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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17154 Christian praiers and holie meditations as wel for priuate as publique exercise: gathered out of the most godly learned in our time, by Henrie Bull. Whereunto are added the praiers, commonly called Lidleys praiers.; Christian praiers and holy meditations Bull, Henry, d. 1575?; Ledley, John.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555. Godlie instruction, conteining the summe of all the divinitie necessary for a Christian conscience. aut 1596 (1596) STC 4032; ESTC S120490 133,439 444

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CHRISTIAN Praiers and holie Meditations as wel for Priuate as Publique exercise Gathered one of the most godly learned in our time by Henrie Bull. Whereunto are added the praiers commonly called Lidleys praiers PSAL. 55. In the Euening and Morning and at Noone vvill I pray vnto the Lorde and he vvill heare my praier ¶ AT LONDON Printed by R. Robinson for S. Waterson and N. Ling. 1596. Ianuary hath XXXI daies 1 A The circumcision of Christ On which daie Noe being in the Arko vpon the waters began to see the tops of the high mountaines 2 b   3 c   4 d   5 e   6 f The Epipheme Or apparition of our Lord Iesus 7 g   8 A   9 b   10 c The 10. Nebuchadonosor besieged once againe Ierusalem 2. reg 15 11 d   12 e   13 f   14 g   15 A The mid-winter after 〈◊〉 16 b   17 c The 17. the good prince Scanderbeg king of Epirus a ●courge to the Turke as vpon this day died 1 4 66. 18 d   19 e   20 f   21 g   22 A The 22. the Duke of Somerset as vpon this day was beheaded 1552. 23 b   24 c   25 d   26 e   27 f The 27. Saint Paule as vpon this day of a persecuter was connerted as he is arneyed vnto Damascus Act. 9. 3 28 g   29 A   30 b   31 c   Februarie hath XXvii● dayes 1 d   2 e The purification of Marie As vpon this day Christ our Sauiour was offered vnto the Lord in the temple at Ierusalem and his mother the virgin Marie was purified according to the Law Luke 2. 22. 3 f   4 g   5 A   6 b   7 c   8 d   9 e   10 f   11 g The 11. Noe fourtie daies after he● had seene the tops of the Mountaines sent out the Rauen and after that the Doue which returned Gen. 8. 12 A   13 b   14 c   15 d   16 e   17 f   18 g The 18. day Noe put out once againe the Doue which brought an Oliue branch 19 A   20 b   21 c   22 d   23 e Mathic Apostle 24 f   25 g The Doue was sent the third time returned no more 26 A   27 b   28 c   March hath XXXI dayes 1 d   2 e   3 f The third day the temple of Ierusalem was wholly finished and consecrated 1. Esdras 6. 4 g   5 A   6 b   7 c   8 d   9 e   10 f The 10. as vpon this day Christ being on the other side of Iordan was aduertised of the sicknes of Lazarus Ioh. 11 11 g   12 A   13 b The 13. the feast of Hester was celebrated because that day was appointed to put the Iewes to death 14 c   15 d   16 e The 16. Lazarus was raised vp againe Ioh. 11. 17 f   18 g   19 A   20 b The 20. Christ made his entrance into Ierusalem 21 c   22 d   23 e   24 f The 24. he made his Supper 25 g Annuntiation of Marie The 25. was taken 26 A The 26. was crucified 27 b The 27. he rested in the Sepulchre 28 c The 28. he rose againe from death 29 d   30 e   31 f   Aprill hath XXX dayes 1 g Noe vncouered the Arke Gen. 8. 2 A The tabernacle was prepared by Moses Exod. 40. 3 b   4 c   5 d Iesus Christ the eight day after his resurrection appeared againe to the Apo●tles which were assembled where Saint Thomas was present 6 e   7 f   8 g   9 A   10 b The 10. the people of Israel went ouer Iordan dry footed Iosua 3. 4. 11 c   12 d   13 e The 13. Assuerus gaue out proclamātion to put all the Iewes within his kingdome to death Hest 3 14 f The 14. was the celebration of the passeouer 15 g The 15. the people came out of Egypt Exod. 22. 16 A   17 b   18 c The 18. the people went ouer the red sea drie footed Pharao was drowned with all his hoast 19 d   20 e   21 f   22 g The 22. the people came to Mara the waters whereof they could not drinke Exod. 5. 23 A Marke Euaugelist 24 b The 24. the reuelation was made to Daniel of that which shoulde come to passe from the time of the kings of Persia vnto Christ and from thence vntill the end of the world Dan. 10. 11. 12. 25 c   26 d   27 e   28 f   29 g   30 A   Maie hath XXXI dayes 1 b Philip and Jacob. 2 c   3 d The ascension of Christ into heauen fourcie daies after his resurrection Mark 6. 4 e   5 f   6 g God commanded Noe to carrie victo als into the Arke Gen. 6. 7 A   8 b   9 c   10 d   11 e   12 f   13 g   14 A The 14. Ezechias did first celebrate the Passeouer Par. 30. 15 b The 15. the children of israell murmured after flesh and God sent them plenty of Quailes This was the thirty day after their departure from Egypt Exod. 16. 16 c The 16. day God made Manna to rsine downe Exod. 16. 17 d The 17. Noe carred into the Arke Gen. 7. 18 e   19 f   20 g The 20. day the people departed from mount Sina Num. 9 21 A   22 b The 22. Fire from aboue consumed a part of the host of Israel Num. 11. 23 c   24 d   25 e   26 f   27 g   28 A   29 b   30 c   31 d   June hath XXX daies 1 e This day the children of Israel came to mount Sina went thence the third moneth where they carried almost a yeare 2 f   3 g   4 A   5 b   6 c The 6. the temple of Diana in Ephesus was burned the yeare before Christ 54. 7 d   8 e   9 f   10 g   11 A   12 b   13 c The 13. day of this moneth king Assuerus gaue out proclamation in fauor of the Iewes against Haman and his conspiracie Hest 8. 14 d   15 e   16 f   17 g   18 A   19 b   20 c   21 d   22 e   23 f   24 g John Baptist 25 A   26 b   27 c The Arke of Noe was lifed vp the 27 day by the waters of the floud Gen. 28 d   29 e   30 f Peter the Apostle Julie hath XXXI dayes 1 g   2 A   3 b   4 c   5 d   6 e The 6. day of this moneth the Josias of our age Edvvard the sixt king of England died Anno 1553. 7 f   8 g Dog daies begin 9 A The 9. of this moneth the citie of Ierusalem assieged by
shall finde knocke and it shall be opened vnto you O deare God and most meeke and mercifull father we heartily beseech thee to be mercifull vnto vs for this thy Christs sake for his deaths sake for thy promise trueth mercies sake Haue mercie vpon vs pardon and forgiue vs all our sinnes iniquities and trespasses whatsoeuer we haue committed against thee in thought word or deed euer or at any time hitherto by any meanes Deare father haue mercy vpon vs. Though we be poore yet our Christ is rich though wee be sinners yet hee is righteous though wee be fooles yet he is wise though we be impure yet he is pure and holie for his sake therefore bee merciful vnto vs. Call to minde how thou hast promised that thou wilt powre out of thy cleane waters wash vs from our filthe and cleanse vs from our euils Forget not that thou hast promised to take from vs our stonye heartes and to giue vs soft heartes newe heartes to put in the middest of vs right spirits Remember thy couenant namely that thou wilt be our God and wee shal be thy people that thou wilt put out of thy memory for euer al our vnrighteousnesse and hast promised to write in our mindes and hearts thy law and testimonies Remember that thou doest straitly charge vs to haue none other Gods but thee saying that thou art the Lorde our God O then declare the same to vs all we heartilie now beseech thee Forgiue vs our sinnes forget our iniquities cleanse vs from our filthines wash vs from our wickednesse powre out thy holy spirite vpon vs. Take from vs our harde heartes our stonie heartes our impenitent heartes our distrusting and doubtfull heartes our carnall our secure our idle heartes our impure malitious arrogant enuious wrath full impatient couetous hypocriticall and epicurall hearts and in place thereof giue vs new harts soft harts faithfull hearts mercifull hearts louing obedient chast pure holy righteous true simple lowly and patient hearts to feare thee to loue thee to trust in thee for euer Write thy law in our hearts graue it in our mindes we heartilie beseech thee Giue vs the spirite of prayer make vs diligent and happie in the workes of our saluation sake into thy custodie and gouernaunce for euer our soules and bodies our liues all that euer we haue Tempt vs neuer further than then wilt make vs able to beare and whatsoeuer thou knowest wee haue neede of in soule or bodie deare God gratious father vouchsafe to giue vs the same in thy good time and alwayes as thy children guide vs so that our life may please thée and our death praise thee through Iesus christ our Lorde for whose sake wee hartilye praye thee to gra●nt these thinges thus asked and all other things necessarie for soule bodie not onely to vs but to all others also for whome thou wouldest that we should pray specially for thy children that bee in thraldome in exile in prison misery heauinesse pouertie sickenesse c. Be mercifull to the whole realme of England and graunt vs all true repentance and turne from vs the euils that wee so wickedlie haue deserued Pardon our enemies persecutors slaunderers and if it bee thy pleasure turne their harts Bee mercifull vnto our parents brethren and sisters friendes kinsfolkes and familiars neighbours and such as by anie meanes thou hast coupled and lincked to vs by loue or other wise and vnto vs poore sinners here gathered together in thy holie name graunt thy blessing and holie spirite to sanc●fie vs dwell in vs as thy deare children to keepe vs this day and for euer from all euill to thy eternall glorie and euerlasting comforte and the profite of thy Church which mercifully maintaine cherish and comfort strengthenning thē that stand so that they neuer fall lifting vp them that bee fallen and keepe vs from falling from thy trueth through the merits of thy dearelie beloued sonne Iesu Christ our onelie Sauiour which liueth and raigneth with thee and the holy Ghost to whome bee al praise and honour both now for euer Amen I. B. A prayer for the true knowledge of the mysterie of our redemption in Christ O Almightie God and father of our Lorde Iesus Christ and by him also our Father the Father of all mercy God of all consolation haue mercy vpon vs and heare our praiers wee most humblie beseeche thee for thy deare sonne Iesus christ his sake for his merites and cruell death which he suffered to deliuer vs from eternal death and the power of darkenesse sende into our hearts the spirit of truth to worke in vs a true liuely stedfast faith that the cleere light and brightnesse of thy Gospell the glorie of Christ may shine vnto vs and lighten our minds that wee may learne and vnderstand the wonderfull and vnspeakeable riches of y e mystery of our redemption in Christ and by Christ O Father of glorie giue vnto vs the spirit of wisedome and bring vs vnto the true knoweledge of this thy beloued Sonne Iesus Christ and the knowledge of thy selfe Open and lighten the eyes of our mindes and vnderstanding that wee may knowe what the hope is whereunto thou h●st called vs and howe rich the glorie of thine inheritance is vpon thy Saints and the exceeding greatnesse of thy power towardes vs that by trne faith by vnderstanding knowledge of thine eternall-wisedome which is Iesus Christ we may be indeede as wee are called true Christians and vnfained professours of thy holy name to worship thee in spirit and trueth to set forth the glory of thy grace giuen vnto vs in Christ Iesu our lord Amen O deare father write in our harts loue of thy law hate to al sin thankfulnesse of heart and continual heat of thy holie spirite for thy sonne Iesus Christs sake To whome with thee and thy holy spirit be al honour maiestie glory thanks rule empire and dominion for euermore Amen A forme of thankesgiuing for our redemption and prayer for the strength increase of faith Lord incr●ase our faith Luc. 17. ETernall praise and thankes bee giuen vnto thee deare God and Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ which hast blessed vs with all spirituall blessings in heauēly things by Christ in that thou hast chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world was laide that we should bee without blame before thee through him by whom we haue redemption through his bloud euen the forgiuenesse of our sinnes in whome after we heard y e word of truth the Gospell of our saluation wherein we beleeued we are sealed with the holie spirite of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance which spirit hath and doeth beare witnesse vnto our spirits that we are thy children and therefore crieth into our harts Abba Father And thus most gracious father when thou hast once giuen the earnest penie of our saluation into our heartes thou doest not repent
the space of eighteen moneths was finally taken by the king of Babylon Ier. 39. 10 b   11 c   12 d   13 e   14 f   15 g About this time the great sweat began in England Anno. 1552. 16 A   17 b   18 c   19 d   20 e   21 f Marie Magdalen 22 g   23 A   24 b   25 c James Apostle 26 d   27 e As vpon this day the Athenians receiued a great ouerthrow in Sicilia of the Syracusians 28 f   29 g   30 A   31 h   August hath XXXI dayes 1 c Aaron died in the mountain of Hor being 123 yeares olde 40. yeares after the comming out of Egypt Num. 20. 33. 38. 〈◊〉 2 d   3 e   4 f   5 g   6 A   7 b   8 c   9 d   10 e The 10. the temple of Jerusalem was set on fire by the souldiours of Iitus hath not since been builded againe Iosephus lib. 6. cap. 26. 11 f   12 g   13 A   14 b   15 c   16 d   17 e   18 f Dog dayes end 19 g   20 A   21 b   22 c   23 d   24 e Bartholmevv Apostle 25 f   26 g   27 A Religion as on this day was reformed according to Gods expresse truth in the most renounced citie of Geneua an 1535 28 b   29 c   30 d   31 e   September hath XXX daies 1 f   2 g   3 A   4 b   5 c   6 d   7 e Our soueraigne Lady Queen Elizabeth was borne vpon this day at Greenwich Anno. 1532. 8 f   9 g The 9. of this moneth Ierusalem was put to fire and sword and wholly ouerthrowne as Christ foretold them Iosephus lib. 7. cap. 26. 10 A   11 b   12 c   13 d   14 e Chrisostome being chased out of his Church of Constantinople as vpon this daie died 15 f   16 g   17 A   18 b   19 c   20 d   21 e S. Nathevv Apostles 22 f   23 g   24 A   25 b The 25. Nehemias did finish the repairing of the walles of Ierusalem An. 1444 before Christ Nehe 6. 5 26 c   27 d   28 e   29 f S. Michael 30 g   October hath XXXI daies 1 A The Iewes fasted and wept for Godolias Iere 41 and 42. 2 b   3 c   4 d   5 e   6 f   7 g   8 A   9 b   10 c The 10. day was the feast of conciliation which was the only day that God ordained to fall 11 d   12 e   13 f   14 g   15 A   16 b   17 c ● The 17. day which was the 150 after the beginning of the flouds the Ark rested vpon the mountain Ararat in Armenia Gen. 8. 18 d Luke Euangelist 19 e   20 f   21 g   22 A   23 b   24 c The 24. Titus gaue forth 3000. Iewes to the wild beasts Anno. 73. 25 d   26 e   27 f   28 g Simon and Jude 29 A   30 b   31 c   November hath XXX dayes 1 d All Saintes 2 e   3 f   4 g   5 A   6 b   7 c   8 d   9 e   10 f The 10. This day happened the wofull slaughter of Verna where Ladislan king of Hungarie was slaine by the Turke an 1444. Also as vpon this day Martin Luther was borne 11 g   12 A   13 b   14 c   15 d   16 e   17 f The 17. day of this moneth Queene Elizabeth began her raign 18 g   19 A   20 b   21 c   22 d   23 e   24 f   25 g The 25. day was the counterfeit fealt by Ieroboam after he had withdrawne the ten tribes of Israel from the obedience of Roboam their lawful king the which be ordained in Dan and Bethel after he had set vp the the golden caluer to the intent the people should goe no more to worship in Ierusalem 1. King 12. 26 A   27 b   28 c   29 d   30 e Andrevv Apostle Decembber hath XXX dayes 1 f   2 g   3 A   4 b   5 c The shortest day 6 d   7 e   8 f   9 g   10 A   11 b   12 c   13 d   14 e   15 f The 15. day the yeare before the natiuitie of Christ 165. Antiochus the gretset vp an idol vpon the altar of the Lord in Ierusalem Mach. 1. 16 g   17 A   18 b   19 c   20 d The 20. daie Esdras gaue foorth proclamation to the Israclites to for sake their strange wiues that they had married and to send them away 1. Esd 9. 21 e Thomas Apostle 22 f   23 g   24 A S. Iohn Euangelist died in Ephesus being of the age of 89. yeres vnder Iraian 25 b The natiu●tie of Christ 26 c S. Stephen 27 d S. John Euangelist 28 e Jnnocents 29 f The Emperour about 30. yeares after the destruction of Ierusalem 30 g   A Rule to knowe when the Term●● beginneth and endeth HIllarie Terme beginneth the three twentieth of Ianuarie if it be not sundaie if it be then the next day after and endeth the twelfth of Februarie Easter Terme beginneth seuenteene daies after Easter and endeth foure daies after the Ascension Trinitie Terme beginneth the next day after Corpus Christi day and endeth the Wednesday fourthnight after Michaelmas Terme beginneth the ninth of October if it be not Sunday and endeth the seuen and twentieth of Nouember Eight dayes before anie Terme begin the Exchequer openeth except Trinitie Terme which openeth but foure daies before ¶ An Almanacke for ten yeeres The yere of our Lord. The Prime The Epact Sondaies letter Leape yere Ashwednesday the first day of Lent Easter day VVhitsonday 1596 1 11 D C Mar. 1. April 11. May. 30 1597 1 22 B   Ma. 5. Marc. 27 15 1598 3 23 A   12 April 61. Iune 4. 1599 4 4 G   Mar. 4. 8 May. 27 1600 5 15 F E Feb. 17. Marc. 23 11 1601 6 26 E   8 April 12. May. 31 1602 7 7 D   28 4 23 1603 8 18 B   13 Apr. 24. Iune 12 1604 9 29 A E Mar. 5. April 8 May. 27 1605 10 11 G   Feb. 24. Mar. 31. Mai. 19 AN INTRODVCTION to Prayer FOrasmuch at of our selues we are destitute of all good thinges and vtterlie voyde of all necessarie helpes to saluation the Lord our God of his owne free mercie and goodness● offereth himselfe to vs in Christ and in him he giueth vnto vs in the steed of our miserie all felicitie in the steed of our pouertie the vnspeakeable riches of his grace he openeth vnto vs in him the treasures of heauen that our faith might wholly behold him and