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A97184 A vindication of the English Catholiks from the pretended conspiracy against the life, and government of His Sacred Maiesty discovering the cheif lyes & contradictions contained in the narratiue of Titus Oates. The 2. edition with some additions: & an answer to two pamplets printed in defence of the narrative. Jtem a relation of some of Bedlows pranks in Spain, & Oate's letter concerning him. Warner, John, 1628-1692. 1681 (1681) Wing W912C; ESTC R229731 86,710 95

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bore armes against his Majesty thousands according to their duty fought for him This the Rebels knew therefore where they preuailed Papists were persecuted ether as publick enen yes or priuate ●pyes Yet you say they were cheif Actors in the Rebellion How many lost their ●●ues in Battle How many were killed in cold bloud How many lost their estates by confiscation or then Liberty by imprisonment How many were banisht their Country meerely for being Papists we would be silent in these matters rest content with the Testimony of a good conscience to God the Glory of hauing don our Duty before men did not your slaunders force vs to remember them Wherefore to your impertinent questions I giue pertinent answers Who contriued the Rebellion Presbiterians Who inflamed Partyes Passions Presbiterians Who carryed on the War with Purse hand The Presbiterians Who broke the Vxbridge treaty the Presbiterians Who imposed the Couenant The Presbiterians Who defeated all designs of Peace The Presbiterians Who enslaued their Country The Presbiterians Who ruined the King The same Presbiterians For it was wisely obserued by an vnderstanding man that the Presbiterians Killed the King the Independants murthere● Charles Stuard The Presbiterians laboured indeed to hinder the last horrid Act of tha● Tragedie but their past following Actions perswade they did not this cut of loue to their King but to themselues For they entertained no serious thought of restoring his Majesty till they found the sword which they had wrencht out of his hand stolen out of their owne by their younger brother Rebel the Independant felt the smart of it on their own shoulders And when they offred it to its Ryght Owner it was on such Conditions as should lock it in the scabbard keep themselues the Key so as it should be ne●ther drawn nor vsed but by their Directions Yet these are your Assertro● of Monarky which they bind vp hand foot with Chaines Papists its Ennemy who leaue it the full Liberty of the Law Keep then the Durt of your Rebellion which you still loue to your selues throw it not at others who hate it by a Principle of Religion Your liues were by law forfeited for treason you enjoy them only by the King 's gracious Pardon When you pretend to Innocency you renounce that Pardon forfeit that only tenure of your breath make your selues obnoxious to the Penaltys due by law to Traitors J P. p. 16. rifles all hystoryes he can think on copyed cheifly out of E. C'S Narratiue which hauing been answered already in a particular book may excuse me the trouble of writing it ouer againe Yet I will answer you in breif The Presbiterians in Parliament began with disarming Papists persecuting them as they did of late Then they proceeded towards the rest in his Majesty's Dominions threatned to destroy all in Ireland root Branch Thus they were the tru causes of that horrid Rebellion Let vs heare the late King The preposterous rigour vnreasonable seuerity which some men carryed before them in England was not the least in●entiue that kindled blew vp into horrid flames the despair of discontent Despayr being added to their former discontent the feares of vtter extirpation to their wonted oppressions it was easy to prouoke to an open Rebellion a people prone enough to break● out to all exorbitant violence The Rebels were exasperated to the most desperate Resolutions Actions by being threatned with all extremityes not only to the known heads cheife incendiarys but euen to the whole community of the nation resoluing to destroy all root branch men women children Thus his late Majesty By whom you see the charge of that Rebellion is brought to the Dore of those who promoted that preposterous rigour seuerity who those were I need not tell you And the readinesse with which the Irish accepted a Cessation of Armes when without it the Protestants would haue been destroyed as the King sayd shewed that they sought only selfe preseruation not Destruction of others As to the Albigenses Piemontois they were Rebels to their natural Princes suffred as such not for Religion but for open actual resisting them And as for that common reproach of a Clement Rauaillac we may as easily find a Polirot an Andelot amongst the Huguenots It is no more reproach to a great body to haue had a wicked villain of it then to the Apostles to haue had a Iudas Yet if this were a reproach you are more obnoxious to it I leaue your seditious doctrines come to your practice you came into the world like the Cadmean brood all armed your seuerall Princes almost assoon felt your hands as they saw your faces In Geneua you cast of the authority of your Bishop Prince of the town In hygher Germany you shaked the Authority of Charles V. In lower Germany you withdrew many Prouinces from the Obedience of their King You vsurped vpon Rudolphus the Emperour in Transiluanta vpon Christiernus in Denmark vpon Sigismond in Swedeland you fought for the Crowne of France against Francis II. Charles IX Henry III. In Charles IX 's time you coined mony in the name of one you held for King In England you set vp Iane Grey against the lawfull heyr Queen Mary You bore armes against another Mary Queene of Scotland brought her into restraint forced her to depose her selfe fly her Country kept her Prisoner nineteene yeares at last barbarously put her to a violent death by the hand of a common executioner a thing till then neuer executed on a soueraigne nor since but by your selues on her Grandson Your perpetual insolencys against your Soueraignes your encroachments on the Royal Prerogatiue the seditious maximes you aduance are known too well both at home abroad I challeng you to shew that euer any Catholick designed vpon his Prince what you haue acted on yours Charles I. Remoue this beam out of your eye before you point at a moth in ours Thus much to J. P. Anonimus charges the commotions in Scotland on Papists because Richelieu had a hand in them Which althô supposed to be tru yet is nothing to the purpose For that great Prelate Minister of state was a subiect to a foreigne Prince not bound by any Allegiance to any but his own Master whose interest he was obliged to promote by all lawfull meanes he did it to the astonishment of all the world Why did that Prelate addresse himself if he did so to Presbiterians not the Professors of his own Religion The reason is cleere he knew the Catholicks to be so fixt in their Allegiance as no art no promise could remoue them from it the Presbiterians to be meer Gun-powder soe that the least sparke would set them on fire blow all to pieces And your Apology it self is a sufficient proof of this doth a foreign Minister of state
them of it Narrat Ibidem At which Consult held in the month of May the Deponent was present to attend the Consulters deliuered their Concerns from Company to Company Obseruat You aduance two vntruths here One that the Consult as you ca●● it was held in May. It was ended on the 26. of April And very many of those assembled were at their respectiue Residences before May. Another vntruth is that you were there you were all that time at S. Ome● How you haue altred your story Colman's triall p. 20. By a Patent from Iesuits yo● were of the Consult Now you are cited only by the common Letter are not o● it but attend it as Letter carryer It is strang the Iesuits whose fac totum gran● Agent you were should employ your rare talents in so mean an office whic● any boy or common Porter would haue done Or that your hygh spirit did not disdain that employment But it seemes you would rather play small game then sit out so finding your story of the Patent your being of the Consult ridiculous you thrust your self vpon it as a mean Attendant But if this were all your employment what need of your calling from beyond seas Those who had trusted Treasonable Letters so long together to Common Posts their Factors myght haue trusted these Concerns to the first Porter they met or haue made vse of Honest William or aukward Pickering or some of those thousands whom they had engaged in the Plot. I desire you to satisfy these doubts Narrat Ibidem A little after they left the White-horse Tauern diuided themselues into soueral clubs or Companys All which did contriue the death of the King Obseru You are so puzzled with studying to hammer out your Fables that your head is giddy Iust now the Consultors were diuided into Companys in the Tauern you were busyed in carrying their Concerns from company to Company The next line they diuided into Companys after they left the Tauern But the real Truth is they neuer diuided into or met in seueral Companys that being against the nature of a Congregation according to all Orders what soeuer had been in that nature acted had been ipso facto null But what a fit subiect to deliberate on doe you the Taske-Master appoint them you relate the King's death as a thing resolued on about a twelue-month before that all their Letters to France Flandres Spaine Italy Germany Scotland Ireland seuerall parts of England spoke of it as a thing resolued on That men were hired to effect it by Pistol by Gun by Dagger by Poyson That some of these Ruffians had been punisht for not performing what they had vndertaken After all this as Consult forsooth is called Fifty of the Prime Iesuits summoned to meet to resolue it Iust as in som Barbarous nations a man suspected is hanged then his cause examined to see whether it were well don When I consider our Nation capable to be imposed vpon by such ridiculous storys I am half ashamed to own my self of it Narrat Ibidem Within three or four days after the Deponent went to S. Omers with the Fathers that came from the other side of the Water Obser You could not return with them first because you were not in England all that time Secondly because those Fathers did not return together The Rectors of Liege Watten returned immediatly to their seueral stations the one by France the other by Holland He of Gant stayd some days in England but far from London And these three were all that came from beyond seas to the Congregation Thus much of the Congregation The truth of the more essential parts is euidenced by the Attestations already drawn vp The rest will be by others when called for there being not one word related by me which is not known to many who will depose it vpon Oath when required To this Chapter of the Congregation I find little to the purpose in these two Pamphlets excepting rayling in P. very disingenious representing my mind by Anonimus Only the first p. 26. vrges that seing the meeting was not at the white-horse Tauern the Iesuits should discouer where it was And the later pag. 28. says a Traitor an English man are direct contradictions To the first I answer I do not beleiue the Iesuits will satisfy his curiosity in that it would be an ill requital of the fauour receiued from him who did not refuse their meeting vnder his roofe which would render him obnoxious to a violent malicious Faction It is enough for our purpose that by shewing the meeting was not at the white horse Tauern we conuince Oates's Periury in swearing it was there that he neuer was at it seing he knows not where it was To the second I answer it were happy for England that his words were tru that that Land had as great an Antipathy to Traytors as Ireland to venemous beasts But sure he was in a dream when he writ this velut aegri somnia vanae finguntur species Or else he dropt newly out of Viopia hearing all speak much of Loyalty and those cheifly who are most disloyal in their harts took all for gold that glisters Were they not Englishmen euen the Representatiue of all English men the Parliament who waged war on friuolous pretexts against the Late King And were they not Traitors And are not those who in all appearance endeauour to act ouer againe the like tragedy English men Nay do they not arrogate to themselues that title as peculiarly du to them whilest they terme themselues tru Patriots blast all Loyall men with the odious names of Courtiers Pensioners c What opinion hath this good man of his Readers who dares aduance such Paradoxes contrary to all sense experience as if vpon his credit we should beleiue it were bryght day at midnight well my vindication stands secure enough as long as it cannot be impugned but by such non sense CHAPTER VI. What hapned after his returne to S. Omers till he left that place NArrat p. 19. § 29. Th. White came to S. Omers on the 10. of Iune 1678 on the 11. spoke Treasonable words against the King Duke in the presence of Rich. Ashby Narrat pag. 19. § 30. Th. White told Rich. Ashby a minister had endeauoured to render Iesuits odious by Englishing their Morals the Prouincial sent the Deponent to England to kill the Translator which the Deponent vndertook to do hauing 50. l. reward promissed him by the sayd Prouincial And the Prouincial sayd hee the Society London would procure the death of Dr. Stilling fleet Pool Obseru All this was spoken by Mr. White in the presence of R. Ashby your self Now the two first are gon to receiue their reward for their Actions suffrings in the other world Yet the dying speech of the former iustifyes him the later before his death signed an
as great a stranger to P. De la Chaize as by another answer it appeared you were to Don Iohn Narrat p. 6. § 11. R. Ashby shewd the Deponent at his return from Paris a letter from R. Strange others in London shewing that they had stirred vp to Rebellion the Seots Presbiterians that 20000. would be in Armes if France broke with England That a way was made for french to land in Irland That Irish Catholicks would rise 40000. Blacke bills were ready for them Obseruat Here you haue as many Periuryes as Periods for 1. You neuer returned from Paris hauing neuer beene there see Attest D. 2. Neuer was such a letter written see Attest G. 3. No English Iesuit euer dealt with scots Presbiterians 4. Nor Irish Papists disposed to Rebell 5. Nor any Blackbills prepared 6. Nor way made for French Landing Narrat p. 7. § 12. F. By letters of the 18. of December it was specifyed that Thomas White alias Whitebread was made Prouincial who ordred F. Georg Coniers to preach in the Sodality Church on S. Thomas of Canterbury's day agvinst the Oaths of Allegiance supremacy exhorted the Fathers to stand by the new Prouincial who would be as Zealous to promote Religion as his Predecessor Obseru you giue here a whole couy of Lyes first Mr. Thom. White breade was not declared Prouincial till the 14 of Ianuary 1678. soe could not order that sermon for S. Thomas day in December before he had any power to order Againe it is impertinent to say the Prouincial at a distance should order who should make a particular sermon That is left always to the Rectors who being vpon the Places know the conuenience which each one hath for such a task Thirdly it is fals that he was ordred to preach against the Oaths He himself those who heard that sermon protest there was not one word of the Oaths in it And this appeares in the Copy he keepes of it 4. It is a fiction of your shallow braine to say that F. Coniers should be ordred to exhort all to standby their new Prouincial This was neuer practised Assoon as the Prouincial is declared all acquainted with it each one knows his Duty to him comply with it without any further exhortation And if this should haue been necessary F. Con. would not haue been employed in it who althô of excellent parts great expectation yet is amongst the youngest Nether was the sodality Church a place conuenient for such a sermon this being a place designed for the Deuotion of the schollers whither the Fathets rarely come As great confident as you make your self of Iesuits you do not know the place where their domestick Exhortations are made at S. Omers Lastly those letters were of the 18. of December say you from London which according to the Newstile is the 28. the day before S. Thomas of Canterbury's I desire you to tell vs what man in his senses would write from London beyond seas to be speake a sermon for the next day And if any was so mad how his Letter could be deliuered in time as you say this was or else you are Periured Narr pag. 7. § 13. Thomas Whitebread twelue others whom you name more whom you do not name by Letter dated the 26. of December ordred that R. Ashby should write to F. Leshee that they had met to contriue the aduancement of the Design of the happy Disposal of his Majesty of his R. H. if he answered not their expectation Obseru Your first Periury is that so often noted of many Iesuits writing letters with their Prouincial Which is neuer practised Your second that Thom. White was Prouincial on the 26. of December 77. he was not declared till the 14. of Ianuary following Your 3 that there were in any Letter such contents see Attest G E Indeed if they had a Design to giue such informations to P. Leshee they would haue directed their letters streyght to him vnlesse you pretend they could not write Latin in which Iesuits are seldom defectiue But why they should send such a letter to S. Omers thence to be conueyghed to Paris I know not except it were with intention it should be shown to you theyr great Agent Narrat p. 8. § 15. In the same Letter was specified that Richard Nic. Blundel was by Patent from the Prouincial made Ordinary of Newgate to visit the condemned Prisoners to Catechize some youth in the City of London whom he teacheth Treasonable mutinous Doctrines Obseru You here deliuer many Periuryes the first is that there euer were any such Letters as I sayd already The 2. that Iesuits should become Ordinarys Their being ordinary is a thing vnheard of euen in Catholick countrys The 3. That this was don by Patent from the Prouincial The Prouincial giues no office by patent The 4. That that Father whose name you know not should teach the youths Treasonable mutinous doctrine This is not only fals but improbable also Iesuits myght be begged for fooles if they deliuered such doctrines to Children or youths If the Prouincial did employ one in works of charity did order him to visit the Prisoners sent to them som Almes according to his ability recommended to the same Person to comfort the vnfortunate condemned Persons in their desolate condition to exhort them to sorrow for their sins which brought them to that disgracefull end to prepare them to end well this miserable life if I say he did so did it out of these motiues I know none besides your self so great an Atheist as to blame him for it The Thing is so conformable to ryght Reason soe cleerely recommended in the Ghospel Mat. 25.36 that he must renounce both who condemnes it Narrat p. 9. § 15. Other Letters dated on the 1. or 2. of Ianuary came to R Ashby from Thom. White others ordring them to perswade the D. de Villa-Hermosa that the K. of England would not assist Spain in this war That Fonseca sent his Letter to S. Omers from Bruges to be sent for Spain to inform that King that the English Marchants endeauoured to transport their estates to aduise him to seize on them Obseruat I will note here only two of your Periuryes The first that many Iesuits ioyned to giue those orders signed those Letters Which was neuer done as is often noted A second that Thom. White as Prouincial writ them He was not Prouincial till the 14. of Ianuary came not to London till about the 12 so could haue no hand in these pretended Letters dated on 1. or 2. as you say But more of these letters on the next § You seem quite thorough your fabulous Narratiue to represent S. Omers as the center of all Iesuits Transactions Letters Those from or for London Bruges Brusselles Paris Madrid Rome Vienna Valladolid c. all passe that way For what reason I know not vnlesse it were
he was wont to expresse great resentments at the course of study he had vndertaken complaining exceedingly of the strict obseruances disciplin● of the sayd Colledge of the recollected manner of liuing there which he was not able to endure also that he was not preferred before the rest of the Collegians by seuerall exemptions which he pretended to by reason of his age aduances in learning as he thought especially of his great preferments which he sayd he had left in the Church of England Moreouer I declare that I know very well the most Reuerend Doctor Iames Lynch Arch-Bishop of Tuam that his Lordship was not at Valladolid any part of the time of M● Oates his being there for that hauing all that time communication with his grace by Letters I was acquainted with all his motions could not but haue known it if he had come to Valladolid or had any personall meeting with Mr. Oates I neuer heard of am well assured was not possible during M. Oates his being in Spain my constant Correspondence with the one the other enabling me to know that they neuer came together all that time Likewise I do declare that I haue seen the most Excellent Lord Sir Will. Godolphin his Majesty's Embassado● in this court of Madrid but that I neuer had any communication or Speech with his Excell in all my life To the truth of all which abouesayd I do voluntariy swear in verbo Sacerdotis by the Holy Ghospel will Confirme the same in any other solemne manner before any publick authority Tribunall or Court of Iustice in England or Spaine wherevnto I may be called Witnesse my hand this 10. February 1679. new stile Richard Duelly For the seal † Witnesse besides those of the other Attestation Peter Leuet this Deposition is attested by Iulian Hidalgo Aluarez his Attestation confirmed by by Blas Lopez de Haro Ant. de Sepulueda Ferdidinando Chill●on y Barea ATTESTATIONS C. Of many Jesuits That many Iesuits neuer signed any Letter or Patents with any superiour Nor euer was any such cyper as he mentions nor a Σ. in any of their Generals seale WHere as M. Titus Oates page 2. of his Narratiue art 3. says that twelue Missioners were sent into Spain by Richard Ashby R. Petres Nic. Blundel Ch. Peters as appeared by their Patents whereas p. 1. § 1. p. 4. § 7. p. 5. § 9. p 15. § 23. 24. p. 36. § 56. elswhere he speakes of seuerall Letters whereof each was from some superior of the Iesuits signed by him by seuerall others jointly We whose names are subscribed to the originall deed do call God to witnesse that it nether is nor euer was the custom of the Society of Iesus since its settlement to sign more then one person any deed ether Patents or Letters And that none euer sign any such thing with the Superiour And whereas p. 28. § 40. p. 33. § 51. p. 34. § 52. p. 38. § 60. p. 42. § 62. p. 46. § 67. elsewhere he speakes of a Cypher vsed by Iesuits in which 48. signifyes the King 365. Westminster 440. Windsore 666. London Barly broth the house of Commons mum chocolate the house of Lords magpyes the Bishops IHS Iesuits c. We do in a like manner declare in the Presence of Almighty God to all men that we neuer heard of any such Cypher before the Narratiue appeared that we are most certain there neuer was any such vsed by Iesuits And to confirm this we appeale to that which with other Papers was taken in the Chambers of Mr. Whitebreade Mr. Mico And where in the tryal of Mr. Coleman p. 27. he says that the Inscription of the seal of the General of the Iesuits is I. H Σ. we declare as aboue that there neuer was a Σ. in any seal that euer we yet saw of the sayd General For a confirmation of this we appeal to some Patents Letters of his found in the Chambers abouesayd In testimony of the truth of these our Protestations we haue set our hands to this Attestation Sigilli † Provincialis M. K. I. F. I. W. R. S. W. M. H. W. C. B. E. N. A. H. ATTESTATION D. Of the Citty of S. Omers that Oates was not in England during the Congregation WE the Mayer Sherifs of the Citty of S. Omers being surprized at the the report that the English Fathers residing with vs had about the beginning of the present year by the negociation of one Titus Oates in France England contriued plotted a wicked Bloody Treason against their Natural Lord the most excellent King of Great Brittain being the more amazed at it since they had giuen through a long series of yeares a rare example amongst vs not only of Learning Piety in particular but Obedience in general to all Ciuil Magistrates Gouvernours a thing which makes the whole Society of Iesus hyghly respected esteemed by most of the Christian Princes of the World we say that being surprized at this report we took as far as we could the Examination of the matter into hand therefore certisy That it hath appeared to vs by the Oaths of seuerall of the best ancientest schollers of that Seminary the whole Colledge hauing offred to make the same Oath that the sayd Titus Oates was not only effectiuely in the sayd Seminary at the end of April beginning of May 1678. but did constantly reside there from the 10. of December 1677. to the 23. of Iune following without euer being absent from thence except one nyght in Ianuary at which time he was at Watten two leagues distant from vs. The sayd Deponents also haue alleadged as a reason of this their knowledge that they lodged conuersed drank eate with the sayd Oates in the sayd Seminary all that while he being at a distinct table alone did particularly take notice that he was there in April May as aboue sayd as hauing seen him at that time constantly performe the office of Reader in the Sodality of the Students in the sayd Seminary as being present at the departure of one Killembe●k alias Poole an English Schollar who went from this Citty the fifth day of the sayd month of May new stile to take his Iourney into England Jn witnesse whereof we haue caused the seal of the sayd Citty to be herevnto put this 28. of December 1678. Loco † Sigilli I. Hanon ATTESTATION E. Of the Iesuits of the Seminary of S. Omers That all that Oates Charges them with in general or particular is false WHereas M. Titus Oates in his Narratiue Articles 9. 11. 12. 13. 15. 18. 19. 21. 22. 24. 25. 26. 27. 39. 50. 74. 77. charges the Fathers of this Seminary in general or some of them in particular as F. T. S. Richard Ashby N. B. G. C. with hauing receiued Letters or sent