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A89552 The just measure of a personall treatie between the Kings Majesty, and both Houses of Parliament. Grounded on divinity, reason, history, divine and humane, common and civill lawes; with many other authentick authors. By R.M. of the middle Temple, Esquire. R. M., of the Middle Temple, Esquire. 1648 (1648) Wing M72; Thomason E451_40; ESTC R202844 16,371 20

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si deceptus fuerit Just wars may be waged not onely where a man is opprest by force or plunder of all he hath but also where he hath been cheated and cozened have any people under heaven been so cheated and cozened as the people of this nation have been cheated and cozened by those that usurp the present Government Did they not at first so creep and insinuate themselves into the affections of the people give out that they would make his Majesty the most potent rich and glorious King in Christendome that they would make the people a mighty wealthy and flourishing people that they would reforme all the abuses both in Church and State and settle the three Kingdomes in a firme and lasting peace and have they not contrary to all their promises Protestations and Declarations to this purpose imprisoned his Majesties sacred person deprived him of his power robbed him of his Royall revenue and as much as in them lay sought to weaken his Majesties reputation both with his allies abroad amongst forraine Nations Princes at home amongst all his Subjects of his three Kingdomes Have they not instead of making the people of this Land a flourishing wealthy people weakned them with a long barbarous and civill Warre exhausted them with Contributions loaden them with Taxes polled them with Excize and benevolences wearied them with continuall Impositions and almost lost the reputation of the Nation in all forraigne parts Have they not instead of reforming the abuses in Church and State almost destroyed both instead of Monarchy brought in an Anarchy in the State and instead of unity and uniformity in the Church let in accursed Heresie ugly multiformity and fantasticall unstable Independency Nay I might say almost Turcisme or Atheisme And to conclude instead of setling the peace of the three Kingdoms have they not though petitioned thereunto by many Counties refused to restore His Majestie to disband their Army by which they resolve to govern and conquer the Kingdome to keep the people in thraldome all their lives yea and cut the throats of all such as shall come to Petition them as they did Surrey-mens and doe they not now make war upon Kent and Essex in order to these ends Let this be denied by any sober and indifferent man if he can and being granted I conclude infallibly upon all the rules grounds aforesaid that it is lawful both for the Prince people if they shall deny His Majestie a personall Treaty so qualified as aforesaid to make warre against them and that such a warre is just Sapienti Sal. in orar ad Caesar est saith Salust pacis causâ bellum gerere wise men make warre to obtaine peace and S. Augustine o Aug Ep. 1. ad Bonifac Non pacem quari ut bellum exerceatur sed bellum geri ut pax acquiratur men must not seek peace to the end they may exercise warre but men must make warre that peace may be obtained And to deale candidly with the world in this point mine owne private opinion is that a good and firme peace can never be obtained in this Kingdome without a vigorous war well prosecuted on his Majesties behalfe That by the Lawes of God of nature and of England the Subjects of England are bound to rise and joyne in Armes for the rescue and relief of the King out of prison and to follow the Prince or any other of the Kings Subjects or friends that shall take Armes for the King and lead an Army to that purpose notwithstanding that they have not the Kings actuall Commission FOr Subjects to imprison their King it 's against all Laws especially the Laws of England and not only an injury to the Person of the King but the greatest prejudice that may bee to the right and interest of the Subject for since the Lawes doe tell us that a Hobarts Reports p. 218. Rex est centrum stabilimentum justitiae the King is the Center and support of justice b Plow Com. 242. 12. H. 7. f. 17. and that all administration of justice is both derived from him and belongs to him originally c Case de pen. Statutis Cooks Repor and is inseparable from him since the King is d Beverleyes case Cooks 4. Reports so 124. Caput salus reipublicae à Capite bona valetudo transit in omnes the head and health of the Commonwealth and from this head the health of all the people is derived e Calvins case 7. par Cooks Reports since that all protection of the people must come from the King and none other can protect the Subjects of the Kingdome but the King alone f Hobarts Reports f. 112. since the Law tells us that the reformation of all wrongs and injuries done to the people belongs to the King g Plow Com. 268. since the King is the chiefe Captaine of Chivalry within the Kingdome h Cooks Com. sur Littleton f. 75 76. Calvins case ubi supra since that the Militia doth wholly belong unto him and hath so done to his Royall Progenitors ever sithence the raigne of King Edward the Confessor i Cooks Inst 3. par f 160. 201. Stat. of Northampton ● E. 3. c. 13. and that no men may arme themselves in this Kingdome without the Kings assent k Cooks Instit 4. par p. 91. since that the King is subject to none within this realme since that the Law speakes it l Hobarts Reports that accesse to the King may not be shut up from the Subjects m Cooks Instit 4. par p. 93. which to do is a great presumption since as Fortescue saith n Fortescue c. 13. Rex ad tutelam legis corporum bonorum erectus est the King is ordeined for the preservation and defence of the Lawes and of mens bodies and goods and as Bracton notes o Bracton l. 2. p. 55. ch 24. Bract. l. 3. de astionibus Vt populus sibi traditus à Deo in pace sileat quiescat nè quis alterum verberet vel malè tractet nè quis alienam rem per vim vel per roberiam auferet vel asportet nè quis hominem mahemiet vel occidat That the people committed unto him by God may rest in peace and quiet that one beat not nor evill intreat another nor take and carry away another mans goods by force or robbery now called plunder nor that any one of them kill and maime another and since as the same Author saith * Bract l. 2 ubi supra Rex habet c. the King hath all rights in his hand which belong unto the Crown all temporall power that is the Militia or the power over the people and the materiall Sword which is necessary to the Government of the Kingdome and since that the King hath the only Jurisdiction of Judgement within this Kingdome that thereby as the Minister and Vicar or
hominem to convince any of that side concerning this truth But I desire that it may be remembred that it is proved before to be the duty of every loyall Subject to arrest Traitors and suppresse Rebells and withall that the King is a close prisoner that all addresse to him is blocked up by Vote and Ordinance that he cannot send his Commissions abroad that it is impossible that he should that per legem nemo tenetur ad impossibilia it being impossible to obtain the Kings Commission to chastise Traitors suppresse Rebels it is as justifiable for the preservation of the King Kingdom to raise arms in this case as it is in case a forein enemy were landed and ready to possesse one of the strongest holds in the Kingdome and the people within it should make resistance against that enemy without the Kings Commission or that one seeing a conspirator ready to stab the King and should prevent the stroak before he asked the Kings authority to preserve him from murder which if he should stay to do it might be too late to save his lifes for as the Poet saith Ignis ab exigua nascens extinguitur unda Ovid. Sed postquam crevit volitantque ad sidera flammae Vix putei fontes fluvii succurrere possint Therefore we must not expect to see the King at Liberty to grant his Commissions before they act for the preservation of the King and Kingdome but must make a vertue of necessity alwaies takeing this for an authentique Maxime in Law Quod id semper justum est quod omnino est necessarium It is necessary the Kingdom should be preserved it is therfore lawful it matters not which way But the case of those that shall engage in this warre will be much better The certainty of the Royall line saith that great Lawyer * Hobarts Reports f. 332. the Lord Hobart is the peace of the realme The most excellent Prince of Wales Qui coruscat radiis Regis censetur una persona cum Rege as the Law saith m 8. Rep. Cook the Princes case 21. Ed. 3. Fitzh Praerog 16. who is the perfect Image of his Father and shines with the glistering beams of Kingly Majesty and is esteemed one person with the King n Stat. 25 Ed. 3. c. 2. 1. H. 5. f. 7. and who ought to enjoy all the antient Prerogatives of the Crowne whose death to imagine compasse or conspire is as high a treason as it is the Kings o Br. Treason pl. 27. and against whom to fight he coming in aid of the King p Stamf. pl. de Coron f. 1. I. his father or to fight against those that shall assist him therein is also High Treason Hee I say is sufficient Commission in himselfe had he not the Kings Commission but to avoid all scruples he hath the Kings warrant and authority and issues out Commissions to such as require them in his own name as Generalissimo under his Royall Father of the three Kingdomes of England Scotland and Ireland to all such as defire them whereby all that scruple may be satisfied in the Justice and formality of their ingagements though there needs no such wary caution for mens undertakeings in so just and necessary a war unlesse it be that they desire to support this rule Abundans cautela non nocet which speakes more of curiosity then of necessity wherein not onely the safety of the Royall person of his sacred Majesty their Royall Soveraigne the preservation of his Crowne and dignity wherein all the peoples protection and safety is included the maintenance of the Lawes of the Land the Liberties and properties of the free people of England is so much concerned Nay I may justly say the health welfare and being of three famous Kingdomes lies at stake they being now in a way of ruine and destruction But to leave it without scruple that if the Prince had not Commission from the King yet both he and all the Subjects of England in his assistance may lawfully take armes in defence and preservation of the Kings cause and person and for his redemption forth of prison and this I shall prove both by sufficient presidents and the most uncontrollable Lawes that are We read in the Chronicles of England q Daniels Chron. p. 152. Sir Rich. Bakers Chron. p. 86. That Anno Christi Incarnationis 1256. in the 49. yeare of his raigne King Hen. 3. of that name King of England and Prince Edward his eldest sonne and heire apparent to the Crowne afterwards King Edward the first were taken Prisoners by the douze Peers or the twelve Governours of the Kingdome and their adherents at the battell of Lewis in Sussex King Hen. himselfe was conveyed by them Prisoner to the Tower of London and Prince Edward to the Castle of Hereford the King remaining still a Prsoner the Prince made an escape forth of the Castle of Hereford and in Wales and the parts adiacent raised an army and at Evesham in Worcestershire fought with these douze Peeres the chiefe whereof was Simon Monfort Earle of Leicester who thinking to make their party the stronger thereby declared for the King took him out of the Tower and brought him to the battaile but kept him as a Prisoner But the Prince declaring also for the King his Father the people rise in armes with him and defeated the Earles army killing him in the place with many others of his confederates and redeemed the person of his Royall Father from his imprisonment restored him to his Crowne who enjoyed it in peace afterwards till his death the fact of the Prince was approved of by the Law but those that fought against him were declared traitors and Rebells by act of Parliament r Dictum de Kenilworth an 51. H. 3. and paid their fines and forfeitures The like president we find in King Hen. 6. his time which is thus Anno Domini 1459. King Hen. the 6. was taken Prisoner Å¿ Martins Chron. p. p. 258 259 260. at the battell of Northampton by Edward Earle of March eldest sonne to Richard Duke of York afterwards King Edward the fourth and by his then assistant Nevell the great Earl of Warwick the King was conveyed as a prisoner to the Tower of London and afterwards inlarged from thence and committed to the custody of the Duke of Norfolk Queen Margaret wife to King Hen. 6. and his eldest son Prince Edward levied an Army overthrew the Duke of York at Wakefield and afterwards defeated the Duke of Norfolk to whom the King was a prisoner redeemed the Person of the King and re-established him in his Throne notwithstanding that neither of them were armed with either of the Kings Commissions for the doing thereof these presidents we have of the like undertakings many others I could produce out of the Annalls of France and Scotland if desire of brevity did not prevent me but both these and all others of this nature are