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A45110 A general history of Scotland together with a particular history of the Houses of Douglas and Angus / written by Master David Hume of Godscroft. Hume, David, 1560?-1630? 1648 (1648) Wing H3656; ESTC R33612 530,146 482

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deliver unto them whatsoever Bonds Contracts Writs or Evidents they had for their pretended Title thereto And should leave that Kingdome as free as it had been in the dayes and at the death of King Alexander the third from all bondage and servitude for time to come That the Scots should also resigne to the English all lands and possessions which sometimes they had in England or held of England in fealty as beneficiars thereof and that the Marches between the two Kingdomes should bee Cumberland and Northumberland unto Stone-moore That David sonne to King Robert should marry Jane King Edwards sister called by some Jane of the Tower and by the Scots Jane make peace in derision and that King Robert should pay to Edward three thousand marks sterling for the dammage done to his people in the late warres by Sir James and Randulph Earle of Murray The first of these articles was presently performed and the King of England delivered all the Writs and Evidents which hee had concerning his alledged superiority of Scotland and amongst them an Indenture which they called Ragman saith Hollinshed and certain Jewels won from the Kings of Scotland amongst which the blacke Crosiere or Rood was one This peace the same Authour calleth unprofitable and dishonourable done by evil and naughty counsell If it were dishonourable for England it was so much the more honourable for the Scots that gave the peace But the dishonour hee meaneth is the renunciation of his title to the Crowne of Scotland whereof he had fair claiming King Robert and the Scots had driven him out of his usurpation and vindicated their liberty by force of armes And as for his right and title in Law the world knowes what small account Scotland ever made of his pretensions having never been subject unto any but to their owne King Wherefore it was onely to take away all occasion of cavilling and the better to keep peace with their neighbours that they desired this surrender as they had done before with Balliol whose right notwithstanding carried a greater show of equity and reason and truly it is not so much to be wondered at that King Edward condescended to these Articles as it is that King Robert should have yeelded to them being more unprofitable for him then for the other and a man would think it very strange that he should part with Northumberland or give any moneys to recompense any dammage done in a just warre and that there should not rather money have been given unto him as a dowrie or portion with his daughter in law But the time answereth it hee was now of a good age and unmeet for travel and warres being wearied with battells and cloyed with victories and ceased by sicknesse he longed for peace to himself and to his posteritie but with what fidelity and how little it was kept by King Edward we shall heare hereafter No aliance nor bond of amity which ought but seldome doth tie Princes and great men could keep him from breaking of this peace The marriage was solemnized at Berwick with all the pompe that might bee after which King Robert lived not a full yeare A little before his death being at Cardrois which stands over against Dumbarton on the other side of the water of Levin whether hee had withdrawne himselfe by reason of his age and sicknesse to live a private and quiet life hee called his friends together and made his last Will and Testament in which having ordered all his other affaires hee called to minde a vow that he had made to go into Syria and there to fight against the common enemy of the Christian name but because his warres before and now his age and sicknesse would not suffer him to performe it in his owne person hee recommended the performing of it to Sir James Douglas requesting him earnestly to go and do it for him and withall to carry his heart to Hierusalem and there to bury it neare the holy Grave This was esteemed a great honour in those dayes both by Sir James himself and others and withall a cleare and honourable testimony of the Kings affection towards him and so he interpreted it Wherefore King Robert dying the 7. of July 1329. hee made himself ready and prepared all things for his voyage very diligently yet there were some of the most judicious in those times who tooke it to have a deeper reach and that however he did also respect Sir James and thinke him the fittest for this businesse his main designe was to prevent all dissention which might have risen between these two great Captains Douglas and Murray Randulph to obviate the which they thinke he devised to send Sir James out of the Countrey upon this honourable pretext But there bee Authours that say the King did not particularly designe Sir James by name but desired his Nobles to choose one of his most noble Captains in the Realme for that effect and that they after his decease laid it upon Sir James with one consent who most willingly accepted thereof as one who during King Roberts life had served the body wherein the heart had lodged But whether the King desired him by name or the Nobility did interpret the Kings meaning to be such under the title and description of the most noble Captain or that they themselves did deem him to be so as indeed he was most worthy so it was that the charge was committed unto him and he most gladly undertook it when his presence was very needfull for the Countrey For before he tooke journey their fell out a matter that occasioned great troubles afterwards by Edward Balliol One Lawrence Twine an English man borne and one of those who had obtained lands in Scotland for reward of his service in the warres a man well borne but of a vitious life This man after King Roberts death presuming of inpunite in respect of K. Davids youth loosed the reignes to his licentious lewdnesse and being often taken in adultery and admonished by the officiall of Glasgow when he would not abstain from his wickednesse he was excommunicated wherewith being incensed he tooke the officiall as he was riding to the towne of Aire and kept him prisoner till hee was forced to redeeme his liberty with a summe of money Sir James Douglas highly offended with this enormity caused seek him that he might be punished which Twine understanding and fearing that he should not long escape his hands if he stayed within the Countrey sled into France and addressing himself unto Edward Balliol he perswaded him to enterprise against the King of Scotland and recover that which he had so good right to and so faire an opportunity which Balliol did in Sir James his absence by his voyage or after his slaughter in his voyage And no question his absence was a strong inducement both to this Edward and to Edward of England to attempt the subduing of Scotland which he did thinke would prove easie by making Randulph away which
Competitor he had gotten also the like renunciation of the King of England and all Evidents Writs and Monuments concerning his pretences delivered up unto him discharged and cancelled and declared to be null and of no value by consent of the English Parliament and to be the surer of King Edwards friendship he had married his sonne David to Jane his sister He had cut off the rebellions that were springing up against him by executing such as were guiltie established Randulph Tutor and Protector to his sonne and Governour of the Countrey hee had removed all occasion of emulation that might have falne out therein and setled all with good advice good precepts good councell in his Testament both for peace among themselves and warre against the enemy But what is the wit of man and how weak a thing are his devices or what bonds will bind whom duety cannot binde This same Balliol whose father had renounced his right nothing regarding what his father had done renewed his claim to the Crown This same King of England who had himself solemnly renounced who had bound up friendship with the most sure and strongest bonds that can bee amongst men regarding neither his resignation made nor his affinity and alliance nor any dutie towards God or faith and promise to man used all means to strip his brother-in-law by consequent his sister out of the Kingdome of Scotland as if nothing were unlawfull that could fill up the bottomlesse gulf of his ambition First he caused an English Monke under colour of giving Physick for the gravell to poyson the Governor Thomas Randulph Earle of Murray and afterward aided Edward Balliol with 6000. English upon condition that Balliol should hold the Crowne of him Edward Balliol entering Scotland with these forces and being assisted by the male-contents in Scotland prevailed so that having wonne a battell at Duplin 1332. the 22. of September the third yeare after the death of King Robert and about one yeare after the death of Randulph in which many were slain to the number of 3000. together with Duncane or Donald Earle of Marre the Governour hee was Crowned at Scone and these of the Bruces side constrained to send their King David Bruce with his wife into France having no safe place at home to keep him in After his Coronation having taken in divers places that stood out against him he went at last to Annand receiving such as would acknowledge him and taking their oath of Allegeance and Fidelitie Whereupon Andrew Murray Earle of Bothwell chosen Governour after Marres death sent Archbald Lord of Galloway to see what hee could do against Balliol in these quarters he taking with him his nephew William Douglas Lord of Liddesdale and John Randulph the Governour Randulphs sonne together with Simeon Fraser having in company with them a thousand horse went first to Mophet and having there understood of Balliols carelesse discipline and securitie departing from thence in the night he came so suddenly to Annand where Balliol lay that he escaped very narrowly being halfe naked not having leasure to put on his cloathes and riding upon a barme horse unsadled and unbridled till he came to Carlile Others write that howbeit he came very quietly to have surprised the enemy at unawares in the night time yet they had notice of his coming and issued forth of the Towne with a great army where they fought long and stoutly till at last Balliol was overthrowne and fled There were slain many of his friends and amongst these Henry Balliol who behaved himselfe very manfully John Mowbray Walter Cummin Richard Kirbie Robert or Alexander Bruce Earle of Carrict and sonne to Edward King of Ireland was taken prisoner and obtained pardon by the intercession of his Cousin John Randulph Hollinshed writeth that somewhat before this time the friends of David Bruce understanding that Balliol did sojourne within the Towne of Perth had besieged it but that they were constrained to raise the siege because of the men of Galloway who having bin sometimes the Balliols dependers invaded the besiegers lands under the conduct of Eustace Maxwell whereupon hee saith Archbald Lord of Galloway with the Earle of March and Murray invaded Galloway with fire and sword and brought away great booties but slew not many men because they got them out of the way for feare of that terrible invasion This narration may bee true in the last part thereof concerning their invasion but the cause of this invasion is not probable that the men of Galloway should invade mens lands that lay so farre from them as they behoved to be that did besiege Saint Johnston for in all liklihood it was besieged by these that were nearest to it being in kinne and friends to those that were slain in Duplin and both Hollinshed himself and others write that it was recovered in Balliols absence about the same time while he sojourned in Annand by those that lay neare to it without mentioning any other siege before that at which it was taken This battell at Annand so changed the case that hee who even now was Crowned King in September who had farre prevailed to whom all men even King Davids nearest friends and kinsmen had yeelded despairing of his estate was by this act of Archbald Lord of Galloway turned quite out of his Kingdome and Countrey and compelled to fly into England to save his life the 25. of December the same yeare about three moneths after his Coronation and was compelled to keep his Christmas at Carlile in the house of the Friers Minors A notable example of the inconstancy of worldly affairs and constancy of an honest heart in the Douglas not abandoning his Princes cause when others had forsaken it and also a proof of his good service and usefull for which as he deserved perpetuall praise and favour of his rightfull Prince so did he incurre great hatred of his enemie the usurping Balliol who the next day after the 26 of December going into Westmoreland and there being honourably received by the Lord Clifford gave unto him the whole lands of Douglasdale which the said Lord Cliffords grandfather had before in the dayes of King Edward the first So proudly did he presume to give that which was not in his power And so little had he learned the lesson of the uncertaintie of humane affairs grounded on whatsoever power appearance or even successe and so difficult a lesson it is to learne where there remains means so great as hee trusted to the power of the King and Kingdome of England with his owne particular friendship and faction within the Countrie of Scotland which shall indeed have power to trouble the State a while but not to establish either the Kingdome to himselfe or any part of Douglasdale to the Lord Clifford The next yeare 1333. K. Edward of England having shaken off all colour of duty to his brother-in-law K. David made open warre to be proclaimed betweene the two Countreyes which
he had two sonnes Iames and Hugh as is evident by a Charter of resignation made by his son Hugh to his nephew VVilliam the first Earle of Douglas his next wife was an English Lady called Ferrar or Ferrais of which name we finde the Earls of Darbie to have beene in the dayes of King Henry the third She bare also two sons Archbald Lord of Galloway and Iohn of whom are descended the Lords of Dalkeith Maines and Loghleven Concerning himselfe we finde in the English Chronicle that when King Edward the first took in the town of Berwick in the yeare 1295. he was Captain of the Castle there and not being able to resist and hold out the Towne being in the enemies hands he rendred the place with himselfe also a prisoner where he remained untill the warres were ended by the yeelding of Iohn Balioll to King Edward During the time of his captivitie he was to marry this English Lady that so he might be drawn to favour the Kings pretensions in conquering of Scotland But his matching did not alter his affection towards his native Countrey nor brake his constancie in performing his dutie to it Wherefore when he heard that VVilliam VVallace was risen up and had taken open banner against the English he joyned with him by which accession of forces Wallace Army was much increased and strengthened yet they were not alwayes together but according to the occasion and as opportunity did offer they did divide their companies and went to severall places where they hoped to get best advantage of the enemie and where there needed no great Armie but some few companies at once In these adventures Lord William recovered from the English the Castles of Disdiere and Sanwheire The manner of his taking the Castle of Sanwheire is said to have beene thus There was one Anderson that served the Castle and furnished them with wood and fewell who had dayly accesse to it upon that occasion The Lord Douglas directs one of his trustiest and stoutest servants to him to deale with him to finde some meane to betray the Castle to him and to bring him within the gates onely Anderson either perswaded by entreatie or corrupted for money gave my Lords servant called Thomas Dickson his apparell and carriages who comming to the Castle was let in by the Porter for Anderson Dickson presently stabbed the Porter and giving the signall to his Lord who lay neere by with his Companies set open the gates and received them into the court They being entred killed the Captaine and the whole English Garrison and so remained masters of the place The Captains name was Bevford a kinsman to his own Ladie Ferrais who had oppressed the Countrey that lay near to him very insolently One of the English that had been in the Castle escaping went to the other garrisons that were in other Castles and Townes adjacent and told them what had befallen his fellowes and withall informed them how the Castle might be recovered whereupon joyning their forces together they came and besieged it The Lord Douglas finding himself straightned and unprovided of necessaries for his defence did secretly convey his man Dickson out at a postern or some hidden passage and sent him to William Willace for aid Wallace was then in the Lennox and hearing of the danger Douglas was in made all the haste he could to come to his relief The English having notice of Wallace approach left the siege and retired toward England yet not so quickly but that Wallace accompanied with Sir John Grahame did overtake them and killed 500. of their number ere they could passe Dalswynton By these and such like means Wallace with his assistance having beaten out the English from most part of their strengths in Scotland did commit the care and custody of the whole Countrey from Drumlenrigge to Aire to the charge of the Lord Douglas Now howbeit there be no mention of these things in our Chronicle yet seeing the book of Wallace which is more particular in many things speakes of them and the Charter of the house of Siminton descended lineally of the said Thomas Dickson who for this and his other like services done to this Lord and afterward to his sonne good sir James got the 20. mark land of Hisleside which his posterity doth enjoy still holding of the Lords of Douglas and Angus and there is no doubt to be made but he hath done much more in his assistance he gave Wallace then is recorded or extant any where there being no likelihood that in those so busie times these so valiant and brave warriers did lie idle though the particulars lie buried in deep silence And certainly it was not for nought that his lands were burnt by Robert Bruce himself his wife and children taken prisoners and brought to the King of England his wife and children were taken by Bruce himself by the Lord Clifford King Edward required him to take his oath of fidelity to the Crown of England and become his subject which he utterly refusing to do his lands were given to the Lord Clifford and himself committed prisoner and so he continued to the houre of his death During which time he never abated any thing of his magnanimous courage and constancie but shewed himself worthy of his noble progenitours and no wayes short of whatever worth either they had or fame hath bestowed on them So did he also well deserve to be predecessour to such successours and father to such posterity who as we shall heare hereafter did follow this vertuous example and pattern How praiseworthy is it in him that neither the danger of his own person being in the hands and power of his enemy nor the example of so many as did yeeld to the victorious Conquerour there being few or none beside William Wallace that stood out against him no not the desperate case and estate of his Countrey brought to so low an ebbe could break his resolution to remain firme to his native soyl Notwithstanding that by all appearance all was irrecoverably lost so that his standing out against the King could bring no help to it and certain enmity for ought could be seen to himself and his posterity for ever Setting aside all these regards which are so common and so highly accounted of in this our last age not measuring dutie by profit or commoditie nor following the common rules of that wisedome which now reignes in the world which is to respect and preferre our particular before all other things but weighing matters in another ballance and squaring his actions by what was generous and right rather then that which was gainfull and advantagious for himself he hath left an example of true wisedome vertue and honesty and of true magnanimitie unto others he dieth a free man in despite of his enemies though a prisoner and beareth witnesse of the liberty of his Countrey that it did not serve but was oppressed convincing the Tyrant of that time of violence and the
obstinacy and treason so was he pleased to nickname vertue of his father saying that he had no service for him nor for any such traitours son as his father was that he had given his lands to better men then himselfe and those that had done him better service then he was able to doe and though they had not been given yet would he never have given them to him So implacable he was and such pride had he conceived with contempt of the deprest estate of this supplicant little remembring the variablenesse of the estate of man and little knowing or considering what weight and moment may be in one man alone in whatsoever condition to braule sometimes and to help even to disappoint and overthrow the enterprises of the mightiest Monarchs It came even so to passe in this man who did this Kings sonne and successour such a piece of shrewd service as he had never the like in all his life which had been more shrewd if the speed of his horses and the undutifulnesse of some Scots that received him into their Castle of Dumbarre when he fled from Bannockburne had not stood him in better steed then all his huge Hoast and rich Kingdome wherewith he was so puffed up Whereby Princes and great men may learne not to despise the meannesse and most afflicted state of any nor to loose the reins neither to unjust actions or reproachfull words Sir James being thus rebuked what could he do against a King a Monarch a victorious and triumphant King to whom all had yeelded with whom all went right well in his ruffe in his highest pitch in his grandor compassed about with his guards with his armies to controll him he was not able to plead for justice it would avail him nothing to reply could profit him lesse a Prince his victors word is a law nay more then a law for the time There was no contesting no contradicting were his speeches never so unjust he behoved to swallow this pill how bitter soever there was no remedy but patience Nay the Archbishop must be silent also and dares not mutter one word wherefore home he goes with this scorn to expect a better time of replying not in words but deeds and of showing what service he was able to have done to him The occasion of which though it were over long in coming in respect of his desire yet did fall out not very long after for within two or three years 1305. Robert Bruce came into Scotland not yet a King save in courage but having right to be King of the Countrey whom Edward had served in the same kind and who had received the like answer and scorn in a Petition not unlike for both did crave their fathers inheritance Sir James onely a Lordship and the Bruce a whole Kingdome which was but his due and he had done him better service then Sir James He had fought against his own Countrey for him spent the bloud of his friends and his owne in hope of it with great losse to himself and example to others not to do the like But neither duety nor desert nor promise could oversway his ambition and master it so farre as to suffer him to perform what he had promised and not content to have fed this Prince with the food of fools faire hopes and after so much imployment and many notable services to frustrate him he must needs also embitter all with a flouting answer to his demand To such a height of pride had prosperity raised him that no modesty could keep him from loosing the reins to an unbridled tongue which doth never beseem a man much lesse a Prince wherefore as hatred and despight did animate him against Sir James for his fathers refusing to serve him so ambition did work the same affection in him against Robert though he had served him both were refused of their suits both their petitions were rejected the one with spight the other with derision What saith King Edward being urged with his promise of giving the Kingdome of Scotland to Bruce N'avons nous autre chose a faire que de conquerir des royaumes pour vous speaking in French Have we nothing else to do but to conquer Kingdomes for you Kings Potentates Victors should not be pressed with their promises So they think and so men say lawes are not made for them which they leap over at their pleasure And it might be thought so perhaps if their power were perfect and if there were not a more absolute and over ruling power that is able to range them under reason We shall finde it so even in this particular in the owne time although this were no time for him to reply no more then it had been for Sir James at Stirling But the time being now come in the yeare 1305. as said is But the time being now come though not so fit as he could have wished yet as it was he behoved to use it and make vertue of necessitie And so withdrawing himself secretly out of England he came to Dumfreis and there slew John Cummin his greatest enemy determining from thenceforth to behave and carry himself as King of this Realme And here by the way we may observe Gods providence towards this Kingdome in preserving the liberties thereof who had before stirred up William Wallace like another Sampson to vindicate it out of the hand of the English Now that he is gone he sends home our lawfull Prince and righteous successour to the Crown to fight our battles for us and to perfect the work which the other had begun onely for so much as about this time John Monteeth under colour of friendship had betrayed William Wallace into the hands of the English for money and he being taken and carried to London was by King Edwards command tortured and put to death with great cruelty and his armes and legs and head hung up in the most eminent places and Cities both of England and Scotland Of which fact of Edwards we will say no more but onely set down the said Wallaces Epitaph which is perfixed to that book that is written of his exploits in Scots rime The Epitaph is in latine verse but the Authour is incertain and the more is the pity for he deserves to have been better known Thus it is Invida morstristi Gulielmum funere vallam Quae cuncta collit Sustulit Et tanto pro cive cinis pro finibus urna est Frigusque pro loricâ obit Ille licet terras loca se inferiora reliquit At fata factis supprimens Parte sui meliore solum Coelumque perrerat Hoc spiritu illud gloria At tibi si inscriptum generoso pectus honesto Fuisset hostis proditi Artibus Angle tuis in poenas parcior esses Nec oppidatim spargeres Membra viri sacranda adytis sed scin quid in ista Immanitate viceris Ut vallae in cunctas or as spargantur horas Laudes tuumque ded●…cus A verse whereof
Douglas Thomas Dickson supposing he had beene hard at hand drew out his sword and ran upon them having none to second him but an other man so that oppressed with the multitude of his enemies he was beaten downe and slaine In the meane time Sir James being come the English that were in the Chancel kept off the Scots and having the advantage of the strait and narrow entrie defended themselves manfully But Sir James encouraging his men not so much by words as by deeds and good example and having slain the boldest resisters prevailed at last and entring the place slew some 26 of their number and tooke the rest about 10. or 12. persons intending by them to get the Castle upon composition or to enter with them when the gates should be opened to let them in but it needed not for they of the Castle were so secure that there was none left to keepe it save the porter and the cooke who knowing nothing of what had hapned at the Church which stood a large quarter of a mile from thence had left the gate wide open the porter standing without and the Cooke dressing the dinner within They entred without resistance and meat being ready and the cloth laid they shut the gates and tooke their refection at good leasure Now that he had gotten the Castle into his hands considering with himselfe as he was a man no lesse advised then valiant that it was hard for him to keep it the English being as yet the stronger in that Countrey who if they should besiege him he knew of no reliefe he thought better to carry away such things as be most easily transported gold silver and apparell with ammunition and armour whereof he had greatest use and need and to destroy the rest of the provision together with the Castle it selfe then to diminish the number of his followers for a garrison there where they could do no good And so he caused carrie the meale and malt and other cornes and graine into the Cellar and layd all together in one heape then he took the prisoners and slew them to revenge the death of his trustie and valiant servant Thomas Dickson mingling the victuals with their bloud and burying their carcasses in the heap of corne after that he struck out the heads of the barrells and puncheons and let the drink runne through all and then he cast the carkasses of dead horses and other carrion amongst it throwing the salt above all so to make altogether unusefull to the enemie and this Cellar is called yet the Douglas Lairder Last of all he set the house on fire and burnt all the timber and what else the fire could overcome leaving nothing but the scorched walls behind him And this seemes to be the first taking of the Castle of Douglas for it is supposed that he took it twice For this service and others done to Lord William his father Sir James gave unto Thomas Dickson the lands of Hisleside which hath beene given him before the Castle was taken as an encouragement to whet him on and not after for he was slaine in the Church which was both liberally and wisely done of him thus to hearten and draw men to his service by such a noble beginning The Castle being burnt Sir James retired and parting his men into divers companies so as they might be most secret he caused cure such as were wounded in the fight and he himselfe kept as close as he could waiting ever for an occasion to enterprise something against the enemie So soone as he was gone the Lord Clifford being advertised of what had happened came himselfe in person to Douglas and caused re-edifie and repair the Castle in a very short time unto which he also added a Tower which is yet called Harries Tower from him and so returned into England leaving one Thruswall to be Captain thereof Sir James his men being cured of their wounds and refreshed with rest he returned again to the King at what time he was ready to fight with Sir Aymore Valence the Lord of Lorne and Sir Thomas Randulph at Cumnock The King had not above 400. men so that being almost encompassed by the enemie ere he was aware he was forced to forsake the field having lost his Banner which was taken by Sir Thomas Randulph by which he got great credit with King Edward King Robert in his flight or retreat divided his men into three companies that went severall wayes that so the enemie being uncertaine in what company he himself were and not knowing which to pursue rathest he might the better escape When they were all come againe to the place of their rendezvous which the King had appointed when he divided them Sir James Douglas perswaded the King to set upon a company of the enemies who were very securely lying by themselves farre from the body of the Army without feare of any danger which the King did and having slaine 200. of them he scattered the rest After this Sir Aymore Valence being then Warden for King Edward in Scotland and residing himselfe at Bothwell sent Sir Philip Mowbray with a company of men about 100. into Coile and Cunninghame to keepe the Inhabitants in their obedience to England whereof when Sir James Douglas had notice and knowing the way by which they must go called Machanacks way he lay in a straight foord betweene two marishes called Ederfoord accompanied with some 40. choice men and there rising up of a sudden ere Sir Philip was aware they routed his men and chased himselfe who did escape very narrowly for he left his sword with them and fled alone to Kilmarnock and Kilwinnin the rest back to Bothwell This was before the battell of Lowdoun hill where both the King and Sir James were present at which they defeated Sir Aymore Valence and 3000. men they having onely 500. which Sir Aymore tooke so to heart that he retired himselfe into England where he gave over his charge of Warden and never returned into Scotland againe with any command except it were when the King came in person The English Chronicle sayes that the King discharged Sir Aymore who was Earle of Penbrooke and placed John de Britton in his office and made him Earle of Richmond These particulars I cannot ghesse why they should have beene omitted by our Writers being so remarkable defeats where diligence dexteritie and valour have beene used with wisedome and judgement However upon this withdrawing and departure of Sir Aymore Valence King Robert being rid of the greatest danger makes toward Innernesse leaving Sir James behinde him to recover such places as were still in the enemies hands He therefore getting him into Douglasdale did use this stratagem against Thruswall Captaine of the Castle of Douglas under the Lord Clifford hee caused some of his folkes drive away the cattell that fed neare unto the Castle and when the Captaine of the garrison followed to rescue gave order to his men to leave them and to flee
But that it was in great esteeme of old it appeares by this that notwithstanding this mans predecessours and himselfe also as his evidents do witnesse were Barons and Lords yet he thinks it no disparagement to be knighted and did choose rather to be known and designed by that title than the other so as he was commonly called Sir James Douglas rather then Lord Douglas And indeed we have found that even Princes and Kings have taken upon-them this order not as any diminution of their place but an addition of honour seeing by it they were received into the number and rank of military men and Warriours their other titles shewing more their dominion and power or place then their valour and courage Wherefore we reade how Edward Prince of Wales was knighted when he was sent against King Bruce So Henry the second being then Prince of England received the honour of Knighthood from David King of Scotland his grand Uncle as from one that was the best and worthiest man in his time Then it was that he tooke his oath that he should never take from the Crowne of Scotland the Counties of Northumberland Westmoreland Cumberland and Huntingdon This cremonie vvas performed vvith great solemnitie and pomp in those dayes as our Writers observe so honourable vvas it then and of late it vvas thought so too for the Earle of Clanrikart chiefe of the Bourks in Ireland having done a piece of notable service to Queene Elisabeth at the siege of Kinsoile and at an encounter betvvene the Lord Deputies Army vvith the Irish Rebels vvas knighted by the Lord Mon●…joy then Generall Lieutenant for the Queene Neither should any abuse discredit it novv Nor can it diminish the honourablenesse thereof in our Sir James who is able to honour it rather by his worth After the battell he is as diligent as he was both diligent and valorous in it This is a vertue which hath been wanting in great Commanders and hath been marked as a great defect in them It was told Hanniball that great Carthaginian to his face Thou canst obtain but not use a victory nor prosecute it to thy best advantage Sir James did not so but as farre as he was able with such companies as hee could gather together and with as much speed as was possible for him hee followed King Edward to have done him service though his father Edward the first would have none of it and set it at nought But he was gone ere Sir James service came to the best Now hee would gladly have showne what it was worth to his sonne and successour the second Edward in most humble sort though it had been to have pulled off his boots no question but his Majestie had no mind to stay for him who notwithstanding made all the haste he could to have overtaken him and followed him with foure hundred horse more then fourty miles from Bannockburne to Dumbarre Castle into which hee was received and so escaped The next was to wait upon him in his way to Berwicke which he did but the King nothing well pleased with the service hee had done and expecting rather worse then better seeing his importunity and that other wayes he could not be rid of him went by sea to Berwicke in a small fishers boat or two with a very thinne train to attend him not unlike unto Xerxes who a little before was so proud of his huge army is now become the scorne of his contemned and threatned enemies a spectacle of pride and an example of presumptuous confidence unto all ages Wee told before hovv his father had driven King Robert and Sir James to the like shifts and straits but theirs vvas not so shamefull A Christenmasse feast may be quit at Easter sayes our Proverb vvhich they do here verefie by this requitall And this vvas all the service Sir James could do to King Edward at this time but aftervvards vve shall heare vvhat service he shall do if not to himself yet to his sonne Edward the third at Stanhop Parke some few yeares after this In the mean time let us behold our Scots enjoying there renowned and honourable victory which cannot bee denied to have been such nor cannot be by envy it self Their spoil and prey was great and rich their prisoners many and their ransomes proportionable The Queen King Roberts wife was restored by exchange and for her an English Nobleman set free without ransome And as their joy was great and their gaining not small so was both the grief of the English their shame and their losses Their were slain of note in the field 200 Knights together with the Earle of Glocester and Sir Giles of Argentine whose death was lamented by King Robert very much and of prisoners very nere as many of which the chief were the Earle of Hartford who fled to Bothwell and was received by Sir Gilbert Gilbaston captain thereof as the Bruces booke sayes Sir John Segrave John Clattengrave perhaps Cattegrave William Latimer Sir Robert Northbrooke Lord keeper of the broad seal and Sir Ralph Mortimer who had married the Kings sister Mortimer was dimitted ransome-free and obtained the Kings broad Seale at Bruces hands These and many other prisoners of divers nations thus dismissed are as many witnesses of the Scottish valour in the fight and of their mildnesse and humanitie after it who used these their so spightfull enemies no worse who if they had overcome would have used another kinde of cruelty as they had both determined and threatned unto them Amongst other Forreiners there were two Holland Knights who being in King Edwards Army before the battell and hearing the bravery and brags of the English and their spightfull railings against King Robert had wished him good luck These were turned out of the English Camp and sent unto the Scottish bidden in scorne to go and fight with them whom they wished so well with a price set upon their heads to him that should either kill or take them prisoners in the battell Their heads neverthelesse were safe and themselves did partake of the good fortune they had wished and when they came home into their owne Countrey they built a lodging naming it Scotland upon which they set up the Scottish Armes and King Roberts statue in Antwerp as a monument of that notable victorie which remained there many yeares after The Carmelite also changed his note singing their victorie whose overthrow he came to set forth and chaunting their discomfiture whose praises he was hired to proclaime Thus he began his Ditty De planctu cudo metrum cum carmine nudo Risun●… detrudo dum tali themate ludo In English thus With barren verse this mournfull rime I make And am but laught at while such theme I take Let us here consider the meanes and wayes of both sides we shal finde on the one side confidence of their power and a contempt and slighting of the enemie which seldome falls well because from thence there ariseth commonly sloth
negligence disorder and confusion on the other side we may see carefulnesse diligence order and exhortation all possible meanes used both humane and divine wisedome joyned with religion and prayer and what pious formes were then in use They digged trenches and ditches which they covered with greene turfe for the horsemen to fall into and did knit together and twist as it were a net of crosse ropes to entangle the footmen which stratagems being seconded with true courage resolution and valour of the common souldiers and Commanders together with the device of those that were set to keep the baggage the sculs and grooms who made showes and musters as if they had beene another armie of their owne head without the direction of any were the chiefe meanes of the victorie For the first was the overthrow of the men at armes and barbed horses and the second the bane of the middle battell of the English who seeing this trap laid for them fled presently and turned their backs But above all these the principall and prime cause was even the Lord of hosts who guided all these and gave successe unto them Let no mortall man ever think other of any his enterprises or that any man however wise provident or valorous can use his wisedome providence or valour or whatever other vertue he hath to any purpose or succesfully unlesse it be given him in the very instant of using it A lesson much inculcat but little learned often approved by experience but seldome marked or soone forgotten at least little appearing by our practice and which doth produce no other effect but a superficiall acknowledgement and slender confession thereof But to returne to our Douglas though the King himselfe did thus escape his service yet out of all doubt he hath beene imployed against his subjects seeing our Historians doe tell us that after this battell there were divers incursions made into England for which they never stirred but sate quiet for 2. or 3. yeares howbeit there are no particulars set downe In the yeare 1316. King Robert Bruce went into Ireland to support his brother Edward Bruce made King of Ireland and King Edward of England thinking this a fit opportunity for him to be revenged on the Scots did levie a great Armie and came to the borders of Scotland hoping to doe some notable exploit now in the Kings absence But many things faile that are intended and princes as well as others may be disappointed of their purposes and frustrate of their hopes It seemes he had forgotten or not well considered what a Lieutenant he had left behinde him and how good a second Sir James had alwayes beene to his master the King But howbeit he knew it not perhaps or would not take any notice of him yet King Robert knew it full well and put such trust and confidence in his well knowne worth and sufficiencie that he durst go abroad out of his owne Kingdome and hazzard himselfe and the flower of the youth in Ireland concrediting the Countrey unto his care and conduct leaving him Governour in his absence and entailing the Crowne unto him next unto Thomas Randulph by making him Protectour of the young King during his minority if he himselfe should happen to die in that voyage as the blacke booke of Scone doth witnesse And indeed Sir James did not deceive the Kings expectation and trust neither did King Edward finde him asleepe but watchfull and diligent in his charge as became a good Governour for he raised an Army to give him battell and put both him and his people to flight slew three notable Captains with his owne hand Sir Edward Lillow a Gascoine Captaine of Berwick others call him Callock and say that he was slaine at the rescue of a bootie which he had taken in the Merse and Tivedale which narration agreeth with the Bruces booke which calls him Edmond de Callock The second was Sir Robert Nevill and the third a Nobleman whom they doe not name onely they say that Sir James slew him with his owne hand but the Bruces booke calls him John de Richmond and sayes he slew him in Jedward Forrest in the midst of his Armie Sir James having very few with him not above fiftie horse and some Archers in a strait Cleugh or Valley betweene two hills which he had of purpose taken as a place of advantage and tying together the young birk trees by their boughs in the way by which the English were to passe the horsemen being entangled in the thickets he set upon them and defeated them From hence it is that some think the Earls of Douglas and Angus have stakes rice in their Coat of Armes yet such points of Heraldrie are hard to interpret and give a reason for them This was the second peece of service that he did to King Edward himselfe say some others but others say that the King was not there in person but sent a great Army commanded by divers Captains with whom Sir James fought in three severall battells at three sundry times and slew all their Chiestains with most part of their companies Others againe affirme that in every one of those battels he slew the Commander with his owne hand in sight of both Armies the which whatsoever way it was the victorie was notable and glorious And thus did he governe in the Kings absence He had beene a good subject before when the King was present now we see how well he governes when he is absent and at his returne laying downe his authoritie and returning to his former subjection he proves as good a companion and colleague unto Thomas Randulph then made Earle of Murray with whom the King did joyne him for the prosecuting of the warres It is seldome found that these vertues are so happily linked together in one person abilitie to governe and willingnesse to be subordinate and obey excellencie of parts and patient enduring of an equall and companion I have often observed and admired it in these two the ground whereof seemes chiefly to have beene in Sir James his love and modestie as we observe in his carriage towards this man at Bannockburne that in all their joynt-services being equall in authority and both commanding in chiefe we never heare of any question controversie or debate of any grudging or heart-burning betweene them but find them ever agree and concurre without any dissention or variance with one heart and minde as if they had beene one man in all businesse whatsover Their first association after the Kings returne out of Ireland was when they went and burnt Northallerton and Burrowbrigs and spoyled Rippon where they spared the Church onely they caused those that fled thither to pay 5000. marks sterling to be free They burnt also Scarborough towne and hearing that the people had fled into the woods with their goods and cattell they went and searched them out and brought away a great bootie Then returning home by Skipton in Craven they spoyled the
Towne and after burnt it without resistance This was in the yeare 1318. in May. The next was in the year following 1319. when King Edward having gathered an army lay before Berwick These two entred England as farre as Milton which is within 12. miles of York where the Archbishop of Yorke and the Bishop of Ely Chancellour made head against them in which conflict there were foure thousand English slain amongst whom was the Major of Yorke and a thousand drowned in the water of Swail and if the night had not come in too soon the battell being joyned in the afternoon few or none of them had escaped as it is thought It is called the battell of Milton or Swail or the white battell because there were a number of Priests slain at it belike they have been apparelled in their surplices Hollinshed in his Chronicle of England relateth the manner how it was done He sayes that as the English men passed over the water of Swale the Scots set fire upon certain stacks of hay the smoke whereof was so huge that the English might not see where the Scots lay And when the English were once gotten over the water the Scots came upon them with a wing in good order of battell in fashion like to a shield eagerly assailing their enemies who were easily beaten down and discomfited Many were drowned by reason that the Scots had gotten betwixt the English and the bridge so that the English fled betwixt that wing of the Scots and the main battell which had compassed about the English on the one side as the wing did upon the other The King of England informed of this overthrow brake up his siege incontinently and returned to Yorke and the Scots home into their Countrey of Scotland Their third expedition was that same yeare at Hallowtide when the Northern borders of England had gotten in their cornes and their barns were well stuffed with grain which was their provision for the whole yeare They entred England and burnt Gilsland tooke divers prisoners and drave away all the cattell they could finde Then they went to Brough under Stanmoore and returned by Westmooreland and Cumberland with great booty and spoil none offering to make head against them The fourth was in the yeare 1322. when the King of England grieved with these invasions having complained to the Pope had purchased a Legate to be sent into Scotland to admonish King Robert to desist from further disquieting the Realme of England and because he would not obey he with Sir James Douglas and Thomas Randulph were accursed by the two Cardinalls the Archbishop of Canterbury and York and all the Priests in England every day thrice at Masse These two Sir James Douglas and Randulph some say the King himself following the Legate at the heels as it were entred England little regarding their cursings and wasted the Countrey to the Redcrosse and coming to Darlington at the feast of Epiphanie stayed there a while for gathering of booty and destroying the Countrey The Lord Douglas on the one hand and the Lord Stuart of Scotland on the other the one going towards Hartelpool and Caveland and the other towards Richmond The inhabitants of Richmond-shire having no Captains to defend them gave a great summe of money as at other times they had done to have their Countrey saved from fire and spoil These adventurers stayed 15. dayes in England and returned without battell It is said that the Knights of the North came to the Duke of Lancaster then lying at Pomphret and offered to go into the field with him against the Scots but he refused whether by reason of the discord between him and K. Edward or for some other occasion I know not At this time it is that the King gives to Sir James Douglas a bounding Charter of Douglasdale dated apud Bervicum super Tuedam anno Regni nostri decimo quinto which is either the yeare 1320. or 1322. the first of April It bears Jacobo de Douglas filio haeredi Gulielmi Douglas militis which decides the question of his age and his brother Hughes who outlived Sir James 12. or 13. years and calls himself his heire as shall be showne It hath also this clause Volumus insuper c. wee will also and grant for us and our heires that the said James and his heires shall have the said lands free ab omnibus prisiis petitionibus quibuscunque ita quod nullus ministrorum nostrorum in aliquo se intromittat infra dictas divisas nisi tantum de articulis specialiter ad coronam nostram pertinentibus To return King Edward conceived such discontent and was so grieved at this so wasting of his Kingdome that he gave order to levie an army of 100000. to enter Scotland at Lammas whereof K. Robert being advertised entred England neare to Carlile and burnt some towns which belonged to King Edwards own inheritance spoyled the Monastery of Holme where his fathers corps were interred Hither the Earle of Murray and Sir James Douglas came to him with another army whereupon marching further Southward they came to Preston in Andernesse and burnt all that towne also except the Colledge of the Minorites This was fourescore miles within England from the Borders of Scotland Then they returned with their prisoners and booty to Carlile where they stayed some fourteen dayes wasting and destroying all about with fire and sword and so they returned into Scotland on Saint James day having remained within England three weeks and three dayes without any opposition or resistance They were not long at home when K. Edward entred into Scotland with his army and passed to Edinburgh but for want of victualls which were conveyed out of the way of purpose by King Roberts command and direction he was forced to make a retreat and goe home the way he came having discharged his choller with what he could meet with in his return But hee was quickly followed by the two Colleagues Sir James and Randulph who entred England burnt North Allerton with other townes and villages as farre as Yorke and overtaking the King at the Abbey of Biland gave him battell and defeated him There was taken John Britton Earle of Richmond who had also the Earledome of Lancaster he being ransomed for a great summe of money passed over into France where he remained and never came back again into England The English Chronicle to excuse this defeat layes the blame hereof upon Andrew Barkeley Earle of Carlile whom they say Sir James Douglas corrupted with money upon which pretext Barkeley was executed suffering good Gentleman to cover other mens faults It doth me good to heare Master John Major answer the English Writers in his round and substantiall manner It is but a dream saith he and spoken without all likelihood for neither were the Scots ever so flush and well stored with moneyes as to corrupt the English neither was that the custome of good Sir James Douglas a valiant
that present day This being done Sir James returned into Scotland This King Robert thought fit to be done not because his owne title was not good enough before for it was good already and sufficient and so found to bee by a better judge then King Edward of England to wit the Estates of the Realme who are the rightest judges in controversies of this nature and who had power to have made it good if it had not been so might have helped any defect that had been in it seeing Balliol by his owne fact had disabled himself by giving it over to King Edward especially seeing it was prejudiciall and against the common liberty and good of the Kingdome to accept of him who had betrayed these and was not able to defend them Wherefore King Robert being in possession and the Kingdome being confirmed to him and to his posteritie he needed no further right from Balliol Notwithstanding of this to cut away all pretences of quarrells and calumnies that malicious men might surmise thereabout afterwards he thought good to have a renunciation from Balliol of his title and consolidate that with his owne whereupon esteeming none fitter for the purpose then Sir James as well for the honourable place he held as for his sufficiency to discharge the Commission not without some consideration of his kindred with Balliol by the house of Galloway he laid the charge upon him which he performed as we have heard Sir James being thus returned out of France King Robert being very glad that his businesse had succeeded so well called a Parliament at Cambuskenneth in the which the right of succession to the Crowne was renewed to King Roberts heirs and namely failing his sonne David to Marjorie Bruce his daughter and Robert Stuart his sonne This the Nobility did enact and confirme by oath in the yeare 1325. or 1326. and before the sending of Sir James Douglas as some Authours record Not long after King Robert fell sick and partly for that cause partly in regard of his age not being able to ride abroad and endure travel himself he committed the managing of all businesse of weight both in peace and warre to the two Friends and Colleagues Sir James and Randulph two of the most noble Knights and bravest Captains that were in their dayes as our Writers do say And now Edward the second was dead and Edward the third had succeeded to him to whom Sir James laboureth to do as good service as he had done to his father This Edward sent Ambassadours to King Robert to treat of peace but being discovered to have no sincere meaning and to deal fraudfully in stead of peace they carried home warre So due preparation being made on both sides our two Commanders assembled to the number of 20000. all horse men some say 20000. horse and 5000. foot and entred into England with resolution not to sight but at their advantage and pleasure which was the reason they took all or most part horse men and few or no foote men Against these King Edward came in person with a great Army of 100000. men as Froysard writes 80000. horse 24000. archers having brought with him the Lord Beaumont out of the Low-Countries with 700. or 500 horse The English souldiers of this Army were cloathed in coats and hoods embroydered with flowers and branches and did use to nourish their beards wherefore the Scots in derision thereof made this rime and fastned it upon the Church doore of Saint Peter in the Canongate beards hartlesse painted hoods witlesse gay coat gracelesse make England thriftlesse He fortified the Townes of Carlile and Berwick and furnished them with men to stay the Scots passages But they little regarding either his fortifications or his forces passed the water of Tine at knowne Foords and made him first know of their arrivall by smoake and fire whereupon putting his men in order he marched directly towards those places that were smoaking to have given them battell but not finding them there and not knowing how to force them to fight his resolution was to passe Tine and there to entercept them at their returne and to give them battell in those fields where the ground was more levell and even and so fitter for his Armie Thither then he goeth with great trouble and turmoiling both of men and horse by reason of the great raine that fell as also for scarcitie of victuall and after he had lien there eight dayes waiting for them he could heare no newes of them wherefore he chose out about sixteene able young men whom he sent abroad into the Countrey to search for them promising a great reward to him that should first bring him word where they were They having roaved up and downe the Countrey at last one of them fell into the hands of the Scots who when he had told how K. Edward had sent him to search for them they let him goe and withall bid him tell the King that they had beene eight dayes as uncertain of him as he had bin of them and that now they were come within 3. miles of him where they would stay for him and abide him battell being as desirous to sight as he was When the young man told the King this he was rewarded with Knigthood being made such by his owne hand and besides that he got 150. pound land to maintain his dignity Then he gave order that his Army should march towards them but when they came neare they found them so stronlgy encamped upon a hill having steepe rocks at the one side and a river on the other called by Hollinshed the water of Weire that they durst not adventure to assaile them at so great disadvantage wherefore they sent a trumpet to them and desired them to come downe to the plaine ground and so to sight with true vertue for honour and empire and not to sit on the tops of the hils where no body could come at them The Scots answered with derision that they would not sight how and when it pleased their enemie but at their owne pleasure telling him withall that they were come into his Countrey and had done as he knew if any thing that they had done did grieve him he might come and seeke his revenge they would stay there as long as they thought meet and expedient for them and if any should assaile them they would do what they could doe to defend themselves and make their enemies smart So they stayed there three dayes in his view but he not thinking it safe to assaile them in that place after some few skirmishes at their watering place the Scots removed their Camp to another place that was stronger and harder of accesse which Hollinshed calls Stanhop parke whither the English also followed them While they lay there encamped the one over against the other Sir James Douglas who was a provident and watchfull Captaine perceiving that the English watches were somewhat negligently kept either because they despised the
small number of the Scots or for that they thought they had no mind to fight but to retire adventured upon a hazzardous but hardie and worthy enterprise he did choose out two hundred of the choicest of his men and passing the river in the night season a little off from the English Camp he entred the enemies Trenches on that side they least expected and approached the Kings Tent thinking either to have taken or to have slaine him but the Kings Chaplaine being a wake discovered him whom he slew with his owne hand for his paines and now the alarme was given and the whole Armie was up against him wherefore having only cut the Kings Tentroapes he returned safe in spite of them leaving 300. of them slaine in the place who offered to hinder his retreat Upon this show and omen of successe and good fortune Thomas Randulph would have given them battell in the plaine fields but Sir James advised him otherwayes showing him how it was not for them being so few in number to deale with so great an Armie in the open and plaine fields but that their onely way was to use slights and stratagems and to keepe themselves in places of strength and advantage To which purpose he told him the Apologue of the Fox whom a Fisherman finding in his Lodge carrying away a Salmond to his denne for his young Cubs he drew his sword and stood in the doore to kill him knowing he had no other way to get out The Fox being thus straitned went and tooke hold of the Fishers mantle which lay by and went toward the fire to cast it into it and burne it the Fisher to save his mantle ranne to the fire and left the doore free so that the Fox escaped out at the door and in his way catched hold of the Salmond and went cleare away withall to the fishers great griefe who had his mantle burnt his Salmond lost and the Fox escaped Even so sayes Sir James it fares with us we have done these men harme and they think they have us in the nouse and in a mouse-trap but I have espied a way by which though it may seeme somewhat hard and troublesome we shall escape safe without the losse of a man They continued still in the same place certaine dayes after this without doing any thing of note or moment on either side for the English warned by their late danger kept better watch then they had done before and now having taken a Scottish prisoner they were informed by him that the host of the Scots was commanded to be in readinesse against the third watch to follow Sir James his standard This put them to no small businesse so that they presently armed and stood all night ranked in order of battell supposing that the Scots intended to make an onset and assaile them in their Trenches and therefore their Watches and Sentinels were doubled and the Foords strongly guarded But the Scots by this time were risen and departed passing through a Mosse or Bogue two miles long which was never passed before especially by horsemen but they had provided flaikes and hurdles upon which they made the horse to passe without sinking leading them in their hands and walking on foot by them About the breake of day two Scottish Trumpeters were brought to K. Edward who were taken by his Scouts and being come before him told that they were commanded to suffer themselves to be taken thus that they might tell him that the Scots were gone home and that if he had a minde to be revenged on them for any thing they had done he should follow them But he considering of the matter and weighing all things and with what men he had to doe being both valiant and able to endure so much hardship thought it his best to let them goe and so he returned to London having seene his Kingdome burnt and spoiled under his nose for all his great Armie and himselfe in the midst thereof in danger of his life or of taking which effronts he was forced to pack up at this time not without great griefe and anger without all doubt And this is the third piece of service done by that so despised man to the posterity of his despiser to his sonne before and now to his grand-childe in the yeare 1327. or 28. neare unto Stanhop park which because it cannot be denied Caxton alledgeth that it came to passe by the treason of Mortimer Earle of March who being corrupted by the Scots with money would not suffer saith he the Earle of Lancaster to passe the water not very deep at that part to invade them by which means they escaped But our Major doth justly scorn that point of corrupting and bribing with money and doth further affirme that they had not any conference at all with Mortimer So that it is likely that what Mortimer spake in that matter of not following or invading the Scots at their departure he hath spoken it out of judgement and not partiality and perhaps more prudently then they that counselled the contrary However they confesse that the King missed of his purpose and being very pensive therefore broke up his army and returned to London Amongst other things they tell that after the Scots were dislodged some of the English went to view their Camp partly to see their customes and manner of living and what provision they had partly to seek some spoil when they were come there they found onely five hundreth carcasses of red and fallow Deare a thousand paire of Highland showes called rullions made of raw and untand leather three hundreth hides of beasts set on stakes which served for Caldrons to seethe their meat There were also five English men who had their legs broken and were bound naked to trees whom they loosed and gave them to Chirurgions to bee cured When they saw these things and judged hereby how painfull and able to endure the Scottishmen were they found that counsell to have been good and sound which was given to their King not to follow them whether it were Mortimers or some others The English Writers upon this scarcitie and penury here found and upon such other passages as when Edward the second entred Scotland and was forced to returne for want of victualls the King having caused remove all things out of his way take occasion to speake contemptuously of the Scots as though they had not defended their Countrey by vertue and prowesse against England between it and which they think there is no comparison but partly by cold and hunger partly because the English Kings did slight it and were not desirous to conquer it as also for the English forces were almost imployed in France so that they had no leisure to bend their whole power against Scotland which if they had done they might easily as they think have mastered it Imputing hereby the cause of their failing to do it they having so great ods in number of men and warlike
appointment to want of will and their hinderance by France and the poverty of our Countrey together with the roughnesse thereof being so Mountainous and full of heaths and wasts harder enemies then the inhabitants giving no place to the vertue and valour of the people very absurdly and maliciously for as touching the first that they have had no desire of it it is a childish alledgeance when they see they cannot get a thing to deny that they desire it The great means they have used the many attempts they have made and that common and proverbiall speech so ordinary in their owne mouthes and devised amongst themselves Qui la France veut gagner a l' Escosse faut commencer do testifie the contrary And above all their often intending a full conquest of it as their owne Histories beare record And as for the hinderance by France their aides to Scotland have not been very great nor very frequent yea it may bee said justly that France hath received more help then ever it gave for since the league with Charlemaigne it may be truely said without any poeticall hyperbole nulla unquam Francis fulsit victoria castris sine milite Scoto that the French armies never wanted Scottish souldiers but the Scots have but very seldome had Frenchmen to helpe them And if the Kings of England have sometimes bended their forces towards France yet they did it not alwayes but have made more warre in Scotland when they had peace with France And it is amongst the complaints of our Nation that France have cast them into warres with England when they might have had peace Like as when they had advantage by warre France did often wring their weapons out of their hands and forced them to a disadvantagious peace which was commonly the greatest fruits of their friendship and league Now as for the difficulties of hills hunger c. These are not so great as they talke of for neither is it altogether so poore nor so hilly and mountanous as they would have it beleeved to bee and if King Robert at this time or any other at any time have caused spoil and waste in the Countrey at some times thereby to famish or straiten the enemy or have chosen to vexe or trouble them with a Camp volante to eschew the hazzard of a battell as Douglas and Randulph did at this time it hath been the practice of all warriours of all Nations but neither hath it been neither could it have been the onely mean of conserving this Countrey in freedome except manhood and valour had been joyned with it and that in a great measure whereof sufferance and hardnesse to endure great straits want scant cold hunger and travell is no little part As on the contrary not to be able to endure these is effeminatenesse the ordinary consequent of riches wealth ease abundance and delicacie all reprochfull to men Even as the other I confesse are oft the consequences of povertie and are helps to harden the bodies and whet the courages of men Wherefore if they had meant nothing else but that the poverty of Scotland did preserve the liberty thereof because it kept the inhabitants in continuall exercise both of body and minde and did not suffer them to grow tender delicate and effeminate but hardned their bodies against want and their minds and courages against perills and dangers which they imployed for the defence of their Countrey and by the which as the chief means under God they did defend it we could well admit of it and acknowledge as much poverty that is to say want of superfluity and vanity invented by soft and womenly minds and covered under the maske of civility as hath begotten in them valour and temperance as it is said to have done in many people before the Romanes Macedonians Turks Parthians Scythians c. But since that is not their meaning but even to detract from their valour they exprobrate their poverty and casts it up for a reproach to breed contempt of them in others and to ascribe to it what is due to their worth to wit the liberty and preservation of their Countrey from all forrain enemies we may say justly that it hath not been the immediate cause of their being preserved against England Danes or whatsoever enemy but that there hath been as much sufficiency of things necessary call it riches or by what other name you list as hath moved other Nations especially England to cover it and coveting to invade it and when they had done their best they were driven from it not so much by the barrennesse and roughnesse of the soyle as by many and sad stroakes of the inhabitants thereof and by such acts and deeds as became wise valiant and couragious men Touching all which this one example will serve to confute whatsoever hath been or can bee said in this kind then which we need no other proof and that is this same huge and great army raised by this King Edward the third and intending to have come into Scotland if hee had not been thus affronted by Sir James and Randulph and before in his fathers time at Biland and which admitteth for no exception at Bannockburne In all which there is no colour of want of will he showed it he professed it and presumed to devoure them in an instant No want of forces having gat●…ered from all Countreyes not onely his subjects but his friends also no scarcitie of victuall hee had abundance of all things no hills nor mountains they met in the plain fields no forrain aid on the Scots side that we heare of besides the two Brabanders that King Edward sent to help them And so again whatsoever progresse or appearance of conquest the English have made of Scotland it was never by their valour and armes but by the advantage of an intestine warre they siding with the one party and at last overcoming both as did Edward the first in the dayes of Balliol wherefore they make a wrong account and much mistake the matter that thinke the liberty of this Kingdome hath been maintained more by the wants of our soyle want of will in our enemies or of leasure in the English then by the worth of our predecessours if wee weigh things rightly But the true way and mean by which our Countrey and liberty thereof have stood and by which they have relieved and vindicated it when it was thralled are these we have spoken of by which also they procured peace at all times and now also at this time For the same yeare in March Ambassadours came from Edward to treat of perpetuall peace which the next yeare was concluded by the Parliament of England held at Northhampton unto this Parliament for treating of Articles of peace King Robert sent Sir James with some Prelates where it was concluded on these conditions That the King of England should renounce all title and claime that he and his predecessours had laid to the Crowne of Scotland and
the life of History and light of actions being knowne the actions themselves may be the better considered We have heard how desperately things went on the Brucian which was the onely right side hee that was lawfull King durst not bee named nor there was none that durst do so much as on●…e offer to call him King but the little children in their play who still stiled him so whether by a naturall inclination to their rightfull Prince or by some spark of Divine inspiration joyned therewith who can tell or who knowes these things what motions will either remain of old or spread of new in the hearts of men where Gods work is to be done wise men keep silence and therefore the stones behoved to cry out and foolish simple babes beare witnesse that the Bruce was King for all the usurpers confidence and crueltie no doubt it was with great derision and contempt of the hearers but the event did justifie it that it had a secret mover No man saw the means how it could come to passe but means will not be wanting where a work is to be done This ought to be a heartning to good subjects in their lawfull Princes quarrell and for good men in all good causes not to despaire for want of means Let men do their best means will come from whence they least dream on Perhaps it will fall out so here in this case Out from among the midst of the enemies the first glimpse of deliverance doth arise There were that conspired against the Bruce to wrack him and the Countrey England and the Balliols faction in Scotland and those had overrunne all There comes a blink of favour and hope from Rome by the procuring of France The Pope sends to King Edward of England to desist from invading of Scotland but that evanished without effect pride had so farre prepossessed his heart that he thought himselfe sure to make a conquest of Scotland pleasing himself in his owne conceit and supposing Scotland neither durst nor could ever make head against him hereafter wherefore he will not do so much as give the Ambassadours leave to come into his sight A manifest contempt not so much of the people as of the voyce of equity and reason But he called it reason what he had ability to doe Stat pro ratione voluntas is the voyce of Tyrannie and indeed a change being to come pride behoved to go before bùt the working of this is obscure and not perceived at first openly dissention amongst the conspirators doth arise upon a light occasion a gnats wing as the Proverb is but it growes to a Mountain Talbot an English man was appointed with Balliol as hath been said for to govern Scotland his co-adjutors for re-conquering of it were amongst other Scots Englized David Cummin Earle of Athole Henry of Beaumont John Mowbray an old favourer of that faction from the time of Edward the first of whom he had received diverse lands for ill service to his Countrey which Edward esteemed to bee good as indeed it was profitable to him This John Mowbray was dead and had left his lands to be divided between his two daughters and his brother Alexander or rather as a bone and a matter of debate amongst the whole faction for his daughters claiming it as heires of line his brother by heire-male as entail the Case was brought to judgement Henry of Beaumont had married one of the daughters he therefore was fracker froward that way as one that was interessed Talbot and Cummin swayed this way Edward Balliol enclined to the other party and gave sentence for Alexander the brother Hereupon dissention ariseth they grudge and murmure against the judgement they complain of it in their open discourse and speaches as unjust they withdrew themselves from Court as mal-contents Talbot goes into England perhaps to complain to the King and as he came thorow Lowthian hee is taken by some of King Bruces party who began to show their heads upon this occasion and carried to Dumbarton where hee died Beaumont put hand to work and without so much as acquainting the King withall takes Dungard a strong Castle in Buchan and the rest of the lands that were in plea hee ceaseth them and makes them his owne by the law of the strongest Cummin gets him into Athole and there fortifies himself against whosoever should assail him This terrifies Balliol so that he retreats his sentence and turnes his coat agreeth with those two granting unto Beaumont the lands which he had adjudged from him and giving Cummin diverse other good lands which belonged to Robert Stuart who shall reigne afterward to shew upon what ill ground that gift was founded But is he the better for this injustice for injustice it must be either first or last he is not so much the better as in likelihood he should have been for injustice is never profitable If hee gain one he losseth another hee winnes Cummin and Beaumont but he loseth Alexander Mowbray who thereupon joins himself to the other party And thus was this usurpers faction brangled then bound up again and after divided again by want of worth in Balliol their head But this is not all for it seems that Cummins mind hath not been so much soundly reconciled to Balliol as it hath been onely plaistered over which may appeare to bee probably collected out of the History which they say is thus Edward of England came with 50000. men into Scotland to what purpose so many was there warre None saith he nor rebellion greatly that appeared any where what doth hee then doth he fight with any man doth he fortifie Castles we heare no word of any such matter What hath been his intention then wherefore came he and with so huge an Army they tell not But let actions speake they will tell All agree in this that he tooke away Balliol into England there is one point Then hee hath been jealous of him and hath feared perhaps that he would not continue long his vassall as his Grandfather had proofe in Balliols father but what doth he more hee leaves Cummin to guide the affaires in Scotland there is another point Hee makes him Viceroy in Scotland for Balliol and Balliol in effect prisoner in England Of which course Edward of England is the Authour let it bee so who will purge Cummin of having been a Counseller a suggester of information for his owne advancement he being a man that did ever hunt after preferment which he made the scope of his actions and compasse by which he ever failed being also of an aspiring mind and of a fickle and various disposition and nature However it be this is another division in that society between the Edwards the usurping Kings And thus much of the estate of their faction Concerning the other partie that stuck to the lawfull King Robert Stuart that afterward was King had escaped Balliols ambush being but fifteen yeares of age and by the help of his friends
was conveyed to the Castle of Dumbarton where hee was received by Malcolm Fleeming Captain thereof Now both the Edwards being absent and he having a particular spleen against Cummin who possessed his private inheritance the said Robert with the help of Colin or Duncan Campbell in Argyle from whom he obtained an aid of foure hundreth men had taken the Castle of Dunholm in Coile and destroyed the English Garrison there whereupon the men of Boote which was his private inheritance had taken armes slain Allane Lyle there Captain and Sheriffe who was placed there by Balliol and Cummin and were come home very joyfull to their old master the Stuarts Upon this Thomas Bruce Earle of Carrict with his friends and neighbours of Coile and Cunninghame and William Karrudise of Annandale who had ever refused the English yoake coming forth out of the place where they had lurked resorted to him also John Randulph Earle of Murray was returned from France and did incourage them with hopes of forreign help of Jefferey or Godfrey Rosse Sheriffe of Aire had drawne Coile Carrict and Cunningham to be of the partie Ranfrow was also returned to the Stuarts By their example the dependers of Andrew Murray had drawne all Cliddesdale to them partly by faire means partly by force These under the command and leading of Robert Stuart and John Randulph had passed into the North parts chaised David Cummin Governour for the English to Lochaber and compelled him to yeeld and swear obedience to David Bruce Notwithstanding that the enemy had committed to him so great a charge as to bee Lieutenant for him in those parts About this time or a little before William Lord of Liddesdale returns from his captivity having been three yeares in prison And hee is no sooner returned but that presently he begins to serve his King and Countrey faithfully and diligently against both their enemies Scots and Englized usurpers recompencing his long imprisonment with his enemies losses especially in Lowthian for the more easie performance hereof and that hee might annoy them that were in the Castle of Edinburgh which was then held by the English and them that went toward it hee lay in wait in Pentland-hills To him John Randulph after that he had left David Cummin Earle of Athole Lieutenant for him in the North parts Randulph and Robert Stuart were chosen Governours by the Kings party did adjoyn himself as to his old and fast friend from thence they both went to Perth to a Convention of the States the 2. of Aprill 1335. But there was nothing done at that meeting because of the enmity betwixt the Lord Liddesdale and David Cummin Earle of Athole The occasion was the Lord of Liddesdale alledged that hee was detained longer in prison then other wayes he would have been by the means of the the Earle of Athole who no doubt did thinke it meet for Balliol and the English faction and therefore advised them to keep him And certainly he was wiser in that point then they that set him at libertie for ransome Now under the colour and pretext of this ill will between him and Liddesdale Athole was so strongly accompanied with his servants and dependers that the rest being jealous of his disposition and fearing his present power did conclude no matter of importance Robert Stuart enclined toward him but all the rest favoured the Lord Liddesdale Robert was young and knew not the disposition of Athole which the rest knew better and what ods was between them in fidelitie which was not long in discovering For King Edward of England came with a great army both by Sea and Land and brought Balliol with him So soone as he came to Perth Athole being solicited to defection from Bruce he was not very hard to wooe whereas Liddesdale did still his uttermost endevours for him One of the Governours to wit Robert Stuart being sick and the other John Randulph thinking it too heavie a burden for him alone to fight divided his forces that so he might the more annoy the King Now word was brought to him that there was a great army of the Guelders coming through England to joyne with Edward and help him against the Scots Wherefore Randulph passeth over into Lowthian to try if he could conveniently intercept them and cut them off ere they should joyn with the King There came hither to assist Randulph the Governour Patrick Earle of Marche William Lord Liddesdale and Alexander Ramsay of Dalhousie and others These being assembled together lay in wait for them near Edinburgh in the Borrow moore and so soon as they came in sight one of the other without any delay of either side they joyned battell and after a great conflict the Guelders were put to rout and chased to a little hill where was a ruinous Castle There they were besieged all that night and the next day they rendered themselves lives safe Others write that they fled to the Castle hill of Edinburgh up Saint Maries wind or lane defending themselves valiantly through the high street till they came to that place where they slew their horses and made as it were a rampart of their carcasses and so saved themselves There they stayed all that night and having neither meat nor drink nor convenient lodging opprest with hunger and cold and thirst yeelded themselves on the morrow This narration seems not to bee so probable as the former for if it had been at the Castle of Edinburgh it might have made them more support at least releeved the Duke and have saved him Besides that the town of Edinburgh should suffer strangers to passe through the midst of them and neither aid them if they were friends nor assail them if they were enemies nor shut their gates if they were neutrall for fear of some danger to come to their towne thereby but suffer both parties to have free accesse into their chief street and to stand as lookers on it hath no great likelihood They ascribe also the winning of the field to the Lord of Liddesdale who was not as Hollinshed sayes present at their first joyning battell but came to it from Pentland-hills in so convenient time that if he had not come the Guelders who fought exceeding well had got the day Others make no mention of Randulph but of the Lord Liddesdale and Alexander Ramsay with him Those that write of this battell tell of a huge and wonderfull stroake given by Sir David Annand in his fury hee being hurt stroke his enemy on the shoulder with a Pole-axe and clave him and his horse down to the hard pavement in which the force of the stroake left a great mark long after And no lesse memorable is the valour of a woman in the Guelders army who at the beginning of the battell stept forth before her company and encountred in a single combat or duell a Scotish Squire named Robert Shaw whom she slew and afterwards beat downe her enemies on each side till at last after a
having gathered together a great power of men as privately and as secretly as hee could hee marched towards England They sent VVilliam Ramsay of Dalhousie before and gave him order to burn Norame and to spoil the Countrey about to draw the English upon their hoast which lay in ambuscade at a place called Nisbet-moore Ramsay having done his part very dexterously as he was injoyned having gathered together a great bootie of cattell made as if hee would drive them into Scotland The English to recover their goods pursued him eagerly and he flying of purpose drew them into the ambushment where the Scots arising suddenly set upon them fiercely and put them to flight with great slaughter There were taken prisoners Thomas Gray and his sonne with John Darcy a Noble man and many others even the greatest part of them After this being encouraged by their former successe they did enterprise against the towne of Berwick and took it in by scalade not without great opposition and resistance having been discovered by the watches They had in their company Eugenie Garrantiers with some fouretie Frenchmen more whom John King of France had sent into Scotland a little before with foure thousand crownes to wage souldiers therewith and this was all excepting fair promises a weake support in so great a strait and let it bee well marked that men may see how farre they erre from the truth that alledge that our Countrey and the liberty thereof hath been maintained and upheld by support from France and not by the valour and industry of the inhabitants The Nobility tooke the money and divided it amongst themselves prosecuting the warre in their owne manner by frequent incursions and inrodes These fouretie were present at this exploit and at other occasions where they behaved themselves valorously It is said by some that Thomas Stuart Earle of Angus was present at these surprises and that he had a chiefe hand in it as being the man that first broached it and drew the rest to it by his perswasion But most Authours mention onely the two former There were slaine within the towne of Berwick Alexander Ogle Governour thereof Thomas Percie brother to the Earle of Northumberland and Edward Gray with others but they could not winne the Castle which he held against them whereupon King Edward coming to rescue it they being not able to keep the towne rifled it and then burnt it and razed the walls thereof in the yeare 1355. King Edward caused repair it again and while that was in doing he went himself to Roxbrough where he kept his residence for that time Thither came Balliol and being wearied as may be supposed of his titular Kingdome resigned all that hee had which was a show and pretense to it The King of England requesting instantly that hee would avenge him of the injuries done to him by the Scots who would not acknowledge nor obey him but had expelled him out of his Kingdome King Edward heard him very willingly and upon that pretext invaded Lowthian by sea and land but his Navie was dispersed and broken by storme of weather and by land the victuall was put out of the way so as he was constrained to retire home again after he had powred out his fury upon Edinburgh Hadington and other townes in Lowthian which lay in his way He being gone the Earle of Douglas passed into Galloway and partly by force partly by perswasion and entreatie hee reduced that whole Countie to the Kings obedience and caused Donald Mackdowgall one of the principall men in Galloway to take his oath of allegiance and fidelitie in the Church of Cumnock Hollinshed attributeth this to the Lord of Niddisdale his brothers sonne naturall sonne to the Lord of Galloway he tooke also by force the Castle of Dalswinton and Carlaverock and razed them Some Histories say they were razed by composition and upon agreement by King David himself after his returne At this time also John Stuart sonne to Robert the Governour recovers Annandale from the enemy and Roger Kilpatricke took in Disdeir And even as before in their Kings minority they had done so now during his captivitie these his faithfull subjects made his enemies to reap but small profit of all the pains having now again delivered this Countrey from them almost every where Let it be remarked as wee said before to the end that Kings and Princes may think it the best policy that can bee to procure and entertain the love and heartie affection of his subjects and more specially of his faithfull Nobilitie Shortly after this they write that the Earle of Douglas went into France with 3000. men and was made Knight of the chiefest order in that Kingdome he was present at the battell of Poictiers where the field being lost and John King of France taken prisoner by Edward the black Prince son to King Edward the third the Earle of Douglas escaped very hardly being rescued by his own men of whom there was slain Andrew Stuart Robert Gordon Andrew Haliburton and Andrew Vasse Knights Archbald Douglas son naturall to good Sir James and brother to the Lord Liddisdale was taken prisoner and with him William Ramsay of Colluthie Archbald was known for a man of qualitie but the other not known to be a man of any estate and they perceiving it the more to deceive their taker Archbald used him as his serving-man making him to pul off his boots and do such other drudgerie by which means he was set at libertie for a small ransome Now as these actions of warre do shew his valour and love to his Countrey so likewise there fell out an occasion at home in matter of State Policie which did no lesse manifest his prudencie magnanimitie and affection to his native soile which was this King David being returned from his captivity after he had spent some five years in settling of the troubles and affairs of his Kingdome after he had fined such as had fled first at the battell of Durham and composed such broiles and disorders as were amongst his subjects at last in the year 1363. he kept a Parliament There he propounded unto the Estates that they would give way to the uniting of the two Kingdomes of Scotland and England and seeing he himself had no children be contented to give way that King Edward of England or his son might be his Successour Whether he made this proposition because he did judge it indeed to be most profitable for both Kingdomes so to end all their quarrells and warres or that he had taken a great liking of the King of Englands son or else that he had been constrained to promise and sweare to do it by King Edward when he was in his power or some other occasion it is uncertain But the motion was so ill taken by all that were there present that they had no patience to stay till every mans vote were asked in his turn but altogether with one voice
wherefore the said Thornton was taken by the Kings Officers and executed These things being not yet fully settled did greatly perplex the King between domestick and forraign enemies In the year 1457. the Earl Douglas came in with Henry Percie Earle of Northumberland to the Mo●…se which as they were in wasting pillaging they were encountred by George Earle of Angus and put backe to their Camp Being irritated with this indignitie they put themselves in order of battell without staying for their full companies many of which were gone abroad into the Countrey and Villages for spoile and bootie and so entred into conflict When the noise hereof was carried to the eares of the sorrowers they for feare of losing what they had gotten which was a very rich and great prey past directly into England without regarding what became of the two Earles Hereby the battell was lost by the English but the losse of men was almost equall on both sides This victorie did not a little recreate the King and so affrighted Donald and his Islanders that he sent and submitted himselfe to the King and was received by him Neither was there any farther insurrection within the Countrey Neither did the Earle Douglas without the Countrey enterprise any thing by the aid of England they being distracted at home by the dissention of Lancaster and Yorke during the dayes of this King which were not many for about two or three years after this the King alone was slain by the wedge of a peece of Ordnance of his own and with him George Earle of Angus hurt amongst 30000. of his Armie of whom none else was either slaine or hurt at the siege of the Castle of Roxburgh in the 29. yeare of his age in September 1460 some 8. yeares after the killing of Earle William in Stirlin Castle at which time he was about the age of twenty one or twenty two yeares Neither hear we any mention of the Earle Douglas his stirring in the next Kings James the thirds time either in his minoritie being but a childe of seven or eight yeares of age at his coronation or in his majoritie either in the dissentions betwixt the Kennedies and the Boydes or the dissention betwixt the King and the Nobilitie Whether it bee the negligence and sloth of Writers that have not recorded things or whether hee did nothing indeed through want of power his friends and dependers and vassals being left by him and despairing of him having taken another course and his lands being disposed of to others so it is that for the space of twenty yeares or three and twenty untill the yeare 1483. there is nothing but deepe silence with him in all Histories Onely wee finde that hee was made Knight of the noble Order of the Garter by King Edward the fourth and is placed first in order of all the Earles and next to him the Earle of Arundell who is the first Earle of England in the booke intituled Nobilitas Politica and the English Heraulds say of him that he was a very valiant noble Gentleman well beloved of the King and Nobility and very steadable to King Edward in all his troubles These troubles perhaps have beene the cause that they could enterprise nothing in Scotland untill the foresaid yeare 1483. However it be he hath the honour to be the first of his Nation admitted into that Order At last then in the yeare 1483. Alexander Duke of Albanie and brother to King James the third who was also banished in England and the Earle Douglas desirous to know what was the affection of their Countreymen toward them vowed that they would offer their offering on the high Altar of Loch-mabane upon the Magdalen day and to that effect got together some five hundred horse what Scottish what English and a certaine number of English foot-men that remained with Musgrave at Burneswark hill to assist them in case they needed So they rode toward Lochmabane and at their coming the fray was raised through Niddisdale Annandale and Galloway who assembling to the Laird of Moushill then Warden encountred them with great courage The English who were on the hill Burneswark fled at the first sight of the enemy so that the rest behoved either to doe or die And therefore they fought it out manfully from noone till twilight with skirmishes after the border fashion sometimes the one sometimes the other having the advantage At last the victorie fell to the Scots though it cost them much bloud The Duke of Albanie escaped by flight but the Earle of Douglas being now an aged man was stricken from his horse and taken prisoner with his owne consent by a brother of the Laird of Closeburnes in this manner The King James 3. had made a proclamation that whosoever should take the E. Douglas should have 100. l. land the E. being then thus on foot in the field wearied of so long exile and thinking that he might perhaps be knowne by some other seeing in the field Alexander Kilpatrick a son of Closeburnes and one that had beene his owne servant before he calls on him by his name and when he came to him he said I have foughten long enough against my fortune and since I must die I will rather that ye who have beene my owne servant and whom I knew to be faithfull to me as long as I did any thing that was likely for my selfe have the benefit thereby then any other Wherefore take me and deliver me to the King according to his Proclamation but see thou beest sure hee keepe his word before thou deliver me The young man who loved the Earle entirely in his heart wept as is reported for sorrow to see him thus aged and altered in disguised apparell and offered to goe with him into England But hee would not being wearied of such endlesse troubles onely hee desired the young man to get his life safe if hee could obtaine so much at the Kings hands if not to bee sure of his owne reward at least Hereupon Kilpatricke conveyed him secretly out of the field and kept him in a poore cottage some few dayes untill hee had spoken with the King who granted him the Earles life and gave unto himselfe the fistie pound land of Kirk Michaell which is possest by his heires unto this day Some give the honour of this victory to Cockpool and Johnston and make the number of those that came with Douglas and Albany greater and say that King Richard of England blamed the Duke of Albanie for the losse thereof and that he discontented and taking it ill to bee so blamed withdrew himselfe secretly into France The Earle Douglas being brought to the King hee ordained him to be put into the Abbacie of Lindores which sentence when hee heard hee said no more but this Hee that may no better bee must bee a Monk which is past in a Proverbe to this day Hee remained there till the day of his death which was after the death of King
hate most honour brings Of George Master of Angus and sonne to Archbald the first HIs eldest son as hath been said was George slain at Flowdon designed commonly by the appellation of Master of Angus He was married to Elizabeth Drummond daughter to the Lord Drummond of whom we told how he defeated the Earle of Lennox His children by her were three sonnes First Archbald afterward Earle of Angus Secondly Sir George of Pittendrich Thirdly William Priour of Colding hame His daughters were First the Lady Yester Secondly the Lady Basse. Thirdly Jeane Lady Glames Fourthly Alison married first to Robert Blackader of Blackader and afterward to Sir David Hume of Wedderburne Fifthly the Lady Drumlanerige as I take it Also they mention a sixth married to a Baron in the North whom they name not neither do I know who he should be His age at his death to reckon from the 15. year of his fathers age in the 1469. to the year of his own death at Flowdon 1513. was not above 44. His actions because he never came to be Earle are not recorded Some dealing there was betwixt him as Governour of Liddisdale and the Lord Dacres in England with whose Deputies he agrees to meet at Dumfreis for doing of Justice in the year 1489. the year after the King was killed at Bannock-burne So at Cannabie he met with the Lord Dacres himself where they accorded not well For they intended both to send to the Councels of both Nations to have their determination of their differences He agrees the same year with Sir Robert Lundie of Bagonie Treasurer for a generall remission to Ewsdalde Eskdale and Niddisdale which I think should rather be Liddisdale for a 1000. pounds being at this time not above 20. years of age not out of Curatorie by the Laws though that was in his fathers hands Yet we see also Courts held in his name by his Bailiffs as a retoure of Adam Ker to some Lands in Selkrig in the said year which makes me to think he hath been then married Also he it is as we told above that excambes the Lands of Liddisdale for Bothwell with Patrick Earle Bothwell resigning the Lands of Liddisdale and the King disponing them upon the resignation in the year 1492. upon what reason either the Earle Bothwelshould have affected these or he preferred the other and not thought himself as fit to rule that unruly Countrey as any other I have not heard But it was done in his fathers life time who was no fool when he was in his greatest vogue the first three years of King James the fourth He allies afterward with this same Earl Bothwel marrying his sonne Archbald to his daughter but that must be long after except that he hath been married young as some say he was In the year 1510. he indents for the marriage of his fourth daughter Alison to Robert Blackaders sonne and apparent heir to Andrew Blackader of that Ilk. Her portion 300. marks the terms 1. at the compleating 40. pounds and 20. pounds at the feast of Martimasse next after and so 20. pounds termly till it were payed That same year he is infeft in Abernethie And this is all we have of him which we have set down chiefly for his children and the Historie that followeth of them Of Archbald the seventh Earle of Angus and the second Archbald TO Archbald the first succeeded Archbald the second his Grand-childe by his sonne George Master of Angus He was thrice married first to Margaret Hepburne daughter to Patrick Hepburne the first Lord Bothwell being as yet very young for at his second marriage he was not old but a youth or stripling Adolescens She died in childe-birth within the year as they say immediatly after the Field of Flowdon 2. His second wife was Queen Margaret relict of King James the 4. and daughter to King Henry 7. of England She bare to him a daughter Lady Margaret Douglas who was married to Matthew Stuart Earle of Lennox and bare to him Henry Lord Darnly that married Queen Mary of Scotland and father to King James the sixt of Scotland and first of great Brittain now happily reigning Lady Margaret had also another sonne named Charles who was father to the Lady Arabella 3. His third wife was Margaret Maxwell daughter to the Lord Maxwell She bare to him a sonne and a daughter who died both of them before they were 8. years old He had also a base daughter by a daughter of Traquairs Jeane Douglas married to the Lord Ruthven Some say that he begot this daughter in the Queens time while she lying in of Lady Margaret Douglas in England after her delivery went to London and stayed there with her brother King Henry the 8. and with her sister the late Queen of France and then Duchesse of Suffolk Others say that it was before He had also a base sonne as I take it commonly called George the Postulant to a by-name because I know not upon what claim or title he did postulate and claim the Abbacie of Aberbroth or Abernethock and not onely did postulate it but apprehended it also and used it as his own Having brought the house of Angus still increasing and growing in greatnesse and honour unto this man Archbald the second shall we suffer it now to decay or to take halt in his person No but we shall see it increase so much the more as he approacheth nearer unto that descent which is able to give honour unto basenesse it self far more to adde and multiply honour upon that which is already honourable Men do not onely take honour from their progenitors their posterity makes them honourable when they have much honour and that variable according to the degrees of their honour more or lesse Which seeing it is undeniable in what place of honour shall we rank this Archbald father to the Lady Margaret Douglas and by her great Grandfather to our Soveraigne King James of great Brittain This one thing is enough to lift him up to the highest top of honour All other things are but accessary yet are they additions of great importance Men are honourable by their marriage Who then so honourable as he Having married a Queen a Kings daughter a Kings sister a Kings mother Others also of the Subjects of this Countrey have married Queens I grant But none of them did marry Queen Margaret a Lady so vertuous None did marry a Queen so Royally descended and every way Regall in her father her mother her brother her sister her husband her sonne being all of them Kings or Queens None did marry a Queen without some blemish and diminition of her reputation but he None with the approbation of all men even of the Queens own chief Kinred with the allowance desire and exhortation of her Kinsfolks of King Henry the 8. But you will say perhaps that this hath been chance or fortune or ignorance in her blindnesse of an impotent woman who placed her affection
right and reason Gawin Douglas had gotten possession of the Castle and had put servants into it but the Priour was stronger about the town and findes a mean to thrust them out Foreman cannot get his Bulls proclaimed none durst take it in hand so long as Hume and Hepburne agreed He workes wisely having been born under the Lord Hume he flees to him as his Patron agrees with him as a friend and gives the Abbacie of Coldinghame to his youngest brother David He doth his turne proclaimeth his Bull but had no power in Fife to prosecute it any further Yet it causeth Hepburne to come to a point to take composition the Bishoprick of Murray and 3000. crownes by year and a discharge for all his by-past intromissions So he agrees with Foreman but dis-agrees with the Lord Hume and despites him with such malice because of that morsell pulled out of his jawes that he ceased not to work him what mischief he could He did so possesse the Governour with jealousie of the Lord Humes and Angus greatnesse and aspiring that he thought there was no way to secure himself and his Government but by ridding the Countrey of them both Wherefore the Lord Hume repairing to him and finding by his neglectfull carriage and cold entertainment the little good-will he bare him repenting too late his forwardnesse in his election and calling to minde what Angus had foretold him though he had contemned his counsell yet now seeing no other remedie went to him and the Queen his wife condemning his fact and regrating the present estate of the King and Countrey and advised them to flie into England with the young King When the Governour had notice of this consultation he used such diligence and expedition that coming to Stirlin unlooked for he surprized the Queen and removing her and the Douglasses from about the King he gave the keeping of him to the Lord John Ercskin and other three Noblemen Hereupon the Queen and Angus as also the Lord Hume and his brother William with-drew themselves into England and the Governour upon their departure sent Ambassadours to King Henry to clear himself that he had done nothing why they should be so afraid of him or leave their Countrey He dealt also privately with themselves by their friends promising and protesting to give them all content and satisfaction in such wayes that they beleeving and desiring to live at home returned all of them save onely the Queen who being then near the time of her childe-birth remained at Harbottle in Northhumberland where she was brought to bed of Lady Margaret Douglas Then assoon as she was able to endure travell she went to London where she was kindly welcomed and lovingly entertained by her brother King Henry and her sister Mary Queen of France and afterward Dutchesse of Suffolk But the Governours head being once filled with suspitions and new causes of distrust arising dayly could not be quieted by their return nor the Queens absence neither could he think himself bound by promises Gawin Douglas Bishop of Dunkel uncle to Angus was committed to prison John Lord Drummond his Grandfather or mothers brother David Panetier Secretarie to the late King were likewise laid fast Alexander Lord Hume and his brother William were executed their goods confiscat their lands forfeited and their heads affixed on the Citie Gate of Edinburgh called the Nether-Bow Being thus rid of the Chamberlain he did much fear the Earle of Angus whom he left to governe in his absence for he went into France but joyned with him the Earles of Arran Argyle Huntley the Archbishop of S. Andrews and Glasgow together with a Frenchman named Antonius Darsius commonly known by the title of Sieur de la Beaute To this La Beaute he allotted Dumbar the Shires of Lowthian and the Merse where the Chamberlaines lands and friends were This Darsius was slain by Sir David Hume of Wedderburn occasionally in the year 1517. the 18. of September For this Sir David was out-lawed his house seized and Sir George Douglas Angus brother suspected to be accessarie imprisoned in Garvet Castle they not daring to meddle with the Earl himself who was no lesse suspected to have been conscious of it though falsely because Sir David had married their sister Alison Not long after this there fell out an occasion of great troubles betwixt the Earle of Angus and the Earle of Arrane There was some question of the Bailiff-ship and right of keeping Courts in Jedward Forrest the Earle of Angus his Lands but in which Andrew Ker of Farnihaste challenged a right and priviledge of doing justice and punishing male-factors as hereditarie Bailiff In this controversie Arrane sided with Farnihaste not for any particular relation or because he thought his right was good but onely in opposition to Angus whom he hated inwardly What the cause of his hatred was we hear not and they had been good friends before Arrans base sonne James Hamilton as he was on his way towards Farnihaste to assist him John Summervale of Camnethen set upon him killed five or six of his company took thirty men and horses and pursued himself so near that he was forced to turne in to Hume Castle for his safetie This fact was imputed to Angus on whom Summervale did for the most part depend men thinking that it was done by his direction But it is well known that besides this quarrell of the Earles that man had ever a particular feude with the Hamiltons But if the Earle had been guiltie of this wrong and offence done unto them it is not likely that he would have been so slightly accompanied at Edinburgh and have stayed their coming thither with so small forces if he had suspected any ill meaning from them or known any such deserving in himself Besides they having so just cause they might have complained and gotten redresse and satisfaction of the Earle by order of law if they could have made it appear that he had any hand in it and not have taken this violent course Wherefore in all likelihood this was but a colour and pretext Hereupon however in the year 1520. the 27. of April a convention being appointed at Edinburgh where Archbald Douglas of Kilspindie the Earle of Angus his uncle or Consin-German rather was Provest the Hamiltons refused to come thither alledging that they could not think themselves assured of their lives in the Town where he was Provest Archbald to cut off their excuse and that he might not hinder publick businesse laid down his office voluntarily and in his room was chosen Robert Logane a Burgesse of Edinburgh Then they came to the City and finding the Earle of Angus there but meanly attended and weakly guarded his friends not being yet conveened they assembled together with the chief Noblemen of the West in Archbishop Betons house in the Black-Frier-Winde this Beton was also Chancellour and there resolve by all means to apprehend Angus alledging that his power was so
bring him home that would take order with them also But it was too late for his death ensuing shortly after hindered the execution of that purpose He died the thirteenth of December 1542. leaving one onely daughter Mary his heir behinde him a childe of five dayes old But although he lived not to effect his determination yet he gave them an honourable testimony of their worth and withall made a confession of the wrong he had done to them and gave them a clear absolviture from all former imputation And so for their part they rest satisfied with it and seek no other The King was dead who had purposed to have brought them home his will is enough to them they stand not on ceremonies they come home now unsent for There were taken prisoners at the Solom-Mosse seven Earles and Lords foure and twenty others of inferiour but good place and quality When King Henry of England had triumphed a while over them causing to lead them from the Towre of London to Court through Cheapside Street the 20. of December upon Saint Thomas day he rebuked them as breakers of Covenant by a long harangue of his Chancellour who magnified the Kings mercy who did said he remit much of the rigour he might justly have used against them After this they had some more freedome and when the news of the Kings death was come he dealt kindly with them and told them his intention which was to have their Kings daughter married to his sonne Prince Edward that so the Nations of England and Scotland might be joyned together by that alliance for affecting of which match he takes their promise to favour his designe and to set it forward at home as farre as they might without dammage to their Countrey or reproach and infamy to themselves So having first taken pledges and hostages of them at New-Castle by the Duke of North-folke for their return in case the peace were not agreed on he sent them home to Scotland the first of January 1543. with these returned our Douglasses the Earle and Sir George after fifteen years exile and were received of all with great joy and gratulation Onely they were not welcome to the Cardinall They had been ever at variance they ranne divers courses in policie he suspected their Religion specially Sir Georges He knew they would not approve nor ratifie the Kings testament which he had forged wherein he was made Protectour and Governour with three Noblemen to be his Assessours He doubted not but that they would oppose him in the Parliament and therefore here he found means to be chosen Governor before their return Yet his fraud was detected before they came home and he debouted and put from that authority In his place James Hamilton Earle of Arran was chosen as being the man to whom it properly belonged as next heire and best beloved partly because they had a good opinion of his towardly disposition and that he was not averse from the reformed Religion whereof he willingly read the controversies partly because they hated the Archbishop Beton and his priests crueltie which put every man in fear of their government That businesse was settled ere they came home The next point was the marriage of the young Queen which they were to set forward with England The Queen mother and the Cardinall and the whole faction of the Priests oppose this way with all their might and power But they prevailed not and the Cardinall because he troubled all and would suffer nothing to be done orderly he was shut up in a Chamber till the matters were concluded and pledges promised to bee given to the English Ambassadour Sir Ralphe Sadler for performance Ambassadours also were sent into England to treat on the conditions They were the Earle of Glencarne Sir George Douglas Sir William Hamilton of Machane and the Secretarie of estate These remained foure moneths in England agreed at last and concluded all articles and conditions But in their absence the Cardinall was set at liberty who troubled all gathered a contribution of the Clergie and what by bribing what by other practices used by him and the Queen turns the Nobilitie quite an other way When those that had been sent into England were returned and found things in this estate they were much grieved at it and laboured to recall things and to perswade them to keep their promise made to King Henry To move them hereto Sir George Douglas spake to them very earnestly and told them the apologue of the asse which a King did love so dearly that he had a great minde and desire to have her to speak and having dealt with divers Physicians to make her to speak they told him it was a thing impossible and gainst nature but he being impatient and not enduring to have his desire crossed slew them because they told him the truth At last he trying about what others could doe one who was made wise by their example being required to do it he undertook it but withall he shew him that it was a great work and would be very chargeable The King being set upon it to have it done told him he should have what allowance he pleased and bade him spare for no charges and that besides he would reward him liberally The Physician told him that it would prove also a long cure and could not be done in a day ten years were the fewest that could be allotted to it The King considered of it and was contented to allow him that time for performing it and so they agreed and the Physician began to fall to work about his asse His friends hearing of it came to him and asked him what he meant to take in hand that which could not be performed in nature He smiled and said unto them I thought you had been wiser than to ask me such a question if I had sayes he refused to take it in hand he had put me to death presently now I have gained ten years time before which be expired who can tell what may happen The King may die the asse may die I my self may die and if any of these happen I am freed In the mean time I shall be in good estate wealth honour and the Kings favour Even so sayes Sir George stands the case with us at this time if wee refuse and leap back from the conditions that are propounded and agreed on wee enter into present Warre for which we are very unfit and ill provided If we embrace them we gain time we shall enjoy peace and quietnesse during the Queens childe-hood and before that be expired Prince Edward may die our Queen may die King Henry may die or the parties when they come to age may refuse one another or then perhaps as things may fall out it may be thought the best way by us all But he could not perswade them to it the Queen mother and the Cardinall the Popish and Politick Faction standing for France and drawing
all to that end had so wrought the matter that there was no place left to any wholesome councell These two for strengthening of their party had sent to France and moved that King to send home Matthew Earle of Lennox a competitour and counterpoyse to the house of Hamilton He came being put in hope of the Queens marriage and to be made Governour but when he saw himself deluded and Beton preferred to the government in effect upon agreement of Arran and the Cardinall wherein Arran had renounced the controverted heads of Religion and addicted himself fully to the Queen and Cardinall to be ruled by them he forsook them and so did also the Governours chief friends leave him and turne to Lennox And now Lennox had made a strong party against the Governour and the Cardinall but at last he was drawn to come to a Parley with them first at Edinburgh and then at Linlithgow where finding that they intended to intrap him he fled in the night first to Glasgow then to the Castle of Dumbartan About this time the Hamiltons and Douglasses were reconciled and for further assurance of sincere and firm friendship Sir George Douglas and Alexander Cunninghame Master of Glencarne were given as pledges the one for his brother and the other for his father to the Governour Hamilton upon promise to be released within a few dayes but they were kept till the English Army came Angus himself also and the Lord Maxwell going to mediate a peace betwixt the Governour and Lennox a dutifull part of a Nobleman and of a good Patriot was retained and both sent out at a back-door at Glasgow to Hamilton while their followers did wait for them at the ordinary fore-gate of the Governours lodging Angus was sent afterward to the Black-Nesse and kept there a close prisoner Thus were both he and his brother in the hands of their enemies neither did their wisedome or experience the examples of their Predecessours or their own maximes and rules save them from being intrapped But who can keep himself from deceit What wisedome was ever able to do it we heard before in the Lord Hume Chamberlain how he was catched and therefore no wonder though the young Douglasses put to death in Edinburgh Castle were deceived It is wrong to impute it to want of fore-sight as these two who were at other times wary enough may witnesse They may thank God more than their own good guiding if they escape with life but that God doth worke it out where their wisedome failed He sends in the English Navie which was bound for Boloigne under the command of the Earle of Hartford Some sayes that they were so directed by King Henry to relieve the Earl and his brother some that it was to revenge the rejecting of his affinitie However it was the mean and occasion of their releasing For having landed at Leith unlooked for the Governour and Cardinall were forced to flee out of Edinburgh which they burnt being abandoned by them and the Citizens being most of them absent about their Traffick The Governour either required to do so by the Earle of Hartford who threatned to destroy more of the Countrey after the same manner if he refused or of his own motion so to regain their favour and service of their followers set them all at liberty Angus Maxwell Glencarne and Sir George Their wisedome saved them not from being catched but their worth releaseth them either in the judgement of King Henry if it were his request or in the estimation of their enemies if it came meerely of themselves who saw how steadable yea how necessary their favour was to them That which had brought them home if King James had lived procures their liberty from this Governour now when the King is dead Envie committed them true valour brings them out of prison So it is seen ere long for Lennox being forsaken by the French and his partners overthrowne by the Hamiltons he fled into England and was well received and entertained by King Henry who gave him also his sisters daughter by the Earle of Angus Lady Margaret Douglas to wife On her he begate Henry Lord Darneley who was married to Queen Mary of Scotland He sought to have married the Queen Dowager he is rejected but he fares better and comes to reigne in both the Realmes by his Posteritie Let men look on it and see the deepnesse of providence and learne not to distrust in whatsoever strait seeing the worst doth often occasion the best for even in exile being condemned and forfeited he was laying the foundation of this returne Of these dissentions at home the Forrein enemie takes advantage the K. of England sends an Armie to Scotland burnes Jedburgh and Kelso takes Coldinghame and fortifies the Abbay and steeple thereof Thither goes the Governour Hamilton with 8000. men in winter and batters the steeple one whole day and night all the Company standing all that while in Armes The next day he took horse and went to Dumbar with all the speed he could accompanied onely with a few of his most familiar friends without acquainting the Nobilitie or Armie with his departure What it was that moved him hereto is uncertain whether it were some rumour of the enemies approaching or that he feared lest his own Armie whom he had offended many wayes should have delivered him into the hands of the English This troubled them all so much the more because they knew not the reason of it Wherefore they began to advise what was next to be done Some thought it best that every man should go whither he would and leave the Ordnance a prey to the enemie Others thought it was better to charge them double and so to break them that they might not be usefull to the enemie Thus is the case brought to an exigent this is the place for the Earle of Angus to shew himself to be a Douglas of the right stamp So he doth he rejects both these wayes as dishonourable and exhorts them that they would not adde this grosse errour in Warre to their shamefull flight But when he could not perswade them either by reason or authoritie he cryes out aloud that they might all hear For my part saith he I had rather die honourably than live with shame though with never so much riches and ease Ye that are my friends and companions in armes do what you think best but I shall either bring home this Ordnance or shall not bring home my self alive and one and the same day shall end both my life and my honour Having spoken thus he commanded them to go on with the Ordnance and he with his Companie and some few moe that stayed with him for shame marched after to keep off the English that pursued them and so brought them safely to Dumbar Then turning him to the Master of the Ordnance Take them there to thee saith he better thus than either broken or left behinde
repairing to his Colours they found but two of their own slain of the enemie besides Sir Ralph Ivers and Brien Laton 200. or as others say 800. amongst whom there were divers Gentlemen of good note and qualitie There were taken prisoners 1000. or as others 2000. with all their baggage which had been left at Melrosse of which there were 80. of good birth and qualitie It was no little furtherance to the victory the advantage which the Scots had of the Sunne going down and so beating full in the eyes of the enemy as also of the Winde that blew the smoak of the Powder on their faces likewise so that they were blinded two wayes They had also marched so fast to overtake the Scots that they were quite out of breath almost ere they came to strokes and when they came to them at the first joyning the Scots that were on their side fled without fighting It is said that the Earle of Angus was so resolute and void of feare that when they were going to joyn battell he perceiving a Heron flie over their heads cryed out aloud O that I had my white Gose-hawke here we should all yoke at once The honour of the victorie was wholly given to him and the profit came to the Governour But the more honour that Angus got at home of his own countrey-men the more hatred he had of the Enemy the English King Henry blamed him saying he was ungratefull and vowed to be avenged of him for it As if any gratitude could binde a man to betray his Countrey or any benefite tie him to omit his duty toward it Angus had never learned such gratitude of his Predecessours nor could his noble heart stoop to such mercenarinesse And as for his threatnings he looked upon them with the same courage and resolution Is our brother-in-law offended sayes he that I am a good Scottish man Because I have revenged the defacing of the tombes of my Ancestors at Melrosse upon Ralph Ivers They were better men than he and I ought to have done no lesse And will he take my life for that Little knows King Henry the skirts of Kirnetable I can keep my self there from all his English hoste The newes of this victory being come to France the King sent Monsieur de L'orge Earle of Montgomerie into Scotland with 3000. foot and 500. horse to assist against England He gave him also commission to bestow the order of the Cockle or S. Michael on the Governour Angus Huntley and Argyle which he did accordingly De L'orge arrived about the fourth or fifth of July 1545. and moved the Governour to assemble some power of men about 15000. which were mustered at Hadington From thence they went to the Borders and encamped over against Warke an English Castle upon Tweed But they did nothing to any purpose Hereupon the Count Montgomerie returnes into France the rest of that year and the next following with a good part of the year 1547. there was nothing done abroad or at home save that the Cardinall was busied in causing execute such as were of the reformed Religion whereupon followed his own tragicall death and the French Galleyes coming besieged S. Andrewes Castle and carried away the authors of the Cardinals slaughter into France The Earle of Angus hath had no hand in all these broyles for he is never mentioned in any of them Only his naturall son George is said to have gotten the Abbacie of Arbrothe But then if he got it he might have been called Abbot and not Postulat or Postulant which implies that he was ever asking it but got it not In the same year 1547. in August King Henry of England dying his son Edward a childe of some eight or nine years of age succeeded and his Uncle the Earle of Hereford was created Duke of Sommerset and made Protectour of England He levied two Armies to come against Scotland one by sea another by land in which he came himself in person and with him the Earle of Warwick It contained 18000. men He pretended for the cause of his coming the performance of the marriage betwixt the King his Nephew and the young Queen of Scots together with the observation of the Articles agreed upon with the Scottish Nobilitie in the Treatie of Peace with King Henry The Governour was mightily perplexed herewith He had no forraigne aide and he distrusted his Countreymen at home Notwithstanding he causeth it to be proclaimed that they should assemble themselves to resiste the common enemie They had their randezvous at Edinburgh and there came thither to the number of 30000. men From thence they march to Musclebrugh which is seated at the mouth of the river of Eske in Lowthian some foure miles from Edinburgh The English lay at Preston within two miles and their Fleet sailed along the Coast still in the view of the Land army ready to second or succour it The Protector looking down from Carberrie Hill and perceiving the Scottish Army to be greater than he had expected in regard of the civill discord and dissention that was amongst them called a Councell of Warre to advise about the Battell and in the mean time he sends a Letter to the Governour to try if things could be taken away without blood The summe of the Letter was that he was come to crave the performance of the marriage and the observance of the conditions agreed unto by the Scots If they would not yeeld to that yet if they would but promise not to enter into terms of marriage with any other forrain Prince nor carry her out of the Countrey till she were come to years of discretion to choose her own husband they should return in peace and make satisfaction for any dammage their Army had done This was very reasonable but it should have been treated of before they came from home and rather by Ambassadours than in the field and camp It hath never been the cause of their coming with an Army but rather hope that no head could have been made against them in respect of the dissention for Religion and other divisions which perswaded them to come Now the sight of an Army which was a sufficient party for them had taught them wisedome and moderation in their conditions If the Governour could also have moderated his hope of victorie which arose from his confidence in the number of his men the bargaine had been agreed on and the businesse had ended without blood But his councell of Warre his base brother the Bishop of S. Andrews George Durie Abbot of Dumfermling Archbald Beton and Hugh Rigge puffed him up with idle hope of a sure victory So the Letter is supprest and preparation made for battell The Armies were thus ordered The English were divided into three battels Whereof Warwick led the Vaunt-guard together with Sir Francis Brien who commanded 800. light horsemen which were in the wings The Protectour himself commanded in the mid battell having with him Sir Peter
hast thought it not unfit to set Amongst thy many Crowns this Coronet A private family and yet they be Deriv'd from Kings and often did supply The place of absent Kings in warre and peace And what may be esteem'd a greater grace That from their loyns thy Royall self did spring Thy self then whom earth sees no greater King You Brittains threefold Scepter justly weeld Douglas nor Angus will to no house yeeld Not the most fam'd of Greece or ancient Rome For numbers of brave men nor are o'recome In strength of mind or armes or faithfull love To their dear Countrey should your state improve And you injoy a thousand Scepters more And draw your stock from all the numerous store Of Kings the whole world holds it would not be Thy least praise that a Douglas lives in thee THE HISTORY OF THE HOVSE and RACE of DOUGLAS and ANGUS Of SHOLTO DOUGLAS the first that bare the name of DOUGLAS and of whom all that beare that name are descended TOuching the original of this illustrious Family and Name of Douglas we must not looke for an exact and infallible demonstration things of this nature are not capable of it Great Antiquity is commonly accompanied with much incertainty and the originalls even of Cities Countries and Nations are grounded for the most part upon no surer foundation then conjecturall proofs whose beginnings are more easily known and better remembred then those of private families In such cases we use to take that for truth which comes neerest to it amongst diverse narrations and must rest on that which is most probable and apparent Quis rem tam veterem pro certo affirmet sayes the Historian in a matter not unlike And we will say with the same Authour Cura non deesset si qua ad verum via inquirentem ferret nunc famae standum est ubi certam derogat vetustas fidem The beginning of our Nation yea of both Nations Scots and English such as they now are or of those that were before Picts and Brittans is not yet sufficiently cleared neither is it as yet fully known from what people they are sprung or how they got their name of Scots English Picts Britans although the learned have bestowed their pains andimploied their pens on this subject to the wearying but not satisfying of the Reader As for Scotland M r Cambden grants so much and mocks those that have laboured in it yet hath he himself bestowed his time and pains to as small purpose in behalf of his countrey-men the Brittans Neither hath he done any thing save that by his fruitles attempt notwithstanding all his bragging he hath made it appear that to go about it is but to labour in vain he himself after all his travell remaining no lesse Sceptick and to use his own words Scotizing then others And even Rome it self the mistresse of the world though the noon-tide of her Empire be clear and bright like the Sunne in her strength yet how misty is the morning and dawning thereof Darknesse triumphs over the reigns and triumphs of her first kings which are covered over with such uncertain obscuritie or rather drowned in so profound and deep night of darknesse that all her children though they have beaten their brains and spent much lamp-oyl in searching of it could never clear their mothers nativity or vindicate their father Romulus birth from the fable of the incestuous vestall nor his nursing from being beholding to a she Wolf Detur haec venia Antiquitati ut miscendo humana divinis primordia urbium augustiora faciat If he had said that Writers must have leave to be obscure or uncertain in setting down the originall of Cities it could not well have been denied him but for men to invent and to thrust their intentions upon others to be beleeved because they know not what else to say Detur haec venia nobis to beleeve no more then is probable Neither will that serve his turn Jam hoc gentes humanae patiantur aequo animo ut imperium patiuntur They may command our bodies who cannot command our soules or our belief and now we have shaken off the yoake of the one and so we do reject the other There is no lesse uncertainty in Plutarches Theseus and Numa Wherefore we must be contented in the originall of a private family with what others are forced to content themselves in the beginnings of Cities Nations Kingdomes and Empires which are like to some rivers whose streams and outlets are known but their springs cannot be found out as they report of Nilus Yet this our Narration doth better deserve credit then those of Romulus Numa Theseus c. seeing it contains nothing that is impossible nothing that is fabulous or incredible for here are neither gods for their fathers nor ravening beasts their nurses And albeit that the Chronicle of our Countrie now extant makes no mention of their beginning yet what we find there doth rather confirm then confute our deduction thereof And indeed it is no wonder that they are silent in this point If we consider how Edward the first of England surnamed Longshanks whom his countrey men terme Scotorum malleus the hammer of the Scots because that he deceiving the trust and abusing the power of Arbitratour which was given him to decide the right to the Crown of Scotland between Bruce Balioll did so handle the matter that setting the together by the ears after they had well beaten and battered each other he himself fell upon them both and so hammered and bruised them that he did thereby over-run all the low and plain champion Countrey If we then consider I say how he had to make the Scots malleable and pliable to his unlimited ambition after he had thus cut off the flowre of the Scottish Nobility destroyed also all the lawes of the realm both civil and ecclesiasticall burnt the publike Registers together with private Monuments Evidents Charters and Rights of lands we shall have greater cause to wonder that any thing escaped so powerfull a King intending the full conquest of the Countrey and who had so jealous an eye over any thing that might encourage his new vassals to rebells then that we have no more left us Nay although he had not done this of set purpose and with intention to root out all memorialls of Nobility out of the minds of the Scots and to embase their spirits by concealing from them their descent and qualities yet even the common chance and accidents of war were enough to excuse this defect for the Lord Douglas lands lying in the south parts of Scotland hard upon the borders of England this calamity did chiefly afflict him so that his houses were burnt his castles razed himself taken prisoner and so all monuments of his originall lost or destroyed Let us remember also besides all this the quality and condition of those times in which there was great scarsity of Writers and learned men able
family of Castle Galliard and two Esquires Giles de la Hayes and John de Breise He landed a part of the souldiers and left the rest in the Ships to keepe the mouth of the river and he himselfe marched to Cowper in Fife to take it It had beene deserted by the Englishmen for want of ●…ivers in the time of Murray the Governour and now againe it was seized by the Englized Scots for the use of the English Their Captaine at this time was one William Bullock an English Priest but a valiant man who was also Treasurer for them and the faction The Lord Liddesdale deales with him that seeing there was no hope of succour from England and that the Scots Garrison was not to be trusted to he would forsake the English faction and enter into King Davids service promising to procure him lands in Scotland Bullock accepted his offer and having obtained his promised lands hee did much service afterward to the King and the Lord of Liddesdale Having by this meanes recovered Cowper he returned to the siege of Saint Johnstoun where as he was ever forward he was hurt in the leg with the shot of a Crosbow going to the Scalade Neverthelesse he departed not till the Towne was taken or given up by the Governour thereof Thomas Uthred The manner of the taking of it was this when the siege had lasted foure moneths and was like to have continued longer the Earle of Rosse by digging of Mines drew away the water and dried up the Fousses and Ditches so that the Souldiers going to the assault upon dry ground and approaching the walls without any let or difficultie beat the defenders from off the walls especially by shooting of darts and arrowes out of the Engines which they had caused make And so they rendred and departed with bag and baggage in the yeare 1340. Within foure dayes after Stirline was also besieged and rendred on the same conditions After the siege of Saint Johnstoun was ended the Lord Liddesdale rewarded the Frenchmen very liberally and sent them backe into France well contented He caused also restore to Hugh Hambell one of his best Ships which was taken by the enemie during the siege For Hambell having adventured to approach the Towne with his Ships to give an assault one of them was taken by the English and now was restored Thus K. Davids party did flourish by the faithfull valour of these his good and notable subjects and prevaile against the pretended K. Balliol who seeing such successe in K. Davids affaires durst show his face no longer but having lurked a while in Galloway by changing and shifting places for feare of being intercepted and wearying of that kinde of life he returnes into England now the second time after his conquest he did not possesse his Kingdome long and but with little ease or contentment what by the Scots chasing of him what by the King of England his good Master detaining of him little better then a captive A shadow of a kingdome or slaverie rather being miserable indeed yet sees he not his miserie but seeketh it againe and loseth it againe But let us returne to our Lord of Liddesdale who desists not here from doing of good service to his King and Countrey Edinburgh Castle is yet in the possession of the English it was too strong to force wisedome must supply which was not lacking in him no more then valour a good harmonie and happy conjunction which were ever to be wished There was one Walter Towers of whom are descended the Towers of Innerleith a man of his acquaintance and a follower of him had by chance a Ship laden with victuall in the Firth of Tay beside Dundie Liddesdale causeth him to bring about his Ship to Forth where as he was instructed feigning himselfe to be an English Merchant and sending some slagons of very fine wine to the Captaine of the Castle he prayed him to take him into his protection and that he would give such order as the rest of his victuall might be free from all danger and perill of his souldiers and of the enemie promising that if the Garrision in the Castle had need of any thing he should command any thing that was in his power so farre as it could reach The Captaine desired him to send some hogsheads of the same wine and some bisket bread and promised him accesse when he pleased he further warned him that he should come timely in the morning for feare of the Scots that did make frequent onsets and incursions in those parts The Lord of Liddesdale being advertised hereof chooseth out 12. of his best men and the same night goeth out to Walter Towers ship and he and his men having borrowed the Mariners apparell did put it on above their Armour and so went to the Castle carrying the wine and victuall with them he had before placed the rest of his men as neare as he could that they might be in readinesse upon a signe given them to come to the Castle to his aid Liddisdale himselfe with Simeon Fraser and William Bullock say our Writers but his name was Sir John Bullock went a little before and the rest followed a certaine space after When they were let in within the Bulwarke perceiving the keyes of the Castle hanging upon the Porters arme they slew him and without noise opened the gate and presently gave the signall by winding of a horne This sound gave warning both to his friends and enemies that the Castle was taken Both made haste the one to defend the other to pursue but the Scots having a steep hill to ascend behoved to come forward the more slowly for that cause lest their Lord should be excluded from his men they cast down the carriage in the gate to keep it open and having fought a sharp fight at last they that were within gave place the Captaine with six more were taken the rest were all slaine And having thus wonne the Castle he made his brother William Douglas say they but should call him Archbald Keeper and Captain thereof This same yeare or the next 1342. the 30. of March Alexander Ramsay tooke Roxburgh in Tividale and sone after John Randulph was set at liberty in exchange for John Montague taken in France saith Major and tooke in his owne Castle of Lochma-bene in Annandale So that by the industrie and efforts of these three Wairdens the Lord Liddesdale in the middle March Alexander Ramsay in the East and John Randulph in the West the English were wholy expelled out of Scotland beyond the Borders which fell out in the time of Edward the third neither did the English men possesse one foote of Scottish ground excepting the towne of Berwick Such good service did these Noblemen with the other good Nobilitie in the minoritie and absence of their Prince from his Countrey against the great force of England and a great part of their owne Countrey of Scotland being unfaithfull
derided of the beholders to see so many beaten and chased by so few Besides these there were many others that had fled before and divers stayed still in the City lurking This conflict fell out in the year 1520. the last of April in which there were 70. slaine and two of note Patrick Hamilton brother to Arran and the Master of Montgomerie The Chancellour as we have said fled disguised to Stirlin to the Queen After this Sir David Hume returning to the Merse and being thus strengthened by the authority and countenance of Angus found means to take his own house of Wedderburne from those that had kept it since the killing of De la Beaute He took also the Castle of Hume at the same time which had been seized on by the Governour and was kept by men that he had put into it And thus was the Earle of Angus partie settled and strengthened in the Merse Also in Lowthian he had no opposition or contrary neither in Tividale and such other parts of the borders The Hamiltons were the onely great men that had any equality to match him and were now incensed by their losse at Edinburgh Some of his friends lay near unto them Robert Lord Boyde was his depender and speciall friend He was also near to him in bloud for Angus his Grand-mother Elizabeth Boyde was sister to Thomas Boyde Grand-father to this Robert The Lord Boyde was nearer to Arran for King James the third his sister was mother to Arran and Grand-mother to Boyde as is probable But Boyde followed Angus more than him His house of Kilmarnock in Cunninghame lay nearest to their Forces in Cliddisdale and farthest from the Earle of Angus his power and friendship Therefore they besiege it but without successe it being so well defended that they rose and went away without getting of it The next year 1521. the 18. of July Angus came to Edinburgh accompanied with his friends and especially the Humes that were banishshed as our writers designe them By which he means rathest as I think George now Lord Hume for he is Lord ever after this and Sir David of Wedderburne with his brothers who may be said to have been banished in regard he was denounced Rebell and out-lawed but otherwise he never went out of the Countrey but dwelt ever still in some part of the Merse There Angus as Buchanan sayes but as our folks say George Lord Hume and Wedderburne by Angus his connivence took down the heads of the late Chamberlain and his brother William and interred them solemnly in the Gray-friers He passed from thence to Stirlin hoping to have found the Chancellour Beton there but he was fled From thence he returned to Edinburgh About the 28. of October the Governour returned out of France Angus his power seemed to him to be too great He determines to diminish it For which purpose he commands himself to go into France causeth his uncle the Bishop of Dunkell to be sent for to Rome as wee have said above Neither did Angus return out of France untill the Government was taken from the Duke who from this time forward doth nothing of importance For the next year 1522. he went with an Army to Solway to have invaded England But his Army loved him not all went unwillingly with him and against the hair The Earle of Huntly being come within three miles of England openly refused to go any further so that he was forced to move Dacres and Musgrave English-men under hand to sue for peace that he might have some shew of an honourable cause for his retreat Wherefore the 10. of October the same year away he goeth again to France having stayed one full year in Scotland and returnes into Scotland the next year 1523. the 22. of September He brought then with him 3000. foot and 100. men of arms Then assembling an Army of Scots the 20. of October thinking to do great matters with his French aid but having passed Tweed at the Bridge of Melrosse he was served just as he had been the year before they refused still to enter into England Thereupon he came back again to the other side of the River and coming along by the bank thereof on Scottish ground he began to batter from thence the Castle of Warke standing on the other side of the River on English ground And having made a breach caused his French-men to give the assault who entred the breach but they were repulsed again and beaten out So he left the siege and retired to Lawder in the night In the spring he goeth again into France promising to return before September and taking a promise of the Nobilitie that they should not transport the King from Stirlin before his return This their promise was keeped with the like sidelity as he had kept his promise made to the Chamberlain For the King was brought to the Abbey of Halyroodhouse by the Queen his mother The Earls of Arran Lennox Crawford and many others And from thence with all solemnitie of Parliament to the Parliament house where he did solemnly abrogate the Governours authority by which mean he saved him a labour of returning into Scotland again He needed not neither did he return any more to it nor passe the Seas for that errand He had governed or rather mis-governed the space of nine years He spent in his journeyes and staying in France five whole years or six of these nine being absent from the countrey and leaving it a prey to forreiners and civill ambition and dislention and when he was at home he abused and oppressed the Nobilitie by slaughter or banishment But though he returned no more yet others returned for him those whom he had caused go to France by his authoritie do now return without his licence yea without licence or recalling of any other for ought we read The Earle of Angus returnes after he had been in France almost three years He returned through England having first sent Simon Panango and obtained licence of K. Henry by whom he was received lovingly and dismissed liberally For K. Henry desired greatly the diminishing of the Governours authoritie was glad of the alterations in Scotland therefore did make the more of Angus because he knew that he was opposite to the Duke At his returne he found the estate of the Countrey in this case We told before how in the year 1518. the Queen his wife and he had with-drawn themselves into England and stayed at Harbottle where she bare her daughter Lady Margaret Douglas how her husband having returned into Scotland she after her deliverie went to the Court of England to visit her brother and her sister with whom she stayed for the space of a whole year In which time the Earle her husband becomes acquainted with a daughter of Traquair by whom he had a daughter called Jeane Douglas married afterward to Patrick Lord Ruthven When the Queen came home again he meets
he sought to have done by poyson Sir James being absent So that either the Kings devotion if it were indeed devotion or his pollicy if it were but pollicie in sending of him out of the Countrey is greatly condemned by our Writers And to speake the truth it deserves to be condemned having by so doing sent away so fit and usefull a man denuding the Countrey of such a Captain in so doubtfull times whereas a Prelate or some other Churchman had been fitter for that imployment And hee ought to have considered that England would be still aiming at the Crown of Scotland notwithstanding of the late alliance neither needed he to feare any emulation between Randulph and Sir James there being such intire love in Sir James towards Randulph that howsoever he contended with him in vertue yet his contention was but in vertue and ever within the bounds of modestie love and friendship behaving himself to him as to his Comrade and Brother in armes whereof hee had ever given in all the joynt services so evident proofe especially at Bannockburne where his love drew him out to have succoured him if there had been need and the same love and candor so to call it or courtesie and modesty joyned with true magnanimitie stayed him from going forward that he might not arrogate to himself one share or parcell of that victory whereby the others glory had been eclipsed And when hee had gotten the victory hee accompanied him joyfully unto the Camp no lesse glad then if he had been victorious himself farre from any hatefull or envious emulation so that there was small reason to looke for any harme from such a disposition or any inconvenience from such emulation but rather to have expected much good from that his so well knowne affection and constancie both towards Randulph and his native Countrey however hee out of his own worthie and good nature taking all in good part hee passed on with his journey taking with him two hundred Gentlemen of note and as it is reported seaven hundred others Amongst the Gentlemen of good qualitie there was Sir William Sinclaire of Rosline Sir Robert Logane of Rastaslrig and Sir William Keith De Froysard in his 20. Chapter reporteth that after his imbarking in Scotland he arrived at the Sluce and stayed there some 12 dayes where he kept such state and port as if he had been King of Scotland That he had in company with him a Knight Banneret and 7 other Knights of Scotland and was served by twenty sixe young Squires and Gentlemen of good sort all his vessels being of gold or silver That all that came to see him of all sorts of people were according to their ranks well and plentifully served with all manner of vivers wines and spices the best that could be had He saith also that in his return from Jerusalem he arrived at the port of Valence the great in Spain where indeavouring to assist Alphonsus the king thereof who warred against the King of Granado then a Saracen he was there inclosed by an ambush of the enemie and so lost his life He carried with him to Hierusalem the Kings heart embalmed and put into a box of gold which he solemnely buried before the high Altar there and this is the reason why the Douglas beare the crowned Heart in their coat of Armes ever since When he had performed this service to his dead Master he went with such company as he had brought with him and joyned himself unto such other Christian Princes as at that time were gathered with great power out of sundry parts of Christendome to warre against the Infidels where he did so notable service that by his frequent victories he wan great honour to the Christian name At last having accomplished things in those parts with no lesse fame and glory then Princely Magnificence he embarked for Scotland but was cast by storme of weather upon the Coast of Spain and forced to go a shore on the borders of Granado where at the same time hee found the King of Arragon fighting against the Saracens that inhabited these parts Sir James offered to the King to serve him in those warres and so fought against the enemy valiantly and with great successe at divers times till at last having conceived too great contempt of the enemy esteeming them no Warriours he became somewhat too carelesse and secure so that he was inclosed in an ambush and slain with all that were about him his bones were embalmed and sent home to Scotland and buried in the Church of Douglas called Saint Brides Kirk And thus he died in the yeare 1330. the 20. of August the next yeare after King Roberts decease As for his vertues his actions have declared him sufficiently yet these in speciall are to be observed In his youth he was carefull to inable and fit himselfe for imployment by the study and exercise of letters and all good and commendable arts whereby his mind contracting a good habit was solidly fixed upon the vertues of modesty and sobernesse and emptied of all envie which hardly and very seldome are joyned with these great vertues of courage and magnanimity in a Military spirit and life which commonly do hinder another In his riper years we may see his perfect practice of them against the enemy and towards his friends In action he was bold resolute couragious strong diligent and advised and such every way as a stout Souldier or worthy Commander ought to be Out of action and in private converse he was toward affable gentle and courteous unto all hee was loving to his Countrey loyall faithfull and obedient to his Soveraigne he contended in vertue with his equalls free from envie and hatred against any and through the course of his whole life without stain or blemish that wee heare of He is reckoned to have been in battells and incounters against the English fiftie seaven times against the Saracens and other Infidels thirteene times ever victorious thrice as often as hee had been yeares in action which were about twenty foure from King Roberts Coronation 1306. untill the time of his death in 1330. which if it be so wee may see how many things were omitted by our Writers all that are set down being farre short of that number Wherefore it is no marvell if in such a continuall course of victories some considence crept upon him and if accustomed to so hard enemies and good warriours as the English and Scots that sided with them as commonly those are who are born and bred in in the Northern parts of the world he disesteemed and slighted the Saracens and Southern softnesse weaknesse and effeminacie in respect thereof whereby he fell into this Ambush which was his death Now as in these respects it is somewat to be pardoned so is this use to be made of it that we despise no enemy however inferiour and to eschew too much confidence and presumption in whatsoever advantage which hath been the ruine and