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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03228 Londini artium & scientiarum scaturigo. Or, Londons fountaine of arts and sciences Exprest in sundry triumphs, pageants, and showes, at the initiation of the Right Honorable Nicholas Raynton into the Maiorty of the famous and farre renowned city London. All the charge and expence of the laborious proiects both by water and land, being the sole vndertaking of the Right Worshipfull Company of the Haberdashers. Written by Thomas Hayvvood. Heywood, Thomas, d. 1641. 1632 (1632) STC 13347; ESTC S106209 8,558 21

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Londini Artium Scientiarum Scaturigo OR Londons Fountaine of Arts and Sciences Exprest in sundry Triumphs Pageants and Showes at the Initiation of the Right Honorable NICHOLAS RAYNTON into the Maiorty of the famous and farre renowned City LONDON All the Charge and Expence of the laborious Proiects both by Water and Land being the sole vndertaking of the Right Wersoipfull Company of the Haberdashers Written by THOMAS HAYVVOOD Redeunt Spectacula SERVE AND OBEY Printed at London by Nicholas 〈◊〉 1632. ❧ To the Right Honorable Nicholas Raynton Lord Maior of this renowned Metropolis LONDON Right honourable COncerning the Dignity of your place and Magnificence of your Inauguration The first equaling the latter precelling all the famous Magistracies in Christendome I shall not much stand to dispute as being a Maxim already granted yet one thing I cannot omit as most worthy remarke namely how many of like Iudicature haue borne the Sword in this famous and florishing Citty who breathed their first ayre in the County of Lincolne from whence you deriue your selfe as Sir Iohn Stockton Mercer borne at Bratost L. Maior 1470. Sir Nicholas Aldwin Mercer borne at Spalding L. Maior 1499. Sir William Rennington Fishmonger at Bosten L. Maior 1500. Sir William Forman Haberdasher at Gainsborow L. Maior 1538. Sir Henry Hobbershorne Merchant-Tayler at Wadingworth L. Maior 1546. Sir Henry Amcoats Fishmonger at Astrop L. Maior 1548. Sir Iohn Langley Goldsmith at Althrop L. Maior 1576. Sir Iohn Aldot Fishmonger at Limbergh L. Maior 1590. Sir George Bowles Grocer at Gosperton L. Maior 1617. and now in present your Honored selfe Nicholas Raynton borne at Heighington L. Maior 1632. not so many hauing attained to the same Dignity bred in any one County the City of London excepted Worthy obseruation it is also that at one time in the raigne of Queene Elizabeth most of the Prime Officers of State were Country-men of the same County As the Archbishop of Canterbury Whitguist the L. High Treasurer of England L. Burbeigh Cecill the L. Keeper of the Great Seale Sir John ●uckering Viz. Chamberlaine and Chancellor of the Dutchy Sir Thomas Hennidge one of her Maiesties Priuy Councell The Lord Chiefe Iustice Iudge Wraye c. Moreouer it may be iustly spoken of you to your great Reputation and Honour that since the yeere 1209. from Henry Fitzalwin the first L. Maior of this Honourable City and Reter Duke and Thomas Necle the first Sheriffes of the same neuer had any Magistrate a more generall free and affectionate Election euen to this present Yeere 1632. Now Time and your owne Demerit Right Honourable haue raysed you to this Eminence and Dignity the vniversall eye and expectation of all men is vpon you who well know that a wise Magistrate preferres consideration before Conclusion And according to the saying of King Agesilaus Magistrates who gouerne by iust Lawes must strengthen them by good example iudge by Prouidence Wisedome and Iustice and defend by Power Care and Vigilance and thus I humbly take my leaue of your Lordship with this Sentence Non sat est te tuum officium fecisse si non id fama approbat Your Lordships Countrey-man and Seruant THOMAS HEYVVOOD TO THE RIGHT VVorshipfull Hugh Perry and Henry Andrewes the two Sheriffes of the Honourable City London last Elected Right Worshipfull and euery way worthy Your Armes display'd in the Front of this Show approue your Gentry and your Trafficke and Commerce being free Merchant-aduentures testifis to the World your Noble Profession as Trading in the East-Indies Turkey Italy Spayne and France c. to the Honour of our Nation abroad and singular Profits redounding to the Realme at home Your more priuate Imployments heretofore aswell in furthering Arts as incoureging ●●rmes adding no common Luster to these Offices vnto which Time and your owne Demerits haue at this present called you Then as that Publicke weale is most blest and flourishing where the Gouernours are aswell beloued in their Persons as feared in their Places So likewise it belongeth to all such as are in Authority to fieare themselues by the rule of Socrates that is To heare courteously answere discreetly consider seriously and sentence vnpartially But I presume not to aduise where I rather desire to be instructed shatting vp my present Seruice with that of Seneca Id facere laus est quod decet non quod licet Your Worships to bee commanded Thomas Heywood Londons Scaturigo THe Title of the Show is Scaturigo 〈◊〉 the Fountaine and Well-spring of all the Liberall Arts and Sciences or Mysteries whatsoeuer which as they haue beene long since planted and incouraged so they are at this time the more liberally watered and therefore more plenteously inriched by their blessed Mother and bountifull Nurse the most illustrious Citty London For the first namely the Arts and Studies of the Braine How many Grammer Schooles haue beene by her and her indulgent Children erected through all or most of all the Shieres and Counties of England to the propagation and aduancement of Learning to the furnishing of the Accademies with Students and from them the foure flourishing Kingdomes now vnder the Sword and Scepter of his most Sacred Maiesty with profound Theologists expert Phisitians learned Philosophers skilfull Mathemati●ians c. If any man desire to bee further instructed in the number of their Free-schooles Hospitals Almes-houses Lectures Exercises scarce to be numbred with the names of the founders and the Annuall reuenewes still continued and dayly inlarged for their perpetuall maintenance I referre them vnto our English Annalls where they may be plenteously satisfied neither can these few Sheets of Paper containe them much rather require a Volumne So much for the Studies of the Braine Now for all other Sciences Mysteries Trades and Manufactures including aswell Merchants as Mechannicks What City in Europe yeeldeth more plenty more variety In so much that by reason of Bartering Bargening Trade and Commerce besides the Bosse or Exchange dayly throngd with Merchants of all Countries The populous Streets rather appeare an open Matt then an ordinary Market shee not fauouring and fostering her owns Natiues onely but Strangers and of all forraigne Nations whatsoeuer Here they sucke the Milke of her brests here they are fed here cherished by this excellent City and therefore neither impertinently nor vnproperly may shee be stiled Artium Scientiarum inundans Scatarigo The show by Water It representeth Arion with his Harpe in his hand riding vpon the backe of a Dolphin behinde him for ornament old Oceanus and Amphetrite mounted vpon two Sea horses holding each of them a Staffe and a Banner wherein are displayde the Armes of the two Sheriues now in place of him it is thus commented Arion was borne in Methimnus whom Pyranthus or as Gellius and Herodatus please to name him Periander for his excellent skill vpon the Harpe greatly delighted in Dycaearohus describeth him for a noble Ditherambick Poet. He having got great store of