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A42559 Status ecclesiæ gallicanæ, or, The ecclesiastical history of France from the first plantation of Christianity there, unto this time, describing the most notable church-matters : the several councils holden in France, with their principal canons : the most famous men, and most learned writers, and the books they have written, with many eminent French popes, cardinals, prelates, pastours, and lawyers : a description of their universities with their founders : an impartial account of the state of the Reformed chuches in France and the civil wars there for religion : with an exact succession of the French Kings / by the authour of the late history of the church of Great Britain. Geaves, William. 1676 (1676) Wing G442; ESTC R7931 417,076 474

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Brother Eudes They caused Charles to quit the Crown discharging him with the name of simple or foolish and declaring him incapable of so great a charge Robert arms boldly against Charles to dispossess him of his Estate Charles flees to Henry the third Emperour and laboureth to calm this storm At the approach of their Armies Robert to have some Title to make a War causeth himself to be Crowned King at Rhemes by Herve the Arch-Bishop who died three days after this unlawful Coronation As the Armies approach near Soissons striving in the view of Paris they joyn the combate is cruel but Robert fighting in the Front is slain leaving for that time the victory to King Charles who seeks a Treaty of Peace out of an unseasonable fear Hebert Earl of Vermandois Son-in-law to Robert beseecheth Charles to come to St. Quintins to confer together Charles cometh thither without Hostages Hebert there takes him Prisoner and conveys him to Soissons where he had assembled the chief of the Realm chosen after his own humour where he makes him to resign the Crown to Raoul his God-son the first Prince of the Blood by his Mother Hermingrade Daughter to Lewes and Wife of Boson King of Burgundy So this poor Prince is led from Prison to Prison for five years and dyeth of a languishing melancholy He had by his Wife Ogin a the Daughter of Edward King of England a Son named Lewes She takes her Son Lewes and flees into England to her Brother Athelstan who then Reigned But the Reign of Raoul was unfortunate who Reigned thirteen years during Charles his imprisonment and after his Death But Raoul after many broils dyeth at Compiegne Anno 936. Now are great confusions in France there is nothing sacred all is violated for Rule all respect is laid aside every one plays the King within himself for one King there are many and where there are many Masters there are none at all In this confusion there were many Kings Dukes and Earls although these Titles were but temporary having no other Title but the Sword There was no Governour of any Province throughout the Realm which held not proper to himself and his Heirs those things which were given to them but as Offices From hence sprang so many Dukedoms Earldoms Baronies and Seignories which for the most part are returned to their beginnings Italy given to an Infant of France was now possessed by divers Princes Germany withdrawn from the Crown was banded into divers factions so as the Empire of the West confirmed in the person of Charlemaigne continued scarce one hundred years in his Race for Lewes the Son of Arnulph was the last Emperour of this Blood In his place the Germans erected Conrade Duke of East Franconia Anno 920. the Empire being then very weak After Conrade was chosen Henry the Fowler Duke of Saxony and after him his Son Otho Princes adorned with singular virtues fit for the time to preserve the West For the Emperours of the East did run headlong to their ruine who were men either of no valour or altogether wicked attending the last blow by the hand of the Mahumetans whose power they strengthned by their vitious lives until they had lodged them upon their own heads In these confusions of State the power of the Pope of Rome encreased daily by the ruines of the Empire The design of the Popes was to erect a Monarchy in the Church by Power and Authority Seignories civil Dissentions Arms Revenues and Treason And soon after they grew to that greatness as they sought to prescribe Laws to Emperours and Kings who refusing it and disputing this primacy many dissentions arose and were dispersed among the people After the Death of Raoul Athelstan King of England having drawn unto him William Duke of Normandy sends an honourable Ambassage to the States of France entreating them to restore his Nephew Lewes to his lawful and Hereditary Dignity The French consent to it So Lewes the Son of Charles is called home by the Estates of France being accompanied with a great Troop of English-men and Normans Lewes hegan to Reign Anno 935 and Reigned 27 years About this time Ambrose Ansbert a French-man wrote Commentaries on the Psalms and Canticles and part of the Revelation In this tenth Century there was little study of liberal Sciences the Schools were few and empty of Languages The Popish Priests and Clergy having forsaken their old Discipline were given to filthy lucre nor were they respected by their flocks only Monks were noted to have some Eloquence And such was the corruption of the times that none durst scarce speak of the Corruptions Idolatries Superstitions and wickednesses of that Age which at that time were so luxuriant Divers Signs were seen in Heaven and great changes happened almost in every Kingdom The Hungarians oppress Italy and Germany besides many other broils in both those Nations France will shortly have another Race of Kings great were the Wars in Spain between the Moors and the old Inhabitants and the Saracens suffered neither Greece nor Asia to rest in peace Bellarmine speaking of this Century saith Behold an unhappy Age Bellarm. in Chronol in which are no famous Writers few or no Councils bad Emperours and no good Popes Baronius on the beginning of this Century saith Baron ad Anno 900. Sect. 1. A new Age beginneth which for rudeness and barrenness of goodness may be called The Iron Age and for deformity of evil abounding The Leaden Age and for want of Writers is called The Dark Age. Under the Reign of Charles the Simple King of France a Council was called at Rhemes for correcting the abuse of Church-rents for Noble-men in Court such as Hugo and his Brother Robert Master of the King 's Horses and Vincmarius with divers others under pretence of sustaining the King 's Honourable Estate and paying wages to Souldiers had converted to their own use a great part of Church-rents especially belonging to Abbeys Fulco Arch-Bishop of Rhemes uttered his mind freely in the Council Vincmarius one of the notable oppressours in the Court defiled the Council with Blood and killed Fulco Bishop of Rhemes The Fathers of the Council returned unto their own Churches with great fear for the like of this was not heard since the second Council of Ephesus in which Flavianus Bishop of Constantinople was slain Du. Haillan in vit Caroli Simpl. A Council also was held in France in which it was permitted Priests to marry Virgins At this time there was a great Famine in France The People had been much given to Gluttony and Drunkenness and God punished them with penury and scarcity of Victuals Lewes dyeth Anno 955. at Rhemes hated of the French leaving to Lothair his Son a Crown near the ruine and to Charles the youngest the favour of his eldest Brother Lothair detested of all men died Anno 964. leaving behind him an execrable memory of his actions and Lewes his Son for a final conclusion of
King Richard took Messana by assault seized on most Forts in the Island Tankred gave to our King what rich conditions soever he demanded to pacifie him Worse discords daily encreased betwixt the Kings of England and France King Richard slighting the King of France his Sister whom he had promised to marry King Philip hasted presently to Ptolemais Richard followed with more leisure and took Cyprus in his way Cursac reigned then in Cyprus who killed the English that landed there But King Richard speedily over-ran the Island bound Cursac with silver fetters The Island he pawned to the Templars for ready money and there took to Wife his beloved Lady Beringaria Daughter to the King of Navarr The City of Ptolemais was taken the Houses which were left with the spoil and Prisoners were equally divided betwixt Philip and Richard Here the English cast down the Ensigns of Leopold Duke of Austria who had fought so long in assaulting this City till his Armour was all over gore-blood save the place covered with his belt But King Richard afterward paid dearly for it King Richard caused seven thousand of his Turkish Prisoners to be put to death and Saladine in revenge put as many of our Captives to death But the French King reserving his Prisoners alive exchanged them to ransom so many Christians Philip the French King Odo Duke of Burgundy Duke Leopold most of the Dutch all the Genoans and Templars side with King Conrade King Richard Henry Count of Champaigne the Hospitallers Venetians and Pisans take part with King Guy But King Conrade's side was much weakned by the departure of the French King About that time Conrade King of Jerusalem was murdered in the Market-place of Tyre Now King Guy exchanged his Kingdom of Jerusalem for the Island of Cyprus which he had redeemed from the Templars to whom he had pawned it Henry of Champaign was chosen King by the procurement of King Richard who after many notable exploits done in Palestine and a peace made with Saladine in his return passing through Germany in a disguise was taken Prisoner in Austria sold and sent by Duke Leopold to Henry the Emperour At last he was ransomed for an hundred and forty thousand marks a sum so vast in that Age that to raise it in England they were forced to sell their Church-plate to their very Chalices After this Money Peter of Blois made an Apostrophe to the Duke or Emperour sending this good prayer Bibe nunc Avaritia Dum puteos argenteos Larga diffundit Anglia Tua tecum pecunia Sit in perditionem And now thou basest Avarice Drink till thy Belly burst Whilst England pours large silver showers To satiate thy Thirst And this we pray Thy Money may And thou be like accurst King Richard after eighteen Months imprisonment returned into England And in Austria the Duke with his Money built the Walls of Vienna But God punished the Dominions of Leopold with fire and water and by famine for the Ears of Wheat turned into Worms A Gangreen seized on the Duke's body who cut off his Leg with his own hand and dyed thereof who by his Will caused some thousand Crowns to be restored again to King Richard Soon after Henry King of Jerusalem as he was walking in his Palace fell down out of a Window and broke his neck Roger Hoveden tells us that near about this time there was in the City of Tholouse a great number of Men and Women whom the Pope's Commissioners viz. Peter Cardinal of St. Chrysogon and the Pope's Legate with the Arch-Bishops of Narbon and Biturium Reginald Bishop of Bathe John Bishop of Pictavia Henry Abbot of Clareval c. did persecute and condemn for Hereticks of whom some were scourged naked some chased away some compelled to abjure Now sprang up the Doctrine and name of them which were then called Pauperes de Lugduno which of one Waldus a chief Senator in Lyons were named Waldenses they were also called Leonistae Insabbatati about the year of our Lord 1170. It happened on a day as divers of the principal men of the City assembled together consulted upon divers matters that one of the company fell down and dyed suddenly the rest of the company looking on This Waldus being terrified at the sight of it was converted and presently reformed his Life He ministred of his Goods large Alms to the Poor he purchased a Bible studied the Scriptures instructed himself and his Family with the true knowledge of God's word He admonished all that resorted to him to repentance and amendment of Life He gave out to them that were ready to learn certain rudiments of the Scripture which himself had translated into the French Tongue for he was both Wealthy and Learned The Popish Prelates threatned to excommunicate him but he neglecting their threatnings said God must be obeyed rather than Man At length they drave both Waldus and all his adherents out of the City The Articles of the Waldenses I find in order and number to be these 1. That only the Holy Scripture is to be believed in matters pertaining to Salvation c. 2. All things to be contained in Holy Scripture necessary to Salvation 3. That there is one only Mediator that other Saints are in no wise to be made Mediators or to be invocated 4. They rejected purgatory asserting that all men either by Christ are justified to Life or without Christ be condemned and besides these two neither any third or fourth place to be 5. That all Masses viz. such as be sung for the dead be wicked and are to be abrogate 6. That all Mens Traditions are to be rejected at least not to be reputed as necessary to Salvation c. That constrained Fasts difference of Meats such variety of degrees and orders of Priests Fryars Monks and Nuns superfluous Holy-days so many sundry benedictions and hallowing of Creatures vows peregrinations with all the Rabblement of Rites and Ceremonies to be abolished 7. The supremacy of the Pope usurping above all Churches and especially above all politick Realms and Governments not to be acknowledged neither that any degree is to be received in the Church but only Bishops Priests and Deacons 8. The Communion under both kinds to be necessary to all people according to the Institution of Christ 9. That the Church of Rome is Babylon spoken of in the Revelation and the Pope is Antichrist 10. They reject the Pope's pardons and indulgences 11. They hold the Marriage of Priests and Ecclesiastical persons to be pious and necessary in the Church 12. That such as hear the Word of God and have a right Faith are the true Church of Christ John Arch-Bishop of Lyons excommunicated Waldus and all his followers They were dispersed into divers places of whom many remained long in Bohemia who writing to their King Vladislaus to purge themselves against the slanderous accusations of one Doctor Austin gave up their confession with an Apology for their Christian profession defending with strong and
loss of a limb to the transgressors thereof for which certain Executioners shall be appointed that so our jurisdiction being resuscitated may revive again and those who have enriched themselves by our poverty among whom God for their pride hath raised up prophane contentions may be reduced to the State of the primitive Church and living in contemplation may shew us those miracles which are fled out of the World long ago and we in the mean time lead an active life as it is fitting The Historian adds the Pope having heard these things sighed with a troubled mind and desiring to appease their hearts and break their courage after he had admonished them he frighted them with threats but he did no good for all that Tho. Fullers holy War li. 4. The Christians were now plagued with Bendocdar the Mammaluke Prince in Egypt who succeeded Melechem and every where raging against them either killed or forced them to forswear their Religion The City of Joppa he took and burnt and then won Antioch slaying therein twenty thousand and carrying away captive an hundred thousand Christians These woful tidings brought into Europe so wrought on the good disposition of Lewes King of France that he resolved to make a second Voyage into Palestine to succour the Christians And to that end he provideth his Navy and is accompanied with Philip and Tristram his Sons Theobald King of Navarr his Son-in-Law Alphonse his Brother and Guido Earl of Flanders there went also Edward eldest Son to Henry III. King of England Lewes having now hoised up sail it was concluded that to secure and clear the Christians passage to Palestine from Pirates they should first take the City of Carthage in Africa by the way This Carthage long wrestled with Rome for the Soveraignty till Scipio crushed out her bowels with one deadly fall Yet long after the City stood before utterly demolished at last by the counsel of Cato it was quite destroyed it being within a days Sail from Rome Out of the ruines of this famous City Tunis arose which was not then considerable in bigness great only in mischief being seated betwixt Europe Asia and Africa and so became a worse annoyance to Christian Traffick than a whole Countrey of Saracens elsewhere The siege of Tunis being begun the Plague seized on the Christian Army Sir Walt. Ralegh Hist part 1. li. 5. ca. 3. whereof thousands dyed among others Tristram King Lewes his Son and he himself of a Flux followed after Many good Laws he made for his Kingdom that not the worst He first retrenched his Barons power to suffer parties to try their Titles to Land by duels He severely punished Blasphemers searing their Lips with an hot Iron And because by his command it was executed upon a rich Citizen of Paris some said he was a Tyrant He hearing it said before many I would to God that with searing my own Lips I could banish out of my Realm all abuses of Oaths He loved more to hear Sermons than to be at Mass yet was he somewhat superstitious as appeareth by some Instances For about the year 1240. Baldwin keeping by force the Empire of Constantinople which the French and other pilgrims of Syria had surprized and held it by right of conveniency being in great want of Money writ to King Lewes IX that the Holy Crown of Thorns of our Saviour was found and if he would help him with a sum of Money he would send it to him This King being of easie belief treated with the said Emperour for a great sum of Money and bought that crown which was put in the holy Chappel of Paris with great solemnity Shortly after the Venetians having bought a piece of the true cross as they said for two thousand and five hundred pounds sold it again to the same King Lewes for double the price The King himself carried it bare-headed and bare-foot to our Lady of Paris and the Pope gave to it fourty days of pardon His body was carried into France there to be buried and was most miserably tossed He was Sainted after his Death by Pope Boniface VIII and the 25th day of August on which day in his first Voyage to Palestine he went on Ship board is consecrated to his Memory Tunis was surrendred on conditions the French return home whilst Prince Edward valiantly setteth forward for Palestine Philip the third called the bold or the Hardy succeedeth to the Kingdom of France At the return of Philip Anno 1271. Queen Isabel his Wife dies in Sicily And his Unckle Alphonse with his Wife the Countess of Tholouse dye soon after at Bologne without any children so as according to the contract of the Marriage the Earldom of Tholouse should be incorporate to the Crown Richard Son to Henry King of England is traiterously slain by Guy of Montfort the Son of Simon of whom we have spoken walking in St. Laurences Church at Viterbo a City of the Pope's Pope Clement IV. born in Languedoc being dead the Cardinals disagree about the Election of a new Pope and continued in this contention two years nine months and one day as Platina reporteth The causes of so long a dissention are variously reported by several Historiographers But the chief were as follow Hist of Cardinal● part 3. lib. 1. The first and most forcible of all was the contrariety in the Natures of the Cardinals which were present at the Election at Viterbo who were eighteen in number all obstinate and untractable and had sworn each of them never to yeild to his companion in the least All of them believed themselves worthy of the Papacy and every one negotiated for himself without speaking a word of other pretenders so that it was not possible among eighteen several competitors to come to any resolution But that impediment being removed in which the Cardinals continued obstinate for above ten Months there arose another which lasted above a year and was the second occasion of the tediousness of the Election and that is that the Cardinals were divided into two Factions one of them Italians the other French These would have a Pope of their own Nation and the Italians would have him of theirs neither of them complying with the other and the number of the French being equal to the Italians there being no way to gain the two thirds of their Votes they remained divers weeks obstinate and doing nothing but the heaping dissention upon dissention The other reason was that this delay growing tedious to the Princes and particular to Philip King of France and Charles King of Sicily these two Princes resolved to come in person to Viterbo and solicite the Cardinals to expedite the creation of the Pope Upon this occasion the Cardinals which were adherents to these two Crowns having notice of their Resolutions would do nothing till they were arrived who when they did come served for nothing but to protract the election though their desire was to hasten it each of them
Charles the second King of Sicily and Apulia dyed also After the death of Pope Gregory X. the first conclave was in Arezzo where the Pope dyed The Guards lasted but one night for the same night the Cardinals entred they agreed to chuse Pietro Farantasio a Burgundian and Dominican Fryar Pope who took upon him the name of Innocent V. Innocent was crown'd in Rome forty days after his Election After the death of Innocent which happened in the year 1276. six months exactly after his Election Alexander V. who succeeded him being created in Rome with all the formalites of the conclave revoked the order established by Gregory concerning the affairs of the conclave though in due form it had the approbation of a general Council Divers other succeeding Popes were all created according to the order observed before the time of Gregory X. King Philip the third dyeth having reigned fifteen years and lived forty of his first Wife Isabel he had Philip and Charles remaining Philip his eldest Son was King of France after him Charles was Earl of Valois of Alanson and of Perche Father to that Philip of Valois who in his course shall succeed to the Crown Fryar John of Paris a Doctor in Divinity of the Order of predicants wrote about the year 1280. Joann Paris in Tract de potest Regia Papal in pro. In his Tract of the Royal and Papal power he saith I am of opininion that truth it self hath made a medium here namely that it is not utterly impossible that Clergy-men have Dominion and Jurisdiction in Temporal matters but yet it belongs not unto them by reason of their profession and as Christ's Vicars and the Apostles successors but is convenient for them to have it by the grant and permission of Princes if so be they have bestowed it upon them out of devotion or if they have got it by other means And in the eighth Chapter he sets down this conclusion Whence it appears that seeing Christ as Man had no power nor jurisdiction in Temporal matters the Priest be what he will hath not received any power over them from Christ inasmuch as he did not give unto them what he had not in himself Philip the fair now King of France was advised by the Princes and French Barons not to suffer the Pope to make any Ordinances belonging unto his Kingdom Du. Tillet en Padvis sur les libertez del eglise Gallicane p. 5. without the Council of him and his nor any new and unwonted thing to be brought in thither So saith Mr. John du Tillet in his advice concerning the Liberties of the Gallican Church And it is the very counsel which Eudeas Duke of Burgundy gave him which is yet to be seen in the Treasury of Chartres This King loved Justice and Learning wherein he was well instructed for that Age. His Wife Joan builded in her name that goodly Colledge of Navarr Peter Morone an Hermit was chosen Pope and assumed the name of Celestine V. a Pope little practised in politick or Ecclesiastick affairs The Cardinals in short time by reason of the many errours that he fell into by his insufficiency for the Popedom made several Instances to him that he would spontaneously be pleased to renounce the Papacy and not expose the Church to so many perils Hereunto they were stirred up by the instigation of Benedetto Gaetano who was afterwards Boniface VIII Who was a Cardinal of great Learning and Experience but so extreamly ambitious of the Papacy that he left no Stone unturn'd to compass his designs And because he saw he might easily bring it about if Celestine would renounce he perswaded Celestine to resign laying it to him as a scruple of conscience telling him that at the day of Judgement it would be imputed to him if any ill did happen to the Church Gaetano likewise suborned some of Celestine's friends to make an hole corresponding with that part of the chamber in which the Pope's bed stood from whence they cryed all night long with a most dismal voice as if it had been the Judgement of Heaven Celestine Celestine lay down the Popedom for it is a charge too great for your abilities Celestine hereupon resigneth the Papacy in the sixth Month after his creation and returned to the Cell from whence he came The same day in which Celestine renounced the Cardinals without the form of the conclave chose the said Gaetan with open Votes He being declared Pope and having assumed the name of Boniface VIII began his Reign with so much insolence and Tyranny that in a short time he gain'd the Title of Nero II. A great Assembly meet in the City of Gramont Anno 1296. Where Adolph the Emperour Edward King of England the Duke of Austria John Duke of Brabant the Earl of Juliers and his Son John Earl of Holland and Henuault Robert Earl of Nevers William Henry and Guy of Flanders unanimously resolve to make War against King Philip. The colour was to maintain Guy Earl of Flanders unjustly afflicted by Philip who had violently taken and stoll'n away his Daughter and detained her against the right of Nations refusing to restore her to her Father It was decreed that Guy should begin by force and be well seconded by the Emperour and the English But before they come to Arms Pope Boniface should make the first point by the lustre of his Authority This Pope commandeth Philip by his Nuncio to restore to the English and Flemmings what they demanded and for not obeying he cites him to appear at Rome upon pain of Excommunication Philip sends an honourable Embassage to Rome by the Arch-Bishop of Rhemes and the Earl of St. Paul to lay open his right against the Deputies of the King of England and the Earl of Flanders who were then at Rome to complain as being wronged All parties being heard Boniface decreeth that Philip should yield unto Edward and to Guy all they demanded both in Guienne and Flanders charging the Arch-Bishop of Rhemes to signifie this Bull unto the King upon pain of Excommunication for not obeying Philip being undaunted prepares to defend himself invades Flanders and defeats the Flemmings seizeth upon all Flanders and the Earl of Flanders is forsaken by his confederates Guy with his children and followers are imprisoned in sundry places in France under sure guards Philip getting Flanders and uniting it to the Crown of France He comes to Gaunt where he is received as their Soveraign appointing James of Chastillon Lord of Leuse and Condè for Governour and Lieutenant-General and so returneth to Paris The people of Flanders being oppressed revolt from Philip. All the Cities Gaunt excepted make an offensive and defensive League against King Philip and for their Earl's delivery At Bruges the French are slain by their Hosts The Nobility joyn with the people Philip prepares an Army of 40000 Men but even at his entry into Flanders returns again His sudden retreat incensed this mutinous people more
and gave courage to their Commanders Philip seeing his Errour raiseth another Army of 40000 men and puts them under the command of Robert Earl of Artois accompanied with the Constable of France and many other great Personages Century XIV THe Armies forementioned meet near unto the Town of Courtray in a place called Groeming The French were defeated Of this great Army there hardly escaped three hundred not one Commander escaped and very few Noble-men There were taken Robert Earl of Artois General of the Army the Constable of France James of Chastillon Governour of Flanders John King of Majorca Godfrey of Brabant and his Son the Lord of Viezon the Earls of Ewe la March Damartin Aumale Auge Tankerville and many other great Personages Twelve hundred Gentlemen were slain by this enraged Multitude All Flanders now revolted from the French This happened in the Year 1302. on July 11. John of Namour is their Governour in the absence of their imprisoned Earl All the threats of the King of England and the Emperour now vanished away only Pope Boniface had Excommunicated King Philip and interdicted his Realm in the hottest of these Flemmish affairs upon this occasion The Christians Estate was lamentable in the East the Tartarians encreased daily The Pope Anno 1301. sent Boniface Bishop of Apamea unto King Philip requiring him to go into the Holy Land When the Bishop saw no appearance of obedience he threatned the King that the Pope would deprive him of his Kingdom Whereupon the Bishop being charged of Arrogancy and Treason and cast into Prison the Pope sends to him again one Peter a Roman born Arch-Bishop of Narbon commanding him to set the Bishop at liberty and to take a Voyage against the Infidels and not to meddle with the Tenths of the Clergy Philip answered his troubles at home hindred him from going into the East and constrained him to impose a Subsidy upon the Clergy and he was willing to dismiss the Bishop The Arch-Bishop replyed that he was ignorant of the Pope's Authority who was not only the Father of Christian Souls but also Soveraign Lord in Temporal things And therefore by that Authority he did excommunicate him declaring him unworthy to reign and his Realm forfeited to the Pope to invest whom he pleased Moreover he brought another Bull directed to the Prelates and Noblemen of France whereby he acquitted all French-men and dispensed with them as to their Oath of Allegiance to Philip. And cited all the Prelates and Divines of the French Church to appear before him at Rome disanulling all indulgences and priviledges granted to the French by any Popes his predecessours The Earl of Artois disdaining this affront takes the Bull and casts it into the fire Philip was so born out by the Peers of France that when he demanded their advice how he should demean himself and whether he should put up that wrong they answered That they were ready not only to spend their goods which they there wholly offered unto him for that end but also to expose their persons even to death for him not refusing any torments Adding further and that more plainly by word of mouth That if the King which God forbid would suffer it or connive at it yet for their parts they would never endure it Mr. John Tillet Bishop of Paris speaking of this Fact in his French Chronicle The impudence of this man saith he of Boniface was wonderful who durst affirm that the Realm of France was a Benefice of the Papal Majesty But I think them saith he the greater fools who dispute the point whether the Pope hath this power or no he put our France under an Interdict for the time but the Bishops took the King's part King Philip appealed from the usurpations and insolencies of Boniface VIII to the See Apostolick then vacant as he said and to a future Council as Platina saith in his Life Platina in Bonifac 8. The States of France disanulled Boniface's excommunication Boniface by a glosing Letter of his written unto the Bishops endeavoureth to make them approve his unjust proceedings against King Philip where he saith among other things Those who hold that Temporal matters are not subject to spiritual do not they go about to make two Princes He complains also of the Parliament holden at Paris where it was enacted saith he by under-hand and begged voices that none should appear before him upon the summons of the See Apostolick Math. Westm li. 2. sub Ann. 301. He complains also of the Report which was made to that Assembly by Mr. Peter Flotte whom he calleth Belial half blind in body and quite in understanding This was the man who being sent in Embassage to him by King Philip to that saying of his we have both the one power and the other made this reply in behalf of his Master yours is verbal but ours is real This Pope will have it necessary to salvation to believe that all the faithful people of Christ are subject to the Pope of Rome and that he hath both the swords and that he judgeth all men and is judged of none This Boniface was the Authour of the sixth book of the Decretals King Philip sends back the Pope's two Nuncio's to Rome and forbids the Prelates of France to go or send any Money to Rome This being done Philip raiseth new forces to return into Flanders and subdueth the Flemmings but by the instance of John Duke of Brabant he makes peace with them upon strict conditions During this Treaty Guy Earl of Flanders and his Daughter do both dye Robert William and Guy Brethren the Sons of the Earl Guy of Flanders were freed with all the Prisoners Isabel the Daughter of Philip is married to Edward the second King of England This War of Flanders had wasted above three hundred thousand French-men in eleven years during the which it continued Adolph was deposed from the Empire by a Decree of the Electors and Albert of Austria was seated in his place who pursuing him with War slew him with his own hand in an encounter near unto Spire Albert being chosen and installed Emperour Boniface presently seeks to win him against King Philip. He proclaims him Emperour and invests him King of the Realm of France giving him both the Title and Arms and taking occasion to sow division in the heart of the Realm by means of the Clergy who by reason of their Revenues had great power in the State He also wrote Letters to Philip in this manner Boniface Bishop Servant of the Servants of God to Philip King of French-men Fear God and observe his Commandmens We Will thee to understand that thou art subject unto us both in Spiritual things and in Temporal and that it belongeth not to Thee to give any Prebend or Benefice If thou hast the keeping of any of them being vacant thou must reserve the profits of them to the Successours If Thou hast given any we judge thy gift to be void and do revoke
was written in the same Bull We command the Angels to carry the absolved Soul into Paradise It was then a received Article that the Pope may command the Angels as his Serjeants Pope Clement granted great Indulgences to such as could not go but could find Money for that use Out of an old French Chronicle so as he that gave a penny was to have one year's pardon he that gave twelve pence twelve year's pardon and he that would give as much as would maintain a man going over Seas a plenary pardon for all The Pope appointed certain men whom he put in trust for the receiving of this Money Unspeakable were the sums of Money that were given for the purchasing these pardons for five years together At the end whereof when the good men were ready to go and perform what they had promised and vowed the business was broke off but the Pope kept the Money the Marquess his Nephew had a share of it and King Philip the fair and his three Sons who had taken up the cross to go thither in person Edward King of England and other noble persons stayed at home In this Council it was ordained that the feast of Corpus Christi should be kept with many Indulgences granted unto them who should celebrate this Feast In the same Council Pope Clement V. set forth a Book of Papal decrees called Liber Clementiarum which was received Symson Eccles Hist in Cent. 14. allowed and ratified by this Council Nauclerus saith that Clement before his death repented the setting out of this Book and commanded it to be burnt Yet notwithstanding the succeeding Popes and particularly John XXII confirmed and Authorized the said Book again together with the Decretals of Gregory and Boniface because these Books highly advanced the See of Rome exempting the Bishop of Rome from subjection to general Councils and attributing power to him to receive or reject the Emperour after he is chosen comparing the Pope to the Sun and the Emperour to the Moon Finally counting it a thing necessary unto Eternal Life that every person be subject to the Bishop of Rome It was also ordained that Schools should be erected and foreign Tongues should be learned namely the Hebrew Chaldaick and Arabick Languages It was also ordained that the name and remembrance of the Templars should be rooted out which decree was put in execution by all Christian Princes Know then Tho. Fuller supplem Hist sacribelli ca. 1. that about nineteen years after the Christians had lost all in Palestine by the cruel deed of Pope Clement V. and foul Fact of Philip the fair King of France the Templars were finally extirpated out of all Christendom Pope Clement having long sojourned in France had received many great courtesies from King Philip yea he owed little less than himself to him At last Philip requested of him a boon great enough saith my Authour for a King to ask and a Pope to grant namely all the Lands of the Knights Templars in France forfeited by reason of their horrible Heresies and licentious living The Pope was willing to gratifie him in some good proportion for his favours received and being thus long the King's Guest he gave him the Templars Lands and Goods to pay for his entertainment On a sudden all the Templars in France are clapt in prison damnable sins were laid to their charge as sacrificing of Men to an Idol they worshipped roasting of a Templar's Bastard and drinking his Blood spitting upon the cross of Christ conspiring with Turks and Saracens against Christianity they were charged with Sodomy Bestiality with many other Villanies out of the Road of humane corruption and as far from Man's Nature as God's Law The sole witness against them was one of their own Order a notorious Malefactor who at the same time being in prison and to suffer for his own offences condemned by the Master of their Order sought to prove his Innocency by charging all his own Order to be guilty And he swore most heartily to whatsoever was objected against their Order Besides many of the Templars being brought upon the rack confessed the accusations to be true wherewith they were charged Hereupon all the Templars were most cruelly burned to death at a stake through all France with James the Grand-Master of their Order Many men accounted not the Templars Malefactors but Martyrs First because the witness was unsufficient a Malefactor against his Judge and Secondly they bring tortured men against themselves And a confession extorted upon the Rack say some is of no validity But being burned at the stake they denyed it at their death though formerly they had confessed it A Templar being to be burned at Burdeaux and seeing the Pope and King Philip looking out of a Window Hospin de Orig. Monach. ca. 18. fol. 193. cryed unto them Clement thou cruel Tyrant seeing there is no other among mortal men to whom I should appeal for my unjust Death I cite Thee together with King Philip to the Tribunal of Christ the just Judge who redeemed me there both to appear within one year and a day where I will lay open my cause and Justice shall be done without any by-respect In like manner James Grand-Master of the Templars though by piece-meal he was tortured to death craved pardon of God and those of his order That forced by extremity of pain upon the rack and allured with hope of life he had accused them of such damnable sins whereof they were innocent True it is they were generally cryed up for innocents But Pope Clement and King Philip were within the time prefixed summoned by death to answer to God for what they had done Besides King Philip missed of his expectation and the morsel fell besides his Mouth the Lands of the Templars which were first granted to him as a portion for his youngest Son being afterwards by the Council of Vienne bestowed on the Knights-Hospitallers William Durand Bishop of Menda in Languedoc being summoned by Clement V. to the general Council at Vienne to come and see what was fitting to be reformed in the Church made a Book de Consiliis toward the beginning whereof he saith It seemeth to be a thing considerable and it is most expedient and necessary that before any thing else we should proceed to the correction and reformation of such things as ought to be corrected and reformed in the Church of God as well in the head as the Members And in the first Chapter of the third Book Verily as concerning the Reformation of the Catholick Church to bring it about profitably and effectually it seems expedient that it begin at the Head that is at the Holy Church of Rome which is the Head of all others Then he sets down in particular such things as stood in need of reformation notably representing many abuses of the See of Rome that deserved to be corrected But for all his learned discourse there was nothing done therein in
was John XXII He was a Cistercian Monk he sate in that seat eighteen years This John believed that the Souls do not enjoy the presence of God before the day of Judgement He sent two Preachers to Paris the one a Dominican the other a Franciscan to assert and maintain the same Heresie But one Thomas an English Preacher withstood the Pope and the Pope threw him into prison Hereupon the French King summoned a Council unto his palace in Vintiana Sylva the whole Assembly subscribed against the Pope Immediately the King sent to Pope John to reform his errour and to set the Preacher at liberty which he did Some say that the Divines of Paris made him to recant his errour publickly Append. to Martin Polon in Joann 22. sub Ann. 1317. This John XXII erected the Church of Tholouse in France to an Arch-Bishoprick divided the Diocess of Tholouse into six Bishopricks the Bishops whereof should be suffragans to the Arch-Bishop of Tholouse and turned six Villages into Cities viz. Montauban Rieux Lombez-Abbey St. Papoul Lavaur and Mirepoix He created two Bishopricks within the Arch Bishoprick of Narbon the first at Limoux whose Seat he translated to Alet not long after the second in the Abbey of St. Pons setting out their Diocesses He divided also the Bishoprick of Alby into two and created one at Castres He erected divers others besides which are reckoned up in particular by the Authour of the continuation to Martinus Polonus Clement V. predecessour to this Pope had ordained that Emperours by the German Princes elected might be called Kings of the Romans but might not enjoy the Title or right of the Empire to be nominated Emperours without their confirmation given by the Pope Wherefore because Lewes of Bavaria being chosen Emperour used the Imperial dignity in Italy before he was authorized by the Pope the said Pope John therefore Excommunicated the Emperour who often desired of him a Treaty of peace which the Pope refused to hearken to At the same time divers learned Men disallowed the doings of the Pope as William Ocham whose transactions were afterward condemned by the Pope for writing against that See and Marsilius Pativinus who wrote the Book entituled Defensor pacis which was put into the hands of the said Emperour wherein the controversie of the Pope's unlawful jurisdiction in things Temporal is largely disputed and the usurped Authority of that See is set forth to the uttermost Some Writers say that a great cause of the variance was for that one of the Emperour's Secretaries unknown to the Emperour had likened in divers of his Letters the Papal See to the Beast rising out of the Sea in the Apocalypse At length when the Emperour after much suit made to the Pope at Avignon could not obtain his Coronation from him he went to Rome where he was received with great honour and both he and his Wife were both crowned by the consent of all the Lords and Cardinals there and another Pope was there set up called Nicholas V. Not long after Pope John dyeth at Avignon after whom succeedeth Benedict XII Anno 1335. This Man was as uncourteous to the Emperour as John had been he renewed the curses against him bereft him of all Regal Dignity and by his sentence deprived him of the Dukedom of Bavaria Hereupon the Emperour cometh into Germany and assembleth the Princes Dukes Nobles Bishops and other learned men in a Council at Franckford where he caused an injunction to be dispatched wherein he affirmed the sentence pronounced against him unjust and that his Excommunication did no way bind him Wherefore he commanded upon great penalties that no man should obey his censures and interdictions in that behalf which injunction caused great alterations in Germany especially among the Clergy some holding with the Emperour others with the Pope Dante 's a man of profound Learning at that time wrote a Book called The Monarchy wherein he favoured the Emperour for which he was afterward condemned and his Book held for Heresie And other great men wrote Books and Treatises defending the Pope's supream Authority Charles IV. Brother to Philip the long succeeded in the Kingdom of France being the last Son of Philip the Fair. He dyed Anno 1328. having reigned six years leaving the Crown to the second royal Branch of Capets whereunto the order of the fundamental Law did lawfully call them Philip the Hardy had left two Sons Philip the fair and Charles Earl of Valois of whom it is said that he was the Son of a King Brother to a King Unckle to a King Father to a King and yet no King Philip the Son of Charles of Valois is saluted and proclaimed King of France and anointed and crowned at Rhemes according to the usual custom Near the beginning of his Reign De Serres Hist in vit Philip. de Valois the Courts of Parliament and all the Soveraign Judges assembled from all the Provinces made a general complaint against the Clergy of France accusing them of sundry abuses and namely that against the right of their charges they intermeddled with the politick jurisdiction The suit was vehement and famous for the greatness of the parties The King to reconcile this quarrel calls a general Assembly of his whole Realm at Paris The cause was pleaded before him with great liberty by Peter de Cugneriis this is He whom in derision they call M. Peter Cugnet who is in the great Temple in Paris noted with a little Monkey's head placed betwixt two pillars to put out the Candles being odious by reason of his pleading and as coldly defended by Peter Bertrand both famous Advocates in those times The issue was doubtful and Philip seriously exhorted the Prelates to reform themselves and in reforming the abuse to avoid these popular complaints refering the matter to a further hearing This Pope Benedict took from the Emperour the Senatourship of Rome he first took upon him to usurp the presentments of all Bishopricks He abridged many unlearned men of Priesthood He reformed many Sects of Monks He commanded that all his Chaplains should lye in one Dormitory together and should have no other Revenues than for Dyet and Apparel He published certain Acts against the Dominicans he kept divers Concubines And leaving great store of Treasure to the Church he dyed Anno 1342. of whom these verses were made Iste fuit verò Laicis mors vipera Clero Devius a vero turba Repleta mero Clement VI. born in Lemonia by profession a Benedictine called before Peter Rogers being Abbot of Fisca succeeded Benedict at Avignon This Man Excommunicated all the Princes Lords and Bishops that consented to the doings of Lewes the Emperour He made Avignon part of St. Peter's patrimony He ordained that the Jubilee should be kept every fiftyeth year after the manner of the Jews and so it was kept at Rome Anno 1350. Now there were great Wars in France between Edward III. King of England and the King of France
Robert a French-man by name and Nation a Franciscan by profession the longer he was in that Order he loved the Fryars the worse A Treatise in his name is Printed with the Prophecies of Hildegardis Pope Clement VI. sent a Letter to the King of England in behalf of the French-men whilst he lay at the siege of Calais which siege he continued from the third of September Anno 1346. till the third day of August next ensuing upon which day it was yielded up to the said King Edward and subdued unto the Crown of England The King of England returneth an answer to the aforesaid Letter of the Pope Then by the intercession of two Cardinals Ambaldus and Stephanus a Truce was concluded betwixt England and France for a time In the year 1350. dyed Philip King of France after whom succeeded his Son John in the Kingdom Petrarch Epist 18. Petrarcha vir omnium soeculorum memoria dignissimus Pignor Symbol Epist 14. At this time flourished Francis Petrarch a Florentine Arch-Deacon of Parma a sententious Poet and Oratour He calleth Rome the Whore of Babylon the School and Mother of Errour the Temple of Heresie the nest of Treachery and seemeth plainly to affirm that the Pope was Antichrist declaring that no greater evil could happen to any Man than to be made Pope In one of his Epistles he directeth his Speech to Babylon in France that is to Avignon thus Shall I call thee a famous or infamous Whore who hast plaid the Harlot with the Kings of the Earth Indeed thou art the same that the Evangelist saw in the Spirit sitting upon many Waters the people and the Nations are the Waters upon which thou fittest Whore know thy habit a Woman cloathed in purple and Scarlet and Gold and pretious Stones having a Golden Cup in her hand full of abomination and uncleanness of Fornication Dost thou not know thy self Babylon unless that deceive thee which is written in her Fore-head Great Babylon and thou art little Babylon little indeed in compass of Walls but in vices and compass of infinite lusts and passions and multitude of all evils thou art greatest And what followeth agreeth unto thee and no other Babylon the Mother of Fornications and abominations of the Earth If thou wilt yet dissemble mark what followeth And I saw the Woman drunken with the Blood of the Saints and with the Blood of the Witnesses of Jesus Why art thou silent either shew another drunken with this Blood or deny that thou art drunken if thou canst for the Vision must be true The life of Petrarch is written by Papirius Massonus Many resorted to him from France and all Italy About this time Hayabad a Franciscan preached in Avignon before Pope Clement that he was commanded by God to declare Catal. Test verit li. 8. that the Church of Rome is the Whore of Babylon and that the Pope and his Cardinals are the very Antichrist and that his predecessours Benedict and John are condemned When the Pope challenged him he said he was commanded in a Vision to speak so and therefore he durst not fail to speak it John Rochetalada another Franciscan preached the same and is said to be one of them who were burnt at Avignon Anno 1353. At the same time Gregory de Arimino opposed the Doctors in the Articles of Justification by works and of free will At Paris he taught that man hath free will to do evil but no good without special grace and that we are justified by Faith only And he said the Schoolmen deserve to be called Semipelagians Andreas de Castro and John Buridan two famous Men at that time agreed with him Then Eudo Duke of Burgundy perswaded the French King that he should not receive into his Realm the new Decretals and Extravagants His sage advice is extant among the Records of France A new War arose between King John of France and Edward the third King of England The Pope sent the Cardinal of Peregort to these two Princes being ready to fight to calm this storm John being the stronger demanded that Edward should give him four Hostages and as one vanquished should remain at his mercy and discretion Edward was content to yield up all that he had taken from him but without any blemish to his honour Edward encourageth himself and prepares to fight the French and vanquisheth them at Poictiers King John is taken prisoner and his Son Philip by Edward the Black Prince Son to Edward the third King of England they are brought to Burdeaux and from thence sent into England where they are lodged in the City of London in the Duke of Lancaster's house under a sure Guard Many others of the Nobles of France were also taken Captive 1700 Gentlemen were slain in this Battle among which were 52 Lords King John continued five years a prisoner for he was taken in September Anno 1356. and delivered in May Anno 1361. There hapned in France a certain contention between the French Prelates and the Fryars of Paris The French Prelates assembling in the City of Paris caused by the Bedles to be called together all the Students Masters and Batchellors of every faculty with the chief heads of all the Religious Houses and Fryars of the University of Paris Who being all congregated in the Bishop of Paris his house where there were present four Arch-Bishops and twenty Bishops the Bishop of Biture preached to the Students of Paris against the Fryars He told them that true charity would compel them to provide for their flocks to withstand errours that they were bound to give their lives for the flock committed to their charge That no Man ought to busie himself with what belonged not to his Office For thereby saith he all Ecclesiastical Order is dissolved He shewed how the Dominican and Franciscan Fryars did usurp what belonged to the Prelates They charged the Fryars for preaching against their wills throughout all their Diocesses and for hearing confessions saying that they have the Pope's priviledge to bear them out therein Then stood up another in the publick place and read the priviledges of both the orders and afterwards read the constitution of Pope Innocent III. written in the fifth of the Decretals Which constitution was repugnant and contrary to the aforesaid priviledges Then rose up the Bishop of Ambian a great Lawyer who discoursing from Article to Article there proved by good Law that the said constitution stood in it's full force and vigour and ought not to be infringed by the Fryars priviledges in any part and therefore by vertue of that constitution the Fryars ought not so misorderly to hear confessions enjoyn pennance and preach in Churches without special licence of the Bishop of the Diocess and leave from the Curate of the Parish unto whose words none of the Fryars replyed at that time So the Bishop proceeding to the conclusion desired the University to assist them in that case wherein they were all determined to stand
third was that the Pope could not give general licence to hear confessions so but that the Parishoner so confessed was bound to reiterate the same confession made unto his own Curate Which he proved by divers places of the Canon Law The fourth opinion was that the Fryars by the Licence of the Pope and of the Bishops might lawfully hear confessions and the people might be of them confessed and absolved But yet notwithstanding it was just honest and profitable that once in the year they should be confessed to the Curates although confessed before to the Fryars because of the admininistration of the Sacraments especially at Easter of which opinion was William de monte Landuno The fifth opinion was that albeit the Fryars might at all times and at Easter also hear confessions as the Curates did yet it was safer at the time of Easter to confess to the Curates than to the Fryars And of this opinion was Richard of Armagh Arch-Bishop and Primate of Ireland In the time of Pope Clement VI. John King of France invented the Sect and Order of those Monks Sympson Eccles Hist p. 391. which are called Stellati whose manner is always to wear a star upon their Breast signifying thereby that there is nothing in them but the light of perfection and the clear shining of good works yea that they themselves are the light of the World Item That they shall rise again at the last day all shining and glistering as the most clear and pleasant stars according as it is written Dan. 12.3 They that turn many unto Righteousness shall be as the stars for ever and ever After the death of Pope Clement VI. succeeded Innocent VI. before whom the aforesaid Richard of Armagh published nine Articles against the begging Fryars This Pope builded Walls about Avignon and founded an house of Carthusian Monks without the City Pope Vrban V. succeeded him Anno 1364. Nicholas Orem made a Sermon before the Pope and his Cardinals on Christmas-even in which he rebuketh the Prelates and Priests of his time declaring their destruction not to be far off by certain signs taken of their wicked and corrupt life He proveth the Popish Clergy to be so much worse than the old Synagogue of the Jews by how much it is worse to sell the Church and Sacraments than to suffer Doves to be sold in the Church In the year 1370. Peter Belfort of Lemousin who took the name of Gregory XI was created likewise at Avignon who thought good to transfer the Apostolical Chair from Avignon back again to Rome a thing almost incredible for so many French Popes succeeding one another they had so weakned the Italian party that there were scarce any Italian Cardinals among them all and of the French there were more than twenty Several reasons are alledged to have moved Gregory to this resolution but particularly these following The first was that he saw all Italy in Arms not only by the Wars betwixt Venice and Genoa but by a resolution several Cities had taken to shake off the yoke of their servitude and re-establish themselves in a state of Liberty which he believing to be occasioned by the absence of the pilot from the Vessel of Rome he began to think of resettling his pontifical residence in Italy The second was That one day reprehending a certain Bishop his familiar that he left the Bishoprick to follow the Court the Bishop confidently replyed And you who are Pope of Rome why are you in France Hist of Cardin. part 3. lib. 1. Why are you so long from the place where your Church doth lye Others will have it that a Letter from St. Bridget whom the Pope lookt upon as a true Saint contributed much in which she advised him as from God to return to Rome He gave order for twenty Galleys to be ready in the Rhone pretending to go somewhither else with them because he suspected that the French who had so much advantage by the residence of his Court in France would obstruct it if they had the least notice of his removing the See to Rome But indeed they took not the least Alarum at all the preparations which were made as not imagining that a French Pope would put such an affront upon his Nation So that they had no notice of it till the Pope was at Sea being passed as far as Genoa and from Genoa to Cornetto where being weary of his Galleys he made the rest of his Voyage by Land and being arrived at Rome he began to apply fit Medicines and specifical to the maladies of Italy But he dyed Anno 1280. of a great distemper in his Bladder after he had sate six years in France and five in Italy It is reported that at the hour of this Pope's Death the palace of the Pope at Avignon was set on fire and could not be quenched Bale's Pageant of Pope's till the greatest part thereof was burnt Afterwards ensued the greatest schism and division that ever hapned in the Popedom King John dyed Anno 1364. to whom succeeded his Son Charles the fifth of that name King John dyed in England for the French King had an earnest desire to see the King of England again because he had so honourably entertained him whilst he was his prisoner So he went and was entertained very Royally But shortly after he fell sick and dyed at London His Body was conveyed over into France and buried in the Town of St. Denis the King of Cyprus being present at his Funerals Charles V. called the Wise was crowned at Rhemes together with his Wife the Daughter of Peter Duke of Bourbon He made his younger Brother Philip Duke of Burgundy who had been prisoner with his Father in England Many Lords in Gascoign revolted from Prince Edward unto the French King Prince Edward after his great victories had carried himself roughly toward the Noble-men his Subjects But the French King besides his excellent Wisdom was also gentle and courteous insinuating himself into the affections of all men The Duke of Anjou marching with his forces from Tholouse easily recovered all the Towns and holds that were pertaining to the English in those quarters The King of England lost all his whole Seignory of Gascoign the people partly rebelling and partly yielding themselves willingly to his enemy Poictiers also yieldeth to the French The men of Rochel yield also unto the French King Charles dyed of poison taken long before He was a Prince so wise and politick Frossard's chronic in Charl. V. Anno 1380. that fitting in his Gown at Paris in ease and quietness he recovered many things by counsel and policy which his predecessours had lost in the field to their Enemies And among other vexations which hapned to King Edward at his last Voyage that he intended into Britain for the rescue of his men besieged when he was forced back by the extremity of Weather this one thing troubled him above the rest that he must make war
1547. 27. Michael Mareschal John Camus Great John Camus John Serarphin were burnt the same year in Paris 28. Octavian Blundel a Merchant of precious Stones at Paris was also burnt for his profession Anno 1548. 29. Hubert Burre a young Man a Taylor of nineteen years was burned for the Gospel at Diion 30. Florent Venote a Priest at Paris after four years and nine hours imprisonment having endured many torments at last when there was a great Show in Paris at the King 's coming into the City and divers other Martyrs in sundry places of the City were put to death he having his Tongue cut out was brought to see the execution of them all and last of all was burnt in the place of Maulbert Anno 1549. 31. Ann Aubert a Widow at Orleans Anno 1549. going to Geneva was taken and brought to Paris and by the Council there judged to be burnt at Orleans 32. A poor Taylor at Paris dwelling in St. Anthonie's street who boldly defended the Gospel before the King and his Nobles he was burnt in the presence of the King his strength and courage in suffering did greatly astonish the King and others Anno 1549. 33. Claudius Thierry was apprehended coming from Geneva and was burned at Orleans Anno 1549. 34. Leonard Galimard was burnt at Paris the same year 35. Macoeus Morcou was burnt in Troyes Anno 1549. 36. John Godeau and Gabriel Beraudinus were burnt at Chamberiace 37. Thomas Sanpaulinus after cruel wracking was burnt in Paris Anno 1551. 38. Maurice Secenate was burnt in Provence Anno 1551. Joannes de puteo sir-named Medicus was also burnt at Vzez in Provence the same year 39. Claudius Monerius was burnt at Lyons he was meek and learned some of his Judges wept at his death while he was in prison he wrote certain Letters but one especially very comfortable to all the faithful He also wrote the questions and interrogatories of the official with his answers likewise to the same which being summarily contracted you may read in Mr. Fox Act. and Monument Vol. 2. p. 137. 40. Renate Poyet Son of William Poyet which was Chancellour of France for the sincere profession of the Gospel was burnt at the City of Saulmure Anno 1552. 41. John Joyer and a young Man his Servant were burnt at Tholouse 42. Hugh Gravier a School-master and after Minister of Cortillon was burnt at Burge in Bresse a days Journey from Lyons Martial Alba Peter Scriba Bernard Seguine Charles Faber Peter Navihere five Students of the University of Lausanna were burnt at Lyons Anno 1553. Peter Bergerius shortly after suffered the same Martyrdom at Lyons Stephen Peloquine and Dyonisius Peloquine Brethren suffered at Ville Franche about Lyons in the same year 43. Lewes Marsacus Michael Gerard Stephen Granot suffered also at Lyons Anno 1553. Matthew Dimonet Merchant suffered there also At his burning he spake much to the people and was heard with great attention 44. William Neele an Austin Fryar suffered at Eureux in France Simon Laloe at Diion The Executioner called Justus Silvester seeing the faith and constancy of Laloe was converted and he with all his Family removed to the Church of Geneva 45. Nicholas Nayle a Shoo-maker was burnt at Paris and Peter Serre a Priest was burnt at Tholouse Anno 1553. 46. Stephen King and Peter Denocheus were burnt at Chartres Anno 1553. 47. Antonius Magnus was burnt at Paris Anno 1554. 48. William Alencon a Bookseller and a certain Clothworker were burnt at Montpelliers Anno 1554. 49. Paris Panier a godly Lawyer for constant profession of the Gospel was beheaded at Dola Anno 1554. 50. Peter du Vall Shoo-maker after grievous wrackings was burnt at Nismes Anno 1554. 51. John Filieul Carpenter Julian le ville Point-maker were burnt at Sanserre Anno 1554. 52. Dyonisius Vayre leaving his Popish Priesthood went to Geneva where he learnt the Art of Book binding and many times brought Books into France Afterwards in the Reign of Edward VI. King of England he preached the word in Jersey but after his death thinking to return again to Geneva he came with his Books into Normandy unto a Town called Fueille where he was taken with his Books and after the suffering most cruel torments was burnt at Rhoan 53. Thomas Calbergn at Tourney was burnt Anno 1554. 54. Richard Feurus a Goldsmith born at Rhoan after he had been in London where he first tasted of the Gospel he went to Geneva where he remained nine or ten years From thence returning to Lyons he was apprehended and condemned Then he appealed to the High Court at Paris where in the way as he was led to Paris he was met by certain whom he knew not and by them taken from his Keepers and so set at liberty Anno 1551. After that continuing at Geneva for the space of three years he came into Daulphinè and there as he found fault with the Grace said in Latin he was detected and apprehended The next day he was sent to the Justice from him to the Bishop who ridding their hands of him he was brought to the Lieutenant who sent his Advocate with a Notary to him in Prison to examine him of his Faith for which I shall refer the Reader to Mr. Fox Act. and Monum Vol. 2. p. 146. 147. 148. He was sent back to the Bishop's prison and from thence shortly after to Lyons where he had his Tongue cut out and then was burnt 55. Nicholas du Chesne suffered at Ory near Bizancon Anno 1554. 56. John Bertrand Keeper of the Forrest of Marchenoir was burnt at Blois Anno 1556. 57. Peter Rousseau after three wrackings had his Tongue cut out and a ball of Iron put in his mouth He was drawn upon an Hurdle all broken to the fire where he was lifted up into the Air and let down thrice And when he was half burnt the ball fell from his mouth and he with a loud voice called on the name of God saying Jesus Christ assist me so he dyed 58 Arnold Moniere and John de Cazes were burnt at Bourdeaux Anno 1556. 59. Philip Cone James his fellow Archambant Seraphon Mr. Nicholas du Rousseau were burnt at Diion Anno 1557. 60. Philip Hamlin suffered at Bourdeaux 61. Nicholas Sartorius at Oest near Piedmont Anno 1557. 62. George Tardiff with one of Tours a Broiderer Nicholas a Shoo-maker at Jenvile suffered at Tours I must now return back to the Reign of King Francis I. The Lutherans having presented a confession of their Faith the Princes of Germany being assembled before the Emperour in a Hall Anno 1530 capable to receive 200 persons Hist Concil Trident. li. 1. it was read with a loud voice And the Cities which followed the Doctrine of Zuinglius presented apart the confession of their Faith not differing from the former but only in the point of the Eucharist The confession of the Princes was afterwards from this place called the Augustan Confession The Pope's Legate would not censure
commanding that one should be celebrated every ten years His opinion was followed by Ludovicus Faber and some others Anno du Bourge did add that many villanies were committed condemned by the Laws for punishment whereof the rope and fire were not sufficient viz. frequent blasphemies against God perjuries Adulteries not only secret but even cherished with impudent license making himself to be plainly understood that he spake not only of the Grandees of the Court but of the King himself also adding that while men lived thus dissolutely divers Torments were prepared against those who were guilty of nothing but of publishing to the World the vices of the Church of Rome and desiring an amendment of them In opposition of all this Egidius Magister the prime President spake against the new Sects concluding that there was no other remedy but that which was formerly used against the Albigenses of whom Philip Augustus put to death six hundred in one day and against the Waldenses who were choaked in the caves whither they retired to hide themselves All the voices being given the King said he had how heard with his own Ears that which before was told him that the contagion of the Kingdom doth hence arise that there are in the Parliament who do despise the Pope's Authority and His that he well knoweth they are but few but the cause of many evils Therefore he exhorted those who are good Subjects to continue in doing their duty and immediately gave order that Faber and du Bourg should be imprisoned and afterwards caused four more to be apprehended in their houses But at the same time as if there had been no danger at all the Ministers of the Reformed for so the Protestants are called in France assembled in Paris in the Suburbs of St. German made a Synod in which Francis Morellus the chief man among them was President ordaining divers constitutions of the manner of holding Councils of removing the domination in the Church of the Election and Offices of Ministers of censures of Marriages of Divorces of degrees of consanguinity and affinity that throughout all France they might not only have an Uniform Faith but Discipline also And their courage did increase because the same of the severity used in France coming into Germany the three Electors and other Protestant Princes sent Ambassadours to the King to disswade him from that rigour against the professours of their Religion But the King though he gave them a courteous Answer yet remitted nothing of the severity but after the Ambassadours were gone he deputed four Judges of the body of the Parliament in the causes of the prisoners with the Bishop of Paris and the Inquisitor Anthony de Mocares commanding them to proceed with all expedition Nicholas Clinet one of the Elders of the Church at Paris and Taurin Gravelle a Lawyer and Advocate in the Court of Paris and elder of the same Church were both burnt at Paris Bartholomew Hector was burnt at Thurin Mistriss Philippa de Luns was strangled at Paris Anno 1558. after she had a little felt the Flame with her Feet and Visage Of the same company was also Nicholas Cene a Physician Brother to Philip Cene above-mentioned and Martyred at Diion and Peter Gabart which two were brought forth to their execution Octob. 2. They were holden long in the Air over a small fire and their lower parts burnt off before that the higher parts were much harmed with the fire Nevertheless these Holy Men ceased not in all these torments to turn up their eyes to Heaven and to shew forth infinite Testimonies of their Faith and constancy In the same fire many Bibles and Testaments were burnt Among divers young Scholars and Students that were in the little Castle with Peter Gabart there were these two viz. Frederick Danville and Francis Rebezies neither of them being past 20 years of Age. How valiantly they behaved themselves in the cause of Christ what conflicts they had disputing with the Doctors of Sorbonne what confessions they made their own Letters left in writing do make Relation these valiantly suffered Martyrdom Crispin li. 6. comment Gallic de Statu Relig. Reipub. Rene Seau and John Almerick were almost wracked to death in prison and afterwards both of them dyed in prison John Bordel Matthew Vermeil Peter Bourdon Andrew de Fou at the Countrey of Bresil were also Martyrs Villegaignon Lieutenant to the French King brought three of them to the top of a Rock and there being half strangled without any Judgement threw them into the Sea The fourth viz. Andrew de Fou he caused by manifold allurements somewhat to incline to his sayings so he escaped the danger not without a great offence taken of a great part of the French-men in that Countrey Benet Romain a Mercer at Draguignan in Provence was wracked and burnt Francis Civaux who had been Secretary to the French Ambassadour here in England in Queen Maries time after being desirous to hear the word of God went to Geneva Also he was placed to be Secretrary to the Senate of Geneva where he continued about the space of a year Having then certain business he came to Diion where he was betrayed by a Priest apprehended and carried to prison and within seven days after was first strangled and then burnt Peter Arondeau of Rochel was burnt quick at the place called St. John in Greve at Paris The Heroick constancy which God gave h●m and wherein he endured victorious unto death was a mirrour of patience to Anne du Bourg Counsellour in the Parliament of Paris and to divers other then prisoners and was to them a preparation toward the like death which shortly after they suffered Thomas Moutard was burnt at Valenciennes Divers others also suffered Martyrdom at Paris for the profession of the Gospel Philip the second King of Spain after the death of his Wife Mary Queen of England was married to Elizabeth eldest Daughter to King Henry II. Philibert Emmanuel Duke of Savoy married with Marguarite the King 's only Sister and Charles Duke of Lorrain with Claude a younger Daughter of Franoe The King yielded to Philip all that he had taken from him as well on this side as beyond the Mountains To the Savoyard he restored Bresse Savoy and Piedmont to the Genevois the Isle of Corse and about four hundred places more conquered during the late fatal Wars which had made so many Provinces desolate ruined so many Castles Towns and Villages drunk up so much Christian blood and slain so many millions of Men of all qualities retaining nothing but the Territories of Boullen and Calais The prisons were now full of the Protestants the Marriages of the King's Daughters and Sister were solemnized with all the pleasures and sports that could be devised The Court exceeded in sumptuous Plays Masks Dances and Bon-fires the people expressed publick joy by reason of the peace with loud acclamations in these ceremonies But this pleasant Comedy was converted by a sad
Frequent Meetings of Bishops at Orleans Page 22 23 Bertram an Holy Man and singular Writer Page 64 Berengarius the first that was accounted an Heretick for denying Transubstantiation Page 73 Bernard a Monk of Clugny Page 190 St. Bernard Abbot of Clarevaux his story Page 87 88 89 Ann du Bourg a famous Protestant burnt for the Truth Page 214 William Brissonnet a Godly French Bishop Page 193 Peter de Bruce he Preacheth against the Popes Page 92 Pope Boniface VIII affirmeth that the Realm of France is a Benefice of the Papal Majesty p. 127. He put France under an Interdict ibid. He investeth the Emperour Albert King of France Page 128 Bruno the Founder of the Order of the Carthusians Page 83 Queen Blanch worshippeth St. Edmond at Canterbury Page 112 William Budaeus Secretary to King Francis I. his Library-keeper and afterwards his Counsellour his works Page 189 Cardinal Bellay ibid William Bellay a Learned Nobleman Page 190 Stephen Brulifer a Doctor of Sorbon and Franciscan Page 172 C. JOhn Calvin his Learning and Industriousness Page 193 Dr. John Castellan a sincere Preacher of the Word in France and Martyr Page 194 The beginning of the Cistercian Order Page 83 Clovis I. the first Christian King of France his story from Page 18 ad Page 22 Caesarius Bishop of Arles Page 22 Charles the Great made Emperour of the West by the Pope Page 44 He subdueth the Saxons and reduceth them to the Christian Faith Page 45 Claudius Bishop of Auxerre Page 41 Jodocus Clichtoveus a Learned Man of Paris Page 184 Philip de Commines an Historiographer Page 178 King Charles VII reduceth all to his obedience which was subdued to the English except Calais Page 164 When the Cardinals were first shut up in a Conclave at the Election of the Pope Page 120 Charles of Guise Arch-Bishop of Rhemes and Charles of Vendosme made Cardinals Page 206 Crescens one of the first Preachers in France Page 2 Columban an Holy Man Page 33 Councils at Matiscon Page 24 25 A Council at Orleans Page 23 24 A Council at Poictiers Page 26 A Council at Auxerre Page 33 Councils at Cabillon or Chalon Page 34 52 A Council at Franckford Page 42 A Council at Mentz Page 46 Councils at Rhemes Page 48 68 69 84 89 A Council at Clermont Page 80 A Council at Tours Page 49 A Council at Arles Page 54 Councils at Lyons Page 57 111 119 Councils at Paris Page 58 Page 93 A Council at Meaux Page 59 A Council at Pistis ibid A Council at Acciniacum Page 60 A Council called by Pope John in France Page 64 A Council at Soissons Page 99 A Council at Bourges Page 106 The Council of Constance There it was decreed that a Council lawfully assembled is above the Pope Page 162 Charles the Great banisheth the Ambrosian service and establisheth the Gregorian Page 55 A general Complaint made against the Clergy of France by the Court of France and all the Judges of France accusing them of many abuses Page 145 D. KIng Dagobert built the Temple of St. Denis which hath since been the Sepulchre of the French Kings Page 32 Francis Duraneus a Learned Lawyer Page 208. Durandus a famous Lawyer and Divine Page 142 143 Dionisius Bishop of Paris Page 9 E. ELigius a Bishop Page 35 Claudius Espencaeus a Doctor of Sorbon his Learned Writings Page 191 Eucherius Bishop of Lyons Page 15 Eustasius Abbot of Lexovien Page 32 Exuperius Bishop of Tholouse Page 13 F. JAcobus Faber a learned Frenchman Farel and Calvin were his Scholars Page 183 Faustus of an Abbot made Bishop of Rhegium in France Page 20 France divided into divers Factions in the time when King Henry V. invaded it Page 163 Fulco Arch-Bishop of Rhemes murthered in the Council of Rhemes Page 68 Fulbert Bishop of Chartres a learned Man Page 72 Fursius Foilan and Ultan built Monasteries in France Page 35 King Francis the first a Founder of Learning in Paris Page 190 A contention between the Fryars of Paris and the French Prelates Page 148 149 150 G. GAnderious Bishop of Lyons Page 34 Robert Gagwin a French Historian Page 183 John Gerson a famous Divine of Paris his Learning and Works Page 164 165 Gerebert Arch-Bishop of Rhemes p. 70. He wrote the Apology of the French Church Page 71 Gotteschalk his opinions Page 63 Godfrey of Bovillon chosen King of Jerusalem Page 83 Gratian a Preacher at Tours Page 9 Gratian the compiler of the Pope's Decrees Page 101 Gregory Bishop of Tours Page 30 A strife between the Gray Fryars Prelates and Doctors of Paris Page 114 115 Gregory de Arimino opposeth the Parisian Doctors in the Article of Justification Pope Gregory XII translates his Seat back again from Avignon to Rome Page 152 153 When the Gospel began to be Preached in France by Peter Sebevilla Page 192 Gul. de Sto. Amore a Doctor of Paris Page 111 Gul. de alta Petra Bishop of Paris Page 108 Guilem an Abbot he wrote the Life of St. Bernard Page 92 Wesselus Gansfort a Master in the Vniversity of Paris Page 172 H. HAyabad a Franciscan Preached in Avignon before Pope Clement that the Church of Rome is the Whore of Babylon and the Pope and his Cardinals are Antichrist Page 147 King Henry II. kill'd by Earl Montgomery with a Lance. Page 213 King Charles VI puts the bearer of the Pope's Bulls to the punishment called the Honorary Amends ibid King Henry V. of England warreth in France and dyeth there Page 164 Henry VI. an Infant is Crowned K. at Paris ibid Herebald Bishop of Auxerre Page 62 Hildebert Arch-Bishop of Tours Page 78 Hinckmarus Arch-bishop of Rhemes Page 60 61 Hinckmarus Bishop of Laon. Page 60 Hilary Bishop of Poictiers in France Page 11 Hilary first Bishop of Arles Page 15 I. IRenaeus his story Page 6 7 8 Jews banished out of France by King Dagobert p. 33. And by Philip Augustus Page 93 Ivo Arch-Bishop of Chartres a Vassal to Pope Urban II. He wrote divers Epistles to him Page 79 80 Joan of Arc her Story her Valour Success and Death Page 168 Indulgences granted to divers Churches Brother-hoods and Hospitals Page 218 219 220 Pope John XXII erected the Church of Tholouse into an Arch-Bishoprick and divided the Diocess of Tholouse into six Bishopricks Page 144 King John and his Son Philip are taken Prisoners by Edward the Black Prince and carried into England Page 148 James de Paradiso of Chartres he wrote a little after the Council of Basil Page 170 L. LAndilenus Bishop of Vienna Page 34 Lazarus first Pastor of Marseilles Page 2 Good Laws enacted by King Lewes IX Page 116 A League among the French Nobility against the Pope Page 115 Launmarus of Chartres a renowned Fryar Page 22 Leporius a French Monk a Nestorian Page 20 A Letter sent in the name of St. Peter Page 39 Vincentius Lirinensis He wrote against the Pelagians and Nestorians Page 18 The Emperour Lewes imprisoned in the