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A15506 The English martyrologe conteyning a summary of the liues of the glorious and renowned saintes of the three kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland. Collected and distributed into moneths, after the forme of a calendar, according to euery saintes festiuity. VVherunto is annexed in the end a catalogue of those, who haue suffered death in England for defence of the Catholicke cause, since King Henry the 8. his breach with the Sea Apostolicke, vnto this day. By a Catholicke priest. Wilson, John, ca. 1575-ca. 1645? 1608 (1608) STC 25771; ESTC S120085 181,492 404

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King of Mercia and sister to the Saintes Milburge and Mildred Virgins who contemning all pleasures and delightes of this world became a Religious woman in a Monastery in Kent neere vnto Canterbury which holy King Ethelbert of blessed memory had foūded where in great sāctimony of life and pious conuersation she yielded her soule vp to her heauenly spouse about the yeare of Christ six hundred threescore and sixteene She had also a brother called Meresine a man of great holynes of life liuing about the same tyme of whome there is made often mention in our ancient Historiographers of Britany and England D The eighteenth Day AT Sutrium in Tuscany the Deposition of S. Deicola Abbot and Confessor who borne in Scotland of a noble parentage and hearing of the vertues and sanctity of S. Columbane the Great then liuing in Italy went ouer vnto him became his disciple and was afterward made Abbot there of a new Monastery called S. Martins erected in a towne of Tuscany commonly named Sutrium where in great sanctity and holines of life he ended his blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ fiue hundred fourscore and eleuen THE same day in Suetia the Commemoration of S. Vlsride Bishop and Martyr who being an English man by byrth and of great learning knowledg in the scriptures went ouer into the low Countreyes first and thence into Suetia to preach the Christian faith which when he had done most feruently and with great fruite of his holy labours for some yeares he was there finally put to death by the enemyes of Christ and so obtayned a palme of martyrdome about the yeare of Christ one thousand thirty and foure E The ninteenth Day AT VVorcester the deposition of S. VVolstan Bishop and Confessour who being brought vp from his youth in the Abbey of Peterburrow and afterward made a monke in the Monastery of VVorcester was finally created Bishop of the same Citty in the tyme of K. Edward the Confessour but being after deposed through falfe slaunderous accusations by K. VVilliam the Conquerour and Bishop Lanfranke was by a miracle that himselfe wrought at S. Edwardes body in VVestminster in the presence of many people againe restored to his Bishopricke where in very great sanctity and holines of life he perseuered to the end of his venerable dayes which happened in the yeare of Christ one thousand nynty and fiue and was buryed in his owne Cathedrall Church of VVorcester This day was afterward cōmāded to be kept holy in his memory throughout England THE same day in Suetia the passiō of S. Hēry Martyr Bishop of Opslo who going our of England to preach the faith of Christ in those partes was honourably intertayned of the King of Suetia by whose counsell direction he made war against the Finlanders subdued thē wherby the whole countrey of Finland was cōuerted to the Christiā faith he became their Apostle He was afterward slayne by the Pagā people of the same Countrey being stoned to death about the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred fifty and one His body was afterward translated to Opslo and there kept in his Cathedrall Church vntil the dayes of Martyn Luther when as his sacred Reliques were prophaned beatē to dust cast into the ayre F The twentith Day AT Ramsey-Abbey in the I le of Ely the Cōmemoratiō of S. Elsled Virgin Abbesse who descēded of a noble family daughter to Ethelwold an Earle in the Prouince of the East-Angles after her Fathers death contēned all worldly transitory prefermēts became a Nunne in the Monastery of Ramsey which her said Father had lately founded vnder the Gouermēt of S. Merwyne then Abbesse therof after whose descease Elwyne that succeeded her she was chosen Gouernesse of that house confirmed in office by holy King Edgar of blessed memory wherin she so excelled in all kind of vertue workes of mercy Monasticall discipline that her name was famous throughout Englād both aliue dead It happened vpō a tyme before she was chosen Abbesse that being in the Church at Mattins before day with the rest of her sisters going into the middest according to the custome to read a lesson the candle wherwith she saw to read chāced to be put out therupon wanting light there came frō the fingers of her right hād such an exceding brightnesse vpō the suddaine that not only herselfe but all the rest of the Quire also might read by it Another time also it fell out her charity being so exceeding great bountifull towards the poore that through the large reliefe of the needy her coffers were greatly emptied in so much that the Procuratour of the house did checke her somwhat sharply for excessiue lauishnes She with many teares was silent made moane to her supreme Lord crauing his assistance herin And her prayers were not in vayne For the empty chestes were againe miraculously filled as before by Gods gracious recompence approbation of her charitable beneficence liberality She died in all sanctimony and holines of life about the yeare of Christ nyne-hundred fourscore and twelue was buryed in our B. Ladyes Church of the same Monastery which her Father had also built G The one and twentith Day AT Virdune in France the deposition of S. Malcalline Abbot and Confessour who being an Irishman by byrth and descended of a noble stocke went ouer into France in his youth and there entring into a Monastery became first a monke of the order of S. Benedict and afterward was made Abbot of Michells at Virdune where in very great sanctity of life and other vertues especially in the exercise of Monasticall discipline in a good old age he gaue vp his soule to rest about the yeare of Christ nyne hundred threescore and eighteene His body was buried in the same Monastery where the same is yet preserued with great honour veneration of the inhabitants therabout A The two and twentith Day AT VVinchester in Hampshire the Commemoration of S. Brituald Confessour and Bishop of that Sea who of a monke of the venerable order of S. Benedict was ordayned Bishop of VVinchester In which dignity after he had continued for many years full of singular vertue and holines of life he ended his venerable old dayes about the yeare of Christ one thousand and fourty He liued in the beginning of King Edward the Confessors raigne of whome it is wrytten that he had a miraculous reuelation how that he saw the said King Edward being yet in his Mothers wombe elected King crowned and annoynted by S. Peter the Apostle and ordayned to raigne foure twenty yeares finally to dy without issue Moreouer in that vision he seeming to demaund of S. Peter who should raigne next after him it was answered him againe That the Kingdome of England was Gods Kingdome and he then would prouide a King for
monuments yet remaining erected and dedicated in his honour He died in the yeare of Christ six hundred and foure and lieth buryed in S. Peters Church at Rome THE same day in Scotland the Commemoration of S. Fethno monke and Confessour who being a disciple of S. Columbe the Great of Ireland came with him ouer into Scotlād togeather with eleuē other Cōpanions all Irishmen to preach the Christian faith to the Pictes that then inhabited that Kingdome where after their conuersion from Idolatry to the true knowledge of Christ famous for sanctity of life and other vertues he there ended his blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ 580. B The thirteenth Day IN Scotland the Cōmemoration of S. Vigane Confel●our who de●●●nded of a very honourable parentage in that Kingdome became there a monke of the Venerable Order of S. Benedict of the Congregation of Cluniacke whose great learning and vertue hath not only i 〈…〉 rated very much the Order of his Religion but the whole iland also where he was borne There is yet extāt in diuers libraryes of Europe a famous worke of his intituled Sermones ad populum which he wrote about the yeare of Christ one thousand and two about which tyme also in great sanctity of life and venerable old age he departed to our Lord and was buryed in Scotland C The fourteenth Day A● Lindisserne in the Kingdome of the Northumbers the Commernoration of S. Ceolnulph King of that Prouince and Confessour who leauing the care of his Kingdome to Eadbert his kinsman and reiecting all worldly pleasures and titles became a monke in the Abbey of Lindisserne where in all kind of 〈…〉 and exemplar good life he spent the rest of his dayes and finally in a good old age there gaue vp his soule to rest about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred thirty and seauen He was afterward buryed in the same place neere to the Venerable body of S. Cuthbert Bishop of that Sea at whose tombe many miracles are recorded to haue byn wrought in witnesse of his sanctity D The fifteenth Day AT Glastenbury in Somersetshire the festiuity of S. Aristobulus Bishop and Martyr who being a noble Roman by birth and one of the first Christians of that Citty as appeareth by S. Paul his salutation of him in his Epistle to the Romans was created Bishop by S. Peter the Apostle and sent by him into Britany to preach the Christian ●aith whereafter he had brought very many erring sheep to Christes fould most gloriously ended his blessed dayes by Ma●tyrdome about the yeare of Christ threscore and ten His memory hath byn famous in our Ilād vntill these later tymes of schismes and heresyes as being one of our first Apo●tles and Patrons E The sixteenth Day AT Ridall-Monastery the Commemoration of Blessed Alred Abbot and Confessor whose great learning and vertue hath much illustrated the Catholicke Church of Christ but especially our Iland of Great Bri●any where he was borne liued and died He was first a monke of the venerable Order of S Benedict and afterward became Abbot of an ancient Monastery called Rhieuallis now vulgarly Ridall where in great sanctity of life he ending his blessed dayes reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred threescore foure He wrote the life of King Edward the Cōfessour besides very many other lear●ed and p●ous bookes to the number of one and twenty all which are yet extant to be seene in diuers Libraries as well in England as other Countreyes of Europe F The seauenteenth Day IN Ireland the deposition of S. Patricke Bishop and Confessour Apostle of that I●and who borne in the Territory of Bristow in Somersetshire brought vp at Glastenbury went ouer in his youth into France to S. Martyn his Vncle then Bishop of Towers who was brother to S. Patrickes Mother of whome he was instructed in learning and other vertues afterwards going to Rome was there consecrated Bishop by Pope Celestinus and sent backe to preach the Christian faith in Scotland which he did for a tyme with great fruit of his labour and thence he went into Ireland because at that tyme the greatest part of the Scotts inhabited that Kingdome where he conuerted the whole Iland and so became their Apostle working wonderous miracles among them He liued an hundred and two and twenty yeares obtayning by his prayers that no venemous creature should liue or breed in Ireland and died in the yeare of Christ foure hundred fourscore and one His body was first interred in the towne of D●n in the Prouince of Vlster and afterward translated to the Archbishops Sea of Armachan in the same Kingdome about the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred threescore and seauenteene as the ancient Records of Ireland do declare G The eighteenth Day AT Corse-castle in the I le of Purbecke in Dorcetshire the passion of S. Edward K. of the VVestsaxons and Martyr who through the trechery of his step-mother Queene Alfred desyrous that her owne sonne Ethelbert should be King was slayne by certayne souldiers hired by the forsaid Queene to that purpose whilst he was on hunting in the yeare of Christ nyne hūdred threescore and eighteene His body was first interred at VVarham and after at Shastesbury wherat it pleased God in witnesse of his Innocency to worke many miracles And last of all the same was translated to Glastenbury-Abbey in the yeare of Christ one thousand and one THE same day in Ireland the deposition of S. Christian Bishop and Confessour who borne in the same Iland became there first a monke of the Order of Cisterce and scholler to the famous S. Malachy Archbishop Primate of that Kingdome afterward Abbot of Mellisonte and last of all Bishop where in great sanctity of life he ended his blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred fourty and eight whose memory is yet famous throughout Ireland A The ninteenth Day AT Derby the Commemoration of S. Alkmund Martyr sonne to Alred King of Northumberland who being slayne in a battayle against the Duke of VVil●on in the behalfe of the Viceroy of VVorcester named Ethelmund that pretended to recouer certayne lands that VVolstan Duke of VVilton detayned from him wrongfully his body presently began to do miracles which being seene and witnessed the same was translated to Derby and there with great veneration interred most solemnly in a Church erected in his honour and called afterwards of his name S. Alkmunds which in former Catholicke tymes hath byn a famous pilgrimage especially for the Northerne people of England He suffered in the yeare of Christ eight hundred B The twentith Day AT Lindisserne in the Kingdome of the Northumbers the deposition of S. Cuthbert Bishop and Confessour who descended of the Kings bloud of Ireland became a monke first of the famous Monastery of Mailros in the Marches of Scotland and
his body lay was not so much as touched with the flame E The eight Day AT Yorke the deposition of S. VVilliam Confessour and Bishop of that Sea kinsman to Stephen King of England who by false slaunders being accused to Pope Eugenius the third was deposed frō his Bishopricke and one Murdacke set vp in his place but after againe restored by Pope Anastasius the fourth wherin with great signes of sanctity and innocency of life togeather with many miracles he finally ended his blessed dayes in the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred fifty and foure and was buryed at Yorke It is recorded by Polidor Virgil that when he was restored againe to his Bishopricke and comming towards Yorke the people flocked in so great number to congratulate and welcome his returne that passing ouer the Riuer beyond Pont-fract the throng and presse was so great that the bridge being but of wood brake euen ●ust as the B●shop was ouer and threw all the rest into the water which when the holy man saw he fell downe vpon his knees and besought our Lord to saue them Whose prayers were soone heard For though the streame was very strong and violent yet were they euery one preserued from drowning THE same day in the Diocesse of Metz in the hig●er Germany the deposition of S. Distoode Bishop Cōfessour who borne in Ireland and a monke of the Order of S. Benedict was ordayned Bishop of Dullyn in the same Kingdome but going ouer into Germany to preach the Christian faith he resigned that dignity and became Abbot of a Monastery there which vntill this day is called of his name S. Disibodes in the forsaid Diocesse of Mentz where in great sanctity of life and Miracles he ended his blessed da●es about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred F The ninth Day IN Scotland the deposition of S. Columbe Abbot and Confessour who borne in Ireland and descended of a noble parentage forsooke the world and all other eart●●y preferments and became a monke in one of the ilands of Orcades called 〈…〉 oy in a Monastery there of the Order of S. Benedict wherof at last he being made abbot was so famous for sanctity and holines of life that euen vntill this day his memory is fresh to the Christian world especially in the Kingdomes of England Scotland Ireland where there be many Churchs yet remayning dedicated in his honour He desceased about the yeare of Christ fiue hundred fourscore and sixteene whose body was afterward transl●ted into Ireland to the towne of Dune in the Prouince of Vlster and there with great solemnity and veneration interred togeather with the sacred reliques of S. Patricke S. Brigit He by his preaching conuerted to the faith of Christ the Pictes that inhabited Scotland and is called their Apostle working very many miracles among them to his dying day G The tenth Day AT S. Edmūdsbury in Suss●lke the Translatiō of S. Edmūd King of the Eastāgles martyr who in the Danish incursions vnder the Captains Hinguar Hubba being first whipped and then bound to tree and shot full of shaftes was finally beheaded All which torments he most constantly indured euer calling vpon the name of Iesus vntill he had finished his Martyrdome which was in the yeare of Christ eight hūdred threescore and ten His principall festiuity is celebrated in our Catholicke Church of England vpon the twentith of Nouember but his body being taken vp afterward on this day was with great solemnity translated from Hexam in Northumberland where he was martyred and placed in a goodly shrine richly adorned with iewells and pretious stones in a Church erected in his honour in Suffolke which of his name was euer since called S. Edmūdsbury wherat it is recorded many miracles haue byn wrought And after this againe in the yeare one thousand ten the Danes inuading the Prouince of the Eastāgles Alwyn the Bishop of that Diocesse brought the body of S. Edmūd from Bury aforsaid to London at the comming wherof in at Criplegate many miracles were wrought where for the space of three yeares it remayned in the Parish Church of S. Gregory neere vnto S. Paules and then was translated the second tyme to Bury in the yeare of Christ one thousand and thirteene THE same day in Scotland the festiuity of S. Margaret Queene wife to holy Malcome King of that nation daughter to Prince Edward surnamed the Out-law Sonne of Edmund Ironside King of England whose godly life and vertues especially in deuotion and liberall almes to the poore are yet famous both at home and abroad She died in great sanctimony of life and miracles about the yeare of Christ one thousand fourscore and twelue vpon the sixteenth of Nouember though her principall festiuity be celebrated vpon this day both in England and Scotland THE same day also at Rochester in Kent the deposition of S. Ithimar Bishop and Confessour who being a man of excellent learning and wisdome succeeded S. Paulinus in that Sea being consecrated therto by Honorius Archbishop of Canterbury which when he had gouerned most worthily for 17. yeares togeather in great sanctity and holines of life he reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ six hundred threscore and eleuen and was buried in S. Andrewes Church at Rochester A The eleuenth Day AT Lindisserne in the Kingdome of the Northumbers the Commemoration of S. Edilwald Priest Confessour who borne in our Iland of a noble parentage succeeded S. Cuthlert for twelue yeares togeather in leading an Eremiticall life in the Iland of Farne commonly called Holy Iland He was indued with so rare singular vertues that his very name was famous in those dayes throughout England Scotland S. Bede recounteth that a certaine skynne wherwith S. Edil 〈…〉 ald had stopped a hole in his Oratory did miracles after his death as also how by his prayers he ceased a storme or tēpes that arose on the sea when certayne of his friēds that came to visit him in the Iland returned homeward which happened about the yeare of Christ six hundred fourscore and nynteene about which tyme also he died was buryed in S. Peters Church at Lindisserne in the raygne of King Elfride of Northumberland B The tweluth Day AT B●schopssen in the higher Germany the Commemoration of S. Agatha Virgin who being an English woman by birth and leading a religious life in the Monastery of VVimborne in Dorcetshire went ouer into Germany with S. Lioba S. Te 〈…〉 and others whome S. Bonisace an Englishman in like manner and 〈…〉 bishop of Mentz had sent for into those partes to be Directrices in Monasticall discipline of certaine Nunryes which he there had newly founded where vnder the forsaid Lioba that was constituted Abbesse of the fornamed Monastery of Bischopssen she liued died in great sanctimony and holinesse of life about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred fifty and seauen
and was buryed in the same place C The thirteenth Day IN North VVales the Commemoration of S. Elerius Abbot and Confessour who borne of a noble British parentage and setting aside the vayne pleasures of the world built with the goods of his owne inheritance a Monastery in the North-west part of our Iland now called North-wales where he gathering togeather many deuout persons lead a Monasticall life directing them in all kind of vertue and discipline vntill his dying day He liued in the tyme of S. VVenefrid about the yeare of Christ six hundred threscore and foure of whome she receyued the holy veyle of Chastity and was ordayned Abbesse of a Monastery which S. Beno her maister and tutour had erected in her Fathers territory as also wrote the whole story of her life which is yet extant in wryttē-hand to be read in diuers libraryes of England The bone of one of his armes is yet in the custody of a Catholicke Gentleman of our Countrey who preserueth the same with great deuotion and veneration as beseemeth so pretious a Relique D The fourteenth Day IN Scotland the Translation of S. Brandan Abbot Confessour borne in the same Kingdome whose godly life and doctrine togeather with his manifold miracles are yet famous throughout the Christiā world especially in our Iland of Great-Britany His principall festiuity in our Catholicke Church of England is celebrated vpon the sixteenth day of May where also we haue made mention of him There was a goodly Church as also a towne builded in his honour in one of the Ilands of Orcades which vntill this day is commonly called by the name of S. Brandans He died about the yeare of Christ fiue hundred and seauenty E The fifteenth Day AT VVilton in VViltshire the deposition of S. Eadburge Virgin daughter to King Edward the elder who refusing all worldly honours and preferments tooke a Religious habit in the Monastery of VVilton and became a mirrour and rare example to the Nobility of England where she so excelled in all manner of vertue but especially humility that she euer thought herselfe the most contemptiblest of all the Monastery Which thing how acceptable it was to God it pleased him to manifest to the world by the manifold miracles he wrought by her both aliue dead She desceased about the yeare of Christ nyne hundred and fourteene and was buryed at Wilton THE same day at Huis in the Diocesse of L 〈…〉 ge the Translation of S. Menigold Martyr who borne in England of a great parentage became first a Captaine in the French and German warres and after an Erem●te vnto whome 〈◊〉 the Emperour gaue a ●●ttle Territory 〈◊〉 to the riuer 〈…〉 o● Mosa where ●e 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an Oratory for ●●s priuate deuotio 〈…〉 as he was one day going to Church was ●●a●●e by ce●tain● 〈◊〉 〈…〉 diers in hatred of his sanc●●ty about 〈◊〉 eare of Christ ●●ne 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 body was afterward on this day with great solemnity tran●●ated to Huis where the same is yet kept with due honour veneration o● the Inhabitants THE same day also in little Britany the deposition of S. Maine Abbot and Confeuour who borne in our Iland of Great Britany and kinsma to S. Samp●on went ouer with him into little Britany to preach the Christian saith where he fist lead a Monasticall life at Dole vnder the forsaid S. Sāpson and afterward being made Abbot of a Monastery dedicated to S. Iohn Baptist in the same Countrey after many yeare of labour and toyle taken in the seruice of Christ and conuersion of many soules to him famous for miracles he finally rested in our Lord about the yeare of Christ fiue hundred and nynty His body was buryed in the same Monastery which at this day of his name is commonly called S. Maines and there is kept with great honour and veneration F The sixteenth Day AT Chichester in Sussex the Translation of S. Richard Confessour and Bishop of that Sea who hauing studied seaue yeares in the Vniuersity of Bologna in Italy and returning home was first made Chancelour of Oxford and thē Bishop of Chichester which Sea when he had gouerned for nyne yeares in great sanctity holinesse of life he died at Douer in Kent in the yeare of Christ one thousand two hundred fifty and three His body being brought to Chichester was afterward on this day taken vp and put into a goodly siluer shrine and translated to a more eminent place of that Cathedrall Church wherat so many miracles were dayly wrought that infinite people made concourse thither from all partes of Englād This Translation was made in the yeare one thousand two hundred threescore and sixteene THE same day at Hereford the passion of S. Leofgar Bishop and Martyr who being Chaplyn to Duke Harold su●ceeded Ethelstane in that Sea where in all kind of vertue and good workes exercising his Pastorall functiō he was by K. Griffin of VVales that violently and vniustly assaulted that Citty slayne togeather with seauen of his Chanons that denied him entrance into the Church which when the said Griffin had spoyled robbed of all the reliques iewels and other ornaments that were portable he lastly fired both it and the whole Citty in the yeare of Christ one thousand fifty and six G The seauenteenth Day AT Hecknam in Normandy the deposition of S. Botulph Abbot and Confessour who borne in Scotland of a noble parentage and going ouer into France became there a monke and afterward was made the first Abbot of a new Monastery called Hecknam in Normandy which himselfe had caused to be built at his owne charges where in great sanctity of life he ended his blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ six hundred fifty and foure There is yet remayning a faire parish Church dedicated in his honour without Aldgate in the Citty of London besides many other ancient monumēts of him in the Realme of England And among the rest there was a goodly ancient Church Monastery of Blackefriers erected in his honour in Lincolnshire neere to the sea side which in processe of tyme growing to a fayre Market-towne was called therof Botulphs-towne and now by the corruption of our language is vulgarly knowne by the name of Boston which said Church and Monastery were both in the raigne of King Edward the first consumed by fire in the yeare one thousand two hundred fourscore and seauen A The eighteenth Day IN Scotland the Cōmemoratiō of S. Dunstan Abbot Confessour borne in that Kingdome and descended there of a great parentage who contemning the vanities of the world in the flower of his youth tooke a Religious habit and became first a monke of the Venerable Order of S. Benedict in Scotland and afterward was ordained Abbot of the whole Monastery where in great sanctity of life famous for his learning and workes of piety in a good old age finally rested in our Lord
that Citt● in the middle of the Chappell of our Blessed Lady vnder a faire marble Monument wherat it pleased God to worke miracles through his merits He wrote many learned bookes and among others the life of S. Adelmus the first Bishop of Sherborne yet extant in diuers libraryes to be read He was canonized for a Saint by Pope Calixtus the secōd and his feast in many places of England hath on this day byn kept holy B The seauenteenth Day AT VVinchcombe in Glocestershire the Passion of S. Kenelme King of Mercia and Martyr who being but seauen yeares of age and committed vnto his sister Quendrede ●or his education was through her ambition of desire to raigne caused secretly to be slayne by one of his guard who cast his body into an obscure place among bushes and thornes which thing being first miraculously reueyled at Rome by an Angell that let fall a paper vpon S. Peters aultar wherin was wryttē in goldē letters the whole processe and manner of his death the Pope sent presently into Englād to other Christiā Kings to inquire and search out his body and the same being at last found and with a sollemne procession brought vnto the Church of VVinchcombe aforsaid it pleased God forthwith to worke many miracles in witnesse of his innocency His sister the Authour of the soule fact was stroken blind both her eyes falling out vpon a Primer wheron she was reading which being stayned with the bloud of her said eyes is yet kept in memory of the miracle of Gods ●ustice His Martyrdome hapned about the yeare of Christ 821. THE same day at S. Albans in Hartfordshire the deposition of S. Iohn Confessour who being Abbot of the Monastery of the Benediclines in that towne was very famous for sanctity of life and miracles throughout England about the yeare of Christ one thousand two hundred and fourteene ALso the same day in the territory of Namures the festiuity of S. Fridegand Priest and Confessour who being an Irishmā by birth went ouer into the Low-Coūtreyes with S. Foillan and his fellowes to preach the Christian faith which he did most feruently with great fruite of his holy labour till his dying day which happened about the yeare of Christ six hundred and fourty His body was lost in the troubles of the late warres made by the French in the Low-Countreyes to the great lamentation of the Inhabitants of that place who for their synnes were depriued of so glorious a Patrone C The eighteenth Day AT Alisbury in Buckinghamshire the deposition of S. Edburge Virgin daughter to Red●ald King of the Eastangles who togeather with her sister S. Edith became a Religious woman in a Monastery at the forsaid towne o● Alisbury where in great sanctimony o●●●●e she ended her blessed dayes about the yeare o● Christ six hundred and twenty Her body was a terward translated to a towne of her owne name called Edburgetowne which now more corruptly we cōmonly call Edburton where the same hath byn preserued euen vntill our dayes with great honour and veneration for the Mirac●●s that haue byn wrought therat THE same day at Huis in the Confines of the higher Germany the Translation of S. Odilia one of the eleuen thousand Brittish Virgins martyred with S. Vrsula whose name body being reueyled by her selfe to a holy religious man in Paris called Ioannes de Eppa was found out and vpon this day by Siffred Archbishop of Cullen with great solemnity translated to the forsaid towne of Huis where the same was very honourably placed in the Church of the Religious men there of the Order of the Holy-Cr●sse and is preserued yet in the same place with great veneration of the Inhabitants D The ninteenth Day IN Scotland the Commemoration of S. Diman Confessour who descended of an honourable linnage in the same Kingdome contemned the world and entring into a Monastery became a Religious man of the Venerable Order of S. Benedict in Scotland vnder the care and gouernment of S. Sigenius Abbot whose scholler and disciple he was where in all kind of singular humility and other sanctity of life in a venerable old age he finally reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ six hundred and seauenty E The twentith Day AT VVilton in Wiltshire the Commemoatiō of S. Eth 〈…〉 I de Queene wife to K. Al red of the VVest saxons who after the death of her husband built a goodly Monastery in the forsaid towne of Wilton for religious women endowing it with great rentes and reuenewes among whome also herselfe entring tooke their habit and holy veyle of Chastity and became one of the number where in all kind of singular humility vertue and other sanctimony of life she ended her blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ nyne hundred and foure and was buryed in the same place F The one twentith Day AT Strasburgh in the higher Germany the deposition of S. Arbogastus Con●●ssour and Bishop of that Sea who being an Irishman by birth and a monke of the Order of S. Benedict went ouer into France and Germany where he became an Ermite for diuers yeares in the forrest of Alsatia and afterward was ordained Bishop of Strasburgh which Sea when he had gouerned for twelue yeares in great sanctity of life and other vertues he departed this world and reposed in our Lord in the yeare of Christ six hundred fifty and eight Among many of his miracles one is recorded that by his prayers he reca●led to life Sigebert Sonne to King Dagobert of France that by misfortune had byn slayne by a wild boare G The two and twentith Day AT VVinchester in Hampshire the Commemoration of Bl. VVilfr●de Queene and Abbesse wife to holy King Edgar and Mother to S. Edith Virgin who being from a child brought vp among the Religious woman in the Monastery o● VVinchester and afterward married to King ●dgar reiecting the vanities of the world after her husbands death entred againe into the said Monastery and became Abbesse of the same where in all kind o● sanctimony and exemplar good life she gaue vp her soule to her heauenly spouse about the yeare of Christ nyne hundred fourscore and seauen In which place also her body was interred and there kept with great veneration euen vntill our dayes A The three and twentith Day AT London the Commemoration of S. Vodine Martyr and Archbishop of the same Sea in our British Primitiue Church who being a man of singular sanctity of life reproued King Vortiger of Britany for putting away his lawfull wise and taking another woman whose Father was a great enemy to the Christiā faith wherfore King Hingist of Kent the said womās Father incēsed with rage against the holy Bishop caused him forthwith to be slayne like another S. Iohn Baptist togeather with many other British Priests and religious men and so he receyued a crowne of Martyrdome about the
treasure by the excercise of these and other like vertues and by his continuall teaching and instructing the people like a true Pastour of Christs flocke full of venerable old age he finally reposed in our Lord in the yeare of Christ one thousand three hundred and ●iue was buryed in his owne Cathedrall Church At whose body Matthew of VVestminster recordeth diuers Miracles to haue byn wrought He raised the foundations of our Blessed Ladyes Chappell at Chichester but death preuenting his pious endeauour the same was finished by another G The tweluth Day AT Stafford in the ●ame Shire the Commemoration of S. Bertelme Confessour who descended of a noble British lynage in our Iland contemned the puddle and vanityes of the world in the flower of his youth and became an E●mite for the loue of God leading a most strict seuere kind of life in the woods neere Stafford aforsaid where in very great sanctity and holines of life he ended his blessed dayes finally reposed in our Lord. His body was afterward brought to Stafford and being there interred was wont in ancient tymes to be kept with great veneration of the people of that Prouince A The thirteenth Day IN Frizeland the Commemoration of S. VVigbert Priest and Martyr who being an English-man by birth descended of an honourable stocke lead first a solitary life in Ireland and thence returning into England went ouer into Frizeland to preach the Christian saith to the Pagans of that Countrey which when he had done for two yeares without any great profit returned againe and gaue himselfe to his former Eremiticall kind of life But being sent thither the second tyme with S. VVillebrord his fellowes was by Radbodus King of the Frizians put to a mos● cruell death for persuading the people to breake downe a certaine Image of Iupiter which the said King had set vp to worship and offer sacrifice vnto about the yeare of Christ six hundred fourscore and fourteene This man is different from the other S. VVigbert whose feast is also celebrated vpon this day by the Roman Martyrologe vnder the name and title of a Confessour B The fourteenth Day AT Elst in Gelderland the Translation of S. VVerenfrid Priest Confessour who being a Monke of the monastery of Rippon in Yorkeshire went out of England into Flāders and Germany to preach the Christian faith where he conuerted the whole Countrey of Geldria and became their Apostle labouring incessantly by teaching and instructing them in the true way of life vntill his dying day His body was afterward with great solemnity and veneration on this day translated to the forsaid towne of Elst wherat infinite miracles haue byn wrought especially in curing the disease of the Goute He died about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred and siue and is honoured of the Inhabitantes of Elst as principall Apostle and Patrone of that Prouince C The fifteenth Day IN the Monastery of Cateby the Commemoration of S. Margaret Prioresse who borne at Abington in Barkeshire and sister to S. Edmund Archbishop of Canterbury was by him ordayned Prioresse of the forsaid Monastery of Cateby whose most vertuous life and conuersation full of sanctimony and miracles deserued to be famous euen vntill our dayes throughout Englād She died about the yeare of Christ one thousand two hundred fifty and seauen and was buryed in the same place At whose body it hath pleased God in testimony of her holines increase of deuotion in our Iland of Great-Britany to worke miracles D The sixteenth Day AT Douer in Kent the Commemoration of S. Thomas Monke Martyr who by certain French Pirates that lāded there in the night was most barbarously slayne in defence of the goods of the Church Monastery committed to his charge about the yeare of Christ one thousand two hundred fourscore and fifteene and raigne of King Edward the first of England His body was with great solemnity and veneration interred in the Church of Douer wherat it is recorded that miracles haue byn wrought in signe of his innocency E The seauenteenth Day AT Hartford in the same Shire the festiuity of S. Thomas Archdeacon of Northumberland and Confessour who hauing byn a disciple of S. Edmund Archbishop of Canterbury was of so great sanctity and holinesse o● life that it pleased God to manifest the same after his death by the manifold miracles wrought at his body He died in the yeare of Christ one thousand two hundred fifty and three and was buryed in a little Chappell of the Carmelites at Hartford And for that there are three other Saintes of this name of the English nation this man is cōmonly called for distinctions sake by the name of S. Thomas of Northumberland THE same day at Egmond in North-Holland ●n the D●ocesteo Harlem the deposition o● S. Ieron Priest and Martyr who borne in Scotland of a Noble bloud went ouer into Holland to preach the Christian faith to the peop●e o● that Coūtrey which whē he had done most painfully for many years togeather with great sruite and profit of his holy labours was at last slayne in hatred therof by the Danes and Normans that made incursions into those partes about the yeare of Christ eight hundred and fifty His body was with great veneration brought to the Monastery of Egmond and there placed neere to the venerable Reliques of S. Adalbert their Apostle both which are now destroyed and cast out o● the Church in these our vnhappy dayes togeather with all other sacred Reliques and images in those partes to the lamentation of the Christian world F The eighteenth Day AT Rome the deposition of S. Helen Empresse mother to Constantine the Great who borne at Colchester in Essex as ancient Records testifie and daughter to Prince Coelus of Britany was for her great zeale in Christian Religion made worthy both of an earthly heauēly crowne She desceased at Rome about the yeare of Christ three hundred twenty and six being of the age of fourscore yeares Her body was afterward translated to Rhemes in France and there is kept with great veneration The Greeke Church doth celebrate her feast vpon the one and twentith day of May togeather with her sonne Constantine She going to Hierusalem found out the Crosse wheron our Sauiour was nayled and suffered his passion for the Redemption of man-kind and repayred that Citty sore ruined through the warres of the Roman Emperours adorning the same with many goodly Churches and monumētes She also builded the walles of the Citty of London Colchester in England togeather with a goodly Church in the Towne of Bedsord which being turned into a Monastery was called of her name Helenslow but afterward quite destroyed and ouerthrowne by the Incursions of the Danes about the yeare of Christ eight hundred threescore and eight G The ninteenth Day IN South-wales the Commemoration of S. Clintanke K. of Brecknocke and Martyr who
Bishop Confessour who descended of the bloud-roall of Scotland and Kinsman to King Fugenius the fourth of that Name despised ●or the loue of God a●l wor●dly preferments and went ouer into the lower Germany to preach the Christian faith where when he had reduced many thousands to Christes flocke replenished with sanctity o● life he ended his blessed dayes in a venerable old age about the yeare of Christ six hundred and fourty His body is kept vntill this day in a Village called Alb●niacke in the Diocesse of Arras where there is a goodly Prior● of Chanous-Regular erectd in his name common● called the Priory of S. Kilian Th●s man is different from the other S. Kilian of the same Name mentioned vpon the eight of Iuly who was of the Irish Nation and a Martyr C The fourteenth Day AT London the Translation of S. Erconwald Confessour and Bishop of the same Sea Sonne to Offa King of the Eastsaxons whose fame of sanc●ity and holines of life togeather with working of miracl●s hath byn notorious throughout Christendome but especially in England He died in the yeare of Christ six hundred threescore and fifteene and was buryed at London in S. Paules Church but afterward taken vp on this day and trans●ated to a more eminent place o● the same Church in the yeare of Christ 1148. At whose body it is recorded many m●racles to haue byn wrought THE same day at Ewe in Normandy the deposition of S. Laurence Bishop and Confessour who being first a Monke and then Abbot of Glindalacke in Ireland was la 〈…〉 y ordayned Bishop o● Dublyn in the same Kingdome And thence going ouer into Normandy in great holines of life and miracles ended his blessed dayes He was a●terward canonized for a Saint by Pope Honorius the third in the yeare of Christ one thousand three hundred and six His body still remayneth at Ewe a●orsaid where it is kept with due veneration of the Inhabitants of that place ALso the same day in Bardsey-Iland in North-wales the deposition o● S. D●●ritius Confessour Archbishop o● Carleon vpon Vske Primate of the old Britans of VVales who resigning his Sea to S. Dauid King Arthurs vncle became an Ermite in the wild Mountaynes of North-wales where in very great austerity of life full of miracles in a venerable old age he finally reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ fiue hundred twenty and two and was buryed in the a●orsaid Iland of Bardsey D The fifteenth Day AT Sainctes in France the Deposition of S. Macloue Bishop and Confessour who being descended of a noble British bloud Mōke of the Monastery ot Bangor in Caerneruanshire of VVales was thence promoted to the Bishopricke of Althene in little Britany now called of his name in that vulgar language San-Macloue and consecrated therto by Leontius Bishop or Sainctes which Sea when he had gouerned most worthily for many yeares in all sanctity of life and laudable vertues comming to Sainctes aforsaid in a good old age gaue vp his soule to rest about the yeare of Christ 〈…〉 e hūdred threescore and foure His Reliques were afterward translated to the Monastery of Gemblacum where the same are yet preserued with great honour and Veneration for the manifold miracles that in tymes past haue byn wrought therat E The sixteenth Day AT Pontoyse in France the Deposition of S. Edmund Bishop and Confessour who being somtyme Treasurer of the Church of Salisbury was ordayned Archbishop of Canterbery which Sea when he had gouerned for six yeares in all godly manner being many wayes 〈…〉 red by King Henry the third and 〈◊〉 Otho he resigned the same went 〈◊〉 into France and liued in voluntary banishment spending the rest of his dayes in continuall prayer and meditation in a Monastery of Chanons-Regular at Sorson where in very great sanctity of life he departed this world in the yeare of Christ one thousand two hundred and fourty His body was brought with all solemnity to P 〈…〉 yse where the same is kept with great honour and Veneration vntill this day He was canonized for a Saint by Pope Innocentius the fourth six yeares after his death This day was afterward commaunded to be kept holy in his memory throughout England King Lewes of France caused his body to be translated to a more honourable place of the Church in Pontoyse and bestowed theron a sumptuous shryne of siluer guilt richly adorned with many precious stones THE same day in Scotland the deposition of S. Margaret Queene wife to holy King Malcolme the third of that Name and daughter to Prince Edward of England surnamed the Out-law whose wonderfull life and vertues especially in deuotion and liberall almes to the poore are famous to posterity Her principall festiuity is celebrated vpon the tenth of Iune though she died on this day in the yeare of Christ one thousand fourscore and twelue and in the raigne of K. VVilliam Rusus of England F The seauenteenth Day AT Lincolne the deposition of S. Hugh Confessour and Bishop of the same Sea who borne in Burgundy was sent for into England by King Henry the second and first made Prior of the Charterhouse-Monks at VVittam in Somersetshire and thence elected and ordayned Bishop of Lincolne In which function he so excelled in all kind of vertue and holines of life that his merits deserued to haue the same manifested to the world by the wonderfull miracles wrought at his body He newly built the Cathedrall Church of Lincolne from the foundations And when he had most laudably gouerned his flocke for fourteene yeares full of venerable old age he gaue vp his soule to rest at London in the yeare of Christ one thousand and two hundred His body was presently brought to Lincolne at what tyme there happened to be present King Iohn of England and VVilliam King of Scots with very many of the Nobility of both Realmes The two Kinges for the great reuerence they had vnto his holines bare-headed carried his body from the gates of the Citty vnto the Church where the same being most solemnly receyued by the Prelates Clergy was buryed behind the high Altar neere vnto the Chappell of S. Iohn Baptist. He was afterward canonized for a Saint by Pope Honorius the third in the yeare of Christ 1220. THE same day at Strenshalt in the Kingdome of the Northumbers the Deposition of S. Hilda Virgin and Abbesse descended of the bloud royall of the Kinges of that Prouince who forsaking the vanityes of the world became a Religious woman first in a little Nunry neere to the riuer of VVire and then Abbesse of the Monastery of Hartsey now called VVhitby in Yorkeshire afterward of Strenshalt where in very great sanctity of life she ended her blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ six hūdred fourscore Her feast is in many places obserued vpon the fifteenth of December where also we haue againe made mention of her G The
His feast is very solēnely celebrated with Octaues at Chure aforsaid as is to be seene in the Breuiary of that Diocesse wherin the whole story of his li●e is recounted at large THE same day at Dorcester in Dorcetshire the deposition of S. Birine Confessour and first Bishop of that Prouince who conuerted the VVestsaxons to the faith of Christ togeather with their King Kinegilsus and so became their Apostle He died in the yeare of Christ six hundred and fifty and was buryed at the forsaid towne of Dorcester but afterward translated to VVinchester by S. Hedde Bishop of that Citty and there with great solemnity and veneration being placed in the Cathedrall Church of S. Peter and S. Paul deserued to be honoured with this Epigram of an ancient Poet that wrote his life in verse Dignior attolli quàm sit Tyrinthius heros Quàm sit Alexander Macedo Tyrin hius hostes Vicit Alexander mundum Birinus verumque Nec tantùm vicit mundum Birinus hostem Sed sese bello vincens victus eodem IN like manner the same day in the Territory of Liege in the Lower Germany the deposition of S. Eloquius Priest Confessour who borne in Ireland went ouer the sea with diuers other Companions to preach the Christiā faith to the Netherlanders where after much fruite reapt in great sanctity of life he ended his blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ six hundred fifty one whose body was afterward translated to the Towne of VValciodore and there is kept with great veneration as Patrone of that place B The fourth Day AT Salisbury in VViltshire the deposition of S. Osmund Confessour and Bishop of the same Sea who being a Norman of noble birth came into England with King VVilliam the Cōquerour by whome he was first made Chancellour of the Realme and Earle of Dorset and afterward for that he was a most vertuous and learned man he was elected Bishop of Salisbury which Church being begon by his Predecessour he finished adding therto a goodly Library which he furnished also with many excellent bookes And when he had most laudably gouerned his flocke for sixteene yeares in great sanctity and holines of life he happily reposed in our Lord in the yeare of Christ one thousand fourscore and nynteene and was buryed in his owne Cathedrall Church of Salisbury at whose body it pleased God to worke miracles He was canonized for a Saint by Pope Calixtus the third two hundred and fifty yeares after his death THE same day at Triuis in the Territory of Chure in the Prouince of Heluetia in Germany the festiuity of S. Emerita Virgin Martyr sister to King Lucius of Britany who going into Germany with her said brother was by the pagā people of that Coūtrey for the confession of Christian saith put to death ending her glorious martyrdome by fire about the yeare of Christ one hundred fourscore and thirteene The whole story of her life is set forth at large in the Breuiary of the Diocesse of Chure aforsaid in her Office on this day C The fifth Day AT VVinchester in Hampshire the Commemoration of S. Christine Virgin and Abbesse daughter to Prince Edward surnamed the Out-law and sister to the famous S. Margaret of Scotland who togeather with her mother Agatha entred into the Monastery of VVinchester and there became a Religious woman first and afterward Abbesse of the whole house In which dignity she perseuering in all kind of exemplar sanctimony of life and Monasticall discipline gaue vp her soule at last to her heauenly spouse about the yeare of Christ one thousand and fourscore and in the raigne of King VVilliam the Conquerour D The sixt Day IN Ireland the Commemoration of S. Congellus Abbot and Confessour who being a most venerable Monke of the Order of S. Benedict and liuing with S. Malachias at that tyme Bishop of Connerthen in Ireland was by him ordayned Abbot of an ancient Monastery neere to the forsaid Bishops Sea in the same Kingdome where in very great sanctity of life miracles he ended his blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred and fourty THE same day at Cullen in Germany the Commemoration of S. Florentina Virgin and Martyr who being one of the number of the eleuen thousand holy British Virgins martyred with S. Vrsula was for defence of her Chastity there put to death with the rest of her fellowes about the yeare of Christ three hundred fourscore and three herselfe afterward miraculously reueyling her name E The seauenth Day AT Durham in the Bishopricke the Cōmemoration of S. Odwald Abbot and Cōfessour who of a Monke of wonderfull Innocency and godly conuersation was elected Abbot of the monastery of Lindisserne in the Kingdome of the Northumbers where in ad kind of holines of life and Monasticall discipline full of miracles he reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ eight hundred and six and was afterward buryed at Durham aforsaid THE same day in Scotland the Commemoration of S. Gallanus Monke and Confessour who borne in Ireland and descēded of a noble bloud in that Kingdome came ouer into Scotland with S. Columbe the Great whose senoller and disciple he was where teaching preaching the Christian faith to the Pictes that in those dayes inhabited Scotland famous for sanctity of life and miracles he departed this world about the yeare of Christ fiue hundred and fourscore F The eight Day THE CONCEPTION of the most glorious and immacusate Virgin MARY mother of God by the grace and power of her Sonne that preserued her from all inquination of synne which feast being first of all begun to be celebrated in our Iland of Great Britany in the tyme of S. Anselme Archbishop of Canterbury and King VVilliam the Conquerour about the yeare of Christ one thousand threescore ten by the Monkes of the Venerable Order of S. Benedict to the honour and glory of the blessed Virgin was afterward confirmed by our Mother the holy Roman Church and cōmaunded to be kept holiday throughout Christendome to the increase of deuotion towards so mighty a Patronesse THE same day at VVinchester in Hampshire the Commemoration of Blessed Agatha Queene daughter to Salomon King of Hungary and wife to Prince Edward of England surnamed the Outlaw and Mother to the two famous Saintes Margaret and Christine who when after the death of her husband she saw her Sonne Edgar to whome the succession of the Crowne of England by right belonged to be iniustly depressed and molested by the inuasions of King Harold first and after of the Conquerour and therby frustrated of the recouery of the Kingdome she with her two daughters resolued to take their iourney backe towards Hungary by sca but being driuen by tēpest into Scotlād they were very honourably receyued by King Malcolme who tooke the forsaid Margaret to wife And after a while
of Coludon now called Coldingham in the Marches of Scotland was of such rare and singular austerity of life that it is wrytten of him that he tasted meate but only twice in the weeke to wit Sundayes and Thursdayes and often spent whole dayes and nights in prayer and contemplation vntill his dying day which happened about the yeare of Christ six hundred and fourscore This man is different from the other S. Adaman of the same name that instructed the Scottishmen about the obseruation of Easter whose festiuity is put downe afterward vpon the second day of September THE MONETH OF FEBRVARY D The first Day IN Ireland the deposition of S. Brigit Virgin borne in the County of Kildare in a towne called Fochart who in testimony of her virginity touching the wood of an Altar the same presently in the sight of many people became greene againe and began to bud forth a fresh and after many other miracles done in signe of her sanctimony and innocency of life she gaue vp her soule to her heauenly spouse about the yeare of Christ fiue hundred and fourty There was a fayre Church erected in her honour in the Citty of London which vntill this day is yet remayning commonly called S. Brides as also many others both in England Ireland and Scotland And in the I le of Man where it is recorded that somtymes she liued there is an ancient Towne Church of her Name still retayning the vulgar denomination of S. Brides Her body was interred at the Towne of Dunne in the Prouince of Vlster in the tombe togeather with the venerable bodyes of S. Patricke and and S. Columbe which was afterward miraculously reueyled to the Bishop of that place as he was praying one night late in the Church about the yeare of Christ 1176. ouer which there shined a great light Of whome one wryteth thus In Burgo Duno tumulo tumulantur in vno Brigida Patricius atue Columba pius The same Monument was afterward destroyed in the raigne of K. Henry the eight by the Lord Leonard Gray Viceroy or Deputy of that Kingdome to the great lamentation of all Ireland E The second Day AT Canterbury the deposition of S. Laurence Confessour and Bishop of that Sea who comming into England with S. Augustine and his fellowes to preach the Christian faith succeeded him in his Sea of Canterbury which when he had gouerned most worthily for diuers yeares in great sanctity and holines of life he rested in our Lord about the yeare of Christ six hundred and seauenteene and was buryed in the Porch of the Church at Canterbury neere to the body of S. Augustine at whose tombe it pleased God afterward to worke many miracles THE same day at Hohemburge in the higher Germany the deposition of S. Burchard Bishop Confessour brother to S. Swithin of VVinchester who being first a mōke in England went ouer into Germany to S. Boniface Archbishop of Mentz and thence to Rome where by Pope Zachary he was consacrated Bishop of VVirtzburgh in Franconia and sent to that Sea where after he had spent fourty yeares in propagating the Christian faith ended his blessed dayes in a monastery at Hohemburge which himselfe had founded about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred fourscore and eleuen F The third Day AT Hamburge neere Ely in Cambridgshire the deposition of S. VVereburge Virgin daughter to VVulherus King of Mercia who despising all worldly delightes became a Religious woman in the Monastery of Nunnes at Ely vnder S. Audry her aunt and Abbesse therof where in all kind of exemplar good life and sanctimony she gaue vp her soule to her heauenly spouse in the yeare of Christ six hundred seauenty fiue Vpon her death-bed she commanded her body to be buryed at Hamburge but contrary to her will it was carried to the Monastery of Trickingham where the gates fast locked the same was kept and watched very carefully But see a wonder They which were appointed to watch the same fell into a deepe sleepe so as the people of Hamburge comming in the night for the body the gates both of the Monastery and Church were opened of themselues without mens hands and taking it away without any resistance they interred it at Hamburge as before her death she requested The same being taken vp againe nyne yeares after her death was found altogeather vncorrupt her very garments not so much as any whit perished where God testifying her Holines by many miracles was therby greatly glorified in this his Virgin It is recorded that her body was afterwards translated to Chester where in the tyme of K. VVilliam Rusus was erected a goodly Monastery in her honour by Syr Hugh Lupus Earle of Chester and S. Anselme Archbishop of Cāterbury in the yeare of Christ 1092 G The fourth Day AT Sempingham in Lincolneshire the deposition of S. Gilbert Confessour who descended of an honourable parentage was the first founder of the Order of Religous men in England called Gilbertines where he built thirteene Monasteryes of that order to wit eight of women and fiue of men And after a most godly and sainctly life full of venerable old yeares he departed this world about the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred and fifty His body was buryed in the said Monastery of Sempingham neere Deeping in Lincolnshire where for a long tyme it was kept with great veneration for the often Miracles that were wrought therat THE same day at Huncourt in the Territory of Cambray in Hennalt the passion of S. Liephard Bishop and Martyr who borne in our iland of Great Brittany and there made Bishop in her primitiue Church wēt on pilgrimage to Rome and in his returne homward foure miles from Cambray was slayne by certayne pagan theeues His feast is celebrated in the Church of Cambray on this day with an office of three lessons A The fifth Day AT Lewis in Sussex the deposition of S. Iohn Confessour of the Order of Chanons-Regular whose integrity of life and holy Conuersation hath byn famous in tymes past both at home and abroad His life is extant in wrytten hand in a Monastery of the Low-Countreys as testifieth the Reuerend Father Herebertus Rosweydus of the Society of Iesus in the preface to his worke intituled Fasti Sanctorum whose festiuity he putteth downe on this day THe same day at Glastenbury in Somersetshire the Cōmemoration of S. Indractus Martyr who descended of the bloud-royall of Ireland and cōming thence on pilgrimage to Glastenbury in England with a further intention to visit Rome was with nyne other Companions and his owne sister called Drusa slayne at Stapwich in the same Prouince by certayne wicked fellowes of the VVestsaxons about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred eight whose bodyes being brought to Glastenbury Abbey with great solemnity were there very honorably interred wherat it pleased God in token of their Innocency to worke Miracles B The sixt Day AT Rome
of the Order of S. Benedict in the Monastery of S. Martins at Cullen and afterward at the forsaid towne of Fulda in an Abbey which S. Boniface Archbishop of Mentz had sometimes founded for the Scottish nation where in great holines and sanctity of life he reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ one thousand and threescore and raigne of K. Edward the Confessour of England He wrote many learned bookes which he left behind him to posterity and are extant to be read in diuers libraryes of Europe The Catalogue wherof yow may see set downe by diuers Catholicke writers in print C The eighteenth Day IN the Marches or borders of Scotland the Commemoration of S. Oswyn Confessour who descended of a noble British parentage contēned the vanityes of this world became a monke in an ancient Monastery called Lesting which S. Chad of Lichsield had sometymes founded in the Kingdome of the Northumbers where giuing himself to continuall fasting prayer and other bodyly pennāce famous for sanctity of life and miracles he departed this transitory world and reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ six hundred threscore and ten whose name and holinesse haue byn very memorable in former tymes in our iland of Great Britany especially among the Northerne people and borderers of Scotland D The ninteenth Day AT Green-wich in Kent the passion of S. Elphege Bishop and Martyr who being first Abbot of an ancient Monastery neere Bath in Somersetshire was thence promoted to the Bishopricke of VVinchester after to Canterbury And when the Danes came to inuade his Church of Canterbury and demaunding of him three thousand markes of money he like a good Pastour of his flocke manfully resisted refusing to giue the said summe from his Church Wherfore after seauen moneths imprisonment and diuers kinds of torments he was finally stoned to death at the forsaid towne of Green-wich by the enemyes of truth in the yeare of Christ one thousand and twelue whose body was first brought to London and afterward translated to Canterbury About this tyme also as it is recorded were slayne by the said Danes for the Christian faith six and thirty monkes of S. Augustines Monastery in Canterbury and eight thousand of the lay people in other places of England E The twentith Day AT Rome the deposition of Blessed Ceadwall King of the VVestsaxons and Confessour who before he was yet a Christian himselfe so much reuerenced the Christian Bishops and Clergy of the Church of England that when he had subdued the I le of VVight being Pagan he gaue the fourth part therof to S. VVilfride at that tyme expulsed from yorke wherin he caused him to preach plant the Christian faith afterwards wēt himselfe to Rome was there baptized by Pope Sergius where within a few dayes being yet in his Albes he departed to our Lord on this day in the yeare of Christ six hundred fourscore and nyne His body lieth buryed in the entrāce of S. Peters old Church at Rome as the ancient Tables and Records therof do declare wherof you may read S. Bede more at large in his history of England where he setteth downe two Epitaphes engrauē ouer the forsaid Kings tombe the one in verse the other in prose in memory of so famous an act to all posterity That in verse is this Culmen opes sobolem pollentia regna triumphos Exuuias proceres mania castra lares Quaeue Patrum virtus quae congesserat ipse Ceadual Armipotens liquit amore Dei. Vt Petrum Sedemue Pe●ri Rex cerneret hospes Cuius fonte meras sumeret Almus aquas Splendificumue iubar radianti carperet haustu Et quo viuisicus sulgor vbiue sluit Percipiensue alacer rediui●ae pramia vitae Barbaricam rabiem nomen inde suum Conuersus conuertit ouans Petrumque vocari Sergius Antistes iussit vt ipse Pater Fonte renascentis quem Christi gratia purgans Protinus ablutum vexit in arce Poli. Mira fides Regis Clementia maxima Christi Cuius consilium nullus adire potest Sospes enim veniens supremo ex Orbe Britanni Per varias Gentes per freta perue vias Vrbem Romuleam vidit Templumue verendum Aspexit Petri mystica dona gerens Candidus inter o●es Christi socialibus ibit Corpore nam tumulum mente superna tenet Commutasse magis Sceptrorum insignia credas Quam Regnum Christi promeruisse vides THE same day at Ersord in the higher Germany the Translation of S. Adlar Bishop and Martyr who being an Englishman by birth and a monke in the Kingdome of the Northumbers went ouer into Germany with S. Boniface to preach the Christian faith to that Pagan Nation where being consecrated Bishop of Erford he was togeather with S. Boniface and fifty others slayne by the barbarous people at a towne called Dockum in Frizland for the defence of Christian faith in the yeare of Christ seauen hundred fifty and foure His body was afterward on this day translated to Ersord and there is kept with great Veneration of the Inhabitants F The one and twentith Day AT Canterbury the deposition of S. Anselme Bishop Confessour who borne at Augusta in Burgundy came thence into Normandy to the Abbey of Becke and there became first a monke then Prior and lastly Abbot of the said Monastery And being afterward promoted to the Sea of Canterbury gouerned the same most laudably vntill the tyme of King VVilliam Rufus by whome he was banished the Realme but againe restored by King Henry the first He celebrated two famous Councells at London And after a most holy life ioyned with great piety learning full of venerable old age he ended his blessed dayes in the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred nyne and sixteenth yeare of his Gouerment and was buryed in his owne Cathedrall Church of Canterbury at the head of his predecessour Lanfranke at whose body it hath pleased God to worke many miracles G The two and twentith Day AT VVinchester in Hampshire the Commemoration of S. Birstan Confessour and Bishop of that Sea whose godly life and miracles haue much illustrated our Iland of Great Britany There is a story recorded how on a tyme after his death he appeared to S. Ethelwold his successor in the Sea of VVinchester togeather with S. Birine and S. Swithin all in great glory told him That he who was made worthy of so great glory in heauen had no reason to be de●rauded of his honour on earth After which tyme S. Ethelwold caused his body to be kept with more veneration reuerence then before He died in great sanctity and holynesse of life about the yeare of Christ nyne hundred forty and foure and was buryed at VVinchester A The three and twentith Day THE Celebrity of S. George Martyr whose feast for that he is Patron of England hath alwayes byn kept holy and serued