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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19807 A continuation of the historie of France from the death of Charles the eight where Comines endeth, till the death of Henry the second. Collected by Thomas Danett Gentleman. Danett, Thomas, fl. 1566-1601. 1600 (1600) STC 6234; ESTC S109248 69,757 158

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to the king of England 400000. crownes The king of England promised to marie Elizabeth the eldest daughter of Fraunce afterward wife to Philip king of Spaine Both English and French departed Scotland which was ordained to be gouerned by one of their owne nation and both the Kings were made knights each of others order Cha. 3. The warres of Parma and Mirandula The kings nauie spoyleth diuers Holandish shippes The Turke winneth Tripoli THe king hauing thus established peace on that side of his realme began to attend to his forraine practises against the Emperor as well in Italie as in Germanie The first attempt that he made against the Emperour was the warre of Parma in Italie which began 1551. vpon this occasion Petrus Aloisius Franesius sonne to Pope Paule the third had giuen him by his father with the consent of the consistorie of Cardinalls Parma and Placencia in exchaunge of other lands and was created Duke thereof This Peter the tenth of September in the yeare 1547. was slaine in his owne house not without the consent of Ferdinando Gonzaga gouernour of Milan for the Emperour as it was thought For presently vpon his death the said Ferdinando came to Placencia and entered into it and placed a garrison in it to the Emperours vse and farther alowed Giouanni Aguzzolo who killed the sayde Peter with his owne hands twentie souldiours for his guard Octauius Peters sonne and sonne in law to the Emperour for he had married the Emperours base daughter widow of Alexander Medices duke of Florence demaunded of the Emperour against Gonzaga iustice of his fathers death and that Placentia mought bee restored to him againe but receauing frō him no thing but delatorie answers fearing to be spoiled of Parma as alreadie he was of Placentia hee sought for succour at the hands of Iulius tertius newly chosen Pope who misliking the Emperours greatnes in Italie perswaded Octauius to put himself vnder the protection of France not so much regarding Octauius good thereby as hoping by this meanes to set these two Princes at variaunce which hee accompted the onely preseruation of his owne estate But the Emperour on the other side beeing exceedingly offended with this reuolt of Octauio to the French practised with the Pope to claime Parma as the right of the Church and to excomunicate Octauio as the Church rebel promising him if he would so doe that hee would enter into these warres and besiege Parma and restore it to the Church if it were recouered Wherevpon the Pope respecting his owne profit more thē his credit or the goodnesse of the cause vtterly abandoned Octauio and ioyned with the Emperour in this warre But the king hauing receaued Octauio into his protection and that by the Popes owne perswasion promised to defend him both against the Emperors ambition and violence and likewise against the Popes trecherous inconstancie who as you haue heard being reuolted from Octauio ioyned with the Emperour in this warre in hope to recouer Parma for the Church wherefore the king fortefied Parma and manned it and likewise Mirandula the Earle whereof fearing continually to be surprised by Gonzague ioyned with the French and receaued into the towne certaine French bands sent thither out of Piemont by the marshal Brissac Gonzague on the other side by the Emperours commaundement went and besieged Parma but all in the Popes name for neither would the Emperour seeme to attempt any thing against the King but onely to aide the Pope in a iust cause neither would the King seeme to attempt any thing against the Emperour but onely to ayde Octauio beeing vnder his protection in his iust cause But this dissimulation betweene these two Princes held not long for as Monsieur d'Andelot passed through the Emperours dominions in Lombardie with certaine bandes of men to put himselfe into Parma by the Kings commandement notwithstanding that they passed quietlie without harme doing as in their friendes country yet was the said d'Andelot staied prisoner by the Imperialls and iustefied for a good przse wherevpon the King charged the Emperour with breach of the truce and beegan to make warre vpon him on all sides A man may thinke the King was not well aduised to enter into this warre for Octauios cause in whom being the Emperours sonne in law he could repose no assured trust and who hee mought assure himselfe vpon the restitution of Placentia would alwaies be ready to giue him the slip so in deede he did being restored therevnto in the yeare 1556. But you must know that the king vsed this matter but as a coulour to prouoke an open warre beetweene the Emperour and him as hee was sure it would in the ende and the which thing he principally desired both because hee was yong and naturally enclined to martiall affaires and also because hee hoped while the Emperour was busied with the Princes of Allemaine with whom the king had good intelligence to recouer the duchie of Milan in the which as also in diuers other parts of Italie he had many good friends But the warrs of Germanie had a speedier end then hee expected after the which the Emperour held him play in so many places that hee had no leasure to looke ouer the mountaines in a good many yeares after this and sped but euill when he toke that enterprise in hand as heereafter you shall heere And so it appeereth that whatsoeuer man purposeth God disposeth afterwards thereof as it pleaseth him Gonzague as you haue heard besiged Parma the Pope on the other side to distract the kings forces besieged Mirandula But the King auowing the truce to bee broken beecause of Monsieur d'Andelots imprisonment aboue mentioned sent to Brissac new supplies into Piemont commaunding him not onely to succour Parma and Mirandula but also to endamage the Emperours dominions in those partes by all the meanes he mought Wherevpon the saide Brissac wanne diuers townes in Piemont in the Marquisate of Montferrate from the Imperialls and put the whole Duchie of Milan into so great feare that Gonzague was forced for the defence thereof to abandon the siege of Parma retire thether The Pope also preuailed no better beefore Mirandula but lost many of his men before the towne and among the rest his Nephew Giouanni Battista de Monte. Wherfore seing his hope frustrate for the recouerie of Parma and Mirandula and being cōsumed with the charges of the warres and farther perceauing a new tempest readie to arise against the Emperour from Duke Maurice and other princes of Germanie with whom while the Emperour was busied himselfe by the French mought be vtterly ruinated Wherevnto I also adde that the king had alreadie forbidden any cause whatsoeuer to be remoued out of his realme to Rome which was no small blow to the Popes purse and farther had vtterly refused to send any of the Clergie of his Realme to the counsell of Trent or to accept that as a generall counsell and had also perswaded the Swyssers to doe
and townes confederated with them against him perswading the Pope who sent him ayde in these warrs that his quarel was Religion but to the princes Protestāts of Germanie many of the which were in his Camp ayded him he pretended that he made warr vppon them for their rebellion although in truth neither of both these were the cause motife of this warre but his owne ambition for his purpose was by vsing the Germanies help against the Germaines so to weaken both parts and in the meane time so to plant garrisons of Spaniards in the strong places of the countrey that in the ende he mought make the easier conquest of the whole And such successe he had at the beginning of these warrs that he toke the Duke of Saxonie prisoner made the Lantzgraue come yeld him selfe to his mercie but with this condition that he should not be detained in prison which article the Emperour so gloased with a Spanish exposition that that notwithstanding he emprisoned him alleadging that the article mentioned onely perpetual emprisonment The Palfzgraue also and the Duke of Wirtemberg and diuers other Princes and free Townes submitted them selues to him and with their money bought their peace You haue heard before how Henry the eight king of England dyed a little before king Francis and left behinde him Prince Edward his sonne a childe about tenne yeares of age the sayed King Henry before his death had practised a marriage in Scotland betwene the sayd prince his sonne afterward called Edward the vj and the heyre of Scotland being about foure yeares of age and so farre this matter was proceded in that the greatest part of the states of Scotland had giuen their consent thereunto but after king Henrys death by the perswasion of the Queene mother being of the house of Guyse and by the practise of the French faction who could not endure this vniting of these two Realmes by the sayd mariage the treatie made with king Henry was disauowed and a practise set on foote to bestow this yong Princes vpon the Daulphin of Fraunce for the which cause the English men entered into Scotland with a mightie armie spoiled all the countrie whom the Scotts encountering with all their forces at a place called Muscleborow were ouerthrowen and a great number of them slayne in September this yeare 1547. after the which victorie the English men tooke manie Castles and strong places and entered as farre as Edemborough the chiefe Citie of the Countrey and fortified Hedington a strong Towne where what happened what issue these warres had hereafter you shall heare The Emperour hauing ended his warres aboue mentioned in Germanie and established the 1548. Interim which was a forme of Religion to bee obserued till the assemblie of a generall counsell came downe into the low countries leading the Duke of Saxonie and the Lantzgraue with him as it were in triumph to the no small griefe of diuers Princes of the Empire especially of Duke MAVRICH sonne in law to the sayde Lantzgraue as the sequell shall well declare About this tyme also the Prince of Spaine the Emperours sonne came out of Spaine into Italie and from thence to Bruxelles to his father beeing honorably receaued in all places through which he passed But the Realme of Fraunce beeing deliuered from forrayne warres beeganne to bee vexed with domesticall seditions for a great rebellion was raysed at BOVRDEAVX and through all GVIENNE and XAINTOIGNE for a newe imposition increased vppon Sault for the appeasing whereof the Constable and Monsieur d'Aumalle were sent into those partes who punished very sharply them of BOVRDEAVX because they had slaine the kings officers and commited many disorders and tooke from them all their priuiledges and condemned both them and other townes that had offended in great summes of money and so appeased the tumult Cap. 2. The King aydeth the Scots against the English hee inuadeth the Countrey of Boulonoys The Queene of Scots is caried into Fraunce Paule the third dyeth Iulius the third succedeth peace betwene England and Fraunce YOu haue heard how the last yeare the English men were entered into Scotland as farre as Edingbourg and had ouerthrowen the Scots at Muscleborow for the which cause the Scots sent into Fraunce for ayde and the King knowing how preiudiciall it should bee for him and his Realme to suffer the English men to nestle in Scotland sent thether an armie of 6000. men vnder the leading of Monsieur d'Esse Strozzi the Rhingraue and others who made head against the English men and much endamaged them wanne Hedington which they had fortefied from them while in the meane time their nauie conueighed the young Queene into Fraunce notwithstanding the English nauie that lay vpon the Sea to stoppe their passage purposly to haue surprised the sayde young Queene and to haue brought hir into England but the French nauie escaped them and ariued safly in Fraunce After the conueighing away of the young Queene the king reuoqued d'Esse and sent de Thermes a valiant souldier and a wise man to take the charge of his armie in Scotland willing him to busie the English men on that side while the French forces entered into the Countrey of Boulonoys for notwithstanding that peace had beene concluded as before you haue heard betwene king Francis and king Henry before their death and afterward confirmed also betwene the two Realmes yet that notwithstanding the French perceauing the Realme of England to be vexed with seditions because of the alteration of Religion vsed that opportunitie and besieged Bouloyne but could not take it notwithstanding diuers other small peces held by the English in the countrey of Boulonoys namely Boulonberg Hambletow and Montlambert and diuers other they toke This yeare also the tenth of Nouember died Pope Paule the third to whom after three moneths dissencion in the Consistorie succeded Iulius the third and this yeare also in December died Margaret Queene of Nauarra sister to king Francis a Lady of an excelent spirit But after these wars aboue mentioned had thus passed as you haue hard since the beginning of this kings 1550. reigne betwene the French English nations as well in Scotland as in Boulonoys both parts disposed thēselues to peace England was afflicted not onely with sorraine warrs but also with domesticall seditions of the commons and dissentions among the nobles the French king was entered into practise against the Emperour both in Italie with Octauio Prince of Parma and in Germanie with duke Maurice and diuers other Princes who hated the Emperour deadly for his extreame tiranie vsed against the liberties of their country Wherefore the King meaning to attempt somewhat against the Emperour was the more inclined to make peace with England thereby to haue all cleere on that side of Fraunce Both the Realmes therfore being thus disposed to concord their commissioners met concluded peace with these cōditions Boloyne was restored to the French for the which they payed