswade him to take part with them for the same reason when he came to Stirling he was kindly welcomed by Marre and the rest that were there and presently dispatched away letters and messengers to Douglas and other places for his friends and dependers to come thither to him with as great speed and diligence as they could He wrote also to Robert Douglas eldest sonne to William Douglas of Logh-leven to the same purpose but the letter falling into the hands of his mother her name was Leslie she tooke upon her to answer it after this manner It is not enough saith she for you to undertake so foolish a worke whereby you cannot but ruine your selves but you would also draw my sonne and house to the same destruction I have hindered him and laid my curse and malediction upon him if hee take part with you like as I doe upon you if you make him disobey me This letter moved him very much and he caused an answer to be returned to her according as it merited which was thus I can very well beleeve that it is your doing to keep backe yo●…r sonne from so honourable an enterprise knowing his owne disposition to bee alwayes honourable and noble and such as of himselfe hee would not neglect his duety either to his friends or countrey The Noblemen that are conveened here have entered upon such a course as becomes them for discharging their duetie both to God and man what the event will prove is knowne onely to God and in his hands alone if wee perish herein wee cannot perish more honourably Yet wee hope that God in whom we confide and whose cause wee have taken in hand will worke out our safety and accomplish that which wee intend for the good of his owne Church when you and your house for which you are so solicitous with the neglect of the house of God and of all friendly duety shall finde the smart of such carelesse indifferency and perish as we feare and are sory for it through such carnall and worldly wisedome and warinesse And so indeed the event proved more answerable to this prediction then he wished for the Lords escaped into England for that time and were safe in their persons and within a yeere and a halfe they brought their designes to passe which were now frustrate by Gods blessing upon them but her sonne Robert and her son in law Laurence Master of Olyphant being commanded to depart the Countrey as they were sailing for France perished at sea and neither they nor the ship nor any that belonged thereto were ever seene againe yet how it came to passe is uncertain The most common report is that being set upon by the Hollanders and having defended themselves valiantly they slew a principall man of the enemies in revenge whereof they sanke the ship and all that were in her Others say that after they had yeelded themselves they were hanged upon the mast A pitifull case but a notable example The youthes were noble active and of great hope and expectation and so great pitty of their losse But it may shew us how little suretie there is in too great affecting of it as on the contrary how perills are avoyded by hazarding and undergoing of perill And their case is so much the more to bee pittied and lamented as that they themselves were very unwilling to have followed such perverse wisedome had they not beene forced to it by their mothers importunitie The Lords proceeded as they could with their intended course They caused set forth a Declaration shewing their minde and purpose together with the causes thereof the abuses in Church and Common-wealth They remonstrated what tyranny was exercised by James Stuart under colour and pretext of the Kings will and pleasure how the Nobilitie and men of all rankes were vexed by him what mis-reports were made of them to their Prince what violence used against them what evils were presently felt and what more were to be feared and looked for hereafter to ensue hereupon The distraction of the hearts of the people from their Prince and of the Prince from his people the blasting of the greatest hopes of vertue that ever was in a young Prince and of his pietie in the solid use of true Religion by working feare of the contrarie tyrannizing in government and superficiall profession of Religion yea of reducing Poperie or which is worse of irreligion and Atheisme They told how dea●…e their Religion their Countrey their Prince was to them what their owne estate and condition forced them to what the care of all these required of them out of dutie in regard of their place being Nobles and Peeres of the Land and Privie Counsellours by birth how every man according to his place was bound to lend a helping hand but chiefly those of the Nobilitie yet not excluding either Barons Burgesses or men of whatever degree ranke or qualitie when the common Ship of the State was in hazard and in danger of being overwhelmed and perishing and when there was such a fire kindled as would devoure all if it were not quenched in time How they for their owne part after long patience seeing all things grow worse had now
any obedience at all to such a Bishop neither doth it ordain acknowledge or once name such a Bishop Thus either truly deceived or deceiving themselves that they might redeeme their ease by yeelding and cover their yeelding with an equivocation they found that it was all in vaine for they were not admitted nor permitted to expound it in that sort whatsoever their meaning was but were forced to accept of the exposition which the Court and the Bishops did put upon it who understood that phrase according to the word of God not as a limitation but affirmatively wherein it was acknowledged that the word of God did command obedience to them and therefore they promised obedience according to that command Notwithstanding of all this divers stood out and would no wayes be moved neither by threatnings nor by promises to give the least shew of approbation directly or indirectly by equivocation or any other forme whatsoever but spake plainly against them and prayed publickly for the banished brethren Of these Master Nicholas Dagleish was one who thereupon was accused as too bold to pray for the Kings Rebels He answered that they were no Rebels but true Subjects who had fled from tyranny and such as sought their lives by commanding them to doe against their conscience Hee was empannelled put to his triall by an assise and was cleansed in despite and maugre the Court so farre there remained conscience in men But the Courtiers will not let him escape thus dry-shod they labour to finde a hole in his Coat another way they search and finde that a Letter had come from Master Walter Balcanquell to his wife which because shee could not well read the hand shee had given him to read to her and he had read it Hereupon he is again put to an as●…se and they not daring to cleanse him yet would they not finde him guilty but desired him to come into the Kings will Hee was contented to submit himself to the Kings pleasure for so much as concerned the reading of the Letter and so was sent to the Tolbooth where hee remained three weeks and was from thence sent to Saint Andrews And thus went Church-matters In the civill government there was none now but the Earle of Arran he lacked the name of King but hee ruled as absolutely and commanded more imperiously than any King under the shadow of the Kings authority and the pretext that all that he did was for the Kings good and safety Hee had gotten before the keeping of the Castle of Stirlin he behooved also to have the Castle of Edinburgh in his power Alexander Ereskin Uncle to the Earle of Marre was Captain of it hee must needs favour his Nephew and his Faction wherefore it was taken from him and given to Arran who was also made Provest of the Towne Hee was Chancellour of Scotland and having put out Pitcairne Abbot of Dumfermling hee made Master John Metellane Secretary Hee did whatsoever hee pleased if there were no Law for it it was all one hee caused make a Law to serve his ends 〈◊〉 was observed that his Lady said to one who alledged there was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…or doing of what shee de●…red to have done It is no mat●… 〈◊〉 shee wee shall cause make an Act of Parliament for it If 〈◊〉 ●…an re●…used to do o●… grant any thing hee craved they were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 bee tossed and vexed for it even the chief of the Nobility 〈◊〉 Cassils and the Lord Hume were committed Athole be●…●…ee would not divorce from his wife and entaile his estate 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Earle or Master of Cassils because hee would not give 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 great summe of Money under the name of a Loane the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because he would not give him his portion of Dirleton 〈◊〉 ●…he Lord Maxwell then Earle of Morton was quarrelled be 〈◊〉 hee would not excambe his Baronie of Pooke and Maxwell 〈◊〉 ●…ld inheritance for a parcell of the Lord Hamiltons Lands which we●…●…ow his by forfeiture Many Lands had hee taken from many but 〈◊〉 satisfied ever seeking to adde possession to possession 〈◊〉 was not impertinently remonstrated to him by John Barton Goldsmith a wittie and free-spoken man Hee had directed this Barton to ma●…e him a Seale and to carve on it his Coat of Armes duely quartered according to his Lands and Honours This he did pretty well to his contentment but he left one quarter thereof blank and void Hereof when the Earle asked the reason he answered That there may be room for the Lands your Lordship shall purchase hereafter Hee took for his Motto Sic fuit est erit m●…ning that it was an ordinary thing in all ages for meane men to rise to great fortunes and that therefore it ought not either to bee wondred at or to be envied And it is true if the meane had been vertue and not wickednesse which ever was is and will be both envied and hated as it deserveth His ambition was such amongst other examples thereof that Queen Elizabeth must needs bee God-mother to his daughter whose Ambassadour was present at the Christening His crueltie though conspicuous many wayes did appear singularly in the causing execute Master Cunninghame of Drummewhasle and Master Douglas of Maines his sonne-in-law This Cunninghame was an ancient Gentleman and of an old house who himself in person had beene a follower of the Earle of Lennox the Kings Grandfather and had done him good service when he took in the Castle of Dumbartan and Douglas of Maines was esteemed to bee one of the properest men in the Kingdome and was a youth of good expectation yet both of them were hanged at the Market Crosse of Edinburgh The pretext was a forged conspiracie to have taken the King on a certain day at hunting and to have carried him into England Their accuser was Robert Hamilton of Inshemachon who was as hee said himself upon the plot or at least as hee said had been desired to bee of it by Master Edmiston of Duntreath Edmiston being apprehended related How they had plotted to bring in the exiled Lords on horses forsooth which had their eares their maynes and their tails cut themselves being disguised c. A tale which was so unhandsome toyish and ridiculous that no man did beleeve it but esteemed it a foolish fable yet did they make use of it to practise their crueltie upon such as they feared and to make themselves a terrour to all men To returne to the Earle of Angus he and his associats were removed from Berwick to New-castle in May. So it seemed good to the State of England seeing no appearance of their hastie restoring to their own Countrey to secure the Court of Scotland by taking that thorn out of their foot which was too near and too pricking at Berwick Besides these banished Lords were not greatly liked of by the Lord Hunsden then Governour of Berwick for hee entertained correspondencie with the contrary Faction either out of his own inclination
1400. Their marriage His death He founded the Colledge o●… Bothwell His children Or Tine man Edinburgh Castle 〈◊〉 by Douglas against King Henry the fourth Occasion of the battell of H●…mildon n●…ere Milfi●…ld The bat●…ll lost and Douglas taken Occ●…sion of the 〈◊〉 of Shrewsbury Wal●… Douglas taken 1406. He is set free He burnes Penmoore The foule road His sonne Wigton and Buchan in France The Duke of Clarence wounded by Sir John Swinton Clarence slain by Buchan Pasche Eve The Earle Douglas goes into France 〈◊〉 D. of Turraine The occasion of the battell of Vernoill A battell at Vernoil Douglas slain The Scottish guard 〈◊〉 in France He is sent Ambassadour into England Brings home the King Variance betwixt the Governours His death 838. 1389. His wife King 〈◊〉 the third his daughter First Laird of Fintrie Warden of the middle marches 1436. The battel at Piperdean 1436. He overthrevv 〈◊〉 Sir Gilbert 〈◊〉 of Elph●…nston 〈◊〉 Dieth 1452. Sibard his wife Originall of the house of Balgonie Sibard Buch. lib. 7. 〈◊〉 Sibaulds Sibaulds His children The originall of the house of Bonjedward His person He followeth the King against the Earle Douglas his Chief 1457. He overthrowes the Earle Douglas Percie in a bloudie battel in the Merse Bond of Manreid and service by the Lord Hamilton to him Indenture betwixt King Henry the sixth and him 1460. He brings the French out of Anwick Castle His death 1462. 1468. His marriage 1470. His children foure sonnes Glenbarvies ' originall Kilspindies originall Three daughters Base sonnes Parkheads originall He takes order with Cochran and the Courtiers The rel●…tion thereof 1474. 〈◊〉 a Mason Rog●…rs a Singer The King with his Army at Lawder The Nobility meet in the Church Angus makes this speech The Lord Gray his speech Angus called Bell the Cat. Cocbran and his fellowes hanged The Army dismissed the King comes to Edinburgh Plot against the King The K. sonne head of the faction of the Nobles against his father Battell at Bannockbu●…ne The K. slain 1488. Five English Ships taken by Andrew Wood. A Parliament at Edinburgh 6. November 1488. Chambe●…lain Lord Hume Angus Chancellour Warre with England and the occasion of the Field of Flowdon Angus his speech to the King to disswade him from fighting The field of Flowdon 1●…13 Sept. 15. Angus death 1514. A duel betwixt Angus and Spense 1489. Cannabbie 1491. 1510. He marries Q. Margaret The Queen lo●…th her Regencie by her marriage Convention about choosing of a Governour The Duke of Albanie made Governour Prior 〈◊〉 undermines the Lord Hume Lady Margaret Douglas born at Harbottle in England A●…t Darsius or De la Beau●…e slain 1517. Dissention betwixt Arran and Angus 1520. Skirmish in Edinburgh betwixt them 1520. 1521. Angus goeth into France 1522. 1523. Albanies government abrogated The Earle of Angus returns out of France The Triumvirate of Angus Argyle and Lennox The Triumvirate dissolved The slaughter of Patrick Blackader Archdeacon of Dumblane A faction against Angus Con●…ct betwixt Angus and 〈◊〉 at the bridge of Melrosse 1526. Arran joynes with Angus and Le●… makes up a faction against them Conflict at Linlithgow Lennox and Hamilton Lennox slain The beginning of a change with Angus and his discourting The King escapes to 〈◊〉 Castle Angus and the Douglasses 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Court. Parliament at Edinburgh the 6. of Sept. 1528. The Douglasses are forfeited Tantallon besieged Argyles expedition against them frustrated Angus returneth to England He and Sir George Privie Counsellours there William Glames bu●…nt Kilspindie dieth in France 〈◊〉 Hirsel lands given to A. Ker. Fawla Solemne Mosse K. James the 〈◊〉 die●…h 1542. Hamilton Governour Sir Georg●… Dougla●… hi●… speech concerning marrying with England Lennox comes home out of France Angus and Sir George 〈◊〉 prisoner●… They are 〈◊〉 again Lennox goes to England Marries Lady Margaret Douglas The Governour and Angus at Coldinghame Sir Ra●… Ivers and Sir Bria●… Laitons expedition Angus speech to the Governour Occasion of Pinkie field Defeature a●… Pinkie Queen 〈◊〉 sent into France Queen-Mother Governour The devill is in this greedy Glad she will never be full Angus dyes His lurking and being a Greeve He is a prisoner in England Returnes Lives retired and privately at home He comes abroad and begins to deal in publick affairs The Queen-Mother dieth Morton Ambassadour in England Queen Mary arrives in Scotland Friendship betwixt Morton and Murray Their ruine plotted The Queen goeth to the North they accompany her The Queen at Innernesse 〈◊〉 Gordon beheaded She goes to Aberdene The battel at Corrighie 1562. Lennox and Henry Lord Darnely come ho●…e Proposition of mar●…iage with the Queen They mar●…y the 27. of July 1565. The Runne-about Rode Morton Chancellour Rizio Rizio his de●… plotted by the King Rizio killed 1566. Martii 8. Morton flees to England The Lord Ruthven dies there Bothwell the Queens favourite Morton returnes King James borne 1566. 19. June The King murdered by Bothwell The Nobilitie bands against Bothwell The Queen and Bothwel at Borthwick 〈◊〉 hill The 〈◊〉 of Carburie hill 1567. June the 5. King James crowned 1567. July 26. Murray Regent Earle Bothwel a Pirate Is pursued Flees to Denmark Dies mad there The Queen escapes out of Legh-leven 1568. May 2. The field of Langside the 10. of May. 1568. Langsidelord May 13. 156●… The Roade of Hoddam The Regent goes to England 1569. A Convention at Perth Convention at Stirlin The Earle of Northumberland taken and sent to Logh-lev●…n The Regent Murray shot at Lithgow Convention at Edinburgh 1. May. 1570. July 13. Lennox Regent Morton goes to Brechin The Regent also goes thither The Garrison yeelds Morton sent into England He returnes and comes to Stirlin the 1. of May 1571. The Lousie-Law Parliament the 14. of May 1571. without the Gates of Edinburgh A fight at Craig-Miller the 2. of June 1571. Morton at Leith Conflict with the Lords of the Queens Faction The 10. of June At the Gallow-Law Parliament in Stirlin the 4. of August Contention about Bishops An attempt upon Stirlin and the Lord●… there 〈◊〉 the Regent killed Buried 1571. Marre Regent 9. Septemb. Those of Edinburgh set fire in Dalkeith A truce in August 1572. Marre the Regent dieth the 28. of October Morton Regent the 24 of Novem. 1572. The Queens partie within the castle of Edinburgh The Castle blocked up Parliament at Edinburgh the 26. of Jan. Siege of the Castle of Edinburgh 1573. 20. April The castle rendered the 29. of May. ●…range exe●…ed Parliament Jan. 26. 1572. Acts concerning Religion Generall Assembly in Edinburgh 1573. The P●…ed Swire M●…ton dimits his Regencie The Lord Glames slain at Stirlin Morton President of the Councell Parliament in Stirlin Castle the 25. of July 1578. Duellbetwixt Tait and Johnston Athole dies at Stirlin The King comes to Edinburgh and makes his 〈◊〉 the 17. of October The beginning of Mortons fall Obignie comes home in September 1579. Controversie betwixt the Lord Ruthven and Olyphant Morton aceused of the K. murther Imprisoned in the Castle Morton is sent to Dumbarton He is brought back to Edinburgh the 27. of May And there condemned of treason † It would be knowne what was in these Letters His confession before his death Morton brought to the Scaffold His death His educatio●… He fleeth into England Change in Court 1582 Justice Aircs in Perth in July The roade of Ruthven 1582 August 24. Angus returneth home He joins with the Lords against the Courtiers 1583. L●…nox dies in France Gowrie takes a remission for the fact at Ruthven A●…an returns to Court Angus consined beyond Forth He is sent beyond Spaye He goeth to Elgin in Murray Discord betwixt the Ministers and Courtiers Melvin flees to Berwick His Apology Gowrie commanded to go beyond sea Lodowick Duke of Lennox brought home † Master David Hume G●… taken at Dundi●… An●…us comes 〈◊〉 Stirling to 〈◊〉 Lords The Lords Declaration The Lords flee from Stirling toward England Archbald Douglas hanged Argatie executed Gowrie bcheaded at Stirlin 1584. the 28. of April His Lady basely and beastly used Parliament at Edinburgh the 22. of May 1584. The Lords forfeited Prot●…station against she Acts of Parliament by the Ministers A●…n mocks the Ministers Maines and Drummewhasle executed Angus at Newcastle Angus his kindnesse and bountie Master John Colvill sent to the Cou●…t of England A letter from London to Angus from the Authour 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 The Lords brought to London Mo●…ing against Arran Sir Lewis Ballandine Ambassadour in England Sir Francis Russell killed The Scots sue for a Scottish Church at London but cannot obtain it The Lords came to the Borders They come ●…o Fawkirk the 1. of November 1585. Their Declaration The Road of 〈◊〉 M James Halden slain Stirlin taken by the Lords They come into the King●… presence Gl●…mes Treasurer A letter written to the Authour concerning the State of those times Presented t●… Angus Discourse concerning Mr. Craigs Sermon Of Obedience to Tyrants and Impunitie of Tyrants Bo●…inus his absurdity Apol. cap. 34. Of Blackwoods opinion Of Active and Passive Obedience Angus answereth The Chancellours place offered ●…o Angus He rejects it Met●… made Chancellour Angus Lieutenant on the Borders The road at the Tarrasse Mosse Looke for the translation of these verses in the following page The translation of the verses in the page foregoing