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A40651 The appeal of iniured innocence, unto the religious learned and ingenuous reader in a controversie betwixt the animadvertor, Dr. Peter Heylyn, and the author, Thomas Fuller. Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. 1659 (1659) Wing F2410; ESTC R5599 346,355 306

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Brimpton though not cleaving the pin touch the mark in this point Unde Anglis regnantibus laus CANTABRIGIENSIS PROVINCIAE splendide florebat Yet the dignity being but tempory and disposable at the Princes pleasure in reward of new Services the Kentish had it afterward bestowed on them and for a long time enjoyed it Dr. Heylin Our Author proceeds Fol. 141. It did not afterwards embolden him to the anticipation of the Crown attending till it descended upon him He speaks this of King Edward the Confessor who had he tarryed till the Crown had descended on him might possibly have found a place amongst the Confessors but not amongst the Kings of England For the truth is the right title to the Crown was at that time in Edward surnamed the Outlaw the eldest son of Edmund Ironside who flying into Hungary to avoid the fury of the Danes married the Kings sister of that Country and was by her the Father of Edgar Atheling and of Margaret wife to Malcolm Conmor King of the Scots But these being absent at that time Emma the Mother of Prince Edward and Widow to Canutus the Dane took the oportunity to set her son upon the Throne as being not onely half-brother to King Edmund Ironside but also half-brother and consequently nearest Kinsman to Canutus the second which if it were a good descent will plead almost as strongly for King Harald as it did for him Fuller My words are true and not subject to just exception which I confined onely to King Edward his relation to his own brethren The legend of his life reports him to be crowned when unborn in his Mothers Belly and having six elder Brethren by the same father King Ethelred 1. Ethelstan 2. Egbert 3. Edmond 4. Edred 5. Edwy 6. Edgar Some of which came to the Crown others died in their minority King Edward though thus pre-crowned did not endeavor to ante-date his possession of the Throne before his elder Brethren but waited till the title as it was derived unto him from his father descended on him Otherwise I advocate not for Him if He took it from any other who had more right to it than himself Dr. Heylin But by what means soever he got the Crown he deserved to weare it Fuller I cannot cordially close with the Animadvertors expression herein being sensible of no Desert which in this Case is not attended with a true Title For who shall judge of the desert of Competitors If the person himself then every usurper will cry up his own worthinesse If his party they will make him most meriting whom they favour most in their fancies This will unsettle all States cassat all Titles and cause much distraction But believing no Il at all intended in these his words let us proceed Dr. Heylin Our Author telleth us ibid. That whereas formerly there were manifold Laws in the Land made some by the Britains others by the Danes others by the English c. He caused some few of the best to be selected and the rest as captious and unnecessary to be rejected from whence they had the name of the Common Laws That the Common-Law was so call'd because compounded of the Saxon British and Danish Lawes which were before of force onely in such places where the Danes Britans and Saxons had the greatest sway though it be easie to be said will be hard to be proved The Britains at that time liv'd under their own Princes and were governed by their own Lawes and so they were for a long time after so that King Edward having no dominion over them could not impose a Law upon them Nor was it propable that he should borrow any of their Laws or impose them on his natural Subjects considering the antipathy and disaffection betwixt the Nations There were at that time indeed in England three kindes of Laws The first called Dane-lage or the Danish Laws prevailing for the most part in the Kingdome of the East-Angles and that of Northumberland Secondly Saxon-lage used generally in the Kingdoms of the West-Saxons East-Saxons South-Saxons and that of Kent And thirdly Mercen-lage extending over all the Provinces of the Kingdome of Mercia As for the Britans of Cornwall and Cumberland they had no distinct Law for themselves as had those of Wales but were governed by the Laws of that Nation unto which they were Subject By these three sorts of Laws were these Nations governed in their several and respective limits which being afterwards reduced into one body and made common equally to all the subjects did worthily deserve the name of the Common-Law But secondly I dare not give the honour of this Action to King Edward the Confessor The great Iustinian in this work was another Edward called for distinctions sake King Edward the elder who began his Reign Anno 900. almost 150 years before this Confessor to whom our Author hath ascribed it But the truth is that these Laws being suppressed by the Danish Kings who governed either in an arbitrary way or by Laws of their own Countrey they were revived and reinforced in the time of this Edward from whence they had the name of Edward the Confessors Laws and by that name were sued and fought for in the time succeeding of which more hereafter Now as this work may be ascribed to his love to Justice so from his piety his successors derive as great a benefit of curing the disease which from thence is called the Kings-Evill which some impute as our Author tells us to secret and hidden causes Fuller This long Note might well have been boiled down from a Gallon to a Gil to make it more cordial If the Reader can pick any information out of it much good may it doe him Let the honour of so good a Deed with all my heart be parted betwixt the two Edwards one the Beginner the other the finisher thereof Dr. Heylin Our Author proceeds Fol. 145. Others ascribe it to the power of fancy and an exalted imagination Amongst which others I may reckon our Author for one He had not else so strongly pleaded in defence thereof But certainly what effect soever the strength of fancy and an exalted imagination as our Author calls it may produce in those of riper years it can contribute nothing to the cure of children And I have seen some children brought before the King by the hanging sleeves some hanging at their Mothers breasts and others in the arms of their Nurses all touch'd and cur'd without the help of any such fancies or imaginations as our Author speaks of Fuller If I be reckoned amongst them I am mis-reckoned for though I conceive fancy may much conduce in Adultis thereunto yet I believe it partly Miraculous as may appear by my last and largest insisting thereon I say partly because a compleat Miracle is done presently and perfectly whereas this cure is generally advanced by Degrees and some Dayes interposed Dr. Heylin Others lesse charitably condemn this cure as guilty of
fol. 10. gives us some other in their stead which he thinks unanswerable Fuller I deny not that P. Eleutherius might or did send a Letter to K. Lucius but I justly suspect the Letter novv extant to be but-pretended and forged I never thought by the vvay hovv came the Animadvertor to knovv my thoughts my Arguments unanswerable but now I say they are unanswered standing in full force notvvithstanding any alledged by the Animadvertor to the contrary I confesse a Memory-mistake of Sicilia for Galatia and as it is the first fault he hath detected in my Book so shall it be the first by me God Willing amended in the next Edition Dr. Heylyn Our Author First objects against the Popes answer to the King that Fol. 11. It relates to a former letter of King Lucius wherein he requested of the Pope to send him a Copy or Collection of the Roman Lawes which being at that time in force in the I le of Britain was but actum agere But certainly though those parts of Brittain in which Lucius reign'd were governed in part and but in part by the Lawes of Rome yet were the Lawes of Rome at that time more in number and of a far more generall practice then to be limited to so narrow a part of their Dominions Two thousand Volumes we find of them in Iustinians time out of which by the help of Theophilus Trebonianus and many other learned men of that noble faculty the Emperour compos'd that Book or body of Law which from the universality of its comprehension we still call the Pandects Fuller One who hath taken but two Turnes in Trinity hall Court in Cambridge knowes full well what PANDECTS are and why so called All this is but praefatory I waite for the answer to the Objection still to come Dr. Heylyn In the next place it is objected that This letter mounts King Lucius to too high a Throne making him the Monarch or King of Britain who neither was the Supreme nor sole King here but partial and subordinate to the Romans This we acknowledge to be true but no way prejudiciall to the cause in hand Lucius both was and might be call'd the King of Britain though Tributary and Vassal to the Roman Emperors as the two Baliols Iohn and Edward were both Kings of Scotland though Homagers and Vassals to Edward the first and third of England the Kings of Naples to the Pope and those of Austria and Bohemia to the German Emperors Fuller A Blank is better then such writing to no purpose For first both the Baliols in their severall times were though not SUPREME SOLE Kings of Scotland So were the Kings of Naples and the King of Austria there never being but one the first and Last viz. Fredoritus Leopoldus and the Kings of Bohemia in their respective Dominions Not so Lucius who was neither Supreme nor Sole King of Brittain Besides the Baliols being Kings of Scotland did never Style themselves or were Styled by other Kings of Brittaine The Kings of Naples never entituled themselves Kings of Italy Nor the Kings of Austria and Bohemia ever wrote themselves or were written to as Kings of Germany Whereas Lucius Ruler onely in the South West-part of this Isle is in this Letter made King of Brittain more then came to his share an Argument that the Forger thereof was unacquainted with the Constitution of his Kingdom And this just Exception stands firme against the Letter what ever the Animadvertor hath alledged in the excuse thereof Dr. Heylyn Nor doth the next objection give us any trouble at all that is to say that The Scripture quoted in that Letter is out of St. Hieroms Translation which came more then a hundred years after Unless it can be prov'd withall as I think it cannot that Hierom followed not in those Texts those old Translations which were before receiv'd and used in the Western Churches Fuller See the different tempers of men how some in point of Truth are of a tenderer constitution than others The Primate Armach was so sensible of the strength of this reason that it made him conclude against the authenticallnesse of the Letter Dr. Heylyn Lesle am I mov'd with that which follows viz. That this letter not appearing till a thousand years after the death of Pope Eleutherius might probably creep out of some Monks Cell some four hundred years since Which allegation being admitted the Monks Cell excepted it makes no more to the discredit of the letter which we have before us then to the undervaluing of those excellent Monuments of Piety and Learning which have been recovered of late times from the dust and moths of ancient Libraries Such Treasures like money long lock't up is never thought lesse profitable when it comes abroad And from what place soever it first came abroad I am confident it came not out of any Monks Cell that generation being then wholly at the Popes devotion by consequence not likely to divulge an Evidence so manifestly tending to the overthrow of his pretensions The Popes about four hundred years since were mounted to the height of that power and Tyranny which they claimed as Vicars unto Christ. To which there could not any thing be more plainly contrary then that passage in the Pope's letter whereto he tells the King That he was Gods Vicar in his owne Kingdom vos estis Vicarius Dei in Regno vestro as the Latin hath it Too great a secret to proceed from the Cell of a Monk who would have rather forg'd ten Decretals to uphold the Popish usurpations over Soveraign Princes then published one onely whether true or false to subvert the same Nor doth this Letter onely give the King an empty Title but such a Title as imports the exercise of the chief Ecclesiastical Power within his Dominions For thus it followeth in the same The people and the folk of the Realm of Britain be yours whom if they be divided ye ought to gather in concord and peace to call them to the faith and law of Christ to cherish and maintain them to rule and govern them so as you may reign everlastingly with him whose Vicar you are So far the very words of the letter as our Author rendereth them which savour far more of the honest simplicity of the Primitive Popes then the impostures and supposititious issues of the latter times Fuller I confesse some pretious pieces of Antiquity long Latent in Obscurity have at last broke forth into the Light with no little advantage to Learning But then such were intire Books and we know how when where and by whom they were found out and brought forth Whereas this loose Letter secretly and slily slid into the World unattended with any such Cicumstances to attest the Genuinesse thereof Children casually lost are no whit the lesse Legitimate and beloved the more when found and owned of their Parents But give me leave to suspect that Babe a Bastard which is left on a bulk or
principal Articles and main branches of it Fuller It is an hard question and yet perchance more dangerous than difficult to answer but the reason I dare alledge is this Even so Father because it pleased thee Let me add that such conscientious observers thereof which have proved unsuccessefull may esteem their losses as Sweet-Bryar and Holy-Thistle and more cordially comfort themselves in such sanctified afflictions than the Infringers of their Charter could content themselves in their successefull oppression I cannot part from this point till I have inserted that Sir Robert Cotton one who had in him as much of the Gentleman Antiquarie Lawyer good Subject and good Patriot as any in England was the Author in his short view of the long reign of King Henry the third who made the observation of those most successefull Kings by whom the Grand-Charter was most conscienciously observed Dr. Heylin Our Author proceeds Fol. 88. The poor Jews durst not goe into France whence lately they had been solemnly banished but generally disposed themselves in Germany and Italy The poor Iews are more beholding to our Author for his commiseration than the high Royalists as he cals them in the former passage But poor or rich they might have passed safely into France had they been so minded For though he tell us that they had been solemnly banished out of France before this time yet either such banishment was repealed or temporary only or as I rather think not so much as sentenced Certain I am our learned Brerewood upon a diligent enquiry hath found it otherwise than our Author doth letting us know That the first Countrey in Christendome whence the Jews were expelled without hope of return was our Countrey of England whence they were banished Anno 1290. by King Edward the first and not long after out of France Anno 1307. by Philippus Pulcher. Not out of France first out of England afterwards as our Author would have it Fuller I wonder any good Christians would be offended with me for pittying them by the name poor Iews If any High royalist as I fear there is too many be in low Estate would it were as well in my power to relieve as to pitty them Till when they shall have my prayers that God would give them patience and support them in their deepest distresse The Author will find that though the Great General and Final banishment of the Jews out of France was Anno 1307. under Philip the Fair yet formely there had been Edicts for their Exile thence Dr. Heylin Our Author proceeds Fol. 100. Thus men of yesterday have pride too much to remember what they were the day before An observation true enough but not well applyed The two Spencers whom he speaks this off were not men of yesterday or raised out of the dirt or dunghill to so great an height but of as old and known Nobility as the best in England insomuch that when a question grew in Parliament whether the Baronesse de Spencer or the Lord of Aburgaveny were to have precedency it was adjudg'd unto de Spencer thereby declar'd the ancientest Barony of the Kingdome at that time then being These two Hugh●he ●he Father was created Earl of Winchester for term of life and Hugh the Son by marrying one of the Daughters and co-heirs of Gilbert de Clare became Earl of Glocester Men more to be commended for their Loyalty than accused for their pride but that the King was now declining and therefore it was held fit by the prevalent faction to take his two supporters from him as they after did Fuller The two Spencers fall under a double consideration and are beheld in History for their extraction either as Absolutely in themselves Comparatively with others Absolutely they were of honourable parentage and I believe the Elder might be born a Baron whose Baronry by the Heir general is still extant in Mildmay Fane Earl of Westmorland and from the younger House of a Male Heir the Lord Spencer of Wormelayton now Earl of Sunderland doth as I have seen in his Pedigree derive himself Comparatively So were they far inferiour to most of those great persons over whom they insulted being originally Earls and some of them of Royall extraction Again the Two Spencers may and ought by an Historian to be considered as to be 1. Commended for their Loyalty 2. Condemned for their Insolency On the first account they deserve just praise and it is probable enough that they finde the lesse Favour from some Pens for being so Faithfull to so unfortunate a Soveraigne The latter cannot be excused appearing too plain in all our Histories Dr. Heylin Our Author proceeds Fol. 113. The Lord Chancellor was ever a Bishop If our Author by this word ever understands 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 most commonly or for the most part he is right enough but then it will not stand with the following words viz. as if it had been against equity to imploy any other therein And on the other side if he take the word ever in its proper and more natural sense as if none but Bishops had ever been advanced unto that office he doth not onely misinform the Reader but confute himself he having told us fol. 31. of this present book that Thomas Becket being then but Archdeacon of Canterbury was made Lord Chancellor and that as soon as he was made Archbishop he resign'd that office But the truth is that not onely men in holy Orders but many of the Laity also had attained that dignity as will appear to any who will take the pains to consult the Catalogue of the Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal in the Glossary of Sir Henry Spelman in which appear not onely some of inferior dignity as Deans Archdeacons House-hold Chaplains but many also not dignified with any Ecclesiastical Title or Notification and therefore in all probability to be looked on as meer Lay-men Counsellors and Servants to the Kings in whose times they lived or otherwise studied in the Laws and of good affections and consequently capable of the place of such trust and power Fuller May the Reader take notice that this complaint was made by the Commons in the 11th of Edward the 3d Anno 1336. Now Ever I here restrain to the oldest man alive then present in Parliament who could not distinctly remember the contrary from the first of King Edward the first who began his Reign 1272. so that for full 64. years an uninterrupted series of Bishops except possibly one put in pro tempore for a moneth or two possessed the place of Chancellors This complaint of the Commons occasioned that the King some three years after viz. in the fifteenth year of his reign conferred the Chancellors place on a Layman But it was not long before things returned to the old channel of Clergy-men and so generally for many years continued with some few and short interpositions of Lay-men Dr. Heylin Our Author proceeds Fol. 116. This year viz. 1350.
dissensionem consensum in vera Religione firmandum that is to say to take away diversitie of Opinions and to establish an agreement in the true Religion Which end could never be effected if men were left unto the liberty of dissenting or might have leave to put their own sense upon the Articles But whereas our instances in the Article of Christs descent into Hell telling us that Christs preaching unto the Spirits there on which the Article seemed to be grounded in King Edwards Book was left out in this and thereupon inferreth that men are left unto a latitude concerning the cause time manner of his discent I must needs say that he is very much mistaken For first the Church of England hath alwaies constantly maintained a local Descent though many which would be thought her Children the better to comply with Calvin and some other Divines of forain Nations have deviated in this point from the sense of the Church And secondly the reason why this Convocation left out that passage of Christ preaching to the spirits in hell was not that men might be left unto a latitude concerning the cause time and manner of his Descent as our Author dreams but because that passaage of St. Peter being capable of some other interpretations was not conceived to be a clear and sufficient evidence to prove the Article For which see Bishop Bilsons Survey p. 388.389 Fuller I cannot fully concur with the Animadvertor That the Church of England hath constantly maintained a LOCAL DESCENT though no man hath an higher esteem for those worthy Writers who are of that perswasion I will confess this hitherto hath staggered me viz. St. Peter his application of Davids words to Christ thou shalt not leave my soul in hel I appeal whether these words import not a favour to all unprejudiced hearers which God did to his Son bearing this natural and unviolated sense That had God left Christs soul in hell his soul had been in a bad condition as being there in a suffering capacity but Gods Paternal affection to his dear Son would not leave his soul in hell but did rescue it thence Now all our Protestant and especially English Writers who maintain a LOCAL DESCENT doe very worthily in opposition to the Romish Error defend that Christ was then in a good estate yea in a triumphing condition Now then it had been no favour not to leave his soul in Hell but a less love unto him to contract his happiness in his triumph I protest that in this or any other point I am not possest with a spirit of opposition and when I am herein satisfied in any good degree I shall become the Animadvertors thankful Convert in this particular Dr. Heylin Our Author proceeds Fol. 74. In a word concerning this clause whether the Bishops were faulty in their addition or their opposites in their substraction I leave to more cunning Arithmeticians to decide The Clause here spoken of by our Author is the first Sentence in the twentieth Article entituled De Ecclesiae Authoritate where it is said that the Church hath power to decree Rites and Ceremonies and Authority in Controversies of the Faith c. Fuller To this and to what ensueth in two leaves following I return no answer not because I am pinched therein with any matter of moment but for these reasons following First I understand That the Animadvertors Stationer taketh exception that I have printed all his book which may tend to his detriment Now I protest when I ●irst took up this resolution to present the Animadvertors whole Cloth List Fagg and all I aimed not at his damage but my own defence no● can I see how I could doe otherwise seeing the plaister must be as broad as the sore the tent as deep as the wound yea I have been in●ormed by prime Stationers the like hath formerly been done without exception taken on either side in the Replies and Rejoynders betwixt Dr. Whitgift and Mr. Cartwright and many others However being willing to avoid all appearance of injury I have left out some observations which I conceived might well be spared as containing no pungent matter against me Secondly I am confident That there needs no other answer to these notes then the distinct and serious perusal of my Church History with the due alteration of favour indulged to all writings L●stly What of moment in these notes is omitted by me relateth to those two Church Questions in Law which I have formerly desired may fairly be ventilated betwixt the Animadvertor and me and if he be sensible That any thing herein tendeth to his advantage he may and no doubt will re-assume and enforce the same Dr. Heylin From the Articles our Author proceeds unto the Homilies approved in those Articles and of them he tels us Fol. 75. That if they did little good they did little harm With scorn and insolence enough Those Homilies were so composed as to instruct the people in all positive Doctrines necessary for Christian men to know with reference both to Faith and Manners and being penned in a plain style as our Author hath it were fitter for the edification of the common people than either the strong lines of some or the flashes of vain wit in others in these latter times c. Fuller With scorn and insolence I defie the words The Animadvertor might have added my words immediately following viz. They preached not strange Doctrines to People as too many vent DARKNESSES now a dayes intituled New Lig●ts And well had it been for the peace and happiness of the Church if the Animadvertor and all of his Party had had as high an esteem as the Author hath for the Homilies If none of them had called them HOMELY HOMILIES as one did And if they had conformed their practise to the second Homilie in the second Book and not appeared so forward in countenancing Images of God and his Saints in Churches Dr. Heylin The Author proceeds Fol. 76. The English Bishops conceiving themselves impowred by their Canons began to shew their authority in urging the Clergy of their Diocess to subscribe to the Liturgy Ceremonies and Discipline of the Church and such as refused the same were branded with the odious name of Puritans Our Author having given the Parliament a power of confirming no Canons as before was shewed he brings the Bishops acting by as weak Authority in the years 1563. 1564. there being at that time no Canons for them to proceed upon for requiring their Clergy to subscribe to the Liturgies Ceremonies and Discipline of the Church And therefore if they did any such thing it was not as they were impowred by their Canons but as they were inabled by that Authority which was inherent naturally in their Episcopal Office Fuller I profess my self not to understand the sense of the Animadvertor and what he driveth at herein And as soon as I shall understand him I will either fully concur with him or fairly
by Parsons to die a Jew ¶ 38. his bones burnt by Card. Poole p. 135. ¶ 54. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE paramount for Martyrs b. 5. p. 163. ¶ 2. Dr. Cernelius BURGES his speech against Deans and Chapters b. 11. p. 179. ¶ 73 74. Henry BURTON his character b. 14. p. 152. ¶ 59. cause of disconsent ¶ 60. degradea p. 143. ¶ 68. his words on the Pillory ¶ 69 70. brought back from Exile in Triumph p. 172. ¶ 32. C. Jack CADE his rebellion b. 4. p. 186. ¶ 22. CADOCUS his discreet devotion C. 6. ¶ 7. CADVVALLADER last K. of VVaks foundeth at Rome a Hospitall for the VVelch C. 7. ¶ 104. since injuriously taken from them ¶ 105. CAIUS Colledge in Cambridge founded by Dr. Caius Hist. of Camb. p. 133. ¶ 45. who bestowed good Lands building statutes Name and Armes thereon ¶ 46 47 c. fruitfull with famous Physicians ¶ 52. CAMBRAY a Nunnery therein founded for English women by the Spanish Ambassadour b. 6. p. 363. CAMBRIDGE reported to have received divers privileges from King Lucius C. 2. ¶ 12. her Christian Students reported slain by the Pagan Britans C. 4. ¶ 9. persecuted to the dissolution of the University by Pelagius C. 5. ¶ 2. reputed first founded by King S●gebert C. 7. ¶ 46. Arguments to the contrary answered ¶ .47 c. called Schola which was in that Age the same with an Academy ¶ 54. restored by King Edward the Elder C. 10. ¶ 6 7. mistaken by John Rou●e for the founder thereof ¶ 8. renounceth the Popes supremacy in a publick instrument Hist. of Camb. p. 106. ¶ 50. the first generall visitation thereof jure Regio Hist. of Camb. p. 109. ¶ 55. King Henry his Injunctions thereunto p. 112. ¶ 56. Edmund CAMPIAN sent over by the Pope to pervert England B. 9. p. 114. ¶ 41. his journall letter p. 115 116 117. catch'd by secretary Walsingham ibid. falsly pretends to be cruelly racked p. 117. ¶ 117. ¶ 2. is at last executed CANONS made in the last Convocation with the c. Oath therein b. 11. p. 168 169. severall opinions about them p. 171. Mr. Maynard his speech against them p. 180. ¶ 77. the Clergy are judged in a Praemunire for making them ¶ 78. King CANUTUS his cruelty C. 11. ¶ 5. conversion and charity ibidem c. Jo. CAPON Bishop of Salisbury a cruell persecuter under Q. Mary b. 8. S. 2. ¶ 5. the bane of his Bishoprick b. 9. ¶ 21. Nic. CARR his Epitaph Hist. of Camb. p. 141. George CARLTON Bishop of Landaf sent by K. James to the Synod of Dort B. 10. p. 77. ¶ 63. dieth Bishop of Chichester b. 11. ¶ 67. CARMELITES their first coming into England p. 271. ¶ 18. great priviledges ¶ 19. most carefull keepers of the Records of their order ¶ 20. a Catalogue of their Provincials p. 272. their first coming to Cambridge Hist. of Camb. p. 20. ¶ 5. where they would not commence Doctors and why ibid. till Humphry Necton first brake the ice ¶ 6. learned writers of their order which were Cambridge-men Hist. Camb. p. 30. ¶ 27. CARTHUSIAN Monks b. 6. p. 269. ¶ 9. Tho. CARTWRIGHT presents his admonition to the Parliament b. 9. p. 102. ¶ 5. bandying betwixt him and Dr. Whitgift ¶ 6 7. examined in the high Commission on 29. Articles b. 9. p. 198 c. sent to the Fleet for refusing to answer p. 203. discharged the Star-Chamber by favour of Arch-bishop Whitgift p. 204. ¶ 31. groweth rich at Warwick b. 10. ¶ 7. and very moderate ¶ 8. The reasons thereof ibid. His character ¶ 9. dedicates a Book to King James ¶ 18. His strange infirmity and death ¶ 19. his first cause of discontentment Hist. of Camb. p. 139. ¶ 2. clasheth with Dr. Whitgift p. 140. ¶ 3. by whom he is summoned p 141. and banished the University p. 142. John CASE Dr. of Physick b. 8. S. 3. ¶ 45. the great favour done by the University to his Scholars at Oxford ibidem CAURSINES what they were b. 3. p. 59. ¶ 6. the form of their cruell Obligations p. 60. with some notes thereon ibidem why they were called Caursines p. 61. ¶ 8. St. CEDDE his difference from St. Chad C. 7. ¶ 84. St. CHAD his difference from St. Cedde C. 7. ¶ 84. teacheth Wulfade the Christian faith ¶ 86. CHANTEREYES given to the King b. 6. p. 250. ¶ 3. what they were ¶ 5. Fourty seven founded in St. Pauls Church in London p. 351 352 c. vast though uncertain their number in England p. 354. ¶ 18. Free CHAPPELS given to the King b. 6. p. 354. ¶ 15. King CHARLES his solemn coronation b. 11. ¶ 19 c. restoreth Impropriations of Ireland to the Church p. 149. ¶ 45. unwillingly consenteth to the taking away of Bishops votes in Parliament p. 195. ¶ 29 and 30. his severall papers in the Isle of Wight in defence of Episcopacie p. 230 231 c. his death which endeth the eleventh Book CHARLES eldest Son to K●ng Charles h●s short life b. 11. p 135. ¶ 1. an excellent Tetrast●ck on his death ¶ 2. CHARTER-HOUSE founded by Mr. Sutton b. 10. p. 65. in some respect exceeding the Annuntiata at Naples p. 66. ¶ 21. Thomas CHASE cruelly martyred b. 5. p. 164. ¶ 3. Geffery CHAWCER the famous Poet b. 4. p. 151. ¶ 46. his Parentage Armes and praise p. 152. ¶ 47 48. his enmity to Friers ¶ 49. Student sometimes in Cambridge Hist. Camb. p. 52. ¶ 38. as also in Oxford ibidem CHEALSEY Colledge a large d●scourse of the foundation thereof b. 10. p. 51 52 53 c. Sr. J. CHEEK Tutour to King Edward the sixth b. 7. p. 422. ¶ 12. restored to health by King Edward's prayers p. 424. ¶ 13. A prime Exile in the Reign of Q. Mary b. 8. S. 2. ¶ 24. his sad return into England ¶ 30. orally recanteth ¶ 31. and dyeth for the grief thereof ibidem vindicated from slandring and mistaking Pens in his Parentage Parts and Posterity ¶ 32. Henry CHICHELEY Arch-bishop of Canterbury foundeth All-Souls Colledge b. 4. p. 181. ¶ 10. soberly returneth a tart jear p. 182. ¶ 11. saveth Abbies by sending King Henry the fifth into France b. 6. p. 205. ¶ 5. CHRIST-CHURCH in Oxford b. 5. p. 169. ¶ 28 c. confirmed by King Henry the eighth ¶ 30. the Deans Bishops Benefactours c. thereof ¶ 32. John CHRISTOPHERSON Bishop of Chichester a learned man but great persecuter under Q. Mary b. 8. S. 2. ¶ 8. CHRISTS COLLEDGE founded by Margaret Countesse of Darby Hist. of Camb. p. 90. ¶ 55. endowed it with richlands ¶ 56. augmented by King Edward the sixth p. 91. ¶ 7. Their numerous worthies of this foundation ¶ 9. CIRCUMSPECTE AGATIS the form thereof b. 3. p. 79. ¶ 15. both a statute a writ grounded thereon p. 80. a large discourse of the severall branches thereof p. 81 82 83. CISTERTIANS being refined Benedictines b. 6. p. 266. ¶ 2. exempted by
years after p. 147. ¶ 43. PSALMS of David by whom translated into English meeter b. 7. p. 406. ¶ 31. the mean doing thereof endeavoured to be defended ¶ 32. PURGATORY not held in the Popish notion before the Conquest b. 2. p. ● how maintained in the Mungrell Religion under King Henry the eighth b. 5. p. 223. a merry Vision thereof b. 4. p. 107. PURITANS when the word first began in that odious sense b. 9. ¶ 67. vide Non-conformists The Arch-bishop of Spalato the first who abused the word to signifie the Defenders of matters Doctrinall Conformable Puritans by whom complained of b. 11. p. 144. ¶ 31. Q. QUEENS COLL. in Oxford founded by R. Eglesfield b. 3. p. 114 115. QUEENS COLL. in Cambridge founded by Q. Margaret History of Cambridge p. 80. ¶ 31. finished by Q. Elizabeth wife to King Edward the fourth ¶ 33. The Masters Benefactours Bishops ibidem R. READING a pleasant story between the Abbot thereof and King Henry the eighth b. 6. p. 299. ¶ 12 13. RECUSANTS for Papists when the name in England first began b. 9. p. 98. ¶ 29. Our REFORMATION under King Henry the eighth cleared from the aspersion of Schisme b. 5. p. 194 and 195. William REGINALD or Reinolds a zealous Papist his death and character b. 9. p. 224. ¶ 12. John REINOLDS against Conformity in Hampton-Court conference b. 10. p. 7 8 9 c. his death p. 47. ¶ 3. admirable parts and piety p 48. ¶ 5. desireth absolution at his death ¶ 6. RELICTS their abominable superstition and Forgery b. 6. p. 331. ¶ 10 11 c. RENT-CORN by statute reserved to Colledges History of Cambridge p. 144. ¶ 6. procured by Sr. Tho. Smith ¶ 7. to the great profit of both Universities ¶ 8. R. Lord RICH his servants sad mistake b. 7. p. 408. ¶ 40. which cost his master the losse of his Chancellours place ¶ 41. King RICHARD the first endeavoureth to expiate his undutifulnesse by superstition b 3. p. 40. ¶ 8. dearly ransomed p. 44. ¶ 28 29. made better by affliction p. 45. ¶ 30. his death burial and Epitaph ¶ 32 c. King RICHARD the second b. 4. p. 137. ¶ 12. his loose life p. 152. ¶ 51. conspired against by Duke Henry ¶ 52. forced to depose himself or be deposed p. 153. ¶ 53. his death ibid. King RICHARD the third his pompous double Coronation b. 4. p. 196. ¶ 4. barbarously murthered his brothers Sons ¶ 5. endeavoureth in vain to be Popular p. 197. ¶ 6 and 7. unjustly commended by a Modern Writer ¶ 8. beaten and killed in the Battel of Bosworth p. 194. ¶ 14. RIPPON Collegiat Church endowed by King James b. 10. p. 29. ¶ 16. their Land since twice sold ¶ 17. John ROGERS prime Patron of Non-conformity b. 7. p. 402. martyred b. 8. p. 23. ¶ 32. Thomas ROGERS writeth on the Articles of the Church of England b. 9. p. 172. ¶ 22. first opposeth the opinion of the Sabbatarians bitterly enough p. 228. ¶ 22. ROME COLLEDGE for English fugitives b. 9. p. 86. The ROODE what is was and why placed betwixt the Church and Chancell History of Walt. p. 16. in the first item S. The SABBATH the strict keeping thereof revived by Doctour Bound b. 9. p. 227. ¶ 20. learned men divided therein p. 228. ¶ 21 c. liberty given thereon by King James his Proclamation in Lancashire b. 10. p. 74. ¶ 58 59. reasons pro and con whether the same might lawfully be read p. 74. ¶ 56. ministers more frighted then hurt therein p. 76. ¶ 62. no reading of it enforced on them ibidem controversie revived in the Reign of King Charles b. 11. p. 144. ¶ 13 c. SAINTS Numerous and noble amongst the Saxons C. 8. ¶ 6. ridi●uously assigned by Papists to the Curing of sundry diseases and patronage of sundry professions b. 6. p. 33. ¶ 13. SAMPSON an ancient British Bishop made fine Ti●ulo C. 6. ¶ 9. Thomas SAMPSON Dean of Christ-Church in Oxford the first that I find outed his place for Puritanisme b. 9. p. 77. ¶ 72. Edwin SANDYS Bishop of Worcester b. 9. p. 63. ¶ 31. Arch-bishop of York his death p. 197. ¶ 25. his Sermon before the Duke of Northumberland at Cambridge Hist. of Cam● p. 131. ¶ 40. his ill usage for the same ¶ 43. SARDIS some representation of the British at the Generall Councill kept therein C. 4. ¶ 20. SARUM secundum usum thereof its originall and occasion b. 3. ¶ 23. William SAWTREE b. 4 p. 156. Articles against him ibidem degraded p. 157. ¶ 5. and the first man burnt for his Religion p. 158. SAXONS the first mention of them in Brit. C. 5. ¶ 9. unadvisedly invited over by King Vortiger ¶ 16. erect seven Kingdomes in Britain ¶ 17. The rabble of their Idols C. 6. ¶ 6. willfully accessorie to their own ruine by the Danes C. 9. ¶ 17. SCHISME unjustly charged on the English Church in their Reformation and returned on Rome b. 5. p. 194. and 195 SCHOOL-MEN nine eminent all of England most of Merton Colledge C. 14. p. 94 95. their needlesse difficulties p. 98. ¶ 24. barbarous Latine ¶ 25. divisions in judgement ¶ 26. why their Learning lesse used in after ages ¶ 28. SCOTLAND challenged by the Pope as his peculiar C. 14. ¶ 1. stoutly denied by the English ¶ 2. SCOTCH Liturgie the whole story thereof b. 11. p. 160. ¶ 95 c. John SCOTUS Erigena his birth-place C. 9. ¶ 32 33 34. miserably murthered by his Scholars ¶ 35. unmartyred by Baronius ¶ 36. causlesly confounded with Duns Scotus ¶ 37. John DUNS SCOTUS why so called C. 14. p. 96. ¶ 19. his birth claimed by three Kingdomes ibidem SEATER a Saxon Idol his shape and Office b. 2. C. 6. ¶ 6. SECULAR Priests their contesting with Monks C. 8. p. 133 134. John SELDEN setteth forth his Book against Tithes b. 10. p. 70. ¶ 39 40. puzleth the Assembly of Divines with his queries b. 11. p. 213. ¶ 54. Richard SENHOUSE preacheth King Charles his Coronation and his own funerall b. 11. ¶ 18. Edward SEIMOUR Duke of Somerset Lord Protectour b. 7. p. 372. ¶ 3. his tripartite accusation p. 407. ¶ 36. imprisoned yet restored p. 408. ¶ 38. afterwards impeached of Treason ¶ 42. and executed p. 409. ¶ 43. unjustly saith a good Authour ¶ 44. though King Edward was possessed of his guiltiness as appeareth by his letter ibidem his character and commendation p. 410. ¶ 45. SIDNEY SUSSEX Colledge founded Hist. of Camb. p. 153. ¶ 23 c. SIGEBERT King of the East-Angles his Religion and Learning C. 7. ¶ 45. reputed founder of the University of Camb. ¶ 46. the Cavils to the contrary answered ¶ 49 c. SIGEBERT the pious King of the East-Saxons C. 7. ¶ 81. SIMON ZELOTES made by Dorotheus to preach in Britain C. 1. ¶ 8. SIVIL COLLEDGE in Spain for English fugitives b. 9. p. 88. Mr. SMART●ernted ●ernted proto-Martyr of England b. 11.
in our Author's History though the greatest falshood Tam facilis in mendaciis fides ut quicquid famae liceat fingere illi esset libenter audire in my Author's language But for the last he brings some proof he would have us think so at the least that is to say the words of one Bayly a Scot whom it concern'd to make him as odious as he could the better to comply with a Pamphlet called The intentions of the Army in which it was declared That the Scots entred England with a purpose to remove the Arch-bishop from the King and execute their vengeance on him What hand Dr. Couzens had in assisting of the work I am not able to say But sure I am that there was nothing was done in it by the Bishops of England but with the counsel and co-operation of their brethren in the Church of Scotland viz. the Arch-bishop of St. Andrews the Arch-bishop of Glasco the Bishops of Murray Ross Brechin and Dunblane as appears by the Book entituled Hidden works of darkness c. fol. 150 153 154 c. And this our Author must needs know but that he hath a mind to quarrell the Arch-bishop upon every turn as appears plainly 1. By his Narrative of the Designe in King Iames his time from the first undertaking of it by the Arch-bishop of St. Andrewes and the Bishop of Galloway then being whose Book corrected by that King with some additions expunctions and accommodations was sent back to Scotland 2. By that unsatisfiedness which he seems to have when the project was resum'd by King Charls Whether the Book by him sent into Scotland were the same which had passed the hands of King Iames or not which he expresseth in these words viz. In the Reigne of King Charls the project was resumed but whether the same Book or no God knoweth fol. 160. If so if God onely know whether it were the same or no how dares he tell us that it was not And if it was the same as it may be for ought he knoweth with what conscience can he charge the making of it upon Bishop Laud Besides as afterward he telleth us fol. 163 The Church of Scotland claimed not onely to be Independent and free as any Church in Christendom a Sister not a Daughter of England And consequently the Prelates of that Church had more reason to decline the receiving of a Liturgy impos'd on them or commended to them by the Primat of England for fear of acknowledging any subordination to him than to receive the same Liturgy here by Law establisht which they might very safely borrow from their Sister-Church without any such danger But howsoever it was the blame must fall on him who did least deserve it Fuller I will return to my words which gave the Animadvertor the first occasion of this long discourse Generally they excused the King in their writings but charged Arch-bishop Laud. I do not charge the Arch-bishop for compiling the Book but say The Scots did Nor do I say That what they charged on him is true but it is true that they did charge it on him Had I denyed it I had been a liar and seeing I affirmed no more the Animadvertor is a caviller It is observable that when our Chroniclers relate how Queen Anne Bollen was charged for Incontinency Margaret Countess of Salisbury for treasonable compliance with the Pope Henry Earl of Surrey for assuming the Arms of England Edward Duke of Somerset for designing the death of some Privy Counsellors Thomas Duke of Norfolk for aspiring by the match of the Queen of Scots to the English Crown Robert Earl of Essex for dangerous machinations against the person of Queen Elizabeth Thomas Earl of Strafford for endeavouring to subject England and Ireland to the King 's arbitrary Power That the Historians who barely report these Persons thus charged are not bound to make the charge good it is enough if they name their respective accusers as here I have named the Scots It is also observable that some of the Persons aforesaid though condemned and executed have since found such favour or justice rather with unpartiall Posterity that though they could not revive their persons they have restored their memories to their innocence And if the like shall be the hap of this Arch-bishop I shall rejoyce therein I mean if the Animadvertor's defence of him seems so clear as to out-shine the evidence so weighty as to out-poize all allegations which in printed Books are published against him In testimony whereof I return nothing in contradiction to what the Animadvertor hath written and it is questionable whether my desire that he may or distrust that he will not be believed be the greater Whatever the success be I forbear farther rejoynder To fight with a shaddow whether one's own or another's passeth for the proverbiall expression of a vain and useless act But seeing the dead are sometimes tearmed shaddows umbrae to fall foul on them without absolute necessity is an act not onely vain but wicked not onely useless but uncharitable And therefore no more hereof Dr. Heylyn Our Author proceedeth 167. Thus none seeing now foul weather in Scotland could expect it fair Sun-Shine in England In this I am as little of our Author's Opinion as in most things else The Sun in England might have shined with a brighter Beam if the Clouds which had been gathered together and threatned such foule Weather in Scotland had been dispersed and scattered by the Thunder of our English Ordnance The opportunity was well given and well taken also had it not been unhappily lost in the Prosecution Fuller Grant the Thunder of our English Ordnance had scattered the Scottish Cl●uds yet by the confession of the Animadvertor there must first be foul weather in England before there could be such fair weather to follow it The Skyes are alwayes dark and lowring even whilst the Thunder is Engendering therein Military preparations in order to a Conquest of the Scotts must needs give our Nation great troubles and for the time un-Sunshine England which is enough to secure my Expression from just exception Dr. Heylyn The Scots were then weak unprovided of all Necessaries not above three thousand compleat Armes to be found amongst them The English on the other side making a formidable appearance gallantly Horst compleaty Armed and intermingled with the Choisest of the Nobility and Gentry in all the Nation Fuller I am much of the mind of the Animadvertor that there was a visible Disparity betwixt the two Armies and the Ods in the eye of flesh on the side of the English They were Gallantly Horst indeed whether in Reference to their Horses or Riders and the King pleasantly said It would make the Scots fight against them were it but to get their brave Cloaths Indeed the strength of the Scots consisted in their Reputation to be strong reported here by such as Friended them and the Scotch Lyon was not half so fierce as he was
in truth must be confessed viz. That some of the ejected Clergy were guilty of foul offences to whom and whom alone the name of Baal and unsavory Salt did relate Nor was it a wonder if amongst Ten Thousand and more some were guilty of Scandalous enormities This being laid down and yeilded to the violence of the times I wrought my selfe by degrees as much as I durst to insert what followeth in vindication of many others rigorously cast out for following in their affections their preceding Iudgements and Consciences and no scandall could justly be charged upon them pleading for them as ensueth Church-History Book 11. pag. 207. 1. The witnesses against them were seldome deposed on Oath but their bare complaints believed 2. Many of the Complainers were factious People those most accusing their Sermons who least heard them and who since have deserted the Church as hating the profession of the Ministry 3. Many were charged with delivering false Doctrines whose Posi●io●s were found at the least disputable Such those accused for Preaching that Baptism washeth away Originall Sin which the most learned and honest in the Assembly in some sense will not deny namely that in the Children of God it cleanseth the condemning and finall peaceable commanding power of Originall Sin though the stain and blemish thereof doth still remain 4. Some were meerly outed for their affections to the King's Cause and what was Malignity at London was Loyalty at Oxford 5. Yea many Moderate men of the opposite party much be moaned such severity that some Clergy men blamelesse for life and Orthodox for Doctrine were ejected onely on the account of their faithfullnesse to the King's cause And as much corruption was let out by this Ejection ma●y scandalous Ministers deservedly punished so at the same time the Veins of the English Church were emptied of Much good blood some inoffensive Pastors which hath made her Body Hydropicall ever since ill humours succeeding in the room by reason of too large and suddain evacuation This being written by me some ten in the Parox●sm of the Business and printed some four years since was as much as then I durst say for my Brethren without running my selfe into apparent danger If the Papists take advantage at what I have written I can wash my Hands I have given them no just occasion and I hope this my hust defence will prove satisfactory to the ingenuous That I did not designedly ●etract ●●om any 〈◊〉 Brethren But if this my Plea finds no acceptance and if I must groan under so unjust an accusation I will endeavour to follow the Counsell of the Prophet I will beare the Indignation of the Lord because I have sinned against Him until He plead my Cause and execute Iudgment for me He will bring me forth to the Light and I shall behold his righteousnesse Dr. Heylyn But to say truth It is no wonder if he concurre with others in the Condemnation of particular persons since he concurrs with others in the condemnation of the Church it selfe For speaking of the separation made by Mr. Goodwin Mr. Nye c. fol. 209. he professeth that he rather doth believe that the sinfull corruptions of the worship and Government of this Church taking hold on their Consciences and their inability to comport any longer therewith was rather the true cause of their deserting of their Country then that it was for Debt or Danger as Mr. Edwards in his Book had suggested of them What grounds Mr. Edwards had for his suggestion I enquire not now though coming from the Pen of one who was no friend unto the Government and Liturgy of the Church of England it might have met with greater credit in our Author For if these men be not allowed for witnesses against one another the Church would be in worse condition then the antient Borderers Amongst whom though the testimony of an English Man against a Sco● or of a Sco● against the English in matters of spoil and depredation could not find admittance yet a Scot's evidence against a Sc●t was beyond exception Lege inter Limitaneos cautum ut nullus nisi Anglus in Anglum nullus nisi Scotus in Sco●um testis admit●atur as we read in Camden We see by this as by other passages which way our Author's Bowl is biassed how constantly he declares himselfe in favour of those who have either separated from the Church or appear'd against it Rather then such good people shall be thought to forsake the Land for Debt or Danger the Church shall be accus'd for laying the heavy burthen of Conformity upon their Consciences which neither they nor their fore-fathers the old English Puritans were resolved to bear For what else were those sinfull Corruptions of this Church in Go●er●ment and Worship which laid hold of their Consciences as our Author words it but the Government of the Church by Bishops the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church here by law establisht which yet must be allowed of by our Author as the more true and reall cause of their Separation then that which we find in Mr. Edwards Fuller I knew Mr. Edwards very well my contemporary in Queens Colledge who often was transported beyond due bounds with the keenness and eagernesse of his spirit and therefore I have just cause in some things to suspect him especially being informed and assured the contrary from credible persons As for the five dissenting Members Mr. Goodwin Mr. Nye Mr. Sympson Mr. Bridge Mr. Burroughs to whom Mr. Archer may be reduced they owed not eighteen pence a piece to any in England and carried over with them no contemptible summs in their purses As for Lay-Gentlemen and Merchants that went over with them such as peruse their names will be satisfied in their responsible yea plentifull Estates Sr. MATTHEW BOINTON Sr. WILLIAM CONSTABLE Sr. RICHARD SALTINGSTON Mr. LAWRENCE since Lord President of the Councill Mr. ANDREWES since Lord Major of London Mr. BOWRCHER Mr. ASK since a Judge Mr. JAMES Mr. WHITE And although the last of these failed beyond the Seas a cacching Casually with great undertakings yet was he known to have a very great Estate at his going over Yea I am most credibly inform'd by such who I am confident will not abuse me and posterity therein that Mr. Herbert Palmer an Anti-Independent to the heighth being convinced that Mr. Edwards had printed some false-hoods in one sheet of his Gangrena proffered to have that sheet re-printed at his own cost but some intervening accident obstructed it Dr. Heylyn Nor can our Author save himselfe by his parenthesis in which he tells us that he uses their language onely For using it without check or censure he makes it his own as well as theirs and justifies them in the action which he should have condemn'd Fuller This is an Hypercriticism which I never heard of before and now do not believe In opposition whereunto I return that if a Writer doth slily weave another Author's words into his owne
Councill of Trent ¶ 42. his death and deserved praise p. 101. ¶ 1.2 JEWES first came over into England under William the Conquerour b. 3. p. 9. ¶ 44. highly favoured by W. Rufus ibid. had a chief Justicer over them p. 84. ¶ 33. a High priest or Presbyter ¶ 35. their griping usurie p. 85. ¶ 36 c. unfortunate at Feast and Frayes p. 86 ¶ 40. cruelly used by K. Henry the 3d. ¶ 43. Misdemeanours charged on them p. 87. ¶ 46 cast out of the land by K. Edward the first 47. though others say they craved leave to depart ibid. c. ILTUTUS abused by Monkish forgeries C. 6. ¶ 8. IMAGE-WORSHIP first setled by Synod in England C. 8. ¶ 9 10. injoyned point-blank to poore people to practice it b. 4. p. 150. ¶ 40. IN A King of the West-Saxons h●s Ecclesiasticall Laws C. 7. ¶ 106. he giveth Peter-Pence to the Pope C. 8. ¶ 13. INDEPENDENTS vide dissenting Brethren Sr. Fra. INGLEFIELD a Benefactour to the English Coll. at Valladol●t b. 9. p. 87. yea to all English Papists p. 108. ¶ 20. St. JOHNS COLLEDGE in Cambridge founded by the Lady Margaret Hist. of Cam. p. 94. ¶ 11. the Masters Bishops c. thereof p. 94 95. St. JOHNS COLL. Oxford founded by Sr. Tho. White b. 8. S. 3. ¶ 44. The Presidents Bishops Benefactours c. thereof ¶ 45. King JOHN receives a present from the Pope b. 3. p. 48. ¶ 4. returns him a stout answer 5. for which the whole Kingdome is interdicted p. 49. ¶ 6 7 c. his Innocency to the Popes injustice ¶ 9. by whom he is excommunicated by name ¶ 10. yet is blessed under his curse ¶ 11. his submission to the Pope p. 51. ¶ 13. resigning his Crown ibid his unworthy Embassey to the King of Morocco p. 53. ¶ 21. lamentable death ¶ 22. and character ¶ 23. JOSEPH of ARIMATHEA said to be sent into Britain C. 1. ¶ 11. his drossy History brought to the Touch ¶ 12. severall places assigned for his buriall ¶ 14. the Oratours of Spain in the councill of Basel endeavour to disprove the whole story b. 4. p. 180. ¶ 8. whose objections are easily answered p. 181. ¶ 9. IRELAND excludeth their own Articles and receiveth the 39 Articles of England b. 11. p. 149. ¶ 46. ITALIANS had in England seventy thousand Marks a year of Ecclesiasticall revenues b. 3. p. 65. ¶ 29. held the best livings and kept no Hospitalitie b. 4. p. 138. ¶ 17. William JUXON Bishop of London made Lord Treasurer b. 11. p. 150. ¶ 48. his commendable carriage ¶ 49. K. Q. KATHARINE de Valois disobeyeth her Husband b. 4. p. 170. ¶ 46. therefore never buried ¶ 47 48. Q. KATHARINE Dowager for politick ends married to King Henry the eighth b. 5. p. 165. ¶ 6. on what score the match was first scrupled by the King p. 171. ¶ 36 37 c. her Speech p. 173. her character and death b. 5. p. 206. ¶ 19. KATHARINE HALL founded by Robert Woodlark Hist. of Camb. p. 83. ¶ 40. in strictnesse of Criticisme may be termed Aula bolla ¶ 41. KEBY a British Saint fixed in Anglesey C. 4. ¶ 25. KENT the Saxons Kingdome therein when beginning how bounded C. 5. ¶ 17. first converted to Christianity by Augustine the Monk b. 2. C. 6. ¶ 11. the Petition of the Ministers of Kent against subscription b. 9. p. 144. KENULPHUS King of the West-Saxons his Charter granted to the Abbey of Abbington proving the power of Kings in that Age in Church matters b. 2. p. 101. ¶ 25. notwithstanding Persons his objections to the contrary ¶ 26. putteth down the Arch-bishoprick of Lichfield KETTS Robert and William their Rebellion b. 7. p. 339. ¶ 2. their execution p. 397. ¶ 15. The KINGS EVILL a large discourse of the cause and cure thereof C. 11. p. 145 146 147. John KING Dean of Christ-Church b. 5. p. 170. present at Hampton-Court conference b. 10. p. 7. when Bishop of London graveleth Legate the Arrian p. 62. ¶ 8. condemneth him for a Heretick p. 63. ¶ 10. his cleare carriage in a cause of great consequence p. 67. ¶ 24 25. his death p. 90. ¶ 31. and eminencies in defiance of Popish falshood ¶ 32.33 Henry KING made Bishop of Chichester b. 11. p. 194. KINGS HALL built by King Edward the third Hist of Camb. p. 39. ¶ 46. three eminences thereof ¶ 47. KINGS COLLEDGE founded by K. Henry the sixth Hist. of Camb. p. 73. John KNEWSTUBS minister of Cockfield in Suffolk b. 9. p. 135. ¶ 16. a meeting of Presbyterians at his house ibidem against conformities at Hampton-Court conference b. 10. p. 7. his exceptions propounded p. 16 and 17. shrewdly checkt by King James p. 20. a Benefactour to Saint Johns Colledge Hist. of Camb. p. 95. ¶ 15. KNIGHTS of the Garter their Institution qualifications habilliments Oath and orders by them observed how their places become vacant b. 3. p. 116. KNIGHTS anciently made by Abbots b. 3. p. 17 18. untill it was forbidden by Canon ibidem Mr. KNOT the Jesuit his causelesse Cavills at Mr. Sutton confuted b. 10. p. 65. ¶ 17 c. John KNOX chosen their minister by the English Exiles at Frankford b. 8. S. 3. ¶ 1. opposed in his discipline by Dr. Cox ¶ 3 4. accused for treacherous speeches against the Emperour ¶ 5. forced to depart Frankford to the great grief of his party ibidem L. Arthur LAKE Bishop of Bath and Wells his death and character b. 11. ¶ 45. LAMBETH Articles by whom made b. 9. p. 229. ¶ 23. nine in number p. 230. various judgements of them p. 231. ¶ 24 c. LANCASTER and York houses the Battels betwixt them for the Crown Place Time number slain and Conquerour b. 4. p. 1●6 and 187. LANCK-FRANCK made Arch-bishop of Canterbury b. 3. ¶ 4. most kindly treated by the Pope ¶ 17. to whom he acouseth Thomas elect of York and Remigius elect of Lincoln ¶ 18 19. his return and imployment ¶ 20. Hugh LATIMER a violent Papist History of Cambridge p. 102. ¶ 33. converted by Bilney ¶ 34. his Sermon of Cards p. 103. ¶ 38. preacheth before the Convocation b. 5. p. 207. ¶ 23. deprived of his Bishoprick of Worcester p. 231. ¶ 18. why he assumed it not again in the Reign of King Edward the sixth b. 7. p. 405. ¶ 28. his judgement of the contemners of common prayer p. 426. ¶ 17. William LAUD made Bishop of St. Davids b. 9. p. 90. ¶ 30. a great Benefactour to St. Johns in Oxford b. 8. p. 40. ¶ 45. accused by the Scotch for making their Liturgy b. 11. p. 163. prepares for his death b. 11. p. 215. ¶ 68. his Funerall speech and burial p. 216. ¶ 69 70. his birth breeding and character p. 216 217 218 219. LAURENTIUS Arch-bishop of Cant. reconcileth the British to the Romish Church in the Celebration of Easter C. 7. ¶ 27. intending to depart England is rebuked in a vision
Christian King of Northumberland C. 7. ¶ 80. OTHO the Popes Legate lodgeth in Oxford b. 3. p. 61. ¶ 12. his brother killed ¶ 13 and 14. himself pursued by the Scholars p. 62. ¶ 15. whereupon he interdicteth the university ¶ 17. but at the Bishops intercession ¶ 19. and the Scholars solemn pen●●nce ¶ 20. he is reconciled ibidem John OVERALL carryeth the Kings Professours place from Mr. Wotton Hist. of Camb. p. 125. ¶ 20. Dean of St. Pauls b. 10. p. 7. gives King James an account of Lambeth Articles p. 13. his death p. 86. ¶ 10. OXFORD Vniversity if not founded restored by King Alfred C. 9. ¶ 30. the Armes of the Vniversity ¶ 40. the Scholars there of harshly used by King William the Conquerour b. 3. p. 6. ¶ 16. killed the brother of Otho the Popes Legate p. 61. ¶ 13. for which he interdicteth the Vniversity p. 62. ¶ 17. till the Scholars make their solemn submission ¶ 20. the great and suddain alterations therein in the Reign of Q. Mary b. 8. p. 7 8 9. a strange Mortality Anno 1577. at the Assizes b. 9. p. 109. ¶ 22. counted by aunders a great miracle ¶ 24. though a natural cause be assigned thereof ¶ 25. discontents therein about innovations b. 11. p. 141. ¶ 18 c. P. A PALL what it is with the mysteries thereof C. 7. ¶ 38. PANDULPHUS his proud carriage b. 3. p. 53. ¶ 22. Katharine PAR marryed to King Henry the eighth b. 3. p. 243. ¶ 48. her enemies conspiracie against her defeated by Gods providence ¶ 49 50. the form of publick prayer for her b. 7. p. 374. a letter of Edward the sixth while Prince unto her p. 423 424. PARISHES in England first divided by Pope Honorius c. 7. ¶ 68. Matthew PARKER almost looseth his own life to convert the Rebells b. 7. p. 394. ¶ 7. made Archb. of Cant. b. 9. p. 60. ¶ 23. most legally consecrated ¶ 25 c. in defiance of all Popish Calumnies ibidem his death p. 108. ¶ 17. and defence against Mr. Prin ¶ 18. see Bennet Coll. Margaret PARKER the Arch-bishop his exemplary Wife b. 9. p. 108. ¶ 19. St. PATERN a pattern for all Bishops C. 6. ¶ 10. St. PATRICK falsly reported living and dying at Glassenbury C. 5. ¶ 18 19 20. a distinct person from Sen Patrick ¶ 20. St. PAUL by a Poeticall Hyperbole onely made to preach in Britain C. 1. ¶ 8. PAULINUS his death C. 7. ¶ 79. The PAX what it was and the original thereof Hist. of Walt. p. 17. in the third Item PEADA first Christian Prince of Mercia C. 7. ¶ 83. PELAGIUS a Britan by birth C. 5. ¶ 1. his principal Errours ¶ 3. condemned by many Councels under the name of his Scholar Caelestius ibid. PEMBROOK HALL in Cambridge founded by Mary de St. Paul Hist. of Camb. p. 41. PEMBROOK Colledge in Oxford founded b. 11. ¶ 41 42. John PENRY with others executed for libelling against the Bishops b. 9. p. 223. ¶ 6. Rob. PERSONS Jesuit cometh over into England b. 9. p. 114. ¶ 41. his three strange escapes p. 118. ¶ 44 45. returns to Rome ¶ 46. Master of the English Colledge there p. 86. the Secular priests bitterly complain of him p. 233. ¶ 30. St. PETER he never preached in Britain notwithstanding Persons his arguments to the contrary C. 1. ¶ 7. PETER-Pence first granted to the Pope by King Ina C. 8. ¶ 13. amounting at least to seven thousand five hundred pounds per ann b. 5. p. 197. ¶ 46 47. PETER-HOUSE founded by Hugo Balsham Subprior of Ely Hist. of Camb. p. 12. ¶ 44. endowed many years after by the same Hugo when B●shop of Ely p. 30 31 32 33. St. PETROCK captain of the Cornish Saints C. 6. ¶ 11. J. PHILPOT stoutly defendeth the truth in the convocation b. 8. ¶ 22. against railing Weston ¶ 23. sealeth it with his blood ¶ 24. John PIERCE Arch-bishop of York his death and commendation for exemplary temperance b. 9. p. 223. ¶ 9. Thomas PIERCY Earle of Northumberland his Rebellion against Q. Elizabeth b. 9. p. 83. ¶ 15. in maintenance of Popery ¶ 16. routed by the Queens forces ¶ 17. beheaded at York ¶ 19. James PILKINTON the false report of ten thousand pound given with his daughter b. 5. p. 253. ¶ 55. the truth thereof b. 9. p. 109. ¶ 21. his death ibidem Pope PIUS the fourth his letter and proposalls to Q. Elizabeth b. 9. p. 68. ¶ 40. Pope PIUS the fifth his sentence declaratory against Q. Elizabeth b. 9. p. 93. PLAYERS prohibited by proclamation of King Edward the sixth b. 7. p. 391. Thomas PLAYFER his ranting Epitaph Hist. of Camb. p. 158. ¶ 40. PLEGMUND of an eminent Eremite made Arch-bishop of Canterbury C. 9. ¶ 43. consecrateth seven Bishops in one day C. 10. ¶ 4. PLUNDER whence derived and when first used in England b. 11. p. 196. ¶ 33. Reg. POOLE Cardinall why so much favoured by Q. Mary b. 8. ¶ 39. Godfather to E. Tremelius ¶ 40. consecrated Archb. of Cant. ¶ 41. his dry Sermon of the Pall ibid. reconcileth England unto Rome ¶ 42. his death b. 8. S. 3. ¶ 49. well inclined to be a Protestant ¶ 50. leaveth all his estate to Italians 51. Chancellour both of Cambridge and Oxford Hist. of Camb. p. 135. ¶ 53. Sr. Tho. POPE vide Trinity Colledge Oxford The POPE in England in his Rising improveth his power on five sorts of Princes C. 10. ¶ 2. The POPE in England in his Reigning a conjectural estimate of his yearly revenues in England b. 5. p. 197. The POPE in England in his Ruine how his usurped power at the abolition thereof was restored to several persons to whom it did belong b. 5. ¶ 199. All PREACHERS for a time inhibited by a Proclamation of King Edward the sixth b. 7. p. 388 389. PREMUNIRE-statute why made b. 4. p. 145. the form thereof p. 146 c. why so named p. 148. ¶ 35. Thomas PRESTON Master of Trinity Hall Queen Elizabeth her Scholar History of Camb. p. 139. ¶ 2. John PRESTON his great favour at Court b. 11 ¶ 6. imployed in a double conference ¶ 35 36. temporizeth with the Duke of Buckingham ¶ 43 44. his death and buriall ¶ 66. William PRIN b. 11. p. 152. ¶ 56. accused for libelling against Bishops ¶ 57. his plea rejected p. 152. ¶ 62. and answer refused ¶ 63. his speech on the Pillory ¶ 73. and behaviour therein ¶ 74. good employment in his exile 75. brought back with triumph p. 172. ¶ 32. False PROPHECYES a great trade driven with them in Abbeys Hist. of Abb. p. 333. ¶ 11. PROPHECYINGS in England how ordered b. 9. p. 121. ¶ 2. their inconveniences p. 122. ¶ 3. Arch-bishop Grindal his large letter to Q. Elizab. in their defence p. 123 c. PROVISIONS of the Pope their nature b. 3. p. 8. and b. 4. p. 115. ¶ 25. redressed by a statute ¶ 26. yet complained of many