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A33602 The history of Wales comprehending the lives and succession of the princes of Wales, from Cadwalader the last king, to Lhewelyn the last prince of British blood with a short account of the affairs of Wales under the kings of England / written originally in British, by Caradoc of Lhancarvan ; and formerly published in English by Dr. Powel ; now newly augmented and improved by W. Wynne ...; Historie of Cambria Caradoc, of Llancarvan, d. 1147?; Powell, David, 1552?-1598.; Wynne, W. (William), 1649 or 50-1711? 1697 (1697) Wing C488; ESTC R12980 312,583 490

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fought with●● and Rahald was slain and the rest compell'd to ●●swear the King's Land and never to return any ●ore to England King Edward to prevent any fu●●re Disturbance from such open Invaders caused a ●●rong Army to be quartered upon the South side of ●●vern but the Danes for all he could do enter'd ●●vice into his Country once at Werd and then at ●ortogan but were both times overthrown by the ●nglish From thence they departed to the Isle of ●●epen whence they were forced by Hunger to sail to ●outh Wales intending to make a considerable Prey of ●hat Country but failing of their aim they were ●onstrained to make the best of their way for Ireland But the next Year a Party of Danes fought a very ●evere Battel with the Kentish-men at Holm but which of them obtain'd the Victory is not certainly ●eported About the same time Anarawd Prince of A.D. 913 North Wales died leaving behind him two Sons Edwal Foel and Elis and some say a third named Meyric Edwal Foel AFter the death of Anarawd his eldest Son Edwal Foel took upon him the Government of Northwales Howel Dha holding the Principality of Southwales and Powis At what time a terrible Comet appeared in the Heavens The same Year the City of Chester which had been destroyed by the Danes was by the procurement of Elfleda new built and repaired as the antient Records of that City do ●●stifie This in the antient Copy is called Leycest●● by an easie mistake for Legecestria or Chester call●● by the Romans Legionum Cestria The next Su●mer the Men of Dublin cruelly destroyed the Isle 〈◊〉 Anglesey and soon after Clydawe the Son of Ca●●● was unnaturally slain by his Brother Meyric about t●● same time that the Danes received a cruel overthro●● by the English at Tottenhale But Elfleda did 〈◊〉 long survive the rebuilding of the City of Chester a Woman of singular Virtues and one that grea●●● strengthned the Kingdom of Mercia by buildin● of Towns and Castles against the Incursions of t●● Danes as Strengat and Bruge by the Forrest 〈◊〉 Morph Tamworth Stafford Edelburgh Cherenburg● Wadeburgh and Runcofe After this she entered w●● her whole Army into Wales wan Brecknock 〈◊〉 took the Queen with 33 of her Men Prisoner● which in Welch is called Gwaith y Ddinas Newydh 〈◊〉 the Battel of the new City From hence she marched for Derby which she took from the Danes los● only four of her chief Commanders in the Actio● The occasion of these two Expeditions according 〈◊〉 some was this Huganus Lord of West Wales pe●ceiving King Edward to be unavoidably busie in th● Danish War gathered an Army of Britains and ●●tring into England destroyed the Kings Count●● Upon the News of this Elfleda came to Wales wit● a great Army fought with the Welch at Breek●● and putting Huganus to flight took his Wife an● some of his Men Prisoners whom she carried wi●● her to Mercia Huganus being thus defeated fled 〈◊〉 Derby and being there kindly received joined hi●self with the Kings Enemies the Danes Elfleda being certified of that followed him with her Army but in storming the Gates of the Town had Four 〈◊〉 her best Officers kill'd by Huganus But Gwyane Lo● of the Isle of Ely her Steward setting fire to th● Gates furiously ran upon the Britains and entere● the Town upon which Haganus perceiving himse●● to be over-match'd chose rather to fall by the Sword ●●an cowardly to yield himself to a Woman The ●ext Year Elfleda laid siege to the City of Leicester which was quickly surrender'd and the Danes there●● perfectly subdued The Fame of these several A●tions being noised abroad her Neighbours became somewhat fearful and timorous and the Yorkshire●●n voluntarily did her Homage and proffer'd their Service She died at Tamworth after Eight Years ●ule over Mercia and lies buried at Glocester by S. Peters After the death of Elfleda King Edward most ungratefully disinherited her Daughter Alfwyen and ●ntering into Mercia seized all the Land into his own hands upon pretence that she without his knowledg whom her Mother had appointed her Guardian had privily promised and contracted Mar●iage with Reynald King of the Danes But this un●ust and unnatural Action of King Edwards might possibly bring upon him those vehement Troubles which presently ensued upon it For Leofred a Dane ●nd Gruffydh ap Madoc Brother in Law to the Prince of West Wales came from Ireland with a great Army to Snowdon and minding to bring all Wales and the Marches thereof to their subjection over-ran and subdued all the Country to Chester before King Edward was certified of their arrival Whereat being sore offended and loth to trouble his Subjects for help vowed that himself and his Sons with their single Forces would be revenged upon Leofred and Gruffydh and thereupon marching to Chester forced the City from them Then he divided his Army into ●wo Battels whereof he and his Son Ethelstan lead the first Edmund and Edred the second and followed them so close that he overtook them at the Forest of Walewode now Sherwode where Leofred and Gruffydh set upon them so fiercely that the King at first was in some danger until Athelstane stepped in and wounded the Dane in the Arm in that manner that being no longer able to hold his Spear the was taken Prisoner and committed to the custody of Atholst●ne In the mean time Edmund and Edred encountring with Gruffydh slew him and brought his Head to their Father and Leofreds Head being likewise cut off they were both set up upon the Town of Chester and then Edward together with his Sons victoriously returned home But King Edward having A.D. 924 built Glademutham soon after this dyed at Farandon and his Son Alfred the same time at Oxford and were both buried at Winchester Edward being dead his base Son Athelstane for many excellent Virtues appearing in him was preferred to the Crown the worthiest Prince of the Saxon Blood that ever reigned He overcame Cudfryd the Father of Raynald King of the Danes at York and being invaded by Hawlaf King of Ireland who with all the Power of the Scots and Danes marched against him gave him battel at Brimestbury and obtained a very notorious Victory King Hawlaf together with the King of the Scots five Kings of the Danes and Normans being slain upon the spot so that the whole Country of England and Scotland became subject to him which none of his Predecesso●● A.D. 933 ever attempted Sometime after Owen the Son of Gruffydh was slain by the Men of Cardigan And then Athelstane entring with his Army into Wales forced the Princes thereof to pay a yearly Tribute of 20 l. in Gold 300 l. in Silver and 200 Head of Cattel which notwithstanding was not observed as appears by the Laws of Howel Dha wherein it is appointed that the Prince of Aberffraw should pay no more to the King of London than 66 l. Tribute and that the Princes of Dinefawr and Powis should
at Brentford and came to Kent in pursuit of ●nute who upon engaging was so shamefully defeat●d at first and his Men put to that terrible flight that ●ere wanted nothing of a full and absolute Victory ●●t the true Loyalty of the Traytor Edric who per●●iving the Victory to incline to Edmund and the ●anes like to receive their mortal and final Blow ●●yed aloud Fled Engle Fled Engle Edmund is dead ●nd thereupon fled with that part of the Army under ●●s command leaving the King over-power'd with ●umber By this Desertion the English were at the ●●st overthrown and a great number slain among ●hom were Duke Edmund Duke Alfric Duke God●yn and Vlfkettel the valiant Duke of the East-An●●es together with all the English Cavalry and a ●●eat part of the Nobility After this Victory Cnute ●arched triumphantly to London and was crowned King but Edmund preparing to try his Fortune in an●ther Field muster'd together all the Forces he could ●nd meeting with Cnute in Gloucestershire intended ●o give him battel But considering what cruel and ●nnatural Bloodshed had already happen'd both ge●erally agreed to put an end to this tedious Quarrel by ●●ngle Combat and the place being appointed Edmund ●nd Cnute fell to it very vigourously till at last Cnute ●erceiving it impracticable to vanquish a Man of Iron Sides laid down his Weapon moving this Composition to divide the Kingdom fairly betwixt them Edmund was not displeased at the Offer and therefore both Parties submitted to this Decision that Edmund should rule the West-Saxons and the South Cnute in Mercia and all the North and so they parted Friends Cnute moving to London and Edmund to Oxford But Edric was not pleased that Edmund should have any share at all of the Government and therefore he is resolved to conspire against his Life and to deliver the whole Kingdom of England into the hands of Cnute of whom he might reasonably expect for this and other traiterous Services a very ample and an answerable return This he committed to one of his own Sons to put in execution an 〈◊〉 of the old stock and one early versed in wicked and traiterous Designs who perceiving the King to go 〈◊〉 stool thrust up a sharp Knife up his Fundament 〈◊〉 which Wound he presently dyed Edric being quickly certified of the Fact posted it up to London and with great Joy and loud Acclamations came to Cnut● greeting him as sole King of England and withal telling him in what manner and by whose means h●● old Enemy King Edmund was assassinated and killed at Oxford Cnute though pleased at the death of Edmund was a Person of greater Honour than to commend so horrible a Deed though done to an Enemy and therefore told Edric that he would without fa●● take care to reward him as his Deserts required an● would advance him above all the Nobility of England which was quickly performed his Head being place● upon the highest Tower in London for a Terrour 〈◊〉 such villainous Traytors to their King Edric being thus deservedly disappointed of the mighty Though● he entertained of Greatness upon the Advancemen● of King Cnute this generous Dane scorned his Bas●ness and so having paid him a Traytors Reward caused Execution to be done upon all Edric's Compl●ces and those that consented to the base Murther o● that brave Prince King Edmund About the same time there happen'd no small Disturbance A.D. 1015 and Commotions in Wales Lhewelyn ap Sytsylht having for some Years sate still and quiet began now to bestir himself and having drawn all his Forces together marched against Aedan who ●orcibly and without any legal Pretence had entred upon and for all this time had kept himself in the Government of North-Wales Aedan would not easily ●eject himself from what had been so long in his possession to maintain which he gave Lhewelyn Battel But the day going against him himself with his four Sons were slain upon the spot upon which Lhewe●yn without any regard had to Iago the Son of Edwal the right Heir took upon himself the Title and Authority of Prince of all Wales His pretence to North-Wales was as being descended from Trawst Daugh●er to Elis second Son to Anarawd who was the eldest Son of Roderic the Great and to South Wales as having married Angharad the onely Daughter of Meredith Prince of South-Wales by virtue of which Pretensions he assumed to himself the Government of all Wales Lhewelyn ap Sitsylht LHewelyn having as is said taken upon him the general Government of Wales managed his Charge with such Prudence and Moderation that the Countrey in a short time became very flourishing and prosperous Peace and Tranquility being established produced plenty and increase of all things necessary to humane Subsistence For there was none that could ●ay any Claim or Pretence to either of the Principalities excepting Iago the Son of Edwal who was indeed lawful Heir of North-Wales but either too weak to withstand or unwilling to disturb Lhewelyn's Title he lay quiet for a time expecting a better opportunity to recover his Right In the mean time Cnute being crowned King of all England marrie● Emma the Widow of King Edelred and for the better securing the English Crown to himself and his Heirs he thought it expedient to dispatch Edmund and Edward the Sons of Ironside out of the way But lef● such an execrable Fact should seem too black to be done in England he sent the two Youths to Solom●n King of Hungary willing him to use some convenient opportunity to take away their Lives which seemed to Solomon so very unnatural that instead of complying with Cnute's Request he educated and brought them up as his own Children But Cnute imagined now that his Fear was over and his bus●ness effectually finished so that he could the more boldly demand of his Subjects what either his Necessity or Curiosity would prompt him to And reflecting with himself what excessive Expence he had been at in the Conquest of England was resolved that the English should repay him and therefore required a Subsidy of Seventy Two Thousand Pounds beside Eleven Thousand which the City of London contributed The same time Meyric the Son of Arthfael a Person of Quality in Wales rebelled and raised a● Army against Prince Lhewelyn who no sooner appeared in the Field to quell this male-contented General but manfully slew him with his own hand and easily discomfited his Followers The same time Cnute sailed over into Denmark and made War upon the Va●dals who for all that they had a greater Army 〈◊〉 the Field were overcome by the imcomparable Valour of Earl Godwyn for which famous Action Cnut● had the English in great esteem ever after A.D. 1020 But Lhewelyn Prince of Wales though he had lately quell'd the Rebels headed by Meyric was now to encounter with another Difficulty which seemed to threaten greater Disturbance and trouble to him For a certain Person of a mean Quality in Scotland coming to South-Wales assumed the
with loud Acclamations and joyfully saluted Prince of North-Wales who treading in his Father's steps behaved himself in his Government with that Prudence and Conduct that he manfully defended his Country from the frequent Invasions of the English and Danes For he was scarce settled in his Throne when these inveterate Enemies of the Welch entered in an hostile manner into Wales and advanced as far as Crosford upon the Severn where Gruffydh met them and forced them shamefully to fly and retire back to their own Country From thence Gruffydh passed to Lhanbadarn Vawr in Cardiganshire which he laid in Ashes and afterwards marched through all the Country of South Wales receiving of the People Oaths of Fidelity and Subjection to him In the mean time Howel ap Edwyn Prince of South-Wales fled to Edwyn Brother to Leofric Earl of Chester and prevailed with him to come with an Army consisting of English and Danes to his aid against Gruffydh who meeting his Enemies in the Field easily overcame them Edwyn being slain upon the spot and Howel forced to preserve his Life by flight After which Victory Gruffydh having reduced all the Country of Wales to subjection returned again to North Wales But Howel as soon as he could recover himself and A.D. 1039 recruit his Army entred again into South-Wales intending the recovery of that Principality which he was now so well assur'd of that he brought his Wife with him to the Field to let her see how easily he could conquer and overcome Prince Gruffydh 〈◊〉 too great an assurance of Victory seldom proves prosperous which Howel presently experienced for Gruffydh meeting with him at Pencadair gave him so warm an Entertainment that he was forced presently to take his Heels which however could not so well secure him but that he was narrowly pursued and his Wife who was to be entertained with the Conquest of Gruffydh on the contrary saw her self taken Prisoner by him and forced to comply so far to his humour as to be his Concubine The same time Harold King of England died and was succeeded by his Brother Hardycnute a Prince very famous for Hospitality and a great lover of good Chear having his Table covered four times a day with great plenty and variety of Dishes with other Superfluities for all Comers But he likewise dying at Lambeth after two Years reign the English agreed to send for Alfred the eldest Son of Edelred from Normandy and to make him King This Message by no means pleased Earl Godwyn a Man of great sway now in England who knowing Alfred to be a person of greater spirit than to permit him to domineer as he pleased endeavoured all he could to dissuade the English from sending for Alfred He shewed them how dangerous it was to permit a warlike Nation to take root in their Country and how well Alfred was accompanied with Normans to whom he had promised the chief Places and Rule of the Kingdom by which and other like Insinuations he so disgusted the English Nobility against the Normans that to diminish their number they put every tenth Man to death But seeing this was not sufficient they acted the same part over again and tythed them the second time and being highly enraged against the Normans they lead Alfred who had brought them over from Gilford where this Execution was committed to Gillingham where having put out his Eyes they removed him to Ely and there at length pitifully murthered him Then they sent for Edward out of Normandy and made him King who according to his promise to Earl Godwyn married ●is Daughter Edith a Lady much commended not only for Beauty Modesty and other feminine Qualifications but also beyond what is requisite for a Woman Learning But King Edward did not deal so favourably with her Brother Swane Son to Earl Godwyn who upon some Distaste was banished England and thereupon forced to betake himself to Baldwyn Earl of Flanders by whom he was very honourably received A.D. 1041 These Troubles and Revolutions in England were succeeded by others of no less consequence in Wales For Howel not brooking to be kept so shamefully out of his Kingdom returns again the third time into South-Wales where he had not continued long but a great number of Strangers landed in the West of Wales and advancing farther into the Country pillaged and destroyed all places they came to Howel tho desirous to reserve his Army to fight with Prince Gruffydh yet could not behold his Country so miserably wasted and over-run by Strangers and thinking moreover that by so charitable an Action he should win the universal Love of the South-Wales Men drew up his Forces against them and overtaking them at Pwll Fynach forced them with much loss to retire to their Ships which Action was call'd in Welch Gwaith Pwll Fynach At the same time Conan the Son of Iago ap Edwal who was forced for fear of Prince Gruffydh to flee to Ireland with the Forces of Alfred King of Dublin whose Daugher named Ranulph he had married landed in North-Wales and having by some treacherous Stratagem taken Gruffydh triumphantly carried him Prisoner towards his Ships This unhappy accident being discovered and publickly known the North Wales Men did rise on a sudden and so unexpectedly overtook the Irish that they easily recover'd their Prince and drove his Enemies with great slaughter to their Ships who without any farther consultation were glad to strike sail with Conan for Ireland And now Wales both North and South is free from all foreign Invasion and Howel as yet too weak to dispute his Title with Gruffydh so that A.D. 1042 the next Year could be subject to no great Action in which nothing happen'd remarkable saving the death of Howel the Son of Owen Lord of Glamorgan a Man of great Quality and Esteem in Wales But as A.D. 1043 soon as Howel could call in his Danes to whom he added all the Forces he could raise in South-Wales he intended presently to march against Prince Gruffydh But he being aware aforehand to what end those Levies were designed prepared against the ensuing storm and to avert the War from his own Country marched courageously to South Wales not fearing to face an Enemy whom he had shamefully vanquished twice already Both Armies being joyned Gruffydh easily overcame and pursued Howel as far as the Spring-Head of the River Towy where after a long and a bloody Fight Howel was at last slain and his Army so universally routed that few escaped with their Lives But though Howel was dead yet there remained still more Pretenders to the Principality of South-Wales so that Gruffydh was in no great prospect to enjoy the same peaceably For as soon as it was published that Howel's Army was defeated and himself slain Rytherch and Rhys the Sons of Rytherch ap Iestyn put in their claim to South-Wales in right of their Father who had once enjoyed the Sovereignty of that Country And in order to the recovery of the same they
drew together a great Army consisting partly of Strangers and partly of such as they could raise in Gwentland and Glamorgan and marched to fight with Gruffydh The Prince according to his usual manner detracted no time but animating and solacing his Soldiers with the remembrance of their former Victories and Conquests bid the Enemies battel which proved so very bloody and terrible that nothing could part them beside the darkness of the Night This Battel so tired and tamed both Armies that neither was very desirous of another Engagement and so one being unwilling to set upon the other they both agreed to return to their own Habitations The same time Joseph Bishop of Teilo or Llandaf died at Rome But both Armies being separated Prince Gruffydh enjoyed a quiet and unmolested Possession of all Wales for about Two Years after which the Gentry of Ystrad Towy treacherously slew 140 of the choice of his Army which he took in so high an indignation that to revenge their death he destroyed all Dyfed and Ystrad Towy About the same time Lothen and Hyrling two Danish Pyrats with a great number of Danes landed at Sandwich and having plundered the Town returned again to their Ships and sailed for Holland where they sold the Booty they had taken and then returned to their own Country Shortly afterwards Earl Swayn came out of Denmark with Eight Ships and returned to England and coming to his Fathers House at Pevenese humbly requested of him and his Brothers Harold and Tostie to endeavour his reconciliation with the King Earl Beorned too promised to intercede for him and going to Swayn's Fleet to sail to Sandwich where the King then lay he was by the way most treacherously and ungratefully murthered and his Body cast upon the shoar which lay there exposed till his Friends heating of the Fact came and carried it to Winchester and buried it by the Body of King Cnute ●eorned 's Uncle Swayn having committed this most testable Murder put himself again under the Pro●●ction of the Earl of Flanders not daring to shew 〈◊〉 Face in England till his Father by earnest Medi●●on wrought his Peace with the King This Year Conan the Son of Iago raised again an ●●my of his Friends in Ireland and sailed towards ●ales purposing to recover his Inheritance in 〈◊〉 Country But when he was come near the ●●lch Coast there suddenly arose such a violent ●●●rm that his Fleet was presently scattered and ●●st of his Ships drowned which rendered this Expe●●●ion ineffectual About the same time Robert Arch●●●hop of Canterbury impeached Earl Godwyn and his 〈◊〉 Swayn and Harold of Treason and the Queen 〈◊〉 Adultery and upon the account of their non-●●●earance when cited before the Peers at Glocester 〈◊〉 Queen was divorced and Godwyn and his Sons ●●nished who with his Son Swayn fled to Flanders 〈◊〉 Harold to Ireland But these unlucky Clashings ●●d the many Troubles that ensued thereupon hap●●●ed upon this occasion Eustace Earl of Bologne be●●● Married to Goda the King's Sister came over this ●a● to England to pay King Edward a Visit and in 〈◊〉 return to Canterbury one of his Retinue forcibly ●●manding a Lodging provoked the Master of the ●●use so far as by Chance or Anger to kill him Eu●●●e upon this Affront returns back to the King and 〈◊〉 the insinu●tions of the Archbishop makes a loud ●●mplaint against the Kentish-men to repress whose ●●olencies Earl Godwyn is commanded to raise For●●● which he refusing to do for the Kindness he bore 〈◊〉 his Country-men of Kent the King summons a ●●rliament at Glocester and commands Godwyn to ●●pear there But he mistrusting either his own ●use or the Malice of his Adversaries gathered a ●●werful Army out of his own and his Sons Earl●●ms and marched towards Glocester giving out ●●●t their Forces were to go against the Welch who ●●●ended to invade the Marshes But King Edward ●●●ng satisfied by the Welch that they had no such Design in hand commanded Godwyn to dismiss his A●my and to appear himself to answer to the Articles exhibited against him Godwyn refusing to obey the Ki●● by the Advice of Earl Leofrick summoned an Asse●bly at London whither a great Number of Forces a●rived from Mercia which Godwyn perceiving and wi●●al finding himself unable to withstand the King ● proceedings privately retired with his Sons out 〈◊〉 the Kingdom and fled into Flanders Whereupon the King issued out an Edict proclaiming Godw●● and his Sons Out-Laws and then confiscating th●●● Estates bestowed them upon others of his Nobili●● And to pursue his Displeasure the farther he Div●●ced his Queen Edith Earl Godwyn's Daughter a●● committed her to a Cloyster where in a mean Co●dition she spent some part of her Life In the dist●●bution of the forfeited Estates Adonan obtained 〈◊〉 Earldoms of Devon and Dorset and Algar the S●● of Leofrick that of Harold But Godwyn could 〈◊〉 patiently behold his Estate bestowed upon anothe● and therefore having hired some Men and Ships 〈◊〉 Flanders he sailed to the Isle of Wight where a●●●● that he had made a sufficient havock he put in 〈◊〉 Portland which he treated after the same man●●● The same time Harold having sailed from Ireland 〈◊〉 length met with his Father and then with their un●●●● Navy they burnt Preveneseny Romney Heath F●●●ston Dover and Sandwich and entering the Th●●●● they destroyed Cheppey and burnt the King's Ho●● at Middletown Then they sailed up the River ●●wards London where the King's Army being rea●● to oppose them a Treaty of Peace was by the me● of Bishop Stigand agreed upon which proved so ●●fectual of Godwyn's side that the King received 〈◊〉 again to his Favour restored him and Sons to all th● Estates re-called the Queen and banished the Ar●●bishop with all the French-men who had been p●●moters of that unhappy Suspicion the King had en●●●tained of them About this time Rhys Brother to Gruffydh Pr●●●● of Wales who by several Irruptions upon the Borde●● 〈◊〉 considerably gauled and damaged the English ●●s taken and put to Death at Bulendun whose ●●●d being cut off was presented to the King then Glocester But he received better News some time 〈◊〉 from the North for Siward Earl of Northumber●●●d having sent his Son against Macbeth King of ●●gland vanquished the Scots tho not without the 〈◊〉 of his Son and many others both English and ●●nes But Siward was not cast down at his Son 's ●●●th but enquiring whether he received his Death's ●●nd before or behind and being assured that it 〈◊〉 before replied He was very glad of it for he ●●d not wish his Son to die otherwise After this ●tory King Edward marched in Person to Scotland and having again overcome Macbeth in Battel made the whole Kingdom of Scotland Tributary the Crown of England The next year Earl ●●●●yn sitting with the King at Table sunk down ●●d of a sudden being choak'd as 't is thought in ●●llowing a morsel of Bread whose Earldom the ●●ng bestowed upon his
Son Harold and his upon ●●gar Earl of Chester To this time is referred the Original of the Ste●●rds in Scotland which being a remarkable passage 〈◊〉 in a great measure dependant upon the Affairs 〈◊〉 the Welch is requisite to be here recorded Mac●●●h King of Scotland having caused Bancho a Noble-●●n of that Kingdom to be inhumanly murdered ●ence Bancho's Son to avoid the like Cruelty to ●●●self fled to Gruffydh ap Lhewelyn Prince of Wales ●o taking a very great liking to his Person and ●●thal commiserating his Condition shewed him all ●●e Respect and Kindness possible But Fleance had 〈◊〉 continued long with Gruffydh when he fell ena●●red upon the Prince's Daughter and having ob●●●ed her Good-Will without any regard had to ●●r Father's Civility towards him abused her so far 〈◊〉 to beget her with Child Gruffydh being ac●●ainted with the Matter of Fact so hainously re●●●ted the Affront that he occasioned Fleance to be ●●●in and treated his Daughter most servilely for prostrating her Chastity especially to a Strang●● However she was in a short time delivered of a S●● whose Name was Christened Walter a Child w●● in his Youth expressed very great hopes and in 〈◊〉 probability like to make a very considerable M●● which happened according to expectation But 〈◊〉 first Original of his future Greatness happened up●● a very accidental occasion being reproached of 〈◊〉 stardism by one of his Fellow Companions he 〈◊〉 it in so unpardonable a dudgeon that nothing 〈◊〉 satisfy his Revenge but the Life of the Aggre●●●● Being upon this Mischance affraid to undergo the ●●nishment of the Law he thought it safe to fly 〈◊〉 Scotland where falling in Company with ce●●●●● English Men who were come thither with Qu●●● Margaret Sister to Edgar Edeling he behaved him●●●● so soberly and discreetly that he won the Favour 〈◊〉 good Character of all that knew him But his 〈◊〉 daily increasing he grew at length to that height 〈◊〉 Reputation as to be employed in the most inw●●● Affairs of the Commonwealth and at last was ma●● Lord Steward of Scotland from which Office 〈◊〉 Posterity retained the Surname of Steward the Ki●● of Scotland of that Name with several other F●●lies of Quality in that Kingdom being descended 〈◊〉 him But to return to England Siward the worthy 〈◊〉 of Northumberland died about this time of the Bloo● Flux a Man of a rough Demeanour and a m●●● Soldierly Temper as he plainly manifested at 〈◊〉 point of Death For bewailing his Misfortune 〈◊〉 had escaped so many dangerous Engagements 〈◊〉 withal disdaining to die so effeminately in Bed 〈◊〉 caused himself to be compleatly Armed and a●●● 〈◊〉 were in Defiance of Death presently expired in Martial Bravery But his Son being too young 〈◊〉 King bestowed his Earldom upon Tosty the Son 〈◊〉 Earl Godwyn A.D. 1054 Wales had been now a long time quiet and 〈◊〉 of all troubles both abroad and at home but it co●●● not be expected that such a Life should prove du●●b●● 〈◊〉 but something or other would create New Com●●tions and Disturbances Gruffydh Son to Rytherch ap ●●yn having recruited and recovered himself after the 〈◊〉 Blow he received from Prince Gruffydh must needs ●●●ture another trial for the Principality of South-Wales 〈◊〉 Prince protracting no time speedily marched a●●● him and both Armies being joined Gruffydh 〈◊〉 Ry●herch was easily vanquished and in fine slain 〈◊〉 the troubles of the Welch did not end with him 〈◊〉 Alg●● Earl of Chester being convicted of Treason 〈◊〉 thereupon banished the Kingdom fled to Gruffydh 〈◊〉 of Wales requesting his Aid against King ●●●ard who repeating the frequent Wrongs he had 〈◊〉 at the hands of the English by upholding 〈◊〉 Enemies against him gladly embraced the Op●●●tunity and promised him all imaginable Support ●●d thereupon assembling his Forces he entred with 〈◊〉 into Hereford shire and advancing into the ●●●●try within two Miles of the City of Hereford 〈◊〉 were opposed by Randulph Earl of that Coun●●● 〈◊〉 boldly gave them Battel The Fight con●●●●●● very dreadful and dubious for some hours till 〈◊〉 Gruffydh so encouraged his Soldiers with the ●●●●mbrance of their former Victories over the 〈◊〉 that they fell on a main and easily dis●●●●red Randulph and slew the best part of his Army ●●terwards they pursued their Chase to the Town 〈◊〉 having made all the waste and havock they were ●●●e they laid the Town it self in ashes and so re●●●ned home triumphantly laden with rich Booty 〈◊〉 Plunder King Edward receiving notice of this 〈◊〉 presently gathered a great Army at Glocester ●●der the Conduct of Harold Earl Godwyn's Son ●o couragiously pursuing the Enemies entred into ●ales and encamped beyond Stradelwyd But Gru●●dh and Algar dreading to oppose him retired fur●●●r into South Wales of which Harold being certified 〈◊〉 one part of his Army behind with Orders to ●●ght if occasion offered and with the other passed 〈◊〉 Hereford which he fortified with a strong Wall ●●●●nd the Town Gruffydh perceiving his undaunted Industry after many Messages concluded a Pe●●● with Harold at a place called Biligelhag by w●●●● Articles Algar was pardoned by the King and ●●stored to his Earldom of Chester But he did 〈◊〉 continue long in the King's Favour for about 〈◊〉 years after upon Conviction of Treason he was ●gain banished the Land so that he was forced to 〈◊〉 take himself to his old Friend Gruffydh Prince 〈◊〉 Wales by whose Aid and a Fleet from Norway 〈◊〉 spight of the King he was restored to his Earld●● But King Edward was sore offended with the Pri●●● of Wales for harbouring Traytors and therefore 〈◊〉 be Revenged upon him he dispatched Harold 〈◊〉 with an Army to North-Wales who coming 〈◊〉 Ruthlan burnt the Prince's Palace there and his 〈◊〉 that lay in the Harbor and then returned to 〈◊〉 King at Glocester This year Edward the Son of Edmund Ironside 〈◊〉 was sent for out of Hungary being designed Succession the Crown came to England but in a short time 〈◊〉 his coming died at London leaving behind him 〈◊〉 Son called Edgar Edeling and a Daughter na●●● Margaret who was afterwards Queen of the 〈◊〉 and Mother to Maud the Wife of Henry the f●●●● A.D. 1056 About two Years after Roderic Son to Harold King of Denmark came with a considerable Army 〈◊〉 Wales and being kindly received by Prince Gruff●●● united his Power with the Welch and so entred 〈◊〉 England which they cruelly harassed and destroy●● But before they could advance any considerable ●●stance Roderic was compelled to Sail for Denmark and so Gruffydh returned laden with Spoils 〈◊〉 Wales The same time Harold Earl Godwyn's 〈◊〉 sailing to Flanders was driven by force of Wea●●● to Land at Poytiers where being seized upon 〈◊〉 was brought before William Bastard Duke of N●●mandy to whom he declared the reason of his V●●age that it was purposely to tender him his Ser●●●● in the Affairs of England and so taking an Oath 〈◊〉 to Marry the Duke's Daughter and after the
especially being encouraged thereto by a Person of some esteem in the Country whereupon without any more Questions they presently fell to their business and from Friends became unexpectedly Foes Iestyn was much surprised to find the Normans whom he had but lately honourably dismissed from his service and as he thought with Satisfaction so soon become his Enemies but ●erceiving a Serpent in the Hedg and Eineon so ami●ably great among them he quickly guessed at the ●eason of which there was no other remedy left but ●o bewail the unnecessary Folly of his own Knavery The Normans easily dispossessed Iestyn of the whole Lordship of Glamorgan the most pleasant and fertile ●art of which they divided among themselves lea●ing the more mountainous and craggy ground to the ●hare of Eineon The Knights who accompanied Fitzhamon in this Expedition were William de Lon●res or London Richard de Grena villa o● Greenfield Paganus de Turberville Robert de S. Quintino or Quin●n Richard de Sywarde Gilbert de Humfrevile Ro●er de Berkrolles Reginald de Sully Peter le Soore Iohn le Fleming Oliver de S. John William de Ester●ing or Strading These Persons having distributed ●hat fair and pleasant Lordship among themselves and ●onsidering that they were much better provided for ●ere than they could be at home settled in Glamorgan where their Posterity have continued to this time And ●ere we may observe what a Train of Circumstances ●oncurr'd together in favour of the Normans having ●ossession of this Lordship For had not Eineon be●ng vanquished by Prince Rhys fled to Iestyn rather ●han to another or had not Iestyn been so vain as to ●ttempt the Conquest of South-Wales and to that end ●onsented to the Advice of Eineon there had been ●o necessity of inviting the Normans at all to Wales And then the Normans being arrived had not Iestyn ●●ngenteely violated his Promise and refused to perform the Articles agreed upon between him and Eineon or had not Eineon pursued so desperate a Revenge but satisfied his Passion upon Iestyn without prejudice to his Country the Normans would have returned home with satisfaction and consequently could never have been Proprietors of that noble Country they then forcibly possessed And now again the Welch experienced the dangerous Consequence of calling in a foreign Nation to their aid the Saxons had already dispossessed them of the best part of the Island of Britain and now the Norman● seized upon a great part of that small Country which had escaped the Sovereignty and Conquest of the En●lish But here it will be necessary to lay down the state and condition of this Lordship of Morgannwe o● Glamorgan and what share each particular Knight obtained in the distribution of it The Lordship of Glamorgan reaches in length 2● Miles even from Rymny-Bridge to the East to P●●● Conan Westward and in breadth from Aberth●● otherwise Aberdaon on the South-part to the Confines of Brecnockshire above Morleys Castle 22 Miles This being a Royal Lordship the Lords thereof owing no other Subjection than Obedience only to the Crown assumed to themselves all the Priviledges of 〈◊〉 regal Court excepting only the pardoning of Criminals in case of Treason And not only Glamorgan but the several petty Lordships of which it consisted namely Sengennyth Myscyn Ruthin Lhanbleth●● Tir Iarlh Glyn Rothney Avan Neth Coyty Talava and Lantuit or Boviarton exercised the same Privelege of Jura Regalia with this difference only that in case of wrong Judgment in these Courts appe●● might be made in the County-Court of Glamorgan which being superiour to the rest had power to reverse any Judgment given in them Within th● Lordship were 18 Castles and 36 Knights Fees besides the Town and Castle of Kynfig the Town of Cowbridge or Pont Vaen and the Town and Castle of Caerdàf in the latter of which the Lord of Glamorgan chiefly resided wherein the County-Cou●● was monthly kept The annual Revenue of this Lordship amounted to a Thousand Marks whereof Four Hundred was allowed for the Fees and Sallary of the several Officers belonging to the same This Lordship of Glamorgan Robert Fitzhamon kept to himself and the others he distributed between his several Followers namely to William de Londres he gave the Castle and Mannor of Ogmore to Richard Greenfield the Lordship of Neth to Paine Turberville that of Coyty to Robert S Quintine Lhan Blechyan to Richard Syward Talavan to Gilbert Humfrevile the Castle and Mannor of Penmarc to Reginald Sully the Castle and Mannor of Sully to Roger Berkrolles that of East Orchard to Peter le Scor that of Pe●erton to John Fleming that of S. George to John S. John that of Fonmon or Fenvon and lastly to William le Esterling or Stradling that of S. Donats But that these Knights should have dependence upon and might seem to hold their several Lordships and Estate from him Robert Fitzhamon appointed them their several Apartments in his Castle of Caerdàf where they were obliged to give their attendance at every Court-day which was monthly kept upon Monday But about the same time that Robert Fitzhamon took the Lordship of Glamorgan Barnard Newmarch a Nobleman likewise of Normandy obtained by Conquest the Lordship of Brecknock and Henry de Newburgh Son to Roger de Bellemont by the Conquerour made Earl of Warwick the Country of Gower But Barnard Newmarch gave the People of Wales some small Satisfaction and Content by marrying Nest the Daughter also of Nest Daughter to Lhewelyn ap Gruffydh Prince of Wales by whom he had Issue a Son called Mahael This worthy Gentleman being legally to succeed his Father in the Lordship of Brecknock was afterwards disinherited by the Malice and Baseness of his own unnatural Mother The occasion was thus Nest happening to fall in admiration of a certain Knight with whom she had more than ordinary Familiarity even beyond what she exprest to her own Husband Mahael perceiving her dissolute and loose Behaviour counselled her to take care of her Fame and Reputation and to leave off that scandalous Liberty which she took and afterwards meeting casually her Gallant coming from her fought and grievously wounded him Upon this Nest to be revenged upon her Son went to Henry the First King of England and in his presence took her corporal Oath that her Son Mahael was illegitimate and not begot by Barnard Newmarch her Husband but another Person by virtue of which Oath or rather Perjury Mahael was disinherited and his Sister whom her Mother attested to be legitimate was bestowed by the King upon Milo the Son of Walter Constable afterward Earl of Hereford who in right of his Wife enjoyed the whole estate of Barnard Newmarch Lord of Brecnock Of this Milo it is reported that telling King Henry of a strange Accident which had occurred to him by Lhyn Savathan in Wales where the Birds upon the Pond at the passing by of Gruffydh the Son of Rhys ap Theodor seemed by their chirping to be in a manner overjoy'd The King
apprehension of his former Miscarriages that he endured Penance for the expiation of former Guilts A.D. 1134 In the Year 1134. till which time nothing of moment was transacted in Wales Henry the first of that Name King of England dyed in Normandy in the Month of October after whom Stephen Earl of Buloign Son to the Earl of Bloys his Sisters Son by the means of Hugh Bygod was crowned King by the Archbishop of Canterbury all the Nobility of England consenting thereunto though contrary to a former Oath they had taken to Maud the Empress The first thing that employed his Thoughts after his accession to the Government was against David King of the Scots who taking advantage of this new Revolution in England by some treacherous means or other got the Towns of Carlisle and Newcastle into his hands But King Stephen tho scarcely settled in his Throne presently marched towards the North of whose coming David being assured and fearing to meet him voluntarily restored Newcastle and compounded for Carlisle but would not swear to him by reason of his Oath to Maud which however his Son Henry did not stick at and thereupon was by King Stephen created Earl of Huntington This change and alteration of Affairs in England made also A.D. 1135 the Welch bestir themselves for Morgan ap Owen a Man of considerable Quality and Estate in Wales remembring the Wrong and Injury he had received at the hands of Richard Fitz-Gilbert slew him together with his Son Gilbert And shortly after Cadwalader and Owen Gwyneth the Sons of Gruffydh ap Conan Prince of North-Wales having raised a mighty Army marched against the Normans and Flemmings and comming to Cardigan committed very considerable Waste and Havock in the Country and took two of the strongest Places one belonging to Walter Espec and the Castle of Aberystwyth In this last place they were joyned by Howel ap Meredith and Rhys ap Madawc ap Ednerth who marching forward took the Castle of Richard de la Mare together with those of Dinerth and Caerwedros and then returned with very valuable Booty But having succeeded so well in this Expedition they could not rest satisfied till they had rid the whole Country from the intolerable Pride and Oppression of the Normans and Flemings and therefore returning the same Year to Cardigan with 6000 Foot and 2000 Horse well disciplined and experienced Soldiers and being joyned by Gruffydh ap Rhys and Howel ap Meredith of Brecknock with his Sons and Madawc ap Ednerth they over-ran the Country as far as Aberteifi restoring all the former Inhabitants to their proper Inheritances and discarding all such Strangers as the late Earl of Strygil had placed in the Country But when Stephen who was Governour of Aberteifi saw that he called to him Robert Fitz-Martyn the Sons of Gerald and William Fitz-John with all the strength of the Normans Flemings and English in Wales or the Marches and meeting with the Welch betwixt Aber Ned and Aber Dyfi gave them battel But after a very sore and Bloody Encounter the English began to give ground and according to their usual manner trusting too much to the strength of their Towns and Fortifications began to look how to save themselves that way But the Welch pressed upon 'em so hard that they killed above 3000 Men besides several that were drowned and taken Prisoners This Victory being so happily obtained Cadwalader and Owen over-ran the whole Country forcing all the Normans and Flemings to depart the Country with all speed and placing in their room those miserable Welch who had been so long deprived and kept from their own Estates and after they had weeded the Country of those insatiable Caterpillars they returned to North Wales laden with very rich Spoils and acceptable Plunder The King of England was not in a condition to take notice to what Extremities his Subjects were reduced to in Wales by reason that his own Nobles of England were risen in Arms against him the reason of which Tumult among the Nobility was occasioned by a fallacious Report that went about of the King's Death who lay then sick of a Lethargy They that bore him no good Will verified the Rumour as much as they could and stirred up the common People in behalf of the Empress whereas on the other hand the King's Friends betook themselves to Castles and strong Holds for fear of the Empress and among others Hugh Bigod secured the Castle of Norwich and after that he was assured that the King was well again he was loth to deliver the same out of his possession A.D. 1136 unless it were to the King 's own hands But during these Commotions and Troubles in England Gruffydh ap Rhys Son to Rhys ap Theodore the right Heir to the Principality of South-Wales dyed leaving Issue behind him a Son called Rhys commonly known by the Name of Lord Rhys by Gwenlhian the Daughter of Gruffydh ap Conan who by some is said to have poisoned her Husband Towards the end of the same Year dyed likewise Gruffydh ap Conan Prince of North-Wales after he had reigned 57 Years to the great Grief and Discontent of all his Subjects as being a Prince of incomparable Qualities and one who after divers Victories obtained over the English had throughly purged North-Wales from all Strangers and Foreigners He had Issue by Angharad the Daughter of Owen ap Edwyn three Sons namely Owen Cadwalader and Cadwalhon and five Daughters Marret Susanna Ranulht Agnes and Gwenlhian and by a Concubine Iago Ascain Edwal Abbot of Penmon Dolhing and Elen who was married to Hova ap Ithel Felyn of Yal There were several good and wholsom Laws and Statutes enacted in his time and among the rest he reformed the great Disorders of the Welch Minstrels which were then grown to great Abuse Of these there were three sorts in Wales the first were called Beirdh who composed several Songs and Odes of various Measures wherein the Poet's Skill was not only required but also a natural Endowment or a Vein which the Latins term furor Poeticus These likewise kept the Records of all Gentlemens Arms and Pedegrees and were principally esteemed among all the Degrees of the Welch Poets The next were such as plaid upon Musical Instruments chiefly the Harp and the Crowd which Musick Gruffydh ap Conan first brought over into Wales who being born in Ireland and descended by his Mothers side of Irish Parents brought with him from thence several skilful Musicians who invented almost all the Instruments as were afterwards plaid upon in Wales The last sort were called Atcaneaid whose Business it was to sing to the Instrument plaid upon by another Each of these by the same Statute had their several Reward and Encouragement allotted to them their Life and Behaviour was to be spotless and unblameable otherwise their Punishment was very severe and rigid every one having Authority to punish and correct them even to the Deprivation of all they had They were also
so the English retired over the River Matthew Paris writes that the Earl obtained a very signal Victory and that of the Welch there were Nine Thousand slain and taken though the Welch Account which in this case is in all likelihood the best makes the whole Army of the Welch to consist but of that number But both Armies having layn for certain Days in that posture and the River Tywy being betwixt them Gruffydh by reason that Provision began to grow scarce in his Camp returned back and then the Earl decamped and marched to Cilgerran where he began to build a very strong Castle But before he could have time to finish it he received an Express from the King with orders to come to him and so he went by Sea to London leaving his Army at Cilgerran to continue the Work which he had begun Shortly after the King together with the Archbishop of Canterbury came to Ludlow and sending for Prince Lhewelyn thither they had good hopes to adjust all Differences and to make an amicable Composition betwixt him and the Earl But when this could not be effected both Parties sticking close to their private Interest the Earl being assisted by the Earl of Derby and Henry Pyggot Lord of Ewyas designed to pass by Land to Pembrock but his purpose being discovered to the Prince he detached his Son to secure the Passage of Carnwylhion and came in person to Mabedryd which when the Earl understood finding it dangerous to prosecute his Design any further he returned to England and then the Prince marched to North-Wales The next Action that passed in Wales A.D. 1227 was somewhat rare and not redounding much to the Credit and Esteem of the Welch for Rhys Fychan having by some sinistrous means or other taken his Father Rhys Gryc contrary to all filial Affection and Duty detained him Prisoner and would not set him at liberty till he had delivered up Lhanymdhyfri Castle to him About the same time Meredith Archdeacon of Cardigan Prince Rhys's Son departed this Life and was honourably interred at S. Davids by his Father But a while after a great Storm threatned the A.D. 1228 Welch King Henry having raised a great Army was resolved to make a violent Prosecution of the Earl of Pembrock's Quarrel against the Prince of Wales and if possible to make all that Country for ever subject to the Crown of England and so being advanced into the Marches he encamped at Ceri Prince Lhewelyn on the other hand being informed of these mighty Preparations in England and understanding that they were intended against him did use all the Endeavours possible to make a vigorous Resistance and having drawn together all the Forces he was able to levy thought it his wisest way to meet the English upon the Marches and not to permit the Enemy to enter his Country Both Armies being come in sight of each other frequent Skirmishes happened betwixt 'em but one day almost the whole Armies engaged and after a vigorous Attack of both sides the English at last got the worst and were forced to retire having a great many Men slain and taken Prisoners Among the latter was William Bruce Reynald's Son who offered for his Ransom all Buelht together with a considerable Sum of Money which the Prince would not accept of But King Henry finding that his Army was worsted in this Rencounter thought it best to make Peace with the Prince of Wales which being concluded Lhewelyn came to the King and having paid him all other Respects besides that of Submission and Allegiance he returned in great Honour to North-Wales But this Action is somewhat otherwise laid down by Matthew Paris who writes that this Skirmish betwixt the English and Welch happened upon an other account for the Garrison of Montgomery issuing out of the Castle to enlarge a certain Passage leading through a Wood where the Welch were wont to rob and kill all Passengers began to fell the Timber and cut down all the Bushes which lessened the Road thereby to make the Passage more clear and secure The Welch receiving intelligence of this came presently upon him in great Numbers and surprizing the Enemies being busie at their Labour forced as many as could escape to betake themselves for refuge into the Castle which afterwards having first cast a deep Trench about it they smartly invested H●bert de Burgh Lord Chief Justice of England and Owner of the Castle having notice of this sent presently to King Henry desiring his speedy help against the Welch who thereupon came in Person with part of his Army and raised the Siege Then the rest of his Forces being arrived he marched into the Wood which was Five Miles in length and by reason of the thickness of the growth impassable and for an easie passage through it caused it to be burnt down After that he led his Army farther into the Country and coming to an Abby called Cridia which the Welch were wont to take for refuge he caused it to be burnt down but finding it a very convenient place for a Fortress he granted leave to Hubert de Burgh to build a Castle there But whilst the Work was going on the Welch-men gauled the English and skirmished with them frequently so that many were slain on both sides but at last William Bruce with many others that went abroad to fetch Provision was intercepted by the Welch and taken Prisoner and most of his Company were slain among whom one who was knighted a few days before seeing some of his Fellows in great danger rushed boldly into the midst of his Enemies and after a manful defence bravely lost his Life Several of King Henry's Men were corrupted by Prince Lhewelyn and upon that account took no great pains to repulse the Enemy which when the King perceived and finding withal the Provision was grown very scarce in his Camp he was forced to conclude a dishonourable Peace with the Welch consenting to demolish that Castle which with so great an Expence both of Men and Mony was now almost finished upon his own Charges Prince Lhewelyn paying only Three Thousand Pounds towards it Then both Armies separated Prince Lhewelyn marching to North-Wales and the King leaving William Bruce Prisoner with the Welch returned to England having purchased no small Discredit in this Expedition William Bruce was brought to Wales and there had A.D. 1230 an honourable Confinement in the Prince his Palace but he had not continued there very long when he began to be suspected of being too familiar with the Princess King Henry's Sister and as the report went was take● in the very act of Adultery for which the Prince caused him to be hanged forthwith About the same time Lhewelyn Maelgon's Son dyed in North-Wales and was buried at Conwey and Maelgon Prince Rhys his Son in South-Wales and was buried in Ystratflur whose Estate descended to his Son Maelgon And a little after William Marshall Earl of Pembrock A.D. 1231 dyed one that ever entertained an
the English and to be revenged upon them for their most cruel and almost inhuman Practices towards the Welch Having therefore drawn all his Power together being accompany'd by Meredith ap Rhys Gryc in the space of one Week he recovered out of the hands of the English all the inland Country of North-Wales and then all Merionyth with such Lands as Prince Edward had usurped in Cardigan which he bestowed upon Meredith the Son of Owen ap Gruffydh Having also forced Rhys Fychan out of Buelht he conferr'd it upon Meredith ap Rhys and in like manner bestowed all the Lands which he recovered between his Nobles reserving nothing to his own use besides Gwerthryneon the A.D. 1257 Estate of Sir Roger Mortimer The next Summer he entered into Powys and made War against Gruffydh ap Gwenwynwyn who always had taken part with and owned Subjection to the King of England which he totally overcame excepting the Castle of Poole some small part of Caerneon and the Country lying upon the bank of the Severn But Rhys Fychan was not satisfied with the loss of Buelht and therefore was resolved to try ro recover it to which end he went to the King of England of whom he obtained a very strong Army commanded by one Stephen Bacon which being sent by Sea landed at Caermardhyn in the Whitsun-Week From thence the English marched to Dynefawr and laid Siege to the Castle which valiantly held out until Lhewelyn's Army came to its Relief Upon the arrival of the Welch the English decamped from before the Castle and put themselves in posture of Battel which the Welch perceiving they made all haste to answer and oppose them Whereupon there ensued a very terrible Engagement which lasted a very long while this being for number of Men the greatest Battel that had been fought between the English and the Welch But the Victory favoured the Welch the English-men being at length forced to fly having lost above Two Thousand Men besides several Barons and Knights who were taken Prisoners After this the Prince's Army passed to Dyfed where having burnt all the Country and destroyed the Castles of Abercorran Lhanstephan Maenclochoc and Arberth with all the Towns thereunto belonging returned to North-Wales with much Spoil But as soon as he was arrived great Complaints were exhibited to Prince Lhewelyn against Jeffrey Langley Lieutenant to Edward Earl of Chester who without any regard to Equity and Conscience most wrongfully oppressed the Inhabitants of Wales under his Jurisdiction Whereupon the Prince to punish the Master for the Servant's Fault entred with some part of his Army into the Earl's Estate burnt and destroyed all his Country on both sides the River Dee to the Gates of Chester Edward had no power at present to oppose him but being resolved to be revenged upon the Welch with the first opportunity he desired Aid of his Uncle then chose King of the Romans who sent him a strong Detachment with which he purposed to give Prince Lhewelyn Battel But finding him too strong he thought it more advisable to desist from Hostility the Prince's Army consisting of Ten Thousand experienced Men who were obliged by Oath rather all to die in the Field than suffer the English to gain any Advantage over the Welch But Gruffydh ap Madoc Maelor Lord of Dinas Brân a Person of notorious Reputation for Injustice and Oppression basely forsook the Welch his Country-men and with all his Forces went over to the Earl of Chester A.D. 1258 The next Year Prince Lhewelyn passed to South-Wales and seized into his Hands the Land of Cemaes and having reconciled the Difference betwixt Rhys Gryg and Rhys Fychan he won the Castle of Trefdraeth with the whole Country of Rhos excepting Haverford Thence he marched in an hostile manner toward Glamorgan and rased to the ground the Castle of Lhangymwch and then returning to North-Wales he met by the way with Edward Earl of Chester whom he forced precipitously to return back But before he would put an end to this Expedition he must needs be revenged upon that ungrateful fugitive Gruffydh ap Madoc Maelor and thereupon passing thro' Bromfield he miserably laid waste the whole Country Upon this the Kings of England and Scotland sent to Lhewelyn requiring him to cease from Hostility and after that unmerciful manner to devour and forcibly to take away other Mens Estates The Prince was not over sollicitous to hearken to their Request but finding the time of the year very seasonable for Action against the English he divided his Army into two Battles each of these consisting of 1500 Foot and 500 Horse with which he purposed to enlarge his Conquest Edward Earl of Chester to prevent the Blow which so desperately hung over his Head sent over for Succors from Ireland of whose coming Prince Lhewelyn being certified manned out a Fleet to intercept them which meeting with the Irish at Sea after a sharp Dispute forced them to return back with loss King Henry being acquainted with the miscarriage of the Irish resolved to come in Person against the Welch and having drawn together the whole Strength of England even from St. Michael's Mount in Cornwal to the River Tweed marched with his Son Edward in a great Rage to North-Wales and without any opposition advanced as far as Teganwy But the Prince had stopped his farther Progress and prevented any long stay he could make in Wales having before hand caused all manner of Provision and Forrage to be carried over the River and then securing the strait and narrow Passages whereby the English might get on farther into the Country the Army was in a short time so mortally fatigued that the King for want of necessary Subsistance was forced to retire in haste to England with considerable loss The Prince after that sending for all the Forces in South-Wales came to the Marches where Gruffydh Lord of Bromfield finding that the King of England was not able to defend his Estate yielded himself up and then passing to Powys he banished Gruffydh ap Gwenwynwyn and took all the Lands in the Country into his Hands Proceeding farther he was encountred with by Gilbert de Clare Earl of Glocester who with a choice Party of English gave him Battel But Lhewelyn's Army exceeding both in Number and Courage easily vanquished and overcame the English and so the Victory being quickly obtained the Prince presently reduced to his Power all the Castles belonging to the Earl of Glocester King Henry hearing of the Earl's overthrow was much concerned at the loss of so many brave Souldiers in whose Valor and Experience he always put a very great Confidence and therefore to revenge their Deaths he was again resolved to march against the Welch Having called his Forces together and received Supply from Gascoign and Ireland he came to Wales but not daring to venture far into the Country for fear of being forced to make another shameful retreat he only destroyed the Corn near the Borders it being Harvest
and had a great Number of their Men slain After this nothing remarkable fell out for a considerable time unless it were that David being released out of Prison by Prince Lhewelyn his Brother most ungratefully forsook him and with all his might sided with his Enemies the English also Gruffydh ap Gwenwynwyn having taken the Castle of Mold demolished it to the ground During this quiet and unactive interval in Wales Meredith ap Owen the main Support and Defender of South-Wales died to the great disadvantage of the Affairs of that Country And now indeed the Welch were like to be A.D. 1268 made sensible of the Loss of so considerable a Person for King Henry was resolved once more to lead an Army into Wales and to see if he could have better Success than he had hitherto against the Welch But when he was prepared to undertake this Expedition Ottobonus Pope Clement's Legate in England interposed and mediated a Peace which was concluded upon at the Castle of Montgomery wherein it was articled that Prince Lhewelyn should give the King 30000 Marks and the King was to grant the Prince a Charter from thenceforth to receive Homage and Fealty of all the Nobility and Barons of Wales besides one so that they could hold their Lands of no other but himself and from thence forward he was to be lawfully stiled Prince of Wales This Charter being ratified and confirmed as well by the Authority of the Pope as the King's Seal Prince Lhewelyn desisted from any farther Acts of Hostility and punctually observed all the Articles of Agreement betwixt him and King Henry so that nothing more was outragiously transacted between the English and Welch during the remainder of this King's reign Within that space died Grono ap Ednyfed Fychan one of the Chief Lords of the Prince's Council and shortly after him Gruffydh Lord of Bromfield who lies buried at Vale-Crucis A.D. 1272 But the Death of King Henry put an end to the observations of the Peace betwixt the English and Welch who dying on the 16th day of November this year left this Kingdom to his Son Edward Prince Edward was then in the Holy-Land and very active against those Enemies of Christianity the Turks where he had already continued above a year but understanding of his Father's Death and that in his absence he was proclaimed King of England he made all haste to return to receive the Solemnity of Coronation But what by the tediousness of the Journey and what by being honourably detained at Princes Courts in his way it was two years before he could get into England then upon the 15th of August and in the year 1274. he was Crowned at Westminster Prince Lhewelyn was summoned to attend at his Coronation but he flatly refused to appear unless upon sure Terms of safe Conduct for having offended several of the English Nobility he could not in safety pass thro' their Country without the danger of exposing his Person to the inveterate Malice and acceptable Revenge of some of them And th●refore without the King's Brother the Earl of Glocester and Robert Burnell Lord Chief Justice of England were delivered up as Pledges for his safe Conduct he would not come up to do his Homage and Fealty at his Coronation according to the Writ directed to him And indeed seeing King Edward had broke the Peace lately concluded upon before the Pope's Legate and did receive and honourably entertain such Noblemen of Wales as for their disloyalty were banished by Prince Lhewelyn by whom he feared some treachery there was no reason that the Prince should pay him any subjection but by the breach of Peace was exempted from all Homage However Prince Lhewelyn to shew that it was not out of any stubborness or disrespect to the King of England that he refused to come sent up his Reasons by the Abbots of Ystratflur and Conwey to Robert Kilwarby Archbishop of Canterbury and the rest of the Bishops then sitting ●n Convocation in the New-Temple at London which were to this effect To the most Reverend Fathers in God Robert Archbishop of Canterbury and Metropolitan of all England the Archbishop of York and the rest of the Bishops in Convocation Lhewelyn Prince of Wales and Lord of Snowden sendeth Greeting WE would have your Lordships to understand that whereas formerly most terrible and incessant Wars were continually managed betwixt Henry King of England and our self the same were at last composed and all matters of Differences were adjusted by the means of his Excellency Cardinal Ottobonus the Pope's Legate who having drawn the Articles and Conditions of the Peace agre●d upon they were signed and swore to not only by the K●ng but also the Prince his Son now King of England Among these Articles were comprehended that we and our Successors should hold of the King and his Successor the Principality of Wales so that all the Welch Lords one Baron excepted should hold their Baronies and Estates in Capite of us and should pay their Homage and Fealty for the same to us we in like manner doing Homage to the King of England and his Successors And besides that the King and his Successors should never offer to receive and entertain any of our Enemies nor any such of our own Subjects as were lawfully banished and excluded our Dominions of Wales nor by any means defend and uphold such against us Contrary to which Articles King Edward has forcibly seized upon the Estates of certain Barons of Wales of which they and their Ancestors have been immemorably possessed of and detains a Barony which by the form of Peace should have been delivered to us and moreover has hitherto entertained David ap Gruffydh our Brother and Gruffydh ap Gwenwynwyn with several others of our Enemies who are Out-laws and Fugitives of our Country And tho' we have often exhibited our Grievances and Complaints against them for destroying and pillaging our Country yet we could never obtain of the King any relief or redress for the several Wrongs and Injuries we received at their hands but on the contrary they still persist to commit wastes and other outrages in our Dominions And for all this he summons us to do him Homage at a place which is altogether dangerous to our Person where our inveterate Enemies and which is worse our own unnatural Subjects bear the greatest sway and respect w th the King And tho' we have alledged several Reasons to the King and his Council why the place by him assigned is n●t safe and indifferent for us to come and desire him to appoint another whereto we might with more safety resort or else that he would send Commissioners to receive our Oath and Homage till he could more opportunely receive them in Person yet he would not assent to our just and reasonable Request nor be satisfied with the Reasons we exhibited for our non-appearance Therefore we desire your Lordships earnestly to weigh the dismal effects that will happen to the Subjects
both of England and Wales upon the breach of the Articles of Peace and that you would be pleased to inform the King of the sad Consequence of another War which can no way be prevented but by using us according to the Conditions of the former Peace which for our part we will in no measure transgress But if the King will not hearken to your Counsel we hope that you will h●ld us excused if the Nation be disquieted and troubled thereupon which as much as in us lieth we endeavour to prevent King Edward would admit of no Excuse no● hearken to any manner of Reason in the case but was unmercifully enraged and conceived an unpardonable displeasure against Prince Lhewelyn which yet he thought convenient to conceal and dissemble for a time Indeed he could never abide Lhewelyn ●●nce the time that he was vanquished and put to ●ight by him at the Marches so that the chief Cause ●f King Edward's anger originally proceeded from 〈◊〉 point of Honor which this refusal of Homage ●●rved sufficiently to increase But to prosecute his Revenge which upon this score is in Princes very ●erce and unforgetful in a short time he came to ●hester meaning to recover by force what he could ●ot obtain by fair means From hence he sent to ●●e Prince of Wales requiring him to come over and 〈◊〉 him Homage which Lhewelyn either absolutely re●●sing or willingly detracting to do King Edward ●ade ready his Army to force him to it But there A.D. 1277 ●●ppened an Accident which took off a great part of ●rince Lhewelyn's stubborness for at this time the ●ountess of Leicester the Widow of Simon Montfort ●ho lived at Montargis a Nunnery in France sent over 〈◊〉 Wales her Daughter the Lady Eleanor whom ●hewelyn extreamly loved with her Brother Aeme●ke to be married to the Prince according to the A●reement made in her Father Earl Montfort's time ●ut Aemerike fearing to touch upon the Coast of ●ngland steered his course towards the Islands of ●cilly where by the way they were all taken by four ●ristol Ships and brought to King Edward who re●eived the Lady very honourably but committed her ●●other Prisoner to the Castle of Coff whence he was ●fterward removed to the Castle of Shirburne The ●ing having obtained this unexpected Advantage over ●hewelyn began boldly to fall upon him and so di●●ding his Army into two Battalions led one himself ●●to North-Wales and advanced as far as Ruthlan where he strongly fortified the Castle The other he ommitted to Paganus de Camurtiis a great Souldier ●ho entring into West-Wales burned and destroyed 〈◊〉 great part of the Country But the People of South-Wales fearing that his next Expedition was levelled ●gainst them voluntarily submitted themselves to the ●ing and did him Homage and then delivered up●●●he Castle of Ystratywy to Paganus Prince Lhewelyn hearing of this and finding his own Subjects to forsake him but more especially being desirous to recover his espouse the Lady Eleanor thought it likewise advisable to submit and therefore sued to King Edward for a Peace who granted it but upon very severe Conditions upon Lhewelyns side The Agreement consisted of ten Articles which were 1. That the Prince should set at liberty all manner of Prisoners that upon the King's Account were detained in Custody 2. That for the King's favour and good will he should pay 50000 Marks to be received at the King's pleasure 3. That these four Cantreds or Hundreds viz. Cantref Ros where the King's Castle of Teganwy stands Ryfonioc where Denbigh Tegengl where Ruthlan Dyffryn Clwyd where Rhuthyn stands should remain in the King's hands 4. That the Lords Marchers should quietly enjoy all the Lands they had conquered within Wales excepting in the Isle of Anglesey which was wholly granted to the Prince 5. That in consideration of this Island the Prince should pay 5000 Marks in hand with the reserve of a 1000 Marks yearly to begin at Michaelmas and in case the Prince died without Issue the whole Island should return to the King 6. That the Prince should come every year to England to pay his Homage to the King for all his Lands 7. That all the Barons of Wales excepting five in Snowden should hold their Lands and Estates of the King and no other 8. That the Title of Prince should remain only for his Life and not descend to his Successors and after his Death the five Lords of Snowden should hold their Lands only from the King 9. That for the performance of these Articles the Prince should deliver up for Hostages ten Persons of the best Quality in the Country without imprisoning disinheriting and any time of redemption determined And farther that the King should chuse Twenty Persons within North-Wales who besides the Prince should take their Oaths for the due performance of these Articles and in case the Prince should swerve and recede from them and upon admonition ●hereof not repent they should forsake him and be●ome his Enemies 10. The Prince was obliged to ●uffer his Brethren quietly to enjoy their Lands in Wales whereof David for his Service was dubbed Knight by the King and had the Earl of Derby's Widow given him in Matrimony and with her as 〈◊〉 Portion the Castle of Denbigh in North-Wales be●ides a 1000 Pounds in Lands His other Brother Roderic was lately escaped out of Prison into England ●nd the younger called Owen was upon his Composition delivered out of Prison King Edward having imposed these severe and unmerciful Conditions upon Prince Lhewelyn and for a better security for the performance of them built a Castle at Aberystwyth returned very honourably into England upon whose arrival the People willingly granted him a Subsidy of the Twentieth part of their Estates towards his Charges in this War But it seems very probable that Prince Lhewelyn submitted to these intolerable Conditions more upon the account of his Amours and to regain the Lady Eleanora out of the King of England's hand than that he was apprehensive of any considerable Danger he might receive by the English Troops For it is hardly conceivable that a Prince of such notorious Conduct and Valour would so easily accept of such hard Terms and in a measure deliver up his Principality when there was no necessity so to do without resisting an Enemy whom he had frequently overcome and forced to retire back with greater inequality than the English had at present over him But the force of ●ove worked Wonders and in this case proved mo●t irresistible which to obtain Lhewelyn did not think hard to forfeit his proper Right to his inveterate Enemies and for ever to exclude his Posterity from succeeding in their lawful Inheritance The next year A.D. 1273 therefore he had his Wish accomplished and was married to Eleanora at Worcester the King and Queen with all the Nobility and Persons of Quality in England honouring the Wedding with their p●esence But this specious Amity and the Peace la●● concluded betwixt them
Wales King Edward by a Statute made at Ruthlan incorporated and annexed it to the Crown of England Anno 12. Edw. I. constituting several new and wholsom Laws as concerning the Division of Wales into several Counties the Form and Manner of Writs and Proceedings in Tryals with many others not very unlike the Laws and Constitutions of the English Nation But all this could never win the Affection of the Welch toward him who by no means would own him as their Sovereign unless he would condescend and agree to live and reign among them They had not forgot the cruel Oppressions and intolerable Insolencies o● English Officers and therefore they flatly told him they would never yield Obedience to any other than a Prince of their own Nation of their own Language and whose Life and Conversation was spotless and unblameable King Edward perceiving the Welch to be resolute and inflexible and absolutely bent against any other Prince than one of their own Country happily thought of this politick though dangerous Expedient Queen Eleanor was now quick with Child and ready to be delivered and though the Season was very severe it being the depth of Winter the King sent for her from England and remov'd her to Caernarvon Castle the place design'd for her to ●●ve in When the time of her Delivery was come ●●ng Edward called to him all the Barons and chief ●ersons throughout all Wales to Ruthlan there to ●onsult about the publick Good and Safety of their ●ountry And being informed that his Queen was ●elivered of a Son he told the Welch Nobility that ●hereas they had oftentimes intreated him to appoint ●●em a Prince he having at this time occasion to de●art out of the Country would comply with their ●equest upon condition they would allow of and ●●ey him whom he should name The Welch readi●● agreed to the motion only with the same Reserve ●hat he should appoint them a Prince of their own Nation King Edward assured them he would name ●●ch an one as was born in Wales could speak no ●nglish and whose Life and Conversation no body ●ould stain whom the Welch agreeing to own and ●bey he named his own Son Edward but little before ●●om in Caernarvon Castle King Edward having by these means deluded the Welch and reduced the whole Country of Wales to ●is own Devotion began to reward his Followers with other Mens Proprieties and bestowed whole Lordships and Towns in the midst of the Country ●pon English Lords among whom Henry Lacy Earl of Lineoln obtained the Lordship of Denbigh Reginald Grey second Son to John Lord Grey of Wilton the Lordship of Ruthyn This Henry Lacy was Son to Edmund Lacy the Son of John Lacy Lord of Halton Pomfret and Constable of Chester who married Margaret the eldest Daughter and one of the Heirs of Robert Quincy Earl of Lincoln This Henry Lacy Lord of Denbigh married the Daughter and sole Heir of William Longspear Earl of Salusbury by whom he had Issue two Sons Edmund and John who both dyed young one by a Fall into a very deep Well within the Castle of Denbigh and a Daughter named Alicia who was married to Thomas Plantagenet Earl of Lancaster who in right of his Wife was Earl of Lincoln and Sarum Lord of Denbigh Halton Pomfret and Constable of Chester After his Death King Edward II. bestowed the said Lordship of Denbigh upon Hug● Lord Spencer Earl of Winchester upon whose deceas●● King Edward III. gave it together with many othe● Lordships in the Marches to Roger Mortimer Earl● March in performance of a Promise he had made whilst he remained with his Mother in France tha● as soon as he should come to the possession of th● Crown of England he would bestow upon the sai● Earl of March to the value of a Thousand Poun●● yearly in Lands But within few Years after M●●timer being attainted of High Treason King Edwa●● bestowed the said Lordship of Denbigh upon Montague Earl of Salusbury but it was quickly restore● again to the Mortimers in which House it continued till the whole Estate of the Earls of March ca●● with a Daughter to the House of York and so to the Crown Richard Duke of York Grand-Father to Edward the Fourth having married the sole Daughter and Heir of the House of the Mortimers And so 〈◊〉 continued in the Crown to Queen Elizabeths time who in the Sixth Year of her Reign bestowed the said Lordship upon her great Favourite Robert Ear● of Leicester who was then created Baron of Denbigh After him it returned again to the Crown where 〈◊〉 has continued to this present Year 1696. when his present Majesty granted a Patent under the great Sea● to William Earl of Portland for the Lordships of Denbigh Bromfield and Yale Some of the Welch Representatives perceiving how far such a Grant encroached upon the Properties and Priviledges of the Subject disclosed their Grievances to the Honourable House of Commons who after some consideration resolved nemine contradicente that a Petition should be presented to his Majesty by the Body of the whole House to request him to recall his Grant to the said Earl of Portland which was accordingly done in the manner following May it please Your Most Excellent Majesty WE Your Majesty's most Dutiful and Loyal Subjects the Knights Citizens and Burgesses in Parliament Assembled Humbly lay before Your Majesty That whereas there is a Grant passing to William Earl of Portland and his Heirs of the Manners of Denbigh Bromfield and Yale and divers other Lands in the Principality of Wales together with several Estates of Inheritance enjoyed by many of Your Majesty's Subjects by Virtue of Antient Grants from the Crown That the said Mannors with the large and extensive Royalties Powers and Jurisdictions to the same belonging are of great Concern to Your Majesty and the Crown of this Realm And that the same have been usually Annex'd to the Principality of Wales and Settled on the Princes of Wales for their Support And that a great number of Your Majesty's Subjects in those Parts hold their Estates by Royal Tenure under great and valuable Compositions Rents Royal-Payments and Services to the Crown and Princes of Wales and have by such Tenure great Dependance on Your Majesty and the Crown of England and have enjoyed great Privileges and Advantages with their Estates under such Tenure We therefore most humbly beseech Your Majesty to put a stop to the Passing this Grant to the Earl of Portland of the said Mannors and Lands and that the same may not be disposed from the Crown but by Consent of Parliament For that such Grant is in Diminution of the Honour and Interest of the Crown by placing in a Subject such large and extensive Royalties Powers and Jurisdictions which ought only to be in the Crown and will Sever that Dependance which so great a Number of Your Majesty's Subjects in those Parts have on Your Majesty and the Crown by reason of their Tenure
and may be to their great Oppression in those Rights which they have purchased and hitherto enjoyed with their Estates And also on Occasion of great Vexation to many of Your Majesty's Subjects who have long had the absolute Inheritance of several Lands comprehended in the said Grant to the Earl of Portland by Antient Grants from the Crown His MAJESTY'S Answer Gentlemen I Have Kindness for my Lord Portland which he has deserved of Me by long and faithful Services but I should not have given him these Lands if I had imagined the House of Commons could have been concern'd I will therefore Recal the Grant and find some other way of shewing My Favour to him The Lordship of Ruthyn continued in the possession of the Grays till the Reign of Henry VII when George Grey Earl of Kent and Lord of Ruthyn upon some Bargain passed the same over to the King since which it has been in the possession of some of the Earls of Warwick and afterwards came to the Middletons of Chirk Castle in the County of Denbigh where it still continues being now enjoyed by the Right Worshipful Sir Richard Middleton Baronet But besides Henry Lacy and Reginald Grey several other Gentlemen of Quality came at this time with King Edward to North-Wales who in some time became to be Men of great Possessions and Sway in the Country whose Posterity enjoy the same to this time But he that expected to fare best in the distribution of these Lordships and Estates in Wales was one Rhys ap Meredith a Welch Man and one that contrary to the Allegiance sworn to his Prince and his Duty to his Native Country had served the King of England in all these Wars and done the greatest hurt of any Man to the Interest of Prince Lhewelyn For these great Services done to King Edward Rhys expected no less than to be promoted to the highest Preferments whom the King after the Prince of Wales's Overthrow first dubbed Knight and afterwards fed him with fair Words and great Promises But when he and all his Neighbours and Countrymen had submitted themselves to the Government of the King of England it happened that the Lord Pain Tiptost Warden of the King's Castles which joyned to Rhys's Country and the Lord Alan Plucknet the King's Steward in Wales cited Sir Rhys ap Meredith with all the rest of the Country to the King's Court which he refusing to do alledging his antient Priviledges and Liberties together with the King's Promises to him the foresaid Officers proceeded against him according to Law Whereupon A.D. 1289 Sir Rhys being greatly vexed to be thus served by those whole Interest he had all this while so warmly espoused thought to be revenged of Pain Tiptost and the rest of the English And to that end having drawn together some of his Tenants and Countrymen he fell upon the said Pain Tiptost between whom several Skirmishes afterwards happened and several Men were slain on both sides King Edward was now at Arragon to compose the Difference betwixt the Kings of Arragon and Naples but being informed of the Disturbances which had happened in Wales betwixt his Ministers there and Sir Rhys ap Meredith he writ to this latter requiring him to keep the Peace till his return at what time he would redress all Grievances and reduce Matters to a good and reasonable Order But Sir Rhys haveing already waited sufficiently upon the King's Promises and being now in a good condition to offend his Enemies by force of Arms would not give over the Enterprize he saw so promising but marching with his Forces to his Enemies Lands burnt and spoiled several Towns belonging to the English Upon this the King sent to the Earl of Cornwal whom he had appointed his Deputy during his absence to march with an Army into Wales to repress the Insolencies and to prevent any farther disorderly Attempts of the Welch The Earl accordingly prepared an Army and went against Sir Rhys's whose Army he quickly dispersed and overthrew his Castle of Drefolan but not without the loss of some of his Chief Men. For as they besieged and undermined the said Castle the Walls unexpectedly fell down by which unlucky Accident several of the English were oppressed and bruised to Death among whom were the Lord Strafford and the Lord William de Monchency But within a while after Robert Tiptost Lord Deputy of Wales raised a very powerful Army against Sir Rhys and after a slaughter of 4000 of the Welch took him Prisoner who the Michaelmas following at the King 's going to Scotland was condemned and executed at York A.D. 1293 But the Death of Sir Rhys did not put a final period to all the Quarrels betwixt the English and Welch for in a short time after there happened a new occasion for the Welch to murmur against and upbraid the Government of the English over them King Edward was now in actual Enmity and War with the King of France for the carrying on of which he wanted a liberal Subsidy and Supply from his Subjects This Tax was with a great deal of passion and reluctancy levied in divers places of the Kingdom but more especially in Wales the Welch being never acquainted with such large Contributions before A.D. 1294 violently stormed and exclaimed against it But not being satisfied with villifying the King's Command they took their own Captain Roger de Puelesdon who was appointed Collector of the said Subsidy and hanged him up together with divers others who abetted the collecting of the Tax Then West-Wales Men chose Maelgon Fychan for their Captain and so entring into Caermardhyn and Pembroke-shires they cruelly harassed all the Lands that belonged to the English and then returned laden with considerable Booty The Glamorgan-shire Men and they towards the South Parts chose one Morgan for their Leader and set upon the Earl of Glocester whom they forced to make his escape out of the Country and so Morgan was put in possession of those Lands which the Ancestors of the Earl of Glocester had forcibly taken away from Morgan's fore-Fathers On the other side the North-Wales Men set up one Madoc related to the last Lhewelyn slain at Buelht who having drawn together a great Number of Men came to Caernarvon and setting upon the English who in great multitudes had then resorted thither to a Fair slew a great many and afterwards spoiled and ransacked the whole Town King Edward being acquainted with these different Insurrections and Rebellions in Wales and desirous to quell the Pride and Stubborness of the Welch but most of all to revenge the Death of his great favourite Roger de Pulesdon recalled his Brother Edmund Earl of Lancaster and Henry Lacy Earl of Lincoln and Lord of Denbigh who with a considerable Army were ready to embark for Gascoign and countermanded them into Wales Being arrived there they passed quietly forward till they came to Denbigh and as soon as they drew near unto the Castle upon St. Martin's day the Welch
with great Fury and Courage faced them and joyning Battels forced them back with a very considerable loss Polydore Virgil says but upon what Authority is not known that the Welch obtained this Victory rather upon the account that the English Army was hired with such Money as had been wrongfully taken out of the Abbies and other Religious places so that it was a Judgment from above more than the Force of the Welch that overcame the English Army But be the cause of it what it will 't is certain the English were vanquished upon which account King Edward came in Person to Wales and kept his Christmas at Aberconwey where Robert Winchelsey Archbishop of Canterbury being returned from Rome came to him and having done Homage returned honourably again to England But as the King advanced farther into the Country having but one part of his Army with him the Welch set upon and took most of his Carriages which contained a great quantity of Victuals and Provision so that the King with all his followers were constrained to endure a great deal of hardships in so much that at last Water mixed with Honey and very course and ordinary Bread with the saltest Meat were accounted the greatest Delicacies for his Majesty 's own Table But their misery was like to be greater had not the other part of the Army come in time because the Welch had encompassed the King round in hopes to reduce him to the utmost distress by reason that the Water was so risen that the rest of the Army could not get to him But the Water within some time after abating the remainder of the Army came in whereupon the Welch presently retired and made their escape One thing is very remarkable of King Edward during his distress at Snowden that when the Army was reduced to very great extremity a small quantity of Wine was found which they thought to reserve for the King 's own use But he to prevent any discontent which might thereupon be raised in his Souldiers absolutely refused to taste thereof telling them That in time of Necessity all things should be common and as he was the Cause and Author of th●ir Distress he would not be preferred before them in his Diet. But whilst the King remained in Snowden the Earl of Warwick being informed that a great Number of Welch were assembled and had lodged themselves ●n a certain Valley betwixt two Woods chose out a Troop of Horse together with some Cross-Bows and Archers and set upon them in the Night time The Welch being thus surprised and unexpectedly encompassed about by their Enemies made the best they could to oppose them and so pitching their Spears in the ground and directing the points towards their Enemies endeavoured by such means to keep off the Horse But the Earl of Warwick having ordered his Battel so as that between every two Horse there stood a Cross-Bow so gauled the Welch with the shot of the quarrels that the Spear-men fell apace and then the Horse breaking easily in upon the rest bare them down with so great a slaughter as the Welch had never received before After this King Edward to prevent any more rebellious attempts of the Welch cut down all the Woods in Wales wherein in any time of Danger they were wont to hide and save themselves And for a farther security he repaired and fortified all the Castles and places of Strength in Wales and built the Castle of Bewmoris in the Isle of Anglesey and so having put all things in a settled posture and punished those that had been the occasion of the Death of Roger de Pulesdon he returned with his Army into England But as soon as the King had left the Welch Madoc who as it is said before was chosen Captain by the North-Wales Men gathered some Forces together and came to Oswestry which presently yielded to him And then meeting with the Lord Strange near Knookine who with a Detachment of the Marchers came to oppose him gave him Battel vanquished his Forces and miserably ravaged his Country The like Success he obtained a second time against the Marchers but at last they brought together a very great Number of Men and met Madoc marching towards Sh●ewsbury upon the Hills of Cefn Digolh not far from Camrs Castle where after a bloody Fight on both sides Madoc was taken Prisoner and his Army vanquished and put to flight Then he was sent to London and there sentenced to remain in perpetual Imprisonment in the Tower tho' others affirm that Madoc was never taken but that after several Adventures and severe Conflicts whereby the Welch were reduced to great extremities he came in and submitted himself to the King who received him upon Condition he would not desist to pursue Morgan Captain of the Glamorgan-shire Men till he brought him Prisoner before him Madoc having performed this and the whole Country being peaceable and undisturbed several Hostages from the Chiefest Nobility of Wales for their orderly and quiet behaviour were delivered to the King who disposed of them into divers Castles in England where they continued in safe Custody till the end of the War which was presently-commenc●d with Scotland A.D. 1301 In the 29th year of King Edward's reign the Prince of Wales came down to Chester and received Homage of all the Free-holders in Wales as follows Henry Earl of Lancaster for Monmouth Reginald Gray for Ruthyn Foulke Fitzwarren for his Lands the Lord William Martyn for his Lands in Cemaes Roger Mortimer for his Lands in Wales Henry Lacy Earl of Lincoln for Rhos and Rhyfoneioc Robert Lord Montalt for his Lands and Gruffydh Lord of Poole for the Lordship of Powys at the same time paid their Homage Tudor ap Grono of Anglesey Madoc ap Tudor Archdeacon of Anglesey Eineon ap Howel of Caernarvon Tudor ap Gruffydh Lhewelyn ap Ednyfed Gruffydh ●ychan Son of Gruffydh ap Iorwerth Madoc Fychan Denglfield Lhewelyn Bishop of St. Asaph and Richard de Pulesdon This last in the Twelfth Year of King Edward was constituted Sheriff of Caernarvon for life with the stipend of Forty Pounds sterling yearly At the same place Gruffydh ap Tudor Ithel Fychan Ithel ap Blethyn with many more did their Homage Then the Prince came to Ruthlan where the Lord Richard de Sutton Baron of Malpas paid Homage and Fealty for the said Barony of Malpas Thence the Prince removed to Conwey where Eineon Bishop of Bangor and David Abbot of Maynan did their Homage as did Lewis de Felton Son of Richard Felton for the Lands which his Father held of the Prince in Maelor Saesneg or English Maelor John Earl Warren swore Homage for the Lordships of Bromfield and Yale and his Lands in Hope-Dale at London in the Chappel of the Lord John de Kirkby sometime Bishop of Ely as also a while after Edmund Mortimer for his Lands of Cery and Cydewen But besides all these there paid Homage to the Prince of Wales at Chester Sir
Gruffydh Llwyd Son of Rhys ap Gruffydh ap Ednyfed Fychan a stout and a valiant Gentleman tho' not very fortunate and as Florus says of Sertorius he was magnae quidem sed calamitosae virtutis He was Knighted by King Edward the First upon his bringing the first News of the Queen 's safe delivery of a Son at Caernarvon Castle the King holding then a Parliament at Ruthlan This Sir Gruffydh continued for some time very gratious with the King of England but observing at length the intolerable Oppression and Tyranny exercised by the English Officers especially by Sir Roger Mortimer Lord of Chirke and Justice of North-Wales towards his Country-men the Welch became so far concerned and discontented with such unwarrantable Practices that he presently brake out into open Rebellion against the English And the better to effect what he purposed he treated with Sir Edward Bruce Brother to Robert then King of Scotland who had conquered Ireland to bring or send over some Forces to assist him in his Design against the English upon which account he sent him the following Letter Nobili in Christo Conquestori Domino Edvardo Illustrissimo Regi Hiberniae suus si placet Griffinus Llwyd in North-Wall reverentiam debitam in honore AVditâ nobis vestri in terrarum conquisitione fama egregia in partibus nostris praecipuè debelland aemulos nostros vestros qui tam vos quam nos ab Haereditatibus vi injustè expellendo destruxerunt nomen nostrum memoriamque in terris delere conati fuerunt ab initio supra modum applaudimus ut meritò debemus omnes unanimiter in partibus nostris unde vobis ex parte Wallensium Nobilium significo per praesentes quod si ad Walliam cum hominibus vestris dignemini venire vel si vos in propriâ personâ accedere illuc non poteritis aliquem Nobilem Albanen Comitem Baronem vel Militem cum paucis si plurimi nequeant adesse ad dictas partes nostras volueritis mandare Parati erimus omnes unanimiter ........ dicem eo quod nomen vestrum celebre ubique publicetur expugnat si quid Saxonibus in Albaniâ per illustrem Regem fratrem vestrum ultim per vos in Hibernia per vos nos in Wallia statum vestrum pristinum per Brutum conquisitum recuperabimus ipsisque suppeditatis confusis dispersis Britannia juxta discretam vestrae dominationis ordinationem inter Britones Albaneos in posterum divisa cohaereditabitur Valeat dominatio vestra Regia per cuncta Saecula To this Letter of Sir Gruffydh Llwyd's Sir Edward Bruce returned the following Answer OMnibus desiderantibus à servitute liberari sa●utem in eo Qui desiderant in se relevat liberat ab angustiis temporibus opportunis quia quilibet Christianus obligatur suo proximo in omni angustiâ subvenire praecipuè illis qui ex unâ rad●ce originis sive parentelae patriae primitus processerunt ideo compatientes vestrae servituti angustiae jam ....... Anglicana molestia indigenti decrevimus auxiliante altissimo vestro gravamini occurrere innaturalem barbaricam totis viribus Anglicanam de vestris finibus expellere servitutem ut sic sicut à principio Albanicus Britannicus populus expulsis hostibus in perpetuum fiet unus Et quia nullus inimicus faciliter relevatur libenter praecipimus si jugum Anglicanum in tantum vos deprimit quantum nuper depresserat populum Scotianum ut sic ex vestro concordi conamine nostro superveniente juvamine dispenente semper divino positis jura vestra justitiam recuperare proprietatem ....... haereditatem pacificè possidere Veruntamen Dei cum omnia serviunt in isto proposito filium invocamus quod non ex praesumptione ambitione injusti dominii talia attemptamus sed ex mera compassione effusionis innocentis vestri sanguinis subjectionis intollerabilis signant ad hoc quod vellemus inimicorum vestrorum nostrorum vtres reprimere qui nec pacem nec concordiam defiderant Imo vestram nostram finalem destructionem sicut à principio ingressionis eorum in Britanniam incessanter diebus ac noctibus molientur quia nullo modo est nostrae conscientioe quemquam decipere nec etiam decipi à quocunque nostram intentionem Proposit sine ●ergiversatione aliquâ declaramus quod libenter sciremus vestram voluntatem si rationem nostri laboris conaminis intuitu relevationis vestrae acceptare decrement nobis committere prosecutionem querelae vestrae justitiae nec non capitale dominium vestri prout alius hactenus Princeps vester liberius habere consuevit Ità quod vos omnes singuli cujuscunque extiteritis conditionis pristinis haereditatibus terris libertatibus possessionibus consuetis omnibus conditionibus ad vos expectantibus integrè finaliter gaudeatis Vestram igitur voluntatem super hiis quibuscunque aliis in quibus vos consolari poterimus si videatur expediens cautè celeriter nobis remandetis Valete Domini in Domino But for all that these Letters passed betwixt them whether by reason that Bruce's Terms were conceived unreasonable nothing however was concluded upon and the whole Treaty came to nothing But Sir Gruffydh tho' without any hopes of assistance from the Scots would not lay aside what he had once undertaken and therefore having gathered all the Forces he could desperately set upon and almost in an instant over-ran all North-Wales and the Marches seising upon all the Castles and Strong-holds thro' the Country But all to no purpose for as the most violent stream is quickly over so Sir Gruffydh's Army was presently spent and then being met with by a strong Detachment of English his Party was easily discomfited and himself taken Prisoner The same Year being the 15th of the reign of King A.D. 1322 Edward the Second his eldest Son Edward born at Windsor in a Parliament holden at York was created Prince of Wales Duke of Aquitaine and Earl of Chester This Prince succeeded his Father in the Kingdom of England by the Name of Edward the Third one of the greatest and most powerful Monarchs that ever sat upon the English Throne Edward born at Woodstock eldest Son and Heir to A.D. 1343 King Edward the Third was created Prince of Wales upon the 12th day of May in the 17th year of his Father's reign being then about fourteen years of age He was a Prince of incomparable Qualifications but so signally Famous in Martial Affairs that upon the account of the several Actions he was engaged in he received the Name of Black-Prince He took John the French King Prisoner at the Battel of Poictiers and shamefully vanquished the French Army in the Battel of Cressy He did not live to enjoy the Crown but died one year before his Father in the Forty Sixth Year of his Age no Prince was in his life-time better beloved and after
his Death more lamented by the English Nation who had he lived to sit upon the Helm no one doubted but that he would have exceeded as to all Qualifications the most glorious Renown of the greatest of his Ancestors In the time of Edward the Third lived Sir Tudor Vaughan ap Grono descended lineally from Ednyfed Vaughan a Person as to Estate Power and Interest one of the Chiefest in North Wales Upon some motive either of Ambition or Fancy he assumed to himself the Honor of Knighthood requiring all People to call and stile him Sir Tudor ap Grono as if he did prognosticate and fore-see that out of his Loyns should arise those that should have Power to confer that Honor. King Edward being informed of such unparallell'd Presumption sent for Sir Tudor and asked him With what Confidence he durst invade his Prerogative by assuming the degree of Knighthood without his Authority Sir Tudor replied That by the Laws and Constitution of King Arthur he had the Liberty of taking upon himself that Title in regard he had those three Qualifications which whosoever was endued with could by those Laws claim the Honor of a Knight 1. He was a Gentleman 2. He had a sufficient Estate And 3. He was Valiant and Adventurous adding this withal If my Valour and Hardiness be doubted of loe here I throw down my Glove and for due proof of my Courage I am ready to Fight with any Man whatever he be The King appproving and liking well the Man's forwardness and resolution was easily persuaded to confirm the Honor of Knighthood upon him From this Sir Tudor lineally descended Henry the Seventh King of England who was the Son of Edmund Earl of Richmond the Son of Sir Owen Tudor Son to Meredith the Son of this Sir Tudor ap Gono After the Death of the Black Prince his Son Richard born at Bourdeaux in France being but Ten Years of age was created Prince of Wales at Havering at Bowre on the 20th day of November and in the A.D. 1377 50th Year of Edward the Third his Grandfather's reign whom he succeeded in the Crown of England Henry born at Monmouth Son and Heir to Henry the Fourth King of England upon the 15th of October in the 1st Year of his Father's reign was created Prince of Wales at Westminster who succeeded his Father in the English Crown by the Name of Henry the Fifth Whilst Richard the Second reigned one Owen ap Gruffydh Fychan descended of a younger Son of Gruffydh ap Madoc Lord of Bromfield was not a little Famous This Owen had his Education in one of the Inns-of-Court where he became Barister at Law and afterwards in very great Favour and Credit served King Richard and continued with him at Flint Castle till at length the King was taken by Henry Duke of Lancaster Betwixt this Owen and Reginald Lord Gray of Rhuthyn there happened no small Difference touching a Common lying between the Lordship of Rhuthyn whereof Reginald was Owner and the Lordship of Glyndowrdwy in the possession of Owen whence he borrowed the Name of Glyndwr During the reign of Richard the Second Owen as being a Courtier and in no mean esteem with the King did over-power Reginald who was neither so well befriended at Court nor beloved in the Country as Owen was But after King Richard's deposal the Scene was altered and Reginald as then better befriended than Owen entred upon the Common which occasioned Owen in the first Year of Henry the Fourth to make his Complaint in Parliament against him for thus divesting him of his Right No redress being found the Bishop of St. Asaph wished the Lords to take care that by thus slighting his Complaint they did not irritate and provoke the Welch to an Insurrection to which some of the Lords replied That they did not fear those rascally bare-fo●ted People Glyndwr therefore perceiving how his Petition was slighted in Parliament and finding no other method to redress himself having several Friends and Followers put himself in Arms against Reginald and meeting him in the Field overcame and took him prisoner and spoiled his Lordship of Rhuthyn Upon this many resorted to him from all parts of Wales some thinking him to be in as great Favour now as in King Richard's days others putting in his head that now the time was come when the Britains by his means might again recover the Honor and Liberties of their Ancestors But Reginald being thus kept prisoner and very severely handled by Owen to terrify him into compliance with him in his rebellious Actings and not permitted to have his Liberty under Ten Thousand Marks for his Ransom whereof Six Thousand to be paid upon the Feast of St. Martyn in the 4th Year of Henry the Fourth and to deliver up his eldest Son with some other Persons of Quality as Hostages for the remainder the King at the humble sute of Reginald seeing no other way for his enlargement gave way thereto authorizing Sir William de Roos Sir Richard de Grey Sir William de Willughby Sir William le Zouche Sir Hugh Huls as also John Harvey William Vaus John Lee John Langford Thomas Payne and John Elnestow to treat with Owen and his Council and to conclude in what they should conceive most expedient and necessary to be done for his redemption Whereupon they consenting to give the sum demanded by Glyndwr for his deliverance the King gave License to Robert Braybroke Bishop of London as also to Sir Gerard Braybroke the Father and Sir Gerard the Son then Feoffees of divers Lordships for this Reginald to sell the Mannor of Hertelegh in the County of Kent towards the raising of that Money And for the better enabling him to pay so great a Fine the King was pleased to grant that whereas it was enacted that such Persons who were owners of Lands in Ireland and did not there reside should for such their neglect forfeit two parts of the Profits of them to the King that notwithstanding this Act he should forfeit nothing for non-residence there during the term of six years next ensuing This good Success over the Lord Gray together with the numerous resort of the Welch to him and the favourable interpretations of the Prophecies of Merdhyn which some construed very advantagioussy made the swelling mind of Glyndwr overflow its Banks and gave him some hopes of restoring this Island back to the Britains Wherefore he set upon the Earl of March who met him with a numerous party of Hereford-shire Men but when they came to close the Welch-men proved too powerful and having killed above a Thousand Men of the English they took the Earl of March Prisoner King Henry upon this was frequently requested to Ransom the Earl but to no purpose for whether by reason that Mortimer had a juster Title to the Crown than himself he being the next Heir in Blood after King Richard who was as yet living or because of some other private odium the King would
Sir David secured he had liked to undergo present Execution had not Glyndyfwr's best Friends and the greatest Upholders of his Cause pleaded in his behalf by whose intercession he was prevailed with to grant Sir David both his Life and Liberty upon condition he would ever after continue True and Loyal to him Sir David promised very loudly but with the reservation never to perform for as soon as he came to his own Country where he was a Person of very considerable Sway and Interest he did exceedingly annoy and molest those that any way favoured or adhered to Glyndyfwr While Sir David lay in Prison at Machynlleth for his attempt against Owen's Life this Englyn was made upon him Dafydd Gam dryglam dreigl iti yn wan frwydr Fradwr Rissiart Bhrenin Llwyr y rhoes Diawl hawn hwyl Flîn Y fath ystâd ei fys i th Dîn. But Glyndyfwr receiving information how that Sir David Gam contrary to the Promise he had made at his releasement endeavoured all he could to destroy his Interest among the Welch entred the Marches and among other tokens of his Indignation burned the House of Sir David and as the report goes calling to him one of Sir David's Tenants spake to him thus merrily in Verse O Gweli di wr côch Cam Yn ymofyn y Girnigwen Dywed ei bôd hi Tan y Lan A nôd y glo ar ei Phenn But Sir David had the luck to escape his reach and was constrained to retire to England where he lived for the most part at Court till the Death of Glyndyfwr When King Henry the Fifth went with an Army to France against the French King Sir David Gam brought into his service a numerous Party of Stout and Valorous Welch-Men who upon all occasions expressed their Courage and Resolution In the Battel of Agincourt News being brought to the King that the French Army was advancing towards him and that they were exceeding numerous he detached Captain Gam to observe their motion and review their number The Captain having narrowly eyed the French found them twice to exceed the English but not being in the least d●unted at such a multitude he returned to the King who enquiring of him what the Number of the French might be he made answer An 't please you my Liege they are enough to be killed enough to run away and enough to be taken Prisoners King Henry was well pleased and much encouraged with this resolute and undaunted answer of Sir David's whose Tongue did not express more Valor than his Hinds performed For in the heat of Battel the King's Person being in danger Sir David charged the Enemy with that eagerness and masculine Bravery that they were glad to give ground and so secured the King tho' with the loss of much Blood and also his Life himself and his Son-in-Law Roger Vaughan and his Kinsman Wa●ter Llwyd of Brecknock having received their mortal Wounds in that encounter When the King heard of their Condition how that they were past all hopes of recovery he came to them and in recompence of their good Services Knighted them all three in the Field where they soon after died and so ended the Life but not the Fame of the signally Valiant Sir David Gam Edward of Westminster the sole Issue of that unfortunate Prince King Henry the Sixth by Margaret the Daughter of Rayner Duke of Anjou and titular King of Jerusalem Sicily and Arragon was created Prince of Wales in a Parliament held at Westminster on the 15th day of March in the Thirty Second Year of his Fathers Reign When the Day was lost at Tewksbury this young Prince thought to make his escape by flight but being unfortunately taken and brought to the presence of King Edward the Fourth who then sat upon the Helm made such resolute and unexpected Replies that he put the King to such a passion that he smote him on the Mouth with his Gauntlet and then his Brother Richard the Crouch-back ran him into the Heart with his Dagget Edward born in the Sanctuary at Westminster the eldest Son of King Edward the Fourth was after his Fathers Expulsion out of England in the Fourty Ninth Year of King Henry the Sixth created Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester in the Eleventh Year of his Fathers Reign Upon the death of Edward the Fourth this young Prince being then at Ludlow in the Marches of Wales was presently sent for to London and proclaimed King of England but never liv'd to be crowned for his Uncle Richard Duke of Glocester who was appointed his Protector most vilainously made him away together with his Brother the Duke of York and afterwards was himself proclaimed and crowned King Edward the Fourth in his Wars against Henry the Sixth was very much assisted by the Welch in recompence of which Service he design'd to reform Matters so in Wales as that intolerable Oppression which they had hitherto endured should be regulated and taken off And to that end he meant to establish a Court within the said Principality and constituted John Bishop of Worcester President of the Prince's Council in the Marches who together with Anthony Earl of Rivers sat in the Town-Hall of Shrewsbury and constituted certain Ordinances for the publick Good and Tranquility of that place But the matter proceeded no farther for the Troubles and Disquietness of his Kingdom coming heavy upon him and the shortness of his Reign after his Establishment not permitting he was forced to leave that to others which himself thought once to bring about Edward born at Middleham near Richmond in the County of York the only Son of King Richard the Third was at Ten Years of Age created by his Father Prince of Wales and dyed soon after Arthur the eldest Son of King Henry the Seventh born at Winchester was in the Seventh Year of his Fathers Reign created Prince of Wales About the Fifteenth Year of his Age being then newly married to Katherine the Infanta of Spain he was sent by his Father into Wales that by his presence he might keep that Country in better awe With him King Henry sent Dr. William Smith afterwards made Bishop of Lincoln Wokins p. 789. as President of his Council together with Sir Richard Pool his Chamberlain Sir Henry Vernon Sir Richard Crofts Sir David Philip Sir William Vdal Sir Thomas Englefield Sir Peter Newton and others to be his Counsellors and Directors in his management of Affairs But the Prince had not continu'd long there but he fell sick at his Castle at Ludlow of which Indisposition he shortly after dyed and was buried with great Solemnity in the Cathedral Church of Worcester But the creating of his Brother Henry Duke of York Prince of Wales in his stead was deferred for about the space of a Month to discover whether the Lady Katherine was got with Child by Prince Arthur But when it appeared for certain she had not conceived on the 18th day of February in the Nineteenth Year of his Father King
Henry the Seventh's Reign Henry Duke of York was created Prince of Wales King Henry the Seventh being by his Grandfather Owen Tudor descended out of Wales and having sufficiently experienced the Affection of the Welch towards him first of those who upon his first landing opportunely joyned him under Sir Rhys ap Thomas and then of those who under the command of Sir William Stanley Lord of Bromfield Yale and Chirkland aided him in Bosworth-Field could not in Honour and Equity but bear some regard to the miserable state and condition of the Welch under the English Government And therefore this prudent Prince finding the Calamities of the Welch to be insupportable and seeing what grievous and unmerciful Laws were enacted against them by his Predecessours he took occasion to redress and reform the same and granted to the Welch a Charter of Liberty and Immunity whereby they were released from the cruel Oppression which since their Subjection to the English Government they had most cruelly sustained And seeing the Birth and Quality of his Grandfather Owen Tudor was called in question and that he was by many upbraided of being of a mean and ignoble Parentage King Henry directed a Commission to the Abbot of Lhan Egwest Dr. Owen Pool Canon of Hereford and John King Herald at Arms to make inquisition concerning the Pedigree of the said Owen who coming to Wales made a diligent enquiry into this matter and by the assistance of Sir John Leyaf Guttyn Owen Bardh Gruffydh ap Lhewelyn ap Efan Fychan and others in the consultation of the British Books of Pedegrees they drew up an exact Genealogy of Owen Tudor which upon their return Vide App●nd they presented to the King Edward Son to Henry the Eighth by the Lady Jane Seymour his third Wife was born at Hampton-Court on the 12th of October and upon the 18th of the said Month was created Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwal and Earl of Chester King Henry the Seventh had already abrogated those unreasonable and intollerable Laws which the former Kings of England particularly Henry the Fourth had made against the Welch and now King Henry the Eighth willing to make a plenary Reformation of what his Father had wisely begun thought it necessary towards the Good and Tranquility of both Nations to make the Welch subject to the same Laws and the same Government with the English He understood that the usual Hostilities and Depredations were still continued and kept up by both sides upon the Borders and though his Father had eased the Yoak of the Welch yet he perceived that it did contribute but little towards the disannulling of that inveterate and implacable Envy and Animosity which raged in the Marches Therefore to remedy this otherwise unavoidable Distemper he concluded that it was the only effectual Method to incorporate the Welch with the English that they being subject to the same Laws might equally A.D. 1536 fear the Violation of them And accordingly in the Twenty Seventh Year of his Reign an Act of Parliament passed to that purpose which together with another Act in the Thirty Fifth of his Reign made a plenary Incorporation of the Welch with the English which Union has had that blessed Effect that it has dispelled all those unnatural Differences which heretofore were so rife and irreconcilable When the Reformation was first established in Wales it was a mighty Inconveniency to the vulgar People such as were unacquainted with the English Tongue that the Bible was not translated into their native Language Queen Elizabeth was quickly apprehensive of the Inconveniency which the Welch incurred for the want of such a Translation and therefore A.D. 1566 in the Eighth Year of her Reign an Act of Parliament was passed whereby the Bishops of Hereford S. Davids S. Asaph Bangor and Landaff were ordered to take care that the Bible containing the Old and New Testament with the Book of Common-Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments be truly and exactly translated into the British or Welch Tongue and that the same so translated being by them perused and approved be printed to such a number at least as that every Cathedral Collegiate and Parish-Church and Chappel of ease within the said Diocess where that Tongue is vulgarly spoken might be supplyed before the First of March Anno 1566. And from that time forward the Welch Divine Service should be used in the British Tongue in all places throughout those Diocesses where the Welch is commonly spoke after the same manner as it was used in the English Tongue and that the Charge of procuring the said Bible and Common-Prayer should equally depend betwixt the Parson and the Parish the former being obliged to pay one half of the Expence and that the Price of the Book should be set by the foresaid Bishops or by Three of them at the least But this Act of Parliament was not punctually observed for the Old Testament was wholly omitted and only the New with the Book of Common-Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments then translated which Translation was chiefly owing to Richard Bishop of S. Davids who was assisted by William Salusbury a Perfect Critick in the Welch Tongue and one excellently conversant in all British Antiquities But in the Year 1588. Dr. William Morgan first Bishop of Landaff and then of S. Asaph undertook the Translation of the whole Bible and by the help of the Bishops of S. Asaph and Bangor Gabriel Goodman Dean of Westminster David Pow●l● D.D. Edmund Price Archdeacon of Merionyth and Richard Va●ghan he effectually finished it This was of singular Profit and Advantage to the Welch to have the whole Scripture read and perused in their own native Tongue by which means they received a clearer demonstration of the Corruptions of the Church of Rome when they saw many of their Principles apparently contradicting and others not very firmly founded upon the Holy Scriptures And on the other hand they perceived the Necessity and Advantage of the Reformation they easily discovered that the whole Doctrine of the Church of England was sound and orthodox and that they were now happily delivered from that Popish Slavery which their Forefathers ignorantly adored and therefore being convinced of the Truth of their Religion they became and continued generally very strict Adherents and firm Observers of the Doctrine and Discipline of this Church And here by the bye I cannot but observe what a reverend Writer has lately insinuated relating to the Christian Religion planted in Wales For that Learned Person in his Funeral Sermon upon Mr. Gouge would fain induce the World to believe that Christianity was very corrupt and imperfect among the Welch before it was purifyed by that whom he terms Apostolical Man Whereas it is notoriously evident that since the Reformation was setled in that Country and the Bible with the Book of Common-Prayer translated into the Welch Tongue no place has been more exact in keeping to the strict Rubrick and Constitution of the Church of
Mawr Owen ap Meredith ap Tudor ap Gwerfill Ferch Eva Ferch Margret Ferch Meredith gôch ap Meredith ap Iers Fychan ap Iers gôch ap Meredith ap Bleddyn ap Cynfin c. to Beli. Owen ap Meredith ap Tudor ap Gwerfyll Ferch Eva Ferch Margret Ferch Meredith gôch ap Christin ap Bledrws ap Edwal Owen Bendew one of the fifteen Tribes of North-Wales Son to Cynan Feiniard ap Gwalthfoed ap Gwlyddien ap Gwridor ap Caradawc ap Lles Llaw ddeawc ap Edwal ap Gwnnan ap Gwnnawc Farf sych ap Ceidio ap Corf ap Cadnawc ap Tegonwy ap Teon ap Gwinau dau Freuddwyd c. and so to Beli. Owen ap Meredith ap Margret Ferch Tomas ap Lhewelin ap Owen ap Meredith Lord Iscoed ap Owen ap Gruffydh ap Rhys Prince of South Wales so to Rodri Mawr Owen ap Meredith ap Margret Ferch Tomas ap Llywelin ap Angharad Ferch Arglwydd Sion John of Hasson by William ap David ap Gruffydh Dubium Owen ap Meredith ap Margret Ferch Tomas ap Llewelyn ap Angharad Ferch Margret Ferch Philip ap Ifor Lord Iscoed by William ap Gruffydh Dubium Owen ap Meredith ap Margret Ferch Tomas ap Llewelyn ap Angharad Ferch Margret Ferch Angharad Ferch Llewelyn ap Iers drwyndwn Prince of all Wales This Llewelyn wedded Inet Daughter of King John which was Son to Henry the Second Son to Mawd the Empress Daughter to Henry the First Son to William the Conquerour Son to Robert Duke of Normandy Owen ap Meredith ap Margret Ferch Tomas ap Elinor Ferch ..... Lord Barre by Gyttin Owen by information of Dr. Owen Pool and Mr. Lingam 's Wife by an old Pedigree Owen ap Meredith ap Margret Ferch Tomas ap Elinor ferch Elinor Ferch Edward Longshanks King of England Owen ap Meredith ap Margret Ferch Tomas ap Elinor Ferch Elinor Ferch Elinor second to King Edward abovesaid Dubium Owen ap Meredith ap Margret Ferch Elinor Ferch Meredith ap Owen ap Gruffydh ap Rhys Prince of South-Wales by Madawc ap Llewelyn ap Howel his Books Owen ap Meredith ap Margret Ferch Elinor Ferch Catrin ferch Llewelyn ap Gruffydh last Prnce of Wales Owen ap Meredith ap Margret Ferch Elinor Ferch Llewelyn ap Gruffydh ap Tangwistl Ferch Llywarch gôch ap Lhowarch ap Pyll ap Cynan ap Einion ap Gwridor gôch ap Helic ap Glannawc ap Gwgon Gleddyfrudd ap Cariadawc Freichfras ap Llir Merini ap Einion irth ap Cunedda wledic Owen ap Meredith ap Margret Ferch Elinor Ferch Caterin Ferch Elinor ap Gruffydh ap Tangwistl Ferch Tangwistl Ferch Llowarch ap Bran ap Dinawal ap Efnydd ap Alawe Alser ap Tudwal ap Rodri mawr by Gyttin Owen Gwen ap Meredith ap Margret Ferch Elinor Fychan Ferch Simon Montford Earl of Leicester by Gyttin Owen Owen ap Meredith ap Margret Ferch Elinor Ferch Caterin Ferch Elinor Fychan Ferch Elenor Ferch John King of England Hereafter followeth the antient Lineage of the said Owen's Mother Margret Wife to Meredith ap Tudor Owen ap Margret Ferch Dafydd Fychan ap Dafydd Llwyd ap Cyner ap Gronw ap Cyner ap Iers ap Hwfa ap Cwmus ap Cillin ap Maeloc dda ap Gredef ap Kwmus du ap Cillin Ynad ap Predur Teirnoe ap Meilir Eryr gwyr gorsedd ap Tiday ap Tyfodde ap Gwybfyw ap Marchwin ap Branap Pill ap Cerfyr ap Meilir Meilirion ap Goron ap Cunedda wledic ap Gwawl Ferch Coel Godeboc as before Owen ap Margret Ferch Dafydd Fychan ap Dafydd Llwyd ap Cyner ap Gronw ap Cyner ap Iers ap Hwfa ap Generis Ferch Ednowain Bendew ap Cynon Finiaid ap Gwarthfoed ap Gwridr ap Cradoc ap Lles llaw ddeuawc ap Edwal ap Gwynnan and so to Ludd ap Beli mawr as before by Gyttin Owen Owen ap Margret Ferch Dafydd Fychan ap Dafydd Lhwyd ap Cyner ap Llaysedd Daughter to Sir William Twychet Knight by William Indub Owen ap Margret Ferch Dafydd Fychan ap Dafydd Lhwyd ap Alis Ferch Robert ap Turstan Holland Capitain of Harlech by William Owen ap Margret Ferch Dafydd Fychan ap Dafydd Lhwyd ap Alis Ferch Margret Ferch Alan Norris Knight by William Indub Owen ap Margret Ferch Dafydd Fychan ap Angharad Ferch Howell ap Meredith ap Iers ap Cadwgan ap Llywarch ap Bran as before c. Owen ap Margret Ferch Dafydd Fychan ap Angharad Ferch Howell ap Meredith ap Iers ap Gwenllian Ferch Cynan ap Owen Gwynedd ap Gruffydh ap Cynan c. Owen ap Margret Ferch Dafydd Fychan ap Angharad Ferch Owen ap Bleddin ap Owen Bregennwn ap Madawc ap Meredith ap Bleddin ap Cynfin Prince of Powis these 3 by Gyttin Owen Owen ap Margret Ferch Dafydd Fychan ap Angharad Ferch Gwladis Ferch Llewelin gethni ap Edwal ap Gruffydh ap Meuric ap Cadhayarn ap Gwrydd ap Rhys gôch one of the 15 Tribes of North Wales which was Son to Sandwr ap Iarddwr ap Mor ap Tegerin ap Aelaw ap Gredres ap Cwmus du ap Cillin Ynad c. to Coel Godeboc Owen ap Margret Ferch Dafydd Fychan ap Angharad Ferch Gwladus Ferch Mali Llwyd Ferch Iers ap Engion ap Geraint ap Tegwared ap Cynfawr ap Madawc diffaeth which were Rulers and Great Men in Pentraeth Owen ap Margaret Ferch Nest Ferch Jermy ap Gruffydh ap Howell ap Meredith ap Engion ap Gwgon ap Merwydd ap Golwyn one of the 15 Tribes of North-Wales Son to Tangno ap Cadfael ap Lludd ap Llen ap Llaminod Angel ap Pasgen ap Urien Rheged ap Meirchion ap Grwst ap Cennaf ap Coel godeboc King as before Owen ap Margret Ferch Nest Ferch Jermy ap Gwerfill ferch Gwladus Ferch Edwal Fychan as before Owen ap Margret Ferch Nest Ferch Angharad Ferch Gruffydh ap Dafydd gôch ap Gruffydh ap Llewelyn Prince of Wales Owen ap Margret Ferch Nest Ferch Angharad Ferch Gruffydh ap Dafydd gôch ap Dafydd ap Gruffydh ap Tangwistl Ferch Llowarch gôch ap Llowarch Holbwrch ap Pill ap Cynan ap Gwridor gôch ap Helic ap Glannoc as before Owen ap Margret Ferch Nest Ferch Angharad Ferch Gruffydh ap Dafydd gôch ap Rhanullt Ferch Rheinallt King of Man Owen ap Margret Ferch Nest Ferch Angharad Ferch Gruffydh ap Angharad Ferch Heylyn ap Tudor ap Ednyfed Fychan Owen ap Margret Ferch Nest Ferch Anghahad Ferch Gruffydh ap Angharad Ferch Heylyn ap Adleir Ferch Ricart ap Cadwalader ap Gruffydh ap Cynan Prince These 4 by Gyttin Owen Owen ap Margret Ferch Nest Ferch Angharad ferch Gruffydh ap Angharad ferch Heylyn ap Adleis Ferch Ricart ap Cadwalader ap Gruffydh ap Cynan ap Afandrec Wife to Iago Daughter to Gwayr ap Pill ap Cynan ap Cynddelw gam ap Elgudi ap Grwyfnad ap Diwgludd ap Tegawc ap Cyfnerth ap Madoc Madogion ap Sauddl bryd Angel ap Llylwarch
the British Race 8. Retires to Alan King of Little Britain ibid. Learned in a Vision to go to Rome and there shorn a Monk 10. Cadwalader with his Brother Owen Gwynedh from North-Wales in conjunction with several South Wales Lords made an horrible slaughter of the Normans and Flemings and drove them out of South-Wales 157 158. Cadwalader forced to flee from his Brother Owen to Ireland 163. Returns with Irish Forces concludes a Peace with his Brother made Prisoner by the Irish rescued by his Brother 164. Escapes out of Prison 171. Flies to England ibid. His Death and Issue 200. Canterbury redeemed by the Citizens from being burnt by the Danes for 3000 l. 73. Betrayed afterward to them and burnt 74. Caradoc King of North-Wales fights and is slain by the Saxons 21. His Pedigree ibid. Celibacy enjoyned to the Clergy in a Synod held at London 127. Christian Faith pure in the British Church 221. Charles Duke of York created Prince of Wales 328. Charles eldest Son of King Charles the First created Prince of Wales 328. Civil War in Wales and Edwal Son of Meyric the indisputable Heir set up in North-Wales 67. Clare Earl of possessed himself of divers Strong-holds in Cardigan 177. Clynnoc fawr an Abby in Arfon 11. When and by whom built 12. Endowed by Prince Anarawd 39. Cnute the Dane chosen King and his Cruelty to the English Hostages 75. Returns to England ibid. The Northumbers submit to him 76. Besieges London is Routed by Edmund ibid. Combats Edmund agree and divide England between them 78. Generously punishes Edmund Ironside's Murder ibid. Marries Emma Edelred's Widdow 80. Requires a Subsidy of the English ibid. Made a pompous Journey to Rome 82. Makes the Scots do him Homage ibid. Dies and is succeeded by his Son Harold Harefoot 83. Conel prognosticating the Norman Invasion and Success 100. Commotions in England 158. Con●n War between him and his Brother Howel 22. Dies 23. His Pedigree ibid. Conspiracy against William the Conqueror by the English and the Welch detected and the Conspirators executed 104. Constable Walter marries Nest's Daughter and has the Lordship of Brecknock 116. A strange Passage related by him to Henry the First concerning Gruffydh ap Rhys ibid. Crogens used as a Term of reproach by the English to the Welch 223. No reason for it 224. Cynric Prince Owen's Son slain 162. D. DAnes begin to disturb England 20 21. They prevail and Winter in England 28. They take and destroy Winchester 30. Kill Osbright and Elba Kings of Northumberland 31. Slew Edmund King of the Angles ibid. Fought five Battles with Ethelred ibid. They won London and Redding 33. Routed by the West-Saxons 34. Are defeated by Alfred and received the Christian Faith 37. They harrass North-Wales 39. Defeated by the Armorican Britains ibid. Forced to rise from before Exeter and spoil the Sea-Coast of Wales 41. Receive a great overthrown 42. They grow powerful not only in England but also in Ireland 44. Thrice overthrown by the English 45. Cruelly overthrown by Tottenhale 46. Routed by King Edward 48. Driven out of the Kingdom by King Edmund 52. Force the English to pay the Dane-Gelt 65. Make a terrible Havock in Wales and had Tribute paid them 66. Make fresh devastations in Wales and England 70. They are massacred by the English 71. Force the English Nobility to buy their Peace for 30000 l. 72. They beat Wolfkettel 73. Slew Ethelstan and ransack'd the Country 74 Dafydh ab Owen ki●l'd his Brother Howel in Battel and g●ts to be Prince of North-Wales 195. Secures ●is Brother Maelgon reduces Anglesey and banishes his Brethren 202. Sends a Band of Welch to accompany King Henry into Normandy ibid. Is dispossest by his eldest Brother's Son Lhewelyn ap Iorwerth 213. Vngrateful to Prince Lhewelyn for his Liberty 224. Dafydh ap Lhewelyn Prince of Wales did Homage at Glocester to the King of England 259. Is excommunicated by the Bishop of Bangor for detaining his Brother Gruffydh in Prison whom he refused to deliver at the King's Request 260. Submits to the King of England 262. Ca●ols the King to detain his Brother Gruffydh Prisoner ibid. Engages the Pope on his side against the King but he proves false 264. Fights the English often with various Success ibid. Dies without Issue 268. Davids St. burnt by the West-Saxons 21. Destroyed by the Danes 45. Again by the Danes 69. Destroyed by Strangers 107. The Cathedral sacrilegiously robbed 111. Made subject to the See of Canterbury 125. Dunstan St. Bishop of Canterbury his Prediction and Death 61. E. EAster the Britains and Saxons quarrel about the Observation of it 18 19. Edgar advanced to the Kingdom in his Brother Edwin's room 56. He wasts North-Wales and agrees for a yearly Tribute of 300 Wolves ibid. Regulates drinking Vessels because of the Danes excess 57. Rowed in his Barge by six Kings on the River Dee 59. Edgar Edeling proclaimed King forced into Scotland 101. Received to King William's Mercy 103. Edmund King of England's Death and the uncertain manner of it 53. Edmund Ironside slain by Edric's Son 78. Edwal Foel and his Brother Elis fight the English and are slain 49. Their Issue ibid. Edward sent for from Normandy and made King 86 The Confessor's death 98. Edward I. King of England invades Wales and prevails 283. Insists upon Prince Lhewelyn's submission without reserve 292. Sets Prince Lhewelyn's Head upon the Tower of London and puts his Brother David to death 299. Subdues all Wales ibid. Kept his Christmas at Aber-Conwey 307. In necessity would taste no Wine for the satisfaction of his Soldiers 308. Cuts down all the Woods in Wales and builds Beumaris-Castle 309. Edward of Caernarvon first Prince of Wales of the English Blood 301. Received Homage at Chester of all the Free-holders of Wales 310. Goes farther into the Country to the same purpose ibid. Edward eldest Son to King Edward II. created Prince of Wales 313. Edward eldest Son to King Edward III. created Prince of Wales 313 His Character and Death 314. Edward Son to Henry VI. created Prince of Wales 323. Murdered ibid. Edward eldest Son to King Edward VI. created Prince of Walts murdered 223. Edward VI. inclined to favour the Welch 323. Edward Son to Richard III. created Prince of Wales 324. Edward Son to Henry VIII created Prince of Wales 325. Edwyn King of England vitious dispossess'd and dies 56. Egbert sole M●narch in Britain 25. Calls the Country England ibid. He fights the Danes 26. Eincon invites the Normans into Wales and persuades them to stay 112 Elfleda Mercian Queen her Valiant Acts both against the Danes and Welch 46. Her death 47. Left a Daughter Alfwyden disinherited by King Edward ibid. Ethelwulph King of the West-Saxons paid Peter-pence to Rome 29. Learned and devout ibid. Eyes of several pluck'd out a barbarous Custom 155. Ethelbald King of Mercia invades Wales 16. In conjunction with Adelred overthrow the Britains ibid. F. FLanders a part of it drowned prejudicial to
leaving his Estate to Gwenwynwyn his Son 217. Owen Glendwr his Family Education and Employment 315. opposed by the Lord Ruthyn without Redress takes up Arms and makes him Prisoner 316. prevails takes the Earl of March Prisoner 317. retakes Aberystwyth Castle 319. Summons a Parliament at Machynlleth 320. Secures David Gam upon a suspicion of a design he had to murder him 321. burnt his House and his Verse upon it ibid. P. PAtent of Lands granted in Wales to the Earl of Portland 302. Commons address upon it 303. King's Answer 304. Peckham John Archbishop of Canterbury endeavours a Reconciliation of Prince Llewelyn and his Brother with the King 286. his Remonstrance to the Prince and People 287 288 289 290. Solicites the King on behalf of the Welch 291. Sends Articles to the Welch 292. Excommunicates the Prince of Wales and his Adherents 297. Peace in general between England and Wales except with Prince Rhys who was forced to comply with the King 176. Vnjustly dealt with 177. Powis Prince of removes his Seat from Pengwern to Mathraval 20. An account of it while a Principality and a Lordship with the several Divisions and Possessors thereof whether of British or English Blood 175 to 185. R. REbellion in the North caused by Earl Tosty's Insolence 97. Appeased 98. Rhydderch seizes upon South-Wales 82. Rhydderch and Rhys the Sons of Rhydderch ap Iestyn put in their Claim to South-Wales 88. Rhys Brother to Prince Gruffydh taken by the English and put to death at Bulendun 91. Rhys ap Owen and Rhydderch ap Caradoc joyntly govern South-Wales 105. The latter dies 106. A Rebellion against the other ibid. Invaded also from North-Wales flies pursued and slain 187. Rhys ap Theodor allowed Prince of South-Wales as lawful Heir 107. A Rebellion formed against him flies into Ireland returns and defeats his Enemy 110. Suppresses another Rebellion 111. Slain near Brecknock in a Fight against the invading Normans and his own rebellious Subjects 112. Rhys ap Gruffydh Prince of South-Wales takes Llanymddyfri Castle 177. Subdues Cardigan 178. Gives Henry II. Hostages to observe the Peace made between them ib. Besieges Carmarthen then forced to quit it 179. Possessed himself of divers Lands belonging to Foreigners in Wales as did others according to his Example 189. Takes Aberteifi Castle and razes it 191. Subdues Owen Cyfeilioc 197. Brings the Lords of South-Wales at Enmity with K. Henry to do him Homage 203. Makes a great Feast at Christmas at Aberteifi where the Bards of North-Wales and South-Wales strive for the Mastery 205 206. Takes advantage upon King Henry's death to enlarge his Country 209. His Family diminishes 210. Made Prisoner by his own Sons 211. Escapes 212. Takes two of his Sons Prisoners 214. Enlarges his Conquest and defeats the English and Normans 214 215. Dies his Character and Issue 216. Rhys Fychan takes Lhanymdhysri Castle 227. Rhys ap Gruffydh ap Rhys prevails in South-Wales 239. Does Homage to Henry III. 145. Dies 147. Rhys ap Meredith unfaithful to his Country 304. Knighted by King Edward revolts ●05 Defeated taken Prisoner and executed 306. Rhythmarch Archbishop of S. David dies 122. Richard King of England's feasts in the Holy Land 210. Taken Prisoner in Austria ibid. Died of his Wounds received at Chalons in France 219. Richard of Bourdeaux created Prince of Wales 315. Robert Cyrthois rebels against his Father in Normandy 110. Robert Earl of Salop rebels against Henry I. 122. Engages the Welch in the Quarrel 123. Seeks Aid of Magnus Harold's Son and fails banished with his Brother Arnulph into Normandy 124. Robert de Belissimo a great Disturber of the Welch committed to perpetual imprisonment by King Henry 139. Roderic Molwynoc succeeded Ifor Anno 720.15 Driven by the Saxons out of the Western Countries to his Inheritance in North-Wales 17. dyed soon after 18. Roderic the Great Prince of VVales 27. Beats the Danes out of his Country ●3 Fight● the English an● with his Brother Gwyriad it slain 34. His Pedigre● and Division of Wales between i●●● three Sons ibid his Imprudence herein 36. S. SAxons their Answer to the British Message 5. They first repel the Scots and Picts 6. Enter into League with the Scots ib. They incroac● upon the Britains 19● Scots and Picts invade Britain 1. S●ward Earl his Saying upon his Sons being slain in Battel 19. His soldierly Temper at his ●ear● 92. South Wales invaded twice in one Year by Ie●af and 〈◊〉 Princes of North-Wales ●5 They quarres and 〈◊〉 Consequence of it 57. Embroyled 〈◊〉 between Rhy● ap Gruffydh and Rhys Fychan and the former supported by the English 235 236. Stephen King of England agrees with the King of Scot● 157. Ravages Scotland 160. Suppresses Injurie ●●ons at home and ●ou●s the Scots by his Lieutenants 161. Besieges Arundel Castle in vain 162. Takes Lincoln is defeated and taken Prisoner ibid. Exchanged for Earl Robert and overthrown a second time at Wilton 163. Wins the Battel of Farendon agrees with Henry the Empress's Son and dies 172. Stewards the Family and their Original 91 92. Sulien Archb shop of S. Davids dies 111. Sulien a learned Man of Llanbadarn dies 165. Swane the Dane wasts the Isle of Man Lands in North-Wales 68. Kills Edwal Prince of the Country ib. His Success in England and esteemed King hereof 74 75. Swane King of Denmark invades England and takes York 102. forced to fly ibid. T. TRahern Fychan strangely hanged 217. Trahern ap Caradoc made Prince of North-Wales 105. His Country invaded from Ireland by Gruffydh ap Conan the right Heir ibid. They fight and Trahern with his Cosins worsted and all slain 108. T●●bute paid by the Prince of Wales to the Kings of England 48. Tudor Vaughan ap Grono his Family would be s●● 〈◊〉 Knight and his Reasons for it to King Edward III. who confirmed the Honour of it 314. V. VOrtigern invites the Saxons into Britain 5. Vortimer repels the Saxons 7. W. WAles wasted by the Merci●●s 24. by King Egbert ibid. Divided into three Provinces 27. Invaded by the English 52. Forcibly managed by Ievaf and Iago Princes of North-Wales only 56. Afflicted by the Danes and a Murrain 65. Gives Hostages to pay the antient Tribute 95. Seldom governed by the right Heir 109. Wasted by the English as far as Anglesey 121. Embroiled with Civil Divisions 151. Item 153 154. In great scarcity 276. annnext to the Crown of England 300. Walwey King Arthur's Nephew his Tomb found whose Body was of a prodigious length 110. Welch quarrel amongst themselves 22. Ibid. 23. They defeat the Mercians at Conwey and call it Dial Rhodri 38. Disable the Danes and English that invaded them then fall out among themselves 61. Too late see the folly of foreign Aid 114. Miserably slaughter'd 130 131. Being at peace from abroad they fall to their wonted Method of destroying one another 208. Complain to their Prince of their Oppression from the English 272. Beaten by the English 279. Worst the English 297 298. Beaten in Buelht ibid. Revolt because of an heavy Tax from Edward I. every where 306. Beat the English 307. Take the King's Carriages ibid. Routed by the Earl of Warwick 308. Beat the Marchers but are at last overcome and their Leader Madoc made Prisoner 309. Welch Minstrels reformed whereof were three sorts 159. William Duke of Normandy claims the Crown of England 98. Lands at Hastings and defeats the English 100. William I. goes with an Army on Pilgrimage to S. Davids 100. William Rufus invades the Welch without Success 118. Item 120. Killed 122. FINIS BOOKS Printed for and sold by ROBERT CLAV●●● THE plausible Arguments of a Roman Catholick answered by an English Protestant in the Welch Tongue Price 4 d. The Church-History clear'd from the Roman Forgeries and Corruptions found in the Councils and Baronius in Four Parts from the beginning of Christianity to the end of the Fifth General Council By Thomas Comber D. D. Dean of Durham 40. An Historical Vindication of the Divi●● 〈◊〉 of Tythes from Scripture Reaso● 〈◊〉 Opinion and Practice of Jews Go●● 〈◊〉 Christians in all Ages to which is added a Discourse concerning Excommunication By Tho. Comber D. D. Dean of Durham 40.
pay the like Sum to the Prince of Aberffraw But King Ethelstane was not less terrible abroad than he was awed and feared at home the Kings of France and Norw●● sending him very great and costly Presents to obtain his Favour and to gain his good Will A.D. 936 This Year Euneth the Son of Clydawe and Meyri● the Son of Cadelh died The same time King Athelstane removed the Britains who lived at Excester and the neighbouring Country to Cornwal bounding the● with the River Cambria now Tamar as the Britains of W●les with the Wey Not long after the A.D. 939 noble Prince Athelstane dyed to the great and inexpressible sorrow of all his Subjects and was buried at Malmesbury and succeeded by his Brother Edmund not inferiour to him in Courage but preferable by right of Nativity being born in Wedlock In the first Year of his reign he gave a very considerable blow to the Danes took from them the Cities of Leycester Darby Scafford Lincoln and Nottinham Then Aulafe King of the Danes finding it impracticable to withstand the force of King Edmund desired peace and withal to be initiated in the Christian Faith which being granted him he and all his Danes received Baptism King Edmund standing Godfather at the Font after which both Parties concluding a firm and a lasting Peace Edmund honourably returned to West-Sex The same Year dyed Abloic chief King of Ireland And the Year following Cadelh the Son of Arthuael a Nobleman of Wales was for what reason not discovered imprisoned by the English To revenge which Indignity Edwal Foel and his Brother Elis gathered their Forces together and fought against the English and Danes but were both unhappily slain This Edwal ●oel had six Sons Meyric Ievaf Iago Conan Edwal Fychan and Roderic And his Brother Elis had Issue Conan and a Daughter named Trawst the Mother of Conan ap Sitsylht Gruffydh ap Sitsylht and Blethyn ap Confyn which two last were afterwards Princes of Wales Howel Dha HOwel Dha had been for a considerable time Prince of South-Wales and Powis in which Government A.D. 940 he had so justly and discreetly behaved himself that upon the death of Edwal Foel he was worthily preferred to the Principality of Wales Notwithstanding that Edwal had left behind him several Sons who at first seem'd to murmure at and resent the Election of Howel Dha The first thing he took care of was to enact good and wholsom Laws for the benefit of his Country which held in force in Wales till the time of Edward the First when the Welch received the Laws of England yet not so generally but that in some places they continued long after and are still to be seen in the Welch and Latin Tongue For Howel Dha perceiving the Laws and Customs of his Country to have grown to great abuse sent for the Archbishop of Menevia with the rest of the Bishops and chief Clergy to the number of 140. and all the Barons and Nobles of Wales and ordered that Six of the wisest and best esteemed Persons in every Commote should be cited before him at his Palace called y Ty Gwyn ar Taf or the white House upon the River Taf. Thither coming himself he remained with his Nobles Prelates and Subjects for all the Lent in Prayers and Fasting imploring the assistance and direction of Gods Holy Spirit that he might reform the Laws and Customs of the Country of Wales to the Honour of God and the peaceable Government of his Subjects Towards the end of Lent he chose out of that Assembly Twelve of the wisest and gravest and Persons of the greatest Experience to whom he added Blegored a Man of singular Learning and one exquisitely versed in the Laws To these he gave commission to examine the antient Laws and Customs of Wales and to collect out of them what was requisite towards the Government of the Country according to which Charge they retained those that were wholsom and profitable expounded those that were doubtful and ambiguous and abrogated them that were superfluous and hurtful And so these Laws were distinguished into three sorts The first concerned the Order and Regulation of the King's Houshold and Court The second the Affairs of the Country and Common-wealth and the last had regard to special Customs belonging to particular Persons and Places All which being publickly proclaimed and generally allow'd of Prince Howel ordered three Copies to be written one for his own use another to be laid up at his Palace of Aberffraw and the third at Dinefawr so that the three Provinces of Wales might have easie recourse to either of them when need required And for the better observation of these Laws he caused the Archbishop of S. Davids to denounce Sentence of Excommunication against all such of his Subjects as would not obey the same Within a while after Howel to omit nothing that might procure any Countenance or Authority to these his Laws accompanied with Lambert Archbishop of S. Davids Mordaf Bishop of Bangor and Chebur of S. Asaph and Thirteen of the most prudent and learnedst Persons in Wales took a Journey to Rome where the said Laws being recited before the Pope were by his Holiness ratified and confirmed After which Howel with all ●his Retinue returned home to his Country The particulars of these Laws are too numerous to be here ●nserted only it is observable that all matters of Inheritance of Land were determined and adjudged by the Prince in Person or if sick by his special Deputy And that upon view of the same Land citing together the Freeholders of that place two Elders of his Council the chief Justice always attending in the Court the ordinary Judge of the Country where the Land lay and the Priest The Method of their proceeding was in this manner the Prince sate in his ●udicial-Seat above the rest of the Court with an ●●lder on each hand next to whom the Freeholders on both sides who upon that account were probably called Vchelwyr Below the Prince at a certain distance sate the chief Justice having the Priest on his ●ight hand and the ordinary Judg of the Country concerned upon the left The Court being thus sate ●he Plaintiff with his Advocate Champion and Rhingylh or Sergeant stood on the left side of the Court as did the Defendant in like manner on the ●ight And lastly the Witnesses on both sides appear●d and stood at the lower end of the Hall directly opposite to the chief Justice to testifie the best of their knowledg in the matter in debate After the taking the Depositions of the Witnesses and a full pleading of the Cause in open Court upon notice given by the Sergeant the chief Justice the Priest and the ordinary Judg withdrew themselves for a while to consult of the matter and then secundum allegata probata brought in their Verdict Whereupon the Prince after Consultation had with the Elders that sate next him gave definitive Sentence excepting the Cause was so obscure and
Death 〈◊〉 Edward to secure the Kingdom of England for h● 〈◊〉 was honourably dismissed Upon his return to England by the persuasions of Caradoc the Son of ●ruffydh ap Rytherch himself with his Brother Tosty ●iled a great Army and entred into South-Wales ●hich they destroyed after that manner that the Welch were glad to deliver up Hostages for the ●ayment of the antient Tribute which afore-time ●hey were used to pay Gruffydh hearing of the In●lencies of the English in South Wales made all pos●●ble haste and preparation to oppose them but all 〈◊〉 no purpose Harold having already treacherously ●●ed some of Gruffydh's nearest Friends to Murder 〈◊〉 who watching their opportunity executed their ●icked Design and brought his Head to Harold Gruffydh being dead Harold by King Edward's Orders ●●pointed Meredith Son of Owen ap Edwyn Prince 〈◊〉 South Wales and the Government of North-Wales 〈◊〉 Blethyn and Rywa●hon the Sons of Co●fyn Brothers 〈◊〉 the Mother side to Prince Gruffydh and who pro●ably for the desire of Rule were accessary to the Murder of that Noble Prince This Gruffydh ap Lhe●●●yn enjoyed the Principality of Wales for the space of thirty four years a Prince of incomparable Ver●●● both Wise and Valiant Beloved of his Subjects ●nd Formidable to his Enemies in all his Actions he ●ehaved himself Great and Princely and having Demanded his Country so bravely against all Foreign Opposition he was far unworthy of that treacherous ●nd cruel Death which his unkind Subjects and un●atural Friends bestowed upon him He left Issue ●ut ●●e Daughter called Nest abused first by Flea●ce ●on of B●ncho and afterwards married to Trahaern ●p Caradoc Prince of North-Wales Blethyn and Rywalhon AFter the deplorable Murder of Prince Gruffy●● Meredith the Son of Owen ap Edwyn who a●cording to some was Son to Howel Dha did take 〈◊〉 on him as 't is said the Government of South-Wa●●● and Blethyn and Rywalhon the Sons of Confyn h●● Brothers to Gruffydh as descended from Augbo● Daughter to Meredith sometime Prince of Wal●● entered upon the Principality of North-Wales C●●●● the Son Iago ap Edwal the right Heir to that Cro●● being then with his Father-in-Law in Ireland T●● partition of Wales fell much short of the expectation of Caradoc ap Gruffydh ap Rytherch who b●ing the chief promoter of Harold's making an ●●pedition against Gruffydh ap Lhewolyn made no q●stion to attain to the Government of South-Wales ●●case Gruffydh got the worse But it happened othe●wise Harold being sensible of Caradoc's Subtilty a●● Knavery and doubting whether if he was ma●● Prince of South-Wales he could obtain a certain Lo●●●ship nigh Hereford which he had a longing mind● made a Composition with Meredith ap Owen for 〈◊〉 said Lordship and created him Prince of South-Wal●● and on the contrary banished Caradoc out of 〈◊〉 Country Harold having obtained his Request bu● a very magnificent House at a place called Portas●● in Monmouth-shire and storing it with great qua●tity of Provision splendidly entertained the King who honoured him with a Visit This was by a means pleasing to Tofty to see his younger Brother in greater Esteem and Favour with the King th●● himself and having concealed his displeasure for 〈◊〉 time could not forbear at length but discover 〈◊〉 grievance For one day at Windsor while Har●● reached the Cup to King Edward Tosty ready to bur● for Envy that his Brother was so much respected beyond himself could not refrain to run furiously upon him and pulling him by the Hair dragged him to the Ground for which unmannerly Action the King forbad him the Court But he with continued Rancour and Malice rides to Hereford where Harold had many Servants preparing an Entertainment for the King and setting upon them with his Followers ●●opped off the Hands and Legs of some the Arms and Heads of others and threw them into the Buts of Wine and other Liquors which were put in for the King 's drinking and at his departure charged the Servants to acquaint him That of other fresh Meats he might carry with him what he pleased but for ●ince he should find plenty provided ready for him for which barbarous Offence the King pronounced a Sentence of perpetual Banishment upon him But Saradoc ap Gruffydh gave a finishing stroak to Harold's House and the King's Entertainment at Portascyth for coming thither shortly after Tosty's departure to be revenged upon Harold he killed all the Work-men and Labourers with all the Servants he could find and utterly defacing the Building carried away all the Costly Materials which with great Charges and Ex●ence had been brought thither to beautify and adorn the Structure Soon after which the Northumbrians who could not endure the Insolencies of the two Brothers Harold and Tosty who bearing an uncontroul●ble sway in the Kingdom were used to practise most hellish Villanies to encompass any Man's Estate that displeased them in a Tumult at York beset the Palace of Tosty and having pillaged his Treasure ●●ew all his Family as well English-men as Danes Then adjoining to themselves the People of Lincoln Nottingham and Derby shire they elected Marcher the Son of Earl Algar their General to whom came his Brother Edwyn with a considerable number of Forces ●nd a great party of Welch men Then they marched in an hostile manner to Northampton where Harold met them being sent by the King to know their Demands to whom they laid open their Grievances and the Cruelty of Tosty's Government and at last with an absolute refusal of admitting him again desired that Marcher should be appointed Earl over them which the King upon the reasonable Complaints of Injuries done by Tosty easily granted and willingly confirmed Marcher's Title Whereupon they peaceably returned back to the North and the Welch with several Prisoners and other Booties got in this Expedition returned to Wales A.D. 1066 The year following King Edward died and was buried at Westminster being the last King of the Saxon Blood before the Conquest that Governed the Kingdom of England which from Cerdic King of the West-Saxons had continued 544 and from Egbert the first Monarch 171 Years Edward being dead the next debate was about an Election of a Successor Edgar Edeling being set up by some as lawful Heir to the Crown which Harold as being a Person of greater Power and Authority in the Kingdom much wealthier and better befriended presently thwarted and brought Matters so cunningly about that himself was chosen King without any regard observed to the Oath and Promise he had formerly made to William Duke of Normandy Duke William upon notice of Harold's advancement how that he had accepted of the Crown of England contrary to the Articles between them convened together his Nobles and laid before them the several Wrongs and Affronts be had received at the Hands of Harold as the Death of his Cosin Alfred the Banishment of Archbishop Robert Earl Odan and all the Normans and lastly the Breach of his Oath and
Sixty Eight and in her Right created him Lord Powys This John Charleton Lord Powys being aided and supported by the King of England quickly broke all their Measures and having taken Lhewelyn John and David his Wives Uncles he put them in safe custody in the Kings Castle of Harlech and then obtained a Writ from the King to the Sheriff of Shropshire and to Sir Roger Mortimer Lord of Chirkland and Justice of North-Wales for the Apprehension of Gruffydh Fychan with his Sons in Law Sir Roger Chamber and Hugh Montgomery who were then in actual Hostility against him and his Wife Hawys But Gruffydh Fychan and his Accomplices suspecting their own Strength and having lost Thomas Earl of Lancaster their main support thought it most advisable to submit themselves to the King's Pleasure touching the Difference betwixt them and Hawys who finding upon record how that Gruffydh ap Meredith Ancestor to the said Hawys upon his Submission to King Henry the First became Subject to the King of England and thereupon was created Baron of Powys which Barony he and his Posterity had ever since held in capite from the King was of opinion that Hawys had more Right to her Fathers Possessions now in their hands than any pretence they could lay to her Estate But to make a final determination of this matter and to compose the Difference more amicably betwixt them it was agreed that Hawys should enjoy her Inheritance in Fee-Simple to her and her Heirs for ever after the Tenure of England and that her Uncles Lhewelyn John David and Gruffydh should quietly enjoy their Portion and the same to descend to their Heir Males perpetually but in default of such Heir Males the same was to descend to Hawys and her Heirs But William Lord of Mowdhwy the Fourth Brother called otherwise Wilcock Mowdhwy because he did not joyn with the rest against Hawys had all his Lands confirmed to him and to all his Heirs both Male and Female for ever He married Elianor the Sister of Elen Owen Glyndwr's Mother who was lineally descended from Rhys ap Theodore Prince of South-Wales by whom he had Issue John de Mowdhwy whose Daughter Elizabeth being Heir to his whole Estate was married to one Sir Hugh Burgh Knight His Son Sir John Burgh Lord of Mowdhwy married Jane the Daughter of Sir William Clapton of Glocestershire by whom he had four Daughters Elizabeth Ancreda Isabel and Elianor the first of whom was married to Thomas Newport the second to John Leighton of Stretton the third to John Lingen and the younger to Tho. Mytton who by equal Distribution had the Lordship of Mowdhwy divided betwixt them But John Charleton Lord of Powys had Issue by his Wife Hawys a Son named John who enjoyed the same Lordship for about Seven Years and then left it to his Son of the same Name who was Lord of Powys Fourteen Years and then it descended to his Son called also John Charleton who enjoyed his Fathers Estate Twenty Seven Years but dying without Issue the Lordship of Powys fell to his Brother Edward Charleton This Edward had Issue by his Wife Elianor the Daughter and one of the Heirs of Thomas Earl of Kent and the Widow of Roger Mortimer Earl of March two Daughters Jane and Joyce the first of which was married to Sir John Gray Knight and the second to John Lord Tip●oft whose Son was by King Henry VI. created Earl of Worcester But after the death of Elianor this Edward Lord Powys marryed Elizabeth the Daughter of Sir John Barkley Knight and so after his death which happened in the Year 1420. the Lordship of Powys was divided into three parts whereof his Widow Elizabeth had for her Joynture Lhannorch Hudol Ystrad Marchel● Deudhwr and Teirtref and was afterwards married to Lord Dudley Jane his eldest Daughter had Caereneon Mechain Mochnant and Flasdinas and Joyce had Cyfeilioc and Arustly But the Lordship of Powys continued in the Family of Sir John Gray for five Descents in right of his Wife Jane the last of whom Edward Gray Lord Powys married Anne one of the Daughters and Co-Heirs of Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk and dyed without any lawful Issue Dugdale Bar. Engl. Tom. II. p. 284. This Edward Lord Powys in 15 Henry VIII accompanied the Duke of Suffolk in the Expedition then made into France and was at the taking of Bray and other places then won from the French And in 36 Henry VIII being again ready to march in the King's Service he made his last Testament whereby he setled the Succession of his whole Barony and Lordship of Powys his Castle and Mannor of Pool with divers other Lordships in the County of Montgomery and all the rest of his Estate in the County of Salop upon the Heirs of his own Body lawfully begotten or to be begotten and in default of such Issue his Castle and Mannor of Charlton and Pontisbury in Shropshire upon Jane Orwell Daughter of Sir Lewis Orwell Knight and her Assigns during her natural Life And in case he should dye without any Issue of his own Body lawfully begotten that then Edward Grey his illegitimate Son by the same Jane Orwell should have and enjoy his said Barony and Mannor of Powys his Castle and Mannor of Pool and all other his Lordships in the County of Montgomery with the Reversion of the Castle and Mannor of Charlton and Pontysbury to him and his Heirs lawfully begotten and for lack of such Issue to remain to that Child in case it should be a Son wherewith the same Jane Orwell was then great by him and to the Heirs of his Body lawfully begotten But if it should not prove a Son or if the Son dye without Issue then that the whole Barony of Powys and all the Premises before-mentioned should come to Jane Grey his Daughter and to the Heirs of her Body lawfully begotten and for lack of such Issue to Anne Grey his other Daughter and the Heirs of her Body lawfully begotten and lastly for default of such Issue to such Woman-Child as should be born of the Body of the said Jane Orwell But after Edward Grey the Title of Lord of Powys lay extinct to the Fifth Year of K. Charles I. when Sir William Herbert Son of Sir Edward Herbert of Redcastle antiently call'd Pool-Castle now Powys-Castle in the County of Montgomery second Son to William Earl of Pembrock was advanced to the Dignity of a Baron of the Realm by the Title of Lord Powys of Powys in the Marches of Wales in whose Family it still continues though the Title has been changed from a Baron to an Earl and since to a Marquess About the same time that the Prince of Powys dyed Cadwalhon ap Madawc ap Ednerth who had been for some considerable time at variance with his Brother Eineon Clyd was taken Prisoner by him who deliver'd him up to Owen Prince of North-Wales But the Prince being willing to gratifie the King of England whose Interest Cadwalhon has
inveterate Enmity to the Welch and upon whose account King Henry had chiefly brought his Army into Wales He was succeeded both in his Title and Estate by his Brother Richard who was much more favourably enclined towards the Welch and never attempted any thing against them But the King of England was resolved to retrieve the Honour he had lost in the late Expedition against the Welch and therefore being returned from France whither he had made a Descent to recover what his Father had lost in that Kingdom he came to Wales and having remained some time in the Marches he returned again to England leaving his Army under the command of Hubert Burgh Earl of Kent to defend the Marches against any in-road which the Welch might attempt And he had not remained there long when he received Intelligence that a Party of Welch had entered the Marches near Montgomery whom he forthwith pursued and setting upon them surprizedly he put a great number of them to the Sword Prince Lhewylyn hearing this came in Person with a great Army to the Marches and fitting before Montgomery Castle he forced Hubert to withdraw and then making himself Master of the place he burnt it to the ground and put the Garrison to the Sword the like Fate attended the Castles of Radnor Aberhondhy Rhayadr Gwy Caerlheon Neth and Cydwely though Caerlheon held out very stubbornly and the Prince had several of his Men destroyed before the Place King Henry being informed of what miserable Desolation the Prince of Wales so successfully committed upon his Subjects in these Countries had him presently excommunicated and then coming to Hereford with a mighty Army he detached the greatest part of it with a great number of his Nobility to Wales These by the direction of a Fryar of Cymer unexpectedly as they thought fell upon a Party of Welch who at the first Encounter seemed to fly till they had allured the English to pursue them to a place where a greater Party of Welch lay in ambuscade who rushing of a sudden upon the English put them in such a confusion that the greatest part of them was cut off The King being sensible that this was a treacherous Insinuation of the Friar was resolved to be revenged by burning the Abby of Cymer but the Prior for Three Hundred Marks prevented it and so the King returned to England having effected nothing in this Expedition besides the building of Mawd Castle In the mean time Maelgon Son of Maelgon ap Rhys laid siege to Aberteifi and having by force got entry into the Town he put all the Inhabitants to the Sword then destroyed all before him to the Castle Gates which were so strongly fortified that it seemed almost impracticable to take it in any short time But Maelgon being joyned by his Cosin Owen Gruffydh ap Rhys's Son was resolved to try the utmost that could be effected and therefore taking with him some of Prince Lhewelyn's most experienced Officers ●e brake down the Bridg upon the River Teifi and ●hen investing the Castle more closely he so batter'd ●nd undermin'd it that he became in a little time Master of it The Year following Prince Lhewelyn made a De●cent A.D. 1232 upon England and having committed very considerable Waste and Destruction upon the Borders he ●eturned to North-Wales with a rich Booty both of Men and Cattel King Henry to correct the Welch for these grievous Devastations and to prevent their further Incursions into England demanded a very great Subsidy of his Subjects to carry on the War against the Welch which being granted him he made all possible Preparations for his Expedition to Wales In the mean time Randulph Earl of Chester dyed and was succeeded in that Honour by John his Sisters Son who was afterwards married to Prince Lhewelyn's Daughter But the English in Wales being in expectation of King Henry's coming thither began to repair and fortifie their Castles and particularly Richard Earl of Cornwal rebuilt Radnor Castle A.D. 1233 which the Prince had lately destroyed Prince Lhewelyn was sufficiently sensible that the King of England intended an Invasion and therefore to be before-hand with him he came with an Army to Brecknock destroyed all the Towns and Castles throughout the Country excepting Brecknock Castle which held out so manfully that after a Months sitting before it he was at last constrained to raise the Siege In his return to North-Wales he burnt the Town of Clûn recover●● all that Country called Dyffryn Tefeidiat in the possession of John Fitz-Alan destroyed Red Castle in Powys and burnt Oswestry But what happened very fortunately to the Welch Richard Marshal Earl of Pembroke being faln at variance with King Henry took part with Prince Lhewelyn with whom joyned Hubert de Burgh who had lately made his escape out of the Castle of Devizes where the King upon some Articles of Information brought against him had committed him to Prison But the Earl of Pembrock attended by Owen ap Gruffydh ap Rhys came to S. Davids and being very glad of an opportunity to revenge himself upon the King slew every one tha● owned any Dependance upon the Crown of England Maelgon and Rhys Gryc with all the Forces of Prince Lhewelyn quickly joyned the Earl who in their march through the Country took the Castles of Ca●dyff Abergevenny Pencelhy Blaenlhefyni and Bwlch y Ddinas which all excepting Cardyff they burnt to the ground The King receiving intelligence that the Earl of Pembrock had entered into a Confederacy with the Prince of Wales and that he was now i● open Hostility against his Subjects in that Country gathered a very formidable Army consisting besides English of Flemings Normans and Gascoigns and coming to Wales he encamped at Grosmont where the Earl with the Welch Army met him But when the English would have endeavoured to advance further into the Country the Welch opposed them and so a Battel ensued wherein the English lost Five Hundred Horse besides a far greater number of their Infantry The Welch having gained a considerable Victory in this Action the King was advised to withdraw his Forces for fear lest that the Welch should again set upon them and so sustain a greater Loss which Counsel the King willingly hearkened unto and so he returned for England The English being withdrawn the Earl likewise decamped and marched to Caermardhyn which he besieged but after Three Months in vain Assault the Garrison most bravely defending the place and the English Fleet having thrown in new Provisions he thought it most adviseable to raise the Siege Shortly after Rhys Gryc Son to Prince Rhys dyed at Lhandeilo Fawr and was honourably interr'd by his Father at S. Davids About the same time Maelgon Fychan Maelgon ap Rhys his Son finished Trefilan Castle which was begun in his Fathers time A.D. 1234 King Henry was not willing to hazard any more Campaigns in Wales and therefore he appointed John of Monmouth a great Soldier and General of the English Forces
to Gruffydh inviting the King of England to come to invade thei● Country and to correct the unnatural Enmity thei● Prince expressed to his Brother But when all Differences were over the King of England returned with his Army shamefully back and the Prince an● his Nobility reconciled the Welch might have expected a very happy time of it had not Death taken the Prince so unnaturally away before he had well known what a peaceful Reign was Lhewelyn ap Gruffydh ●Rince David being dead the Principality of 〈◊〉 North Wales legally descended to Sir Ralph Mor●●●er in Right of his Wife Gladys Daughter to ●●●welyn ap Iorwerth But the Welch Nobility be●●● assembled together for the electing and nomina●●●g a Successour thought it by no means advisa●●● to admit a Stranger to the Crown though his ●●de was never so lawful and especially an Eng●●●●man by whose Obligations to the Crown of Eng●●●d they must of necessity expect to become Sub●●●s or rather Slaves to the English Government ●herefore they unanimously agreed to set up Lhe●●●yn and Owen Goch the Sons of Gruffydh a base 〈◊〉 of Lhewelyn ap Iorwerth and Brother to Prince ●●vid who being sent for and appearing before the ●●sembly all the Nobles and Barons then present 〈◊〉 them Homage and received them for their So●●●eigns But as soon as the King of England un●●rstood of the death of the Prince of Wales he ●●ought the Country being in an unsettled and wa●●ring condition he might effect great matters there ●●d therefore he sent one Nicholas de Miles to South-●ales with the Title of Justice of that Country ●●th whom he joyned in Commission Meredith ap ●●ys Gryc and Meredith ap Owen ap Gruffydh 〈◊〉 eject and disinherit Maelgon Fychan of all his ●ands and Estate in South-Wales The like injurious ●ractices were committed against Howel ap Meredith ●ho was forcibly robb'd of all his Estate in Glamor●●n by the Earl of Clare These unreasonable Ex●●tions being insupportable Maelgon and Howel made ●●own their Grievances to the Princes of North-Wales ●esiring their Succour and Assistance for the recovery ●f their lawful Inheritance from the Incroachments of the English But the King of England und●●standing their Design led his Army into Wales 〈◊〉 on whose arrival the Welch withdrew themsel●●● to Snowden-Hills where they so tired the Engl●●● Army that the King finding he could do no go●● after some stay there returned back to England Wi●● in a while after Ralph Mortimer the Husband Gladys Dhu dyed leaving his whole Estate and w●● it a lawful Title to the Principality of North-Wa●●● to his Son Sir Roger Mortimer A.D. 1247 The next Year nothing memorable passed betwe●● the English and the Welch M. Paris p. 739. only the dismal Effects the last Years Expedition were not worn off 〈◊〉 ground being uncapable of Cultivation and the C●●●tel being in great measure destroyed by the Engl●●● occasioned great Poverty and Want in the Count●● But the greatest Calamity befel the Bishops S. As●●● and Bangor being destroyed and burnt by the Englis● the Bishops thereof were reduced to that utmost E●tremity as to get their Subsistence by other Me●● Charity the Bishop also of S. Davids deceased a●● he of Landaff had the Misfortune to fall blind 〈◊〉 the Bishoprick of S. Davids succeeded Thomas s●●●● named Wallensis by reason that he was born in Wal●● who thinking himself obliged to benefit his own Co●●try what lay in his power desired to be advance from the Archdeaconry of Lincoln to that Sea whic● the King easily granted and confirmed him in 〈◊〉 A.D. 1248 The next Summer proved somewhat more favourabl● to the Welch Rhys Fychan Son to Rhys Mechyl wo● from the English the Castle of Carrec Cynnen which his unkind Mother out of Malice or some ill Opinion entertained of him had some time afore privately delivered up to them And about the sa●● time the Body of Gruffydh ap Lhewelyn base Son 〈◊〉 Lhewelyn ap Iorwerth was recovered from the King o● England by the earnest sollicitations of the Abbo●● of Conwey and Ystratflur who conveying it to Conwey bestowed upon it a very pompous and honourable Enterment After this the Affairs of the Welch proceeded A.D. 1255 ●●aceably for a long while and the Country had suf●●●ient opportunity to recover its former plenty but 〈◊〉 last to make good the Proverb that Plenty begets ●●ar they began for want of a foreign Enemy to ●●arrel and fall out among themselves Owen was too ●●gh and ambitious to be satisfied with half the Prinpality and therefore must needs have a fling at the ●hole wherein Fortune so far deceived him that he ●●st his own Stake as will afterwards appear But ●●e better to encompass his Design by sly Insinua●●ons he persuaded David his younger Brother to se●●nd his Cause and they with joynt Interest levied ●●eir Power with intention to dethrone their elder ●●other Lhewelyn But that was no easie matter 〈◊〉 Lhewelyn was prepared to receive them and with puissant Army met them in the Field and so was ●●●olved to venture all upon the fortune of a Battel 〈◊〉 was strange and grievous to behold this unnatural ●ivil War and the more grievous now by reason ●●at it so manifestly weakened the strength of the Welch to withstand the Incursions of the English ●ho were extremely pleased with so fair an opportu●●ty to fall upon them But they were too far en●●ged to consider of future Inconveniencies and a ●●yal of War they must have though the English ●ere ready to fall upon both Armies The Battel ●eing joyned the day proved bloody of both sides ●nd whether was like to conquer was not presently discovered till at length Owen began to give ●round and in fine was overthrown himself and his ●rother David being taken Prisoners Lhewelyn ●●ough he had sufficient reason would not put his ●rothers to death but committing them into close Prison seized all their Estates into his own hands ●nd so enjoyed the whole Principality of Wales The English seeing the Welch at this rate oppress ●nd destroy one another thought they had full liberty to deal with them as they pleased and there●pon began to exercise all manner of Wrong and In●ustice against them insomuch that the next Year all A.D. 1256 the Lords of Wales came in a body to Prince Lhewelyn and declared their Grievances how unmercifully Prince Edward whom his Father had sent to Wales and others of the Nobility of England deale with them how without any colour of Justice they seized upon their Estates without any room for Appeal whereas if themselves offended in the least they were punished to the utmost extremity In fine they solemnly declared that they preferred to dye honourably in the Field before to be so unmercifully enslaved to the Will and Pleasure of Strangers Prince Lhewelyn was not a Stranger to all this and now having happily discovered the Bent and Inclination of his Subjects was resolved to prosecute if possible the Expulsion of
Edeyrneon and Dinmael which he left to his Sons Gruffydh Blethyn and Iorwerth Owen Madawc had to his Portion Mechain-Is-Coed and had Issue Lhewelyn and Owen Fychan But Gruffydh Maelor the eldest Son Lord of Bromfield had to his part both the Maelors with Mochnant-is-Raydar and married Angharad the Daughter of Owen Gwynedh Prince of North-Wales by whom he had Issue one Son named Madawc who held his Father's Inheritance intirely and left it so to his only Son Gruffydh who was called Lord of Dînas Brân because he lived in that Castle He married Emma the Daughter James Lord Audley by whom he had Issue Madawc Lhewelyn Gruffydh and Owen This Gruffydh ap Madawc took part with King Henry the Third and Edward the First against the Prince of North-Wales and therefore for fear of the said Prince he was forced to keep himself secure within his Castle of Dinas Brân which being situated upon the summity of a very steep Hill seemed impregnable to all the daring Efforts that could be used against it After his death Edward the first dealt very unkindly with his Children who were of Age to manage their own Concerns and making two of them privately away bestowed the Wardship of Madoc his eldest Son who had by his Father's Will the Lordships of Bromfield and Yale with the reversion of Maelor Saesnec Hopesdale and Mouldsdale his Mother's Joynture on John Earl Warren and the Wardship of Lhewelyn to whose share fell the Lordships of Chirke and Nanheudwy to Roger Mortimer third Son to Roger Mortimer the Son of Ralph Mortimer Lord Mortimer of Wigmor But Emma Gruffydh's Wife having in her possession for her Dowry Maelor Saesnec Hopesdale and Moulsdale with the presentation of Bangor Rectory and seeing two of her Sons disinherited and done away and the fourth dead without Issue and doubting lest Gruffydh her only surviving Child could not long continue she conveyed her Estate to the Audley's her own Kin who getting possession of it took the same from the King from whom it came to the House of Derby where it continued for a long time till at length it was sold to Sir John Glynne Serjeant at Law in whose Family it still remaineth But Earl Warren and Roger Mortimer forgetting what signal Service Gruffydh ap Madoc had performed for the King guarded their new Possessions with such caution and strictness that they took especial care they should never return to any of the Posterity of the legal Proprietor and therefore having obtained the King's Patent they began to secure themselves in the said Lordships John Earl Warren began to build Holt-Castle which was finished by his Son William and so the Lordships of Bromfield and Yale continued in the name of the Earls of Warren for three Descents viz. John William and John who dying without Issue the said Lordships together with the Earldom of Warren descended to Alice Sister and Heir to the last John Earl Warren who was married to Edmond Fitz Alan Earl of Arundel in which House they remained for three Descents namely Edmund Richard Richard his Son and Thomas Earl of Arundel But for want of Issue to this last Thomas Earl of Arundel and Warren the said Lordships fell to two of his Sisters whereof one named Elizabeth was married to Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolk and the other called Joan to William Beauchamp Lord of Abergavenny But since they came to the Hands of Sir William Stanley Knight who being attainted of High Treason they devolved by forfeiture to the Crown and now are annexed to the Principality of Wales But Roger Mortimer the other sharer in the Lands of Gruffydh ap Madoc was made Justice of North-Wales built the Castle of Chirke and married Lucia the Daughter and Heir of Sir Robert de Wafre Knight by whom he had Issue Roger Mortimer who was married to Joan Turbervill by whom he had John Mortimer Lord of Chirke This John sold the Lordship of Chirke to Richard Fitzalan Earl of Arundel Edmund's Son and so it was again annexed to Bromfield and Yale The third Son of Gruffydh Lord of Dinas Brân named also Gruffydh had for his part Glyn Dwrdwy which Gruffydh ap Gruffydh had Issue Madoc Crupl who was the Father of Madoc Fychan the Father of Gruffydh the Father of Gruffydh Fychan who was the Father of Owen Glyndwr who rebelling in the days of Henry the Fourth Glyndwrdwy by confiscation came to the King of whom it was afterwards purchased by Robert Salisbury of Rug in whose Family it still remaineth Owen the Fourth Son of Gruffydh Lord of Dinas Brân had for his share Cynlhaeth with the Rights and Priviledges thereunto belonging The other part of Powys comprehending the Countries of Arustly Cyfeilioc Lhannerch-hudol Caereneon Mochnach uwch Rayadr Mechan uwch Coed Moudhwy Deudhwr Ystrad Marchelh and Teir Tref or the three Towns rightfully descended to Gruffydh ap Meredith ap Blethyn by Henry the first created Lord Powys Who married Gweyryl or Weyryl the Daughter of Vrgene ap Howel ap Iefaf ap Cadogan ap Athlestan Glodryth by whom he had Issue Owen Surnamed Cyfeilioc This Owen enjoyed his Father's Estate intire and married Gwenlhiam the Daughter of Owen Gwynedh Prince of North-Wales who bore him one Son named Gwenwynwyn or Wenwynwyn from whom that part of Powys was afterwards called Powys Wenwynwyn He had moreover a base Brother called Caswalhon upon whom he bestowed the Countries of Swydh Lhannerch Hudol and Braniarth Gwenwynwyn succeeded his Father in all his Estate saying what Caswalhon enjoyed and married Margaret the Daughter of Rhys ap Theodor Prince of South Wales by whom he had Gruffydh ap Gwen●ynwyn who succeeding his Father in all his Possessions had Issue six Sons by Margaret the Daughter of Robert Corbet Brother to Thomas Lord Corbet of Cous and so the intire Estate of Gruffydh ap Meredith ap Blethyn Lord of Powys became shattered and torn into divers Pieces Owen Gruffydh ap Gwenwynwyn's eldest Son had for his part Arustly Cyfeilioc Lhannerch Hudol and a part of Caereneon Lhewelyn had Mochnant uwch Rayadr and Mechain uwch Coed John the third Son had the fourth part of Caerenion William had Moudhwy Gruffydh Fychan had Deudh rr Ystrat-Marchelh and Teir Tref and David the sixth and youngest Son had the other fourth part of Caereneon Owen ap Gruffydh had Issue one only Daughter named Hawys Gadarn or the Hardy whom he left his Heir but her Uncles Lhewolyn John Gruffydh Fychan and David thinking it an easy matter to dispossess an Orphan challenged the Lands of their Brother Owen alledging for a Cloak to their Usurpation that a Woman was not capable of holding any Lands in that Country But Hawys made such Friends in England that her Case was made known to King Edward the Second who bestowed her in Marriage upon a Servant of his named John Charleton termed Valectus Domini Regis who was born at Appley near Wellington in the County of Salop Anno One Thousand Two Hundred