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A01115 An abridgement of the booke of acts and monumentes of the Church: written by that Reuerend Father, Maister Iohn Fox: and now abridged by Timothe Bright, Doctour of Phisicke, for such as either through want of leysure, or abilitie haue not the vse of so necessary an history; Actes and monuments. Abridgments. Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Bright, Timothie, 1550-1615. 1589 (1589) STC 11229; ESTC S102503 593,281 862

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of his raigne notwithstanding many troubles he builded the colledge of Canons at Exeter and was buried at the Abbey of Winburne or Woburne After whose decease for lacke of issue the land fell to his brother Alured or Alfred ann 872. who first of the English kings Alfred of the English K. taketh his vnctiō from the Pope tooke his crowne and vnction of Pope Leo at Rome Hee after great alteration and diuers troubles forced the Danes to séeke for peace which was concluded vpon certaine couenants wherof one and the principall was that Gutrum their K. should be christened The other that such as would not be christened should depart the Realme Vpon these couenants Gutrum comming to Winchester The king of the Danes christened was there christened with xx of his great Nobles To the which Gutrū K. Alured being his Godfather at the baptisme named him Athelstane and gaue him diuers Countreys as of East-anglia conteyning Norfolke and Suffolke and part of Cambridgeshire and graunted to the Danes that were christened the Countrey of Northumberland the rest voyding the land Athelstane raigned xi or xij yeres Alfred buylded diuers houses of Religion as the house of Nunnes at Shaftesburie and the religious houses at Etheling Also another at Winchester named the new Monasterie and endued richly the Church of Saint Cutbert at Durham Hee sent also into India to pay and performe his vowes to saint Thomas of India which he promised in the time of his distresse against the Danes After hee had reigned nine and twentie yeres and sixe monethes he changed this mortall life and deuided his goods into two equall partes the one to vses secular the other to vses Ecclesiasticall Of the which the first he deuided into thrée portions the first for behoofe of his familie the second vpon his buildings the third vpon strangers The other second into foure partes the one to the reliefe of the poore Alfred a notable king an other to monasteries the third to the Schooles of Oxford for the maintening of good letters the fourth he sent to forraine Churches without the Realme He deuided the day and the night into thrée partes Eight houres if he were not let by warres A notable spēding of the time by the king and other affaires hée spent in studie and learning Other eight in praier almes déedes And the other eight in natural rest sustenance of his bodie and néedes of the Realme He especially prouided against robbing and théeues by seuere execution In such sorte that he caused to be set vp through his Dominion gilded brooches and none so hardie neither by day nor night to take them downe His vertues were many he was learned wise religious and valeaunt especiallie about the West part of the land he erected Schooles and mainteyned Students although among the Britaines in the towne of Chester in Southwales long before that in the time of King Arthure as Galfridus wryteth both Grāmer and Philosophie with the tongues were taught In the time of Egbert king of Kent some writers affirme that this land began to flourish with Philosophie About which time also some thinke that the Vniuersity of Grantchester néere to that which is now called Cambridge began to be founded by Beda Grantchester founded by Beda following this coniecture therein for that Alcuinus who went to Rome and from thence into Fraunce in the time of Charles the great where he first began the Vniuersitie of Paris was first traded vp in the same Schoole of Grantchester Paris began from Grantchester Bed lib. 3. cap. 18. writing also of Sigebert king of the East-angles declared how Sigebert returning out of Frāce into Englād according to the examples which he did there sée ordered and disposed Schooles of learning through the meanes of Felix then Bishoppe and placed in them Teachers after the manner of the Cantuarites And yet before these times it is thought there were two Schooles or Vniuersities within the Realme the one for Gréek at the town of Greglade which was after called Kirklade the other for Latine which was then called Latinlade afterward Lethelade néere to Oxford Alfrede very learned This King Alfrede was eleuen yeres of age before hee began to learne Letters hauing to his Master Pleimundus afterwarde made Bishoppe of Canterburie and grew so in knowledge that he trāslated diuers latin works as Orosius Pastorale Gregorij the histories of Bede Boetius de Consolat philosophiae also an Enchiridion of his owne making He compiled also an Historie in the Saxon tongue called the historie of Alfred He suffered no man to aspire to any dignitie in his Court except he were learned and caused all his Nobles to set their children to learning if they had no sonnes then their seruaunts He began also to translate the Psalter into English The Psalter translated by king Alfred and had almost finished the same had not death preuented him These endeuours he tooke in hand that the English nation might be furnished with knowledge which was decayed before by the innumerable volumes burned by the Danes The king carefull to furnish the land with knowledge He vsed chiefly the wise counsell of Neotus Neotus who was counted then an holy man and was Abbot of a certaine monastery of Cornewall by whose aduise hée sent for Grimbaldus a learned monke out of Fraunce and for Asserion an other learned man out of Wales whome hée made Bishop of Schireborne also out of Mercia hée sent for Werefrithus Bishop of Worcester to whom hée put the Dialogues of Gregory to be trāslated By the aduisement of Neotus he ordained certaine schooles of diuerse artes first at Oxford and fraunchised the same with many great Libraries Moreouer besides other learned men which were about Alfred histories make mention of Iohannes Scotus Iohannes Scotus a godly deuine and a learned Philosopher but not that Scotus whō we call Duns who came after this many yéeres This Iohannes Scotus at the request of Carolus Caluus the French king translated the booke of Dyonisius intituled De Hierarchia out of Gréeke into Latine word by word Hée wrote also a booke De corpore sanguine Domni which was after condemned by the Pope Scotus booke De Corpore condemned In concilio Vercellensi He wrote also a booke De naturae diuisione wherein he accorded not with the Romish religion whervpon the Pope writing to Charles of this Scotus complained of him so he was constrained to remoue out of France and came into Engl. to Alured as some say by the letters of Alfred of whō he had great intertainment till he went to Malmesburie where he was slaine of his owne schollers whō he taught with their penkniues Scotus slaine of his scholers King Alfred had by his wife two sonnes Edward and Ethelward and thrée daughters Elflena Ethelgora Ethelginda which all he caused to be instructed in learning Edward succéeded in the kingdome Ethelward died before
where Tho appeared not but sente another This the king tooke in great displeasure and laid diuers actions against him of reconings c. The other Bishops endeuoured to perswade Thomas to consider what he did and not to stande so stiflie against the king others encouraged him and at last they agréed with common consent to cite him vp to Rome vpon periurie and appointed him his daye of appearance Which when the Archbishop heard he also sent to Rome to whom the Pope directeth againe his letters of comfort that made Becket still to hold himselfe stout against the King who was so incensed against him that if he had not fledde the Court he had béene laid in prison Becket flieth and turneth his name to Derman for not answering to certaine accompts the king had to charge him withall But he sped him away changing his name and calling himselfe Derman and taking shippe at Sandwich fled into Flanders from thence to Ludouicus the French king who notwithstanding Letters and request to the contrarie gaue him entertainment and wrote to the Pope in his behalfe and although the K. had sent vnto him Ambassadors Robert Archbishoppe of Yorke with other Bishoppes and Nobles requiring him to deale otherwise thorow the French Kings letters did wholy encline to Becket But forasmuch as he could not be placed as yet in England the Pope sendeth him in a monks habite to the Abbey of Pontiniake in Fraunce where hée remayned two yeares And from thence he remoued to Senon B. in exile seuen yeres where he abode fiue yeres So his exile continued in all seuen yeres Now the king vnderstanding of the Popes fauor toward Becket sayling out of England into Normandie directeth ouer certaine Iniunctions against the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterburie Besides an 1166. it was set foorth by the kings Proclamation that all manner of persons both men women of Beckets kinred Beckets kinred banished should be banished without carrying away any penyworth of their goods Hee sent also to Guarrin the Abbot of Pontiniakes threatning him that if he would not put away Tho. hee would driue out of his Realme all the Monkes of his order Whereupon Becket was faine to depart to Lewes the French king who placed him at Senon and there found him the space of fiue yeares In which time of his absence he wrought all hee might against the king and those that he knew did not fauour him diuers letters passed to and from Becket to the Pope the king very seditious rebellious Frō which dealing a very pithie letter written by the Suffraganes of the Church of Canterburie could nothing perswade him but prouoked him very sharply to replie against them He reiected also the letters of the Empresse that endeuored to perswade him After these letters sent to and fro anno 1169. the King fearing least the Archbishoppe should procéede against his owne person by excommunication made his appeale to the Pope The K. feareth Becket whereupon he sent two Cardinals Guilielmus and Otho o take vp the matter at Grisorsium in Fraunce but it came to no conclusion Where William requiring Becket for the peace of the Church which hée pretended to resigne his Bishoprike so that the King would giue ouer his customes answered that the proportion was not like saying that hée sauing the honour of his Church and person could not so doo but the king Because the Pope had cōdemned them it stood on his soules health to renounce those ordinances and customes because the Pope had condemned them After the Cardinals were returned the French king also thought to haue preuayled with Thomas and laboured to perswade him but could not Thomas alwaies adding his obedience Saluo honore Dei very captiously that he might thereby make escape if néede were wherewith the King was greatly displeased After this there fell other displeasure betwixt them Anno 1170. And the sixtéenth yere of the Kings raigne at which time hée kept his Parlement at Westminster hée caused his sonne Henry to be crowned King with consent of Lordes Spirituall and Temporall which Coronation was doone by the handes of Robert Archbishop of Yorke with assistance of other Bishopses whereat Becket tooke great displeasure because hée was not called for and complayned thereof to the Pope at whose instaunce the Pope sent downe sentence of excommunication against the Archbishop and London Salisbury Duresme and Rochester that were doers with him in the Coronation and sendeth also two Legates the Archb. of Rhothomage and the Archb. of Nauerne with full commission either to driue the King to reconciliation or to interdict him by the Popes censure out of the Church wherevpon the king at last through the mediation of the French king and diuerse prelates great Princes was content to yéeld to reconciliation but would not graunt him his possessions and landes of his church before he repaired into England The king yeeldeth to Becket and should shew how peaceably he would agrée with the kings subiects This peace being thus cōcluded Thomas after 6. yéers of his banishment returned and was commanded of the yoong king to kéepe his house The Bishops before excommunicated required absolution of him but hée would not graunt therevnto simply without cauteles so they cōplained to the king who tooke it heauenly lamented oft sundry times that none would reuenge him of his enemy which certaine to the number of 4. hearing prepared themselues came into England out of Normandie about Christmasse time repaired to Thomas commanded him in the kings name to come to the yoong K. to doo his duty to him to restore the bishops whom he had excōmunicated for the kings coronatiō which Thomas would not grant vnto touching the absolutiō referring it to the pope who had excōmunicated thē In the end so disorderly Thomas behaued himselfe that they said he had spoken against his owne head and rushed out of the dores cōmaunding the monks to kéepe him forth comming What quoth Thomas thinke you I will fly away nay neither for the K. nor for any man will I stir one foote frō you and so cried after them Foure armed men kill Thomas Becket here here shall you find me laying his hand vpon his crowne The 4. whose names were Reynold Bereson Hugh Morteuill Wil. Thracy Richard Brito went to harnesse themselues returned the same day slue Becket méeting him about euēsong time with his crosse in his hand euery one striking him with his sword into the head they after fled into the North at length with much adoo The murtherers do penāce hauing obtained their pardon of the pope went to Ierusalem in linnen clothes barefoote fasting and praying whereof in few yéeres after they died Anno 1220. There was a question as saith Cesarius the monke at Paris whether Becket were saued or damned Roger a Normand holding against him Whether Becket were saued or damned
papacy of Rome and the regalities of S. Peter I shall be an ayder so mine order be saued against all persons The Legate of the apostolike sea both in going and comming I shall honorably intreat and helpe him in all necessities Being called to a Synode I shall be ready to come vnlesse I be let by some Canonicall empeachment The palace of the Apostles euery third yéere I shall visit eyther by my selfe or by my messenger except otherwise I be licensed by the sea apostolike All such possessions as belong to the Dioces of my Bishoprike I shall neither sell nor giue nor lay to morgage or lease out or remooue away by any manner of meanes without the consent and knowledge of the Bishoppe of Rome so God helpe mée and the holy Gospell of God Also among other decrées in a Councel at Rome of 300. Bishoppes Chastitie was obtruded vpon Priestes and Thomas Beckette and Bernarde were canonized for Saintes T. Becket and Bernard canonized for Saints Anno 1184. The French king came on Pilgrimage to Becket the K. of England méeting him by the way After the death of Richard Archbishoppe of Canterburie who followed after Becket succéeded Baldwinus Baldwinus a Cistercian Monke Anno 1178. In the Citie of Tholouse was a great multitude of men and women whome the Popes Commissioners did condemn for heretikes of whom some were scourged naked some chased away and other some compelled to abiure They held against the reall presence In the time of this Alexander the Pope sproong vp the doctrine and name of them which were called then Pauperes de Lugduno Pauperes de Lugduno which of one Waldus a chiefe Senator in Lions were named Waldenses Waldenses They were also called Leonisti Insabbattati About the yere 1119. or according to Laziardus 1170. About this time or not long before rose vp Franciscus Franciscus and Dominicus Dominicus mainteners of blinde hypocrisie The originall of Waldenses came vpon this occasion about the yere 1160. it fell out as the chiefe heads of the citie of Lions were walking and talking according to their maner of diuers affaires one among them fell downe dead wherat Waldus Waldus being present was so terrified that he was stroken with repentance and indeuour to refourme his life insomuch that first he began to minister large almes of his goods to such as needed Secondly to instruct himselfe and his familie with the true knowledge of Gods word Thirdly to admonish all them which resorted vnto him vpon any occasion to repentance and vertuous amendment of life whereby he drew much people vnto him to whome he gaue certaine rudiments translated out of the scripture into the French tongue The Prelates threatned him with excommunication whereat hee was nothing abashed but persisted constant vntill with sworde imprisonment and banishment they draue Waldus with all his fauourers out of the Citie who therefore were called Pauperes de Lugduno because they were driuen from their Countrey and dispossessed of their goods Their articles were these 1 Onely the Scriptures are to bee beléeued in matters concerning faith The doctrine of the Waldenses 2 All things necessarie to saluation to be conteyned in the Scriptures 3 That there is one onely Mediator and no Saints to be inuocated 4 No Purgatorie 5 Masses to be wicked 6 Mens traditions to be reiected in matters of saluation against holy dayes superfluous chaunting fixed fastes the degrées and orders of Priestes Nunnes c. Against vowes and peregrinations 7 Against the supremacie of the Pope 8 Against receiuing in one kinde 9 The Pope is Antichrist and Rome Babylon 10 Against indulgences and pardons 11 Against vowes of chastitie 12 That such as heare the word and haue a right faith are the Church of Christ and the keyes to be the preaching of the word and ministring the Sacraments These Waldenses at length exiled were dispersed into sundrie and diuers places of whom many remayned long time in Bohemia who writing to their king Vladislaus to purge themselues of the slaunderous accusations of one D. Augustin gaue vp their confession with an Apologie which was no other doctrine than that which is taught at this day The zeale of the Waldenses as appeareth by the report of Aeneas Siluius They were deuout in praier and diligent in reading the Scriptures In so much that Reinerius a diligent Inquisitor against them reporteth that he did heare and sée a man of the Countrey vnlettered The Testamēt by heart which could rehearse the whole booke of Iob worde for worde without the booke and diuers other which had the new Testament by heart and they were so painefull to instruct others that he saith he did heare of one that knew the parties that one of them did swimme ouer the riuer Ibis to conuert one from the Romish religion and to geue him instructions In the reigne of this K. Henrie was gathered thorowe England and Fraunce ij d. of euerie pound for the succour of the East christians against the Turkes for such was the affliction that Pope Vrban 3. died for sorow Gregorie 8. the next Pope after him liued not two moneths Then in the dayes of P. Clement 3 king Henrie of England and Philip the French king the Duke of Burgundie the Earle of Flaunders the Earle of Cāpania with diuers other christiā princes with a general consent vpō S. Georges day took the mark of the crosse vpon thē promising together to take their voiage to the holy land at which time the king of England receiued first the Red crosse The markes of the crosse to go to fight for the holy land the French king the White crosse the Earle of Flanders the Gréene crosse and so other Princes other colours But king Henry after the thrée yéeres were expired in which he promised to performe his voiage sent to the pope for farther delay of his promisse offering for the same to erect 3. monasteries which hee thus performed In the Church of Waltham hee thrust out the secular priests placed monkes in their roome and repaired againe brought in the nunnes of Amesbury that were before excluded for their incontinent life An. 1173. Incontinent life of nunnes About the fiue and twentith yéere of the raigne of this king Ludouicus the French king by the vision of Thomas Beckets appearing to him in his dreame and promising him the recouery of his sonne K Lewes of France maketh pilgrimage to Becket if he would resort to him to Canterbury made his iourney into England to visit S. Thomas at Canterbury with Philip Earle of Flanders where hée offered a rich cup of gold with other precious iewels 100. vessels of wine yéerely to the couent of the Church of Canterbury Anno 1178. Albingenses Albingenses about Tholouse denied the reall presence and denied also matrimony to be a sacrament The monkes of the Charterhouse Monks of the Charterhouse first entred into
plate and this was about the 5. yere of his reigne and then it was obteyned of the P. that Priests might celebrate with Chalices of latin and tinne Chalices of lattin tinne which continued long after In the time of the kinges captiuitie Philip the French K. incensed Iohn the brother of king Richard to take on him the kingdome of his brother For which fact Ioh. at his brothers returne submitted himselfe vnto him and craued pardon which the king graunted About this time there was one Fulco Fulco some say hée was Archb. of Roan called Gualter who came vnto the king and tolde him The kings three daughters bestowed he had three daughters to bestow willing him to bestow them in time that is pride couetousnes and luxuriousnes Which words the king tooke in good part calling his Lords declared vnto them what Fulco had councelled him and said I geue my daughter swelling pride to be wife to the proude Templars My greedy daughter auarice to the couetous order of the Cistercian mōks And last of al my filthy daughter Lururie to the riotous prelates of the Church The king laying siege to a castle called Galuz belonging to the Lord Bemonice in little Brittaine thinking there to haue obtained great substaunce of treasure was shot into the arme by a souldier named Beytādus Cordomi K Richard slaine wherevpon the yron remaining and festering in the wound the king within nine daies after died hauing first forgiuen the souldier before his death After the death of king Richard King Iohn raigned his brother Iohn Earle of Morton An. 1200. Diuorce was made betwixt king Iohn and his wife because they were in the 3. degrée of kinred An. 1205. Hubert archb of Canterbury deceased Before his body was yet committed to the earth the yoonger sort of the monks elected Reignold their superiour and placed him in the Metropolitane sea without the Kings licence and knowledge Who being sent vnto by the elder sort of mōks requiring his gratious license to choose their Archb. consented therevnto requiring them also instantly at his request they would shew fauour to Iohn Gray bishop of Norwich which they also did electing him into that sea And for the full establishing the king sent of his owne charges to haue the matter ratified by the Pope The two Suffraganes of Canterbury not beyng made acquainted with the matter sent spéedily to Rome to haue both the elections stopped wherevpon grew great tumult for the Pope condemning both their elections created Stephen Langton with his owne hand in the high Church of Viterby vpon which occasion the king conceiued an excéeding displeasure against the Clergy and Monks of Canterbury and banished 64. of them out of the land and doth also sharply expostulate by letters with the Pope for that he had chosen Stephen Langton a man brought vp amongst his enimies a long time in the kingdome of France besides the derogation to the liberties of his crowne threatning except he would fauour the kings liking of the B. of Norwich The king threatneth the Pope hée would cut of the trade to Rome and the profites that came thether from the land The Pope writeth in the behalfe of R. Langton a froward and arrogant letter and not long after sendeth a commandement and charge into England to certaine bishops that if the king would not yéeld they should interdict him through his realme For the executiō whereof foure bishops were appointed William B. of London Eustace bishop of Ely Walter bishop of Winchester and Giles bishop of Hereford Which foure bishops went to him shewing their cōmission The king interdicted willing him to consent which the king refusing they went and pronounced the generall interdiction through out the realme and so the Church dores were shut vp with keies walles and other fastnings c. Which with other demeanour so incensed the king that hée tooke all the possessions of the foure Bishops into his handes appointing certaine men to kéepe the liuing of the Clergie throughout the realme and that they should inioy no part thereof he also proclaimed that all those that had Church liuing and went ouer the sea should returne at a certaine day or else lose their liuings for euer and charged all Sheriffes to inquire if any churchman receiued any commaundement that came from the Pope The king against the Clergie and that they should take their bodies and bring them before him and also that they should take into their hands for the kings vse all the church lands that were giuen to any man by the Archbishop Stephen or by the priors of Canterburie from the time of the election of the Archbishop and further charged that all the woods that were the Archbishops should be cut downe and sold Which things the pope hearing of sendeth two Legates Pandulph and Durance Pandulph and Durance Legates to charge the king to make restitution and cease from those wrongs doone to the church which when he refused to doo he procéeded to excommunicate him to assoile all his subiects from their oth of obedience Subiects assoiled of their oth of obediēce assoiling also all those of their sins that would rise against the K. And a while after vpon the Legats returne the Pope summoned all bishops The king accursed of the Pope abbots clarkes to repaire to Rome to cōsult what was to be doone therin where he accursed the K. and sent vnto the French king vpon remissiō of all his sins and of all that went with him that he should take with him all the power that he might and so inuade the Realme of England to destroy king Iohn Moreouer he gaue sentēce that the K. should be deposed another put in his place appointing the deposing to the french K Philip The pope giueth England to the French king promising to giue him remission of al his sins and the cléere possession of all the Realme of England to him his heires if he did either kill him or expel him Whervpō the next yere 1212. the Frēch K. begā to inuade but the Englishmen took 300. of his ships wel ladē with al prouision burnt another hundred within the hauen and tooke the spoile yet the K. considering the conspiracies of the pope and the sharpe inuasion of the French K. with the treasons at home by reason of the popes dispensation with the oath of obediēce in the 13. yéere of his raign sent Embassadors to the pope requiring peace The king submitteth to the Pope promising to satisfie him in al things with due satisfaction whervpon the pope sent Pandulph again into Englād with other Embassadors To whō in the behalfe of the court of Rome the K. submitted himself resigning gaue vp his dominiōs of England Ireland frō him his heires that should come of him for euermore with this condition that he shold take these 2. dominions of the pope again to
London to haue their former acts confirmed at which time came two Cardinalles from Rome with letters sent vnto the nobles from the pope The nobles answered to the message of the Cardinals that as touching themselues they should be at all times welcome vnto them but as for their letters forasmuch as they were men vnlettered and onely brought vp in feats of warre therfore cared they not for séeing the same neither would they speak with the Legates concerning their busines Yet at the last through the mediation of the Archb and the Earle of Glocester the matter was taken vp betwixt the King and the Nobles Anno 1313 Robert Winchelsey died in whose roome Robert Cobham was elected by the King and Church of Canterbury but the Pope did frustrate that election and placed Walter Renald Walter Renald Bishop of Worcester About this time died Pope Clement the 5. Clement 5. dieth who kéeping in Fraunce neuer came to the sea of Rome after whose death the Papacie stood voide two yeares Papacie voide two yeares After Clement succéeded pope Iohn the 22. who sent two Legates from Rome vnder pretence to set agréement betwixt the king of Englād and the Scots they for their charges and expēces required of euery spiritual person iiii d. in euery mark Iohn 22. Pope maketh profite of the variance of princes but all in vaine For the legates as they were in the North partes about Derlington with their whole familie and traine were robbed spoiled of their horses treasure apparel and whatsoeuer else they had and so with an euil fauoured handling retired backe againe to Duresme where they staied a while waiting for an answere from the Scots But when neither the popes legacie neither his curse would take any place with the Scots they returned againe to London where they first excommunicated and cursed as blacke as soote all those arrogant and presumptuous robbers of Northumberland Secondly for supplying of the losses receiued they exacted of the clergie to be giuen vnto them 8. pence in euery marke But the Clergie thereunto would not agrée séeing it was their owne couetousnes as they said that made them venture farther then they néeded viii d. in euery marke only they were contented to relieue them after 4. pence in the marke further they would not graunt And so they departed to the popes court againe Michael house founded in Cambridge In the time of this king the Colledge in Cambridge called Michaell house was founded by Sir Henry Stanton knight About the same time also was Nicholaus de Lyra Nicholaus de lyra which wrote the ordinarie glosse of the Bible also Guilielmus Occham Guilielmus Occham a worthie deuine of a right sincere iudgement as the times then would eyther giue or suffer Among others which the King did trouble and take reuenge of for the rebellion of the Barons was one Adam Adam Bishoppe of Hereford who beyng appeached of treason with other more was at length arrested in the Parlement to appeare and answere to that should be layd against him To which the Bishop answered I an humble minister and member of the Church of God and Bishop consecrate albeit vnworthy can not neyther ought to answere to these so high matters without the authoritie of the Archbishop of Canterbury my direct iudge and next vnder the high Bishoppe of Rome whose suffragane also I am and the consent likewise of other my fellow Bishops After which woordes the Archbishop and other Bishops made humble sute for him to the King But when the King would not be woon nor turned with any supplication the Bishops together with the Archbishops and Clergie comming with their crosses tooke him away chalenging him for the church without any further answere making charging moreouer vnder the censures of the church and excommunication none to presume to lay any further handes vpon him The king commanded notwithstanding to procéede in iudgement and the iurie of twelue men to goe vpon the inquisition of his cause who finding and pronouncing the bishop to be guiltie the king caused immediatlie all his goods and possessions to be confiscate to himselfe Moreouer made his plate and all his houshold stuffe to be throwen out of his house into the streete But yet he remayned still vnder the protection of the Archbishop This Archb. was called W. Winchelsey after whom succéeded S. Mepham Anno one thousand thrée hundred Simon M. and twentie seuen R. Auesb. After P. Clement v. by whose decease the Romane Sea stood vacant two yéeres and thrée moneths Next was elected pope Iohn 22. Clement 5. a Cistercian Monke who sat in the papacie 18. yéeres a man so stout inflexible and giuen much to heaping vp of riches A great heresie that he proclaimed them Heretikes that taught that Christ his Apostles had no possessions of their owne in the world At this time was Emperour Ludouicus Bauarus Ludouicus Bauarus Emperour a worthy man who with this Pope and other that followed him had no lesse contention then had Fredericus before Contention betwixt the pope Emp. 24. yeeres in somuch that this contention continued 24. yéeres The cause thereof rose of the constitution of Clement 5. predecessor to this Pope by whom it was ordeined that Emperours elected by the Germanine princes might be called kings of the Romanes but might not enioy the title and right of the empire without their confirmation giuen by the pope Wherfore this Emperour because he vsed the imperiall dignitie in Italie before he was authorized by the P he excommunicated him and notwithstāding the Emperour did oftentimes offer vp himself to make intreatie of peace Pope hath full power to create and depose Emperors at his pleasure yet the inflexible pope would not bend mainteining that he had full power to create and depose kings and Emperours at his pleasure In the same time were diuers learned men who did greatly disallow the B. of Romes doings among whō was Guilielmus Occham whose Tractations were afterwarde condemned by the Pope for writing against the Temporal iurisdiction of their Sea and another named Marsilinꝰ Patauinus Marsilius Patauinus who wrote the booke called Defensor pacis Defensor pacis giuen vp to the handes of the Emperor wherein the controuersie of the Popes vsurped iurisdiction in thinges Temporall is largely disputed the vsurping authoritie of the same sea set foorth to the vttermost At length when the Emperor after much suite at Auinion could not obteine his Coronation Cōming to Rome he was there receaued with great honor where he with his wife were both crowned by the ful consent of all the Lords and Cardinals there and another Pope there set vp called Nicholas the fifte After which things Pope Nicholas v. the Pope not long after died at Auinion in France whome succéeded Benedictus the twelft Benedict xii a Monke of Benedictus order and reigned vij yeres Who by
the racking of Anne Askew was greatly displeased therewith The day of her executiō being appointed she was brought into Smithfield in a chaire because she could not go on her féete by reason of her racking and was girded by the middle with a chaine that might hold vp her bodie and so was shée with her fellowes a witnesse of the truth and sealer of the same with her bloud Anne Askew hauing letters of pardon offered her at the stake by Wrisley lord Chancellour if shée would recant she refused so much as to looke on them They were there also offered to the rest The martyrs had pardon at the stake but they by her example were confirmed and likewise refused the same About the same time and yéere Doctor Ripse bishop of Norwich did incite the old duke of Northfolke against Rogers in the countie of Northfolke who was condemned and suffered for the cause of the sixe Articles An. 1546. Winchester practized against Q. Catherine Parre the last wife to king Henry who was very zealous towardes the Gospell Winchester practiseth against the life of the Queene and had perswaded with the king to make a perfect reformation and so farre he preuailed with the king persuading him of the factious disposition of the gospellers and of the daungerous example of the Quéene his wife that before that he and the L. Chancellor and others who conspired together against her departed the king had giuen out cōmandement with warrant to certaine of them made for that purpose to consult together about drawing of certaine articles against the Quéene wherein her life might be touched which the king by their persuasions pretended not to spare hauing any rigor or colour of law to coūtenance the matter With which cōmission they departed that time from the king resolued to put their pernitious practise in executiō first determined to deale with those whō they knew were great about her as the Lady Harbert afterward the Countesse of Penbrooke and sister to the Quéene and chiefe of her priuie chamber the lady Lane being of her priuie chamber and also her cosin Germane the lady Terwit beyng of her priuie chamber It was deuised that these thrée should first of all haue béene accused brought to answere to the six articles and vpon their apprehension in the court their closets and coffers should haue béen searched that somewhat might haue béene found whereby the Quéene might be charged which being found she her selfe presently should haue béene taken likewise caried by barge in the night to the Tower To all this the king séemed to giue his assent and afterward opened all the matter to D. Wendy his Physicion charging him withall vpon perill of his life not to vtter it to any person Now the time drawing nigh when they minded to put their mischéefes in practise the bill of articles drawne out against the Quéene and subscribed with the Kinges owne hand falling from the bosome of one of those wicked counsellours was found and taken vp of some godly person and brought immediatly to the Quéene who séeing the same fell into a marueilous perplexitie almost to the perill and daunger of her life whereof the king hearing he sent his Phisition Wendie and came also himselfe to comfort her to whom she delared her griefe but the king gaue her most comfortable wordes and so when he had tarried an houre with her he departed Shée afterwardes being recouered came to the King and founde suche fauour with him and had so satisfied him in those thinges The king much altered concerning their practises against the Queene for which the Prelates conspired against her that his minde was fully altered and detested in his heart the bloudie conspiracie of those Traytours who yet notwithstanding the next day determined to haue carried the Quéene to the Tower and at the houre appointed the Lord Chauncellour with fourtie of the garde at his héeles commeth into the garden where the Quéene was with the King and those thrée Ladies in pleasaunt communication fully determining from thence to haue taken the Quéene and those thrée Ladies and to haue carried them to the Tower whom the King stearnely beholding and breaking of his myrth with the Quéene stepped aside and called him knaue arrant knaue beast and foole The Queene deliuered from her daunger and commaunded him presently to auoide out of his presence So departed the Chauncellour with his train and all his deuises brought to naught and the subtletie of Gardiner discouered who was alwayes a cruell enimie against the Gospell and professors of the same Gardiner not onely practised in England against reformation but also when the King was minded to reforme in England he being Ambassadour beyond the seas for the agréement of a league betwéene England Fraunce and the Emperour he wrote vnto the king and perswaded him that if he procéeded to alter any whit in England in matters of religion the league would not go forwarde whereby the Kinges determinate purpose for that time was altered although before he had commanded the Archb. Cranmer to cause two letters in his name to be drawne for the abolishing of Roodlofts and ringing on allhallow night After this Anno 1546. The matter of reformation beganne to be reuiued and the French king and the king of England did agrée to make a perfect reformation The kings of England and France agree to make a perfect reformatiō of religion and were so fully resolued therein that they meant also to exhort the Emperour to doe the same in Flaunders and other his countries or else to breake off from him And herein the king commaunded the Archbishop Cranmer to penne a forme thereof to bée sent to the French king to consider of but by the death of these Princes that purpose was cut off About this time Sir Hugh Cauerley knight maister Litleton falsly accused Sir George Blage one of the kings priuie chamber the sunday before Anne Askew suffered before Wriseley Lord Chauncellour Sir George Blage condemned to be burned the next day he was carried to Newgate from thence to the guild hall where he was condemned the same day and appointed to be burned the wednesday after They laid to him that he shold say that if a mouse did eate the bread they should by his consent hang vp the mouse with other such light matters When the King vnderstood hereof hée was sore offended with their doinges and sent him his pardon and so was he set at liberberty Who comming after to the kings presence ah my pig said the king to him for so he was wont to call him Yea said he if your maiestie had not béene befter vnto me then your Bishoppes were your pigge had béene rosted ere this time After the death of Anne Askew the Prelates made out straight proclamation against English bookes of scripture and whatsoeuer might giue any light to the word and drew out a number of heresies as they call them out
the time of Licinius till Iohn Wickliffe was bound vp Sathan bound vp til Wicliffe Constantine deferred baptisme till his old age because he determined a iourney into Persia and thought in Iordan to haue béene baptized He entered into the Empire Anno 311. and raigned 30. yéeres as Letus saith 32. lacking two moneths Constantine borne in England Helena daughter of king Coilus Constantines mother He was borne in Brytaine His mothers name was Helena daughter of king Coilus He greatly trauelled for the peace of Christians and before hée had conquered Licinius wrote to his subiects inhabiting the East in their fauour He set also peace among the Bishops in the Church who were at dissention and made prouision for ministers and teachers of the people and caused all to be restored vnto the Christians that had béene taken from them in the persecutions Constantine a father of the Church writing to Syluius his chiefe Captaine to that end and commaunded him that in Affrica where he had to doo and where Cecilianus was bishop that Clarkes and ministers should be freed from all manner publike duties burthens He was greatly studious in taking vp causes among the bishops and wrote to that end to diuers as to Miltiades bishop of Rome to Crescēs bishop of Siracusa to Cecilianus bishop of Carthage also to Eusebius for the edifying of new Churches And after he had gathered the Nicene Councell Nicene councell for the vnitie of the Church he writeth to Alexander and Arrius to the same entent He prescribed a certaine prayer for euery one of his souldiers in stead of a brief Catechisme caused them to learne the same Constantine teacheth his souldiers a prayer which is this Wée acknowledge thée onely to be our God we confesse thée onely to be our king we call vpon thée our onely helper by thée we obtaine our victories by thée we vanquish our enemies to thée we attribute whatsoeuer commodities we presently enioy and by thée we hope for good things to come vnto thée we direct all our suits and peticions most humbly beséeching thée to kéepe Constantine our Emperour and his noble children to continew in long life and to giue them victory ouer all their enimies through Christ our Lord. Amen He graunted great immunities to the ministers that they might appeale from the ciuil iudge to their bishop Appeale granted by Constantine whose sētence was of as great value in such cases as if the Emperour himselfe had pronounced it He prouided also maintenance for liberall artes and sciences for the professors Prouision for learning their wiues and children and gaue thē great immunities He wrote also to Eusebius the B. of Nicomedia to procure 50. volumes of parchment wel boūd and cause to be written out of the scripture therein in a legeable hand The scriptures written for the vse of the church such things as were profitable for the instruction of the Church and allowed him two ministers for the businesse Finally he was a father to the Church and enforced himselfe euery way to set forth the Gospel and euery good thing and endeuoured to suppresse the contrary Constantine baptised a little before his death He was baptised at Nicomedia of Eusebius Bishoppe of Nicomedia in the 31. yéere of his raigne a little before his death The end of the ten persecutions The rest of this history concerneth chiefly the affaires of the Church of England and Scotland The rest of this history concerneth chiefly England and Scotland England receiued the Gospel in Tyberius time GIldas affirmeth that Britain receiued the Gospel in the time of Tiberius the Emperor vnder whom Christ suffred and that Ioseph of Arimathea after the dispersiō of the Iews was sent of Philip the apostle out of France into Britain ann 63. And here remained al his time and laid the foundation of the Gospel Easter kept in England after the maner of the East church The Gospel came into Enland from the Cast and not from Rome In the time of Bede almost a thousand yeeres after Christ as he testifieth Easter was kept after the manner of the East Church in the full moone what day of the wéeke soeuer it fell and not on the sunday as we doe now Wherby it may appeare that the preaching of the Gospell came into this land from the East and not from Rome About the yéere 180. King Lucius sonne of Coilus king of Britains which now are called English men hearing of the miracles done by Christians in diuers places K. Lucius the first Christian K. of England Fugatius and Damianus at that time wrote to Eleutherius B. of Rome to receiue of him the Christian faith who sent him therevpon certain preachers Fugatius or by some Faganus and Damianus or Dimianus which conuerted first the king and the people of Britain and baptized them and subuerted the temples and monuments of idolatrie And the 28 Flamines they turned to bishops and thrée Achflamines to thrée Archbishops hauing their seates in thrée head cities London Yorke and Glamorgantia by Wales This king also sent to him for the Romane lawes to frame his people therafter who answered that the lawes of God was to be his direction for lawes and not the Romanes that might be reproued the other being without exception Thus was the Christian faith confirmed in this lande by the meanes of Eleutherius Eleutherius and therein it continued two hundred and sixtéene yeres till the comming of the Pagane Saxons King Lucius raigned 77. yeres and died without issue the yere of our Lord 201. the xiiij yere after his baptisme some say the iiij and some the tenth and was buried at Glocester By reason that the king died without issue the Lande was spoyled and the Romanes inuaded and became sometimes masters When they raigned Gentilisme was aduaunced and when the Britaines the Gospell Albeit no persecution touched the Britaines that is read of Almost all Christianitie destroyed in England before the last persecution of Dioclesian and Maximinianus Herculeus At which time all Christianitie was almost in the whole land destroyed Now the Britanes being greatly distressed and brought to miserie the Archbishop of London called Gnetelinus procured helpe out of lesse Britanie and brought ouer Constantinus the kings brother by whose meanes the state of Religion and Common-wealth was in some quiet all the time of Constantine and the Archbishop till Vortiger cruellie caused his Prince to be slaine and inuaded the Crown Gnetelinus Archb. of London And fearing the other two brethren of Constantine his Prince Aurelius and Vter in litle Britaine he caused aide to be sent for to the Saxons being then Infidels and married him selfe also with Rowen an Infidel the daughter of Hengist Which Hengist depriued him and his people and droue the Britaines out of their Countrey after that the Saxons had slaine of their Nobles two hundred thrée score and eleuen some say foure
yéerely thrée hundred markes that is to the maintayning of the light of Saint Peter one hundreth markes to the light of Saint Paule an other hundreth to the vse of the Pope an other hundreth This doone he returned by France into England and married with the daughter of Carolus Caluus whose name was Iudith Hée had to his chiefe councellors two Bishops Adelstanus B. of Schireborne more skilfull in ciuill matters then in diuinitie and the other Swithinus bishop of Winchester beyng of a contrarie disposition Gregory the fourth aboue mentioned was the third Pope that succéeded after Pope Paschalis the first beyng but foure yéeres betwixt them who succéeded after Stephen the fourth which followed Leo the third next Pope vnto Hadrian in the time of Charles the great From the time of that Hadrian the first vnto Pope Hadrian the third the Emperours had some stroke in the election at least in the confirmation of the Romane Pope notwithstanding there were diuerse practises to the contrary Wherefore by the commaundement of Ludouicus the Emperour in the time of Gregory the fourth Generall counsels called by the Emperour a generall Synode was comenced at Aquisgraue where it was decreed by Gregory and his assistants that euery Church should haue sufficient of his proper landes and reuenewes to find the Priests therof That none of the Clergy of what degrée soeuer he were should vse any vesture or any pretious or any Scarlet colour Against the excesse of apparel in the Clergy neyther should weare ringes on their fingers except it be when Prelates be at Masse or giue their consecrations Item that prelates should not kéepe too great portes or families nor kéepe great horses vse dice or kéepe harlots and the Monkes should not excéede measure in gluttony or riot Against the dicing whoring of the Popes Clergie Item that none of the Clergy beyng eyther annoynted or shauen should vse eyther golde or siluer eyther in their shooes slippers or girdles like to Heliogabalus They should were no siluer in their shooes nor gold Moreouer by him at the commaundement of Ludouicus the Emperour the feast of Alsaints was first brought into the Church Feast of Alsaints first erected After this pope came Sergius the second who first brought in the altering of the Popes names because hée was named before Os porci that is Swines snout which also ordained the Agnus thrise to be song at the Masse Alteration of Popes names Swines snout and the host to be deuided into thrée partes After him was Pope Leo the fourth to whom this king Ethelwolfus did commit the tuition of his sonne Alured By this Pope Leo it was first enacted by a Councell of his that no Bishop should bée condemned vnder thrée score and twelue witnesses also contrary to the lawe of Gregory the fourth his predecessor he commaunded and ordained the crosse all to beset with gold and pretious stones and to be carried before him After this Leo succéeded a woman Pope named Gilberta Gilberta a woman Pope and was called Ioan the eight She was a dutchwoman of Magunce who went with an English monke out of the Abbey of Fulda to Athens in mans apparell where shée prooued excellently learned and obtained the Popedome and sat two yéeres and six moneths The Pope trauaileth with childe and at last openly in the face of a generall procession fell in labour and trauell of childe and so died By reason whereof the Cardinals at this day doo auoid to come néere that stréete where that shame was taken By Benedictus the 3. that succéeded next in the whorish sea was first enacted as most writers record the Dirge to be said for the dead The dirge for the dead albeit Gregory the third had doone in that matter worthely for his part already After him sat Pope Nicholas the first who enlarged the Popes decrées with many constitutions equalling the authoritie of them with the wrytings of the Apostles Popes decrees equall with the Apostles writing He ordained that no secular Prince nor the Emperour himselfe should be present at their Councels vnlesse in matters concerning the faith Also that no Lay man should sit in Iudgement vpon the Clergy men or reason vppon the Popes power Item that no Christian magistrate should haue any power ouer any prelate alledging that a prelate is called God A prelat called God Also that all Church seruice should be in Latine except the Polonians and Sclauonians Polonians Sclauonians exempt from Latine seruice to whom he permitted the vse of their owne tounge Sequences in the Masse were by him first allowed By this Pope priestes began first to be debarred marriage Against priests marriages Huldrich of Auspourgh whereof Huldrich Bishop of Auspourgh sendeth a letter to the Pope reclaiming and confuting his procéedings in the matter grauely and learnedly shewing the decrée to be an impious tyrannie contrary to the lawes of God and Nature The epistle séemeth rather to belong to the time of Nicholas the second or third After this pope Nicholas succéeded Hadrianus the second Ioannes 9. Martinus 2. After these came Hadrian the third and Stephen the fifth By this Hadrian it was decréed that no Emperour after that time should intermeddle in the election of the Pope and thus began the Emperour first to decay and the Pope to swell The Emp. beginneth to decay and Pope to swell Ethelwolfe after hée had doone valiantly agaynst the Danes that greatly inuaded and molested the land died and left behind him foure sonnes which raigned euery one in his order after the decease of their father whose names were Ethelbaldus Ethelbrightus Ethelredus and Aluredus About the latter time of the raigne of Ethelred Anno 870. the Danes hauing to their Captains Inguar Hubbar landed in Norfolke and forced Edm. the vnder king of that Prouince to flée to Franingham castle and commaunded him to submit himselfe vnto them and to raigne vnder Inguar Prince of the Danes Whervpon by perswasion of one of his Bishops being his secretary he paused and made answere that Edmund a Christian king for loue of temporal life will not submit himselfe to a Pagan Duke K. Edm. slaine of the Danes vnlesse hée would before be a Christian Wherefore hauing apprehended him at S. Edmondesbury he bound him vnto a trée and caused him to be shot to death for that he woulde not denie Christ and his lawes Lastly they caused his head to bee smitten off and cast it into the thicke bushes which was by his friends at the same time taken vp and solemnly buried at S. Edmondesbury whose brother named Edwoldus notwithstanding of right the kingdome fel to him setting apart the worlde became an Hermite at the abbey of Cerum in the county of Dorset King Ethebald hauing had great conflicts with the Danes and perplexed with the miserable state of his countrey after he had raigned fiue or eight yéeres deceassed During which time
him to be put in an old rotten boate in the broad sea onely with one Esquier with him who being perplexed with the rage of the Sea and wearie of his life threw him selfe into the Sea This act Ethelstane lamented vij yeres and buylded the two Monasteries of Middleton and of Michelendes for his brothers sake or as the Stories say for his soule About this time the Empire began to be translated from Fraunce where it had continued about an hundred yeres into Germanie The Empire translated out of France into Germanie where it hath euer since remayned This king gaue his thirde Sister to Henricus Duke of main for his sonne Otho the first Emperour of the Ger-Almanes This king set foorth diuerse lawes for the gouernment of the clergy he prescribed also constitutions touching tithes geuing And among his lawes to the number of 35. diuerse things are comprehended pertaining as well to the spiritualtie as to the temporaltie Out of the lawes of this king first sprong vp the attachment of théeues that such as stole aboue 12. d. Attaching of theeues Stealing aboue twelue pence and were aboue twelue yéeres old should not be spared He raigned about the space of 16. yéeres and died without issue Anno 940. After him succéeded his brother Edmund sonne of Edward the elder by his third wife being of the age of twentie yéeres About this time Mōkery came into England Monkery commeth into England There was at that time and before a monasterie in France called Floriake after the order of Benedict from the which monastery did spring the greatest part of our English monkes who being there professed and after returning into England did gather men daily to their profession so at length grew in fauour with kings and princes who founded them houses mainteined their rules and enlarged them with possessions Among the Monkes that came from Floriake especially was one Oswaldus first a monke of Floriake then Bishop of Worcester and Yorke a great patrone and setter vp of monkery Oswaldus a monke a great Patrone of monkery This king builded and furnished the abbey of Glastenburie and made Dunstan abbot thereof He was slaine of a felon with a knife He ordeyned lawes also for the Spiritualtie touching tithes against deflouring of Nunnes touching reparation of Churches c. In the time of this Edmund was Odo Archbishoppe of Caunterburie who was the first from the comming of the Saxons till this time that was Archb. being no Monke for all before him were Monkes of whom a great part had béen Italians vnto Berctualdus Notwtstanding after he sayled into France and receiued that order at Flo-riake Vlstan bishop of York at the same time is noted to differ in habite from other Bishops Odo continued Bishop the space of twentie yeres after whom Elsinus was elected and ordeyned by the king to succéede through fauour and money but going to Rome for the Popes pall in his iourney through the Alpes he died for colde after whom succéeded Dunstan This Edmund gaue to saint Edmund the Martir aboue mentioned the towne of Bredrichcepworth now called S. Edmondsburie Saint Edmondsburie with great reuenues and landes belonging to the same He was buried at Glassenburie by Dunstane He left two sonnes behinde him Edwine and Edgar by his wife Elgina But the children beeing vnder age Edred brother to the king was made Protector in the mean time who faithfully behaued him selfe towardes the young children In his time Dunstane was promoted by the meanes of Odo from Abbot of Glassenbure to be Bishop of Worcester and after of London By this Dunstan Edred was much ruled So that he is reported in stories too much to submitte himselfe to fonde penance layde vpon him by Dunstane After his Vncle Edred Edwin the eldest sonne of King Edmund beganne his raigne anno 955. being crowned at Kingston by Odo Archbishop of Canterburie He is reported the first day of his Coronation to haue departed from the company of his Lords into a secret chamber to the disorderly companie of a woman whose husband he had slain Now Dunstan being yet but Abbot of Glassenburie followed the king into the chamber and brought him out by the hand and accused him to Odo the Archb. and caused him to be separated from the said woman and to be suspēded out of the church by the same Odo Whereupon the king being offended with Dunstane D. causeth the king to be suspended for adulterie banished him and forced him for a season to flie into Flaunders where he was in the Monasterie of Saint Amandus About the same season the Monasticall order of S. Benedict or as they call them blacke monkes began to increase in England in so much that other Priestes Chanons were displaced and they set in their roomes But king Edwine for displeasure he bare to Dunstan did vexe al that order of Monkes so that in Malmsburie Glassenburie other places he thrust out the Monkes set Secular priests in their roomes In the end being hated for his euill demeanor hee was deposed from the Crowne The K deposed and his brother Edgar receiued in his roome so that the riuer of Thames deuided both their kingdomes Edwine when he had raigned foure yeres departed leauing no issue of his bodie Wherefore the rule of the land fell vnto Edgar his younger brother in the yere of the Lorde nine hundred fiftie and nine he being about the age of sixtéene yeres but hee was not crowned till fourtéene yeares after In the beginning of his reigne he called home Dunstane whom Edwine before had exiled Then was Dunstane before Abbot of Glassenbury made B. of Worcester and after of London Not long after this Odo the Archbishop of Canterburie deceased after he had gouerned the Church xxxiiij yeres After whom Brithelinus Bishoppe of Winchester was first elected but because he was thought vnsufficient Dunstan was chosen and the other sent home againe to his own Church So Dunstan being made Archbishoppe by the K. went to Rome for his Pall to Pope Iohn the thirtéenth which was about the beginning of the Kinges raigne Dūstan hauing obteined his Pall returned and obteined of the king that Oswaldus who was made a Monke at Floriake was created B. of Worcester and not long after through the meanes of Dunstan Ethelwoldus first Monke of Glassenburie then Abbot of Abbindon was made Bishoppe of Winchester These thrée bishops were great vpholders of Monks by whose councell king Edgar is recorded in histories to haue builded either new out of the groūd or caused to be reedified monasteries decaied by the Danes more then fortie Moreouer thorough the instigation of them the king in diuerse Cathedrall Churches where Prebendaries and Priestes were before displaced them and sette in Monkes and Nunnes Priests displaced and monks placed After that the kings minde was thus perswaded to aduance Monkery Oswaldus bishop of Worcester also made Archbishop of Yorke after the death of
against Harold and another at Barmonseie in the Countrey of Normandy There were slaine on the side of Harold Great slaughter of Englishmen 66634. Englishmē Of the cōquerors side 6013. in the battel fought betwixt thē The first B. of Salisburie The first B. of Salisburie was Hermannꝰ a Normand who first began the new church minster there After whō succéeded Osmundꝰ who finished the work and replenished the house with great liuing much good singing This Osmundus began the ordinary first which was called secundū vsum Sarū Secundum vsum Sarum an 1076. The occasion whereof was a great cōtention the chanced at Glassenbury betwéene Thurstanus the Abbot his Couent in the daies of W. Conqueror whō he had brought with him out of Normandy from the Abbey of Cadonius placed him Abbot of Glassēb The cause of this contention was for the Thurst the abbot his couent contēning their quire seruice then called the vse of S. Gregorie cōpelled his monks to the vse of one W. a monk of Fiscā in Normādy The vse of Gregorie The Ab killeth his monkes so it grew from worde to blowes from blowes to armour so that the abbot slew ij monks at the steppes of the altar c. This matter being brought before the K. the Abbot was sent again to Cadonius the monks by cōmandement of the K. scattered in farre countreis Thus by occasion hereof Osmund B. of Salis deuised the ordinarie that was called the vse of Sarū and afterward was receiued in a maner throughout England Ireland and Wales W. left after his death by his wife Mawd 3. sonnes Robert Courtesey to whom he gaue the duchie of Normandie William Rufus his 2. son to whom he gaue the kingdome of England Henry the 3. sonne to whom he gaue his treasure About this time there was a certain B. dwelling betwixt Collen Mētz who hauing store in time of famine would not reléeue the poore was eatē with mise A bishop eaten with mise Rats tower though he builded in the mids of Rhine a tower to kéepe himselfe in against thē It is called at this day of the duchmen Rats tower An. 1088. W. Rufus the second sonne began his raigne raigned 13. yéeres being crowned at Westm by Lanfrācus Robert Courtsey hearing how Rufus had taken vppon him the kingdome Williā Rufus made preparation of warre against his brother but was by him appeased without fight This variance betwixt the two brethren caused dissention among the Normā B. Lords both in England Normandy so that almost al the Normā B. rebelled against their K. except Lanfrancus and Wolstan B. of Worcester an English man In the 3. yere of Rufus died Lancfrancus Lancfranke dieth the Archb. after whose decease the Sea stood empty 4. yéeres Remigius bishop of Dorceter remoued his sea from thēce to Lincolne and builded the minster there By him also was founded the monastery of Staue Herbert Losinga at this time remoouing his sea from Thetford to Norwich there erected the cathedral church with the Cloister where he furnished the Monkes with sufficiēt rents and liuings of his owne charge besides his Bishops lāds Nothing from the king but for money He bought his bishoprick of the K. for monie as nothing came from him but for money whereupon repenting him of simonie he went to Rome and resigned it to the Popes handes of whom he receiued it presently again This Herbert was the sonne of an Abbot called Robert After Pope Hildebrand succéeded Victor 3. set vp by Matilda and the Duke of Normandie Victor 3. pope With the faction of Hild. This Victor also shewed himself stout against the emperor and so all his Successors according to the example of Hildebrand Victor poisoned in his chalice he sat but one yéere and an halfe as they say being poisoned in his chalice In the time of Victor began the order of the Monkes of the Charterhouse by meanes of one Hugo B. of Grationople Charterhouse monkes and of Bruno bishop of Collen Next to Victor sat Vrbanus 2. Vrbanus pope by whom the acts of Hildebrand were confirmed and new decrées enacted against In Henricus the Emperour this time were two Popes at Rome Two popes at once Vrbanus and Clemens the third whom the Emperour set vp Vnder Pope Vrbane came in the white monkes of Cistercian order White mōks by one Stephen Harding a monke of Schirborne an Englishman by whom this order had beginning in the wildernes of Cistery within the Prouince of Burgonie ann 1098. It was brought into England by one called Especke that builded an Abbey of the same order cal Merinale In this order the Monkes did liue by the labour of their hands they paid no tithes nor offerings they ware no furr nor liuing they ware red shoes their cowles white and coate blacke all shorne saue a litle circle they eate no flesh but onely in their iourney This Vrbanus had diuers councels one at Rome where he excommunicated al such lay persons as gaue inuesture of any ecclesiastical benefice al such of the cleargy as abiected themselues to be vnderlings to Lay persons for benefices Another Councell he helde at Claremount in Fraunce In which was agréed the voyage against the Saracens for recouerie of the holy Lande where thirtie thousande men being perswaded by the Popes Oration and taking vpon them the signe of the Crosse for their cognisance made preparation for the voyage whose Captaines were Godwine Duke of Lorraine with his two Brethren Eustace and Baldwine Voyage against the Saracens the Bishop of Padue Bohemund the D. of Puell and his neuew Tancredus Raymund Earle of Saint Egidius Robert Earle of Flaunders and Hugh Le grand brother to Philip the French king To whom also was ioined Robert Corthoise duke of Normandie and diuerse mo with one Peter an Heremite Peter the Heremite who complaining of the misery that the Christians sustayned there was the chiefe cause of that voyage an 1096. Which cōpany was trapped and slain in great number among the Bulgars néere to the towne called Ciuitus the rest passed on Ierusalē won from the Saracens and besieged Ierusalem and wan it of the Infidels in the 39. day of the siege and Godfry captaine of the Christian army was proclaimed first king of Ierusalem About this time the K. of England fauoured not much the church of Rome Prohibition of going to Rome because of their insatiable impudent exactiōs nether wold he suffer any of his subiects to go to Rome By this Vrbanus the 7. Canonicall houres Canonicall howers were first instituted in the church Item that no B. should be made but vnder the title of some speciall place Item that Mattins and houres of the day should euery day be said also euery Saturday to be said the Masse of our Lady all the Iewes sabboth to be turned into the seruice
Doctors answered againe with a long and tedious processe the scope whereof principally tended to the defence of the principality of the pope Thus then maister Ioh. Husse being driuē out of Prage and moreouer being excommunicated that no masse might be said where he was present the people began mightely to grudge and crie out against the Prelates laying great and horrible vices to their charges The K. seing the inclination of the people The people against the Prelates being also not ignorant of the vices of the cleargie began to require great exactions of such as were knowen to be wicked liuers Whereupon such as fauoured Iohn Husse begā to accuse many In so much that by this meanes None controleth Husse Husse began to take vnto him more libertie and to preach in his church at Bethlehem and none to controll him Now Steuen Paletz and Andreas de Broda chiefe doers against Husse wrote vnto him sharpe and cruell letters The Pope also writeth letters to Vinceslaus the King for suppressing of Iohn Husse and his doctrine which was in the last yéere of his Popedome An. 1414. This yéere Sigismund the Emperour and Pope Iohn 23. Councell of Constance To pacifie the Schisme of three Popes called a sinod for the pacifying of the Schisme at Constance which was betwéene the thrée popes The first wherof was Iohn whom the Italians set vp the second Gregory whom the Frenchmen set vp the third Benedict whom the Spaniards placed This councell endured foure yéeres and had in it 45. A Councell that lasteth foure yeeres and had 45. Sessions Sessions In this councell all the matters were decided chiefly by foure nations English Germaine French and Italian out of which foure nations were appointed and chosen foure presidents to iudge and determine all matters of the Councelles the names of which foure were these Iohn the patriarch of Antioch for France Anthonie Archb of Rygen for Italy Nicholas Archb. of Genesuensis for Germany and Nicholas Bishop of Bath for England In this Councel nothing was decréed worthy of memorie but this onely that the Popes authority is vnder the Councell The Councell ought to iudge the Pope and that the councel ought to iudge the Pope and as touching the Communion in both kindes although the Councell did not denie it yet by the same Counsell it was decréed to the contrarie In this Councell Iohn did resigne his Papacie for the quiet of the schisme and the Emperor geuing him thanks kissed his féete Afterward the same Iohn repenting him that he had so done sought meanes to flie whereunto Frederike Duke of Austrich did assist him and when hee was nowe comming to Schafezonse P. repenteth of wel doing to goe into Italie the Emperour pursuing tooke him and proclaymed Frederike traytor and for that cause tooke away Cities from him but was at last reconciled againe The Pope being thus deposed was committed vnto the County Palantine and by him caried to the castle of Manheim where hée was kept prisoner by the space of 3. yéeres and afterward he was againe by Pope Martin admitted to the number of the Cardinals This pope Iohn was deposed by the decrée of the councel more then 40. most grieuous crimes proued against him 40. articles against Pope Iohn as that he had hired Marsilius Parmensis a physicion to poison Alexander his predecessor that he was an heretike a simoniake a lier an hipocrite a murtherer an inchanter a dice-player an adulterer a sodomite finally what crime was it wherewith he was not infected c. In the 14. Session came in the resignatiō of P. Gregory 12. The 37. Session did publish definitiue sentence against the 3. pope Benedict in the 39. they procéeded to elect a new pope on S. Martins éeuen they chose one Pope Martin therfore named him Martin who according to the custome was honorably brought by the Councell and the Emper. into the church of Constance vnto the monastery of S. Austine to be crowned The Emperor leadeth the popes horse the Emp. on foot leading his horse by the bridle on the right hand the marques of Brandēburgh prince elector also leading his horse on the left hand the P. himselfe riding in the midst on his palfrey The Councell being dissolued a cardinall was sent by the P. named Anthony to declare his Indulgēce vnto them who granted to euery point in that coūcel ful absolution once in their life so that euery one within 2. moneths after the hearing of this Indulgence should procure the same in forme of writing Also an other Indulgēce was graunted of full remission at the houre of death that was aswel vnderstood of the houshold as the Maisters thēselues but vnder this condition that from the time of notification of the same The popes Indulgence they should fast euery Friday for the space of one whole yéere for absolutiō in their life time And for absolution in the howre of death that they should fast an other yéere in like sort except some lawfull impediment so that after the second yéere they should fast out their liues end or els do some other good worke This beyng proclaimed the Synode brake vp and euery man departed 3940. Prelats at the Councell The nūber of prelates at this councell was 3940. wherof the number of B. Archb. was 346. Abbots doctors 564. Secular mē princes dukes erles knights esquires 16000. Common women belonging to the councell Common women belonging to the councell 450. 450. Barbers 600. Minstrels cookes iesters 329. So that the whole multitude which were viewed to be in the towne of Constance betwéene Easter Whitsontide where nūbred to be 60500. Now although this councell was thought principally to be called to appease the schisme yet a great part of the cause was the Bohemians and especially for Iohn Husse For before the Councell began the Emperour Sigismund sent certaine gentlemen Bohemians which were of his owne houshold giuing them in charge to bring Iohn Husse bacheler of Diuinitie to the Councell and that vnder his safeconduct to the entent he should purge himselfe of that which they had to lay against him Iohn Husse trusting vpon the Emperours safecōduct sent word to the Emperour that he would come to the Councell and with all caused certaine bils to be written in Latine Bohemian and Almaine language that if any one had to obiect ought against him hée should come to the councell and there he would answere him The same time also Iohn Husse sent his Procurators to the lord Bishop of Nazareth ordained by the Apostolicke sea inquisitour of heresie in the cities and dioces of Prage requiring that if he found any errour in him he would declare it openly The Bishop giueth good testimony of Husse But the Bishop gaue good testimonie of Iohn Husse and signified the same by his letters Iohn Husse also required of the Archbishop of Prage that if he knew any errour
by him he would signifie the same vnto him who cléered him before all the Barons of Boheme that were assembled in the Abbey of S. Iames for the affaires of the land Of which testimony the Barons made report by their letters to the Emperour Sigismund in the towne of Constance Moreouer Iohn Husse required for his further purgatiō before he went to the Councel that he might make profession of his faith before the Archb. and cleargy of Prage which might not be graunted him but by excuse was put of About the Ides of October ann 1414. Wencelat de Duba Iohn de Clum Iohn Husse being accompanied with 2. noble gentlemen Wencelat de Duba Iohn de Clum parted from Prage toward Constance and in euery market towne as he passed he set vp writings in which he required that if any could lay heresie to his charge they should prepare to méet at the Councell there he would be ready to satisfie thē When he was passed out of Boheme into Almaigne he was greatly intertained of the Citizens and Burgesses and of the people and founde much fauour especially at Norimberge In this mean time the greatest aduersary that Ioh. Husse had Stephen Palletz a Bohemian was come to the councel but his companiō Stanislaus znoma was not yet passed the borders of Boheme when he was stricken with an Impostume whereof he died Assoone as Palletz was come to Cōstāce he did associate vnto him one Michael de Causis who was sometime Curate of Prage and hauing cousened the King Vinceslaus of a great summe of money to renew the mines of gold in Gilorroy fled from thence to Rome he and Palletz sometime of Husses acquaintance These 2. promised the aduersaries of Husse to deale against him which they did drew articles against him especially out of his book de Ecclesia offred them vnto the cardinals monks c. and did so incense them that they determined to cause Iohn Husse to be laide handes on The 26. day after Iohn Husse was come to Constance Iohn Husse come to Contance the Cardinalles through the instigation of Palletz and de Causis sent the Bishop of August and the Bishoppe of Trident and with them the Archborough of Constance and a certaine knight to Iohn Husses lodging which should make report that the Pope and Cardinalles willed him to come and make account of his doctrine before them as he had oft times desyred and that they were ready to heare him Iohn Husse vnderstanding of their minde went out to the Popes court and being come before them they required him to declare vnto them the pointes which were reported of him to bee taught erronious and against the Church which Iohn Husse was willing to doe and protested that he neuer by Gods assistance would mainteine or teach any doctrine that were not sound The Cardinalles said they liked that answere wel and so went their way and left him and maister Iohn Clum vnder the custody of armed men till four of the clocke at after noone at which time the Cardinalles assembled againe in the Popes court to take coūsell what they might do with Iohn Husse And a litle before night they sent the prouost of the Romaine court to shew maister Iohn de Clum that hee might returne to his lodging for as for Iohn Husse they had other wise prouided for him And after this Iohn Husse was led by the officers of the Chapter house of the great Church of Constance where he was kept prisoner by the space of eight dayes From thence he was caryed to the Iacobins hard by the Rhine and was shut vp in the prison of the abbey which was hard by the Bogardes Iohn Husse kept in prison Husse falleth sicke where he fell sore sicke of an ague by reason of the stench of the place where he became so weake that they dispayred of his life and for feare he should die in prison the Pope sent his phisitions to cure him In the time of his sicknes his accusers made importunate sute to the principals of the Councell that he might be condemned and presented vnto the Pope articles 1. That hee held against transubstantiation That Priestes can not consecrate being in deadly sinne Articles against Husse That he doth not allow that the church signifyeth Pope Cardinals Bishops c. That he sayth all Priestes haue like power That the Church being in sinne hath no power of keies That he feareth not excommunication That he kepeth not the inuesstures and institutions of the church That he holdeth if a man be once ordeined a Priest or Deacon he can not bee holden or kept backe from the office of Preaching c. With diuers other matters which they maliciously obiected against him Vpon this occasion they appointed thrée Iudges The Patriarch of Constantinople the B. of Castel and the B. of Libusse who recited the accusation vnto Iohn Husse at which time his ague was feruent and extremely vpon him and required hee might haue an aduocate to answere for him An aduocate denied to H. but that was plainly and vtterly denyed him because the matter was of heresy for which he was called in question Afterward when Iohn Husse had gathered a litle strēgth there were by the commaundement of the thrée commissioners certaine articles gathered some by Palletz and some by them selues Thus Iohn Husse remained in the prison of the couent of Franciscans vntill the Wednesday before Palmesonday and certaine appointed to kéepe him The same day Iohn the 23 chaūged his apparel and conueied himselfe secretely out of the towne of Constance Whereupon Iohn Husse because the Popes men who kept him deliuered vp their charge Husse cruellie handled in prison and followed their maister was put into the handes of the B. of Constance who sent him to the castle on the other syde of the riuer of Rhine not farre from Constance whereas he was shut vp in a tower with fetters on his legges that hee could not walke in the day time and in the night time he was fastened vp to a rack on a wall hard by his bed syde In the meane time certaine noblemen of Pole and Boheme put vp a supplication to the fower nations Almaine Italy Fraunce and England for the deliuerie of Iohn Husse 14. of Maye 1415. to which supplication the B. of Luthoms did answere with further accusation against Iohn Husse Which answere of his the nobles of Boheme confuted againe And when they by long time could receiue no answere of this Supplication which they had alredy put vp they determined the last day of May following by another Supplication put vp to the Principals of the Councel to intreat that I. Husse might be deliuered out of prison and defend his owne cause openly They also put vp the testimoniall of the B. of Nazareth touching I. Husse to which Supplication they answered that although there might be a thousand sureties put in yet they were not to
Pope for Thurstine eadem The Gray Friers eadem Priestes pay to the king for their wiues eadem Dane gelt released by the king 157 Honorius 2. eadem Arnulphus eadem Opus tripartitum eadem Abuses of the church preached against eadem Knights of the Rhodes and Templars eadem Honorius ead Contentiō betwixt the popes 158 Strike a priest eadem Archbishop poisoned in his chalice ead Petrus Lombardus 159 Petrus Comester ead Hildegard the Nunne and prophetesse ead Gilbertines eadem Priests no rulers in worldly matters eadem Booke bel candle eadem Lucius eadem Eugenius 160 Anastasius eadem Adrianus an English man pope ead Hildegard prophecieth against the kingdome of the pope eadem Iustice stourisheth when the pope is ouerthrown ead Thomas Becket 161 Gerhard against the church of Rome eadem The pope Antichrist eadem Whore of Babylon ead Execution by the pope ead The Emperour holdeth the popes stirrop on the wrōg side 162 Popes legates forbidden in Germany eadem The Germanes excuse the Emperor ead The pope choked with a flie 163 The order of the hermits ea Alexander 3. pope ead The Emp. fayn to seek peace with the pope eadem The pope set his foot on the Emperors neck ead Against marriage of priestes ead Variance betwixt the king and Becket 164 Executed for a traytor that brought curse frō Ro. ead Peter pence denied ead Saluo ordine suo eadem Becket relenteth to the king eadem Becket stout to the K. ead The K. should be the popes legate 165 Robbers felōs murtherers among the clergy ead Becket flieth and turneth his name to Derman ead Becket in exile 7. yeeres 166 Beckets kynred banished eadem The K. feareth Becket ead Because the pope had condemned them 167 The K. yeldeth to Becket ea 4. armed mē kill Becket ead The murtherers do penāce eadem Whether Becket were saued or damned eadem 270. miracles done by Becket eadem A blasphemous anthem 169 None shold hold Beck a martyr or preach his miracles ea The kings penance eadem Sharpe penance eadem Canterbury burnt eadem Contention betwixt York Canterbury eadem No bishoprick to remain lōger then one yeere in the kings hand 170 Contention betweene the Archbishops ead From words to blowes ead No task nor first fruits 171 The king died ead The forme of wordes in giuing the pall eadem Order of the pall eadem The B. oath to the pope ead Becket and Bernard canonized for saints 172 Baldwinus ead Pauperes de Lugduno ead Waldenses ead Franciscus Dominicus 173 Waldus ead The doctrine of Waldenses ead The zeale of the Waldenses 174 Testament by heart ead Marks of the crosse to fight for the holy land 175 Nunnes incontinent life ead K. Lewes of France maketh pilgrimage to Becket ead Albingenses ead Monks of the Charterhouse ead Pope Clement 176 Iewes destroyed ead A bishops Chancellor ead A Bishop chiefe Iustice of England eadem The iourney for the Holy land eadem The forme of the oath to the holy land eadem The French breaketh his oth 177 Achon wonne by the Christians 178 Saladine put to flight 179 Bishop Williā ruffleth in the kings absence eadem 1500. horse the Bishoppes trayne eadem Clement dieth eadem Pope Celestine eadem P. setteth the crowne on the Emp. head with his feet dasheth it of againe 180 The Archbishop rudely hādled eadem Rufling Wil. deposed 181 William is taken disguised like a woman eadem William goeth ouer sea ead The king taketh truce with the Saracenes eadem The king taken at his return from the Saracens sold to the Emperour 182 Chalices crosses and shrines sold to redeem the K. ead Chalices of latin tin ead Fulco ead The kinges three daughters bestowed eadem King Richard slaine eadem King Iohn 183 The K. threatneth the pope eadem The king interdicted 184 The king against the cleargy eadem Pandulph and Durance Legates ead Subiects assoiled of their oth of obedience eadem The king cursed by the pope eadem The Pope giueth England to the french king 185 The king submitteth to the Pope eadem England Irelande farmed of the Pope eadem The K. resigneth his crowne to the popes legate ead The Duke of Millan 186 Strange decrees of the Pope eadem Transubstantiation ead Pope dieth eadem Honorius eadem King Iohn poisoned ead The prophecie of Caiaphas eadem The monke dieth 187 King Iohn dieth ead Mayor in London eadem Americus against Images 188 Priuate tithes eadem Receiuing at Easter eadem Bell and Candle before the Sacrament ead The masse receiued as from the Pope ead P. stirreth vp diffention in the world eadem Correction of princes belōgeth to the pope ead 100. Alsatians burned in one day by the P. ead Rablement of religious order in the P. church 189 Dominikes 191 Friers Minorites eadem The perfection of the gospel eadem Many sortes of Franciscans eadem Crooched friers 192 Beck shrined after his death eadem Incredible exactions from Rome eadem The Popes requeste in England 193 Gifts to the P. Legat ead Contention betwixt Canter York for dignitie ead The strife ended ead 300. Romans to be placed in benefices in England 194 The P. desireth to be strōg to suppresse the Emperor ead A councel at Lions ead New exactions in Englande eadem No taxe of mony out of England to Rome 195 The K. relēteth to the P. ead The 3. part of church goods yerely fruit of vacāt benefices to the pope eadem 60000. florens in one yere to Rome besides c. eadem The Albingenses assayled by the Pope eadem Frier minorits in Eng. ead Ioh. de S. Egidio eadem Alexander de Hales eadem Carthusians 196 Minster at Salisburie ead Contention about spirituall iurisdiction ead Westminster exempt from the B. of London ead Wardship initiū malorū ead Honorius the Emp. enemie dieth eadē Popes vnreasonable request denied in France 197 War against the good earle of Tholouse eadem The Earle of Tholous excōmunicated eadem The French K. dieth eadem Auinion ouerrun by treason of the P. Legat 198 P. chased out of Rome ead Cōtentiō for superiority ead Chapt. of the bible distincte by Steuen Lancthō 199 Tenths of al the goods of Enland and Scotland to be giuen to the pope ead Prelates driuen to sell their chalices copes 200 Vsurers brought into England by the P. Legate ead Next yeeres corne tithes to the P. ead Earle of Tholouse assayled againe ead Bishops set on checker matters exercised Sessions and iudgements 201 P. neglecteth the K. satisfieth the Archb. ead Randulph Neuel ead A good bishop ead Hubert L. chiefe Iustice 202 Italians spoyled ead William Withers 203 L. Hubert destitute on euerie side 204 Londoners hate Hub. ead Hubert brought to the Tower 205 Hub. sent back again 206 Lucas archb of Dublin true frend to L. Hubert ead Hard choise offered to Hub. ead The K. somewhat appeased toward Hub. 207 Hub. somewhat cheered ead Craft of a bishop ead Great reuerence of
Epistle of Casse to the church of England eadem The pope still reigneth his exactions 246 Pope Eugenius eadem Articles against the spiritualtie eadem Knowledge of ciuil causes belōgeth not to the clergy 247 Reformatiō to be done ead The king dieth 248 Crouched Friers ead Knights of the Rhodes ead Templars burnt at Paris ead The Templars put down vniuersally eadem The pope selleth the Tēplars lands eadem Cistercian monks exempt ea The pope couseneth the Frāciscane Friers 249 The Venetians cursed of the pope eadem A monstrous tyranny ead Walter Reinald 250 Clement 5. dieth ead Papacy voyd 2. yeeres ead Pope maketh profite of the variance of princes ead 8. pence in euery marke ead Michael house founded in Cambridge eadē Nicholaus de lyra ead Guilielmus 251 Occham ead Adam eadem Simon M. eadem Clement 252 A great heresie ead Ludouicus ead Bauarus Emperor eadem Contentiō betwixt the pope Emp. 24. yeeres eadem pope hath ful power to creat and depose Emperors at his pleasure ead Marsilius Patauinus ead Defensor pacis eadē Pope Nicholas 253 Benedict 12 eadem Emperor depriued ead Variance betwixt the pope French king ead The Emp. must resigne all to the pope eadem The feends hant the pope ea Black curses against the Emperor ead Archb. of Mētz depriued ea Warre with the king of England eadem The Emperour giueth ouer to the pope eadem The Emp. poisoned eadem Gunterus de monte nigro chosen Emperour eadem Charles chosen Emp. 255 The Iubile euery 50. yeere From Auinion to Rome ea 50000. pilgrims eadem The forme of the bull of Iubile eadem The pope commandeth the Angels eadem Against prouisions from Rome 256 Tenths to the king ead Orial colledge and S. Marie hall eadem The abbey of Bury spoyled by the townes men eadem The towne of Bury fyned at 120000. pound eadem The abbot of Cheuingtō ea King Edward the 3. 257 Charter from the king to the cleargy eadem Gregorius Ariminensis ead Taulerus eadem Franciscus Petrarcha ead Iohan. de rupe Scisca eadem Rome the whore of Babylō ea Vade mecum in tribulatione ead Conradus Hayer 258 Gerardus Rydder ead Lachrimae Ecclesiae ead Michael Cesenas ead Petrus de Carbona ead Iohannes de Poliaco ead Rome drunk with the blood of saints ead Iohannes de Castilion ead Francisc de Alcatara ead Simon Islip ead Cāterb college in Oxford 259 New colledge in Oxford ead Pope Innocent the 6. ead Rome the whore of Babylō ea Strife betweene French prelats and Friers eadem Towns-mē of Oxford spoile the scholers 260 Idle holy dayes 262 A priests wages 263 S. Bridgets Nunnes 261 Q. colledge in Oxford ead Holy speare holy nayles ead The order of the bishops of Canterbury eadem A prophecy eadem Haynchardus eadem A prophecy of antichrist 264 Complaint of the plowmen against the cleargy eadem Church of Rome a byrde decked with other byrdes feathers ead Armanach archb of Irelād ea Richard Fitzrafe eadem Iohn Badenthorp ead 9 cōclusiōs against friers ea A long controuersie among the friers 265 Fauourers of friers ead Defensorium curatotiū ead Armanachus a mighty piller of Gods church ead How Rome came by her patrimonie eadem Nicholaus Orem 266 Iesuits begin eadem Offices remoued frō the clergie to the laitie eadem The P. remoueth frō France to Rome eadem Melitzing a Bohemian ead Reseruations of benefices in England no more for the Popes vse 267 Premunire to make appeal to Rome for any cause 268 Holy Briget a great rebuker of the popish clergie ead The x. commandemēts turned into two wordes Dapecuniam eadem M. Paris of Antichrist ead Ioh. Montziger ead Nilus archb of Thessal ead Henricus de Iota 269 Henricus de Hassia ead The deuils belly ful of the P. voluptuousnes eadem 36. burned for the truth ead 140. suffered for refusing the Decretals eadem 24. suffer at Paris ead The act of prouision 270 An acte to continue for euer ead Decrees against oppressiō of the pope ea In Wickliffs time the worlde in worst case 271 Wickliffe against Images ea Iohn of Gaunt L. Percy fauorers of Wickliffe ead The opinions of Wic ead Wic brought before the bishops 272 Wic bid sit down 273 Frō brauling to threats ead A proud B. wounded ea K. Edw. the greatest brideler of the P. dieth ead Wickl goeth barefoot preaching ea Articles out of Wick preaching ead Wic articles cōdemned for heretical 274 Popes bul against Wic ead P. diligence against W. ea 18. heretical opiniōs against Wick 275 W. escapeth the 2. time 276 W. greatly supported by Lōdoners ead pope Gregorie dieth ead A schisme betwixt 2. Popes 39. yeres ea Popes and antipopes ead Clement ead Benedictus 3 ead Boniface 9 ead Innocentius 8 ead Gregorie 12 ead Crueltie among the clergie during the schisme 277 S. Sudburie beheaded of the rude people ead Vicechancellor of Oxford enemie to Wickliffe ead Wic mitigateth his enemies 278 Wickliffes articles condemned ead Tenths are pure almes 279 A terrible earthquake ead Fauourers of Wick appointed to preach 280 Stokes an enemie to Wick 281 D. of Lancastar forsooke the schollers of Wick ead Repington Ashton reconciled ead Repington abiureth ead Lōdiners fauor the truth 282 VVick banished ead Schisme cause of W. quiet ea A cruel bishop 283 Wic parson at Lutterworth ead Wickliffs constancie ead Wick bookes burned ead VVic fauorers 284 Londoners take on them the bishops office ead Bones of wick burned after his death ead I. Husse W. Swinderby 285 Articles against Swinderbie 286 Henry 4. first persecuting K. in England 287 Articles against Brute ead Temporalties takē from the Clergie 288 A turncote persecutor 289 Lucifer to the clergie ead Feendes glad at the want of preaching ead Deuil teacheth what should be preached ead Abiurers 290 VVel affected about Leicest ead R. Dexter N. Tayler ead Leicester interdicted ead Matild an anchores of Wic doctrine 291 Margaret Cailie a Nun forsaketh her order ead Penance ead Peter Pateshul ead Londoners zealous 292 The kings wife hath the gospel in English ead Thomas Arundel ead Articles in behalfe of the gospell eadem Multitude of artes not necessary 293 Rithme agaynst the popish priests eadem Fauourers of the gospel ea Pope Boniface the 9. ead The king writeth a christian admonition to the P. 294 Parlements holden against the pope eadem Thomas Arundell proued a traytor 295 The king deposed 296 William Sawtree eadem Obiections against William Sawtree eadem Relapse 297 The māner of disgrading ea The surples of a sexten 298 The time of Henry 4. ead Thomas Badby martir 299 Crocodiles teares ead The statute ex officio 300 Many shrinke from the truth eadem Articles eadem William Thorpe ead Transubstantiatiō inuented by Thomas Aquinas 301 Against swearing on a boke eadem A constant confessor of the truth eadem Iohn Puruey the library of Lollards 302 Articles recanted ead The popes curse the blast of Lucifer eadem
to be of Antichrist Secondly that he denied the realtie of the Sacrament And so committed him vnto the Sheriffes handes sending him and maister Hooper who with maister Cardemaker was examined at the same time to the Clinke there to remaine till night and from thence then to be remoued to Newgate After sentence giuen Maister Rogers required of Gardiner that his wife being a strāger might come and speake with him so long as he liued Which Gardiner Cruel Gardiner would not though she were a stranger had 11. children and one sucking on her whom her husband woulde haue comforted and counselled but Gardiner would not permit it In the morning the fourth of Februarie Anno 1555. being munday hée was warned sodainely by the kéepers wife to prepare himselfe to the fire Who beeing then sounde asléepe scarce with much shogging coulde bee awaked being bid to make hast then said he if it be so I shal not néede to tye my poyntes And so was he had downe first to Boner Boner would not suffer maister Rogers to talke one word with his wife before his death Maister Rogers the first martyr of Q. Maries dayes to be disgraded that done he craued of Boner he might talke a fewe wordes with his wife before his death This Boner would not suffer So was he brought into Smithfield by maister Chester and maister Woodrofe then Sheriffes of London and chéerefully ended his martirdome in the fire washing his handes in the flame as he was in burning His pardō was brought him at the stake if he would haue recanted but he vtterly refused it and was the first martyr of Quéene Maries daies The Sunday before he suffered he drunke to Master Hooper being then vnderneth him and bad them commend him vnto him and tell him there was neuer little fellow better would sticke to a man then he would to him thinking they should haue burned together In the prison he wrote a certaine prophecie of the ruine of the pope here in England A prophecie of the ruine of the pope in England and restauration of the Gospell againe which accordingly came to passe by the blessed raigne of Quéene Elizabeth In the moneth of February the viij day Anno 1555. Laurence Saunders Laurence Saunders a Gentleman of a worshipfull house was burned at Couentrie after he had béen prysoner a yéere and a half in the Marshalsea He was brought vp in Eaton from thence was chosen to go to Kings Colledge in Cambridge where he continued scholer in the Colledge 3. yeres and profited much From thence departing to his parents by their aduise hee minded to become a marchant and was bounde apprentice with Syr William Chester who afterward was Sheriffe of London The same yéere Saunders was burned at Couentrie his maister considering his towardnesse in learning and his great zeale in religion discharged him of his seruice as one méete for an other vse Wherevpon he returned to Cambridge againe where he profited greatly in the Gréeke and Hebrewe tongues and gaue himselfe whollie to the studie of Diuinitie and continued in the Vniuersitie till he had procéeded Master of Artes. And a long space after in the beginning of King Edwardes time hée was called to reade a Lecture at Fothringam in Diuinitie where he greatlie edified many Which being dissolued hée was placed in the Minster at Lichfielde to reade there From whence hée was called to a Benefice in Leicester shire called Church-lancton wherupon he kept residence And from thence he was called to Ashalowes in Breadstréete in London Where behauing himselfe according to his duetie he was accused by sir Iohn Mordant Counsellour to Quéene Mary vnto Boner and after examination being commanded to prison by the B. of Winchester he answered that he did giue God thanks who had giuen him at the last a resting place where hee might pray for the Bishops conuersion His constancie was such that he forbad his wife to sue for his deliuerie Laurence Saunders constancie And when other of his friends had by suite almost obtained it he discouraged them In prison he wrote diuers comfortable letters to his wife Sanders wrote diuers letters to Doctor Cranmer Ridley and Latimer prisoners for the like cause in Oxford to M. Ferrar B. of S. Dauies Taylor Bradford Philpot to mistres Lucie Harrington c. After hee was excommunicated and deliuered to the secular power he was brought by the Sheriffe of London to the counter in his parish in Bredstréet wherat he reioyced greatly The fourth day of February the Bishop of London did come to prison where he was to disgrade him which when he had done Laurence Saunders said I thanke God I am not of your Church The day following in the morning he was deliuered to certaine of the Quéenes gard to bee carried to Couentrie there to be burned The first night he lay at S. Albones where maister Grimoalde did speake with him a man of greater giftes then constancie after maister Saunders had giuen him a lesson méete for his lightnesse he tooke a cuppe into his hands asked him if he woulde pledge him of that cuppe of which hée woulde beginne to him vnto him to whom Grimoald shrugging saide of that cuppe in your hand I will pledge you Sweet sayings of Laurence Saunders but of that other which you meane I will not promise you Well saide maister Saunders my déere Lorde Iesus Christ hath begunne to mee of a more bitter cup then mine shal be and shall I not pledge my most swéete Sauiour Yes I hope After they were come to Couentrie the same night he was put into the common gaole among other prisoners where he spent all that night in prayer and in instructing others The next day which was the viij of Februarie he was had to the place of execution in the Parke without the Citie where comming to the stake he took it in his armes and kissed it saying welcome the Crosse of Christ welcome euerlasting life And being fastened to the stake and fire put to him full swéetly he slept in the Lord. Anno 1555. The ix of Februarie was B. Hooper burned at Glocester Hooper burned at Gloster for the testimonie of Iesus He had béene Graduate in the Vniuersitie of Oxforde in the time of the sixe Articles Winchester conferred with him 4. or 5. daies together and not preuayling with him dismissed him to his M. sir T. Arundel whose Steward he had béene when hee had forsaken Oxford for feare of the sixe Articles After the conference with Winchester he had intelligence of danger and being counselled to prouide for himself went ouer beyond the sea and being at Paris stayed not long till he was againe layd for So hee returned againe into England and was retayned of M. Sentlow After that he departed againe beyond seas through France into Germanie where he was wel acquainted with M. Bullinger at Zuricke there he married a wife a Burgonian and then applied very
studiously the hebrew tongue In K. Edwards raigne he returned again into Englād and taking his leaue of M. Bullinger said vnto him you shall sure from time to time heare from me but the last newes of all I shal not be able to write For said he you shal heare of me to be burned to ashes and taking M. Bullinger by the hande said where I shal take most paynes and that shall be the laste newes which I shall not be able to write vnto you but you shal heare it of me Thus prophecying of the maner of his death Hooper preacheth once or twise a day After that he had preached a while in London for the most part twise at the least once euery day neuer fayled he was called to preach before the K. maiestie and soone after made Bishop Glocester by the kings cōmandement In which office he continued two yeares and after that was made B. of Worcester which he had not long enioyed but the bishops quarrelled with him for the apparrell which he refused to weare And in the ende they so preuayled that he agréed sometimes to shew himselfe apparrelled as the other bishops were Afterwards king Edward being dead and Marie being crowned Quéene this good Bishop was one of the first that was sent for by a Pursiuant to be at London He might by flight haue auoyded danger but woulde not saying to those that woulde haue perswaded him thereto Once I did flie and tooke me to my féete but now because I am called to this place and vocation I am throughly perswaded to tarrie and to liue and die with my shéepe And so hauing made his appearance after much rating he was cōmaunded by the Counsell to warde it being declared vnto him at his departure that the cause of his imprisonment was only for certaine summes of money for the which he was indebted to the Quéenes maiestie and not for Religion The next yere being anno 1554. the ninetéenth day of March he was called againe to appeare before Winchester where what for the B. and what for the vnruly multitude when he could not be permitted to pleade his cause he was depriued of his Bishopricke Hooper depriued The first of September anno 1553. he was committed to the Fléete from Richmond to haue libertie of the prison and within sixe dayes after he payd for his libertie v. l. sterling to the warden for fées who immediatly vpon the paymēt hereof complayned of him to Steuen Gardiner and so was he committed to close prison one quarter of a yere in the Tower chāber of the Fléet where he was vsed very extremely After one quarter of a yere and somewhat more Babington the warden of the Fléete his wife fell out with him about the masse so he was put into the wardes where he cōtinued a lōg time hauing nothing appointed for his bed but a litle pad of straw and a rotten couering and a tike with a fewe feathers therein the chamber vile and stinking Hooper hardly vsed in pryson till good people sent him a bed to lie on On the one side of which prison was the sinke and filth of the house and on the other side the towne ditch so that the stinch of the house had infected him with sundry diseases During which time hée was sicke and the doores barres haspes and chaynes beyng all closed and made fast vppon him he mourned and called for help but the Warden when he had knowne him many times ready to die and when the poore men of the wardes haue called to helpe him hée hath commanded the doores to be kept fast and charged that none of his men should come at him saying let him alone it were a good riddance of him And finally his vsage was such that he feared he should haue died in prison through vile intreaty before he should come to iudgement Againe he was examined Anno 1555. the 22. of Ianuary before the Bishop of Winchester with other bishops and commissioners of Saint Mary oueries where whē being exhorted by them therevnto he refused to returne to the popish Church he was had to prison againe and was shifted from his former chamber into another néere to the wardens chamber Where he remained 6. daies till his chamber was searched for bookes and writinges by D. Martin and others but none were found The xxviij day of Ianuarie Hooper appeared againe before Gardiner and the Commissioners in the afternoone with Master Rogers Their examinations being ended the two sherifes of London were commaunded to carry them to the counter in Southwarke Hooper and Rogers sent to the Counter there to remayne till the morrow at ix of the clocke to sée whether they would relent So M. Hooper went before with one of the sherifs and M. Rogers with the other to whom M. Hooper looking back said come brother R. must we two take this matter first in hand and beginne to frie these faggots Yea sir said M. Rogers by Gods grace Doubt not said M. Hooper but God will giue strength They were committed to the kéeper of the Counter and appointed to seuerall chambers not being suffered to speake one with the other neither yet any other permitted to come at them that night Vpon the xxix of Ianuary they were both brought againe by the Shiriffes of London before the commissioners and when they could not be perswaded to forsake the truth the Shiriffes of London were willed to carrie them to the Clincke there to remaine til night And when it was darke Master Hooper was had to Newgate there remaining six daies close prisoner During which time Boner Fecknam Chadsey and Harpsfield c. resorted to him to assay to perswade him to forsake the trueth which when he would not doe they spread false rumors of his relenting Wherof whē maister Hooper False rumors of Hoopers relenting heard he directed a letter wherein he purgeth himself of that slaunder Vpon munday morning Boner came to Newgate and there disgraded him And the fifte of February about foure of the clocke in the morning he was led by the Sheriffes foorth of Newgate to a place appoynted not farre from S. Dunstans Church in Fléete stréete where sixe of the Quéenes gard were appointed to cary him to Glocester there to be burned Whereat hee greatly reioyced being glad that he should confirm his doctrine which he had taught to his owne flock by martyrdom before their eyes whō he had instructed So being brought to Glocester he was lodged all night at Robert Ingrams house and watched by the sheriffes there all night His desire was that he might go to bed betimes that night saying that hée had many things to remember and so did at fiue of the clock slept one sléep soūdly bestowing the rest of the night in praier After he gat vp in the morning desired that no man should be suffered to come into the chamber that he might be solitary til the houre of execution At