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A43214 An exact survey of the affaires of the United Netherlands Comprehending more fully than any thing yet extant, all the particulars of that subject. In twelve heads, mentioned in the address to the reader. T. H. 1665 (1665) Wing H132B; ESTC R215854 72,394 218

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to compose their differences and in the Inter regnum to settle their Government the Male Line of Thierry of Aquitane failing in Floris the fifth's son Iohn the Government fell to Iohn Earl of Henaut Nephew to William King of the Romans and Earl of Holland by Alix his Sister who now the 2 d Earl of Holland gave to his Brother Guy the Seigniories of Amsterdam upon which he conferred many Freedoms Rights and Priviledges with design to reduce Seignior Rhenez of Zealand to Reason with its assistance and this is the first time that Amsterdam gave Law to Zealand who presumed upon the Flemish and Imperial assistance so far as to overrun Holland till William the 22th Earl of Holland Iohn of Henault's son with the Lord of Humpstead's assistance reduced them and with 320 Ships of France confined Guy of Flanders to his own Bruges This good Earl William as they called him having married Charles de valois his Daughters Neece to Philip the Fair of France settled his Brother Iohn of Beaumont in Goud and Schoonborn and strengthened his Uncle Guy Bishop of Vtrech by a Fort he raised at Skellingwerf to bridle the unquiet Frizons adding to Holland the Seigniories of Amstel and Woerden while Charles the Fair of France was bu●ie with the Flemish and the Emperour Lewis of Bavaria as busie with the Pope which he left to his son William the 23th Earl of Holland and Zealand who being allyed to Edward the 3d King of England troubled France and brought the troublesome West-Frizons 1345 to Reason and dying without lawful Issue returned his Government to his Sister Margaret then Empress and Wife to Lewis of ●avaria who being confirmed in the Earldom by her Husband in a full Diet solemnly taking the Earldoms Homage depute her son William under her Governour of Holland who being defeated by the Bishop of Vtrech and instigated by the Holland Faction of Cabillaux and Hoecks falls out with his Mother who her Husband being dead returned to the Government and after various successes in four Battels with her son gave it him upon condition he should reduce Vtrech and its Bishoprick which had troubled Holland with its pretensions for 260 years together as he did but dying childless left all to his Brother Albert of Bavaria who put the Towns and Castles in good hands reduced Delf and Gelders built Gildenburgh-Castle to secure the Sluices Weakned the Frizons reduced Vtrech defeated the Frizons again brought the Groeningeois to do Homage and Fealty Forced the rebellious Lord of Arleche to an accord married his 3d Daughter Margaret to Iohn Duke of Burgundy Earl of Flanders and Artois by whom she had Philip the good Duke of Burgundy Earl of Holland and Flanders and among many other children Joane Dutchess of Austria by whom came these Earldoms to the Emperour and the King of Spain After his death William af Bavaria his son and the 27th Earl of Holland and Zealand succeeded who was much troubled with the Lords of Arguel father and son and the Duke of Gelders to whom they had resigned their Interest until the Lord of Arguel being taken discovered all the Conspirators and particularly Count Egmond who thereupon yielded up his strong Fort Iselstein and retired till Jaqueline of Bavaria succeeded her father Albert the Factions called home Egmond contrived to displace Jaqueline and put in Iohn of Bavaria and Bishop of Leige in her place till the Pope dispensing with it she is married to Iohn Duke of Brabant by whose assistance she recovereth Gornchom of Count Egmond perswades the Hollanders and Zealanders to refuse Iohn of Bavaria and his pretended Grant from the Emperour insomuch that he was glad to come to termes with her Husband to hold some Lordships in Fee and quit all his Titles and Pretensions who after his death is declared Earl of Holland in right of his Wife in whose right he subdueth the old Faction of Cabillans and Hoeckins strengthneth Harlem takes Schoonhooen and brings the unhappy woman who had married now four times to declare Philip Duke of Burgundy Governour of Holland and after her death Earl which Earldom she resigned to him in her life time to ransom her 5th well-beloved Husband the Lord of Borselle from his hand Philip the first Duke of Burgundy and 20th Earl of Holland succeeding as right Heir by father and mother to the Government of Holland helped the Hollanders and Zealanders to chase the Easterlings now Lords at Sea in sign whereof they bear to this day a little Besom atop of their Main-mast to shew they had swept the Sea of all competitors 1431 and with much adoe composed the Tumults raised in Amsterdam Harlem and Leyden upon an intollerable imposition by the Faction of the Hooks and Cabellans whom at last he reconciled and awed by the institution of a first President the Earl of Nassau by promoting his Bastard David to the Bishoprick of Vtrech by suppressing the factious Family of Brederode By his League with the English and seasonable Resignation of his Government to his discontented son the Earl of Charolois during his sickness who subdued the Ligeois razed Dirvant succeeded his Father and Margaret Sister to Edward the 4th King of England in whose time printing was first invented at Harlem and as he had the name of warlike so he goes on bringing the tumultuous Ganthois to his mercy the mutinous Town of Macklyn to a Ransom the Leigeoix to a submission notwithstanding that it was the French Kings Embassadour that had incited them to rebel upon a promise of 30000 men at a mouths warning for which neighbourly part he was even with that King by assisting the Duke of Brittain against him and taking him Prisoner He resolves to ruine the House of Brederode to which purpose he brings many of them to the Rack He makes the sullen Frizons bring him white Paper wherein he should write his own termes He refuseth to answer King Lewis the 11th of France his Citation 1470 to Paris He brings that King to a Truce gets the Dukedom of Gelders resigned to him defies the Emperour Sigismond at Nevis and brought h●m to an advantageous Peace prospering in all his undertaking but that against the pitiful Swi●●● whose whole Countrey he said was not worth the Bits of his Bridle nor the spurs of his Army After which he was slain at Nantes leaving all his Dukedoms Earldoms and Lordships to his Daughter Mary who the King of France neglecting the marriage of the Dalphin to her was Contracted according to former Treaties in her Fathers life time to Maximilian of Austria the Emperour Frederick's Son by whom she had Phillip Arch-Duke of Austria who undertaking the Government in her Right after an Assembly held at Bruges reduced the revolted Gelders settled such Governours in Harlem Rotterdam Leyden and elswhere as might over-awe Egmond and the ancient Factions of Hoecks and Cabillaux subdued Vtrech and the trajectings as Guardian to his son Philip of Austria with whom he goeth
Duke of Aquitain Holland and that part of East-Friezland from Dockum to La●vin to defend and protect them from the Invasions and Devastations of the Danes and Normans who notwithstanding their general opposition at his entrance for they were then impatient of Government their joynt Conspiracy against him six years after his settlement when the Pope intimating how he should govern them by cutting the top of his Garden-Plants as he walked there with his Embassadors bestowed that Country upon him a second time by a breve as Lewis of Germany did Zealand by a Royal constitution left it to his son Thierry the Second who subdued the Frizons after two rebellions in behalf of their Liberties granted them as they pretended by Charti magni to entire obedience in such sort as he constrained them to make their doors and entries so low that they must bend their backs and stoop very much in sign of humility before they could enter and committed them upon his death to his second Son Arnold as he did Holland and Zealand to his eldest Son Egbert having entred to a Monestery at Triars by whom a Revolt was made from his bounden duty to the French to a submission to the Empire of whom he would needs hold his Earldom in Fee which lost him his life in a Battel against the Friezlanders who opposed that dishonourable submission and with the assistance of the French and the conduct of their Protestat or Governor defeated him in open field whose Son and Successor Thiery the 3d dissembling the affront a while until ●he had conquered the stout Bishop of Vtrecht who would needs maintain that Holland belonged to his Bishoprick his Vtrecht being in old time as he urged what with his Army and what with his Reason the Capital City of Holland and relieved the German Auxilianies revenged his Fathers death and settled the Countrey on his younger son Floris who his elder Brother Thiery being slain at a Tournament at Leige say some 1048 or as others by the Marquesse of Bradenburgh's Forces who came to revenge the Germans disgrace at that Tournament as far as Dort which by Treason or a Popular Tumult he surprized and kept till Earl Floris hearing of the League between the Marquesse of Bradenburgh Count Albert of Lovain Wickard Advocate General of Gelders and Hermar Earl of Curike gathered the whole Countrey to Dort to make Ditches and Pit-falls along South-Holland wherein the Enemies fell in heaps submitting at last to his mercy whose Family yet he leaving an Infant behind him was dispoyled of the Earldom of Holland by the Bishop of Dort's application to the Emperour H. 4 who resenting the late Onslaught of the Germans gave the Reverend Father his claimed Earldom which he colluted on Godfrey the 9th Earl thereof who yet lost it to Thierry the 5th whom the Friezlanders helped to his Predecessors honour in Holland as he did afterwards himself when they would neither acknolwedge him nor obey the Bishop to be Seigneory over them as his Heir Thoris the Second and the Earl did when they would needs bid him Battel to try as they said for their Liberties to whose Son and Successor Thierry the 6th Lothiar the Emperour restored Oastergoe and Westergoe in Friezland formerly given 1080. by H. 4 to Conrade Bishop of Vtrecht notwithstanding the rebellious attempts of the Frizons against it and the fatal Divisions made by that unhappy people between him and his Brother whom at last after six bloody Battels the Emperour reconciled settling Friezland and Holland anew upon his Son Floris the 3d who married Ada Daughter to the King of Scotland and had the Isle of Wal●●rin where they built Dur by accord with Philip Earl of Flanders for the Land of Waes in whose Reign the Hollanders set up the first Herring-fishing in the Mase and the Brittish-Seas along the Coast of Holland Zealand and Friezland in small Barkes called Subards those of Zerexes being the first that did fish and pack them up in Barrels Those of Bieruliel a small Isle on the Coast of Flanders the better to preserve them being salted invented the way to Gill them and pull out the Garbage Thierry the 7th his Son succeeded him and brought the Flemmings to an accord about Trade and the Frizons to Reason when they were in the mood to acknowledge no Soveraign but the Emperour and being reconciled to the Earl of Gelders joyned with him against the troublesom Bishop of Vtrech and his Brother William Earl of Friezland succeeded him likewise deposing his Daughter from Holland and reducing the Zealanders both which Provinces he left to his Son Floris the 4th whose Daughter Margaret Countess of Hennebergh had 365 Children at a Birth that is to say for so many dayes in the year After him was William the Second Earl of Holland of that name and King of the Romans who enlarged his Earldom towards ●landers in a Quarrel with Margaret Coun●●ss of Flanders who in vain sought the Pope and St. Lewis of France his aid while Earl William was alive who died unfortunately in Ice in an onset upon his restless Subjects of Friezland which was reduced by Flori● 5th who after the allaying of the Factions raised in Holland during his minority built four Castles that utterly subdued that Countrey made a League with Flanders that brought within his Earldom Amstel and Worden threatned a War with Scotland in right of his Grandmother Ada that with King Edward of England mediation was accorded in a marriage between his son Iohn and Elizabeth the Daughter of that Kingdom whence arose a great friendship between England Scotland and Holland And the Flemings suddenly breaking their League by a Surprize of Zealand by the Isle of Welchrin he subdued them so farr with the loss of so many Knights that he made 40 to possess and maintain his Conquests which yet prospered not when he for deflouring Count Gerund's Lady was murthered in a Ditch and the Frizons sent to the King of Denmark to be their Protector especially when upon Count Iohn's absence in England Floris his son and now the 20th Earl of Holland reigning the Government of Holland was divided between the Faction of Count Hedier of Clevis who governed North-Holland of Guy the Earl of Henaul's Brother who possessed South-Holland and of Berfold Surrogate to Zirich Bishop of Vtrich who revived the old Quarrel about Holland till King Iohn with a mighty Fleet of his Father in Laws the King of Englands 1297 defeated the Frizons twice with the Bishop that had preached a 1000 years Pardon to every Person that could kill a Hollander rased Mour Mount and settled the Faction at Dort But dying suddenly 1300 and leaving his Wife childless who returned to England and married the Earl of Oxford Gillis Brecht of Amstel seized and fortified Amsherdam The Factions of Scheirlingen and Ven Coopen brake out in Friezland and both maintained their Franckises and Liberties against the Emperours Lieutenant Albert D. of Saxony who came
make an Interest yet in the divisions of Europe Trav. It s possible but very improbable since they have lost their Reputation which is the bottom of their Interest and you will fide none will heartily close with them because none can really trust them Gent. Potentates without Integrity are the same thing with Tradesmen without Credit for suspicion is irreconcileable and it s said of Rome that Favendo piet ati fideique ad tantum fastigii per venerit And if you can make this good the Low-countreys have seen their best days Trav. I wish them no more harm than that your inference be not as fatally just as the premises are irrefragably true and easily evidenced to be so by as notorious an Induction as is this day Registred in Europe Gent. As how Trav. 1. In reference to Spain Then they petition against strangers declare for Liberty and Religion when they had newly taken the Oath of Allegiance made their Soveraign a Present of 120000l and insinuated their chief Demagogues to the places of greatest Honour and Trust in the Countrey Then they surprize Mecklenburgh Enchusen c. when they treated at Brussels Then they subscribed themselves Vassals to Fran●e when they had senta Petition to Spain In a word Whatever was the ground of these mens revolt from that Kingdom their conduct in it had nothing of Honour or clearness as wholly suiting a Popular and Plebeian humour 2. In reference to France Not to mention the affront they put upon Mounsier 1578 when they entertained him for Protector yet obliged themselves to whence upon his exclusion Q. Eliz from Amsterd the Hierogliphick that represented them was a Cow fed by Q. Eliz. stroaked by the Prince of Orauge and held by the tayl by D. Francis till it bewrayed him or any other sleights before they came to a consistency which may be reckoned as their necessity rather then their fault 1627. When they were High and Mighty a strictly mutual Consederacy and Alkance Defensive and Offensive for 17 years with a mutual Engagement not to treat with Spain on either side without consent was agreed on Aug. 28. between L●wis 13th of France and the States of the United Provinces ratified June 30 1630 and pursued on the French side with a Million of Lieurs i. e. 100000l sterling besides 10000 Foot and 1500 Horse fallen into Artois and Henault notwithstanding all which particulars they endeavoured a Truce with Spain and the States of Flanders without the advice or consent of France as appears by several underhand dealing●s of the Dutch with the Spaniards couched in the French Embassadours memorial to the States 1634. With whom I mean Mounsier de Charness by name when their ●reaties with Spain proved fruitless Feb 8. 1635. they renewed the former League upon the very same terms of No peace with Spain without mutual consent and in pursuit of it fell with joynt forces upon Tienen Loven Skinchen-Schons yet the Province of Holland suspecting France no less than Spain in the very heat of this War wherein the French were engaged on their account so good are these Watermen at Rowing one way and Looking another their Attorney General Musch is secretly dispatched to Don Martin Axpe Secretary to the King of ●pain about a Treaty which the States solemnly denyed to Carnasse and yet their Embassador Paw when the French King told him That these secret proceedings did contradict their solemn Treaty and how much it differed from the justice his Majesty used towards them said they had communicated it to Charnesse 1641 1642 1643. Yea though Anno 1635 1636 1637 1638 there were notwithstanding these underminding several ratifications passed of these Treaties and 1644 a League Guarantin entered into Yet as Mounsier de la Thuiller●es averred to their Faces not a Month in these years passed without overtures between them and the Spaniards which brought on the Treaty at Munster without and against the French Kings consent even when he was in the field on their behalf at Dunkirk Stechen Loqueren c at the rate of 18 or 20000 Foot and four or 5000 Horse to no purpose the Dutch slurring him in most undertakings as particularly at Antwerp which did as good as offer up it self to their Army Nay which was more the intercepted Letters of Count de Pennerand●● made it evident That The peace at Munster was agreed on without any regard to the French Interest which was not so much as named by the Dutch And though the other Provinces were against it yet because Holland was for it they would soon bring the other Provinces to a complian●e Only honest Heer van Nederhurst refused to sign so perfldious a Treaty against not only the Honour but the very Interest of his Countrey of which I may say as the Greek Orators of Sparta No League no subsistance no Faith no League 3. Should I re-capitulate their strange dealings with England how they solicited our Queen and yet dealt with the French King How they promised us free Trade yet stopped our ships How they borrowed our money to buy a peace with Spain How they admitted our Embassadors to their supream Senate yet because he should not understand all Debates they presently set up a secret Council How they intreated the Q. to send over the Earl of Leicester yet abused him so far that he left behind him a Meddal whereon there was engraven a Dog and a flock of Sheep with this Inscription Non Oves sed Ingratos How they depended on our Field Officers and yet enjealousied them one against the other How they delivered us the Caution Towns we had taken yet were never quiet till they had trucked for them How they owned King James their Protector yet set up a blasphemous Reader I mean Vorstius in competition with him What earnestness they used to disswade him from Alliance with Spain when they had a correspondent there How they complemented King Charls the first of blessed memory when they disputed his Right to his own Seas How they protest their Obligations to him yet cheat us of the Impost upon their Herring fishing and presume to fight with Oquendo the Spanish Admiral in our very Havens How they had their Agents here during our Civil War under pretence of mediating our Peace observing the advantages they might make of our War How affectionately they there embraced the Kings Interest and yet how suspiciously their Embassadour faultered about his death How zealously they espoused his Majesties Interest that now is while hopefull 1649 1650 1651 1652 for a pretence to hide their design of quitting the Homage they owed to England and engrossing its Trade and when that was done how like themselves that is Cunningly they deserted it from 1653 to 1660 How eager they were to entertain His Majesty though not till they had assurance of his Restauration and yet how unkind to his Excellent Sister and her Son How instant for Peace at White-hall and yet how unreasonable