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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A86683 Lingua testium: wherein monarchy is proved, 1. To be jure divino. 2. To be successive in the Church (except in time of a nationall desertion) from Adam untill Christ. 3. That monarchy is the absolute true government under the Gospel. 4. That immediately after extraordinary gifts in the Church ceased, God raised up a monarch for to defend the Church. 5. That Christian monarchs are one of the witnesses spoken of Rev. 11. 6. That England is the place from whence God fetched the first witnesse of this kind. 7. England was the place whither the witnesses, (viz. godly magistracy and ministry) never drove by Antichrist. Where is proved, first, that there hath been a visible magistracy, (though in sackcloth,) these 1260. yeares in England. ... Amongst these things are proved that the time of the calling of the Jews, the fall of Antichrist, and the ruine of the Beast of the earth is at hand. Wherein you have the hard places of Mat. 24, and Rev. 17. explained with severall other hard texts: ... / Written by Testis-Mundus Catholicus, in the yeare of the Beasts of the earth's raign, 1651. Hall, Edmund, 1619 or 20-1687. 1651 (1651) Wing H327; Thomason E632_22; ESTC R202496 43,212 57

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accidentally a reformation in the Church which is the proper object of a reformation now this must be premised before we can proceed We must know that Lucius the first Christian King when he erected Bishopricks he gave estates to those Archbishops and Bishops which he placed in the Kingdom he did but according to the light of nature in it For the Pagan Priests had means allowed them The three Archflamins and the twenty eight Flamins of the Pagans the King turned into so many Archbishopricks and Bishopricks Afterwards the Saxon Kings erected many more religious Houses Chanteries Monasteries Hospitalls and to which livings were given for the maintenance of the Ministery and relief of the poor the giving of these livings was not the person that was sowed in the Church as some have erroniously conjectured These Church-lands anciently were called by their right name Appropriations because they were appropriate to a particular Succession of Clergy-men which were of severall Orders and Houses each of which made a body Politique and obtained either of the Pope or of the King that their Successors suppose the Incumbents Priors Abbots or Prebends might without institution or induction of the Ordinary be perpetuall Incumbents so that as one of them died his Successor might forthwith enter into his place Hence they were called Appropriations When the Clergy had appropriated these livings to themselves they grew idle lascivious proud rich and rebellious insomuch that the Pope for the most part making them of his Faction curbed the King of England in his own Dominion whereupon Henry VIII partly to secure himselfe from the inraged Pope but chiefly for the profit of the Abbies and religious Houses pull'd them down which that he might do effectually and with much applause he ingaged the Lords and Commons against them who envying their pride and wealth were easily drawn to concur with the King in the same And that they might gain a party in the Clergy this work of pulling down Abbies was reported as the onely high way to a Reformation of Religion and indeed there was a great alteration in Religion for the better Hereupon the Magistri novae Disciplinae the Masters of new Discipline these were the Protestant Divines they were embraced by the King just as the Presbyterians were by the Parliament when they took away the Bishops lands the King made large promises untill the Parliament had confer'd the Church-land upon him and then the Masters of the new Discipline were as much slighted as the Presbyterians are now and thus appropriations become impropriations justly so called because they were put into improper hands Lay-mens hands From this Discourse I draw these two inferences 1 All the Reformations as yet have been but sackcloth Reformations 2 'T is a land-devouring King destroying God-provoking Soul-damning sin to be guilty of Sacriledge Let that King then that looks for a blessing from God make conscience of restoring that to the Church which is her due notwithstanding long detained from her Let no man think that I plead for my self in this for I am no Clergy man I must break off here abruptly for the Printer grutcheth at my prolixity The blessing of the eternall Trinity be upon thee Reader in reading this and the ensuing Tract that from it thou may'st receive light and comfort in these dark and disconsolate Times FJNJS REader since nothing is more common and nothing more dangerous then Erratas to prevent that common danger I have given thee here the Erratas to keep thee from error thou hast only here those in Lingua Testium and not all those but only the grosse ones such as upon a swift perusall I found most grosse I durst do no otherwise lest the Printer should as those unworthy fellows that printed Manus Testium totally neglect the printing of the Erratas sent them whereby the book suffers exceedingly as also in the leaving out of many clauses misplacing stops Commas and Parentheses and crowding together distinct matter in a confused heap with mistaking of Texts as in p. 14. there Hebrews is put for Revel. and in f. the fourth seventeen for seven Psalmes which seven relate the Church her great distresse and her glorious deliverance by the mighty hand of God and in f. fourth Papists is put for Pa●●ias p. 21. for this present r. the Protestant p. 16. ex ejus r. ex ciis for endatiae r. mendariae p. 17. for Sybillae fraudulentia predicet r. sub illâ fraudulentiâ perdidet and in p. 81. the fifth and sixth lines are confused and severall other places which I have forgot having not the Erratas by me This I give thee to free my self from the censure of tolerating errors especially in that which so nearly concerns me IN the Title in Proposition 7. for never read were in the last words in the Title page for beasts read beast p. 5. l. 24. r. Petrus Galatianus p. 6. l. 21. understood r. understood so p. 7. l. 25. 1650. r. 1650. per their account p. 8. l. 21 beasts r. best p. 10. l. 7. 40. r. 400. p. 16. l. 6 October r. December betwixt p. 16. 17. three words are left out p. 25. penult Pape r. people p. 30. Rome r. powers p. 31. eruditi r. ineruditi p. 32. l. 6. malice r. maladies l. 23. à symbolicis r. à symbolis l. 32. r. who knowes not p. 37. l. 4. raines r. ruines l 25. worst r. most p. 38. l. 26. from Seth the son of Adam r. from Adam p. 42. l 3. wherefore r. where for l. 14. I say have r. I say they have l. 24. thoght r. through p. 44. l. 24. man r. name l. 45. l. 27. this r. his p. 46. l. 3. person r. poyson betwixt p. 40. 41. two or three words are omitted Isay 58. 8. Dan. 7. 25. a D. 7. 25. b D. 11. 38 c Rev. 11. 9 d Da. 7. 8. 9 e R. 19. 10. 20. f R. 13. 13. 14. g Re. 17. 7. h Za. 14. 4. 7 Da. 11. 45.
and in great numbers and this shall be Ezek. 37. 11. when Israel gave themselves for lost and their hopes were cut off then the whole house of Israel like bones exceeding dry came together and they that were in the Valley of dry bones v. 1. became an exceeding great Army ver. 10. How cleer there doth the Holy Ghost prophesie of the conversion of the whole house of Israel that is the twelve Tribes Now if it should be objected 't was prophesied of their restauration under the second Temple to that I answer it cannot be because onely the two Tribes returned and not the ten Tribes to the second Temple as Manass-Ben-Israel affirms and generally all Historians hold that very few of the ten Tribes returned with the two But now this Prophesie extends to the whole house of Israel ver. 11. i e. the twelve Tribes So that from the time of the Prophesie untill this day it hath not as yet been fulfilled and therefore 't is to be fulfilled and when 't is fulfilled it will be suddenly as Romes ruine will be sudden so the Jews conversion will be sudden and therefore our Lord Jesus and their true Messia's prophecying of their conversion Matth. 24. in ver. 24 25 26. he tells them Antichrist shall be busie with his false Prophets immediatly before the day of Christs coming to destroy Antichrist and to convert the Jewes and then shall he come as the lightning which comes from the East and is quickly in the West so shall the coming of Christ be This coming of Christ cannot be meant of his coming to judgment but of his coming to call the Jews to repentance and to destroy the Roman Monarchy or the Roman Antichristian Pontifick state in ver. 29. the destruction of Rome is prophesied and ver. 30. prophesies of the repentance of the twelve Tribes in the day of his spiritual appearance to them in the Gospel ver. 31. prophesies of the time when this shall be it shall be at the sounding of the great voyce and the Trumpet that is at the sounding of the seventh Trumpet Rev. 11. 16. when the Witnesses shall rise Antichrist shall fall and Euphrates shall be dryed up ver. 32 33. tells us that the Tribulation of the Gospel-church under the rage of Hereticks as Separatists Blasphemers Seducers Antichrists and false Prophets is as sure a sign of the downfall of Rome and the conversion of the Jews as the budding and sprouting of the trees are of the approaching of the summer Now these Heresies and these false Prophets shall be eminent in the Gospel-Gentile Church which shall be the true sign of the Jews conversion ver. 34. plainly tells us this cannot be meant of the day of Judgement for this generation saith Christ shall not passe that is the stock of Israel shall not be extirpate untill they have seen all these things fulfilled this day is called Luke 21. the day of the redemption of the twelve Tribes Now if this day as some would have it be the day of Judgement this day would be the damnation of the Tribes if they must be in the world untill this day and unconverted therefore this day is the day of the Jews conversion not the day of Judgement ver. 25. The next verse is to confirm the certainty of the Prophecy For heaven and earth shall passe away but not one title of the Word shall passe away ver. 36. But of that day and of that hour i. e. of the heavens and earth passing away knoweth no man by this 't is manifest that Christ in the whole Chapter speaks not one word of the day of Judgement untill ver. 35. which he forbids any to pry into for God only knew that but of the day of his coming to ruine Rome and convert the Jews he bids us by the foregoing signes know for certain that it was near even at the doors ver. 33. Now this glorious coming of Christ in his spirituall and corporall punishments on his enemies and his spirituall and corporall favors to the Jews shall be as the lightning which is swift in it's motion it gives light from East to West presently so shall all the Kingdomes in this world become the Lords and his Christs on a suddain Therefore far be it from any Protestant to have such a malignant thought as that God hath forgot to be gracious or that his hand is shortned that he cannot help the poor Jews which are this day many of them looking listening and admiring at us in England and Scotland whose eyes I trust shall see some glorious sign of good to them ere long Forty times more may be said in vindication of this manifest truth concerning the twelve Tribes conversion but considering how little is said against it I shall say no more but proceed The subject of my ensuing Discourse in this and Manus Testium which should be joyned with this is concerning this great day My opinion is that the three grand Enemies of the Church shall neer about the end or within a year of 1650. begin to rise and never fall more at this time also the morning of the Jews conversion shall begin and shall shine more and more untill it come to a perfect day These Opinions the Reader shall find bottomed on Scripture which Scriptures are not of any private interpretation but such as are matched with Scripture which illustrate the things proved by them and also have several learned Authors concurring in the confirmation of the same thing so that if I am laughed at for my opinion I doubt not but in that particular what ever it be of moment I shall make the Remonstrant confess he scoffs not onely at me but at his betters I write not this to deter any from endeavouring to confute this ensuing Tract for one end of my writing so briefly on so large a subject is that I may have a speedy answer and a seasonable confutation which if it be cleer from Scripture-grounds I shall readily and willingly submit and return a thankfull Reply to my Corrector and promise him to retract my Errours As for the time of Antichrists fall which I conceive to begin presently after 1650. it is well known that 't is no new opinion for Brightman and several other learned men have so conjectured upon this ground which is humane because 't is drawn from humane story for he begins the Jews great afflictions in An. 360. so that their 1290. years afflictions must necessarily be expired in this year 1650. and Dr. Homes and several others well-versed in the study of the Revelations and of History do gather that Antichrist appeared visibly in the Church in Anno 390. so that the Gentile and Jewish church afflictions seem both to expire at one time for Antichrist is to rage over the Gentile church but 1260. years which by the compute is accomplished Anno 1650. Now as Dr. Homes saith very well in so many years possibly there may be lost-time in the account so
that he takes a grain of allowance that is a year over to his 1260. years Upon the same ground in this thing I shall follow him and comply with him though there is no necessity for it Others as Clavis Apocalyptica written by a German draw water from the same Springs quote the same texts as Dan. 12. and Rev. 11. and looking into History say that these texts of 1290. days and 1260. days are not fulfilled until 1655. so that these agree with the former in explication of the texts but not in application of the Histories to the text in which difference he that hath the clearest Histories to shew the time of Antichrists rising and the time of the Witnesses going into sackcloth as relating to the Gentile Church and likewise he that interprets that text Dan. 12. 11. most clearly and by history can clear it exactly and tell when the daily sacrifice was taken away and the abomination of desolation set up be doubtless will gaine the greatest credit from the judicious Reader In my jndgment learned Brightman on Dan. 12. 11. is most clear and rational and none do I find guess nearer the time in print of Antichrists visible appearance in the Church then Dr. Homes let me give the Devil his due But of the main point which is concerning the slaying the Witnesses at or neer the end or whether at or neer the end of Antichrists 1260. years Raign he speaks not a word which makes me think that his Sermon Octob. 8. 1650. was preached against the light of his own conscience For in the Revelations the Holy Ghost hath so linked Antichrists raign and the Witnesses slaying in the end of Antichrists raign that he that studies the one must necessarily take notice of the other and indeed he that can shew us the Witnesses slain may easily point at the end both of the Gospel-church afflictions and the Jewish States dissipation but here is the difficulty and here are the gross mistakes of men who studying application of history to the text more then the explication of the text it self have given most ridiculous ghesses to the great scandall of the Protestant My Antagonist speaks not one word to this text but the German Divine in his Clavis Apocaliptica p. 87. tells us that three years and a half before Antichrists raign is out the Witnesses shall be slain for saith he they both expire together both Antichrists raign and the Witnesses slaying and therefore he renders Rev. 11. 7. {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} in futuro simplici when they are about to finish so Cloverius and Mead reads the text In this I shall not much dissent from them yet I think they render it best who read it from the words as it most naturally drops into English and that is when they shall have finished their testimony for it will nothing at all clash with ver. 2. where they prophesie 1260. days in sackcloth for the finishing of their testimony doth not cause their prophecying to cease their suffering and their slaying is the gloriousest part of their sackcloth prophesie for then saith the Holy Ghost Here is their faith and here is their patience The finishing of their testimony is the joynt concurrence of the two Witnesses viz. the Magistracy and the Ministery in establishing the Doctrine and the Discipline of the Church of Christ against Antichrist the Beast of the Sea i. e. the Pope that keeps the Witnesses in sackcloth on the one hand and against the Beast of the Earth that slayes the Witnesses on the other hand now when was this testimony finished the sum of this testimony you shall find in the Covenant but when they finished this testimony I leave Christians to judge Whether when the Assembly of Divines had finished their work that of the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church and when the Parliament ratified their work resolved to disband their Armies and bring home the King on honourable covenant-tearms and then the Beast of the Earth arose made war against them and drove them out of the house since which that Reformation hath lain dead Or whether it began then when the Magistracy were fully agreed to establish the Doctrine and the Discipline of the Church against Popery on one hand and Heresie on the other when the King gave his royal assent and the Parliament voted the Kings concessions to be a sufficient ground for the establishing the peace of the Church and State then the Beast ariseth and makes war against them and overcomes them and kills them how kills them Rev. 20. 5. makes answer beheads them saith Beza cuts them off with the Axe Now which of these times 't is is no easie thing to determin but the former act seems to me to be the time when they finished their testimony For then the Beast set up his Sword-power and then the Magistracy and Ministery finished their Church-work and immediatly after they had finished it this Beast of the bottomless put threw it down and then followed that abominable Vote of non-addresses to the King Now this fell out neer about October 164● as I remember if about that time then the Witnesses must ●●●e about May or June in the year 1651. or thereabouts for then his three years and an half is up but if we begin to account the Witnesses s●aying their finishing their Testimony and the Beasts of the bottomless pits raign not to begin unti●December 1648. when the King was slain and the Offices of the Two Houses slain and the Assembly scatterd for not subscribing to the Beasts mark then the witnesses will not rise untill June 1652. Now that these Witnesses are the Magistracy and the Ministery there is nothing so cleer as learned Woodcock on Rev. 11. makes it appear and several others besides the ferenity of the holy texts themselves which makes it most cleer This is most certain that the two Witnesses are two lawful Offices i. e. a lawful Magistracy and a lawful Ministery Now their Opposites who slay them are Usurpers in the State and Usurpers in the Church that is the Beast of the Earth and the Beast of the Sea with their followers now the Witnesses rising shall be these Usurpers confusion i. e. the ruine of the Pope and the Beast of the Earth with their seven thousand men of name so that the Battel shall be fought betwixt lawful Magistracy and lawful Ministery against Usurping Magistracy and Ministery but more of this in its place The greatest difference betwixt those that come near the time of their slaying is concerning the place where they must be slain Now there are many groundless conceits that we find in print about this place where they shall be slain I shall not repeat what others have said but indeavour to prove that the Witnesses must be slain in these three Islands of England Scotland and Ireland This I shall prove 1. From the Offices that are slain 2. From the person that slays them