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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69354 By the King a proclamation for the better encouragement, and aduancement of the trade of the East-Indie Companie, and for preuention of excesse of priuate trade. England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. 1632 (1632) STC 8985; ESTC S122792 2,655 3

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C R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE DIEV ET MON DROIT ❧ By the King ❧ A Proclamation for the better encouragement and aduancement of the Trade of the East Indie Companie and for preuention of excesse of priuate Trade HIS MAIESTIE taking notice of diuers abuses which had beene practised by Commanders Officers Seruants and others imployed by the Gouernour and Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies for their owne priuate vse in the Ships of the said Gouernour and Company in the third yeere of His Reigne by His Highnesse Proclamation then published did straightly charge and command that no particular man of the said Company nor any of their Officers or Seruants or any other which then were or then after should be imployed in any of their Ships trading into the sayd Easterly parts or any other person or persons whatsoeuer should from thencefoorth driue any vnderhand Trade either to in or from the Indies aforesayd but such as should be Licensed by the sayd Company And that such Goods and Commodities as should bee Imported should not bee disposed of vntill the sayd Company should haue receiued an account and giuen allowance thereof and vntill that their Ships should haue arriued at or in the Port of London within this Kingdome nor that any person or persons whatsoeuer should presume to buy contract bargaine or barter for or receiue or take any of the Goods Wares or Merchandizes which should bee laden aboard any of the said Ships bound homeward vntill such Ship or Ships so homeward bound as aforesaid or out of which such Wares or Merchandizes should be so bought sold deliuered contracted or bartered for were first brought into the said Port of London and thereby the allowance of the said Company were duely entred and the Goods thereout discharged nor should giue any assistance helpe or encouragement for the vnlading of any such Goods at any other places or in any other manner nor should otherwise offend in any thing contrary to the true meaning of the said Proclamation as thereby more at large it doth and may appeare And although the said Gouernor and Company for the better encouragement of all such persons as should be employed by them in their Ships and Voyages as Commanders Factors Captaines Masters Officers Mariners or Souldiers besides the extraordinary great wages which they are accustomed to pay in their employments haue giuen Licence vnto all euery such person and persons as aforesaid to aduenture and trade for their proper and priuate accompts either to in or from the said Indies in any ship or ships wherein they or any of them were or should bee personally employed in such wares and merchandize onely and in such quantities and proportions thereof as in a Declaration of Orders made by the said Gouernour and Company and allowed by His Maiestie are set downe and expressed and as hereafter followeth viz. The wares or Merchandize which are licenced to bee exported are Perpetuanoes Drapery Pewter Saffron Woollen-stockings Silke-stockings Silke-garters and ribband Roses ' edged with gold-lace Beauer-hats with gold and siluer bands Felt-hats Aquauite and all other sorts of Strong-waters Kniues of all sorts Spanishleather-shooes Iron and Looking-glasses The Wares which are licensed to bee brought from the East-Indies into England are Long-Pepper white Pepper white powdred Suger preserued Nutmegs preserued Ginger preserued Mirabilons Bezer-stones Drugges of all sorts Aggat-beads Bloodstones Muske Aloes Soccatrina Ambergreece Rich Carpets of Persia and Cambaia Quilts of Satten and of Taffitey and of painted Callicoes Beniamin Damaskes Sattens and Taffities of China Quilts of China imbroydered with gold Quilts of Petauia imbroydered with silke Galls Wormseedes Sugercandy China dishes and Puslaines of all sorts And whereas each particular man imployed as aforesaid might heretofore lade and aduenture for his owne priuate and proper Accompt in the Wares and Merchandizes aforesaid and not otherwise so much onely as could bee packed in one Chest of foure foot long one foot and halfe broad and one foot and a halfe deepe and such as were Commanders Factors Captaines Masters Pursers and Masters mates of euery Ship might haue a double proportion that is to say two Chests of the said length depth and breadth free from charge of freight His Maiestie finding that the said Proclamation hath not as yet produced that good effect as was intended thereby Neither hath the fauour and liberall allowance of the said Company taken such effect but that the Officers Factors and Seruants imployed in the Voyages aforesaid for their owne priuate gaine though to the common dammage of the said Companie haue aduentured both outwards and homewards and also in the Indies to carrie buy sell and barter diuers other goods wares and merchandizes And beeing informed that the said Company are content to giue them further allowance viz. To Commanders Captaines and Factors foure such Chests a piece to Masters three such Chests a piece to euery of the Pursers mates Masters mates Boatswaines Carpenters Gunners Stewards to such two Chests a piece Doth therefore straightly Charge and Command all such as are or hereafter shall bee imployed in any Voyages for the said Gouernor and Company whatsoeuer they bee to yeeld due obedience in all things to the said Proclamation vnder the paines and penalties therein contained and such further paines as may bee inflicted vpon the offenders by the Lawes of this Realme Willing requiring and authorizing the Gouernour and Company aforesaid to depute vnder their Common Seale sufficient and able persons to goe on board and search all and singuler their Shippes and Vessells either outward or homewards bound aswell vpon the Seas as in the Port of London and in all other Ports Hauens Rhodes and places both in the Realme as in the parts of India and other places in the passage or abiding of their Ships And if they shall finde any goods wares or merchandize to bee carried or put to sale contrary to the said Proclamation and not tolerated by the Order of the said Company as aforesaid or otherwise allowed by them to take and seize them for the vse of the said Gouernour and Company And all those that shall be found contrariant and rebellious to take arrest imprison and detaine in prison vntill they shall be deliuered according to Our Lawes And to cause their names and the qualitie of their offences to bee deliuered to some of His Maiesties learned Councell whom His Maiestie doeth also hereby command and require to exhibit one or more Informations in His Highnesse Court of Star-chamber or in any other His Maiesties Courts of Iustice to the end that such as shall be found Delinquents may receiue condigne punishment for their offences iustly deserued And His Maiestie being so sensible of the inconueniences that attend vpon the said abuses before mentioned and intending to haue an absolute reformation thereof doth therefore hereby straightly charge and command all Admirals Viceadmirals and other Officers of the Admiraltie and such as haue Admirall iurisdiction and all Maiors Portreeues Sheriffs Bayliffes Customers Comptrollers Searchers and all other his Officers whom it may concerne that they and euery of them be carefull to preuent the said abuses and to be ayding helping and assisting to the said Gouernour and Company their Officers or seruants to be employed in the due execution and performance of this His Maiesties Command as they or any of them will answere the contrary at their perills Giuen at the Court at Whithall the nineteenth day of February in the seuenth yeere of the Reigne of our Souereigne Lord King Charles of England Scotland France and Jreland Defender of the Faith c. God saue the King ¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker Printer to the Kings most Excellent MAIESTIE and by the Assignes of Iohn Bill M.DC.XXXI