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A19602 The estate of the Church with the discourse of times, from the apostles vntill this present: also of the liues of all the emperours, popes of Rome, and Turkes: as also of the Kings of Fraunce, England, Scotland, Spaine, Portugall, Denmarke, &c. With all the memorable accidents of their times. Translated out of French into English by Simon Patrike, Gentleman.; L'estat de l'eglise. English. Hainault, Jean de.; Crespin, Jean, d. 1572.; Patrick, Simon, d. 1613. 1602 (1602) STC 6036; ESTC S109073 532,147 761

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Religion then that of the Protestants Moreouer if they thought good of it hee had a great desire to send Theologians and learned men into Amaigne or else if they woulde they might sende theyr learned Diuines into Fraunce to communicate together of certaine points of Religion The Senate of Auspurge receiued the doctrine of the Gospell The 24. of Iuly the Town of Munster is besieged and by might taken by the Count d'Obersten Captaine of the Armie and by their Bishop About the end of the moneth of Ianuary Iohn de Leiden Head of the Anabaptists Coipperdolin and Chrechring his companions being tyed to postes were slaine at Munster the Head alone confessing his fault and something repenting Henry King of England had by his wife Anne Bullen a faire daughter called Elizabeth The Emperour entred into Prouence with his Armie but wanting victualls for his Campe he was constrained to retyre to Gene. A great number of his souldiers dyed and amongst others his Lieutenant Anthonie de Leue. Francis the King of France his eldest sonne dyed at Tournon vpon Rosne of the age of 18. yeares Sebastian de Moncucul an Italian was drawne with 4. horses For giuing him poyson as it is said Perone besieged by Henry Count de Nassau and by Adrian d'erouy Count de Reux There arose a great sedition in England against the King For that bee had plucked downe and banished the Popes authoritie The Emperour by Sea returned from Genes ouer into Spaine Alexander de Medices Duke of Florence is slaine by Lawrence his kinsman promising him the enioying of a Ladie his neighbour of excellent beautie Iames the fift King of Scotland espowsed Magdaline king Francis his eldest daughter The Emperours Armie in Artois vnder the conduction of Florent de Bure tooke by force S. Paul besieged Terouanne but could not winne it The eleuenth of October was borne Edwarde King Henry his sonne of England of Iane Semer which he tooke to wife after Anne Bullen Anne de Mont-mourancy is created Constabled France which is a soueraigne degree of honour which office had bene vacant 15. yeares since the reuolt of Charles de Bourbon The Emperour and the king Francis assembled Nice where the Pope was to make a peace betwixt them and although they accorded not in the principall yet they concluded a truce betwixt them for tenne yearers Margarite the Emperors bastard-daughter after the death of the aforesaid Alexander is married vnto Octauian the Popes sonne in lawe Henry of England caused the Relickes of S. Thomas of Canterburie to be taken out of his Schrine and made them publikely to be burnt The Emperour and king Francis met at Aignes mortes in Languedoc and entertained one an other Charles d' Egmond Duke de Gueldres deceased very olde and William Duke of Cleues possessed his Countrey as well by the dead mans will as by the Nobilitie of the Countrey Castelubro a Towne of Illyrica in the gulfe of Ambracia is taken from the Turke by the Emperour and the Venetians allied together Touching this Pope Paul amongst a great number of his acts I will recite but this litle following that the world may know how great their sanctitie is which the Papists maintaine with an his voyce to be Peters succors and the Vicars of Iesus Christ This Paul was an Astrologian a Magician and Diuine and amongst his most familiars had one called Denis Seuila a Magician whom therefore afterward hee made a Cardinall with one named Gaurice of Portugall Cecius and Marcell Negromancians and wicked villaines Of these did hee enquire the fortune of himselfe and his bastards He got his red hatte in this maner Hee had a sister called Iulia Farnese which hee deliuered to Pope Alexander that hee might be a Cardinall and Bishop of Hostia and to finde meanes to pay his debts For those good Popes commonly are so inflamed with whoredome that they make no difficultie to promise redde hats and Bishopprickes to such as will bring them their sisters or else that which is more horrible their young bretheren to violate Many by such practises obtaine great riches fatte Benifices And as Agrippa saith there is no shorter way then that to come therevnto This murderer poysoned his mother and a Nephewe to this end that all the succession of the Farneses might fall vpon him Moreouer seeing the other of his sisters whose carnall company he had sometime had followed too openly the maners and conditions of them of the house of Farnese and that shee loued more the company of others then his hee poysoned her also Beeing a Legate in Marke d'Ancone in the time of Iulius the second hee most wickedly abused a maide issued of a noble house of that Towne For hee counterfeited and disguised himselfe feigning to bee one of the Gentlemen of the Legates house so vnder the colour of a promise to marrie her deflowred her Who after shee knew the truth what hee was and that shee was not his legitimate wife but his whore at the least by the Canon lawe shee became almost out of her wittes And of this marriage came that great Porteenseigne and Captaine of all Buggerers and Sodomites Peter Lewis As one Nicholas de Chesme found him one day adulterously abusing his wife Laurea Farnese who was the saide Pauls Neece hee wounded him so well with his dagger that hee carried the marke thereof all his life Hee slewe with poyson Bosuis Sforza the husband of his daughter Constance whom before hee had often vsed as his whore to the ende hee might more at his ease and with greater libertie enioy her This Dotard very tyrannously oppressed them of Peruse and droue from the Seignorie Ascanius Columne a very iust Prince This detestable Robber and Rouer tooke and vsurped for himselfe the Towne of Camer after hee had driuen away the Lady thereof which was a woman endowed with a rare and singular religion and prudence and did so much with his practises with Cardinalls that hee exchaunged the said Citie of Camer which was not his owne with the townes of Parme and Plaisance to the end to make his sonne Lewis Lord maister of them Which act afterward by a iust iudgement of God was cause of the death of the said Peter Lewis He often consulted with his Cardinalls how hee might hinder a Nationall Councell in Almaine and commaunded his Embassadors that they should enflame the hearts all Princes against the King of England Anne de Cleues sister of William Duke of Cleues is accorded in marriage to the king of England In the moneth of Maya Comete appeared in the ayre and almost the same day deceased Elizabeth the Emperours wife In August Castelnouo in Illirica is taken againe vpon the Emperor by Barbarosse the great Turkes Lieftenant almost all the garrison of the Spaniards slaine The Citizens of Gaunt rose vp against Mary Regent in the lowe Contries for the Emperour for which cause it was need-full for him to haste
of Pope Zacharie and his wife was put into a Monasterie and in his place the said Pippin sonne of Charles Martel and Father of Charlemaigne was made King and consecrated at Soisons by Boniface Arch-bishop of Magunce by the election of all the Barons of France and by the consent and Councell of Pope Zacharie being therevnto required Who not only commanded and confirmed the said election but also absolued Pippin of the oath which he had made to the King and to the Crowne of France Abb. Vrsp This Pope did as much with the King of Lombards called Lachis For he found meanes that he left his kingdome made himselfe a Monke and his children and wife and his brother Astulfe succeeded him In the 2. volume of Councels Carloman Pippins brother was also shauen and made a Monke at Rome by the perswasion of Zacharie and remained in the Abbey of the mount S●rap in Lombardie and after in the mount Cassin Constantine the fift of that name Emperour 74. sonne of Leon raigned 35. yeares This as he was baptized made water in the Font and therfore was he called in Greeke Copronymos What necessitie was there to hold a naked Childe ouer the Font This gaue a forewarning that hee should be an euill Christian Naucler And indeed many crimes were imposed vpon him because hee constantly maintained his Fathers opinion against the Pope touching Images and from thence came also that they say he dyed desperate when he said I am deliuered from the fire eternall Fasc temp Chron. Sigeb and others They which consent not to the Popes Decrees are Iudged damned Vnder Pippin a Sinode was held in Fraunce by Boniface Arch-bishop of Magunce Bucardus Guntarius and other Bishops which had not beene in 80. yeares before In so much that men said that Religion in France was dissipated and laide vnder feete Naucler It was then ordained that eache yeare there should be a Sinode in France That no Church-man should beare Armes That none of them should vse hunting nor keepe Dogges nor Birds of pray That euery Priest and Bishop should hold himselfe in his Parish and do their diligence to roote out auncient heresies that is to say Paganisme and errors of the sacrifices of the dead diuinations enchauntments and other Immolations which are yet done after the manner of Painims nigh Churches vnder the name of Martyrs and Confessors Naucler Paganisme of the Gods was persecuted in France but true Religion was not therefore established In this time the Hunnes called Hungarians occupiped Pannonia They were diuided into seuen bands euery band builded a Castle which yet at this day are called Septem Castra in Latin which is a strong place against the Turkes Edward King of England who otherwise was reputed an vpright man left his wife and entertained Nunnes who was admonished by Letters from Boniface to leaue off that vice Naucler These be the fruites and enticements of that cursed single life Pippin le Court dyed at Paris after hee had raigned 17. or 18. yeares after some leauing his two sonnes Charlemaigne in Soisonnois and Carloman at Noyon Stephen Pope second of that name a Romaine ruled at Rome sixe yeares Hee was carried vpon mens shoulders vnto the Church of S. Lateran and thereof it comes that at this day Popes cause themselues to be carried The Emperour Constantine the 14. yeare of his Empire assembled a Councell at Constantinople of 330. Bishops where it was commaunded that all Images of Saints should be taken and burnt Also he caused all his subiects to sweare no more to honour any Image of God nor of Saintes but condemned to die all such as called to the Virgin Mary for helpe and that had in their houses any Relikes of Saints They commaunded Monkes to Marry and Nunnes to follow the estate of marriage Sigeb After this the Emperor sent the defruition of this Councel to the Pope commaunding him to cast Images out of Churches Sabin King of Bulgaria throughout his Kingdome caused all Images to be taken away after the example of Constantine whereby he came in grace with the Emperour Naucler Stephen went into Fraunce towardes King Pippin demaunding aide and succours against Astulphus King of the Lombardes This King Pippin went and met the Pope and discended from his horse tooke the bridle of the Popes horse in his hand and so ledde him to the Pallace Suppl Chron. Stephen consecrated him and his two sonnes Charlemaigne and Carloman in the Church of S. Denis in France and confirmed them in such manner as hee and his posteritie should holde the kingdome of France in heritage for euer and excommunicated all such which should set themselues against it Fasci temp Also hee transported the Empire of Constantinople into France which afterward Pope Leo approued ratified and put in execution And therefore the Empire was parted into East and West Supp Chron. Fasci temp Naucler From whence came this authoritie to bestowe kingdomes of the world but from the diuel who is called the prince therof Pippin went into Italie to the Popes succours and obteined victory against the Lombards Astulphe was constrained to agree to the Popes will Sigeb The Exarchate which was occupied by the Lombards and appertained to the Emperour is giuen to the Pope by Pippin without any right For the estate of such as held that dignitie and office were assigned the Townes that follow Rauenna Imola Boulonge Mutina Rhegin Parma Placentia c. At this time happened an horrible thing in the Abbey of S. Martin at Tours For all the Monkes which were giuen to pleasures and wickednes dyed suffocated and choaked except one Fasci temp The Parliament Instituted in France Constantine the Emperour sent gifts to Pippin praying him to render vnto him the Exarchate Pippin answered that hee came not the second time into Italie for any temporall profit but in dutie to guard the Church against the Lombards and to take from them Rauenna and the Exarchate and other goods of Italie to giue them vnto the Pope Naucler Abb. Vrsp Thassido Duke of Bauier did homage to the King of France Paul brother of the former Pope 94. gouerned 10. or a 11. yeares In whose election there was great debate For some had chosen one called Theophilactus Buggandus Bishop of Metes at this time was very affectionate towards holie bodies and heaped vp Relikes He transported from Rome into France the bodies of S. Gorgon and Saint Nazare and of many others Rome which before was the butchery of Martyrs now selles bodies and bones Constantine seeing the foolish superstition of Christians at the Sepulchres of Saintes kissing and worshipping their Relikes caused their bones to be taken out of their graues and to be cast into the Sea At this time it was that Sigebert reciteth that in Berithe a Citie of Siria was found an Image of Iesus Christ wherevnto the Iewes did many outrages pearcing his feete hands and
grieuous punishments that within 3. daies he should renounce the rights of his Empire The crueltie of this Emperour was maruellous This Emperour came to Francford and being readie with all his power to do that which was enioyned him required by his Embassadors that he would receiue him into grace This Pope answered the Embassadors that he would neuer pardon Lewis vnlesse first he confessed all his errors and heresies and dismissed himselfe of the Imperial dignitie put into his hands himselfe his children and all his goods and that he would promise to take nothing of all those things but by his consent And he gaue a Formularie vnto the Embassadors and commaunded them to present it vnto Lewis What forme or fashion is there here I will not say of a Pastor but of a man onely Lewis shewed this Formularie to the Princes to the Electors and to the Embassadors of the Imperiall Townes The Princes detested some of the Articles for that they were laid by the Pope to the ruine and destruction of the Empire and they promised the Emperour succours if hee would defend the rights of the Empire as hee had done before yet they prayed Clement by their Embassadors that he would leaue off such Articles inuented to the detriment of the Empire but the Embassadors returned without doing any thing Clement laying the cause of all those things vpon Lewis sought the ruine of him and his children Wherfore the Thursday before Easter he excommunicated him very cruelly and renewed all the rigorous processes made by Pope Iohn and declared him an heretike and a schismatike he also sollicited the Electors to chuse an other Emperour He depriued the Archbishop of Magunce of his dignitie and of the priuiledge authoritie to chuse because that knowing the Emperors innocencie he would not violate his maiestie As for the other Electors the new of Magunce he of Treuers and Colongne being corrupted by force of gifts and presents by the king of Bohemia declared Emperour Charles the fourth sonne of Iohn King of Bohemia who was sonne of Henry seuenth of that name who was crowned at Bohemia during the Empire of Lewis but hee was not reputed a lawful Emperour no not after the death of Lewis as may be seene Who can here rehearse the horrible warres which proceeded of the wickednesse of this Clement against the Empire Twentie thousand French men were ouerthrowne by Edward King of England who discended into Normandie and came euen to Paris destroying all the Countrey It was called the battaile of Cressy where there was great effusion of French bloud Chron. Euseb Callais was yeelded to the king of England after it had endured extreame famine A great famine was in all Italie accompanied with a pestilence and mortalitie which was almost vniuersall It continued till the yeare 1350. See the Histories of Almaine France Lewis the fourth was poysoned as is said hauing drunke of the Cup of Iane Dutchesse of Austrich which came to see him and feeling himselfe grieued he would needs goe on hunting and beeing in the wood hee fell from his horse as if hee had bene stricken with a Palsey whereof he died soone after At the article and point of death hee cryed O my God bee merciful vnto me a poore sinner Munster and others After his death there was yet more trouble then before The Electors were sollicited to elect Edward king of England but he refused the election as a thing too troublesome After they chose Frederic Count of Misne but hee loued better to maintaine peace with the Bohemians then to charge himselfe with the titles of the Empire At Francford one part of the Electors chose Gunther of Scwartymbourge who accepted the Election as being sufficiently munited and puissant to hold good against the Emperor Charles who then remained at Magunce But Gunther a litle after was poisoned and died at Francford so Charles raigned alone Let all people know hereby the detestable tirannie that Popes haue exercised through all the world spreading the seedes of seditions and warres The Empire was brought into great calamitie for Charles to the end to leaue his sonne successor did so corrupt the Electors with store of gifts and promises that hee gaged vnto them the publike reuenew of the Empire which they yet detaine at this day and therefore the Romane Empire could not relieue it selfe For then did the Electors constraine Charles to sweare that he would neuer reuoke that he had engaged The Empire being ouerthrowne the Turke assailed the Church of Iesus Christ and ruinated many of them in Europe putting all to fire and sword and laying vpon them that miserable yoake of Mahomet But how can Christian Princes driue backe Ottoman and his successors out of the Church of Christ if they first represse not the Turkish Pope an houshold enemie This Pope Clement reduced to the fiftieth yeare the Iubile wherof hath bene spoken to the end by that meanes to gather more gold and being absent from Rome hee made it be celebrated the yeare of the Lord 1350. All the length of the said yeare there were at Rome euery day to the number of fiue thousand Pilgrimes entring and going out as easily might be counted Thus saith Peter Premonstre The bringing in the obseruation of the ceremonie of Iubile is a renowncing of Iesus Christ who hath brought vs the agreeable time and the yeare and day of saluation and perpetuall pardon 2. Cor. 6.2 In this time a company of people of diuers Nations were assembled making a Sect which did beate and whip themselues going from Towne to Towne from Borough to Borough and from Village to Village There came one time 200. from Souabe and amongst them was one Prince and two Gouernours whom they obeyed One day being before the Monasterie of Spire in the day about one of the Clock they made a round and stripped themselues naked except that they had shirtes like hose from the thighes to the heeles and so fell prostrate vpon the earth one after an other in forme of a Crosse and whipped themselues singing and Inuocating God they also laid their faces towards the earth praying for themselues and for all such as did them good likewise for them that did euill vnto them They had certaine Priests amongst them and some Lettered people there were also Gentlemen and Handicraftsmen women and children If any man Inuited them to dinner they durst not go nor take any almes without the leaue of their Gouernours But they whipped themselues twise a day and each one once in the night secretly They spake not to any woman They all carried Crosses both before and behinde in their apparell hattes or Caps Their whips were tied to their robes and they remained no more then one night in a Parish From the Towne of Spire there were more then an hundreth which raunged themselues in their company Yet none was receiued of their band vnlesse they promised
Others that they would not pay it and so was there a schisme in the Churches of Almaigne Naucler Petrarke dyed about this time So did Boccace of the age of 62. yeares Abb. Trit Simon de Cassia was in this time and S. Bonauenture whom Gregorie 2. made Cardinall and Bishop of Albe Abb. Trit Amurathes was slaine with the blowe of a Dagger by the seruant of a Christian called Seruianus For that the said Amurathes had slaine his maister Peter de Premonstre hath left by writing that in this Popes time there was a kinde or new Sect of diuellish people as well men as women which without any shame daunced hardely And he said that in the yeare of the Lord 1375. they came frō Aix in Almain into Henaut and from thence into France Some said this signified the returne of Pope Gregorie his Cardinals to Rome These thought they daunced in a flood of blood although such as were present with them saw no such thing The common people iudged that these people were ill baptized by Priests which keep whores and harlots and therefore they determined to haue risen vp against the Cleargy to slay them and pill their goods but that God remedied it by the meanes of certaine coniurations that which followeth in the said author The yeare of Christ 1375. the English men and Brytons with other people to the number of fortie thousand and more fell vpon the Countries of Alsarce and Sangania and tooke Cities and Castles and raced them to the ground violated virgins and wiues burned Churches and Monasteries and after many other tyrannies they attempted also vpon the Bernois but a great multitude of them and their Duke were slaine and discomfited by the said Bernois at Frowenbrun the rest were assailed by other Swisses and were ouerthrowne and so they all perished miserably Fascic temp The Emperour Charles sought to stretch out the limits of his kingdome of Boheme partly by siluer and partly by warres and other meanes which was cause that he gaue to Iohn Henry his brother the Countrey of Morauia to the end he might renounce the right he had in the kingdome of Boheme Long time after he also caused the Princes Electors to elect Wencelaus his sonne King of the Romanes Finally after many requests hee obtained that he demaunded the yeare of grace 1376. and gained the Princes which elected Wencelaus King of Romanes being but 15. yeares of age After his coronation he espoused Ihehanne or Iane daughter of Albert Counte of Holland and Duke of Bauiere But the yeare following Charles dyed which was the yeare of grace 1378. and of his Empire 33. Hee was an Emperour worthie of praise sauing that he regarded more his kingdome of Boheme then the publike weale of his Empire For knowing his Sonne should succeede him in the Empire hee corrupted the Electors by great and faire promises the which being not able to accomplish hee gaged vnto them the publike taxes and tributes and brought the Romane Empire into that calamitie wherein it is at this day For the Electors retaine that vnto themselues which should be the Emperours A great number of the poore of Lyon were burnt at Paris in the place de Greue The Sea of Histories The Colledge of Benuais was founded at Paris the yeare 1372. otherwise called the Colledge des Dormans because it was founded by three brethren called Dormans the one was Bishop of Beauuais the other Archbishop of Angiers and the other Chauncellour of France Wencelaus sonne of Charles fourth of that name was chosen king of the Romans beeing but 15. yeares of age at the pursuite of his Father and crowned at Aix la Chappelle with his wife the daughter of Albert Duke of Bauiere and Counte of Holland But this Wencelaus was euil made of bodie and spirit his bodie crooked and of an effeminate courage He was borne at Nuremberge and his mother dyed at his byrth Assoone as hee was made king of Boheme and of the Romanes incontinently he gaue himselfe to all Idlenes and dissolution following his pleasures caring for nothing but to make good cheare And because he vsed great tyrannie in the end the Barons of the kingdom tooke him kept him in prison the space of 4. moneths til he was brought forth by his brother the Marquesse called Iohn but he became no better His subiects then seeing that all the Country was infected with his orders tyrannies whoredomes dissolutions they complained to his brother Sigismond king of Hungarie and he was againe taken and imprisoned in Austriche but escaping out of prison he returned into his kingdome and returned to his first manners The Electors of the Empire often admonished him but hee cared not therefore he was depriued of his Empire at Bopard Baiazet fourth King or Emperour of the Turks the sonne of Amurathes after the death of his Father slewe his brother Soliman traiterously and so alone enioyed the Empire of the Turkes the yeare of the world 5335. after Christes Natiuitie 1373. To reuenge the death of his father he made war against Marke Lord of Bulgaria ouercame and slewe him and so subiected a great part of his Country A little after he ouerranne Hungarie Albania and Walachie and did great hurt tooke many Christians and led them into Thracia prisoners In his enterprises and affaires he was so hotte and so suddaine that he was called Baiazet Hildrin that is to say thunder from heauen He brought vnder as it were all Greece being aided with the goods and graces of nature both in body and spirit He besieged Constantinople by the space of eight yeares Wherevpon the Emperour sailed into France requiring succours which was graunted him yet got Baiazet victorie of the French Hungarians Almaines Syrians and Misians in one assembly against him after hee returned to Constantinople and there was no other meane to conserue the Empire of Constantinople but that Tamberlan who was Lord of a certaine Countrie of East Scythia towards Parthia hauing as it were an infinit number of people put to the sworde in one onely battaile on the Mount Stella where Pompey fought with Mithridates 2. hundreth thousand Turkes and ouercame Baiazet and bound him with chaines of Gold and put him into a Cage of Iron and so ledde him through all the Countreys of Asia and Syria In the which miserable estate the said Baiazet died He raigned twentie and sixe yeares Edward King of England who had so many victories in France died of the age of 74. yeares the yeare 52. of his raigne Charles the 4. and Wencelaus his sonne came into France to accord the French and the English but they returned without doing any thing because of the death of the Queene and her daughter Isabel The Pope Gregorie after he had done all that belonged to a good Pope as Platina saith being tormented with an intollerable paine of the blather deceased the yeare of the Lord 1378. Some say that
all should haue bene consumed by fire The next morning which was Sunday there was found so many dead bodies stinking that in all hast of necessitie a great ditch was made to burie them by Cartfulls Of wounded there were found more then an hundreth and fiftie A woman great with child was found stiffled who being opened the childe receiued baptisme A damzel casting her selfe out of a bed to open a windowe in the streete called Blochstranssem the tempest so cut off her necke that the head hung at the remaining skinne a very sad and horrible spectacle In a corner of a street where is the Pallace Bernard a Tauerner called Croes beeing discended into a Seller to drawe Beere for his ghuests of which one company were playing at Cardes the house in a moment was throwne on the earth and the gamesters ouerwhelmed wth their Cardes in their hands none of that house remained safe but the Host by meanes of the vaulted Caue or Seller into which he was discended Three or foure dayes after this accident there were many found in Caues and Sellers which were dead of hunger others stiffled others lay in traunses and swounds with feare and incredible stench of the thunder There was a man and a woman found that were carried away and hanged betwixt the braunches of a Tree The Towne which before was adorned with exquisite buildings was now altogether disfigured and as it were rent in peeces The Suburbes of Neckerfpful was almost all ruinated The Pallace of Bergues and that of Madame Margarite and the Emperours were cleane ouerthrowne The house of Lombards they are they which lend siluer to vsurie from top to bottome was ruinated The Hosterie of the Postmaister was destroyed and the stable with the horses were all carried away One part of the Monasterie of the Augustines and of the Temples and Churches of the Towne were broosed and broken downe And if the storme had not broken his forces in the ouerthrowe of the house of the Count d'Hostrat there had beene no likelihood that any house in the Towne or thereabouts had remained whole There were found many hewen stones throwne by the Tempest sixe hundreth paces off to the great damage of the places where they fell The glasse windowes through all the streetes were broken The fall of Tyles and the cry of persons was horrible and fearefull Thus the Lord sometimes makes men feele his terrible and fearfull power In Iune the Emperour sent the Cardinall of Trent to Rome to conclude that cōfederacie with the Pope who had now deliuered siluer to the Captaines of warre for the warre in Almaine On the other side the Duke of Saxe and the Lantgraue leuied people in all haste The Emperor being demanded the causes of the warre he answered it was onely meant against rebells culpable of treason He sent Embassadors to the Swisses praying them to remaine stil in their auncient amity And that hee onely determined to chastice certaine mutinous people The Protestants purposed in August to besiege Seiusbourge so meaning to fight against the Emperor but as they passed leisurely ten thousand footmē of Italie came to the Emperors succours the last of August and 500. horsmen whose Captaine was Octauius Farnese the Popes sonne in lawe The Count de Bure who had leuied people in the lowe Countries passed Phine in the moneth of August nigh Mets and in September ioyned himselfe to the Emperour Great troupes of the Popes friends of all estates ranne vnto the Councell of Trent In the number of which amongst others were two notable Archbishops the one of Vspale in the Countrey of the Gothes called Olaus the great and the other of Armacane in Ireland They were poore Archbishops which had litle but winde and smoake of Archbishops and were entertained of the Pope at fifteene crownes a moneth and therefore thought hee good they should be at this Councell vnder those titles and to take place amongst others that the world might beleeue that there were yet found in farre Countries as Gothia and Ireland people which reuerence his name and submit themselues to his obedience Herman Archbishop of Colongne by the counsell and aduice of his Estates and of his meer will surrendred and gaue ouer his estate of a Prince and his Electorship and withall remitted vnto the people the oath of fidelitie wherby they were bound vnto him Adolp Schauembourge is chosen in his place who straight chaunged Religion through all the Countrey of Colongne At Genes a sedition rose vp The Count Fliscan was Captaine of them who fell into the sea and was drowned whereby the furie of the seditious was much lessened Yet the Lord Ioanuin d' Aure was there cut in peeces The Emperour laid the cause vpon the Farneses and amongst others vpon Peter Lewis Duke of Plaisance Henry king of England dyed about the end of Ianuarie hauing instituted Edward his sonne of the age of nine yeares and after him he substituted Mary his daughter by his first wife and after her Elizabeth by his second wife Vnder this young King Edward the doctrine of the Pope was driuen out of England and the Gospell put in the place by the authoritie of the Duke of Sommerset his Tutor and Vncle by the mothers side and of Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterburie The Councell of Trent diuided some of the venerable Fathers retired to Bolongne because a Phisitian who was in the Popes wages told them that the aire of Trent was not wholesome The other Bishops which were vnder the Emperors obedience remained at Trent A sedition at Naples of the Bourgesses against the Spaniards because that Peter de Tolledo Viceroy sought to bring in the Spanish Inquisition concerning Religion The last of March Francis king of France after hee had raigned 32. yeares died at Ramboillet Henry 2. of that name his son succeeded him in this yeare and the same day he was borne that is to say the last of March. Anne de Montmourancie now hauing bene absent from the Court sixe yearers was againe called Such as before were in honour and credit some were laid in prison others were deposed or lost their credit and honour Peter Martir a Florentine professor of Theologie is called from Strasbourge into England and Bernardin Ochinus a man renowmed in Ilalie for his eloquence Anne the onely daughter of Vladislaus the last king of Hungarie and Boheme the wife of Ferdinand king of the Romanes a fertile mother for children died about this time The 24. of Aprill the Emperor vsing extreame diligence and subtiltie passed the Riuer of Abis and suddenly tooke the Duke of Saxonie who hauing but a weake Armie was discomfited and be himselfe after he had fought all the day wounded in the left cheeke was taken and carried away prisoner The seuenth of May the Emperor condemned him to be beheaded yet at the earnest intercession of the Elector of Brandebourge he yeelded him his life and in the place thereof
I say not Father Take to thy selfe now the treasures the Tapistries and the Prouince of Mustapha and gouerne it at thy pleasure Is it possible I should fall into thy spirit infamous man without all humanitie against all right to put to death so valiant a person as neuer was nor shal be the like in the house of Ottomās Ha ha I will take good order that thou shalt not impudenly vaunt glory that thou hast done the like to me And straight drew his dagger and strooke it so farre into his owne bodie that he fell downe dead vpon the earth Which so soone as his Father knew he made a maruellous mourning and yet left not to seize vpon all his goods which caused a tumult in the Campe of Mustapha but it was nothing in regard of that they did after they knew of his death In such sort that Solyman to the great danger of his life was constrained to chase away Rostan and to dispoile him of all his honours and dignities This death came wel for the Christians whose great enemy Mustapha was who tooke great delight in sheading their blood It brought also such great displeasure vnto the Turkes that therevpon followed amongst them this prouerbe Gietti Soltan Mustaphat That is all we thought on is ended in Musthapha For they thought that he would haue enlarged their Empire which they looked for at no other hand The French tooke Verceil in the Countrey of Turin but seeing they could not keepe it they spoyled pilled it and retyred Edward King of England being in his mortall bed in the moneth of May Northumberland caused one of his sonnes to espowse Iane Suffolke the Kings cousin This King of the age of 16. yeares dyed the 6. of Iuly to the great damage of Christian Religion So soone as Mary was peacibly Queene of Englande at her arriuall at London she caused to be tooke out of prison the Duke of Norfolke and the Bishop of Winchester a pernicious man and made him Chauncellor The Emperours Hoast after it had raced Terouane marched into Artois and there in the moneth of Iuly forced Hesden which the king of France had a litle before taken There was slaine Horace Fernese the husband of the kings bastard daughter and a great number of Gentlemen prisoners A battaile in Saxonie vppon the Riuer of Visurge betwixt the Duke Maurice and the Marquesse Albert wherein Albert was vanquished and Maurice victorious strooken with a bullet whereof he dyed two dayes after A deare victorie bought with death Michael Seruet de Ville-neuisue a Spaniard a pernicious hereticke hauing of long time written execrable things against the Trinitie proudly maintained them at Geneua after long detention the participation of the Councell of the Churches and faithfull Common-wealths of Suecia finally in the ende of October was condemned by the Lordes of the said Towne to be burned aliue The hardnesse of his heart was such that being vpon the wood hee would neuer confesse Iesus Christ the eternall sonne of God but only the sonne of Dauid and the sonne of the eternall God In England by the decree of all the Bishops of the kingdome then assembled the Edicts and statutes of the deceased King Edward concerning Religion were defaced and made voide and the Popish doctrine approued and allowed Albert agreed with Augustus the brother of Maurice by meanes of the King of Denmarke and of the Elector of Brandebourge Iane Suffolke Queene of England as is said by King Edwards testament and the three sonnes of the Duke of Northumberland were declared culpaple and condemned of Treason Iohn Alasco a Polonian Gentleman with a great number of the French and Flemish Churches flying from England did wander and stray a certaine space of time into Denmarke and Saxonie seeking a place to dwel in But they were euery where refused not only of a place of habitation but also they were commaunded to get them out yea in winter time not suffering them to remaine in their hauens The cause of this inhumanitie and inhospitalitie was their difference for the doctrine of the Supper of the Lorde whereof we haue before touched Finally a place was allowed them in East Friseland in the Towne Emden where a Church was open for them and granted by the Countesse of the said Emden a true Christian Princes Ferdinand being at Vienna reiected the supplication of the Estates of his Countrey which demaunded to permit the administration of the Supper of Iesus Christ whole vnder both kindes Iohn Fredericke Duke of Saxonie after his deliuerance from captiuitie agreed with the Duke Augustus and he acquited to him and his heire Males the Electorship the Country of Misne and the Townes where the Mines be yet he held vnto himselfe the name and Armes of the Elector The 20. of February Sibille of Cleues wife of the said Iohn Frederic dyed at Vinaine Eleuen dayes after the said Frederic also deceased happily in his Country amongst his children and other friends and the same day that he dyed was borne vnto the Elector Augustus a sonne named Alexander Thomas Wiat an Englishman conspired and rose vp against the Queene of England because of the straunge marriage she enterprised with Phillip the Emperours sonne On an other part of the kingdome Henry of Suffolke gathered people against her The one and the other were declared enemies of the Commonwealth taken and at diuers times beheaded The 12. of February Iane Suffolke King Edwards cousin germaine instituted heire of the kingdome by his testament was with her husband beheaded After them was made a great butchery of heads at London and Westminster where the Queene then was Elizabeth also her sister was imprisoned vpon her suspition Sienna was besieged by the Pope and the Duke of Florence Peter Stosze which defended it made a sallie vpon them and ouercame a great number of their people Charles Duke of Sauoy spoyled of the greatest best part of his Countrey dyed leauing Emanuell Philebert his sonne heire King Henry about the end of Iune tooke Bouuines Dinan Marienbourge Bius and wasted all the Country besieged Renty vpon the Marches of Artois but the Emperour comming and skirmishing together the king departed in the moneth of August remouing his siege from thence The Kings Armie in Tuscane which Strosze conducted was surprised by the Imperialists and for the most part ouerthrowne Phillip the Emperours sonne arruied the 19. of Iuly in England the 24. following the marriage was made betweene him and the Queene at Winchester The Marquis Albert chased from his Country withdrew into Lorraine and after to the king of France The Emperour caused a Fort to be builded nigh the place where Hesden was Cardinall Poole in a full assembly of all the Estates of the kingdome of England commenced the 12. of Nouember was restored into his dignities goods and honours of which he was depriued by King Henry the eight
The Historie of the reuoult of England To the ende the Lord may be knowne in his iudgements which daily happen and that he which is to day aloft may take heed hee fall not let vs harken vnto that infamous revoult of England and see how they returne to their first vomite The Wednesday the 28. of Nouember of this yeare the Parliament of England was assembled and in the presence of King Phillip and Queene Marie the Cardinall Poole expounpounded his Legation and exhorted them to the holy seate of the Pope shewing them how greatly bound they were to God who now enlarged vpon them his diuine grace prouiding for them such Princes as they had After he declared vnto them how the holy Father the Pope vsed towards them his benignitie and clemency by him his Legate greatly thanking them that they had receiued him and placed him in his Country and Nobilitie whereof he had bene long depriued and that therefore he held himselfe more bound to procure they might be restored into the Ecclesiasticall Court as his desire was This vile Apostate of the truth calleth that stinking Court of Rome the celestiall Court After he had thus spoken be withdrew himselfe to the end to giue respet vnto the Lords of the Parliamēt to resolue thervpon what to doo The Chauncellour of England straight tooke the Cardinalls wordes and shewed how they had cause to thanke God who had raised them vp such a Prophet out of their owne seed to procure their saluation as the reuerend Legate did Insomuch that all with a common accord concluded to cōsent vnto the vnion obedience of the Romane church The Thursday following they ordained to agree vnto that which the Cardinall had saide so that vpon a common accord they presented a supplication wherein they prayed the King and Queenes maiesties as heads of the kingdome that they would pray the Popes Legate that they might haue absolute remission of their sinnes and errours promising to make voide all such lawes as they had before established against the authoritie of the Romane seate whervnto they would sweare neuer to contradict The King sent the said supplication to the Legate and the day after assembled the Parlament in the place where the king and the Queene with the Cardinall Legate were set And the Chancelor rose vp with great reuerence an high voice vttered the resolutiō made by the Lords of the Parliament praying in the name of all that they wold accept the supplicatō written in Latin tongue shut sealed by the said Chancellor The supplication being opened by the Legate was deliuered vnto the Chancellor to publish hee red it with an high voice and that done demaunded of all them of the Parlament if their wills were according to the tenor thereof and they all answered yea Vpon this the King Queene rose vp and presented the said supplicatiō to the Legate who red it then presented he the Bulles of his Legation which were red also to make appeare vnto them the authoritie hee had from the holie Father to absolute them That is to say to plunge them into the deepe pit of hell That done the Reuerend made them an Oration in their own language shewing penance which pleased God and that the Angell of Paradice reioyce more at a sinner repenting his sinnes then of ninetie nine iust persons and vpon that brought for his examples cōtrarily drawne to furnish out his impudencie falsly abusing the word of God After he had ended he rose vp and the King and Queene fell vpon their knees before him calling vpon God and the holy Saints that hee would pardon the penitent people of England the authoritie of whose person he representeth Then the Legate pronounced a generall absolution which done they all departed with the King the Queene and the Legate towards their Chappell where was sung Te Deum and after the saide Legate had made his triumphant entries hee yeelded all power and authoritie to the Bishops the first Sunday of Aduent as they call it on which day the Bishoppe of Winchester an other Apostate of the truth made a Sermon after a solemne Masse taking for his Theame Nunc tēpus adest de somne surgere that is It is now time to awake As if before in the time of the Gospell vnder the raigne of king Edward of England they had still slept But that awaking shall be deare sold vnto all such Organes and Instruments of Sathan which haue caused so many murders and bloudshead of Gods children since that time in the Realme of England See the booke of Martyrs A more horrible vengeance of God cannot come to a Countrey then when God withdrawes his light therefrom Ferdinand sent out of their Countrey 200. Ministers of the faithfull in the kingdome of Boheme Touching the true Martyrs of the Lord executed this yeare in England vnder the tyranous raigne of Queene Mary and the disputations held betwixt the Popish Doctors and them of the true Religion See the fourth part of the bookes of Martyrs A Iourney of the Empire was held at Ausbourge and although fewe Princes came thither Ferdinand made a long Oration the fift of Februarie of two principall poynts The first of Religion by reason whereof he said all the disorder and destruction of Almaine happened and that it might be remedied by disputations and communications of Theologians as once had beene begun The second was to helpe and succour the afflicted estate of the warre past and punish such as made the troubles Melancton and other learned people by their Letters comforted the Ministers of the Churches of Boheme which were dispersed ouer Misnia Casal a Towne nigh vnto Po was taken by the French vnder the conduct of Brisac the 3. of March Marcel second of that name a Tuscan by Nation called before Marcel Ceruin succeeded and was borne in a place called the Monte Pelicien in the territories of Florence Of a Cardinall of the title of the holy Crosse in Ierusalem was created Pope by the common consent of all the Cardinalls which were in the Conclaue the 9. day of Aprill 1555. The day following he receiued the Pontificall ornaments in the Church of Laterane but he would not change the name that he receiued at his baptisme Being come vnto the Papacie he was an enemie vnto the Gospell as before he was Pope you may see he was euer In his youth he had some litle profited in humane Letters and so kept the schooles Afterward as Paul the third had created Cardinall Alexander Farnesius the sonne of Peter Lewis his bastard sonne hee gaue his this Marcel for a Schoolemaister Certaine time after the Cardinall Alexander leauing there the studie of Letters applyed himself altogether to handle the affaires wherein as well he as also Paul his grandfather serued themselues with Marcel who was their Secretary The Bishoppricke of Nichastre being vacant hee was made Bishop of that Church yet he alwaies liued
Caius Emp. of Rome 75 Caracalla Emp. 51. slaine 161 Charles K. of Naples sleyeth his sister Iane at the Popes instigation 397 Chartreux order founded 370 Castle of S. Angeto builded Chiliastes renued 67 Chorepiscopi particular Bishops 91 Christian libertie 19 Church of Antioche in great fame 16 Church in Babylon 10 In Affrike troubled by Gensericus 78 Romaine declared principall 111 Church called Sancta Sanctorū builded 63 Churches flourishing in Asia the lesse gouerned by the Apostles 8 Churches orientall communicated but once a yeare 227 Churches orientall and occidentall appeased 244 Church of Aquilegia reduced 89 Christians persecuted the first time by Nero. 19 The second vnder Domitian 27 The third vnder Traian 28 The 4. vnder M. Aurelius 40 The 5. vnder Seuerus 41 The 6. vnder Iulius Max. 55 The 7. vnder Decius 58 The 8. vnder Galius 60 The 9. vnder Aurelian 70 The 10. and most cruell vnder Dioclesian 76 Christ exerciseth his ministerie suffereth his passion 6 Cleargie Clarkes and their signification 90 The Cleargie augmented 112 Cleargie Romane vsurpeth the election of the Pope 149 The temporall sword 201 They wil haue no reformatiō 232 Except from common collectors 241 Clarkes enioy immunities 39 That they ought to meddle with secular affaires 160 Clouis baptised and his Nobles 108 Collation of Benefices 209 Colledge of faire women 194 Comet seene three moneths together 397 Commodus strangled 45 Cōmunicants take the wine and bread in their hands 238 Councell at Ierusalem 192 Councells touching Easter 162 Clerus Bishop 26 Clement the first 27 Claudius Emp. 69 Councells of Philadelphia 56 At Antioche 68 At Nice 96 Councels prouinciall euery yeare 98 Councell Affrican 107 Councell of Carthage 109 Ephesus 112 Of Chalcedon 120 Of Orleance 132 At Tara in Spaine 136 Tolledo 141 Constantinople 155 Councell at Auuergne 161 At Orleance 171 At Lyons 177 Paris 197 Ciuill 200 Tolledo 222 Councells the foure generall to be kept as the Gospell 223 Councell at Rome 128 Councels cannot prescribe lawes to the Romane Church but from thence hath her vertues and perfections 243 Cornelius B. of Rome 60 Councell at Reius 335 At Tours 33. Lateran 349 Councell in France against the K. thereof 359 Councell generall at Vienna 371 Councel National in Fracē 430 Councel general at Vienna 444 At Parpignan 445 At Pise 459 At Constance 460 Cardinall Albert. 641 Christian Churches of Constantinople 650 Charles Borgia 642 Clement 8. Pope 679 He maketh warre vpon Caesar Est 760 Confession taken away by Nectarius 92 Confession annicular instituted 346 Conon Pope 88 Conrade 1. of that name Emperour 250 Conrade the second 261 Conrade the third 272 Conrade a Merchant of Milain disposeth the Sect of the Fratriceilli 384 Conrade the lawfull K. of Sicilia beheaded by the Popes councell 409 Consecration of water mingled with wine 98 Constance sister of William King of Sicily a Nun was dispended with for marrying 335 Constātius Emp. an heretike 226 Constance pilleth Rome 161 Constance Emp. abiureth his heresie Ibid. Constance slaine at the Bathe 20 Comodus Emp. 44. His death 45 Count or Earle 366 Constantine the great Emperor desired to be baptised in Iordan 83 Hee caused a Tabernacle to bee carried in warre 87. He burneth the libell of the Bishops 92 By his humillitie he raiseth vp the pride of the Popes against his successors 31 Constant the 4. Emp. 198 Constant the 5 Emp. 215. He commanded Images to be cast out of Churches Constant 6. Emp. 222 Constant Pope 2. of that name hath his eyes put out 220 Constant Paleologne the last Emperor of Constantinople 421. murdered at the taking therof Costātinople builded in the midst of Byzantium 89 Is fired 112. Is besieged 3. yeares of the Sarazins and Arabiās recouered by the Grecians 211. Besieged of Baiazeth 222. is taken Cosroes K. of Persia destroyeth Syria 185. He would abolish Christianitie Ibid. He is ouercome by Heraclius Coronation of Clement the fift troubled with the deathes of many 2018 Cresselius punished for his ambition 334 Croisades take their beginning 299 Crueltie of Pope Pius the fourth 300 Cyrus reedifieth the Temple 4 Custome vpon wine and salte in France 112 Cyprian S. his death 64 D DAgobert instituted a Colledge of faire women 194 Damasus 2. of that name Pope 2●5 Denmarke with his K. conuerted to the faith 121 Danes and Normans do returne into France 156 Darfosa martyred 89 Darius Histaspes endeth the Temple 12 Dauphin sold to the K. of Fr. 129 Decadence and fall of the Pope 259 Decretalls frō whence forged 60 Decretalls examined 61 Decretalls gathered together by Raymond the Monke 352 Decretalls attributed to Lucius 71 Degrees Ecclesiasticall 59 Denis Bishop of Alexandria his death 119 Denis B. of Rome and his Decretalls 68 Denis a Romane Abbot made the great paschall Cicle 173 Denis the woman of great Constantine martyred 116 Deus Dedit or Dorithe Pope 186 Deacon and his signification 14 Didier last K. of Lombards 221 Dydius Iulius Emp. 45 Dydinus a blind man a famous Regent in the Schoole of Alexandria 244 Digna a noble matron in Aquilea cast her selfe headlong into the water 153 Dioclesian caused his feet to bee kissed 76 Dioclesia Max. depose themselues of the Empire 78 D. Saunders 642 Duke Alanson 640 His death 645 Duke of Guise slaine 666 Death of the L. Russell 658 Death of the Q. of Scots 659 Dissention in religion 682 Duke of Parma dieth 680 Death of Sixtus the 5. 674 D. de Maine 676 Death of Ch. Burbon 673 D. of Neuers 685 Dissention amongst the Protestant Princes 627 Death of Amurathe 690 D. Lopez executed 688 Dioclesian dyeth in a rage 79 Diuision of the kingdome of Iudea 3 Diuorce permitted for the long sicknesse of a woman 257 Doctrine Euangelicall receiued at Valence in Dauphine 177 Domitian Emperour 26 Domitian slaine 37 Domitius Nero. 28 Donation of Constantine 89.405 Death of the Duke of Guise 577 Decius Emperour 58 His death 59 Diaconesses 92 Deodatus Pope 199 E EAster ordained on the Sonday 39 To be celebrated in one day in all places Ibid. Ebion an heretike 18 Edmond the last King of the Easterne English men slaine by the Danes 271 Edward the 3. King of England elected Emperour 411 Election of the Pope giuen to Charlemaine 253 Giuen to the people and Cleargy of Rome 256 Vsurped by them the Ro. people 271 To the Popes Elders 5 Election of the Emperours giuen to the Germaine Nation 277 Emperour kisseth the Popes feet 219 Empire Westerne endeth 153 Empire Romane decayeth 141.187 Empire of Constantinople transferred into France 218 Empire diuided betwixt two Emperours 79 Empire of the West diuided 262 Empire in discord 303 England first keepeth the Lent fast 194 Euensong of Sicily 362 Estate of France 619.623 Estates of the lowe Countries 620 Estates of Almaine 692 Euangelists which 14 Euaristus martyred 74 Eucharist called oblation 37 Giuen into the hand of the receiuer 91. carried to such as were nigh dead 80. A booke
pits The Prouost of Paris Lewis A diuellish illusion An heresie held by the Pope Colledges of Scribes An answere of the Greeks to the Pope Vicegerents of the Empire The Emperor demandeth the Imperiall ornaments The Romains beseech the Pope for the Emperour Theologians and Lawiers of this time Lewis fortified The Emperours appellation against the Pope Donation of Constantine Nicholas 5. Tenthes leuied in Fraunce Ambition of the Venetians Benet 12. King of Romanes and Emperor Names diuers but of the same substance Vnctions are ceremonies inuented by the Pope The administration of the Empire being vacant belongeth to the Count Palatin The Emperor yeeldeth a confession of his faith Benet ouercome with the integritie of the Emperor The Emperor Lewis absolued The Pope doth all for his profit The Penetentiers Collations of benefices Canonicall houres sung by note The sister of Francis Petrarke bought by Benet Ockam Dante 's Clement 6. The Iourney of Cressy See the Chro. of the Emperours in the 2. Tome Edward chosen Emperour Frederic Charles 4. The publike reuenewe of the Empire engaged The Iubile remitted to 50. yeares Lewis Whippers or beaters A new Sect. Robes Error incontinently findeth her adherents Charles 4. Innocent 6. Reseruation of Benefices Betwixt saying and doing is a long way The Vniuersitie of Prage Outrage done to the Empresse The battaile of Poitiers Iohn de Roquetaillaide martired The Feast of the speare and nailes Wonders The death of Innocent Vrbain 5. Yues Armacan Baldus Iesuites A golden Bull. A Taxe vpon Wine Gregory 11. A new Sect of dauncers Wencelaus The English fall vpon the the Swisses The Country of Morauia Wencelaus The Emperour imprisoned Marke Lorde of Bulgaria Vrbain 6. Clement 7. This is not numbred in the Catalogue of the Popes A schisme of fortie yeares Inuentions to drawe siluer Vrbane Acts worthy of the Papall seate Note the trobles y t come of the Pope The three Flower deluces of France Aubriot The Swissers prosper The disputation of the conception of the Virgin Marie The name of Huet Antichrist makes warre vpon himselfe Boniface 9. Benet 13. De Aliace Gerson Two factions at Millaine Battaile against the Turke A Nationall Councell in France White Mantles Turelupins An admonition to giue thankes vnto God The Councell of Constance condemned this Pope Clement 8. Chrysoloras Gunnes Iosse Robert Robert Robert crowned at Colongne The death of Robert The Romanes request to the Pope Rising of the Romane people The Marquisate of Pise Teutonians or Almaines Iohn Hus. Articles of the doctrine of the Bohemiās Gregorie 12. Monkes of Mount Oliuet Benet in the Castle of Panisole or Peninsole A Councell at Pise Alexāder 5. Two Popes deposed Ladislaus depriued of his kingdome Robert A Bull of the Stigmates of S. Francis 16000. after the Chron. of France and 36000. after the Chron. of Almaine Sigismond Sigismond Iohn 24. A Sinode at Rome Historie of the Owle Champaine besieged The Iourney of Blangy Iohn Hus and Ierome of Prage The death of Iohn Hus Ierome of Prage Wickliffe burnt after his death Iohn 24. The Frisoniers or de la Chemise Cleues Sauoy Martin 5. The Hussites Iane the Pucelle Ambition of the Venetians The Pucelle of Orleans Eugenius 4. Eugenius flieth away Articles proposed by the Bohemians A Councell at Ferrara Annates Albert. 5. The end of ●he Councell of Basill Hungarie Boheme came both to one 23 Schisme Ayme Duke of Sauoy The conception of the Virgin Marie The Pragmatike sanction Albert. The death of Albert. Frederic Emp. Frederic 3. Printing Inuented in what time by whom Note how many euils faith-breaking bringeth Amurathes maketh himselfe a Monke Nicholas 5. A Iubile Calixtus 3. Rom. 12.18 Apoc. 9.3 Wherefore a Bell was knolled at noone Iohn Capistran Robert de la Lice Ingratitude of the Venetians Pius 2. The pragmatike sanction abbrogated Abbreuiators created Katherine de Sienes Canonized A sentence of Pope PIus against singlenes of Priests Paul 2. Ambition A sumptuous Mitre Red hats Ariminum wasted by the Pope The Pope an enemie of Letters The Popedome fell Sixtus 4. Cosme Peter Lawrence Iulian. The Dukes first ouerthrowe at Granson The second ouerthrow of the Duke of Bourgongne nigh Morat The third ouerthrow of the Duke Charles Iacobins against the Carmes Mendicants made equall The Swisses receiue the Kings wages The death of king Lewis the 11. Innocent 8. Townes giuē to the Popes bastards Naples revolted Iohn the English man burnt at Paris Corpus Christi An Epitaphe of Innocent Conuention betwixt Sathā Borgia Alexand. 6. Cesar Borgia the Popes bastard Maximilian Repenties Maximilian Alexander setteth vp his bastards The Duke of Valentinois Lucrece the daughter wife daughter in lawe of the Pope The crueltie and ingratitude of the Venetians This act brought great damage to Italie Lewis Sforza Mancinellus Marrhans Basil Schaffusen The Venetians vanquished An horrible illusion of Sathan The diuell saith he is Pope A strife betwixt the Pope and diuell Alexander prayeth that his terme may be longer Pius 3. Sackagemēt of Borgia Deuouring Grashoppers or Locusts Apoc. 9. li. 8. The waining of the Popedome Tokens of the Popes fall Apoc. 19. d. 20 The Swisses honoured by the Pope Rauenna occupied by the Pope The Iacobins and Friars of Berne If it be lawfull for Popes to make warre The pragmatike sanction The Councel of Laterane Leo. 10. O execrable blasphemie Indulgences Sampson of Millaine a Friar Rhodes takē Apoc. 11. a. 2. 2. Thess 2. a. 4. The death of Selms the yeare 1518. Charles 5. Charles 5. Luther excommunicated and assailed on al sides Adrian 6. The taking of Rhodes Maximilian Clement 7. Zuric is hated of all the Swisses Charles 5. The Iourney of Pauie Diuision betwixt Luther and Zuinglius Wartes betweene Vaivoda Ferdinand The taking of Rome A peace at Cambray The Emperours Coronation A deluge of waters The King of Denmarke imprisoned Crueltie of George Duke of Saxonie The death of Pope Clemēt Paul 3. A bloodie procession Thunis and Golete A Comete Castelnouo Vaiuoda Chabot The Iouney of Remsbourg The seed of warre Bude falles to the Turke The Iourney Argiere Persecution against the faithfull Rochell Landrecy Nice Vauldois 〈…〉 of Ca●●g●●n S. Dedier Lorraine Bologne A number of whores Alliance against the Gospell Crownes The warre in Almaine The death of Henry the 8. Constable P. Martir The taking of the Duke of Saxonie His condemnation The Iourney of Vlme Adiaphores Fesse in Affricke Iulius 3. The Popes litle Cardinall The Iourney at Ausbourge Affrike taken Bucer Wonders The warre of Parma The Monke of Transiluania Complaints of Almaine The king himselfe Protector of Almaine Solyman strangleth Mustapha his eldest son The complaint of Grangier with the wen ouer Mustapha Rostan spoiled of all his honours Edward 6. Marie Seruetus burnt The Gospell driuen out of England Alasco Dispersion of the faithfull Emden Conspiracie against the Queene of England Ladie Iane beheaded Sienna Charles of Sauoy Renty K. Phillip his marriage Cardinall Paule
be a body wounded to death sent their Embassadors to the K. desiring him to open his eyes to the teares his eares to the complaints of his poore subiects to heare the requests of his neighbours for his owne good the quietnes and honor of his faith his name and reputation The K. answered that he knew what was necessary for himselfe and his subiects that according to the cause and for their good and tranquillitie he had made and changed his ordinances as all Princes in Christendome vse to do and that for his part hauing the feare of God the loue of his subiects liuely ingrauen in his heart hee would do nothing against the honour of his conscience nor the fatherly care he had of his people With which answere they returned not well pleased This yeare Augustus Duke of Saxonie one of the Princes Electors new come from hunting suddenly died being of the age of 60. yeares and was buried at Friberge Genebrardus There died likewise at the same time Margarite of Austria the base daughter of Charles the fift and mother of Alexander Duke of Parma and Gouernour of Belgia Charles Count Palatine married Dorithie the daughter of William Duke of Brunswick at Cella D. Chytraeus On the fourth day of Iune L. Edward Earle of Rutland went Embassador into Scotland for a ratificatiō of a firme bond of peace betweene Elizabeth Queene of England Iames the sixt K. of Scots vpon certain causes necessary and important which was confirmed at Barwicke the 19. of Iune where the Embassadors of Scotland were likewise present I. Vowell The 16. of Iuly not farre from Barwick the borderers of both the Nations of England and Scotland assembled to determine for recompence of all such iniuries as each people offered to other at what time the Lord of Fernhurst Warden of the Scottish borders Iames Steward Earle of Arrane then Chauncelor and Syr 〈◊〉 Russell Knight Lord Russell and Syr I. Forster Knight Warden of their middle Marshes came with their company When the Wardens were set vpon the bench there did suddenly arise amongst the people a contention whereby followed at the first some small fray which beeing perceiued by the Lord Russell hee arose from the bench and called for his horse who meaning to appease the matter went amongst the prease at what time a certaine number of shot comming on him he was suddenly but most vniustly slaine with a peece amongst the rest discharged against him by a Scot borne about that place suspected by the most to be the Lord of Fernhursts brother The losse of which noble Gentleman being of so great a hope was much lamented and that especially for his vntimely death so iniuriously by the Earle of Arrane as the common report went procured and so suddenly performed hee in the 35. yeare of his age did bereaue the Realme of England of a goodly young person well stayed in gouernment bountiful wise and vertuous whose death happened the day before that his honourable father the Earle of Bedford departed this world I. Hooker Fourteene thousand Heluetians who were Catholickes and commaunded to appeare by the King of Nauarre went to the aide of the holy League but before they tooke their iourney they all receiued the Sacrament and swore that they did beare Armes onely for the defence of the Catholicke faith but if the king shuld be found to do any fauour to the Heluetians they promised to lay downe their weapons and returne Anth. Cicarella A Parliament was held in Nouember both for the continuing of the defence of the lowe Countries against the King of Spaine and as for the determining of the treacherous practises of the Queene of Scot shee was forthwith conueyed to Foderinghay Castle in Northampton Shire which sometimes belonged to the Dukes of Lancaster where being tried by the Nobles of the Realme shee was found guiltie and afterward beheaded She was crowned Queene of Scots when she was but 18. moneths old and after in the sixt yeare of her raigne called into France where at 15. yeares she was married to Frances the second then the Dolphin of France being 14. yeares of age with whom she liued three yeares After whose decease she returned into Scotland and was married to Henry Arlye at the age of 22. by whom she had one onely sonne Ieames the sixt now king This husband dead she was married the third time to the Earle of Bothuell who died in prison after this she liued 18. yeares in England Genebrardus Gulielmus Gonzaga Duke of Mantua departed this life whom his onely sonne Vincentius succeeded being of the age of 25. yeares Idem Syr F. Drake returned out of America came into Zeland the other fleete went towards India who tooke two ships out of S. Thomas I le and the Gouernour thereof The one of them perished the other was brought home a rich prize This yeare at Zutphen in Gilderland S. Phillip Sidney Englands Mars and Muse was shot in the thigh with a Musket whereof he died His body was conueyed into England and honourably buried in Powles I. Vowell Frederick king of Denmarke sollicited by the king of Nauarre for aide against Guise sent his Embassadors to Henry king of France who should entreate that the peace of the reformed Religion graunted before by the king and confirmed by oath might bee kept with the king of Nauarre and his followers D. Chytraeus At Augusta after the superintendent was cast out the estate of the Ministers of the Church waxed euery day worse For after that the Gregorian Calendar was receiued of them the pontificall Magistrate assured to himselfe authoritie and right of choosing and calling the Ministers of the Church which priuiledge the Elders and Gouernours of the Church had before with the Ministery held it by the authority of the Emperor who sent Commissioners to that end into the Citie But when the Ministers of the Church would not agree to them they were all commanded to depart the Citie before Sunne set and others of the same confession were called from Noriberga and other places and substituted in their places Whom when the people could not heare nor vse their seruice the pontificall Magistrate besides the garrison that was alreadie in the towne brought more souldiers thereby to terrifie them and bring them to obedience D. Chytraeus Iulius Bishop of Wurtzeburg began to vse great crueltie towards them of the confession of Augusta in his Diocesses banishing many of them and constraining them to sell their goods in so short a space that they left the third part to him William Lantsgraue of Hesse his neighbour disswaded him from this crueltie but following the example of Balthasar Abbot of Fulden who greatly persecuted his subiects vnder the praetext of Religion hee not only incurred the hatred of all men but was depriued of all titles and dignities Idem This yeare vpon the 27. of September Stephen Bathorus King of Poland Prince of Transiluania