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A73271 The summarie of English chronicles (lately collected and published) nowe abridged and continued tyl this present moneth of Marche, in the yere of our Lord God. 1566. By J.S.; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles. Abridgements Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1566 (1566) STC 23325.4; ESTC S124615 158,676 423

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Spencers the father and the sonne the earle of Arundel with diuers other brought them to ▪ the toun of Hereford Anno. 19. M Richard Betain Goldsmith S date 1325 Gilbert Mordon Iohn Cotton The morow after Simon and Iude syr Hugh Spencer y ● father was put to Great execution death at Bristowe and after buried at Winchester and on saint ▪ Hughes day folowing was syr Hugh his son drawen hanged quartered at Hereford and his head sent to London and sette emong other vpon the bridge After Robert Baldock the Chancellor was sent to London to Newgate where he died miserably The earle of Arundell was put to deth at Hereford and king Edward was by parliament deposed from King Edward deposed his kingdom when he h●d reigned x●●yere syxe monthes and .xviii. dais and not longe after was murthered by syr Roger Mortimer and was buried a● Glocester Edward the third Anno Regni 1. date 1326 EDwarde the thirde after the deposing of his father was crowned king of England He began his ▪ reigne ouer this realm the .xxv. day of Ianuary in the yere of our lorde 1326 and deceased the. 21 ▪ day of Iune in the yere 1377. so he reigned 50. yere and. 5. monethes lackinge 3. daies In ●●ates of armes he was very expert as the noble enterprises by him atchi●ued do wel declare Of his ●●beraliite clemencie he shewed many gret examples Briefly in al princely vertues he was so excell●t that few ●●oble men before his time were to be ●●pared to him At the beginning of his reigne he was chiefly ordred by syr Roger Mortymer and his mother Isabel In this fyrst yere of his reigne he confirmed The liberties of London confy●med the liberties of the citie of London and ordeyned that the maior of the city of London should syt in all places of iudgem●t within the liberties of the same for chiefe Iustice the kinges person only excepted and that euery alder man ▪ that had ben maidr shold be iustice of peace in all London and Middlesex and euery Alderman that had not bene maior should be iustice of peace within his owne warde Diuers other priu●leges he graunted to the citie The king went toward Scotland hauing vnderstanding that the scottes were entred into England as farre as Stanhop parke He beset them rounde about hopynge to haue broughte them bnder his subiection But when he thought to be most sure of them by treason of some of his host the scottes escaped cleane returned back into scotland About the .xxi. day of September Kinge Edward the seconde murdered Edward y ● second was murdered in the castell of Barkley by syr Roger Mortimer and was buried at Glocester Anno. 1. M date 1326 Richard Britayn Goldsmith S R●c Roting Roger Chacellor The King maried the lady Philip the earles doughter of Henawde in the citie of Yorke The kinge helde his parliament at A Parliament at Northampton Northampton wher through the counsaile of sy● Roger Mortimer the old Quene his mother he made with the scots an vnprofitable and dishonorable peace For why he restored to them all theyr writings charters and patentes wherby the kinges of Scotlande had bounde them selues to be tributarye ●o to the crowne of England with other like vnprofitable conditions Anno. 2. M date 1327 Mamo●de Chikwell Grocer S Henry Darcy Iohn Hawden Dauid the yong prince of Scotland maried Iane the syster of Kinge Edwarde whom the Scottes in derision called Iane makepeace The scottes made many ●ymes agaynst thenglishmen for the fond disgui●ed apparell by them at that tyme worne amongest the which this was one Long beardes hartlesse Scottish ● tauntes Paynted hoodes witlesse Gay Cotes gracelesse Makes England thriftlesse Anno. 3. M Iohn Grantham Grocer date 1328 S Simō Frāc●s Henry Combmarten Edward erle of Kent vncle to king Edward of England beynge falselye Execution accused of treason was by syr Roger Mortimer put to death at Winchester Prince Edward was borne at Wodstock The .xvii. of October syr Roger Mortemer was taken in Notingham castell and sent to the Tower of London Anno. 4. M Symonde Swalond date 1329 S Richard Laza● Henry G●sors Syr Roger Mortimer was accused for diuers points of treason as y t he murdered king Edward the second that through him the scots escaped at Sta●●hope parke for receiuynge summes of money of the Scottes for which accusations he was shortely a●ter drawen Execution ▪ and hanged at London Edward Baylel the sonne o● Iohn Baylel late king of scottes by lysence purchased of king Edward entred into to Scotland clayming the crowne by the right of his father where he vanquished the Scottes and was crouned at Stone Anno. 5. M date 1330 Iohn Pountney Draper S Robert Ely Thomas whorwod The king with a great army wente into Scotland and at Halid● hil gaue the Scottes battaile wherin he obteined a triumphant victory and slew o● them .viii. erles 900. knightes of barons Barwike wonne and esquires 400. 33000. cōmon souldiors he wan Edenbor●we Barwike and many other castels and gane the gouernance of Scotlande to Edward Baylel Anno. 6. M date 1331 Iohn Pountney Draper S Iohn Mocking Andrew Aubery The king of France sent .x. shyps toward Scotland which wer ●o wether driuen into Flau●ders that they were little worth after that time Anno. 7. M date 1332 Iohn Preston Draper S Nicolas Pikr Iohn Husbande Kyng Edwarde wente agayne into Scotlande and layd siege to the castel of ●ylbridge He wan it by strength set the countrey in quietnes and came back to the castel of Tyne where shortly after Edward Ba●lel kyng of Scottes came and dydde hym homage and sware vnto hym fealtie Anno. 8. M Iohn Pountney draper date 1333 S Iohn Hamond William Hansarde Embassadors were sent frō Philip de Valoys king of France for to conclude vpon certayn articles of variāce betwene their lord and the kyng of Englande but it toke none effecte Anno. 9. M Reignold at Cundyte date 1334 S Iohn Hyngston Walter Turke This yere kyng Edward sent ambassadors into France to cōclude a peace whiche likewise toke none effect Anno. 10. M Iohn Pon̄tney draper date 1335 S Walter Wordo● Richard V●ton This yere king Edward made claime to the crowne of France and therfore proclaimed open warre betwene Englande and France Anno. 11. M date 1336 Iohn Poūtney draper S William Brickelsworth Iohn Northhal This yere the kyng considering the charge he had with warrs in Scotlād and also that he intēded to haue against the Frenchmen gathered togither treasure by dyuers and sundry ways wher of the maner is not expressed but such great plentie came to his handes that money was very scant throughout the whole Realme by reason of whiche scarsnes vitaile and other merchandise were excedyng good cheape for at London Cheape of vitailes a quarter of wheate was sold for ij s̄ A fat oxe for .vi. s̄ .viii. d A fatte shepe for vi
when he had reigned .ix. yeares Hee buylded the priory of Chanons at Excetor was buried at Winbourne date ALured the fourth sonne of Ethelwolphus began his reigne ouer the more parte of Englande and reigned xxviij yeares He was wyse discrete and lerned and fauoured good letters Shaftsbury Etheling●ei builded First schole 〈◊〉 Oxēford excellently wel He buylded the house of Nunnes at Shaftisbury and an other at Ethelyngsey By the counsayle of Nottus Alured ordeined the fyrst Grammer schole in Oxenford and franchised the town with many great liberties He buylded the newe mynster in Wynchester Newabbel in winch date 901 Kyng Edward the senior Herford castel built The monastery of S. Peter in Gloucester buylded and there lyeth buried date 925 King cronned at Kingston EDward the elder sonne of Alured began his reigne ouer the most part of Englande and gouerned this lande well and nobly .xxiiij. yeares He builded Hereford castell and adioyned to his lordshyp all this Ilande sauynge onely Northumberlande whych was possessed of the Danes He lyeth buried at Wynchester by hys father in the newe mynster he builded the monastery of S. Peter in Gloucester ADelstane after the deathe of Edwarde senior his father began hys reygne in Englande He was a prince of worthy memorye valyant and wise in all hys actes and broughte thys lande to one Monarchye for he expelled vtterlye the Danes subdued the Scottes and quieted the Welshmen He reigned .xv. yeares and lyeth at Malmsbury date EDmunde the brother of Adelstane tooke on hym the gouernaunce of thys Realme of Englande whose shorte reygne tooke from hym the renoume of moste hyghe prayses that should haue redoūded to his posterity for he was a man disposed of nature to noblenes iustice he reigned vi yeres and was buried at Glastenbury date 946 ELdred succeded Edmunde his brother King crowned at king hull for his sonnes Edwine and Edgar were thoughte to yong to take on them so great a charge This Eldred hadde the earnest fauoure of the commons because hee was a greate maynteyner of honestye and also most abhorred naughty and vnruly persons for his expertnes in feates of armes he was much commended Whereby he quieted and kept in due obeisance the Northumbers Scottes and exiled the Danes He reigned .ix. yeares and was buried in the cathedrall church of Wynchester EDwine succeded his vncle Eldred Crouned at Kingstone A vicious king in the kyngdome of whome is left no honeste memorye for one heynous acte by hym commytted in the begynnynge of hys reigne In the selfe daye of his Coronation he sodaynlye withdrewe him selfe from his Lordes and in the sighte of certayne persons rauished his own kynswoman the wife of a noble man of his Realme and afterwarde slew her husband that he might haue the vnlawfull vse of her beautye whiche acte and for banishinge Dunstane he becam odible to his subiectes and of the Northumbers people of middle England that rose agaynste The king depriued hym was depriued when he had reigned .iiij. yeres he was buried in the cathedrall churche of Winchester date 959 EDgar brother to Edwine began Crouned at Bath some say at Kingston his reigne in Englande He was a prince of worthye memorye for hys manifold vertues greatly renoumed so excellent in iustice and sharp in correction of vices aswel in his maiestrates as other subiectes that neuer before his dais was vsed lesse felonye by robbes or extortion or bribery by fals officers He chastised also the gret negligēce couetousnes vicious liuing of the clergy he refourmed brought them to a better order of stature he was but litle but of mynd valiaunt hardy and very expert in martial policie he prepared a great nauye of shyppes which he disposed in .iij. partes of hys This king builded repaired ●iltō Peterborowe Thorney Ramsei ● realm and had souldiours alway prest and readye agaynst the incursions of forrein and strāge enemies he reigned xvi yeares He builded Peters Bury Thorney Ramsey and manye other and was buried at Glastenbury date EDward the sonne of Edgar by his first wife beganne his reigne ouer this realme contrary to the mynd and pleasure of Elfride hys stepmother and other of her alliance In all kinds of honest vertue thys man myght wel be compared to his father and began his Reygne wyth suche modestie and myldenesse that he was worthylye fauoured of all men Excepte onely Elfride whyche euer bare a grudge agaynste hym for so muche as she desyred to haue the gouernaunce of the Realme for her owne soonne Egelrede Edwarde whyle he was huntynge in a forrest by chaunce lost his companye and rode alone to refreshe hym The kyng murdered by his stepmother at the castell of Corffe where by the counsayle of his stepmother Elphrede he was traiteroussye murthered as he satte on hys horse When he had reigned .iij. yeares Hee was buryed at Shaftesburye It is of some authors written that the foresayd Elphred did afterward take great penance and that she buylded Almesbury and Warwel ●lmes●ury ● Warwel ●●ylded In whiche Warwell she after lyued a solitarye lyfe tyll she dyed ▪ date 978 EGelrede or Etheldrede the sonne of The King crowned at Kingston kyng Edgar and Elphrede was ordeyned kyng of Englande and crowned at Kyngston In his tyme y e Danes ariued in sundry places of Englad as in the Isle of Thenet in Cornewalle and Sussex In conclusion for aduoidyng of further daunger he was compelled to appeace them with great summes of money but when the money was spent they fell to newe robbyng and cessed not to spoyle the lande and London b●sieged by y ● Danes lastlye besieged London And to augment the kyngs sorow Elphricus that then was admirall of England traiterously fled to the Danes And after beyng reconciled fledde to them the seconde tyme. The bloudy flixe the burnyng feuer with dyuers other maladies vexed the people throughout all Englande Swain king of Denmarke repēted of y e former couenantes made with the Englishmen with a strong armye entred Northumberlande and so wente foorthe tyll he came to London which he besieged destroied the countrey of Kent Egelrede despairyng of all recouerie ●●ed to Richard duke of Normādy then possessed Swayn y e hole kyngdome of this realm who spoyled the landes of S. Edmunds But after his death succeded Canutus his sonne who inclosed y e same with a depe dich and graunted to thinhabitants therof S. Edmūdes bury buylded greate freedome And after buylded a church ouer the place of his sepulture and ordeyned there an house of monks enduyng them with fayre possessions The Englyshmen sent agayn for Etheldred out of Normandy who by y ● helpe of the Normans and present assistance of his commons expelled Canutus ▪ but shortly Canutus retourned agayn into Englande where he spared nothyng that myght be destroyde with sword and fyre In whiche tyme king Etheldred ended
Waltham abbey Waltham abbey whyche he hym selfe hadde buylded and was the laste that reigned of the bloudde of the Saxons in thys Realme Kyng Williā Conqueror Anno Regni .i. date 1067 WIlliam Duke of Normādy surnamed Conqueror Bastarde sonne of Roberte the sixt Duke of that duchye and nephew vnto kyng Edward the Confessour beganne his dominion ouer thys Realme of England the .xiiij. daye of October ▪ in the yeare of oure Lorde 1067. and deceased in the yeare 1087. the nynthe daye of September and reigned xix yeares .xi. monethes lackyng fyue dayes He vsed greate crueltie towarde the Englyshe menne burdenynge them with greuous exactions By meane whereof he caused diuers to flee the lande into other coūtreyes And lyke as hee obteyned the kyngdome by force and dent of sweard so he chaunged the whole state of this cōmon weal and ordeined new lawes at his pleasure profitable to hymselfe but greuous and hurtfull to the people This William was wise and politike riche and couetous and loued well to be magnified He was a fayre speaker and a great dissembler A man of comly stature but somdeale grosse bealied sterne of countenance and stronge in armes and had great pleasure in huntynge and makynge of sumptuous feastes Anno. 2. date 1068 The towne of Excetour the north Two castels buylded at York one other at Notingham an other at Lincolne umbers rebelled which were both subdued and greuously punyshed date 1909 This kynge William buylded foure strong castels Twayne at Yorke one at Notyngham an other at Lincolne whiche he furnished with garrisons of Normaynes Anno. 3. CAnutus kyng of Denmarke beyng encouraged therto by certayne Englishe outlawes inuaded the Northe partes of Englande and passed thorough to Yorke from whe●s he was driuen backe by William and forced to flee into his owne countrey Anno. 4. date The Scots with their kyng Mal●olyne inuaded Northumberland and spoyled the countrey Anno. 6. date Kyng William by the counseyle of the Erle of Hertford caused the money and ryches of the abbeys to be brought into his treasory he made also the new Forest in the countrey of Southamptō The newe forest in Southampton for y e atchiuing of which enterprise he was forst to cast downe diuers townes churches .xxx. myles of length and replenished the same with wylde beastes and made sharpe lawes for the maintenaunce increase of the same Anno. 10. date Roger erle of Hertford Ranulphe earle of Norffolke conspired agaynst kinge William beyng in Normandy both whiche were by him outlawed and chased oute of the Realme And Waldiffe that was duke of Northumberlande Earle of Huntingdon and Northampton who vttered the conspiracie Execution at Winchester was beheaded at Linchester and buried at Crowland Anno. 13. date At this time Oswalde Byshop of Salisbury was famous in England The kyng gaue the Erledome of Northumberlande to Walter byshoppe of Durham who was after slayne by the men of Northumberland Anno. 15. date 1081 RObert the eldest sonne of William inuaded his fathers Duchie of Normandy wherewith William beynge gretly displeased gaue his son a strong battayle in which it fortuned Roberte to me●e vnwares in the field with his father and bare him to the earth But perceiuyng by the voyce who it was forthwith he ●epte from hys horse and saued his father By whiche deede he was reconciled and peace betwene them was agreed Anno. 16. date 1082 shrewes Wēlok abbeis built About this .xvi. yere earle Waryng erle of Shrewsbury made two abbeis wherof the one was in y e suburbes of Shrewsbury the other at Wenloke Anno. 19. date 1085 KYng William caused a newe manner The number of men cattel how many hids of lād was noted in england of tribute to be leuied throughout this Realme for euery hyde of lande that is twenty acres .vi. s. And not long after commaunded a valuation to be taken of all landes fees and possessions and diligent search also to be made what number of men and cattell were within this land And accordyng A greuous exaction to the quantitie number therof gathered an other payment Anno. 20. date Englande was vexed with manye plagues For greate morayne fell emonge cattell brennynge ●euers and Gret plag● in england honger emong people greate bareynnesse vpon the earth and muche hurte was done in many places by the misfortune of fyre specially in London For a part of Paules was brent y e .vii. A parte of Paules church brēt of Iuly Kyng Williā builded two abbeis in England one at Battel in Sussex y e other nere to Londō called Barmondsay He builded the third at Cane Battel abbey Barmondsey abbey builded in Normandy He ended his life the .ix day of September and was buried at Cane in Normandy he had .v. childrē Robert to whom he gaue Normandy Richard who died in his youth William Rufus and Henry which were kinges after him And one daughter named Adela who he gaue in mariage to Steuen Erle of Bloys who got on her Steuen that after was kynge of Englande William Rufus or William the red kyng Anno regni 1. date 1087 WIlliam Rufus the second sonne of William conqueror began his reigne ouer the realme of Englande the ninth day of September in the yere of our Lord 1087. and deceased in the yere of oure LORDE 1100. the firste day of August so that he reigned .xii. yere .xi. monethes lacking .viij. days He was variable and inconstant of his demeanor very couetous and ther withall cruel For he burdened his people with vnresonable taxes He pilled the ryche and oppressed the pore And caused many to lose their landes for small causes And what he thus got by pillyng of his people he prodigally and wastfully spent in great bankettynge and sumpteous apparell Robert Curthoise his elder brother came with an armie into England against William wherof when the said William had knowledge ▪ he entreated peace Anno. 2. date DIuers Lordes of this realme conspired against William Rufus assaulted diuers tounes within Englād they stirred in like maner against him Robert Curthoyse duke of Normādy the second time But Willian vanquished the traitours chased them oute of this realme and made peace with his brother Robert This second yere was A gret erthquake a great earthquake the .xi. day of haruest that ouerturned many houses and churches in England Anno. 3. date THe Scottes spoyled Northumberland ▪ Wherfore williā Rufus prouided a nauy and sayled thither wher after diuers conflictes and skirmishes a peace was concluded Anno. 4. date 1090 A great tempest fell on sainct Lukes The rose of Bowchu●h● s●●e hundred houses in London blowen down day in sundry places of England specially in Winchecombe where a great parte of the steple was ouerthro wen with thundring lightning and in London the wynd ouertourned .vi. hundred houses and the roofe of Bowchurche in Cheape date IN this yere William Rufus
wente into Northūberland repaired such holdes castels as the Scots by their warres had impayred builded other Newcastel vpon Tine builded ●als church brent with lightening there besydes as the newe castell on Tyne c. This .v. yere the roofe of Salisoury Church was cleane consumed with lightnyng Anno. 6. date 1092 In England fell wonderful aboundance of raine and after ensued so gret frost that horses and cartes passed commonly ouer great riuers when it thawed Gret frost the gret cakes of yce brake down many great bridges Robert Curthois duke of Normādy Normandy morgaged to the king of england layd his dukdome to pawne to his brother William of Englande for tenne thousand poundes This .vi. yeare Hugh Lupus Earle of Chester sente to Normandy for Ancelme to builde an abbey at Chester Chester abbey built whiche he after builded and then was made archbishop of Cantorbury and after was exiled by William Rufus Anno. 7. date 1093 MAlcoline kyng of Scottes for displeasour tak● with the vnkindnes of William Rufus inuaded the marches The kinge of Scottes slayne in England of England and in Northumberland was slayne with his eldest sonne Edward by Robert Mo●bray which was Earle of that prouince This yere was so gret a pestilence Gret pestilence that many men laye vnburied Anno. 8. date 1094 ENgland and Normandy were greued Gret morrein of mē ▪ with exactiōs and murreyn of men so sharply that tillage of the earth was layed asyde for .x. yere wherby ensued gret hunger and scarsity the yeres folowing And many strange and vncouthe fightes were sene as hostes of Sightes in the ayre men fightyng in the saye fiery flames and such other Anno. 10. date 1096 THe .x. yere was sene a blasing sterre of great brightnes Anno. 11. date 1097 ABoute this time William Rufus builded Westminster hal who misliking the same for that it was to smal was determined to make a bigger and that it should serue for a chamber Anno. 12. date 1098 THe .xii. yere the ryuer of Thames gret flou● rose so hye that it drowned manye townes in England In England at a towne called Finchauster A wel 〈…〉 flames fyre sene the 〈◊〉 in Barkeshyre a wel cast out bloud as before it had done water and after by the space of .xv. dayes gret flames of fyre were sene in the element Anno. 13. date 1099 VVilliā Rufus beyng at his disport of hūting by glaūsing of an arrow that Walter Tyrell a frenche knighte did shote was wounded to death in the newe forest in Hampshire on a Lammas day and buried at Winchester King Henry the first called Beauclerke Anno Reg. 1. date HEnry the brother of William Rufus and the fyrste of that name for his learnyng called Beauclerke began his dominion ouer this realm of England the first day of August in the yeare of our Lord. 1100. and reigned .xxxv. yeares iiij monethes and one day Anno. 2. date RAnulphe bishop of Durham procured Robert Curthoise duke of Normandy to warre vppon hys brother Henry for the crown of England who assembled a strong army and landed at Portismouth But by mediation peace was made on this condition that Henry Tribute to he duke of Normādy should pay three thousande markes yerely to duke Robert Anno. 3. date 1102 IN this thirde yere of Kynge Henry The priory hospitall of S. Bartholomewe in Smithfield begon to be builded the churche hospitall of saint Bartholomew in Smithfield was begon to be founded by a minstrel of the kynges named Rayer And after finished by good and wel disposed citizēs of the citie of London and especially by Richard Whittingtō This place of smithfielde was at that day a laystowe of al ordure of fylth and the place wher felons and other transgressours of the Smith●●●●ld a laystowe kinges lawes were put to execution Anno. 4. date 1103 RObert Duke of Normandye commyng into England by the entreatie of kyng Henry his wife released to hym the tribute of three thousande markes Anno. 5. date BVt it was not long ere that by meanes of yll reportes gret malice was kindeled betwene the two brethren and shortely therevpon deadly warre sprang in the end wherof Robert was taken and kept in perpetuall prisō in Cardiff by his brother who immediatly seised the duchye of Normandy and held it in his possession Teukesbury ▪ abbey builded Syr Robert le Fitzhā builded Teukesbury and there was buried Anno. 6. date 1105 RObert Earle of Shrewesbury and Rebellion in Shropshyre and Cornwall William of Cornewall rebelled agaynst kynge Henry and were taken and condempned to perpetuall imprisonment Anno. 7. date 1106 IN England appered a blasing starre betwene the south and the weste and agaynst that in the east appered a great beame as it were stretching towarde A blasynge sterre the sterre and shortly after were seene two moones the one in the Easte and thother in the west Anno. 9. date 1108 HEnry the emperor desyred to wife Maude y e eldest daughter of kinge Henry of England beyng then but .v. yeres of age nor able to be maried Anno. 10. date 1179 IN the. 10. yere of his reigne the king maryed Robert hys bastarde sonne to Mabe●●●●●ghter heyre of Roberts Fitzha●● and made him the fyrst earle of Gloucester who after buylded the strong castel of Brystowe And the priorie The strong castel of bristow built Euishā abbey builded of saint Iames in the northesyde of the same citie wher his body was buryed And his sonne Erle William began the abbey of Euishan Anno. 13. date 1112 AT Shrewesbury in England was A greh erthquake a great earthquake and the riuer of Trent was so dried that the space of one daye men went ouer dryshod And this yere the king builded the abbey of Hide abbey builded Hyde without the wals of Winchester that of old time was within the wals A blasyng sterre appered sone after and ther vpon folowed a harde winter A blasynge sterre deathe of men scarsitie of victuals and morayne of beastes Anno. 15. date 1114 King Henry of Englande gaue his daughter in mariage to the Emperour with great dower and made William his sonne Duke of Normandy wherof began the vsage and custome that the kinges of England made theyr eldeste sons dukes of Normandy Anno. 18. date LEwes inuaded Normandy with muche cruelty and toke the city of Lignes in Cauise Wherfore king Hēry assembled a stronge armye met with Lewis in playn field and fought with him a cruell and deadly battell in the ende wherof Lewes was ouercome constreined to flee the field Henry recouered the town of Lingnes Anno. 20. date 1119 VVilliam Duke of Normandy and The kings children drouned in the sea Richard the sons of king Henry of England and Mary his doughter Richard earle of Chester with his wyfe the kinges nece and other to the number of ▪ 160. persons passyng
borne Edwarde the kinges sonne called Longshankes Anno. 23. M Williā Joyner S date 1238 Reimūd Bingley Rafe Ashewy This yeare on Candelmas day the king created syr Simō de Mountford Erle of Leycester Anno. 24. M Gerrard Batte S date 1239 John Gysors Michel Tony The King subdued the Welshemen which oftentimes rebelled An. 25. M Reymond Byngley S date 1240 John Doile Tho. Duresyne This yere were aldermen fyrst chosen The fyrste aldermen in London in London which thē had the rule of the wards of the citie but were euery yere changed as y e sherifs are now Anno. 26. M date 1241 Reymond Bingley S John Fitz John Rafe Ashewy KIng Henry sayled into Normandy with a fayre company purposing to recouer Poyteirs Guian other coūtreys but after many bickerings som what to the losse of Englishmen Henry treated a peace Anno. 27. M date 1242 Rafe Ashewy S Hugh Blunt Adam Basing THis yere the pleas of the crowne wer pleaded in the tower of Londō And in this yere Griffeth whiche Griffeth of wales brake his neck was sonne of Lewlyn lately prince of Wales entendyng to haue broken prison fell ouer the inner ward of the Tower of London and brake his necke Anno. 28. M date 1243 Michell Tony S Rafe Spicer Nicolas Batte THis yere Michell Tony Maior and Nicolas Batte Shiriffe were bothe conuict of per●ury by the othe of all the Aldermen Because Nicholas Batte had bene Shriue ouer one yere and for the same they were both deposed and other were in their places Anno. 29. M John Gysors S Robert Cornhill date 1244 Adam Bewlay RObert Grosthed bishop of Lincoln with other prelates cōplained to y e King of the wast of the goods and patrimony of y e church which daily was wasted by the aliant bishops clerks of this land who shortly wer auoided Anno. 30. date 1245 M John Gysors S Symon fitz mary Laurēce Frowike The labbey of Hayles builded This Richarde the Kinges brother builded the abbey of Hayles Anno. 31. M Piers Alleyn S John Doile date 1246 Nicolas Batte IN this yere was a mighty erthquake in England that the lyke to it was An earthequake not sene many yeres before This yere the king seised the fraunchise The kinge seised the fraunchises of the city ● of Londō Coyn changed ▪ of the citie of Londō for a iudgement ▪ that was geuē by the Maior and aldermen agaynste a wydowe named Margaret Diel but shortly the ▪ Maior and sheriffes were agayne restored to theyr offices and this yere was a new coyne and the olde called in Anno. 32. M Michel Tony S Nicolas Joy date 1247 Geffrey winton This yeare the wharfe of Quenes hiue in London was taken to ferme by the Communaltie of London to paye yerely fifty pound for the same Anno. 33. M date 1248 Roger fitz Roger S Rafe Hardell Iohn Tosalan This yere dyed Robert Grossehed a famous clerk and byshop of Lincoln who compiled many famous bookes whiche remayne to this daye in the latin and the frenche tongue the names wherof are partly declared by maister Bale in his story of English writers Anno. 34. M date 1249 Iohn Norman S Humfrey Basse Williā fitz Ric ▪ This yere was a great winde vpon A greate winde the day of Simō and Iude which did muche harme in many places of Englande Anno. 35. M date 1250 Adam Basing S Laurēce frowike Nicolas Batte The frier Augustins began to build or inhabite in wales at Woodhous King Henry maried his daughter Mary to Alexander king of Scots receiued of him homage for the realme of Scotlande Anno. 36. date 1251 M Iohn Toleson S The maior of London sworne in thex chequer Williā Durham Tho. Wimborn This yere was graūted by the king that wher before this time the citizens of London did present theyr Maior before the kyng whersoeuer he were and so to be admitted now he should come onely before the Barons of the exchequer and they shoulde admit him and geue him his othe Anno 37. date 1253 M Nicolas Batte S Many vilages in Englande drowned Iohn Northāptō Richard Picard This yere in the moneth of Ianuary the sea rose in such height that it drowned many vilages houses nere vnto it in diuers places of England This yere also the Thames sprang so highe that it drowned many houses about y e water side And this yere was graunted of the king that no citizen of London should paye scauage or tolle for any beastes by them brought as the● before time had vsed Anno. 38. date M Ri. Hardel Dra. S The liberties of London seased Ro. Belington Rafe Ashewy This yere also y e liberties of London wer again seased by the meane of Rychard Erle of Cornwalle because the Maior was charged that he loked not to the bakers for theyr syses of bread so that the citie was forced to please the Earle with 600. markes or they were restored agayne Alphonce king of Castel gaue Elinor his doughter in mariage to prince Edward the sonne of king Henry to whō his father gaue the princedome of Wales The kings eldest sōne prince of Wales and gouernance of Guian and Ireland wherof beganne that the kings of England ordeined their eldest sonnes princes of Wales Anno. 39 M date 1254 Richard Hardell draper S Stephen Oistergate Hen. Walmode THe king againe seased the liberties The liberties of Lon●on seased of the citie for certayn mony which the quene claymed for her right of the citizēs so that they gaue vnto his grace 400. marke and then were restored to their liberties agayne The. 22. day of Nouēber wer brought to Westminster 102. Iewes from Lincolne whiche were accused for crucifying Execution ●f the Ie●es of a chylde at Lincoln they were sent to the tower of London of these 8. were hanged and the other remayned long in prison Anno. 40. M Rich. Hardell draper date 1255 S Mat. Bokerel Iohn Mynor THis yere a peace was made betwen the citizens of London the abbot of Waltham who had ben long in controuersie for tol that he demaunded of the citizens that came to Walthā fayre but at the last the citizens were set free and bound to no toll Anno. 41 M Richarde Hardell Draper date 1256 S Rich. Ewyll William Ashewy GReat variance was betwene y e king the Londoners in so muche y t the The maior of London diuers Aldermen the sherifs depriued Maior diuers aldermen sheriffes were depriued of their offices and the gouernance of the citie cōmitted to certeine persons of the kings appointing The king for so much as he had oftentimes promised the restitution of certayne ancient lawes but neuer performed the same the lords murmuring against him to appeace their malice he held a parliament at Oxenford which The mad parliament was called the madde parliament because many things were there enacted which proued after to the confusion of the
1265 T●de la fourd Gre. Rokesly THe olde franchises and liberties of London with a new graunt for the shyre of Middelsex wer consirmed by A Parliament at Northampton a parliament at Northampton Where also many noble men y ● had taken part with the Barons were disheryted of their landes and therfore fled to Ely and strengthened it in suche wyse that they helde it long after Anno. 51. M date 1266 Alein Zowch S Iohn Adrian Lucas Bitēcote About the .li. yere was made the statutes of weightes measure that is to The statute for weightes and mesures say that 32. graynes of Whete dry and round tak● in the middes of the eare shold way a sterlīg peny .xx. of those pens shold make an onnce .xii. oūces shold make a poūd troy and. 8. pound troy shold wey a gallon of wine and. 8 gallōs of wine shold make a bushel of London which is the. 8. part of a quarter Also that three barley cornes drie round should make an inche and .xii. ynches to a foote and three foote to a yarde and fyue yardes and a halfe to a perch or pole .xl. pole in lēgth .iiii. in bredth to make an acre of lad thes standards of weight and mesures wer confirmed in the .xv. yere of Edward the thirde And also in the tyme of Hēry the sixte and Edwarde the fourthe and lastly confirmed in the .xi. yere of Henry the seuenth Howe be it in the tyme of king Henry the sixt it was or deined that the same ounce should be deuided The alteration of the coynes frō iiii pēce to xii pence into .xxx. parts called .xxx. pēce and in kynge Edwarde the fourth hys tyme into .xl. partes called xl pence And in kyng Henry the eight his days into .xliiii. partes called .iii. ● .viii. d but the weyght of the ounce troy and the measure of the foote ▪ was ordeined euer to be at one stint Anno. 52. M Alleyn Souch S Thomas Basing date 1267 Rob. Cornhyll Glybert de Clare Eerle of Glocester for vnknowen displesure allyeng him selfe with the exiled gentilmen other nobles of Englande rose agaynst the kyng and held the citie of Lōdon buil The Kyng besieged London dyng therein bulwarkes and cast ditches and trenches in dyuers places of the citie and Southwarke and fortified it wonderously The kyng lying at the abbey of Stratford also assaulted the same citie more then a moneth but by diligent labour vppon his partie and by the Legate and the kyng of of Romains on y ● other partie Agreement was made betwene the kyng and hym In this meane time many robberies Foure persons cast in y e Thames were done wherfore foure y t bare cognisance of the Erle of Darby were put in sackes cast in the Thames Anno. 53. M date 1268 Aleyn Souch S Williā de Durhā Walter Haruy Variāce fel betwene the felowships of goldesmythes and taylers of London A great ryot in London which caused great rufflynge in y ● citie and many men to be slayne For whiche ryo● .xiii. of the chief capitains were arreigned cast and hanged Alein Execution Souch was discharged of his ma●oraltie by the king and Stephen Edworth made constable of the tower Custos of the Citie The disherited gentilmen were this yere reconciled to the Kynges fauour And the fiue citisens which had remained The maior .iiii. alder mē●elcased out of Win●or castell prysoners in the towre of Wyndsor the whiche the kyng had geuen to hys son Edward when they had made their end with great summes of money were deliuered Anno. 54. M date 1269 Thomas fitz Thomas S Will. Hadstock Anketil de Aluerne The riuer of Thamis was so harde A greate frost frosen from the feast of S. Andrewe to Candelmas that mē and beasts passed ouer on foote from Lambeth to Westminster The marchandises was caried from Sandwiche and other hauens Citie of Lōdon geuē to prince Ed. vnto London by lande The citie of Lōdon with y e reuenues therof was geuen to prince Edward Anno. 55. M Iohn Adriā bintener S date 1270 walter Potter Iohn Tailour This yere the liberties of London The steple of Bowe Churche blowen downe were newly confirmed And this yere the steple of Bowe churche in Cheape fell downe and slue many people both men and women And. 56. M Io. Adrian vintener S date 1271 Greg Rokes●e Henry waleis This yere deceased Richard king of Almayn and earle of Cornwal brother to the kyng and was buried at Hailes In Iune began a great ryot in y e citie A ryotte in ▪ Norwiche of Norwich where through the monasterie of y e Trinitie was burned And for that fact the kyng rode downe and Execution made enquiry for the chief doers therof wherof xxx yong men were condemned drawen hanged and brent This yere were diuers prodigies strange tokens seene in dyuers places of Englande Anno. 57. M date 1272 Sir walter Harui S Richard Paris Iohn Bedill In the beginnyng of this yere kyng Hēry sickned and he called before him syr Gilbert Clare erle of Glocester caused hym to be newly sworn to kepe the peace of the lande to the behofe of Edward his sonne and then dyed the xvi day of Nouember in the yere of our Lord. 1272. when he had reigned lvi yeares and .xviii. dayes He was buried at Westminster vpon the southe tyde of sainct Edward He buylded a great part of the same Churche Kyng Edward the fyrst ▪ surnamed Longshank Anno Regni .i. date 1272 EDward the fyrst after the Conqueste surnamed Longshanke began his Reigne ouer this realme of Englād the .xvi. day of Nouēber in the yeare 1272. and deceased the .vii. daye of Iulye in the yeare 1307. so he reigned .xxxiiii. yeares .vii. monethes and .xx. dayes Anno. 1. M Syr Walter Haruy knyght S Iohn Horne date 1273 Walter Porter IN the ende of this yere the kyng returned Stryfe for chosyng the Maior of London into England Ther was yet busynes about chosyng of the Maior for dyuers woulde haue made suche a Maior as they had lyked But for that tyme they were disappoynted whiche in the yeare folowynge vpon the same day toke further effecte Anno. 2. M Henry ●alleys S date 1274 Nicholas Wynchester Henry Couentrie THe kyng of Scotts dyd homage to kyng Edward for the kyngedome of Scotlande The kyng ordeyned certayne newe lawes for the wealthe of the realme emong the which was one that bakers makyng bread lackyng weight assigned after the price of Corne shold first be punished by losse of their bread and the seconde by enprisonment and thirdlye by the correction of the pillorye Myllers for stealynge of corne to be chastised by the tumberyll and nighte walkers to be punished in the Tonne in Cornhyll And this to be put in executiō he gaue auctoritie to all maiors bailiffs other officers through Englād specially to y e maior
of Lōdon Anno. 3. M date 1275 Gregory Rockesse S Lucas Batēcourt Henrye Frowyke Kyng Edwarde builded the castel of The castel of Flynte buylded Flynte and strengthened the castell of Rutlād other against the welshmē Anno. 4. M date 1276 Gregory Rockessey S Iohn Horne Rafe Blunt The statute of Mortmayn was enacted by kyng Edward Alienynge in Mortmayn Michell Tony was hanged drawē and quartered for treason Anno. 5. M date 1277 Gregory Rockesse S Rob. de Bracy Rafe Fenour Kynge Edwarde gaue vnto Dauid brother to Lewlyn prince of Wales the lordshyp of Froddesham Anno. 6. M date 1278 Gregory Rockesie S Iohn Adrian Walter Lāgley Michelmas term was this yere kept Term kept Shrewsb at Shrewesbury Anno. 7. M Gregory Rockesse date 1279 S Robert Basing Wil. Merser Reformation was made for clipping of the kynges coyn for which offence Execution of Iewes 297. Iewes were put to execution In this yeare began the foundation of the Church of the frier preachers or Black friers in London buylt blacke Friers by Ludgate and also Castell Baynard The towne of Boston was greately empaired ▪ with fyre Anno. 8. M Gregorye Rockessey date 1280 S Thomas Boxe Rafe Moore Thys yeare was fyrst coyned halfepens Halfepen● farthing● and farthynges of syluer where before other coynes of other mettall ran amonge the people to theyr greate losse and n●yance Anno. 9. M Gregory Rockessey date 1281 S Wil. Faringdō Nicolas Wynchester Dauid the brother of Lewlyn prince Rebellion in Wales of Wales vnkyndly ▪ and traiterously moued his brother against kynge Edwarde Anno. 10. M date 1282 Henry Waleys S Williā Mazerer Nicholas ▪ Wynchester Kyng Edward sente a companye of souldiors into Wales vnder guyding of the Earles of Northumberlande Surrey Of whiche companye many were slayn and syr Roger Clifford taken prisoner The Welshemen subdued certayn ▪ castelles and holdes and of some townes thr●e down the walles Anno. 11. M date 1283 Henry Waleys S Rafe Blunt Haukyn Betuel Lewlyn prince of Wales was slayn Execution by syr Roger Mortymer and his head set vpon the Tower of London William Marton Chancellor of England Martō colledge built about this tyme builded Martō colledge in y e vniuersitie of Oxenford Anno. 12. M date 1284 Henry Waleis S Iorden goodchepe Martin Boxe DAuid the brother of Lewlyn prince A parliamente at Shrewesbury of Wales was taken beheaded Prince Edward was borne in Wales at the castell of Carnaruan and a parliament was held at Shrewsbury Laurence Ducket a citisen of London was found dead and hanged with Laurence Ducket hanged in saint Mary Bow church of Chepe for the whiche were condemned .viij. men which were drawen and hanged and one woman brent This yeare the great conduite standyng The greate cundite in Chepe builded again saincte Thomas of Acres in Chepe was first begon to be made Anno. 13. M Gregory Rockessey date 1285 S Stephē Cornhil Robert Rockessey Thys yeare the liberties of the Citie Liberties of London seysed of London was agayne seysed into the kynges handes and Stephē Sand wiche admytted for Custos and the Maior discharged for takyng bribes of the Bakers The newe woorke of the churche of The newe worke of westminst churche Westminster vnto the end of the quier begon in the thirde yeare of Henry the iij. and continued in buyldynge .lxvi. yeres before it was fynished Anno. 14. M Rafe Sādwich date 1286 S Walter Bl●nt Iohn Wade This yeare were enacted by y e King Parliamēt at Glocest the Statutes called Additamēta Gloucestria Anno. 15. W date 1287 syr Iohn Bryton S Thomas Crosse Williā Hautein Kyng Edward sailed to Bnrdeaux and from thens rode into Frāce where he was honorably receiued o● Philyp le beau kyng of France This yere the sommer was so exceding A hot sommer gret cheape of corne hot that many men died through● the extremitie thereof And yet wheate was so plentuous that it was sold at London for .iii. ● .iiii. d a quarter Anno. 16. M date 1288 ●afe sandwich S Williā Herford Tho. Staines Great haile fell in England after ensued so continuall rain that the yere folowyng wheat was sold for rvi d ● bushel and so encreased yerely y e reign of this kyng and his sone tyll it was lastly solde for x● ● a quarter Anno 17. M date 1289 Rafe Sandwiche S Williā Betain Iohn of Can●ee bury Rice ap Mer●ooke a welsheman rebelling against Payn Tip●o●t warden Execution of the countreye was by the Earle of Cornwall in the kings absence taken drawē hanged quartered at Yorke Anno. 18. M Rafe Sand wiche S date 1290 Fulke of S. Edmonde Salomō Langford This yeare kyng Edwarde returned into England and was honorably ●eceyued of the citisens of London Anno. 19. date 1291 M Rafe san● wich S Tho. Romaine Wo●staple at sādwich Iewes banished Williā de Lyre This yeare the staple of woll was ordeyned to be kept at Sandwiche And this yere the Iewes were banyshed the land for the which cause the cōmons gaue to the kyng a fyftene Anno. 20. M Rafe sandwich S date 1292 Rafe Blunt Hamōd Boxe This yere died quene Elianor y ● kin●es w●●●● was buried at westminster in the chapell of saint Edward at the sete of Henry the third This yere also dyed Elianour wyfe vnto Henry the Quene Elianor dec●sed third mother to this Edward whose heart was buried at the graye friers in London and her body at Ambresbury in the house of Nunnes An●o 21. M Rafe Sādwich S date 1293 Henry Balle Eli● Russell This yeare .iii. men had theyr right hands smitten of in West chepe for rescuyng a prisoner arested by an officer of the Citie of London Anno. 22. M date 1294 Rafe Sandwiche S Roberte Rocke●leye Martin Aubreye The .xviii. day of May fell a wondrous snow and therwith an exceding wynde By violence whereof great harme was doone in sundrye places of Englande as ouerthrowynge houses Great tempest and trees c. Anno. 23. M date 1295 Sir Iohn Briton S Henry Boxe Richarde Gloucester MAdocke with the Welshemen rebelled against the kyng wherfore he ▪ in all ▪ haste made agaynst them and ouercame them This yeare the frenchemen arriued ●ouer spo●●d by frenhemen at Douer and spoyled the towne and brent a part of it in which skirmishe was slayne one Thomas of Douer Anno. 24. M date 1296 Sy● Iohn Bryton S Iohn Dunstable Adam Harlyngbury Iohn Baylel was by kyng Edward admitted to be kyng of Scottes he for the same dyd his homage sware vnto hym ●●altie This yeare was taken Madocke or Rebellion in Wakes Meridoke capitayne of the rebelles in Wales hee was drawen and hanged at London Anno. 25. M Sir Iohn Bryton S date 1297 Thomas Sulam Adā de Fullam Iohn Baylell king of Scots cōtr●●y to his allegiance by the settynge on of the Frenchmē rebelled agayn
king Barwik● wonne Edward Wherfore kyng Edward hasted him thither He wan from him the castels of Garwicke and Dunbarre He slewe of the Scottes .xxv. M. and toke prisoner syr William Douglas other noble men He conquered also Edenbrough where he found the reg●●ensignes of Scotland that is to wit the Crowne the Scepter and clothe of estate Anno. 26. M Syr Iohn Britton S date 1298 Iohn de stortforda William de Stort forde Certain persons brake vp y ● Tonne in Cornehyll and toke out certayn pr●soners that thither were cōmitted by syr Iohn Britton for the whyche .ix. of them were greuously punished by lōg ●mprisonement and great fines The tunne aboue named is nowe the cundit in Cornhill The kyng cōmyng agayn into England Liberties of London graunted and so to Winchester the citizēs of Lōdon made suche labour vnto his grace that they obteined graūt of their liberties that had in some part be kept from them by the terme of .xii. yeres or more Anno. 27. M date 1299 Henry Walleis S Richard Reshā Thomas Sely This yere the kyng made cruel war vpon the Scots had of them a great victorie and then yelded th●im selues agayn to his grace and mercy This yere also the king called in certayn coynes of money called pollards C●ocardes and rosaries Anno. 28. M date 1300 Elis● Russell S Iohn Armencer Hēry Fringrith Kyng Edward hearyng of the vntruth and rebelliō of the Scots made his third voyage against them wherin he subdued a great part of the land and toke the castell of Estriuelyn with other and made the lords sweare to hym ●●●●ltie and homage Anno. 29. M Elis Russell S date Luke Hauerynge Rich. Champeis Thys yeare the kyng gaue vnto Edward his son the princedom of Wales and ioyned thervnto the dukedome of Cornwall and the erledom of Chester Anno. 30. M Iohn Blunt S Robert Caller date 1302 Peter Bosham This yeare the Kinge helde a greate Parliamēt at Cātorb parliament at Cantorbury Anno. 31. M Iohn Blunt S Hugh Pourte date 1303 Symon Parys This yere kyng Edward made great warres in Scotland where he had many great victories Anno. 32. M Iohn Blunt S date 1304 William Combmartein Ioh. de Burford This yeare the king caused great in quirie to be made of y e behauior of his Iustices throughout his realm which was called Troyly Baston Anno. 33. M Iohn Blunt S Roger Paris date Iohn Lincolne Wylliam Wales which had done s● many displeasures to kyng Edwarde Execution at Lōdon in Scotland was taken drawen hāged anb quartred at London on Saint Bartholomews eue and his head sette on London bridge The nobles in Scotland in a parliamente at Westmynster voluntarily wer sworn to be tru to the king of England and kepe the land of Scotland to his vse agaynst all persones Anno. 34. M date 1306 Iohn Blunt S Raynold Doderil William Causon Roberte le Bruse contrarye to hys othe to kyng Edward before made assembled the lordes of Scotlande and caused hym selfe to be crowned When kyng Edward hearde of this treason he went wyth haste into Scotlande where he chased syr Roberte le Bruse and all the power of Scotlande and toke many of the noble mē prisoners Anno. 35. M date 1307 Iohn Blunt S Symon Belet Godfrey de la conduite The warres continuynge in Scotlande Kyng Edwarde deceased the noble kyng Edwarde ended his lyfe the seuenth day of Iuly in the yere 1307 when he had reigned 34. yeres 7. monethes and. 21. dayes He lyeth buried at Westminster in the chapell of sainte Edwarde vpon the south syde in a plaine tombe of marble at the head of his father King Edwarde the second Anno R●gni 1 ▪ date EDward the seconde son of the first Edward and prince of wales borne at Carnaruan began his reigne ouer y ● realm of England the .vii. daye of Iuly in the yere of our lord 1307. who was deposed the. 25. day of Ianuary and in the yere 1326. so that he reigned 19. yeres He was fayre of body but vnstedfast of maners and disposed to lightnes he refused the company of his lordes and men of honour and hanted the company of villains vile persons He gaue him selfe to ouermuche drinkinge and lightly would disclose thinges of gre● councel and besyde that he was geuen to these vices of nature He was made much worse by the counsel familiaritie of certain euil disposed persons ●s Piers of Gaueston Hugh Spencer others whose wanton counsel he folowing gaue him selfe wholly to the appetite and pleasure of the body not regarding to gouerne his cōmon weale by sadnes discretion and iustice Anno. 1. M date 1307 Syr Iohn Blunt S Nicolas Pigo● Michell Drury Kyng Edward toke to wyfe Isabell the daughter of Phillip the fayre king of Fraunce He gaue Piers of Gaueston the ●arledome of Cornwall and the lordeshyp of wallingford and was ruled a● by his counsell Anno. 2. M date 1308 Nicolas Faringdon Goldsmith S William Basyng Iohn Butler The king calling to mind the displesure done vnto him and his familiar Piers Gauestō by y e bishop of Chester commanded him to the tower of London where he was strayghtlye kepte many dayes after But the lordes per●eauing the king geuen all to wantonnesse and that he was much prouoked thervnto by y ● meanes of Piers Gaueston caused the king to banish him the realme and so he wente ouer into Ireland where the king notwithstanding comforted him with many riche giftes and made him chief ruler of that countrey Anno. 3. M Thomas Romayn S date 1309 Iames of s Ed. Roger Palmer The kinge and his lordes were at gret strife for the banishment of Piers of Gaueston in so much that the kinge woulde not be pleased vntyll he were agayn restored the Rhod● won by christen men Crouched friers This yere was the Is●e of Rhodes recouered from the Turke by the knightes of the order of saint Iohn Baptist This yere the crouched friers came fyrst into England Anno. 4. M Rychard Rofham S date 1310 Symon Croppe Pet. Blacknay Pie●s of Gaueston more and more encreased in so much that he had the custody of all the kynges iewels and tresure of the which he tooke a table and a A table with 〈◊〉 payre of tresse●s of golde and conueighed them with other iewels out of the land He also broght the kyng to manyfolde vices as adultery and such other Wherfore the lordes agayne banished him out of England into Flaunders to the kinges great displeasure Anno. 5. M date Iohn Gysours Peperer S Symon Merwood Rich. Wilforde Piers of Gaueston was agayne by the king called out of Flaunders wherfore the lordes being confederate besieged him in the castel of Scarborough where they toke him and brought him to Gauersyde besyde Warwicke and Execution in Gauersyde smote of his heade to the great discontenting of the kinges mynd This yere the kings fyrst sonne named Edward was borne at
Windsore Anno. 6. M date 1312 Iohn Gysours Grocer S Iohn Lambyn Adam Lutekyn This yere was manye good lawes made in the parliamente at London whervnto the king and his lords were sworne Anno. 7. M date Nicolas Faringdon goldsmith S Adam Burden Hugh Baytō The Englishe men encountered with Robert le Bruse and his Scots at Estriualen where was fought a stronge The 〈…〉 battell In the ende whereof the Englyshemen wer discomfited so egerly pursued by the Scottes that many of the noble men were slayne as Gilbert de Clare Erle of Glocester syr Robert Clyford syr Edmond of Manle with other lords and barons to the number of .xlii. knightes and .lxvii. barons be syde .xxii. men of name which wer taken prisoners and .x. M. cōmon souldiours slayne After this tyme Robert le Bruse reigned as king of Scotland Anno. 8. M Iohn Gysors Grocer S date 1314 Stephen of Abingdon Hamōd Chikwel A villayn called Iohn Poydras a tanners son of Excester in diuers places A barkers son made claym to the croune of England named himselfe the son of Edward the first said that by a false nourse he was stolne out of his cradel Edward that was now king put in his place which was but a carters son but shortly after he was conuict of his vntrueth and confessed that he dyd it by the motiō of a familiar sprite which he had in his house in likenes of a cat whom he had serued .iii. yere and he for his seruice was drawen and hanged at Northamptou Anno. 9. M date 1315 Stephē abingdō S Hamōdgoodchep Wil. Reading The castell of Barwike was yelded vp to the Scottes by the treason of Peter Spaldyng Two cardinalles beyng sente from Rome to conclude a peace betwene the king of England the Scots as they went through Yorkshyre were robbed by two Knights called Gilbert Midle●o● Walter Selby with 600. men which .ii. knightes had don many robberies in those partes or they were taken but they were afterward condemned drawen hanged at London And the King recompensed the Cardinalles double so much as they lost Shortly after syr Goss●en Deinuile and his brother Robert with two hundred in habite of Friers goyng about Notable ●heues in Friers apparell as exiled persons or outlawes did many great and notable roberies and despites they robbed and spoyled the byshop of Durhams palaces leauing nothing in them but bare walles such lyke robberyes for the which they wer after hanged at Yorke Anno. 10. M Iohn Wengraue S date 1316 Wil. Caston Rafe Palmer The Scottes entred the borders of Northūberland and most cruelly robbed and spoyled the countrey sparyng neither man woman nor chyld To this mischief was ioyned so exceding Great famine dearth and scarsitie that wheate was sold for .iiii. mark the quarter the cōmon peple did eat hors flesh other vile beastes many died for hunger Anno. 11. M Iohn Wengraue S date 1319 Iohn Prior Wil. Furnex Kinge Edward layde siege to Barwike The white battell But in the meane time the scots by an other way inuaded the borders of England wasted the countrey euen to Yorke slew a gret number specially of religious people Wherefore it was called the white battel King Edward was constrained to break vp his siege returne agayne into England Syr Hugh the Spencers the father and the sonne were of great power in Englād and by the fauour of the king practised suche crueltie and bare them selfe so hautie that no lord in this land durst contrary them in any thyng that they thought good whereby they were greatly hated of the nobles Anno. 12. M date 1318 Iohn Wēgraue S Iohn Poūtney Iohn Dalling The Lords and nobles of England detestynge the outragious pryde of the Spencers in suche wyse conspired against them that they caused the kinge halfe against his mind to banish them the Realme Anno. 13. M date 1319 Hamond Chikwel peperer S Symon Abingnon ▪ Iohn Preston This yere king Edward contrary to the mind of his lords reuoked the Spēcers from banishment and set them in like authoritie as they before had bene to the great disturbance of the realme and not long after pursued the barons and chased them from place to place as fyrst at Ledes castell in Kent after in the marches of Wales where he tooke the Mortimers and sent them to the Tower of London Anno. 14. M date 1320 Nicholas Faringdon goldsmithe S Reynolde at cundit Wil. Prodham This yere king Edward ouercam the barons of this realme in many battels Gret execution and toke many of them whome he put to death in diuers parts of this realm to the number of .xxii. noble men Master Iohn Baldocke a man of euill fame was made Chancelor of Englād who extremely pilled y ● cōmons of this realme for the which he was well rewarded after Anno. 15. M Hamond Chikwel Grocer S. date 1321 Richard Constantine Rich. Hakeney This yere the sunne appeared to mens The sunne appeared as blood sight as red as bloud and so continued the space of .vi. houres The last day of October the Irishmen by the ayde they had out of Englande droue the scottes out of theyr land At which time many noble men of Scotland wer slayne Among which was Edwarde lè Bruze the kinges brother Anno. 16. M Hamond Chikwel Grocer S date Iohn Grantham Rich. of Ely King Edward with a great army entred Scotland but with sicknes and other misfortunes that chanced amonge the soldiors he within short space was forced to return into England wherof syr Iames Douglas and the Scots hauinge knowledge pursued him in such wise that they slew many english men and had welnere taken the kyng at an abbey called Beighland frō the which he was forced to flee and leaue his tresure behind him Anno. 17. M date 1323 Nicolas Faringdon Goldsmith S Adam Salisbury Io ▪ of Oxéford Charles of ▪ France warred vpon the lands of king Edward in Gascoyne Guien and tooke there manye to wnes and castels Wherfore king Edwarde sent his wyfe Isabell to entreate with her brother Charles for peace or as Fro●sard saith the Quene her selfe fleyng che tyranny mischief of the Spē●ers fled with her yonge son Edward into France and was gently receiued of her brother which made greate promise to ayde her against the tyranny iniury of the Spencers Anno. 18. M date 1324 Hamond Chikwel G●●●●er S Be●et of Fulham Iohn Ca●sion Quene Isabel by the ayde and helpe of lyr Iohn of Haynold with a ●●nal company of Henoways returned into Englande to whom the Nobles and the King Edward taken prisoner commons gatheringe in great number pursued the kinge the Spencers and other enemies so egerly that ●hortlye after they toke them and kept the king in prison at Kenil worthe ▪ And after at Barkley they toke maister Robert bal docke the chancellor the Spenrers taken prisoners Robert Baldock the Chācellor both y e
d and viii d six pigeōs for one peny a fat goose for ii d a pyg for a peny so al other victuals after y e rate This yere appered a blasing sterre Anno. 12. M date 1337 Henry Darcy S Walter Neale Nicolas Crane King Edward sent Embassadors beyond the sea to allie with hym the erle of Heynault and other lordes whiche obeyde not the french king of who by the meanes of Iaques Dartuell he had great comfort bothe of the Flemmings diuers lords princes of those parts This yere the kyng granted that the officers of the Maior and Sheriffs of London should beare maces of syluer Anno. 13. M Henry Darcy date 1338 S Williā of Pomfret Hugh Marbre Kyng Edward for establishement of amitie betwene hym and the Hollanders Selanders and Grabanders sailed to And warpe where he concluded the matter with his aliances and by y ● consent of y e emperor Lewys was proclaimed vicar generall of the empire In this mean time certain frenchmē Southāpton robbed had entred the hauē of Southhampton and robbed the towne brent a great part therof and vpon the sea they toke ii great ships called the Edward and the Christopher Anno. 14. M Andrew Aubery grocer date 1339 S William Thorney Roger Frosham Kynge Henry helde a parliament at Great subsedye Westminster he demaunded the fyfthe part of euery mans goods The customes of the wolles to be paid .ij. yeares before hand and the nynth sheafe of euery mans corne Which was granted hym But before it were all payde the loue of the people dyd turne into hatred and their prayer into cursyng c. The kyng changed his coyn made Coyn changed the noble and half noble The noble at vi s .viij. d which is how .x. s̄ Kyng Edward entred the borders of France and made clayme to the whole realme of France as his rightful inheritance Armes of Englande and France entermedled and for more auctoritie named hym selfe kyng of France and entermedled the armes of France as it remayneth to this daye Anno. 15. M date 1340 Andrew Aubery grocer S. Adam Lucas Bartholomew marys The quene of England wife to king Iohn of Gaunt Edward beyng at Gaunt was deliuered of a sonne which afterwarde was called Iohn of Gaunt which was first earle of Richemount and after Duke of Gloucester Kyng Edward sailyng into Flaunders nye to the towne of Sluce mette Sattayl ou●e sea with the Frenche kynges nauy where was foughten a cruell battail Wherof the kyng of England had the victury and the Frenche flete that was in nūber 400. sayle was welnere destroied and the souldiors taken slayn drouned so that of 33000 four escaped aliue After this victory kyng Edwarde besieged Turney and the town of saint Omers At the end of .xi. wekes after the siege a peace was concluded for xii monethes and the kyng returned Anno. 16. M Iohn Oxenford vintener date 1341 S Rich. barkyng Iohn Rockesleye This yeare came into England .ii. cardinals to treate a peace betwene the kynges of Englande and of France who concluded it for .iij. yeares but it lasted not so long This yere the quene was deliuered of a man childe at Langley and was named Edmund of Langley and was kyng Edwards thirde sonne Anno. 17. M Symon Francis mercer date 1342 S Iohn Lufkin Rich. Kyslingbury This yere died Iohn duke of britain by reason of whose death war strife grewe and parts takyng by y e Frenche kyng and kyng Edwarde Anno 18. M date 1343 Iohn Hamond S Iohn Sewarde Iohn Aysesham This yere y e king called a parliamēt at Westminster In time whereof Edwarde hys eldeste sonne was created prince of Wales This yere y e king made a coin of fine gold and named it the Florentine y ● is A newe coyne to say the peny of y e valu of .vi. ● .viii d the halfpeny of y ● valu of .iii. ● .iiii. d the farthing of the valu of .xx. d which coyn was ordeined for his warres in France for the gold therof was not so fyne as was the noble before named Anno. 19. M date 1344 Iohn Hamōd S Geff. Wichingham Thomas Legget This yere y e king held a solemn feast The order of knights of the garter at his castel of Windsor where he de●sed the Order of the garter and stablished it as it is at this day And then he sayled into Sluce so into little Britain with a strong army He sent y e erle of Derby with a strōg army into Guyē for to ayde the erle of Northampton Anno. 20. M date 1345 Richard Lace● Mercer S Edmonde Heuenall Iohn Gloucester King Edward made a great preparation for the warres of Fraunce and Philip de Valoys kynge of Fraunce made as great preparatiō to defend his land agaynst him Anno. 21. M Geffrey Wichinghā S date 1346 Iohn Croydon Will. Clopton King Edward sailed into Normādy with 1100. sayle with his son Prince Edward they ouer rode spoiled destroied y e coūtrey before them vnto Paris gathered wōderful riches of prai which he sēt into Englād Shortly after he encoūtred y e french king nye the forest of Cresse when he had not in his host the eight man in comparison of y ● Frenche army and obteyned of them a traumphant victorie ▪ Wher was slain the kyng of Goheme with tenne other great princes .80 baners .1200 knightes and .3000 common souldiors After this victory kyng Edwarde wente toward Caleys and besieged it In the meane whyle Dauid of Scotlād made warre vpon the borders of England but the bishop of Yorke with other lordes gathered a great company aswell spirituall as temporall and nere vnto Durham did byd the kyng of Scottes battaile where was fought a cruel and fierce battaile But in the end the victory fell vnto the quenes syde there was taken the kyng of Scottes with many of his greatest lordes and there R. of scots taken was slayne one other aboue .15000 souldiours Anno. 22. M date 1347 Thomas Legget skinner S Adam Bramson Richar. Basingstoke This yere after kyng Edward had Caleys yelded lien afore Calais a yere more it was yelded vp to hym as ye maye reade in Iohn Frosarde Anno. 23. M date 1348 Iohn Lufkyn ●●shmōger S Henrye Pycarde Symō Dolell In the ende of this yere about August Gret plage the pestilēce begon in dyuers places of England and specially at London and so continued tyll that tyme twelue moneth Anno. 24. date 1349 Walter Turke fyshmonger S Adam Burye Rafe Lynne The King caused to be voyned grotes and halfe grotes the whych lacked ●teration coyne of the weyght of his former coyn .ii. ● vi d of a pound troy And about y ● end of August ceased the death in London which was so vehemēt and sharp that ouer the bodies buryed in churches and churchyardes monasteries and other accustomed burying places was buried in
the Charter house yarde of Great pestilence London I. M. persons And also many persons of good credite yet liuinge in the citie of Lōdon affirme that they haue redde the lyke written on a plate of laton fastned on a crosse of stone in the same Charter house churcheyarde and also to haue seene recorded in one olde Booke of the sayd Charter house that at that tyme the sayde mortalitis was so great that there remayned not the tenth person alyue throughout the realme Anno. 25. M Richarde Kyllyngburye S date 1350 Iohn Notte Wylliam Wocester This yeare kyng Edward hadde a goodly victory vppon the sea agaynste the Constable of Frāce where he toke xxii of their shyps Anno. 26. M Andrew Aubery grocer S Iohn Wrothe date 1351 Gibbon Staindrope This yere the castel of Guynes was yelden vnto y e englyshmen dwellinge in Calice by treason of a French man Also the englishmē being in Britain had a goodly victory ouer the Frēchmē where they toke many noble men prisoners Anno. 27. W date 1352 Adam Francis mercer S Iohn Peache Iohn Stodeney This sommer was so long dry that it was called after the dry sommer for from March till the later end of Iuly Dry Sommer fell litle rain or none by which reason corne that yere folowyng was scant Anno. 28. maior date 1353 Adam Francis mercer S Iohn Welde Iohn Lyttle The duke of Grunswike made an appeale agaynst Henry duke of Lancaster for whiche was waged battaile in the frenche Kynges courte and beynge bothe ready within the lystes to fyght the french king staied the matter and toke the quarel into his handes so that either of them departed the freld without any stroke striken Anno. 29. W date 1354 Thomas Legget Skinner S Williā Totingham Richar. Smelt For so much as the townes in Flāders Woll staples keptat Westmin Chichester Lincolne Bristow Cātorbury brake their promise beefore tyme made by Iaques Dartuel and now fauored the French partie king Edward remoued the market and staple of wol out of Flanders into Englande as to Westminster Chichester Lincolne Bristow Cantorbury Also this years was the house of the Friers Augustins in London finished Fryer Augustines churche in London builded which was reedified by syr Humfreye Bohune Erle of Hertforde and Essex whose bodye lieth buried in the quier of the said hous before the high aultar Anno. 30. W Simond Francis Mercer date 1355 S Tho. Forster Thomas Brandon Edward prince of Wales nie to the city of poitiers ioined battel with king Iohn of Frāce of whō y e prince by his marcial policy wan a noble victory not withstāding y t he had in his armye but 800. souldiors on the frēch part wer 6000. fighting mē In this cōflict king Iohn was takē with his yong son Phi●●p and many of his nobles brought into England Anno. 31. W Henry Picard date 1356 S R●ch Notinghā Thoma ●osell● Great and royal iustes were holdē in Iustes in smithfiel● smithfield before the king of England the Frēch king being prisoner y ● king of Scots and diuers other nobles Anno. 32. W date 1357 Iohn Stody vintener S Stephē Cādish Barthol Frostlyng This yere Dauid le Bruze king of Scots was set at libertie when he had put kynge Edward suretie of 10000. marke for his ransome Anno. 33. W date 1358 Iohn Lufkyn fyshmonger S Ioh. Barnes Iohn Burys The Englyshemen in Britain toke the towne of Ancore and diuers other and put them to great raunsome Anno. 34. W date 1359 Symon Dolel grocer S Simon Bedington Iohn Chichester A fynall peace was concluded betwene the kynges of Englande and of Fraunce on this condition that kynge Edward should haue to his possession the countreis o● Gascoyn and Guyen Poytiers Lymosyn Galeuile Xantes Calice Guines and diuers other lordshyps castels townes ▪ and al the landes to them belonging without knowledge of any soueraigntie or subiection for the same and the kyng of Fraunce should pay for his raunsome 300000. crownes and so kyng Iohn returned into France Anno. 35. W Iohn Wrothe fishmonger date 1360 S Iohn Denys Walter Burney Kyng Edward returned frō Caleys into England and brought with hym many noble mē of Frāce for hostages This yere men and beastes perished in Englande in dyuers places with thunder and lightenynge and stendes were sene in mans likenes and spake vnto men as they trauailed by the way Anno. 36. W Iohn Peche fishmonger date 1361 S Williā Holbeche Iames Tame This yeare was great death and pestilence The secōde pestilence in Englād which was called the second mortalitie in whiche dyed Henry duke of Lancaster then was Iohn of Gaunt the kyngs third sonne which had maried the dukes daughter made duke of Lancaster Also there were sene this yere in the ayre Castelles and hoostes of menne fyghtyng Anno. 37. M date 1362 Stephen Candishe S Io. of S. Albōs Iames Andrew This yere was a great wind in England Greate wynde wherwith many steples towres were ouerthrowen King Iohn of France came into England shortly after died at y e Sauoy in London Also this yere was a great frost in England whiche lasted frome the myddest of September to the moneth of Aprill Anno. 38. M date 1363 Iohn Notte peperer S Rycharde Croydon Iohn Hiltofte Prince Edward sayled into Burdeaux receiued the possession of Guyen that kyng Edwarde ▪ had newly gyuen vnto hym Anno. 39. M date 1364 Adam Burye Skinner S Symon Mordant Io. of Motford This yere the kyng began the foundation S. stephēs chapell of sainct Stephens Chapell at Westmynster whiche was fynished by Richard the secōd and sonne of prince Edwarde Anno. 40. M Adam of Burye Skinner date 1365 S Iohn Bukilsworthe Iohn Drelande Adam of Bury was maior one parte of the yere Iohn Luf●yn y e residue This yere the kyng comanded that Peter pence shold no more be gathered nor payd to Rome Anno. 41. M Iohn Louekyn fishmōger S date 1366 Iohn Warde Williā Dickman This yere was borne the second son of prince Edward named Richarde Anno. 42. M Iames Andrew Draper date 1367 S Rich. Torgold William Dickman This yeare appered Stella cometa that is a blasing starre And the Earles Blasyng sterre of Armenak of Brett and of Perygort with other nobles of the Duchye of Guyan appealed the Prince of Wales in the Frenche kynges courte that he had broken the peace and wronged them as in exacting of them ouer great summes of money c. But the French kyng deferted it for certayne causes to longe here to recite Anno. 43. M date 1368 Symon Mordon fishmōger S Adā Wimbingham Rob. Girdler This yeare the Frenche Kyng proceded in iudgement vpon the appellation before made by the erle of Arminak the lord of Bret and erle of Perygort agaynst prince Edward Whervpon discorde and variance began to take place betwene the two kynges those lordes which before were sworne to
kyng Edward dyd nowe yelde dyuers townes of the countrey of Poytiers vnto the Frenche kyng Anno. 44. M date 1369 Iohn Chichester goldsmyth S Iohn Pyell Hughe Holbitche This yeare dyed Quene Philyppe Quenes colledge in Oxforde wyfe to Edward the thyrd she builded the colledge in Oxenford called quenes colledge In this yere was the third mortality or pestilence wherof died much people Anno. 45. M date 1370 Iohn Bernes mercer S William Walworth Roberte Gayton Iohn Barnes maior of Lōdon gaue a cheste with three locks and a. 1000. markes to be lent to yong men vpon sufficient gage so that it passed not one 100. marks and for the occupying thee of if he were lerned to say at his plesure De profundis for the soule of Iohn Barnes if he were not learned to saye Pater noster But how soeuer the money was lent at this day the chest stādeth in the chāber of London without eyther money or pledges for the same Anno. 46. M Iohn Barnes mercer date 1371 S Roberte Hatfielde Adam Staple The erle of Pembroke as he passed the sea to reskue the castell of Rochell was encoūtred with a flete of Spaniardes which kynge Henry of Castell had sent to ayde the Frenche kyng Of these Spanyardes after cruel fight the Erle was taken and syr Guystarde de Angle and other to the nūber of 160 ▪ persons and the more part of his men slayne and drowned Anno. 47. M Iohn Pyell marchant date 1372 S Iohn Philpot Nicolas Brember Iohn Duke of Lancaster entred by Calays into France passed through out the realme by Vermendoys and Chāpayn nigh to Burdeaux in Aquitayn without battaile Anno. 48. M date 1373 Adam of Burye Skinner S Iohn Aubery Iohn Fysshyed Dyuers entreaties of peace were made betwene the kyng of England Fraunce by meane of the by shoppe of Rome but none was concluded Anno. 49. M date 1374 William Walworth fishmōger S Richard Liōs Williā Wodhouse The entreatie of peace cōtinued but not concluded but for foure monethes at the most in whiche time of entreatie the French kyng wan many holdes townes of the Englishmen as wel in Guyen as in Britayn and in other places Anno. 50. M date 1375 Iohn Warde grocer S Iohn Hadleye Willyam Neweporte Many wonderfull sycknesses felle among the people ●swel in Italy as in England wherof there died an exceadyng great number Anno. 51. M Adam Staple Mercer S date 1376 Iohn Northampton Robert Launde Prince Edward departed out of this life who was in his time the flower of chiualrie He was buried at Cantorbury and then kyng Edwarde created Richard son of prince Edward prince of Wales and because the kyng waxed feble and sickly he betoke the rule of the land to syr Iohn of Gaunt duke of Lancaster who so continued durynge his fathers lyfe This yere kyng Edward the thirde ended his lyfe at Richemond the .xxi. day of Iune in the yeare of our Lorde 1377. When he had reigned 50. yeres fiue monethes lackynge foure dayes and was buried at Westmynster He left behynde hym foure sonnes Lionel duke of Clarence Iohn of Gaunt duke of Lancaster Edmonde of Langleye duke of Yorke and Thomas of Wod stocke Earle of Cambridge ¶ Rycharde the seconde Anno Regni .i. date 1377 RIchard the second son of Prince Edward of Wales was ordeyned kyng of England beynge as yet but eleuen yeares of age He began his reigne the .xi. day of Iune in the yeare of our Lorde 1377 ▪ and left the same the .xxix. daye of September in the yeare 1399. so he reigned .xxii. yeres .iii. monethes and eight days In bountie and liberalitie he farre passed all his progenitoures but he was ouermuche geuen to rest quietnes and loued litle dedes of armes marciall prowesse and for that he was yonge he was moste ruled by yong counsayle and regarded nothing the aduertisementes of the sage wise men of his Realme for the chiefe about hym were of no wisedome nor el●●mation Which thyng tourned thys land to great trouble and hymselfe in fine to extreme myserie Of hym Iohn Gower writeth these v●●ses folowing When this king first began to reigne ●o● clamā 〈…〉 the lawes neglected were Wherfore good fortune hym forsoke and thearthe dyd quake for feare The people also whom he poulde agaynst hym dyd rebell The tyme doth yet bewayle the woes that Chronicles do of tell The foolishe councell of the lewde and yong he dyd receyue And graue aduice of aged heads he dyd reiect and leaue And then for gredy thirst of coyne some subiects he accusde To gayne their goodes into his hands thus he the Realme abusde Anno regni 1. M Nicolas Brember grocer date 1377 S Andrew pickmā Nicolas Tuyforde By the enticement of the Frenchmē the Scots began to rebel and a squire of theyrs called Alexander Ramsey Barwyk● taken with .xl. persons in a nyght toke the castell of Barwike whiche was r●scued and recouered by therle of Northumberlande Anno. 2. M Iohn Philpot grocer date 1378 S Iohn Boseham Thomas Cornewalis This Iohn Philpot maior of Lōdon Charita● dedes o● Iohn P●●●●pot aboue named gaue to the citie of London certain tenements for the whiche the Chamberlayne of London payeth yerely for euer to .xiij. poore people of the same citie euery of thē vii pēce the weke which is payd to them at the iilj quarter feastes of the yere as any of those .xiii. persons dye the Maior appoynteth one and the Recorder of Lōdon an other in their romthes Anno. 3. M date 1379 Iohn Hadley grocer S Iohn Heylisdom Myllyam Barret The Frenche men with galleyes and Grauesend ●oyled other shyppes entred into the Thames and burnt diuers townes at the last came to Grauesende where they spoyled ▪ the town and set it on fyre and returned into Fraunce with muche rythes This yere was suche a pestilēce in Englande that most people dyed Also a parlyamente at Westmynster where was graunted that all men and women beyng of the age of .xiiij. yeres or vpward shold pay to y e king .iiii. d by reason whereof greate grudge and murmure grew among the commons and this was graunted towardes the warres in Fraunce Anno. 4. M William Walworth fishmōger date S Walter ducket Will. Knighthode This yeare the makynge of gunnes Gonnes inuented was fyrst foūd in this maner a certain Almayne whose name is not knowen chaunced to haue in a morter pouder of brymstone that he had beaten for a medicine and couered it with a stone and as he stroke fier it fortuned a sparke to fal in the pouder by and by there rose a great flame-out of the morter and lifte vp the stone wherwith it was couered a great height and after he had perceyued that he made a pype of yron and tempered the pouder and finished this deadly engin and taught it to the Venetians when they warred against the Genuates whiche was in the yeare of our Lord. 1380. For
Warwike and by agreement of a councell was proclaymed kyng of England and called Edwarde the fourthe Shortely after he pursued kyng Henry towarde Yorke Battaile a Sherborn where he gaue a sore battayle to the kyng and his company This fyghte was so cruelle and fierce that in the fyght and chase were slayne .xxx. thousand of the commons besyde menne of name the whyche were the Earles of Northumberlande and Westmerland Kyng He●ry rayne t●flie the ●ā● the lorde Clyfford Andrewe T●●llep and other to the numbre of eleuen And kynge Henry loste all and was fayne to flee the lande when ▪ he had reigned eight and thyrty yeres .vi. monethes and foure dayes And Queene Margarete with the yong prince fled to her father the duke of Angeowe ¶ Kynge Edwarde the fourth Anno Regni .i. date 1460 FOward the fourth began his dominion ouer this Realme of Englande the fourthe day of Marche in the of our Lorde 1460. and lefte ▪ the same the ix day of Aprile in the yere 1483. so he reigned xxi● yeres one moneth and fiue dayes He was a man of noble courage great wyt but in his time was muche trouble ▪ and vnquietnesse in the Realme Anno. 1. M date 1461 Hugh Wiche grocer S Iohn Looke George Irelande This yere the Staplers of Caleis demaunded of kyng Edward .xviii. thousand poundes which they had lent him to mainteyne his warres against king Henry but their sute was finally regarded and lastly denied Anno. 2. M date Thomas Cooke Draper S Williā Hampton Barth● Iames Margarete the Quene and wife to Henry the sixt lāded in England but hauyng smal succour and euil fortune was sayn to take the seas again and by tempeste of weather was dryuen into Scotland Anno. 3. M Mathewe Philyppe goldsmyth S Robert Basset date 1463 Thomas Muschampe The lorde Mountague hauing the Battayle ▪ at Exham rule of the North discōs●ted king Hēry commyng out of Scotland with a great power to recouer y e crown this is called the battaile of Exham in whiche were taken the Duke of Somerset the lorde Hungerford the lorde Roas whiche were after put to deathe with many other Kyng Edwarde was secretly maried to Elisabeth Gray late wife of six Iohn Gray For whiche mariage rose greate variance betwene the king and the erle of Warwicke his chiefe friende and mainteyner This yere was king Henry taken in King Henry takē prisoner a wodde in the north countrey by one named Cantlowe and arested by the erle of Warwike and presented to the kyng Edward and sent to the tower where he remayned longe after in the Dungeon Anno. 4. M Rafe Iosselyn draper S date 1464 Iohn Tate Iohn Stone This yere the king ordeyned a newe New coyn coyne as the ryall the angell the halfe aungell and the farthyng ryals were x. ● y ● angel .vi. ● .viii. d And the grotes were made of lesse value then they were by viii d in an ounce The syluer that before was at .ii. ● .viii. d the oūce was now inhanced to .iii. ● .iiii ▪ d the ounce and fyne golde that before was .xxx. ● the ounce was now inhanced to .xl. ● the ounce And this yere was quene Elizabeth crowned at Westminster on whitson●ay or the .xxvi. day of May. Anno. 5. M date 1465 Rafe Verney Mercer S Sir Hen. weuer William Constātine This yere the .xi. day of Februarye the quene was deliuered of a daughtēr who was named Elizabeth Anno. 6. M date 1466 S. Io. Yōg Groce S Iohn Brown Henry Brice Iohn Darby Alderman for that he refused to pay for the cariage awaye of a dead dogge lying at his gate and for vnmete language which he gaue vnto the Maior was by a courte of Aldermen assessed with the fyne of fiue poūd whiche he payde euery peny Anno. 7. M Thomas Owlegraue Skynne● S date 1467 Humf. Heyforde T. Stalbrok Syr Thomas Cooke alderman of London was accused of treason and arraigned of the same and founde not gyltie but yet by reason of the Lorde Treasorer who was not his frend he was deteyned in prison and could not be delyuered vntyll he had fined ▪ with the kynge for 8000. poundes whiche he payde A great iustes was in Smythfielde betwene the lorde Scales and the bastarde of Burgoyn Anno. 8. M William Tayler Grocer S date 1468 Symon Smith Willyam Hariot This Williā Tayler Maior of London Charitable dedes of William Tayler afore named gaue to the Citie of London certaine tenementes for the which the citie is bounde to pay for euer at euery fiftene to be graunted to the kynge for al suche people as shall dwel in Cordwainer strete ward that shal be sessed at .xii. d the pece or vnder Whiche charitable woorke oughte not to be forgotten but remayn in remembrance to the exaumple of them who are able to doo the lyke The grudge whiche the erle of Warwike had conceyued against kyng Edward for the forsaid mariage declared it selfe openly ▪ so that he adioyned him with the duke of Clarence the kynges brother and by their meanes stirred so the Northern men that they diuers tymes rebelled and turned the kyng and the realme to muche trouble But shortly the kyng demeaned hymself that the Battayle at Badbery rebelles were suppressed Wherfore the erle of Warwike perceiuyng his part to be weakened fled with the duke of Clarence and other into France Anno. 9. M date 1469 Richarde Lee grocer S Rich. gardiner Robert Drope The Duke of Clarence the Erles of Warwike Pembroke and Oxenforde landed at Darthmouthe to whome by meanes of ▪ proclamations that wer publyshed in the name of kynge Henry the commons gathered in so great companies that Edward fearing his part ● Ed. fled into Flanders fled into Flanders to the Duke of Burgoyn Then was Henry the sixt set at libertie and agayn proclaymed kynge by meanes of the erle of Warw●ke and other ▪ Edwarde proclaimed vsurpe● of the Crowne but that continued not longe The erle of Worcester was beheaded at the tower hyll Execution ▪ Anno. 10. M Io. Stokton mercer S date 1470 Iohn Crosby Iohn Warde Quene Elisabeth wife to Edwarde the fourth beyng in the sanctuarye of Westminster was deliuered of a price who afterward was Edward y e fifthe King Edward being returned out of Flaunders arriued in the north parte of England with a very smal company of souldiors but by meanes that he vsed and through his brother the duke of Clarence who turned nowe to hys part he cam so puisant to London that he entred the citie and toke kyng Henry Ba●nettte field on Ester day in the byshops palaice and then wēt against the erle of Warwike whom he vanquished and slew with his brother Marques Mountague on Glademore heath nere Barnet ten miles frō London Shortly after at Teukesbury he Battaile at T●uksbury ▪ ouerthrew Quene Margaret the wife of Henry In which battaile was takē the sayd Margaret with Edwarde the
Prince her sonne the duke of Somer set and diuers other King Edward agayne receiued his royaltie was taken for kyng and vncurteously slew prince Edward sonne of Henry y ● .vi. after he had taken hym prisoner A commotion stirred by the bastard The suburbes without Algate Bishops gate burnt Murder Faw combridge and the commons of Kent and Essex who robb●d and speiled the suburbes of the citie of London and fyred Bishops gate and Algate Henry the sixt was murdered in the tower of London and buried at Ch●rtsey and after remoued to wyndsor Anno. 11. M date 1471 Williā Edward gro S Iohn Alleyn Iohn Chelley The erle of Oxenford was sent prisoner to Guynes where he remayned prisoner so long as Edward the fourth reigned whyche was twelue yeares in all whiche tyme the lady his wyfe myght neuer come to him nor hadde any thyng to lyue vpon but what people of theyr charities would geue her or what she got by her nedle Anno. 12. M date 1472 William Hampton fyshmonger S Iohn Brown Tho. Bledlowe This Maior was a good iusticer he punished in his yere many ●audes and strompettes and caused theym to ryde with ●aye hoodes and made a pay●e of stockes to be set in euery warde of the citie date 1473 Anno. 13. M Iohn Tate mercer S William Stocker Rob. Bellisd●● In this yere the erie of Ercester was found dead in the sea betwene Douer and C●●●●ys One Iohn Gose was burned at the Execution at toure hil tower hyll for heresy Anno. 14. M Ro. Drope draper date 1474 S Edmūd Sh●w Thomas Hyll This Robert Drope maior of London The cūdite in Cornhil enlarged afore named buylded the east ende of the Cundyte in Cornehyll Kyng Edward required of his subiectes a beneuolence which they gaue him and so he sailed into France with a great army to aide the Duke of Burgoyn but by sute of the French kyng a peace was concluded for .vii. yeres Anno. 15. M Robert Basset Salter date 1474 S Hugh Prince Ro. Colwich This maior did sharp correction vpō Bakers for makyng of light bread ill so muche that he set dyuers of them on the pillory whose names I passe ouer Agnes Deintie set on the pillorie And a woman named Agnes Deintie was also there punished for sellyng of false mynged butter Anno. 16. M date 1476 Rafe Josselyn Draper S Richard Rauson William Horne This yeare by the diligence of thys Part of Lōdon walle new buylt Maior the new wall of London from Creplegate to bishops gate was made as it now is the Maior with his company of the Drapers made all that part betwixt All halowes church in y e same wall and Byshops gate of their owne proper costes and the other companies made the other dele which was a great work to be done in one yere cōsidering the purueyance of the stuffe Anno. 17. M date 1477 Humfrey Heyforde Goldsmith S Henry Colet John Stocker This yere the Duke of Clarence second brother to the kyng beyng prysoner in the ●ower was secretely put to death and drowned in a barell of malnesey within the sayd towre Anno. 18. M Richard gardiner Mercer date 1478 S Roberte Herdyng Robert Byfelde This yeare was a greate dearth and Great pestilence also a great death at London and in diuers ▪ other partes of this realme Anno. 19. M Bartholo James Draper date 1479 S Thomas Jlam John Warde This yere at Tower hyll wer foure Execution felons hanged and burned for robbing of a churche Anno. 20. M John Browne Mercer date 1480 S William Daniell William Bacon This yeare the kyng required great sonnnes of money to be lent him of the citisens of London who after diuers assemblies graunted to lend hym 5000 marke whiche was repayde agayne in the nexte yere folowyng Anno. 21. M William Hariate Draper date 1481 S Robert Tate Will. Wikyng Rich. Chawry This yere the Scots began to stirre against whom kyng Edwarde sent the Duke of Gloucester and diuers other whiche returned agayne without any notable battayle Anno. 22. M date 1482 Edmond Shawe goldsmith S Wil. White Iohn Mathewe Kyng Edward making great prouision for warre into France ended his lyfe the .ix. of Aprill in the yere of our Lord. 1483. when he had reigned xxii yeres ● moneth and .v. dayes He was buried at Wyndsor leauyng after hym two sonnes Edward the prince Richard Duke of Yorke with .v. daughters as Elizabeth y ● after was quene Cicelie Anne Ratherin Bridget King Edward the fyfth Anno Regni .i. date 1483 EDwarde the fyfth of the age of eleuen yeares began ▪ his reigne ouer this Realme of Englande the nynthe of Aprill in the yere of our Lord. 1483. was murdred by Richarde Duke of Gloucester the same yere the .xxii. day of Iune so he reigned .ii. moneths and xi dayes This Edwarde was neuer crowned but cruelly murdred by Richard duke of Gloucester his vnnaturall vncle who after vsurped y e crown and was called Richard the third Kyng Richard the thyrd Anno regni 1. date 1483 RIchard the third brother to Edwarde the fourth through many cruel dedes lastly obteyned the Crowne of Englād Fyrst to compasse his wicked and dyuely she purpose He put to deathe those noble men whiche he thoughte woulde not consente to hys mynde in all thynges the other hee corrupted Quene Elizabeth toke sainctuarye at westminst ▪ with riche gyftes then by his vntruth and falsehoode he wrested frome the quene Elizabeth beyng then in saintuarie Richarde her yonger sonne and brother to the Prince Thirdly he caused to be published at Poules Crosse by one doctour Shawe that Edwarde the fourthe his elder brother was not rightly begotten of his mother but by aduoutrie and therfore that neither he nor hys chyldren hadde ryghte to the crowne or as some write he caused to be published that the prynce and hys brother were not rightefully begotten of Quene Elizabeth and therfore the ryght of the crowne to be his whiche he toke vpon hym and shortly thervppon shamefully murdred the two yong Murder chyldren in the tower of London and vsurped the crowne twoo yeares and two monethes Anno Regni 1. M date 1483 Robert Bilis●ō hate● dasher S Tho. Norlād Williā Martyn Grudge began betwene Kynge Richarde the thyrde and his nere friende the duke of Buckyngham in so muche that for displeasure therof the Duke cōspired with diuers other noble men agaynst hym and intended to bring into the lande Henry erle of Richmond as rightful heyre to the crown This Hēry had fled into Britayne fearyng the crueltie of Edward the fourth for whiche conspiracie the said Duke of Buckyngham with diuers other was short ly after taken and put to deathe Anno. 2. M Thomas Hyll Grocer S date 1484 Richard Chester Tho. Britayne Rafe Astrie The noble prince Hēry erle of Richmount with a small company of frenchemen landed at Mylford hauē nigh Pembroke whose commynge when it was
through the citie shouels and spades and so many people folowed that it was wonder and within a shorte space all the hedges about the townes were cast downe and the dythes filled euery thing made plaine When the kings counsel hard therof they commanded the Maior to see that no other thyng ▪ were attempted and to call home the citizens whiche when they had done theyr enterpryse came home without any more harme doyng and so after the fieldes were neuer hedged Anno. 6. M date 1514 George Monoxe Draper S James Yarforde John Mundye A peace concluded betwen Englād and France Lewes the french king coupled in mariage with lady Mary y ● kinges sister on new yeres day folowing he ended his life wherfore king Henry sent agayne for his syster by the duke of Suffolke and other This yere Richarde Hunne a marchant taylour of London was founde hanged in Lollers tower Anno. 7. M date 1515 syr Wil. Butler grocer S Henry Worley Richard Gray William Bayly Lady Mary king Henries daughter Lady Mary borne was born at Grenewich in February Lady Mary the kinges sister before maried to the Frenche kinge returned into England and shortely after was maried to the duke of Suffolke Margaret the Quene of Scots kinge Henries eldest syster fled into Englād and laye at Harbottell where she was deliuered of a child called Margaret In Maye she came to London where she taried a whole yere before she departed into Scotland Anno. 8. M John Rest Grocer date 1516 S Tho. Seimer Rich. Thurstō This yere was such a froste that all Gret frost men with cartes might passe betwene Westminster and Lambeth On May euen this maiors yere the Euil May day An. reg 9. beginning of the .ix. yere of king Henry was an insurrection in London of yonge persons agaynst aliens of the whiche diuers were put to execution with theyr capitayne John Lincolne a broker and the residue came to Westminster with halters about their necks and were pardoned This was called euill May day Anno. 9. M syr Thomas Exmen Goldsmith date 1517 S Th. Baldrie Richard Symon Many died in England of the sweatyng The sweatinge sicknes sicknes and in especially aboute London wherfore the terme was one day kept at Oxenforde and adiourned agayne to Westminster The admirall of France came into England as ambassadour with a great companye of gentilmen and the Citie of Turney was delyuered agayne into the Frenche kinges hande for the The citie of Turney yelded french which he should pay .vi. C. thousande crownes ann for the castell that the kinge buylded .iiii. C. thousande and 23000. poundes turnoys and a peace was concluded betwene the kinges of Englande Fraunce and Castile for terme of their lyues Anno. 10. M date 1518 Thomas Myrtin Skynner S John Alleyn James Spencer This yere the Erle of Surrey was sent into Ireland as deputie and the Erle of Kyldare was of his office discharged Anno. 11. M date 1519 syr James Yarforde Mercer S John Wilkenson Nico. Partrige As king Henry was at Cantorburye with the Quene in a redinesse to haue passed the sea he heard of the Emperours comming with whom he met at Douer and accompanied him to Cantorbury where after the Emperor had saluted the quene his aunt he toke shipping into Flanders the last day of Maye king Henry passed ouer to Calais and met with Francis the French king at the campe betwene Arde and Buisnes Immediately after he met with the Emperoure with whom he went to Granelyn and the Emperour returned with wim vnto Calais wher he had great cheare after whiche tyme they departed and king Henry returned into this realme Anno. 12. M syr John Bruge Draper date 1520 S John Skeuington John Remble In this Maiors yere the .xvii. day of An. reg 13. The duke of buckingham beheaded King Henry first named defender of the faythe May which was in the. 13. yere of the kinge was the duke of Buckingham beheaded at London King Henry wrate a boke against Luther and therfore the byshop of Rome named him Defender of the sayth To whiche booke Luther aunswered very sharply nothyng sparing the auctoritie or maiestie of the king All frenchemen were attached in the citie of London and cast in prison The v. day of July the cardinall Wolsee rode through London to Douer to mete with the Emperour being accompanied with .ii. Erles .xxxvi. knightes an C. gentilmenne .viii. bishoppes .x. abbots .xxx. chaplaynes all in veluet and saten and. 700. ye●men This yere was a great pestilence death in London and other places Anno. 13. M date 1521 syr Iohn Milborne Draper S Iohn Britayn Thomas Pargeter This syr Iohn Mylborne builded Almes huoses builded certayn almose houses wherin be placed .xiii. aged poore people who haue theyr dwellings rent free and also .ii. s .vi. d. the piece payd to them the fyrst day of euery moneth for euer Charles the fifth Emperor of Rome came into England and was honorably An. reg 14 The Emperour Charles cōming to London receiued into London by the maior the Aldermen and Commons of the Citie the syxt of Iune the kinge hym selfe accompanyinge him from thence he went to Windsor and sate in the stal of the garter After great feastes iustes and honourable enterteynemente he departed to Hampton and sayled from thence into Spaine Duryng this time the Earle of Surrey Lorde Admirall brent Morles in Britain and then returned into the Realm Not long after he passed ouer to Calaice and entred Picardy and brent diuers tounes and castels He besieged Hesding but because winter drewe nere he raised hys siege and returned home Anno. 14. M Syr Iohn Mondye goldsmith S Iohn Rudston date 1522 Iohn Champneis The Lord Rosse and lord Dacres of the North burned the towne of Kelsey in scotland with foure score Villages and also ouerthrewe eightene towers of Stone with al theyr bulwarkes The Emperor Charles king Henry of England Ferdinando duke of Austrige the bishop of Rome the citie of Venice and diuers other in Italy wer confiderate against the french men The Turkes besieged the Rhodes The Rhodes taken by the Turkes Au. reg 15. The Kinge of Dēmark came into England and on Christmas daye tooke it to the greate shame and rebuke of Christen men The .xv. daye of Iune the Kinge of Denmarke and his Quene ariued at Douer and the .xxii. day of Iune they came to London and lay at the bishop of Bathes place The Earle of Surrey burned .37 villages in Scotlande and despoyled the countrey from the Easte marches to the Weste and ouerthrewe diuers holdes and castels Anno. 15. M date 1523 Syr Tho. Baldrie Mercer S Mic. English Nichol. Ieninges In December at the citie of Couentry one Philyp Scholemaster to the kynges hanchmen Christopher Pikering clarke of the Larder and Anthony Maynuile gentleman entended to haue taken the kinges treasure of his subsedye as the Collectors of the same came toward London
wyff●ers and other wayters who in goodly order passed through Lōdon to Westmynster and so through the sanctuary and round about the park of S. Iames and so vp throughe the fie●●e home through Holborne The .viii. day of Iuly the Vicar of Execution Wandsworth with his chaplayne and his seruaunt and f●yer Wayre were all foure drawen from the Martha●sey vnto saint Thomas a Wateryngs and there hanged and quartered The .xvi. day of September Duke Frederik of Bau●●ie the Paulsgraue of Rhine the Marshall of duke Iohn Frederick electour of Saxonye with other came to London by whome the mariage was concluded betwene king Henry the lady Anne sister to William the Duke of Cleue Anno. 31. M date 1539 Sir Williā Hollis Mercer S Tho. Feyrie Tho. Huntlowe This Thomas Huntlow sheriffe before Charitable deedes of Huntlowe named gaue to the company of the Haberdashers certain tenements for y ● which they be bound to geue to .x. pore almes people of the same company euery one of them viii d euery friday for euer And also at euery quarter ▪ dyner to be kept by the maisters of the same companye to be geuen to euery one of those .x. poore people before named a peny lofe of bread a potle of ale a pece of biefe worth .iiii. d in a platter with porage and .iiii. d in money The. 14. day of Nouēber Hugh Feringdon Execution abbot of Reding .ii. priests the one called Rug the other named Onion were attainted of high treason for denying the king to be supreme hed of the church were drawen hanged and quartered at Readyng The same day was Richarde Whitinge abbot of Glastenbury likewyse attaynted hāged and quartered on Tower hyll besyde his monastery for the same cause Execution The first day of December was Iohn Beche abbot of Colchester put to execution for the lyke offence In Decēber wer appointed to waite Pēcioners ▪ first began on the kynges highnes ▪ person 5● gen tilmē called Pencioners or speares The third day of Ianuary was the K. Henry maried the lady Anne of Cleue lady Anne of Cleue receiued at Black heath and brought to Grenewich with great triūph the syxt day of the same moneth she was maried to kyng Hēry The .xviij. day of Apryl was Thomas Thomas Cromwel lorde Cromwell created Erle of Essex and made great chamberlayn of England whiche euer the erles of Oxenforde had before that tyme. The knyghtes of the Rhodes was Order of y ● Rhodes put downe in Englād dissolued in England wherof heringe syr William Weston knight priour of S. Iohnes for thought dyed the fifthe day of May. In May was sent to the tower doctor Wylson and doctor Sampson bishop An. reg ●● of Chichester for releuynge certain prisoners which denied the kynges supremacie and for the same offēce was one Richarde Farmer Grocer of Lōdon a welthy man and of good estimation cōmitted to the Marshalsey after in Westmynster hall was arraigned and attainted in the Premun●re and lost all his goodes The .ix. day o● Iuly Thomas lord Tho. Crōwel beheaded Cromwell Erle of Essex being in the counsaile chaumber was sodeinly apprehended and cōmitted to the Tower of London The .xix. daye of the same moneth he was attainted by parliamēt and neuer came to his answer whiche lawe he was the authour of he was ▪ there attainted of heresy and hygh treson And the .xxviii. day of Iulye beheaded at the tower hyll with the lord Hungerforde King Henry by auctoritie of parliament Quene Anne deuorced was deuorced frō the lady Anne of Cleue and it was enacted that she shold be taken no more as Quene but called the lady Anne of Cleue The .xxx. day of Iuly Robert Barnes Execution Thomas Gerrarde William Ie●ome priestes wer burned in Smythfield The same daye Thomas Abell Edward Powel and Richard Fetherstone were drawen hanged and quartered for denyeng the kynge to be supreme head of the church of England The fourth day of August were drawen Execution from the tower to tyborn six persons one led betwene two sergeāts and there hanged and quartered o●● was the Priour of Dancaster an other a Monke of the Charter house of London master Gyles Horne a Monk of Westmynster one Philpot and one Carew and a fryer The .viii. day of August was the lady K. Henry● maried Ratherine Haward shewed openly as Quene at Hampton court whiche dignitie she enioyed not long This yere was great death of hotte burnyng agues and f●●xes and suche a drought that welles and small riuers A greate drouthe were dryed vp and many cattell died for lacke of water the sa●te water flowed aboue London bridge Anno. 32. M Syr wil. Roche Draper S date 1540 William Laxton Mart ▪ Bowes The .xxii. daye of December was Execution An. reg 33. Egerton and Harman put to death for counterfaityng the kynges great seale In April began a newe rebellion in Cōmotion in Yorkeshire yorkshire the beginners wherof were shortely taken and put to execution in dyuers places of whiche Leigh Tatorsale and Thorneton were put to death at Lōdon the xxviii day of May Execution and sir Iohn Neuell knight was executed at Yorke The same day the coūtesse of Salisburye was beheaded in the tower of London The .ix. day of Iune were Damport Execution and Chapman two of y e kynges gard hanged at Grenewiche for robberies The .xxviii. daye of Iune the lorde Execution Leonard Gray which before was deputie generall of Irelande was beheaded at the tower hyll Execution The. 28. day of Iune wer hāged at S. Thomas a Waterings Mantell Roiden Froudes gentilmē for a spoile murder that they had don in one of the kynges parkes vpon May Morning the lorde Dacres of the South being Execution in company with them and on the morow which was saint Peters day the lord Dacres was led frō the towre a foote betwene y e two sheriffes through the city to tyborn ther put to deathe This sommer the kyng toke his progresse The kings progresse to Yorke The fyrst day of Iuly was a welsh man drawen hanged quartered for prophecying the kyngs maiesties deth Anno. 33. M Sir michel Dormer Mercer S Sir Roulād Hyll Hē Suckley The lady Katherine Haward whom the kyng had maried for her vnchaste liuyng committed with Thomas Culpeper Francis Derehā was by parliament Execution attainted Culpeper Dereham wer put to death at Tyborne the x. day of Decēber The .xiii. day of February Execution were beheaded within the tower the lady Haward otherwise called Q. Katherin the lady Rocheford K. Henry maried his sixt wyfe And shortly after king Henry maried the lady Katherin Parre that had ben wi●e to the lorde Latimer At this parliamēt the kyng was proclaimed kyng of Ireland which name K. Henrye named kīg of Ireland his predecessours
miles from Oxenford a woman brought forth a child which had .ii. perfe●●bodies frome the nauel vp ward and w●re so ioyned together at the nauell that whenne they were layde in length the one head and body was eastward and the other west the legges for bothe the bodies grewe out at the myddes where the bodyes ioyned and had but one issue for y ● excrement of both the bodies they lyued xviii dayes and when they were opened it appered they wer womē childrē Great fyshes taken The .viii. day of August there were taken about Quinborough thre greate fyshes called Do●phines or by some called Rigs and the weke folowing at ▪ Blackwall wer .vi more taken and brought to London there solde the ●east of thē was greater then any horse The same moneth of August began the great prouision for the pore in Lōdon towardes the whiche euery man was contributorie and gaue certayn money in hande and promised to geue a certain wekely The first house whiche was begon was at the Gray friers in Newgate market The .vii. day of October were two great fyshes takē at Grauesend which Great fyshes were called whirlepoles they wer afterward drawen vp aboue the bridge The .xiiij. day of October y e bishop of Durhā Cuthbert Tunstall was depriued from his byshoprike Anno. 6. M date 1552 George Garnes haberdasher S Will. Garrct Iohn Maynarde This sir George Garnes haberdasher gaue y e windmil which stādeth toward the east in Fins●ery fielde to the poore almose people of the same companye And also he gaue to be distribute to the poore people of the parish of S. Bartholomew the little .xviii. d in breade euery sonday for euer The .xxi day of Nouember the children were taken into the Hospitall at the gray friers to the numbre of iiii C In the sommer past kyng Edwarde went in progresse into the weste countrey where he had so muche exercise of haukyng and hunting as was thought by some to bee da●ngerous vnto hys healthe Towarde wynter he retourned to London and frome thense to Grene wiche where all the 〈◊〉 season was passed with muche pleasantnesse and myr●he vntyll at length in Ianuarye he fell sycke of a cough whiche ended in co●sumption of the lyghtes The .xx. day of May .iii. great shippes Voyage to Moscouie well furnyshed were set forth for the aduentu●e of the vnknowen voyage to Moscouia And .ii. other shyps were sente foorth to seke aduentures southe wardes In May Lorde Gylsorde the Duke of Northumberlandes fourthe sonne maried lady Iane the Duke of Suffolkes daughter whose mother being thē alyue was daughter to Mary kynge Henryes syster The .xxii. daye of Iune was a verye great terrible clap of thunder aboute Great thunder rii of the clock at noone which bet open one of the doores of saint Denyse c●●●●ch in London tore of both lock and lynyng of the same doore Kyng Edward beyng about the age Kyng Edwarde deceased of xvi yeres as is said before was lōg sick of a consumption of the lightes the ▪ vi day of Iuly ended his lyfe The x. day of Iuly the death of kyng Edward● was publyshed The same day in the after noone about fowero● the clocke the Lady Iane doughter of the lady Frances the duchesse of Suffolke whiche Lady Iane was maried vnto the Lorde Gylforde Dudley the fourthe sonne vnto the Duke of Northumberland was conueyed by water to the Tower of London and betwene vi● and .viii. of the clocke in the euening proclamat●ō was made through out the citie whereby was declared that kyng Edward beyng dece●sed by his wyll had assigned the sayde Lady Iane to be quene and thervpon so proclaymed Quene of Englande This matter was very greuously taken of y e common people and a great numbre of gentilmen for the ●one they bare to lady Mary and the right of her title For when it was heard that the Ladye Mary was fled to Framingham castel in Suffolke the people of the countrey almost wholly resorted vnto her and in Oxenford syr Iohn Williams in Buckynghamshire syr Edmunde Peckham and in dyuers other places many men of worshyppe gathered great powers and with al spede made toward Suffolke where lady Marye was The .xiii. day of Iuly by appoi●t mente of the counsell of the duke of Northumberland the Earle of Huntingdon the lord Grey of Wilton and dyuers other with a greate numbre of men of armes wente to fetche her by force and was on theyr way as farre as Bury But the .xix. daye of Iulye the counsell partely moued wy●h the right of her cause partly consydering that the most of the Realm was wholly bente on her syde chaunged theyr myndes and immediately came in●o Cheapesyde with the kynge of Heraldes where they proclaymed the ladye Lady Mary proclaymed quene Mary Quene of Englande kepyng as prisoners in the Tower lady Iane lately proclaimed and lorde Gylford her husband and the duke returnyng to Cambridge on the twentye daye at nyght beyng apprechended of the gard he with other was brought to the tower of London the fiue and twentye of Iulye Thus was the matter ended without bloudshed whiche men feared woulde haue brought the deth of many thousandes ¶ Quene Marye Anno Regni .i. date 1553 MAry the eldest daughter of kyng Henrye the .viii. began her reigne ouer thys realme of Englande the .vi. day of Iuly in the yeare of oure Lord. 1553. and deceased in the yere of our Lorde 1553. the. 17. day of Nouember so she reigned .v. yeares .iiii. moneths .xi days she was proclaimed Quene at Lōdon the .xix. day of Iuly and the .xx. day at the castel of Framyngham and afterward being accompanied with a goodly band of noble men gentylmen and commoners gathered out of all partes of the realme came to London and entred the tower the .iii. day of August In her fathers tyme and brothers time and other were caste into the Tower some for treason layde to their charge as the Duke of Norffolke and the lorde Courtneye some for matters of Religion as Doctour Tonstall byshop of Durham and other whiche continued there prisoners at the Quenes commyng to all these and manye other she granted pardon and restored them to theyr forme● dignities Lykewyse dyd she vnto Doctour Gardener byshop of Wynchester whome she set at libertie made hym hygh chancellor of England the lorde Courtney made erle of Deuonshire The .xi. day of August certayne gentylmen A wherrye ouerturned mindyng to passe through London bridge in a wherrye were there ouerturned and seuē of them drowned The .xiii. day of August one master Bourne a Canon of Poules preached at Paules Crosse whose talke mysliked the audience that some cryed Pull hym oute and one threwe a dagger at hym which hyttyng one of the syde postes rebounded backe agayne then maister Bradforde and Iohn Rogers two preachers of kyng Edwards time with muche laboure conueyed the sayd maister Bourne oute of the
audience into Paules schole The .xxii. day of August the duke of Execution Northūberlād was beheaded and with him wer put to deth sir Iohn Gates syr Thomas Palmer called Buskin Palmer knightes The xxvi day of August in the eueninge The greate Hary a ship was burnt at Wolwiche called the greate Hary by the negligence of mariners she was of burthen a thousand tunne The last day of September the quenes A man stode on y e wethercok of Poules hyghnes rode thorough the citie to Westminster in moste goodly maner and pagentes in all places accustomed beyng moste gorgeously trimmed And as her grace passed by Pauls a certain duche man stode vpon the wethercock with an enseigne in his hande flouryshyng with the same very strange to the beholders And y e morow her grace was crowned at Westminster by doctor Gardiner bishop of Winchester The fyfth day of October began the Parliament at Westminster and masse of the holy ghoste was songe The xxv ▪ day of October the barge Grauesend barge of Grauesend by great misfortune of a catch running vpon her was ouerthrowen and .xiiii. persons drowned and xvi saued by swimming The xxiii the xxv the .xxvii. days of October were certayn disputations in the long chapell at the north doro of Paules concerning Transubstantiation but nothing throughly determined Anno. 1. M Tho. White marchant taylour date S Thomas Offley Wil. Hewet The same syr Thomas White a worthy patron and protector of poore scholers and learninge renewed or rather erected a college in Oxford that was in S. Iohns college in Oxforde erect●d great ruine and decay now called S. Iohns college and before Bernard college indowing the same with landes reuenues to the greate preferment of learning and comfort of poore mennes children The like College also now called trinity college syr Thomas Pope knight Trinitie college erected to his great praise and singuler cōmendation erected which sometime was called Durham colledge appoyntinge for the maintenaunce of the fellowes and scholars like possession Cardinall Poole who fledde out of England in the tyme of kinge Henry and was in gret estimatiō in the court of Rome and sent for by Quene Mary to returne into his countrey The xiii day of Nouēber D Cra●●er Archbishop of Cantorbury lady Iane that was before proclaimed quene an● the lord Gilford her husband wer openly arraigned condemned for treason The .v. day of December the parliament was dissolued in the which parliament all statutes that wer made eyther of Premunire in time of king Hēry the viii or concerning religion an● administration of the sacramentes vnder king Edward the syxt wer repealed and the latten seruice restored as it was in the last yere of king Henry the eyght and communication was had of the Quenes mariage with king Phillip the Emperours sonne c. The beginning of Ianuary the emperor sent a noble man called Ecmondane and certayne other ambassadours in to England to make a perfect conclusion of the mariage betwen king Philip and Quene Mary The .xx. day of Ianuary the lord Chancellor with other of the counsel declared openly vnto the Quenes maiesties houshold that ther was a mariage concluded betwen her grace and the king ●f Spayne whiche should be a greate strength honour and enriching to the realme of England This mariage was so greuously taken of diuers noblemen gentlemen commoners that for this and religion they in such sort conspired against the Quene that if God had not wonderfully preuented them it woulde haue brought much more trouble and danger Cōmotion in Kent For syr Thomas Wyat in Kente beyng one of the chiefe about the .xx. daye of Ianuary gathered a certayne company much incensed the people of those parts against y ● quene saying That she the counsel intended not only by alteration of religion to bring in the pope but also by mariage of a stranger to bring the realme into miserable seruitude The Quene sent the duke of Norfolk with a cōpany of soldiors into Kent against Wiat wher y ● duke meting with Wiat not farre from Rochester bridge was forsaken of his souldiours and returned to London Also Henry duke of Suffolk father to lady The du●●of Suffol● proclaimed hi● daugh●ter quen● Iane flying into Leicestershyre Warwikeshy●e in diuers places as he wēt again proclaymed his daughter quene ▪ but the peple did not inclin● vnto him Wherfore when the erle of Huntingtō that was sent to pursue him cam to Couentry y e duke hauing no gret strength of men about him was brought therby into a streight and hydyng himselfe ●n a parke of his owne by Couentry was bewraied and by the erle of Huntington brought prisoner to London and Duke o● Suffolke taken The quene came to the Guild hall in London the same day beyng the fyrst of February the Quene came from Westminster to the Guilde hall in London and there after vehement woordes against Wiat declared that she ment not other wyse to marry then the Councel shold thynke bothe honourable and commodious to the realme and therfore willed them truely to assiste her in repressing such as contrarye to theyr dueties rebelled Moreouer she appoynted lorde William Haward lieuetenaunte of the citie and the Erle of Pembroke generall of the fyelde whiche both prepared all thinges necessarye for theyr purposes Wy●te came neare vnto the Citie and entred into Southwarke the third day of February wherefore the drawe ▪ bridge was broken down ordinance bent to that parte generall pardon proclaymed to al them that would geue ouer and forsake the rebelles After Wiat had layne i● dais in Southwarke he turned his iourney to King●●on on Shrouetuisday in the morning beyng the syxt of February where he passed ouer the Thames and purposed to haue come to London in the nighte but by meanes that the cariage of hys thief ordinance brake he was so letted that he coulde not come before it was farre day At that time the erle of Pembroke ▪ and diuers other were in sainte Iames field with a gret power theyr ordinance so bent that Wiate was fayn to leaue the common way and with a smal cōpany came vnder saint Iames wall from the danger of the ordinance and so went by Charinge crosse vnto Ludgate without resistance and there thought to haue be let in But perceauinge that he was disapoynted of his Wiat taken purpose he returned ▪ and about temple barre was taken prisoner Proclamation was made in Londō that no man should keepe in his house any of Wiates faction And shortly after about the number of fifty wer hanged on .xx. paire of gallouses made for that purpose in diuers places in and about the citie The .xii. day of February Lady Iane the duke Suffolkes daughter and her husband lorde Gylford were beheaded Execution for feare least any othe shold make lil ▪ trouble for her title as her father ha● attempted ▪
tribute a thousand markes and to hold the Title of the Crowne by the byshop of Rome Anno. 14. M date 1212 Hēry fitz Alwyn S Rādolph Eilād Constātin Iosue This yeare fell great discention betwene Discention betwene y e Kynge and his Lordes the kyng and his lordes partly for that he wold not maynteyne the lawes of kyng Edwarde partly for the displeasure he bare vnto them for that they ayded hym not agaynst the bishop of Rome so that a greatnumbre of people were raysed on bothe parties The Earle of Chester wyth the other lordes toke the Citie of London and held theym there Other saye that a greate part of this variance betwene Kynge Iohn and his barons was forbecause the Kyng would haue exiled the Earle of Chester who oftentymes had aduised the kyng to leaue his cruelnes and his accustomed aduoutrye whiche he exercised with his brothers wyfe and others But by meanes of the Archebyshep af Cantorbury and other prelatez a peace was taken for a whyle This yeare on the .xi. day of Iuly a Great fyre in Southwarke and London great part ▪ of Southwarke was brent and in the moneth of August next folowyng was muche harme doone in London by fyre The kyng and his lordes met wyth A Charter to the Barons great strength on either partie vppon Baramdowne where a charter or writyng was made and sealed by the king so that the Barony was with it contented and departed in peace euery man into his countrey Anno. 15. M Roger fitz Alwyne S Martin fitz alis date 1213 Peter Bate The peace whiche in the laste yeare was agreed betwene kyng Iohn his barons was this yeare by the Kynge biolated and broken Wherfore the lordes assembled to them great powers and made cruell warre vpon the king in so muche that he was constrayned to sende into Normandy for ayde Thē camme into Englande a Normane knight named Foukis de Brent whiche broughte with hym a companye of Normans Flemmyngs and Picards He and his cōpany were so cruel that they destrosed as wel religious houses ●s other and dyd muche harme to the lande puttyng the lordes to the worse the kynge made Foukes and other of his company wardens of castels and stronge holdes in Englande The lordes seynge the kynge perseuer in his wronge and that he woulde in no wyse be induced to hold his own grantes but to do all thyngs after pleasure and nothyng after lawe or iustice caste in their myndes how they myght bring the realme in a better rule and by one consent wrote to Philip king of Frāce that he would send som noble man into Englande and they would yeld the land vnto hym This yere kynge Iohn caused to hee drawen and hanged at Warham one Piers of Pomfret his sonne executed Piers of Pomfret and his sonne for speakyng of dyuers thynges agaynste the Kyng Anno reg 16. M date 1214 Roger fitz Alwyn S Salomō basing Hugh basyng KYng Iohn laying siege to the castell of Rochester wanne the same and K. Iohn be sieged y e castel of Rochester toke therin certayn gentylmē and sent them to dyuers prysons placyng strangers in the same Castell The barons held them together at London abiding the commynge of Lewes sonne to the Frenche kyng whyche landed in England with a great armye and so came to Rochester and wanne it with small payne he caused all the strangers therin to be hanged and after came to Lōdon where certain alliances and couenantes were establyshed and cōcluded betwene the lordes and hym and receiued of them homage Then he with the Lordes departed frome London and gat the castell of Rigate of Gilforde and of Fernham and frome thens to Wynchester where the Citie was yelded wyth all other holdes in those parties and then he wyth the lordes came agayne to London At whose cōmyng the tower of London was delyuered to them they slew all straungers that had ben placed by the Kynge in any place King Iohn beyng thus ouerset with his lordes sent messangers to y e bishop of Rome shewyng to hym the rebellion of his lordes and how they labored his destruction Wherfore the bishop of A Legate frō Rome Rome with all haste sent a Legate into England called Swalo The whiche after his commyng commaunded Lewes to returne into Fraunce and laboured boured to the vttermost of his power ▪ to appease the Kyng and his haronye but all his labour was in ▪ vayne Anno reg 17. date 1215 W Williā Hardel S Iohn Crauers Andrew Newlād This yeare kyng ▪ Iohn dyed ▪ of the the Flixe as is recorded in Policronicon at the towne of Newarke he was bowelled in the abbey of Croghton and buried at Worcester It is written that he buylded the abbey The abbey of blacke monkes in Winchester of Bewley in the new forest in re compence of the parysh Churches whiche he there ouerturned to enlarge the forest and an abbey of Blacke monks in the citie of Winchester He deceasse● in the yere of our Lord. 1216. the .xix. of October when he had reigned 17. yeares .vi. moneths and. 13. dayes ¶ Henry the thyrde Anno Regni .i. date 1216 HEnry the sonne of Iohn of the age of nyne yeares was proclaymed Kynge of England who began his ▪ reigne the .xix. day of October in the yeare of our Lorde 1216. and deceased in the yeare 1272. thi .vi. day of Nouember So he reigued .lvi. yeres and .xxviij. days The noble mou with their retinue kept sharp warre with Lewes th● frenche kynges sonne who by the conenants made before with the English men claymed the crowne But after certayn s●icmishes and battailes Lewys Hēry crouned at Glocester began to desyre peace which was concluded and Henry was crowned at Gloucester Anuo 1. W Iacob Aldermā S Benet Couētrie date 1216 Wil. Glūtiuers Swale y ● Legat accursed Lewis y e frēche kings sonne He accursed Lewlyn prince of Wales interdicted his lād At the last Lewis toke a. W. marks or as som authors affirin .xv. W. markes of money departed this realm Anno. 2. W Serle merrer S Tho. Bokerell date 1217 Ra●e Holyland VVHen the lād was deliuered frō straungers inquisitions were made to know what ꝑsons assisted Lewas against the kyng of which y ● king pardoned many of the laye men But the spirituall men were put to such synes that they were compelled to lay● all that they had to pledge And also to sue to Rome to be assoyled Raynolffe Erle of Chester toke hys iourney to the holy lande Anno. 3. date 1218 W Serle Mercer S Iohn Wayle Iosenus Spicer A parliamente was holden at London ii ● of euery plough lande by vertue wherof was granted to the kyng .ii. s. of euery ploughe lande through Englande This yeare kyng Henry beganne to buylde the newe worke of the ●●●●rche Westminster abbey of westmynster Anno. 4. date 1219 W Serle mercer S Rich. Wimbeldey Iohn
Wayle Alexander Kyng of Scottes maried the lady Iane syster of Kyng Henry This yeare was great harme doone Spirites firy dragōs in England by violence of whirle windes and fiery dragons and spirits wee sene flying in the ayre This yere was a proclamation made that all straungers shoulde auoyde the realme except such as came with merchandise and to make sale of them vnder the kynges saufe condude whiche was doone to auoyde Foukes de Brēt and his complices who kepte the. castell of Bedford agaynst the Kyng This yere was kyng Henry secondly Hēry crouned the second tyme. The castels of Chartley Beston the abbey● of Delacresse built crowned at Westminster date 1220 This yeare Rainolph earle of Chester came out of the holy land into England and began to buylde the castels of Chartley and of Beston and after buylde the abbey of Delacresse Anno. 5. W Serle mercer S Richard Renger Iosence le Iosue THis yeare was a counsel holden at Oxenford of the bishops of Englād wherin one was condemned whiche taught that he was Iesus Christ and to confirme the same he shewed the tokēs of woundes in his handes bodye and fete He was therefore crucified on a Crosse at Alburbury tyll he dyed Anno. 6. W Setle mercer S Richard Renger date 1222 Iosens Iosue A conspiracy was made against king Henry by one Constantine in the citie of London for the which he was drawen hanged and quartered the morow Execution after our Lady day assumption Which conspiracie so moued the Kyng that he was in mynde to haue cast downe ▪ the walles of the citie Anno. 7. W date 1222 Serle mercer S Richard Renger Thomas Lābert This yere Iohn kyng of Hierusalem came into England and required ayde of kyng Henry to wynne agayne Hierusalem ▪ but he returned agayne with small comfort This yeare the King began the foūdation Salisbury buylded of Salisbury mynster Anno. 8. M date 1223 Richard Renger S Williā Ioyner Tho. Lābert Thys yeare the Lordes and gentilmen The firste graunte of wardes to the kyng of Englande fyrste graunted to kyng Henry and his heires the ward and mariage of theyr heires whyche was then by learned men called the begynnyng of euyls Anno. 9. M date 1224 Richard Renger S Iohn Trauers Andrew Bokerel Richard the brother of kyng Henry ouercame the Frenchemen recouered Poytiers and kepte the Gascoynes in due ▪ obedience Anno. 10. M date 1225 Rycharde Renge● S Roger Duke Martin fitz William This yeare the pleas of the crowne were pleaded in the Tower of Lōdon Lewis kyng of France wan certain castels in the countrey of Poytiers shortely after spoyled the citie of An●owe Anno. 11. M Rycharde Renger S date 1226 Stephen Bokerell Henry Cobham In this yere wes graunted by king Henry of the Sheriffes of the Citie of Shiriffewike of Lōdon Middlesex Free ▪ warreyn London the sheriffewike af London Middlesex for the sum of CCC pound by the yeare It was also granted to the citie free warren that is to saye free libertie to hunt a certain circuite about the citie It was also granted that the ce●isens of Lōdon shold passe tole free through Toll free ▪ out all England●and also graunted by the kyng that all weeres in y e Thames shoulde be plucked vp and destroyed for euer Anno. 12. M Roger Duke S Stephē Buckerel date 1227 Henry Cobham The liberties of the Citie were this yeare confirmed and to eche of the sheriffes The cities liberties ratified was graunted to haue .ii. clerks and two officers without any more Anno. 13. M date 1228 Roger Duke S Walter Winchester Robert fitz Iohn Kyng Henry sailed with an army in to Britayne agaynste Lewes kynge of France where after spoyling the coūtrey a peace was concluded betwene the .ii. yong princes Anno. 14. M date 1229 Roger Duke S Richar. Fitz William Iohn Wobborne This yere was ordeined by y e Ma●or and rulers of the Citie of London that No sheriff in London past one yeare ●o sheriffe of that citie should continue lenger / in office then one yere because that they should not by long continuance of office become couetous bribers Anno. 15. M date 1230 Roger Duke S Michael of Sainct Cleue Walter Guff●ide This yeare was muche harme doone Great fyre in London in London by fyre which began in the house of a wydowe named dame Iane Lambert Anno. 16. M Anbrewe Bokerel S Henry Edmonton Gerrarde Bate Variance grewe betwene Kyng Henry and his lordes because he put from Warre betwene the king his lordes his seruice Englishemen and trusted straungers as wel in his counsayle as other officers nere about him Anno. 17. M Andrew Bockerel S date 1232 Symon Fitzmare Roger Blunt IN this yere the king began the foundation of the hospitall of saint Iohn S. Iohns without Oxenford begon without the east gate of Oxenforde In which yere also fell ▪ wonderfull sore wether with such thunder lightning that the like had not ben sene And ther folowed an earthquake to the gret fear Great tempestes of the inhabitauntes of Huntingdon and nere therabout Anno. 18. M Andrew Bokerell S. date 1233 Ra●e Ashewy Iohn Norman THis yere the king put from him the strangers and restored the English men to their offices The Iewes dwelling in Nor wiche were accused for stealyng of a chylde whom they purposed to haue crucified Fredrike the Emperour maried Isabel sister of the king of England Anno. 19. M date 1234 Andrew Bokerel S Gerrard Batte Robert Ardell King Henry maried Elinor y e daughter of the earle of Prouance There appeared as it were hostes of men fyghting in the element The statute of Merton was fyrst enacted The statute of Merton at the parliament of Merton Anno. 20. M date 1235 Andrew Bokerel S Henry Cobham Jorden Couētry Quene Elinor founded the hospital of Saint Katherins besydes the tower S. Katherines by the ●ouer un●lt of London for the reliefe of poore women date 1236 Anno. 21 M Andrew Bokerel S John Thesalan Garard cord wauer Octobo●ea a●legate came into Englād ordened good ordināces for y e church But not all to the pleasure of the yong clergy of England Wherfore as he one day passed thorow Oxenford the scholers sought occasion against his seruantes and fought with them and ●●ue one of the same and put the legate in suche feare that he for his safegard tooke the belfray of O●ney and there helde him tyl the kinges officers comming from Abingdō deliuered him and conueid him to Wallingford Syr Simon Mountford maried the kings syster named Elianor countesse of Pembroke Anno. 22. M Richard Renger S date 1237 John Wilhall John Gōdresse A clerk of Oxenford or more verely King Henry like to haue bene slayne a souldior faining him self mad enterprised to haue slayn King Henry in his chamber at Wodstocke but he was taken and put to death at Couentry This yere was
Alexander Iden founde him in a gardeyn who in his defence slew the sayd Iacke Cade and brought his body to London where his heade was set on London bridge The Byshop of Salisbury was murdred The bishop of Salisbury murdred by the commons of the west countrey Anno. 29. M date 1450 Nicolas Wiford Grocer S Iohn Middleton William Dere The whole duchie of Normandy was yelded to the frenche kynge by meanes of the Queene and the duke of Somerset whiche caused so muche trouble in England that mortall war ensued Anno. 30. M William Gregory Skinner date S Mathew Philip Christopher warton A commotion began this yere by the The Duke of York began a commotion duke of Yorke and other noble men which was appeased for a time and the malice dissembled Anno. 31. M Gddfrey Feldyng Mercer date 1452 S Richard Lee Richarde Alley This yeare the Quene was delyuered of a Prynce who was called Edward Anno. 32. M Iohn Norman Draper date 1453 S Iohn Walderne Thomas Coke Before this Maiors yere the maior The maio● of London first rowe● to westminster sheriffes and commons were wont to ryde to westminster when the Maior should take his charge but this maior was rowed thither by water For the which the watermen made of hym a songe begynnynge Rowe the boate Norman c. The fire of enuye that a good space had couertly smouldered betweene the Duke of Yorke and the duke of Somerset with other of the quenes counsayle at this tyme brake oute in hot fierce flames of warres In so much● that betwene the Kyng who defended these persons and the Duke of Yorke with his alies at sainct Albons a cruell Battaile at S. Albons battaile was foughte In the ende whereof the victory fell to the duke of yorke And on the kynges partie was stayne the Duke of Somerset the erle of Northumberland the Lorde Clyfford with many other honorable men knightes and Squyers After whiche tyme the Duke with greate reuerence brought the Kynge frome Saincte Albons to London Where by a Parliament he was made protector of the realme the Erle of Salisbury Chauncellor and the erle of Warwike Captayne of Calaice Anno. 33. M date 1454 Stephen Foster fishemonger S Iohn Field Williā Taylor This yeare in London was a greate Fraye in London by sainctuarye men fray at saint Martins le grād by saintuary men who issued forth and hurte diuers citisens but it was appeased ▪ by the Maior and other There was suche greuons complaintes made thereof to the kyng by the Deane of Saint Martins that the liberties of the citie werin perill to be seised Anno. 34. M William Marrow Grocer date 1455 S Iohn Yong Thomas Oulgraue By meanes of the Quen● and other lordes the duke of Yorke was discharged of his protectorship which thynge was cause of new grudge and malice A great riot cōmitted in London agaynst A ryote againste the Lombard● the Lombardes and Italians because a mercers seruant was cast in prison for strikyng an Italian Anno. 35. M Thomas Canyngs Grocer date 1451 S Iohn Steward Rafe Derney At Erith within .xii. myles of London Great fysshes taken were taken .iiij. wonderful fishes wher of one was called Mors Marina the seconde a sword fishe the other two were whales A Fleete of Frenchemen landed at Sādwich spoyled Sandwiche spoyled the town with great crueltie Anno. 36. M Godfrey Boleyne Mercer date 1547 S Wylliam Edwarde Tho. Rayner A sained agremēt was made betwene the Kyng the Quene and the Duke of Yorke with his retinue● for ioy wherof a generall procession was celebrate in A generall procession saint Poules at London At which solemne feast the kyng in habite royall and his diademe on his head kept his state in procession before whom went hand in hand the Duke of Somerset the Erle of Salisbury the duke of Excester and the erle of Warwike and so one of the one faction an other of the other sect And behind the king the duke of Yorke ledde the Quene ▪ with great familiaritie to all mens syghtes But wo worth dissimulation for theyr bodies were ioyned by hande in hande whose heartes were farre in sunder as appered shortly after Anno. 37. M date 1458 Thomas Scotte Draper S Rafe Iossolyn Richarde Medtham The noble Science of printing was found in Germany ac Magunce byone The sciēce ●f printing ●●stinuen●d Iohn Cuthenbergus a knyght he foūd moreouer the Inke by his deuice that printers vsed xvi yeare after printing was found which was the yere of our Lord. 1458. one Conradus an Almain brought it into Rome Nicolas Iohn son a french man did greatly polishe garnysh it And now it is dispersed thorough the whole world as saith Poli●ore Dirgile Williā Caxton mercer o● London first brought it into England about the yere of our Lord. 1471. and first practised the same in the abbeye of saynt Peter at Westminster The duke of Yorke the Erles of Salifburye and Warwike with a greate Bloreheat fielde hoste met the kyng and other lordes of England vpon Blore heath nere to Lōdon where because Andrew Trollop a captain of Calaice the night before the battaile should haue ben fledde with a company of the beste souldiours to the Kynges parte The Duke of Yorke the Earles of March Salisbury and Warwike mystrustyng them selues to bee to weake departed with a priuye company and fledde The Duke into Ireland the .iij. erles into Gerneseye and after to Calays without any notable battaile Anno ●38 M William Hulyn fishemonger date 1459 S Iohn Plummer Ioh. Stocker The .iii. erles cōming frō Calice with a puisant army the .ix. day of July met kyng Henry at Northampton gaue Battaile at Northampton hym strong battayle In the end wherof the victorie fell to the Earles and the kynges host was dispersed chased and many slayne among whiche was the Duke of Buckingham the Erle of Shrewesbury the lord Egremount with other and the kynge taken in the fielde The duke of yorke returnyng into The Duke of Yorke made claim ●o y e crown Englande made suche clayme to the crown that by consent of a parliamēt he was proclaimed heyre apparant and all his progenie after hym The quene in this meane tyme had gathered a company of Northern men nere to a towne in the North called Battaile at Wakefield Wakefield in a cruel fight discōs●ted slew the Duke of Yorke with his son the erle of Rutland the erle of Salisbury was taken prisoner with diuers other noble men Anno. 39. M date 1460 Rich. Lee Grocer S Rich. Flemyng Iohn Lamberde The Quene with her retinue neare Second ba●●ayle at ▪ S. ●lbons saynet Albons discomfited the ▪ erle of Warwi●e and the Duke of Norfolk delyuered kyng Henry her husband Edwarde Earle of Marche and eldeste sonne to the Duke of Yorke came vp to London with myghtye power of Marchemen accompanied wyth the Earle of