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B09140 A few lines more for thee o England and for thy lofty ones in thee, and for all others of thine inhabitants ... 1662 (1662) Wing F834; ESTC R177031 25,917 32

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and bloody intents and so he will do againe and though you in England and the potentates of the world should yet make farther confedracies and decrees against the People and children of God untill Gods decree be accomplished which you will do yet know that God will in spite of you and all the powers and Priests of the Earth execute his judgements written which are herein declared And as for you the People and Povvers in England c. You have made strange idols and acted contrary to your oaths vows promises protestations declarations Letters and proclamations and thus have you hitherto dayly provoked God by your neglecting to heare his voyce and in contemning the word of God which commeth out of the mouths of his sons and daughters Now thus have many of you in England already discovered your selves in making Ship rack of faith and of a good conscience which is a shame for that will not in the least help to save you in the day of Gods vengance nor will your making havock of the people and flock of God do you the least good in the world as to your preservation and deliverance when God shall make inquisition for true Royall and innocent blood Though many of you may be yet suffered to go on in your Road plotting and designing and others of you persecuting killing and imlprisoning the children of light a while longer yet know that God is and will be just who will call every one to an account for all his or their deeds done in the flesh whither they be good or evill and for you that oppress the seed of God in your own particulars also in others take heed of so doing for in so doing you have grieved persecuted and smitten the just one for which Gods controversie hath been and still is with you that so do for such things have been and are grievous in Gods sight And while you thus misuse your selves and abuse others you your selves defile the Temples of God within you for which the Lord God Almighty if you so continue will you destroy for it was written by the Prophets of old as well as now Them will God destroy that defileth the Temples of God Woe woe woe therefore will be unto such as so doe and now I am assured that Heaven and earth shal pass avvay before one Iot or tittle of Gods vvord thus revealed and spoken in and to mee shall fail and as sure as the Lord liveth there vvill that come upon many of you in poore England c. of a sudden that repent not and turn not unto the living God that vvill amaze you and Astonish and confound many elswhere and doe you all the world over what you can deliverance must and shall come unto the remnant of Iacob and this the Eternall God hath sealed unto me with much of the manner way and method Thereof Therefore is this sent forth amongst you the sonnes and daughters of men as another invitation and warning Believing and knowing that some thing els will Ere long follow wherein the wickedness of the wicked in England c. will be further discovered and laid open with a farther demonstration of the mystery of things and for what the judgements of God have been executed and are executing upon the inhabitants of the whole Earth And in the mean time be still all ye children of light and mourners in Sion for God seeth beholdeth your conditions will deliver you And now rejoyce in God all you that can and in the Lord Jehovah make melody in your hearts when you see this I say againe in the strength of the Lord God rejoyce for the Lord Jehovah is nigh at hand to judgment and for it he is worthy of all prayse glory and honour now hence forth and for evermore Amen let our conditions be what they will out of sin Feare not therefore little flock for it is our fathers good will and pleasure to give unto us the Kingdome that fadeth not away That Kingdome which cannot be removed it s as mount Sion And as for the mockers scorners scoffers persecuters plotters blood suckers c. a sad and lack day is come and coming upon you as well as a day of redemption and deliverance in God for Gods poore dispised and innocent people the fight whereof from God hath often times made me to rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of glory And to water my pillow many a time with tears of joy also the lamentation and mourning from God that I have been made to take up for thee and for thine inhabitants O poor England c. have been more then I shall at present perticulerly express for some of your destructions will be little inferiour unto that off Sodom Gomoroah and Jerusalem Friends you in England not long ago were a field of blood since that your mercies have been great ye as great as ever any peoples nations Kings or Kingdomes was and you in England may be said to be a people and land flowing with milk and hony Though many of you now there have viz spent Gods creatures upon your lusts c. O how evilly and unjustly have you requited the Lord God for all his mercies to you wards and how evilly have you in England Ireland and Scotland and else where intreated Gods poor and innocent people let the God of heaven and earth and all sober people unto whom I do Appeal be judg yea and the witness of God in your selves and in the consciences of all men yea in the wickedest and vildest men that are for that if not seared will speak And now take heed of lusting revenge lying hardnes of heart and unbeliefe for that will carry you the children of men into confusion c. and make you that yield thereunto to run farther and farther from the living God into sinne untill you are seared and wholy given over unto destruction Mark that Againe take heed all you professors as well as prophane for there is yee a great fault amongst you all your yee is not yee nor is your nay nay therfore is God angry with you and displeased at your doings ye at the evill of your doings and practices Friends this is plain dealings with the Children of men and Counsell for a King as well as for a Bagger much of it being from the Lord God through a poor Earthen vessel and one that is a servant of Jehovah who is Redeemed from death to life by the power and Spirit of God in the blood of Jesus who subscribes himselfe your Friend Emmanuel Israelite Which by Interpretation is God vvith me God vvith us in vvhom there is no guile 1662. A letter of Comfort and consolation unto the whole flock of Christ wheresoever they be Dearely beloved A By de stedfast in mount Sion for they that so do shall never be removed for the Church in God is the ground and piller of truth from whence I am moved of the Lord God everlasting to
one Jot or tittle of these things shall faile for such hath the Lord God Almighty raysed upin the midest of you in these latter dayes that have told you fore told you from God vvhat vvould come and vvhat is coming amongst you and upon you and out of the mouthes of babes and sucklings vvill God perfect his prayes for through such hath the Lord God Almighty often spoken to the former Powers Priests and People of England c. As vvell as unto you And unto you the Powers Priests People of Eng. that now are hath God spoken these things that are come and coming upon you and vvhilst Gods judgements are upon the earth the inhabitants thereof should and ought to learn righteousnesse for the Lord God hath sent you in this ages as vvell as them in other ages many vvarnings by his servants the Prophets though you the Priests Powers and People of the Earth have not heeded them as you ought to do mark that as vvell as vvhat follovveth For novv the Father of faithfullnesse God hath made and is making good his vvord spoken by his Prophets of Old to vvit that old Men should dreame dreames also that young men should see visions and that God vvould in the latter dayes povver forth his Spirit aboundantly upon his Sonnes and Daughters and inable both Sons and hand-Mayds to Prophesic speak and vvrite also that some in seeing should not see and in hearing they should not understand as God the Father of faithfullnes hath spoken so hath he made good his word spoken in all ages and as God did of old speak in unto his servants the Prophets even so hath did he speak in tome at sundry places and at several times in this latter age in these particulers to wit in speaking to in foreshewing me the dovvnfall of the old King of England Charles the First and many great ones more the Rice and Fall of the Cromwels the ruine of the Parliament and Army telling them hovv often God vvould have gathered them to himself even as a Henn gathereth her chickings but they vvould not Novv marke and see vvhat follovved thereupon nothing say I but destruction And as the High-Priests Seribes and Pharises did even so have some latly done in England I say they have given up the innocent People of God into the hands of Rulers and rude People to be hardly dealt vvith all Such vvere they that Crucified and killed Christ as had joyned them selves unto idols and vvere vvedded there unto and resolved they vvere to goe on in there idolletry and vvill vvorship untill God came dovvne vvith his severe judgments upon them And though the vvicked may doe vvickedly for a vvhile in labouring to keepe the ignorant and simple People in sin superstition and idolletry ye and in blindness and darkness c. Yet knovv that God vvill not allvvays be so mocked Therefore frends take heed all you that drive on so Iehu-like in persecuting the People and Children of God for it vvas once vvritten from the Spirit of the holy God that the Rod of the vvicked should not all vvayes rest upon the back of the righteous mark that For vvhosoever they be that have yet in this latter age gone about to Lord it over Gods heritage and thereupon have persecuted and smitten the Babes Lambs and little ones Children of Light and they that have thereby had thoughts to vveary out the Saints and children of the most High God they have hither to been broken and have broken one another to pieces and many of them that so did are allready ground to povvder O vvicked Generation of vipers that have in all ages thus risen up against God and his povver life light and truth made manifest in Gods people have you not been often vvarned to fly from the vvrath to come by the Prophets and have you not been desired to decist from your bloody and cruel intentions and from the evill of your vvays in killing and Crucifiing the Lord of life light and glory a fresh and of puting him to open shame againe and againe in his People and have you not been warned to fly from such abominations as these and to seek reconciliation with God and Man yee with God and good men while you have a day and time and not to destroy such as feare the Lord but it seems you will not stay your hearts in God nor restrain your hands from blood cruelty perfecution and so forth But you will fight against the witness of God in your selves and others and so forget the sure mercies of David untill the judgments of the Lord God almighty overtake you againe Friends have not you the Backsliders in heart every where been the greatest persecutors you that of old promised better things then these and have not you the Backsliders in heart been filled with your own ways and have you not often times been confused as it were confounded with the wicked devices of your own hearts in almost every thing and have you in these last 20 years Revolutions learned no more no better things then these have your persecutions and suffrings taught yōu no more good yet what think you vvill become of you vvhile you are thus found fighters against God and the mercies that you have had vvhat vvil become of you that think to eat up Gods children like Bread and to scatter drive his flock upon the Mountains by your vvolfuish actions tovvards them as if they vvere not creatures of Gods ovvn making or your fellow creatures Give over your persecution in time I pray you least at last you dig a pit and be buried therein your selves And novv O Lord passe by the innocent blood that hath been allready spilt in poor Ireland England and Scotland O hovv did the bloody Papists at the first Rip up the poore Protestant Women great vvith child in many places in poore Ireland and all from the instigation of sathan and the Blood-sucking Priests vvho pretended for a moderate Episcopal Clergy there such vvere they that had a hand in that Bloody Massacre at the beginning of the late Warre in that place and in Englands former and latter Martyrdoms Be novv therefore convinced of your sins in time and learn to knovv that God 〈◊〉 have the hearts of Kings as vvell as Rulers and People in his ovvn hands Therefore O Lord of Hosts turne the hearts of Kings as well Rulers and People if it be thy vvill that so they may in time come and stoop unto they Septer for all the powers on Earth must come and bring their glory and honour unto God or else they vvill Perish For ever and ever For novv the hand of the Lord God Almighty is stretched forth over all and none can hinder God from makeing good his ovvne decree revealed sealed unto mee vvhich in the General is that he will breake all the Kingdoms and People of the Earth in pieces that vvill not have Christ to
whole Earth Friends these things have been wonderfully revealed and made manifest unto mee from the Lord God Almighty in so much that I have often times been made to tremble before the living God in the seeing and beholding thereof And Verely true it is the Lord God Almighty is just in bringing thee O King of England with others in over your enemies it being according to his revealed word in and unto me long before it came to pass And as true it is that God the Lord of Hoasts is a rewarder of every man according to his or there workes and deeds done in the flesh wheither they be good or evell And wheither canst thou O Man O King flye from the presence of the Lord God Almightie Lord of Lords and King of Kings Verelie I knovv not vvheither thou canst flye from the presence of the great God for fly whethersoever thou wilt God will follovv thee vvith his judgments untill the measure of thine iniquities are full This have I seen and the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it unto me Forther I have in the light of God seen terrible and dreadfull things that shall come upon the Earth some of vvhich are not as yet lavvfull for me to utter but vvhat is lavvfull and layd upon me to signifie unto thee and unto the children of men I have and shall freely doe it marke therefore vvhat followeth I have often times seen acertain number of men nigh thee O King of England I say I have certainly seen a number of men nigh thee O King severall times in consultation counselling thee to doe the things that are not good neither in the sight of God or man viz consulting together hovv they with thee might rid thy Territories and Dominions so called of an innocent harmeles quiet peacable people that hurt you not nor vvill they harm any body Though the bloody minded of all sorrs doe goe about to make thee O King and others believe other ways of us But my God vvill Ere long revvard all such with the evell of there ovvne doings For there vvill yet be greater tribulations upon the Earth then ever Also I have in the light of the Lord seen great Lightnings and Thunders that shall be the tirribleness thereof shall make both men and beasts affraid insomuch that they shall not know what to do nor whither to goe to hide themselves from the presence of the Almighty I have also seen other dreadful and tirrible sights vvhich shall be seen upon the Earth such things when they come as will amaze terrifie and confound many of them that believe not in the living God For Signes and Wonders there must be for a while that so the unbelievers may believe and know that Gods Word is true which he hath spoken in these last dayes by his Servants and Prophets Now in this Book is part of Englands dome to come Demonstrated Therefore do I once more according to the Requirings of God made manifest in and unto me beseech you the Povvers and People of that place not to harden your hearts any longer least more of you become as Pharoahs And do not you blind guids of the Earth Hirelings of any sort go about any longer to make your Masters and People believe that there are no true Prophets novv upon the Earth for in your vvillfullness darkness blindness and ignorance of God and of his misteries Christ being unto you a misterie I say in your ignorance and blind Zeal you have hitherto gon about to make both the Povvers and People of the Earth believe a lye and you have insenced both the People Povvers of the Earth against the Children of Light Servants and Prophets of God vvhom God hath raised up to bear testamony unto his name and truth as it vvas in the begining and it vvould have been better for you if you had not so doné sure I am if the Testamony of Jesus be the spirit of Prophecy as I both knovv believe it is Then God hath many true Prophets novv upon the Earth who have and do in Gods Name Authority Power and Strength Prophecy yea and they have foretould you the People Priests and Powers of England c. what would come upon you part whereof is already come to pass and the remainder is comming and such dare not Preach Lies in the Name of God and Christ as the false Christians blind Guides and Hirelings of the Earth do vvho Preach for Hire and Divine for Money and so Ride both Povvers and People even to Death And now had not the Lord God Almighty given such his servants 〈…〉 of things to come they durst not have so spoken and vvrote as they have Novv vvould the former King Povvers Priests and People of England but have believed that vvhich vvas said unto them from God by his servants vvho vvere Inabled both to speak and write unto them sure there had been no more Innocent blood spilt after the first War in England was ended but they vvould not believe nor take council of God by his Children but in stead thereof they to wit the greatest and vvisest of them vvould do as many Great Mighty Wise and Noble novv do laugh jere scoffe at them vvhich God had inabled comanded to speak to them vvho from God did positively fore-tell them of their ruine destruction as they do of yours novv if you repent not and turn not unto God For there vvill yet be greater trouble upon the Earth then ever vvas Also there vvill be Earth-quakes in some places of the World that vvill svvallovv up many if not vvhole Countries Farther there vvill be a Nation born in a day These things hath the Almighty God given me a perfect and clear fight off as if they were already past vvith many more vvhich as yet I have no Authority nor command from on High to publish but this my God and Father hath already assured me that whatsoever of it shall make for his Glory and for his Peoples good he will in his ovvn time give me povver and strength to declare it and for that vvhich doth particularly concern some men I shall in Gods time faithfully signifie it unto them Novv blessed are the Mercifull for they shall find Mercy in the day which is nigh at hand when God will poure forth the Vials of his wrath judgment and Indignation upon the disobedient for Gods determination is so to do also God is staining the Glory of all flesh that so none may glory any more in the flesh but in the Lord aloan who is Head over all Now judgment is not only begun at the House of Gōd but it is gon and going forth against Sathan and his Instruments every where and all such as are found in Rebellion and Disobedience against God shall have no true comfort rebellion against God being as the sin of witchcraft say for all such as shall be found in this iniquity of rebellion against God and in truth and
A FEW LINES MORE For thee O ENGLAND And for thy Lofty ones in thee And for all others of thine IN HABITANTS vven forth and sent abroad into the world with two letters for the comfort and consolation of the persecuted Church in God and for the tribulated Flock in Christ and mourners amongst them wheresoever they be 〈◊〉 the end the Children of Light and all they that hunger and thirst after righteousnes may be comforted and refreshed in God in the middest and depth of all their persecutions tribulations sufferings and afflictions that they may yet meet withall from wicked cruel and unreasonable men who take delight to crucifie the Lord of life light and Glory a fresh and put him to open shame in his people Also a few lines for the wicked People and powers of the World with some wholsome Councel and good advice given unto me from the Lord God Almighty to give unto them especially unto the people and powers of England Ireland Scotland Holland and Germany where the name of God hath been and is so emenently professed and so great a reformation pretended that so they may all hearken unto hear and obey the voyce of God and so live in love and peace out of persecution and at last sit down in the Kingdom of glory with Abraham Isaac and Iacob And therefore and pray that can that ye enter not into temptations for a work of wonders is the Lord my God farther a doing in and upon the Earth And for all you Loftyons of the Earth that rebell against God know that except you repent you shall likewise perrish Luke 13. ver 3. and 5. And the Lord shall cut of all flattering lips and the tongue that speaketh proud things Psalm 12. ver the 3. as he hath hither to done An Epistle to the Reader LEt this serve as a warning and as an invitation of love for all people great and small high and loe rich and poor old and young professors and prophane to turn you all that are not yet turned unto the living God for it is brought forth to publique view in its appointed season and time part whereof is already fullfilled and the remainder is fullfilling apace yee in our dayes and age Watch therefore and pray that can that you enter not into temptation for the Lord God Almighty hath not forgotten to be gracious nor hath his compassions at any time failed any of the sonnes and daughters of men that have turned unto him and walked and abode in his light life and dostrine And because some of you in England c. have misspent your precious time in makeing a mock of sin And have made an ill use of your stewardships in the ill management of your affairs so mercifully friendly and favourably put into your hands therefore is this most principally directed unto you to let you know that God is angry with you and that he will ere long be avenged on you for you in England hath the Lord God began vvithall first And there vvill the Lord Jehovah make his name famous and everlastingly Glorious also God hath and vvill vvork vvonders there as vvell as in other places and none shall let or say vvhat dost thou Friends be not angry nor partial vvho ever you be that hear or read this And be not deceived God is not mocked Gal. 6. ver 7. But in the light of the Lord Jesus Christ see vvhither you have not almost sinned avvay your most precious time and trifled away the dayes of your visitation in all manner of excess And for you that have not so spent your precious time that Gods spirit hath not done striving in you or vvith you and you are not become as Pharoahs then turn you unto the light within you and obey the voice of God in you for that is it which vvill lead you into the living life if you be found faithful to God for that light in you vvhither you knovv or believe in it or no is of God it is that in man vvhich shevveth man good and evil and it vvill one day Judge you and if you doe but a little consider it will now shew you vvhat you are And what you have been and then if you or any of you that have been and are abominable sinners shall in the true light and sence of your conditions cleave unto God and for sake your sins and all your abominable doings then shall you soon know a curb to your lusts and wicked wills and such of you as shall thus truly turn unto God and follovv him you shall quickly come to know feel and see a bridle to your Tongues and vvhat it is to be made partakers of the glory of the Lord in the Land of the living for the living be they that shall praise thee o God vvhen the dead though alive and them in the grave though once never so mighty and great cannot for the dead be they that shall hear the voyce of the son of God and they that hear and obey God shall live forever and ever vvorld vvithout End Amen And now my Friends every vvhere Arise from the dead and come forth and sing all ye that dwell in the dust for God is Just and the Avenger he is of the cause of the innocent who hath often times sealed the deliverance of his people unto mee and I am sure that God is rode forth Conquerring and to Conquer all the vvorld over and to make a short vvork in righteousnesse upon the Earth And God it is in Men Women and Children every vvhere that calleth them to a turning unto himselfe and to repentance from dead works and to a seasing from sin that so they may serve the living God in newness of life and vvalking uprightly before God in true holinesse peace and righteousness all the dayes of their lives vvhich many have promised God so to doe in the dayes of their distresses but some of them have forgotten that and so have sinned against light as well now as formerly in runing a whoring after their own inventions lusts and immaginations c. And thus they have and doe provoke the just and Iealous God of Heaven and Earth to vvrath against them who is not slack in justice and judgment And therefore I plainly tell you who ever you are that your going on in sin have and will be your missery your not sea●sing from persecution superstition sin Idolitry is that which have provoked the just and jealous God to wrath judgement and indignation against you I say God is now as well as of old jealous of his name in the children of Men and his Glory He will not give to graven immages though many now adaies so do mark that For such do dayly persecute and afflicting the children of the most high God that God which heareth and answereth prayers who hath heard and answered his people and God the mighty Iehovah hath diverted as well as revealed many of your secret
more or lesse day night for the accomplishment of these things and for the fullfilling of his vvord and decrecrevealed spoken and promised unto us that so Kings might become Nurssing Fathers and Queens Nurssing Mothers unto the Saints and People of God for sure I am that such Kings and Rulers vvhile on Earth would be for the praise of them that do vvell and for the punishment of such as do evill I say such as doe inqiuity and spend Gods good creatures in drunkeness and in all manner of excess of riot God vvill punish though they be never so great for usualy such doe studdie on their Beds of dovvn in other places hovv they may feed the delight of their eyes the lust of their minds pride of there lifs even to the maintaining of the pride of life in al manner of vvhordoms both Spirituall and carnall the vvhich I am sure God is highly displeased at and greatlie against and for such doings together vvith the blood of the Saints 〈◊〉 our God hath yet a greater controversie vvith the sons and daughters of men then ever the dreadfullness and terribleness thereof vvhen in God I have beheld it hath often times made me to tremble ye and to fall dovvn before his holy presence and to vvorship his holy name and to implore and humbly to beg and beseech him that he vvould pass such great iniquites by if it vvere his vvill But I finde no ansvver as yet from God that he vvill so do but I see the hand and judgments of the great God still stretched out and hasting over all the Inhabitants of the Earth And as for thee O England vvith thy great Cities and Tovvns likned have they been unto mee to great and little Babylon I say unto you that have slain misused and often abused and evilly 〈…〉 many of Gods dear People his servants and Prophets yea his true Prophets and children of the light I say unto you you have often times throvvn many of them into Prisons Holes and Dungeons vvhere vvicked persons have been vvho have misused the inocent even unto Death and many have been killed by reason of such ill usage And have not you or some of you the High-Priests Kings and Rulers of the Earth been the cause of all your ovvn the people misseries in the sheding of innocent blood I doe not mean that which you have shee l in the vvay you call justice and though you have already destroyed many in that vvay and thereby you have thought to have wearyed out the Saints of the most high the vvhich you can never do for God my God hath other wayes decreed and determined it And though you in England in your great Cities to wit in London Exetor Sarum Alies Salisbury Bristol Worcester Norwich Rochester Canterbury Linckolne York c. And you in the rest of your great and little Towns I say though you and the greatest part of your inhabitants daylie doe despite unto the Spirit of God in man and thus grieve the Holy one of Israel and thereby plainlie manifest whose servants you are for whose servants you are him doe you obey and so you forget that the wages of sin is Death I say though you forget God yet God vvill not forget you for he vvill revvard every man according to his vvorks O what then can you that are found in so great iniquitie Expect in this the day of Gods visitation I say what can you think of or expect for a requital other then the heavie dreadfull judgements of God upon you verely I knovv not And as for you in England with the greatest part of your Inhabitants you are poore and miserable yea and great finners against light for vvhich the Lord Iehovah hath yet a greater controversie with you then ever Therefore consider and take this good counsell vvhich follows vvithout goiing unto your Astrologers Southsayers Socerers or Magitions Wisemen so accounted I say in stead of going unto them goe unto God who is light which maketh all things manifest and then if you do but stand still a vvhile in Gods light you shall see light also you shall knovv see and feel that this good counsell cometh from Iehovah through a poore servant of Gods for all your good if evill bee not all together predominate in you and deceit wholy become yōur Lord and Master then that will make you run farther and farther from God untill you perish mark that as well as what followeth There vvill that come upon you in England of a sudden you that cease not spedily from sin and turn not unto the living God I say there vvill that come amongst and upon you of a sudden that will amaze terrifie and confound many of the great and mighty together with many others of the Inhabitants a little time more in comparison vvill manifest it Murmur not therfore yee sons and daughters of men but comfort yee one another in the Lord that can for you in England knovv not as yet hovv to avoid your falling into great coufusion persecution Blood and missery O England thou vvith thine Inhabitants vvilt fall together by the eares and then yee vvill rend tear and devoure one another like so many beasts of prey yee like so many vvild Bores of the Forrest vvill you stricke at one another And the harmless and innocent ones amongst you you vvill cut from off the Earth if the Lord permit at least as many of them as you judge or think do stand in your vvay such vvill you bannish hale to prison or othervvise persecute you thinking thereby to vveary them out that God hath already raised up to be Saints of the most high vvho doe novv vvitness against such abominations as cometh from him that delighteth to make desolate the People of God And as for thee O King of England thou vvilt be hardly put to it to escape for in the light of the Lord I have seen them nigh thee severall times that vvill be the cause of thy ruine if not thy utter destruction and the time vvill come that thou vvilt not knovv vvhat to doe nor vvhither to goe also thou shalt in vvords repent and say that it had been better for thee that thou hadst never been born thy misseries vvill be such then for thee to have done and suffered that to be done vvhich is already past And that vvhich thou vvilt yet farther suffer and mayest be accessary to the doing off vvill help forvvard thy missery and Calamnity for many there are that vvill be by thy consent and permission taken avvay from the evill to come by untimely Death and all this vvil be for the fullfilling of Gods decree revealed and made manifest unto mee But thy end in it O Man is not good the which is well known to the Almighty and unto some of his beloved ones who have been commanded and required from God to signifie the substance of these things unto thee and unto the inhabitants of the