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A88290 The starry messenger; or an interpretation of that strange apparition of three suns seene in London, 19. Novemb. 1644. being the birth day of King Charles. The effects of the eclips of the sun, which will be visible in England, 11. August 1645. whose influence continues in force, from January, 1646 to Decemb. 1647. almost two whole yeares; and cannot but be the fore-runner of some extraordinary mutation in most common-wealths of Europe, but principally in England. With an answer to An astrologicall judgement. Printed at Oxford, upon his Majesties present martch. / By William Lilly student in astrologie. Lilly, William, 1602-1681.; Wharton, George, 1617-1681. Astrologicall judgement upon His Majesties present martch. 1645 (1645) Wing L2245; Thomason E288_17; ESTC R200103 40,051 61

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the Sun which at length vanishing there was seen two Suns The Pope being an English-man is taken Prisoner The Kingdom of Denmark is divided And in the next yeer the Pope and Emperour fall at variance Anno 1157 in September there were seen three Suns together in as clear weather as could be And a few days after in the same moneth three Moons and in the Moon that stood in the middle a white Crosse Sueno King of Denmark at a great Feast killeth Canutus Sueno is himself slain in pursuit of Waldemar The Order of Eremites according to the rule of Saint Augustine begun this yeer and in the next the Pope submits to the Emperour was not this miraculous Lumbardy was also adjudged to the Emperour Anno 1168 the first of September there was seen at once in the West three Suns Two hours after when two were gone he in the middle went down alone By mediation of the French King Becket is restored to his Archbishoprick Almaricus King of Jerusalem calleth in the Turks to his aid which was the ruine of that Kingdom and contrary to his Faith given aids the Greeks against the Egyptians A Conspiracy arose in Bohemia against the King Anno 1169 three Moons appeared The yeer succeeding Becket the stiff Priest was slain in a Church in England Catana a City in Sicily is destroyed with fifteen thousand people as also the Bishop and Clergie by an Earthquake A Smiths son raised great troubles in Norway pretending himself to be Harolds Grandchilde The Romanes raze the City of Alba And in the next yeer a great Inundation was in Freezland Anno 1314 three Moons appeared Lewis was Crowned Emperour by some Electors Frederick by the rest A Councell was at Ravenna for Reformation c. Note the instability of the Clergie The Pope dieth and the See is void two yeers and four moneths The English under a simple and wilfull King Edward the second are overthrown by the Scots and to purpose Lewis Hutine comes to the Crown of France hangs his Treasurer c. The Queen of Castile dieth The Genowayes rob the Venetian Merchants and invade their Territories Anno 1372 the first of July and some days after a strange Circle was seen about the Sun over which appeared two Crosses of a red colour neer Basill The French besiege Rochell and the English defend it The yeer after the Order of Nuns of Saint Katharine was founded Robert Stuart King of Scotland marrieth his Concubine and John Duke of Lancaster the King of Castiles daughter The King of Portingall refuseth a Match in Castile and takes a Noble-mans wife from him having banished her husband at which his people are discontented Shortly after the Venetians restore Paleologus being expelled by his son Andronicus Anno 1460 the second of February three Suns appeared every one shewing a severall light which again closed all together in one The Duke of York is attainted of Treason Henry the sixth is taken Prisoner at Northampton Civill War in France called The Weal-publike caused by the Kings Covetousnesse The King of France dieth having upon a foolish Conceit forborn his meat so long that when after he would eat he could not A Rebellion in Spain against the Queen for death of the Prince James the third came to the Crown of Scotland The Duke of York is slain in York-shire David Emperour of Trapezond and his two sons taken and slain by Mahomet the Turk In the next yeer after Edward the fourth came to the Crown of England and poor innocent Henry the sixth sent to the Tower c. Anno 1466 three Suns were seen at Rome in which yeer Erasmus was born The King of Denmark is excommunicated by the Pope Warwick and Edward the fourth fall out John King of Spain is deposed and Alfonsus crowned The King of Hungaria's brother is taken by the Turks and beheaded at Constantinople Gerard the King of Denmark's brother is imprisoned for aspiring Matthias of Hungaria is set up against the lawfull King thereof Scanderbeg a most valiant Captain against the Turk dieth The French King takes from his brother the Dutchy of Normandy Anno 1492 the fifteenth of December three Suns were seen in Poland at noon The Jews are expelled Spain Alexander the sixth plays the ungratefull fellow with his Gardinalls Towards the later end of the yeer the Emperour of Germany dies and John Albert succeeds Casimire in the Kingdom of Polonia The Ganthois in Flanders rebell Anno 1514 in January three Suns were seen in the Dutchy of Wittenberge the middlemost surpassed the rest in greatnesse In every of these there appeared the form of a bloody and fiery sword The same yeer in March three Moons were seen It was in that yeer some parts of Sussex were burned and spoiled by the Rhodians in behalf of the French An Interview follows betwixt the Emperour King of Polonia and Bohemia The French King and Pope meet The Queen of Scotland fleeth into England The French King dieth and Francis the first succeeds and recovers Millan Anno 1515 Queen Mary the scourge of Protestants is born in England Wolsey a proud Priest begins to rise at Court The Pope falls out with the Venetians Anno 1520 the fifth of January about Sun-rising three Suns appeared with a Rainbowe of divers colours at Vienna The seventh of January there were three Suns also seen After Charles the fifth was Crowned there was seen a circle about the Sun with a Rainbowe The Pope he spues out his Excommunications against Luther who as stoutly burns his foolish Bulls The Pope executes the Tyrant of Perugia The Duke of Buckingham is in England beheaded for Treason The French detain our Merchants goods we imprison the French Solyman the Magnificent comes to be Emperour of Turkie The Geldrois rebell The next yeer after the French War began which continued thirty and eight yeers troubles arise in Scotland Many rich Cities taken by the Turk in Hungary Anno 1523 in Switzerland there was seen three Suns at once and also divers Circles in the Element At Norimberge in a Diet there held grievances are exhibited against the Pope The Peasants rebell against the Nobles in Germany Both the French and Swedes are defeated by the Imperialls The Earl of Surrey burns thirty seven Towns in Scotland The Duke of Holsten is chosen King of Denmark and the former King expelled for his Cruelty The Janizaries mutiny at Constantinople Anno 1525 there was seen in Hungaria five Suns two on either side the right Sun The Duke of Luneburg becomes Lutherane The Order of Capuchines is erected The French King is released out of prison Fifty thousand Clowns are slain Henry the eighth falls off from the Emperour The women of Hague rise against their Customers upon their exactions and the Swedes become Lutheranes Anno 1526 in Sweden three Suns were seen with divers circles in the Elements The Emperour abolisheth the Popes Authority in Spain The Tartarian invades the Polonian and is defeated and taken Rome
Towns desolation I cannot shorten those Miseries I see depending on this Influence or convert the Signes fixed into moveable for the Evils portended are to be maliciously permanent A crooked and perverse Generation of men hath cunningly ensnared all or most part of Europe in these preposterous Wars now on foot Lord God of heaven direct the heart of some wise man to salve these grievous Maladies We have already handled the Effects which may attend that unusuall Apparition of the three Suns and now leaving our former Method undertook onely to benefit such as are not conversant in Judgement of Eclipses we come more neerer to what we first intended THe Effects of this Eclipse shall not determine untill December 1647 untill which time we shall have eight Eclipses but hardly any but one visible in England or Europe There doth also in this interval of time happen about fifty Conjunctions of the Planets amongst themselves which are materially considerable and ought to be made use of And herein I mention no Lunations c. Scito quod in Eclipsi Solis non potest fieri quin significetur magnum aliquod accidens secundum quantitatem Eclipsis Junctinus in Speculo fol. 310. Whosoever thou art that readest these lines I would have thee know That no Eclipse of the Sun can be but some grand matter is signified thereby according to the quantity or greatnesse of the Eclipse And if you will know more particularly or something more neer the matter Junctine tells us Eclipses Luminarium in Triplicitate ignea denuntiant armentorum pecudumque interritus magni Regis seu Principis exilium carceres aut internecionem An Eclipse of the Lights in the fiery Triplicity doth signifie and declare the destruction of whole Herds of Cattel and their death as also some famous King or Prince his Exile or Banishment his restraint of liberty or Captivity whether you will as also his Slaughter The Signe wherein this Eclipse is all men know is of the forementioned Triplicity its warning enough to be thus plainly dealt withall What Junctine saith of Kings I say of Nobles great Peers Knights c. Inter plebeios potentiores odia mutuas simultates dissidia magni excercitus motum Bella horrida hominum strages incendia furta rapinas depopulationes The Eclipse denounceth rancour and malice betwixt the vulgar person or Commonalty and great persons pretty dissembling with each other disagreements in Opinion the motion of some great Army horrible Wars multitudes of men slain many curious Buildings burned to the ground much Theevery pillaging and plundering many Towns Villages and Countreys depopulated or left naked of Inhabitants Shall our troubles be so great we shall expect all those forenamed Miseries I pray God divert his Judgements and make us penitent ere those threatned Mischiefs light on our heads Again Praegnantium abortivos acutas febres epidemiam ob aëris uredinem caumata frugum sterilitatem annonae penuriam in Regionibus praecipuè quae Eclipsis Signo subjiciuntur excellentem mutationem Women shall miscarry men shall have sharp Feavers in universall Plague and Pestilence caused by heats and blastings of the air great scarcity of fruits want of Provision for man as Victuals Corn Provision c. These things are more vigorously to operate to those Kingdoms subject to the Signe of Leo then to Aries and Sagittarius Some famous Alteration It may be feared that of Cardan will prove too true Eclipsium Solis effectus potentes sunt unde si in florentem messem inciderint sterilitatem afferunt Cardanus Seg. 2. Apho. 16. The operations of a Solar Eclipse are powerfull which if they fall to be in the beginning of a flourishing Harvest they shew a Barrennesse to follow Our Eclipse at this time is in August when we in the South of England and generally over all the Kingdom are busie in getting it in I pray God make our Harvest fruitfull and blesse the Husbandman with a plentifull Crop and a peaceable enjoying what he hath taken sore pains for We may fear some Disaster amongst us at that time and my Judgement may prove more reall then I wish But the decay of Tillage and Husbandry is the least thing though very considerable which is intended by the Eclipse we must elevate our Conceptions men of an higher strain and condition are aimed at Doth the Eagle catch at Flyes Shall an Eclipse in a Fiery Signe and a Kingly House principally intend the vulgar man or private Countrey-Gentleman No Arma Bella horrida Virumque cano c. In truth there 's War Famine a grievous devouring and destructive Vengeance to be poured down upon some unthankfull Families of Europe of which without doubt some live in our own Countrey of England some in Scotland many in Ireland Upon what House Man or Family in particular there I must be silent The Star in Cassiopeia 1572 those many apparitions of Comets since those unaccustomed Sights in the Air greater and lesser Conjunctions of the Planets in the Fiery Trygon multitude of Eclipses both Solar and Lunar are the sad Messengers of the downfall of one nay I say of many egregiosu Families of Europe Yet if my search into the most secret Cabinet of Astrologie doth not delude my impartiall Judgement my more serious Conceptions tell me There 's a Man or a Family in Europe is not far from attaining an excesse in Dominion and Soveraignty The time of this Mans growth or Families● to such an height draws on and neer the time is not mensurable in days or moneths nor in Centuries of yeers the unnaturall War of every Countrey helps forward and prepares the matter whiles the good man if he be born sleeps quietly untill that Angel appointed for his Guardian excite him in a moment to rouze up his meditating thoughts and to convert Consultation into Action As the State of France now stands or Spain or Italy How incredible and improbable a thing do I speak of or should do if I should deliver That a man not yet in Action should turn the fate of those Kingdoms in a moment and like the Son of Thunder in lesse weeks or moneths not many yeers in lesse then man can imagine settle those vast Kingdoms as himself best likes and then dispose of other Kingdoms then in Distraction by Missives rather then the Sword c. But I forget my self I see Saturn Lord of the third and fourth House Retrograde in the seventh Saturnus praeest plebi sensibus infirmis ob hoc cum vitae inimicus sit facile tales omnés pereunt aggregatim Saturn hath command and represents old men every common Clown or vulgar man and every sick man because he is enemy to Nature Now such manner of men shall die and perish in whole companies or swarms Wo to the man that digs the ground and thinks to enrich himself by turning up fat furrows or in expectation of thriving Crops Wo to that aged man that
cloudy windy rainy and what not I did not observe for a long time such variety of blustring and unnaturall Weather which I conceive was occasioned by the late Opposition of Saturn and Venus and the matutine setting of the Virgiliae and other most violent fixed Stars which according to Stadius Hiemem pluviosam denuntiant It is also the opinion of Plinie Succularum Pleiadum occasus Terra Marique turbidum esse Nor may we forget the accesse of the Sun to Cor Scorpii to lessen any ill Weather the days precedent c. Here 's Naturall causes for the ill Weather preceding so many days together but no cause in Natvre to induce a belief that the three Suns were occasioned from Nature I am clearly of opinion These Sights as well as many others were caused by those tutelary Angels who by Gods permission and under him have the Government of the English Common-wealth They are sensible of those many impending Miseries now too plentifully amongst us Their conference with man now as in the days of old very few attain unto it being a blessing sought after by many attained unto by few And yet there are some of opinion There lives in the world some and of those some a small Party in England that know more then they utter and either by Vision or verball Colloquie have the knowledge of future events yea even from the blessed Angels But alas these are Riddles I must adhere unto my Astrologie and yet wish all happinesse to those good souls that either confer with their own Genius whom some call A good Angel or with such other of those heavenly Ministers whom God in mercy affordeth them And herein let no Reader mistake me for I abhor Witches or those Necromancers that raise the deceased out of their graves or those Circular Priests now almost worn out of the world My meaning is this That I do believe there are many now living to whom God by his Angels gives Revelation of things to come And where and to whom God gives such a blessing I believe that Saint may lawfully use the Talent God hath enabled him with But I leave this obsolete though excellent Learning to another Discourse and come to the Text it self I do somewhat adhere to Cardan Seg. 4. Apho. 94. Signa circa Solem in Luna vel Stellis aut circa eas tum in Coelo valdè aliena a naturali cursu si locum ubi apparent figuram Coeli cum hoc ea hora ab initio in finem observabis intellegere possis quid significent Viz. If you observe any strange forms or signes about the Sun or in the Moon or Stars or neer unto them and those unusuall signes are strange or contrary to a naturall course consider the place where they appear and compare the Figure of heaven with it set to the beginning of their appearance and considered untill its end and then you may understand the signification thereof The better to direct me in my Judgement I have erected three Scheams of heaven and according to my mean Capacity judged thereupon of the effects of these three Suns Neither indeed is Cardanus single in his Judgement for Ludovicus de Rigiis Apho. 88. lib. 2. saith Monstruosa corpora portenta quando ultra modum acciderint hora ipsorum consideranda est nihil accidit quin a corporibus supercoelestibus designetur effectus Monstrous bodies and seldome seen when beyond nature they chance to shew themselves the hour of their first being is to be considered there 's no such things happen but the effects thereof are designed from the supercelestiall bodies And though this may seem strange to most men that shall read this Discourse yet I hope the Judgement following shall in some measure better satisfie them if they will have patience first to read it warily and then to observe the generall Affairs of England and all or the most part of Christendom presently or within a little compasse of time subsequent Nor let any humorist presse me too hard for reason in every thing falls from my Pen Multa res sunt quae non videntur ratione naturali esse effectus quidem earum per formas superiorum corporum considerare possumus habereque eas si in tempore proprio investigatae quaesitaeque sunt Rigel Lib. 2. Apho. 77. Many things do come to passe for which we can give no naturall reason we may attain to discern the effects by the forms of superiour Bodies and exactly to know them if we search and look after them in their proper times By which this learned Grecian intends that the true notion of what may be signified by these late disastrous three Suns or any other unnaturall Apparition is most easily attained by taking the exact time of their first appearance and then the erection of a Scheam of heaven And this I finde further confirmed by Cardanus Apho. 95. Seg. 40. Monstra verò portenta clades mortes hominum sed non eodem modo neque statim significant oportet autem exortus eorum considerare sed illorum casus vis non est praesentis contemplationis The meaning whereof is to inform you that upon any generall Misfortune happening or any sudden Calamity chancing amongst men you are to observe the first time of its motion and thereby frame your Astrologicall Judgement upon the Accidents subsequent Its first considerable in what nature kinde or thing this prodigious Appearance shall manifest it self in and upon what kindes of Men People Kingdoms or Countreys and lastly its Determination c. Of all which I will treat but not methodically for some reasons best known to my self c. For let it be considered how dangerous it is to speak truth in significant Language in this Age and at this time when Opinion is more prevalent then sober Judgement and when a word modestly misplaced may more puzzle me by information of some seeming-Saint Coxcomb then either reall Treason against my Prince or Blasphemy in Religion c. But I slight these pedantick Informers BE it known then unto all men by these Presents That Hujusmodi imagines figurae multa minantur frequenter enim aut Civitati ali●ui aut Regioni aut Regno vel Principi Regi Caesarivè quae expressis alias verbis sibi dici non tolerarent Such Sights as these three Suns or other Images or terrible Figures appearing in the heavens do threaten many things frequently either to some City Region Kingdom Prince or Emperour and further these are manifested in such extraordinary manner in the heaven by Signes because such persons as above named will never suffer any man in plain words to acquaint them with so much The Apparition being visible in England the whole Kingdom is concerned more or lesse The Lord of the tenth in the seventh House Retrograde our prime men of all Qualities are intended to share in the Mischief hereby portended Kings Princes Nobility