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A14770 Tvvo histories of Ireland. The one written by Edmund Campion, the other by Meredith Hanmer Dr of Divinity Campion, Edmund, Saint, 1540-1581.; Hanmer, Meredith, 1543-1604. aut; Ware, James, Sir, 1594-1666.; Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599. aut 1633 (1633) STC 25067; ESTC S118078 462,376 530

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Felcon over Ireland And all the West of the world and there followed immediatly a continuall untemperature of the ayre with a filthy skurfe the Winter stormy cold and wet which continued untill the 11. of Iuly and put the Gardeners Fruterers and Husbandmen void of all hope in so much they complained that Winter was turned to Summer and Summer to Winter and that they were like to lose all and bee undone Anno 1252. saith Dowling and Grace and the English Anonimus but Clyn and Florilegus write that it was 1254. King Henry gave to Prince Edward his sonne Gascoigne Ireland Wales Bristow Stanford and Grantham and sent him to Alphonsus King of Spaine to take Ellionor his sister to wife where hee was by the said King Knighted and returned together with his wife into England with great riches Anno 1255. Alanus de la Zouch was made Lord Iustice so I finde in the Booke of Houth after his departure out of Ireland hee being a Lord Baron and chiefe Iustice in England Florilegus Humfrey Loid and Stow doe write the Story how hee came to his end great strife rose in England betweene certaine of the Nobility about territories lands and titles whereto each side made claime the matters in controversie by direction from the King were decided in Westminster Hall the first Controversie was betweene Iohn Earle of Surrey and Warren and Hugh de Lacy Earle of Lincolne which went upon Lacy his side The second was betweene this Earle Warren and Allan de la Zouch this Zouch being Chiefe Iustice asked Earle Warren how he held his land Earle Warran drew foorth his sword and said by this mine Ancestors held the same and by this I presently hold it and with that ranne the Chiefe Iustice through in Westminster Hall and in his flight wounded also his sonne thence hee fled to his Castle at Risgate whome Prince Edward the Kings eldest sonne pursued with an Army to whom the Earle submitted himselfe and afterwards with friends and what with money pacified all Anno 1256. in the warres of Lewelin Prince of Wales so I find in the records of Conway Stratflur Copied by Gettine Owen Edward Earle of Chester fell to outrage one while against the King another while against the Welshmen his Army was 1500. foot and 500. horse Henry the third together with Richard Earle of Cornewall and King of Almane wrote unto him gently wishing him to returne to his Country and keepe the peace and not to provoke the Welshmen to Armes the which he refused to doe but sent to the Irishmen for succour and supplies Prince Edward the Kings eldest sonne understanding thereof rigged a Navy met with the Irish fleet killed their men and sunck their ships few onely remaining to returne and to make report of this hard successe in Ireland In a while after the King raised warres against Lewellin Prince of Wales and the Welshmen saith Paris Causa autem eorum etiam hostibus eorum justa videbatur and was brought to a narrow straight so that he sent to Ireland and to Gascoigne for succour the Irishmen not forgetting their late overthrow were loath to come being of all sides driven to serve in the end came and joyned with their Kings forces where no memorable act was performed for God saith Paris defended the poore people that put their whole confidence in him About this time to wit Anno 1256. Florished Iohannes De Sacro Bosco Bale out of Leland will have him to be a Yorkeshire man and terme him Iohn Holyfaxe Stanihurst writeth he was borne in Ireland at Holy Wood in Fingall some 12. miles from Dublin and therefore called Iohannes De Sacro Bosco which carried great likly-hood with it untill they are reconciled which side prevaileth I waigh not greatly I thought good to insert him for so much as his great learning graced him unto the posterity In his springing yeeres hee suckt the sweet milk of good learning in the famous Vniversity of Oxford afterwards he went to Paris where he professed the learned Sciences with singular commendations and there slumbreth in the dust of the earth whose exequies and funerals were there with great lamentations solemnized first hee followed Aristotle afterwards gave himselfe to the Mathematikes and addicted himselfe so much thereto that none of the posterity as is thought could follow him hee wrote De Spaera Mundi lib. 1. Tractatum de spaera quatuor De Algorismo lib. 1. Omnia quae a primeva rerum orig De Anni Ratione lib. 1. Cmoputus scientiam considerans Breviarium Iuris lib. 1. Verborum superficie penitus Vpon his Tombe together with the Mathematicall Astrolabe was insculped as followeth M. Christi bis C. quarto deno quater anno De Sacro Bosco discrevit tempora ramus Gratia cui nomen dederat divina Iohannes Anno 1258. Stepham Espee alias De longa spatha that is Stepham with the long skeine or two handed sword Earle of Salibury as I suppose was made Lord Iustice of Ireland this Stepham gave battell unto Oneile and the rebels of Vlster and Conaght and slue of them together with Oneile saith Clinne in one day three hundred fifty and two and departed this life saith Florilegus 1260. Anno 1260. William Denne was made Lord Iustice in whose time Greene Castle Arx Viridis was destroyed and the Carties plaied the Divells in Desmond where they burned spoiled preyed and slue many an innocent they became so strong and prevailed so mightily that for the space so it is reported of twelue yeeres the Desmonds durst not put plow in ground in his owne Country at length through the operation of Satan a bane of discord was throwen betweene the Carties and the Odriscoles Odonovaies Mac Donoch Mac Mahonna Mac Swines and the inhabittants of Muscrie in so much that by their cruell dissention they weakened themselves of all sides that the Desmond in the end overcame and overtopped them all but in the beginning of these garboils I find that the Carties slue of the Desmonds Iohn Fitz Thomas founder of the Monastery and Covent of Trally together with Maurice his sonne eight Barons 15. Knights beside infinite others at a place called Callan where they were buried Mine Authors are Iohn Clinne onely and the Booke of Houth In the end of these tumults dyed Sir William Denny Lord Iustice Anno 1261. Richardus de Capella otherwise called Rochell Clinne calleth him La Rochell de Capella became Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1262. There rose in Dublin a great stirre betweene the Prior and Covent of the blessed Trinity now called Christ-Church and the Communalty of the City about the tithe fish of the Liffy Anno 1264. Walter Bourke commonly called Walterus de Burgo spoken of before was made Earle of Vlster hee had married the daughter and heire of Sir Hugh Delacy the younger and in her right enjoyed the Earledome The Booke of Houth layeth downe the descent that this
they grew to 300. Knights of the order and into inferiour brethren innumerable But with ease and wealth they declined now to such intollerable deformities of life and other superstitious errors nothing lesse regarding then the purpose of this their foundation that the generall Councell assembled at Vienna disanulled the same for ever And thereupon as in other countries so in Ireland they confessed the publicke fame of their enormities and themselves culpable their persons they yeelded to perpetuall pennance their lands were given though with some difficulty to the Knights of S. Iohns hospitall at Ierusalem who since then for recovering the Iland of Rhodes from the Saracens became famous and multiplied much more honourably then did the Templers Of this latter foundation was the priory of S. Iohns at Kilmaynam besides Divelin Iohn Decer Major of Divelin builded the high Pype there and the Bridge over the Liffy toward S. Wolstans and a chapell of our Lady at the Fryar minors where he lyeth buried repaired the Church of the Fryars preachers and every friday tabled the Fryars at his owne costs In absence of VVogan Sr VVilliam Burcke was Lord Warden of Ireland to whom King Edward recōmended Pierce of Gavestone the disquieter of all the nobility in England a companion to the King in vice bolstered up by the King so peremptorily against the will of his Councell that whereas the said Pierce was by them exiled Edward sent him now into Ireland with much honour and many Iewels assigning him the commodities royall of that Realme which bred some bickering betweene the Earle of Vlster Sir Richard Burke and Gavestone who notwithstanding bought the hearts of the Souldiours with his liberality subdued Obrene edified sundry Castles cawswayes and bridges but within three yeares he retyred from Flaunders into England where the nobles besieged him at Scarborough and smit off his head Iohn VVogan Lord Iustice summoned a Parliament at Kilkenny where wholesome lawes were ordained but never executed There fell the Bishops in argument about their Iurisdictions and in especiall the Archbishop of Divelin forbad the Primate of Ardmagh to lift up his crosyer within the province of Leinster In ratifying of which priviledge I have seene the coppy of Pope Honorius Bull exemplified among the recordes of S. Patricks Church shortly after Rowland Ioyce then Primate stale by night in his pontificals from Howth to the priory of Gracedieu where the Archbishops servants met him and violently chased him out of all the diocesse This Archbishop was named Iohn Aleeke after whose death were elected in scisme division of sides two successours Thorneburgh Lord Chancellor and Bignore Treasurer of Ireland The Chancellor to strengthen his election hastily went to sea and perished by shipwracke the other submitting his cause to the processe of law tarryed at home and sped Theobald de Verdon Lord Iustice. Sixe thousand Scots fighting men under the conduct of Edward Bruise brother to Robert King of Scotland also the Earle Murray Iohn Menteith Iohn Steward and others landed in the north of Ireland ioyned with the Irish and conquered Vlster gave the Englishmen three notable overthrowes crowned the said Bruise King of Ireland burned Churches and Abbeyes with all the people found therein men women and children Then was Sir Edmund Butler chosen Lord Iustice who combined the Earle of Vlster and the Geraldines in friendship himselfe with Sir Iohn Mandevill and preserved the rest of the Realme In the necke of these troubles arose foure Princes of Connaght to impaire and scatter the English force But then the Burckes and the Berninghams discomfited and slew the number of eleaven thousand besides Athenry To Sir Richard Berningham belonged a lusty young swayne Iohn Hussee whom his Lord commanded to take a view of the dead carcasses about the walles and bring him word whether Okelly his mortall foe were slaine among them Hussee passed forth with one man to turne up and peruse the bodies All this marked Okelly who lurking in a bush thereby being of old time well acquainted with the valiantnes truth of Hussee sore longed to traine him from his Captaine and presuming now upon this opportunity disclosed himself said Hussee thou seest I am at all points armed and have my Esquire a manly man besides me thou art thin and thy page a youngling so that if I loved not thee for thine owne sake I might betray thee for thy Masters But come and serve me at my request I promise thee by S. Patrickes staffe to make thee a Lord in Connaght of more ground then thy Master hath in Ireland When these wordes waighed him nothing his owne man a stout lubber began to reprove him for not relenting to so rich a proffer assured him with an oath whereupon hee proffered to gage his soule for performance Now had Hussee three enemies and first he turned to his owne knave and him he slew next hee raught to Okellyes Squire a great rappe under the pit of his eare which overthrew him Thirdly he bestirred himselfe so nimbly that ere any helpe could be hoped for he had also slaine Okelly and perceiving breath in the Squire he drawed him up againe forced him upon a truncheon to beare his Lords head into the high towne which presented to Bermingham and the circumstances declared he dubbed Hussee Knight and him advaunced to many preferments whose family became afterwards Barons of Galtrime While the Scots were thus matched Robert de Bruise King of Scots tooke shore at Cragsergus to assist his brother whose Souldiours committed sacriledge and impiety against Monasteries Tombes Altars Virgins robbed Churches of all their plate and ornaments They of Vlster sent to the Lord Iustice pittifull supplication for aide in this misery who delivered them the Kings power and standerd wherewith under pretence to expell the Scots they raunged through the country with more grievance and vexation to the subjects then did the strangers Le Bruise proceeded and spoyled Cashell and wheresoever he lighted upon the Butlers lands those hee burned and destroyed unmercifully By this time had the Lord Iustice and Thomas Fitz Iohn Earle of Kildare Richard de Clare and Arnold de Powere Baron of Donoile furnished and armed thirty thousand men ready to set forward Then came newes that VVilliam de Burgo the Earles brother was taken by the Scots whereof the Irish of Vlster imboldened with the presence of the Scotish Army and with the late discomfiture which Earle Richard Burcke sustained at Coynes denyed their alleagiance openly and conspired in the behalfe of Edward le Bruise whom they proclaimed King The Lord Iustice had assembled such force against them under the leading of the Geraldines and Poweres that each of them was thought sufficient by himselfe to winne the field But suddainely the two Captaines and their adherents squared so as no good conclusion might be inferred Roger Mortimer trusting by their discention to imbeazell a
upon the King of England And so against my will they made me to learne English and taught me what I should doe and say and after this they called me Richard Duke of Yorke second sonne to Edward the fourth because King Richards Bastard sonne was in the hands of the King of England And upon this the said Iohn VValter and Stephen Poytowe Iohn Tyler Hubbert Burgh with many others as the foresaid Earles entred into this false quarrell and within short time after the French King sent ambassadours into Ireland whose names were Lyot Lucas and Stephen Frayn and thence I went into Fraunce and from thence into Flanders and from Flanders againe into Ireland and from Ireland into Scotland and so into England Thus was Perkins bragge twighted from a milpost to a pudding pricke and hanged was he the next yeare after Then in the yeare 1501. King Henry made Lieutenant of Ireland his second sonne Henry as then Duke of Yorke who afterwards raigned To him was appointed Deputy the aforesaid Gerald Earle of Kildare who accompanied with Iohn Blacke Major of Divelin warred upon VVilliam de Burgo O-Brien and Mac Nemarra Occarrol and the greatest power of Irish men that had beene seene together since the conquest under the hill of Knoctoe in English the hill of Axes sixe miles from Galway and two miles from Ballinclare de Burgoes mannor towne Mac VVilliam and his Complices were there taken his Souldiours that escaped the sword were pursued flying five miles great slaughter done and many Captaines gotten not one English man killed The Earle at his returne was created knight of the Noble Order and flourished all his life long of whom I shall bee occasioned to say somewhat in the next Chapter CAP. IX Henry the eight GErald Fitz Gerald Earle of Kildare a mighty made man full of honour and courage who had beene Lord Deputy and Lord Iustice of Ireland thirtie foure yeares deceased the third of September and lyeth buried in Christs Church in Divelin Betweene him and Iames Butler Earle of Ormond their owne jealousies fed with envy and ambition kindled with certaine lewd factions abbettors of either side ever since the ninth yeare of Henry the seventh when Iames of Ormond with a great army of Irish men camping in S. Thomas Court at Divelin seemed to face the countenance and power of the Deputy these occasions I say fostered a mallice betwixt them and their posterityes many yeares after incurable causes of much ruffle and unquietnes in the Realme untill the confusion of the one house and nonage of the other discontinued their quarrels which except their Inheritours have the grace to put up and to love unfainedly as Gerald and Thomas doe now may hap to turne their countryes to little good and themselves to lesse Ormond was nothing inferiour to the other in stomacke and in reach of pollicy farre beyond him Kildare was in governement a milde man to his enemies intractable to the Irish such a scourge that rather for despite of him then for favour of any part they relyed upon the Butlers came in under his protection served at his call performed by starts as their manner is the duty of good subjects Ormond was secret and drifty of much moderation in speech dangerous of every little wrinkle that touched his reputation Kildare was open and passionable in his moode desperate both of word and deede of the English welbeloved a good lusticier a warriour incomparable towards the Nobles that he favoured not somewhat headlong and unrulie being charged before Henry the seventh for burning the Church at Cashell and many witnesses prepared to avouch against him the truth of that article he suddainely confessed the fact to the great wondering and detestation of the Councell when it was looked how he would justifie the matter By Iesus quoth he I would never have done it had it not beene told me that the Archbishop was within And because the Archbishop was one of his busiest accusers there present merrily laught the King at the plainenesse of the man to see him alleadge that intent for excuse which most of all did aggravate his fault The last article against him they conceived in these tearmes finally all Ireland cannot rule this Earle No quoth the King then in good faith shall this Earle rule all Ireland Thus was the accusation turned to a jest the Earle returned Lord Deputy shortly after created Knight of the Garter and so died Marvell not if this successe were a corrosive to the adverse party which the longer it held aloofe and bit the bridle the more eagerly it followed his course having once the sway and roome at will as you may perceive hereafter Gerald Fitz Gerald sonne of the aforesaid Earle of Kildare and Lord Deputy who chased the nation of the Tooles battered Ocarrols Castles awed all the Irish of the land more more A Gentleman valiant and well spoken yet in his latter time overtaken with vehement suspition of sundry Treasons He of good meaning to unite the families matched his Sister Margaret Fitz Gerald with Pierce Butler Earle of Ossory whom he also holpe to recover the Earledome of Ormond whereinto after the decease of Iames a Bastard brother had intruded Seven yeares together Kildare kept in credit and authority notwithstanding the pushes given against him by secret heavers enviers of his fortune and nourishers of the old grudge who fett him up to the Court of England by commission and caused him there to be opposed with diverse interrogatories touching the Earle of Desmond his Cousin a notorious traytor as they said He left in his roome Morice Fitz Thomas Lord Iustice. After whom came over Lord Lieutenant Thomas Howard Earle of Surrey Grandfather to this Duke of Norfolke accompanied with 200. of the Kings guarde While he sate at Dinner in the Castle of Divelin hee heard newes that Oneale with a mighty army was even in the mouth of the borders ready to invade Immediately men were levyed by the Major and the next morrow joyning them to his band the Lieutenant marched as farre as the water of Slane where having intelligence of Oneales recoyle hee dismissed the footemen and pursued Omore with his horsemen which Omore was said to lurke within certaine miles That espied a Gunner of Omore and watching by a wood side discharged his peece at the very face of the Deputy strake the visard of his helmet and pierced no further as God would This did he in manner recklesse what became of himselfe so he might amaze them for a time breake the swiftnesse of their following and advantage the flight of his Captaine which thing he wanne with the price of his owne blood for the Souldiours would no further till they had searched all the corners of that wood verily suspecting some ambush thereabout and in severall knots ferretted out this Gunner whom Fitz VVilliams and Bedlowe of the Roche were faine to mangle and hewe in peeces because
the childe first into Scotland then into France and misdoubting the French into Italy vvhere Cardinall Pole his neere kinsman preserved him till the raigne of Edward the sixt vvith vvhom hee entred into high favour and obtayned of him his olde Inheritance of Meinothe Lastly by meanes of the said Cardinall and Sir Anthony Browne Lord Mountague whose sister hee marryed a woman worthy of such a brother Queene Mary Founder and restorer of many Noble houses repealed his attainder and set him in his fathers Earledome wherein since that time he hath shewed himselfe sundry wayes officious and serviceable towards his Common-wealth and the Crowne of England beside other good qualities of honour and curtesie they repute him heere for the best horseman in these parts of Christendome With this escape of yong Fitz Gerald the Lord Leonard Gray his Vncle on the mothers side was held suspect the same was one speciall article urged against him when hee lost his head Anno 1542. Sir VVilliam Skevington a vvorthy Governour and among all vertues very just of his vvord deceased Lord Deputy at Kilmaynam the Lord Leonard Gray succeeded him Oneale and Odonill colourably required a parley vvith the Deputy but in the vvay as they rode they burned the Navan and the tovvne of Ardee Wherefore the Deputy vvith the helpe of the Maior of Divelin Iames Fitz Symonds and the Maior of Droghedagh and the English pale met them flighted them slevv 400. of their trayne and there the Maior of Divelin for notable service in that journey vvas knighted Sir Anthony Seintleger Knight of the Garter Lord Deputy He summoned a Parliament vvherein the Geraldines vvere attainted Abbeyes suppressed the King named supreme head and King of Ireland because he recognized no longer to hold it of the Pope At this Parliament appeared Irish Lords Mac Gilpatricke Lord Barry Mac Cartimore O-Brene and diverse more vvhom follovved Con Oneale submitting himselfe to the Kings Deputy and after to the King himselfe vvho returned him richly plated created him Earle of Tyrone his base sonne Matthew Oneale Baron of Donganon As for Shane Oneale the onely sonne of his body mulier begotten hee vvas then little esteemed and of no proofe The same time Iames Earle of Desmond came to the King and vvas of him both Princely entertained and revvarded CAP. X. Edward the 6. Mary and Elizabeth BEfore the decease of Henry the 8. Seintleger was twice in England leaving at both times Sir VVilliam Brabason Lord Iustice. In his second returne An. 1546. Sir Edward Bellingham Captaine generall landed at Waterford and skowred the coast where Omore and Ocomore used to prey This yeare the city of Divelin obtained a Charter for two Sheriffes in stead of Bayliffes The Geraldines Out-lawes were taken and executed Bellingham appointed Lord Deputye erected a Mint within the Castle of Divelin which quickely wearyed them for want of fuell Andrew Brereton with 300. horsemen and 40. footemen inhabited the North as farre as Lecale where hee with 35. horsemen gave the charge upon 240. Scotts that from the out Islandes came to succour the Irish and wasted the Countrey In one yeare hee cleered those quarters that the Kings subiects might passe in peace Sir Frauncis Bryan the Kings Mynion was left Lord Iustice vvhile Bellingham repayred into England vvhere he dyed a man made up by service in the vvarres by continuall toyle therein diseased and feebled but of courage a lyon to his dying day true as steele as farre from flattery as from hearing flatterers an exceeding fervent Protestant very zealous and carefull in tendring the vvealth of Ireland vvherein the countrey giveth him the praise over all his predecessours and successours vvithin memory he spent his vvhole allovvance in hospitality calling the same his deare Masters meate none of his ovvne cost Letters commendatory offered him by the Councell vvhen Brian had vvrought his trouble before the nobility of England hee rejected as vaine and superfluous professing that if of his owne innocencie he could not uphold him hee would never seeke other shift then Credo resurrectionem mortuorum for quoth he well they may kill mee but they shall never conquer mee Sowre he was and thundering in words indeed very temperate applyed himselfe altogether to severity Lordlinesse and terrour Brian dyed within sixe weekes and Brabason became Lord Iustice till Saintleger the fourth time was sent over Deputye To him crept Mac Cartye that had lately roved and denyed his obedience with an halter about his necke and got his pardon Vpon Saintleger came Sir Iames Croftes of whose bounty and honourable dealing towards them they yeeld at this day a generall good report Crofts tarryed in office two yeares and left Sir Thomas Cusack who dyed five houres before the writing heereof and Gerald Ailmer while they both were coursing Oneale from Dundalke Queene Mary established in her Crowne committed her government once more to Saintleger whom sundry Noblemen pelted and lifted at till they shouldered him quite out of all credite He to be counted forward and plyable to the taste of King Edward the sixt his raigne rymed against the Reall Presence for his pastime and let the papers fall where Courtiers might light thereon vvho greatly magnified the pith and conveyance of that noble sonnet But the originall of his own hand-vvriting had the same firmely though contrary to his ovvne Iudgement vvandering in so many hands that his adversary caught it and tripped it in his vvay the spot vvhereof he could never vvipe out Thus vvas he removed a discreete Gentleman very studious of the State of Ireland enriched stout enough vvithout gall While the Deputy staggered uncertaine of continuance the Tooles and the Cavenaghes vvaxed cockish in the Countie of Divelin rangeing in flockes of seven or eight score on vvhom set forth the Marshall and the Sheriffes of Divelin Buckley and Gygen vvith the citties helpe and over-layde them in sudden skirmishes of which threescore were executed for example Thomas Earle of Sussex Lord Deputy with whom came his Brother in law Sir Henry Sidney Treasurer This Deputy to the inestimable benefite of the Realme brought under obedience the disordered countreyes of Leix Slewmarge Ofalie Irrye and Glinmalire then late possessed by the Oconnore Omores Odempsyes and other Irish rebels Hee molested Iames Mac Conell the Scottish Islander that in those dayes joyned with the Irish and disquieted Vlster In which voyage Divelin assisted the Governour with a faire company conducted by Iohn Vsher Sheriffe and Patrick Buckley He held a Parliament wherein it was made high Treason to retaine Scots for souldiours and fellony to contract with them matrimony At his returne from England in which time Sir Henry Sidney vvas Lord Iustice hee pursued the Scots to their Ilands and there entred did them much skathe vvanne himselfe full great commendation of hardinesse sayled backe vvith the glory of that adventure vvherein I trovv tvvo more
sides and the King of Connaught slaine Raphaell Holinshed in his Irish collection thinketh that there were slaine at that time above two thousand persons The King of England hearing thereof was mightily displeased with the Lord Iustice and sent for him into England to yeeld reason why he would permit such shamefull enormities under his governement Robert Vfford substituted Robert Fulborne as before satisfied the King that all was not true that hee was charged withall and for further contentment yeelded this reason that in policie he thought it expedient to winke at one knave cutting off another and that would save the Kings Coffers and purchase peace to the land whereat the King smiled and bid him returne to Ireland Anno 1279. Stow is mine Author King Edward commanded groats of foure pence a piece pence halfe pence and farthings to be coyned and to be currant through England and Ireland not decrying the old whereupon saith he these verses were made Edward did smite round penny halfe penny farthing The crosse passes the bond of all throughout the ring The Kings side was his head and his name written The crosse side what Citie it was made in coyned and smitten The poore man ne to Priest the penny frayses nothing Men give God aye the least they feast him with a farthing A thousand two hundred fourescore yeeres and moe On this money men wondred when it first began to goe Anno 1280. the Citie of Waterford saith Clyn through some foule mischance was all set on fire others report that some Merchant stranger being wronged as they thought by the Citizens brought bagges of powder out of their ships and threw them in the night season in at their sellers windowes and coales of fire after them and spoyled the City in that sort that it was long after ere they could recover themselves Anno 1281. Robert Fulborne Bishop of Waterford was by direction from the King ordained Lord Iustice of Ireland This yeere there was a great rebellion in Connaught and in upper Ossory and in Archloe which cost many mens lives but the ringleaders were cut off Adam Cusack slue William Barret and his brethren which contended about lands In Connaught Hogken Mac Gill Patricke was cut off in Vppsory Murtough Mac Muroch with Art his brother lost their heads at Wickloe another saith at Artchloe so Clyn and Dowlinge doe report Anno 1283. it is remembred by Clyn and others that a great part of Dublin was burned Campanile Capitulum sanctae Trinitatis saith mine Author the belfrie or steeple and Chapter house of the blessed Trinity with the Dormiture and Cloyster Others write that certaine Scots to be revenged upon some Citizens for wronging of them set Skinner-Row a fire and by that meanes the fire ranne into Christ Church but the citizens of Dublin therein greatly to bee commended before they went about to repaire their owne private houses agreed together to make a collection for repayring the ruine of that antient Church Anno 1284. flourished Ieffery or as Clyn writeth Galfridus de sancto Leodegario Bishop of Ossorie the second founder of the Cathedrall Church of Setus Canicus and the first founder of the Colledge of the Vicars of the same Church who gave unto the Colledge and vickars of the same Church for the maintenance of divine Service his Manse and lodging with the edifices thereunto adjoyning the rectory of Kilkesh and revenue de manubrinnio one marke sterling of the Abbot of Duiske for the land of Scomberlowaie with other revenues The said Ieffery by combate the combatants I finde not recorded anno 1284. recovered the Mannor of Sirekeran in Elly now Ocarolls country He builded part of the Mannors of Aghboo and Dorogh he builded a great part of the Church of Saint Canicus formerly begunne by Hugh Mapilton his Predecessor hee exchanged the towne Scomkarthie for the towne of Killamerry with William Marshall the Earle of Penbroke in his kinde of devotion he injoyned the collegiat Vicars of Kilkenny to celebrate the universary and aniversary of the reverend fathers his predecessors Walter Barkeley Galfrid Turvill Hugh Mapilton and others and his successors and Canons in the said Church of Ossory He established other things for the good of the Burgesses of Crosse ..... in the Irish towne of Kilkenny as in the foundation of the Burgesses there more at large doth appeare he dyed Anno 1286. and lyeth buried before the Chappell of our Lady in the Cathedrall Church Thus farre the Collections of Doctor Hanmer the Continuation following is taken out of the Chronicles of Henry Marleburrough HENRY MARLEBVRROVGH'S CHRONICLE OF IRELAND ANno 1285. the Lord Theobald Butler fled from Dublin and died shortly after and the Lord Theobald Verdon lost his men and horses going towards Ophali and the next morning Girald Fitz Maurice was taken prisoner and Iohn Samforde was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin and the Lord Ieffery Genuill fled and Sir Gerard Doget and Ralph Petit were slaine Anno 1287. deceased Richard Decetir Girald Fitz Maurice Thomas de Clare Richard Taff and Nicholas Telinge Knights Anno 1288. In England a bushell of Wheate was at foure pence And Fryer Stephen Fulburne Lord Iustice of Ireland dyed And Iohn Samford Archbishop of Dublin was made Lord Iustice. And the Lord Richard Burgh Earle of Vlster besieged Theobald Verdon in the Castle of Aloan and came to Trymm with a great power by the working of Walter Lacy. Anno 1290. Was the chase or discomfiture of Ophaly and divers Englishmen were slaine And Mac Coghlan slue O●olaghlin And William Bourgh was discomfited at Delvin by Mac Coghlan And Gilbert Earle of Glocester married the daughter of King Iohn le Bayloll King of Scotland And Sir William Vescy was made Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1294. Deceased Iohn de Samford Archbishop of Dublin and Iohn Fitz Thomas and Iohn de la Mare tooke prisoners Richard Bourgh Earle of Vlster and William Bourgh in Meath And the Castle of Kildare was taken and by the English and Irish the whole countrie was wasted And Calwagh burnt all the rolles and tallyes of that countie And Richard was delivered out of the Castle of Leye for his two sonnes And Iohn Fitz Thomas with a great armie came into Meath Anno 1295. William Dodinsell Lord Iustice of Ireland dyed and the Lord Thomas Fitz Maurice was made Lord Iustice. Anno 1296. Fryer William de Hothum was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1298. The Lord Thomas Fitz Maurice dyed and an agreement was made betwixt the Earle of Vlster and the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas and Sir Iohn Wogan was made Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1299. William Archbishop of Dublin dyed and Richard de Feringes was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1302. The King of England Edward the first went into Scotland and there Sir Iohn Wogan Lord Iustice of Ireland and the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas with many others met with him Anno 1305. King Edward made the
inquisitions of Treylbaston The same yeere Iordan Comin slue Conthir de Ophaly and Calwagh his brother was slaine in the Court of Peirs de Birmingham at Carricke and Balimor was burnt Anno 1306. Edward the second succeeded his father being dead in the kingdome In the beginning of his raigne he called back from beyond the seas Peirs de Gaveston whose company in the presence of his father he abjured and being wholly taken up with him he neglected Isabell his Queene and his Nobles for which cause the Nobles being offended they banished the said Peirs into Ireland where also the Kings treasure that was sent over thither was wantonly consumed Then Peirs was called backe againe but in regard the Kings treasure was spent as aforesaid the Nobles make an insurrection and put away Peirs from the King Anno 1308. And in the second of King Edward the second Peirs de Gaveston by the Lords of England but contrary to the Kings minde was banished into Ireland about the nativitie of our Lady but the next yeere hee was called backe againe and the King met him at Chester Anno 1309. The Lord Ieffery Genvill became a Fryer at Trym of the order of the Preachers and the Lord Peirs de Birmingham dyed Anno 1311. Was the consecration of Iohn Leeke Archbishop of Dublin and Richard Bourgh Earle of Vlster with a great armie went to Bourath in Thomound and there he was taken prisoner by Sir Robert de Clare and Iohn Fitz Walter Lacy and many others were slaine and there dyed Sir Walter la ●aint and Sir Eustace Power And the next yeere Maurice Fitz Thomas and Thomas Fitz Iohn married two daughters of the Earle of Vlster And Saint Fingay was translated and William de Lowndres the first and Iohn the son of Sir Richard Bourgh Knight deceased and the Lord Edmund Butler made 30. Knights Anno 1313. Died Iohn Leek Archbishop of Dublin and Theobald Verdon came over Lord Iustice of Ireland and William de Montency and Richard Loundries died Anno 1315. The Lord Edward Bruse brother of the King of Scots entred the North part of Vlster with a great Army upon Saint Augustines day in the month of May and afterward hee burned Dundalke and a great part of Vrgile and the Church of Athirde was burned by the Irish And in the warre of Comeram in Vlster Richard Earle of Vlster was put to flight and Sir William Bourgh and Sir Iohn Mandevill and Sir Alan Fitz Warren were taken prisoners and the Castle of Norburgh was taken Moreover at Kenlis in Meath the Lord Roger Mortimer in the warre together with the said Edward were put to flight and many of the men men of the said Roger were slaine and taken prisoners and he burnt the Towne and after this he went as farre as Finnagh and the Skerries in Leinster and there incountred him Edmund Butler Lord Iustice of Ireland the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas afterward Earle of Kildare and the Lord Arnold Power and every one of them had a great army to war against him and upon the sodaine there arose a dissention amongst them and so they left the field and this dissention hapned upon the 26. day of Ianuary after this hee burnt the Castle of Leye and afterward hee returned into Vlster and besieged the Castle of Knockfergus and slue Thomas Mandevill and Iohn his brother at Downe comming out of England and then returned into Scotland Anno 1316. Edward Bruse before Easter came into Ireland with the Earle of Murry and other armies and besieged the Castle of Knockfergus afterward they went to Castle Knock and there tooke the Baron prisoner and Edward Bruse lay there and Richard Earle of Vlster lay in Saint Maries Abbey neere Dublin Then the Major and Commonalty of the City of Dublin tooke the Earle of Vlster prisoner and put him in the Castle of Dublin and slew his men and spoiled the Abbey Then the said Bruse went as farre as Lymmerick after the Feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle and staied there untill after Easter and in the meane time Roger Mortimer the Kings Lievtenant landed at Waterford with a great Army and for feare of him Edward Bruse made haste to goe into the parts of Vlster and Iohn Fitz Thomas was created Earle of Kildare also Oconthir of Conaght and many other of the Irish of Conaght and Meath were slaine neere Athenry by the English there also there was a great slaughter made by Edmond Butler neere Testilldermot upon the Irish and another slaughter by the same Edmund upon Omorthe at Balitcham Anno 1317. The said Lievtenant delivered the Earle of Vlster out of the Castle of Dublin and after Whitsuntide hee banished out of Meath Sir Walter and Sir Hugh de Lacy and gave their lands unto his souldiers and they together with Edward Bruse went back into Scotland and Alexander Bignor was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1318. The Lord Roger Mortimer went againe into England and Alexander Bignor was made Lord Iustice and Edward Bruse and the said Walter and Hugh de Lacy with a great Army landed at Dundalke upon Saint Calixtus the Popes day and there the Lord Iohn Brimingham Richard Tute and Miles Verdon with one thousand three hundred twenty foure men incountred them and slew the said Edward Bruse with eight thousand two hundred seventie foure of his men and the said Iohn Birmingham did cary the head of the said Edward into England and gave it to King Edward and the King gave unto the said Iohn and his heires males the Earledome of Lowth and the Barony of Athirdee to him and his heires also Sir Richard de Clare with foure Knights and many others were slaine in Thomond Anno 1319. The Lord Roger Mortimer came over againe Lord of Iustice of Ireland And the Towne of Athessell and Plebs were burned by the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas brother to the Lord Maurice Fitz Thomas And the Bridge of Kilcolin was built by Maurice I●kis Anno 1320. The Lord Iohn Fitz Iohn Earle of Kildare was made Lord Iustice. And the bridge of Leiglin was built by Maurice Iakis Anno 1321. There was a very great slaughter made of the Oconhurs at Balibagan by the English of Leinster and Meath And the said Earle of Lowth was made Lord Iustice Anno 1322. Died the Lord Richard Birmingham Lord of Athenry the Lord Edmund Butler and the Lord Thomas Persivall Moreover the Lord Andrew Birmingham and Sir Richard de la Londe were slaine by Onolan Anno 1323. Iohn Darcy came over Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1325. Deceased Nicolas Fitz Simon Gonvill Anno 1326. The Lord Richard Burgh Earle of Vlster died Edward the third sonne to Edward the second after the Conquest at the age of fifteene yeeres in his fathers life time upon Candlemas day was crowned King at Westminster In the beginning of whose raigne there was great likelyhood of good successe to follow For then also the Earth received fruitfulnesse the Ayre temperature and Sea
calmenesse Anno 1327. Donald sonne to Art Mac Morch and Sir Henry Traharne were taken prisoners Anno 1328. Deceased the Lord Thomas Fitz Iohn Earle of Kildare and the Lord Arnold Power and William Earle of Vlster came into Ireland Anno 1329. Iohn Brimingham Earle of Lowth and Peter his brother with many other were slaine on Whitsun even at Balibragan by the men of the Country Also the Lord Thomas Butler and divers other Noble men were slaine by Macgohegan and other Irishmen neere to Molingar Anno 1330. There died Sir Richard Deicetir Also the Earle of Vlster went with a great Army into Mounster upon Obren Also the Prior of the Hospitall then Lord Iustice put the Lord Maurice Fitz Thomas Earle of Desmond into the custody of the Marshall out of the which hee freely escaped And Sir Hugh de Lacy returned into Ireland and obteined peace of the King Anno 1331. The Earle of Vlster went into England and great slaugher was made upon the Irish in O kenslie also the Castle of Arclow was taken by the Irish and great slaughter made of the English ni the Cowlagh by Otothell where Sir Philip Bryt and many others were slaine and the Lord Anthony Lacy came over Lord Iustice of Ireland and great slaugter was made of the Irish at Thurles by the men of the Country and at Finnath in Meath there were many of them slaine by the English also the Castle of Fernis was taken and burned by the Irish also Maurice Fitz Thomas Earle of Desmond was apprehended at Limerick by the Lord Iustice upon the day of the Assumption and sent unto the Castle of Dublin Moreover the Lord Iustice tooke Sir William Birmingham and Walter his sonne at Clomell by a wile whilest hee was sick in his bed and sent them likewise unto the Castle of Dublin on the 19. day of Aprill Anno 1332. Sir William Birmingham was hanged at Dublin but Walter his sonne was delivered by reason hee was within orders Also the Castle of Clonmore was taken by the English and the Castle of Bonrath was destroyed by the Irish of Thomond also Henry Mandevill was sent prisoner to Dublin likewise Walter Burgh with two of his brethren were taken in Conaght by the Earle of Vlster and sent to the Castle of Norburgh also the said Lord Iustice was deposed by the King and went into England with his wife and children and Iohn Darcy was made Lord Iustice and great slaughter was made upon Bren Obren and Mac Carthy in Munster by the English of that Country Anno 1333. The Earle of Desmond by the Parliament held at Dublin was sent over into England unto the King and VVilliam Earle of Vlster in going toward Knock fergus upon the seventh day of Iune was treacherously slaine neere to the foords in Vlster by his owne people but his wife with his daughter and heire escaped into England which daughter was married unto the Lord Lionell the Kings sonne and afterward died at Dublin and had a daughter and heire which was afterward married unto Roger Mortimer Earle of March and Lord of Trim And to revenge the death of the said Earle the Lord Iustice of Ireland with a great Army went into Vlster But before that hee came thither the men of that Country had done the revenge and the Lord Iustice with his Army went into Scotland to the King of England because at that time hee was there in warre and hee left the Lord Thomas Burgh his Lievtenant in Ireland also on Saint Margarets Eve great slaughter was made in Scotland by the Irish and so what by the King in one part and the Lord Iustice in another Scotland was Conquered and Edward Balioll was established King of Scotland and Iohn Darcy came back Lord Iustice of Ireland and delivered VValter Birmingham out of the Castle of Dublin Anno 1336. On Saint Laurence day the Irish of Conaght were discomfited and put to flight by the English of the Country there and there were slaine tenne thousand and one Englishman Anno 1342. And in the sixteenth of King Edward the 3. Pope Benedict deceased Clement the sixth succeeded a man truly of great learning but exceeding prodigall so that hee would bestow upon his Cardinals Church livings in England when they were vacant and would goe about to impose new titles for them For which cause the King of England about the yeere 1344. disannulled the provisions so made by the Pope interdicting upon paine of imprisonment and death that none should bring any of them Anno 1348. There was great mortality in all places especially in and about the Court of Rome Avinion and about the sea coastes of England and Ireland Anno 1349. Deceased Alexander Bignor upon the foureteenth day of Iuly and the same yeere was Iohn de Saint Paul consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1355. Died Maurice Fitz Thomas Earle of Desmond L. Iustice of Ireland Anno 1356. Deceased the Lord Thomas de Rokesbie L. Iustice of Ireland Anno 1357. Began great variance betwixt Master Richard Fitz Ralphe Primat of Ardmagh and the foure Orders of begging Fryers Anno 1360. Deceaded Richard Archbishop of Ardmagh upon the seventeenth day of the Kalends of December in the Popes Court and Richard Kilminton dyed in England therefore the controversie ceased betwixt the Clergie and the orders of begging Fryers Anno 1361 and in the thirty fourth yeere of K. Edward the third about Easter began a great mortalitie of men consuming many men but few women in England and Ireland Also the same yeere the Lord Lionell Sonne to King Edward the third Duke of Clarence came over the Kings lievetenant into Ireland Anno 1362. deceased Iohn de Saint Paule Archbishop of Dublin on the fift day before the Ides of September Anno 1363. Thomas Minot was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1369. the Lord William Windsor came over the Kings Lievetenant in Ireland Anno 1370. there was a third great Pestilence in Ireland And the Lord Gerald Fitz Maurice Earle of Desmond and the Lord Iohn Fitz Richard and the Lord Iohn Fitz Iohn and many other Noble men were taken prisoners and many others were slaine by Obren and Maccoinnard of Thomond in the moneth of Iuly Anno 1372 Sir Robert Asheton came over Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1373. there was great warre betwixt the English of Meth and Offerolle in which warre many upon both sides were slaine Anno 1375. Thomas Archbishop of Dublin departed this life and the same yeere was Richard de Wikeford consecrated Archbishop there Anno 1381 Edmund Mortimer the Kings Lievetenant in Ireland Earle of March and Vlster dyet at Co●ke Anno 1383. the fourth great Pestilence was in Ireland Anno 1385. Dublin Bridge fell Anno 1387. about Martilmas the Peeres of England rose against those that were of the side of King Richard the second but Robert Veer Duke of Ireland came over to Chester and got together many men and put them in array to march backe toward the
had formerly wonne the same And besides it will give a great light both unto the second and third part which is the redressing of those evils planting of some good forme or policy therin by renewing the remembrance of these occasiōs accidents by which those ruines hapned laying before us the ensamples of those times to be cōpared to ours to be warned by those which shall have to doe in the like Therefore I pray you tell them unto us and as for the point where you left I will not forget afterwards to call you backe againe thereunto Iren. This Edw. le Bruce was brother of Robert le Bruce who was King of Scotland at such time as K. Edward the second raigned here in England and bare a most malicious and spightfull minde against K. Edward doing him all the scathe that hee could and annoying his Territoryes of England whilest hee was troubled with civill warres of his Barons at home Hee also to worke him the more mischiefe sent over his said brother Edward with a power of Scottes and Red-shankes into Ireland where by the meanes of the Lacies and of the Irish with whom they combined they gave footing and gathering unto him all the scatterlings and out-lawes out of all the woods and mountaines in which they long had lurked marched foorth into the English pale which then was chiefly in the North from the point of Donluce and beyond unto Dublin Having in the middest of her Knockfergus Belfast Armagh and Carlingford which are now the most out-bounds and abandoned places in the English Pale and indeede not counted of the English Pale at all for it stretcheth now no further then Dundalke towardes the North. There the said Edward le Bruce spoyled and burnt all the olde English Pale Inhabitants and sacked and rased all Citties and Corporate Townes no lesse then Murrough en Ranagh of whom I earst tolde you For hee wasted Belfast Greene-Castle Kelles Bellturbut Castletowne Newton and many other very good Townes and strong holdes hee rooted out the noble Families of the Audlies Talbotts Tuchets Chamberlaines Maundevills and the Savages out of Ardes though of the Lo Savage there remaineth yet an heire that is now a poore Gentleman of very meane condition yet dwelling in the Ardes And comming lastly to Dundalke hee there made himselfe King and raigned the space of one whole yeare untill that Edward King of England having set some quiet in his affaires at home sent over the Lord Iohn Birmingham to bee Generall of the Warres against him who incountering him neere to Dundalke over-threw his Army and slew him Also hee presently followed the victory so hotly upon the Scottes that hee suffered them not to breathe or gather themselves together againe untill they came to the Sea-coast Notwithstanding all the way that they fledde for very rancor and despight in their returne they utterly consumed and wasted whatsoever they had before left unspoyled so as of all Townes Castles Forts Bridges and Habitations they left not any sticke standing nor any people remayning for those few which yet survived fledde from their fury further into the English Pale that now is Thus was all that goodly countrey utterly wasted And sure it is yet a most beautifull and sweet Countrey as any is under Heaven being stored throughout with many goodly Rivers replenished with all sorts of Fish most abundantly sprinkled with many very sweet Ilands and goodly Lakes like little inland Seas that will carry even shippes upon their waters adorned with goodly woods even fit for building of houses ships so commodiously as that if some Princes in the world had them they would soone hope to be Lords of all the Seas and ere long of all the world also full of very good Ports and Havens opening upon England as inviting us to come unto them to see what excellent cōmodities that Countrey can afford besides the soyle it selfe most fertile fit to yeeld all kinde of fruit that shall be committed thereunto And lastly the Heavens most milde and temperate though somwhat more moist then the parts towards the West Eudox. Truly Iren. what with your praises of the countrey and what with your discourse of the lamentable desolation therof made by those Scottes you have filled mee with a great compassion of their calamities that I doe much pitty that sweet Land to be subiect to so many evills as I see more and more to bee layde upon her and doe halfe beginne to thinke that it is as you said at the beginning her fatall misfortune above all other Countreyes that I know to bee thus miserably tossed and turmoyled with these variable stormes of affliction But since wee are thus farre entred into the consideration of her mishaps tell mee have there beene any more such tempests as you terme them wherein she hath thus wretchedly beene wracked Iren. Many more God wot have there beene in which principall parts have beene rent and torne asunder but none as I can remember so universall as this And yet the rebellion of Thomas fitz Garret did well-nye stretch it selfe into all parts of Ireland But that which was in the time of the government of the Lord Grey was surely no lesse generall then all those for there was no part free from the contagion but all conspired in one to cast off their subiection to the Crowne of England Neverthelesse thorough the most wise and valiant handling of that right noble Lord it got not the head which the former evills found for in them the Realme was left like a ship in a storme amidst all the raging surges unruled and undirected of any for they to whom she was committed either fainted in their labour or forsooke their charge But hee like a most wise Pilote kept her course carefully and held her most strongly even against those roaring billowes that he safely brought her out of all so as long after even by the space of 12. or 13. whole yeares she roade at peace thorough his onely paines and excellent indurance how ever envy list to blatter against him But of this wee shall have more occasion to speake in another place Now if you please let us returne againe unto our first course Eudox. Truely I am very glad to heare your iudgement of the government of that honorable man so soundly for I have heard it oftentimes maligned and his doings depraved of some who I perceive did rather of malicious minde or private grievance seeke to detract from the honour of his deeds and Counsels then of any iust cause but hee was neverthelesse in the iudgements of all good and wise men defended and maintained And now that hee is dead his immortall fame surviveth and flourisheth in the mouthes of all people that even those which did backbite him are checked with their owne venome and breake their galls to heare his so honorable report But let him rest in peace and turne we to our more troublesome matters of discourse of
maintaine play which he setting unto him againe shortly thereby winneth all from the winner Eudox. Was this Rebell then set up at first by the Queene as you say and now become so undutifull Iren. He was I assure you the most outcast of all the O-Neales then and lifted up by her Majesty out of the dust to that he hath now wrought himselfe unto and now hee playeth like the frozen snake who being for compassion releived by the husbandman soone after he was warme began to hisse and threaten danger even to him and his Eudox. He surely then deserveth the punishment of that snake should worthily be hewed to peeces But if you like not the letting forth of Shane O-Neales sonnes against him what say you then of that advice which I heard was given by some to draw in Scotts to serve against him how like you that advice Iren. Much worse then the former for who that is experienced in those parts knoweth not that the O-Neales are neerely allyed unto the Mac-Neiles of Scotland and to the Earle of Argyle from whence they use to have all their succours of those Scottes and Redshanckes Besides all these Scottes are through long continuance intermingled and allyed to all the inhabitants of the north So as there is no hope that they will ever be wrought to serve faithfully against their old friends and kinsmen And though they would how when they have overthrowne him and the warres are finished shall they themselves be put out doe we not all know that the Scottes were the first inhabitants of all the north and that those which now are called the north Irish are indeed very Scottes which challenge the ancient inheritance and dominion of that Countrey to be their owne aunciently This then were but to leap out of the pan into the fire For the cheifest caveat and provision in reformation of the north must be to keep out those Scottes Eudox. Indeede I remember that in your discourse of the first peopling of Ireland you shewed that the Scythians or Scottes were the first that sate downe in the north whereby it seemes that they may challenge some right therein How comes it then that O-Neales claimes the dominion thereof and this Earle of Tyrone saith that the right is in him I pray you resolve me herein for it is very needefull to be knowne and maketh unto the right of the warre against him whose successe useth commonly to be according to the justnes of the cause for which it is made For if Tyrone have any right in that Seigniory me thinkes it should be wrong to thrust him out Or if as I remember you said in the beginning that O-Neale when he acknowledged the King of England for his Leige Lord and Soveraigne did as he alleadgeth reserve in the same submission his Seigniories and rights unto himselfe what should it be accounted to thrust him out of the same Iren. For the right of O-Neale in the seigniory of the north it is surely none at all For besides that the Kings of England conquered all the Realme and thereby assumed and invested all the right of that land to themselves and their heires and successours for ever So as nothing was left in O-Neale but what he received backe from them O-Neale himselfe never had any ancient Seigniory over that country but what by usurpation and incroachment after the death of the Duke of Clarence he got upon the English whose lands and possessions being formerly wasted by the Scottes under the leading of Edward le Bruce as I formerly declared unto you he eft-soones entred into and sithence hath wrongfully detained through the other occupations and great affaires which the Kings of England soone after fell into here at home so as they could not intend to the recovery of that Countrey of the north nor restraine the insolency of O-Neale who finding none now to withstand him raigned in that desolation and made himselfe Lord of those few people that remained there upon whom ever sithence he hath continued his first usurped power and now exacteth and extorteth upon all men what he list So that now to subdue or expell an usurper should bee no unjust enterprise or wrongfull warre but a restitution of auncient right unto the Crowne of England from whence they were most unjustly expelled and long kept out Eudox. I am very glad herein to be thus satisfied by you that I may the better satisfie them whom I have often heard to object these doubts and slaunderously to barke at the courses which are held against that trayterous Earle and his adherents But now that you have thus settled your service for Vlster and Connaght I would bee glad to heare your opinion for the prosecuting of Feagh Mac Hugh who being but a base villaine and of himselfe of no power yet so continually troubleth the State notwithstanding that he lyeth under their nose that I disdaine his bold arrogancy and thinke it to be the greatest indignity to the Queene that may be to suffer such a caytiffe to play such Rex and by his ensample not onely to give heart and incouragement to all such bad Rebells but also to yeeld them succour and refuge against her Majesty whensoever they fly unto his Comericke whereof I would first wish before you enter into your plot of service against him that you should lay open by what meanes he being so base first lifted himselfe up to this dangerous greatnes and how he maintaineth his part against the Queene and her power notwithstanding all that hath beene done and attempted against him And whether also hee have any pretence of right in the lands which he houldeth or in the warres that he maketh for the same Iren. I will so at your pleasure and will further declare not only the first beginning of his private house but also the originall of the sept of the Birnes and Tooles so farre as I have learned the same from some of themselves and gathered the rest by reading The people of the Birnes and Tooles as before I shewed unto you my conjecture descended from the auncient Brittaines which first inhabited all those easterne parts of Ireland as their names doe betoken for Brin in the Brittish language signifieth wooddy and Toole hilly which names it seemeth they tooke of the Countryes which they inhabited which is all very mountainous and woody In the which it seemeth that ever since the comming in of the English with Dermot ni-Gall they have continued Whether that their countrey being so rude and mountainous was of them despised and thought unworthy the inhabiting or that that they were received to grace by them and suffered to enjoy their lands as unfit for any other yet it seemeth that in some places of the same they have put foote and fortified with sundry Castles of which the ruines onely doe there now remaine since which time they are growne to that strength that they are able to lift up hand
Liveries marriages fines of alienations and many other Commodities which now are kept and concealed from her Majesty to the value of 40000. pounds per annum I dare undertake in all Ireland by that which I know in one county Eudox. This Irenaeus would seeme a dangerous commission and ready to stirre up all the Irish in Rebellion who knowing that they have nothing to shew for all those lands which they hould but their Swords would rather drawe them then suffer the lands to bee thus drawne away from them Iren. Neither should their lands be taken away from them nor the utmost advantages inforced against them But this by discretion of the Commissioners should be made knowne unto them that it is not her Majesties meaning to use any such extreamity but onely to reduce things into order of English Law and make them hould their lands of her and to restore to her her due services which they detaine out of those lands which were aunciently held of her And that they should not onely not be thrust out but also have estates and grants of their lands new made to them from her Majesty so as they should thence-forth hould them rightfully which they now usurpe wrongfully and yet withall I would wish that in all those Irish countryes there were some land reserved to her Majesties free disposition for the better containing of the rest and intermingling them with English inhabitants and customes that knowledge might still be had of them and of all their doings so as no manner of practise or conspiracy should be had in hand amongst them but notice should bee given thereof by one meanes or another and their practises prevented Eudox. Truely neither can the Irish nor yet the English Lords thinke themselves wronged nor hardly dealt withall herein to have that which is indeede none of their owne at all but her Majesties absolutely given to them with such equall conditions as that both they may be assured thereof better then they are and also her Majesty not defrauded of her rightly utterly for it is a great grace in a Prince to take that with conditions which is absolutely her owne Thus shall the Irish be well satisfied and as for the great men which had such graunts made to them at first by the Kings of England it was in regard that they should keepe forth the Irish and defend the Kings right and his Subjects but now seeing that in stead of defending them they robbe and spoyle them and in stead of keeping out the Irish they doe not onely make the Irish their tennants in those lands and thrust out the English but also some of themselves become meere Irish with marrying with them with fostering with them and combyning with them against the Queene What reason is there but that those graunts and priviledges should bee either revoked or at least reduced to the first intention for which they were graunted for sure in mine opinion they are more sharpely to bee chastised and reformed then the rude Irish which being very wilde at the first are now become more civill when as these from civillity are growne to be wilde and meere Irish. Iren. Indeede as you say Eudoxus these doe neede a sharper reformation then the Irish for they are more stubborne and disobedient to law and governement then the Irish be Eudox. In truth Irenaeus this is more then ever I heard that any English there should bee worse then the Irish Lord how quickely doth that Countrey alter mens natures It is not for nothing I perceive which I have heard that the Councell of England thinke it no good policie to have that Realme reformed or planted with English least they should grow so undutifull as the Irish and become much more dangerous As appeareth by the ensamples of the Lacies in the time of Edward the Second which you spake of that shooke off their allegiance to their naturall Prince and turned to Edward le Bruce to make him King of Ireland Iren. No times have bene without bad men but as for that purpose of the Councell of England which you spake of that they should keepe that Realme from reformation I thinke they are most lewdly abused for their great carefulnesse and earnest endeavours doe witnesse the contrary Neither is it the nature of the Countrey to alter mens manners but the bad mindes of the men who having beene brought up at home under a straight rule of duty and obedience being alwayes restrayned by sharpe penalties from lewde behaviour so soone as they come thither where they see lawes more slackely tended and the hard restraint which they were used unto now slacked they grow more loose and carelesse of their duty and as it is the nature of all men to love liberty so they become flat libertines and fall to all licentiousnes more boldly daring to disobey the Law thorough the presumption of favour and friendship then any Irish dareth Eudox. Then if that be so me thinkes your late advisement was very evill whereby you wished the Irish to be sowed and sprinckled with English and in all the Irish Countryes to have English planted amongst them for to bring them to English fashions since the English sooner drawe to the Irish then the Irish to the English for as you said before if they must runne with the streame the greater number will carry away the lesse Therefore me thinkes by this reason it should bee better to part the Irish and English then to mingle them together Iren. Not so Eudoxus but where there is no good stay of Government and strong ordinances to hould them there indeede the fewer will follow the more but where there is due order of discipline and good rule there the better shall goe foremost and the worst shall follow And therefore now since Ireland is full of her owne nation that ought not to be rooted out and somewhat stored with English already and more to be I thinke it best by an union of manners and conformity of mindes to bring them to be one people and to put away the dislikefull conceipt both of the one and the other which will be by no meanes better then by this intermingling of them For neither all the Irish may dwell together nor all the English but by translating of them and scattering them amongst the English not onely to bring them by dayly conversation unto better liking of each other but also to make both of them lesse able to hurt And therefore when I come to the tything of them I will tithe them one with another for the most part will make an Irish man the tythingman whereby he shall take the lesse exception to partiality and yet be the more tyed thereby But when I come to the Head Borough which is the head of the Lathe him will I make an English man or an Irish man of speciall assurance As also when I come to appoint the Alderman that is the head of the Hundreth him will I surely
of the Nobilitie of the Scotts resciant next them had with some difficultie received out of Greece a Molossian Hound which breede both in swiftnesse of foote and in svveetnesse of opening vvas reputed peerelesse This Hound a willfull Gentleman a Pict stole home and therewith gratified his Prince glad of the novelty and little thoughtfull of the displeasure Contrarywise the Irish wood for anger at this dishonour and injury assembled in poste haste under Eugenius their King and after brawling fell to spoyle and so to blowes whereof parts and stomackes being even the fortune was variable In this division they scambled out a few yeares untill the malice of Carassus a Brittaine forced a quietnesse betweene them to abuse their helpe against th' Empire But hee was shortly slaine by Alectus the Romane Captaine and hereupon the old sore waxed rawe To heape the mischiefe a Brittish Lord named Maximus aspiring to the kingdome sent an ambassadge to Ethodius king of Picts pleading with him a league of friendship utterly to expulse the Irish Scot conditioning withall their assistance to chase the Romanes out of Brittaine which was concluded and by this confederacie after many lamentable skirmishes the Irish were betrayed Eugenius the King Ethai his brother and Ericus his nephew and also the residue such as could escape the enemies sword fled thence some into Norway some into Ireland their first home Maximus watching his time despairing of the Brittish Kingdome and espying the Picts tyred vvith continuall vvarres turned his povver upon them and brought them to such an exigent that they had no readier shift then to crave helpe from Ireland and so by degrees vvhen some private persons nourishers of the quarrell vvere out-vvorne the matter of malice vvas qualified and the remnant of the Irish Scots vvith their friends and off-spring called home to their dvvelling after their first banishment 43. yeares expired From this time forvvard the amity vvaxed steddy and the Irish under Fergusius the second their King vvan such credit that finally the nation of Picts vvere afflicted by the Brittaines then the Scots incroched into the heart of the Realme and became the mightier and more populous of vvhom the Countrey vvas ever since under one Generall name called Scotland Thus you see the Scotts a lively stirring ancient victorious people are mixed first of Brittaines though the Chronicles dissemble it whom Brutus planted there with Albanactus Secondly of Picts Thirdly and chiefly of the Irish which after this time left the name of Scott for those in Brittaine and delighted rather to be called Irish. Then came up the distinction of Scotia major for Ireland and Scotia minor for the Scotts in Brittaine But most effectually as saith Cambrensis the Scotts prevayled under the guiding of six valiant Gentlemen Sonnes to Muridus King of Vlster who in the time that Neale the great enjoyed the monarchy of Ireland going to succour their countrymen there at last also tooke up for themselves no little portions of ground which their posterity kept in Cambrensis time the yeare of Christ 1200. who treateth their exploits more largely in his Topography of Ireland Ever since then they were utterly named and esteemed Scotts The nation of the Picts driven into corners albeit the most parts the out Isles retaine at this day a people mungrell betwixt both called Redshanks The Scotts write that their King Gregorius in an Dom. 875. invaded Ireland as his lawfull inheritance and the same conquered who lieth buried in one of their out-Iles called Iona beautified with the Sepultures of Scottish Kings where the Irish tongue is their native language therefore they call the submission of the Irish to Henry the 2. a defection from Scotland which neverthelesse they recke ne regard not but willfully did forgoe it as reaping lesse then they expended and unable to defray the growing charge which cost considered little better then nothing say they the King of England winneth by keeping of Ireland Yet in the late governement of S. Henry Sidney Vlster being conveyed by discent act of Parliament to the Crowne which Earledome was in the time of Edward the third reckoned at thirty one thousand markes yearely the same being but one fift part of Ireland It seemeth that if this right be well prosecuted that Ireland might pay it selfe of necessaries and yeeld sufficient benefit to the Princes Coffers CAP. XII The conversion of the Irish to Christianity ABout this time Holy Church being stayed in peace enriched with possessions supported with authority many noble Clearkes flourishing in diverse Realmes the Holy Doctor Augustine yet in life Theodosius the second suppressing Idols in all the Empyre Celestinus 1. Bishop of Rome conferred with his cleargy touching the instruction specially of the vvestern parts wherin the faith of Christ was hitherto either not planted or by persecution extinct or by corruption of Hereticks defaced of them all no country was more lamented then Ireland which partly for distance from the heart of Christendome partly for their infinite rudenesse had yet received no fruit of true Religion In that assembly was Palladius Arch-Deacon of Rome a good Priest and well learned who profered his charitable travaile towards the conversion of any those lands whither he should be by them directed and appointed The Pope knowing the sufficiency of the man did consecrate Palladius a Bishop authorized his journey furnished his wants associated to him diverse religious persons delivered him the Holy Bible with great solemnities and certaine monuments of Peter and Paul whereat diverse miracles had beene shewed He arryved in the North of Ireland whence he escaped hardly with his life into the Ilands adjoyning there preaching and converting many erecting monasteries and ensueing his vocation so painefully that the onely report of his holynesse and cunning excited the Scotts late christened but abiding in scisme and committing the function of Bishoppes to single Preists to call him thither whereunto he assented upon the Popes answere and leaving his Disciples in the Isle became the speciall apostle of Scotland where he spent the residue of his time with more fruite then among the Irish. Hereunto Celestinus condiscended the easier for that in the very point of Palladius his departure Patricius attended at Rome to bee sent with leave and benediction into Ireland In which attempt hee found such joyfull successe so farre different from their accustomed frowardnesse that a man would weene the Realme had beene reserved for him And because it pleased God to worke to the Land such an universall benefite by the meanes of this holy Patriarch I take it convenient to set downe briefly here his course of life after the most approoved Chronicles that I could finde Patricius was borne in the marches of England and Scotland in a sea towne called then Taburnia whose father Calphrune as writeth Ioseline was a Deacon and a Priests sonne his mother Conches was sister
the inhabitants of the county towne of Corke being tyred with perpetuall oppressions of their Irish borderers complained themselves in a generall writing directed to the Lord of Rutheland and Corke the Kings Deputy and to the Councell of the Realme then assembled at Divelin which Letter because it openeth the decay of those partes and the state of the Realme in times past I have thought good to enter here as it was delivered me by Francis Agard Esquire one of her Majesties privy Councell in Ireland It may please your wisedomes to have pittie of us the Kings poore subjects within the county of Corke or else we be cast away for ever for where there was in this countie these Lords by name besides Knights Esquiers Gentlemen and Yeoman to a great number that might dispend yearelie 800. pounds 600. pounds 400. pounds 200. pounds 100. pounds 100. markes 20. pounds 20. markes 10. pounds some more some lesse to a great number besides these Lords following First the Lord Marquesse Caro his yearely revenues was besides Dorzey Hauen and other Creekes 2200. pounds sterling The Lord Barnevale of Bearehaven his yearely revenues was beside Bearehaven and other Creekes 1600. pounds sterling The Lord Vggan of the great Castle his yearely revenues was besides havens and creekes 1300. pounds sterling The Lord Balram of Emforte his yearely revenues was besides havens and creekes 1300. pounds sterling The Lord Courcy of Kilbretton his yearely revenues besides havens and creekes 1500. pounds sterling The Lord Mandevil of Barrenstelly his yearely revenues besides havens and creekes 1200. pounds sterling The Lord Arundell of the strand his yearely revenues besides havens and creekes 1500. pounds sterling The Lord Baron of the Guard his yearely revenues besides havens and creekes 1100. pounds sterling The Lord Sleynie of Baltimore his yearely revenue besides havens and creekes 800 pounds sterling The Lord Roche of Poole-castle his yearely revenue besides havens and creekes 1000. pounds sterling The Kings Majesty hath the Lands of the late young Barry by forfeiture the yearely revenue whereof besides two rivers and creekes and all other casualties is 1800. pounds sterling And at the end of this Parliament Your Lordship with the Kings most noble Councell may come to Corke and call before you all these Lords and other Irish men and binde them in paine of losse of life lands and goods that never any of them doe make warre upon another without licence or cōmandement of you my Lord Deputy the Kings Councell for the utter destruction of these parts is that onely cause and once all the Irish men and the Kings enemies were driven into a great valley called Glanehought betwixt two great mountaines called Maccorte or the leprous Iland and their they lived long and many yeares with their white meat till at the last these English Lords fell at variance among themselves and then the weakest part tooke certaine Irish men to take his part and so vanquished his enemy and thus fell the English Lords at variance among themselves till the Irish men were stronger then they and drave them away and now have the whole country under them but that the Lord Roche the Lord Courcy and the Lord Barry onely remaine with the least part of their auncestors possessions and young Barry is there upon the Kings portion paying his Grace never a penny Rent Wherefore we the Kings poore subjects of the Citty of Corke Kinsale and Yowghall desire your Lordship to send hither two good Iustices to see this matter ordered and some English Captaines with twenty English men that may be Captaines over us all and we will rise with them to redresse these enormities all at our owne costs And if you doe not we be all cast away and then farewell Mounster for ever And if you will not come nor send we will send over to our Liege Lord the King and complaine on you all Thus farre the letter And at this day the Citty of Corke is so encumbred with unquiet neighbours of great power that they are forced to watch their gates continually to keepe them shut at service times at meales from sunne set to sunne arising nor suffer any stranger to enter there with his weapon but to leave the same at a lodge appointed They walke out for recreation at seasons with strength of men furnished they match in wedlocke among themselves so that welnigh the whole citty is allyed together It is to be hoped that the late sent over Lord President of Mounster Sir Iohn Parrot who hath chosen the same place to abide in as having greatest neede of a Governour resident would ease the inhabitants of this feare and scourge the Irish Outlawes that annoy the whole region of Mounster Henry the 4. in the 10. yeare of his raigne gave the Sword to the Citty of Divelin which Citty was first governed as appeareth by their auncient seale called Signum propositurae by a Provost and in the 14. yeare of H. the 3. by a Major two Bayliffes which Bayliffes were changed into Sheriffes by Charter of Edward the 6. an 1547. This Majorality both for state and charge of that office and for the bountifull hospitality exceedeth any Citty in England except London While Henry the 5. reigned I finde lieutenants and deputyes of Ireland specially remembred Iohn Talbott of Hollamshire Lord of Furnyvall Thomas de Lancaster Senischa of England and Stephen le Scroope his Deputy Iohn Duke of Bedford then also Lord Keeper of England and the noble Earle of Ormond Sir Iames Butler whose grandsire was Iames surnamed the chast for that of all vices hee most abhorred the sinne of the flesh and in subduing of the same gave notable example In the red Moore of Athye the sun almost lodged in the West and miraculously standing still in his epicycle the space of three houres till the feat was accomplished and no pit in that bogge annoying either horse or man on his part he vanquished Omore and his terrible Army with a few of his owne and with the like number Arthur Mac Murrough at whose might and puissance all Leinster trembled To the imitation of this mans worthinesse the compiler of certaine precepts touching the rule of a Common-wealth exciteth his Lord the said Earle in diverse places of that Worke incidently eftsoones putting him in minde that the Irish beene false by kinde that it were expedient and a worke of Charity to execute upon them willfull and malicious transgressours the Kings Lawes somewhat sharpely That Odempsye being winked at a while abused that small time of sufferance to the injury of the Earle of Kildare intruding unjustly upon the Castle of Ley from whence the said Deputy had justly expelled him and put the Earle in possession thereof that notvvithstanding their oathes and pledges yet they are no longer true then they feele themselves the vveaker This Deputye tamed the Obriens the Burckes Mac-banons Ogaghnraghte Manus Mac
March alias Maurish so Holinshed calleth him in Mathew Paris Galfridus de Marisco to have beene Lord Iustice of Ireland so it may be in the absence of Maurice Fitz Girald who made three journeys to King Henry the third one with great power out of Ireland to ayde him beyond the seas secondly to cleare himselfe of the death of Richard Marshall Earle of Pembrook lastly with Irish forces against the Welshmen Mat. Paris and Holinshed make report of his good service How that when an Irish petit King in Conaght understanding that both the King of England and the Earle Marshall and Maurice Fitz Gerald were gone over into France and so Ireland left without any great aide of men of warre on the English part raised a mighty Army and with the same entred into the Marches and borders of the English dominion spoiling and burning the Country before him And how that Ieffray de Maurisco then Lord Iustice being thereof advertized called to him Walter de Lacy Lord of Meth and Richard de Burgh assembling therewithall an hugh Army the which he divided into three parts appointing the said Walter de Lacy and Richard de Burgh with the two first parts to lye in ambush within certain Woods through the which he purposed to draw the enemies And marching forth with the third which he reserved to his owne government he profered battaile to the Irishmen the which when they saw but one battaile of the Englishmen boldly assaid the same The Englishmen according to the order appointed faining as though they had fled and so retired still backe till they had trained the Irish within danger of their other two battailes which comming forth upon them did set on them eagerly whilest the other which seemed before to fly returned back againe and set upon them in like manner by meanes whereof the Irish men being in the midst were beaten downe if they stood to it they were before and behind slaine if any offered to fly hee was overtaken thus in all parts they were utterly vanquished with the losse of 20000. Irish and the King of Conaght taken and committed to prison This Noble Ieffray de Marisco of whom Holinshed writeth a man some time in great honour and possessions in Ireland fell into the displeasure of the King was banished who after he had remained long in exile suffred great miserie ended the same by naturall death Thus the unstable Wheele goeth round about and yet I may not so leave it hee had a sonne called William de Maurisco who together with the father the Iustice of God requiring the same came to most shamefull ends Matthew the Munke of Westminster and Matthew Paris the Munke of Saint Albones doe write the Story While the King was beyond seas a certain noble man of Irish birth to wit Willielmus de Maurisco an exiled and banished man the sonne of Ieffray de Maurisco for some hainous offence laid to his charge kept himselfe in the Isle of Lundy not farre from Bristall preying robbing and stealing as a notorious Pirate at length being apprehended together with 17. of his confederacy and by the Kings commandement adjudged to cruell death he was drawne at London with his confederats at horse tailes to the Gibbet and there hanged and quartered His father one of the mightiest men of Ireland by name Galfridus de Maurisco hearing thereof fled into Scotland and scarce there could hee lye safe who pinnig away with grief and sorrow soone after ended a miserable life with wished death againe after in another place he writeth Galfridus de Maurisco reckened amongst the most Noble of Ireland an exile and a banished man died pitifully yet not to be pitied whom being banished Ireland expulsed out of Scotland and fled out of England France received for a begger where hee ended an unfortunate life after the most shamefull death of his sonne Willielmus de Maurisco These things therefore I deliver more at large unto the hearers that every man may wey with himselfe what end is alloted unto treason and especially being committed against the sacred person of a Prince His father against Richard Earle and Marshall in Ireland and his son William against the King unadvisedly and unfortunatly adventured to practice mischiefe Paris addeth the name of this William was very odious unto the King for so much it was reported that through the councell of Ieffray his father he had conspired the death of the King and that he had traitorously sent that varlet which came in the night season to Woodstock to slay the King and last of all that hee had killed at London in presence of the King one Clemens a Clerk messenger of some Noble man of Ireland that came to informe the King against him About this same time florished a Learned man of Irish birth one Cornelius Historicus so called because hee was an exquisit antiquary Bale and Stanihurst have briefly written his life and his commandations out of Hector Boetius who was greatly furthered by this Cornelius to the perfecting of the Scotish History hee wrote as they say Multarum rerum Cronicon lib. 1. About this time Viz. Anno 1230. there rose a doubt in Ireland so that they sent to England to be therein resolved the King by his learned Councell answered as followeth Henry by the grace of God c. King of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Normandy and Guian c. Trusty and welbeloved Gerald Fitz Maurice Iusticer of Ireland greeting VVhereas certien Knights of the parties of Ireland lately informed us that when any land doth discend unto sisters within our dominion of Ireland the Iustices errant in those parties are in doubt whether the younger sister ought to hold of the eldest sister and doe homage unto her or not And forasmuch as the said Knights have made instance to bee certified how it had beene used before within our Realme of England in like case at their instance we doe you wit that such a Law and Custome is in England in this case that if any holding of us in chief happen to die having daughters to his heires our ancestors and we after the death of the father have alway had and received homage of all the daughters and every of them in this case did hold of us in chiefe And if they happned to be within age we have alway had the ward and marriage of them and if hee bee tennant to another Lord the sisters being within age the Lord shall have the ward and manage of them all and the eldest onely shall doe homage for herselfe and all her sisters and when the other sisters come to full age they shall doe their service to the Lord of the fee by the hands of the eldest sister yet shall not the eldest by this occasion exact of her younger sisters homage ward or any other subjection for when they be all sisters and in manner as one heire to one inheritance if the eldest should have homage of the other