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A79651 A collection of articles, injunctions, canons, orders, ordinances and consitutions ecclesiastical, with other publick records of the Church of England chiefly in the times of K. Edward VI. Q. Elizabeth, [double brace] K. James, & K. Charles I. Published to vindicate the Church of England, and to promote uniformity and peace in the same. : With a learned preface by Anthony Sparrow, D.D. Lord Bishop of Norwich. Church of England.; Sparrow, Anthony, 1612-1685.; England and Wales. Laws, etc. 1671 (1671) Wing C4094cA; ESTC R173968 232,380 430

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Sentence shall bind to submission though the Superiours may err in the sentence Thus God ordered it Deut. 17. that in doubts the Inferiour were to stand to the decision and sentence of the Priests and the Judge and yet their judgement was not infallible 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the whole Assembly the chiefest Senate might err and sin through Ignorance and a sacrifice is appointed for the expiation of their errour Lev. 4.13 Better that Inferiours be bound to stand to such fallible judgment as to quiet submission in such kind of controversies as afore-mentioned than that every man be suffered to interpret Laws and determine controversies which will bring into the Church certain confusion Nor will such submission in the Inferiours be damnable seeing in this submission to Authority they follow Gods method obeying them that have the oversight over them Heb. 13. and keep order of which God is the Author 1 Cor. 14.33 God is not the Author of Confusion but of order and peace as in all Churches of the Saints This Authority in determining doubts and controversies the Church hath practised in all Ages and her constant practice is the best interpreter of her right We read not only of St. Pauls determining controversies about rites and circumstances 1 Cor. 14. but also of the Churches determining controversies of Doctrines and matters of belief in a full Council Act. 15. and requiring submission to those determinations from inferiour members The like did the Church afterwards in her general Councils of NICE CONSTANTINOPLE EPHESUS CHALCEDON And not only the General Councils have exercised this Authority but particular Churches also in National Councils in the Council of ORANGE MILEVIS and others have used the same power over their children whom they were bound to teach and govern and for whose souls they were to account to God and they did no more than was their right so long as they did it with submission to the general Church to whom they are subject Christ said to the Apostles and by this to all the guides of souls that should succeed them in a lawful Ordination he that hears you hears me and he that despises you despises me St. Cypr. Ep. 69. From these premises it plainly follows that our dear Mother the Church of England in makeing these Canons and Articles for determining the controversies in matters of belief which you may see in the ensuing Collection did no more than what was both her right and her duty to do both for the preservation of her peace and the guidance and conduct of the souls committed to her charge and what her care hath been in the exercise of this power for the good of her members ever since the Reformation will evidently to her honour appear by this following Collection made up not without great care and industry of the Publisher By which he hath done our Mother this farther right that now whosoever will may easily see the notorious slander which some of the Roman perswasion have endeavoured to cast upon her That her Reformation hath been altogether Lay and Parliamentary for by the Canons and Articles following which were formerly scattered and hard to be seen by every one now gathered together into a body it easily appears to any that will but open their eyes and read that the Reformation of this Church was orderly and Synodical by the Guides and Governors of souls and confirmed by Supreme Authority and so in every particular as legal as any Reformation could or ought to be Anth. Sparrow Books newly Printed for Robert Pawlet at the Bible in Chancery Lane 1675. AN Historical Vindication of the Church of England in point of Schisme as it stands separated from the Roman and was Reformed I. Elizabeth Written by Sir Robert Twisden Knight and Baronet XIX Sermons Preached by that Eminent Divine Henry Hammond D. D. Published by the Authors own Copies Golden Remains of the ever Memorable Mr. John Hales of Eaton Colledge Also Letters and Expresses concerning the Synod of Dort with many new Additions from an Authentick hand INJUNCTIONS Given by the most Excellent Prince EDWARD VI. By the Grace of God KING of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith And in Earth under Christ of the Church of England and Ireland the Supreme Head To all and singular his loving Subjects as well of the Clergy as of the Laity Imprinted at London by Richard Grafton MDXLVII Injunctions given by the most Excellent Prince Edward the Sixth by the Grace of God King of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith and in Earth under Christ of the Church of England and of Ireland the supreme Head To all and singular his loving Subjects as well of the Clergy as of the Laity THE Kings most Royal Majesty by the advice of his most dear Vncle the Duke of Somerset Lord Protector of all his Realms Dominions and Subjects and Governor of his most Royal Person and residue of his most honourable Council intending the advancement of the true honor of Almighty God the suppression of Idolatry and Superstition throughout all his Realms and Dominions and to plant true Religion to the extirpation of all Hypocrisie Enormities and Abuses as to his duty appertaineth doth minister unto his loving Subjects these godly Injunctions hereafter following whereof part were given unto them heretofore by the Authority of his most dear beloved Father King Henry the Eighth of most famous memory and part are now ministred and given by His Majesty All which Injunctions his Highness willeth and commandeth his said loving Subjects by his supreme Authority obediently to receive and truly to observe and keep every man in their offices degrees and states as they will avoid his displeasure and the pains in the same Injunctions hereafter expressed 1. The first is That all Deans Archdeacons Parsons Vicars and other Ecclesiastical persons shall faithfully keep and observe and as far as in them may lie shall cause to be kept and observed of other all and singular Laws and Statutes made as well for the abolishing and extirpation of the Bishop of Rome his pretensed and usurped power and jurisdiction as for the establishment and confirmation of the Kings authority jurisdiction and supremacy of the Church of England and Ireland And furthermore all Ecclesiastical persons having cure of souls shall to the uttermost of their wit knowledge and learning purely sincerely and without any colour or dissimulation declare manifest and open four times every year at the least in their Sermons and other Collations that the Bishop of Rome's usurped power and jurisdiction having no establishment nor ground by the Laws of God was of most just causes taken away and abolished and that therefore no manner of obedience or subjection within his Realms and Dominions is due unto him And that the Kings power within his Realms and Dominons is the highest power under God to whom all men within the same Realms and Dominions by Gods Laws owe most Loyalty and
to put away dreams and phantasies or in putting trust and confidence of health and salvation in the same ceremonies when they be only ordained instituted and made to put us in remembrance of the benefits which we have received by Christ And if he use them for any other purpose he grievously offendeth God Also That they shall take away utterly extinct and destroy all shrines covering of shrines all tables candlesticks trindilles or rolls of Wax pictures paintings and all other monuments of feigned miracles pilgrimages Idolatry and Superstition so that there remain no memory of the same in walls glass-windows or elsewhere within their Churches or Houses And they shall exhort all their Parishioners to do the like within their several houses And that the Church-wardens at the common charge of the Parishioners in every Church shall provide a comely and honest Pulpit to be set in a convenient place within the same for the preaching of Gods Word Also They shall provide and have within three moneths after this Visitation a strong Chest with a hole in the upper part thereof to be provided at the cost and charge of the Parish having three Keys whereof one shall remain in the custody of the Parson Vicar or Curate and the other two in the custody of the Church-wardens or any other two honest men to be appointed by the Parish from year to year Which Chest you shall set and fasten near unto the high Altar to the intent the Parishioners should put into it their Oblation and Alms for their poor Neighbors And the Parson Vicar or Curate shall diligently from time to time and specially when men make their Testaments call upon exhort and move their Neighbors to confer and give as they may well spare to the said Chest declaring unto them whereas heretofore they have been diligent to bestow much substance otherwise than God commanded upon Pardons Pilgrimages Trentalles decking of Images offering of Candles giving to Friers and upon other like blind devotions they ought at this time to be much more ready to help the poor and needy knowing that to relieve the poor is a true worshipping of God required earnestly upon pain of everlasting damnation and that also whatsoever is given for their comfort is given to Christ himself and so is accepted of him that he will mercifully reward the same with everlasting life the which alms and devotion of the people the keepers of the Keys shall at times convenient take out of the Chest and distribute the same in the presence of their whole Parish or six of them to be truly and faithfully delivered to their most needy Neighbors and if they be provided for then to the raparation of high ways next adjoyning And also the mony which riseth of Fraternities Guilds and other stocks of the Church except by the Kings Majesties Authority it be otherwise appointed shall be put into the said Chest and converted to the said use and also the Rents and Lands the profit of cattle and money given or bequeathed to the finding of Lorches Lights Lapers and Lamps shall be converted to the said use saving that it shall be lawful for them to bestow part of the said profits upon the repapation of the Church if great need require and whereas the Parish is very poor and not able otherwise to repair the same And forasmuch as Priests be publick Ministers of the Church and upon the holy-days ought to apply themselves to the common administration of the whole Parish they shall not be bound to go to women lying in childbed except in time of dangerous sickness and not to fetch any coarse before it be brought to the Church-yard and if the woman be sick or the coarse brought to the Church the Priest shall do his duty accordingly in visiting the woman and burying the dead person Also To avoid the detestable sin of Simony because buying and selling of Benefices is execrable before God therefore all such persons as buy any Benefices or come to them by fraud or deceit shall be deprived of such Benefices and be made unable at any time after to receive any other spitual promotion And such as do sell them or by any colour do bestow them for their own gain and profit shall lose the right and title of patronage and presentmen● for that time and the gift thereof for that vacation shall appertain to the Kings Majesty Also Because through lack of Preachers in many places of the Kings Realms and Dominions the people continue in ignorance and blindness all Parsons Vicars and Curates shall read in the Churches every Sunday one of the Homilies which are and shall be set forth for the same purpose by the Kings Authority in such sort as they shall be appointed to do in the Preface of the same Also Whereas many indiscreet persons do at this day uncharitably contemn and abuse Priests and Ministers of the Church because some of them having small learning have of long time favored phansies rather then Gods truth yet forasmuch as their office and function is appointed of God the Kings Majesty willeth and chargeth all his loving Subjects that from henceforth they shall use them charitably and reverently for their office and administration sake and especiall such as labour in the setting forth of Gods holy Word Also That all manner of persons which understand not the Latine tongue shall pray upon none other Primer but upon that which was lately set forth in English by the authority of King Henry the eighth of most famous memory And that no teachers of youth shall teach any other then the said Primer And all those which have knowledge of the Latine Tongue shall pray upon none other Latine Primer but upon that which is likewise set forth by the said Authority And that all Graces to be said at Dinner and Supper shall be always said in the English Tongue And that none other Grammar shall be taught in any School or other place within the Kings Realms and Dominions but only that which is set forth by the said Authority Item That all Chauntery Priests shall exercise themselves in teaching youth to read and write and bring them up in good manners and other vertuous exercises Item When any Sermon or Homily shall be had the Prime and hours shall be omitted The Form of bidding the Common-Prayers YOU shall pray for the whole Congregation of Christs Church and espec●ally for this Church of England and Ireland wherein first I commend to your devout prayers the Kings most Excellent Majesty supreme Head immediately under God of the Spirituality and Temporality of the same Church and for Queen Katherine Dowager and also for my Lady Mary and my Lady Elizabeth the Kings Sisters Secondly you shall pray for the Lord Protectors Grace with all the rest of the Kings Majesties Council for all the Lords of this Realm and for the Clergy and Commons of the same beseeching Almighty God to give every of them in his degree grace
past and grant that we may ever hereafter serve and please thee in newness of life to the honor and glory of thy Name through Iesus Christ our Lord. Then shall the Priest stand up and turning him to the people say thus Our blessed Lord who hath left power to his Church to absolve penitent sinners from their sins and to restore to the grace of the heavenly Father such as truly believe in Christ have mercy upon you pardon and deliver you from all sins confirm and strengthen you in all goodness and bring you to everlasting life Then shall the Priest stand up and turning him toward the people say thus Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Christ saith to all that truly turn to him COme unto me all that travel and be heavy laden and I shall refresh you So God loved the world that he gave his onely begotten Son to the end that all that believe in him should not perish but have life everlasting Hear also what St. Paul saith THis is a true saying and worthy of all men to be embraced and received that Iesus Christ came into this world to save sinners Hear also what St. John saith IF any man sin we have an Advocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous he it is that obtained grace for our sins Then shall the Priest kneel down and say in the name of all them that shall receive the Communion this Prayer following WE do not presume to come to this thy Table O merciful Lord trusting in our own righteousness but in thy manifold and great mercies we be not worthy so much as to gather up the crums under thy Table but thou art the same Lord whose property is always to have mercy grant us therefore gracious Lord so to eat the flesh of thy dear Son Iesus Christ and to drink his blood in these holy Mysteries that we may continually dwell in him and he in us that our sinful bodies may be made clean by his body and our souls washed through his most precious blood Amen Then shall the Priest rise the people still reverently kneeling and the Priest shall deliver the Communion first to the Ministers if any be there present that they may be ready to help the Priest and after to the other And when he doth deliver the Sacrament of the body of Christ he shall say to every one these words following THe body of our Lord Iesus Christ which was given for thee preserve thy body unto everlasting life And the Priest delivering the Sacrament of the blood and giving every one to drrnk once and no more shall say THe blood of our Lord Iesus Christ which was shed for thee preserve thy soul unto everlasting life If there be a Deacon or other Priest then shall he follow with the Chalice and as the Priest ministreth the Bread so shall he for more expedition minister the Wine in form before written Then shall the Priest turning him to the people let the people depart with this blessing THe peace of God which passeth all understanding keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God and of his Son Iesus Christ our Lord. To which the people shall answer Amen Note That the Bread that shall be consecrated shall be such as heretofore hath been accustomed And every of the said consecrated Breads shall be broken in two pieces at the least or more by the discretion of the Minister and so distributed And men must not think less to be received in part than in the whole but in each of them the whole body of our Saviour Iesus Christ Note That if it doth so chance that the Wine hollowed and consecrate doth not suffice or be enough for them that do take the Communion the Priest after the first Cup or Chalice be emptied may go again to the Altar and reverently and dev●utly prepare and Consecrate another and so the third or more likewise beginning at these words Simili modo postquam coenatum est and ending at these words qui pro vobis promultis effundetur in remissionem peccatorum and withiout any leavation or lifting up Articles to be enquired of in the Visitations to be had within the Diocese of Canterbury in the second year of the Reign of our Dread Soveraign Lord Edward the Sixth by the Grace of God King of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith and in Earth of the Church of England and also of Ireland the Supreme Head FIrst Whether Parsons Vicars and Curates and every of them have purely and sincerely without colour or dissimulation four times in the year at the least preached against the usurped power pretended authority and jurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome Item Whether they have preached and declared likewise four times in the year at the least that the Kings Majesties power authority and preheminence within his Realms and Dominions is the highest power under God Item Whether any person hath by writing cyphring preaching or teaching deed or act obstinately holden and stand with to extol set forth maintain or defend the authority jurisdiction or power of the Bishop of Rome or of his See heretofore claimed and usurped or by any pretense obstinately or maliciously invented any thing for the extolling of the same or any part thereof Item Whether in their Common-prayers they use not the Collects made for the King and make not special mention of his Majesties name in the same Item Whether they do not every Sunday and Holy-day with the Collects of the English procession say the prayer set forth by the Kings Majesty for peace between England and Scotland Item Whether they have not removed taken away and utterly extincted and destroyed in their Churches Chappels and Houses all Images all Shrines coverings of Shrines all Tables Candlesticks Trindels or Rolls of Wax Pictures Paintings and allother Monuments of feigned Miracles Pilgrimges Idolatry and Superstition so that there remain on memory of the same in walls glass-windows or elsewhere Item Whether they have exhorted moved and stirred their Parishioners to do the like in every of their houses Item Whether they have declared to their Parishioners the Articles concerning the abrogation of certain superfluous Holy-dayes and done their endeavor to perswade the said Parishioners to keep and observe the same Articles inviolably and whether any of those abrogate dayes have been kept as Holy-days and by whose occasion they were so kept Item Whether they have diligently duly and reverently ministred the Sacraments in their Cures Item Whether they have preached or caused to be preached purely and sincerely the word of God in every of their Cures every quarter of the year once at the least exhorting their Parishioners to words commanded by the Scripture and not to works devised by mens phantasies besides Scripture as wearing or praying upon Beads or such like Item Whether they suffer any Torches Candles Tapers or any other lights to be in your Churches but only two lights upon the
Trentals Masses satisfactory decking of Images offering of Candles giving to Friers and upon other like blind devotions Item whether they have denied to visit the sick or bury the dead being brought to the Church Item whether they have bought their Benefices or come to them by fraud or deceit Item whether they have every Sunday when the people be most gathered read one of the Homilies in order as they stand in the book set forth by the Kings Majesty Item whether they do not omit prime and hours when they have any Sermon or Homily Item whether they have said or sung any Mass in any Oratory Chappel or any mans house not being hallowed Item whether they have given open monition to their Parishioners that they should not wear Beads nor pray upon them Item whether they have moved their Parishioners lying upon their death-beds or at any other time to bestow any part of their substance upon Trentals Masses satisfactory or any such blind devotions Item whether they take any Trentals or other Masses satisfactory to say or sing for the quick or the dead Item whether they have given open monition to their Parishioners to detect and present to their Ordinary all adulterers and fornicators and such men as have two wives living and such women as have two husbands living within their Parishes Item whether they have not monished their Parishoners openly that they should not sell give nor otherwise alineate any of their Churches goods Item whether they or any of them do keep more Benefices and other Ecclesiastical promotions than they ought to do not having sufficient license and dispensations thereunto and how many they be and their names Item whether they minister the Communion any other ways then only after such form and manner as is set forth by the Kings Majesty in the book of the Communion Item whether they hallowed and delivered to the people any Candles upon Candlemas-day and Ashes upon Ash-Wednesday or any Palms uyon Palm-Sunday last past Item whether they had upon Good-Friday last past the Sepulchres with their lights having the Sacrament therein tem whether they upon Easter-even last past hallowed the Front Fire or Paschal or had any Paschal set up or burning in their Churches Item whether your Parsons and Vicars have admitted any Curates to serve their Cures which were not first examined and allowed either by my Lord of Canterbury Master-Archdeacon or their Officers Item whether you know any person within your Parish or elfewhere that is a letter of the word of God to be read in English or sincerely preached or of the execution of the Kings Majesties Injunctions or other his Majesties proceedings in matters of Religion Item whether every Parish have provided a Chest with two locks and for the book of VVedding Christning and Burying Item whether in the time of the Letany or any other Common-prayer in the time of the Sermon or Homily and when the Priest readeth the Scripture to the Parishioners any person have departed out of the Church without a just and necessary cause Item whether any Bells have been knowled or rung at the time of the premisses Item whether any person hath abused the Ceremonies as in casting holy water upon his bed or bearing about him holy-bread St. Johns Gospel ringing of holy Bells or keeping of private holy-days as Taylors Bakers Brewers Smiths Shoomakers and such other Item whether the money coming and rising of any Cattle or other moveable stocks of the Church and money given or bequeathed to the finding of Torches Lights Tapers or Lamps not paid out of any Lands have not been employed to the poor mens Chest Item who hath the said stocks and money in their hands and what be their names Item whether any undiscreet persons do uncharitably contemn and abuse Priests and Ministers of the Church Item whether they that understand not the Latine do pray upon any Primer but the English Primer set forth by the Kings Majesties Authority and whether they that understand Latine do use any other then the Latine Primer set forth by like Authority Item whether there be any other Grammar taught in any other School within this Diocess then that which is set forth by the Kings Majesty Item whether any person keep their Church holy-day and the Dedication day any otherwise or at any other time then is appointed by the Kings Majesty Item whether the service in the Church be done at due and convenient hours Item whether any have used to commune jangle and talk in the Church in the time of the Common-prayer reading of the Homily Preaching reading or declaring of the Scripture Item whether any have wilfully maintained and defended any Heresies Errours or false Opinions contrary to the faith of Christ and holy Scripture Item whether any be common drunkards swearers or blasphemers of the Name of God Item whether any have committed adultery fornication or incest or be common Bawds and receivers of such evil persons or vehemently suspected of any of the premisses Item whether any be brawlers slanderers chiders scolders and sowers of discord between one person and another Item whether you know any that use Charms Sorcery Enchantments VVitchcraft Southsaying or any like craft invented by the Devil Item whether the Churches Pulpits and other necessaries appertaining to the same be sufficiently repaired Item whether you know any that in contempt of your own Parish Church do resort to any other Church Item whether any Inholders or Alehouse-keepers do use commonly to sell meat and drink in the time of Common prayer Preaching or Reading of the Homilies or Scripture Item whether you know any to be married within the degrees prohibited by the Laws of God or that be separated or divorced without a just cause allowed by the Law of God and whether any such have married again Item whether you know any to have made privy contracts of matrimony not calling two or more thereunto Item whether they have married solemnly the Banns not first lawfully asked Item whether you know any Executors or Administrators of dead mens goods which do not bestow such of the said goods as were given and bequeathed or appointed to be distributed among the poor people repairing of high-ways finding of poor Scholars or marrying of poor Maids or such other like charitable deeds Item whether any do contemn married Priests and for that they be married will not receive the Communion or other Sacraments at their hands Item whether you know any that keep in their houses undefaced any abused or feigned Images any Tables Pictures Paintings or other monuments of feigned miracles Pilgrimages Idolatry or Superstition ARTICLES TO BE ENQUIRED of IN THE VISITATION OF THE DIOCESS of LONDON By the Reverend Father in God NICOLAS BISHOP of LONDON In the fourth year of our Soveraign Lord King Edward the Sixth by the Grace of God King of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith and in Earth of the Church of England and also of Ireland the supreme
that Christian Religion doth not prohibit but that a man may swear when the Magistrate requireth in a cause of faith and charity so it be done according to the Prophets teaching in justice judgment and truth R. Edv. 6. Art 39. Resurrectio mortuorum nondum est facta REsurre Aio mortuorum non adhuc facta est quasi tantum ad animum pertineat qui per Christi Gratiam à morte peccatorum excitetur sed extremo die quoad omnes qui obierunt expectanda est tunc enim vita defunctis ut scripturae manifestissimè testantur propria corpora earnes ossa restituentur ut homo integer prout vel recte vel perdite vixerit juxta sua opera sive praemia sive poenas reportet Art R. Ed. 6. R. Ed. 6. Art 40. Defunctorum animae neque cum corporibus intereunt neque etiose dormiunt QUi animas defunctorum p rdicant usque ad diem judicii absque omni sensu dormire aut illas asserunt una cum corporibus mori extrema die cum illis excitandas ab orthodoxa fide quae nobis in sacris literis traditur prorsus dissentiunt R. Edv. 6. Art 41. Millenarii QUi Millenariorum fabulam revocare conantur sacris literis adversantur in Judaica deliramenta sese praecipitant R. Edv. Art 42. Non omnes tandem servandi sunt HI quoque damnatione digni sunt qui conantur hodie perniciosam opinionem instaurare quod omnes qu●ntumvis impii servandi sunt tandem cum definito tempore à justitia divina poenas de admissis flagitiis luerunt The Ratification THis Book of Articles before rehearsed is again approved and allowed to be holden and executed within the Realm by the assent and consent of our Soveraign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England France and Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith c. Which Articles were deliberately read and confirmed again by the subscription of the hand of the Archbishop and Bishops of the upper House and by the subscription of the whole Clergy in the nether House in their Convocation in the year of our Lord 1571. THE TABLE 1 OF Faith in the Trinity 2 Of Christ the Son of God 3 Of his going down into Hell 4 Of his Resurrection 5 Of the holy Ghost 6 Of the sufficiency of the Scripture 7 Of the Old Testament 8 Of the three Creeds 9 Of the original sin 10 Of free-will 11 Of Justification 12 Of good works 13 Of Works before Justification 14 Of Works of Supererogation 15 Of Christ alone without sin 16 Of sin after Baptism 17 Of Predestination and Election 18 Of obtaining salvation by Christ 19 Of the Church 20 Of the Authority of the Church 21 Of the Authority of the General Councils 22 Of Purgatory 23 Of ministring in the Congregation 24 Of speaking in the Congregation 25 Of the Sacraments 26 Of the worthiness of Ministers 27 Of Baptism 28 Of the Lords Supper 29 Of the wicked which eat not the body of Christ 30 Of both kinds 31 Of Christs one Oblation 32 Of the marriage of Priests 33 Of Excommunicate persons 34 Of Traditions of the Church 35 Of Homilies 36 Of Consecration of Ministers 37 Of Civil Magistrates 38 Of Christian mens Goods 39 Of a Christian mans Oath 40 Of the Ratification Anno primo Reginae Eliz. cap. 2. There shall be Uniformity of Prayer and Administration of Sacraments WHere at the death of our late Soveraign Lord King Edward the sixth there remained one uniform Order of Common Service and Prayer and of the Administration of Sacraments Rights and Ceremonies in the Church of England which was set forth in one Book entituled The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England authorised by Act of Parliament Stat. 5. 6. Ed. 6. 1. holden in the fifth and sixth years of our said late Soveraign Lord King Edward the sixth entituled An Act for the Uniformity of Common-Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments the which was repealed and taken away by Act of Parliament in the first year of the raign of our late Soveraign Lady Queen Mary Stat. 1. M. 2. to the great decay of the due honor of God and discomfort to the professors of the truth of Christs Religion A Repeal of the Satute 1. M. 2. and the Book of Common prayer shall be of effect Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority of this present Parliament That the said Statute of Repeal and every thing therein contained only concerning the said Book and the Service Administration of the Sacraments Rites and Ceremonies contained or appointed in or by the said Book shall be void and of none effect from and after the Feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist next coming And that the said Book with the Order of Service and of the Administration of Sacraments Rites and Ceremonies with the Alteration and Additions therein added and appointed by this Estatute shall stand and be from and after the said Feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist in full force and effect according to the tenour and effect of this Estatute any thing in the foresaid Estatute of Repeal to the contrary notwithstanding And be it further Enacted by the Queens Highness with the assent of the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled the authority of the same That all and singular Ministers in any Cathedral or Parish-Church The book of Common-prayer shall be used 8. Eliz. or other place within this Realm of England Wales and the Marches of the same or other the Queens Dominions shall from and after the feast of the Nativity of S. John Baptist next coming be bounden to say and use the Mattens Even-song Celebration of the Lords Supper and Administration of each of the Sacraments and all the Common and open Prayer in such order and form as is mentioned in the said Book so authorised by Parliament The alteration of the Book set forth 5 6. Ed. 6. 1. in the said 5. and 6. years of the Reign of King Edward the sixth with one alteration or addition of certain Lessons to be used on every Sunday in the year and the form of the Letany altered and corrected and two sentences only added in the delivery of the Sacrament to the Communicants and none other or otherwise And that if any manner of Parson Vicar The forfeiture of those which use any other Service than the Book of Common-prayer or other whatsoever Minister that ought or should sing or say Common-Prayer mentioned in the said Book or minister the Sacraments from and after the feast of the Nativity of S. John Baptist next coming refuse to use the said Common-prayer or to minister the Sacraments in such Cathedral or Parish-Church or other places as he should use to minister the same in such order or form as they be mentioned and set forth in the said Book or
and other days ordained and used to be kept as holy-days and then and there to abide orderly and soberly during the time of the Common-prayer Preaching or other service of God there to be used and ministred upon pain of punishment by the censures of the Church And also upon pain that every person offending shall forfeit for such offence twelve pence to be levied by the Church-wardens of the Parish where such offence shall be done The forfeiture for not coming to Church 32 Eliz. 1. to the use of the poor of the same Parish of the goods lands and tenements of such offender by way of distress And for due execution hereof the Queens most excellent Majesty the Lords Spiritual and all the Commons in this present Parliament assembled do in Gods Name earnestly require and charge all the Archbishops Bishops and other Ordinaries that they shall endeavour themselves to the uttermost of their knowledges that the due and true execution hereof may be had throughout their Diocess and Charges as they will answer before God for such evils and plagues wherewith Almighty God may justly punish his people for neglecting this good and wholsom Law And for their Authority in this behalf be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid The Ordinary may punish Offenders by the Censures of the Church That all and singular the said Archbishops Bishops and all other their Officers exercising Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction as well in place exempt as not exempt within their Diocess shall have full power and Authority by this Act to reform correct and punish by Censures of the Church all and singular persons which shall offend within any their Iurisdictions or Diocess after the said Feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist next coming against this Act and Statute any other Law Statute Priviledge Liberty or Provision heretofore made had or suffered to the contrary notwithstanding Which Justices may punish their offences And it is Ordained and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every Iustices of Oyer and Determiner or Iustices of Assize shall have full power and Authority in every of their open and general Sessions to enquire hear and determine all and all manner offences that shall be committed or done contrary to any Article contained in this present Act within the limits of the Commission to them directed and to make Process for the execution of the same as they may do against any person being indicted before them of trespass or lawfully convicted thereof Provided always A Bishop may join with the Justices to enquire of offenders and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every Archbishop and Bishop shall or may at all time and times at his liberty and pleasure join and associate himself by vertue of this Act to the said Iustices of Oyer and Determiner or to the said Iustices of Assize at every of the said open and general Sessions to be holden in any place within his Diocess for and to the enquiry hearing and determining of the offences aforesaid Provided also and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Books concerning the said Services shall at the costs and charges of the Parishioners of every Parish and Cathedral Church be attained and gotten before the said feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist next following At whose charges the Books of Common-prayer shall be gotten and that all such Parishes and Cathedral Churches or other places where the said Books shall be attained and gotten before the said feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist shall within three Weeks next after the said Books to attained and gotten use the said Service and put the same in ure according to this Act. Within what time offenders be impeached And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no person or persons shall be at any time hereafter impeached or otherwise molested of or for any of the offences abovementioned hereafter to be committed or done contrary to this Act unless he or they so offending be thereof Indicted at the next General Session to be holden before any such Iustices of Oyer and Determiner or Iustices of Assize next after any offence committed or done contrary to the tenour of this Act. Trial of Peers Provided always and be it Ordained and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and singular Lords of the Parliament for the third offence abovementioned shall be tried by their Peers Chief Officers of Cities and Boroughs shall enquire of offenders Provided also and be it Ordained and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the Mayor of London and all the Mayors Bayliffs and other head Officers of all and singular Cities Boroughs and Towns Corporate within this Realm Wales and the Marches of the same to the which Iustices of Assize do not commonly repair shall have full power and authority by vertue of this Act to enquire hear ad determine the offences abovesaid and every of them yearly within fifteen days after Easter and St. Michael the Archangel in like manner and form as Iustices of Assize and Oyer and Determiner may do The Ordinaries Jurisdiction in their cases Provided always and be it Ordained and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and singular Archbishops and Bishops and every of their Chancellours Commissaries Archdeacons and other Ordinaries having any peculiar Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction shall have full power and authority by vertue of this Act as well to enquire in their Visitation and elsewhere within their Iurisdiction at any other time and place to take accusations and informations of all and every the things abovementioned done committed or perpetrated within the limits of their Iurisdictions and Authority and to punish the same by Admonition Excommunication Sequestration or Deprivation and other Censures and Process in like form as heretofore hath been used in like cases by the Queens Ecclesiastical Laws Provided always and be it Enacted None shall be punished above once for one offence That whatsoever persons offending in the premises shall for their offences first receive a punishment of the Ordinary having a Testimonial thereof under the said Ordinaries Seal shall not for the same offence eftsoons be convicted before the Iustices And likewise receiving for the said first offence punishment by the Iustices shall not for the same offence eftsoons receive punishment of the Ordinary Any thing contained in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding Provided always and be it Enacted Ornaments of the Church and Ministers That such Ornaments of the Church and of the Ministers thereof shall be retained and be in use as was in this Church of England by Authority of Parliament in the second year of the Reign of King Edward the sixth until other order shall be therein taken by the Authority of the Queens Majesty with the Advice of her Commissioners appointed and authorized under the Great Seal of England for causes Ecclesiastical or of the Metropolitan
The Seales of ARMES of the Bishops of England Sedes Cantuar Sedes Eboracens Sedes Londi Se Winton Se Dunelin Se Eliensis Se Sarum Se Lincoln Se Wigorn. S Lich et Cov Sed Exon. Se Norvic S Bath Wel Se Hereford Se Roffens S Cicestrens Se Petroburg Se Carliol Se Oxon Se Glocest Se Cestrens Se Bristol Se Meneven Se Landav Se Bangor S S Assaph Se Sodorens Printed For Robert Pawlet at the Bible In Chancery Lane F. H. Van Houe fe A COLLECTION OF ARTICLES Injunctions Canons ORDERS ORDINANCES And Constitutions ECCLESIASTICAL With other PUBLICK RECORDS OF THE Church of England Chiefly in the Times of K. Edward VI. Q. Elizabeth K. James K. Charles I. Published to Vindicate the Church of England and to Promote Uniformity and Peace in the same With a Learned PREFACE By ANTHONY SPARROW D. D. Lord Bishop of NORWICH The Third Impression with Additions And Two TABLES LONDON Printed for Robert Pawlet at the Bible in Chancery-Lane near Fleet-street Anno Domini MDCLXXVI THE Principal Heads Contained in this BOOK   Page An. D. KIng Edwards Injunctions 1 1547. Order of Communion-Service 13 1547. Archbishop Cranmers Articles of Visitation 25 1548. Bishop Ridleys Artices of Visitation 33 1550. Articles of Religion ageed upon in the Convocation 39 1552. The Latin Edition of hose Articles 53 1552. Queen Elizabeths Iijunctions 65 1559. Articles of Religion agreed on in Convocation c. and compared with Edw. 6. Articles 87 1562. An Act for Vniformity of Prayer c. Anno 1 Eliz. 110 with a Clause Anno 8. Eliz. Cap. 1. Reformation of Disorders in Ministers of the Church Anno 13 Eliz. cap. 12. 118 1559. Advertisements for the due order about Ministers Apparel at the Communion c. 121 1564. The Oaths of Allegiance Supremacy Simony Canonical Obedience Continu●l Residence 129   A Proclamation declaring the proceedings in Ecclesiastical Courts to be according to the Law of the Land 132   A Table of Degrees of Marriages set fort by Bishop Parker 262 1563. The Form and Manner of Making and Consecrating Bishops Priests and Deacons 135 1559. Prayers at the Healing of the Kings Evil 165   Of Abrogation of Holy-days in King Hen. 8. time 167 1536. A Proclamation of Queen Eliz. against the Despisers or Breakers of the Orders prescribed in the Book of Common-Prayer 169 1573. A Proclamation against the Sectaries of the Family of Love 171 1580. A Proclamation against Schismatical and Seditious Books and Libels 173 1588. Articles of Visitation in the first year of Queen Elizabeth 175 1559. Articuli pro Clero in Synodo Londin 191 1584. Celebratio Coenae Domini in Funebribus in the second year of Queen Elizabeth 199 1560. Articuli Religionis in Synodo Londin 207 1562. Liber Quorundam Canonum Disciplinae Ecclesiae Anglicanae 223 1571. Capitula sive Constitutiones Ecclesiasticae in Synodo Londin 243 1597. Constitutiones sive Canones Ecclesiastici per Epis Lond. Anno 1603. 1 Jac. 263 1603. Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastical agreed on n the Convocations at London and York in the Sixteenh year of King Charles the First 335 1640. The Form of Consecration of a Church or Chappel and of the Place of Christian Burial Exemplified by the ● R. Father in God Lancelot Andrews late Lord Bishop of Winchester 171   A PREEACE to the Reader OVR great Lord and Master Christ having purchased to himself by his precious Blood a peculiar people his One mystical Body the Church sanctified it with the washing of water by the word that he might present it to himself a glorious Church holy without spot Ephes 5.27 not without all spot there is a spot of Gods Children of sins of frailty and infirmity which the Church as long as she is Militant will never be without but without spot of malice and wicked lewdness such spot and blemishes as were figured by the corporal blemishes forbidden to the Priests and their sacrifices Lev. 21. 22.20 spots that will make the Church as abhorred in the sight of God as those bodily spots made the Priests and their sacrifices unto the eyes of men without such scandalous spots mentioned Gal. 5.9 all the members of this one body may and ought to be That the Church may preserve her self in this purity without spot and in this unity without division and continue one holy Church as it is in our Creed a double power and authority is needful as to all other bodies politick so likewise to this society of believers the Church one of jurisdiction to correct and reform those impure members by spiritual censures whom counsel will not win and if they be incorrigible to cast them out of this holy society lest their leaven should leaven the whole lump 1 Cor. 5.6 Thus to preserve the Churches purity and again to correct and reduce to unity the contentious troublers of the Churches peace if it may be by charitable admonitions if not to stop their mouths Titus 1.11 not by arguments alone for such will never prevail upon absurd unreasonable and obstinate men and such there always will be but by spiritual censure even to the casting them out of the Churches society so to preserve peace and unity Besides this power of Jurisdiction there is necessary also for the obtaining of those two high ends a Legislative power to make Canons and Constitutions upon emergent occasions For though our great Lord hath already given to his Church most holy and wise Rules and Laws for the same purposes yet because they are general not descending to every particularity of time and place and manner of performance which yet are necessary to be determined for the preservation of publick peace and unity and because there may at least through the perversness of men of corrupt minds arise some doubts and controversies about the sense and meaning of those most holy Rules of our Lord for the determining of which we are not now to expect any resolution from Prophet or Oracle or other immediate voice from Heaven it doth hereupon necessarily follow that there must be Authority left to this Church and the Governors thereof to make new Laws upon these emergent occasions to determine these particularities to decide and compose these controversies whereby to preserve the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace Whosoever shall think that all this may be done by friendly persuasion or learned disputes only will find himself deceived as experience of all Ages hath shown and will shew as long as there be men of perverse minds and corrupt affections Without a definitive and Authoritative sentence controversies will be endless and the Churches peace unavoidably disturbed and therefore the voice of God and right Reason hath taught that in matters of Controversie the definitive sentence of Superiors should decide the doubt and whosoever should decline from that sentence and do presumptuously should be put to death that others might hear and fear and do no more presumptuously Deut.