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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13294 The historie of the Church since the dayes of our Saviour Iesus Christ, vntill this present age. Devided into foure bookes. 1. The first containeth the whole proceedings and practises of the emperours ... 2. The second containeth a breefe catalogue of the beginnings, and proceedings; of all the bishops, popes, patriarchs, doctors, pastors, and other learned men ... 3. The third containeth a short summe of all the heretiques ... 4. The fourth containeth a short compend of all the councels generall, nationall, and provinciall ... Devided into 16. centuries. ... Collected out of sundry authors both ancient and moderne; by the famous and worthy preacher of Gods word, Master Patrick Symson, late minister at Striueling in Scotland.; Historie of the Church. Part 1 Simson, Patrick, 1556-1618.; Simson, Patrick, 1556-1618. Short compend of the historie of the first ten persecutions moved against Christians.; Symson, Andrew. 1624 (1624) STC 23598; ESTC S117589 486,336 718

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corrections This booke also was impugned both by Protestants and Papists Of the Protestants Caspar Aquila a preacher in Turingia impugned it as a booke replenished with false doctrine and on the other side Robertus Abrincensis Episcopus impugned it for giuing libertie to Priests to marrie and permitting the people to haue the Sacrament vnder both formes While this great stirre and trouble was in Germanie in England by the authoritie of a Parliament the vse of the Masse was altogether forbidden and a booke made of an vniforme order of common prayers and administration of the Sacraments in the English tongue Edmond Boner Bishop of London and Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester for obstinate defending of the Roman doctrine were depriued of their Bishoprickes and cast in prison where they continued all the time of king Edwards raigne But to returne againe to the troubles of Germanie of all the Cities of the Protestants there was none that more constantly beared out the Emperours indignation as the Citie of Magdeburg For neither would they acknowledge the councell of Trident neither yet the Emperours booke of Interim but fortified their towne against Maurice Duke of Saxonie whom the Emperour made Captaine in that warre vntill at last an agreement was made vpon easie conditions When Maurice with his garrison entered into their Citie hee grieuously blamed their Preachers that both in their bookes and pictures they had done much to his reproach but yet he exhorted them to pray for the good successe of the Emperour and the generall councell of Trident. To whom they answered that they could not pray any otherwise for that Councell that was assembled to oppresse the truth but that God would soone disturbe it and breake it vp The end of the warre against the Citie of Magdeburg was the beginning of great warre and dangerous trouble against the Emperour For Maurice Duke of Saxonie perceiuing the Emp. would not stand to his promise consulteth with forraine Princes how hee might by force deliuer his wifes father the Lantgraue and when hee found that all things were in readinesse hee begun to muster his souldiers shortly after set forth a Proclamation to the states of the Empire in the which first hee lamenteth the discord of Religion secondly he rehearseth grieuouslie the imprisonment of the Lantgraue his wifes father signifying that hee was so kept against all truth and honour to the report of all Germanie Lastly he bewaileth the pittifull estate of all Germanie and oppression of their libertie protesting that the cause of this warre was to restore the old dignitie and freedome Albert Marques of Brandenburge maketh also his Proclamation and after a long rehearsall of the miseries of Germanie referreth the cause of all to the Churchmen and therefore signifieth this warre to bee chiefely against them William the Lantgraues sonne ioyned his power with Duke Maurice at Shuinforde The king of Fraunce also ioyned in this warre and led an armie vnto Germanie As they went forward they caused the Cities to submit themselues commaunded them to pay great summes of money and displaced such as the Emperour had set in authoritie and restored their old Senatours willing them to vse their priuiledges and liberties that the Emperour before had forbidden The report of this warre and the good successe of Maurice namely after the citie of Ausbrough was by him taken made the councell of Trident to breake vp and dissolue The Emperour on the other part set at libertie Fredericke the olde Duke of Saxonie as it were to signifie to Maurice that hee should claime againe the Dukedome of Saxonie and Electorship that he enioyed and thereby to put him in more feare Albert Marques of Brandenburge in this warre shewed great extremitie to diuers cities and noble personages against the mind of Maurice and the other confederates The King of Fraunce led forward his armie to Strawsburge and hearing that communication of peace was betwixt Maurice and the Emperour and that they were in good hope to haue their Princes deliuered hee to gratifie them was content to returne to Fraunce but was much displeased that Duke Maurice would enter in communication of peace without his knowledge In the end agreement passed betweene the Emperour and Duke Maurice vpon these conditions That the Lantgraue should be set at libertie That their Religion should be quiet vntill a certaine order were taken for the same in the next assemblie of of the Empire That Maurice and the Princes confederats should suffer their souldiers to serue king Ferdinand in Hungarie That the Protestants should bee admitted Iudges in the Chamber-court with diuerse such other like conditions The end of this warre was also the beginning of another cruell warre betwixt Duke Maurice and the Marquis of Brandenburg which fell out vpon this occasion The Marquis being reconciled to the Emperour and in great favour with him did many iniuries in Germany not onely to the Bishops whom hee ever deadly hated but also to diverse Princes and Cities yea and that vnder the name of religion Duke Maurice with certaine other went against him and met at the river of Visurg where Albert was overcome But Duke Maurice was so stricken with a gun that hee died within two dayes after Before this in Germanie were seene drops of blood vpon the trees and certaine other strange sights In England about this time fell out a great alteration in religion through the death of King Edward of whom the world was not worthy Lady Mary his sister succeeding to the kingdome Shee ioyned her selfe in mariage with Philip sonne to Charles the Emperour and restored not onely the Popes supremacie dissallowed by her father King Henrie the eight but also the masse and all superstitions of the Romane Church abrogated in the dayes of King Edward her brother Also shee caused the Realme of England in the high Court of Parliament to confesse their defection from the Catholike Church and to craue absolution having there in readinesse Cardinall Poole the Popes Ambassadour to absolue them What excessiue cruelty was vsed in her time no tongue can expresse The very name of Diocl●sian begunne to bee lesse abhorred when the name of Queene Mary came forth Her cruelty beginning at Iohn Hooper Bishop of Glocester Iohn Bradford Laurence Saunders Rowland Taylor Iohn Rogers Preachers proceeded shortly after to Ferrar Bishop of Saint Davids whose constant death amazed the people and confirmed their mindes in the true doctrine that they had learned of him This persecution raged in all parts of the Land but specially in Kent Essex and Norhfolke Some of those parts were chiefe maintainers of her authoritie and against the mind of the Nobilitie and Councell set forward her right to the Kingdome but this reward they receiued in the end at her hands The cruell martyrdome of Cranmer Bishop of Canterbury Ridley Bishop of London Latymer Bishop of Worcester Doctor Philpot and many others with the
who died within 18. daies after to whom succeeded Innocentius In whose time the Emperour hoped for peace but was disappointed for albeit a day was appointed for their meeting together at Festennia and the Pope had promised that hee would be there before the Emperour and expect his comming yet hee mocked the Emperour and secretly in the night tooke ship and first came to Genua and from thence to Lyons in Fraunce where hee gathered a councell and excommunicated the Emperour Notwithstanding the Emperour was determinate to goe to Lyons himselfe and to conferre with the Pope both concerning this sentence pronounced against him as also about the conclusion of peace if by any meanes it could be obtained But as he was vpon his iourney newes was brought to him that Parma was taken by his out lawes assisted by the Popes Legat wherefore being out of hope of peace he set himselfe againe to the warre and besieged Parma planting ouer against it the forme of a towne which he called Victoria wherein his Souldiers camped But the citizens of Parma getting knowledge vpon a time that the Emperour was gone to hunting and his souldiers were stragling here and there without order issued out of the towne and slew a great number of them and burnt his Campe Victoria Soone after the Emperour being in Apulia in a certaine Castle called Florentinium ended his life In this time it is to be noted that there was such dissention betweene the Emperour and the Pope that the factious names of the Guelfes and Gibelins sprang vp in Italie and continued euer since almost to our owne dayes for the Guelfes followed the Pope the Gibelins the Emperour so that it came to passe that all they who followed the Pope were called by the name of Guelfes and these who followed the Emperour Gibelins Conradus Quartus AFter the death of Fredericke succeeded Conradus his sonne who with manly courage began to subdue the Townes of Apulia and of the kingdome of Naples which rebelled against him but he was hastily cut off by his brother Manfred who being couetous to keepe in his owne hand the Dukedome of Apulia which hee had invaded caused to empoyson the Emperour Conrad after hee had raigned 2 yeeres Also hee caused the testament of Conrad to be suppressed wherein hee had appointed Cunradinus his sonne to be heire of all his dominions At this time Innocentius 4. thinking it most convenient to invade the Kingdome of Sicilie and bring it vnder his dominion sent two strong armies to subdue it but they were both ouercome and driuen back by Manfred whereat the Pope was so grieued with Melancholie that hee died But Pope Clemens succeeding Innocentius stirred vp Charles Count of Angeow brother to Lewis king of Fraunce to make war against Manfred who prevailed against him and killed him and possessed Sicilia Calabria and Apulia and all that Manfred before had vnder his obedience Cunradinus the sonne of Conrad being come to perfect age came with an armie to Italie to claime his fathers Dominions and was gladly receiued at Rome soone after was ouercome in battell by Charles Count of Angeow who had slaine Manfred before and was cast into prison and afterward by commandement of the Pope was beheaded at Naples with Fredericke Duke of Austria his assister For Charles vpon a time demanded the Roman Bishop Clemens 4. what hee should doe with his prisoners to whom he answered Vita Cunradini mors Caroli that is the life of Cunradinus is the death of Charles wherevpon ensued their publike execution So the Kingdome of Naples by the crueltie of the Romane Bishop against the iust owner came into the hands of Frenchmen Wilielmus William Count of Flanders whom Pope Innocentius had declared Emperour when hee excommunicated Frederike at Lyons was yet aliue and was accounted Emperour but hee was slaine by the Frisians after hee had raigned one yeere after the death of Cunrad After whose death variance fell betweene the Electors of Germanie for choosing of the Emperour for part named Alphonsus King of Castile others Richard the brother of king Henry of England But because neither of them were receiued by the whole Empire the Emperiall authoritie was counted voyd and vacant the space of seuenteene yeeres In the East raigned Theodorus Lascaris the younger 4. yeeres Rodulphus IN the yeere of our Lord 1273. the Princes Electors being assembled together at Frank foord choosed with one consent Rodulph Count of Halsburg to be Emperour who gouerned 18 yeeres This man neuer receiued the Emperiall dignitie nor entred into Italie for hee vsed to recite to his familiars the fable of the foxe that said to the Lyon hee was affraid to enter into his denne because hee perceiued the stepps of many beasts going inward but of none that returned out againe And so he said many Emperours haue entered Italie with great Pompe and glorie but by the meanes of the Bishop they returned euill handled with great iniuries He had deadly warre with Ottiocarus King of Bohemia who had invaded Austrich and appropriated it to himselfe while as the Empire wanted an head through the variance of the Electors against him he fought a sore battell in the fieldes of Austrich and obtained the victorie and Othocarus there was slaine whose sonne the Emperour gentlie entreated giuing him Suta his daughter in marriage and giuing Agnes daughter to Othocariu in marriage to Rodulph the Emperours sonne Adolphus AFter Rodolph Adolph Count de Nassaw was chosen Emperour and raigned six yeeres he was infortunate in all things hee went about and therewith so needie and poore that when hee had receiued of King Edward of England a great summe of money to aide him against the King of Fraunce hee spent the money vpon his houshold and had not wherewith to fulfill his promise when time required Hee had great warres with Albert Duke of Austrich whom he trauelled to depriue of his Dukedome But Albert led out his armie against him in the fieldes of Spira and discomfited his hoste and killed himselfe and raigned in his steed as will be declared in the next Centurie god willing In Constantinople after Theodorus Lascaris the younger succeeded Michael Paleologus and raigned 35. yeeres He plucked out the eyes of Iohn the sonne of Lascaris and right heire of the Empire His sonne Andronicus againe who succeeded to him caused his father to bee buried in an obscure place and not in a princely Sepulchre because he had agreed with the Church of Rome Now as touching the holy Land many great armies went to Asia in this Centurie for recouering of Ierusalem first vnder the cōduct of Ludouick Duke of Bavaria Leopold D. of Austrich and Andro king of Hungarie with the Florentins and Genuans marked with the badge of the Crosse and diuers Bishops of France and Germanie raised an armie tooke the towne of Damiata in Aegypt but soone after it was lamentably lost by a deuised stratageme of the
their garrisons were remaining supposing vnder the shew of Frenchmen to be let in But the Captaines mistrusting their hasty comming and misdoubting their visages not like to the French-mens shut the gates against them whereby they returned frustrate of their purpose Yet afterward Damiata was rendered to the Saracens as a part of the Kings ransome which citie being twice won and twice lost by the Christians the Souldan afterward caused vtterly to be razed downe to the ground It is to bee noted in this Tragedy that the Pope of Rome was the chiefe ground of all this lamentable calamity For the King wisely considering what great helpe hee might haue gotten by the concurrance of the valiant and wife Emperour Fredericke travailed for reconciliation between him and the Pope before hee vndertooke his voyage but all his travails were spent in vaine and so the King of France went alone to this dangerous enterprise taking with him the Popes blessing as is sayd before But like as Fredericke before prospered not the worse thate he was cursed of the Pope so it may be perceived that Lewis King of France prospered not the better albeit the Pope blessed him Before wee speake of the sixt voyage of his age it is to marked that God raised vp Mango King of the Tartarians to make warre against the Saracens he was baptised and professed the name of Christ and sent his brother Hal● to fight against the Saracens Who overhailed Persia Assyria Mesopotamia and in the end came to Syria and conquered Damascus appointing his sonne Abaga to bee Governour of the same for hee returned himselfe to inherit the kingdome of his brother Mango whom hee heard to be dead Also Abaga afterward hearing of the death of his father Halo returned to gouerne his fathers kingdome leaving behinde him ten thousand horsemen to support the Christians in the hands of Guirboca who also favoured the Christians for a time vntil they slew his Nephew and then hee also became an enemie vnto them and invaded the towne of Caesarea and set it on fire At this time Nelethinus the sonne of Turqueminius Souldan of Egypt fearing the dominion of the Tartarians in Syria provoked Guirboca to fight and destroyed him and his army and they that escaped of the Tartarians fled to Armenia Thus the small comfort which the Christians had by the Tartarians was first turned into hatred and afterward was vtterly taken away by their destruction The sixt voyage was vnder the King of France and Henrie King of England who sent Prince Edward his sonne to Palestina in his place and Charles Duke of Angeow who was declared by the Pope to be King of Sicile and King of Ierusalem In this voyage the one part of the army to wit French-men arrived at Africa and besieged the towne of Carthage and tooke it also they besieged Tuenetum sixe moneths at which time the army was troubled with a grievous pestilence whereof the King himselfe and the Popes Legat both died But Charles King of Sicile came with a fresh army Mulet the Prince in those parts entreated for peace which was granted vpon these conditions First that if any in Africke would professe the Christian religion they should bee permitted so to doe without molestation Next that the Christians who were detained in captivity should be set at liberty And thirdly that there should bee payd yeerely to the King of Sicile forty thousand crownes The other part of the army vnder the conduct of Edward Prince of England came to Syria where Edward was circumvented by a deceitfull Saracen who came with letters to him from his master and wounded him with an invenomed knife whereby hee was in great danger of his life but being cured by skilfull Physitians he escaped death Also hee staied in Ptolemais vpon the arrivall of the rest of the army out of Africke but when hee had long waited in vaine hee was compelled to returne back againe to his owne countrey In this voyage it is to be noted that the Pope of Rome miserably abused the Christian people for the armies raised against the Turkes and Infidels hee caused to serue the covetous appetite of his bloody heart as plainely appeareth in the French army which Guido Bishop of Altisiodorum conducted to Viterbium Vrbanus Quartus sent his army against Manfred King of Sicile to subdue vnto him Sicilia and to roote out the ofspring of Fredericke which he deadly hated and when this enterprise succeeded not to his hearts contentment Clemens his successor stirred vp this Charles Duke of Angeow who vsurped the kingdome of Sicile destroyed the posterity of Fredericke and at the Popes desire vndertooke this voyage to Asia whereof wee haue last spoken The seventh voyage of this age was vndertaken by the Emperour Rodolph who according to his promise made to Pope Gregory the tenth was willing to raise an army and succour the Christians in Asia but hee was so impeded by the warres hee had with the King of Bohemia that hee could not in his owne person goe to Syria but hee sent Henrie Prince of Mechelburg with a strong army to supply his place who comming to Ptolemais wasted and burnt with fire the region round about Damascus The Barbarians durst not encounter with him in open battell but circumvened him and vpon a time as hee was leading away a great prey they lying in wait for him arose and brought him to the Souldan where hee was detained in captivitie 26. yeeres After this the Christians in Asia were brought to vtter wracke for the Saracens invaded Antiochia and tooke it and destroyed the Christians there Afterward vnder the conduct of Aphir their Souldan they besieged Tripolis and tooke it and razed it to the ground Also Tyrus was rendered vpon condition that the Christians there should safely depart with so much of their substance as they could transport with shippes or drawe with beasts And finally all the townes and holds which the Christians had in Syria were taken by the Saracens onely Ptolemais excepted which afterward was taken by Araphus the Souldan the Christians therein being put to the sword and the citie it selfe vtterly razed to the ground in such sort that there was not so much as a monument of it left vndestroyed Now when all was lost the Christians obtained some new and fresh comfort by the conversion of Cassanus Prince of the Tartarians to the Christian religion who expelled the Saracens out of Syria and repayred the temple and towne of Ierusalem and restored it to the Christians and set at liberty Henry Prince of Mechelburg who had been detained captiue a long time Also he tooke the towne of Damascus and appointed Capcacus to be Governour there like as Molais was left to defend Ierusalem But after the returne of Cassanus to his owne countrey Capcacus revolted to the Souldan of Egypt and Molais finding himselfe alone vnable to resist the force of the Saracens departed to Mesopotamia