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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A97148 The vindication of the Parliament and their proceedings. Or, Their military designe prov'd loyall and legall. A treatise, wherein these things are ingeniously and sincerely handled; to wit, 1. That the militia as setled by the Parliament is lawfull. 2. That it is lawfull for us to obey it, so setled by them. 3. That the Parliament is not by us to be deserted. 4. That in aiding the Parliament the king is not opposed. 5. That the Parliament (as the case stands) may not confide in the king. 6. That this necessary defensive warre of theirs is indubitably justifiable. Pulchrum pro Patria mori, Ward, Richard, 1601 or 2-1684. 1642 (1642) Wing W808aA; Thomason E122_19; ESTC R19259 30,017 36

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They are ignorant Persons Now there is a two fold ignorance viz. 1. Naturall now they are naturally ignorant who for want of knowledge understanding and teaching are neither able to discerne of the designes and intentions of the adverse Partie nor to foresee the miseries which will come upon them by aiding and assisting of and siding with them nor to know what is their duty and how farre and in what cases they may aid and assist the Parliament against some personall or verball command of the King And 2. Affected Now this mischevous malitious and affected ignorance is in those who will neither read nor heare any thing which may inform them in the former particulars viz. the nature intentions ends and fruites of evill councels and counsellours and what is their duty in regard of the great counsel of the land Or 7. They are of that number of the Nobility and Gentry who seeke preferment by betraying their Country to serve and be made subject to the Court Or. 8. They are the allyes friends acquaintance and associates of some of the former who although in themselves they stand not much disaffected to Parliaments yet in regard of their friends they leave it and cleave unto them Or 9. They are timerous and fearefull who although they wish well unto the Parliament yet they dare not shew their affection nor affoord any aid unto them lest thereby they incurre some malice or detriment through the Kings displeasure Or. 10. They are covetous and desirous to keepe their mony and meanes and therefore whatsoever their heart and affections be unto the Parliament they dare not shew their approbation of their proceedings lest they should be wrought upon to supply them and their wants for the supporr of the State their necessities and occasions in regard of th● land being great urgent and pressing Or 11. They are Macchiavillians and Polititions who desiring with the Cat to fall on their feet and to be free from blame and danger however the world wags will neither side nor support neither aid nor assist either King or Parliament Let us now seriously consider three things from what hath beene said of the nature of this Side or Party viz. First who are those evill Counsellours which we must not adhere unto but desert It is denyed That there are any such about the King but I conceive what I shall say will not be gainsayd viz. If there bee any about the King who first move him to Civill warres and secondly perswade him to rule his people according to his owne Will or an arbitrary power and thirdly strive to divide and estrange the King from his Parliament and fourthly cast even in his eares aspertions and false calumnies upon his Parliament and fiftly labour to ruine and destroy the Parliament and sixthly by their plots brings misery and confusion upon the whole land none I say will deny but these are evill and wicked Counsellours who deserve to be disclaimed deserted and left free and layd open to the penalty of the law Now that there are some such about the King or in high favour power and credit with Him is more then evident though I and wiser then I cannot particularly name them for 1. His Majesty professeth a detestation of warre and yet prosecutes it which shewes that some puts him upon it And 2. He protests to governe his people according to established law and yet he hath been perswaded to an Arbitrary governement by them about Him by many plausible and faire seeming arguments as Himselfe affirmes in one of his Messages And 3. He solemnely professeth his love unto and his care of and his honourable respect to his Parliaments and their priviledges and preservation and yet some hath withdrawne his person from the Parliament and to himselfe vilified the Parliament yea have had plots upon the Parliament and have laboured that in them they might be countenanced and protected by his sacred Majesty And 4. The King againe and againe calleth God to witnesse the sincerity of his heart towards all his people and how earnestly desirous He is that they may live happily and prosperously under him and yet by following the counsell of some many great and long evills have pressed all the three Kingdomes of England Scotland and Ireland And therefore it must needes be granted That there are malignant Counsellours about the King who worke much misery and mischiefe both to Himfelfe and his People and that they cannot be unknowne unto Him if He would please to disclose discover and leave them to the just and equall triall of the Lovers of the Land Secondly let us consider from this Army of Malignants and mischievous Counsellours and party what in all probability we may expect and looke for if they prevaile against the Parliament That is if 1. Men of desperate fortunes prevaile what can we expect but plundering and pillaging And 2. If Papists prevaile what religion but Popery 3. If delinquents what but oppression 4. If bad Ministers what but bad preaching and ill practizing 5. If loose Gentry what but prophannesse 6. If ambitious spirits what but contempt cruelty and disdaine 7. If ignorant persons what but their owne selfe-wills 8. If delinquents and malignants friends what but such a measure as we finde from delinquents and malignants themselves But from an Army consisting not of one but of all these what can we expect but all these evills and from the wickednesse which will be committed by them the heavy judgment of God to be hastened downe upon us Thirdly let us consider whether there be any the least probability of receiving any benefit or profit in any regard from this Side or Party if they should prevaile against the Parliament 1. Can we expect that the propriety of our goods shall be maintained and preserved unto us by men of decayed lost and desperate fortunes Or 2. Can we expect that the true orthodoxe Protestant Religion shall be maintained and preserved by heterodoxe and hereticall Papists Or 3. Can we expect to be preserved free from unjust impositions and taxes by oppressing Projectors and Monopolists Or 4. Can we hope that our Parliament priviliges will be preserved by Delinquents and contemners of Parliaments Or 5. Can we expect the propagation of the Gospel or that the sincere faithfull painfull and profitable preaching thereof shall be promoted by lewd lazy and corrupt Ministers Or 6. Can we expect that Piety and the honour of God shall be preserved in the land by loose and prophane Gentlemen and Nobles Or 7. Can we expect that justice just measure and equity shall be maintained by those who ayme at nothing but their owne gaine and greatnesse Or 8. Can we expect that our Lawes shall be preserved inviolably by those who are wholely bewitched with the love of an Arbitrary Governement Sense and Reason will tell us that these things cannot be expected from those persons neither that any good can come unto the Land from such an Army I might
were nominated to his Majestie He did except Answ 5 Fiftly the Parliament long since saw and still sees as themselves affirme the Kingdome in so evident and imminent danger both from enemies abroad and a popish discontented and disaffected party at home that there was an urgent and inevitable necessitie of putting the Kingdome into a posture of defence for the safeguard both of his Majestie and people and in all probability and likely hood if the Militia at Land and the Navy at Sea had not been setled in sure hands when they were we had ere this been exposed to the practises of those who thirst after the ruine of this Kingdome and endeavour to kindle that combustion in England which they have in so great a measure effected already in Ireland Now the safety of the people being the supreame Law it must needs be lawfull for the Parliament to settle the Militia in case of such necessitie Answ 6 Sixtly the power given to those in whose hands the Militia is placed by the Parliament is onely to suppresse Rebellion Insurrection and forraigne Invasion Now that this power should be put into some hands is necessary especially in dangerous and distracted times and into whose hands better and with more safety than such as the Parliament dare confide in and against whose persons no exception hath beene taken by his Majestie and therefore we need not much question the Legality of the Militia Answ 7 Seventhly this is granted on all sides to wit That the Common-wealth intrusts the Parliament to provide for their weale not for their woe and that this Parliament thus intrusted by the People did by a Law intrust the King with the Militia to wit for the weale of the Common-wealth not for the woe thereof and that this is implyed in that Act or Grant though not exprest no Royalist I perswade my selfe will question or deny And therefore I. If the Kings desire and royall intention be as we hope it is to settle the Militia for the preservation not perdition for the defence not destruction for the strength and safety and not enflaming or envassalling of his Subiests and people and that this likewise is the intent and purpose of His Grand Councell the Parliament then the difference who shall establish the Militia is but a kinde of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or contention about words or a ceremony or a quarrell who shall have their will when both purpose and resolve one and the same thing which is to weake a ground and too triviall a cause to draw that ruine desolation and destruction upon us which must inevitably fall upon and ceaze us if these Civill wars which threaten us and hang over our heads be not prevented But Answ 8 II. If which God forbid the King should intend and endeavour by the setling of the Militia to enslave us to tirrannize over us and to rule us beeing so curbed and kept under by a strong hand of Power by his owne will then the Parliament and Law did never settle the Militia upon Him for that end or to be so used for the equitie of the Law and not the Letter of the Law is the true Law Eightly it evidently appeares Aliquid latet quod non patet That neither the Militia setled by the Parliament nor Hull kept for the King and Parliament nor the Magazine of Hull removed by the Parliament are the true grounds of the Warre so violently threatned against the Parliament by the malicious mischeivous and malignant partie of Papists Cavalliers and other ill-affected persons For 1 There were attempts made to be possessed of Hull and the Magazine by Captaine Leg and the Earle of Newcastle before ever Sir Iohn Hotham was seized of it much more before he denied His Majestie entrance thereinto and this attempt desire and purpose seemes to some and that not improblably to take its rise from the Lord Digbyes letter to the Queene wherein he desires That the King would repaire unto some place of strength where he may safely protect his servants that is such as will doe him service against his Parliament amongst whom most disloyally he saith Traitors beare sway 2 The Lord Digbie promiseth in his Letter unto his Majestie before the Militia was setled to doe him service abroad that is as he expresseth himself to procure for them supplies against the Kingdome and Parliament with which hee said himselfe would returne as hee did indeed in the Ship called the Providence with store of Armes although he had been published and voted a Traitour 3. Before this the same Lord Digby endeavoured to raise forces under the pretence of a Guard for the Kings person in winter 4. Before the Militia was setled there were endeavours to incense the two Nations England and Scotland and to engage their Armies one against the other that in such a confusion as must needs have followed the Parliament might not be able to sit nor doe us any good For if in this battell we had been conquered we might have feared to have lost our selves and all we had to the Conquerour with whom we fought and if we had conquered we might have been sure to have lost our selves and all we had to the Malignant Party for whom we fought 5. Before the setling of the Militia there were endeavours to turne the English Army against the Parliament as is abundantly proved by them 6. By the testimony and allegations of many the Irish Rebellion which brake forth before the Militia was setled was hatched by the popish and disafected party in England not to have rested there but to have ended here 7. Before the Militia was setled some Members of both Houses who were observed to be most zealous for the speedy suppression of the Irish Rebellion which notwithstanding was so long protracted and delayed were unjustly charged with Treason and after such unjust accusation were demanded and required of the House of Commons by His Majestie attended with a Troope of Cavalliers who had intended to have taken them by force if they had not been absent By all which it appeares That the setling of the Militia was not the cause why warre is made upon or against the Parliament And thus much may suffice for the first quaere concerning the Parliaments setling of the Militia Quest 2 It may now in the next place be demanded whether it be lawfull for us to obey this Ordinance of the Militia thus setled by Parliament Answ In case of extreame danger and of his Majesties refusall people are obliged and ought to obey by the Fundamentall Laws of this Land the Command and Ordinance agreed upon by both Houses or the major part of both Houses which is all one for the Militia I enlarge not this Answer because that which followes concerning the deserting of the Parliament may be applied hereunto Thus much may suffice for the first exception taken against the Parliament viz Their action in putting the Kingdome into a warlike posture of
be deserted or ought to be adhered unto I answere that of of necessity some wee must adhere and stick unto that is either to the grand and knowne Councellours of the Land or to obscure and private Councellours that is either to the Parliament or to the Cavalliers Papists Malignants Delinquents and dissaffected Persons of the Kingdome Now because Contraria jnxta se posita clarius ●lucescunt contraries are best commentaries wee will looke particularly upon both and consider the nature ends and aimes of both and from thence coniecture whom wee may best desert and whom with most safety follow and first I begin with the Cavalliers and that side First in that side which consists of Cavalliers Papists Malignants Del●nquents ill-affected and Popishly affeted Persons or to terme them onely so evill private and obscure Councellors wee have these two things to observe to wit First their intentions and endeavours Secondly their nature and ends First their intentions endevours and the fruit of their Councells for I conioyne them altogether 1. Their intentions and endevours were to raise Civill Warre and that both first in Scotland and afterwards in Ireland and now in England And 2. To perswade the King to rule by his owne Will The Lord Faulkland tels us That the King was perswaded by his Divines that in conscience by his Councellours that in policie and by his Judges that by law he might doe what he list Which doth directly labour to raze the very foundation of our well founded State and to introduce and reare amongst us an Arbitrary Government And 3. They endeavour to make division betweene his Majesty and his Parliament whom God and the Lawes of this Land have united in so neere a relation as appeares First By their endeavours and perswasions to draw the King from his Parliament which they have effected now for a long time and still continues his absence from them although I thinke the most Shires in England have most humbly petitioned and besought Him to rejoyce and revive all the drooping dead and sad hearts of his People by affording his much and long desired presence unto his Parliament If these Persons whatsoever they are who thus counsell the King to estrange himselfe from the Parliament and to oppose and disgust all their Proceedings and designes were but Masters of Hull the Militia and Navy they would then quickly master both the Parliament and all the Kingdome who could expect but bad quarter from such Masters who by their counsels and endeavours to divide the King and Parliament shew that they are neither friends to the Common wealth nor favourers of the publique safety And Secondly By their feare that the King should accord with his Parliament For the Malignants and evill Counsellours stand in great feare That his Majesty is too inclinable to an accommodation with his Parliament which above all things they abhor fearing thereby to be undone that is to lose the spoile pillage and possessions of this Land which they have long since hoped for whence they have solicited the Queene to disswade the King by all meanes from such accommodation hoping to obtaine their desires the ruine of this Land by the Queenes interposing See the Lord Digbies Letter to the Queene March 10. 1641. and Mr. Eliots Letter to the Lord Digby May 27. 1642. 4. They endeavour to cast aspersions upon the Parliament perswading the People That the Parliament would set up a Aristocracie take away the Law and introduce an arbitrary government a report so false that no man of common sense or reason can credit it 5. They have and doe still endeavour and combine together to effect end worke the ruine of the Parliament or at least to force it and by forcing thereof to cut up the freedome of Parliament by the root and either to take all Parliaments away or which is worse make them the instruments of slavery to confirme it by Law as the Parliament in Rich. 2nds time did when they found the Kings anger against them and feared the peoples forsaking of them See the Treatise called The successe of former Parliaments 6. The fruits and effects of the intentions and indeavours of those evill Counsellours have been nothing but contention dissention division debate decay of trading and more misery then would fill a volume if we should consider all the distractions distresses dangers feares discommodities hinderances and losses which both England Scotland and Ireland have felt undergone and sustained by their counsels designes and plots And thus much for the Intentions and indeavours of evill counsellors and the fruits and effects of their evill counsels Secondly we have now to consider the nature and ends of these evill counsellours who desert and oppose the Parliament 1. They are men of lost estates and desperate fortunes and these aime onely at plundering and pillaging desiring to raise themselves by razing others and to build no themselves upon their brethrens ruine 2. They are Papist and popishly affected persons The Citizens of London in their petition presented to the House of Commons December 11. 1641. testifie That information is given to divers of them from all parts of the Kingdome of the bold and insolent carriage and threatning speeches of the Papists Now those aime either at the introducing and establishing of Popery amongst us by the change of religion or at least at the gaining of freedome to professe or an open to leration of their idolatrous and superstitious religion Which because they can never expect nor hope for from the Parliament which labours so zelously for the reformation of our Church and the abolition of all popery and popish innovations they therefore joyne and side with the former sort which seeke nothing but mischeife and ruine Or 3. They are Delinquents Malefactors and guilty Persons who have by some plotts practises monopolies Projects or otherwise trespassed and transgressed highly against the Common-wealth for their owne private advantage and profit Now these hope that by siding with the Cavaleirs and Papists against the Parliament they shall bee protected against it and the justice thereof Or 4. They are the ministers of the Land who are corrupt either in Life or Doctrine that is are either superstitious ceremonious contentious covetous Popish hereticall scandalous in their lives and conversations of slothfull in the discharge of the worke of their ministry Now these hope by siding with the former to keepe and hold fast what they have fearing the justice of the Parliaments will for their demerrits deprive them of those spirituall or ecclesiasticall dignities and possessions which they hold and injoy Or 5. They are of that number of the Nobility or Gentry of the Land whose lives have been very loose unbridled Now these oppose the pious proceedings of the Parliament least such restraint should be imposed upon them by that Reformation which is intended and indeavoured by Them that they may without punnishment live as they list have done and desire still to doe Or 6.