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A84229 The examiner defended, in a fair and sober answer to the two and twenty questions which lately examined the author of Zeal examined, in this answer are (not unseasonably) touched, Christ's interest in this and all nations. Christ's interest, and the Commonweals, as to the present affairs. The true nature of all civil states. The nature of all civil magistracie, and of the civil sword. The title of Christian magistrate. National churches and covenants. The world of religions ... The permission due to conscience ... Idolatry, and the kindes of it. The spiritual and civil sword, ... The forms of worship. The causes of destruction in nations. The violence to the souls of men; ... The dangerous consequence of such violences, ... Christ Jesus himself, ... The crying guilt of soul-rapes ... The light of nature in spirituals. The acts of Asa, Artaxerxes, &c. The fast of Nineveh. The conscientious differences ... The justice and prudence of state-provision against all uncivilities both of popish and protestant ranters. 1652 (1652) Wing E3732; Thomason E675_2; ESTC R206745 60,783 103

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State of England then favouring the Nonconformitant and Presbyterian ought not onely to have abolished Episcopacy branch and root but also to have slain the Bishops by the sword And by this rule whether all false and Antichristian Ministers whether Bishops Priests Monks Friers Parsons Vicars Curates Deanes Doctors Chaplains c. yea and all several Priests in the World ought not without mercy to be put to death Yea I ask If this State of England should resent the Presbytery of England Scotland c. as false Presbyterian and Independent Ministers put to death And if another Power or Parliament should revolve in the constant turning of the Wheeles of Providence and should condemn the Independent Ministers to be as false as Presbyters Where will this bloody Issue stop What Heaps upon Heaps How would by this Doctrine not onely this hopeful Commonweal but also the whole world be turned to Shambles and Akeldama's Fields of blood for must we not slay the worshippers of Calves as Baal as Moses and Elias did Fourthly As to the instance of Murther I ask If there be not three apparent differences between civil crimes against the State and those of spiritual nature against God his worship c. First There are no generations of men nor never were in the world but by the dark light of nature have condemned these four sins viz. Murther Four sins which all mankinde have agreed to condemn not so about Religion Adultery Thest Lying as inconsistent to the converse of man with man But all the Generations and Nations of men have most constantly differed and varied into many thousand differences about the true God and his waies of worship c. Secondly Those four sorts of Sinners Murtherers Adulterers Thieves and Lyers are easily convinced and ashamed Ier. 6. they cannot but confess themselves sinners and justly punished c. But Idolaters all the world over are ready to cry out houres and yeares Civil transgressions more discernable them Spirituals and ages together Great is our Diana And however Tit. 3. an Heretick or obstinate withdrawn from Christs admonition hath some checkings and convincings in his owne conscience yet both Papists and Turkes and Iews and Pagans that are serious have trampled over Posts and Prisons Torments and Deaths to keep their Consciences Thirdly Without Civil Order no Civility without spiritual no Christianity Without some Order of Civiltie more or less some civil Officers of Iustice to punish those four sins especially it is impossible that men can live as men and not as Beasts or worse together c. But notwithstanding several Religions in one Nation in one Shire yea in one Family if men be either truly Christian like unto Christ Fesus whom they pretend to follow or but truly Civil and walk but by the rules of Humanity and Civility Families Townes Cities and Commonweals in the midst of Spiritual Differences may flourish Fourthly Spiritual plagues the sorest I ask As to the punishing of the Idolatry and all other transgressions of Spiritual account Are the wounds and deaths of the two edged sword proceeding from the mouth of Christ Fesus little and of no estimation with us Are Levi's impartiall slayings of Brethren Sisters Fathers Mothers c. Deut. 33. Is the delivering up of the Nations of the world Rom. 1. to such unnatural and monstrous Lusts And the Chaines of strong Lyes and Delusions upon all the Antichristian World no dread nor terrour with us Ephraim is joyned to Idols let him alone especially now in more spiritual and Gospel-times is far more dreadfull and horrible ten thousand sold then cutting off for murther c. And I end this Question A fourth plague added to the three of Davids choice with this Quere If it had pleased the most holy and onely wise to have added one Judgement more to Davids choice of the three sore plagues Sword Famine and Pestilence I say If he had been pleased to add a fourth to wit a giving up to the least of sins the least hiding of his holy Countenance c. would not David yea our selves if our Hearts be after Gods and Davids chuse ten thousand times all the first three then the least Spiritual stroke of Blindness Hardness from the sear of God Isa 63. The nineteenth Question Whether Asa did well in bringing the the people into Covenant Quest 19 since as the Exminer saith he might thereby have made many turn Hypocrites whereas the people swore with all their heart c. And although Hypocrisie do follow yet this flows from the Corruption of the hypocrite and not from the holiness of the command I have before and it is else where discovered Answ the figurative Nature of this Land of Canaan that people miraculously cast out and the seed of Abrabraham and Israel miraculously brought in their Kings Judges immediately designed and stirred up by God as the Saviours and types of the great Saviour to come these were anointed as also were their Prophets and Priests in figure of that great King Prophet and Priest Christ Fesus All which with all those figurative Ceremonies and miraculous goings of God with that people is acknowledged by so many of Gods people and by Master Cotton in this Controversie and that the people of God in the New Testament is the onely Antitype as also that there is no Footstep nor Colour in the New Testament of Christ Fesus for a National Church or Covenant And therefore I ask First Whether this be not an overthrowing of the whole designe of God concerning Christ Iesus and a denying of him yet to be come and to have fulfilled the National and Ceremonial figures But since we say he is come Christ Fesus his Testament enough for Christians although we had never heard of Moses and hath brought the discovery of his Fathers displeasure otherwise dispensed then was in former times to the Fathers and the Prophets Is not his Testament compleat and the Revelation of his Fathers minde full in all matters as to his Servants and Followers although we had never heard of Meses and although it should have pleased God to have concealed the whole Old Testament from us I Further ask The difference between Israel and other Nations Whether Asa did compel any Nation that had not been so miraculously bought and brought by God as Israel was into Covenant with him And may indeed a King now if he conquer all Nations compel and force them all to swear to serve his God to make a Covenant and Contract with him and this under pain of death as Asa did Did or might Asa or any of the Kings of Israel or Iudah so compel other Nations which they did or might have conquered and that under pain of death Is not Christ Iesus the truly and onely King of Israel And is not his sword his two-edged sword and his mighty weapons spiritual 2 Cor. 10. entering into the very Hears and Spirit and Conscience and
Spirit which a Follower of Christ Jesus pretends to in setting the words which bear a better sence yea and the Heart of the Examiner upon the Rack by infinuating little less then that he hath set himself to contradict and fight against God himself and his most holy Spirit in Paul his Servant and Penman Whereas a more sober and Dove-like Christian Eye will read no more but a faithful and Christian plea for moderate and Christian thoughts to all the Nations and Generations of the World who although by the hightned power of Reason they may possibly attaine to as above hath been discoursed by the light of Nature many Convictions and Confessions of a Godhead The Natural estute of all and the very best of mankind Yet is it not so facile and easie for them having so many thousand clogs and chaines of barbarous Ignorance and Education and Lusts hanging on them to soare so high with the wings of meer Natural corrupted Reason as to to finde the true God and the true Way of glorifying God acceptably in Christ Iesus Yea I ask Whether this is possible to be attained unto as abovesaid But rather that this place of Paul Rom. 1. implies that the wisest and most industrious of the Sons of Men will be found guilty of gross Negligence and undervaluing of God and of being inslaved by many corrupt Lusts Examples Customes Fear of men Tradition of Fathers and of not improving that Power of Reason and understanding in themselves so far and so high as they ought and might also do Secondly I ask If it be easie for the Nations of the World to escape and miss these Rocks of Idolatry All the Nations of the World wandring in Idolatry and superstition Superstition Will-worship c. how comes it to pass that all the Generations of mankinde from the first Creation and Fall of Man to this day the Phoenicians the Chaldeans the Egyptians the Persians the Grecians the Romans and the many millions of millions of wise and understanding men not onely the Pagans but the Turks the Iewes the Papists and carnal Protestant should so stupendiously and constantly wander from the glorifying of God as God but by invented Images and Representations of Superstition Will-worship darken his Glory c. Thirdly If it be so easie to escape Idolatry Superstition Will-worship c. How is it that the holy Spirit record how easily how wonderfully Gods owne people and choicest Servants hardly kept from Superstition and Will-worship c. and fearfully Gods owne people Aaron the Leader and all Israel with him slipt into the Idolatry of the Golden Calf yea and afterwards the whole ten Tribes of twelve Gods owne people apostate to the Calves againe of Jeroboam How is it that not onely the Godly Kings of Iudah neglected the demolishing of the high places and the reforming of what was notoriously Superstitious and that not onely Solomon built houses for the gods of his Wives but even David and thirty thousand of Israel with him brings up the Arke of God the signe of Gods presence with wonderfull Solemnities shootings and rejoycings until they met with Perez-Uzzah the Breach of Uzzah the signal of Gods displeasure How is it that not onely many shall seek to enter and shall not be able Christ Iesus not easily found of not onely pretenders but Cordial Intenders and Israel obtained not that which they sought for as it is written Rom. 2. But even the tender Love and Dove and undefiled of Christ Iesus Cant. 5. rising up to open to her Beloved she findes him agrieved at her unkindness and gone she sought him but she found him not she called him but he gave no answer Fourthly The divisions of Reuben yea even of Iudah How is it that not onely God sendeth Antichristians strong Delusions which so hold their Understanding Conscience Iudgement and Affections that they really belive Lyes notorious and great Lyes but even at this Day among our selves the Consciences of Gods children and people in whom the blessed fear and love of God hath shined how are they I say divided each from other not onely Ephraim against Manasseh and Manasseh against Ephraim and both against Iudah but even Iudah against Iudah Insomuch that Gods people at this day have not onely occasioned that reproachfull terme of Sectaries because of their separation from the National Churches gathering themselves into separate Congregations but even from their Sects and Divisions among themselves And I ask whether this shall not be and must continue until the blessed time of one Heart and one Spirit and one Lip which God will vouchsafe to all his people Fifthly Since every Way Manner or Form of Worship of Church of Ministery of Prayer of Baptisme c. that onely excepted which the Lord Iesus appointed is an Invention an Image a molten or carved Image And consequently Gods people full of Images how much more the Nations the many strange waies and kindes and formes of Protestant Churches National Provincial Diocesan Parochial Presbyterian Independent Separated Half-separated Baptized one way a second a third way as to their various Formes and Constitutions are but Images and Pictures and none but one of them if any of them be yet according to the first pattern And since Gods own people have had a great share and hand in such framings c. both in England Scotland France Low-Countries c. I ask If it be not much more easie for the poor Nations of the World who sit in darkness as of old to erect Images of Gold and Silver Wood Stone c. and of late Waies and Manners of Worship though more subtle and mysterious yet as real Images as those of the grossest Composition Lastly I ask If there be not a deep and heaven-designe Gods designe to suffer the Nations and his own people to wander and feel the want of his holy Spirit in the use of all means of the most holy and onely wise God thus to suffer the world and his people also to divide and scatter and dissipate themselves Thus to cause the holy Scriptures amongst both Papists and Protestants the pretended Rule of Life and Light unto all their waies and Consciences to be so Pen'd so Written so translated that as it was said of Iesus Christ he was given for a stumbling Block and Rock of offence as well as for a Rock and Foundation to his people So may it not also be said of the holy Scripture and the texts and writings thereof from whence so many and so wonderfully different perswasions and Consciences are risen In particular I ask If it have not been wonderfully easie from the seeming light of Nature and Scripture too to slide into the many wandrings and Labyrinths of consciences now extant which though but Threds and Strawes yet do hold the conscience as with Chaines of Adamant until the holy and blessed Spirit of God discover and dissolve c. If there be any
thoughts of the Heart Secondly I ask If this poor Nation of England and Scotland c. have not heard the voice of the God of heaven out of the whirlwind as in Iob declaring himself in thundring language and dialects of Blood Distractions and Destructions about this National League and Covenant The wonderful Character of Gods jealousie upon the Scorish National Covenant Were ever two Nations so solemnly and with such seeming glorious Holiness united to make this Island an holy Land and to purge out as out of an holy Land and Aire as Canan was all Idolatry Schisme and Hereticks And were there ever more evident Characters of the Iealousie and displeasure of the most High written upon such Covenants such Conjunctions Or was there ever almost such a miraculous Decision of the controversie between the Covenanters themselves about the Interpretations of it And hath not the most holy and invisible God made bare his holy Arme and written it in National letters of blood that he that runs may read it That this National Covenanting and National Churching and National compelling and National conforming as to the Soules and Consciences of men and as to the worship of the God of heaven is but Levitical and Ceremonial but Mosaical and Iewish but Unchristian and destructive to the New Testament of Christ to the freedome of the soul and conscience to the gratious free breathings of the most holy Spirit of God perswading and spiritually compelling the Spirits and Souls of men to knit the onely true Lovers Knot and Covenant that Death and Hell and all the powers of Earth and Hell Men and Devils shall never be able to untie Thirdly It was no guilt of Hypocrisie in Asa to compel that whole Nation which according to those figurative times and old Covenant were miraculously brought and kept in Covenant with God The Hypocrisie of Nationall Covenants upon which the Examiner doth not fix the least charge of Hypocrisie but now he may and all men may ask why other whole Nations and all Natitions should be forced like Cattel by thousands and ten thousands Cities Nations c. to a Religion and Covenant and Worship which their Forefathers knew not which their Souls owne not and their Consciences secretly disclaim as false c. Doth not this as Isaiah tels us fill a Nation with Hypocrisie And hath not this Doctrine filled this Nation if ever any with wonderful Hipocrisies as the Civil Sword and power of compulsion hath fallen by Gods most holy providence into the hands of Pagan or Popish or Protestant or Presbyterian or Independent if perse cuting Consciences I ask further Is there not a two fold Hypocrisie First A tu of old Hypocrisie amongst Pro 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that which is more hidden and secret such as Achitophels with David and Fudas with Christ Iesus Thieves and Traytors in the Bosome c. Yet outwardly true faithful holy Cordial c. Secondly That which is more open evident and plausible such as that of the ten Tribes pro fessing the name of the God of Israel and yet with-all the Worship of the Calves and Ieroboams Feasts and Priests and other his Inventions and moreover living without the life of the true God of Israel In the late Wars some that professed to side with the Parliament voted in the House sat in Committees yea fought for the Parliament Lawes and Liherties c. yet lay they like Traitours in the Bosome as after was discovered Others fought for the Parliament Lawes and Liberties and yet joyn'd openly with the King fought under his Colours and pretended onely the name of that to wit holiness and the Love of God which they hated more then Sin and Hell and Damning Or as in our Streets dayly we finde two sorts of Beggers one speaks such wants Antichristian hypocrisie illstrated so predicates Christ Iesus so prayes for you that many are taken moved to real pity and compassion and yet deceived A second sort profess the Trade of Begging they keep open those Sores which they will not have heal'd they steal or get Children to beg with they abhor to labour and make a Trade of Hypocrisie T is true that they crie up the name of Christ Iesus too and pray for you but if you put not into their mouth how soon fall they from blessing to cursing c. Of this second sort The pretended Christian Nations found Antichristian are not the Christian Nations so call'd made up and constituted whether East or West Greek or Latine the Popish or Protestant Churches who like the ten Tribes and many of them like the strange Nations brought in after the Captivity by Salmanasser 2 King 17. They feared the God of Israel and served him and their owne Gods too and the Spirit of God concludes of them that they served their owne Gods and served not the true God at all Is not this apparently the state of thousands and ten thousands and millions of named Christians professing Christ in Word Tit. 1. but in works denying of him overspread with the Abominations of Religious and moral Idolatries spiritual and corporal Murthers Whoredomes Oppressions Drunkenness c. either as the great Whore probably the Whore of Rome actually drunk with the blood of the Saints and Prophets of Iesus or else thirsting after the day of their bloody fils c. Fourthly Religious Ravishments and horrid Abominations I ask Whether as to force the Consciences of the Unwilling is a Soul Rape so to force the Ignorant prophane and unregenerate Nations into a pretended holy fellowship and Communion with God be not ten thousand fold more unholy and unrighteous then to force into the Beds of any Men of Honour ugly and deformed strangers yea enemies yea and impudent Whores and Strumpets Would the Proposer stile their commands holy just good did the matter concerne but his owne Bed as who can but know the matter in question so neerly concernes the Lord being communion which Cant. 1. is no other then the mystical and spiritual Bed of the Lord Iesus Did ever God or Man command to do well The methods of Friendship with God and men before a ceasing from Evil Doth God or man ever strike up Covenants of Love Leagues of Amisy yea or admit a treaty before Repentance and Satisfaction for former Injuries before the Removeall of Force the laying down of Armes and the acknowledging the Power and State of such with whom they treat If these be waies of civility rightecusness order prudence what commands shall they be call'd what holiness and goodness shall be found in them which carry written like the Whores forehead Rev. 18. Mysteries Babylon Hypocrisies Dissimulations c. Therefore lastly I ask how much infinitely sweeter are Gods Methods delighting onely in a willing people how sweet are the paths of the Lamb of God Christ Jesus whose true Messengers are Maidens Pro. 9. who with Virgin-Chastity and Modesty invite poor sinners to the heavenly Feast