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A47473 Distressed Sion relieved, or, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness wherein are discovered the grand causes of the churches trouble and misery under the late dismal dispensation : with a compleat history of, and lamentation for those renowned worthies that fell in England by popish rage and cruelty, from the year 1680 to 1688 ... / by Benjamin Keach ... Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. 1689 (1689) Wing K60; ESTC R21274 76,467 223

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1. Sion 2. Her Children 3. the Beast and Where overthrown 4 The two Witnesses Rising 5. Pope and Jesuit 6. Enemies of the Church all Flying 7. Angels destroying them Distressed Sion RELIEVED OR The Garment of Praise for the Spirit of Heaviness Wherein are Discovered the Grand Causes of the Churches Trouble and Misery under the late Dismal Dispensation With a Compleat History of and Lamentation for those Renowned Worthies that fell in England by Popilh Rage and Cruelty from the Year 1680 to 1688. Together with an Account of the late Admirable and Stupendious Providence which hath wrought such a sudden and Wonderful Deliverance for this Nation and Gods Sion therein Humbly Dedicated to their Present Majesties By Benjamin Keach Author of a Book called Sion in Distress or the Groans of the True Protestant Church Licensed and Entred according to Order LONDON Printed for Nath. Crouch at the Bell in the Poultrey near Cheapside 1689. To their Most Excellent Majesties William and Mary by the Grace of God King and Queen of England c. Dread Soveraigns May it please your Majesties MOST graciously to cast your Princely Eyes And to accept of this small worthless Mite From one whose Soul 's enamour'd with the sight Of seeing you brought to Great Britains Throne Which Angels do delight to look upon Methinks I see the Cherubs clap their wings Singing sweet Anthems to the King of Kings That such a King and Queen are set on high In glorious Power and Soveraign Majesty No marvel 't is since by Angelick Power You 're both preserved to this happy hour For sure he 's blind who can't discern most clear T was by Heavens Conduct you were both brought here Such a stupendious Providence before Was never known and never may no more Be seen again in this Great Northern Isle Which fills our hearts with joy makes us smile What a distressed and for lorn estate Was this now glorious Kingdom in of late Poor England alas did bleeding lye For many years inslav'd by Tyranny And Sion too was in the same condition Weeping with bitter groans and deep contrition Let me a little freely now dilate Upon Great Britains miserable state When first on her you cast your Royal look And her Salvation likewise undertook A glorious Enterprize which Heaven did bless With such amazing and admir'd success Sick sick as heart can hold the Kingdom lies Filling each corner with her mournful cryes Sometimes she burns as when a Fever heats Anon Despair brings cold and clammy sweats No rest she gains or if she do she dreams Of Massacres Fires Blood and direful Theams She no Physicians finds Bold Empiricks Are from St. Omers sent to try their tricks Who wicked crafty counsel take together To poyson her 't was this that brought them hither Nay hold says Petre we 'l first let her blood That 's fit for her and will do us most good Her Blood 's infected so corrupt I see Naught else can cure her Northern Heresie But let us first prescribe a Golden Pill To ease her that she may suspect no ill But may conclude we choice Physicians be The Pill that they prepar'd was Liberty Curiously gilt it was and tasted well But when 't was down she in t ' an Ague fell Then these State-Mountebanks do her assure Jesuits-Powder will effect the cure Yet still she 's sick and seiz'd with stronger fits Which made most think these Drs. all were Cheats Their Physick was of such a composition It made the Body Politick in confusion And many evidently did foresee 'T was to effect a direful Tragedy They did pretend to purge ill humours out That they their black Designs might bring about And th' evil humours which did lurking lie In divers parts o' th' Body grew thereby More strong and vigorous and did disturb What nature did before so strongly curb That wise Physicians made this wise conclusion T would wholly change the Bodys constitution From good to bad from healthy free and sound Would cause malignant humours to abound Ill ones no doubt it was design'd to nourish Tho' for a while some good ones it did cherish Thus may a Medicine which is safe and good As Liberty is if rightly understood When ill prepared and unduly given Prove dangerous as any under Heaven And pity 't is this universal Pill That has wrought wonders was design'd so ill But ah what shall she do th' Impostors Art Her head doth poison and corrupt her heart Must she O must she die O hear her groans Hear Sions too O hearken how she moans There is no help but from the God of Wonder 'T is he alone that 's able to bring under This Foe to Nature which is grown so strong And hath her vital parts opprest so long All her Physicians weep and secretly Were heard to say poor England now must die Unless th' Almighty by his own right hand Work Miracles to save our sinking Land. But who 's the Instrument will rise up for her Who is the Man whom God delights to honour To bring relief when all her hopes were gone Great Sir 'T was you Jehovah fixt upon No sooner heard she your victorious Name But she reviv'd and cheerful soon became But ah the Winds were cross this made us fear We n're should have your long'd for presence here And when we heard you were upon the Seas Our hearts rejoyced yet had not perfect ease We doubted still what dangers you might meet In that most Glorious and Renowned Fleet Yet still our Prayers more fervent were and more To see your Royal Person safe on shore And all the time in England you have been What strange amazing wonders have we seen A poor sick Land divided by Christs power Made whole and all united in an hour United so as joyntly to combine To own this just and glorious design O're us long hung a black and dismal Cloud From whence we fear'd a dreadful storm of blood Yet when it brake nought but sweet dews distill This this may sure our souls with wonder fill To see a Mighty Army rais'd by Rome Some flie for fear and others Friends become To gain the Victory yet never fight This plain appears Gods hand to all mens sight Poor Sion who i' th' dust did prostrate lie Bewailing her approaching misery Began to rouse and on her feet to stand When you upon the English Shore did land She long expected in our Hemisphere A glorious Star would certainly appear And now he 's come she can't for bear to sing With Joy to welcom her desired King And as the Sun whose powerful reflection Gives to all Vegetables a resurrection Even so Gods Witnesses now raised are Whose bodies lay like dead so lately here For though it was in the cold Winter time We saw so great a change in our sharp Clime As made us cry The Winter now is gone Your powerful Rays in this our Horizon Made Flowers bud as in the early Spring And chirping Birds
pressures which did lye So heavy on them in the former Reign VVhereby we hope their very hearts to gain Some others of thy Children we will please By giving of their Consciences some ease VVe 'll give them Conventicle room that they May let us steal the Englishman away And though the greatest part of them I see Are crafty Foxes and discover me Yet divers of them us do magnify Since we declared for their Liberty That Declaration hath great Service done And many discontented minds has won I odious strove to make the former Reign That of our Actings they might not complain So that they now confess a Popish King Is no such dangerous or frightful thing VVe manag'd all at such a subtle Rate One heretick we made another hate And their destruction we contrived so That blindfold they might utterly undo And ruin one another Yet not see How subtilly things were carryed on by me And you 'll perceive within a little while We only did design you to beguile That you might quietly the halter take Or else be burnt in Smithfield at the Stake I laugh to see some of your Children join With us to bring about our blest Design These Mighty Statesmen like unwary Fools To serve a present turn become my Tools I knew what they from Penal Laws did fear And did foresee how ease would them ensnare Look on the Army and you 'll soon espy Not mine but your destruction's drawing nigh What though you grin No matter for your hate To rule by Law becomes a Sneaking State We value not what e're you prate or say Regard to you will our Intrigues betray When you cant't bite what hurt will barking do Nay in a while we 'll spoil your barking too My Holy Mass begins now to go down Is boldly said in City and in Town For even in London there two Chappels are To which without controul all may repair And in the middle of that City stand With divers more in several Parts o' th' Land. This I assure you fills my Soul with joy Nor do I matter though it some annoy Since I observe them guarded carefully By Protestants now in Authority Thou silly Wretch do I not all command Is not the Kingdoms strength all in my hand The Sword and Scepter too even all the power Such blessings Heav'n upon my head does shower But yet our Claws and Teeth must not appear Until more firmly all things setled are Yea what doth further to my glory add Comes from the joyful news I lately had The Turk our Pagan Enemy is o'recome And forc't to fly before all-conquering Rome Hungary whose reduction cost so dear And who t'oth ' Hereticks closely did adhere Is now recover'd and in tears returns And for her former deviations mourns The Transilvanians likewise do comply And now submit to my authority With many other Protestants I could name Who in those Countreys my Protection claim Ah! What a face of things does now appear This is my Jubilee A glorious year England and Scotland both returned are Unto their Mother and th' Apostolick Chair Tho' Ireland still is unto me most Dear Yet all are mine They all themselves submit And prostrate lye at Mother Churches feet Into my bosom they again are come And like the Prodigal are returned home What mighty favours are bestow'd on me No Widdowhood nor sorrow shall I see Ever hereafter I shall sit as Q●een Though almost desolate I have lately been We sing Te Deum and Great Gifts we send For joy that now thy Power 's at an end Thou art subdu'd Thy witnesses are slain They never more shall me torment again My Children now under their Mothers wings Are safe Which Joy to Holy Father brings There 's little more for me or mine to do But since we have contriv'd thy overthrow That we now root thy name from off the Earth And this Design is almost at the birth And cannot fail Vengeance will you or'ethrow The Plot is laid so strong and secreet too And such great men therein concerned are That of success we never need despair My Chancellor and Loyal Judges will Spare for no Cost no Pains no Time no Skill Nay they resolve their very Lives to spend Rather than not perform what I intend My brisk Monsieurs and losty Spanish Dons Will overmatch thy Weak and Silly Sons Of murdering Villains I great numbers have As pliable as any Turkish slave Who at my beck will with their bloody Knives Massacre Fathers Infants Virgins Wives Kill any but themselves I 'm sure they 'll do 't And quickly lay them sprawling at my foot I 've Irish Teagues and Tories still at hand To act the greatest mischiefs I command Bold hardned Miscreants who will never start If bid to tear out their own Mothers heart Faint hearted Rogues may melt with qualms and fears At Fathers groans or Mothers bitter tears But mine as little pitty have as sence And ne're are plagu'd with gripes of Conscience Many of these I have in constant pay For they can hunt and live upon the Prey Thy tender Infants that like Carps were stew'd In their own bloud their Teeth have often chew'd With humane Fat Candles they made to light Them in those horrid Banquets of the night Whatever 'tis my greedy Stomach craves Let me but nod 't is done by these my slaves They know no Scruples Scorning to dispute But always act just like a Turkish Mute Nor need you wonder they do thus since I End●●vour to perswade them certainly That ●●ey do well and will gain Heav'n thereby For what will Holy Church advance is right Though ne're so hateful in Jehovahs sight Therefore besides those I did now describe I have vast numbers of my Sacred Tribe My Clergy make a very numerous Host And wait but for my Word in every Coast Nay in these Northern and Heretical Regions I have in secret many armed Legions The Priest the Mon● the Fryer my Ensign carrie The Jesuits are still my Janisaries Having such Troops as these to guard my Chair Sure it will make your Protestants despair That so invincible I now should be And that thy God hath quite forsaken thee Since he to me discovers so much favour My deeds sure to him are a pleasant savour Therefore th' Apocaly ptick Prophecy You very foolishly to me apply Who from pollution and all Stains am clean Thou art that filthy Harlot he doth mean I am his Holy Church and it is I Thy threatnings Thy God and Thee defy BUT what approaches Hark! methinks I hear A dreadful noise What is it Ah! I fear All is not well A Lyon seems to Roar The Eccho comes too from the Eastern shore Dear Children wake Rouze up and look about Guard all the Coasts with speed the Land throughout My very heart does tremble Ah! I quake What shall I do Ah! what course shall I take The Lyon of the North I doubt 't is he That is foretold in ancient Prophecy What! in the