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A02168 The Scottish historie of Iames the fourth, slaine at Flodden Entermixed with a pleasant comedie, presented by Oboram King of Fayeries: as it hath bene sundrie times publikely plaide. Written by Robert Greene, Maister of Arts. Greene, Robert, 1558?-1592.; Giraldi, Giambattista Cinzio, 1504-1573. Ecatommiti. 1598 (1598) STC 12308; ESTC S105810 43,367 78

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THE SCOTTISH Historie of Iames the fourth slaine at Flodden Entermixed with a pleasant Comedie presented by Oboram King of Fayeries As it hath bene sundrie times publikely plaide Written by Robert Greene Maister of Arts Omne tulit punctum LONDON Printed by Thomas Creede 1598 THE SCOTTISH Hystorie of Iames the fourth slaine at Flodden Musicke playing within Enter After Oberō King of Fayries an Antique who dance about a Tombe plac'st conueniently on the Stage out of the which suddainly starts vp as they daunce Bohan a Scot attyred like a ridstall man from whom the Antique flyes Oberon Manet Bohan AY say what 's thou Oberon Thy friend Bohan Bohan What wot I or reck I that whay guid man I reck no friend nor ay reck no foe al 's ene to me git the ganging and trouble not may whayet or ays gar the recon me nene of thay friend by the mary masse sall I Ober. Why angrie Scot I visit thee for loue then what mooues thee to wroath Bohan The deele awhit reck I thy loue For I knowe too well that true loue tooke her flight twentie winter sence to heauen whither till ay can wee le I wot ay sal nere finde loue an thou lou'st me leaue me to my selfe But what were those Puppits that hopt and skipt about me year whayle Oberon My subiects Boh. Thay subiects whay art thou a King Ober. I am Bohan The deele thou art whay thou look'st not so big as the king of Clubs nor so sharpe as the king of Spades nor so faine as the king Adaymonds be the masse ay take thee to bee the king of false harts therfore I rid thee away or ayse so curry your Kingdome that yous be glad to runne to saue your life Ober. Why stoycall Scot do what thou dar'st to me heare is my brest strike Boh. Thou wilt not threap me this whiniard has gard many better mē to lope thē thou but how now Gos sayds what wilt not out whay thou wich thou deele gads fute may whiniard Ober. Why pull man but what an twear out how then Boh. This then thou weart best begon first for I yl so lop thy lyms that thouse go with half a knaues carkasse to the deele Ober. Draw it out now strike foole canst thou not Boh. Bread ay gad what deele is in me whay tell mee thou skipiack what art thou Ober. Nay first tell me what thou wast from thy birth what thou hast past hitherto why thou dwellest in a Tombe leauest the world and then I will release thee of these bonds before not Boh. And not before then needs must needs sal I was borne a gentleman of the best bloud in all Scotland except the king when time brought me to age and death tooke my parents I became a Courtier where though ay list not praise my selfe ay engraued the memory of Boughon on the skin-coate of some of them and reueld with the proudest Ober. But why liuing in such reputation didst thou leaue to be a Courtier Boh. Because my pride was vanitie my expence losse my reward faire words and large promises my hopes spilt for that after many yeares seruice one outran me and what the deele should I then do there No no flattering knaues that can cog and prate fastest speede best in the Court Ober. To what life didst thou then betake thee Boh. I then chang'd the Court for the countrey and the wars for a wife but I found the craft of swaines more vile then the knauery of courtiers the charge of children more heauie then seruants and wiues tongues worse then the warres it selfe and therefore I gaue ore that went to the Citie to dwell there I kept a great house with smal cheer but all was nere the neere Ober. And why Boh. because in seeking friends I found table guests to eate me my meat my wiues gossops to bewray the secrets of my heart kindred to betray the effect of my life which when I noted the court ill the country worse and the citie worst of all in good time my wife died ay wood she had died twentie winter sooner by the masse leauing my two sonnes to the world and shutting my selfe into this Tombe where if I dye I am sure I am safe from wilde beasts but whilest I liue cannot be free frō ill companie Besides now I am sure gif all my friends faile me I sall haue a graue of mine owne prouiding this is all Now what art thou Ober. Oberon King of Fayries that loues thee because thou hatest the world and to gratulate thee I brought those Antiques to shew thee some sport in daunsing which thou haste loued well Bohan Ha ha ha thinkest thou those puppits can please me whay I haue two sonnes that with one scottish gigge shall breake the necke of thy Antiques Ober. That would I faine see Boha. Why thou shalt howe boyes Enter Slipper and Nano Haud your clacks lads trattle not for thy life but gather vppe your legges and daunce me forthwith a gigge worth the sight Slip. Why I must talk on Idy fort wherfore was my tongue made Boha. Prattle an thou darst ene word more and ais dab this whiniard in thy wembe Ober. Be quiet Bohan I le strike him dumbe and his brother too their talk shal not hinder our gyg fall to it dance I say mā Boh. Dance Humer dance ay rid thee The two dance a gig deuised for the nonst Now get you to the wide world with more thē my father gaue me that 's learning enough both kindes knauerie honestie and that I gaue you spend at pleasure Ober. Nay for their sport I will giue them this gift to the Dwarfe I giue a quicke witte prettie of body and a warrant his preferment to a Princes seruice where by his wisdome he shall gaine more loue then cōmon And to loggerhead your sonne I giue a wandering life and promise he shall neuer lacke and auow that if in all distresses he call vpon me to helpe him now let them go Exeunt with curtesies Boh. Now King if thou bee a King I will shew thee whay I hate the world by demonstration in the yeare 1520. was in Scotland a king ouerruled with parasites misled by lust many circumstances too long to trattle on now much like our court of Scotland this day that story haue I set down gang with me to the gallery I le shew thee the same in Action by guid fellowes of our country men and then when thou seest that iudge if any wise man would not leaue the world if he could Ober. That will I see lead and I le follow thee Exeunt Laus Deo detur in Eternum Enter the King of England the King of Scots Dorithe his Queen the Countesse Lady Ida with other Lords And Ateukin with them aloofe Actus primus Scena prima K. of Scots BRother of England since our neighboring land And neare alliance doth inuite our loues The
forsworne I practis'd Dorotheas haplesse death And by this practise haue commenst a warre Oh cursed race of men that traficque guile And in the end themselues and kings beguile A shamde to looke vpon my Prince againe A shamde of my suggestions and aduise A shamde of life a shamde that I haue erde I le hide my selfe expecting for my shame Thus God doth worke with those that purchase fame By flattery and make their Prince their gaine Exeunt Enter the King of England Lord Percey Samles and others Arius Thus farre the English Peeres haue we displayde Our wauing Ensignes with a happy warre Thus neerely hath our furious rage reuengde My daughters death vpon the traiterous Scot And now before Dambar our campe is pitcht Which if it yeeld not to our compremise The place shall furrow where the pallace stood And furie shall enuy so high a power That mercie shall bee bannisht from our swords Doug. What seekes the English King Arius Scot open those gates and let me enter in Submit thy selfe and thine vnto my grace Or I will put each mothers sonne to death And lay this Cittie leuell with the ground Doug. For what offence for what default of ours Art thou incenst so sore against our state Can generous hearts in nature bee so sterne To pray on those that neuer did offend What tho the Lyon king of brutish race Through outrage sinne shall lambes be therefore slaine Or is it lawfull that the humble die Because the mightie do gainsay the right O English King thou bearest in thy brest The King of beasts that harmes not yeelding ones The Roseall crosse is spred within thy field A signe of peace not of reuenging warre Be gracious then vnto this little towne And tho we haue withstood thee for a while To shew alleageance to our liefest liege Yet since wee know no hope of any helpe Take vs to mercie for wee yeeld our selues Ari. What shall I enter then and be your Lord Doug. We will submit vs to the English king They descend downe open the gates and humble them Arius Now life and death dependeth on my sword This hand now reard my Douglas if I list Could part thy head and shoulders both in twaine But since I see thee wise and olde in yeares True to thy king and faithfull in his warres Liue thou and thine Dambar is too too small To giue an entrance to the English king I Eaglelike disdaine these little foules And looke on none but those that dare resist Enter your towne as those that liue by me For others that resist kill forrage spoyle Mine English souldiers as you loue your king Reuenge his daughters death and do me right Exeunt Enter the Lawyer the Merchant and the Diuine Lawyer My friends what thinke you of this present state Were euer seene such changes in a time The manners and the fashions of this age Are like the Ermine skinne so full of spots As soone may the Moore bee washed white Then these corruptions bannisht from this Realme Merch. What sees mas Lawyer in this state amisse Law A wresting power that makes a nose of wax Of grounded lawe a damde and subtile drift In all estates to clime by others losse An eager thrift of wealth forgetting trueth Might I ascend vnto the highest states And by discent discouer euery crime My friends I should lament and you would greeue To see the haplesse ruines of this Realme Diu. O Lawyer thou haste curious eyes to prie Into the secrets maimes of their estate But if thy vaile of error were vnmaskt Thy selfe should see your sect do maime her most Are you not those that should maintaine the peace Yet onely are the patrones of our strife If your profession haue his ground and spring First from the lawes of God then countriees right Not any waies inuerting natures power Why thriue you by contentions Why deuise you Clawses and subtile reasons to except Our state was first before you grew so great A Lanterne to the world for vnitie Now they that are befriended and are rich Or presse the poore come Homer without quoine He is not heard What shall we terme this drift To say the poore mans cause is good and iust And yet the rich man gaines the best in lawe It is your guise the more the world laments To quoine Prouisoes to beguile your lawes To make a gay pretext of due proceeding When you delay your common pleas for yeares Mark what these dealings lately here haue wroght The craftie men haue purchaste greatmens lands They powle they pinch their tennants are vndone If these complaine by you they are vndone You fleese them of their quoine their children beg And many want because you may bee rich This scarre is mightie maister Lawyer Now man hath gotten head within this land Marke but the guise the poore man that is wrongd Is readie to rebell hee spoyles he pilles We need no foes to forrage that wee haue The lawe say they in peace consumed vs And now in warre wee will consume the lawe Looke to this mischiefe Lawyers conscience knowes You liue amisse amend it least you end Law Good Lord that their Diuines should see so farre In others faults without amending theirs Sir sir the generall defaults in state If you would read before you did correct Are by a hidden working from aboue By their successiue changes still remainde Were not the lawe by contraries maintainde How could the trueth from falsehood be discernde Did wee not tast the bitternesse of warre How could wee knowe the sweet effects of peace Did wee not feele the nipping winter frostes How should we know the sweetnesse of the spring Should all things still remaine in one estate Should not in greatest arts some scarres be found Were all vpright and changd what world were this A Chaos made of quiet yet no world Because the parts there of did still accord This matter craues a variance not a speech But sir Diuine to you looke on your maimes Diuisions sects your summonies and bribes Your cloaking with the great for feare to fall You shall perceiue you are the cause of all Did each man know there were a storme at hand Who would not cloath him well to shun the wet Did Prince and Peere the Lawyer and the least Know what were sinne without a partiall glose Wee need no long discouery then of crimes For each would mend aduis'de by holy men Thus but slightly shadow out your sinnes But if they were depainted out for life Alasse wee both had wounds inough to heale Merch. None of you both I see but are in fault Thus simple men as I do swallow flies This graue Diuine can tell vs what to do But wee may say Phisitian mend thy selfe This Lawyer hath a pregnant wit to talke But all are words I see no deeds of woorth Law Good Merchant lay your fingers on your mouth Be not a blab for feare you bite your selfe What should I terme your state but euen the
way To euery ruine in this Common-weale Your bring vs in the meanes of all excesse You rate it and retalde it as you please You sweare forsweare and all to compasse wealth Your mony is your God your hoord your heauen You are the ground worke of contention First heedlesse youth by you is ouerreacht Wee are corrupted by your many crownes The Gentlemen whose titles you haue bought Loose all their fathers toyle within a day Whilst Hob your sonne and Sib your nutbrowne childe Are Gentle folkes and Gentles are beguilde This makes so many Noble maides to stray And take sinister courses in the state Enter a Scout Scout My friends begone and if you loue your liues The King of England marcheth heere at hand Enter the campe for feare you bee surprisde Diuine Thankes gentle scout God mend that is amisse And place true zeale whereas corruption is Exeun Enter Dorothea Ladie Anderson and Nano Doro. What newes in Court Nano let vs know it Nano If so you please my Lord I straight will shew it The English king hath all the borders spoyld Hath taken Morton prisoner and hath slaine Seuen thousand Scottish Lords not farre from Tweards Doro. A wofull murther and a bloodie deed Nano Thinking our liege hath sought by many meanes For to appease his enemie by prayers Nought will preuaile vnlesse hee can restore Faire Dorothea long supposed dead To this intent he hath proclaimed late That who so euer returne the Queene to Court Shall haue a thousand Markes for his reward L. And. He loues her then I see altho inforst That would bestow such gifts for to regaine her Why sit you sad good sir be not dismaide Na. I le lay my life this man would be a maide Dor. Faine would I shewe my selfe and change my tire And. Whereon diuine you sir Na. Vppon desire Madam marke but my skill I le lay my life My maister here will prooue a married wife Doro. Wilt thou bewray me Nano Nano Madam no You are a man and like a man you goe But I that am in speculation seene Know you would change your state to be a Queen Dor. Thou art not dwarffe to learne thy mistresse mind Faine would I with thy selfe disclose my king But yet I blush Na. What blush you Madam than To be your selfe who are a fayned man Let me alone La. And. Deceitfull beautie hast thou scornd me so Nano Nay muse not maiden for she tels you true La. An. Beautie bred loue and loue hath bred my shame N. And womens faces work more wrongs then these Take comfort Madam to cure our disease And yet he loues a man as well as you Onely this difference she cannot fancie too La. An. Blush greeue and die in thine insaciat lust Do. Nay liue and ioy that thou hast won a friend That loues thee as his life by god desert La. And. I ioy my Lord more then my tongue can tell Although not as I desir'd I loue you well But modestie that neuer blusht before Discouer my false heart I say no more Let me alone Doro. Good Nano stay a while Were I not sad how kindlie could I smile To see how faine I am to leaue this weede And yet I faint to shewe my selfe indeede But danger hates delay I will be bold Faire Ladie I am not suppose A man but euen that Qeene more haplesse I Whom Scottish King appointed hath to die I am the haplesse Princesse for whose right These kings in bloudie warres reuenge dispight I am that Dorothea whom they seeke Yours bounden for your kindnesse and releefe And since you are the meanes that saue my life Your selfe and I will to the Camp repaire Whereas your husband shal enioy reward And bring me to his highnesse once againe An. Pardon most gratious Princesse if you please My rude discourse and homelie entertaine And if my words may sauour any worth Vouchsafe my counsaile in this waightie cause Since that our liege hath so vnkindly dealt Giue him no trust returne vnto your syre There may you safelie liue in spight of him Doro. Ah Ladie so wold worldly counsell work But constancie obedience and my loue In that my husband is my Lord and chiefe These call me to compassion of his estate Disswade me not for vertue will not change An. What woonderous constancie is this I heare If English dames their husbands loue so deer I feare me in the world they haue no peere Na. Come Princes wend and let vs change your weede I long to see you now a Queene indeede Exeunt Enter the King of Scots the English Herauld Lords K. of S. He would haue parly Lords Herauld say he shall And get thee gone goe leaue me to my selfe Twixt loue and feare continuall is the warres The one assures me of my Idaes loue The other moues me for my murthred Queene Thus finde I greefe of that whereon I ioy And doubt in greatest hope and death in weale Ah lasse what hell may be compared with mine Since in extreames my comforts do consist Warre then will cease when dead ones are reuiued Some then will yeelde when I am dead for hope Who doth disturbe me Andrew Andrew enter with Slipper Andr. I my liege K. of S. What newes Andr. I thinke my mouth was made at first To tell these tragique tales my liefest Lord K. of S. What is Ateukin dead tell me the worst Andr. No but your Ida shall I tell him all Is married late ah shall I say to whom My maister sad for why he shames the Court Is fled away ah most vnhappie flight Onelie my selfe ah who can loue you more To shew my dutie dutie past beliefe Am come vnto your grace oh gratious liege To let you know oh would it weare not thus That loue is vain and maids soone lost and wonne K. of S. How haue the partial heauens thē dealt with me Boading my weale for to abase my power Alas what thronging thoughts do me oppresse Iniurious loue is partiall in my right And flattering tongues by whom I was misled Haue laid a snare to spoyle my state and me Methinkes I heare my Dorotheas goast Howling reuenge for my accursed hate The gifts of those my subiects that are slaine Pursue me crying out woe woe to lust The foe pursues me at my pallace doore He breakes my rest and spoyles me in my Camp Ah flattering broode of Sicophants my foes First shall my dire reuenge begin on you I will reward thee Andrew Slip. Nay sir if you be in your deeds of charitie remember me I rubd M. Ateukins horse heeles when he rid to the medowes K. of S. And thou shalt haue thy recompence for that Lords beare them to the prison chaine them fast Vntil we take some order for their deathes And. If so your grace in such sort giue rewards Let me haue nought I am content to want Slip. Then I pray sir giue me all I am as ready for a reward as an oyster for a fresh tide spare
more I think vpon our last accord The more I greeue your suddaine parting hence First lawes of friendship did confirme our peace Now both the seale of faith and marriage bed The name of father and the style of friend These force in me affection full confirmd So that I greeue and this my heartie griefe The heauens record the world may witnesse well To loose your presence who are now to me A father brother and a vowed friend K. of Eng. Link all these louely stiles good king in one And since thy griefe exceeds in my depart I leaue my Dorithea to enioy thy whole compact Loues and plighted vowes Brother of Scotland this is my ioy my life Her fathers honour and her Countries hope Her mothers comfort and her husbands blisse I tell thee king in louing of my Doll Thou bindst her fathers heart and all his friends In bands of loue that death cannot dissolue K. of Scots Nor can her father loue her like to me My liues light and the comfort of my soule Faire Dorithea that wast Englands pride Welcome to Scotland and in signe of loue Lo I inuest thee with the Scottish Crowne Nobles and Ladies stoupe vnto your Queene And Trumpets sound that Heralds may proclaime Faire Dorithea peerlesse Queene of Scots All Long liue and prosper our faire Q. of Scots Enstall and Crowne her Dor. Thanks to the king of kings for my dignity Thanks to my father that prouides so carefully Thanks to my Lord and husband for this honor And thanks to all that loue their King and me All Long liue faire Dorithea our true Queene K. of E. Long shine the sun of Scotland in her pride Her fathers comfort and faire Scotlands Bride But Dorithea since I must depart And leaue thee from thy tender mothers charge Let me aduise my louely daughter first What best befits her in a forraine land Liue Doll for many eyes shall looke on thee Haue care of honor and the present state For she that steps to height of Maiestie Is euen the marke whereat the enemy aimes Thy vertues shall be construed to vice Thine affable discourse to abiect minde If coy detracting tongues will call thee proud Be therefore warie in this slippery state Honour thy husband loue him as thy life Make choyce of friends as Eagles of their yoong Who sooth no vice who flatter not for gaine But loue such friends as do the truth maintaine Thinke on these lessons when thou art alone And thou shalt liue in health when I am gone Dor. I will engraue these preceps in my heart And as the wind with calmnesse woes you hence Euen so I wish the heauens in all mishaps May blesse my father with continuall grace K. of E. Then son farwell the fauouring windes inuites vs to Long circumstance in taking princely leaues Is more officious then conuenient Brother of Scotland loue me in my childe You greet me well if so you will her good K. of Sc. Then louely Doll and all that fauor me Attend to see our English friends at sea Let all their charge depend vpon my purse They are our neighbors by whose kind accord We dare attempt the proudest Potentate Onely faire Countesse and your daughter stay With you I haue some other thing to say Exeunt all saue the King the Countesse Ida Ateukin in all royaltie K. of S. So let them tryumph that haue cause to ioy But wretched King thy nuptiall knot is death Thy Bride the breeder of thy Countries ill For thy false heart dissenting from thy hand Misled by loue hast made another choyce Another choyce euen when thou vowdst thy soule To Dorithea Englands choysest pride O then thy wandring eyes bewitcht thy heart Euen in the Chappell did thy fancie change When periur'd man though faire Doll had thy hand The Scottish Idaes bewtie stale thy heart Yet feare and loue hath tyde thy readie tongue From blabbing forth the passions of thy minde Lest fearefull silence haue in suttle lookes Bewrayd the treason of my new vowd loue Be faire and louely Doll but here 's the prize That lodgeth here and entred through mine eyes Yet how so ere I loue I must be wise Now louely Countesse what reward or grace May I imploy on you for this your zeale And humble honors done vs in our Court In entertainment of the English King Countesse It was of dutie Prince that I haue done And what in fauour may content me most Is that it please your grace to giue me leaue For to returne vnto my Countrey home K. of Scots But louely Ida is your mind the same Ida. I count of Court my Lord as wise men do T is fit for those that knowes what longs thereto Each person to his place the wise to Art The Cobler to his clout the Swaine to Cart K. of Sc. But Ida you are faire and bewtie shines And seemeth best where pomp her pride refines Ida. If bewtie as I know there 's none in me Were sworne my loue and I his life should be The farther from the Court I were remoued The more I thinke of heauen I were beloued K. of Scots And why Ida. Because the Court is counted Venus net Where gifts and vowes for stales are often set None be she chaste as Vesta but shall meete A curious toong to charme her eares with sweet K. of Scots Why Ida then I see you set at naught The force of loue Ida. In sooth this is my thoght most gratious king That they that little proue Are mickle blest from bitter sweets of loue And wee le I wot I heard a shepheard sing That like a Bee Loue hath a little sting He lurkes in flowres he pearcheth on the trees He on Kings pillowes bends his prettie knees The Boy is blinde but when he will not spie He hath a leaden foote and wings to flie Beshrow me yet for all these strange effects If I would like the Lad that so infects K. of Scots Rare wit fair face what hart could more desire But Doll is faire and doth concerne thee neere Let Doll be faire she is wonne but I must woe And win faire Ida there 's some choyce in two But Ida thou art coy Ida. And why dread King K. of Scots In that you will dispraise so sweet A thing as loue had I my wish Ida. What then K. of Scots Then would I place his arrow here His bewtie in that face Ida. And were Apollo moued and rulde by me His wisedome should be yours and mine his tree K. of Scots But here returnes our traine Welcome faire Doll how fares our father is he shipt and gone Enters the traine backe Dor. My royall father is both shipt and gone God and faire winds direct him to his home K. of Sc. Amen say I wold thou wert with him too Then might I haue a fitter time to woo But Countesse you would be gone therfore farwell Yet Ida if thou wilt stay thou behind To accompany my Queene But if thou like