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A01115 An abridgement of the booke of acts and monumentes of the Church: written by that Reuerend Father, Maister Iohn Fox: and now abridged by Timothe Bright, Doctour of Phisicke, for such as either through want of leysure, or abilitie haue not the vse of so necessary an history; Actes and monuments. Abridgments. Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Bright, Timothie, 1550-1615. 1589 (1589) STC 11229; ESTC S102503 593,281 862

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by the riuer of Twide by Aydanus a Scottish Bishop The Nunnerie of Theorduton by Heuy who was the first Nun in Northumberland The Monasterie of Hetesey The first Nun in Northumberland by Oswy king of Northumberland who also with his daughter Elfred gaue possessiōs for xij Monasteries from the partes of Northumberlande anno 650 The Monasterie of Saint Martin in Douer by White-red king of Kent The Abbey of Lestingeye by Ceadda whom they call Saint Cedde through the graunt of Oswald sonne to saint Oswald king of Northumberland an 651 The Monasterie of Whitbie otherwise called Strenhalt by Hilda daughter to the Nephue of Edwin king of Northumberland an 657. Also another Monasterie called Hacanus not farre from the same place builded by the same Hilda the same yere The Abbey of Abingtō buylded by Cissa king of Southsex an 666 Also an Abbey in the East side of Lincolne called Ioanno by S. Botolph an 654 The Monasterie of Ely buylded by Etheldred or Edeldrida daughter of Anna king of East-angles and the wife of Elfride king of Northumberland in the yere six hundred seuentie foure The Monasterie of Chertsey in Southerie by Erkēwald B. of London an 674. throwen down by the Danes reedified by king Edgar The Nunnerie of Barking edified by the same Erkenwaldus B. of London about the same time The Abbey of Peterborough otherwise called Madehamsted founded by king Ethelwald king of Mercia anno 675 Badney Abbey by Etheldredus king of Mercia an 700 Glastenburie by Iua K. of the West-saxons and after repaired and enriched by king Edgar an 701 Ramsey in the time of king Edgar by one Alwinus a noble man an 673 K. Edg. builded 40. Abbeies K. Edgar buylded in his time xl Monasteries He raigned an 601 The Nunnerie of Winburne by Cuthburga sister to Insus K. Iuaes brother an 717 The Monasterie of Sealesey néere to the I le of Wight by Wilfridus B. of Yorke an 678 The Monasterie of Wincombe by Kenulphus king of Mercia an 737 S. Albons buylded by Offa K. of Mercia an 755 The Abbey of Euesam by Egwinus an 691 Ripon in the North by Wilfridus B. an 709 The Abbey of Echelinghey by K. Aluredus an 691 The Nunnerie of Shaftesburie by the same Aluredus the same yere King Ethelbald freed the churches monasteries The Church freed from tributes c. from all manner tributes and granted them great liberties Diuerse of the Saxon kings became mōkes as Knigilsus king of West-saxons Iue king of West-sex Diuerse Saxō kings become monkes Celulfus king of Northūberland Eadbertus king of Northumb. Ethelredus of Mercia Kemedus of Mercia Offa of East-saxons Selly of East-saxons Sigebertus king of East-angles There became also Quéenes kings daughters Queenes became nunnes with other noble women Nuns as Hilda daughter to the nephew of Edwin king of Northumberland Abbesse of the house of Ely Erchengoda with her sister Ermenilda daughter of Erkembertus K. of Kent which Erchengoda was professed in Brigets order in Fraunce Also Edelberga wife and Quéene to king Edwin of Northumberland and daughter of king Anna who was also in the same house made a Nunne Etheldreda whom they tearme Saint Eldred wife to king Egfred of Northumberland was professed Nunne at Helinges Werburga daughter of Vlferus king of Mercians was made Nunne at Ely Kinreda Sister of king Vlferus and Kinswida her sister were both professed Nunnes Sexburga daughter of king Anna King of Mercia and wife of Ercombert king of Kent was Abbesse at Ely Elfrida daughter of Oswe King of Northumberlande was Abbesse at Whitney Mildreda Wilburga and Milginda all thrée daughters of Merwaldus K. of West-mercians became Nunnes Bridburga the wife of of Alfride K. of Northumberland and sister to Ofricus K. of Mercia and daughter of king Penda was professed Abbesse in the Monasterie of Glocester Elfleda daughter of K. Oswy wife of king Penda his sonne became also a Nun Likewise Alfritha wife to king Edgar and Editha daughter to the same king Edgar with Wolfrith her mother and so forth As in the Britans time Vnder the Britons the Metropolitane sea at London and by the Saxons after the comming of Austin translated to Canterbury the Metropolitan Sea was at London so in the time of the Saxons after the comming of Austin it was remoued to Canterbury the names yéeres of which Metropolitanes till Egbert from Austin are these Augustinus 16. Laurentius 5. Mellitus 5. Iustus 3. Honorius 25. Deus dedit 10. Theodorus 22. all these were Italians Bertnaldus English 37. in whose time the monasterie of S. Martin was builded in Doroberne by Witredus and his brother kings of Kent Tacunius 3. Nothelinus 5. Cutbert forbiddeth funerals to be made for him Cuthbertus 17. He after his death forbad all funerals exequies or funerall lamentations to be made Lambrithus or Lambertus 27. In whose time king Offa translated the Metropolitane sea from Canterburie to Lichfield by the graunt of Pope Adrian being ouercome with apostolicall arguments as saith Flores historiarum that is with money In the time of 17. Archb. 34 Popes Ethelardus 13. who by his Epistles to Pope Leo obtained the Metrapolitan sea againe to Canterburie Vlfredus 28 Fegeldus 3 Celnocus 41. During the time of these seuentéene Archbishops there were 34. Popes of Rome Anno 826. Egbert notwithstanding he had sixe or eight against one of his men ouerthrew Bernulphus K. of Mercia The lande brought into one monarchy and called Anglia with other kings subdued the rest of the land into one monarchy and hauing called a counsel of his Lords at Winchester was by their aduises crowned king ouer all the land and caused the inhabitants to be called Angles and the Land Anglia This king when he had ruled the West-saxons and ouer the more part of England xxxvij yeres died and was buried at Winchester leauing his kingdome to Ethelwolfe which first was Bishop of Winchester and after vpon necessitie made king through the dispensation of Gregorie the fourth A B made king of England He gaue to the Church and Religious orders the tithes of al his goods and lands in West-saxons Lands geuen to the Church with libertie and fréedome from all seruage and ciuill charges Much like the donation of Ethelbaldus king of Mercia The ground of al their good workes and donations was remission of sinnes which they thought thereby to procure This doone taking his iourney to Rome with Alured his yoongest sonne committed him to the bringing vp of pope Leo the fourth Where he also reedified the English schoole at Rome which being founded by king Offa or rather Iue King of Mercia was in the tyme of King Egbert his Father consumed with fire Besides Peterpence throughout all England he granted to Rome of euery fire house a penny to bée payd throughout the land as king Iue in his dominion had doone before Also he gaue and graunted to be paid to Rome
this Realme an 1180. Anno 1187. Baldwinus Archbishop of Canterburie began to buyld his new house and church at Lambeth but by letters of Pope Clement the third he was forbidden to procéede any further It is written also that Henrie 2. gaue to the Church of Rome for the death of Becket 40000. markes of siluer and 5000. markes of gold an 1187. In the fiue and thirty yeare of his reigne the king died at the Castle of Whiuen in Normandie at whose death they that were present were so greedie of the spoile that they left the body of the king naked and not so much could be found as a cloth to couer it till a Page comming in and seing the king lie so ignominiously threw his cloke vpon his neither partes Anno 1189. Richard the eldest sonne of Henry the 2. succéeded his Father at which time Pope Clement Pope Clement sat at Rome succéeding Gregory that died a little before for sorrow Iewes destroyed In the time of the Coronation of the king the Iewes were destroied almost all the land ouer The king in part of satisfaction for his trespasse against his father agreed with Phillip the French king to take vpō them the recouery of the holy lande and for the same solde and let out much and gathered diuers waies great treasures for the iourney Besides by the commaundement of Pope Clement the third a tenth was exacted of the whole Realme in such sort as the Christians should make to the King 70000. A Bish Chancellour A Bish chiefe iustice of England pound and the Iewes sixe thousand For the gouernment of his Realme in his absence the King set ouer principall in his absence the Bishop of Ely his Chauncellour and the the Bishop of Durham whom he ordained to be chiefe Iustice of England the one to haue the custody of the Tower with the ouersight of all other partes of the land on this side of Humber The other which was the bishoppe of Durham to haue charge ouer all other his dominions beyond Humber sending moreouer to Pope Clement in the behalfe of William Bishoppe of Ely to bée made the Popes Legate through all England and Scotlande which also was obtained These thinges thus ordered The iourney for the holie land the K. about the time of Easter sayled into France there deferred their iourney til after Midsommer They confirmed their agréemēt of the enterprise by oath the forme of which oath was this That either of thē should mainteine the honor of the other The forme of the oath for the holy land and beare true fidelitie of life members and worldly honor and that neither of them should faile one the other in their affaires c. But these couenants were not performed on the French kings part for at Messana hée suffered the kings part to be abused The French breaketh his oth by the inhabitants of the citie and picked quarrels against the Englishmen and wrought treason against the king by sending letters to the king of Cicill Tancredus by the duke of Burgundy the contents whereof were that the king of Englād was a false traitour and would neuer keepe the peace that was betwixt them and if the said Tancredus would warre against him or secréetly by night would inuade him hée with all his power would assist him and ioine with him to the destruction of him and all his armie which letters Tancredus shewed vnto king Richard at Cathmensium a citie where the king found Tancredus who gaue him very good intertainment thrée daies thrée nights and at his departing gaue him foure great ships and 15. gallies and furthermore he himselfe would néeds accompany him the space of two daies iourney to a place called Tauernium After the king of England had vnderstood so much by Tancredus and had also receiued of him the very letters he would shewe the French king from thenceforth no louing countenance as before King Richard hauing won Cipres departed with the French king toward the siege of Achon the 6. of Iune crossing the seas he met with a great barke fraught with men of warre being Saracens and furnished with wild fire and vnknowen serpents to the defence of Achon whom he vanquished and the 7. of Iune came to Achon which in short space after was rendered vnto the christians the 12. of Iuly and the captaines of the Pagans vpon agréement resorted vnto the tents of the Templars to common with the king touching peace giuing vp of their citie The sum of which peace was this that the kings should haue the citie of Achon fréely fully deliuered vnto them with all that was therein and 500. Captaines of the Christians should bée restored which were in Achon also the holy crosse should be rendered vnto thē 1000. christian captains with 200. horsemen whom soeuer they thēselues would choose out of al them that were in the power of Saladine Moreouer they should giue to the kings 200000. bysants so that they themselues would remaine as pledges in the K. hands for performāce hereof that if within 40. daies these couenaunts were not accomplished Achon wonne by the Christians they would abide the kings mercy touching life and lims These couenaunts beyng agréed vpon the kings sent their souldiers and seruants to the citie to take an 100. of the richest and best in the citie to close them vp in towers vnder strong kéeping The 13. day the two kings deuided the spoile of the citie betwixt them whereat the souldiers grudged and with somewhat adoo were appeased The 20. of Iuly K. Richard desired the French king that they with their armies would bind themselues by oth to remaine there still in the land of Ierusalē 3. yéeres for the recouering of those coūtries but he would sweare he said no such oth about the beginning of August the French K. departed from Achon to Tirus leauing his halfe part of the citie of Achon to Cōradus the Marques After whose departure the Pagans refused to kéepe their couenants made and neither would restore the holy crosse nor the monie nor the captiues sending word that if king Richard did behead the pledges left with him at Achon they would chop of the heads of such christian captiues as they had in their hands Shortly after this the Saladine sending great gifts to king Richard requested the time limited for the beheading of the captiues to bée proroged but the King refused to take his giftes or to graunt his request Wherevpon the Saladine caused all the Christian captiues within his possession forthwith to be beheaded which was the 18. of August And albeit the king vnderstood it yet he would not preuent the time limitted for the execution of his prysoners beyng the twentith day of August vppon which day hée caused them openly in the sight of the Saladines army to bee beheaded to the number of 2500. sauing hée reserued certaine of the principall for purposes especially to make
palace of Canterbury After the death of Langton fell strife betwixt the King and the Monks of Canterburie for the election of their Archbishop the Monkes choose one of their owne societie named Walter Heuesham the King preferred Richard Chauncellour of Lincolne and articulated against the other that hée was the sonne of a Felon conuicted and hanged also that hée had lyen with a Nunne and had children by her c. The matter beyng presented before the Pope and like to go hard on the Kings part the Kings proctors promised and graunted in his name The tenth of al the goods of England and Scotland to be geuen to the Pope to be giuen to the Pope the tenth part of all the goods of the Realme of England and Scotland moueable to sustaine his warres agaynst the Emperour so that hée would encline fauourably to the Kings suit whereat the Pope boyling as saith Parisiensis with vnmeasurable desire of subduing his enemy the Emperour and cherished with so great promises graunted vnto them This was doone An. 1229. These things thus finished at Rome the Pope sendeth his owne chaplain Stephen legate into England to require the tithes of all moueable goods of England Ireland and Wales which were promised vnto him Wherevpon the king called a Councell at Westminster to common of the matter where in fine notwithstāding the dislike of the most part yet for feare of curse and of interdiction the summe was gathered so that the Prelates hauing no other remedy The prelates driuen to sell there chalices and copes were driuen to sell their chalices cruets copes iewels and other Church plate and some to lay to morgage such things as they had some also to borrow vpon vsury to make the mony which was required Moreouer the said Stephen as saith Parisiensis brought with him into England for the same purpose Vsurers brought into England by the Popes Legate bankers and vsurers who lending out their monie vpon great interest did vnreasonably pinch the English people which Merchant vsurers were then called Caursini and such exactions were then vpon the poore Englishmen that not only their present goods were valued and taxed The corne growing against the next haruest tithes to pay the Pope but also the corne yet growing against the next haruest was tithed c. Onely the Earle of Chester named Radulphus stood stoutly against the pope suffering none within his dominion either lay men or clarks to yéeld any tēths to the Popes proctors Parisiensis pag. 74. This yéere 1229. was finished the New church of Couentrie by Alexander bishop of the same citie and partly by the helpe of the king which Church Richard his predecessor bishop of Couentry had begon The French men againe about this time assayled Raymundus Earle of Tholouse The Earle of Tholouse assailed againe but preuailed not the Earle hauing in the conflict taken 500. and many slaine of their seruitours to the number of two thousand were taken with their armour Yet thrise the same Summer did they assault the godly Earle and were put to flight and discomfited Parisiensis pag. 96. Richard Archb. of Canterbury beyng now confirmed in his seat came to the king complaining of Hubert lord chiefe Iustice for withholding the Castle and towne of Tumbridge from him with the appertenance thereto belōging other lands of the Earle of Clare lately deceassed which lands pertained to the right of that sea and to the Church of Canterbury for the which the said Earle his auncestors were bound to doe homage to him and his predecessors and therefore required the kéeping of the foresaid castle with the demeanes to be restored vnto him The king misliking the demand answered not to the appetite of the Archb. wherby he was so moued that he brast forth into excommunication of al such as held those possessions or tooke their part the K. onely excepted which done he prosecuteth his matter before the Pope The K. hearing thereof sendeth vp M. Roger Contelu with certain other against the Archb. The Archb. among other the articles complaineth to the Pope of certaine Bishops his suffragans who neglecting their pastoral functiō did sitte on checker matters belonging to the king and exercised sessions and iudgements of blood Bishops set on checker matters exercised sessions and iudgements The pope neglecteth the K. and satisfieth the Archb. he complained also of beneficed parsons and Clearks within orders for hauing many benefices ioyned with the cure of soules and that they also taking example of Bishops did intermeddle in secular matters and in iudgements of Lay men The Pope neglecteth the kings allegations fauoureth altogether the Archbishop and sent him away satisfied in his requests who in his returning homward within 3. daies of his setting forth died in the house of the gray Friers at Saint Gemmes Parisiensis After the death of Richard the monkes did choose Randulph Neuell Randulph Neuell Bishop of Chester and the Kings Chauncellour a man faithful vpright and constant The King approued of the election and onely the Popes confirmation was wanting Wherevpon the monks addressed thē to Rome to haue the popes liking and first requiring help for the expences of the iourney of the new Archbish hee denied the same he should séeme in any sort ambitiously to séeke after it A good bishop and holding vp his handes to heauen thus prayed O Lorde God if I shall be thought woorthy to bée called although indéed vnworthy to the seat and office of this Church so be it as thou hast disposed But if otherwise in this troublesom office of Chauncery and this my inferiour ministery whervnto I haue béene assigned I shall séeme more necessary for this thy kingdom people I refuse not my labour thy will be done The monkes notwithstanding procéeded on their iourney shewed the matter to the pope the popes holinesse inquired of the qualities of the man of Simon Langthon brother of Stephen Langthon Archbish before mentioned who did so depraue Radulph Neuell to the Pope that hée charged the monkes to procéed to a new election who agréed vpon Iohn their prior to be Metropolitane but he no other fault being found notwithstanding he had bin examined in 3. daies together of the Cardinals was repulsed for that he was too aged though he were able to take a iourney to Rome and home againe Anno 1231. the exactions of the pope were so grieuous in the land that it was deuised of some of the nobles that certaine letters vnder the pretensed colour of the kings authority should be sent abroad commanding that such corne and graine other reuenewes as were taken vp for the Pope should be staied forth cōming by a certain day in the said letters appointed These letters wer thought to procéed chiefly from Hubert L. chief iustice Hubert Lord chiefe Iustice of England who then next vnder the K ruled the most affaires of the realme This done they sent these letters by
Inuentory of the same to be enrolled in the excheker After the death of Iohn Peckham succéeded Robert Winchelsy with whom the king had like variance as with the other Peckham and accused him to the Pope for breaking of peace and taking part with them that rebelled against the king about vsages and liberties of the realme wherefore the king being cited vp to the court of Rome was there suspended till hee had purchased his absolution againe The King of England troubled with the sea of Canter And as this King was troubled with Archbishops so from Hildebrand and the time of Lanfrancus euery King in his time had somewhat to do with that sea By Peckham before mentioned No benefices but one it was ordeined that no spirituall minister shoulde haue more benefices then one which also was decreed by the constitutions of Octo and Octobonus the Popes Legate the same time in England The Kinges mother was a professed Nunne in Amesburie In the later yeare of this kinges raigne Cassianus K. of the Tartarians Cassanus K. of the Tartariās of whom come these which now are Turkes fighting against the Souldan The Tartarians christened king of the Saracens in the plaine of Damascus slue a 100000 of Saracens and againe at Babilon fighting with the said souldan flue him in the field 200000. of his Saracens calling vpon the helpe of Christ and thereupon became Christian The same Cassianus his brother also afterward was christned him selfe and all his house In the raigne of this King Walter Merto Bishop of Rochester builded Merton Colledge in Oxford Merton Colledge in Oxford in whose raigne also liued Henricus de Gandano Henr. de Gandano De villa noua Scotus Duns Clement 5. The court of Rome to Auinion The P. reigne as Emp. sede vacante Arnoldus de villa noua Dante 's Scotus called Duns and other mo After pope Benedict succeeded Clement the 5. who translated the Popes court to Auinion in Fraunce By this Clement it was ordeined that the Emperour although he might be called K. of the Romaines before yet he might not enioy the title of Emperor before he was by him confirmed and that the Emperours seat being vacant the P. might raigne as Emperour vntil anew were created By him the orders of the templars which at that time were too abhominable were put downe at the councell of Vienna Templars put downe He also ordained and confirmed the feast of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi day The Clementine decretals assigning indulgences to such as heard the seruice therof and also compiled the 7. book of the decretals called of his name the Clementines In the time of this Pope Henricus the sixt of that name The Emp. poisoned by a mōk in the chalice Emperour was poysoned receiuing the Sacrament by a false dissembling monke called Bernard which was thought not to bee done without the consent of the Popes Legate For the which fact although he escaped yet diuers of his order after that with fire and sworde were slaine The Emp. of Constantinople excommunicated This Pope excommunicated Andronicus Paleologus Emperor of Constantinople anno 1327. declaring him to be a schismatike and heretike because hee would not suffer the Grecians to make their appeale from the Gréek church to the Pope neither would acknowledge him to be his superiour c from which the Gréek church was exempted sauing the space of 58. yéeres during the time of the French Emperours al which time the French Emperors with the Gréeke Church were subiect to the church of Rome but afterward such was their hate against the Romanes that because Michael Paleologus and the Grecians being called vp by Gregorie the tenth to a Councell at Lyons about the controuersie of procéeding of the holy Ghost c. did submit themselues to the Church of Rome the Gréeke monks and Priestes denied him the due honour and place of buriall P. Iohn 22. After Clement the 5. succéeded pope Iohn the 22. with whom Lodouike the Emperor had much trouble after whō succéeded Benedict the 12. P. Benedict This Benedict on a certaine time being desired to make certaine new Cardinals This worlde made for the Cardinals answereth againe that he gladly would so do if he also could make a new world For this world said he is for these Cardinals that be made already Ex scripto Engethusensis An. 1307. The xxxiiij yeare of the reigne of the king in the beginning of Hillarie Tearme the King kept a Parlement at Carlil Complaint against the P. for oppressing England where great complaintes were brought in by the Nobles and Ancientes of the lande concerning the oppression of the Church by the Popes Legat William Testa otherwise called mala Tecta who came by reason the P. hauing translated his court to Auinion was denyed by the princes of Rome S. Peters patrimonie liued then barely hee had of contribution and beneuolence within the first yeare nine thousand and fiue hundred markes of siluer and all his other charges and expences which he largely that yere bestowed cléerely borne besides the benefite of Bulles sent by the said Testa and the first fruits of al churches being vacant at any time or by any man within the realm of England Scotland Wales Ireland And also the first fruites of all Abbeis and Priories within the said Realmes c. Whereupon the king in the same Parlement withstood the Legate charging him with the consent of the Earles Barons to abstaine from such exactions and said he would sende to the pope about the matter which he did and thereupon the Pope changed his purpose touching Abbeis and after that the first fruites of English Churches was granted vnto the king for two yeres In which space he obteined the fruites of the foresaid Churches c. During which Parlement before specified as mē were talking many things of the Popes oppression sodeinly fell downe as it were from heauen among them An Epistle of Cass to the Church of England a paper with this superscriptiō An epistle of Cassiodorus to the church of England concerning the abuses of the Romish church To the noble church of England seruing in clay brick as the Iewes did in times past vnder the tyrannie of the Egyptians Peter the sonne of Cassiodore a Catholick souldier and deuoute Champion of Christ sendeth greeting and wisheth to cast of the yoke of bondage and to receiue the reward of libertie c. What effect this letter wrought in them to whom it was directed The P. stil reteineth his exactions it is not in stories expressed by the sequele it may be coniectured that whatsoeuer was said the P. retained stil his exactions Anno 1329. The King of France called a parlement at Paris about the beginning of December to conferre of the iurisdiction of the Pope both in Spiritual and Temporal things In which Parlement a certain wise Nobleman
from his cursed lawes 5 Against vowes of perpetual chastitie 6 That priests ought to preach the Gospell fréelie 7 That Innocentius 3. with 600. bishops and 1000. other prelats which set down in a councel transub and reall presence were fooles blockheads heretikes c. in so doing and therefore no man ought to obey their constitutions except they be grounded vpon the Scriptures or vpon some reason which can not be impugned Besides these Richard Lauingam collected other articles out of the bookes of Puruey as against the chapter of penaunce and committing of sinnes Omnis vtriusque sexus Item that Innocētius the third was the head of Antichrist against the Sacrament of Orders And if there were no Pope yet all the bishops might gouerne the Church by common consent as once they did before Once they did before c. such worldly pride crept in among the Bishops c. As touching the authoritie of the keyes no man ought to estéeme Sathan whom men call the Pope and his vniust censures more then the hissing of a serpent or the blast of Lucifer Concerning the Sacrament of matrimony that gossipry ought to be no let The P. curse the blast of Lucifer That no vow ought to be made but in such things as a man may and ought lawfully to performe Touching the possessions of the Church he declareth that the king and the Lords and commons may without any charge at all kéepe 15. garrisons find 15000. souldiers hauing sufficient lands and reuenues to liue vppon out of the temporalties gotten into the hands of the Cleargy How the temporalties of the cleargy shoulde be bestowed fayned religious men which neither do that which belongeth to the office of Curats to do nor yet to secular lords And moreouer the king may haue 20000 pound to come fréely euerie yere to his cofers and aboue also may finde and sustaine fiftéen Colledges more and 15000. Priestes and Clarkes with sufficient liuing and an hundred hospitals for the sick and euery house to haue one hundred markes in landes and all this to be taken out of the tēporalties of the clergy wtout any charge to the realme c. That the law of Siluester the P. which is declared in 2. q. 5. ca. praesul cap. Nullam is contrarie to the law of Christ and either Testament And that those decretals of accusations cap. quando qual which do prohibit any clarks to be brought before a secular iudge to receiue iudgement doo containe blasphemy heresie and error and brings great gaines to Antichrists cofers That punishment of adultery belongeth to secular persons and furthermore hée maketh an exhortation to the Princes to iudge the Church of Rome which hée calleth the great and cursed strumpet of whom S. Iohn writeth Apocalips 17. Touching the lawes determinations of the popes church the Christians ought to repeale such of them as are against the word of God and that the Canon lawes are full of heresies This was written of him anno 1396. which séemeth to be before his recanttatiō at Saltwood before Thomas Arundell Archbishop of Canterbury Nowe all this time the schisme continued betwixt the popes and so endured til the Councell of Constance which was in whole the space of 29. yéeres the original whereof began at Vrbanus the fift who dying ann 1389. next folowed Boniface 9. Boniface 9. impudent in selling of pardōo who sate 14. yéeres he in selling his pardons was so impudent that hee brought the keies of S. Peter as saith Platina in contempt After him succéeded Innocentius 7 and sate two yéeres who béeing dead the Cardinals consulted together and séeing the inconuenience that grew of the schisme minded to prouide some remedie for the same and tooke order being assembled in their conclaue for the election of a new Pope and promised among themselues with a solemn vow made to God Marie the blessed virgin to Peter and Paul and all the companie of holy Saints that if any of them within the Colledge or without the same should be called to that high place of the Apostolicall preheminence he should effectuallie renounce the iurisdiction and title of his Popedome if or whensoeuer Order against the schisme the contrarie Pope for the time being woulde in like manner renounce his place and title and his Cardinals in like manner condiscended to the cardinals of Rome So that these two Colledges of Cardinals agréeing together that one chiefe B. might be chosen and taken out of thē both to be made the true pope Prouided moreouer that none should séeke absolution or releasement from the said vow and bond once passed among them Vnto all which things euery one subscribed with his hand and so they procéeded and chose Gregory 12. who in the same day of his election Pope Gregory the 12. in the presence of all the Cardinals confirmed the vow subscribing the same with his hand in forme as followeth And I Gregory this day being the last of Nouember anno 1407. chosen and elected Bishop of Rome doo vow promise and confirme all the premises c. This being doone shortly after he was crowned being of the age of 80. yéeres Pope Gregory 12. periured but the holy Father periured himselfe and therefore diuerse did forsake him and sent to Kings and Princes of other lands for their assistance to appease the Schisme and amongst the rest Cardinall Bituriensis was sent to the King of England who publishing diuers conclusions which remaine in the registers of Thomas Arundel disputeth that the pope ought to be subiect to the Lawes and Counsels by whose motion the King directeth his letters vnto Gregory the Pope Anno 1409. perswading him to performe his oth and to giue ouer for the quiet of the Church and the quieting of the Schisme vnder pretence whereof hée shewed that 200000. 200000. Christians slaine in a popish quarrell Christians had béene slaine and that of late thirtie thousand thorough the dissention about the Bishopricke of Leodium betwéene two set vp the one by the authoritie of the one Pope and the other by the authoritie of the other and further moued him to giue ouer as the naturall mother did her sonne before Salomon The king writeth to the Pope rather then it should be parted deuided according as the harlot would it should be He wrote also to the colledge of Cardinals requiring them that if according to their desire and request Gregory would at the Councell of Pise giue ouer his Popedome they would take order for the state of the Church This being done an 1409. the yéere next folowing 1410. The Cardinals of both popes Gregorius and Benedictus by common aduise assembled at Pise and chose a new pope Alexander the 5. Pope Alexander 5. Three popes together But to this election neither Pope Gregorius nor Benedictus did agrée whereby there were thrée Popes together in the Romish Church This Pope scarcesly had warmed his triple crowne
of those bookes and condemned them Within foure moneths after this proclamation comming out in August the king deceassed in the beginning of Ianuarie in the 38. yéere of his reigne Anno 1547. 1547 The king dieth leauing behinde him king Edwarde Queene Marie and Quéene Elizabeth Persecution in Scotland Not onely in England but also in Scotland there was great persecution for the trueth And anno 1540. was Sir Iohn Brothwicke knight called captaine Brothwicke cited for heresie not appearing but escaping out of their hands was condemned for the same though hée were absent by the sentence of Dauid Beaton Archbishop of S. Andrewes and other prelates of Scotland Ten articles against Sir Iohn Brothwicke They obiected against him x. Articles 1. That the Pope hath no more authoritie then another Bishop 2. That the Popes indulgences and pardons are of no force 3. That the Pope is an open vser of Symonie sellyng the giftes of spiritualtie 4. That he perswaded many to imbrace heresies in England 5. That hee saide that the Cleargy of Scotland was blinde 6. Hée condemned the counsell of Constance 7. Hée perswaded the king to appropriate vnto himselfe the goodes of the Church 8. Hée desired that the Churche of Scotland were in the same estate that the Churche of England 9. That the canons were of no force 10. He perswaded against the religion of Scotland c. To all which articles he made a learned and large answere the Papistes condemned him being absent and openly burned his picture in token of his condemnation without all hope of pardon Not long after the burning of Dauid Stratton and maister Gurley in the dayes of Dauid Beaton B. and Cardinal of Saint Andrewes and George Treighton Bishoppe of Dunkelden a Chanon of Saint Colines and Vicar of Dolone called Deane Thomas Ferret Tho. Ferret was condemned to death without any place of recantation for preaching euery Sundaye to his Parishioners and with him two blacke Friers one called Iohn Relowe the other called Beuerage a priest of Striueling called Duncan Simons and one Gentleman called Robert Foster in Striueling with other thrée or foure of the same Towne of Striueling because they were chiefe Heretickes and especiallye bycause many of them were at the Bridall and mariage of a priest who was vicar of Twilodie beside Striueling and did eate flesh in the Lent at the same brydall And so they were altogether burnt vpon the Castle hill of Edenburgh where constantly they endured to the end one comforting another Anno 1543. Robert Lamb William Anderson Iames Hunter Iames Raueleson Iames Founteson and Helen Stirke his wife were put to death for the testimonie of the truth against the romish church William Anderson Robert with Iames Raueleson were accused for hanging vp the Image of S. Frauncis in a corde S. Francis homely vsed nayling of rammes hornes to his head and a Cowes rumpe to his taile and for eating of a goose on alhallow eue Iames Hunter because he vsed the suspect company of the rest the woman for that in her childebed shée was not accustomed to call on the Virgin Marie and that shée saide no merite of the Virgin but Gods frée mercie procured her the honour to be made the mother of Christ Iames Raueleson for building an house and setting vppon the rounde of his fourth staire the thrée crowned diademe of Peter with the Cardinalles booke as done in mockage of his Cardinals hat These persons on the morow after Saint Paules day were condemned vpon the Act against conferring and reasoning of the Scriptures The woman aforesaid Helen Stirke Helen Stirke a notable martir desired to die with her husbād and greatly encouraged him parting with him at the stake with a kisse saide this was the ioyfullest day that euer she had and said she would not bid him good night for said she we shall sodeinly méet with ioy in the kingdom of heauen and so she was taken away drowned although she had a childe sucking on her Dauid Beaton Bishop and Cardinal of S. Andrewes was the chiefe doer in this persecution In this yeare 1543. Iohn Chartnons being Prouost of S. Iohnston alias Pereth was deposed for fauouring of the trueth Anno 1546. The first of March master George Wiseheart 1533. George Wiseheart suffered martirdome for the faith of Iesus Christ at Saint Andrewes in Scotland anno 1543. He was a Student in Cambridge in Bennet Colledge where he was a speciall patterne of godlines and learning Afterwarde in Scotland he was apprehended and charged to haue preached notwithstanding he were forbidden and to haue spokē against the masse and the fiue odde Sacraments against auricular confession against the sacrament of the altar against vnction holiwater against the power of the Pope frée will distinction of meates against prayer to Saintes purgatory against vowes and the vse of popish superstitions to which as they would for furie geue him leaue George Wisehart The meeke death of George Wiseheart made a sufficient and Christian answere When he came to the place of execution and the Executioner prayed him of pardon he said come hether and kissed him and saide lo here a token that I forgeue thée My heart do thine office and so méekely he ended and constantly gaue testimony to the trueth of Iesus the people piteously mourning for his death It was not long after but the Cardinall was slaine by the handes of one Lech and other Gentlemen who sodeinly brake in vpon him and slewe him Gods iudgement after which he lay seuen moneths vnburied at the least and at last like carrion was buried in a dunghill After Beaton succéeded Iohn Hambleton Archbishop of saint Andrewes 1549. who the next yere folowing burned Adam Wallace for the matter of the Sacrament He was burned on the Castle hil of Edenburgh Before his execution they had taken frō him all his bookes which might serue for his comfort but that he had learned by heart all Dauids Psalter Adam Wallace had learned all Dauids psalter by heart and supplyed comfort that way When the fire was prepared he himself asked one of the Officers that stoode by if the fire were making redy who told him it was He answered as it pleaseth God I am ready soone or late as it pleaseth him so brought to the stake he ended with constancie and patience and gaue testimonie to the trueth first exhorting the people not to be offended at his suffering for the trueths sake Anno 1551. After that Richard Marshall doctor of Diuinitie and prior of the black Friers at Newcastle in England had declared in his preachings at Saint Andrewes in Scotland that the Lords prayer commonly called the Pater noster should be said onely to God and not to Saints neither to any other creature The Doctors of diuinitie of S. Andrewes together with the black Friers who had long ago taught the people to say the Pater noster to Saints had great
13 Bil. his grieuous anguish after recantation ead Bilney repenteth ead Bil. smileth at the stake 14 Supplication of beggars 15 Fish hath the kings protection ead Poore seelie soules of purgatorie 16 Commission against English bookes ead Testament of Tindals translation ead Richard Bayfield ead Bayfield condemned 17 Crueltie ead Booke of wicked Mammon 18 Iohn Tewksburie recanteth ead Iohn Tewksburie repenteth Iohn Tewksburie burned eadem Edward Freese 19 Bread of sawdust ead Crueltie ead Valentine Freese his wife 20 Frier Royce burned ead Bishops commanded to trāslate the bible ead Iames Baynam ead Baynam submitteth 21 Baynam repenteth ead Baynam burned 22 Courage of a martir ead Iohn Benet ead Idol of Douercourt ead Images cast down ead Christes colledge in Oxford 23 Iohn Frith burned ead Sir Th. More pursueth Frith ead Friths treatise 24 Friths answere gotten ead Frith condemned ead Andrew Hewet ead Thomas Bennet Martir 26 William Tracy ead During Qu. Anne no great persecution 27 Commons against Clergy 28 Nothing from Rome ead Supreme head eadem Popes vsurping put downe eadem No conuocations without the kings writ eadem Oth of Cleargie to Pope abolished 29 More resigneth chancellorship ead King renounceth the Pope eadem Lady Elizabeth borne ead The Holy mayde of Kent 30 Gods iudgement ead Thomas Cranmer Archb. of Canterbury ead Preaching against Popes supremacie 31 Popes pardōs abolished ead Gard. booke De Obediētia with Boners notes ead Ruine of religious houses 32 Iewels reliques from abbeys eadem W. Tindall burned eadem Tindall translated the Testament 33 Tindals protesting agaynst transubstantiation 35 Q. Anne put to death ead The K. refuseth the generall councell at Mantua ead Some religious houses giuē to the king ead Articles of religion taught 36 Rebellion suppressed ead Prince Edward borne ead Queene Iane dieth ead Ruffelings against the king calmed eadem The kings articles ead Many holidais abrogated 37 Scripture in English ead Register Booke in euerie church eadem Religious houses rooted vp eadem 45. articles against Lābert 38 A wicked perswasion 39 Lambert disputeth eadem The king condemneth Lambert ead Cromwell readeth sentence against Lambert ead Cromwell craueth pardō of Lambert eadem Lābert a worthy martyr 40 Lamberts treatise of the Sacrament eadem Robert Packingtō going to praier is slaine ead Collins his dog burned ea Cowbridge eadem Putdew eadem William Lerton eadem Nicholas Peke 41 Notable courage of martyr eadem The king refuseth the councell eadem The kings farewell ead Search iniunctions 42 The king nusled by Winchester eadem Six articles a whippe of six strings eadem Treason felonie ead Cranmer against six articles eadem Against adultery c. of priests 43 Death for adulterie repealed eadem Cromwel maule of the pope eadem Life of Cromwell 44 Cromwell learnd the text of the new testamēt by hart 45 Cromwell serueth the Cardinall eadem English bible printed at Paris 47 Gardiner enemy to the Gospell ead Th. Mathewes bible ead Bible in English presented to the king 48 Bible of large volume ead Bishops promise to amend the bible but performe not 49 Doctor Barnes ead Duns Darbell put out of Cambridge ead Disputations of faith rare in Cambridge eadem Doctor Barnes cōuerted by Bilney 50 The white horse in Cambridge called Germany eadem D. Barnes arrested ead D. Barnes submitteth ead D. Barne escapeth out of prison 51 Acta Romanorum Pontificum eadem Doctor Barnes to the Tower 52 Barnes Garret Hierome burned 53 Vniust proceeding ead D. Barnes his foure requests to the king 54 Foure papistes executed about the supremacy ead Fauourers of truth ead Patrons of Popery eadem All prisons in London too litle for the persecuted ea Boner turneth and becommeth a persecutor 55 Six Bibles set vp in Paules eadem The Diuell in the necke ead Iohn Porter killed in pryson eadem Thomas Somers dieth in the Tower 56 Thomas Barnard Iames Morton martyrs ead A popish feare eadem Bartrams boy the Diuell in the monks cowle 57 Lady Anne of Cleue diuorced eadem Six put to death for supremacie 58 The K. misseth Crōwell ead White meates permitted in Lent eadem Marbeck pardoned 60 Filmer Parson Testwood burned eadem Notable martyrs ead The king pardoneth 61 Winchester out of fauour eadem False iudges accusers punished eadem Adam Damlip 62 Persecution in Calice ead Gods iudgement deliuerance of his people 63 The Lord Lisle dieth in the Tower eadem Gods iudgement vppon a false accuser 64 Lord Awdley friend to the afflicted eadem Rockwood a persecutor dispaireth 65 Gods iudgement ead Adam Damlip eadem Adam Damlip executed ea Gods iudgement 66 The rigour of six Articles 67 Noblemen and Gentlemen permitted to read the scripture eadem Six articles qualified ead Saxie hanged 68 Henry burned eadem Kerbie eadem Roper eadem A notable speach of the constant seruaunt of Christ eadem Doctor Crome recāteth ea Anne Askew 69 Anne Askew answereth parabolically boldly 70 Anne Askew condemned eadem Anne Askew sore racked 71 The King displeased with the racking of Anne Askew eadem Martyrs pardoned at the stake eadem Winchesters practise against the Queene 72 The King much altered 73 The Queene deliuered from danger ead Kings of England France agree for a perfect reformation 74 Sir George Blage condemned eadem The king dieth eadem Persecution in Scotland 75 Tenne articles against Iohn Brothwicke ead Thomas Ferrar ead Saint Frauncis homely vsed 76 Helene Stirke a notable martyr ead George Wiseheart 77 The meeke death of George Wiseheart eadem Gods iudgement eadem Adam Wallace learned the psalter without book ead Controuersie in Scotland whether the Lordes prayer should be sayd to sayntes or no. 78 The Frier biddeth to say the pater noster to the diuel eadem Walter Myll eadem A notable speech of the martyr 79 Style burned with the Apocalips about his neck 81 K. Edward raigneth 83 The K. would not at the emperours suit let the Lady Mary haue masse ead Sixe articles abolished ead Religion restored ead Peter Martyr at Oxford eadem Bucer and P. Phagius at Cābridge ead Thomas Dobbe 84 Commissioners ead A parlement eadem Rebellion 85 Muskleborow field 86 Boner shifteth and cauilleth 87 Boner exhibiteth against Latimer 89 Boner pronounced contumax 90 Boner depryued eadem L. protector eadem Altars taken downe 91 Ladie Maries popish practises restrained eadem Gardiners seditious behauiour 92 Gardiner sent to the tower ead Winchester depriued pag. 93 Doctor Redman a fauourer of the gospell ead W. Gardiner eadem Pendegrace 94 W. Gardiners cruell execution eadem Maruellous constancy of W. Gardiner 95 Protector put to death for fellony ead Lord Gilford Lady Iane maried 96 Iustice Hales eadem Queene Mary to the Councell eadem Q. Maries promise to mainteine religion 97 Ridley sent to the Tower ead Q. Mary breaketh promise eadem Popish bishops restored and other put downe ead Hooper committed to the Fleete ead Proclamation agaynst the word of God ead
victorie had his image set vp holding in his right hand the signe of the crosse with this inscription with this wholesom sign the true token of fortitude I haue rescued and deliuered our citie from the yoke of the tyraunt After this Constantinus with Lycinius Liberty to the Christians gaue liberty by proclamation to Christians to professe their religion Diocle. dieth Dioclesian being at Salona and hearing of the proceedings of Constantine and this his edict either for sorow died or as some say poysoned himselfe Now remained onely Maximinus in the West who although he raged against the Christians yet was hee appaled at the edict before mentioned and caused Sabinus to publish a certaine releasement to Christians and yet wrote another countermaund howbeit shortly after he making warres and fighting with Lycinius lost the victory Wherevppon he caused his charmers to be killed Maxim glorifieth the God of the Christians that perswaded him to the warres and shortly after being oppressed with a certaine kind of disease glorified the God of the Christians and made a most absolute law for their safety This was Ann. 319. Now yet remained Licinius who was also a persecutor notwithstāding at the first he dissembled the matter and ioyned with Constantine He was a man euerie way vitions he named Learning the poyson of the common Wealth Learning named by Licinius the poyson of the common weale Licinius a great persecutor and counted learning in a prince to be a great vice The knowledge of the lawes he did most abhorre For he himself was vnlearned He became a Persecutor pretending against the Christians that they prayed for Constantinus onely and not for him First he began to persecute in his court then he stretched vnto his prouinces with as great crueltie as any that went before him and hated Constantine who gaue him his sister Constantia to wife Churches raced to the groūd and had bestowed many benefites vpon him About Amasia and other Cities of Pontus he rased the churches euen to the ground Among those that suffered Nicephorus first speaketh of Theodorus Theodorus who being hanged vpon a crosse had nayles thrust into his armepits and after that his head striken of Also of one Theodorus B. of Tyre a man of Pergamus Likewise Basilius Basilius B. of Amasenus Nicholaus Nicholaus B. of Mirocus Gregorius of Armenia the great After that Paul Paul of Neocesarea who by Licinius him selfe had both his hāds cut off with a searing Iron Besides these aforesaid were in the citie of Sebastia xl Christian Souldiers Fourty christian souldiers in the vehement colde time of winter drowned in a horseponde when Lycias as yet Agricolaus executing the sherifes office vnder Licinius were in the east part of great reputation Inuenters of torments for inuenting of new and strange torments against the Christians The wiues of those 40. were caried to Heraclea a citie in Thracia and there with a certaine deacon whose name was Ammones were after innumerable torments slaine with the sword Diuers battels were fought betwéene Licinius Constātinus First in Hungarie Licinius vanquished where Licinius was ouerthrowen Then againe in Macedonia whither he fled and repayred his armie And finally being vanquished both by sea and lande at Nicomedia he yelded himselfe to Constantine and was commanded to liue a priuate life in Thessalia where he was slaine by the souldiers He was killed an 324. Licinius slaine Constantius the father of Constantine being a good and godly Emperor died the iij. yere of the persecution an 310. and was buried at Yorke Constantius dieth is buried at Yorke Alban the first martir in England Now among an infinite number of speciall men of name that suffered were these that follow in this 10 persecution At what time Dioclesian and Maximinian had directed out their Letters for the persecuting of Christians Alban the first that suffered martirdome in England for Christ receiued into his house a persecuted Clarke named Amphibalus Amphibalus by whose continuall praying day and night and godly life he became a Christian It was infourmed the Prince that he lodged the Clarke Whereupon search being made by the Princes commandement Alban by and by putting on the apparell of the Clark his master offered himself in stead of the other to the souldiers who brought him to the Iudge that was euen then sacrificing vnto deuils at the Altar Which Alban refusing to doe at the commandement of the Iudge after he had béene gréeuously scourged was beheaded The Clarke flying into Wales was fet also againe to the same Towne of Verlancaster where he was martired hauing his bellie opened and made to runne about a stake while all his bowels were drawen out then thrust in with swords and daggers and at last stoned to death With Alban suffered Aaron Iulius Aaron and Iulius ij citizens of Verlācaster beside a great nūber mo Albans martirdome might séem to be about the ij or iij. yere of the x. persecutiō vnder the tirāny of Dioclesiā and Maximinianus Herculeus thē bearing rule in England about an 301. before Constantinus came to his gouernmēt England only touched with the tenth persecution It is to be noted that Englād was not touched with any of the ix persecutions but only with this tenth in which almost al christianitie was in the Ilād extinguished Pitiles Galerius with his grand captain Asclepiades inuaded Antioch threatning the christiās whom one Romanus a noble man confirmed encouraged to be constāt Wherfore he suffered many strange torments with great constancy and reasoning with the tirant of the truth required a child to be presented vnto him which was doone of whō he asked whether it were more reasonable to worship one God rather thē innumerable considering God could be but one To whom the child answered before the tyrant according as his Christian parents had instructed him that one god was to be worshipped A child tormented Wherefore the child was grieuously scourged the skin of his head pulled of hayre and all the mother standing by exhorting the child to patience and constancie he was put to death with Romanus the child was beheaded A myracle and Romanus cast into the fire Which whē it would not burne him he was brought from the same and strangled in prison Gordius Gordius was a citizen of Cesaria a Centurion who gaue ouer his charge liued in the desert a long time but vpon a certaine day when a solemne feast of Mars was celebrated with games in the Theator of Cesaria he came thether gat vp to the highest place of the Theator and vttered himselfe a Christian in the hearing of all the people whereupon after he had endured many gréeuous torments the shiriffe assayed by flattery which when it would not preuayle hée caused him to be had out of the Citie to be burned which was accomplished and suffered of
the time of Licinius till Iohn Wickliffe was bound vp Sathan bound vp til Wicliffe Constantine deferred baptisme till his old age because he determined a iourney into Persia and thought in Iordan to haue béene baptized He entered into the Empire Anno 311. and raigned 30. yéeres as Letus saith 32. lacking two moneths Constantine borne in England Helena daughter of king Coilus Constantines mother He was borne in Brytaine His mothers name was Helena daughter of king Coilus He greatly trauelled for the peace of Christians and before hée had conquered Licinius wrote to his subiects inhabiting the East in their fauour He set also peace among the Bishops in the Church who were at dissention and made prouision for ministers and teachers of the people and caused all to be restored vnto the Christians that had béene taken from them in the persecutions Constantine a father of the Church writing to Syluius his chiefe Captaine to that end and commaunded him that in Affrica where he had to doo and where Cecilianus was bishop that Clarkes and ministers should be freed from all manner publike duties burthens He was greatly studious in taking vp causes among the bishops and wrote to that end to diuers as to Miltiades bishop of Rome to Crescēs bishop of Siracusa to Cecilianus bishop of Carthage also to Eusebius for the edifying of new Churches And after he had gathered the Nicene Councell Nicene councell for the vnitie of the Church he writeth to Alexander and Arrius to the same entent He prescribed a certaine prayer for euery one of his souldiers in stead of a brief Catechisme caused them to learne the same Constantine teacheth his souldiers a prayer which is this Wée acknowledge thée onely to be our God we confesse thée onely to be our king we call vpon thée our onely helper by thée we obtaine our victories by thée we vanquish our enemies to thée we attribute whatsoeuer commodities we presently enioy and by thée we hope for good things to come vnto thée we direct all our suits and peticions most humbly beséeching thée to kéepe Constantine our Emperour and his noble children to continew in long life and to giue them victory ouer all their enimies through Christ our Lord. Amen He graunted great immunities to the ministers that they might appeale from the ciuil iudge to their bishop Appeale granted by Constantine whose sētence was of as great value in such cases as if the Emperour himselfe had pronounced it He prouided also maintenance for liberall artes and sciences for the professors Prouision for learning their wiues and children and gaue thē great immunities He wrote also to Eusebius the B. of Nicomedia to procure 50. volumes of parchment wel boūd and cause to be written out of the scripture therein in a legeable hand The scriptures written for the vse of the church such things as were profitable for the instruction of the Church and allowed him two ministers for the businesse Finally he was a father to the Church and enforced himselfe euery way to set forth the Gospel and euery good thing and endeuoured to suppresse the contrary Constantine baptised a little before his death He was baptised at Nicomedia of Eusebius Bishoppe of Nicomedia in the 31. yéere of his raigne a little before his death The end of the ten persecutions The rest of this history concerneth chiefly the affaires of the Church of England and Scotland The rest of this history concerneth chiefly England and Scotland England receiued the Gospel in Tyberius time GIldas affirmeth that Britain receiued the Gospel in the time of Tiberius the Emperor vnder whom Christ suffred and that Ioseph of Arimathea after the dispersiō of the Iews was sent of Philip the apostle out of France into Britain ann 63. And here remained al his time and laid the foundation of the Gospel Easter kept in England after the maner of the East church The Gospel came into Enland from the Cast and not from Rome In the time of Bede almost a thousand yeeres after Christ as he testifieth Easter was kept after the manner of the East Church in the full moone what day of the wéeke soeuer it fell and not on the sunday as we doe now Wherby it may appeare that the preaching of the Gospell came into this land from the East and not from Rome About the yéere 180. King Lucius sonne of Coilus king of Britains which now are called English men hearing of the miracles done by Christians in diuers places K. Lucius the first Christian K. of England Fugatius and Damianus at that time wrote to Eleutherius B. of Rome to receiue of him the Christian faith who sent him therevpon certain preachers Fugatius or by some Faganus and Damianus or Dimianus which conuerted first the king and the people of Britain and baptized them and subuerted the temples and monuments of idolatrie And the 28 Flamines they turned to bishops and thrée Achflamines to thrée Archbishops hauing their seates in thrée head cities London Yorke and Glamorgantia by Wales This king also sent to him for the Romane lawes to frame his people therafter who answered that the lawes of God was to be his direction for lawes and not the Romanes that might be reproued the other being without exception Thus was the Christian faith confirmed in this lande by the meanes of Eleutherius Eleutherius and therein it continued two hundred and sixtéene yeres till the comming of the Pagane Saxons King Lucius raigned 77. yeres and died without issue the yere of our Lord 201. the xiiij yere after his baptisme some say the iiij and some the tenth and was buried at Glocester By reason that the king died without issue the Lande was spoyled and the Romanes inuaded and became sometimes masters When they raigned Gentilisme was aduaunced and when the Britaines the Gospell Albeit no persecution touched the Britaines that is read of Almost all Christianitie destroyed in England before the last persecution of Dioclesian and Maximinianus Herculeus At which time all Christianitie was almost in the whole land destroyed Now the Britanes being greatly distressed and brought to miserie the Archbishop of London called Gnetelinus procured helpe out of lesse Britanie and brought ouer Constantinus the kings brother by whose meanes the state of Religion and Common-wealth was in some quiet all the time of Constantine and the Archbishop till Vortiger cruellie caused his Prince to be slaine and inuaded the Crown Gnetelinus Archb. of London And fearing the other two brethren of Constantine his Prince Aurelius and Vter in litle Britaine he caused aide to be sent for to the Saxons being then Infidels and married him selfe also with Rowen an Infidel the daughter of Hengist Which Hengist depriued him and his people and droue the Britaines out of their Countrey after that the Saxons had slaine of their Nobles two hundred thrée score and eleuen some say foure
Canutus died wherefore that land fell to Canutus who anon after sailed thither and tooke the possession and returned into England married Emma late wife of Egelred and by her had a sonne called Herdeknight or Hardiknoutus He assembled a parlement at Oxford wherin was agréed that English men and Danes should hold the lawes made by king Edgar King Edgars lawes as most good reasonable Thus the Danes being in England beganne by little and litle to bée christened and Canutus went to Rome and so returning againe to England gouerned the land 20. yéers leauing behind him two sonnes Harold Hardiknoutus which Hardiknoutus was made K of Denmarke in his fathers time Harold for his swiftnes called Harefoot son to Canutus by Eligna his first wife began his raign ouer Englād an 1039 He banished his stepmother Emma took her goods iewels from her He raigned but 4. yéeres the kingdome fell to Hardeknoutus king of Denmarke his brother who when he had raigned 2. yéeres Hardeknoutus dieth being merry at Lambith sodainly was stricken dumme and fel down to the ground and within 8. daies after died without issue of his body and was the last that raigned of the blood of the Danes The last K. of the Danes For the Earles and Barons agréed that none of that blood should after bée king for the despite and hurt the Danes had done to the English nation and sent into Normandy for the 2. brethren Alfred Edward sonnes of king Egelred entending to make Alfred king of England but Earle Godwin a Westsaxon who had married the daughter of Hardeknoutus thought to slay the two brethren comming into England to make Harold his sonne king which sonne he had by the daughter of Hardeknoutus the Dane King The messengers that went for the brethren founde but Alfred the elder for Edward the younger was gone into Hungary to speake with his cousin the outlaw which was Edward Ironsides sonne So the traitor Godwin met with Alfride the Normans attending vpon him and when they came to Guilde doune he commanded his men to slea all that were of Alfrides company and after that to take Alfred and to leade him to the yle of Ely where they should put out both his eies which they did Alfred cruelly murthered that done they opened his body and tooke out his bowels set a stake into the ground and fastned an end of his bowels thereto and with néedles of yron they pricked his tender body thereby causing him to go about the stake till al his bowels were drawne out After this treason the wicbed Duke fled into Denmark and lost al his lands in England and kept him there 4. yéeres and more The stories record that this Canutus folowing much the superstition of Achelnotus Archb. of Canterbury went on Pilgrimage to Rome and there founded an Hospitall for English Pilgrims hée gaue the Pope pretious giftes and burdened the land with a yéerely tribute called Romeshotte Romeshot He shrined the body of Bernius and gaue greate landes to the Cathedrall Church of Winchester he builded Saints Benets in Northfolke which was before an heremitage Also S. Edmundsburie S. Edmundsburie turned from priestes to monkes which king Ethelstane ordeined before for a colledge of priests he turned to an abbey of Monkes of S. Benets order This king Canutus beyng prouoked to go to Winchester by Egelnothus Archbishop of Canterburie resigned his regall crowne to the rood A Rood crowned king of England and made the roode king ouer the land He ordained lawes of his owne touching matters ecclesiasticall although at the beginning hée vsed Edgars lawes as touching paying for opening the earth at funerals he forbad also all faires and markets vpon Sundayes and all secular actions but vpon vrgent necessitie A good law against adultery He ordained to receaue the communion thrise a yéere That married woman that had committed adultery should haue her eares and nose cut off Also that no widow should marrie within xij moneths after the death of her husband else to lose her ioynture c. Thus ended the Danish kings which Danes had vexed and wasted the land the time of 255. yéeres The land vexed by the Danes 255. yeeres Next vnto Canutus the second or Hardiknoute succéeded Edward the younger sonne of Egelred and Emma who was long banished in Normandy He came ouer with a few Normans and was crowned at Winchester anno 943. by Edesius thē Archbishop of Canterburie and not long after he married Goditha or Editha daughter of Earle Godwin with whom he neither dealt fleshly nor yet put her from his bed He gouerned the land with great wisdome peace xxiiij yeres In the time of this K. came William Duke of Normandie with a goodly companie to sée K. Edward to whom it is said Edw. promised if he died without issue to leaue the Crowne In this K. reigne liued Marianus Scotus M. Scotus the storie wryter About the 13. yéere of this kings raigne he sent Aldred bishop of Worceter to the Emperour Henricus the fourth praying him that he would send to the king of Hungarie that his coosin Edward sonne of Edmund Ironside might come into England for so much as he entended to make him king after him who was called Edward outlaw This was fulfilled and he came into England with his wife Agatha and with his children Edgar Adeling Margaret and Christina but the yéere after his returne he died at London was buried at Westminster or as Iornalensis saith at Paules church in London After whose decease the king receiued Edgar Adeling his sonne as his owne child thinking to make him his heire but fearing the mutabilitie of the Englishmen and the pride and malice of Harold the sonne of Godwin directed Embassadours to William Duke of Normandy William Duke of Normandy appointed heire of the crowne his kinseman assigning him to bée lawfull heire after him After the death of Godwin his son Harold grew in great fauour with the king He sayled into Flaunders and in the course of his sayling he was driuen by force of weather into the prouince of Pomilitie where he was taken prisoner and sent to William Duke of Normandie to whom he was made to sweare that he in time following should marry his daughter and that after the death of King Edward Harold sweareth to Duke William he should kéepe the land of England to his behoofe according to the minde and will of Edward after some Writers and so to liue in honor next to him in the Realme Thus he returned home and shewed to the king what he had done Wherewith he was very wel contented Leofricuss Earle of Chester and of Mercia who was also very faithfull to king Edward with his wife Godina builded the Abbey of Couentrée The Abbey of Couentrie and endued the same with great lands and riches King Edward after hee had reigned thrée and twentie yeares and seuen
eadem Emilianus eadem The martir comforted ead Arethusians 65 Marcus Arethusus ead The tēple of Venus destroyed eadem The persecution of the primitiue Church endeth eadem A moneth for a Saboth of yeres ead Sathan bounde vp til Wickliffe 66 Constantine borne in England eadem Helena daughter of K. Coilus eadem Constantines mother ead Constantine a father of the Church eadem Nicene councell eadem Constātine teacheth his soldiers a praier eadem Appeale graunted by Constantine 67 Prouision for learning ead The scriptures writtē for the vse of the church eadem Constantine baptised a little before his death eadem The rest of this history concerneth chiefly England Scotland 68 Englād receiued the gospell in Tyberius time eadem Easter kept in England after the maner of the East church eadem The gospell came into England from the East not from Rome eadem K. Lucius the first Christian K. of England eadem Fugatius Damianus ead Eleutherius 69 Almost all Christianitie destroied in England ead Guetelinus Archbishop of London eadem 271. of the nobilitie of Engl. slaine by the Saxons ead The first persecutiō in England by Dioclesian 70 The second by Gnauius and Melga eadem Vrsula eadem 11000. virgins eadem The third by Hengist ead Aurelius Ambrosius restoreth the churches eadem Gurmundus eadem Ethelbert eadem Gospel receiued of the Englishmen eadem Austen sent into Englād by Gregory B. of Rome ead I le of Tenet eadem Berda Lebardus 71 Godly conuersation miracles eadem None compelled to beleeue the abbey of S. Peter S. Paule in Canterbury ead Questions resolued from Rome 72 Bishops liuings how to bee bestowed eadem Clarkes may marry ead Diuerse ceremonies ead Degrees for marriage ead A pall from Rome 73 Mellitus eadem Austens oake eadem Brittaines Scots refuse the Easter of Rome 74 Abbey of Bangor eadem Austens pride offendeth the Britains eadem 1100. Monkes of Bangor slaine eadem Dinoe eadem Laurentius eadem Gregory dieth eadem Austen dieth eadem Strife about Primacy 75 Patriarke of Alexādria wold be vniuersall eadem The title of Seruus seruorum Dei ead Sabinianus first vniuersal bishop eadem Phocas giueth first title of vniuersall bishop eadem Ethelbert dieth eadem A vision 76 Edwine baptized eadem Paulinus the first archbishop of Yorke 77 Oswald a notable K. ead Kinigilsus conuerted Bernius 78 The sea of Winchester ead Weda conuerted ead Wolferus conuerted ead Sigbert baptized 79 Finanus eadem The questiōs of Easter ead Hilda eadem Cedda eadem A rude reason of the K. 80 The bones of Aidanus ead Southsex conuerted ead Great famine 81 The art of fishing taught eadem Wilfride restored eadem Wilfride expulsed again ead Mahomet beginneth ead Turkes conquered the Saracens 82 Theodorus eadem Latine seruice and Masse first brought into Engl. ead The archbishop plaieth Rex eadem A prouincial Synod at Thetford eadem The sixt generall councell at Constance eadem Marriage forbidden ead The first Latine masse at Cōstantinople eadem King Iua made a monke after an abbot 83 Aldelmus eadem Iohn of Beuerley eadem The right obseruing of Easter now first receiued of Picts Brittaines ead Shauen crownes eadem The K. thāketh God for the priests shauen crownes 84 The deuise of Ethelburga the Queen eadem The Queene becommeth an Abbesse eadem Peter-pence eadem Celulfus a learned king eadem Diuers learned men flourish eadem Bedaes Anglorum historia eadem Beda 85 Beda translated the Gospell of Iohn into English ead The king made a monke eadem A noble library in Yorke by a bishop eadem The lords prayer and Creed in the English tongue 86 Cuthbert 87 Pope Boniface an Englishman ead Boniface a great mainteyner of Nunnes eadem Religious fathers permitted to carry Nunnes about with them a preaching ea Libda and Tecla eadem Childerike deposed by the pope eadem Detestable doctrine of Boniface 88 Great maisteries wrought against the Emperours by popes eadem Philippicus the Emperour lost both his eyes and the empyre eadem The clause for reliques memoriall offerings and offeringes for the dead eadem The priests vesture eadem Constantinus the first gaue his feete to bee kissed of the Emperour eadem Lambrith to Lichfield 89 The king giueth the tenth of his goodes to the church eadem Romescot or peter-pēce ea The donation of Pipine the traytour and murtherer 90 Inuention of Organes eadē Pope deposed and his eyes put out ead Pope striueth for images eadem Images Lay mens kalender eadem Cost vpon images eadem Strife for Gregories masse 91 A miracle falsely interpreted eadem The empire translated to the French eadem A. B. C. Monasteries ead Irene the Greeke Empresse a mainteiner of Images 92 The cruelty of Irene ead The Emperours eyes pulled out by his mother ead Monasteries erected and founded in England eadem Common schooles at Cambridge 93 The first Nunne in North ūberland ead King Edgar builded 40. abbeyes 94 The church freed from tributes 95 Diuers faxon kings become monks ead Queenes became Nuns ead Vnder the Britains the Metropolitan sea at London 96 Cuthbert forbiddeth funenerals to be made for him ead 34. popes in the time of 17. archbishops ead The lande brought into one monarchy and called Anglia ead A Bishop made king of England ead Lands giuē to the church ea Peterpence throughout all England 97 Generall councels called by Emperour ead Against excesse of apparell in the cleargy 98 Against the dicing and whoring of the popes cleargy eadem Siluer and golde not to bee worne in shooes ead Feast of al saints first erected ead Alteration of popes names ead Swines snoute ead Gilberta a woman pope ead The pope trauaileth with childe ead Dirge for the dead 99 Popes decrees equall with the apostles writings ead A prelate called God eadem Polonians Sclauonians exempt from latine seruice eadem Against priestes marriages eadem Huldrich of Auspurgh ead The Emperour beginneth to decay the pope to swell eadem King Edmund slaine by the Danes 100 Alfred first taketh vnction from the pope ead K. of danes christened 101 Alfrede a notable king ead Time notablie spent by the king eadem Grantchester founded by Beda 102 Paris began frō Grātchester eadem Alfred very learned eadem The psalter trāslated by Alfred 103 The K. carefull to furnish the land with knowledge ead Neotus ead Iohannes Scotus ead Scotus booke de Corpore condemned eadem Sco. slain by his scholers 104 Dauids psalms alwaies with the king eadem 9. popes in 9. yeres ead P. Steuen rageth against the body of Formosus 105 Barbarous crueltie against Formosus eadem Cādles on cādlemas day 106 A pope set vp by Theodora a famous harlot ea Pope smothered ead Pope poisoned ead Mōks called Cluniacēses ea The K. authoritie sufficient in electing of bishops 107 The kinges daughter set to spinning ead The K. sonnes first Philosophers then gouernors ea Empire translated frō Frāce to Germanie ead Attaching of theeues 108
visiō to the pope and with a seuere countenaunce and terrible voice speaketh vnto him beyng in his rest and smiteth him on the side vehemently with his crossestaffe saying O thou scurffie lazie old bald lowsie wretched doting Pope hast thou purposed to cast my bones out of the Church to the slaunder and shame of mée how came this rashe wilfulnesse into thy head it were more méete for thée to make much of the zealous seruantes of God although departed Grosted striketh the Pope with other wordes of reproofe and so departed from him leauing him stroken and halfe dead so that hée neuer enioyed anie prosperous day or could haue anie quiet night til the morning vnto his death which happened shortly after hee being at Naples ann 1255. or as N. Treuet recordeth 1254. After Innocent the 4. succéeded in the Popedome Innocent dieth Alexander the 3. Alexander 3. After this about the yéere 1260. fell debate betwixt the King and his Nobles but so was it compounded that the King and the Lords did sweare at Oxford that what lawes and decrées in the same assembly shoulde bée prouided to the profit of the King and the Realme the same vniuersally shoulde be kept and obserued to the honour of God and peace of the Realme Besides the king and the Lordes there were also 9. Bishops which swearing to the same end excommunicated all such as should gainstand the said prouisions there made Wherevppon diuers wholesome lawes Wholesome lawes were enacted which misliked the King in such sort that he required of the Pope for himselfe and his sonne Edward to be dispensed with of their othes Anno 1261. Which being easily obtained The Pope dispenseth with othes Pope dieth the king steps back from all that was before concluded The same yéere died pope Alexander after whom succéeded Vrban the 4. who also reuiued and renewed the releasement of the kings oath aforesaid wherevpon grew war betwixt the king and the Barons P. Vrban 4 War betwixt the king and the Barons Anno 1264. died Pope Vrban and after him succéeded Clement 4. Clement 4. who as Nicholas Riuet affirmeth was first a married man had wife and children and was the sollicitor and Counseller to the French K. then after the death of his wife was Bishop intituled Padiensis after that Vrban dieth Archb. of Narbourn and at last made Cardinall who being sent of Pope Vrban in legacie for reformation of peace in his absence was elected Pope by the Cardinalles Thomas of Aquine Bonauenture About this time florished Thomas of Aquine Reader at Paris among the Dominick Fryers and Bonauenture among the Franciscan Friers ex Nichol. Riuet Anno 1265 the pope graunted that the Church of England should pay tenthes of all reuenewes as well temporall as spiritual to the King to continue thrée yeares space the yeare after Tenthes to the Kinge the popes Legate Octobonus caused to be proclaimed a new graunt of pope Clement to the King and Quéene of all the tenthes for 7 yeares to come Anno 1267 peace was concluded betwéene the King the Barons and Octobonus departed the land This Octobonus enrolled to perpetuall memorie Peace betwixt the K. and the Barons the valuation of all the Churches in the realme of England so narrowly as by any meanes he might enquire the certainty thereof Cathedrall churches popes pensions The same was he that made al the Cathedral conuentuall churches to pay pensions so that those churches that gaue not the vacancie of their benefices to their Clerkes and straungers should pay vnto them a certaine yearly pension during the vacancie of the benefices they should haue Clement 4. dieth The same yeare dyed pope Clement the 4. after whose death the church of Rome was vacant 2. yeares and then was chosen an Archdeacon Pope whose name was Theardus as he was taking his iourney into the holy land and called him Gregory the tenth Gregory 10. During the raigne of King Henry the 3. Edward the Kinges sonne was one that made a generall expedition against the Saracens Against the Saracens to Ierusalem and in the yeare 1270 in the moneth of May he set forward in his iourney About the time when Prince Edward was preparing his iourney towardes Asia Boniface the Archb of Canterbury ended his life in the countrie of Sebaudia going belyke to Rome or comming thence In whose stead Gregory the tenth placed Robert Kilwardly neither according to the minde of the Monkes who agréed vpon the Prior of their house named Adam Chelendine nor of the king who spake in the behalfe of Robert Burnell there Chancellor About this time came out the great Concordances Great Concordances by an English frier called Derminghton Ex Eulogio Anno 1273. Pope Gregory the tenth called a generall Councell A generall Councell at Lions about the controuersie betwixt the Gréeke Church and the Latine and for the vacancie of the sea apostolicall This yéere in the moneth of Aprill Richard King of Almaigne died at the Castle of Barthamstéed and was buried at the Abbey of Hailes Abbey of Hailes King dyeth which hée buylded from the ground This yeare 1273. dyed King Henry the 16. day before the calendes of December in the 56. yeare of his raigne Westminster church was buryed at Westminster The stéeple and church wherof in his life time he began to build but did not fully finish the same before his death After Henry the 3. succéeded his sonne Edward and was crowned anno 1274. Anno. 1276. began the foundation of the Black fryers by Ludgate Blackfryers by Ludgate And in the yeare 1285. the new worke of the church of Westminster that began in the 3. year of Henry the third was finished which was 66 yeares in edifying An. 1291. The Iewes were vtterly banished the realm for which the Commons gaue to the K. a Fiftéene King Edward had sharpe warre with the Scottes Iewes banished the realm vtterly and subdued them thrée times who séeing they could not make their partie good against the King sent priuilie to P. Boniface for his ayde and councell who immediatly sendeth downe his precept to the king that he should herafter cease to molest the Scottes for that they were a people exempt The Scots pertain to the Popes chappell and properly pertayning vnto his Chappell and therefore it coulde not otherwise bee but that the Citie of Ierusalem must néedes defende her owne Citizens and as the mount Sion maintaine such as trust in the Lord. Wherevnto the king made answere with an oth that hée would mainteine that which was his right euidently knowne to all the world The next yéere after which was the 29. of the kings raigne the Pope directeth his letters to the king againe wherein he chalengeth the kingdome of Scotland to be proper to the Church of Rome and not subiect to the king of England and therefore it was
against God c. for him to hold any dominion ouer the same Scots conuerted by the reliques of S. Peter Among other reasons one was because the kingdome of Scotland was conuerted by the reliques of S. Peter to the faith of Christ and therefore if hée woulde claime any right to the same Church or anie part thereof he should send vp his procurators specially to the same appointed with all that he could for himselfe alleadge vnto the sea apostolike there to receiue what reason and right would require The king calling a parlement Ann. 1301. answereth the popes letters and so did the Lords temporall and the whole Baronry of England The yéere 1303. Pope Boniface the 8. stirred vp Edward king of England to fight against the French king Philip with whom the Pope had taken displeasure After the bishopricke of Rome had béene long voyde thorough the dissention of the cardinals for the space of two yeares and thrée moneths At the length Celestinus was chosen Successor to Pope Nicholas the fourth Which Celestinus in his first Consistorie began to reforme the clergie of Rome Celestine beginneth to reforme the church of Rome thinking to make the same an example to all other Churches Whereby he procured to himselfe such hatred of the Clergie-men that this Boniface being called Benedictus speaking through a Réede by his chamber wall in the night season admonished him as it had béene a voice from heauen that he should geue ouer his Papacie as a burthen greater then he could beare Ex Mass Which in déede after sixe monethes he did partly for the voice spoken before Boniface a crafty knaue P. thrust into prison Bon-pope of Rome and partly for feare being tolde of certaine which were craftely suborned in his chamber that if he did not resigne he should lose his life And when hee had resigned Boniface thrust him into perpetuall prison and so he died Wherfore this Boniface was worthilie called the viij Nero of whom it was rightly saide he came in like a Foxe reigned like a Lion and died like a dog This Boniface inuading after Celestinus behaued himselfe so imperiously that he put down Princes excommunicated Kings such as did not take their confirmation at his hands Diuers of his Cardinals he draue away for feare some of them as Schismatiks he deposed and spoyled them of all their substance The pope curseth the frēch king to the 4. generation Philip the French king he excommunicated for not suffering his money to goe out of his realm and therfore cursed him and his to the fourth generation Albertus the Emperor not once or twise but thrise sought at his hands to be confirmed and yet was reiected neither could obteine except he would promise to driue the French king out of his Realme The factious discord in Italie betwixt the Gulephs and the Gibellines he greatly set on fire in so much that vpon Ashwednesday when Porchetus an Archbishop came and knéeled downe before him to receiue ashes The pope scoffeth c. the Pope looking vpon him and perceiuing that he was one of the Gibellines part cast a handful of ashes in his eyes saying Memento homo quod Gibellinus es c. Remember man that a Gibellin thou art and to ashes thou shalt goe This P. moreouer ordeyned first the Iubilie The first Iubilie in Rome in the solemnizing whereof the first day he shewed himselfe in his Pontificalibus and gaue frée remission of sinnes to as many as came to Rome out of all partes in the world The second day being wayted on with Emperial ensignes he caused a naked sword to be caried before him The power of both swords said with a loud voice Ecce potestatem vtriusque gladij Lo here the power and authoritie of both swordes c. By this P. diuers constitutions extrauagantes of his predecessors Extrauagant constitutions Sextus Nicholaus Pardons and indulgences were collected together with many of his own lewdly added thereto and so made the booke called Sextus Decretals by whom also sprang vp first pardons and indulgences from Rome Now the cause of quarell betwixt the Pope and the French king according to N. Riuet was this Anno 1301 the Bishop of Oppanuham being accused for a conspiracie against the French king was brought vp to his Court The quarrel betwixt the P. and French king and so committed to prison The Pope hearing of this sendeth worde to the King by his Legat to set him at libertie which the king did and withall discharged both him and the Legat commanding them to auoyde his Realme Whereupon Boniface reuoked all the priuiledges granted by him or his predecessors before to the kingdome of Fraunce and not long after thundred out the sentence of his curse against him citeth all the Prelates al Deanes and Lawiers both Ciuill and Canon to appeare personally before him at Rome and at a certaine day which was the first of Nouember The king of France forbiddeth to carrie treasure to Rome Against this citation the king againe prouideth by straight proclamation that no maner of person should export out of the Realme of Fraunce either gold siluer or any other maner of ware or merchandize prouiding withall the waies and passages diligētly to be kept that none might passe vnsearched also he defeated the Pope of giuing Benefices Prebendaries and other Ecclesiasticall liuings for which cause most sharpe letters passed betwixt them Boniface beginning thus The Popes proud stile to the French K. Boniface the seruant of Gods seruāts c. Feare God and obserue his commandements we will thee to vnderstand that thou art subiect vnto vs both in spirituall thinges and in temporall The king answereth with this salutation To Boniface bearing himselfe for chiefe B. little health or none at all Let thy foolishnes know that c. In the yéere 1303. Maister William Nagareta made declaration against the Pope with appellation made at Paris Nagareta against the pope Foure articles against the pope afore the King and his Councell in the Church at Paris This William Nagareta propounded foure Articles against the Pope that he was an vsurper an Hereticke an horrible symoniacall and a blasphemer of the way of truth and required of the king and prelates to call a councell that prouision might be made for the bettering of the estate of the church and afterward laid out in 28. 28. Articles against the pope articles more at large the villanies of this Boniface as that he beléeued not the immortalitie of the soule that he should say whoredome is no sinne that he caused his images to be made of siluer and to be set vp in churches That he had a priuate deuill That he was a witch That he was a Sodomite a murtherer c. Which thinges the King vnderstanding with the Archbishops and Bishops made appellation to a councel for the matters Thenames of the prelates were these the archbishops of Nicosien