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A01503 The countrie gentleman moderator Collections of such intermarriages, as haue beene betweene the two royall lines of England and Spaine, since the Conquest: with a short view of the stories of the liues of those princes. And also some obseruations of the passages: with diuers reasons to moderate the country peoples passions, feares, and expostulations, concerning the Prince his royall match and state affaires. Composed and collected by Edm. Garrard. Garrard, Edmund. 1624 (1624) STC 11624; ESTC S102860 39,587 76

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Royall Sepulture of his Auncestors at Westminster and there in Saint Peters Church it was with all possible Royalty and magnificence honourably interred The King gaue vnto the Abbot there twelue large and rich Lordships charitably to giue Almes and deuoutly to pray for the blessed Queene vntill the worlds end Our owne Writers affirme of this Queene Speede. Walsing Camdens Britania to our Nation she was a louing mother and saith one the Columne and pillar as it were of the whole Realme shee added the vertues of a wife to her sex to them both her immortall fame is a glory and an honour to her Nation King Edward the third 1360. married his daughter Iohanna to Henry the second King of Castile sonne of Alphonsus the 11. Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster fourth sonne of King Edward the third did take to wife Constancia eldest daughter of Peter King of Castile To whom in right of his said wife Constancia the Kingdome of Castile and Leon did discend and they both stiled themselues King and Queene of Castile and Leon which illustrious title is yet to be seene vpon his noble monument in Saint Pauls Church in London Katherine the sole daughter of the said Duke of Lancaster by his aforesaid wife Constancia was married to Henry 1388. the third sonne of king Iohn of Castile and Leon. Edmund Duke of Yorke youngest sonne of king Edward the third 1391. married Isabella youngest daughter of Peter king of Castile King Henry the fourth married Iohanna the daughter of Charles king of Nauarr. 1403. The next intermarriage wee finde betweene England and Spaine was in the time of king Henry the seauenth his owne marriage his sonnes with Spaine and marriages of his daughters are the greatest acts of State our English Annalles doe afford vs first his owne marriage made a Vnion whereupon after the effusion of much bloud to the consumption of the greatest part of the English Nobility there followed and euer since continued a happy peace and then by the marriage of his daughter settled an vndoubted and permanent succession for the Crowne of England the blessed happinesse at this instant wee enioy All which with the patience of the Reader contrary to my intended resolution which was onely for the story of the Spanish matches I will a little digresse and briefly touch hauing one with another dependancy and coherence This king Henry the seauenth for his wisedome was said to be a second Salomon and lay somewhat heauie on his people and was Auncestor to our now Soueraigne who will peraduenture some way both for the mannaging of the State and marriage of his children make him a patterne and precedent But the difference is the more is our happinesse Henry the seauenth his gathering of treasure together was to heape vp in store as appeared being found at Richmond after his decease vnder his owne key and keeping eighteene hundred thousand pounds sterling A huge masse of money for those times Our king hath expressed his Royall and Princely bounty and exposed his treasure vpō important occasions wherevnto his Maiestie hath beene necessitated gathered vp from his Subiects but as showers of raine that falls backe vpon the earth againe But it hath beene of late and it is very like hence-forth it will be imployed to repay support and supply About the ninth yeare of king Henry the seauenth his raigne there was one Peter Hyalus an Ambassador A Spanish Ambassadour sent into England sent from Ferdinando and Isabella king and Queene of Spaine to treate of a marriage betweene Katherine their daughter and Prince Arthur sonne and heire of Henry the seauenth it was obserued this Hyalus was a man of great wisedome that through the present could see farre into the future which king Henry soone perceiued Hyalus instantly became in great fauour and estimation with him brought it so about and yet not seene therein that Hyalus was imployed for him into Scotland both about a treaty of peace as also a marriage for Margaret his eldest daughter with Iames the fourth then king of Scotland it was not king Henry his course to seeke peace at any Prince his hands But it was conceiued hee did it then as not louing the barren warres which hee thought would not bee worth his charge Hyalus so caried himselfe in those Ambassies that it was his master-peece which euer after gaue him the esteeme of an excellent workman which shall bee hereafter more particularly related The warres betweene the king of England and the king of Scots were then at the height when Hyalus was sent but comming as it were from the king and Queene of Spaine as from friends equally well affected to both parties to mediate a peace betweene the two kings of England and Scotland as also about a treaty or ouerture at least of a marriage which perhaps in their owne persons would not haue beene so easily brought about the point of honour might therevnto giue impeachment Hyalus so handled the point of his imployment that immediately after Bishop Foxe was sent as an Ambassadour into Scotland wherevpon followed an honourable truce and shortly afterwards a marriage concluded betweene the king of Scots and Margaret the eldest daughter of Henry the seauenth king of England so that Doctor Morton afterwards Cardinall and this Peter Hyalus the Spanish Ambassadour were two of the happiest instruments that euer were the one for composing and contriuing the marriage betweene king Henry the seauenth and Elizabeth the eldest daughter of Edward the fourth whereby the two houses of Yorke and Lancaster were vnited and Hyalus a fore-runner of good hap was therefore by some called an Elias being the first motiue and speciall meanes of the intermarriage betweene England and Scotland whereby we enioy our now Soueraigne whom God graunt long to raigne ouer vs. The Spaniards are obserued generally to be acute and ingenious and many of them of great wisdome and deepe iudgements some reason thereof conceiued for that they are freer from the dull discease of drinke then other Nations are The great Historians writes in this manner of them The Spaniards are more able Guichardine Biterus then either the French or Germanes to endure the actions of the body and to suffer the passions of the minde Their first founder was a Souldier therefore are they held naturally the more for warre Jgnatius and no Nation hath euer beene therein more exercised They haue a Spanish Prouerbe To haue peace with England doth vs betide warres with all the world beside These our auncient Writers affirme Droder Siculus lib. 6. Strabo lib. 3. Mila lib. 2. that the Spaniard is most patient in want hardnesse hunger thirst heat colde and all other toyle and trouble both of body and minde and most ready and resolute for loue of Country or honour to encounter all dangers whatsoeuer For the last particular wherein the Spaniard hath that height of commendation giuen him it neither can be any detraction or
diminution to the English they haue deserued as much whereof the Spaniards themselues haue had experience The marriage with Spaine was almost seauen yeares in treaty The Spanish match seauen yeares in treaty which was in part caused by the tender yeares of the marriage couple especially of the Prince But the true reason was that those two Princes being Princes of great policie and profound iudgement stoode a great time looking one vpon anothers fortunes how they would goe knowing well that in the meane time the very treaty it selfe gaue abroad in the world a reputation of a straite coniunction and amity betweene them which serued on both sides to many purposes that their seuerall affaires required and yet they continued still free But in the end when the fortunes of both Princes did grow euery day more and more prosperous and assured and that looking about them they saw no better conditions they shist it vp The second day of October Queene Katherine arriued in England in the 17. yeare of the kings raigne the Lady Katherine daughter to Ferdinand and Izabella king and Queene of Spaine arriued in England at Plymouth and she was married to Prince Arthur in Pauls the 14. day of Nouember following the Prince being about 15. yeares of age and the Lady 18. The manner of her receiuing the manner of her entry into London and the celebration of their marriage were performed with great and true magnificence in regard of cost and order The chiefe man that tooke the care was Bishop Fox who was not onely a great Councellour for warre or peace but also a good Suruayor of works and a good Master of ceremonies and any thing that was fit for the actiue part belonging to the seruice of a Court or State of a great king Amongst the deuices and conceits of the tryumphes at the marriage there was a great deale of Astronomy the Lady being resembled to Hesperus and the Prince to Arcturus and the olde king Alphonsus that was the great Astronomer of kings and Ancestor to the Lady was brought in to be Fortune-teller of the match And whosoeuer had those toyes in compyling they were not altogether pedanticall But we may be sure that king Arthur the Brittaine in whose acts were worth enough to make him famous besides that which is fabulous written of him the Prince his discent from him and the Lady Katherine from the house of Lancaster was not forgotten those two particulars had a great part in the play But it seemes it is not good to fetch fortune from the Starres This young prince Arthur drow vpon him not onely the hopes and affections of his Country but the eyes and expectations of Forraigners all frustrated enioying him so little a time as they did the great alterations and strange euents afterwards ensuing The marriage portion the Princesse brought The marriage portion which was turned ouer to the King by renunciation was two hundred thousand Duckets whereof one hundred thousand were payd ten dayes after the solemnization of the marriage and the other hundred thousand at two payments annuall but part of it in Iewels and Plate and a due course set downe to haue them iustly and indifferently prised The Ioyncture Queene Katherines Ioincture or the aduancement of the Lady was the third part of the principalitie of Wales and of the Dukedome of Cornwall and the Earledome of Chester to be after set forth in seueraltie and in case she came to be Queene of England her aduancement was left indiffinite but that it should be as great as any former Queene of England had Prince Arthur imediately after the Solemnization of the Mariage was sent to keepe his rescyance and Court as Prince of Wales at the Castle of Ludlowe after a few moneths in the beginuing of Aprill he there deceased Prince Arthur deceased So that in respect he dyed so young and by reason of his Fathers manner of education that did cast no great Lustre vpon his children there is little particular mention of him onely thus much remaineth that he was very studious and learned beyond his yeares and beyond the custome of great Princes The February next following Henry Duke of Yorke afterward Henry the Eight was created Prince of Wales and Earle of Chester For the Dukedome of Cornewall deuolued vnto him by Statute which was halfe a yeares distance taken for his creation and his Prince Arthurs death which was construed to be to exprect a full time whereby it might appeare whether the Lady Katherine were with childe by Prince Arthur or not when this doubt was cleered Henry the Prince of Wales was presently Contracted to the Lady Katherine his brother Prince Arthurs Widow the reason of the Kings so doing some Writers affirme was because he was close handed and would not part with a second Dowrie some others affirme and it is like they are neerest the truth out of his affection to Ferdinando King of Spaine with whom he had euer a consent euen in nature and customes and out of a politicke consideration to continue his alyance with Spaine being assured that the Lady was of a most worthy vertuous and Princely disposition and in his profound iudgement knew that wiues were casuall commodities both for the loue he bore to his Sonne and the kingdome for that neither of them should runne another hazzard reteyned the Lady to be Queene of England The next instantly taken in hand The King of Scotlands marriage with the Kings eldest Daughter done by Proxie was the worke begun by Hyalus the Spanish Embassador the Solemnization of the Spowsals of Iames the Fourth King of Scotland with the Lady Margarel the Kings eldest Daughter which was done by Proxie and published at Pauls Crosse the 25. day of Ianuary and Te Deum solemnly sung But certaine it is that the ioy of the Citie thereupon shewed by ringing the Bells and Bonfiers and such other incense of the people was more then could be expected in case of so great and fresh enmitie betweene the Nations especially in London which were far enough from the feeling any the former calamities of the Warre and therefore might be truly attributed to a secret instinct and inspiring which many times runneth not onely in the hearts of Princes but in the pulses and veines of people touching the happinesse there to ensue in time to come The Mariage was in August following consumated at Edenborough King Henry bringing his Daughter as farre as Colliweston on the way and then consigning her to the attendance of the Earle of Northumberland who with a great troope of Lords and Ladies of Honour brought her into Scotland to the King her Husband This Mariage had beene in treatie by the space almost of three yeares from the time that Hyalus made the first ouerture and that the King of Scotland shortly after opened his minde to Bishop Foxe The summe giuen in mariage portion by the King The Mariage portion was ten thousand
pounds The ioyncture and aduancement assured by the King of Scotland was two thousand pounds a yeare after King Iames his death one thousand pounds a yeare in present for the Ladies maintenance This to be set forth in lands of the best and most certaine Reuenue The King as it is reported A question proposed by the Lords of the Counsell before this Match was concluded proposed it to his Councell and amongst them it was debated some of the Table in the Freedome of Councellours the King being present did put the case that if God should take away the Kings two Sonnes without issue that then the kingdome of England would fall vnto the King of Scotland The. Kings Reply which might preiudise the Monarchie of England whereunto the King himselfe replyed that if that should be Scotland would be but an accession to England and not England to Scotland for that the greater would draw the lesse and that it was a safer Vnion for England then that of France This passed as an Oracle and silenced those that moued the question This was a kinde of diuine and propheticall proposition made by the Lords of the Councell and so accordingly answered by the King so that the said Iames the fourth King of Scotland had issue by the Lady Margaret Iames the Fift The Kings Discent and he had issue Queene Mary she had issue our now Soueraigne so that he is great Grandchilde of Margaret eldest Daughter to Henry the Seauenth Now seeing I haue gone thus farre in matters of Mariage contrary to my intent as not to haue medled with any but those of Spaine I will now goe through by way of touch rather then by ample discourse of the mariage of the last and indeed of all the Daughters and children of King Henry the Seauenth Henry the Seauenth contracteth Mary his youngest Daughter to the Emperor and the rather for that it was the last act that concluded his temporall felicitie which was the conclusion of a glorious match betweene his Daughter Mary and Charles Princes of Castyle afterwards the great Emperour both being of tender yeares which treatie was perfected by Bishop Foxe Henry the Seauenth dying the Mariage tooke not effect and others his Commissioners at Calice But by reason the King about some yeare after died that mariage did not take effect Mary King Henryes youngest Daughter married to the King of France Afterwards to the Duke of Suffolke she was afterwards maried to the King of France who being aged shortly after died had no issue by her King Henry the Eight her brother sent ouer into France Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolke to fetch her from thence who maried her and by him she had issue the farther particulars in those affaires I leaue the readers to the perusall of the workes of many Writers Stowe Holland Speede. that haue written the same at large For Henry the Seauenth I will conclude being he himselfe by the generall concluder of all was concluded Only this he had the fotune of a true Christian aswell as of a great King ●ote in liuing exercised and dying repentant his happinesse was much the more as when he left the world was in great felicitie being as it were at the top of all worldly blisse in regard of the high mariages of his Children his great renowne throughout Europe his great Riches and the perpetuall constancie of his prosperous successes all which were some way a shadow and vaile that it did not so euidently appeare as otherwise it would in what obloquie of the people he notwithstanding liued So that death to him was wonderfull opportune to withdrawe and preserue him from any future blow of Fortune which in all likelyhood would haue fallen vpon him in regard of the great hatred of his people and the Title of his Sonne being then come to eighteene yeares of age and being a bold Prince and liberall gained vpon the people by his very aspect and presence The King according to the contract made by his Father King Henry the 8. married the Lady Katherine his brothers widdow married his Brother Prince Arthurs Widow The secret prouidence of God ordaining that Mariage to be the cause of great euents and changes our Writers doe not lay it to the Ladies charge that she in her particuler ministered any occasion thereof The storie of the Kings life more or otherwise then it shall concerne the diuorce the Ladies life and conuersation I will not here meddle many haue written of him at large but the lesse is the more for his commendation Queene Katherine liued twenty years with the King When this Lady had liued aboue twenty yeares with the King as a vertuous and loyall Wife Cardinall Wolsey we finde had a great part in this play whose discent Pollidor Vigill relateth Parentem habuit virum probum at lanium had an honest man to his Father but a Butcher then for the particular story of his life more then shall concerne this affaire I leaue the Readers to many other Authors that haue written the same at large but in briefe he was intollerable wicked pompous and magnificent and according to the fate commonly of such men his end was infamous and infortunate vpon some priuate grudge he bore to Queene Katherine partly to be reuenged thereby vpon her Nephew the Emperour because he would not make him Pope as secretly he had requested him and partly because often-times in a most secret louing and gentle fashion she had admonished and warned him of his couetousnesse tyranny of his extortions oppressions of his pride and licentious course of life such men when they are told of those things being eminent and powerfull vsually will extend it to the highest to execute their malice which Wolsey so did towards the Queene as it afterwards fell out to bee apparant that to the King in priuate hee had cast some scruples with some subtle disputations concerning the lawfulnesse and nullitie of the Kings mariage who hauing as it seemed a desire to change as by his hauing so many Wiues afterwards it was somewhat probable made a great shew and expressure to the world that he began to be tender ouer his conscience and prouident to establish the true succession of the kingdome in a lawfull heire strucke so great an impression into him and so busied his cogitations and thoughts that a religious sorrow began to seaze vpon him and to auoide the continuance in that incestuous sinne vntill by a iudiciall sentence the doubts were cleered he refrained from the Queenes bed and the Cardinall to make himselfe more great then he was procured a Commission from the Pope to be directed to him and to his ancient brother Cardinall Campeius that before them as supreme Iudges that question by legall processe and proceedings might be heard debated on and censured according to the lawes of God These two Legates hauing receiued their Commission informeth the Queene of their authoritie and