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A18320 The execution of iustice in England for maintenaunce of publique and Christian peace, against certeine stirrers of sedition, and adherents to the traytors and enemies of the realme, without any persecution of them for questions of religion, as is falsely reported and published by the fautors and fosterers of their treasons xvii. Decemb. 1583. Burghley, William Cecil, Baron, 1520-1598. 1583 (1583) STC 4902; ESTC S104905 27,520 41

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of such base and vulgare note as those were which of late haue bene executed as in particular some by name are well knowen and not vnfit to bee remembred The first and chiefest by office was D. Heth that was Archbishop of Yorke and lord Chaunceler of England in Queene Maries time who at the first comming of her Maiestie to y e Crowne shewing himself a faithfull quiet subiect continued in both the sayde offices though in religion then manifestly differing and yet was he not restrayned of his libertie nor depriued of his proper lands and goods but leauing willingly both his offices liued in his owne house and inioyed all his purchased lands during all his naturall life vntill by very age he departed this world and then left his house liuing to his friendes an example of gentlenes neuer matched in Queene Maries time The like did one D. Poole that had bene Bishop of Peterborough an auncient graue person and a verie quiet subiect There were also others that had bene Bishoppes and in great estimation as D. Tunstall Bishop of Duresme a person also of very quiet behauiour There were also other D. White and D. Oglethorpe one of Winchester the other of Carlile Bishops and D. Thurleby and D. Watson yet liuing one of Ely the other of Lincolne Bishops not pressed with any capitall payne though they maintayned the Popes authoritie against the lawes of the realme and some Abbots as M. Fecknam yet liuing a person also of quiet courteous behauiour for a great time Some also were Deanes as D. Boxall Deane of Windsore a person of great modestie and knowledge D. Cole Deane of Paules a person more earnest then wise D. Reinolds Deane of Exceter and many such others hauing borne office and dignities in the Church and had made profession against the Pope which they began in Queene Maries time to change yet were they neuer to this day burdened with capitall peanes nor yet depriued of any their goods or proper liueloods but onely remoued from their Ecclesiasticall offices which they would not exercise according to the Lawes And most of them for a great time were retayned in Bishops houses in very ciuill and courteous maner without charge to themselues or their friends vntill the time that the Pope began by his Buls and messages to offer trouble to the realme by stirring of rebellion about which time onely some of these aforenamed being found busier in matters of state tending to stirre troubles then was meete for the common quiet of the Realme were remooued to other more priuate places where such other wanderers as were men knowen to moue sedition might bee restrained from common resorting to them to increase trouble as the Popes Bull gaue manifest occasion and yet without charging them in their consciences or otherwise by any inquisition to bring them into dāger of any capital law so as no one was called to any capitall or bloody question vpon matters of religion but haue all inioyed their life as the course of nature woulde and such of them as yet remayne may if they will not be authors or instruments of rebellion or sedition inioye the time that GOD and nature shall yeelde them without danger of life or member And yet it is worthy to be well marked that the chiefest of all these and the most of them had in the time of King Henrie the eight and King Edward the sixt either by preaching writing reading or arguing taught all people to condemne and abhorre the authoritie of the Pope yea they had many times giuen their othes publiquely against the Popes authoritie and had also yelded to both the said Kings the title of supreame head of the Church of England next vnder Christ which title the aduersaries doe most falsly write and affirme that the Queenes Maiestie doeth nowe vse a manifest lie and vntrueth And for proofe that these foresaide Bishoppes and learned men had so long time disauowed the Popes authoritie many of their bookes sermons against the Popes authoritie remayne printed to be seene in these times to their great shame and reproofe to change so often and specially in persecuting such as themselues haue taught and stablished to holde the contrary There were also and yet be a great nomber of others being lay men of good possessions and lands men of good credite in their countries manifestly of late time seduced to hold contrary opinions in religion for the Popes authoritie and yet none of them haue bene sought hitherto to be impeached in any poynt or quarrel of treason or of losse of life member or inheritance so as it may plainely appeare that it is not nor hath bene for contrarious opinions in religion or for the Popes authoritie as the aduersaries doe boldely and falsly publish that any persons haue suffered death since her Maiesties reigne and yet some of these sort are well knowen to holde opinion that the Pope ought by authoritie of Gods worde to be supreame and only head of the Catholique Church and onely to rule in all causes Ecclesiasticall and that the Queenes Maiestie ought not to be the gouernour ouer all her subiectes in her realme being persons Ecclesiasticall which opinions are neuerthelesse in some part by the laws of the realme punishable in some degrees yet for none of these poyntes haue any persōs bene prosecuted w t the charge of treasō or in danger of life And if thē it be inquired for what cause these others haue of late suffered death it is truely to be answered as afore is often remembred that none at all are impeached for treason to the danger of their life but such as do obstinately maintaine the contents of the Popes Bull afore mentioned which do import that her Maiestie is not the lawfull Queene of England the first and highest poynt of treason that al her subiects are discharged of their othes and obedience mother high poynt of treason and all warranted to disobey her and her laws a third and a very large poynt of treason And thereto is to be added a fourth poynt most manifest in that they would not disalow the Popes hostile proceedings in open warres against her Maiestie in her realme of Ireland where one of their companie D. Sanders a lewde scholler and subiect of England a fugitiue a principall companion and conspirator with the traitors and rebels at Rome was by the Popes speciall commission a commaunder as in forme of a Legate and sometime a treasorer or paymaster for those warres which D. Sanders in his booke of his Church monarchie did afore his passing into Ireland openly by writing gloriously auowe the foresaid Bull of Pius Quintus against her Maiestie to be lawfull and affirmeth that by vertue thereof one D. Mooreton an olde English fugitiue and conspirator was sent from Rome into the North partes of England to stirre vp the first rebellion there whereof Charles Neuill the late Earle of Westmerland
left without any further argument to the iudgement of the Almightie God as persons that haue couered their eyes against the sunnes light stopped their eares against the sounde of Iustice and oppressed their heartes against the force of reason and as the Psalmist saith They speake lyes they are as venemous as the poison of a serpent euen like the deafe Adder that stoppeth his eares Wherefore with charitie to conclude if these rebels traitors and their fautors woulde yet take some remorse and compassion of their natural countrey and would consider how vaine their attempts haue bene so many yeres and howe many of their confederates are wasted by miseries and calamities and would desist from their vnnatural practises abroade and if these Seminaries secret wanderers and explorators in the darke woulde imploy their traueiles in the workes of light and doctrine according to the vsage of their schooles and content them selues with their profession and deuotion and that the remnant of the wicked flocke of the seedemen of sedition would cease frō their rebellious false and infamous railings libellings there is no doubt by Gods grace her Maiestie being so much giuen to mercie and deuoted to peace but al colour and occasion of shedding the blood of any more of her naturall subiectes of this sand should vtterly cease Against whose malices if they shall not desist Almighty God continue her Maiestie with his spirit power long to reigne and liue in his feare and to be able to vanquish them and all Gods enemies and her rebels traitors both at home and abroad and to maintaine and preserue all her naturall good louing subiectes to the true seruice of the same Almightie God according to his holy worde and will Many other things might be remembred for defence of other her Maiesties princely honourable and godly actions in sundry other things wherein also these the like seditious railors haue of late time without all shame by fained and false libels sought to discredit her Maiestie her gouernement but at this time these former causes and reasons alleadged by way of aduertisements are sufficient to iustifie her Maiesties actions to y e whole worlde in the cases remembred FINIS All offenders couer their faults with contrary causes Rebels doe most dangerously couer their faults Rebellion in Englād Ireland The rebels vāquished by the Q. power Some of the Rebels fled into forreine countries Rebels pretend religion for their defence Ringleaders of Rebels Charles Neuill Earle of Westmerland and Thomas Stukeley The effect of y e popes but against y e Queene of Englād The practises of the traitors Rebels fugitiues to execute the Bull. Seminaries erected to nurse seditious fugitiues The Seminary fugitiues come secretly into the realme to induce the people to obey the Popes Bull. Sowers of sedition taken conuēted executed for treason The seditious traitors condēned by the auncient lawes of the realme made 200. yeres past Persons cōdemned spared frō execution vpon refusall of their treasonable opinions The forrein Traitors continue sending of persons to moue sedition in the realme The seditious fugitiues labor to bring the Realme into a warre externall domestical The duetie of y e Queen and all her gouernors to God their countrie is to repel practises of rebellion None charged with capitall crimes being of a cū●●arte religion and professing to withstād forreyne forces Names of diuers Ecclesiasticall persōs professing contrarie religion neuer charged w t capitall crunes 〈…〉 s●r●●s o●● same 〈…〉 and writinges A great nomber of lay persōs of liuelood being of a contrary religion neuer charged with capitall crime No person charged w t capitall crime for the onely in●●●●enance of y e Popes supremacie Such condēned onely for treason as mainteine the effects of y e Popes bul against her Maiestie and the realme D. Sāders maintenance of the Popes Bull. The persons that suffered death were condēned for Treason not for Religion A full full proofe that the mainteiners of the bull are directly guilty of treason D. Mortōs secret Ambassage frō Rome to stirre y e rebelliō in the North. Persons Campion are offenders as D. Sanders is for allowance of the Bull. Faculties graunted to Persōs Campiō by Pope Gregory 13. anno 1580. Harts cōfession of the interpretation of the Bul of Pius Quintus A conclusion that all the infamous bookes against the Queene the realme are false Difference of the smal numbers that haue bene executed in the space of xxv yeres from the great numbers in v. yeres of Queene Maries saigne An aduertisement to al Princes of coūtries abroad The authoritie claymed by y e Pope not warranted by Christ or by the two Apostles Peter and Paul Pope Hildebrand the first y t made warre against the Emperour An. Do. 1074. The iudgement of God against the Popes false erected Emperour Pope Gregorie the vii deposed by Henry y e 4. Henry 5. Fredrick 1 Fredrick 2 Lewes of Bauar Emperors Whatsoeuer is lawful for other princes Soueraignes is lawfull for y e Queene crowne of Englād The title of vniuersal Bishop is a preamble of Antichrist 1527. Rome sacked and the Pope Clement taken prisoner by the Emperours army 1550. King Henry the second of Fraunce his Edicts against the Pope and his courts of Rome The besieging of Rome and the Pope by the D. of Alua with King Philips army D. Peyto a begging Fryer The kings of Christēdome neuer suffer the Popes to abridge their titles or rights though they suffer them to haue rule ouer their people The Queene or England may not suffer the Pope by any means to make Rebellions in her Realme Additaments to y e Popes martyrologe The ferang endes of Iames Erle of Desmond D. Saunders Iames Fitzmorice Iohn of Desmond Iohn Someruile The prosperitie or England during the Popes curses Reasons to persuade by reason y e fauorers of y e Pope that none hath bene executed for religion but for treason The first reason The second reason The Bul of Pius Quintus let vp at Pauls The first punishmēt for y e Bull. The third reason Rebellion in the North. The fourth reason The inuasion of Ireland by the Pope The Popes forces vanquished in Ireland The politique aduersaries satisfied Obiection of the papists that the persons executed are but schollers and vnarmed Many are traytors though they haue no armour nor weapon The application of the scholasticall traitors to others y t are traitors without armour Six Questions to trye traytours frō schollers The offendours executed for treason not for religion Vnreasonable obstinate persons are left to Gods iudgemēt
The Execution of Iustice in England for maintenaunce of publique and Christian peace against certeine stirrers of sedition and adherents to the traytors and enemies of the Realme without any persecution of them for questions of Religion as is falsely reported and published by the fautors and fosterers of their treasons xvii Decemb. 1583. ❀ Imprinted at London 1583. ❧ The Execution of Iustice in England for maintenance of publique and Christian peace c. IT hath bene in all ages and in all countries a common vsage of all offendors for the most part both great and small to make defence of their lewd and vnlawfull facts by vntruthes and by colouring and couering their deedes were they neuer so vile with pretences of some other causes of contrarie operations or effectes to the intent not onely to auoid punishment or shame but to continue vphold prosecute their wicked attempts to y e full satisfaction of their disordered and malicious appetites And though such hath bene the vse of all offendors yet of none with more danger then of Rebels traitours to their lawfull Princes Kings and countries Of which sort of late yeeres are specially to be noted certaine persons naturally borne subiects in the Realme of England and Ireland who hauing for some good time professed outwardly their obedience to their soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth haue neuerthelesse afterward bene stirred vp and seduced by wicked spirites first in England sundry yeres past and secondly and of later time in Ireland to enter into open rebellion taking armes and comming into the field against her Maiestie and her Lieutenants with their forces vnder banners displayed inducing by notable vntruthes many simple people to followe assist them in their traiterous actions And though it is very well knowen that both their intentions and manifest actions were bent to haue deposed the Queenes Maiestie from her Crowne and to haue traiterously set in her place some other whom they liked whereby if they had not bene speedily resisted they would haue committed great bloodsheddes and slaughters of her Maiesties faithfull subiects and ruined their natiue countrey Yet by Gods power giuen vnto her Maiestie they were so speedily vanquished as some few of them suffered by order of Lawe according to their deserts many and the greatest part vpon confession of their faultes were pardoned y e rest but they not many of the principall escaped into forreine countries there because in none or few places rebels and traitours to their naturall Princes and countries dare for their treasons chalenge at their first muster open comfort or succour these notable traitors and rebels haue falsely informed many Kings Princes and States and specially the Bishoppe of Rome commonly called the Pope from whome they all had secretely their first comfort to rebell that the cause of their fleeing from their countries was for the religion of Rome and for maintenance of the said Popes authoritie Whereas diuers of them before their rebellion liued so notoriously the most part of their liues out of all good rule either for honest maners or for any sense in religion as they might haue bene rather familiar with Catalyn or fauourers to Sardanapalus then accōpted good subiectes vnder any Christian Princes As for some examples of the heads of these rebellions out of England fled Charles Neuill Earle of Westmerland a person vtterly wasted by loosenesse of life by Gods punishment euen in the time of his rebellion bereaued of his children that should haue succeeded him in the Earledome and how his bodie is nowe eaten with vlcers of lewde causes all his companions do see that no enemie he had can wish him a viler punishment And out of Ireland ranne away one Thomas Stukeley a defamed person almost through all Christendome a faithlesse beast rather then a man fleeing first out of England for notable piracies and out of Ireland for trecheries not pardonable which two were the first ringleaders of the rest of the rebelles the one for England the other for Ireland But notwithstanding the notorious euill and wicked liues of these and others their confederates voide of all Christian religion it liked the Bishop of Rome as in fauour of their treasons not to colour their offences as themselues openly pretend to do for auoyding of common shame of the worlde but flatly to animate them to continue their former wicked purposes that is to take armes against their lawfull Queene to inuade her realme with forreine forces to pursue al her good subiects and their natiue countries with fire sworde for maintenance whereof there had some yeres before at sundrie times proceeded in a thundring sort Bulles excommunications other publique writings denouncing her Maiestie being the lawfull Queene and Gods anoynted seruant not to be the Queene of the realme charging and vpon paines of excommunication commanding all her subiects to depart from their natural alleageances wherto by birth and by othe they were bounde Prouoking also and authorising all persons of al degrees within both the realmes to rebell and vpon this antichristian warrant being contrarie to all the Lawes of God and man nothing agreeable to a pasturall officer not onely all the rabble of the foresaid traitors that were before fled but also all other persons that had forsaken their natiue countries being of diuers conditions and qualities some not able to liue at home but in beggerie some discontented for lacke of preferments which they gaped for vnworthily in Vniuersities other places some banckerupt Marchants some in a sort learned to contentions being not contented to learne to obey the Lawes of the lande haue many yeres running vp and downe from Countrey to countrey practised some in one corner some in an other some with seeking to gather forces and money for forces some with instigation of Princes by vntruethes to make warre vpon their natural countrey some with inwarde practises to murder the GREATEST some with seditious writings and very many of late with publique infamous libels ful of despitefull vile termes and poysoned lyes altogether to vpholde the foresaide antichristian and tyrannous warrant of the Popes Bull. And yet also by some other meanes to furder these intentions because they could not readily preuayle by way of force finding forreine Princes of better consideration and not readily inclined to their wicked purposes it was deuised to erect vp certeine schooles which they called Seminaries to nourish bring vp persons disposed naturally to sedition to continue their race and trade and to become seedmen in their tillage of sedition them to send secretly into these the Q. Maiesties realmes of England Ireland vnder secret Maskes some of Priesthood some of other inferior orders with titles of Seminaries for some of the meaner sort of Iesuites for the stagers and ranker sort such like but yet so warely they crept into the land as none brought the marks of their priesthoode