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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19824 The collection of the historie of England. By S.D. Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619. 1618 (1618) STC 6248; ESTC S107285 367,727 236

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Anno Reg. 38. hauing first deposed Simon M. from the gouernment there and makes voyde his Charter by Proclamation Monfort retyres from thence and is offred intertaynment by the French but refuses it Before Winter the King had in some fort appeased the Gascoignes and taken in such Castles as had long held out against him and the late gouernour For they hauing put themselues vnder the protection of the King of Spaine who being so Alliance with the King of Spaine neere a neighbour and the discontents and factions of the country strong caused the King of England with more hast and care to looke to his worke and the rather for that the King of Spaine pretended title to Aquitaine of whom that King Henry might be the more secure he sends to treate with him of a mariage betwixt Prince Edward 1254. Anno. Reg. 38. and his Sister Elionor wherevnto the King of Spaine willingly consents The King of England keeps his Christmas at Burdeux The Queene sends him a New-yeares guift of 500. Markes and the next Sommer with the Prince goes ouer vnto him The marriage is solemnised at Burgos where the king of Spain knights the Prince Prince Ed. marries Elionor sister to the King of Spaine and by his Charter quits his claime to Aquitaine for him and his successors for euer The king of England inuestes the Prince and his Wife therein and besides giues vnto him Ireland Wales Bristow Stanford and Grantham This businesse dispatched the king prepares to returne hauing consumed all whatsoeuer hee could get in this iourny which with the other two hee had before made was reckned to haue cost him 27. hundred thousand pounds and was said to be more then all the Lands he had there should they be sold were worth which when he was told he willed it might not be reuealed in publike to his disgrace Now in regard of danger by sea hee obtaines leaue of the King of France lately returned King Henry comes to Paris with 1000 horse is teasted by the K. of France from Captiuity to passe through his Country and comes to Paris with a 1000 horse besides Sumpters and Carts where he stayes 8 daies is sumptuously feasted and with as great magnificence feasts the King of France This meeting in regard of the two Queens Sisters and their other two Sisters the Countesse of Cornwall and Prouince who were likewise afterward Queenes was made the more triumphant and splendidous The King about Christmas ariues in England and the first that payde for his comming home were the Londoners and the Iewes The Londoners presenting him with He returnes into England fines the Londoners 100 pounds were returned without thanks then being perswaded that plate would be better welcome they bestow 200 pounds in a faire vessell that had some thankes but yet serued not the turne An offence is found about the escaping of a prisoner for which they pay 3000 Marks Now complaines hee of his debts which hee saies to bee 300 thousand Marks and how his owne meanes was deminished by the preferment of the Prince who carried away 15 thousand Marks per annum and mony must be had howsoeuer First he begins to serue his present turne with loanes and borowes great sums of the Earle of Cornwall vpon pawne after the King had wrung what he could from the Iewes he lets them out to farme to this rich Earle to make the best of them Then a Parliament is called in Easter Terme which yeelds nothing but returnes of 1257. Anno. Reg. 41. greeuances and complaints of breach of Charter with requiting their former pretended rights in electing the Iusticiar Chancellor and Treasurer After much debate to no purpose the Parliament is prorogued til Michelmas after whē likewise the Kings motion for money is disappointed by reason of the absence of many Peeres being not as 16. Parliament adiourned was alledged sommoned according to the Tenor of Magna Charta New occasions of charge and dislike arise Thomas Earle of Sauoy the Queenes brother hath warres with the City of Thuren and must be supplied by the King and Queene and his brother Boniface Archbishop of Canterbury The elect Bishop of Toledo brother to the King of Spaine with other great men come ouer lie at the Kings charge and are presented with great gifts Shortly after Elionor the Princes wife ariues with a multitude of Spaniards and she must be met and receiued by the Londoners in sumptuous manner and her Pope Alexander 4. people after many feastings returned home with presents The Pope sends the Bishop of Bononia with a Ring of inuestiture to Edmond the Kings second sonne for the Kingdome of Sicile with the hope of which Kingdome his Predicessor Innocent the 4 Edmond the Kings second sonne is promised the Kingdome of Sicile had before deluded the King himselfe and hee is returned with a great reward Then comes Rustandus with powre to collect the Tenth of England Scotland and Ireland to the vse of the Pope and the King and also to absolue him from his Oath for the Holy Warre so that hee would come to distroy Manfred sonne to the Emperot Frederick now in possession of the Kingdome of Sicile and Apulia And this man likewise hath great guifts bestowed on him besides a rich prebend in Yorke but yet hee obtained not what he came for of the Clergie who protested rather to loose their liues and liuings then to yeeld either to the will of the Pope or the King who they said were as the Shepheard and the Wolfe combined to macerat the flocke The Pope sent likewise to borow of the Earle of Cornwall 500 Marks in regard of his Nephewes preferment to the Kingdom of Sicile but the Earle refused it saying he would not lend his mony to one on whom hee could not distraine So this proiect came to nothing though all meanes were vsed to draw it on Newes was spred that Manfreds forces were vrterly defeated and himselfe either slaine or taken prisoner wherewith the King is so much ioyed as he presently vowes with all speed to make an expedition thither and giues his sonne Edmond no other title but King of Sicile This vaine hope had already by the cunning of the Popes inwrapt him in obligations of a hundred and fifty thousand Markes But shortly after this newes prooues false and the contrarie is notified Manfred is victorious and the Popes powre defeated by those of Apulia who tooke such indignation that the Pope should giue awaie their Country without their consent to an vnknowne Stranger as with all their maine powre they ioyne to establish Manfred who is now found to bee the legitimate sonne of Frederick and confirmed in his right which a strong sword will make howsoeuer The King keepes his Christmas at Winchester where the Merchants of Gascoigne The complaint of the Merchants of Gascoigne hauing their wines taken from them by the Kings Officers without due satisfaction complaine
Kingdome might seeme as if quite ouercome Most of the estates of the Earles and Barons of Scotland with their titles that had stood out were bestowed on the English Nobility to make them the more egar to maintaine A Parliament at St. Andrewes prosecute this Conquest And a Parliament is called at Saint Andrewes where all the great men of that Kingdome except onely Wallice againe sweare Fealtie to the King of England The Scottish writers here set a wide marke of Tyrannie vpon King Edward in this The Scotish writers inueigh against the tyranny of K. Ed. expedition as not content to carry away captiue all such as might seeme to haue any the least ability to stirre but also endeauours to extinguish if it were possible the very memory of the Nation abolishing all their ancient lawes traducing their Ecclesiasticall rights to the custome of England dispoiling them of their Histories their instruments of State their Antique Monuments left either by the Romanes or erected by themselues transporting all their Bookes and Bookemen into England Sending to London the Marble stone wherein as the Vulgar were perswaded the Fate of the Kingdome consisted and left them nothing that might either encite them to remember their former fortune or instruct generous spirits in the way of Vertue and worthinesse So that he bereaued them not onely of their strength but of their mindes supposing thereby to est ablish a perpetuali Domination ouer that Kingdome This iourney ended a Parliament is called at Westminster wherein the promised confirmation A Parliament at Weatminster of the Two Charters and the allowance of what disforrestation had heretofore beene made was earnestly vrged and in the end with much a doe granted with omission of the Clause Saluo Iure Coronae nostrae which the King laboured to haue inserted but the people would not indure the same the perambulation of the Forrests of England is committed to Thre Bishops Three Earles Three Barons In this little pause of Peace at home a Concord is by the mediation of Pope Boniface Reg. 28. Anno. 1301. concluded with the King of France whose sister Margeret the King of England takes to wife in the Sixty two yeare of his age somthing too late for so young a Match and the Daughter of the same King is likewise affianced to the Prince And thereupon restitution made of what had been vsurped by the French King in Gasconie Burdeaux returnes to the obedience of the King of England to the Merchants of which Citie he paid 150 Thousand pōuds for his brother Edmonds expences in the late wars all is well on that side Besides the same Pope obtained permission for Iohn Baliol the captiue King of Scots to depart and liue in France vpon certaine lands he had there and vndertooke for his obseruation of the Peace and his confinement who shortly after dies hauing had little ioy of a Crowne or scarce leasure to know hee was a King The Decrying and calling in of certaine base Coine named Crocard and Pollard with the new stamping them againe yeelded something to the Kings Coffets which must be emptied in Scotland whither againe hauing beene scarce Eighteene moneths at home he makes his Third expedit but did little besides the regaining of Sterling Castle which held out Three moneths siege against all his power and Ingines reared with insinite charge and labour And in the end not wonne but yelded vp by the Defendant William Oliuer vpon promise which was not kept with him The rest of the Scots made no head but kept in the Mountaines and Fastnesses of their Country whereby the Kings Armie hauing more to doe with barrennesse then men suffered much affliction and many Horses were starued Now vpon this Peace with France the Scots being excluded and hauing none to relieue them send their lamentable complaints to Pope Boniface shewing him the afflicted state of their Countrie the vsurpation of the King of England vpon them and his most tyrannicall proceeding with them contrarie to all right and equity Protesting they neuer knew of any Soueraigntie he had ouer them but that they were a free kingdome of themselues and so at first hee dealt with them vpon the death of their last King Alexander both in the treaty of the mariage for his sonne Edward with Margaret the beire of Scotland and also after her death for the decision of the Title wherein he sought by their consents to be made Arbitror as hee was Howsoeuer afterward they were constrained to giue way to his will yet what they euer yeelded vnto was by reason they were otherwise vnable to resist c. Vpon this remonstrance of the Scots the Pope writes his powerfull letters to the King of England to forbeare any further proceeding against them Claiming withall the Soueraintgie of that Kingdome as belonging to the Church The King answeres the Popes Letters at large Alledging from all Antiquity how the direct and superiour Dominion of Scotland had euer appertained to this Crowne euen from Brute to his owne time And withall the whole Nobilitie write to the Pope auowing the same right And absolutely conclude that the King their Lord should in no sort vndergoe his Holinesse iudgement therein Neither send his Procurators as was required about that businesse whereby it might seeme that doubt were made of their Kings Title to the preiudice of the Crowne the Royall Dignity the Liberties Customes and Lawes of England which by their oath and dutie they were bound to obserue and would defend with their liues Neither would they permit nor could any such vn-usuall vn-lawfull and detrimentall proceeding Nor suffer their King if hee would to doe or any way to attempt the same And therefore besought his Holinesse to intermeddle no more in this matter These Letters subscribed with all their Vid. Apend names were dated at Lincolne where then was held the Parliament Anno Domini 1301. The Pope vpon this answere or rather hauing his hands full of other businesse stirs no more in this The King of France whom hee had excomunicated and giuen away his Kingdome to the Emperour Albert of Austrich shortly after so wrought as his Spiritualty was surprized at Anagne a City of Abruzzo whither he was retyred from the troubles of Rome and so violently treated by Sciarra Colonesse a Banditto of Rome and Nog●ret an Albigioye whom he had both persecuted as in extreame rage and anguish within few daies after he ends his turbulenr life And the King of England hauing been supplied with a Fifteenth vpon Confirmation Reg. 32. Anno. 1305. of the Charters againe at the Parliament at Lincolne hee makes his Fourth expedition into Scotland and as it were the Fourth Conquest thereof hauing had Foure times Homage and Fealtie sworne vnto him Which might seeme sufficient to confirme his Soueraingtie whereof now he rests secure and home returnes in triumphant manner Remoues his Eschequer from Yorke Feasts his Nobilitty at Lincolne with all
him indured the brunt of the day Whereupon the Prince demanding whether hee accepted not his gift hee answered how these men had deserued the same as well as himselfe and had more neede thereof The Prince pleased with this reply gaue him fiue hundred markes more in the same kinde An example of the worthineste of the time wherein good deseruings went not vnrewarded All things prouidently accommodated after the battaile the Prince with his ptisoners first retyres to Burdeaux and thence passes with great glory into England now Anno Reg. 31. 1336. the Theatre of triumph The French king is lodged at the Sauoy then a goodly pallace of Henry Duke of Lancaster Many prisoners vpon reasonable ransome and many vpon the French kings word vndertaking for them are deliuered and sent home honorably Dauid King of Scots who had remayned prisoner eleuen yeares in England is shortly after by the earnest solicitation of Ioan his wife sister to King Edward set likewise at liberty for the ransome of a hundred thousand markes striulin to be paid in ten yeares The security now had of France gaue way to this Princes liberty Aboue foure yeares the French King remayned prisoner in England in which time were many ouertures and great offers made for his deliuery but nothing effected Charles the Dauphin who managed that kingdome during the captiuity of his father a Prince of great discretion wrought all meanes possible to bring that factious people to yeeld their contribution for ransoming their King but little preuailed The Parliament there called to consult thereof rather augments the misery of the State then prouides remedy Wherein after the Dauphin had grauely deliuered The state of France during their Kings captiuity the desolation and danger they were in being thus depriued of their Head and the necessity of recouering and relieuing the same by their vtmost meanes There was a choyce required of fifty to auoid confusion to bee made out of all the Prouinces to consult of what was propounded according to the instructions they should receiue These fifty after many meetings send for the Dauphin to heare their resolution which was much otherwise then hee expected For instead of ayd and subuention they require reformation in the State And first the Bishop of Laon chosen their Speaker besought him to keepe secret what should be vttered vnto him by the States Theyong Prince answers That it were much preiudiciall to the degree hee held in the Kingdom to take Law of his Fathers Subiects and therefore commuanded them by their Allegeance openly to reueale what they had in their hearts The Bishop there vpon declares the euill managing of the Publique Reuenues demands redresse and Commissioners appointed to call such as were answerable to yeeld their Accounts That all who had managed the Treasurie should bee deposed from their Office That both the Moneys and all the affaires of the State should from thencefoorth be directed by foure Bishops and twelue Burgesses whereof the Citie of Paris should bee chiefe and that without this Councell the Dauphin should doe nothing And in conclusion they instantly require That the King of Nauarre might be set at libertie On which Conditions they would yeeld any reasonable subuention for redeeming their King To these harsh Demands the Daupbin requires time to answer which he so puts off from day to day in hope thereby to separate and dis-vnite their Councels as the the Deputies at length tyred with delay grewe cold and the Assembly brake vp without doing any thing But this left such a poyson as infected the people and specially those of Paris who shortly after presumptuously demand to haue the King of Nauarre deliuered according to the Decree of the Deputies and without delay they so wrought with Pinquigny the Gouernour of Artoys who had the keeping of this Fire-brand as he The King of Naurre set at libertie was deliuered after 19. moneths imprisonment and comes to Paris so accompanied as shewed both of what Spirit and state he was and that he meant to take his tyme of revenge Here is he welcome with the applause of the whole Citie to whom in publique maner with great eloquence he declares the wrongs hee had receiued and besides intimates what right he had to the Crowne of France thereby to imbroyle the affayres of that State which were already too much in combustion This put the businesse of redeeming the captiue King quite out of their mindes for that time and the Dauphin is constrained by an Acte of Abolition to acquit the King of Nauarre and his Complicies of all former offences And seeing the peruersnesse of the Parisians goes to solicite other Cities and Prouinces trauailing from place to place for ayd and succour leauing his brother Phillip Duke of Orleance at Paris to keepe them in the best he could during his absence The Prouince of Languedoc is renowned in their Hystories for being the first that made the largest offer of ayd towards the redemption of their King in the Assembly of the three States at Tholouse wherein they promised to their Gouernour the Conte d' Arminiacque not onely to imploy their Reuenue but their mooueables and euen to sell their wiues Iewels to raise the same Besides to witnesse their publique sorrowe they ordaine that no costly Apparell Feasting Playes or other iollyties shoul be vsed within their Prouince during the time of their Kings captiuitie Champagne by their example doth the like But nothing could moue the Parisians to yeelde any thing The King of Nauarre had wonne them both from their obedience and all humanitie and put them into such flames of rebellion as when the Dauphin came backe to the Citie the Prouost of Marchants assalted his house with three thousand Artificrs in Armes and rushed himselfe vp into his Chamber with certaine of his traine wherewith the Dauphin being amazed the Prouost bids him be content it was resolued it must be so And presently vpon Signall giuen Ian de Couflans and Robert de Cleremont Marshalls of Fraunce and his chiefe Counsellors are slaine in his presence The Dauphen cryes out What meane you Will you set vpon the Blood of France Sir sayd the Prouost Feare you not It is not you wee seeke it is your disloyall seruants who haue euill counsailed you And heere withall hee takes and puts on the Dauphins hat edged with gold and sets his owne which was partie coloured Red and Peach-colour as the Liuerie of the Citie vpon the Dauphins head out he goes adorned with the Hat of a Prince as a signe of his Dictator-ship causing the bodyes of these two noble men to bee trayled along the streets to the Court of the Pallace for all the furious multitude which ran to applaud the murther to gase on This done the Prouost writes in the name of the whole City to all the great Townes soliciting them to ioyne with theirs the principall of the kingdome and take their Liuery as the Dauphin had done
of a cloze and first of a new Gouernment Knute the most absolute monarck of this kingdome of any that was before him is such as shewes hee striued by all worthie waies to lay the ground-worke of a State which according to his frame was either to hold good to his posteritie or not And as likely was he to haue beene the roote of a succession spreading into many discents as was afterward the Norman hauing as plentifull an issue masculine as he besides he raigned neere as long farre better beloued of disposition more bountifull and of power larger to doe good But it was not in his fate his children miscaried in the succession and all this great worke fell in a manner with himselfe Harald HArald the eldest sonne of Knute some write by his fathers ordinance An. 1038. others by the election of the Danique Nobilitie in an assembly at Oxford was made King whereas Godwin Earle of Kent and the Nobility of England would haue chosen Hardiknute borne of Queene Emme or else Alfride the sonne of Ethelred who is sayd to haue come out of Normandy vpon the death of Knute to claime the Crowne But Harald being at hand carried it The first act of whose raigne was the banishment and suiprizing all the Treasure of his step-mother Queene Emme Then the putting out the eyes Haroids crueltie of Alfried her sonne his competitor and committing him to a loathsome prison where he died For which deed the Earle Godwyn beares a foule marke as betraying him Queene Emme repaires to Baldouin Earle of Flanders her kinsman where she remained during the raigne of Harald which was but of foure yeares and then with her sonne Hardiknute who came out of Denmarke as it seemes prepared for some thing else then to visit her at Bridges returned into England Hardiknute THis Hardiknute inuested in the Gouernment soone frustrated the hope An. 1041. and opinion fore-conceiued of him and first in like sort beganne with that degenerous act of reuenge wherein none are sayd so much to delight in as women causing the body of the late King to be vntomb'd the head cut off and throwne into Thames Then makes inquisition for such as were guiltie of the death of Alfride his brother by the mother whereof Earle Godwin and the Bishop of Worcester are accused The Bishop is disposest his Sea and the Earle with a rich and rare deuised present in forme of a ship of gold appeased that furie making protestation of his innocency before the whole Nobility with whom in respect his deepe roote had spread so many branches he stood firme and all the blame was layde to the violence and rankor of the late King Besides the offending these great men hee added a generall grieuance to the whole Kingdome by a prodigall largesse giuing to euery Mariner of his Nauy eight Markes and to euery Maister tenne which he imposed to bee paide by the State But after hauing called home Edward his other halfe-brother out of Normandy hee liued not long for farther violences Dying suddenly the second yeare of his raigne in the celebration of a marriage at Lambeth in his greatest iolity not without suspition of poyson And with him ended the Gouernment of the Danes in England hauing onely continued 26 yeares vnder these three last Kings and that without any cracke or noyse by The reason of the extinction of the Danes in England reason the nation had no predominant side that might sway the State in respect of the remission of their power home in the first yeare of Knute and no great admission of others after and that such as were here before were now so incorporated with the English as they made one body and most of them planted in the remote parts of the An. 1042. Kingdome that lay ouer against Denmarke where by that which with all the strugling no power or diligence of man could resist expired of it selfe leauing England to a King of her owne and Denmarke to ciuill discord about the succession Norwey likewise returning obedience to a sonne of Olaue recouered quietnesse and a home-borne King Edward the Confessor EDWARD the sonne of Ethelred is sent for into Normandy and by Edward the Confessor the whole State elected and Crowned King of England at Winchester by Edsine Arch-bishop of Canterbury Anno 1042. being about forty An. 1042. yeares of age Godwin Earle of Kent was a principall agent in his preserment but for his owne ends The Kingdome as hauing deerly paide for the admission of strangers ordained that he should not bring any Normanes with him The first Act he did was the remission of Danegilt imposed by his Father which amounted to forty thousand pounds yearely and had beene payde for forty yeares past He caused the Lawes to be collected out of those of the Mercians West Saxons Danes and Northumbrians and to be written in Latine He was a Prince most highly renowned for his piety and fit for no other then the calme time he had For hauing beene so long brought vp with the Nunnes at Iumieges in Normandy he scarce knew to be a man when he came into England And to shew how little he vnderstood himselfe they note how in a great anger he sayd to a base fellow that disturbed his game in hunting I would punnish thee were I able And asif he had vowed their continencie with whom he was bred he was so farre from knowing other women either through conscience or debility as his owne wife His continencie after his death protested her selfe free from any carnall act done by him and yet liued he for the most part with her in all formall shew of marriage The soft simplicity of this King gaue way to the greatnesse of the Earle Godwin Earle Godwins greatnesse and his children who for that he would seeme the especiall man in his preferment to the Crowne and by matching his daughter Edith to him swayed chiefly the wheele of that time and yet not without opposition For Syward Earle of Northumberland and The Earles Syward and Leofrike men of Noble actions Leofrike Earle of Hereford men of as great State and spirit seeing him most for himselfe became more for the King and had their turne in performing very noble actions Nor did their emulation but much conduce to the present benefit both of the King and State For the Earle Syward would not be behind hand in effecting as braue deeds in the North as Harold Earle of Westsex the sonne of the Earle Godwin performed against the Welsh in the West For thefirst depriued of life and Crowne Macbeth an vsurper and inuested Malcolin in the Kingdome of Scotland the other defeited Ris and Griffine two brothers Kings of Wales and subdued that Prouince to this Crowne Besides the Earle Godwin had to struggle with an Arch-bishop of Canterbury Robert a Norman preferred from a Monke first to London and after to that Sea by the King inwardly affecting
of an intention was banished and their estates seized the Earldome of Mortaigne he gaue to Robert that of Eu to Odo after Bishop of Bayeux both his brethren by the mother These assaults from abroade these skornes conspiracies and vnder-workings at home he passed before he was full 32 yeares of age and thus his enemies made him that sought to vndoe him But now more to vnderset and strengthen his State against future practises hee conuokes an assemblie of his Prelates Barons and Gentlemen causing them to receiue their oath of Fealtie and raze their Castles which done he married Matilde the daughter of Baldouin the sift Earle of The Duke marries Matilde daughter of Balaouine the fift Earle of Flanders Flaunders but not without contrast and trouble for his Vncle Mauger Arch-bishop of Roan excommunicates him for matching within the forbidden degrees of kindred she being daughter to Elinor daughter to Richard the second and so his fathers sisters daughter To expiate for which offence vpon a dispensation from Pope Victor they were enioyned the building of certaine Hospitals for blind people and two Abbeyes the one for men the other for women which were erected at Caen. This match and the ouer-matching his enemies set him so high a marke of enuie in The reasons why the King of France warres with the Normans the eye of France which naturally loued not the Normans whom in reproach they vsually called Trewans as they easily incensed their King who of himselfe was forward enough to abate a power growne so out of proportion with the rest of the Princes of his Dominions to finde a quarrell which confiners easily doe to set vpon him and to make it looke the fairer pretends to correct the insolencies of the Normans committed on his territories and to releeue Count Martel opprest by the Duke besides alleadging It concerwed him in honour and iustice to haue that Prouince which held of his Crowne to bee gouerned by a Prince of lawfull bloud according to Christian order and Lawes Ecclesiasticall And therefore resolueth vtterly to exterminate the Duke and establish a legittimate Prince in the Dutchie For which effect two armies are gathered from all parts of his Kingdome the one sent along the riuer Sein the other into the Country of Bessin as meaning to incompasse him The Duke likewise deuides his forces into two parts sends his brother Odo Earle of Eu Walter Guifford Earle of Longueuill and others with the one to the Country of Caux himselfe with the other takes towards Eureux to make head to the King that was at Mante and withdrawes all cattle and prouisions out of the flat Country into Cities and Fortresses for their owne store and disfurnishment of the enemie The Kings army marching from Beanuois to Mortimer and finding there a fat Country full of all prouisions betooke them to make good cheere and rests there all that night thinking the Norman forces were yet with the Duke at Eureux which the army in Caux conducted by Odo vnderstanding marched all night and by breake of day gaue them so hot an alarme and so sodaine as put them all in rout leauing horse and armour The defeiture of the Armie of the King of France by the Normans and all to the assaylants who made such a distruction of them as of forty thousand not the fourth part escaped With this defeiture the King of France is againe returned home with great rage and griefe and the Duke with the redemption of the prisoners recouers his peace and the Castle of Thuilliers taken from him in his vnder-age Cont Martell though much dismayd with the Kings ouerthrow yet leaues not to make some attempts for the recouering his Townes but with no successe The Duke he saw was to well beloued followed for him to do any good without a stronger arme Wherfore the next spring he goes againe to importune the King of France to aide him against the Duke who he said Was now growne so insolent vpon this peace and the victorie he had stolne and not wonne that there was no liuing for his neighbours neere him Besides the Normans had the French in such derision and base esteeme as they made their act at Mortimer their onely sport and the subiect of their rimes as if a King of France vpon the losse of a few men was retired and durst not breake a dishonourable peace With which instigation and being stung with the touch of reproach hee raises another Army far mightier then before wherein were three Dukes and twelue Earles and notwithstanding the sollemne peace made and so lately sworne with the Duke hee enters Normandie in the haruest time ouer-runnes and spoiles all the Country along the Coast to Bessin from whence marching to Bayeux and Caen with purpose to paste the riuer Diue at Varneuille to destroy the Countries of Auge Liseux and Roumoys euen to Roan and finding the case-way long and the bridge narrow caused his vantguard to passe ouer first and to secure his Arierguard conducted by the Duke of Berry himselfe stayes behind in Caen till his people and their carriages were passed Duke William whom all this while stores his sortresses with men and victuall makes himselfe as strong in the Towne of Falaise as he could hath no army in the field but a running campe to be readie to take all aduantages le ts the fury of the storme spend it selfe and hauing aduertisement of this passage marched all night with 10 thousand men and in the morning early sets vpon the Arierguard with so sodaine a cry and fury as they who were before on the Case-way hearing this noise behinde thrust forward their fellowes hasting to get ouer the bridge with such a crowd and presse as they brake it many were drownd in the riuer They who were gotten ouer could not returne to aide the rest nor the King by reason of Marishes on both sides yeeld any succour to his people but stood a spectator of their slaughter and the taking of sixe of his Earles of whom one was the exiled Earle of Eu whom the King fauouring his great worth had made Conte De Soissons The griefe of this ouerthrow shortly after gaue the King of France his death and The Armie of the King of France ouerthrowne at Varneuille by the Normans the Duke of Normandy a ioyfull peace which hee nobly imployed in the ordering and adorning his State building endowing and decking Monasteries and Churches gathering reliques from all parts to furnish his Abbeyes at Caen where hee also erectted a Tombe for himselfe and his wife feasting and rewarding his Nobles and men of worth whereby hee so possest him of the hearts of all his people generally as they were entirely his for what he would During this calme of his life hee makes a iourney ouer into England as if to visite The Duke comes to visit his kinsman King Edward his kinsman who in regard of the preseruation and breeding hee had in Normandy by Duke Richard the second Grandfather to them both gaue him most Royall entertainement And here he shewed himselfe and here no doubt hee found matter for his hopes to worke on In this enteruiew hee discouered England being
to be presupposed he came not to gather cockle-shels on the shore Nor was it long after ere Harold whether of purpose to ratifie some paction closly contriued betwixt them or by casualty of weather driuen into France and so faine to make it seeme a Harald goeth ouer into Normandy iourney of purpose to the Duke is not certainely deliuered was gallantly entertained in Normandy presented with all shewes of Armes brought to Paris and there likewise feasted in that Court. And at his returne to Rouen something was concluded either His entertainment in likely-hood to deuide the Kingdome betweene them or that Harold being a coast-dweller and had the strongest hand in the State should let in the Duke and doe his best to helpe him to the Crowne vpon conditions of his owne greatnesse or whatsoeuer it was promises were made and confirmed by oathes vpon the Euangelists and all the sacred Reliques at Rouen in the presence of diuers great persons Besides for His promises to the Duke more assurance Harald was fyanced to Adeliza the Dukes daughter and his brother Wolnot left a pledge for the performance This intercourse made the trans-action of the fate of England and so much was done either by King Edward or Harald though neithers act if any such were was of power to preiudice the State or alter the course of a right succession as gaue the Duke a colour to claime the Crowne by a donation made by Testament which being against the Law and Custome of the Kingdome could be of no validity at all For the Crowne of England being held not as Patrimoniall but in a succession by remotion which is a succeeding to anothers place it was not in the power of King Edward to collate the same by any dispositiue and testamentary will the right discending to the next of bloud onely by the Custome and Law of the Kingdome For the Successour is not sayd properly to be the heire of the King but the Kingdome which makes him so and cannot bee put from it by any act of his Predecessour But this was onely his claime the right was of his owne making and no otherwise For as soone as hee had heard of the death of King Edward with the Election and Coronation of Harald for they came both together hee assembles the States of Normandy and acquaints them with the right he had to England Soliciting an extention of their vtmost meanes for The Dukes speech to the assembly of the States of Normandie his recouery thereof and auengement of the periured Vsurper Harald shewing them apparant probabilitie of successe by infallible intelligence hee had from the State his strong partie therein with the debility and distraction of the people What glorie wealth and greatnesse it would adde to their Nation the obtayning of such a Kingdome as was thus opportunely layd open for them if they apprehended the present occasion All which remonstrances notwithstanding could enduce but very few to like of this attempt and those such who had long followed him in the warres exhausted their estates and content to runne vpon any aduenture that might promise likelyhood of aduancement The rest were of diuers opinions some that it was sufficient to hold and defend their owne Country without hazarding themselues to conquer others and these were men of the best ability others were content to contribute but so sparingly as would little aduance the businesse and for the most part they were so tyred with the former warres and so desirous to embrace the blessing of peace as they were vnwilling to vndergoe a certaiue trouble for an vncertaine good And with these oppositions or faint offers the Dukes The subtil proceeding of the Duke with his Nobles purpose at first had so little way as did much perplex him At length seeing this protraction and difficulty in generall he deales with his neerest and most trusty friends in particular being such as he knew affected the glory of action and would aduenture their whole estates with him As William fitz Auber Conte de Bretteuile Gualier Guifford Earle of Logueuille Roger de Beaumont with others especially his owne brothers Odo Bishop of Bayeux and Robert Earle of Mortaigne these in full assembly hee wrought to make their offers which they did in so large a proportion and especially William fitz Auber who made the first offer to furnish forty ships with men and munition the Bishop of Bayeux forty the Bishop of Mans thirty and so others according or beyond their abilities as the rest of the assemblie doubting if the action succeeded without their helpe the Duke aryuing to that greatnesse would beare in minde what little minde they shewed to aduance his desires beganne to contribute more largely The Duke finding them yeelding though not in such sort as was requisite for such a worke dealt with the Bishops and great men a part so effectually as at length hee gote of them seuerally which of altogether hee could neuer haue compassed and causing each mans contribution to bee registred inkindled such an emulation amongst them as they who lately would doe nothing now striued who should doe most And not onely wan he the people of his owne Prouinces to vndertake this action The French likewise ayde the Duke but drew by his faire perswasions and large promises most of the greatest Princes and Nobles of France to aduenture their persons and much of their estates with him as Robert fitz Haruays Duke of Orleance the Earles of Brittaine Ponthien Bologne Poictou Mayne Neuers Hiesms Aumal Le Signior de Tours and euen his mortall enemy Martel Earle of Aniou became to bee as forward as any All which hee sure could neuer haue induced had not his vertues and greatnesse gained a wide opinion and reputation amongst them Although in these aduancements and turnes of Princes there is a concurrency of dispositions and a constitution of times prepared for it yet is it strange that so many mighty men of the French Nation would aduenture their liues and fortunes to adde England to Normandie to make it more then France and so great a Crowne to a Duke who was to great for them already But where mutations are destined the counsels of men must be corrupted and there will fall out all aduantages to serue that businesse The King of France who should haue strangled this disseigne in the birth was a The reason of the Dukes powre child and vnder the curature of Baldouin Earle of Flanders whose daughter the Duke had married and was sure to haue rather furtherance then any opposition that way Besides to amuze that Court and dazella young Prince he promised faithfully if hee conquered this Kingdome to hold it of that King as he
force and shortly after deceased The Emperour to make himselfe the stronger against his successors enters into aliance with the King of England takes to wife his daughter Maud being but fiue The Emperor Hen. 5. marries Maud. yeares of age After this Calixte sonne of the Conte de Burgogne comming to be Pope and being French vnto their great applause assembles a Counsell at Reimes were by Ecclesiasticall sentence Henry the fift is declared enemy of the Church and degraded of his Imperiall Dignity The King of England seeing this Counsell was held in France and composed chiefely of the Galicane Church desirous to ouer-maister Louys incenses his sonne in law the Emperour stung with this disgrace to set vpon him as the Popes chiefe piller on one side and he would assaile him on the other The Emperour easily wrought to such a businesse prepares all his best forces the King of England doth the like The King of France seeing this storme comming so impetuously vpon him wrought so with the Princes of Germany as they weighing the future mischiefe of a warre vndertaken in a heate with the importance of a kind Neighbour-hood aduise the Emperour not to enter thereinto till hee had signifyed to the King of France the Historie of France cause of his discontent Whereupon an Embassage is dispatched The King of Fraunce answers That hee grieued much to see the two greatest Pillars of the Church thus shaken with these dissentions whereby might bee feared the whole frame would bee ruined that hee was friend to them both and would gladly bee an inter-dealer for concord rather then to carry wood to a fire too fierce already which hee desired to extinguish for the good and quiet of Christendome This Embaslage wrought so as it disarmed the Emperour glad to haue Louys a mediator of the accord betweene the The King of France accords the Pope and Emperour Pope and him to the great displeasure of the King of England who expected greater matters to haue risen by this businesse The accord is concluded at Wormes to the Popes aduantage to whom the Emperor yeelds vp the right of inuestitures of Bishops and other Benefices But this was onely to appease not cure the malady The King of England disappointed thus of the Emperours assistance proceeds notwithstanding in his intentions against Louys And seeing he failed of outward forces he sets vp a party in his Kingdome to confront him aiding Theobald Conte de Champaigne King Henry aides Conte Theobald against the king of France with so great power as he stood to do him much displeasure besides he obtained a strong side in that Kingdome by his aliances for Stephen Earle of Blois had married his sister Adela to whom this Theobald was Brother and had wonne Foulke Earle of Aniou an important neighbour and euer an enemy to Normandy to be his by matching his sonne William to his daughter Louys on the other side failes not to practise all meanes to vnder-worke Henries estate The King of France combines with the Earle of Flanders against King Henry in Normandy and combines with William Earle of Flanders for the restoring of William the sonne of Robert Curtoys to whom the same appertained by right of inheritance and had the fairer shew of his actions by taking hold on the side of Iustice. Great and many were the conflicts betweene these two Princes with the expence of much bloud and charge But in the end being both tyred a peace was concluded 1116. Anno. Reg. 17. by the mediation of the Earle of Aniou And William sonne to King Henry did homage to Louys for the Duchy of Normandy And William the sonne of Robert Curtoys is left to himselfe and desists from his claime Vpon the faire cloze of all these troubles there followed presently an accident which seasoned it with that sowernesse of griefe as ouercame all the ioy of the successe William the young Prince the onely hope of all the Norman race at seuenteene yeares of Queene Maud liued not to see this disaster age returning into England in a ship by himselfe accompanied with Richard his base brother Mary Countesse of Perch their sister Richard Earle of Chester with his wife the Kings Neece and many other personages of honour and their attendants to the number of 140. besides 50. Marriners setting out from Barbfleete were all cast away at Sea onely a Butcher escaped The Prince had recouered a Cock-boat and in possibility to haue bene saued had not the compassion of his sisters cryes drawne him backe to the sinking ship to take her in and perish with his company Which sudden clap of Gods iudgement comming in a calme of glory when all these bustlings seemed past ouer might make a conscience shrinke with terror to see oppression and supplantation repayd with the extinction of that for which so much had bin wrought and the line Masculine of Normandy expired in the third inheritor as if to beginne the fate layde on all the future succession hither vnto wherein the third heire in a right discent seldome or neuer inioyed the Crowne of England but that either by vsurpation or extinction of the male bloud it receiued an alteration which may teach Princes to obserue the wayes of righteousnesse and let men alone with their rights and God with his prouidence After this heauy disaster this King is sayd neuer to haue bene seene to laugh though within fiue moneths after in hope to restore his issue he married Adalicia a beautifull yong Lady daughter to the Duke of Lovaine and of the house of Loraine but neuer had child by her nor long rest from his troubles abroad For this rent at home crackt all the chaine of his courses in France Normandy it selfe became wauering and many Robert de Mellents conspiracie adhered to William the Nephew his great confederates are most regayned to the King of France Foulke Earle of Aniou quarrels for his daughters dower Robert de Mellent his chiefe friend and Councellor a man of great imployment fell from him conspired 1123. Anno. Reg. 25. with Hugh Earle of Monfort and wrought him great trouble But such was his diligence and working spirit that he soone made whole all those ruptures againe The two Earles himselfe surprizes and Aniou death which beeing so important a neighbour as we may see by matching a Prince of England there the Maud the Empresse maried to Geffery Plantagenet King fastens vpon it with another aliance and discends to marry his daughter and now onely child which had beene wife to an Emperour and desired by the Princes of Lumbardy and Loraine to the now Earle Geffery Plantagenet the sonne of Foulke The King of Fraunce to fortifie his opposition entertaines William the Nephew 1126. Anno. Reg. 27. where now all the danger lay and aides him in person with great power to obtaine the Earledome of Flanders whereunto he had a faire Title by the defaillance of issue in
committing rapin and sacrelidge to supply their necessities feed their followers And in the end the young King hauing much strugled in vaine through griefe and vexation of spirit which caused the distemprature of body fell into a burning His death feuer with a fluxe whereof within few dayes he died A Prince of excellent parts who was first cast away by his Fathers indulgence and after by his rigor not suffering him to be what himselfe had made him neither got he so much by his Coronation as to haue a name in the Catalogue of the Kings of England The sorrow of the Father although it be sayd to be great hindred not his reuenge vpon the Barons of Aquitaine whom he now most eagerly persecuted seazed on their Castles and rased to the ground that of Limoges Geffrey vpon his submission is receiued into grace and the yeare after died at Paris Earle Geffreys submission and death hauing in a conflict bene troden vnder horses feete and miserably crushed so that halfe the male issue wherein this King was vnfortunate he saw extinct before him and that by deaths as violent as were their disposition The other two who suruiued him were no lesse miserable in their ends Now the young King of France Phillip the second in whose fate it was to do more then euer his father could effect vpon the death of Henry the sonne requires the deliuery of the Countrey of Vexin which was giuen in dowre with his Sister Margaret but the King of England not apt to let go any thing of what he had in possession was 1184. Anno. Reg. 30. content to pay yearely to the Queene dowager 17050. pounds Aniouin And the more to hold faire with this young King whose spirit he saw grew great and actiue and with whom he was like to haue much to do did homage vnto him for all he held in Fraunce which he neuer did to the Father being the first discent of Maiestie he euer Henry the second doth homage to Phillip King of France made to any secular power And beside tooke his part against Phillip Earle of Flanders who opposed against him and was in those dayes a Prince of mighty power and had euer stood fast vnto King Lewes the father But now Phillip the sonne otherwise led or affectioned quarrels with him and demaunds the Countrey of Vermendois as appertaining to the Crowne of Fraunce and withall vpon allegation of consanguinity repudiates his wife Neece to this Earle of Flanders giuen vnto him by his Fathers choyce a little before his death The Earle followed by Odo Earle of Borgogne the Earles of Champague Hainalt Namur Saint Pol and others warres vpon the King of The Earle of Flanders compels the King of France to compound France and commits great spoyles within his territories so that hee was faine in the end to compound with him to his disaduantage After this the Kings of England and France meete betweene Gisors and Tri where the King of England sweares to deliuer Alise vnto Richard his sonne And the King of France her brother graunts her in dower the Countrey of Velxin which Margueret his other Sister had before But these tyes held them not long together for the yong King of France so wrought with Richard as hee drew him from his Fathers obedience and they liued together in 1185. Anno. Reg. 31. that amitie as on bed and boord is sayd to haue serued them both which so iniealosed the olde King as he called home his sonne and before his Bishops and Nobility caused him to sweare vpon the Euangelists to obserue fealty vnto him against all persons whatsoeuer which hauing done and ready to passe ouer into England hee is informed of the great preparation made by the King of France who gaue out that hee would spoyle and ransacke both Normandie and the rest of the Kings of Englands territories in France vnlesse he would presently deliuer vp his Sister Alice vnto Richard or render Gisors and the Countrey of Velxin into his hands Whereupon the King returnes backe and comes againe to a parle betweene Gisors and Try Where the Archbishop of Tyre sent from the East to call vp ayde for the Holy warre did with that powre of perswation so vrge his message as it let out all the humour of priuate rancor and contention The Kings of England and France accorded and prepare for the holy war betweene these two great Kings altred their whole Councells their pretentions their designes turned them wholly to vndertake in person this laborious action and resolue to leaue their Kingdomes their pleasures and all the things of glorie they had at home to prosecute the same through all the distempratures of climes and difficulties of passages whereunto that voyage was obnoxious so that now no other thing was thought or talked on but onely preparations and furnishments for this businesse And to distinguish their people and followers who all stroue which should bee most forward it was ordred that they who followed the King of England should weare a white Crosse France a red and Flaunders a greene And for a further ingagement in the businesse the King of England writes to the Patriarch of Antioch a most comfortable and pious letter in the end whereof he hath these words Amongst other Princes I and my Sonne reiecting the glory of this world and dispising all the pleasures thereof in proper person with all our strength will God willing visit you shortly Then to rayse money to defray this great enterprise it was ordained by the two Kings their Archbishops Bishops Earles and others in France that all whosoeuer as well Clerke as Lay sauing such as went the voyage should pay the tenth of all their reuenues of that yeare and the tenth of all their Moueables and Chattles as well in gold as filuer And many excellent orders were made for restraynt of licentiousnesse both in apparell and manners as was fitting for the vndertakers of so ciuile and deuout an action The King of England hauing layde this imposition vpon all his Dominions in France comes ouer calls a Councell of his Bishops Abbors Earles Barons both 1186. Anno. Reg. 33. of the Clergie and Layty at Gayntington and by their consents imposes the same taxation vpon his Subiects of England Sub Eleemosinae titulo vitium rapacitatis includens sayth Walsingham and presently sends foorth his Officers into euery Shire to collect the same according as it was done in France But of euery Citie in England he caused a choice to be made of the richest men as in London of two hundred in Yorke a hundred and so according to the proportion of the rest and caused all these at a certaine time and place to appeare before him of whom he tooke the tenth of all their Moueables by the estimation of credible men which knew their Estates such as refused hee imprisoned till they had payde it of which example and exaction we must
Norwich Bath Salisbury Ely Chester and others which came vnto him to Rouen where hee commits the especiall charge of this Kingdome to William Longshamp Bishoppe of Ely vnder the Title of Chiefe Iustice of England and giues him one of his Seales and the Custodie of the Towre of London and confers vpon Hugh Bishop of Duresme the Iustice-ship of the North from Humber to Scotland with the keeping of Windsor Castle which after gaue occasion of dissention to these two ambitious Prelates impatient of each others greatnesse Hugh Bardolph William Marshall Geffrey Fitz Peter and William Brewer are ioyned in commission with the Bishop of Ely And least his brother Iohn whose spirit hee well vnderstood might in England worke vpon the aduantage of his absence hee first caused him to take an Oath not to come within this Kingdome for the space of three yeares next following Which after vpon better consideration hee released leauing him to his libertie and naturall respect But hereby hauing giuen him first a wound by his distrust his after regard could neuer heale it vp againe nor all the Honours and State bestowed on him keepe him within the limmits of obedience For this suspition of his Faith shewed him rather the waie to breake then retaine it whensoeuer occasion were offered and the greater meanes hee had bestowed on him to make him content did but arme him with greater powre for his designes For this Earle Iohn had conferred vpon him in England the The great Estate left to Earle Iohn Earledomes of Corwnewall Dorcet Sommerset Nottingham Darby Lancaster and by the marriage with Isabell Daughter to the Earle of Glocester had likewise that Earledome moreouer the Castles of Marlborow and Lutgarsall the Honours of Wallingford Tichill and Eye to the valew of foure thousand Markes per annum besides the great commaunds hee held thereby which mighty Estate was not a meanes to satisfie but increase his desires and make him more daungerous at home Then the more to strengthen the reputation of his Viceroy the Bishop of Ely the King gets the Pope to make him his Legate of all England and Scotland and to the end his Gouernment might not bee disturbed through the emulation of another hee confines the elect Archbishoppe of Yorke his base brother whose turbulency hee doubted to remaine in Normandie till his returne and takes his Oath to performe the same Hauing thus ordered his affaires hee sends backe into England this Great Bishop furnished with as great and absolute a powre as hee could giue him to prouide necessaries for his intended iourney Wherein to please the King hee offended the people and committed great exactions Clerum populum opprimebat Exactions by the Viceroy confundens fasque nefasque saith Houeden Hee tooke of euery Cittie in England two Palfryes and two other Horses of seruice and of euerie Abbay one of each likewise of euery Mannor of the Kings one of each for this seruice And to shewe what hee would prooue hee tooke the Castle of Windsor from the Bishoppe of Duresme and confined him within his Towne of Howedon questions his Authoritie and workes him much vexation and for all his meanes made to the King ouertopt him The King takes order for a Nauie to conuay people and prouision to the Holy land and commits the charge thereof to the Archbishop of Auxere and the Bishop of Bayon Robert de Sabul Richard Canuile which done both Kings the latter end of Iune with their powres together take their iourney to Lyons where their numbers growing so great as bred many incomberments and distemprings betweene the nations they part companies the King of France takes the way of Genoua by Land the The Kings quarrell in the lsle of Sicile King of England of Merseilles where after he had stayed eight daies expecting in vaine the comming about of his Nauie withheld by tempest hee was forced to hire twentie Gallies and ten other great vessels to transport him into the Isle of Sicilia The King of France takes shipping at Genoua and by tempest was driuen to land in the same Isle and arriued there before the King of England where those mighty companies of both these powrefull Kings fell fowle on each other and themselues taking part with their people enter in quarrell and rancor so that being of equall powre and stomacke and alike emulous of honour and reuenge they began to shew what successe their enterprise was likelie to yeeld The King of France repayring his wracked Nauie and the King of Englands long staying for his forced them both to Winter in Sicilia to the great pesture and disturbance of that people themselues and theirs William late king of Sicile who had married Ioane sister to the King of England was dead which made the intertaynment of the English there the worse and Taneredi base sonne of Roger grandfather to that William was inuested in the kingdome contrary to the will of the late King dying without yssue and the fidelitie of the people sworne to Constantia the lawfull daughter of the sayd Roger married to Henry King of Almaine sonne to the Emperour Frederic Barbarossa by which occasion Tancredi was forced to vse all meanes to hold what hee had gotten by strong hand and had much to doe against the Emperour and his sonne Henry The King of England after great contention with him to make the conditions of his sisters dowre the better enters into league with Tancredi against all men to preserue his Estate and gets in conclusion 20000 Ounces of Gold for his Sisters dowre and 20000 more vpon a match to bee made betweene Arthur Earle of Brittaine sonne to Geffrey his next brother who was to succeed him in the Crowne of England if himselfe died without yssue and the daughter of Tancredi At the opening of the Spring both kings hauing beene reconciled and new Articles The Kings reconciled of Peace and concord signed and sworne the King of France sets first forward to the Holy Land but the king of England stayes in Sicile vntill Whitsontide after And during his abode which might therefore bee the longer his Mother Queene Elionor who in her youth had well knowne the trauaile of the East came vnto him Berenguela fianced to King Richard bringing with her Berenguela daughter to the king of Nauarre who has there fianced vnto him Which done Queene Elionor departs home by the way of Rome and the young Lady with the Queene Dowager of Sicile take their iourney with the king who sets forth with an hundred and thirty ships and fifty Gallies and was by tempest driuen to the Isle of Cyprus where being denied landing he assailes the Isle on all sides subdues it palces his Granisons therein and commits the custody of the same to Richard de Canuile and Robert de Turnham taking halfe the goods of the Inhabitants from them in Lieu whereof hee confirmed the vse of their owne Lawes And here our Histories say hee
married the Lady Berenguela and caused her to bee Crowned Queene These mischiefes suffred these two famous Isles of Christendome in the passage of these mighty Princes against Pagans who peraduenture would haue as well vsed them for their goods and treasure as these did but Armies and powre know no inferior friends it was their Fate so to lie in the way of great attempters who though in the cause of Piety would not sticke to doe any iniustice From hence passes this famous king to the Holy Land with the spoyles and treasure of three noble rich Islands England Sicile and Cyprus besides what Normandy and Guien could furnish him with all and there consumes that huge collected masse euen as violently as it was gotten though to the exceeding great renowne of him the nation Heere for the better vnderstanding this businesse it is not amisse to deliuer in what sort stood the Estate of those affaires in Asia which so much troubled these mighty Princes and drew them from the vtmost bounds of Europe thus to aduenture themselues and consume their Estates It was now foure score and eight yeares since Godsrey of Bologne Prince of Lorraine with his company recouered the Citie of Ierusalem with the Countrey of Palestina and a great part of Siria out of the hands of the Sarazins obtayned the Kingdome thereof and was Crowned with a Crowne of Thornes in example of our Sauiour raigned The State of Palestina one yeare died and left to succeed him his brother Baldwin who gouerned eighteene yeares and left the Crowne to another of that name Balwin de Burgo who raigned thirteene yeares and left a daughter and his Kingdome in dissention Fulke Earle of Aniou marries this daughter and enioyes the Kingdome eleuen yeares and left two young sonnes Baldwin and Almerique Balwin raignes foure and twenty yeares and after him his brother Almerique twelue and leaues Baldwin his sonne to succeed him who being sickly and dispayring of yssue made Baldwin his Nephew sonne to the Marquesse of Monferrato and Sibilla his Sister his successor and commits the charge of him with the administration of the Kingdome to Raymond Earle of Tripoly whom Guy de Lusignan who had married Sibilla the Widdow of Monferrato put from that charge and vsurped the Gouerment and at length the Kingdome not without suspition of poysoning the young King Raymond making warre vpon him Lusignan drawes in Sultan Saladin of Egipt to his ayde who glad of that occasion to augment his owne State destroyed them both with their Kingdome and wonne the Citie of Ptolomeide Asoto Berytho Ascalon and after one months siege the Citie of Ierusalem foure score and eight yeares after it had beene conquered by Godfrey Now to recouer this confounded State come these two Great Kings from a farre and a different clyme with an Army composed of seuerall Nations and seuerall humours English French Italians and Germaines against a mightie Prince of an vnited powre within his owne ayre neera at home bred and made by the sword inured to victories acquainted with the fights and forces of the Christians and possessed almost of all the best peeces of that Countrey And heere they sit downe before the City of Acon defended by the powre of Saladin The Kings of England and France besiege Acon which had beene before besieged by the Christians the space of three yeares and had cost the liues of many worthy Princes and great personages whose names are deliuered by our Writers amongst whom I will remember these few of especiall note Conradus Duke of Suenia sonne of Frederic the Emperour which Frederic was also drowned comming thither with the Earles of Perch Puntif and olde Theobald Earle of Bloys that famous Stickler betweene the Kings of England and France Stephen Earle of Sancerre the Earle of Vandosme Bertoldus a Duke of Germany Reoger and Ioselin Earles of Apulia c. And lastly Phillip Earle of Flaunders and of our Nation Baldwin Archbishoppe of Canterbury Robert Earle of Leicester Ralph de Glanuile Chiefe Iustice of England Richard de Clare Walter de Kime c. And notwithstanding all the forces of these two kings they held out foure monthes after and then rendred themselues vpon composition At their entring into the Citie the Ensignes of Leopold Duke of Austrich beeing planted on the walles were with great scorne taken downe by the commandement of King Richard and those of the two Kings erected which bred great rancour and was afterward the occasion of much mischiefe to the king of England Besides during this siege diuers stings were ministred or taken of displeasure and malice betweene the two kings apt to bee set on fire by the least touches of conceipt The king of France full of disdaine for the reiection of his Sister and the marriage of the king of England with Berenguela besides competition of honour which their equality was subiect vnto made any iot of the least disproportion thereof a wounde without cure And daylie occasions in so great hearts fell out to worke the same The Article of equall deuiding their gaines in this voyage concluded between them is questioned The king of France claimes halfe the Isle of Cyprus the king of England halfe the Treasure and goods of the Earle of Flaunders whereon the King of France had seised and therein neither is satisfied Then are there two pretenders to the Crowne of Ierusalem Guy of Lusignan and Conrade Marquis of Monferrato Guy pleads the possession thereof which he had by his wife Sibilla the King of England takes part with Guy the King of France with Conrade And with these differences are they kept in imbroylements and continually distempered in so much as by their owne heats and the contagion The Kings of England and France dangerously sicke of the Country they fell into a most daungerous sicknesse that cost them both their haire being more then they got by the voyage But being recouered the King of France had no longer will to stay there where hee saw no more likelihood of honour or profit and at home hee knew was better good to be done with lesse danger and the rather by the death of the Earle of Flaunders whose state lay so neere as it tooke vp part of his whereof he had a purpose to abridge his successor and therefore craues leaue of the King of England for without leaue of each other it was couenanted neither of them should depart to returne home which King Richard was hardly wonne to grant in respect he knew the daunger it might worke him in his absence to let such an offended Lyon loose But in the end through the earnest sollicitation of the King of France and his assurance The King of France departs from the Holy warre confirmed by Oath not to doe anything offensiue to his Dominions in France during his absence he yeelds thereunto And so departs this great Prince leauing the Earle of Borgogne Lieutenant of his forces And King Richard betakes him
to the siege of Ascalon writes inuectiue letters against the King of France for leauing him who likewise defames King Richard amongst his neighbours at home And it may be doubted whether the periurie of these two Kings did not adde more to their sinne then the action they vndertooke for the remission thereof could take away for that a good worke impiously managed meretts no more then an ill Ten moneths the King of England stayes behind in these parts consuming both his men and treasure without any great successe though with much noble valor and exceeding courage finding euer great peruersuesse in the Earle of Borgogne who according to his maisters instructions shewed no great desire to aduance the action where another must carry the honour but willing alwaies to returne home pretending his want drew backe when any businesse of importance was to bee done and at length falls sicke and dies at Acon Conrade who was so much fauoured by the King of France in his title for that Kingdome Conrade murthered was murthered by two Assassini whereof the King of England was but very wrongfullie taxed and the Earle of Champagne martying his Widdow Sister to Queene Sibilla was by King Richard preferred to the Crowne of Ierusalem and Guy of Lusignan the other pretender made King of Ciprus and so both contented During this businesse abroade in the East the state of England suffred much at home vnder the gouernment of Lonshamp who vsurping the whole authority to himselfe without communicating Longshamps traine and pompe any thing either with the Nobility or the rest of the Commissioners ioyned with him did what hee listed and with that insolencie carried himselfe as hee incurred the hatred of the whole Kingdome both Clergie and Lay. His traine was said to be so great and the pompe of attendants such as where hee lay in any religious house but one night 3 yeares reuenues would scarce suffice to recouer the charge Besides being a stranger himselfe and vsing only French men about him made his courses the more intollerable to the English in so much as at length the whole Clergie and Nobility oppose against his proceedings and the Earle Iohn taking aduantage vpon these discontentments to make himselfe more popular and prepare the way to his intended vsurpation ioynes with the state against this B. being the man that had euer crossed his courses hauing an especially eye vnto him as the most dangerous person of the Kingdome both in respect of the kings charge and his owne saftie And now there fell out a fit occasion to ruine the Chancellor by this meanes Geffrey 1191. Anno. Reg. 3. the Elect Archbishop of Yorke base sonne to Henry the 2. to whose preferment in Eng. King Richard was auerse therfore had confin'd him within Normandy during his absence had by great labour to Pope Celestine obtained a powre to bee inuested in that Sea whose comming into England being aduertised to the Chancellor Long shamp Geffrey the Elect of Yorke taken and imprisoned by the Chancelor he was at his landing at Doner apprehended and drawne by force out of the Church which hee had recouered and from the Altar in his Pontificall habit trailed into the Castle in most vile manner Of which violence the Earle Iohn and the Bishop taking notice they command the Chancellor not only to release him but also to answere the matter before the assembly of the Bishops and Nobilite at Pauls where they Article and vrge against him many hainous actions committed contrarie to the Comission giuen him and the Weale of the King and Kingdome The Archbishop of Roan and William Marshall Earle of Striguile shewed openly the Kings Letters pattents dated at Messena in Sicile whereby they were made Commissioners with him in the gouernment of the Kingdome which notwithstanding hee would neuer suffer them to deale in any businesse of the same but by his owne violent Longshamp the Chancellor deposed from his office and headlong will doe all himselfe wherefore in the end hee was by the Assembly deposed from his Office and the Archbishop of Rouen who would doe nothing without the Councell of the State instituted therein The Towre of London and the Castle of Windsor are taken from him and deliuered to the Archbishop And so this great Officer presuming to much in his place hauing enuie so neere him and a maister so sarre off was throwne downe from his State faine to resigne his Legantine Crosse at Canterbury and to take vp that for the Holy warre and priuily seekeing to escape ouer Sea was in the habit of a woman with a webbe of Linnin cloth vnder his arme taken vpon the shore at Douer and most opprobriouslie made a spectacle to the people and conducted with all derision to the Castle whence after He flies and is taken eight daies hee was by the Earle Iohn released and suffered to goe on his iourney wherein being the messenger of his owne misusage he had the aduantage of his aduersaries and preuailed against them with the Pope who tooke very tenderly the powre Legantine should be so vilified The Earle Iohn the Archbishop of Rouen and the other Iustices of the King grant vnto the Citie of London their Common or liberties and the Citizens Swore fealtie to King Richard and his haire and that if he died without issue they would receiue the Earle Iohn for their Lord and King and likewise swore fealty vnto him against all men reseruing their faith to King Richard In this forwardnesse was the Earle Iohn for his brothers Crowne whilst hee is beleagaring Ascalon and grapling with Saladin Sultan in the East But hauing notice of this proceeding in England and how the King of France had taken in Gisors and King Richards departure from Palestina the Country of Vexin contrarie to his Oath hee takes the oportunity of an offer made by Saladin of a truce for three yeares vpon condition that hee should restore Ascalon to the same State wherein hee found it before the siege which hee did by the Councell of the Templars and the whole Armie And presently leauing Wife Sister and people to come after him as they could prouide takes a shippe with some few followers and returnes from this action with as great precipitation as hee vndertooke it hauing consumed therein all that mightie Treasure left him by his father and all that otherwise hee could teare from his subiects and others by violent extortion or cunning practises Pardon vs Antiquitie if we miscensure your actions which are euer as those of men according to the vogue and sway of times and haue onely their vpholding by the opinion of the present wee deale with you but as posteritie will with vs which euer thinkes it selfe the wiser that will iudge likewise of our errors according to the cast of their imaginations But for a King of England to returne in this fashion cannot bee but a note of much inconsideration and had as pittifull
an euent For hauing taken vp by the way three Gallies to conduct him to Ragusa for three hundred Markes of Siluer disguised vnder the names of Pilgtimes hee was by his lauish expences discouered to bee the His discouery King of England which note once taken it was impossible for him to lay anie couering thereon that could euer hide him more though vpon warning thereof he presently left all his company and with one man onely takes horse and through all the daungers of a wilde desart and rocky Country trauayling day and night passes into Austrich where Fame that was a speedier post then himselfe was before him And comming to a Village nere to Viena and reposing himselfe in a poore hosterie was taken a sleepe by meanes of his companion going forth to prouide necessaries for him King Richard taken prisoner who as hee was changing money was knowne taken and brought before the Duke of Austrich and vpon examination confessed where his maister was of which prise the Duke was most ioyfull in respect of his reuenge for the disgrace hee did him at the entring of Acon and presently sends him to the Emperour Henry the sixt whom likewise he had offended for ayding Tancredi the base sonne of Roger in the vsurpation of the Crowne of Sicilia against Constantia the lawfull daughter of the same Roger whom this Emperour had married Newes hereof is presently sent by the Emperour to the King of France that he might likewise reioyce at this fortune and hee tells him That now the Enemy of his Empire and the disturber of the Kingdome of France was fast in holde and all the manner how The State of England is likewise soone certified of this heauie disaster and great meanes is made to redeeme their King out of captiuitie who is sayd to haue borne his fortune with that magnanimitie and so cleered himselfe of the scandalls layd on him for the death of Conrade the Emperours kinsman other his actions in the East in such sort as he won the affection of the Emperor so that he professed a great desire to restore him and reconcile him to the King of France But yet wee finde That King Richard deposed King Richard deposed himselfe of the kingdome of England himselfe of the Kingdome of England and deliuered the same to the Emperour as his supreame Lord and inuested him therein by the deliuering vp his hat whch the Emperour returned vnto him in the presence of the Nobility of Germany and England to hold this Kingdom from him for 50 thousand pounds sterling to be payed as an annuall tribute And yet notwithstanding all this the King of France combining with the Earle Iohn preuailed so much with the Emperour as hee held him his prisoner a whole yeare and sixe weekes through their offer of mighty summes they made vnto him For he and the Earle Iohn fully accounted that he should haue beene held a perpetuall prisoner and vpon that reckning the Earle Iohn did his homage to the King of France for the Dutchy Earle Iohn doth homage to the King of France for Normandy of Normandy and all the rest of those transmarine territories and for England as it is sayd and besides resignes vnto him Gisors with the Country of Vexin sweares to marry his sister Alice and to bee diuorsed from his other Wise the Daughter of the Earle of Glocester The King of France couenants to giue him with his sister that part of Flanders which hee had taken from that Eareldome and sweares to ayde him in the attayning both of England and whatsoeuer else the Lands of his brother Then goes the Earle Iohn ouer into England carrying many strangers with him and presently the Castles of Wallingford and Windsor are rendred vnto him then comes hee to London and requires of the Archbishop of Rouen and other the Commissioners the Kingdome of England and that fealty bee made vnto him affirming his brother was dead but they not giuing credit vnto him and denying his desire with rage and strong hand hee fortifies his Castles and in hostile manner inuades the Lands of his brother finding many partakers to ioyne with him The Queene mother the Iustices of England and all the faithfull seruants of the King guard and defend the ports against the inuasion of the French and Flemings who in great numbers seeke to ayde the Earle Iohn and also they labour the redemption of the King whose ransome the Emperour rates at 100 thousand Marks with the finding of fiftie Gallies ready furnished and two hundred souldiers to attend his seruice in the holy warres for one yeare In Normandie the Officers and Seruants of the King of England defend with no lesse faith and courage the right of their Maister against the King of France who withall his powre labours to subdue them and by his large offers to the Emperour prolongs his redemption and inhaunces his ransome This toyle and charge is the world put into through the misfortune and weakenesse of their hardy King who onely in respect of his valour being otherwise not worth so much and the Holy worke hee vndertooke whereby hee obliged the Clergie which then managed all got the opinion and loue of his subiects in such sort as they straine euen beyond their ability to recouer and preserue him and so wrought in the end that the Emperour compounds with King Richard in this manner that hee should send his Commissioners to London and receaue an hundred thousand Markes of pure siluer of Cologne The Emperors composition with King Richard waight to be sealed vp and safely conducted to the bounds of the Empire at the perile of the King of England and other fifty thousand Markes of siluer whereof twenty thousand for the Duke of Austrich and thirty thousand for the Emperour to be payd at seauen monethes after and pledges to be giuen three score to the Emperor and seauen to the Duke Besides the King of England sweares to send his Neece the sister of Arthur Earle of Brittaine to be married to the Duke of Austrich c. And the Emperour granted to the King of England by his Charter the Soueraignty of the Prouince Vienne and Viennoys Merseilles Narbona Arls Lyons and whatsoeuer hee had in Burgogne with the Homages of the King of Arragon the Earles of Dijon and Saint Giles In which countries were fiue Archbishop-ricks thirty three Bishopricks but the Emperour could neuer haue domination ouer them nor they receaue any Lord that hee presented them So that this great gift consisted but in title which yet pleased King Richard that hee might not seeme to part with all his substance for nothing And the same wind he sends to Hubert the new Archbishop of Canterbury lately made his Vicegerent in England to be blowne ouet all the Kingdome by a letter he wrote vnto him wherein he hath these words For that sure I am you much desire our deliuerance and greatly reioyce therein we will that you be
two Charters before And twelue Knights or Legall men are chosen in euery shire vpon their Oath to disparte the old forests from the new and all such as were found to haue Disforrestations beene inforested since the first coronation of Henry the second to be disafforested and disposed at their pleasure who were to posses them wherevpon they were layd open plowed and improued to the exceeding comfort and benefit of the subiect whereby men in steed of wild beasts were sustayned and more roome made for them to vse their industry Two yeares with great quietnesse and generall content the blessing of a state 1225. Anno. Reg. 10. these liberties were inioyed when the King at a Parliament at Oxford declaring himselfe to be oflawfull age and free from custody to dispose of the affayres of the Kingdome cancells and anulles the Charter of Forests as graunted in his Nonage hauing no power of himselfe or of his Seale and therefore of no validitie and causes Proclamation to be made that both the Clergy and all others if they would inioy those liberties 4. Parliament should renew their Charters and haue them confirmed vnder his new Seale for which they were constrayned to pay not according to their ability but the will of the chiefe Iusticiar Hugh de Burgh to whome is layd the blame of this mischiefe which procured him the generall hatred of the Kingdome and bread a new insurrection of The reuoking the Charters of Forrests which bred a new insurrection the nobility who taking aduantage vpon a breach lately falen our betweene the king and his brother Richard Earle of Cornwell about the Castle of Barkhamsted appertayning to that Earledome which the king had committed to the keeping of on Walleran a Dutchman ioyne with the Earle and put themselues in armes For the king mayntayning the cause of Walleran commands his brother to render the Castle which he had taken from him or else to depart the kingdome The Earle answeres that he would neither doe the one or the other without the iudgment of his Peeres and so departes to his lodging leauing the king much displeased with this answere The chiefe Iusticiar fearing the disturbance of the peace aduises the king sodainly to apprehend the Earle and commit him to close custodie but the Earle either through notice or doubt therof flies presently to Marleborough where he findes William Earle Mareshall his friend and consedrate by Oath with whom hee hastes to Stamford and there meets with the Earles of Chester Gloster Waren Hereford Ferrers Warwicke with diuers Barons and men at armes from whence they send to the King aduising him to right the iniurie done to his brother The cause whereof they impute to Hugh de Burgh and not to himself besides they require restitution to be made without delay of the liberties of the Forrests lately cancelled at Oxford otherwise they 1226. Anno. Reg. 11. would compell him therevnto by the sword The King to anoyd this daunger appoints them day to come to an assembly at Northampton where a concord is concluded and to satisfie his brother besides the rendring vnto him his Castle he grauntes him all that his mother had in dowre and s. Parliament whatsoeuer lands the Earle of Brittaine held in England with those of the Earle of Bologn lately deceased and so the Parliament brake vp After this the generall motion 1227. Anno. Reg. 12. for the holy warres intertaines some time Which so strongly wrought in that credelous world as sixty thousand sufficient men are reported to haue vndertaken that voyage of whom Peter Bishop of Winchester and William Bishop of Excester are the leaders The King is sollicited by Hugh le Brun Earle of March who had marryed his Mother and by other great men of Normandy to come ouer into France to recouer his right vpon the great alterations happening in those parts by this occassion Louys the eight who succeeded Phillip the second being lately dead after his great siege of Auignon and his warres made against the Heretickes Albegeois in Prouince leaues the Kingdome to his Sonne Louys of the age of twelue yeares in whose minority his Mother Blanch taking vpon her the regency so discontented the Princes of the French Hist. bloud as they oppose themselues against her holding it both dishonorable and daungerous that a woman and a stranger by the Councell of Spaniards whom she aduanced aboue the Naturalls of the Kingdome should gouerne all according to her pleasure and therefore enter league against her The chiefe of whom were Phillip Earle of Bologne vncle by the Father to the King Robert Earle of Champaigne Peter de Dreux Duke of Britagne and Robert Earle of Dreux his brother and with these Hugh the Earle of March takes part in regard the Queen Regent had erected the Country of Poictou to a Conty and made Earle there of Alphonso her Sonne brother to the young king whereby finding himselfe inclosed within that County he refuses to acknowledge Alphonso for Lord instigated therevnto by his wife a Queene Dowager of England who could not comport a superior so neere her doore in so much as they likewise draw in the Earle of Lusignan brother to the Earle of March who also presuming vpon the greatnesse of his house discended of kings was apt to take their part and these with the Earle of Britagne call in the King of England Who after he hed exacted great sums of the Clergy of the Citie of London for redemption of their liberties and taken the third part of al the goods of the Iewes passes ouer with an Army lands at Saint Mallos is met by many Nobles of Poictou who with the Earle of Britagne doe homage vnto him and great preparations are made to recouer such peeces as had beene obtayned by the late King of France The Queene Regent sets out a powerfull army to stop the proceeding of the King of England and much mischiefe is wrought on both sides in Pocitou Xaintonges Angoumois where their friends and enemies suffer all a like At length seeing no great good to arise by their trauaile both weary of the busines either a peace or truce is concluded The King of England besides an infinite expence of treasure hauing lost diuers of his Nobles and other valiant men in the iourny without any glory returnes home bringging with him the Earle of Britagne and many Poictouins to receiue their promised rewards which notwithstanding all the former expence must be wrung out of the substance of the poore subiect of England Vpon his returne hee intertaines a purpose of Marriage with a sister of the King of Scots against which the Earles and Barons of England generally oppose alledging it to be vnfit that he should haue the younger Sister when Hubert his chiefe Iusticiar had maryed the eldest and the Earle of Britagne by whose Councell he was now much directed disswades him likewise from it To this Earle after supplies obtained towards
irreprehensible in his Office is much fauoured by the people Peter de Riuallis and Stephan Segraus are againe receiued into grace an argument of the kings leuitie and irresolution moued it seemes with any Engine to doe and vndoe and all out of time and order wherein he euer looses ground And now faine would he haue reuoked by the Popes Authority some grants of his made heretofore as being don beyond his powre without the cōsent of the Church which harsh intention addes more to the already conceiued displeasure of the people Anno Reg. 21. another Parliament or the same adiourned is held at London where in regard of the great expence for his Sisters marriage and his owne hee requires the 9 Parliament thirtith part of all moueables as well of the Clergie as Layetie Whereunto great 1237. Anno. Reg. 21. opposition is made and recitall of the many Leuies had beene exacted of the Kingdome now of the twentith now of the thirtith and fortith parts and that it was a thing vnworthy and iniurious to permit a King who was so lightly seduceble and neuer did good to the Kingdome either in expelling or repressing enemy or amplyfing the bounds thereof but rather lessening and subiugating the same to Strangers that he should extort by so many pretences so great summes from his naturall people as from slaues of the basest condition to their detriment and benefit of Aliens Which when the King heard desirous to stop this generall murmur promised by Oath that he would neuer more iniurie the Nobles of the Kingdome so that they would benignly releeue him at that present with this supply in regard he had exhausted his treasure in the mariage of his Sister and his owne whereunto they plainely answere that the same was done without their Councell neither ought they to be partakers of the punishment who were free from the fault After 4 daies consultation the King promising to vse only the Councell of his naturall Subiects disauowing and protesting against the reuocation lately propounded and freely granting the inuiolable obseruation of the Liberties vnder paine of excommunication hath yeelded vnto him the thirtith part of all moueables reseruing yet to euery man his ready coyne horse and armour to be imployed for the Common-wealth For the collection of this subsidy it was ordayned that 4 Knights of euery Foure knights of euery shire ordained to take charge of the subsidy Shire and one Clerke of the Kings should vpon their Oath receiue and deliuer the same either vnto some Abbay or Castle to be reserued there that if the King fayle in performance of his Grants it might be restored to the Country whence it was collected with this condition often annexed that the King should leaue the Councell of Aliens and onely vse that of his naturall Subiects Wherein to make shew of his part he sodainly causes the Earles Warren and Ferrers with Iohn Fitz Geffrey to be sworne his Councellors And so the Parliament ended but not the businesse for which it was called the King not giuing that satisfaction to his subiects as he had promised concerning Strangers and besides that order concluded in Parliament was not obserued in the leauying and disposing of the susidie but stricter courses taken in the valewing of mens Estates then was held conuenient Moreouer William Valentine Vncle to the young Queene is growne the onely inward man with the King and possesses him so as nothing is done without his Councell the Earle of Prouince the father a poore Prince is inuited to come ouer to participat of this Treasure which seemes was disposed before The comming of Simon Monford into into England it came in Simon de Monford a French man borne banished out of France by Queene Blanch is intertayned in England and preferred secretly in marriage to Elianor the Kings Sister widow of William Earle of Pembroke Great Mareschall and made Earle of Leicester by right of his mother Amice daughter to Blanchman Earle of Leicester Which courses with other so incense the Nobility and generally all the Subiects as put them out into a new commotion and Richard the Kings brother whose youth and ambition apt to be wrought vpon is made the head thereof who being as yet Heire apparant of the Kingdome the Queen being yong and child-lesse the preseruation of the good thereof is argued to concerne him and hee is the man imployed The Greeuances of the Kingdome to the King to impart the publike greeuances and to reprehend first the profusion of his Treasure gotten by exaction from the subiect and cast away vpon Strangers who onely guide him then the infinite summes hee had raised in his time How there was no Archbishopricke or Bishopricke except Yorke Lincolne Bathe but he had made benefit by their Vacancies besides what fell by Abbayes Earldomes Baronies Wardships and other Escheates and yet his treasure which should be the strength of the State was nothing increased Moreouer how hee as if both dispising his and the Councell of his naturall Subiects was so obsequious to the will of the Romans and especially of the Legat whom he had inconsiderately called in as hee seemed to adore his footsteps and would doe nothing either in publique or priuate 1238. Anno. Reg. 22. but by his consent so that he seemed absolutely the Popes Feudarie which wounded the hearts of his people The King vpon this harsh remonstrance of his brother and the feare of a present commotion after he had sounded the affections of the Londoners whom he found resolued to take part against him hee againe by the aduice of the Legat who had earnestly delt with the Earle of Cornwall to reconcile himselfe to his brother but without effect calls a Parliament at London Whither the Lords came armed 10 Parliament both for their owne saftie and to constraine the King if he refused to the obseruation of the premices and reformation of his courses Here after many debatements the King taking his Oath to referre the businesse to the order of certaine graue men of the Kingdome Articles are drawne sealed and publikely set vp to the view of all with the seales of the Legat and diuers great men But before it came to effect Simon Monford working his peace with the Earle of Cornwall and the Earle of Lincolne likewise with whom he and the State were displeased the Earle growes cold in the businesse The Lords perceiuing the staffe of their strength to faile them failed themselues so that nothing is effected and the miseries of the Kingdome continue as they did Shortly after the King takes displeasure against Gilbert Earle of Pembrooke the third sonne of William the great Mareschall and caused his gates to bee shut against 1239. Anno. Reg. 23. him at Winchester whereupon the Earle retyres into the North. And to shew how inconstant this King was in his fauours Simon Norman intituled Maister of the Kings Seale and not onely so but said
to be Maister of the Kingdome yea of the King the Rector and Disposer of Court is throwne out with disgrace the Seale taken from him and giuen to the Abbot of Euesham In like sort his brother Geffrey a Knight Templar is put out of the Councell both of them much maligned by the Nobilitie who had often before laboured their amouement as held to be corrupt Councellors and wrongers of the State and now are they falne off themselues But the cause of this their deiection may shew that oftentimes Officers vnder weake Princes are not so much faulty as the World holds them to be for not yeelding to passe a Grant from the King made vnto Thomas Earle of Flaunders the Queenes Thomas of Sauoy marrieth the inheretrix of the Earledome of Flanders which he held but during her life Vncle of 4 pence vpon euery sacke of Wooll an enormious act then accompted they both lost their places though not their reputations in this their fall discouering what the Enuie that attended their fortune hindred men to see To this Earle of Flanders the next yeare after the King grants notwithstanding 300 Markes to bee payd out of his Eschequer annually for his homage Now besides the great exactions of the King and his wastes The Sea of Rome extorts huge summes as if one Gulph sufficed not to swallow vp the substance of the Kingdome which opened the mouthes of our Clergie so wide as they let out many exclamations against the auarice of the Popes of that time and the Roman Factors who by permission of the King or by his negligence presumed so farre vpon the easi-yeeldingnesse of the State as they wrung out what they listed In so much as besides the fleece they would now haue the bodies of their possessions And the Pope sends his Mandat to haue three hundred Romans preferred to the benefices which should bee first vacant in England which so amazed the Clergie and especially Edmond Archbishop of Canterburie as hee seeing no end of these concussions of the State and Liberties of the Church and himselfe on whom the Scandall of all must light vnable by reason of the Kings remissnesse to withstand it tyred with the vanity of worldly actions giues ouer all and betakes himselfe to a voluntarie exile in the Edmond Archbishop of Canterbury giues ouer his Sea Abbay of Pontiniac in France and there applies him to the contemplation of a better life But before his departure he yeelds as a ransom for his Church 800 Markes to the Pope The Clergie although thus left by their head generally oppose what they could against the Popes rapine who to get money for his wars with the Emperor vsed dayly Pope Gregory the 9. new and insolent pressures vpon them in so much as they repaire to the King declare how preiudiciall and detogatory it was to his royaltie and the liberty of the Kingdom to suffer this proceeding which none of his Predecessors heretofore euct did and of how dangerous consequence it was to his successors The King either not apprehensiue of the mischiefe or content to ioyne with the Pope to punish and awe the Kingdome not onely refers them to the Legat but offers to deliuer the chiefe opposers vp vnto him Whereupon they seeing themselues forsaken and no powre to succor them but their owne did what they could to withstand the Legats proceeding who now by the Kings animation presumes more peremptorily to vrge them to supply the Popes present occasion and holds a Conuocation at London for effecting the same Wherein the Clergie declare how this contribution now required by the Pope for the destruction of the Emperor and effusion of Christian bloud was vnlawfull hee being not an Heretike nor condemned by the iudgement of the Church although excommunicated That it was against the Liberties of the Church of England being required vnder paine of Ecclesiasticall censure as a thing of seruitude and compulsion That they had heretofore giuen a Tenth to the Pope on condition that neuer any such exaction should againe be made least it might be drawne to a Custome for as much as binus Cod. de Episcopal L. Nemo actus inducat consuetudinem That for their businesse in the Court of Rome they were to passe through the Emperours Countries and the daunger they might haue thereby That it was not safe for the Kingdome to impouerish the King who had many enemies against whom hee must haue to sustaine warre And besides how for the furnishing of diuers Noble men vndertaking of late the businesse of the Crosse great contributions had beene made That the Church of England was poore and hardly able to sustaine it selfe That a generall contribution was to bee made by a generall Councell c. Notwithstanding these reasons though at first they staggered the Legat yet such course was taken by winning some of them vpon hope of preferment as the rest could not without the note of contumacie but yeeld perforce so by this treason of deuision the body of the Councell is entred into and the Pope preuailes in this businesse The King hath now a sonne lately borne and Richard his brother Earle of Cornwall Edward eldest sonne to King Hen. hauing likewise issue by permission of the State which heretofore hee could not obtaine vndertakes the Crosse and with him his Vncle William Longsword Earle of Salibury and many other Noblemen These departing out of England Peter of Sauoy another Richard Earle of Cornwall vndertakes the Crosse. Vncle to the Queene comes in and hath the Earledom of Richmond bestowed on him with many other gifts he is knighted and feasted suptuously for which the poore Iewes by way of redemption pay 20 thousand Markes at two tearmes of that yeare Boniface the sonne of Peter of Sauoy Nephew to the Queen is preferred to the Archbishoprick of Canterbury After this the King makes an expedition into Wales which had often put him to great charge and trouble hauing beene very vnfortunate in his many attempts 1241. Anno. Reg. 25. against Lewellin intituled Prince or King of North-Wales who being lately dead had left his two sonnes Dauid and Griffin by deuision of State to bee at discord betweene themselues whereby hee came to make an easier end of that businesse and now onely but with the shew of his powre got that which heretofore hee could not with much bloud hath submission and fealty rendred vnto him by Dauid withall his charges for that iourney but now this ended another attempt of greater expence but lesse benefit is in hand The Earle of March with his wife the Queene Mother and many other Great Lords of Poictou so worke by their earnest solieitation with assurance of successe as the King is induced to vndertake another expedition into France The 11 Parliament matter is mooued in Parliament generall opposition made against it the great expence and the ill it last brought to the Kingdome vehemently vrged How it was vnlawfull to
desires hee might not receiue detriment whence hee expected fauour as a brother and friend Adding in the end that if the King would be aduised by him hee would by powre free this Kingdome from that vniust tribute which Innocentius the 3 and other Popes had layde vpon it These letters pleased the Assembly and animated them the rather to deny the Popes Mandate The interposition of this businesse tooke vp so much time as nothing else was done in this Parliament onely they granted an Ayde to the King for the marriage of his daughter twenty shillings of euery Knights fee and that with much adoe and repetition of all former Aydes After this vpon a light occasion the King vndertakes an expedition of great charge against Alexander King of Scots for which euery Baron which held in Capite Spirituall and Lay were commanded to bee ready withall Military prouision due for that seruice Whereunto likewise repaires Thomas Earle of Flaunders with three score Knights and a hundred other seruants thirsting for the Kings money whose vnnecessarie Another Greeuanees of the Barons comming was ill taken by the Barons of Eng. as if the strength of the Kingdome without him were not sufficient for that Action which was as sodainely ended as vndertaken by a faire conclusion of Peace with King Alexander a Prince highly commended for his vertues by the Writers of that time Vpon his returne againe that Winter he assembles another Parliament wherein hee moues for an Ayde vpon a designe he had for Wales and to supply his wants and pay 13 Parliament his debts which were vrged to be so great as he could not appeare out of his chamber for the infinite clamor of such to whom he owed for his Wine Wax and other necessaries of House But they all to his face with one voyce refused to grant him any thing Wherevpon other violent courses are taken An ancient quarrell is found out against the city of London for which they are commanded to pay fifteene thousand Markes And Passeleise the Kings Clerke is imployed with others in a most peremptory commission to inquire of all such lands as had beene inforrested and either to fine the occupiers An inquirie about Lands inforested which bred great greeuances thereof at their pleasure or take it from them and sell the same to others Wherein such rigor was vsed as multitudes of people were vndone So vnsafe are priuate mens estates where Princes fall into so great wants Passeleue for his good seruice in this businesse should haue beene prefeired to the Bishopricke of Chichester but the Bishop withstood the king therein Now in regard to shew the King the Estate of his kingdome and the oppression of Popes Inquiry was made of the reuenues which the Romans and Italians had in England which was found to be annually sixty thousand Markes being more then the An inquiry of the Popes reuenues in Eng yearely reuenues of the Crowne of England which so moued the King as hee caused the same to be notified withall other exactions by his procurators to the general councell now assembled at Lyons Which with the ill vsage of Martin so vexed the Pope as he is said to haue vttered these words It is fit that wee make an end with the Emperor that 1245. Anno. Reg. 29. we may crush these Petty Kings for the Dragon once appeased or distroyed these lesser snakes wil be soone troden downe Which impious speech proceeding from such a mouth whence the Oracles of peace and charity ought to be vttered was as ill taken bred great scandall and gaue warning to Princes of preuention who though they maligned the corruptions of the Court of Rome they were yet euer at one with the Church And the Clergy of England were most forward to vindicate the State from that miserable oppression which of late by degrees they were drawne vnto through the humility of their zeale For such is the nature of Domination wheresoeuer it sits that finding an yeeldingnes to indure it neuer thinkes it hath power sufficient vnles it hath more then enough for if the Popes the professed souraignes of piety vpon the aduantage of mens zeale and beliefe grew to make their will and their power equall so that to question their sanctions was taught to be sinne against the Holy Ghost no meruaile if secular Princes whose consciences are vntyed striue to breake out into the wildnesse of their wills from those bounds wherein by the law of the state they are placed But vpon the Popes reiecting the consideration of these greeuances of England which were particularly deliuered in this councell at Lyons and dispising the Kings Vide Append. message who he said began to Frederize it was absolutly here ordayned vnder great penalty that no contribution of money should be giuen to the Pope by any subiect of 1246. Anno. Reg. 30. England and the King for a time bustles against these forraine exactions in such sort as it gaue some hope of redresse But being of an irresolute and wauering nature and a feard of threats soone womanlike giues ouer what hee manfully vndertooke so that the Pope continues his former rapine though hauing by the continuall exclamations of the Clergy bene brought to promise neuer to send any more Legats into England yet imployes he other ministers vnder the the title of Clarkes who had the same power as had his former Agents and effected vnderhand his desires Now the other part of the state haue new occasions of complaynt offered Peter of Sauoy Earle of Richmond brings ouer certaine maydes to be married to young noble 1247. Anno. Reg. 31. men of England the Kings Wards of which Edmond Earle of Lincoln hath one and Richard de Burgh another And the same yeare 3. of the Kings brothers by the mother Guy de Lusignan William de Valence and Athelmar Clarke are sent for ouer to be prouided of Estates in England Thomas of Sauoy sometimes Earle of Flanders by right of his wife comes with his sister Beatrix Countes of Prouince the Queenes Mother 1248. Anno. Reg. 32. and they are againe feasted and guifted for which the King is taxed in the next Parliament conuoked at London in Candlemas Tearme and besides sharply reprehended for his breach of promise vpon his requiring of another ayde hauing vowed and declared vpon his last supply by his Charter neuer more to iniury the state in that kinde Besides 14 Parliament they blame him for his violent taking vp of prouisions for dyet Wax Silkes robes c. and especially for wine contrary to the will of the sellers whereby Merchants both of this and other That he tooke from his subiects quicquid habuerlint in esculentis poculentis Rusticorum enim Equos Bigas Vina Victualia ad libitum capit Rishanger Kingdomes withdraw their commo●ities in so much as all traffique and commerce vtterly cease to the detriment and infamy of the Kingdome That his Iudges were sent in
both In the Fift a Twentieth of their goods His many supplies means for Money towards the Welsh Warres In the seauenth the Old Money was called in and New coyned in regard it had beene much defaced by the Iewes for which 297. were at one time executed at London and this brought him in a great benefit In Anno Reg. 8. seeking to examine Mens Titles to their Lands by a Writt of Quo Warranto which opposed by the Earle Warreine who drew out his Sword vpon the Writt saying How by the same hee held his Land and thereby would make good his Tenure the King desists obtaines a Fifteenth of the Clergie In the Eleauenth he had a Thirtieth of the Temporaltie a Twentieth of the Clergie for the Welsh Warres In the Thirteenth Escuage forty shillings for euery Knights fee for the same purpose In the Fourteenth he had a Thousand Marks of certaine Marchants fined for false Weights In the Seauenteenth those fines fore-declared of the Iudges In the Eighteenth this Confiscation of Iewes a Fifteenth of the English After this Anno Reg Nineteenth pretending a Voyage to the Holy-Land the Clergie grants him an Eleauenth part of all their Moueables and shortly after the Pope procures him a Tenth for Six yeeres to bee collected in England Scotland and Ireland and laid vp in Monasteries vntill hee were entred into Mare Maggior But hee made the Collectors pay him the money gathered for Three yeeres without going so farre hauing occasion to vse it at home about the purchase of a new Kingdome For the crowne of Scotland vpon the death of King Alexander of the Daughter of Reg. 17. Anno. 1290. his daughter Margaret who was to inherit was now in controuersie Six Competitors pretend title thereunto all discending from Dauid earle of Huntingdon younger brother to William King of Scots and great Vncle to this late King Alexander This title King Edward takes vpon him to decide pretending a right of Superioritie from his Ancestors The occasion of his Warres with Scotland ouer that Kingdome The Scotts which swayed the Interregnum are constrayned for auoyding further inconueniences to make him Arbiter thereof and the Six Competitors bound to stand to his Award Two are especially found betweene whome the Right lay Iohn Baliol Lord of Galloway and Robert Bruce the one descending King Edward chosen by the Scots to arbitrate the right of the pretenders to that Crowne from an elder Daughter the other from a Sonne of a younger Daughter of Alan who had Married the Eldest Daughter of this Dauid Brother to King William The Controuersie held long Twelue of eyther Kingdome learned in the Laws are elected to debate the same at Berwick All the best Ciuilians in the Vniuersities of France are sollicited to giue their oppinions the differences and perplexednes whereof made the decission more difficult According to the Nature of Littigation that euer begetts rather Doubts then Resolutions and neuer knows well how to make Reg. 18. Anno 1291. an End King Edward the better to sway this businesse by his presence takes his Iourney Northward and whilst hee sought to compasse greater felicitie hee lost the better part of what hee had in this world his deere consort Elionor who had euer attended Queene Elionor dies Her Prayse him in all his Fortunes the Paragon of Queenes and the honor of Woman-hood who is said to haue sucked the Poyson out of the Wound giuen him by the Assasin in the East when no other meanes could preserue his Life dies by the way in Lincolnshire With whose Corps in extreame griefe hee returnes back to Westminster causing at all especiall places where it rested by the Way goodly engrauen Crosses with her Statue to bee erected As at Stamford Waltham West-Cheape Charing and others Gratefull Monuments of his Affection and her renowned Faithfulnes Her Funeralls performed back hee returnes to his Scottish businesse And now Six yeeres it was since the Death of King Alexander and much time hauing beene Scottish Hist. spent and nothing concluded in this controuersie King Edward that would be sure whosoeuer preuailed to haue the hand that should make him deales priuately with Bruce who had the weaker Title but the more friends and promises him if he would yeeld Fealtie and Homage to the Crowne of England he would inuest him in that of Scotland Bruce answeres Hee was not so desirous of Rule as thereby to infringe the Liberties of his Countrie Then with the like offer hee sets vpon Baliol who hauing better right but lesse loue of the people and more greedy of a Kingdome then honour Bal ol made King of Scotland yeelds thereunto is Crowned King at Scone hath Fealty done him of all the chiefe Nobility except Bruce comes to New-castle vpon Tyne where King Edward then lay and there with many of his Nobles sweares Fealtie and did Homage vnto him as his Soueraigne Lord. Which Act as hee thought done to secure him ouer-threw Reg. 21. Anno. 1294. him For being little beloued before hereby hee became lesse such as stood for Bruce and others of the Nobility more tender of the preseruation of their Countries libertie grew into Stomack against him as hauing not onely discontented them in this Act but shortly after in his Iustice in the case of the Earle of Fife one of the sixe Gouernours in the time of the Anarchie who had beene slaine by the Famelie of Aberneth And the brother of this Earle now prosecuted in Law before King Balioll in his high Court of Parliament where hauing no right done him King Baliol giuing Iudgement on the side of the Aberneths the wronged Gentleman appeales to the Court of the King of England King Baliol is thither summoned appeares sits with King Edward in his Parliament till his cause was to be tried and then is hee cited by an Officer to arise and stand at the place appointed for pleading He craues to answere by a Procurator it is denied then himselfe arises and discends to the ordinary place and defends his cause With which Indignity as hee tooke it hee returnes home with a brest full Baliol discontented returnes into Scotland charged with indignation Meditates reuenge renewes the ancient League with France Confirmes it with the marriage of his sonne Edward with a daughter of Charles brother to King Philip glad in regard of late offences taken against the Reg. 23. An. 1296. King of England to imbrace the same Which done Baliol defies King Edward renounces his Allegiance as vnlawfully done being not in his powre without the consent of the State to doe any such act Hereupon brake out that mortall dissention betweene the two Nations which during the raigne of the three last Scottish Kings had held faire correspōdence together that consumed more Christian bloud wrought more spoyle and distruction and continued longer then euer quarrell wee read of did betweene any two people of the World For hee
that began it could not end it That Rancor which the Sword had bred and the perpetually-working desire of Reuenge of wrongs that euer beget wrongs lasted almost three hundred yeares And all the Successors of this King euen to the last before this blessed Vnion haue had The occasion of the warres betweene England and Scotland their shares more or lesse in this miserable affliction both to their great exspence of treasure extreame hindrance in all other their designes Although the intention of this Great and Marshall King for reducing this whole Isle vnder one gouernment was Noble and according to the Nature of powre and greatnesse that euer seekes to extend it selfe as farre as it can yet as all such Actions hath much of iniquity so had this and we see it was not force or the Sword could effect it God had fore-decreed to make it his owne worke by a cleaner way and ordained it for an vnstained hand to set it together in peace that it might take the more sure and lasting hold which otherwise it could neuer haue done Violence may ioyne Territories but neuer affections together which onely must grow voluntarily and bee the worke of it selfe And yet no doubt it was in the designe of this King to haue obtained it in the fairest manner he could As first shewes his seeking to match his sonne Edward with Margaret daughter to the King of Norway grand-child and heire to the last King Alexander who dying an Infant soone after her grandfather disapointed his hopes that way and draue him to haue recourse to his Soueraignty which being opposed he was forced to take the way of Violence both to maintaine his owne honor and to effect what hee had begunne Whereof the miserable euents were such as now we may well spare their memorie and be content those bloudy Relations should bee razed out of all Record but that they serue to shew vs the wofull calamities of our seperation and the comfortable blessings wee inioy by this our happy Vnion Neither doth it now concerne vs to stand vpon any points of Honor whether of the Nations did the brauest Exploites in those times seeing who had the better was beaten neither did the ouercommer conquere when hee had done what he could That little which was gained cost so much more then it was worth as it had beene better not to haue beene had at all And if any side had the Honor it was the inuaded Nation which beeing the Weaker and Smaller seemes neuer to haue beene subdued though often ouercome Continuing notwithstanding all their miseries resolute to preserue their Liberties which neuer People of the World more Noblie defended against so Potent ritch a Kingdome as this by the which without an admirable hardinesse and Constancie it had beene impossible but they must haue beene brought to an vtter consternation For all what the Powre of this Kingdome could doe which then put all the strength to doe what it could was shewed in this Kings time Who now vpon this defection of King Baliol and his League made with France Counter-leagues with all the King Edward combines with other Princes Princes he could draw in eyther by gifts or Allyance to strengthen his partie abroad As first with Guy Earle of Flanders with whose Daughter hee seekes to match his Sonne Edward Then with Adolph de Nassaw the Emperor to whome he sends Fifteene thousand pounds Sterling to recouer certaine Lands of the Empire which Adolph claymed in France He had likewise married one of his daughters to the Duke of Barr who pretends Title to Champaign another to Iohn Duke of Brabant All which with many other confining Princes hee sets vpon the King of France who had for Certaine spoiles committed on the Coast of Normandy by the English and no redresse obtayned summoned King Edward as owing Homage to that Crowne to appeare and answere it in his Court which hee refusing to doe is by an Arrest condemned to forfeyt all his Territories in France And an Armie is presently sent forth to seize vppon An Army sent into France the same led by Charles de Valois and Arnold de Neele Constable of France Burdeaux with diuers other Peeces of importance are taken and fortified For the recouerie whereof the King of England sends ouer his Brother Edmond Earle of Lancaster Another into Scotland the Earles of Lincolne and Richmond with eight and twentie Bannerets Seauen hundred men at Armes and a Nauie of three hundred and Sixtie Sayle And notwithstanding all this mighty chargde and Forces imployed in those parts King Edward sets vppon King Baliol refusing vppon Summons to appeare at his Court at Newcastle standing vpon his owne Defence and enters Scotland with an Armie sufficient to Reg. 24. Anno. 1297. Conquer a farre mightier Kingdome consisting of Foure Thousand men at Armes on Horse and Thirtie Thousand Foote besides 500. Horse and one Thousand foote of the Bishop of Duresme intending here to make speedy worke that hee might afterward passe ouer Sea to ayde his Confederats and bee reuenged on the King of France Berwick is first wonne with the Death of Fifteene Thousand Scotts our writers report more but nothing is more vncertaine then the number of the slaine in Battaile and after that the Castles of Dunbarre Roxborough Edenborough Sterling and Saint Iohns Towne were wonne or yeelded vnto him King Baliol sues for peace Submits King Edwards victories in Scotland himselfe takes againe his Oath of Fealtie to King Edward as his Soueraigne Lord. Which done a Parliament for Scotland was held at Berwick wherein the Nobilitie did likewise Homage vnto him confirming the same by their Charter vnder their hands and Seales Onely William Dowglasse refuses content rather to endure the misery of a Prison then yeelde to the subiection of England King Baliol Notwithstanding his submission is sent Prisoner into England after his Foure yeeres dignitie I cannot say Raigne For it seemes hee had but little Powre and King Edward returnes from this expedition leauing Iohn Warrein Earle of Surrey and Sussex Warden of all Scotland Hugh Cressingham Treasorer and Ormesley Cheife Iustice with Commission to take in his Name the Homages and Fealties of all such as held Lands of that Crowne And heere this Conquest might seeme to haue beene effected which yet was not Reg. 25. Anno. 1298. It must cost infinite more Blood Trauaile and Treasure and all to as little effect And now the French businesses that require speedy helpe are wholly intended For which King Edward calls a Parliament at Saint Edmonds Bury wherein the Citizens and Burgesses of good Townes graunted the eighth part of their goods and other of the people a twelfth part But the Clergie vpon a prohibition from Pope Boniface that no Tallage or Imposition layde by any lay Prince vpon whatsoeuer appertained to the Church should bee paide absolutely refuse to giue any thing Which Prohibition may seeme to haue beene procured by
themselues pleased And now the King of France dayly getting vpon them hauing wonne Lisle Doway Courtray Bruges and Dam and the Emperour Adolph fayling of his ayde and personall assistance as vn-interessed confederates often doe especially hauing receiued their gage before hand as had this Emperour to the summe of 100 thousand Markes draue the King of England into great perplexitie and held him with long delayes to his extreame trauaile and expences which forced him to send ouer for more supply of Treasure and giue order for a Parliament to be held at Yorke by the Prince and such as had the manage of the State in his absence Wherein for that he would not bee disapointed he condiscends to all such Articles as were demaunded concerning the great Charter promising from thenceforth neuer to charge his subiects otherwise then by their consents in Parliament and to pardon such as had denied to attend him in this iourney For which the A Parliament held at Yorke in the absence of the King Commons of the Realme granted him the ninth penny of their goods the Archbishop of Canterbury with the Clergie of his Prouince the Tenth penny Yorke and his Prouince the Fifth so the Kings instant wants are relieued and the Kingdome satisfied for a present shift But it is not well with a State where the Prince and people seeke but to obtaine their seuerall ends and worke vpon the aduantages of each others necessities for as it is vn-sincere so it is often vn-successull and the good so done hurts more then it pleasures The King thus supplied staies all this Winter in Gaunt where his people committing The Gantois take armes against the English many outrages so exasperats the Gantois as they tooke armes made head against them slue many and put the Kings person in great daunger so that doe what the Earle Guy and himselfe could to appease them in satisfying such as had receiued wrong and giuing the rest faire words he hardly could escape safe out of the Country King Edward in danger which rather desired to haue the English commodities then their companies This was the successe of his iourney into Flanders which he leaues at the Spring of the yeare hauing concluded a truce with the King of France for two yeares And Hee returnes into England the poore Earle Gay left to himselfe is shortly after made the prey of his enemy and his Prisoner in Paris where he his daughter both died of griefe And Flanders is reduced to a possession though not to the subiection of the King of France For after they had receiued him for their Lord his exactions oppressions vpon them contrary to their ancient Liberties so armed the whole people being rich and mighty as they gaue France the greatest wound that euer before it receiued at one blow which was at the famous battell of Courtray wherein the Earle of Artoise Generall of the Army Arnold de Neel Constable of France and all the Leaders with Twelue thousand Gentlemen were slaine And to show what this King of France got by seeking to attaine The History of France this Soueraigntie of Flanders as well as we shall heare of the King of Englands getting vpon Scotland for the same title It is recorded in their Histories that in the space of Eleuen yeares this quarell cost the liues of 100 Thousand French men Besides it draue the King likewise to consume the substances of his people as wel as their blood and to loade them with new impositions as that of Malletoste and the Tenth Denier vpon the liure of all Merchandises which in the Collection bred great outcries and dangerous seditions among his Subiects And these were the fruits of these great attempters Now for King Edward of England he presently after his returne falles a new vpon Reg. 27. Anno. 1300. Scotland which in his absence had beaten his officers and people almost out of the Countrie slaine Sir Hugh Cressingham with 6000 English recouered many Castles and regaind the Towne of Berwick And all by the annimation and conduct of William Wallice a poore priuate Gentleman though nobly discended who seeing his K. Ed. prosecutes his Scottish businesse Will. Wallice animates the Scots against the subiection of England Countrie without a Head and thereby without a Heart all the great men either in Captiuity or subiection assembles certaine of as poore and desperate estate as himselfe and leades them to attempt vpon whatsoeuer aduantages they could discouer to annoy the English And hauing therein good successe it so increased both his Courage and Company as hee afterwards comes to be the generall Gardian of the whole Kingdome leads their Armies effects those great Defeits vpon the Enemy and was in possibility to haue absolutely redeemed his Countrie from the subiection of England had not some priuate Emulation amongst themselues the speedy cōming of King Edward with all his power preuented him So much could the spirit of one braue man worke to sett vp a whole Nation vpon their feet that lay vtterly cast downe And as well might hee at that time haue gotten the Dominion for himselfe as the place he had but that he held it more glory to preserue his Countrie than to get a Crowne For which he hath his immortall honour and whatsoeuer praise can bee giuen to meere Vertue must be euer due vnto him And now King Edward to bring his worke neere together remoues his Eschequer K. Ed. remoues his Escheker and Courts of Iustice to York and Courts of Iustice to Yorke where the continued aboue Six yeares And thither calles hee a Parliament requiring all his Subiects that held of him by Knights setuice to be ready at Roxborough by a peremptorie day where are assembled Three thousand men at Armes on barded Horses and Foure thousand other aimed men on Horse without bards with an Army on foot answerable consisting most of Welsh and Irish besides Fiue hundred men at armes out of Gasconie and with this power makes he his second expedition into Scotland The Earles of Hereford and Norfolke notwithstanding their former contempts attend him And although he were thus guirt with all this strength and in the midst of his mightinesse they vrge the ratifications of the Two Charters and their Pardons which they held not sufficient to secure them in regarde the King was out of the Realme at the late granting thereof The Bishop of Duresme the Earles of Surrey The famouse Battell of Fonkirk Warwicke and Glocester vndertooke for the King that after hee had subdued his Enemies and was returned hee should satisfie them therein And so these two Earles with the Earle of Lincolne Led his Vauntguard at the famous Battell of Foukirke The Scots ouerthrowne which the King of England gat wherein are reported to be slaine 200 Knights and Forty thousand foot of the Scots But William Wallice with some few escaped to make more worke And here againe that
who assembling together at the instant when he was to be Crowned with his Queen at Westminster Anno Reg. 2. require him that Gaueston might bee remoued from The Lords displeased with Gauest. out the Court and Kingdome otherwise they purposed to hinder his Coronation at that time Whereupon the King to auoide so great a disgrace promises on his faith to yeeld to what they desired in the next Parlement and so the Solemnitie with much festination and little reuerence is performed Wherein Gaueston for carrying Saint Edwards Crowne before the King aggrauates the hatred of the Cleargie and Nobility against him Shortly after his Coronation all the Knights Templats throughout England are at once arrested and committed to prison They were an order of Knights iustituted by Balduin the Fourth King of Ierusalem about 200 yearts past first appointed for The Knights Templers arrested committed to prison the defence of that Citie and the safe conuaying of all such as trauailed thither afterwards they were dispersed through all the Kingdoms of Christendom by the pious bounty of Princes others inriched with infinite possessions which made them to degenerate frō their first institution become execrably vitious So that all the Kings Their dissolution of Christendom at one instant combining together caused them to be apprehended within their Dominions and put out of their order and estates The King of France began hauing a purpose to make one of his Sonns King of Ierusalem possesse him of their reuenues Their accusation followes their apprehension and condemned they are rather by fame then proofe in the generall Councell at Vienna as apeares by the condemnatory Bull of Pope Clement the Third Wherein he hath this clause Quanquam de iure non possumus tamen ad plenitudinem potestatis dictum ordinem reprobamus Their estates are after giuen to the Hospitaliers These businesses passed ouer the Lords prosecute their purpose against Gaueston The Lords prosecure Gaueston whose insolencie and presumption vpon the Kings fauour made him so farre to forget himselfe as hee scorned the best of them all as much as they hated him Tearming Thomas Earle of Lancaster the Stage player Aymer de Valence Earle of Pembrooke Ioseph the Iew and Guy Earle of Warwicke the blacke dogge of Ardern Which scoffes leauing behinde them the sting of reuenge especially where they touche drew such a partie vpon him as in the next Parlement the whole Assemblie humbly besought the Reg. 3. Anno. 1310. King to aduise and treat with his Nobles concerning the State of the Kingdome for the auoiding of eminent mischiefe likely to insue through neglect of the Gouernment and so farre vrges the matter as the King consents thereunto and not onely grants them libertie to draw into Articles what was requisite for the Kingdome but takes his oath to ratisie A Parlement The king takeshis oath to rate fie whatsoeuer Articles the Lords would conclude in Parlement whatsoeuer they should conclude Whereupon they elect certaine choyce men both of the Cleargie Nobility and Commons to compose those Articles Which done the Archbishop of Canterbury lately recalled from exile with the rest of his Suffragans solemnly pronounce the sentence of excommunication against al such who should contradict those Articles which are there publiquely read before the Barons and Commons of the Realme in the presence of the King Amongst which the obseruation and execution of Magna Charta is required with all other ordinances necessary for the Church and Kingdome And that as the late King had done all Strangers should bee banished the Court and Kingdome all ill Councellors remoued That the businesse of the State should be treated on by the Councell of the Cleargie and the Nobles That the King should not begin any war or goe any where out of the Kingdom without the common Councell of the same Which Articles though they seemed harsh to the King yet to auoide further trouble Gaueston banished into Ireland hee yeelds vnto them but especially to the banishment of his Minion as if that would excuse him for all the rest and away is hee sent into Ireland where hee liued a while not as a man exiled but as the Lieutenant of the Countrie The King not enduring to be without his company neuer ceased working till hee had recalled him backe againe which within a few moneths after hee did And to make him as hee thought to stand the faster on his feete hee marries him to his Neece the Daughter of Ioan de Acres Sister to Gilbert de Clare Earle of Glocester a man beloued and highly esteemed of all the Nobility for whose sake hee hoped Gaueston should finde the Gaueston recalled more fauour amongst them but all this could not shelter him Either his behauiour or their malice was such as they could not endure to haue him about the King who by making him so great lessened him and the more hee was enriched the worse was his estate The Subiects spectators of their Kings immoderate gifts held it to bee taken out of the bowels of the Common-wealth as it were of their substance that was so wasted For it is reported the King gaue him the Iewels of the Crowne which hee sould to Marchant strangers and conuayed much treasure out of the Kingdome whereby the King sustained great wants and the Queene is abridged of her allowance whereof she complaines to the King of France her Father These stingues put the Barons on to send plaine word to the King that vnlesse hee The Lords threaten the King put from him Pierce Gaueston and obserue the late Articles they would all with one consent rise in armes against him as a periured Prince The King whom they found was apt to be terrified yeelds againe vpon this message to the banishment of his Minion whose fortune beeing to haue a weake maister was driuen to these sodaine extreamities Gaueston again banished mities and disgracefull expulsions at their will who were his enuiers and who now obtaine this Clause that if hereafter hee were found againe within the Kingdome he should be condemned to death as an enemy of the State Ireland was now no more to protect him France most vnsafe for him wait being their laid to apprehend him in Flanders he luiks a while but in great danger and finding no where any securitie back againe hee aduentures vpon England and into the Kings bosome the sanctuary he thought would Gaueston returnes not be violated hee puts himselfe and there is hee receiued with as great ioy as euer man could bee And to be as farre out of the way and eye of enuy as might be the King carries him into the North parts where notwithstanding the Lords shortly after found him out For no sooner had they heard of his returne and receiuing into grace but they presently combine and take armes electing Thomas Earle of Lancaster The Lords take armes for their Leader
Hugh Spencer the father hanged at Bristol gallowes in his Coat armour cut vp before hee was dead headed and quartered This done shee passes to Hereford and the King beeing not to bee found Proclamation is made that if hee would returne and conforme himselfe to rule the State as hee ought to doe hee should come and receiue the gouernment thereof by the generall consent of his people But hee either not daring as destitute both of courage and counsell to trust to this offer or not well informed thereof keepes himselfe still concealed Whereupon as may seeme was intended aduantage is taken to dispose of the gouernment and the Prince who is now vnder their guard is made Guardian of the Kingdom hath Fealtie sworne vnto him and a new Chancelor and Treasurer are appointed Long it was not ere the King came to be discouered as a person too great for any couer and was by Henry Earle of Lancaster brother to the late Thomas William The King taken prisoner Lord Zouch and Ries ap Howell taken and conuayed to the Castle of Kenelworth The younger Spencer with Baldocke the Chancelor and Simon Reading apprehended with him are sent to the Queene to Hereford Spencer who was now Earle of Glocester is drawne and hangd on a gallowes Fifty foote high wherein hee was exalted aboue his father otherwise had the like execution and likewise in his Coat armor whereon was written Quid gloriaris in malitia psal 52. Simon Reading was hanged Ten foote lower then hee But Baldocke in regarde hee was a Priest had the fauour to bee pined to death in Newgate And here likewise a little before was the Earle of Arundell with two Barons Iohn Danyll and Thomas Micheldeuer executed as Traytors by the procurement of Roger Mortimer for adhering to the Kings part To accompanie these mischiefes of the Countrey the Commons of London made insurrection and force their Maior who held for the King to take their part let out all prisoners possesses them of the Tower put to death the Constable thereof Sir Iohn Weston murther the Bishop of Excester to whom they bare an especiall hatred for that being the Kings Treasurer hee caused the Iustices Itenerants to sit in London A Parlement at London where the Prince is elected King by whom they were grieuously fyned and thus all is let out to libertie and confusion After a moneths stay at Hereford the Queene with her sonne returning kept Christmas at Wallingford their Candlemas at London where the Parlement being Reg. 20. Anno. 1327. assembled agreed to depose the King as vnfit to gouerne obiecting many Articles against him and to elect his eldest sonne Edward which they did in the great Hall at Westminster with the vniuersall consent of the people there present and the Archbishop of Canterbury makes a Sermon vpon this text Vox populi vox Dei exhorting the people to inuoke the King of kings for him they had there chosen The Queene either out of the consideration of the difference of a husband and a sonne whom now shee was not like long to guide or through remorse of conscience looking backe vpon what shee had done takes this election grieuously to heart insomuch as her sonne to recomfort her swore hee would neuer accept of the Crowne without the consent of his father whereupon by a common decree three Bishops two Earles two Abbots foure Barons three Knights of euery Shire with a certaine number of Burgesses of euery Citie and Borough and especially of the Cinque-Ports are sent to the imprisoned King at Kenelworth to declare vnto him the election of his sonne and to require the renuntiation of his Crowne and royall dignity whereunto if hee would not consent the State was resolued to proceed as it thought good The King beeing first priuately made acquainted with the Message The King is brought to resigne his Crowne the most harsh to Nature that could bee imparted and by two whom hee especially hated for hauing especially offended them the Bishoppes of Hereford and Lincolne was brought forth before the assembly to whom as soone as his passion wherewith hee was ouercharged would giue him leaue hee confessed how he had beene misguided the common excuse of a poore spirit and done many things whereof now hee repented which if hee were to gouerne againe hee would become a new man and was most sorrowfull to haue so much offended the State as it should thus vtterly reiect him but yet gaue them thankes that they were so gracious vnto him as to elect his eldest sonne for King Hauing spoken to this purpose they proceed to the Ceremony of his resignation which chiefly consisted in the surrender of his Crowne for the forme whereof beeing the first that euer was seene in England they could followe no precedent but must make one and William Trussell a Iudge put it into the Stile of Lawe to render it the more authenticall and pronounced the same in this manner I William Trussell in the name of all men of the Land of England and of all the Parlement The forme of his resignatiō Procurator resigne to thee Edward the Homage that was made to thee sometime and from this time forwards now following I defie thee and priue thee of all royall power and I shall neuer be tendant on thee as King after this time This was the last act and the first example of a deposed King no lesse dishonorable to the State then to him He was a Prince more weake then euill and those exorbitances of his met with as great or greater in his people who as wee see delt ouer roughly and vnciuilly with him Hee is reported by some to haue been learned which perhaps might make him the softer to haue written verses when hee was in prison to haue founded Oriall Colledge and Saint Mary Hall in Oxford He had by his wife Isabell two sonnes Edward borne at Windsor who succeeded Misissue him and Iohn Surnamed of Eltham who was created Earle of Cornewall An. 1315. and died in the Flower of his youth in Scotland And also two daughters Ioan married to Dauid Prince of Scotland and Elionor to the Duke of Gelders The end of Edward the second The Life and Raigne of Edward the third VPpon the resignation of Edward the second Edward his sonne of the 1327. An. Reg. 1. age of fourteene yeares beganne his Raigne the twentith of Ianuary 1327 and sends forth Proclamations of his peace into all Shires in this form Edward by the grace of God King of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Aquitaine to N. N. our Shirife of S. greeting Whereas the Lord Edward late King of England our father by the common councell and assent of the Prelates Earles Barons and other chiefe men with the whole Communaltie of this Realme did voluntarily amoue himselfe from the gouernement thereof willing granting that we as his eldest son and heire should assume the same c. which proclamation made
Edmond Earle of Kent brother to the late deposed King is accused and condemned vpon his confession for intending the restoring of his brother and conferring with divers great men concerning the same but without any matter of fact This miserable Earle stood on the Scaffold from one till fiue and no Executioner could bee found to dispatch him at length a silly wretch of the Marshalsey cut off his head These violences and vnpleasing courses in a new alteration could not long hold without effecting another which the next yeare produced A Parlement is held at Nottingham wherein all the power and glory of the Queen and Mortimer being scarce A Parlement at Nottingham of three yeares growth were overthrowne the Queene hath all her great Ioynture taken from her and put to her pension of 1000 pounds per annum Mortimer is accused to haue procured the late Kings death to be the authour of the Scots safe escaping from Articles against Mortimer Stanhope Parke corrupted with the gift of twenty thousand pounds to haue procured the late marriage peace with Scotl. so dishonourable to the King and Kingdom to haue consumed the Kings treasure besides all what was taken from the Spencers to haue beene too familiar with the Queen c. And for these haynous offences is condemned of high treason sent vp to London drawn and hanged at the common Gallowes at the Elms now called Tyburne He is hanged at Tyburne where his body remained two daies as an opprobrious spectacle for all beholders Such were the tragicall and bloudy returnes those ambitious supplanters of others got by exchange of the times which now may seeme made the world weary of such violences and more wary to runne into them And the King growing to yeares of more Ability to governe of himselfe wrought a greater respect of his service in those who were of power about him seeing him to be of a spirit likely to go through with his work and therefore they vse their best advice to put him into courses that might be most honourable for him and the Kingdome The staines which his youth had received by such as governed the same are now discovered and meanes devised how to take them of And withall occasions fall out to put him into Action And first a new King of France lately crowned vpon the death of Charles le Bel King Edward is summoned to do his homage to Phillip de Valois K. of France without issue Male requires his homage according to the custome for the Duchy of Guien and his other lands in France held of that Crowne whereunto though King Edward was supposed to haue the better right yet seeing Phillip de Valois was now in possession of the same and himselfe then yong his owne Kingdome factious turbulent and vnsettled he was not as yet otherwise then by Law which seldome gets a Crown able to debate his title and therefore is content to temporise and goe ouer in person to performe this ceremony which did much preiudice his after claime layde an imputation vppon the iustnesse of his cause hauing thereby acknowledged and made good the right of his Competitor The difference betweene them stood thus Philip le Bell father to Isabell Mother The Title of K. Ed. to the Crowne of France to King Edward had three sonnes Louys Philip and Charles which all were successiuely Kings of France and died without any issue male to inherite the kingdome and notwithstanding Louys the eldest sonne had a daughter whom Eudes Earle of Bologne her vncle by the mother laboured to haue crowned Queene yet for that it was adiudged contrary to the Salicque Lawe which debarred women from the succession Phillip the younger brother of Louys is ad admitted to the Crowne This Phillip likewise left foure daughters and yet doth Charles his brother succede him by the force of the same lawe which passed now as a case adiudged without any controuersie Charles dying leaues his wife young with childe difference arises about the Regencie of that kingdome betweene King Edward of England the Nephew and Phillip de Valois Cosen-german to the last King Charles This Phillip was the first Prince of the blood sonne to Charles de Valois brother to Phillip le Bell. And though King Edward was in degree nearer then hee yet was the Regencie adiudged to Phillip if the Queene brought forth a sonne as descending from a brother more capable of the Crowne then King Edward descending from a daughter that was vncapable as they alleadged The Queene at length deliuered of a daughter the processe is ended and Phillip receiued and crowned King of France by their Salicque Lawe maintained to be vnviolable Robert de Artois a Peere of great power was a speciall meanes of his pre ferment and the exclusion of King Edward who shortly after vppon Sommons giuen 1331. An. Reg. 5. as is aforesaid goes ouer and meetes King Phillip at Amiens where by the Councels of both Kings two especiall points are debated the one concerning the quallity of the Homage pretended liege by the Councell of King Phillip but denied by that of King Edward The second point for the lands in Guiene which the last King Charles had detayned as his whereof the Councell of King Edward demanded restitution as appertaining to that Duchy The Composition for this last point was easie in regard of the treatie of Peace made betweene the saide King Charles and Edward the second the last of May 1325. wherein their rights were saued by protestations reciprocall aduised and receiued in offer and acceptance of Homage made to the saide King Charles by this Edward before hee was King which protestations were agreed to be followed and repeated in this with Couenant that if King Edward would pursue his right in Parlement he should haue iustice done him accordingly for those things in controuersie Now for the first point concerning the quallity of his Homage it was accorded without specifying the same that it should be done and receiued according to the vsuall manner of former kings with sufficient time granted to King Edward to inquire of the said quallity and to make his declaration thereof And thereuppon Iean Tilet the sixt of Iune 1329. King Edward in a Crimson veluet gowne imbroydered with K. Ed. doth Homage to the French K. Leopards with his Crowne on his head his sword by his side and golden spurres on his heeles presents himselfe in the body of the Cathedrall Church at Amiens before King Phillip sitting in his chaire of estate in a veluet gowne of violet colour imbroydered with floures de lis of gold his Crowne on his head and his Scepter in his hand with all his Princes and Peeres about him The Viscount Melun Chamberlaine of France first commands King Edward to put off his Crowne his sword and his spurres and to kneele downe which hee did on a crimosine veluet cushion before King Phillip and then the Viscount putting both his
hands together betweene the hands of the King of France pronounced the words of the Homage which were these You become Liegeman to the King my maister here present as Duke The forme of the Homage of Guyene and Peere of France and you promise to beare saith and loyalty vnto him Say yea and King Edward said yea and kisses the King of France as the Lord of the Fee in the mouth the like Homage hee then did for the Earle do me of Ponthieu This act of submission performed in the person of a King young actiue hauty and powerfull who held himselfe wronged in doing it to whom hee did bred that rancour in his heart as it had beene better for all Christendome that Ceremony had beene spared at this time and not so punctually beene exacted by King Phillip whom their owne Historians blame for standing so much vpon his Regality with one as mighty as himselfe and more able and likely to shake his new gotten Throne then any other whatsoeuer to whose passion considering the fiery heat of his youth hee should rather haue ministered Oyle then Vinegar and more hospitably intertertained him in his Court comming with that State and Magnificence as hee did attended with the best of all the kingdome of England to shew what he was and to beget a respect of his high estate But these are the errours of improuident Princes who carried with the sway of their owne will imbroyle themselues and their subiects that euer suffer the worst and are sure to pay dearely for others faults And now thus wounded in reputation with a minde swolne for reuenge the King K. Ed. returns out of France intertaines the Scottish businesse of England returnes to settle his affaires at home where Scottish businesses fall out to intertaine him The late peace concluded with them is held so dishonourable as it must not holde and to breake the same followed an occasion begunne vppon their owne quarells The tender age of their King the affliction of kingdomes with the emulation and factions in great men put Edward Balliol sonne to Iohn Balliol sometime King of Scotland thirtie two yeares after his fathers deposition to attempt Ed. Balliol comes out of France defeited his opposers is crowned King of Scotland the recouery of that Crowne and out of France where hee had all that while remained hee comes by the solicitation of his friends into England where hee was permitted vnderhand to get ayde and had all such Scots and English who were of the faction against Bruce to take his part and with them hee sodainely assailes those who had the gouernment of that kingdome during the nonage of the young King Dauid beeing at that time with the King of France and ouercame them in a battayle with the slaughter of many Noble men and Thousands of the common people and thereuppon was immediately crowned King of Scotland at Scone But his party being not so potent as they could maintaine and defend his quarrell against all those which opposed it hee was forced notwithstanding this great defeit to retire him into England to get more ayde of King Edward who now shewes himselfe in the action Berwick recouered ioynes with Baliol against his brother in law king Dauid goes in person with a strong Army to recouer Berwicke which after three moneths siege being valiantly defended The bataile of Halidown hil by the Lord Seton was againe taken in and the Army of the Scots which came to the rescue thereof at Halidowne hill vtterly defeited where were slaine seuen Earles 900 Knights and Baronets foure hundred Esquires and about two and thirty thousand common souldiers as our writers report theirs fourteene thousand And with this effusion of blood is Baliol returned to his miserable kingdome In this oppugnation of Berwicke though my haste bee great I must not so much A memorable act in the oppugnation of Berwicke trespasse vertue as to ouerpasse one memorable perticular recorded by the Scottish writers which is how the Lord Seton seeing all reliefe failing and the assaults so violent as hee could not long holde out conditions with king Edward if rescue came not at such a day to render him vp the towne and for assurance deliuers him two of his sonnes Shortly after king Edward hauing notice of the Scottish Army approaching with greater power and speed then hee expected and likely to bee there before the day sommons the Lord Seton to render the towne presently otherwise he should see his two sonnes executed before his face and withall a Gallowes is made ready within sight of the towne the young Gentlemen brought forth and vnder the hand of the Executioner wherewith the distressed Lord rent betweene those powerfull passions of Nature and Honour standing doubtfull what to doe his wife the mother of those sonnes a Lady more then a woman comes vnto him exhorts him to remember his Fealty sworne to the King his Charity to his Countrie the dignity of his noble Familie that they had other children left though these were destroyed and besides themselues were not so olde but that they might haue more How those if they should bee preserued from death at this time might otherwise shortly perish by some worse occasion And what a staine he should lay on the name of Seton and their posteritie for ever by a base act of yeelding and betraying the place committed vnto him whereby also hee was not certaine whether he should preserue his children or no for how could hee hope that this King who had violated his first promise with him would performe the last And therefore besought him that hee would not prefer an vncertaine and momentany benefite before a certaine and perpetuall ignominy And so recovering her Lords resolution for holding out withdrew him from the walles into some other parts aside that he might not be Spectator of the execution of his innocent children The next yeare after this defeit at Hallidown Hill Edward Baliol King of Seots at 1333. An. Reg. 7. Newcastle doth Homage to the King of England as his superiour Lord and takes his oath of Fealty Binding himselfe and his heires to hold that Kingdome of him and his successors for ever with the inheritance of fiue Countries next adioyning to the Borders So large a part yeelds hee to forgoe rather then to be in danger to loose the whole which Edward Baliol doth Homage for the Kingdome of Scotl. yet could not secure his estate but rather imbroyled it the more by reason of the discontent which most part of the Nobles of Scotland conceived vpon this act of Alienation and subiection of their Country Insomuch as it gaue both Kings continuall occasion of trouble for a long time after with the expence of infinite treasure A Parlement holden at London There was granted to the King of England for these warres a Fifteenth of the Temporalty a Twelfe of Cities and Boroughes and a Tenth of the Clergie in
a Parlement holden at London And. 3 years together the King goes in person with armies into those parts and never returned without destruction and bloud-shed of that afflicted people inso much as it may moue vs to admire how it could be possible that little corner of this Isle being no more fertile and withal so often wasted could breed so many had A remarkeable confideration it bred nothing but men as had beene slaine in battaile within these fifty yeares past and yet still to be able to supply and furnish their fields with such numbers as they did both to maintaine their own quarrels defend their liberties and that poore ground they dwelt vpon which was not worth so much bloud as it cost them deserving to haue had a better peece of earth and a more perspicuous place in the world to haue shewed those acts of magnanimity and courage as they did The reason that moved King Edward with such violence to prosecute the businesse of Scotland was out of a desire so to settle the same as hee might be wholy for the 1336. Anno. Reg. 10. designes hee had vpon France which chiefly he intended and was the sooner put thereinto by the instigation of Robert de Artois who being chased from thence by King Phillip his brother in Law comes over into England and is heere intertained with great honour This Robert a Prince of the bloud of France descended from Robert sonne to Louys the eighth brother to S. Louys had long contention with Maud his Aunt Countesse Robert de Artois discontented with the Fr. King of Burgogne about the Earledome of Artois and presuming vpon his owne power his alliance with King Phillip who had married his sister and the service he had done in advancing him to the Crowne counterfeits a Deed thereby to overthrow his Aunts right which being afterward discovered made it the more and moved the French King to giue iudgement on her side so that the County of Artois was by arrest of Parlement confirmed vpon Maud which so offended Robert as in his rage he openly said Hee would vnmake the King by the same power hee made him Which rash menace vttered before many witnesses so stung the French King as presently he layes to apprehend him but fayling therein causes him to be proclaimed Traitor confiscates Iean Tillet all his estate forbids his subiects whosoever either without or within the Kingdome which held of that Crowne in any sort to receiue him comfort counsell or aide him vpon paine of confiscation of body and goods and withall charges them by any meanes to seise vpon his person and to send him prisoner vnto him Whereupon this chased Prince finding no place on that side safe for him over he Robert de Artois comes into Engl. comes into England is ioyfully entertained by King Edward made of his Councell invested in the Earledome of Richmond and heere is he the Kindle-fire between these two mighty Nations and began such a flame as lasted aboue an hundred yeares after and the smoake thereof much longer First hee discovers to King Edward the secrets of their Councels in France and what meanes had beene vsed for the advarcement of King Phillip whose tytle he now disapproues and prefers that of King Edward as more iust and a declaration is published and sent to the Pope and all the Vid. Apend Neighbour Prince shewing the vsurpation of Phillip de Valois vpon that Crowne Now had King Edward ever since his returne from Amiens prepared to make good his party to oppose the French King and by the assistance of his Father in law William Earle of Haynault combined with the Dukes of Brabant and Geldres the Earle of Iuliers the Archbishop of Cologne Valeran his brother Iohn of Haynault and other Princes of Germany And besides had of late obtained by great gifts of Louys de Bavier the present Emperour to be Vicar Generall of the Empire whereby he was V. Ed. made Vicar generall of the Empire to haue all those Princes confiners vpon France who held of the same to doe him seruice And this grace the Emperour did him the rather for that hee had stood for him against his competitor Fredericke of Austrich with whom the French king tooke part and besides he had married King Edwards wiues sister which might be a motiue to procure him this honour Then seeks hee to gaine and draw in the Flemmings whose Earle though adhering to the French King as his Vassall yet the Cities which ever entertained a kinke of liberty among themselues were easily wonne to take part with King Edward in regard their wealth chiefly grew by the wools of this Kingdome which by a Parlement holden at London Anno Reg. 9. were prohibited to bee The making of cloath introduced in this kingdom transported vnwrought That Clothes should be made here and habitation with all Privileges and Liberties allowed to such Artifieers as would come from other parts to inhabite Besides it was enacted That none should weare other then English Cloath except the King Queene and their Children that no man should weare any facing of silkes or furres but such The first sumptuary Law we finde in our History as could dispend 100 pounds per annum But those ordinances more beneficiall to this Kingdome then these warres will bee were vpon this new entertained correspondence with the people of Flanders soone after neglected but yet the making of cloth K. Ed. winnes Iaques d' Artiuile continued and many come out of Flanders to exercise that trade in England Now there was among the Flemmings one Iaques de Artevile Citizen of Gaunt a Brewer as some say but of more then Beere a man of greatest estimation amongst the people and was as their Tribune or Chiefetaine in their tumults him King Edward gets by great rewards to take his part and thereby had them all ready to assaile the French King vpon any occasion Having thus prepared his party abroad all meanes are devised to raise monyes at Meanes vsed for mony home to supply this busines The Tenth peny of Townes and Boroughes a Fifteenth of others and a Tenth of the Clergie is granted in a Parlement at Northampton All such treasure as was Vid. Apend committed to Churches throughout England for the holy warre is taken cut for the Kings vse in this The next yeare after all the goods of three orders of Monkes Lombards Cluntacques and Cistercences are likewise seised into the Kings hands and the like Subsidie as before granted at Nottingham Honours are likewise bestowed on many Noblemen to encourage Reg. 12. Anno. 1338. them in this entended action Henry of Lancaster the yonger is created Earle of Derby William Mountacute Earle of Salisburie Hugh Audeley Earle of Glocester William Clinton Earle of Huntington William Bohun Earle of Northampton Robert Vfford Earle of Suffolke Prince Edward was likewise at this time created Earle of Chester and Duke of
Cornewall In anno Reg. 12. at a Parlement at Northampton as some write in the absence of the King was granted by the Laytie one halfe of their Wools but of the Clergie A Subsedie of Woll was levied the whole and they were caused to pay Nine Markes for every sacke of fine Wooll The next yeare after a Fifteenth was likewise paid in Wooll by the Comunaltie And K. Ed. goes into Fland. with his wife and children now for the better managing of his worke abroad hauing well accommodated the Scottish affaires hee goes ouer into Flanders takes with him his Queen and children lies at Antwerp where by perswasion of the Flemings hee tooke vppon him the Stile Title and Armes of the King of France whereby they held they might the better iustifie their partaking in his quarrell and dispence with their oath formerly made to the French King hauing besides bound themselues in 20 hundred thousand crownes neuer to beare Armes against the King of France and thereupon the league was established between them and King Edward The French King was not behind in his The French Kings partakers preparations and confederacies having to take his part the King of Bohemia the Count Palatine of Rhene who covenanted to serue him against K. Edward and his adherents with 300 horse for 56000 Florins The Bishop of Mets Albert Otho Dukes of Austrich Theodore Marquesse of Monferat Amè Earle of Geneva besides many Princes of Estate and divers great Captaines out of Germany French-County Sauoy Dauphine Spaine and other Countries So that all the best of the Christian World are Meanes to appease these two Kings either in Armes or aiding in this quarrell between these two mighty Kings Long were they preparing and making a noyse before they came to grapple and much was wrought by the Pope and the King of Sicile a great Astrologer who devined by skill hee had in the Stars of much future calamity to France to haue accorded them which would not be The Preface of this warre began on the Borders of each others State On this side King Edward sets vpon Cambray defended by the French Phillip on the other seises on The French King seises on Duchy of Guyen the Duchie of Guyen and thither sends Conte d Eu Constable of France with the Earles of Foix and Arminiacg who surprize many strong peeces thereof Besides he hath a great Navy at Sea which committed much spoile on the coast of England King Edward King Edward enters into France enters France by the way of Vermandois and Thierache approaches neere to King Phillip Both Armies were lodged between Vironfosse and La Flamenguere the day of the fight appointed vpon the Friday after the Battailes on both sides made ready the advantage of number was on the French But both Armies furnished with braue men of warre and circumspect depart without incounter The French esteeming it no discretion to put the person and state of their King to the hazard of Battell within his owne Kingdom And the English consisting of lesse number thought fit not to assaile them and so they passed the day in Countenances and nothing was done Onely this accident fell out which after gaue matter of sport A Hare starting before the head of the French Army a great shot was suddainely made which they who were behind Froissart supposing to haue been vpon the on-set of Battaile disposed themselues to fight some Knights of the Hare Esquires for their more incouragement are according to the custome presently Knighted who were ever after called Knights of the Hare The next morning earely both Kings dislodge the French retires to Paris the King of England into Brabant where after he had strongly fastened his confederated and disposed of his affaires he leaues the Queene and returnes into England about Candlemasse 1330. An. Reg. 14. having been in Brabant aboue a yeere lands at the Towre about Midnight and finding it vnguarded was much displeased sends for the Maior of London whom hee commanded to bring before him the Chancelor and Treasurer with Iohn S. Paul Michael Wath Phillip Thorp Hen. Stratford Clergie men who it seemes were officers for his receipts and Iohn Sconer Iustice of the Bench all which except the Chancellour were arrested and committed to prison as were afterward in like manner diverse officers of Iustice and Accomptants vpon inquirie made of their vniust proceeding A Parlement at London Great Subsides granted Custome at first but temporarie Then cals hee a Parlement at London in Lent which granted vnto him for custome of every Sacke of Wooll Forty shillings for every 300 Wooll-fells Forty shillings for every Last of Leather Forty shillings and of other Merchandizes according to that rate the same to indure from that Easter to the Whitsontide Twelue-month after Besides there was granted of Citizens and Burgesses a Nynth part of Goods of Forrain Merchants and other a Fifteenth of Husbandmen the Ninth Sheaffe the Ninth Fleece the Ninth Lambe for two yeares Also another Tenth of the Clergie And for his present supply hee hath Loanes of divers wealthy persons and the Citie of London lett 20 thousand Marks For the grant of which mighty Subsidie the King besides his Pardon to drivers kinds of offenders Pardons and Remission of antient Debts remits all Amercements for transgression in his Forrests Reliefes and scutage vnto the first time of his going into Flanders Besides all Aydes for the marriages of his Sonnes and Daughters during his raigne pardoning and remitting all ancient debts and arrerages both Retribution of his Fermors and others any way due in the time of his Progenitors and his owne till the tenth yeare of his raigne excepting such as were compounded for and determined to be paid into his Exchequer and here he likewise confirmes the great Charter During King Edwards aboade in England William Montague Earle of Salisbury and Robert Vfford Earle of Suffolke left in Flanders to oppose the proceeding of the French having persormed divers great exploits with happy successe and presuming overmuch The Earles of Salisbury and Suffolke taken prisonerg in France vpon their fortune were in an incounter about Lisle so overlaide by multitude as they were both taken and sent prisoner to Paris to the great ioy of the French King who now to impeach the King of Englands returne had prepared a mighty Navie in the Haven of Sluce consisting of 200 Saile of Ships besides many Galies and two thousand armed men in the Port ready to incounter him vpon his landing Whereof King Edward being advertised provides great strength with the like number of Shippes and sets out to Sea vpon Midsomer Eue is met the morrow after with a Navie likewise from the North parts conducted by Sir Robert Morley and in counters his enemy which lay to intercept him with such force and courage and advantage of winde and Sun as he vtterly defeited their whole Navie took or
suncke all their Ships King Edward vanquishes the French Kings great Navie slew 30 thousand men and landed with as great glory as such a victorie the greatest that ever before was gotten by the English at Sea could yeeld Most of the French rather then to endure the Arrowes and sharpe swords of the English or be taken desperately leape into the Sea Whereupon the French Kings Iester set on to giue him notice of this overthrow which being so ill newes none else willingly would impart on the suddaine said and oftentimes re-iterated the same Cowardly Englishmen Iean Tillet Dasterdly Englishmen Faint-hearted Englishmen The King at length asked him Why For that said he They durst not leap out of their ships into the Sea as our braue French-men did By which speech the King apprehended a notion of this overthrow which the French attribute to Nicholas Buchet one of their chiefe Commanders who had armed his Ships with men of base condition content with small pay and refused Gentlemen and sufficient Souldeirs in regard they required greater wages and it osten happens that the Auarice of Commanders haue beene the occasion of great defeits But this losse much abated the power of the French King who notwithstanding in these Martiall times was soone supplyed both out of his owne Dominions and those of his Confederates and makes a mighty head against this victorious powerfull and freshly furnished King of England who suddainely sets downe before Tourney with King Edward and sends hic Challenge to the French King all his owne and his adherents forces And from Chyn a place neere-by where hee lodged sends his Cartell the 17 of Iuly to Phillip de Valois lodging at S. Andrew les Aire with his puissant army Declaring how he with the power of his owne Kingdome and aide of the Flemmings was come to recever his right in the Kingdome of France uniustly detained from him contrary to the Lawes of God and Man and that seeing no other meanes would serue hee was forced in this manner to haue recourse to his sword Notwithstanding seeing the businesse was between them two hee offers for the avoiding of Christian bloud ànd devastation of the Country to try the same by combat in close Campe body to body or each of them accompaned with 100 choyce persons which if the said Phillip refused then to strike battell within ten daies after before the Cittie of Tourney Phillip de Valois returnes answer the last of Iuly in this manner Phillip by the grace of God King of France to Edward King of England Wee haue perused your letters sent to the The French Kings answer to the Challenge Court of Phillip de Valois containing certaine requests to the said Phillip and for that it appeareth hose letters and requests were not written or made vnto vs wee will in no sort answer you But seeing by those letters and otherwise wee understand how you led by Wilfulnesse without all reason haue entred our Kingdome of France with armed power and committed no small dammage in the same and on our people contrary to the duety of a Liegeman having lalely sworne homage vnto us acknowledging us as by right King of France and haue promised that obedience which is due from the Vassall to his Liege-Lord as is manifest by your letters Patents under your great Seale which we haue with us and you likewise ought to haue the same with you And therefore our intention is as becomes our Honour to chace you out of our Kingdome as we firmely hope in Christ from whom we haue our power to do For that by this your warre most wickedly begunne our Iourney undertaken for the East is hindred no small number of Christians there murthered the holy service neglected and the Church dishonoured And whereas you alledge you possesse the aide of the Flemmings wee are assuredly perswaded that they with the Communalty of their Countrie will so beare themselues towardes our Cosen their Earie and vs their superiour Lords as they will not omit to obserue their honour and fidelity whatsoeuer hath beene by some through ill counsell perpetrated for their owne priuate contrary to the common good The French write how King Phillip with this Letter sent worde to King Edward how by his Cartell hee aduentured nothing of his owne but onely exposed the dominion of another which was without all reason If hee would hazard the kingdome of England though it were lesse against the kingdome of France the said King Phillip would enter combate in close campe with him on condition the Victor should enioy both kingdomes But that they say King Edward would not doe Three moneths the siege of Turney had continued and nothing effected but the waste of the Countrie about all the eyes of Christendome bent vpon this action both kingdomes deeply ingaged expecting with anxiety the doubtfull euent thereof when Iane de Valois sister to Phillip widdow of William late Duke of Haynault and mother A mediation for peace to Phillippa wife to King Edward a Princesse of excellent vertue came from Fountenelles where shee had rendered herselfe a Nun vowed to God to mediate a peace betweene these two intaged Kings her brother and her sonne in lawe and labours to stay the sword of destruction lift vp for blood trualying from one to the other stubbornly bent to their intentions and neuer left them though often denyed till shee had with great patience and wise counsell quallified their boyling passions in such sort as she obtained day and place for both Kings to parle together A memorable worke to bee effected by a woman especially in such an age of Iron as that was This parle brought forth a truce for one yeare and both these great Armies A Truce concluded are dissolued The French King returnes home and so doth the King of England with his Queene who had remained in those parts three yeares and had there Anno Reg. 15. brought forth two sonnes Lionell afterwards Duke of Clarence and Iohn borne at Gant who first was Earle of Richmond and after Duke of Lancaster But King Edwards condiscending to this sudden truce had indeed no other motiue thē the want of his supplies of treasure which came short to his expectation notwithstanding those mighty impositions which were laid on his subiects And whereas hee had vpon his last returne into England in great displeasure remoued his Chancellor and imprisoned his Treasorer with other Officers most of them Cleargy-men and still held them in durance Iohn Stratford Archbishoppe of Canterbury on Iohn Strarford Archbishop of Canterbury his Letters to King Edward whom the King laid the blame of his wants writes him a most bolde and peremptory Letter to this effect first shewing him how it was for the safety of kings and their Kingdomes to vse graue and wise Counsailors alledging many examples out of holy Writ of the flourishing happinesse of such as tooke that course and their infelicity who followed the
haue no conference with the King but in open Parlement which at that time said the King was not for especiall reasons conuenient to be called Then aggrauates hee the vndutifull contempt of the Archbishop and his hypocriticall dealing with him avowing that although by hereditary right and the diuine grace hee was aduanced to that sublimitie of regall power hee held it alwaies to haue beene a detestable thing to abuse the greatnesse thereof and how he affected nothing more in the world then to gouerne his subiects with mildnesse clemency and moderation of Iustice that hee might with peace enioy their loue And how notwithstanding the Archbishoppe had most iniuriously by his Letters published in diuerse parts torne his innocency and slandered the faithfull seruice of his Counsailors and Officers who executed his regall Iustice exclayming how the people were opprest the Cleargy confounded the kingdome agrieued with taxations and all kinde of exactions Which the King argues was to no other end but to raise sedition amongst his people and to withdrawe their loue and obedience from him Lastly to giue notice of the Archbishoppes corruption he declares how himselfe beeing vnder age had through his counsell made so many prodigall donations prohibited alienations and excessiue gifts as thereby h●s treasurie was vtterly exhausted and his reuenewes diminished and how the Archbishop corrupted with bribes remitted without reasonable cause great summes which were due vnto him applying to his proper vse or to persons ill-deseruing many commodities and reuenewes which should haue beene preserued for his necessary prouisions And therefore concluded vnlesse hee desisted from this his rebellious obstinacie hee intended in due time and place more openly to proceede against him inioying them to publish all and singular these his malignities and to cause others to doe the like for the manifestation of his owne pious and Princely intention in relieuing his owne and his subiects wrongs This Letter was sayd to haue been penned by Adam Bishoppe of Winchester and bare date the 12. of February An. Reg. 15. Thus the King and his Officers whose proceedings must not receiue a check are cleared and the imputation rests vpon the Archbishop who is charged with great accoūts pressed by such as lent the King mony to render the same But shortly after the King found much to doe in the Parlement held at London being earnestly petitioned by the whole Assembly of the three Estates that the great Charter of Liberties and the Charter of Forrests might be duly obserued and that whosoeuer of the Kings Officers infringed the same should lose their place that the high Officers of the kingdome should as in former times be elected by Parlement The King stood stiffe vpon his owne election and prerogatiue but yet yeelded in regard to haue his present Vid. Stat. 15. Edward 3. turne serued as himselfe after confessed these Officers should receiue an oath in Parlement to doe iustice vnto all men in their offices and thereupon a Statute was made confirmed with the Kings Seale both for that and many other grants of his to the subiects which notwithstāding were for the most part presently after reuoked The truce agreed on before Turney for one yeare was by the Commissioners of both The Articles Vid. Appen Kings and two Cardinalls from the Pope concluded at Arras which yeelded some cessation of Armes but not of plotting more mischiefe Louys of Bauier intituled Emperour is wonne to the party of the French King becomes his sworne confederate The Emperor reuokes the Vicariate the reason why Vid. Append. and reuokes the Vicarshippe of the Empire formerly confirmed on the K. of England pretending the cause to be for concluding the late truce without him as appeares by his Letters to King Edward which are againe by him fully and discreetly answered But in steed of this remote and vnconstant confederate whose power lay without the limits of France Fortune brought in another more neere and of readier The controuersie for the Duchy of Brittaine meanes to offend within the bodie of that kingdome The inheritance of the Duchy of Brittaine is in controuersie betweene Charles de Blois Nephew to King Phillip and Iohn de Monfort vpon this title Arthur Duke of Brittaine had by Beatrix his first wife two sonnes Iohn and Guy by Yoland Countesse of Monfort his second wife Iohn de Monfort Iohn the eldest sonne of Arthur hauing no issue ordayned Iane his Neece daughter to his brother Guy who died before him to succeed him in the Duchy This Iane Charles de Blois marries on condition his issue by her should inherite the same wherein after consummation of the Marriage hee is inuested and had homage done vnto him during the life of Iohn their Vncle. But after his death Iohn de Monfort doth homage for the Duke of Brittaine to King Edward Monfort claymes the Duchy comes to Paris to do homage for the same to the French King Charles de Blois in the right of his wife opposes him the controuersie is referred to the Parlement Sentence passes on the side of Charles Monfort inraged repaires to the King of England doth his homage vnto him for the Duchy is receiued with great applause and his title howsoeuer held bad at home is heere made to bee good Returning back into Brittaine both with comfort meanes after some encoūters Monfort taken prisoner His wife prosecutes her husbands quarrell with his enemie hee is taken and committed prisoner to the Louure in Paris His wife the Countesse of Monfort sister to Louys Earle of Flanders a Lady who seemed to haue more of the man then her brother prosecutes her husbands quarrell puts on Armour leads and incourages her people surprises and defends many strong peeces of Brittaine but in the end like to be ouerlaide by the power of Charles de Blois she craues ayde of the King of England and hath it sent vnder the conduct of the Lord Walter de Manny which relieued her for the present but the future required more whereof King Edward was not sparing in regard of his owne designes for aydes are seldome sent to forrainers but for the Senders benefit The Lady her selfe comes ouer into England to treate both for supplyes and alliance tendring a match betweene her sonne and a daughter of King Edward The Earles Salisbury Pembrooke and Suffolke Forces sent ouer into Brittaine the Lords Stafford Spencer and Bourchier with Robert de Artois Earle of Richmond are sent with great forces backe with the Lady Many were the incounters surprises and recouerings of Fortes betweene the English and the French and in this action The death of Robert de Artois Robert de Artois receiued his last wound at the siege of Vannes but yet was brought to die in England it being not in his Fate that his countrie which by his meanes had suffered so much affliction should haue his bones though it had his blood which he lost with little honour
though with much valour leauing behinde him but the fame of a Rebell after hee had serued the English about six yeares King Edward shortly after these supplyes sent into Brittaine goes himselfe in person with more and lying before Vannes lately recouered by the French Iohn Duke of Normandy eldest sonne to the French King sent to ayde Charles de Bloys with an Army of forty thousand came to giue him battaile and being vpon the point of incounter a mediation of truce is made by two Cardinalls sent from Pope Clement the fixt and concluded for three yeares vpon many conditions with a reference to the Pope and the Court of Rome to heare and examine the differences betwixt the two kingdoms but not to determine them without the consent of both Kings This pause againe giues them more time to worke for greater woundes and nothing is left vnpractised that might aduance the same And though the people now seemed to put off their Armour they left not off armes but had diuerse bickrings both in Brittaine and Gascony for which either side accused other King Edward returning makes an expeditiō into Scotland against K. Dauid whom he chased into the Ilands And here the Isle of Man is conquered by William Montacut Earle of Salisbury whom king Edward caused to be stiled King thereof and returning backe solemne Turneaments are held at Dunstable where hee is attended with 230. Knights For now all the pastime and exercise in England were Iustes and Turneaments held in Smithfield Winsor and other places A society of Knights of the Round table in imitation of King Arthur is designed a magnificent Chamber of 200. foot round erected for the same at Winsor and to this society many strangers of other Coūtries are allured The French K. also practises the like martial association in France Reg. 17 An. 1343. And about this time began the order of the Garter instituted at Winsor vpon a solemne feast there celebrated which held for many dayes and serued that time as an The institutio of the Order of the Garter Embleme of a tye and combinement in honour of such as were admitted thereunto which was the end of the constitution thereof Howsoeuer the Garter of the Countesse of Salisbury taken vp by the King in dancing with her was saide to haue beene the occasion But it were some derogation to that noble institution to impute the originall thereof to an act of Leuitie seeing with what a graue and religious ceremony it is performed Although we see oftentimes accidents of little consequence giue beginnings to things of great estimation which time makes venerable But besides these exercises of Armes this great and prouident King during this truce takes especiall care for the Gouernment of the Kingdome and reformation of the abuses thereof which daily grow as diseases in full bodies and must of necessity haue sometimes their cure otherwise there will be no health in a State A Parliament is called at Westminster wherein vpon the grieuons complaint exhibited by the Earles The Nobility write to the Pope concerning his collation of Benifices in England Barons Knights and Burgesses against the collation of Benifices on strangers a letter was sent to Pope Clement 6. in humble manner beseeching him to consider how inconuenient and derogatory it was to the state of the Kingdome of England that such reseruations prouisions and collations of Benifices as had beene formerly vsed should in such sort be continued For that the Churches of England had in times past bene indowed by noble and worthy persons to the end the people might be instructed by such as were of their owne language and how by the vsurpation of some of his Predicessors strangers and sometimes enemies to the Realme were preferred to many of them whereby the money and profits were transported the Cures vnfurnished almes and Hospitality vnused the edifices ruinated the charity and deuotion of the people deminished and many other grieuous inormities contrary to the will of the Founders occasioned which they could not suffer any longer and therefore besought his Holinesse wholly to reuoke such reseruations prouisions and collations that meete and natiue persons might exercise those Cures and without delay to signifie his intention therein otherwise they meant to imploy their dilligence that remedy and redresse might be had according to reason The date of these Letters was in full Parliament at Westminister the 28. of May 1343 with which were like wise sent the Kings letters to the same effect by Sir Iohn Shordich a graue person and of great vnderstanding in the Law whose message made Sir Iohn Shordich sent with these Letters him so vnwelcome to that Court as hee departed without leaue or answer which though the Pope afterward sent yet the King proceeded to the prohibition of all such prouisions collations within his Realme on paine of imprisonment or death to whom soeuer should in time to come present or admit any such person or persons who by the Pope were so preferred to the preiudice of the Kings royall prerogatiue And to this effect were Writs directed to all Arch-bishops Bishops others to whom it appertained inhibiting them in no wise to attempt any thing preiudial to this ordinance Here is the Arch-bishop Stratford with much adoe vpon his submission reconciled The Arch-bishop of Canterbury reconciled to the Kings fauour And much debating there is in this Parliament concerning Wools and the asseasement of certaine prices vpon the same more or lesse according to the seuerall parts of the Realme and concerning customes to be imposed on them as at three Markes and a halfe vpon the transportation of euery sacke but it seemes nothing was done in this businesse Ptince Edward about the age of 13 is created Prince of Wales and Commissioners Prince Edward created Prince of Wales are appointed to be sent to the Pope to treate of Peace betweene the two Kings according to the Articles concluded in the truce which were Iohn Bishop of Excester Henry de Lancaster Earle of Derby Hughle Dispensier Lord of Glamorgan Cousins to the King Rauph Lord Stafford with others The next yeare after another Parliament or the same proroged is held at London Reg. 18. An. 1344. wherin after much altercation a tenth was granted by the Clergie and a fifteenth by the Laytie for one yeate and a certaine Coyne of gold called the Floren of base alloy which had beene for the warres in Fraunce is decryed and Nobles of finer coyned to A Parliament the great liking of the subiects And for their better commodity the exchange of moneys at London Canterbury and Yorke is ordained Shortly after generall Musters are taken throughout the Kingdom and Certificate made of all sufficient and able Bowmen Generall musters and appointing of Armor and of all others fit to beare Armes Besides a Commission is sent into euery countrey to inquire of mens abilities and all of fiue pounds to teu
of lay Fee were appointed to finde an Archer on horse-backe of 25 pounds a Demilance and so ratably aboue The King himselfe goes in person to confirme and make the Flemings fast vnto him and at Sluce Iaques van Arteuile with other Commissioners from their chiefe Townes repaire vnto him where a motion is made that either Louys their Earle should do homage to the King of England or else be disinherited and Edward Prince of Wales receiued for their Lord for which King Edward promises to erect their County to a Dukedome Arteuile was forward to entertaine this motion but the rest of the Commissioners require leaue to acquaint therewith the Townes that sent them which though they were all desirous to haue the Protection of the King of England yet disliked the disinheriting of their naturall Lord. Arteuile notwithstanding vndertakes to induce them vnto it and returnes to Gant garded with fiue hundreth Welsh which he desired to haue for that one Gerrard Denyse Prouost of the Weauers opposed him and sought his distruction The people whom he had so often led to muteny against others now vpon his returne rose against himselfe and a Cobler with an Axe strake out his braines And so King Edward lost his great Agent which much displeased him and disappointed his businesse in those parts Yet the Townes sent to excuse themselues of this accident laying the fault on the turbulent Gantoys and in all things vowing their faithfull seruice vnto him onely to the disinheriting of their Earle they could not consent But they hoped to perswade him to become his homager and to procure a match betweene the sonne of their Earle and his daughter And thus pacifying his present displeasure the league is renued betwixt them and King Edward returnes to prosecute his other designes But now the warres in Guien grew hot the Earle of Darby Generall of the Army assaults and takes in Ville-Franche Agenois Angolesme Rions Saint Basile with many other Cities and Castles The French King sends his eldest sonne Iohn Duke of Normandie to incounter him who recouers the Cities of Angolesme and Ville-Franche thus is the sword out before the Truce is expired the breach wherof the French King layes on the King of England and hee the same on him for entertayning King Dauid and setting the Scots vpon attempts of inuasion of his Realme So that it seemes both were prepared to breake not able to holde their hands any longer from the fatall worke of destruction It was now the twentith yeare of this mighty and actiue Kings raigne wherein Reg. 20. Anno. 1346. hee had prepared the greatest Fleet that euer yet crossed the Seas for France and ouer hee passes into Normandy in Iuly leauing for Wardens of England in his absence the Lords Percy and Neuile taking the young Prince with him about the age of fifteene yeares to learne him the way of men and what trauell greatnesse was borne The king goes with a mighty Army into Normandy to indure to attaine glory in this world His Army consisted of foure thousand men at Armes and ten thousand Archers besides Welch Irish which followed on foot hee had of Earles Hereford Northampton Arundell Huntingdon Warwicke Suffolke and Oxford of Barones Mortimer who was after Earle of Marche Iohn Louys and Roger Beauchamp Cobham Lucy Basset Barkeley and Willoughbie with diuerse other both Knights and gallant Captaines Hee had of late entertayned Godfrey de Harcourt who had beene as a minion to the French King and became another Robert de Artois vpon some discontent or doubt of some discoueries of fauouring the English party in Brittaine for which cause the French King had a little before executed Oliuer de Clisson Bacon Percy Geffrey de Malestroit men of especiall marke whom hee had there imployed And now insteed of this Harecourt had wonne from King Edward the Lord Iohn de Beaumont who had long serued him was his wiues Vncle and acquainted Iohn de Beaumont when King Edward had made him Earle of Cambridge takes the French Kings part with all his courses Such is the trust of mercinaries who sell their faith for better entertainement Neither did this Harecourt long hold out but changed colours and made his peace with the French King his naturall Lord but in the meane time did him and his countrie much mischiefe For vpon King Edwards landing with his mighty Army in the Isle of Costantine in Normandy by his conduction hee made him one of his Marshals and the Earle of Warwicke the other The Earle of Arundell is appointed Constable He diuides his people into three battailes one to march on his left hand along the Sea coast the other on the right conducted by the two Marshals and himselfe in the midst with his mayne Army The Earle of Huntingdon imployed for Admirall of his Fleete was to take all the shippes hee found on the Sea The manner of King Ed. proceeding with his Army coast The three Armies by land lodged euery night in one field And first he sackes the City of Caranton slew all hee found armed or disarmed therein burnes razes desolates the Citie saying hee sacrificed those oblations to Bacon Percy and others whose heads hee found set vpon the principall gate vniustly massacred by Phillip Thence hee marches forward and tooke Saint Lo a rich Towne of marchandise and pillaged the same Then after some bickring became Maister of Caen and put all that countrey into so great terror as Falaise Lyseaux Honfleur strong walled townes rendered themselues vnto him This done hee spread his power in the Isle of France to draw out Phillip to the combate giuing out that hee would wrastle with him in the eye of all France on the great Theater before his capitall Citie of Paris Phillip this while held not his armes in his bosome but had ramassed one of the The French K. prepares to oppose K. Ed. fairest Armies saith the French History that euer was seene in France composed of French Lorraynes Alemaines Genouoys which hee led towardes Meulan where King Edward was said to haue made a stand and attended him but vpon report of his comming on retyres it was supposed hee fled for feare but the euent shewed that the great God of Armies had destined his victory for another place King Phillip followes and ouertakes him at a Village called Arenes a name remarkeable signifying the Sand to show on what vnstable earth all the trust of humaine forces and the designes of the great are founded This mighty Army of King Phillip hauing the aduantage to be at home where all was theirs made him account the victory certaine King Edward retires to gaine the Riuer of Some at Blanquetaque but the passage was to be disputed by the sword For Phillip had before sent thither Gundemar de Fay with a thousand horse and fixe thousand foot King Edward notwithstanding resolues to K. Ed. goes ouer the riuer of Some defeites the Fren. passe
the night and in approaching the walles the Guard asked Who goes there he answered The fortune of France His voyce being knowne the gates are opened and in is hee receiued with the teares and lamentations The French King flyes of his people when yet seekes to comfort all he could The number of the slaine on the place are certified to be 30. thousand The chiefe men were Charles d' Alanson Iohn Duke of Borbone Ralfe Earle of Lorraine Louys Earle of Flanders Iaques The number of the slaine Dauphin de Viennois Son to Imbert who after gaue Dauphine to the Crowne of France the Earles of Sancerre Harcourt brother to Geoffry and many other Earles Barons and gentlemen to the number of 1500. This memorable victorie hapned vpon the Saterday after Bartholomew day being the 26. of August 1346. All the Markes of an intire ouerthrowe rested with King Edward the field of the Battaile the bodies of the slaine and their spoiles The occasion of this great defeit according to humaine coniecture the French attribute to the choller rashnes and precipitation of their King and his brother and sure temeritie and presumption haue euer been the ruyne of great Actions especially in warre King Edward managed this victorie with as great moderation as he wanne it and first hauing imbraced his Sonne commending his valour shewed that day he renders thankes to God after as he had inuoked his ayde before at the beginning of the Battayle and earely in the morning being Sunday he sent out 300. Lances and 2000. Archers to discouer what was become of the enemie who found great Troupes of such as were comming from Abbe-uille St. Requier Roan and Beauvoys ignorant of what had hapned led by the Arch-byshop of Roan and the Prior of France whom they like wise defeited and slew 7000. Our Writers report that of Straglers which were fled from the Battaile or comming on hauing lost their way by reason of a thicke mist which hapned that morning were slaine many more then in the field the day before which sheweth vs the wonderfull losse this afflicted Countrie susteined at one fatall blow But this was not all the victories that fell to King Edward that yeere there was an other of more importance gotten in England by the Queene and his people at home against the K. of Scots who being set on by the French to diuert the warre there entred King Dauid ouerthrowne and taken prisoner vpon this Kingdome with 60. thousand men as our Writers report assuring himselfe of successe in regard as he supposed the maine strength thereof was now gone into France But he found the contrary the Lords of the North as Gilbert de Humfrivile Earle of Angos Henry Percie Ralph Nivile William Dayncourt with the Arch-byshop of Yorke the Bishop of Durham and others of the Clergie gathered so great force and so well ordered them by the animation of the Queene who was there in person as they vtterly defeited this great Armie tooke Dauid their King prisoner with the Earles of Fife Menteth Murry Sutherland the Lord Douglas the Arch-byshop of Saint Andrewes and others and put to the sword 15. thousand Scots This Victorie sell likewise vpon a Saterday and sixe weekes after that of Cressie And as if all concurred to make this yeere tryumphant The aydes sent to the Countesse of Monfert in Brittaine lead by Sir Thomas Dagworth ouerthrew and tooke prisoner Charles de Blois pretender to that Duchie and with him Monsieur la Val the Lords Rochford Beaumanoyr Charles de Bloys taken prisoner Loyacque with many other Barons Knights and Esquires there were slaine in the incounter the Lord De la Val father of him which was taken Vicont Rohan Monsieur de Chasteau Brian de Malestroit de Qnintin de Direval great Lords besides many other worthy men at Armes Knights and Esquires to the number of about 700. Thus all fell before the Sword of England Now King Edward without medling with the great Cities Amiens and Abbeville which were both neere marches on directly and sets downe before Calais a Towne of more importance for England and the gate to all the rest wherein Iohn de Vienne Marshal of France and the Lord d' Andreghen a great man in his time commanded All that Winter King Edward hauing sheltred his people as in another Towne furnished with all prouisions lay without any molestation of the French King who King Edward besiegeth Calais this while was likewise besieged with the affliction of his owne state Misfortune is euer held a great fault both in mightie men and meane and opens the mouthes of those whose hearts are peruerse The people of France were in extreame pouertie yet notwithstanding the necesitie of the Kings affayres must constraine fresh supplyes The ill managing the publique treasure the falshood of the Financiers the decrying of Moneys the deminishing of trafficke augmentation of impostes Subsidies Gabels c. were the causes of this publicke murmur and put the people in dispaire seeing no end of the troubles wherein their King was dayly more and more ingaged And now was no way to helpe him but by an assembly of the States Wherein the Financiers Receiuers and managers of monies are called to render an account and the treasure committed to the disposing of the Cleargy and the Nobles to take away suspition in the people of ill dealing Foure Bishops two Abbots and foure Knights are chosen for that businesse Pierre des Essars Treasurer of France is committed to The State of France prison condemned in a great Fine to the King Other Officers and accountants restore at once what they were long in gathering The Banquiers Lombards and other vsurers are put to the presse for their vnlawfull exactions the Intrests are proued to exceed the Principall which is confiscate to the King and the Intrest giuen to the Debtors Courses wherewith indigent Kings in expensiue times vse to serue their turnes and please their oppressed people Which I haue the rather noted though it lye without our circle to shew that other Kings likewise layd hand vpon what they could fasten as well as ours haue done and made benefite of mens offences onely this of the Vsurer is new to vs but yet like to that practised heretofore vpon the Iewes and might serue a turne with as much content to the people and as faire a shew of a iust correction as theirs did the nature of the Extortors being alike Ayded with this meanes and the ready seruice of his Nobles and ablest subiects the French king in the Spring hath an Army in the field approaches Callais but findes no way open to come to relieue it The King of England was both Maister of the Hauen and possest all other wayes whatsoeuer were passable and had the Flemings his friends who with a huge Army had besieged Ayre and did much mischiefe on the confines of France To oppose them is Iohn Duke of Normandy the Prince sent for out
of Guien who being no sooner remoued from thence but Henry of Lancaster Earle of Derby became master of the field hauing an Army consisting of twelue hundred men at armes two thousand Archers and three thousand other foot English and Gascoines takes in most of the Townes of Yaintonge and Poictou in the end besieged and sacked Poytiers and so returnes to Burdeaux with more pillage then his people could well beare Thus the French suffer euery where Their King not being able to approach to grapple with the king of England sends to solicite him to appoint some place of battaile and hee would incounter him King Edward returnes answere If hee would make his owne way to come thither vnto him there hee should finde him for from thence hee would not part hauing there layne so long to his great labour and charge and being now so neere the point of gaining the place The two Cardinals sent from the Pope labour to mediate a peace and Commissioners on either side meete to treate but nothing could bee effected So that the French King was forced to breake vp his Armie and retire to Paris leauing Callais and the defendants vnrelieued to the mercy of the Besieger which when they vnderstood they sent to desire Parle had it granted and therein receiued this finall sentence that sixe of the chiefe Burgesses should be sent to the King bare-headed bare-footed in their shirts with halters about their necks the keyes of the Towne and Castle in their hands and submit themselues to the Kings will for the residue hee was content to take to mercy This sentence intimated to the miserable townsmen Conditions for the rendering of Callis they all in lamentable manner looking each on other who should bee chosen for this sacrifice one amongst the rest stands vp and boldly spake to this effect Fellow citizens for mine owne part I that haue so often exposed my life in this long fiege for my Countrie and haue beene euery day to die am now most willing to sacrifice the same for my last oblation thereunto and will cherefully carry my head to the victory of the King of England not desiring to suruiue the perdition of my miserable Countrie Which free and resolute speech so wrought with this amazed people as now they striue who should bee one of the six and cryed Let vs goe let vs goe vnto death it is the last daty wee ought to render to our natiue soyle Six are presently chosen and sent according to the sentence presenting themselues on their knees to the King and beseeching him to shew mercy vnto them The King commands them instantly to be carryed to their execution and would not although great supplication was made for them by his Counsel be diuerted in regard as he said of his oath till the Queene great with Childe fell The Queene obtaines pardon for the Burgesses of Calais on her knees before him and with teares obtained their pardon and had them giuen vnto her which done she caused them to be clothed gaue them their dinner and sixe nobles a man appointing them to be safely conuayed out of the Armie and set at libertie An Act worthy of so great a Queene and the greater by this her deed of mercie The King though in this he were sterne yet was he more sparing of blood than his Grand-father Edward 1. and had more of Compassion as shewed an Act in this Seige When victuals within the Towne began to faile and all vnusefull persons as King Edwards Clemencie olde men women and children put out of the gates hee forced them not backe againe which hee might haue done the sonner to consume their store but suffered them to passe thorow his Armie gaue them to eate and two pence a peece to euery one And thus was that strong Towne of Callais the thirde of August 1347. gotten The Conquest of the Towne of Calais after almost an yeeres siege with infinite cost and labour all the inhabitants are turned out and sent away to seeke newe dwellings a Colonie of the English planted therein and so it remained in the possession of the Crowne of England 210. yeeres after And now this tryumphant King hauing made truce for some few moneths and taken order for the safe-keeping of his hard gotten prize returnes with his Queene the Prince and his people into England to make Holy-day and inioy the benefite King Edward returnes into England of their booties brought home out of France which are said to be so great as euery house had some part and the wiues of England now flourish with the stuffe and ornaments of those of France who in the meane time lament their losses and heere is nothing but Feasts and Tryumphes throughout the Kingdome And to adde to this glorie the Princes Electors send to signifie that they had chosen King Edward King Edward refuseth the Election of King of the Romans King of the Romans which great dignitie notwithstanding he refused being it seemed out of his way or cumbersome to deale withall But before that yeare ended this great iollitie heere in England turned to the saddest mourning that could be possible The invisible Sword of Heauen makes such a The first great Pestilence rauage vpon Mankinde as had not been knowne before A contagious Pestilence ariseth in the East and South parts of the Worlde that dispreads it selfe ouer all Christendom And in England they write that it tooke away more then the halfe of men as if the Diuine prouidence seeing them thus violently bent to destroy and massacre one another would lessen their numbers for their fieldes and take to it selfe the vengeance of blood-shed in his terrible maner Churchyards could not heere suffice to burie the dead new grounds are purchased for that purpose It is noted there dyed in London betweene the first of Ianuary and the first of Iuly 57374. persons Other Cities and Townes suffered the like according to their portions All which calamitie notwithstanding could not deterre those egar Princes frō prosecuting their quarel nor yet so vnfurnish their fieldes but that they found still fresh hands for blood-shed as shewed their many conflicts shortly after But yet it gaue some pawse till the feruour of the contagion asswaged which was also attended with a miserable famine murraine of Cattle and sterrilitie of the earth caused through the indisposition of the Heauens and want of culture The first Action after this was the Kings going ouer to Caluis vpon an information Anno Reg. 23. of a practise to surprise the Towne contriued by the French which was thus Monsieur de Charmy Gouernour of Saint Omers had dealt with Americo de Pauia whom King Edward had left Captaine of the Castle of Callais offring him 20. thousand King Edward goes ouer to Calais Crownes to be receiued into the Castle Americo accepts the offer and appoints a night for the businesse In which night by aduertisement from Americo King
markes sterling a day Such vent of wools were there in that time And presently after the Parliament in winter to shew that hee was for all weathers he goes with an Armie to recouer Barwicke which had beene surprised by the Scottes whilst he was last at Calais and heere hath he not onely his Towne but the whole Kingdome of Scotland resigned vnto him by Edward Baliol who held himselfe King Edward Baliol resignes the Kingdome of Scotland to King Edward reseruing to himself a pension therof by the best Title but not best regarged For King Alexander though now Prisoner in England had the most powerfull Partie there so both were Kings to their seuerall sides that held them so a miserable distraction to that poore Kingdom And euery where dwelt affliction but in England and here was nothing but Tryumphes Vanquishings and Recouerings in all parts The Prince enters Guien passes ouer Longuedoc to Tholouse Narbonne Burges without any encounter in the field sacks spoyles destroyes where hee goes and loaden with bootie returnes to Burdeanx The French King thus assaulted on all sides gathers what power hee possibly Anno Reg. 30. 1336. could and first makes against his enemies in Normandie recouers many of his lost Townes and was likely to haue there preuailed but that he was drawne of force to oppose this fresh Inuador the Prince of Wales who was again abroad come vp into Toureyne against whom he brings his whole Armie causing all the Townes and passages The French King hath the Prince of Wales at an aduantage vpon the Riuer Loyr to be strongly garded Whereupon the Prince whose forces were not to encounter those so mightie was aduised to withdraw again thorow Toureyne and Poyctou towards Burdeaux The French King to preuent his course followes and within two Leagues of Poyctiers hath him at a great aduantage Two Cardinalls at that instant came from the Pope to mediate a peace The French King supposing he had his Enemie now in his mercie would accept of none other conditions but that the Prince should deliuer him foure Hostages and as vanquished render himselfe and his Armie to his discretion The Prince was content to restore vnto him what hee had gayned vpon him but without preiudice of his honour wherein he sayd Hee stood accomptable to his Father and his Conntry So the Legates perswasions though earnestly vrged could preuaile nothing vpon the French Kings obstinacie who presuming of victorie in regard his Armie was sixe to one would instantly as loath to loose time to loose himselfe set vpon the Prince who reduced to this Straight takes what aduantage he could of the The Battayle of Poytiers fought the 19. of September 1336. ground and prouidently got the benefit of Vines Shrubs and Bushes on that part he was like to be assayled to impester and intangle the French Horse which hee sawe were to come furiously vpon him The successe answered his expectation for behold the Cauallarie of his Enemies vpon their first assault wrapt and incumbred amongst the Vines so that his Archers without danger gall and annoy them at their pleasure For the French King to giue the honour of the day to his Cauallarie whereof hee had caused a choyse to bee selected out of euery companie to the discontent of the rest imployed them onely without his Infantery So that they being disordered and put to rout his whole Armie came to be vtterly defeited The errors committed in the Battaile of Cressie could not warne this King to auoyd the like For had he had the patience to haue tymed it out awhile the Prince could not haue possibly subsisted being thus inuironed shut vp from all succours as he was and now thus furiously assaulted and hauing no safetie but what was to be The French King taken prisoner wrought by the Sword which desperation euer makes the sharper Hee and his shewed that admirable courage that day as purchased them the most memorable glorie that euer any Mattiall action did that was at chiued by the English with so fewe handes Here was now the Head of that great Kingdome-claymed taken Prisoner with his yongest sonne Phillip who valiantly defending his father when his other brothers forsooke him had afterwarde the Title of Hardie and became Duke of Burgogne Iaques de Borbon Conte de Ponthieu the Arch-byshop of Sens Iohn d' Artoys Conte d' Eu Charles d' Artoys his brother Conte de Longnevitle Charles Conte de Tancarville The number of Prisoners taken the Conts of Vendosme Salbourg Dampmartin and La Roche with many other Lords of markes besides 2000. Knights Esquires and Gentlemen in so much as the Conquerors holding it not safe to retaine so many let many of them goe The French who can giue best account of their owne losses report there dyed in the battaile a thousand seauen hundred Gentlemen amongst which were fifty two Bannerets the most eminent Peter de Borbon the Duke d' Athens Constable of France Ian de Clermont Marshall Geoffrey de Charny High Chamberlaine The slaine in the battaile There escaped from this battayle three of the French Kings sonnes for hee brought them all thither Charles Prince Dauphin and the first so intitled Lonys after Duke of Aniou Iohn Duke of Berry all great actours in the time following This blow might seeme to haue beene enough to haue vtterly ouerthrowne that kingdome and absolutely subdued it to the Crowne of England but that is was a body which consisted of so many strong limbs had such store of spirits dispersed in seuerall parts and contayned so wide an extent of state as all this blood letting could not dissolue it or make it faint to giue ouer And sure these powerfull kingdomes howsoeuer they may be diseased and suffer either through the distemperature of their Heads or distractions of their other parts can neuer vnlesse by a gene rall dissolution be so low brought but they will recouer againe in the end their frame holdes by many nayles which neuer fayle all together The Prince of Wales in this battaile hath a double victory the one by the sword the other by his Curtesie first hee visits the captiue King with all reuerence and regarde of Maiesty comforts him by examples of the fortunes of warre and assures him of all faire entertainement according to his dignity The especiall great men who were actors in this worke must not passe vnremembred the Earles Warwicke Suffolke A memorable act of Iames Lord Audley Salisbury Oxford Stafford the Lords Cobham Spencer Barkley Basset Of Gescoignes Le Capital de Beuf the Lords Pumier Chaumont and others And here the Lord Iames Audley is renowned both for his valour and bounty who hauing vowed to bee formost in this fight performed his word sealed it with many wounds for which the Prince hauing rewarded him with the gift of Fiue hundred markes Fee-simple in England he presently gaue it to foure of his Esquires who had with
for the reformation of the State Besides they compose a Councell of themselues whereof the Bishop of Laon the Primier President the Prouost with some of the Vniuersity were chiefe assuming a Soueraigne power to order all affaires of the State as a Common-wealth So that wee see in what a miserable confusion that kingdome stood being without a head and how apt it was then to shake off all authority and dissolue the gouernement into parts shewing vs that it was no new proiect amongst them to Cantonize as the great Townes and the Princes of late practised to doe in their leagues during their ciuile combustions The Dauphin thus disgraced with much a doe gets out of this tumultious City and retyres into Champagne and at Vertus assembles the States of the Countrie whom hee found loyall and ready to yeeld him all succour The rest of the great Townes refusing with much disdaine to ioyne with the City of Paris offer him likewise their ayde So that hee was put into some heart and likly to effect his desires in short time had not the King of Nauarre who sought his destruction still raysed new broyles in the State and taken Armes against him Now besides these confusions greater mischiefes arose in that miserable kingdome the poore Paysants that had beene eaten out by the Souldiers and troden vnder foote by their Lords colleague and arme themselues in the Country of Beauuoysis France spoyled by the souldiers and others on all sides and turne head vpon the Gentry and such as had done them wrong spoyling sacking burning their houses killing their wiues and children in most outragious manner This was not all troupes of souldiers which had no work or meanes to liue ioyne together in mighty Companies ouer-runne and rauage other parts of the kingdome The forces in Brittaine vnder the conduct of Sir Robert Knoles breake out vpon the confining Countries and returne loaden with inestimable booties of wealth All which miserable calamities enough to haue vtterly dissolued a State prolong the imprisonment of their King in England so that nothing could bee effected for his ransome which King Edward thinkes long till he haue in his Treasury and vrges likewise for his part very hard conditions requiring say they besides infinite summes that King Iohn should doe homage and holde the kingdome of France of the Crowne of England which hee with great disdayne refuses as being not in his power to alien what was vnalienable vowing that no misery of his should constrayne him to doe any thing preiudiciall to his successors to whom hee would leaue the State as hee receiued it But yet at length offers other and more large conditions then the French were willing to yeeld vnto which being long in debating and nothing concluded after foure yeares expectation King Edward in great displeasure resolues to make an end of this worke with the sword and to take possession King Edward goes to take possession of the kingdome of France of the kingdome of France And ouer hee passes to Calais with a Fleete of eleuen hundred Sayle His Army hee diuides into three battailes one hee commits to the Prince of Wales another to the Duke of Lancaster and the third hee leades himselfe And first hee marches to the City of Aras which hee takes within three dayes Thence into Champagne where the Cities of Sens and Neuers are rendered Anno Reg. 34. vnto him The Duchy of Burgogne terrified with these examples redeemes it selfe from spoyle vpon paying two hundred thousand Florins of gold Furnished with which treasure and booties by the way vp King Edward marches to Paris where the Dauphin who had now the title of Regent hauing lately ouercome the faction and executed the principall of the Mutiners was with great forces which in the common danger flocked together to defend their Countrie and would not by the example of his father and Grand-father be drawne out to hazard vpon any attempt but stood onely vpon his defences which the King of England seeing after many prouocations raysed his siege and returnes into Brittaine to refresh his Army In the meane time the Regent layes in mighty store of victualls prouides that the Souldiers should haue enough without pressing the inhabitants and with extreame dilligence so fortifies the City as King Edward returning with all his refreshed power was vtterly disappoynted of his hopes to doe any good there Thus that great Citty which was like to haue endangered the whole kingdome of France was the onely meanes to preserue it From hence King Edward takes his way towards Chartres with purpose to besiege that City but being by an horrible tempest of haile thunder and lightning that fell vpon his Army so terrified as hee vowed to make peace with the French King vpon any reasonable conditions as he shortly after did at the treaty of Britigny The Treatie of Accord concluded at Britigny neere Chartres vpon these Articles That the country of Poicton the Fiefs of Thouars and Belleuille the Countrie of Gascoigne Agenois Perigort Limosin Cahors Torbe Bigorre Rouergne Angoulmois in soueraigntie with the Homages of the Lords within those Territories Monstruel on the Sea Ponthieu Calais Guines La Merk Sangote Boulogne Hames Vales and Onis should bee to the King of England who besides was to haue three Millions of Scutes of gold whereof sixe hundred thousand presently in hand foure hundred thousand the yeere following and the Surplus in two yeeres after insuing vpon reasonable payment And for this the King of England and his Sonne the Prince of Wales as well for them as their Successors for euer should renounce all their right pretended to the Vid. Append. Crowne of France the Duchy of Normandie the Countryes of Touraine Aniou Maine the Soueraigntie and Homage of the Dutchy of Britagne and the Earldome of Flanders and within three weekes King Iohn to bee rendred at Callais at the charge of the King of England except the expences of his House For assurance of which Accord should be giuen into his hand Hostages Louys Duke of Aniou Iohn Duke of Berry King Iohns sonnes Phillip Duke of Orleance his brother Iohn Duke of Burgogne the Conts of Bloys Alenson Saint Pol Harcourt Poncian Valentinois Grand Pre de Brenne des Forrests the Lords Vaudemont Couscy Piennez de Saint Venant de Preaux de Momerancy de Garanciecis La Roche guion Estou-teuille Le Dauphind ' Auergne d' Andrigil de Craon sufficient cautions for the sayd Summes and conditions The Scots not to be ayded by the French King nor the Flemmings by the English Charles King of Nauarre and his brother Phillip are comprehended likewise in these Articles c. This Treatie of good accord and finall Peace signified by both Kings was ratified King Iohn deliuered by their two eldest Sonnes Edward and Charles and sworne vnto by the Nobilitie of both Kingdomes The Hostages are deliuered vnto King Edward who departing from Honfleur brought them into England leauing the
Supplications nor any band of aliance were auaileable to saue them from slaughter Wherein to incense the more their king Gunild his sister a woman of masculine courage who had a little before receiued Christendome a mediator and pledge of the peace hauing first her husband and sonne slaine in her sight rather Cunild slaine with a threatning then appaled countenance met her death making imprecation for reuenge and foretelling her bloud would as it did cost England deere Soone was the notice of this enormious act giuen to Swaine and as soone armed with rage and power re-entred hee the kingdome hauing now a fayrer shew to doe fowly then euer wrong had made him a right who had none before and the people of the Land not so forward to maintayne their act as to commit it rather were content to giue him the possession of their country then that hee should win it the greatest Swain wins England part of the Kingdome submitting themselues vnto him onely the Citie of London which Ethelred held fortified made Noble resistance till hee left them and conueyed himselfe first into the Isle of Wight and after into Normandie whither he had sent Emma Etheldred flies into Normandie his Queene with their two sonnes Aelfrid and Edward before from the rage of this tempest But within two moneths he was recalled home by the people of England vpon the death of Swaine who at the point to haue beene crowned King and had generally Swaines death taken ostages and oathes of fealty died suddenly leauing his sonne Knute to succeed his fortunes and accomplish what he intended Ethelred returning was soone furnisht with an Army sets vpon Knute in Lindsey Etheldred returnes where he lay with his fathers shipping and Hostages and draue him to take the seas where with inraged making about to Sandwich hee miserably mangled and dismembred those hostages and so sent them home himselfe with the spoiles his father and he had gotten returned to his Country to make greater preparations for the prosecution of his purpose Ethelred in the meane time to increase the summe of reuengement with more wrath at a generall assembly at Oxford caused many of the Danique Nobility to be murthered Among which were Sigifrith and Morchar Earles of Northumberland whom the false Edric who had a hand on each side for mischiefe inuiting to his lodging vnder pretence of feasting barbarously caused to be slaine their followers after they had so long as they could desperately defended themselues and their maisters fled into a Church where they were with the same burnt Knute armed with Knute returnes the greatest of his owne and neighbours powers made his confederates landed againe within the yeare at Sandwich and without resistance had all the West parts rendred vnto him with pledges for their obedience and furnishment with horse and armor Here the false Edric leaues his Liege-lord and yeelds vp forty ships and his periur'd faith to Knute Ethelred languishing in minde and body Edmond his sonne surnamed Ironside Etheldreds death to oppose youth to youth was imployed against this rabious inuador A Prince worthy of a better time and had he found faith had made it so and deliuered his Country at that turne from the worst of miseries the conquest by strangers Knute Edmond Ironside BVT now vpon the death of Ethelred whose 37 yeares raigne shewes that infelicity shall haue time too much and happinesse too little Knute was by most of the Clergie and Nobility chosen king onely the Citie of London with some of the Nobility there about made election of Edmond Edmond Ironside sonne to Ethelred by his first wife Ethelgina and furnished him with that power as thereby with the couragious ardour of his youth which commonly is most in the first attempts hee had the better in three imminent battels within three moneths and had likewise obtained the fourth at Essendon likely to haue beene the last with the An. 1016. Danes but that the disloyall Edric late renouncing his new Lord seeing Edmonds part in possibilitie to preuaile againe betraied his trust and withdrew himselfe and the charge he had to the enemy This satal battell lost England here perished the best flower of honour it then had Here amongst the rest was slaine Vlkill an Earle of Essex of euer memorable worth who had long stood vp for the Kingdome and in the time of Swaine was the first that shewed there was hope and possibility to quaile the enemy had there beene an vnion in loyaltie From this bloudy worke Edmond escapes to Glocester to recollect new sorces nor was hee so forsaken with this fortune but that hee soone recouered another armie to re-assaile the enemie that might be idle vpon this victorie But Knute as prouident Edmonds single combate with Knute in the prosecution of his businesse as fortunate therein makes after Here when both Armies were at the point to incounter a motion of peace was propounded Some say the two Kings by single combat consented to decide their fortunes and the ouer-commer to take all and that in an Isle of the riuer Seuern their Armies on either shore spectators of the act they tried the maistery for the prize of a Kingdome Peace concluded After long and equall fight finding each others worth they cast away their weapons imbraced and concluded the peace But howsoeuer it seemes both sides tyred with the miserie of a consuming warre neuer like to be ended but by the vtter extirpation of the one and considering the danger of either and incertaintie of the future were easily perswaded to imbrace a present agreement which was made by parting England England deuided between them betwixt them two and confirm'd by Oath and Sacrament putting on each others Apparell and Armes as a ceremonie to expresse the attonement of their mindes as if they made transaction of their persons each to other Knute became Edmond and Edmond Knute A fatall exchange for so free and magnanimous a Prince as Edmond who indeed was now no more himselfe and being but halfe a King was in so few dayes after none as makes this peace shew fouler then warre for that armed him for life this exposed him naked to death which was shortly after treacherously giuen him The death of King Edmond Ironside at Oxford at Oxford some say by the sonne of Edric as if to shew he would bee the heire of his father also in Treason whereby both the hope and the other halfe of England were vtterly lost as determinable with his raigne which with all we haue else of his magnanimous actions tooke vp scarce the circuit of one whole yeare And yet had that been space enough for glorie whose measure is to be taken rather by the profundity then the length which seldome holds long and euen could he haue had that cleere And better for his renowne to haue died at the battaile of Essendon with England then discended to haue made
of this Kingdome which could not but be likesome to the State in generall and all preferments and dignities conser'd on his to be either by vacancies or displacing others which must needs breed very feeling grieuances in particular And yet wee finde no great men thrust out of their roomes but such as put themselues out by reuolting after his establishment and their fealtie giuen as appeares by the controuersie betweene Warren the Norman and Sherburn of Sherburn Castle in Norfolke which castle though the King had giuen to Warren yet when Sherburn alledged How hee neuer bare Armes against him Cambden Nors that hee was his subiect as well as the other and held his Lands by that Law which he had established amongst all his subiects the King gaue iudgement against Warren and commanded that Sherburn should hold his Land in peace So that it seemes hee contented himselfe and his for the time onely with what he found here ready and with filling vp their places who were slaine in the battell or fled as many were with the sonnes of Harald out of the Kingdome Such Gentlemen as he could not presently preferre M. S. and had a purpose to aduance hee dispersed abroad into Abbeys there to liue till places fell out for them and 24 he sent to the Abby of Eley whereby he not onely lessened the multitude of attendants and suitors at Court eased that eye-sore of strangers but also had them a watch ouer the Clergie who then were of great and eminent power in the Kingdome and might preuaile with the people But the English Nobility incompatible of these new concurrents found notwithstanding 1067. Anno. Reg. 2. such a disproportion of grace and darkning of their dignities by the interposition of so many as must needs lessen their splendour that many of the chiefest doubting to be more impayred in honour and estate conspired together and fled some into Scotland and some into Denmarke to trie if by ayde from abroad they might The English Nobility forsake the kingdome recouer themselues and their lost fortunes againe at home Amongst which the chiefe was Edgar Atheling termed Englands Dearling which shewed the peoples zeale to his bloud who with his mother Agatha and his two sisters Magaret and Christin intending to retire into Hungarie their natiue Country were driuen by tempest on the coast of Scotland where they were in all Hospitable manner entertained by Malcolin the third whose former suffrings in his exile had taught him to compassionate others like distresses and whom it concerned now to looke to his owne his neighbours house being thus on fire and to foster a pattie against so daungerous an in-commer that was like to thrust them all out of doore Which induced him not onely to entertaine this Prince dispossest of his right but to enter league with him for the publique safetie And to inchaine it the stronger hee takes to wife Margaret the The King of Scots enters league with the English Nobility and marries Edgars sister sister of Edgar a Ladie indued withall blessed vertues by whom the bloud of our auncient Kings was preserued and conioyned with the Norman in Henry the second and so became English againe Vnto Edgar in Scotland repaired the Earles Edwin and Morchar Hereward Gospatric Siward with others and shortly after Stigand and Aldred Arch-bishops with diuers of the Clergie who in the third yeare of this Kings raigne raised very great commotions in the North beyond Humber and wrought most egarly 1068. Anno. Reg. 3. to recouer their lost Country but being now to late and the occasion not taken before the settling of the gouernment whilst it was new and branling they preuailed nothing but gaue aduantage to the Conquerour to make himselfe more then hee was For all conspiracies of subiects if they succeed not aduance the soueraigntie and nothing gaue roote to the Norman planting here more then the petty reuolts made by discattred troupes in seuerall parts begunne without order and followed without resolution whereas nothing could be done for a generall recouery but by a generall sulleuation of the people for which all wary preuention was vsed and they had waites enough laide on to hold them downe And though these Lords imbroiled themselues and held him doing in the North yet hee hauing all the South parts setled vnder his domination with well practized and prepared forces there could bee little hope of good whilst all their great estates furnisht the Normans both in state and meanes to ruine them The Earledome and all the Lands which Edwin held in See the Charter in the Appendix Yorkeshire were giuen to Alain Earle of Brittaine kinsman to the Conqueror The Arch-bishopricke of Canterburie confer'd on Lanfranc Abbot of Caen. That of Yorke on Thomas his Chaplaine and all the rest both of the Clergie and others which were out had their places within supplied by Normans And after King William had appeased a Commotion in the West which the sonnes of Harald with forces out of Ireland had raised also repressed the rebellions of Excester and Oxford he takes his iourney in person Northward with all expedition least the enemy there should grow to high in heart and opinion vpon the great slaughter of his people made at Yorke and the defeiture of his Brother and Leiuetenant Robert Earle of Mortaigne slaine with seuen hundreth Normans at Durham where at his first comming he so wrought that he either discomfeited or corrupted the Generals of the Danicque forces newly arriued to ayde the Lords sent by Swaine King of Denmarke vnder the conduct of his two sonnes Harald and Knute with a Nauie of three hundreth saile and after sets vpon the Army of the Lords weakened both in strength and hope by this departure of their Confederates and puts them to flight Which done he vtterly wasted and laide desolate all that goodly Countrey betweene Yorke and Durham the space of 60. miles as it might be no more a succour to the enemy And the like course he used on all the Coasts where any aptlandings lay for inuasions and so returnes to London Most of the Lords after this defeit came in vpon publique faith giuen them and were conducted to Barkehamsted by the Abbot Fredricke where vpon their submission and Oath of Allegeance re-taken they had their pardon and restitution of grace graunted by the King who it seemes was so willing to acquiet them that againe he takes his personall Oath before the Arch-bishop Lanfrancke and the Lords To obserue See the Appendix the Auntient Lawes of the Realme established by his Noble Predecessors the Kings of England and especially those of Edward the Confessor Whereupon these stormy dispositions held calme a while But long it was not ere many of these Lords whether vpon intelligence of new 1074. Anno. Reg. 8. hopes from Prince Edgar who was still in Scotland or growne desperate with new displeasures at home finding small performance of promises made rupture
the person of the sonne of a Prince or any other Nobleman that we read of in our Historie But this example made of one of another grew after to bee vsuall to this Nation And euen this King vnder whom it began had the bloud of his owne and his brothers race miserably shed on many a scaffold And iust at the sealing of this Conquest Alphonsus his eldest sonne of the age of 12. yeares a Prince of great hope The death of the Prince Alphonsus is taken away by death And Edward lately borne at Carnaruan an Infant vncertaine how to prouo is heire to the Kingdome and the first of the English intituled Prince of Wales whose vnnaturall distruction wee shall likewise heare of in his time But thus came Wales all that small portion leaft vnto the Brittaines the auncient Wales vnited to England possessors of this Isle to bee vnited to the crowne of England Anno Reg. 11. And strange it is how it could so long subsist of it selfe as it did hauing little or no ayde of others little or no shipping the hereditarie defect of their Auncestors no Alliance no confederation no intelligence with any forraine Princes of powre out of this Isle and being by so potent a Kingdome as this so often inuaded so often reduced to extremitie so eagerly pursued almost by euery King and said to haue beene by many of them subdued when it was not must needs shew the worthinesse of the Nation and their noble courage to preserue their libertie And how it was now at last gotten and vpon what ground wee see But the effect proues better then the cause and hath made it good For in such Acquisitions as these the Sword is not to giue an Account to Iustice the publique benefit makes amends Those miserable Mischiefes that afflicted both Nations come hereby extinguished The Deuision and Pluralitie of States in this Isle hauing euer made it the Stage of bloud and confusion as if Nature that had ordained it but one Peece would haue it to bee gouerned but by one Prince and one Law as the most absolute glory and strength thereof which otherwise it could neuer enioy And now this prudent King no lesse prouident to preserue then subdue this Prouince established the gouernment therof according to the Lawes of England as may bee seene by the Statute of Ruthland Anno Reg. 12. This worke effected and settled King Edward passes ouer into France vpon notice of the death of Philiple Hardy to renue and confirme such conditions as his State Reg. 13. Anno. 1286. required in those parts with the new King Philip 4 intituled le Bel to whom he doth Homage for Acquitaine hauing before quitted his claime to Normandie for euer And afterwards accommodates the differences betweene the Kings of Sicile and Aragon in Spaine to both of whom hee was allied and redeemes Charles entituled Prince of Achaia the sonne of Charles King of Sicile prisoner in Aragon paying for his ransome thirtie thousand pounds After three yeares and a halfe being abroade hee returnes into England which must now supply his Coffers emptied in this Voyage And occasion is given by the generall Reg. 16. An. 1289. complaints made vnto him of the ill administration of Iustice in his absence to inflict penalties vpon the chiefe Ministers thereof whose manifest corruptions the hatred to the people of men of that profession apt to abuse their Science and Autoritie the Necessitie of reforming so grieuous a mischiefe in the Kingdome gaue easie way thereunto by the Parliament then assembled wherein vpon due examinations and proofe of their extortions they are fined to pay to the King these summes following First Sir Ralph Hengham Chiefe Iustice of the higher Bench seuen thousand Marks Sir Ralf Henghans a chiefe Commissioner for the gouernment of the Kingdome in the Kings absence Sir Iohn Loueton Iustice of the lower Bench three thousand Markes Sir William Bromton Iustice 6000 Markes Sir Solomon Rochester foure thousand Markes Sir Richard Boyland 4000 Markes Sir Thomas Sodington two thousand Markes Sir Walter Hopton 2000 Markes these foure last were Iustices I●enerants Sir William Saham 3000 Markes Robert Lithbury Master of the Rolls 1000 Markes Roger Leicester 1000 Markes Henry Bray Escheater and Iudge for the Iewes 1000 Markes But Sir Adam Stratton Chiefe Baron of the Exchequer was fined in 34000 Markes And Officers fined for briberie extortion Thomas Wayland found the greatest delinquent and of the greatest substance hath all his goods and whole estate confiscated to the King Which were it but equall to that of Sir Adam Stratton these fines being to the Kings Coffers aboue one hundred thousand Markes which at the rate as money goes now amounts to aboue 300 thousand Markes A mighty treasure to bee gotten out of the hands of so few men Which how they could amasse in those daies when Litigation and Law had not spred it selfe into those infinite wreathings of contention as since it hath may seeme strange euen to our greater getting times But peraduenture now the number of Lawyers being growne bigger then the Law as all trades of profit come ouerpestred with multitude of Traders is the cause that like a huge Riuer dispersed into many little Rilles their substances are of a smaller proportion then those of former times and Offices now of Iudicature peraduenture more piously executed Of no lesse grieuance this King the next yeare after eased his people by the banishment of the Iewes for which the Kingdome willingly granted him a Fifteenth Hauing before in Anno Reg. 9. offred a fift part of their goods to haue them expelled The banishment of the Iewes but then the Iewes gaue more and so stayed till this time which brought him a greater benefit by confiscating all their Immouables with their Talleis and Obligations which amounted to an infinite valew But now hath he made his last commoditie of this miserable people which hauing beene neuer vnder other couer then the will of the Prince had continually serued the turne in all the necessarie occasions of his Predecessors but especially of his father and himselfe And in these reformations that are easefull and pleasing to the State in generall the Iustice of the Prince is more noted then any other motiue which may bee for his profit And howsoeuer some particular men suffer as some must euer suffer yet they are the fayrest and safest waies of getting in regard the hatred of the abuses not only discharges the Prince of all imputation of rigor but renders him more beloued respected of his people And this King hauing much to doe for money comming to an emptie Crowne was driuen to all shifts possible to get it and great supplies wee finde hee had alreadie drawne from his Subiects As in the first yeere of his Raigne Pope Gregorie procured him a Tenth of the Clergie for 2. yeeres besides a Fifteenth of them and the Temporalty In the third likewise another Fifteenth of
Magnificense From thence he comes to London and renders solemne thanks to God and Saint Edward for victory Which to make it seeme the more intire shortly after William Wallice that renowned Guardian of Scotland betrayed by his Companion is sent vp prisoner to London adiudged according to the Lawes of England to be drawne hangd and quarterd for his treasons committed against the King whom at his Araignement hee would not yet acknowledge to bee his King protesting neuer to haue sworne Fealty vnto him Thus suffered that worthy man for the defence of his owne in a strange Countrie and remains amongst the best examples of Fortitude Pietie in that kinde And now King Edward being as hee supposed at an end of all his businesse an vniuersall Lord at home strong in Alliance and Peace abroad beginnes to looke more seuerely to the gouernement of this Kingdome and to draw profit out of those disorders which the Licence of Warre and Trouble had bred therein And first amongst The case of Sir Nicholas Segraue other examples of his power which it seemes hee would haue equall to his will is the case of Sir Nicholas Segraue one of the greatest Knights then of the Kingdome who being accused of treason by Sir Iohn Crombwell offers to iustifie himselfe by Duell which the King refuses to grant in regard of the present Warre then in hand Whereupon Segraue without licence and contrary to the Kings prohibition leaues the Kings Campe and goes ouer Sea to fight with his enemy for which the King as against one that had not only contemned him but as much as in him lay exposed him to death and left him to his enemies would haue Iustice to proceed against him Three daies the Iudges consulted of the matter and in the end adiudged Segraue guilty of death and all his moueables and immouables forfeited to the King Notwithstanding in regard of the greatnesse of his blood they added Hee went not out of England in contempt of the King but only to bee reuenged of his accuser and therefore it was in the Kings power to shew mercy vnto him in this case The King hereto in great wrath replyed haue you been all this while consulting for this I know it is in my power to conferre grace and on whom I will to haue mercy but not the more for your sakes then for a dogge Who hath euer submitted himselfe to my grace and had repulse but let this your iudgement bee recorded and for euer held as a Law And so the Knight for example and terrour to others was committed to prison though Mat. West shortly after by the labour of many Noble men of the Kingdome Thirty of his Peers guirt with their swords standing out to be bound body for body and goods for goods to bring him forth whensoeuer hee should be called the King restored him to his estate Shortly after the King likewise sends out a new writ of inquisition called Trailbaston For Intruders on other mens lands who to oppresse the right owner would The inquisiti on of Trailbaston make ouer their lands to great men For Batterers hired to beate men For Breakers of the Peace For Rauishers Incendiaries Murthercrs Fighters False Assisors and other such Malefactors Which Inquisition was so strictly executed and such Fynes taken as it brought in exceeding much treasure to the King So did likewise another Commission the same time sent forth to examine the behauiour of Officers and Ministers of Iustice wherein many were found Delinquents and paide dearely for it Informers here as fruitfull agents for the Fiske and neuer more imployed then in shifting times were in great request Besides these meanes for treasnre aboue ground this King made some profit of certaine Siluer mynes in Deuonshire as is to be seene in Hollingshead but it seemes the charge amounting to more then the benifit they afterwards came discontinued The King likewise now beginnes to shew his resentiment of the stubborne behauiour of his Nobles towards him in times past and so terrefies Roger Bigod Earle-Marshall Reg. 33. An. 1306. as to recouer his fauour the E. made him the heire of his lands though hee had a brother liuing reseruing to himselfe a Thousand pounds pension per annum during his life Of others likewise hee got great summes for the same offence The Earle of Hereford escapes by death But the Archbishop of Canterbury whom hee accused to haue disturbed his Peace in his absence he sends ouer to Pope Clement the Fift who succeded Boniface that he might be crusht with a double power This Pope was Natiue of Burdeaux and so the more regardefull of the Kings desire and the King more confident of his fauour which to intertaine and encrease hee sends him a whole Furnish of all Vessels for his Chamber of cleane golde which great gift so wrought with the Pope as hee let loose this Lion vntied the King from the couenants made with his Subiects concerning their Charters confirmed vnto them by his three last Acts of Parlement and absolued him from his oath an Act of little Pietie in the Pope and of as little conscience in the King who as if hee should now haue no more need of his Subiects discouered with what sincerity hee granted what hee did But sodainely hereupon there fell out an occasion that brought him backe to his right Orbe againe made him see his error reforme it finding the loue of his people lawfully ordered to be that which gaue him al his power meanes he had to know how their subsistances were intermutuall The newes of a new King made crowned in Scotland was that which wrought the effect hereof Robert Bruce Earle of Carrick sonne to that Robert who was Competitor with Baliol escaping out of England becomes head to the confused body of that people which hauing beene so long without any to guide them any intire Councell scattered in power disunited in minde neuer at one together were cast into that miserable estate as they were For had they had a King as well as their enemies to haue led them held them together managed their affaires accordingly that which they did in this distraction shewes how much more they would haue done otherwise And therefore no sooner did Bruce appeare in his designe but he effected it had the Crowne and hands ready to help him at an instant and that before Rumour could get out to report any thing of it Although Iohn Comyn his Cosen german being a Titeler himselfe a man of great loue Alliance in Scotland wrote to haue bewrayed Brucos intention to the King of England in whose Court they both had liued and were his Pensioners But Bruce as great vndertakers are euer a wake and ready at all houres preuents him by speede Bruce murthers Iohn Cumyn in the Church and either to be auenged on him for his falshood or rid of him as a Competitor finding him at Dunfraies sets vpon and
Earle of Warwick in France to haue a hand in the execution of the Accorde King Iohn is honourably conducted to Calais attending the promised Summe the first gage of his libertie Anno Reg. 35. 1361. The Citie of Paris yeelds one thousand Royals by whose Example other Cities contribute according to their proportions And thus is King Iohn deliuered after hauing remained Prisoner in England neere about fiue yeeres And both Kings depart in kinde manner with all demonstrations of brotherly Loue. King Edward returning with his Crownes calles a Parliament wherein the forme of the Accord was read and allowed of all the Estates and an Oath taken by the Nobles to obserue the same for their partes Heere the King restorees to the Priors Aliens their Houses Lands Tenements which he had taken from them Anno Reg. 12. for the maintenance of his French Warres which now being ended he grants by his Letters Pattents in as free manner as before they helde them A rare Example of a iust King being seldome seene that Princes let go any thing whereon they haue once fastned Now againe was the ioy and glorie that England receiued by their gettings seasoned The second great Pestilence with the sowrenesse of another mortalitie called The second Pestilence whereof dyed many Noble men the chiefe was Henry Duke of Lancaster of the Royall blood a Prince of great note for wisedome and valour who had beene an especiall Actor in all these Warres and a principall Pillar of the Crowne of England whose Daughter and Heyre was a little before marryed to Iohn of Gaunt by dispensation being neere of consanguinitie whereby hee is made Duke of Lancaster And shortly after by the like Dispensation the Prince of Wales marryes the Countesse Anno Reg. 36. of Kent Daughter to Edmond brother to Edward the second And so both are prouided of Matches within the Kingdome The King giues to the Prince of Wales the Duchy of Aquitaine reseruing to himselfe Homage and Fealtie and shortly after sends him ouer with his wife and Court to liue there His sonne Lionell Earle Vlster is sent into Ireland with a regiment of 1500 men to guard his Eatledome against the Irish and was created Duke of Clarence in the next Parliament held at Westminster in Nouember which continued vntill the feast of Saint Brice King Edwards Birth-day and the Fiftith yeare of his age Wherein for a Iubilie hee shewes himselfe extraordinarily gracious to his people freely pardoning many offences releasing prisoners reuoking Exiles c. And vpon petition of the Commons causes Pleas which before were in French to be made in English that the subiect might vnderstand the Lawe by which hee holdes what hee hath and is to know what hee doth A blessed act and worthy so great a King who if hee could thereby haue rendered the same also perspicuous it had beene a work of eternall honour but such is the Fate of Law that in what language soeuer it speakes it neuer speakes plaine but is wrapt vp in such difficulties and mysteries as all professions of profit are as it giues more affliction to the people then it doth remedy Here was also an act passed for Purueiors as there had beene many before in his time that nothing should bee taken vp but for ready money vpon strict punishment For retribution of which relieuements the Parliament granted sixe and twenty shillings eight pence for tranportation Vid. Stat. of euery sacke of woole for three yeares Thus all were pleased sauing the remouing of the Saple from the Townes of England to Calais was some grieuance to those whom it concerned Yet the Kings desire to inrich that Towne being of his owne acquisition and now a member of the Crowne of England might herein be well borne withall And sure this King the most renowmed for Valour and Goodnesse that euer raigned in this kingdome not onely laboured to aduance the State by enlarging the Dominions thereof but to make his people as well good as great by reforming their vices whereunto fortunate and opulent States are euermore subiect as may be noted in the next Parliament held at Westminster Anno Reg. 37. wherein for the publique Good certaine Sumptuary lawes the most necessarie to preuent Ryot that dissoluing sicknesse the feuer Hectique of a State were ordayned both for Apparell Diet appointing euery degree of men from the Shepheard to the Prince the Stuffe Habits they should weare prohibiting the adornements of gold and Siluer Silkes and rich Furres to all except eminent persons Vid. Stat. Whereby forraine superfluities were shut out home-made Cōmodities only vsed The Labourer and Husbandman is appointed but one meale a day and what meates he should eate c. whereby Gluttony Drunkennesse those hideous euils which haue since vtterly disfashioned infeebled the English Nation were auoided So carefull was this frugall King for preseruing the estates of his subiects from Excesse And as prouident was hee for the ordering of his owne committing his treasure to the safest Chest that Religion could keepe lockt For by a certificat Anno Cleargy men Officers to the King Reg. 39. sent to Pope Vrbane concerning Plut alities and the estates of Church-men in England there were found more of the Spirtualty which bare office about this King then any other of Christendome beside As first Simon Langham Archbishop of Canterbury was Chancelor of England William Wickham Archdeacon of Lincolne Keeper of the Priuy Seale Dauid Weller Parson of Somersham Maister of the Rolles Ten beneficed Priests Ciuilians Maisters of Chancery William Mulse Deane of Saint Martins le Grand Chiefe Chamberlayne of the Exchecquer Receiuer and Keeper of the Kings treasure and Iewels William Askby Archdeacon of Northampton Chancelor of the Exchecquar William Dighton Pribendary of Saint Martins Clarke of the Priuy Seale Richard Chesterfield Prebend of Saint Staphans Treasurer of the Kings house Henry Snatch Parson of Oundall Maister of the Kings Ward-robe Iohn Newnham Parson of Fenni-stanton one of the Chamberlaines of the Exchequer and keeper of the Kings Treasurie and Iewels Iohn Rousbie Parson of Harwick Surueior and Comptroler of the Kings works Thomas Britingham Parson of Asbie Treasurer to the King for the parts of Guisnes and the Marches of Calais Iohn Troys Tresurer of Ireland a Priest and beneficed there These men being without those Feminine Ginnes of attraction and consumption deuoted onely to Sanctitie were thought then fittest to be husbands for his profit Shortly after three Kings came to visite the King of England The King of France the King of Scots and the King of Cypres The occasions that mooued the French king might be diuers but it seems the especial wereto free some Hostages that remained heere and to cleare such imputations as were had of him for not obseruing in all points the late Accorde wherewith his Nobles were much discontented and many dissiculties arose among them so that in an Assembly of the States at Paris certaine