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A22662 A declaration conteyning the iust causes and consyderations of this present warre with the Scottis wherin alsoo appereth the trewe & right title the Kinges Most Royall Maiesty hath to the souerayntie of Scotlande. England and Wales. Sovereign (1509-1547 : Henry VIII); Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547. 1542 (1542) STC 9179; ESTC S4637 14,331 31

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Isle within the Occean sea to be after gouerned by them thre appoynted Albanact to rule that nowe is called Scotlād Camber the parties of Wales and Locrine that nowe is called Englande vnto whom as beinge the elder sonne the other two brothers shuld do homage recognisyng and knowleagynge hym as theyr superior Nowe consider if Brutus conquered all this Ilande as the hystorye sayeth he dyd and then in his owne tyme made this order of superioritie as afore Howe can there be a title diuised of a more playne begynninge a more iuste begynninge a more conuenient begynninge for the order of this Ilande at that tyme specially when the people were rude which can not without continual strife and variaunce conteyne two or the rulers in all poyntes equall without any maner of superioritie the inwarde conscience and remorse of whiche superioritie shulde in some part dull and diminishe the peruerse courage of resistence and rebellion The fyrst diuision of this Isle we fynde it writē after this sort without cause of suspection why they shulde wryte amysse And accordynge herevnto we fynde also in hystory set forth by diuerse howe for transgression against this superioritie our predecessours haue chastised the kinges of Scottis and some deposed and put other in their places VVE wil here omyt to speake of the rudenes of the antiquitie in particularitie which they cared not distinctly to cōmit to writing but some authors as Anthonius Sabellicus amonges other diligentely enserchynge what he might truely wryte of al Europe Ened 10. Lib. 5. and the Ilandes adioynynge ouer and besides that whiche he writeth of the nature maners and condytions of the Scottis whiche who so lyst to rede shal fynde to haue bene the very same in tymes paste that we fynde them nowe at this present he calleth Scotlande part of Englande which is agreable to the diuision aforesaid beinge in dede as in the lande contynuall without separation of the sea so also by homage and fealtie vnite vnto the same as by particular declarations shall most manifestly appere by the testimony of suche as haue left writing for proue and confirmation therof In whiche matier passing ouer the deathe of kynge Humbre the actes of Dunwald king of this realme the diuisiō of Belin Brene the victories of king Arthure we shal begyn at the yere of our lord DCCCC which is DCXLII yeres by past a tyme of sufficient auncientie from whiche we shall make speciall declaration and euidence of the execution of our right and title of superioritie euermore contynued and preserued hytherto ¶ EDVVARDE the fyrst before the conquest sonne to Alured kyng of Englande had vnder his dominion and obedience the king of Scottis And here is to be noted that this matier was so notorious and manifest as Maryon a Scot writing that storye in those dayes graunteth confesseth and testifieth the same and this dominion contynued in that state XXIII yere At whyche tyme Athelstaine succeded in the crowne of Englande and hauynge by battayle conquered Scotlande he made one Constantine kynge of that partie to rule and gouerne the countray of Scotlande vnder him adding this princely woorde That it was more honour to hym to make a kynge than to be a kyng XXIIII yeres after that whiche was the yere of our lorde DCCCCXLVII Eldred kynge our progenitour Athelstains brother toke homage of Irise then kinge of Scottis XXX yeres after that whiche was the yere of our lorde DCCCCLXXVII kyng Edgar our predecessor toke homage of Kynalde king of Scottis Here was a lyttell trouble in Englande by the death of sayncte Edwarde kynge and martyr distroyed by the deceite of his mother in lawe but yet within memory XL yeres after the homage done by Kynald to kyng Edgare that is to say in the yere of our lord MXVII Malcolme the kynge of Scottes dydde homage to Knute our predecessour After this homage done the Scottis vttered some piece of theyr naturall disposition whervppon by warre made by our progenitour sainte Edwarde the confessour XXXIX yere after that homage done that is to say the yere of our lord MLVI Malcolme kynge of Scottis was vanquisshed and the realme of Scotlande gyuen to Malcolme his sonne by our sayd progenitour saynte Edwarde vnto whome the sayde Malcolme made homage and fealtie WITHIN XI yeres after that Wylliam Conquerour entred this realme wherof he accompted no perfect conquest vntyll he had lykewise subdued the Scottis and therfore in the sayde yere whiche was in the yere of our lord MLXVIII the sayd Malcolme kynge of Scottis dyd homage to the sayde William Conquerour as his superiour by conquest kynge of Englande XXV yeres after that whiche was the yere of our Lorde MXCIII the sayde Malcolme dyd homage and fealty to William Rufus sonne to the said William Conquerour and yet after that was for his offences and demerites deposed and his sonne substitute in his place who lykewyse fayled in his duetie and therfore was ordeyned in that astate by the sayd William Rufus Edgare brother to the laste Malcolme and sonne to the fyrste who dyd his homage and fealtie accordingely VII yeres after that which was in the yere of our lorde MC the sayd Edgar kynge of Scottis dydde homage to Henry the fyrste our progenitour XXXVII yere after that Dauid kyng of Scottis did homage to Matilde the Emperatrice as daughter and heyre to Henry the fyrst Wherfore beinge after required by Steuen then obteynynge possession of the realme to make his homage he refused so to do bycause he had before made it to the sayde Matilde and thervpon forbare After whiche Dauids deathe whiche ensued shortely after the sonne of the sayd Dauid made homage to the said kyng Steuen XIIII yeres after that whiche was in the yere of our lorde MCL William king of Scottis and Dauid his brother with al the nobles of Scotlād made homage to HENRY the secondes sonne with a reseruation of theyr dutie to Henry the second his father XXV yeres after that which was in the yere of our lorde MCLXXV Wylliam kinge of Scotlande after moch rebellion and resistence accordyng to their naturall inclination kyng HENRY the seconde than being in Normandy William then kyng of Scottis knowledged fynally his errour and made his peace and composition confirmed with his great seale and the seales of the Nobilitie of Scotlande makynge therwith his homage and fealtie WITHIN XV yeres after that which was the yere of our lorde MCLXXXX the sayd Wylliam kyng of Scottes came to our citie of Canturbury and there dydde homage to our noble progenitour kynge RICHARDE the fyrst XIIII yeres after that the sayd William dyd homage to our progenitour kynge IOHN vpon a hyll besides Lincoln̄ makyng his othe vpon the crosse of Hubert than archbyshop of Canturbury being there present a meruaylous multitude assembled for that purpose XXVI yeres after that whiche was in the yere of our lorde MCCXVI Alexander kyng of Scottis maryed Margaret the doughter of oure progenitoure HENRY the thyrde
the superior lord in the tyme of vacation benefices offices fees promotions passid in that tyme from the mere gift of our sayde progenitour as in the right of this crowne of England Sheriffes named and apoynted writtis preceptes made obeyed and executed And finally al that we do now in the Duchy of Lancaster the same dyd our progenitour for the tyme of contention for that title in the realme of Scotlande by the consent and agrement of all astates of the realme assembled and consulted with for that purpose At whiche tyme the byshoppes of saynt Andrewes and Glascoo were not as they nowe be archebyshoppes but recognised the prouince of our archebishop of Yorke whiche extended ouer all that countrey NOVV if the Scottis wyl take exception to the homages of theyr pryncis as made in warre by force whiche is not true what wyll they say or can they for shame alledge agaynst their owne parlyament not of some but of all confirmed testified by theyr writynge and seales whervnto nothing enforced them but right and reason being passed in peace and quiet without armour or compulsion If they say they did it not they speake like them selues If they say they dyd it then doo they nowe lyke them selfes to withdrawe their duetie not so moche to be blamed as to be amended THVS APPERETH vnto you the begynnyng of the righte of superioritie with a perpetuall contynuaunce without intermission within memory certayne omission and forbearynge vpon the groundes and occasions before specified we deny not Wherby they haue many tymes sought and taken theyr oportunities to withdrawe the doinge of theyr duetie in knowlege of our superioritie ouer theym whiche to auoyde they haue not cared what they sayde or alleged though it were neuer so vntrue lyeng alwayes in awayte whan they myght annoy this realme not without theyr owne great dangier peryl and extreme detriment But as they detrected the doing of theyr duetie so god euer graunted vnto this realme force to compell them thervnto within memory not withstandyng any theyr interruption by resistence which vnto the tyme of our progenitour Henry the VI neuer indured so longe as it made intermission within tyme of mynde wherby the possession might seme to be enpaired from the tyme of Henry the VI vnto the seuenth yere of our reigne how our realme hath ben for a season lacerate and torne by diuersitie of titles tyl our time and sins by warre outwardly vexed and troubled The story is so lamentable for some parte therof as were tediouse to reherse SITHENS THE deathe of our progenitour Henry the VI our grandfather Edwarde the IIII reygned who after great trauailes to atteyne quietnes in his realme fynally in the tyme of preparation of warre against Scotlande dyed RICHARDE the III than vsurped for a smalle tyme in yeres whom the kynge oure father by the strength of goddis hande ouerthrewe in battail and mooste iustly attayned the possession of this realme who neuertheles after the great tempestious stormes fyndynge all matiers nat yet broughte to a perfecte quiete and reste ceassed and forbare to require of the Scottis to do theyr duetie thinkyng it policy rather for that time to assay to tame theyr nature by the plesant coniunction and conuersation of affinitie then to charge them with theyr fault and require duety of them when oportunitie serued not by force and feare to constrayne and compell them AND thus passed ouer the reygne of oure father without demaunde of this homage And being our reygne nowe XXXIIII yeres we were XXI yere letted by our Nephieu his minority being then more carefull howe to brynge hym out of daungier to the place of a king then to receyue of him homage when he had full possession in the same Wherefore beinge now passed sithens the last homage made by the kinges of Scottis to oure progenitour Henry the VI CXXII yere at whiche tyme the homage was done at Wyndesor by Iames Stuard then king of Scottis as afore LVI of these yeres the crowne of this realme was in contention the trouble wherof engendred also some busynesse in the tyme of the kyng our father whiche was XXIIII yere And in our tyme XXI yere hath passed in the minority of our Nephieu So as finally the Scottis resortynge to their onely defence of discontinuance of possession can onely alledge iustly but XIII yere of sylence in the tyme of our reigne beinge al the other tymes sythens the homage done by Iames Steward suche as the silence in them had they ben neuer so longe coulde nat haue ingendrid preiudice to the losse of any right that may yet be declared and proued due For what can be imputed to king Edward for not demanding homage beinge in strife for that estate whervnto the homage was due What shulde Rycharde the III. serche for homage in Scotlande that had neither right ne leysure to haue homage done vnto hym in Englande Who can blame our father knowynge the Scottis nature neuer to do their duetie but for feare if he demaunded not that of them whiche they wold exchue if they might being his realme not clerely than purged from yll seede of sedition sparkeled and scattered in the cruell ciuile warres before LAVVE AND reason serueth that the passing ouer of tyme not commodious for the purpose is not allegable in prescription for the losse of any right And the minoritie of the kyng of Scottis hath endured XXI yeres of our reigne whyche being an impediment on their part the hole prescription of the Scottis if the matier were prescriptible is thus deduced euidentely to XIII yere whiche XIII yere without excuse we haue ceassed and forborne to demaunde our duetie lyke as the Scottis haue lykewyse cessed to offer and tende the same For whiche cause neuerthelesse we do not enter this warre ne mynded to demaunde any suche matier Nowe beinge rather desirous to reioyse and take comfort in the frendshyppe of our Nephieu as oure neyghbour than to moue matier vnto hym of displeasure wherby to alienate suche naturall inclination of loue as he shuld haue towarde vs. But such be the workes of god superior ouer all to suffre occasions to be minystred whereby due superioritie may be knowen demanded and required to the intent that according thervnto all thinges gouerned in due order here we may to his pleasure passe ouer this lyfe to his honour and glory whiche he grant vs to do in such rest peace and tranquillitie as shal be mete and conuenient for vs. ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ LONDINI in officina Thomae Bertheleti typis impress Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum ANNO. M.D.XLII
at our citie of Yorke in the feast of Christmas at which tyme the said Alexander dyd his homage to our sayde progenitour who reigned in this realme LVI yeres And therfore betwene the homage made by the saide Alexander kyng of Scottes and the homage done by Alexander sonne to the sayd kyng of Scottis to Edwarde the fyrst at his coronation at Westmester there was about fyfty yeres at whyche tyme the sayde Alexander kynge of Scottis repaired to the sayde feaste of coronation there dyd his duetie as is afore sayde WITHIN XXVIII yeres after that which was the yere of our lorde MCCLXXXII Iohn̄ Baliol kynge of Scottis made homage and fealtie to the sayde kynge Edwarde the fyrste our progenitour AFTER THIS began Robert Bruse to vsurpe the crowne of Scotlande and to moue sedition therfore againste them of the house of Ballioll whiche made for a season some interruption in the sayde homage but yet no intermission without the termes of memory For within XLIIII yere after whiche was the yere of our lorde MCCCXXVI Edwarde Baliol after a great victory in Scotlande agaynst thother faction and enioyenge the crowne of Scotland made homage to our progenitour Edwarde the thyrde AND XX yeres after that which was in the yere of our lorde MCCCXLVI Dauid Bruse who was euer in the contrary faction dyd neuerthelesse in the title of the crowne of Scotland wherof he was then in possession make homage to our sayde progenitour Edwarde the thyrde WITHIN IX yeres after this Edward the thyrde to chastise the infidelitie of the Scottis made warre agaynst them where after great victories Edwarde Balliol hauyng the iust and ryght title to the realme of Scotlande surrendred clerely the same to our said progenitour at the towne of Rokysbrough in Scotlande where our said progenitour accepted the same and than caused hym selfe to be crowned kynge of Scotlande and for a tyme enterteigned it and enioyed it as very proprietarye owner of the realme as on th one partie by confiscation acquyred and on the other part by free wyll surrendred vnto hym AND then after the death of our sayd progenitour EDVVARDE the thirde beganne seditions and insurrections in this our realme in the tyme of our progenitour RICHARDE the second whiche was augmented by the alteration of the state of the sayd Rycharde and the deuolution of the same to Henry the IIII so as the Scottis had som leysure to play their vagues and folowe their accustomed manier And yet Henry the V for recouery of his right in France commaunded the kyng of Scottis to attende vppon hym in that iourney And in this tyme the realme of Scotlande being descended to the house of the Stewardes of which our Nephieu directly cometh Iames Stewarde kyng of Scottis in the yere of our lorde MCCCCXXIII made homage to Henry the VI at Wyndesour Whiche homage was distaunt frome the tyme of the other homage made by Dauid Bruse LX yeres and more but farre within the fresshe memory of man ALL which homages and fealties as they appere by story to haue ben made and done at times and season as afore so do there remayne instrumentes made thervpon and sealed with the seales of the kynges of Scotlande testifyenge the same And yet dothe it appere by story how the Scottis practised to steale out of our treasaury diuers of these instrumentes which neuerthelesse were after recouered agayn And to the intent ye may knowe of what fourme and tenour the sayde instrumentes be here is inserted the effecte in worde and sentence as they be made which we do to mete with the cauellation and contriued euasion of the Scottes alleaginge the homage to haue benne made for the Erldome of Huntyngton whiche is as trewe as the allegation of hym that is burnte in the hande to saye he was cut with a sikell And therfore the tenour of the homage is this I Iohn N. kynge of Scottes shall be trewe and feythfull vnto you lorde Edward by the grace of god kynge of Englande the noble and superior lorde of the kyngdome of Scotlande and vnto you I make my fydelitie of the same kyngdome of Scotland the whiche I holde and clayme to holde of you and I shall beare to you my feythe and fidelitie of lyfe and lymme and worldely honour agaynste all men and feythfully I shall knowleage and shal do to you seruice due vnto you of the kyngdome of Scotlande aforesayd as god so helpe me these holy euangelies NOVVE FOR the thyrde parte touchinge recordes and regestres we haue them so formall soo autentiquall so seriously handeled and with suche circumstaunces declarynge the matiers as they be ought to be a great corroboration of that hath ben in stories writen and reported in this matier For amonges other thynges we haue the solempne acte and iudicial processe of our progenitour EDVVARD the firste in discussion of the title of Scotland when the same was challenged by twelue competitiours That is to say Florentius comes Holandie Patricius de Dunbar comes de Merchia VVillielmus de Vesty Villielmus de Ros. Robertus de Pinbeny Nicholaus de Soules Patricius Galightly Rogerus de Mundeville Ioannes Comyn D. Ioannes de Hastinges Ioannes de Balliolo Robertus de Bruse Ercius rex Norvvegie AND fynally after a great consultation mature deliberation with discussion of the allegatiōs proponed on all parties sentence was gyuen for the title of Ballioll according whervnto he enioyed the realme But for confirmation of the duety of homage before that tyme obserued by the kynges of Scottis it appereth in those recordes howe when those competitours of the realme of Scotland repaired to our said progenitour as to the chiefe lord for discussion of the same in as moche as the auctoritie of the iudgement to be gyuen depended thervpon It was than ordered that the hole parliament of Scotland spirituall temporall and of all degrees assembled for that purpose and consideryng vpon what ground and foundation the kynges of Scotlande had in tymes paste made the sayd homages and recognition of superyoritie the sayd parlyament fynding the same substantiall good and true shulde if they so demed it yelde and geue place and by expresse consent recognise the same At whiche parlyamente was alledged vnto theym as appereth in the same recordes not onely these actes of the prynces before those dayes and before rehersed but also besydes the testimonye of storyes the wrytinges and letters of foreyn princis at that tyme recitynge and rehersynge the same Whervppon the sayde parlyament dyd there agree to this our superioritie and ensuynge theyr determination dyd particularly and seuerally make homage and feaultie with proclamation That who soo euer withdrue hym selfe from doinge his duetie therin shulde be taken and reputed for a rebel And so all made homage fealtie to our progenitour Edwarde the first The realme was in the tyme of the discussion of the title ruled by gardians deputed by him all castels holdes were surrendred to him as to