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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13043 The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London.; Annales Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1580 (1580) STC 23333; ESTC S117590 888,783 1,248

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looked for wherevpon the Kingdome was deuided the North part to Harold and the South to Hardycanute Edward and Alfred sonnes to King Ethelred with many Knightes came out of Normandy to sée their mother at Winchester whiche sore troubled the mindes of many greate men who bare more fauour to King Harold Especially Godwine Earle of Kent feigning to receiue Alfred as a friend came to méete him but in the end put him in prison parte of his companye he put in fetters and after put out their eyes Of some he caused their skinne to be plucked ouer their eares chopping off their hands and féete Some he commanded to be solde and diuers were murthered at Gilforde Quéene Emma hearing of this dealing she sent hir sonne Edward backe againe into Normandy After this Alfride was conueyed to the I le of Eely where his eyes being firste plucked out he was deliuered to the Monckes to be kept prisoner there where shortly after hée departed this life and was buryed in the South I le of the West part of the Church Bycause Hardycanutus delayed to come ouer being sent for he was vtterly reiected and Harold who before was King of the Mercies and Northumbers was chosen King of all England who shortly after expelled his mother in law Emma out of the Realme He raigned thrée yeares dyed at Oxford and was buryed at Westminster and after at Saint Clements without Templebarre at London HArdycanutus the lawfull begotten sonne of Canutus and 1041 Emma as soone as he had gotten his fathers Kingdome fetched home his mother out of exile and in reuenge of displeasure that was done to hir and of the murther of his brother Alured he commanded the carkas of Harold to be digged out of the earth and to be throwen into the Riuer of Thamis where by a Fisher it was taken vp and brought to the Danes who buryed it in a Church yard which they had This is supposed to be S. Clements Church vvithout Temple barre at London Which done the King appoynted eyght markes to be payde to euery Sayler in his name twelue markes to euery Pilote or Maister which tribute was to be payd of al England so gréeuous that scarce any was able to beare it Shortly after he sent for Edward the sonne of Etheldred his brother of the mothers side to come into England and embraced him with all loue and fauour Being at a mariage feast pleasantly drincking with the Bride other persons in the middest of his cups he fell suddaynely downe to the ground so remaining dumbe departed this life the third yeare of his raigne was buried by his father at Winchester EDward borne at Islip besides Oxford the sonne of Etheldred 104● Alfridus Beuerla Io. Rouse whom Hardycanutus had sent for into England was Crowned at Winchester This Edward for his excellēt holynesse is vntill this day called Saint Edward who so soone as he had gotten his fathers kingdome of his owne frée will released the tribute of 40000. pound called Dane gelt which Dane gelt the English people euen from the very beginning of the reigne of the Danes was compelled to pay to their Kings euery The first com●●ing vp of the common Lavv. yeare He was also the chiefe author and cause that the law which we call the common Law was first brought vp being gathered togither out of the lawes and ordināces of four nations which were receiued when the Island was subiect to diuers regiments gouernances to witte of the Mercies of the West Saxons of the Danes of the Northumbers Mercies vvest Saxons Danes and Northumbers He was hard to his mother bycause she was hard to him in his minoritie and also suspected with Alwine Bishop of Winchester whome he put in prison by counsell of Roberte Archbishop of Canturbury but after his mother had purged hirselfe Alwine was deliuered and Robert the Archbishop conueyed himselfe out of England He tooke to wife Edgitha Sea Cron. the daughter of Earle Godwine who bycause she brought Edgitha vvas barreyne him forth no children neyther was there any hope that she should beare any whē he did sée that many did gaye after y ● kingdome he began to be carefull for one that should iustly succéede him and therfore following the reason of y ● commō law he sent for home into England his Nephew Edward the sonne of king Edmond his brother who by reason of his lōg absence out of the Countrey was cōmonly called y e outlaw This is that Edward the sonne of King Edmond surnamed Ironside which remained aliue whome Canutus when he had gotten England had sent into Swethen with his brother He knowing the aduise of his Uncle came againe into England and brought with him Agatha his wife Edgar Margaret and Christian his children borne in Panonia in hope of the kingdome where he liued but a while Thus S. Edward being disappoynted both of his Nephew and his heire for that Edward the outlaw was both by néerenesse of bloud and by lawfull succession right heire vnto the Kingdome withoute delaye pronounced Edgar the outlawes sonne and his greate Nephew to bée heire of the Kingdome and gaue him to surname Adeling which name in those dayes was peculiar onely to Kings Children which were borne in hope and possibilitie of the Kingdome for thys worde Adeling in the English tong is as much to say as Prince or Lorde the contrary of which word is Vnderling that is The signification of the vvord Adeling to say a seruan●●or or bondman or according to the Walche spéech Adeling signifieth heire but bycause this Edgar was but yong of yeares and within age by his testamente he made Harold the sonne of Godwine a stoute man both in warre and peace Regent vntill the yong Edgar should be of age to receyue the Kingdome and that then he should be made King which thing Harold with a solemne oth promised to sée so performed and done Notwithstanding he like a Traytour by force of armes immediately after y ● death of Edward refused the name of Regent and pronounced himselfe Alfridus Beuerl Speculum histo R● Cirecest Flores histo King whiche thing shortly after brought destruction both to himselfe and to all England Anno 1051. Eustace Earle of Bullogne which had to wife Floriacen Goda sister to King Edward arriued at Douer where one of his men quarelling aboute his lodging slewe one of the Townesmen in reuenge whereof not only the quareller but other of his company and many of the Towne were slayne whiche doing so muche offended Godwine Earle of Kent that he assembled a great power wherewith he marched toward Glocester where the king then lay vnto whome he sent messengers to denounce warre except he would deliuer Eustace and his fellow Normans and Bolognians which held a Castell in the dominions of Kent After this Godwins armie entered into Glocester but it was there agréed that at a day
his Christmas at Bermonsey where hauing conference Geruasius Doro. with his Nobles for the state of the Kingdome he 1155 promised to banish all Strangers Wherevpon William of Ipres and all the Flemings that had flocked into England fearing the indignation of the newe King departed the land And the Castels that had bin builded to pill the riche and spoyle the poore were by the Kings commandemente and counsell of his Chancellor throwne downe In March Quéene Elianor did beare a sonne at London called Henry after his father King Henry was sonne to Mawde the Empresse whose Line of the Saxons restored Gerua Doro. Radulphus de dec●te mother was Mawde Quéene of England wife to King Henry the first and daughter to Margaret Quéene of Scottes who was daughter of Edward which he begat of Agatha the sister of Henry the Emperoure Edwarde was the sonne of King Edmond named Ironside whose father was King Etheldred whose father was the peaceable King named Edgar the sonne of Edmond the son of Edward the seigniour the sonne of Alured c. A counsell was holden at Wallingford where the Nobles Anno reg 2. Ger. Dorobor were sworne to the King and his issue King Henry went ouer into Normandy where with long 1156 Anno reg 3. séege he tooke diuers Castels of Mirable Chinon and other and obteyned the homage and pledges of all Aquitaine and Gascoyne William the Kings eldest sonne died and was buryed at Reding King Henry returned into England and then with an armie 1157 King Henry vvent against the VVelchmen Reedifyed Castels Henry of Essex went against the Welchmen where he felled their wods fortified the Castell of Rutland and recouered many strong holdes He reedifyed the Castell of Basingwirke c. but he lost many of his men for Henry of Essex that bare the Kings Standerd as he was assayled amongst his enimies let fall the Standerd to the ground which encouraged the Welchmen and put the Englishmen in feare supposing that the King Iocelyn of ●racland had bin slayne The King notwithstanding got of a certayne King of Anno reg 4. Wales and other Barons homage and hostages and so rereturned Quéene Elianor brought forth a sonne named Richard at Oxford in the Kings Pallace there William Earle of Glocester was taken by the Welchmen Giraldus Cambre in the Castell of Cardife On Christmas day King Henry ware his Crowne at 1158 Winchester where after celebration of diuine seruice he set his Crowne vpon the Altar and neuer ware it after King Henry went into France and at Paris was ioyfully receyued of King Lewes who required to haue his daughter Margaret to be maryed to his sonne Henry which suite he obteyned and King Henry obteyned that as Seneshall to the French King he might enter into Britaine and call afore him suche as made warre one against another to appease them whereby he brought the Citie of Naunts to his dominion An Earthquake happened in many places Earthquake through England and the Riuer of Thamis was dryed vp that at London men might walke ouer the same dryshod Quéene Elianor brought forth a sonne named Geffrey Anno reg 5. Ypodigma A new Coyne was made in England King Henry tooke es●uage of the Englishmen the summe 1159 Geruasius whereof grew to 12400. pounds of siluer Of other Countreys subiect to him he gathered also an infinite exaction then passed towards Tholouse with an huge army and beséeged that Citie from Midsomer til Hallontide There were with him Malcoline King of Scottes and a certaine King of Wales and all the Earles and Barons of England Normandy Aquitaine Angeow Gascoyne but Lewes the French King so defended that Citie that the Kings purpose was frustrate and the séege raysed King Henry returned from Tholouse and Henry y ● King Anno reg 6. 1160 of Englands sonne not seauen yeares olde maried Margaret the French Kings daughter that was not yet thrée yeares Gerua Dor● Anno reg 7. 1161 Anno reg 8. Thomas Wikes ●● Beu●●la old Mathew Earle of Bolonia married Mary Abbesse of Rumsey daughter to King Stephen Theobald Archbishop of Canturbury deceassed and the Churche of Canturbury was voyde one yeare one moneth and fourtéene dayes King Henry caused all his subiects to sweare fidelitie to 1162 Mathew Paris his sonne Henry concerning his inheritance Thomas the Kings Chancellour tooke his othe first sauing his fidelitie to King Henry the father so long as he liued This Thomas was elected Archbishop of Canturbury and when he was consecrated he forthwith refused to deale any more with matters of the Court renouncing the Chauncellorship c. There came into England xxx Germaynes as well men as women who called themselues Publicanes their head and Wilbel Nouobur Ralphe Cogshall ruler named Gerardus was somewhat learned the residue very rude They denyed Matrimony and the Sacraments of Baptisme and the Lords Supper with other Articles They being apprehended the King caused a Counsell to be called at Oxford where the sayd Gerard answered for all his fellowes who being pressed with Scriptures aunswered concerning their faith as they had bin taught and woulde not dispute thereof After they coulde by no meanes be brought from their errors the Bishops gaue sentence against them and the King commanded that they should be marked with an whote Iron in the forehead and whipped and that no man should succour them with houserome or otherwise they tooke their punishment gladly their Captayne Publicans vvhipped going before them singing Blessed are ye when men do hate you they were marked in the forehead and theyr Captayne both in the forehead and the chinne Thus being Anno reg 9. whipped and thrust out in the winter they dyed with cold no man reléeuing them Robert de Mountfort accused his néere kinsman Henry 1163 Ioc●lin of Bracland of Essex of high treason before the Nobilitie affirming that he in an expedition into Wales in a narrow and hard passage at Colleshele most fraudulently threwe away the Kings Standard and with a lowde voyce pronounced him to be dead and turned backe those that came to y ● Kings succour Indéede the foresayde Henry of Essex was perswaded that King Henry was slayne whiche vndoubtedly had come to passe if Roger Earle of Clare had not with quicke spéede come to with his retinue and raysed agayne the Kings Standarde to the encouraging of the whole army Henry withstoode the foresayd Robert and denyed all his accusations whereby in processe of time the matter came to be tryed by Combate They met at Reding to fight in an I●e Combate at Reading néere to the Abbey Thither also came much people to sée what ende the matter woulde come to And it chanced that when Robert had manfully powred out many and heauie strokes Henry turning reason into rage tooke vpon him the part of a challenger and not a defender who whilest he
Pallace of Westminster men did row with wherries in the midst of the Hall and they rode on Horsebacke to their Chambers A Parliament at Marton wherein was made the Statutes Anno reg 21 Statutes of Marton Sherifes Maior 1237 of Marton Henry Cocham Iordan of Couentry the 28. of Septem Andrew Bokerell Peperer the 28. of October By the Kings procurement Octobon a Cardinall came into England as Legate from y e Pope the second day of July This yeare passed a stormie and troublesome weather and very vnhealthfull so that no man coulde remember that euer so many folkes were sicke of the ague Iohn Scot last Earle of Glocester deceassed and the Countrey Anno reg 22 Nic. Triuet Iohn Beuer. Sherifes Maior returned to the King for lacke of heires Iohn Tolason Geruas the Cordewenor the 28. of Sept. Andrew Bokerell Peperer the 28. of October Simon de Mountfort sonne to Simon Earle of Mountford for doubt that Quéene Blanche mother to the French King was offended with him fledde into England and was made Earle of Leycester and Steward of England by King Henry and had the Kings sister Elianor widdow of William Nicholas Triuet Io. Beuerla Marshall giuen him to wife Octobone being lodged in the Abbey of Osney the Schollers 1238 Mathew Paris Ypodigma Legate put to his shiftes of Oxford slew his mayster Cooke who was also the Legates brother and the Legate for feare gate him into the Stéeple of the Church where he held him till the kings officers comming from Abingdon conuayed him to Wallingford where he accursed the misdoers Odo de Kilkenny as Standerdbearer of the Schollers was taken with twelue other and cast in prison and long after went from Saint Paules Church in London to the Legates Scholers did penance at London Iohn Beuer. house which was Durham place vngirded withoute gowne bareheaded and barefooted whereby they asked him forgiuenesse and then the Legate restored them to their Uniuersitie A Scholler of Oxford fayning himselfe madde enterprised to haue slayne the King in his Chamber at Wodstocke King in darge● Anno reg 23 but he was taken and after long emprisonment plucked in péeces with Horsses at Couentrie Iohn Coders Iohn de Wilehale the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Nicho. Triuet 1229 Richard Renger the 28. of October Simon de Mountfort whome the King had made Earle of Leycester after he had agréed with his elder brother Earle Almericus for the same Earledome being also Steward of Gascoine induced the King of England to recognise that he would hold of the King of France the land of the Baseles the chiefe Towne whereof is Bayon and was in times past a Kingdome of it selfe and so by acknowledging to be of the fée of the King of France excluded the King of Castile who chalenged the sayd fée to belong to the King of Spayne The Tower of London was fortified which the Citizens Mathew Paris Tovver of London fearing least it were done to their detriment complayned to the King who answered that he had not done it to their hurt but sayth he I will from henceforth do as my brother Ypodigma Anno reg 24 doth in building and fortifying of Castels who beareth the name to be wiser than I am Quéene Elianor bare a sonne named Edwarde at Westminster the 22. day of June Roger Bongye Ralph Ashwye the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1240 William Ioyner the 28. of October Richard Earle of Cornewall the Kings brother tooke his iourney towardes Ierusalem with many other noble men of England Upon Saint Georges night the stone gate and bulwarke Mathew Paris which the King had caused to be builded by the Tower Bulvvarke by the Tovver of London was shaken with an Earthquake and fell downe but the King commanded the same to be builded againe stronger than before Lewlin Prince of Wales deceased and then betwixt his bastard sonne Griffin his legitimate son Dauid nephew to y e K. of Englād by his sister great gréeuous destructiō rose for the principalitie but at length Griffin being taken of his brother was cōmitted to prison Many strange and great Fishes came ashore whereof xj were Sea Bulles and one of huge bignesse passed vp the Monstrous Fishes Riuer of Thamis through the Bridge at London vnhurt till he came as farre as the Kings house at Mortlake where he was killed Aldermen chosen in London whiche had the rule of the Wards of the Citie but were euery yeare changed Anno reg 25 Aldermen in London Sherifes Maior 1241 Iohn Gifers Michaell Tony the 28. of September Gerard Bat the 28. of October The Jewes were constrayned to pay twentie thousand Markes at two tearmes in the yeare or else to be kepte in perpetuall prison Gilbert Marshall Earle of Penbroke dyed without the Towne of Hereford being brused in Turneament and was Iohn Beuer. buryed at London in the new Temple Walter his brother hardly obteyned the Earledome bycause he procured that Turneament contrarie to the Kings will and pleasure This Walter dying without issue his heritage was diuided Nic. Triuet betwixt the sonnes of his fiue sisters The walles and Bulwarkes that were newly builded about the Tower of London in the building whereof the Bulvvarkes by the Tovver Mathew Paris King had bestowed more than twelue thousand Markes were agayne vnrecouerably throwne downe as it were with an Earthquake for which chance the Citizens of London nothing sory were much amazed for they were threatned that the sayde walles and bulwarkes were builded in despight of them to the end that if any of them woulde presume to contende for the Liberties of the Citie they might there be imprisoned and to the ende that many mighte bée Anno reg 26 layde in diuers prisons many lodgings were made there that no one should speake with another Iohn Viell Thomas Duresme the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1242 Nic. Triuet Ypodigma Roger Bongey the 28. of October King Henry with a great armie sayled into Normandy purposing to recouer Poyters Guine and other Countreys but after many bickerings to the losse of Englishmen he treated a peace Elianor daughter to Geffrey Earle of Briteyne and sister to Arthure ended hir life prisoner in the Castell of Bristow Iohn Fitz Iohn Ralph Ashwye the 28. of September Anno reg 27 Sherifes Maior Roger Bongey the 28. of October Hugo de Albeneto Earle of Arundell dyed and his inheritance was diuided among foure sisters Also Hubert de Burgo Earle of Kent dyed at his Manor of Banstede and was buryed in the Church of the Friers Preachers at London vnto the whiche Churche he gaue his noble Pallace at Mathew Paris Westminster whiche afterwardes the Archbishop of Yorke bought of them and made it his Inne since commonly called Yorke place now White Hall The Thamis ouerflowed the bankes about Lambeth and 1243 Great flouds drowned houses and fieldes the space of
London Belyall coueting to snatch the money from the executors hands but missing of their purpose they fell on the poore people murthering 129. and drowned 30. of them bycause one of them had bewrayed their former wicked purposes This yeare was made an Acte of common counsell for Price of Pulterie prices of victuals to be sold at London by consent of the King and Nobilitie concerning the price of Powlterie A fatte Cocke for thrée halfepence two pullets for thrée halfepence a fat Capon for two pence halfepeny a Goose foure pence a Mallard thrée halfe pence a Partridge for thrée halfe pence a Feasant four pence a Heron sixe pence a Plouer one peny a Swanne for thrée Shillings a Crane for xij pence two Wodcocks for thrée halfe pence a fatte Lambe from Christmas to Shrouetide sixtéene pence and all the whole yeare after for four pence Iohn Armenter Henry Fingrie the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 28. Elias Russell the 28. of October The King made cruell warre vpon the Scottes and had of them a great victorie and then they yéelded themselues to his mercie This Realme was troubled with false money whiche False Money 1300 Wil. Rishang was called Crokden and Pollard coyned in partes beyond the Seas and vttered for sterling so that many thereby were deceyued whiche vpon Saint Stephens day was clouen in two and was accompted but halfe the value On Easter euen the same money was forbidden through all England and after called in and new coyned to the Kings great aduantage A sodeine fire enclosed the Monasterie of Glocester the Rob. of Glocester Cloyster Belfrie the great chamber with other buildings was consumed For the establishment of the peace betwéene England and France King Edward tooke to wife Margaret sister to Philip Wil. ●aking le Bew then King of France they were married at Canturburie Lucas de Hauering Richard Champes the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Anno reg 29. Elias Russell the 28. of October King Edward made his voyage against the Scottes wherin he subdued a great part of the land tooke the Castell of Estreuelin with other made the Lords sweare to him fealtie and homage In the meane while the Quéene was conueyed to London againste whome the Citizens to the number of 600. rode in one liuerie of red and white with the cognisance 1301 of their misteries brothered vpon their sléenes and receiued hir four miles without the Citie and so conuayed hir to Westminster Robert Caller Peter de Bosenho the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 30 Sir Iohn Blound the 28. of October The King gaue to Edward his sonne the Princedome of Wales and ioyned thervnto the Dukedome of Cornewall and the Earledome of Chester He kept his Christmas in Scotland 1●02 with a great armie but at y e instance of the French King he granted truce and returned About the feast of all Saintes the King sent a great power into Scotland Hugh Pourt Simon Paris the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 31 Tho. de la More 1033 Ex Record Sir Iohn Blount the 28. of October The Scottes rebelling against King Edward made William Wales their leader wherefore the King hauing his Armie readie passed by the Castell of Striueling ouer the whole land nonc offering them battayle but fléeing before the sword This yeare on the twelfth of March before Iohn Blound Maior of London William Leyre Thomas Romaine William Robert Fitz VValter acknovvledgeth his seruice done to the Citie of London Biton Walter Finchingfeld Hen. Glocester Willi. Mazarar Salamon Coteler Iohn Wengraue Iohn Darments Nicholas Picote Aldermen Hugh Pourt Simon de Paris Sherifes before vj. men of euery ward of London Roberte Fitz Walter acknowledged his seruice to the same Citie and sware vpon the Euangelistes that he woulde be true vnto the liberties thereof and maynteyne the same to hys power and the counsell of the same Citie to kéepe c. The right that belōged to Robert Fitz Walter Chastelein of London Lord of Wedeham were these The sayde Robert and his heires ought to be and are chiefe Banerars of London in fée for the Chastelerie which he and his ancesters had by Castle Baynard in the said Citie In time of warre the sayde Robert and his heires ought to serue the Citie in manner as followeth that is The sayd Robert ought to come he being the twentith man of armes on horsebacke couered with cloth or armour vnto the great Weast dore of Saint Paule with his Banner displayed before him of his armes and when he is come to the sayd dore mounted and apparelled as before is sayde the Maior with his Aldermen and Sheriffes armed in their armes shall come out of the sayd Church of Saint Paule vnto the sayde dore with a banner in his hande all on foote whiche banner shall be Gueles the Image of Saint Paule Golde the face hands féete and sword of Siluer and assoone as the sayde Robert shall sée the Maior Aldermen and Sheriffes come on foote out of the Churche armed with such a Banner he shall alight from his Horsse and salute the Maior and say to him Sir Maior I am come to do my seruice which I owe to the Citie and the Maior and Aldermen shall answere we giue to you as to our Banerar of fée in this Citie this Banner of the Citie to beare gouerne to the honor and profit of the Citie to your power and the sayd Roberte and his heires shall receyue the Banner and shall goe on foote out of the gate with the Banner in his hands and the Maior Aldermen and Sheriffes shall follow to the dore and bring a Horse to the sayde Roberte worth twentie pounds which Horse shall be sadled with a saddle of the armes of the saide Robert and shall be couered with sendall of the saide armes Also they shall presente to him xx ● sterling money and deliuer to the Chamberlayne of the said Robert for his expences that day Then the sayde Robert shal mount vpon the horse which y e Maior presented to him with y e Banner in his hād and assone as he is vp he shal say to the Maior that he cause a Marshall to be chosen for the host one of the Citie which Marshal being chosen y ● sayde Robert shall commaund the Maior and Burgesses of the Citie to warne the commoners to assemble togither they shal al go vnder the Banner of Saint Paul and the said Robert shall beare it himselfe vnto Aldegate and there the sayde Robert and Maior shall deliuer the sayde Banner of Saint Paule from thence to whom they shall assent or thinke good And if they must make any issue forth of the Citie then the sayd Robert ought to chose two forth of euery warde the most sage personages to forsée to the safe kéeping of the Citie after they be gone forth And this Counsell shall be taken
one of them that made the shoute for ioy towards London where he was committed to the Tower and afterward condemned at Westminster in presence of the whole Parliament on Saint Andrewes euen next following and then drawne to the Elmes and there hanged on the common gallowes whereon he hung two dayes and two nightes by the Kings commandement and then was buryed in the Grey Friers Church He was condemned by his Péeres and yet neuer was brought to answere before them for it was not then the custome after the death of the Earles of Lancaster Winchester Glocester and Kent wherefore this Earle had that law him selfe which he appoynted for other The causes of his death laid against him were these First that he was consenting to the murthering of the Kings father Secondly for that he had receiued a great summe of money whereby the Kings honor was greatly abated at Stanhope Parke where he gaue a signe vnto the Scottes that they should flie Thirdly for that he caused certayne auntient déedes and Charters to be brent wherein the King of Scots stood bound vnto the King of Englande and especially for that he had caused a contra●t to be made betwixt the Kings sister and Dauid the sonne of Robert le Bruis Fourthly that he had vnprofitably consumed a greate deale of treasure which he found in the kings treasurie and in the treasurie of the Earles of Winchester and Glocester Fiftly for appropriating vnto himselfe the wardes and mariages of all England Sixtly for being an euill counseller to the King and to the Quéene mother and for being ouermuch familiar No Iustice with hir There died with him his friends Simon de Burford Knight brother to Sir William Burford that was Justice Anno reg 4. Iohn Deuerell Esquier who was desirous to haue made open confession of the Kings fathers cruell death but he could not be suffered King Edward the Bishop of Winchester Wil. Mountacute and very few others passed ouer 1●●0 Sea like as they had bin Merchants hauing with hym scarse xv horsemen He left Iohn of Eltham his brother Protector of the Realme He returned againe about the beginning of April and then helde a great Turniament at Dertford in Kent The xv of June was borne vnto king Edward Turniament a● Dertford Edvvard the blacke Prince borne his first sonne at Wodstoke who was after named Edwarde the blacke Prince The K. tooke into his hands all y e lands assigned to his mother and only left hir a 1000. pound the yeare About Michaelmas there was very solemne iusting of all the stoute Earles Barons and Nobles at London in Cheape betwixt the great Crosse and the great Conduit Turniament in Cheape at London Adam Meri Ro. Auesbery nigh Soper Lane which lasted thrée dayes where the Quéene Phillip with many Ladyes fell from a Stage notwithstanding they were not hurt at all wherefore the Quéene tooke greate care to saue the Carpenters from punishmente and through hir prayer whiche she made an hir knées she pacifyed the King and Counsell whereby shée purchased greate loue of the people Robert of Ely Thomas Whorwode the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Saint Lavvrence Pultney Sir Iohn Pultney Draper the 28. of October This Sir Iohn Pultney builded the Colledge in London called Saint Laurence Pultney and little Alhallowes a Parish Churche in Thamis streete and also the Carmelite Regist Carmil Friers Church in Couentrie Such a wet Sommer with excéeding rayne was this Late Haruest yeare that the Corne in the field could not ripe so that in many places they began not Haruest till Michaelmas The house of Croxton got not in their Wheate till Hallontide W. Sheepeshed and their Pease not before S. Andrewes tide The Monkes on Alhallowen day and Martelmas day were serued with Pease gréene in the coddes in stead of Peares and Apples King Edward held a solemne Christmas at Welles which Anno reg 5. he continued till the feast of the Epiphany where was manye strange and sumptuous shewes made 1331 In the beginning of August Edward Bailioll sonne and heire to Iohn King of Scottes came into England which Edward had bin before that time banished out of Scotland At his comming he declared what right he had in the Kingdome Henry Beawmont Earle of Bohune Gilbert Vmfreuill Earle of Angus Dauid Earle of Athels Richard Talbot Ralph Baron of Stafford Fulx Fitz Williams with many other noble men affirming they had right of inheritance in Scotland desired licence and ayde of the King of Englande to recouer the sayd Kingdome and landes due to them but the King hauing regard of the peace lately made and also for his sisters sake Quéene of Scottes woulde not suffer them to leade an armie through his lande wherefore the sayde Lordes getting a Fléete of Shippes entred the Sea and sayling toward Scotland landed at Kinkehorne where the Earle of Fife and Robert Bruse Bastard sonne to Robert Bruse with tenne thousand Scottes resisted them néere vnto Dunfermeling but the Englishmen put them to flight and slew many Afterward to wéete on Saint Lawrence day they had a sore conflict at Gledesmore where two thousand Englishmen ouercame fortie thousand Scottes By reason of the great throng of the multitude amongst themselues fiue Earles and many other were thronged to death On the morrow the Englishmen tooke the Towne of Saint Iohns well furnished with victualles The seauen and twentith of September Edward Baylioll Edvvard Baylioll resigned the Crovvne of Scotland to King Edvvarde of England Sherifes Maior Hospitall at Leycester was Crowned King of Scottes but afterward he resigned it to King Edward of England and remayned vnder his protection many yeares after Iohn Mocking Andrew Aubury the 28. of September Sir Iohn Poultney Draper the 28. of October Henry Earle of Lancaster and of Leycester high Steward of England founded the new Hospitall by the Castell of Leycester wherein were one hundred poore impotent people prouided for with all things necessarie Edward Baylioll and the foresayde Lords and Nobles Anno reg 6. Iohn Maundeuill continued the warres in Scotland vnto whome came many other noblemen of the Realme of England voluntarily seruing of their owne charges and beséeged Berwike The King of England gathered a great power and beséeged 1●●2 Berwike which at length was yéelded for want of victualles During this séege the Scottes sought many wayes to remoue the same leuying a great army ouer all Scotland but comming to the séege they could not bring their purpose to effect yet still prouoking the Kings army to battell wherevpon at length the two armies appoynted to fight and setting out vpon Halidowne hill there commeth forth of the Scottes Campe a certayne stout Champion of greate stature who for a facte by him done was called Turnebull he standing in the midst betwixte the two armies Callenge of Combate challenged all the Englishmen any one of them to fight with him a Combate at
Paris Iohn Walcotte Iohn Loueney the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir William Vener Grocer the. 28. of October In the moneth of Nouember Iohn Duke of Lancaster came from the parties beyonde the seas into Englande after he had abidden in Spaine and Gascoigne thrée yeares space who in Spaine first tasted great misfortunes yet in the ende brought his matters to very good case not with the force of men but by the fauour of God for when he came firste to y t partes of Spaine with an armye sufficient ynoughe through wante of victualles they first dyed through hunger and after through flixe so that 1000. famous knightes of hys armye dyed miserably the residue leauing the Duke fled to the French army King Richard with his Quéene Anne held their Christmasse at Woodstocke and the Duke of Lancaster in the Castle of Hertforde The same time Iohn Hastings Earle of Penbroke as he was desirous to Just he was stroken about the priuie partes by the Knight that ranne against him called 1390 sir Iohn Saint Iohn where he dyed In a Parliamente at London it was ordayned that none shoulde purchase prouisions at the Popes hands ther was graunted to the King xl shillings of euery sack of wool and of the pound sixe pence Iohn Duke of Lancaster was made Duke of Aquitaine by the Rood and Bonet which the King gaue him and Edward the Duke of Yorkes sonne was made Earle of Rutlande to whom the king gaue the Castell of Okam Anno reg 14 A great Pestilence in the North parts of England so that in a little space a. 1100. were buried in the Citie of Yorke A Merchant of Dertmouth waged the Nauie of ships of the Ports of his own charges 34. ships laden with Wine to the summe of 1500. Tunne A wofull variaunce rose in Oxforde for the Welche and Southerne Schollers assaulted the Northerne whereby many murders were done on each side and a fielde was appointed but by helpe of the Duke of Glocester it was appeased and the Welch men bannished Iohn Francis Thomas Viuent the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Adam Bawme Goldsmith the. 28. of October The. x. xj and. xij of October the King helde a greate Courte at London in the Bishops Palace and a greate insting in Smithfield to the whyche Courte came many strangers forth of Fraunce Almain Zealand and many other parts bringing with them horsses and armour in which pastimes there was giuen first the Badge of the White Harte wyth golden chaines and crownes And vpon Saint Edwardes day the King helde his feaste in his Regalibus sitting crowned at masse with his Scepter c. and likewise the Quéen and they sat likewise at the table at Kenington crowned at which solemnitie were presente the Earle of Sainte Paule and hys wyfe sister to the Kyng of Englande and the Earle of Ostreuaunt who was made Knyghte of the Garter The Duke of Glocester toke hys iourney toward Spruys 1●91 but being tossed with infortunate stormes driuen nowe hyther nowe thyther was so farre distant of hope that he dispayred of life and at length after he had passed the Barbarous coastes of Denmarke Norway and Scotlande he arriued in Northumberlande and came to the Castel of Tinmouth where hauing refreshed himself certain dayes he toke his iourney towards his maner of Plecy Such a mortalitie increased in Norffolke and many other Countries that it was not vnlike to the greate pestilence within Yorke there dyed a. xj thousand persons The Citizens of London toke out of the Orphans cheste Anno reg 15 2000. markes to buye victualles and the. xxiiij Aldermen eache of them layde out twentie pounde to like purpose of buying corne which was bestowed in diuerse places where the poore mighte buye it at an appointed price and suche as lacked money to pay downe put in suretie to pay in y t yeare following A Brewer that dwelt at the signe of the Cocke in Westcheape by the little Conduite neare vnto Powles gate was murdered in the night time by a théef that came in at a gutter windowe as it was knowne long after by the confession of the same théefe when he was at the Gallowes to bée hanged for fellonie but the Brewers wife was firste brente therefore and thrée of his men drawne to Tiborne and there hanged wrongfully Iohn Chadworth Henrie Vamer the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Hinde Draper the. 28. of October A Parliament began at London on the Friday next after the feast of Al Saintes wherin halfe a tenth by the Ceargie and halfe a fiftéenth by the Laitie was granted to the king which mony should serue for the treatie to be had for peace with the French men whiche treatie the Duke of Lancaster should prosecute King Richarde with Quéene Anne his wife foure Bishoppes as many Erles the Duke of Yorke many Lords and fiftéene Ladyes helde a royall Christmasse at Langley neare to Saint Albons The same Christmasse day a Dolphin came forth of the sea and playde himselfe in the Thamis at London to the Bridge for shewing hapily the tempests that were to follow within a wéeke after the which being séene of the Citizens and followed was with much difficultie intercepted and broughte againe to London shewing a spectacle to many of the height of his bodye for he was ten foote in length These Dolphins are fishes of the sea y t followe the voyces of men and reioyce in playing of instrumentes and are wont to gather themselues at musicke These when they play in riuers with hastie springings or leapings do signify Tempest to follow The seas containt nothing more swift nor nimble for oftentimes with theyr skippes they mount ouer the sayles of shippes The King sent to the Londoners requesting to borrowe of 1392 Tho. Walsing them one thousande pounde whiche they stoutely denyed and also euil entreated bette and néere hand slew a certain Lumbard that woulde haue lent the King the sayde su●●me which when the King heard he was maruellously angried and calling togither almost all the nobles of the lande hée opened to them the malitiousnesse of the Londoners and cōplayned of theyr presumption the whyche noble men gaue counsell that their insolencie shoulde with spéede be oppressed and theyr pride abated By the Kings iudgement therefore was the Maior of London and the Sherifes with other of the best Citizens arrested the Maior was sente to Windsor Castel and the other to other prisons til the King with his counsell should determine what should be done with them and there it was determined that from thenceforth the Londoners shoulde not chose nor haue anye Maior but that the King shoulde appointe one of his Knightes to be ruler of the Citie their priuiledges were reuoked their liberties adnulled and their lawes abrogated The king then appointed to be Warden of the Citie a certayne Knighte called sir Edwarde de Dalingrige but he was quicklye deposed by the King bicause men said
get the good wyll of the people who had conceyued an ill opinion of hym of thys arose ciuill warres within the Realme and often dissention and discordes as well of the Nobles as of the common sort Anno. 982. a great part of the Citie of London was brent Thomas Rudburn which Citie at this time had most building from Ludgate towarde Westminster and little or none where the harte of the Citie is nowe except in diuerse places was housing that stoode without order so that manye Cities as Canturburie Yorke and other in Englande passed London in building but after the Conquest it encreased and nowe passeth all other A disease not knowen in England in time past to witte Asser Flux of men c morraine of Cattaile Bishops Sea at Excester Feuers of men with the Flix and Morren of cattayle killed many Anno. 994. King Ethelred erected a Byshoppes sea at Excester The same yeare Anlafe Kyng of the Norwayes Sweyne King of Danes on the daye of the Natiuitie of our Lorde in xviij Galleys came vp to London whiche they attempted to breake into and to set on fire but they were repulsed not without their greate detriment and losse by the Citizens wherevppon they being driuen with furie leauing London set vpon Eastsex and Kent by the sea coastes brent Townes and wasted the fields without respect of sex or age killed al wasted with fire sword al what they may not carry away At length being pacified with a Tribute of 16000. pounds departed to theyr shyppes and Wintered at Southampton Anno. 995. a Comet apeared The Bishoprick of Lind●fer Bishops sea a● Durham or Hol●e Iland was remoued to Durham In the yeare 1002. King Etheldred caused al the Danes in The Danes 〈…〉 thered Burton vpon Trent England to be slayne vpon the day of Saint Brice The same yeare Vl●ricus Spote founded a Monasterie at Burton vppon Trent In Anno. 100● Swayn King of Denmark with agret army inuaded Englēd with fire and sword 1004 they fought a great battell at The●forde against Vlfekettel Carle of East-Angle Asser The yere 1009. they fought another battel against Vlfekettel at Rengemore The yere 1011. they destroyed Canturburie for that y ● Archbishoppe Elfegus woulde not yéelde to them he was first imprisoned there after carried to Grenewiche and there stoned to deathe Christes Churche is spoyled and brent the Monkes with all other men are ●●●●hed Tirāny of the Danes in Englande nine of euery ten being put to death the tenth suffered to liue in miserie the number of them that were left aliue was four Monkes and of lay people eight hundred so that y ● number slaine was 36. Monkes and. 8000. of the lay people In Anno. 1012. they toke tribute of 48000. poundes and Record eccle Ca● Marianus Tloriacensis at the last after diuerse ouerthrowes giuen to the mē of this Iland they possessed the same and putte king Etheldred to flight constrayning him to liue in exile among the Normās This Etheldred had two wiues Ethelgina an Englishe Ethelgina and Emma vviues to Etheldred Alured and Edvvard the sons of Etheldred woman and Emma a Norman of the first he had two childrē of which sauing of Edmonde who succéeded hym in the kingdome it were nothing to our purpose to speake Of the secōd that was Emma sister to Richard Duke of Normandie there were borne two sonnes to witte Edward and Alured And that I do here contrarie to that is commonly vsed set Edward before Alured as elder brother I am moued therevnto by no smal aucthoritie which I haue taken out of the historiographers W. Gemeticensis Encomium Emma of that age out of Gemeticensis a most diligē● writer of Genealogies and one other author who in hys Commentarie written in praise of Emma the Quéene affirmeth that Edwarde was the elder brother whom I doe the better beléeue bycause it is not like that he séeing the things wyth his eyes shoulde mistake the matter especiallye writing to the Quéene who was mother to them both Swanus in the meane time subdued al Englande and the people for feare yelded vnto hym on euery side ouer whome most cruelly he tryumphed But not long after he departed this life at Geynesburge and left Canutus his sonne successour in the Kingdome Etheldrede hearing that Swanus was dead leauing in Normandie with Duke Richard his sisters sonne Emma his wife and the children that he hadde by hyr returned with al spéede into Englande with Edmunde his sonne by hys firste wife being then at mās state by the trustinesse of his own men and the ayde of the Normans moued warre against his enimie Canutus finding himselfe vnable to matche with him went into Denmarke minding to returne hither immediatly againe Etheldred being contrarie to his expectation thus restored to his kingdome shewed great crueltie vpon the Danes that remained in England sparing neither man nor woman yong nor old Therefore Canutus being very desirous to reuenge the same prepared a new armie and came into England against Etheldred with al spéede he could raging wide and side with fire and sword Etheldred in the meane season whether by sicknesse or for sorrow dyed when he had raigned ●o Taxtor Wil. Malme Alfredus Beuers lacensis eight and thirtie yeares and was buryed in the North I le of Paules Church in London aboue the high Aulter EDmond the sonne of Etheldred by his first wife succéeded 1016 Edmond Ironside W. Malme in the Kingdome who whether it were for the greate strength of his body or for that he alwayes vsed to go in armour was surnamed Ironside He had sixe battels against Canutus King of the Danes Leyland at Penham hard by Gillingham in Dorcetshire He put the Danes to flight after that at Shirestone He held euen hand with them in the field notwithstanding that the Englishmen at the first beganne to flée by the policie of Edricus Duke of Lincolne and of Merce who cryed Edrike a Traytor runne away wretches Edmond your King is slayne After this King Edmond came to London to deliuer the Citizens whome part of the enimies had beséeged as soone as he was gone from thence He had made a ditch also round about the Citie where Ditch about London the Riuer of Thamis doth not runne The Danes fléeing the King followed them and passing ouer Brentford he vanquished them with a notable victorie The rest of y e Danes which remayned with Cnute whiles London beseeged both by land and by vvater Edmond rested him and set his matters in order did againe beséege London both by water and by lande but the Citizens stoutely withstoode and repulsed them wherefore they shewed their anger vpon the Countrey of the Mercies spoyling Townes and Uillages with robbery burnings and murther and caryed their pray to the Shippes whiche they had gathered togither in the Riuer of Medway which runneth by Rochester from
whence they were driuen by the King who taking the foorde of Brentford before them put them to flight and slew a great number of them The sixt and last battell was at Essendone in Essex néere to Rochford in which battell Edmond had gote the victorie Cogshal Sca. Cro. but Edrike agayne playing the Traytor greate slaughter of the Englishmen was made there the honor of Englande was ouerthrowen and Edmonde wente almost alone on foote to Glocester where hée gathered a newe force to set vpon his enimies but Cnute pursued him as he fledde and hauing prepared their armies both the Kings themselues attempted to fight hand to hand for the right of the Combate for the Kingdome kingdome in the I le of Olania in Seuerne in the which Combate they both being wéeryed fell to a couenant to deuide the same so that the one halfe of the Kingdome shoulde be England deuided vnder Canutus and the other halfe vnder Edmond which Edmond not long after dyed at Oxford whereas it is saide he was slayne by the treason of Edrike of Straton and was buryed at Glastenbury leauing Edmonde and Edwarde his children very yong This Edrike was not long vnrewarded according to his desertes for hymselfe making vaunt thereof vnto Canutus then being at Baynardes Castell in London sayde in this wise Thus haue I done Canutus for the loue of thée Edrikus a Traytor to whome he answered saying and thou shalt dye as well thou art woorthy bycause thou art giltie of Treason against God and me in that thou hast slayne thine owne Lord and King which was ioyned to me in league as a Brother his bloud be vpon thine owne head and straight wayes least there should be any tumulte the Traytor was in the same Speculum histo Ri. Cirecest Chamber tormented to death with firebrands and linkes and then his féete being bounde togither he was drawne through the Stréetes of the Citie and cast into a ditch called Houndes ditch for that the Citizens there cast their dead Hunsditch Treason revvarded Dogges and such other filth accompting him woorthy of no better buriall These Princes raigned togyther two yeares CAnutus the Dane taking an occasion bycause in the couenant 1018 that was cōcluded concerning y e deuiding of the Realme no assurance was made for the Children of Edmond The Danes possessed all England he chalenged all England to himselfe alone by law as they call it of growing to which was a most easie thing for him to do bycause there was no man that durst erect himselfe as patrone to defend the childrens right and title and by this suttle and craftie interpretation of the couenant the Dane gote the Monarchie of England and slew the brother of Edmond and conueyed the children farre away out of England least they should at any time be brought againe and receiue their right Some say they were sent to a certayne The Kings children conueyed into Svvethen man that was a Prince in Swethland there to be dispatched out of the waye and that the Prince vnderstanding they were Kings children spared them cōtrarie to the credit and trust that was committed vnto him which appeareth to be true in that the same foraigne Lord kept and brought vppe the children honourablye the yongest of whiche whose name was Edwarde did afterwardes marrie Agatha the Agatha the Emperors daughter the vvife of Edvvarde daughter of Henry the fourth Emperour of Rome of whome he had many children of whiche we shall speake héereafter And the other which was y e elder brother whose name was Edmond dyed without children In the meane season Canutus bycause he had no heire that lawfully might succéede him in his kingdome for Harold Swaine were begottē of Harolde and Svvayne concubines children a Concubin partly that he might establish in time to come the kingdome that he had gotten vnto his owne kindred y t came by lawfull succession and partly that he might purchase to himselfe the friendship of the Englishmen and of the Normans procured to haue giuen him in marriage Emma the widow of King Etheldred who at that time was with Edward and Alured hir sonnes in exile with Duke Richard in Normandy whiche mariage séemeth to be made euen by Gods prouidence who had determined to restore the common wealth in England whereby as by the law and title of recouerie and returne out of exile the monarchie of all England which the Danes had taken from the Englishmen and had possessed sixe and twentie yeares and more did returne againe to the Englishmen that were the right heires For Emma concluded mariage with the Dane vpon condition Mariage made vpon conditiō that the Kingdome of England should remayne vnto none other but to the Children that were begotten of hir if any of them did remaine aliue by reason of this mariage shortly after she did beare Canutus a sonne of his owne name commonly called Hardycanutus This second name was giuen him bycause of his great Hovv tvvo names vvere giuen to Kings courage like as his brother Harold was named Harefoote that is to say lightfoote bycause of his notable swiftnesse of foote By this affinitie and aliance the Danes became of the more strength and power He kept Englishmen in his seruice so long as he liued He subdued the Scottes whereby he was King of England Canutus King of foure Kingdomes Scotland Denmarke and Norway After that he went to Denmarke and so to Rome and returned againe into England where he kept good iustice all his life and did many charitable déedes He made a faire Church at Ashendume in Essex He founded a-new the Monasterie of Saint Edmondesbury Saint Edmundsbury buylded Ex charta regia Marianus restoring the donation which Edmond King of the West Saxons had giuen to Saint Edmund the King and Martyr who lyeth there buryed He appoynted to be King of Norway Swanus his sonne Marianus as was sayde by Alfgine daughter to Althelme Duke of Northampton and his Lady Vulfrune but other said he was a Priests sonne c. He also appoynted his sonne Hardycanutus by Emma to be King of Denmarke and deceassed at Shaftesburie when he had raigned twentie yeares and was buried in S. Swithens at Winchester HArold for his swiftnesse called Harefoote whome Canutus 10●8 had by a Concubine Alice of Hampton a Shomakers daughter affirming himselfe to be sonne of Canutus and Peter de Ich●●● Marianus Floriacen Alfgina the Earle of North-hamptons daughter slept not vppon the occasion and oportunitie offered but vsing the force of the Danes that dwelt in England inuaded the Realme while his brother Hardycanute gouerned in Denmarke He tooke from his mother in law Emma the most parte of the riches and treasure that Canute his father had left hir and then with consent of the great Lords began to raigne but not so mightily as his Father Canutus did for a more iust heire Hardycanutus was
appoynted the King and Earle Godwine should méete at London and thus departing for the time the King increasing his armie ledde the same to London and Godwine with his power came to Southwarke on the other side of the Riuer Thamis but there bycause his armie by little and little stipped from him he fledde and the King forthwith pronounced him with his fiue sonnes to be banished who straightwayes with his wife and two of his sonnes came to Thorney where his Shippe being laden with Golde Siluer and precious things he sayled towarde Flanders his other sonnes tooke Shippe at Bristow and sayled into Ireland In the next yeare Harold and Leofwine sonnes to Earle Godwine returning out of Ireland entred Seuerne arriued with many Shippes in Somerset and Dorsetshires spoyled many Townes in the Countrey slew many people and returned with pray then they sayle about Portesmouth c. Earle Godwine landed in Kent gathered a power sayled to the I le of Wight wasting along the Sea coastes till his sonnes Harold and Leofwine came with a Nauy which being come togither they take their course vp the Riuer of Thamis came to Southwarke and there stayed for the Tide and then weyed vp Anchor and finding none that offered to resist them on the Bridge they sayled vp by the South side of the Riuer and his armie by land placing it selfe vppon the banckes side made shew of a thicke and terrible battayle After this the Nauie turned toward the North shore as though it would haue compassed in the Kings Nauie but they that were with the King and with Godwine abhorred to fight againste their owne kindred and Countreymen wherefore a peace was made Godwine with his sonnes were restored to all former honor and the Normans were banished the land As William of Malmesbury writeth a certayne yong woman W. Malme Kings euill healed by the King being terribly diseased by reason of humors gathered about hir necke into great swelling kernels came to King Edward who with his right hand dipped in water handled hir necke and forthwith y e hardnesse did breake the wormes with the matter ranne out and all the noysome dwelling asswaged so that she was perfectly hole and faire skinned ere the wéeke were ended and they that knewe his life sayd he had oft cured this plague in Normandy This Edward raigned thrée and twentie yeres sixe monethes T. Rudborn and odde dayes He was buryed on the day of the Epiphanie in the Abbey of Saint Peeter in Westminster which he had newly builded In the same day Harold the eldest sonne of Godwine Earle of Kent and brother to Edgitha the Quéene hauing obteyned fayth of the nobilitie tooke the Crowne Leofrike Earle of Mercia and of Hereford founded the Monasterie of Couentrie in Anno 1044. He also granted great priuiledges to that Towne HArold that he might in some behalfe séeme to make the 1066 The yeare of our Lord beginneth heere at Christmas yong Edgar amendes for the wrong he had done him gaue him the Earledome of Oxford and so from a King he made him an Earle But in the meane season England began to be tossed and turmoyled with warres within and without for the disheriting of the right heire is alwayes wont to be the beginning of ciuill warres The 24. day of Aprill a Comete appeared not only to the people of this land but also in other parts of the world seauen dayes Toftus enuying as men said the prosperitie ●og Houed Simon D●nel Gualter Couen of his brother stirred vp troubles in the Realme for he ioyning himselfe to Harold the King of Norway assaulted England in warlike sort both by sea and land Whose attempt whiles Harold of England prepared to withstand William Duke of Normandy who notwithstāding he was a Bastard VVilliam Conquerour cousyn to King Edvvard by the mother side was of kinne to Saint Edward in the thirde and fourth degrée of consanguinitie séeing a conuenient time and occasion offered to take the Kingdome in gathered a Nauie of 896. Shippes and came into England with a very well appoynted armie alledging that by all right and title it was due to him by the gift of King Edward his kinsman and also by the couenant that was made and by othe established betwixt Harold and him He landed at Pemsey nine miles Gualter Couen from Hastings the 28. of September Harold notwithstanding he was bare of men by reason of the battel that he had fought against Toftus and the men of Norway yet hearing of Williams comming wente straightwayes againste him Both armies being broughte into aray the battell was fought wherin great slaughter of Englishmen was made and England conquered by vvoden bovves and arovves the Normans gote the victorie especially by meanes of their wodden bowes and arrowes which the Englishmen had not then in vse for Duke William commanded his men that Io. Rouse some of them should shoote directly forwarde and some vpward by reason whereof the arrow shot vpward destroyed the English as they stouped and the arrow shot directly afore hand wounded them that stoode vpright and King Harold himselfe valiantly fighting was shotte through the Harold slayne braynes whereof he dyed when he had raigned nine monethes and was buryed in the Priorie of Waltham which he Sigebertus Gemla●en W. Gemi●●censis Gualterus Couen Hen. Hunting Register of Wodbridge Chronicle of Normandy The description of the Saxons Mathew Paris W. Malme Flores Historiarū had founded This battell was fought at Hastings in Sussex vppon the fourtéenth day of October being Saterday in the yeare of oure Lord 1066. There was slayne of Englishmen 67974. and of Normans 6013. This was saith Mathew Paris the dolefull destruction of this swéete and pleasant land the Kings whereof meaning the Saxons at their firste comming with barbarous countenance and gesture in warlike sort prouoked all men to malice and hatred towards them who ouercame al men by warre and subtiltie but after they had receyued the Christian faith and by little and little applyed their diligence vnto Religion they neglected the exercise of armour for the Kings did change their habite and some at Rome and some in their owne Countrey sought to change their temporall Kingdomes for euerlasting Kingdomes and many which all their life time embraced worldly things did yet distribute their treasures vnto all the workes of mercy but afterwards when charitie waxed colde all their studie and trauaile of Religion slaked and then came the destruction of the inhabitants first at the comming of the Danes and now in the expulsing of the Englishmen by the Normans for the noble men giuing themselues to gluttonie and lecherie did not goe to the Church in the morning as Christian men vse to doe but lying in their Chambers dalying with Women did heare the Priest hastilie rattle vp diuine seruice The Clerkes also that had taken orders if one had learned but his Grammer euery one wondered at him All men generally gaue
themselues to drinking and gulling and spent both day and night in such exercises till they vomited The Saxons ware their garmentes to the midde knée their heare rounded and their beardes shauen all saue the ouerlip their armes adorned with golden bracelets and W. Malme their skinne paynted and printed c. ¶ Thus endeth the Reigne of the Saxons who were first sent for by Vortiger about the yeare of our Lord. 450. and had nowe continued sometimes in warres with the Britaines then with the Danes and now with the Normans the space of sixe hundred yeares Verses A thousand sixe and sixtie yeare it vvas as vve do reade When that a Comete did appeare and Englishmen lay dead Of Normandie Duke William then to Englandvvard did sayle And conquerde Harold vvith his men and brought this Land to bale ¶ King VVilliam Conquerour WIlliam Duke of Normandie Anno. reg 1. surnamed Conquerour Bastarde sonne of Robert the sixte Duke of that Duchie and Coosin germane vnto King Edward on the mothers side beganne his dominion ouer the Realme of England the fourtéenth day of October being Saterday in the yeare of our Lord 1066. After the battayle at Hastings Duke William came to London where with great ioy he was receyued both of the Cleargie and people and was proclaymed King When the Citie of London was thus yéelded vnto him he tooke his iourney towardes the Castell of Douer to subdue that and the rest of Kent also which when the Archbishop Stigand and Egelsin the Abbot of Saint Augustines being as it were the chiefest Lords and gouernours of all Kent did perceyue and consider that the whole Realme was in an euill state and that whereas in this Realme of England before the comming of the foresayd Duke William there were no bondmen now all as well noble men as the common people were without respect made subiecte vnto the perpetuall bondage of the Normans taking an occasion by the perill and danger that their neighbors were in to prouide for the safegard of themselues and their Countrey they caused to assemble at Canterbury all the people of the Countie of Kent and declared to them the perils and dangers imminent the miserie that their neighbours were come into the pride and insolencie of the Normans and the hardnesse and griefe of bondage and seruile estate wherevpon all the people rather choosing to end their vnfortunate life than to submit themselues to an vnaccustomed yoke of seruitude and bondage with a common consent determined to méete Duke William and to fight with him for the laws of their Countrey And y ● foresayd Stigand the Archbishop and the Abbot Egelsin choosing rather to die in battell than to sée their nation in so euill an estate being encouraged by the examples of the holy Machabees became Captayne of the armie And at a day appoynted all the people met at Swanescombe two miles west from Graues-end and being hidden in the woods lay priuily in wayte for the comming of the foresayd Duke William And bycause it can not hurt to be very wary in such cases they agréed before hande that when the Duke was come and the passages on euery side stopped to the end he should no way be able to escape euery one of them as well Horsemen as footemen should beare boughes in their hands The next day after whē the Duke was come into the fields and territories néere vnto Swanescombe and saw all the Countrey set and placed round about him as it had bin a stirring mouing wood and that with a meane pace they approched and drewe néere vnto him with great discomfiture of mind he wondered at that sight And as soone as the Captaynes of the Kentishmen sawe that Duke William was enclosed in the middest of their armie they caused the trumpets to be sounded their banners to be displayed and threw downe their boughes and with their bowes bent their swords drawne and their speares and other kinde of weapons stretched forthe they shewed themselues readie to fight Duke William and they that were with him stoode as no maruell it was sore astonied and amazed and he which thought that he had already all England fast in his fist did now dispaire of his owne life Therefore on the behalfe of the Kentishmen were sent vnto Duke William the Archbishop Stigand and Egelsin Abbot of Saint Augustines who told him their message in this sort My Lord Duke behold the people of Kent commeth forth to méete you and to receiue you as their liege Lord requiring at your hands the things which pertayne to peace and that vnder this condition that all the people of Kent may enioy for euer their antient liberties and may for euermore vse the lawes and customes of the Countrey otherwise they are ready presently to bidde battell to you and them that be with you and are minded rather to die héere altogither than to departe from the lawes and customes of their Countrey and to submit themselues to bondage whereof as yet they neuer had experience The Duke séeing himself to be driuen in such a straight and narrow pinch consulted a while with them that came with him prudently considering that if he should take any repulse or displeasure at the hands of this people which be the key of England all that euer he had done before should be vndone againe and of no effect and all his hope and safetie shoulde stande in danger and ieopardy not so willingly as wisely he granted the people of Kent their request So when the couenant was established and pledges giuen on both sides the Kentishmen being ioyfull conducted the Normans who also were glad vnto Rochester and yéelded vp to the Duke the Earledome of Kent and the noble Castell of Douer Thus the antiente liberties of Englande and the lawes and customes of the Countrey whiche before the comming of Duke William out of Normandy were equally kept throughout all England do through this industrie and earnest trauell of the Archbishop The antient liberties and lavves of England remayne in Kent only Thomas Sprot Wil. Thorne Stigand and Egelsin Abbot of Saint Augustines remayne inuiolably obserued vntill this day onely in the Countie of Kent Thus farre Thomas Sprot after him William Thorne After this Duke William wasted Sussex Hampshire Southery Marianus Floriacen Wigor Middlesex and Hertfortshire not ceassing to burne Townes and sley the people till he came to Barkehamsteed where the Archbishop Alredus Wolstan Bishop of Worcester Wilferus Bishop of Hereford Clito Edgar the Earles Edwine and Morcare and euery one of the noble men about London came to him and giuing pledges submitted themselues and sware fealtie to him with whome also he made a league neuerthelesse permitted his army still to burne Townes and to take spoyles Chro. S. Albani There was at that time an Abbot of Saint Albons called Frederike Abbot of S. Albons his policie against Duke VVilliam Fretherike who hearing of the comming of Duke William
Abel Awgers Angenoun Archer Asperuile Amonerduil● Arey Akeny Albeny Asperemound Bertram Buttecourt Brahus Byseg Bardelf Basset Bygot Bohun Baylife Bondeuile Barbason Beer Bures Carta W. Reg● de S. Martin ●● g●●●d● Bonylayne Barbayon Berners Braybuf Brand. Bonuile Burgh Busshy Blundell Breton Bela●yse Bowser Bayons Bulmere Broune Beke Bowlers Banastre Belomy Belknape Beauchamp Bandy Broyleby Burnel Belot Beufort Baudewine Burdon Berteuylay Barre Busseuile Blunt Beawper Bret. Barret Bainard Barnevale Barry Bodyt Berteuile Bertine Belew Bushell Beleners Buffard Boteler Boteuile Brasard Belhelme Braunche Bolesur Blundel Burdet Bagot Beawpount Bools Belefroun Barchampe Camos Canuille Chawent Chauncy Couderay Coluyle Chamberlaine Chambernoune Cribet Corbine Corbet Coniers Chaundos Coucy Chaworth● Claremaus Clarell Camuine Chaunduyt Claruays Chantilowe Colet Cressy Courtenay Constable Chaucer Cholmelay Corneuile Champeney Carew Chawnos Claruaile Champaine Carbonell Charles Chereberge Chawnes Chawmont Cheyne Cursen Conell Chayters Cheynes Cateray Cherecourt Chaunuile Clereney Curly Clyfford Denauile Dercy Dine Dispencer Daniel Denyse Druell Deuaus Dauers Doningsels Da●el Delabere De la Pole De la Lind. De la Hill De la Wate De la Watche Dakeny Dauntre Desnye Dabernoune Damry Daueros De la Vere De Lee. De la Warde De la Planch Danway De Hewse Disard Durant Drury Estrange Escutauile Escriols Engayne Euers Esturney Foluile Fitz Water Fitz marmaduk Filberd Fitz Roger. Fitz Robert Fanecourt Fitz Phillip Fitz William Fitz Paine Fitz Alyne Fitz Raufe Fitz Browne Foke Freuile Faconbrige Frissel F●lioll Fitz Thomas Fitz Morice Fitz Hughe Fitz Warren Faunuille Formay Formiband Frison Finer Fitz vrcy Furniuall Fitz Herbert Fitchet Fitz Iohn Gargraue Graunson Gracy Glaunuile Gouer. Gascoyne Gray Golofer Grauns Gurly Gurdon Gamages Gaunt Hansard Hastings Haulay Husie Herne Hamelyn Harewell Hardel Heck●t Hamound Harecord Iarden Iay. Ianuile Iasparuile Karre Karron Kyriell Le Strange Leuony Latomere Loueday Logenton Leuel Le Scrope Lemare Litteril● Lucy Lislay Longspes Longschampe Lastels LindSey Loterell Lindsey Longuaile Le Vawse Loy Laue. Le dispenser Marmilou Moribray Moruile Manley Malebranche Malemaine Muschampe Musgraue M●nilebillers Mortmaine Muse Marteine Mountbocher Maleuile Mountney Maleherbe Musgros Musard Mautrauers Merke Murres Montague Mantalent Mandute Manle Mal●ry Merny Muffet Menpincoy Mainard Morell Morley Mounrmartin Myners Mauley Mainwaring Mantell Mayel Morton Neuile Newmarche Norton Norbet Norece Newborough Neele Normanuile Otenell Olibef Olifaunt Oysell Oliford Oryoll Pigot Pery Perecount Pershale Power Paynel Peche Peuerell Perot Picard Pudsey Pimeray Pounsey Punchardon Pynchard Placy Patifine Pampilion Poterell Pekeney Peruinke Penicord Quincy Quintine Rose Ridle Rynel Rous. Russell Ro●d Richmond Rocheford Reymond Seuche Seint Quintine Seint Omer Seint Amond Seint Leger Someruile Sanford Somerey Seint George Seint Les. Sauine Seint Clo. Seint Albine Seint Barbe Sandeuile Seint More Seint Scudemor Towrs Toget Talybois Tuchet Truslot Trusbut Traynel Taket Talbo● Tanny Tibtote Trusell Turbeuile Turuile Totet Tauers Torel Tirell Totels Tauerner Valence Vancord Vau●sour Vender Verder Verdon Aubrie de Vere Vernoune Venables Ven●ure Verlaud Verlay Vernoys Verny Vilan Vmframuile Vnket Vrnall Wake Walenger Warde Wardebus Waren Wate Wateline Wateuile Woly Wyuell THis yeare through the greate suite and labour of Williā the Norman then Bishoppe of London King William grāted the Charter and liberties to the same William Byshoppe VVherefore the Mayor and Citizens of Lōdon repayre to Poules and Godfrey Portgreue and al the Burgies of the Cittie of London in as large forme as they enioyed the same in the time of Saint Edwarde before the Conquest in rewarde whereof the Citizens haue fixed on hys graue being in the middest of the great West I le of Saint Paules Church in London this Epitaph following GVilielme viro sapiētia vitae sanctitate clar● qui primùm Epitaph of VVilliam Byshop of Londō diuo Edwardo Regi Confessori familiaris nuper in Episcopum Londinensem erectus nec multò post apud inuictissimū Principem Guilelmum Angliae regem eius nominis primum ob prudentiam fidemqúe singularem in consilium adhibitus amplissima huic vrbi celeberimae priuilegia abeodem impetrauit Senatus populusque Londinensis bene merenti posuit Sedit Episcopus annos 20. Decessit anno à Christo nato 1070. HAEc tibi clare pater posuerunt marmora ciues Praemia non meritis aequiparanda tuis Namque sibi populus te Londoniensis amicum Sensit huic vrbi non leue praesidium Reddita libertas duce te dotaque multis Te duce res fuerat publica muneribus Diuitias genus formam breuis opprimat hora Haec tua sed pietas benefacta manent Obijt anno 1070 Sedit Episcopus annos 20. The same in English TO William a man famous in wisedome and holynesse of life who first with Saint Edward the king and Confessour being familiar of late preferred to be Byshoppe of London and not long after for hys prudencie and sincere fidelitie admitted to be of counsel with the moste victorious Prince William king of Englande of that name the first who obteyned of the same great and large priuiledges to this famous Citie The Senate and Citizens of Lōdon to him hauing well deserued haue made this He continued Bishop xx yeares and died in the yere after Christ his natiuitie 1070. THese Marble monuments to thee thy Citizens assigne Rewardes O Father far vnfit to those deserts of thine Thee vnto them a faithfull friend thy London people founde And to thys towne of no small weyght a stay both sure and sounde Their liberties restorde to them by means of thee haue been Their publike weale by meanes of thee large gifts haue felte and seen Thy riches stocke and beautie braue one houre hathe them supprest Yet these thy vertues and good deedes with vs for euer reste KIng William leauing his brother Odo Byshop of Bayon Marianus Ypodigm● Neustri● and William Fitz Osberne whom he had made Earle of Hereforde to be Wardens of England retourned into Normandie which at that time was bent to shrink from him Hée toke with him Edgare Etheling Stigandus Archbishoppe of W. de W●lum Canturburie Frederike Abbot of Saint Albons Egelnothus Abbot of Glastenburie Edwyne Duke of Mercia Morcarus duke of Northumberlande Walden Earle of Northampton and of Huntington Roger late Earle of Hertford Renulphe Earle of Cambridge Gospatrike Earle of Cumberlande Gualter the son of Siward and manye other nobles of England thinking they woulde be truer to him in a forraine Countrey than in their owne by theyr diligence he subdued the rebelling Normans When Winter was at hand King William retourned and set an importable tribute on the Englishmen After this going into Deuonshire he besieged Excester Excester besieged which the Citizens and other English men helde againste him The Countesse Githa mother of King Harolde and sister to Swanus king of Denmarke with manye other fléeing out of the Cittie escaped and got them ouer into Flaunders and the Citizens yéelded to the King Anno
Mathew Paris Geruasius Battaile of the standarde Cro. Hautenprice the possession of the realme according to their othe made to hir In the meane time Dauid king of Scots promising to recouer the crowne of England for the Empresse Mawde hys Néece in most cruell wise inuaded Northumberland where by Thrustone Archbishop of Yorke the Scottes had an ouerthrow at Conton more than foure myles Northweast from Alnert●● and were slaine aboue x. thousand In the moneth of July Robert Earle of Glocester retourned 1139 The Empresse returned into England Geruasius into England with his sister the Empresse and a gret armie which arriued at Portesmouth The Empresse was receiued into Arundel castel by Adelize late wife to king Henry as then wife or Concubine to William Earle of Arundel Earle Robert wente to Wallingforde and thence to Glocester and raised those Countries The king helde his siege before Marleborough but aduertised Marleborough besieged of the Empresse arriuall he hasted towardes Arundel where being by faire spéech pacified he commanded his brother Bishoppe of Winchester to bring the Empresse vnto Bristowe and he himself followed Earle Robert with his army The Empresse stayed at Bristow till October and then went to Glocester hir comming thither being knowen Miles the high Conestable and many other nobles toke part with hyr against king Stephen The king besieged Wallingforde Castell but profited not VValingford castel besieged Floriacensis and therefore raysing a Tower of woodde before it stuffed it with men of warre and went to win the Castell of Malmesburie The armye of Earle Robert wanne the Citie of Worcester brent the moste part of it and laden with the spoyle departed thence The Shirife of that Citie in reuenge hereof destroyed the towne of Sudley and with the spoyle thereof retourned to Worcester After this the King with a great army came from Oxford to Worcester where he gaue the honour of high Conestableship Anno. reg 5. being taken from Miles of Glocester vnto William the sonne of Walter Beauchampe Shirife of Worcester and then retourned to Oxforde and so to Salisburie The King went to Reading and after with hys army towardes 1140 Notingham spoyled Geruasius Doro. Ely but the Bishoppe fledde to Gloucester to Earle Robert and the King wanne the Castell of Ely Robert Earle of Glocester with a gret power inuaded the towne of Notingham and spoyled it the townes men were taken slaine or brent in the Churches wherevnto they fled One of them more rich than the others was taken and led Anno. reg 6. Notinghā brent to his owne house by his takers to shewe them where hys treasure lay he bringing them into a low seller whilest they were busie to break open lockes Coffers he conueyed him self away shutting the doores after him set sire on y e house and soothe théeues to the number of thirtie were brent and by reason of this fire all the towne was set a fire and brent Kyng Stephen besieged Lincolne againste Ranulph Earle of Chester but Roberte Earle of Glocester came with a great 1141 Lincolne besieged King Stephen taken power and rescued the same chased the Kyngs armye and tooke him prysoner on Candlemas day firste he was had to Glocester and after to Bristowe there committed to prison The Empresse reioycing at this hir good happe departed from Glocester and came to Ciceste r with Byshops Barons and other in greate number from thence she went to Winchester where mette hir Lordes spirituall and temporall in great number the Citie with the tower and Crowne of the Realme was deliuered into hir hands The Bishop of Winchester that was king Stephens brother The Empresse obtayneth thè Crovvne accursed al that stoode against the Empresse and blessed those that tooke hir part From thence she departed to Wilton where the Archbishoppe of Canturburie came and saluted hyr When Easter was paste she went to Reding where she was receiued with all the honour that mighte be thence she went to Oxforde where the Castell was deliuered vnto hyr by Robert de Olly then went she to Saint Albons and was receyued with all honour Here the Citizens of London came and yéelded their Citie to hir wherevpon she went to London and so to Westminster where she being receyued with procession remained certain dayes taking order for the state of the Realme King Steuens wife and many Péeres of the realm made Ypodigma Geruasius Do. Floriacensis suite to the Empresse to haue the King restored to libertye and not to the kingdome promising to perswade with hym to become a Monke but she woulde not heare The Bishop of Winchester requested hir to giue vnto Eustace his nephew King Steuens sonne his fathers Earledome but it woulde not be The Citizens of London required hir to restore Kyng Edwardes lawes but she being puffed vp with pride would not graunte theyr requeste wherevppon they conspired to take hir prisoner but she aduertised hereof fled with shame The Empresse fledde leauing behinde hir all hir furniture of housholde and apparell Henrie Bishop of Winchester casting which way to deliuer his brother perswaded the Londoners to ayde him The Empresse got hir to Oxforde and frō thence to Gloucester and Ypodigma Floriacences Geruasius thē with hir assured friend Miles again to Oxforde bycause she trusted most in him she to do him honour gaue him the Earledome of Heneforde and now hauing got a great army about Lammes wente againe to Winchester and lodged in the Castel there The Bishop abashed of hir sodayn cōming departed out at one gate as she came in at another he getting a great army with the help of the Londoners besieged the Citie and the seconde of August committed the Citie to the VVinchester brent Geruasius Floriacensis fire with the whiche the Nunry and houses of office with more than twentie Churches some write xl and a greate part of the Citie with the Monasterie of Saint Grimbald the houses thereto belonging were brought to ashes About the exaltation of the crosse the Empresse being wearied of long siege got hir to horssebacke with hir brother Reginalde Earle of Cornewal and many other Earle Robert followed with a great number of Lords knights but the Bishops men setting on them slewe tooke a great number The Empresse fled to the Castel of Lutegershal heauy and The Empresse fled almost deade for feare from thence she was brought to the Castell of Vies and from thence to Glocester bound in a horse-litter like a deade carcasse Earle Robert being pursued was taken at Stobbridge w e Earle of Gloster taken Erle Waren and many other and presented to the Quéene as then new entred into Winchester Earle Robert was deliuered to William de Ypers who put him in prison in the Castel of Rochester Myles Erle of Hereford hardly escaped and came to Glocester Earle of Hereforde fled almost naked The Bishops men brent the Monasterie of Nuns at
their nettes a Fish hauing the shape of a man in all poyntes whiche Fishe was kepte by Barthelinew de Glaunuile Custos of the Castell of Orford in the same Castell by the space of sixe monethes and more for a wonder he spake not a word All manner of meates he gladly did eate but most gréedily raw fishe after he had crushed out all the moysture Oftentimes he was brought to the Churche where he shewed no tokens of adoration At length when he was not well looked to he stale away to the Sea and neuer after appeared The Kings of Englande and of France mette betwixt Gisors Anno reg 34 1188 and Trye where they tooke on them the Crosse and dyuers other with them The King of England landing at Winchelsea hasted towards North-hampton where at Gedington Richarde Sothwel Rog Houed ●n●iq●●●●erl Gual Coue●● about eight or tenne miles from North-hampton he helde a Parliamente aboute the voyage into the holy land where many Articles concerning that voyage were concluded and the whole Realme troubled with paying of tithes towarde that voyage The Christians were appoynted to pay aboue lxx thousand pound and the Iewes lx thousand without any delay but by meanes of a discorde that fell betwixt the two Kings that voyage was stayed The Towne of Beuerley with the Church of Saint Iohn Beuerley brent Anno reg 35 Geruasius 1189 there was brent the twentith of September The Kings of England and of France with Richard Earle of Poytow the Legate and the Archbishops of Canturbury Roane Rhenes and Burges mette at Naunts the ninth day of June There Philip the French King required that his sister which had bin kept in England a two and twēty yeares ●odouicus vi●es Death of King Henry the second mighte be restored vnto Earle Richard as his wife and Earle Richard desired the same but King Henry denyed this request and so they departed a sunder and got them to armour The French King and Earle Richard pursued the King of England so hard that he was forced to yéelde to Richardus Cambr. all the requestes as wel of the French King as of his sonne Richard This was done at Gisors and so departing came to Azai where he fell sicke and departed this life the sixth day Ypodigma of July in the yeare of our Lord 1189. when he had raigned xxxiiij yeares ix monethes and xij dayes and was buryed at Fonteuerard in the Monasterie of Nunnes by hym founded He founded the Priories of Douer and of Stoneley and Basingwarke and the Castell of Rudlan He also began the stone Bridge ouer the Thamis at London He left issue Richard and Iohn ¶ King Richard Cuer de Lion RIchard the first borne at Oxford for his valiantnesse surnamed Anno reg 1. Cordelion or with the Lions heart the seconde sonne of Henry the second began his raigne the sixth day of July in the yeare of oure Lorde 1189. He was bigge of stature with a merrie countenance To his Souldyoures fauourable bountifull to his friends to Strangers a gréeuous enimie hard to be pleased desirous of warre abhorring ydlenesse enclined to pride lechery and auarice He comming from beyonde the Seas landed at South-hampton Geruasius Do. Mathew Paris the twelfth day of August and was Crowned at Westminster on the third day of September by the hands of the Archbishop Baldwine He commanded that no Iewes nor women shoulde be at his Coronation for feare of enchantmentes whiche were wont to be practised for breaking of whiche commmandement many Iewes were slayne the same day Elianor the olde Quéene who at the commaundement of hir husbande had bene long kept close prisoner was now set at libertie The Archbishop of Canturburie being sore offended wyth Erle Iohn the kings brother for takyng to wife Isabel countesse of Glocester his coosin in the thirde degrée wrote a threatning letter to the same Iohn commanding him not to touch the virgine and to appeare at a peremptory day before him to aunswere the matter King Richard gaue the Castels of Berwike and Rokesburgh to the Scottish king for the summe of x. M. pound he also sold to Hugo de Puteaco Bishoppe of Durham his own prouince for a great péece of mony and created him Erle of the same and then sayde in game I am a wonderous craftesman I haue made a newe Earle of an olde Bishoppe He solde the Priorie of Couentrie to Hugh Bishoppe of Chester for iij. C. markes which Hugh with a power of armed men inuaded the Priory chased the Prior away beat the Monkes lamed some cast some into prison and spoyling the other droue thē away brake the Hutches of the Churche brente their Charters and priuileges The King also fayned to haue lost his signet and made a newe and then caused to be proclaymed that who so euer woulde safely enioy those things which before time they had inrolled shoulde come to the newe seale wherby it came to passe that many which could not finde him in England went ouer sea to fine with him at his plesure He gaue his brother Iohn the prouinces of Notingham Deuonshire and Cornewal In this time were many robbers and out-lawes among Iohn Maior Outlavves in England the whiche Robert Hoode little Iohn renowmed théeues continued in woods despoyling and robbing the goods of the rich They killed none but such as would inuade them or by resistance for their own defence The sayde Robert entertayned an hundred tall men and good Archers with such spoyles and theftes as he got vppon whome foure hundred were they neuer so strong durste not giue the onset He suffered no woman to be oppressed violated or otherwise inolested poore mens goods he spared aboundantlye relieuing them with that whiche by theft he gotte from Abbayes and the houses of rich Carles whome Maior blameth for his rapine and thefte but of all théeues he affirmeth hym to be the Prince and the moste gentle théefe Till this firste yeare of King Richard the firste the Citizens Magistrates of the Citie of London since before the Conquest Robert Fabian of London hadde bene gouerned by Portgraues as Fabian sometime an Alderman of London in his Chronicle affirmeth whose names with the lawes and customes of the Cittie then vsed he sayeth were recorded in an olde booke written in the Saxon tongue called Domes daye sometime remayning in the Guilde Hal of London but now embezeled To this accordeth the Charter of the same Citie granted by William the Conquerour and diuerse other Records wherein I finde that the chiefe Magistrate of the Citie of Portgraue London in the time of king Edward last before the Conquest called the Confessor was called Portgraue whose name was Wolfgare In the time of William Conquerour and William Rufus Liber trinitatis W. Dunthorne Prouost Godfrey Mandeuile or Magnauile was Portgraue Richarde de Pare Prouost In the time of King Henrie the first Hugh Bouch Portgraue and Leofstanus Goldsmith Prouost
sailed ouer into England was crowned at Westminster on y ● Ascention daye And at Midsomer Ralphe Cogshall he returned again into Normandie with a great army which al the Sommer season contending against y ● French proued the worthynesse of y e enimies to be sufficient ynough Consuetud de Lō for Phillip king of Fraunce in the quarrell of Arthur the son of Geffrey Iohns eldest Brother duke of Brytaine made war vppon King Iohn in Normandie and toke from him diuerse Castels and townes King Iohn granted the Shirifewike of London and Midlesex Sherife vvike of London let to ferme to the Citizens thereof for 300 pound yerely to be paid for that of auntient time it had bene so accustomed to be fermed as king Henrie the first before he had graunted to the same Citizens for 300. pounde yearely Also he gaue them full aucthoritie to chose and depriue their Sherifes at theyr pleasure Sherifes Arnolde Fitz Arnolde Richard Fitz Barthelmew Maior Henrie Fitz Alwyne King Iohn made a lawe that no tunne of Wine of Poiters 1200 Price of vvines Gual Couen should be solde dearer than twentie shillings of Anioye foure and twentie shillings and of French wine fiue twentie shillings vnlesse the same French wine were so good that some woulde giue for it sixe and twentie shillings eyghte pence but not aboue A sexter of wine of Poiters no dearer than twelue pence nor white wine aboue sixe pence King Iohn hauing made peace beyonde the sea he required Annoreg 2 Taske aide of his Realme of xxx M. markes wherefore an edict was made that euery plow land should pay thrée shillings which troubled the lande very sore considering the escuage that went afore for euery Knights fée two markes whiche before neuer payde aboue twentie shilling The king being deuorced from his wife Isabel the Earle King Iohn deuorsed Mathew Paris Ypodigma Radul Cogshal of Glocesters daughter he passed ouer the sea paide thirtie M. markes to the French King vanquished his enimies and returned into Englande with Isabel his wife daughter to the Earle of Angolesme and crowned hir Quéene at Westminster on the eight of October Sherifes Roger Dorset Iames Bartelmew Maior Henrie Fitz Alwyne King Iohn went to Lincolne where he met with William King of Scottes did homage King of Scottes Rotland Lorde of Galloway and many other noble men who did to him homage on the one and twētith day of Nouember A noble man of Aquitaine named Hugh Brune rebelling 1201 Hugh Brune rebelled against King Iohn inuaded diuers parts of the prouince bicause the King had maried the daughter of the Earle of Angolesme whom the sayd Brune had affied and had in his custodie wherefore the passed ouer and restrained the rebels from their attemptes The 25. of June there arose a cruell Tempest of thunder Ypodigma Annoreg 3. Tempestes lightning and hayle with a vehemente raine that destroyed corne cattell menne and houses by brenning them c. The 10. of July another Tempest much like to the former hapned so that the Medowes could not be mowed and the hay that was downe was carried away by the outragious course of waters that ouerflowed the grounde greate numbers of fishes through the corruption of the waters dyed many bridges borne downe corne and hay caried away many men drowned so that al men thought a new deluge had bene come Sherifes Walter Fitz Alis. Simon de Adermanbury Maior Henrie Fitz Alwyne King Iohn sharplye warred vppon the Earle of March 1202 Radulphu● Cog. Hugh Brune and the Earle of Eue hys brother who béeing not able to resist they complayned to Phillip king of France as to their soueraigne and chiefe Lorde who sent ofttimes to King Iohn mouing him to cease from vexing them but that woulde not serue wherefore he was sommoned by the Annoreg 4. Nobles of Fraunce as Duke or Earle of Aquitaine and Anioy to come vnto the Courte of the Frenche King and to stande to the iudgement of hys Péeres all which Kyng Iohn denyed K Iohn sōmoned to the French Kings Court wherevpon the same Courte adiudged hym to be depriued of all his landes which he or his predecessours helde of the king of Fraunce c. King Phillip forth with assembled an armye and inuaded the Castel of Buteuant in Normandie which King Richard had buylded he rased it to the ground He tooke the land of Hugh Gorney and all the Castels there about He tooke the Castell of Albomarle with the County of Eue and all the land to Arches none resisting him Also Arthure Earle of Britayne being made Knight by the French King whose Arthure Earle of Britayne taken yonger daughter he had fianced he being but sixtéene yeres olde wente to Hugh Brune and Geffrey of Lucingnam and with 250. Knightes beséeged the Castell of Mirable in which Quéene Eleanor his Aunte was enclosed but King Iohn came with a power and deliuered his mother from daunger He tooke there his Nephew Arthure William de Brawsa Geffrey de Lucingham Hugh Brune Andrew Caueny Saluaricus de Mauleon and diuers others Great thunder and lightning with hayle as bigge as Hennes egges c. Sherifes Normand Brundell Iohn de Ely Maior Henry Fitz Alwyne The waters encreased and did much hurt in Englande 1023 Mathew Paris Annoreg 5. Earle of Britaine murthered Radul Cogshal Arthure Earle of Britaine from Falaise was broughte to Roane and put in the Tower vnder the custody of Robert de Veypont where shortly after he was dispatched of his life some say by the hands of his Uncle Iohn The King of France inuaded the Castels of Normandy tooke Lisle Dandely with the Castell and the Vale de Ruell in the whiche were Robert Fitz Water Sayer de Quincy and many other He toke the strong Castell vpon Seyne builded by King Richard which had bin valiantly kept by the Connestable of Chester Sherifes Walter Browne William Chamberlayne Maior Henry Fitz Alwyne King Iohn doubting treason in his owne men in December retourned into Englande where he gathered greate aydes of money Elianor daughter to the Earle of Poyters that had bin 1204 Ralph Cogshal Anno reg 6. wife to Lewes King of France and after to King Henry the seconde of Englande departed this life and was buryed in Westminster King Iohn sente Embassadoures to treate a peace with the King of France but he bycause the worlde wente with him woulde not agrée in any wise except Arthure mighte be deliuered to him aliue or if he were dead he woulde haue his Sister in mariage with all the lands on that side the Seas Shortly after he tooke Falaise Caen and so forth all the Countrey to Barflot Charburgh and Dunfront Roane Vernoll and Arches and so proude Normandy Angiow Briteyne Mayne Poitow and Thoraigne were within a short time deliuered to King Phillip King Iohn marryed Iane hys Bastarde Daughter to Lewlin Prince of Wales and gaue with hir
and so to the Castel and cast him in prison whereof whē the Barons vnderstoode they sent Roger Clifford and Sir Iohn Gifford with a great power to Glocester who beséeging the Castell Clocester Castell taken by the Barons brent the bridge and entred at the last where they tooke the said Macy with all his company and for that a Carpenter frō the Castell with a quarell had slaine an Esquier of the Barons partie Sir Iohn Gifford made the same Carpenter to leape from the top of the Castell where-through he was crushed to death Sir Roger Clifford tooke the kéeping of that Castell vpon him and sente Macy into the March Sir Iohn Gifford tooke all Macies goodes at Sherestone and elsewhere Peter de Egblonuch a Frenchman Bishop of Hereford Bishop of Hereford a French man was drawne out of his Cathedrall Churche by Thomas Turberuill and other and sent to the Castel of Erdesley where he and Sir Macy were both committed to safe ward his treasure was spoyled and his Chanons sent to prison and thus were Frenchmen serued through the Land where they mought be founde by them that were on the Barons part Simon de Mountfort with the Barons pitched theyr Tents in Istleworth Parke The Manor of Istleworth belōging Tho. Wikes to Richard King of Almayne was burnt by y ● Londoners They also burned another house of his néere to Westminster In this meane while the King and Quéene remained The Queene chased Nicho. Triuet in the Tower of London and when y ● Quéene would haue gone by water vnto Windesore the Londoners getting them to the Bridge in great numbers vnder the which she must passe cried out on hir vsing many vile and reprochful words threw durt and stones at hir that she was constreyned to returne againe to the Tower The Citizens fortified the Citie with iron Chaynes drawne ouerthwart their Streetes of Lōdon chayned Annales of Hyde stréetes munited the Citie and did maruellous things There was a peace concluded betwixte the King and the Barons with these conditions that Henry sonne to the Kyng of Almayne that tooke the Barons parte and was in prison shoulde be deliuered that all the Kings Castels through England should be put into the Barons hands that the prouisions of Oxford shoulde be kept and that all Strangers within a certaine time should depart the land those except whose abode the faithfull persons of the Realme with one assent shoulde accept lastly that the Englishmen borne and such as were faithfull men to the Kingdome shoulde order and rule the businesse of the land vnder the King But this notwithstanding certayne Knightes of the Kings part fortified the Castel of Windesore with vittayles and armour Edward the Kings sonne came to Bristow where discorde rose betwixte his Knightes and the Townesmen so that the Townesmen were minded to haue beséeged the Castell whiche when Edward vnderstoode he sent for Walter Bishop of Winchester that tooke the Barons part that in his company he might go to the Court of his father promising to perswade his father to peace Héerevpō going forth with y ● Bishop til they came to Windsore he entred the Castell to the great misliking of the Bishop but Edward shortly returned and wente to méete Simon Earle of Leicester that he with his adherents were cōming to beséege Windesore Castell Edward the Kings sonne met with y ● sayd Simon about Kingston and offered meanes of peace but Simon trusting to Bishop Walters counsell deteyned Edward with him and woulde not suffer him to depart till the Castell was yéelded they that were within hauing libertie to departe whither they woulde and the Strangers that minded to passe the Seas had safeconducts granted them Lewlin Prince of Wales confederate with Earle Simon in the meane time wasted the Countrey of Chester and the Marches of the same and ouerthrew to the grounde the Castles of Diffard and Gannoke After this a Parliament was holden at London in the which many that had held with the Earle went to the Kings part as Henry of Almaine sonne to Richard King of Romaynes and other The Kings partie being encreased he wente to Douer and endeuoured to haue gotte that Castell out of the Earles Anno reg 48 hands but he trauelled in vayne Robert Mountpiler Osbert Suffolk the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1264 Thomas Fitz Thomas Fitz Richard the. 28. of October Lewes King of Fraunce throughe procuring of Boniface Archbishop of Canturburie who in politicke Sermons at Paris as well at the Friers Prechers as Minors declared the doings betwixt the King of Englande and the Earle of Leicester toke vpon him to make a peace betwixte them wherevpon the King of Englande with his sonne Edwarde and diuerse other of the English nobilitie came to Paris aboute the xxij of Januarie but the Earle of Leicester fearing y e French Kings displeasure for his mothers sake or some other cause not knowen stayed at home in England and procéeded in hys businesse wherefore Roger Mortimer began to destroye the possessions which the Earle uf Leicester helde againste whō the Prince of Wales went and besieged the Castel of Radnore and brought it to yéelde Edward the Kings sonne after his returne from Paris about Lent toke his iourney toward the March and passing The Schollers and Burgesses of Oxforde the one spoyle the other by Oxford the Burgesses shut vp their gates againste hym whereby he was forced to lye at the kings Hall without the towne till the next morrowe and then departed The schollers of Oxford being shut within the Towne brake vppe the gate that leadeth toward Bea●monte for which déede the Maior sent some of them to prison and not long after whyle the Schollers were at dinner the Maior and Commons wyth banners displayde thoughte to haue spoyled the Clearkes ere they had bin aware but being espied the Schollers ran togither and with bowes and other weapons slewe and wounded the Burgesses and Commons brake vp manye houses spoyling the goods and set the houses of the Portriues William Spicer and Geffrey Hencley on Fier on the South side of the towne Moreouer bycause the Maior Nicholas Kingstone was a Uintener they brake vp the Uintry Clarkes of Oxforde banished dranke the Wines and spoyled them for the which facte the King caused the Clearkes and Schollers to be banished the Uniuersitie Edward the kings sonne toke the Castels of Hay Huntington belonging to the Earle of Hereforde and the Castel of Brecon being also rendered to him he deliuered to Roger Mortimer to kéepe with the teritorie adiacent Robert Ferrers Earle of Darbie who toke part with Erle Simon besieged VVorcester besieged Worcester and entring by the olde Castel spoyled the Citizens of their goods and compelled the Jewes to be christened Glocester besieged The towne of Glocester that before was taken by the Barōs was now assailed by Edward the kings son who entred y e castel by great force in the
e rest were committed to seueral prisons Anno reg 50 Sherifes Maior 1266 Pierce Longtofe Robert Brune Edward Blund Peter Aunger the. 28. of September Thomas Fitz Thomas Fitz Richard the. 28. of October King Henrie came to Westminster and there gaue vnto diuerse of his housholde seruauntes aboute the number of thrée score housholdes and houses within the Citie so that the owners were compelled to agrée redéeme theyr houses and goods or else to auoyde them then he made Custos of the Citie sir Othon Conestable of the Tower who chose Baylifes to be accomptable to him Iohn Adrian and Walter Haruy. After this the King toke pledges of the best mens sonnes of the Citie the whiche were put in the Tower of London and there kept at the costes of their parents By great labour and sute made al the foresayde persons whiche were in Windsor Castell eight only except were deliuered and the king agréed with the Citizens for twentie thousand markes to be payd for the leauying of which fine were taxed as wel seruauntes as housholders and many refused the liberties of the Citie to be quit of the charge The Castell of Douer was yéelded to Edward the kings sonne into the which he put Guy de Mountfort to be kepte The Countesse of Leicester wife to Simond Mountfort yéelded the Castel of Pemsey to K. Henrie hir brother who forthwith banished hir the realm of England for euer About Alhalowntide the Quéene of England returned from beyonde the Seas with hir came a Legate named Othobone who shortly after his comming in counsel holden at Northampton accursed al the Bishoppes and Priests that had ayded Earle Simon against the King especially he cursed by name Walter of Worcester Henrie of London Stephen of Chichester and the Bishop of Lincolne Worcester shortly after deceased the other ● of Glocest ther thrée went to Rome and were assoyled The Legate also published the Popes Bull for the tenthes of Churches to bée payde to the king for the next yeare Sir Simond the yonger fled from Kenilworth Castel to the disherited Knightes who then were in the I le of Oxholme wher he remayned not lōg for through messengers with faire promises and hostages giuen by Edward the kings sonne he forsaking them went to London to the king his nobilitie but being priuily warned of their guile he made an escape got ouer into Fraunce The kéeper of Guy Mountfort about Easter being brybed let him go went with him into Fraunce this Guy wēt into Tuscane and serued Earle Rufus in whose war waxing famous he obtained to haue his daughter in mariage Robert Ferters Earle of Darby Henrie Hastings Baudewinde Battaile of Chesterfielde Wake Iohn Der●●le and other with theyr power being in the Towne of Chesterfielde in Darbishire there came against them Iohn Earle Waren sir Henrie of Almaine sir Waren of Basingborne and manye other Knightes who on Whitson euen met without the town on hunting sir Baudwyn Wake sir Hen●y Hastings sir Gregory Caldwel sir Iohn Clynton sir Roger Maundeuil sir Richard Caldwel and to y ● number of xxij Knightes al vnder one speare al which they chased and put to flight wherof when sir Iohn Danuil being in the towne had vnderstanding he with a small companye rode out pierced through the hoste wounding many and escaped Erle Waren entring the towne slew many a man and toke the Erle Ferrers who was sicke of the goute and had that day bene letten bloud him they sente to the Tower of London from whence but lately he had bin deliuered Henrie Hastings and his company comming to Kenilworth founde there sir Iohn de Eynuile and many other valiant Knights Sir William de la Knowe and sir Iohn de la Ware had well stored y e Castel of all things necessarie King Henrie hastyng Kenilvvorth Castel besieged thyther beganne his siege the morrowe after Midsommer daye whiche siege continued til Christmasse after for they within the Castell not fearing his force which was great set open theyr gates and neuer closed them daye nor night come who so would they came to theyr cost so that many a man was slaine on both sides and manye were taken and raunsomed At length the Legate the Archbishop two other Bishops came to make accorde betwéene the king and the disherited and also them of the Castle but the disherits nor they of the Castel would grant to the Kings will wherfore the legate a coursed them and all that were of theyr accord but they of the Castell not regarding the Legate nor his cursing in mockage therof clothed a priest their surgeon Phillip Porpeis in a cope of white setting him on the Castel wal as a white Legate against the red made him to accurse y e K. the Legate al their partakers Whiles this businesse lasted at Kenilworth the disherites toke y e I le of Ely strengthned it in such wise that they helde it long they robbed Norffolk Suffolke Cambridgeshire they spoyled y e Citie of Norwich ransomed y e rich men at their pleasure At Bartholmewtide y ● K. held a Parliament at Killingworth wherein by his Barons were chosen vj. persons whiche being sworne chose to thē other vj. these xij to make an accord betwéen the K. and the disherits y e first vj. were Walter Gefford Bishop of Bath Nicholas of Ely Bi. of Worcester Walter B. of Excester Roger de Sumerey Roberte Walronde Alayne de la Souch Barōs these vj. chose to them Gilbert E. of Glocester Humfry Erle of Hereford the B. of S. Dauids sir Iohn Bailiol sir Phillip Basset and sir Warayn de Basingborne if these xij could not agrée the Legate Henrie son to Richard King of Almaine shold be Umpiers these met and agréed at the last Anno reg 51 Sherifes Maior Iohn Hinde Iohn Walrauen the. 28. of September William Richards the. 28. of October By the kings cōmandement y e Bishops Abbots Priors Erles Barons knights of y e realme were assēbled at Northampton on y ● twesday next before Alhalownday ther to vnstand and to confirme by statute what the forenamed twelue stats had deeréed for the state of y e kingdome which was for y ● Barons y ● none should be disherite but y e Mountfort the Ferrers y ● other should redéeme their lands w t money at the hands of thē who had y ● same in possession of the Kings gift so y ● none payde aboue vij yeres value nor vnder iij. yeares value which was the lest this shal be assessed according to y e quātity of their trespasse The siege of Kenilworth yet continuing they within the Castel began to be sore troubled with y e flixe and also wer without hope of succour to come to thē whervpō on S. Thomas day before Christmasse they yéelded Kenilvvorth Castel ye elded y ● Castel to the K. with conditiō to depart w t life
also after the death of Simond Mountfort and Robert Ferrers the Erledomes of Leicester and Darbie and two daughters Beatrice and Margaret ¶ King Edward surnamed Longshanks EDvvarde the firste after the Conquest son to Henrie the third Anno reg 1 surnamed Longshanke beganne hys raigne the sixtéenth day of Nouember in the yeare 1272. being then in y ● parts beyond the sea towarde 1273 Ierusalem Of stature he was tall and mighty of bodye nothing grosse his eyes soméwhat blacke and in time of anger fierce of suche noble and valiaunt courage that he neuer fainted in most dangerous enterprices of excellent witte and greate towardnesse he was borne at Westminster Iohn Horne Walter Potter the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 2. 1274 Sir Walter Haruy Knight the. 28. of October This yeare fell a great variaunce at Oxforde betwéene the Northren and Irishmen wherein manye Irishmen were slaine The second day of August King Edward came into England from the Holy Lande and on the fiftéenth of Auguste hée with Elianor his wife were Crowned at Westminster by Robert Kilwarby Archbishop of Canturburie At this Coronation fiue hundred great Horsses were turned loase catch them who could Alexander King of Scottes did homage to King Edward The King caused Leolin Prince of Wales to be sommoned to his Parliament at Westminster but he would not come saying he remembred the death of his father Griffen Nicholas Winchester Henry Couentry the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Anno reg 3. Henry Welles the 28. of October On Saint Nicholas euen was great Earthquakes lightnings and thunder with a huge Dragon and a blasing Starre which made many men sore afrayde In a Parliament at Westminster Usury was forbidden Vsury forbidden Io. Rouse to the Iewes and that they might be knowne the King commanded them to weare a Tablet the breadth of a palme vpon their outmost garments He also ordeyned that Bakers making bread lacking weight assigned after the price of Corne should first be punished by losse of their bread the second time by emprisonment and thirdly by the Pillory millers for stealing of corne to be chastised by y e Tumberel A rich man of France brought into Northumberland a Spanish Ewe as bigge as a Calfe of two yeares which Ewe being 1275 First rotte of Sheepe Hen. of Leycester Tho. Walsing rotten infected so the Countrey that it spread ouer all the Realme This plague of moren cōtinued xxviij yeares eare it ended and was the first rot that euer was in England Lucas Batecourt Henry Frowike the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Gregory Rokesley Goldsmith chiefe mayster of y e Kings Mintes the 28. of October King Edward builded the Castell of Flint strengthned Io. Rouse Castell of Flint Anno reg 4. Bocland the Castell of Rutland and other against the Welchmen Amicia Countesse of Deuonshire and Lady of the Isle founded the Abbey of Bocland for Gilbert of Clare Earle of Glocester and Hereford hir Father Isabell hir mother and Baldwine Earle of Deuonshire The eleuenth day of September there was a generall 1276 Earthquake by force whereof the Church of Saint Michael of the Mount without Glastonburie fell to the ground and péeces of many famous Churches in England fell by force of the same Earthquake Gregory Rokesley and the Barons of London granted Canter Record Ex Carta Preaching Friers Church founded by Bainards Castell before vvhiche time their Church vvas in Holborne and gaue to the Archbishop of Canturburie Robert Kilwarby two lanes or wayes next the Stréete of Baynards Castell and the Tower of Mountfichet to be destroyed in the which place the sayd Robert builded the late newe Churche of the Blacke Friers with the rest of the stones that then were left of the sayde Tower for the best and choyse stones the Bishop of London had obteyned of King William Conquerour to reedifie the vpper part of Saint Paules Church that was then by chance of fire decayed Iohn Horne Ralph Blunt the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 5. 1277 Iohn Euersden Sherifes Maior Anno reg 6. 1278 Gregory Rokesley Goldsmith the 28. of October The Statute of Mortmaine was enacted Michaell Tony was hanged drawne and quartered for Treason Robert de Arar Ralph Feuto the 28. of September Gregory Rokesley the 28. of October King Edward gaue vnto Dauid brother to Leolin Prince of Wales the Lordship of Fredisham which Dauid attended in the Kings Court and did him pleasant seruice c. Michaelmas tearme was kept at Shrewsburie Iohn Adrian Walter Langley the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 7. 1279 Gregory Rokesley the 28. of October The King builded a strong Castell in Weast Wales at Llhampaterne vaier Reformation was made for clipping of the Kings coyne Ievves executed for which offence 267. Iewes were put to execution The worthie Souldiour Roger Mortimer at Killingworth Round Table at Killingvvorth Io. Rouse appoynted a Knightly game which was called the Round Table of an hundred Knightes and so many Ladyes to the which for the exercise of armes there came many warlike Knightes from diuers Kingdomes Robert Basing William Mazaliuer the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 8. First halfe pence and farthings round 1280 Pi●rce Longtofe Gregory Rokesley the 28. of October Where as before this time the peny was wont to haue a double crosse with a creast in suche sorte that the same might be easily broken in the midst or into four quarters and so to be made into halfe pence or farthings it was now ordeyned that pence halfepence and farthings shoulde be made rounde wherevpon was made these Uerses following Edward did smite round peny halfepeny farthing Robert Brune The crosse passes the bond of all throughout the ring The Kings side was his head and his name written The crosse side what Citie it was in coyned and smitten To poore man ne to priest the peny frayses nothing Men giue God aye the least they feast him with a farthing A thousand two hundred fourescore yeares and mo On this money men wondred when it first began to go At this time twentie pence wayed an ounce of Troy Regist of E●●ry weight whereby the peny halfepeny and farthing were of good quantitie Thomas Boxe Ralph de Lamere the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 9. Wilhel Rishanger Gregory Rokesley the 28 of October Dauid the brother of Lewlin Prince of Wales rose against the King and in the night season brake into the house of Roger Clifford when he was in his bed a sléepe on Easter day at night and sent him fettered in yrons as a théefe vnto Snowdon to his brother Lewlin He also rased and laid flatte on the grounde the Castell of Flint belonging to the King 1281 Sherifes Maior Anno reg 10 Great Frost and Snovv Liber Roffensis Rochester Bridge and fiue arches of London bridge borne dovvne William
in the Priorie of the Trinitie neare vnto Aldegate And before euery towne or Castel whiche the hoaste of London besiege if the siege continue a whole yeare the sayde Roberte shall haue for euery siege of the communaltie of London an hundred shillings for his trauell and no more These be the rights that the sayd Robert hath in the time of war Rights belonging to Robert Fitz Walter and to his heires in the Citie of London in the time of peace are these that is to saye the sayd Robert hath a Soken or ward in the Citie that is a wal of the Chanonrie of Saint Paul as a man goeth down the stréete before the Brewhouse of Saint Paul vnto the Thamis and so to the side of the Mill whiche is in the water that commeth down from the fléete Bridge and goeth so by London Walles betwixt the Friers preachers and Ludgate and so returneth backe by the house of the sayd Friers vnto the sayd common wall of the said Chanonry of Saint Paule that is al the parish of Saint Andrew whiche is in the gifte of hys auncestours by the saide senioritie and so the sayde Robert hath appendant vnto the sayd Soken al these things vnder written that he ought to haue a Soke man to place what Sokeman he will so he be of the Sokemanrie or the same ward and if any of the Sokemanry be impleaded in y e Guild Hall of any thing that toucheth not the body of the Maior y ● for the time is or that toucheth the bodye of no Sherife it is not lawfull to the Sokeman of the Sokemanrie of the sayd Robert Fitz Walter to demand a Court of the sayd Robert and the Maior and his Citizens of London ought to grāt him to haue a Court and in his Court he ought to bring his iudgement as it is assented and agréed vppon in the Guilde Hal that shall be giuen him If any therefore be taken in hys Sokenry he ought to haue his stockes and imprisonment in his Soken and he shal be brought from thēce to y e Guild Hall before the Maior there they shall prouide him his iudgement that ought to be giuen of him but his iudgement shal not be published till he come into the Courte of the sayde Robert and in his libertie And the iudgement shall be such that if he haue deserued death by treason he be tyed to a post in the Thamis at Woodwharfe where boates are fastened two ebbings and two flowings of the Water And if hée bée condemned for a common théefe he ought to be ledde to the Elmes and there suffer his iudgemēt as other théeues and so the said Robert and his heyres hath a great honor that he holdeth a gret Franches within the Citie that the Maior of the Citie and Citizens are bounde to do him of right that is to say that when the Maior will holde a greate counsel hée ought to call the sayd Robert and his heyres to be with hym in Counsell and of counsell of the Citie and the sayde Robert ought to be sworne be of counsel with the Citie against all people sauing the King and his heyres And when the sayde Robert commeth to the Huystings in the Guilde Hall of the Citie the Maior or his lieuetenaunt ought to ryse against him and set hym down néere vnto him and so long as he is in Guilde Hall all the iudgemente oughte to be giuen by his mouth according to the Recorde of the Recorders of the sayde Guilde Hall and so manye weifs as come so long as he is there he ought to giue them to the Baylifes of the town or to whom he will by the Counsell of the Maior of the Citie These be the Franchises that belonged to Roberte Fitz Walter in London in time of peace whiche for the antiquitie I haue here noted out of an old Recorde William Combmartin Iohn Burforde the. 28. of Septem Baylifes Custos Anno reg 32 Adam Meri Grauesend Bishop of Londō Sir Iohn Blound the. 28. of October Richard Grauesend Byshop of London deceased who is reported by some to haue purchased the Charters and Liberties for the Citie of London in the yeare of our Lord. 1●9● in the sixtéenth yeare of King Richard the seconde The vntrueth whereof I haue thought good thus muche in place to note King Edward went into Scotland and there besieged the Castel of Striueline which William Clifford kept the space of * 1304 Tho. de la More 90. dayes with sundry valiaunt assaultes but being able no longer to resist they put off their shoes and with haulters about their neckes came forth of the Castel and fel prostrate before the king committing both liues and lims to his mercie whom the King pardoned of life but sent them prisoners into England The King returning out of Scotlande by the Citie of Yorke commaunded the Courtes of the kings Benche and the Exchequer which had now remayned at Yorke vij yeares to be remoued to theyr olde places at London Roger Pares Iohn de Lincolne the. 28. of September Sherifes Custos Anno reg 33 Dravv thy staffe Adam Meri Sir Iohn Blound the. 28. of October King Edwarde helde his Christmasse at Lincolne where he ordayned Justices of Traylebaston againste intruders into other mens landes truce breakers extortioners murderers and suche like offendours by whyche meanes the Kings treasure was maruellously encreased Roger Brabason and Robert de Reuer satte at the Guilde Hall in London to heare the complaintes made concerning the foresayde Articles of Traylebaston The Citizens of Norwiche made peticion vnto the Norvvich vvalled Parliament Recordes 1305 King that lyke as it hadde pleased hym heretofore to graunte them hys helpe and lycence certayne yeares for the wallyng aboute of theyr Towne whiche tearme was nowe expyred to graunte them a longer tyme the same being not yet finished wherevppon v. yeares were granted by him and his Parliament at Westminster Iohn Leyland writeth that a Marchaunte of Norwich I. Leyland whom he nameth not builded a great part almost halfe of that Wall Robert Fitz Walter requested the king that the Fries of Friers of the Sacke A sinagoge of the Ievves neare Baynards Castel in Londō Parliament recor the Sacke cōmonly called de Penitentia Iesu in London might assigne to the sayde Robert one Chappel of olde time called the sinagoge of the Iewes neare adioyning to the place of the same Robert which request was graunted These Friers liued altogither by begging and had of late multiplyed in number greatly vntill the counsel at Lions wherein it was decréed that Friers beggers should receyue none into their order except Grey and White Friers They wer also licensed to enter into religion of larger rule from the which time forth all mendicant Friers began to decrease and were in short time brought to nothing except the Preching Friers William Wales which had ofttimes sette Scotland in gret VV. VVales in Scotland trouble was
taken and brought to London with greate numbers of men and women wondring vppon him he was lodged Adam Merimo in the house of William Delect a Citizen of London in Fanchurche stréete On the morrow being the euen of Sainte Tho. Delamore Bartholmew he was brought on horssebacke to Westminster Iohn Segraue and Geffrey Knights the Maior Sherifes Aldermen of London and many other both on horsseback and on foote accompanying him and in the gret hall at Westminster he being placed vppon the South benche crowned with Laurel for that he had sayd in times past y e he ought to bear a Crowne in that Hall as it was commonly reported and being appeched for a traytour by sir Peter Mallorie y e kings Justice he aunswered that he was neuer traytour to y e king of England but for other crimes whereof he was accused hée confessed them and was after headed and quartered There was opened to the K. a conspiracie wrought by the Archbishop of Canturburie and diuerse Earles and Barons against him at such time as he was in Flaunders The Earle Marshal being examined of this and being not able to purge himselfe made the king his heire and put him in possession of his landes to haue his grace and thus doing the Kyng gaue him again 1000. pound land by the yeare during hys life William cosine Reignalde Thunderle 28. of September Sherifs Custos Anno reg 34 Sir Iohn Bloud the. 28. of October Robert Bruce an Englishman presuming by the righte of his wife to vsurpe the Kingdome of Scotlād called a Parliament of the nobles of Scotland within the Church of the Friers 1306 Minors in Domfries where he slewe Iohn Comin bycause he woulde not agrée to the treason and shortlye after to wit in the feast of the Anunciation of our Lady in the Abbay of Scone he caused himself to be solemnely crowned king by the Bishoppes of Glasco and Saint Andrewes firste and the third day after by the Countesse of Bowan bicause hir brother the Earle of Fife to whome by right of inheritaunce that office belonged was then absent in England In the feast of Penticost king Edward honored his eldest sonne Edward of Carnaruan with the degrée of Knighthoode and with him also moe than a hundred noble yong men at Westminster About the feast of the Natiuity of our Lady the king wēt againe into Scotland with a great army hauing sent his son Edward with Ayner de Valence Earle of Penbroke Roberte Clifforde Henrie Lacy and many other noble knightes and gentlemen at Whitsontide before also he sente before hym his Justices of Trayle Bastō two and two togither into euery Citie and place into which he woulde come giuing thē power to kill traytours drawe and hang periured persons burn such as worke deceite destroy the wicked and set Englishmen in their places and there were taken by them in the space of two monthes by inquisition of Juries Hundreds Thousands breakers of peace and conspiratoures amongst the which Nigellus de Bruse brother to Robert de Bruse was drawne through Berwicke and hanged Moreouer Christopher and Iohn Seyton brethren wer hanged y ● Countesse of Bowan was closed in a Cage whose breadth length height depth was eight foote and hanged ouer the wa●● of Berwike the Bishop of Saint Andrews and of Glasco with the Abbot of Stone were sent to seuerall prisons in England King Edward besieged Simon Frisell in Lilyscho and tooke him and sent him to London Tower where he founde many Scottish Lordes in fetters of yron amongst whom was Thomas Morham with Herbert his sonne and Thomas Roy his Esquire who were all beheaded Simon Frisel was hanged drawne and quartered Earle Iohn de Athol bycause he was of the Kings bloud and an Englishman was not drawn but hanged and headed Sir Iohn Wallers was sente to the Tower of London and after hanged and headed Lawrence de Megos Esquire was taken at Douer there beheaded The Earle of Stratherne yéelded to king Edward who condemned him to remaine during his life in yron fetters in the Castel of Rochester At this time and long after King Edward had Scotland in such good obedience as he gaue of the landes thereof to hys Ex charta regia seruauntes and subiectes in England with Markets Fayres and Warrens amongst others I haue séen vnder the broade seale of the sayd king Edward a Manour called Ketnes in the Countie of Ferfare in Scotland and néere the furthest parte of the same nation Northwarde giuen to Iohn Evre and hys Lord Evre heires ancester to the Lord Eyre that now is for his seruice done in those partes with market euerye Monday fayre for thrée dayes euery yeare at the feast of Saint Michael and frée Warren for y e same dated at Lauercost the. 20. day of October Anno regni 34. Geffrey Cundute Simon Bylet 28. of September Sherifes Custos Sir Iohn Blound the. 28. of October This yere Margaret Quéene second wife to Edwarde the Registrum f●●●rum ●inor●m Anno reg 53 first began to builde the quire of the Churche of the Gray Friers in London to y e building wherof in hir life she gaue 2000. markes and. 100. marks by hir Testament Iohn of Brytai● Earle of Richmond builded the body of the church Lady Marie Countesse of Penbroke Gilbert Clare Earle of Glocester Margaret Countesse Lady Elenor le Spencer and Lady Elizabeth de Brugh sisters to the Gilbert de Clare gaue greate summes of mony towards the same Richarde Whitington sometime Alderman and Maior of London founded the Librarie there in Anno. 1421. King Edward held his Christmasse at Carlile with a great multitude of English people in the month of January next Parliament at Carlile 1307 following he called a great Parliament to be holden at Carlile vpon the Octaues of S. Hillarie to treat of matters cōcerning the state of Scotland wherevnto were somoned manye Lords both of the Spiritualtie Tēporaltie who either appeared Parliament Records in person or else by proxie My self haue séene and red an auntient register of good authoritie contayning y e names of lxxxvij Erles and Barōs xx Bishops lxj Abbots viij Priors besides many Deanes Archdeacons other inferiour Clearks of y e Conuocation The maister of the Knights of the Temple of euery shire two Knightes of euerye Citie two Citizens and of euery borough two Burgesses c. Archbishop of Yorke Bishops Of Lincolne London Chichester Excester Hereford Salisburie Landaf S. Assafe Bangor S. Dauids Couentrie and Li●chfielde Bath and Wels. Norwich Rochester Durham Carlile Elie. Worcester Abbots Of S. Augustine in Cāterbury Of Saint Edmunde Saint Albane Westminster Waltham Euesham Saint Marie at Yorke Peterborow Ramsey Winchcombe Glocester Bristow Malmesburie Glastonburie Selby Cyrcester Reding Furney Sawley Alnewike Saint Osith Barlyng Tupholme Byley Dale Newh●s Croxton Cokersande Saint Radegound Tichfield Torre Holmcolthram Welbecke Hales New Monasterie Iereual Fountaines
Bella Land Melsa Kyrkested Rupe Rughford Valeden Grendon Stanley in Arden Pipwel Combe Basing werke Crokesden Croyland Werdon Wimondham Wauerley Coertesey Quarrera Lotoley Hyde Wendon Saint Agathe Swineshede Stanley in Wilshire Barons Edward prince of Wales Henrie Lacy Erle of Lincolne Ralph Mounthermer Earle of Glocester and of Hereford Thomas Erle of Lancaster Humfrey Bohum Erle of Hereforde and Essex Iohn Warren Earle of Surrey Edmund Erle of Arundale Iohn Brytaine Earle of Richemonde Guy Bello Campo Earle of Warwike Robert Vere Erle of Oxforde Gilberte Vmframvell Earle of Anegos Henrie of Lancaster Aymer of Valence Iohn Ferrers Henrie Percy Hugh Spencer Robert Fitz Walter William Latimer Robert Clifford Robert mount Alto. Iohn Hastings Iohn le Mare Iohn de Ripaurs Iohn de Mohun Petrus de Malolacu Rupart Fitz Pagani Hugh Curtney Edmund Deycourt Iohn Saint Iohn of Lageham Galfride of Geynual Thomas Furniual Robert Tony. Thomas Berkele William de Bruse Peter Corbet William Martin Thomas Multon Iohn ap Adam Iohn Kyme Iohn Segraue Robert Fitz Roger. Hugh Veer Walter Fauconbridge Ralph Basset of Draiton Roger la Warre Iohn Paynel Alexander Walliclo Hugh Points Roger Montnomere William Rithre Reignald Grey Walter Muncy Robert Scales Adam Welles Almarice de Amando William Cantalupo Iohn Engaigne Gilbert Pechy Iohn Glauering William Leyburne Iohn Bello Cāpo of Somerset William Grandstone Iohn Extuens Iohn de Insula Iohn Sudley Simon Mountacute Walter Tey Edmund Hastings Iohn Lancaster Iohn Saint Iohn Henry Treygoz Iohn Louel of Tichmerch Alan la Zusche Henrie Teyes Nicholas Segraue Fulco Fitz Waren Iohn Fitz Reignald Geffrey Camuile William Vauasor William Ferrer Robert Grendon Edmund Baron of Stafford Ralph Fitz William Thomas de la Roche Theobalde de Verdon the yonger William Tuchet Henrie Huslee In this Parliament many complayntes were made of y ● oppression of Churches Monasteries by the Popes Chapleine named Williā Testa Archdeacon of Araine in y e Church of Couentrie The same Clearke was forbidden to vse any moe suche extortions and diuerse statutes were ordayned touching religious persōs which had theyr principal houses in other Realmes There came to this Parliamente sente from the Pope a Cardinall called Petrus Hispanus to treate a mariage betwixte Edwarde Prince of Wales and the Frenche The course of Fleete dike at London sore decayed vvhich sometime bare ships of smal burden to Holborn bridge to the great commoditie of the Citie in that vvest part kings daughter And amongst many other sutes made ther the Earle of Lincolne complayned that whereas in times past the course of Water running at London vnder Holborne bridge and Fleete bridge into the Thamis hadde bin of suche large breadth and deapth that ten or twelue ships at once with Merchaundises were wonte to come to the forsayde bridge of Fleete and some of them to Holborne bridge nowe y ● same course by filth of the Tāners and such other was sore decayed Also by raysing vp of Wharfes but especially by turning of the Water which they of y e new Temple made to theyr milles without Baynardes Castel and diuerse other perturbations the sayde shippes nowe coulde not enter as they were wont and as they oughte wherefore he desired that the Maior of London with the Sherifes and certain discrete Aldermen might be be appointed to sée the course of the sayde Water and that by othe of honest men all the forsayde hindraunces might be remoued and to be made as it was wont of old time c. Which was aunswered and recorded that Roger le Brabazon the Conestable of the Tower with the Maior and Sherifs are assigned that taking with them other honest and discrete men they make diligente searche and inquirie howe the sayde riuer was in old time and that they leaue nothing that may hurt or stop it and to kéepe it in the same state that it was wont to be King Edwarde remayning all the Winter and Sommer Tho. Walsing at Carlile disposed manye thyngs of Scotlande at hys pleasure but in the meane tyme Robert de Bruis going aboute the Countrey slewe manye that woulde not obey hym and he sente with parte of hys armye two of hys brethren Thomas that was a Knyghte and Alexander a Prieste Deane of Glasco into another parte of the Countrey that they myghte allure the people vnto them by gentle perswasions whyche by comming of Englishmen vppon them they were taken ledde to the Iustices condemned hanged and headed at Carlile Kyng EDVVARDE sente messengers into Englande commaundyng all that oughte hym seruice to bée readye at Carlile wythin thrée wéekes after the feaste of Saint Iohn Baptiste but himselfe being vexed with the bloudye Flixe he sente to his sonne that he shoulde come with spéede to heare hys laste words whome among other thyngs hée counselled to bée mercifull iuste and constante in all hys wordes and déedes hée commanuded hym not to bée too hastye to take on hym the Crowne of Englande tyll hée hadde reuenged the iniuries done by the Scottes but to staye in those partes and to cause hys Fathers boanes beyng closed in a Cheaste to bée borne aboute wyth hym tyll hée hadde gone thorow all Scotlande and ouercome hys aduersaries He also commaunded hym to honoure hys mother and loue hys two brethren THOMAS Earle Marshall and EDMVNDE Earle of Cornewall Moreouer hée charged hym on hys cursse that he shoulde not presume to call home Pierce of Glauaston by cōmon decrée banished without common fauour nor to spende xxxij M. ● of siluer otherwayes than in the businesse of the Holy Land for the whiche purpose he had prepared it and willed his heart there to bée buried The king also called vnto him Henrie Lacy Earle of Wil. Pakington Lincolne Guy Earle of Warwicke Aymerde Valence Earle of Penbroke and Robert Clifford Baron desiring them to bée good to his sonne and that they should not suffer Pierce of Gauaston to come againe into England to set his son in riot the vij of July he departed this life at Brugh vpō y ● sands in the yere 1307. when he had raigned foure and thirtie yeares seauen monthes and odde dayes He was buried at Westminster ¶ Edward of Carnaruan EDvvarde the second sonne Anno reg ● to the firste Edwarde borne at Carnaruan beganne his raigne the vij day of July in the yeare of Christ 1307. he was fair of body but vnsteadfast of maners and disposed Cro. Dun. to lightnesse haunting the company of vile persons and giuē wholy to the pleasure of the bodye not regarding to gouerne his common weale by discretion and iustice which caused great variaunce betwéene him and hys Lords He foke to be of hys Counsell Patricke Earle of Lincolne and Otho de Granson with other He ordayned Walter Reignald to be his Chauncellour and caused Walter Langton Bishoppe of Chester to bring the King his fathers bodye from Carlile to Waltham Crosse and then to be arrested by the Conestable of the Tower and sent to
brother He also reuoked the prouisions before Wil. Paston Tho. Walsing made for selling of victualles and permitted all men to make the best of that they had neuerthelesse the dearth ●●creased through the abundance of rayne that fel in Haruest so that a Quarter of Wheate or of Salte was sold before Midsomer for thirtie Shillings and after fortie Shillings There followed this famine a gréeuous mortalitie of Anno reg 9. Mortalitie of men people so that the quirke might vnneath bury the dead The Beastes and Cattell also by the corrupt gr●●● whereof they fedde dyed whereby it came to passe that the eating of flesh was suspected of all men for flesh of Beastes not corrupted was hard to finde Horsseflesh was counted great delicates the poore stale fatte Dogges to eate some Dogges flesh good meate Children vvere eaten as it was said compelled through famine in hidde places did eate the fleshe of their owne children and some stale others which they deuoure● Théeues that were in prisons Theeues in prison deuoure one another did plucke in péeces those that were newly brought amōgst them and gréedily deuoured them hal●e aliue A Gallon of small Ale was at two pence of the better thrée pence and the best four pence The Londoners considering that Wheate made in Malt VVheate forbydden to bee made into Ma●● was muche consumed ordained that from thenceforthe it shoulde be made of other grayne and also that a Gallon of better Ale should be solde j. ● ob and of small Ale for j. ● and not aboue The King according to the Statute of London sente hys Writs through the Realme commaunding that as wel within the liberties as without in Cities Boroughs Townes and Uillages a Gallon of Ale shoulde be solde for j. ● and that from thenceforth no Wheate shoulde bée made into Malt whyche if he had not the sooner caused to be proclaimed the greatest parte of the people should haue perished throughe famine Earle Waren was excommunicate by the Byshoppe of Cro. D●●● Chichester for Adultrey wherevppon the sayde Earle came to the Bishop with armed men and foure more hasty than the reste threatned the Bishoppe wherevpon the Byshops men fell on them and tooke the Earle Hamond Goodsheape William Bodele the. 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Tho. Walsing 1316 Stephen Abindon the. 28. of October There arriued in England by the Kings request Gaustelinus and Lucas de Flisco two Cardinalles to make peace betwixte the Realmes of England and Scotland and to reconcile vnto the King Thomas Earle of Lancaster They broughte Iohn Trocklow Tho. de la More Bulles from the Pope to excommunicate the Scottes except they returned vnto peace with the King of England These Cardinals wente into the North partes to enstall Lodowike Beomond to whome the Pope at the Kyngs instaunce hadde giuen the Byshopricke of Durham and when they came neare vnto the Towne of Derlington certayne robbers breaking out of a valley Gilbert Middleton and Walter Selby beyng their Capitaynes sodaynelye sette vppon the family of the Cardinals and of Lodowike Tvvo Cardinals robbed on Wigelesden More robbed them of their treasure and carryed Lodowike Byshoppe of Durham to Morpeth where they constrayned hym to paye a greate Raunsome they broughte Henrye Beaumont to the Castell of R●ntforde and there kepte hym tyll hée hadde payde a greate raunsome but the Cardinalles came to Durham where they tarryed a fewe dayes for aunsweare of the Scottes and so vnder the Kings conducte they retourned to Yorke and left their businesse whyche they came for vndone Gilbert Middleton after manye domages done Anno reg 10. to the Priory of Rymuth and other was taken in his owne Castell of Nitforde by Wyllyam Felton Thomas Hetton and Robert Horneclife carryed to London and there in the presence of the Cardinalles drawne and hanged The Cardinalles vnder certayne conditions made peace betwixte the King and Thomas Earle of Lancaster whyche conditions shortlye after were vniustly broken Syr Gosseline De●●uile and his brother Roberte wyth Theeues lyke Fryers two hundred in the habite of Friers did many notable robberies they spoyled the Byshoppe of Durhams Pallaces leauing nothing in them but bare walles for the whiche they were after hanged at Yorke William Cawston Raufe Balancer the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Wengraue the 28. of October Margaret daughter to Philip sonne to Lewes Kyng of Fraunce wife to Edwarde the firste deceassed the fourtéenth of Februarye and was buryed in the myddle of the Quire of the Gray Fryers Churche at London Edwarde de Bruis the King of Scottes brother who by Ioh. Trocklowe Edvvarde de Bruse beheaded the space of thrée yeares hadde assaulted Irelande and had crowned hymselfe Kyng was taken by Englishemen that were the King of Englandes Subiectes and was beheaded at Dundalke In that battel were slayne nine and twentie Baronets of Scotlande and fiue thousande and eight hundreth other the Primate of Armakh béeyng chiefe Capitayne for the Kyng of England This yeare was an earlye Haruest so that all the corne Early Haruest cheape corne was inned before Saint Giles daye A Bushel of Wheate Anno reg 11. that was before solde for tenne shillings was solde for ten pence and a Bushell of Otes that before was eighte shyllings was solde for eight pence Earle Warrin tooke the wife of the Earle of Lancaster and shut hir vppe in hys Castell for that he sayde she was betrothed to hym before she was marryed the Earles had eyther of them a wife but neyther of them cared for them Iohn Prior William Furneys the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Barvvike betrayed Iohn Wengraue the 28. of October Aboute Midlent the Towne of Berwicke was betrayed to the Scottes throughe the treason of Peter Spalding and other Englishemen whome the Kyng of Scottes caused to be hanged for béeyng Traytors to theyr Countrey The Castell held oute till for wante of victualles they wythin were constrayned to delyuer it into the Scottishmens hands The Scottes inuaded England Richard South Iohn ●●ucklowe who wanne also the same tyme the Castelles of Harbotel Warke and Mydforde so that they possessed the more parte of all Northumberlande euen to Newecastell vppon Tyne sauing certayne Castels that were defended agaynst them In May they entred further into the lande brenning al before them tyll they came to Rypon whyche Towne they spoyled and tarrying thrée dayes they receyued a thousande Markes of those that were gote into the Churche bycause they should not put the Town to the fyre as they hadde done the Townes of Northallerton and Borough Bridge c. In theyr returning backe they brent Knaresburghe and Skipton in Crauen and all other afore them carrying into Scotlande a maruellous multitude of Cattel besides prysoners men and women The Yorkeshiremen gathered togither to the number of Tho. Walsing ten thousād met with the Scots at the town of Mitton ten myles by Northweast from
Philippe de Labeche Iohn de Becke Henry de Laybourne these tenne and thrée score and twoo Knightes more were bestowed in dyuers prisons The Justiciers of Trailebaston in Essex sate vppon all Cron. of Dunsta Iustices of Trailebaston complayntes excepte Assises touchyng pleas of féed landes and others in the Kyngs Benche to bée pleaded who dydde abstaine theyr handes from all kindes of giftes And they dydde not onely refuse the giftes but also woulde not be called to the feastes and bankets of any man The thirde Wéeke after Easter a Parliament was Tho. de la M●●● gathered at Yorke where Hughe Spencer the father was made Earle of Winchester vnto whome the Kyng gaue the Castell and Honour of Dunnington whiche was parcell of the Earledome of Lincolne Aboute the feast of Saint Iames the King wyth a great T. de la More Hen. Elanforde armye entred Scotland but the Scottes hauing destroyed all a●ore were retyred beyond the Scottishe Sea So that the King beyng oppressed b●●●mine retourned into Englande Addictions to Nich. Triuet Anno reg 15 whome the Scottes foll 〈…〉 and in a place of the Forrest of Blackamore they ●et 〈…〉 ng so that he hardly escaped There were taken the Earle of Richemond and the Lorde of Silicico the Frenche Kings Embassador and many other where vppon the Scottes spoyling al the Cou●●●● and brenning euen to Yorke they brent Ripon slew many Priests of the Colledge there but in Beuerley they hurte not a man for the Burgesses and Cannons dydde redéeme the same wyth foure hundreth poundes of sterling money And so the Scottes by reason of Winter made retourne being laden with spoyles Thys yeare the Kyng made Syr Andrewe Herkley Earle of Carlile and gaue hym landes in the Marches of Scotlande Richard Constantine Richard Hackeney the. 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Hamond Chickwell Peperer the 28. of October Aboute the feaste of the Purification of our Lady Andrewe de Herkeley late made Earle of Carlile vnder colour of peace fayned that he woulde marry Robert Bruis his sister Wherevppon the King reputing him a Traitor caused him to be taken by hys trusty friende Syr Anthony de Lucy and after he was disgraded of the Earledome by the taking away frō him the sword cutting off his spurs 1322 then hanged quartred at Carlile also the third of March his head was sent to London and his four quarters to foure seueral parts of this land The. xxx of May Aymer de Valence Earle of Penbroke Hugh Spencer the yonger Robert Baldocke Archdeacon of Midlesex sir William Herle Knight William de Aizewine Cannon of Yorke Galfride de Scrope were for King Edwarde of England sent to Newcastel vpon Ti●e where they met with William Bishop of Saint Andrewes Thomas Ra●●d● ●● Earle of Mourt Iohn de Mete●h Robert de Lowther the Father Knights and maister Walter de Tromant Clearke for the King of Scottes there to talke of a final peace but when that wold not be they ●et to a truce which they agreed vpō for xiij yeres which was proclaimed about the xj of June dated at Anno reg 16 Thorpe néere vnto Yorke Thys yere Phillip King of Fraunce dyed and his brother Charles succéeded him About the beginning of Auguste king Edwarde being at Pikering there came Ambassadors from the new French king the Lorde Benuille and sir Andrew de Florentia to cite the King to come to doe homage for ●●yon Aquitaine and other lands which he helde of him and though Hugh Spencer the sonne Lorde Chamberlayne and Roberte Baldocke Lorde Chauncellour had procured the sayde Ambassadours not to declare theyr message to the King yet when they shoulde depart they did it admoni●hing him to come And the sayd syr Andrew de Florence being a Notarie made a publike instrument of the sayde Citation and admonition Iohn Grantham Richard of Ely the. 28 of Septem Sherifes Maior Tho. de la More Hamond Chickwel Peperer the. 28. of October The Frenche King made a processe againste the King of Englande And Charles de Valoys vncle to king Charles of Fraunce a most deadly enimy to Englishmen did sea●e on the Dukedome of Angue and the Countie of Portowe vnto the vse of his nephew the King At the length going forward to the towne of Ryall he founde it wel defended by Edmond of Woodstocke Earle of Kent betwixte whome a finall truce being taken to continue vntill suche time as it coulde be determined betwéene both the Kings as concerning peace and the towne being yelded vp both the armies departed home The next Lent in a Parliament holden at London Adam Tarleton Bishoppe of Hereforde was accused of treason but Henrie Blanford 1323 by the Archbishops of Cāterburie Yorke and Dubline and their suffragan Bishoppes he was taken from the Barre and had away notwithstanding inquisition being made by lawefull men of that Country they founde y ● he had ayded the Mortimers with horsse and armour against the King wherevppon all hys Temporalities were seased into the kings hands In this Parliament the king graunted at petition of y ● Prelate that all the bodies of the noble men that were hanged on gallowes shoulde be taken downe and buried in ecclesiasticall Anno reg 17 sepulture The King also asked a subsidie of the cleargie and people for the redéeming of Iohn Britaigne Earle of Richmonde Adam Tarleton Bishop of Hereford being depriued of all hys temporall goods did hate the Spencers deadlye so dyd Henrie Burwashe of Lincolne and their friendes who withhelde Tho. de la More their handes only for reuerence of the King On Lammas daye Roger Mortimer of Wigmore by Henrie Blanford giuing to his kéepers a sléepe drinke escaped out of the Tower breaking through the wal and comming into y ● Kitchin neare adioyning to the Kings lodgings and getting out of the toppe thereof came to a Warde of the Tower and so with cordes knitte ladder-wise prepared afore hande by a friende of hys got to another Warde and so with greate feare got to the Thamis and with his helper and two moe of his counsell passed the riuer and auoyding the high wayes came to the sea and there finding a shippe passed ouer into Fraunce Adam of Salisburie Iohn of Oxforde the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior 1324 Tho. de la More Anno reg 18 Nicholas Farendon Goldsmith the. 28. of October The Kyng sente Ambassadours to the French Kyng the Byshoppes of Winchester and of Norwiche with Iohn of Brytaine Earle of Richmonde to take order for the Dukedome of Brytaine who after long debatings toke a certayne forme of peace with the King King Edwarde sente the Quéene hys wife vnto hyr brother The Queensēt● into Fraunce the French Kyng to establishe the peace who went ouer with a small company By hyr mediation a peace was fullye finished to witte that the Kyng of Englande should giue to his eldest sonne Edwarde the Dukedome of
Aquitaine and the Earledome of Po●t●●e and that the French Kyng shoulde receyue homage of hym wherevpon Edwarde the Kings sonne wente ouer wyth a competent housholde aboute the feaste of Saint Mathewe and did homage vnder certaine protestations to his vncle the Frenche King Bennet of Fulham Iohn Cowson the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1325 Hamon Chickwel Peperer the. 28. of October Whiles the Quéene wyth hyr sonne remayned in Fraunce longer than the Kings pleasure was and would not come agayne wythout Roger Mortimer and other Nobles that were fledde out of Englande and especially for the hatred shée bare to the two Hughe Spencers the Kyng in displeasure banished them bothe and all other that toke theyr partes wherevppon manye fledde ouer the Seas to the Quéene amongst the whych was one a subtill Knyght Sir Robert Walkefare who slaying the Conestable of Corfe Castel brake from them where he had long line prisoner Sir Oliuer Ingham Knight whom the yong Duke Edwarde Oliuer Ingham hadde made kéeper of Aquitaine gathered a great armye and inuaded the prouince of Aniowe whiche the Frenche King contrarie to couenauntes dydde wythholde Anno reg 19 and broughte it wholby into the dominion of England Moreouer the kings Nauie tooke a hundred ships of the Normans and brought them into England for which cause gret hatred grew betwixt the two kings and their Realmes The Q. perceyuing that y ● nobles of France were corrupted with gifts sent out of Englād so that she could trust none of them secretly conueyed hir selfe and hir sonne to the Erle of Heynalde desiring ayde of him who receyued and intreated hyr very honourably so long as she remayned there Gilbert Mordon Iohn Cotto● the. 28 of September Sherifes Maior 1326 Richard Betaine Goldsmith the. 28. of October Isabel the Quéene made a mariage betwixt hir eldest son Edward and Phillip the Earles daughter of Heynalde and and then with hir sonne Edwarde Edmunde of Woodstocke Erle of Kent the kings brother Roger Mortimer and many other noble men that were fledde out of Englande and Iohn brother to the Earle of Heynalde being Captaine with stipedarie knightes out of Almaine and Henalde she toke the seas with all hir power whiche were to the number of MM. DCC LUII menne well armed and arriued at Vrewel or Orwel hauen besides Harwich in Essex about Michaelmasse whether immediately the Earle Marshal the Earle of Leicester the Bishops of Lincolne Hereforde Diuelyn Ely came and being ioyned to the Quéene made a great army Anno reg 20. Queene Isabel returned the other Bishops specially of Canturburie ayded hyr with mony When she had refreshed hir armye at Saint Edmondesburie she went forwardes pursuing hir enimies whose goods she applyed to hir owne vse The King requested ayde of the Citizens of London who made him aunsweare they woulde The King requested ayde with due obedience honour the King and Quéene and theyr sonne who was lawfull heyre to the Realme and that they woulde shut theyr gates against all forraine traytors of the Realme but they would not go out of their Citie to fighte except they might according to theyr liberties return home againe the same day before Sunne sette which when the K. hearde he fortified the Tower of London and lefte there hys Proclamation by the king yonger sonne Iohn of Eltham he caused also to be proclaimed that euery ●●● should resist them that were arriued and to inuade them to the vttermost of theyr powers the Quéene with hir some Edward and the Erle of Kent his brother only excepted and wholoeuer coulde bring the heade of Roger Mortimer shoulde haue a thousande pounde On the other s●●● it was proclaymed in the Quéenes behalfe that al men Proclimation by the Queene should haue good peace except the disturbers of the Realm to wit the Spencers y ● father and the son Robert Baldocke byshop of Norwich the kings Chancellour and theyr fautours whosoeuer did bring to the Quéen the head of Hugh Spencer shoulde haue a M. pound The Citizens of London without respect of any beheaded such as they took to be the Quéenes enimies among the whiche they beheaded one of their owne Citizens named Iohn Marshal bicause he was familiar with Hugh Spencer the yonger They toke also Maister Walter Stapleton Bishoppe of Excester and on the. xv day of Bishop of Excester beheaded October beheaded him the eight and twētith of March next following he was buried at Excester with great solemnitie and two of his seruauntes a squire and a yeoman named William Atwall and Iohn of Padington at the standerd in Cheape bycause as the saying was he had gathered a greate army to withstand the Quéene they did also wrest the keyes of the Tower of London out of the Conestables handes and deliuered al the prisoners Richard Rothing Roger Chaunteclere the. 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Saint Iames. Richard Britaine Goldsmith the 28. of October Thys Richarde Rothing Sherife builded the Parishe Church of Saint Iames at Garlike Hithe in London The Quéen besieged Bristow which was soone rēdered to The Queen besieged Bristovv hir and the morrow after hir cōmyng Hugh Spencer the elder was drawen hanged in his armour then beheaded Spencer the elder executed Wil. Pakington his body hanged vppe againe and after foure dayes cutte al to péeces and cast to the dogges to be eaten but his heade was sent to Winchester The King Hugh Spencer the yonger and Robert Baldocke determyned to flée into the I le of Lunday whiche is in the mouth of the riuer Seuerne twoo miles in length euery waye verye fruitefull pleasaunte and harde to conquer but beyng in greate daunger on the Sea the space of a The King taken Tho. de la More Alexan. Netha● wéeke at laste arriued in Wales where they were taken the sixtéenth daye of Nouember in the Monasterye of Neth The Kyng was committed to Henrie Earle of Lancaster his kinsman who broughte hym to Kellingworthe Castell The K. sent to Killingvvorth Hugh Spencer Robert Baldocke and Symon Readyn were broughte to the Quéene at Hereforde the Earle of Arundell Iohn Daniel and Thomas Muchelden by procurement of Roger Mortimer were beheaded before theyr comming Hugh Spencer was condemned without aunswere at Hereforde where he was drawen and hanged vppon a Spencer the yōger executed Gallowes thirtye foote hygh and then headed and quartered on the foure and twentith of Nouember Simon Reading was drawen and hanged on the same Gallowes but ten foote lower Robert Baldocke dyed in Newgate with manye torments These things beyng done the Quéene wyth hyr sonne Edwarde Roger Mortimer and other went to Wallingforde Castell a little before Christmasse and before the twelfth daye they came to London where they were ioyfully receyued On the morrowe after the sayde feaste they helde a Parliamente where by common decrée they elected Edwarde hys eldeste sonne and then sente in the name of
the whole Parliament thrée Bishoppes Iohn K. Edvvard the second deposed Stratforde Bishoppe of Winchester Adam Tarleton Byshoppe of Hereforde and Henrie Byshoppe of Lincolne two Earles two Abbottes foure Barons and euery Countie thrée Knightes c. vnto the Kyng at Kenilworthe Adam de Tarleton Byshoppe of Hereforde being the chiefe in malice dyd the message with many greate threates declaring vnto hym theyr election and required him to renounce the Kyngly dignitie and Crowne to hys sonne the Kyng aunsweared with teares that hée was very sorie that hée hadde behaued hymselfe so euill towardes the people of hys Kingdome but séeyng the matter was so vnrecouerable he prayed them all to forgiue hym and thanked them that they had chosen his eldest sonne The messengers renounce all homages and dueties due to Edwarde of Carnaruan late King and Thomas Blunte Knight stewarde of housholde brake hys rodde resigned hys office and shewed that the Kyngs housholdehad frée libertie to departe and then returned with the Kings aunswere and made the people ioyfull He was thus deposed when he had raigned nintéene yeares sixe monethes and odde dayes He was deliuered to the custodie of Henrie Earle of Leicester and one hundred markes the moneth allowed for his charges in Kellingworth Castell ¶ King Edward the thirde EDvvarde the thirde borne at Windsor abonte the age of xiiij yeares after the deposing of hys Father beganne his raigne the Anno reg 1 xxv day of Januarie in the yeare of our Lorde 1326. He was crowned at Westminster on the first day of February by Walter Reignalds Archbishoppe of Canturburie This Prince was endued with passing beautie and fauour of wit prouident circumspect and gētle of nature of excellent modestie and temperaunce He aduaunced such persons to dignities as did most excel other in innocencie of life In feates ● de la More Gual Baker of Swinbroke of armes he was very expert as the noble enterprises by hym atchieued doe well declare At the beginning of hys raigne he was chiefely ordered by hys mother Isabel vnto whome was assigned so greate a Dowrie that the thyrde parte of the Kyngdome didde scantelye remayne to hyr sonne The inhabitauntes of the Towne of Burie in Suffolke Regester of Burie Iohn Prigton The Abbay of Burie spoyled assembled themselues in warlike manner on Saint Lukes daye last before passed in the twentith yeare of Edward the seconde and besiged the Abbey of Burie brent the gates bet wounded y ● Monkes bare out of the Abbey al the Gold siluer ornamentes bookes Charters and other writings with the assay of their coyne stampes and all other thyngs pertayning to their minte and all other goods as Brasse Pewter Iron Leade c. They also brent many houses about the Abbey and in the Town pertayning to the Abbot with his manours in Berton Packenham Rugham Oldhaw Hernigesburie Newton Whipsted Westle Riseby Ingham Ferneham Redwel Haberdon and others with all the corne in the same manours and droue awaye the horsses oxen kine swine shéepe c. They drewe y e monks out of theyr Abbey put them in prisons and after brought them againe to theyr Chapter house where they forced them to search Charters at theyr pleasure c. For the whiche factes the malefactours were this yeare by vertue of the Kings commission directed to Thomas Earle of Norffolke Commons of Burie executed Marshall of Englande Thomas Bardolfe and others apprehēded and conuicted nintéene of them wer hanged and one pressed to death After this the whole inhabitauntes of the Towne for that they had not stayde the malefactours of their enterprise in y ● beginning as they might haue done wer amerced to pay y e Abbot toward his damages 140000. pounde Neuerthelesse the Abbot and Couent at the kings request who was there present with his nobilitie forgaue and remitted to them 122333. pounde sixe shillings eight Burie amerced perice of the summe and for the rest vsed suche fauour that if they truely payde 2000. markes in twentie yeares following and obserued their couenaunts for good order and quietnesse they forgaue them all the rest About thys time the like stir was made againste the Record ecclesia Christi Cantu Monkes of Canterburie whereof I fynde recorded as followeth King Edward preparing an army into Scotland commāded the Baylifes and Citizens of Canterburie to furnish him twelue horssemen and sende them to Nowcastel towarde which charge the Citizens required ayde of the Monkes who aunswered them that without the assent of the Kyng and theyr Archbishoppe they would not agrée therevnto for so much as the Kings of Englande had founded theyr churche in frée and perpetuall almes Wherevpon William Chilham Baylife and many commons of the Citie assembled themselues in the Preaching Friers Churchyarde conspired and sware against the Monkes as followeth 1 That they would ouerthrow the pentises windowes and milne belonging to the Monkes 2 That no Citizen should dwell in any house belonging to the Monks 3 That all rents belonging to the Monkes of Canterburie should be gathered to the vse of the commons 4 That no man shoulde sende or sel to the Monkes anye victuals 5 That they should sell all the horsses and beasts y ● came into the Citie with cariage to the Monkes 6 That al such Monks as came forth of their house shold be spoyled of their garments 7 That a trench shoulde be cast to stop all men from going in or comming out 8 That euery Pilgrime shold at his entring swere that he should make no offering 9 Also that euerye of those commons aforesayde should weare on their finger a ring of golde of those that belonged to Thomas Becket Syr Iohn the Earles brother of Henalt came to helpe Cro. Pet. Coledge Edwarde the thirde againste the Scottes with fiue hundred men of armes whiche Henawders and the Englishmen fell out by chaunce on Trinitie Sonday at Yorke where 80. of the Lincolnshire men were slaine and buried vnder a stone in S. Clements Churchyarde in Fosegate The King wente againste the Scottes that were entred Iourney tovvards scotland Englande as farre as Stanhope Parke in Wardale where they were besieged thrée dayes but they escaped Iames Douglas one night secretly entring the English campe came néere to the kings tent to haue taken or slain him but his Chaplein being a bolde man and well armed with some other beyng slaine he with much adoe got backe vnhurte Isabel the Quéene being perswaded that the Earle of Leicester too muche fauoured the olde King hyr husbande Tho. de la More Walter Barker of Swinebroke through the subtile deuise of hyr scholemaster Adam Tarleton Bishop of Hereforde appointed that Thomas Gornay and Iohn Maltrauers Knightes hauing receyued him into theyr custody should carrie him about whether they would so that none of hys well willers shoulde haue accesse vnto him or vnderstand where he made any long abode These brought him out by nighte from Kenilworth and
Northampton 1228 Peace vvith the Scottes shameful peace was made betwixt the Englishmen and Scots so that Dauid the sonne of Robert Bruis scarce seuen yeres olde married Ioan of the Tower king Edwardes sister at Berwike the twelfth of July Also the king made the Scottes charters the tenour whereof was vnknowen to the Englishmen but al was done as it pleased the olde Quéene Roger Mortimer and Iames Dowglas The Scottes made manye tannting times against the Englishmen for the fond disguised apparel by them at that time vsed amongst the which was fastened vppon the Church doores of Saint Peter towardes Stangate Long beardes hartlesse Scottish taunts Painted hoodes vvitlesse Gay coates gracelesse Makes England thriftlesse Adam Tarleton was made Bishop of Worcester In a Parliament at Salisburie the K. made thrée Erles Parliament at Satisburie Iohn of Eltam his brother Earle of Cornewal Roger Mortimer Earle of the March and Iames Butler of Ireland Earle of Ormond From this Parliament the Earle of Lancaster y e Lord Wake Henrie Beamonde Earle Marshal and other noble men did absent thēselues not being far off frō thence in armour for the whiche the King was highly displeased notwithstanding in Sommer following they submitted themselues vnto the Kyngs mercy séekyng his fauour Simon Fraunces Henrie Combmartin the. 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Iohn Grantham the. 28. of October Certaine men of this land to y ● intent to try what friends K. Edvvard the seconde bruted to be aliue they had in England craftily deuised that Edward the second king of England was aliue in the Castell of Gorffe but not to bée séene in the daye time and therefore they vsed manye nightes to make shewes and maskyng wyth dauncing vpon the towers and Wals of the Castel which being perceyued by people of the countrey it was thoughte there had bin some great king vnto whom they dyd these greate solemnities this rumour was spredde ouer all Englande to witte that the olde King was aliue whence it came to passe that the Earle of Kent sente thyther a Fryer Precher to trye the truth of the matter who as it was thought hauing corrupted the Porter of the Castell with rewardes is Anno reg 3. let in where he lay all the day in the Porters lodge verye close and whē night was come he was willed to put on y ● habit of a lay mā and then was brought into the Hal wher he saw as he thought Edwarde the Father of the king sitting royally at supper with great maiestie This Frier being thus perswaded returned againe to the Earle of Kente and reported as he thought what he saw whervpon y ● Erle saide and affirmed with an othe that he would indeauoure by all the meanes he coulde to deliuer his brother from prison The same yeare at the earnest request of some the king 1329 held a Parliament at Winchester where by procurement of the olde Quéene and Roger Mortimer the sayde Earle of Parliament at VVinchester Kent and manye other noble men and religious persons to witte the prouincials of the white Carmilit Friers and of the blacke Preaching Friers and Frier Richarde Wliten were accused of conspiracie touching as it was sayde the deliuerye of the Kings Father which matter although it were but deuised fantasie and a méere lye yet the sayde Earle for certaine confessions whyche he made and for certayne letters which were founde about him was there beheaded The other to wit y ● prouincials of the Predicants Erle of Kent the kings vncle beheaded at VVinchester Carmilites were banished but the Bishop of London was set at libertie Robert de Taunton Priest and some certain Carmilite Friers and predicants were condemned to perpetual prison The death of the sayde Earle was the lesse lamented bycause his familye and seruauntes had aboue measure afflicted the commons in taking vp things as they trauayled at the Kings price paying nothing or verye lyttle for it Richarde Lazer Wyllyam Gisours the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Richarde Swanland the 28. of October There was a Parliament holden at Notingham where Roger Mortimer was in suche glorie and honoure that it was without all comparison No man durst name him any other than Earle of Marche a greater rowt of men wayted at his héeles than on the Kings person he would suffer the King to rise to him and would walke with y ● King equally step by step chéeke by chéeke neuer preferring y ● King but would go formost himselfe with his Officers he greatly rebuked the Earle of Lancaster cousin to the Kyng for that withoute hys consent hée appointed certayne lodgings for Noble men in the Towne demaundyng who made him so bolde to take vppe lodgings so nighe vnto the Quéene wyth whyche wordes the Conestable béeyng greatelye feared appoynted lodging for the Earle of Lancaster one myle oute of the Towne and lykewise were lodged the Earle of Hereforde Iohn de Bohune of Estsex highe Conestable of Englande and others By whyche meanes a contention rose among the Noblemen and greate murmuring among the common people who sayde that Roger Mortimer the Quéenes Paragon and the Kyngs Mayster sought all the means he could to destroy the Kyngs bloude and to vsurpe the Regall Maiestie whyche reporte troubled muche the Kyngs friendes to wéete William Mountacute and other who for the safegarde of the Kyng sware themselues to be true to his person and drew vnto them Robert de Hollande who hadde of long tyme béene chiefe kéeper of the Castell vnto whome all secreate corners of the same were knowne Then vppon a certayne night the Kyng lying without the Castel bothe he and his friendes were brought by Torchlight through a secrete waye vnder ground beginning far off from y ● said Castell til they came euen to the Quéenes Chamber whyche they by chaunce found open they therfore beyng armed with naked swords in their hāds went forwards leauing the King also armed without the dore of the Chamber least that his mother should espie him they which entred in slew Hugh Turpinton Knighte who resisted them Mayster Iohn Neuell of Horneby giuing him his deadly wound From thence they went toward the Quéene mother whome they found with the Earle of March readie to haue gone to bedde and hauing taken the sayde Earle they ledde him out into the Hall after whome the Quéene followed crying Bele fits bele fits ayes pitie de gentil Mortimer Good sonne good son take pitie vpon gentle Mortimer for she suspected that hir sonne was there though she saw him not Then are the keyes of the Castell sent for and euery place with all the furniture is yéelded vp into the Kings hands but in suche secret wise that none without the Castell except the Kings friends vnderstoode thereof The next day in the morning very early they bring Roger Mortimer and other his friēds taken with him with an horrible shout and crying the Earle of Lancaster then blind being
lēgth one Robert Ven●●e Knight a Nonffolke man requesting licence of the King being armed with his sword drawne marcheth toward the Champion méeting by the way a certayne blacke mastife Dogge Turnebull a callenger ouercome in combate which wayted on the Champion whome with his sworde he suddaynely strake and cut him off at his loynes at the sight whereof the mayster of the Dogge slayne was much abashed and in his battayle more warie and fearefull whose left hande and head also afterwarde this worthye Knight cut off After this Combate both the armies met but they fighting scarce halfe an houre certayne of the Scottes béeing slayne they closed their armie which was in thrée all into one battayle but at length fléeing the King followed them taking and chacing them into lakes and pittes for the space of fiue miles There were slayne of them eyght Earles 1300. Horsemen and of common Souldioures 35000. at a place by Berwike called Bothull néere vnto Halidon In the meane season the Scottes had beséeged the Castell of Kambrugh in which at that time the Quéene was but when they heard of the victorie aforesaid they lefte the séege and fledde The Townesmen of Berwike yéelded to the King Edvvarde vvan Barvvike King of England both the Castell and the Towne who placing garrisons there he sent Edward Baylioll and other nobles to kéepe the Realme of Scotland Earle Patritius in the next Parliament holden at Yorke made fealtie and did homage vnto the King by oth who receyued of the King for yéelding vp of Berwike vnto him many honors and preferments notwithstanding this Earle returned againe to Rebellion who holding Dunbar against the King was beséeged by William Mountacute Earle of Salisburie This yeare William Elsing Mercer of London obteyning Rising Spittle 1. Leyland the Kings licence made a new Hospitall of an olde house of Nunnes by Creeplegate within the wall of London ●iber trinitate and placing Chanons Regular there he became their first Priour endowing the same with Lands for the reléefe of the poore and impotent Nicholas Pike Iohn Husband the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Preston Draper the 28. of October Adam Tarleton first Bishop of Hereford then of Worcester Anno reg 7. is now translated to Winchester Edward Bayholl King of Scottes held a Parliamente at 1333 Gallowey to the which came the noble men of Englande and made clayme for their landes and possessions whiche they had in Scotland and so returned peaceably into their Countrey King Edward kept his Christmas at Wallingford The Quéene was deliuered of a daughter named Isabell at Wodstoke The King sommoned a Parliamente to be holden at Yorke the same to begin on Monday the seconde wéeke of Lent to the which Parliament the King of Scottes called Conquerour although he were warned to be there yet he came not but sent messengers to excuse him to wéete Henry de Bellemount and William Montacute Earles certaine other Barons and Knightes who signified that the King of Scottes Conquerour coulde not be there withoute great danger for that certaine Scottes lay in the Ilands ready to do him domage At the feast of Saint Iohn Baptist the said King of Scottes King of Scottes did homage Conquerour did his homage to King Edward of England at Newcastell vpon Tine and not long after that King Edward tooke homage of the Duke of Briteine for the Earledome of Richmont In a Parliament at London it was tolde the King that the Scottes had taken Richard Talbot sixe other knightes and had slayne many footemen wherefore the King tooke a fiftéenth of the Laytie and a tenth of the Cleargie to the intente the malice of the Scottes mought bée brideled Iohn Hamond William Hausard the 28 of September Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Poultney Draper the 28 of October King Edwarde wente toward the Marches of Scotland and wintered in those coastes but vnderstanding that the Earle Dassels was trayterously turned to the Scots Henry Bellemount beséeged by the Scottes he entred Scotland and reysed the séege and then kept his Christmas at Roxborow Anno reg 8. Presently after the feast of the Epiphany the French King sente messengers to King Edward to wéete the Bishop of Aur enges and certayne Lordes to treate a peace for the Scottes who wayted for an answere in Englande till Midlent and then at Nottingham a truce was granted vnto them vntill the feast of Saint Iohn next comming that in the meane time a Parliament might be holden of matters 1334 concerning peace and the state of both the Kingdomes in which Parliament holden at Yorke it was decréed that the King shoulde passe with his armie through Scotlande beyond the Scottish Seas the which thing was quickly performed and done but the Scottes desirous to fight a fielde they fayned that they woulde haue peace to obteyne the which many came aboute the feast of Saint Michaell and chiefely the Earle of Dascels wherevpon it came to passe that afterward the Earle of Morefe being taken prisoner at Edenborough was sente to be kept prisoner in England and Richard Talbot was ransomed for two thousand fiue hundred Markes but the Earle of Dascels willing to shew that he was truly reuolted to the King of England rode againste the Scottes at the séege of a certayne Castell and falling into the hands of his enimies bycause he woulde not yéeld he was slayne with thirtéene of his men After the feast of Saint Michaell the King continuing still in the Marches of Scotlande was dayly entreated by messengers from the French King concerning some peace to be made About the feast of Saint Martine Edwarde Bohune a noble man was drowned in the marches of Scotland for as he was driuing a bootie of Cattell ouer a Riuer he felte himselfe in danger causing his guide to ride before hym through the water where through the smoothnesse of the stone whereon the water ranne his guide not being able to take sure footing fell downe with his mayster being armed and before any help could come they were drowned in the bottome of the Channell Iohn Archbishop of Canterburie went ouer the Sea to Phillip de Valoys King of France requesting of him the continuance of peace and amitie betwixt the two Kingdomes to be mainteyned Secondly that all Townes and Castels taken before time by his father should be restored to the King of England Thirdly that the sayde French King should sweare neuer to giue ayde to the Scottes agaynst the King of Englande vnder which conditions the two Kings of both Realmes shoulde prepare to trauell towardes the holy lande and to fight agaynst the enimies of Christ But the French King accompted the King of Englande not worthie of his friendship so long as he continued warres against the Scottes his friendes whome he sayde were iust men Unto the seconde petition he woulde not otherwise consente therevnto than if all charges were repayde agayne which his father Charles de
Valoys layde out in the warres of Gascoigne Thirdly he sayde that he was a friend and louer of iustice and equitie whiche he woulde neuer swarue from neyther for friendship nor affinitie but he woulde by all meanes he could molest and vex all breakers of the peace of the Kingdome of Scotland for saith he there shall neuer be perfecte peace and quietnesse among Christians before the King of Fraunce sitte in place of Judgement for the right of the Kingdomes of France England and Scotland Iohn Kingston Walter Turke the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Reignald at Conduct Vintner the 28. of October Part of the Uniuersitie of Oxford wente to Stamforde Ro. de Auesbery bycause of a variance that fell betwéene the Northerne and Southerne Schollers Upon Saint Clements night through abundance of waters Anno reg 9. but specially in the Thamis all the Cattell and beastes néere therevnto were drowned and the land made 1335 vnfruitefull by salte waters King Edwarde had a tenth of the Cleargie and also ●● the burgesses and a fiftéenth of the commons About the feast of Pentecost he helde a Parliament at Parliament at Northampton Tho. de la More Northampton where leauing the Prelates states and commons debating about matters himselfe secretely rode to Berwike and there taking with him a few men of armes he went to Saint Iohns Towne whiche he strengthned wyth trench and rampire and sente his Earles with the King Conquerour to make an inrode vpon the Countrey and to sée what Scottes they could finde would resist them but Ro. de Auesbery none durst abide their comming but hidde themselues in hilles wooddes and marishes and in the meane tyme many Earles and Barons came and submitted themselues to King Edward vpon conditions as followeth These be the poyntes agréed betwixt the counsell of the Kings of England and Scotland on the one partie and Alexander Mowbrey Geffrey Mowbrey Godfrey de Roos William Bulloke and Eustace de Loreyne hauing full power from Dauid Stravulgi Earle of Dassels and Robert Steward of Scotland to treate accorde and affirme all poyntes enterparled and to be enterparled betwixt the sayde Kings and the Earle and Stewarde as appeareth by their letters patents of eyther partie First it is accorded that the sayd Earle Dassels the great men and all other of the communaltie of Scotlande whiche shall come in the same conditions shal haue life and member lands and tenements fées and offices within Scotland which they ought to haue by inheritance or right those except which shall be surprised by common assent Item that they shall be pardoned of emprisonmente and of all manner trespasses by them done in the Realmes of England and Scotland from the beginning of the world vnto the date of these presents Item the Earle Dassels and Alexander Mowbrey shall haue landes tenementes possessions and fées in Englande which they had at their departure after the homage done at Newcastell vpon Tine Item that the franchises of the Churche in Scotlande shall be mainteyned after the auntiente vsage of Scotlande Item that the lawes of Scotland in Borough Townes Shriuewikes within the landes of the King of Scotlande be vsed after the antient vsages and custome of Scotland as they were vsed in the dayes of King Alexander Item that the offices of Scotland be ministred by people of the same Nation yet notwithstanding that alwayes the king of Scotland may put such officers in as shal please him of what nation soeuer they be Item that all those that within the conditions of the Earle Dassels haue landes within the landes of the King of England in Scotland shall haue agayne the same landes tenements possessions offices and fées as they had them at their departure after their homage done at Newcastell vpon Tine except those that shall be forprised by common assent Item that if they be empleded for their landes and tenements a●oresayd that they haue their defences and recoueries in Court where they ought to haue Item as touching the demaund which the Earle Dassels claymeth that the King of England ought to acquite his lands in England which he hath in gage for eyght hundred markes the King neyther ought nor will do it but as touching the Manour of Byphingdone which the said Earle layd to pledge for two hundred and fiftie poundes it is accorded that if the sayde Earle do come within one yeare after the date of these presents and will acquite the Manoure the King shall cause that hée haue the same Manoure Item as touching the Castell and Lands of Chilham it is accorded that the sayde Earle be in the same point that hée was before at hys departure and haue hys recouerie by lawe and the Kyng promiseth in good fayth that he will cause that he may haue the land without delaying eyther partie And touching the lands which the sayde Earle claymeth to haue in Norffolke of the which he hathe Charters it is accorded that hys Charte●● béeyng séene of the Kinges Counsell he wyll doe reason ●●em that in case any man surmise treason vpon the sayd Earle he may defend himselfe by his body according to the lawes and vsages of Scotland and on the march●● and that all those that be within these conditions haue the like graunt Item as to the pardon which William Ramsey Knight demandeth for the trespasse by him done to William Lorde Mountagew to wéete for beating downe his Castell of Haghtordone the same William shall be readie to do according to that that shall be aduised by the Kings of England and Scotland Item that the sayd Stacie de Lorayne haue his landes and tenements which he ought to haue within the Realme of Scotland and if any man haue trespassed towardes him he shall haue his recouerie by law Written at S. Iohns Towne in Scotlande the eightéenth of August Anno 1335. Walter Mordon Richard Vpton the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Nicholas Wutton the 28. of October Phillip Quéene of England did beare hir second sonne named Wyllyam at Hatfielde who shortlye after dyed Aboute the feast of the Epiphany the King and the Anno reg 10 Archbishoppe returned out of Scotland to the buryall of Iohn of Eltham Earle of Cornewall brother vnto the King who deceassed at Berwike in the moneth of October and was buryed at Westminster At whiche time 1336 Parliament at London Duke and Erles created W. Sheepeshed the King kepte a Parliamente at London whiche beganne on the Monday after Saint Matthies day and on the firste Sundaye in Lente hée made hys eldest sonne Edwarde Earle of Chester and Duke of Cornewall Tho. de la More He made also sixe other Earles Henry of Lancaster sonne to Henry Earle of Lancaster Earle of Darby Hugh Audley Earle of Glocester William Bohune Earle of Northhampton William Montacute Earle of Salisburie William Clinton Earle of Huntingdon Robert Vffurd Earle of Suffolke to the which Robert he at that time gaue the manor of
Base court in the parish of Saint Giles without Cripplegate of Ba●bican at London London commonly called to this day the Barbicane bycause in old time y e same had bin a Burgekening or watchtower for the Citie The same day the King made twentie Knightes to Wil. Shepeshead wéete Sir Edward Mountacute Thomas Somarton Sir Isle Sir Darcy Richard Sir Damuory Sir Iohn Poultney Sir de Mere Roger Banant Roger Hilary Sir Bolingbroke Sir Butterell Sir Simon Swanland William Scotte William Basset Robert Sodington William Zoustes Sir Cogshall Roger Sangrauile Thomas de la More mine Authoure Tho. de la More and Iohn Strache In the same Parliament it was enacted that no wooll growing within the Realme of England should be transposed VVooll forbidden to be conuayed ouer the Seas out of the same but that it should be made into cloth in England and that all Fullers Weauers and Clothworkers of euery degrée being sufficiently instructed and cunning Priuiledges giuen to Clothvvorkers in their arte from what Countrey so euer they came into England should receyue and enioy certayne priuiledges yea and moreouer should liue at the Kings charges out of the Exchequer vntill they had prouided commodiouslie to liue by their art Although this Statute séemed at the beginning to be nothing profitable yet in short time the arte of clothing increased so much thereby that it was twentie times more vsed than before Also it was enacted that no man should after that time buy any cloth that was made beyond the Sea and that none should weare any Furres but such as might dispend one hundred pound by yeare Iohn Clarke William Curteis the 28 of September Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Poultney Draper the 28 of October After the feast of Saint Michaell a Parliament was holden Tho. de la More Anno reg 11 1337 at London and a Connocation was assembled by the Archbishop wherein the Cleargie graunted a tenth for thrée yeares and the commons a fiftenth in consideration of the Kings warres which was hote in Scotlande and also to resist the French King who made great bragges and shewed great crueltie for he outlawed slew and emprisoned all Englishmen and confiscated the goodes and Cattayles of all that were found in his Kingdome of France threatning that he would be reuenged for his friendes the Scottes Moreouer he left not so muche as one Towne or Castell in the Counties of Aquitayne or of Poyters that was not seized into his handes wherevpon King Edward sente into Brabant to take vp all the woolles whiche Merchants had brought thither and made sale thereof for readie money He also wrote Letters to the French King exhorting him that he woulde continue his olde amitie Sir Walter Many béeing the Embassadour for the King of Englande and desirous to reuenge the bloud of two Englishmen that were slayne comming a lande for freshe water in a certayne Islande called the I le of Agnes nigh vnto Flanders he caused all that hée founde in the sayde Island to be put to the sworde and tooke prisoner the Earle of Flanders brother who was Captayne of the I le Certayne of the Island men béeing fled into a Church Tho. Wals●●g were brent to the number of thrée thousande with the Church and all by the Welchmen The warres b●eing thus as aforesayde begonne betwixte the two Kingdomes the rumour thereof came vnto the Court of Rome wherevpon the Pope sent two Cardinalles for the reformation and ordering of the peace betwixte the two Kingdomes who comming to Westminster declared before the King the cause of their comming wherevnto the King answered that although without all reason they dyd séeme to restreyne hym of right and equitie for that hée ought to succéede into the Kingdome of hys forefathers the whyche hys aduersarie Phillip de Valoys dyd denye hym expelling murthering and emprisoning hys people and taking away the Dukedome of Aquitayne and Earledome of Poyters without cause maynteyning the Scottes and other Rebelles agaynste hym yet these iniuries notwithstanding hée was contented if they coulde take order for the quiet enioying of Aquitayne and other fées belonging vnto hym whiche hys predecessoures did enioy Moreouer for the dismissing of all ayde that the French King shoulde gyue vnto the Scottes at any tyme of Rebellion for the which he offered his money and also the mariage of his eldest sonne and also to resigne all suche rites and interest that he hadde to the Kyngdome of France The Cardinalles béeyng greately comforted with this aunswere departed hoping that all warres were nowe ended They tooke with them Iohn the Archbishoppe of Canterburie Richarde Bishoppe of Durham and Geffrey Lorde Scrope who altogyther wente on message with the Kynges aunswere to the Frenche Kyng hauing full authoritie to treate and conclude à peace These béeing so reasonable offers coulde not pacifye the furious minde of the Frenche King who reposed greate trust in the Scottes hopyng by them and through theyr meanes quite to dispossesse and to disherite the King of England of all the title he had Walter Neale Nicholas Crane the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Henry Darcy the 28. of October The King caused to confiscate all the goodes of the Lonibards and also of the Monkes of the order of Cluny and Cisteaux through the whole Realme The King tooke wooll to a certaine number of Sackes Anno reg 12 at a low price in euery Countrey the number that was set vpon Staffordshire was sixe hundred sackes price nine markes the sacke of good wooll but nothing was payde First the wooll was vniuersally taken Secondly for the halfe in whose hands soeuer it were founde as well Merchāts as other And the third time the King tooke a fiftenth of the comminalty to be payde in wooll price of euery stone contayning fourtéene pound two shillings The King appointed also all the Corne and glebe lands 1338 to serue for his warres About Saint Margarets day King Edward with Quéene Ro. Auesbery Philip his wife and a great army passed the Seas with a Nauie of 500. sayle of Shippes into Flanders and ●● to Cullen The fourth of October fiftie Galleys well manned and South-hampton sacked and brēt by the French ●irats furnished came to Southampton about nine of the clocke and sacked the Towne the Townesmen running away for feare by the breake of the next day they which fledde by helpe of the Countrey there about came againste the Pirats and fought with them in the whiche skirmish were slayne to the number of thrée hundred Pirates togither with their Captayne a yong Souldioure the King of Sicils sonne To this yong man the French King had giuen whatsoeuer he got in the Kingdome of England but he béeing beaten downe by a certayne man of the Countrey cried Rancon notwithstanding the husbandman layde him on with his clubbe till he had slayne hym speaking these words yea quoth he I know well ynough thou art a Fran●on
and Fraunce whiche matter notwithstanding doth not much displease vs for y ● he is descended from the weaker side of our kin and therfore as being a Batcheller we woulde be content to graunt him licence to beare part of our armes of Fraunce but wheras in his seales and letters patents he nameth hymself as well King of Englande as of Fraunce and doth set the firste quarter of his armes with Leopardes before the quarter of Liles it doth grieue vs very muche making apparaunt to the beholders that the little Islande of Englande is to be preferred before the great kingdome of France Unto whom sir Iohn of Shordich knighte made aunswere that it was the custome of men in those dayes to set the title and armes of theyr progenitors before the armes and title of the righte descending of their mother and thus of dutie and reason Anno reg 14 sayde he doth my Lord the King of Englande preferre hys armes King Edwarde being thus busied the Mariners of the Cinque Ports embarked themselues in Pinaces and smal beates wel appointed who after the feast of S. Hillarie arriued at Bononie vpō the sea coast the weather being so cloudie and darke that they could scarsely be perceyued to be in the hauen they brent in the lower towne nintéene galleys and four great shippes and twentie small boates with all theyr tackling and all suche houses as were scituate nyghe to the sea cost amongst which was one great house full of dares sayles weapons and other necessaries sufficiente to furnish ninetéene galleys and men for thē at y e length in a skirmish betwixt the townes men and the Englishmen many of the land men were slaine About the beginning of Februarie king Edwarde returned into Englande came vnto Gaunt where the Quéene lay Iohn of Gaunt Parliament a● VVestminster 1340 in childbed of hir fourth sonne named Iohn he helde a Parliament at Westminster wherein the Temporalty granted hym euery ninth fléece of Wool euery ninth lambe and euery ninth sheafe of all sorts of corne and the cleargie gaue him a newe tenth Immediatety after Easter the Earles of Salisburie and Suffolke being accompanyed but with a fewe men gaue an assault to the Towne of Lile in Flaunders which Town was confederate with the French King but they chasing the Frēch men too far within the gates the Percolices being let fal they were beset with a multitude of men of armes and being taken they were conueyed into Fraunce fettered and shackeled with yron although they had ●●orne to be true prisoners they were drawen in a Cart through the middest of euery Citie Towne Uillage and Hamlet with greate shoutes and cryes rayling on them and at length béeing brought to the presence of the French King he woulde haue most shamefully slaine them had he not bin otherwise perswaded by the counsel of the King of Boemia King Edward kept his Whitsontide at Ipswich for that he intended from thence to take his passage into Flaunders but being certified that the French king had sent a great Nauie of Spanish ships and also the whole fléete of Fraunce to stoppe his passage he caused his ships of the Cinque Ports and other to be assembled so that he had in his fléete great and small 260. shippes Wherefore on the Thursdaye before the matiuity of Saint Iohn Baptist hauing a prosperous winde he began to sayle and the nexte daye in the euen of the sayde feaste they escried the French Fléete lying in Swine Hauen Wherefore the King caused all his Fléete to come to Ancker The next day being the feast of S. Iohn Baptist ●arly in the morning the French Fléet deuided themselues into thrée parts and remoued themselues as it were a myle approching towards the kings Fléete Whiche when the king perceyued about nine of the clocke hauing the winde and sunne on his backe set forwarde and met his enimies as he woulde haue wished wherewithall the whole fléete gaue a terrible shoute and a showre of arrowes out of long woodden bowes so powred downe on the French men that thousandes were slaine in that méeting at length they closed and came to hand blowes with Pikes Powle ax●s swordes and some threw stones from the toppes of shippes wherewith many were brained The greatnesse and heigth of the Spanish shippes caused many English men to strike many a stroke in vaine but to be short the French shippes being ouercome and al the men spente of the firste parte the Englishmen entred and tooke them The French shippes were chayned togyther in suche sort that they coulde not be separated one from another so that a fewe Englishmen kepte that part of the Fléete wherfore they set vpon the second ward and with greate difficultie gaue the charge whiche being done was sooner ouercome than the firste for that the French men leauing their ships many of them leapt ouer borde The Englishmen hauing thus ouercome the first and seconde parte of the Fléete and now hauing night drawyng on partly for want of light and partly for that they were wearie they determined to take some rest till the next morning wherefore that night xxx shippes of the thirde crewe fled awaye and a greate shippe called the Iames of Deepe thinking to haue carried away a certaine ship of Sandwiche belonging to the Prior of Canterburie was stayde for the Saylers so stoutely defended themselues by the helpe of the Earle of Huntingdon that they saued themselues and theyr ship from the Frenchmen The fight continued al the night and in the morning the Normans being ouercome and takē there wer found in the shippe aboue 400 men slaine Moreouer the king vnderstanding that xxx ships were fledde hée sent fortie ships well appointed to followe them ouer the which he made Iohn Crabe gouernour but what good spéede he had is not knowen In the firste companye of shippes that were taken they founde these conquered shippes the Denise the George the Christopher and the blacke Cocke all whiche ships were taken by Erenchmen at Sluce and carried into Normandie The number of shippes of warre that were taken was about 200. and. 30. barges the number of enimies slaine and drowned were aboue fiue and twentie thousande and of Englishmen about foure thousand among whom were foure Knightes sir Thomas Mortimer the Kings cousin sir Thomas Latimer his son sir William Butteler of Seortkorne and sir Thomas Poynings About the same time the Scots came with a great power into Englande burning and spoyling all the Marches by fire and sworde and when they were returning wyth a great bootie of Cattayle they were neuer withstoode by the Nobilitie of the Marches but the common people wold not suffer them so to passe set vpon them toke theyr bootie from them and slewe manye of them and toke more than 80. Scots of good reputation whome they kept from raunsome for the whiche fact the Noble menne of the Marches were highly displeased About Lammas certaine French Pirats gaue an assault
to the I le of Wight and sodainly entred it but sir Peter Russel Knight méeting them with the people of that I le put them backe again and made them to flée staying manye of them in the which skirmish the sayde knight was wounded wherof he dyed These Pirates sayled thēce toward the coast of Deuonshire and comming to Teygnemouth they sette fire on the Towne and brent it from thence they sayled towardes Plimouth which towne was so defended that they coulde not hurte it but burnt the farmes and fayre places nigh adioyning and toke a knight prisoner whom they caried with them The same yeare king Edward besieged Turney but vpon entreatie made by the Frenche a truce was taken from Michaelmasse til midsommer wherfore the king comming to Gaunt in Flaunders stayed there looking for money out of England which came not Adam Lucas Bartholmew Maris the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Andrew Auburie Grocer the. 28 of October King Edwarde with eight of his men fayning that hée woulde ride abrode for his pleasure secretly came into ●elande where taking shippe after he had sayled thrée dayes and thrée nightes on Saint Andrewes day at night aboute the Cock crowing he entred the Tower of Londō by water being wayted on by the Earle of Northampton Nicholas Cātilopo Reignalde Cobham Giles de Bello Campo Iohn de Bello Campo Knightes William Killesby and Phillippe Weston Priestes earely in the morning he sent for his chācellour treasurer and Justices then being at London and the Bishop of Chichester being his Chauncellour and the Bishop of Couentrie his Treasurer he put out of office minding also to haue sent them into Flaunders to haue ben pledges for money he owed there but the Bishoppe of Chichester declared vnto him what daunger might insue to hym by the Canons of the Churche whervpon the King dismissed them out of the Tower but as concerning the high Justices to witte Iohn Lorde Stoner Robert Lord Willowby William Lorde Scharshel and especially Nicholas Lord Bech who before that time was Lieutenant of the Tower of London and sir Iohn Molens Knight with certaine marchaunt men as Iohn Poultney William Pole and Richard his brother and the Chauncellours chiefe Clearkes to witte Maister Iohn de Saint Paule Michael Wathe Henrie Stafforde and certaine of the Exchequer as Maister Iohn Thorpe with many other moe the king commaunded to be imprisoned some in one place some in another neyther woulde he suffer them to be discharged thence til hée were throughlye pacified of his anger conceyued for not sendyng the money whiche shoulde haue serued at the siege of Torney This yeare about Christmas Henrie Bishoppe of Lincolne and Geffrey Lord Scrope chiefe Justiciar to the kyng and his chiefe Counseller dyed at Gaunt Anno reg 15 King Edwarde kept his Christmasse at Gildforde and after that a great Justing at Reading Also at Candlemasse hée kept a greate iusting at Langley for the honor of the noble men of Vascon●a which he trayned vp there in feates of war He made Robert de Boursier Knight Lord Chancellour of Englande and Robert Parnike Knighte Treasurer the one to succéede the other Also he sent out Justiciars that Iustice of Tral● baston shoulde set in euerye shire to enquyre concerning the collectours of the tenthes and fiftéenthes and of wools and to ouersée al officers And bicause the Citie of London would not suffer that any such officers should set as Justices within theyr Citie as inquisitours of suche matters contrarie to theyr liberties the King prouided that those Justices shoulde holde theyr Sessions in the Tower of London to make inquisition of the domages of the Londoners but bycause the Londoners woulde not aunswere there vntill theyr liberties were fully confirmed neyther anye suche confirmation coulde be had eyther of the King or his Chauncellour touching Writs and Charters in the Towre there rose thereof suche a greate tumulte that the Justicies appointed there to sit fayned that they woulde holde no session there till after Easter Wherevpon the king being highly offended for the sayde tumult and desirous to know the names of them that had raysed it coulde not vnderstande but that they were certaine meane persons who claymed theyr liberties wherevpon the King being pacified of his troubled minde forgaue all the offences committed by the Londoners the Justices breaking vp all theyr sitting touching the sayde place 1●41 Parliament at London This yeare within the quindene of Easter a Parliamente was holden at London wherein the Earles and nobles of the Realme with the commons and others amongst other things requested that the Charter called Magna Carta and Carta Foresta with all other liberties béelonging to the Churche and kingdome should be obserued and that the officers and chiefe Rulers of the Kings house shoulde be chosen by the Péeres of the Realme in the Parliament but these peticions the king would not confirme nor could not abide to heare talked off About the beginning of the moneth of Julye Kyng Edwarde receyued letters from Lodowike Duke of Bauarie vsurper of the Romaine Empyre in the whyche pretendyng friendshippe betwixt him and Phillip the French King hée signifyed that those warres whyche the King of England had begonne in Fraunce did greately mislike him and therefore desired that there shoulde be concorde and amitie betwixte the Kings of both Realmes the whyche to bée performed he offered to bestowe some labour requestyng Kyng Edwardes letters of aucthoritie thereof to treate and to conclude a truce for one yeare or twaine towarde the ende of whiche letter he addeth these wordes The deputation and Lieutenauntship whiche we gaue vnto you we do for diuers● and sundry causes reuoke again Dated at Frankeford the fourtéenth of June in the seauen and twentith of ●ure raign and of our Empire the fourtéenth To the which letters king Edwarde wrote an inscription in sorte as followeth To the renoumed Prince Lodowicke by the grace of God Romaine Emperour alwayes Augustus Edwarde by the same grace king of Fraunce and Englande and Lorde of Ireland c. Richard de Barking Iohn de Rokesley the. 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Iohn of Oxford Vintener the. 28. of October This yeare Iohn Maluerne fellowe of Oriall Colledge in Oxford made and finished his booke entituled The Visions of Pierce Plowman Tho. de la More King Edwarde gaue the Earledome of Cambridge to Iohn Lord Henault vncle to Quéene Phillip and after kept Anno reg 16 his feast of Saint Katherine at Newcastel and his Christmas also Untill this time Dauid king of Scottes threatned to leuie an armie and to enter the lande wherevpon king Edwarde entred Scotland and followed after Dauid who fled before him beyonde the Scottish sea wasting and spoyling al as he went except Castels and Marishes in the which the Scottes togither with Dauid theyr king hyd themselues And William Mountacute Earle of Salisburie hauing gotten 1342 a greate fléete entred an Iland belonging to
Scotlande where most victoriouslye he conquered it and the same Ile being called the I le of Man the kyng gaue it to the Conquerour franckelye and fréely to be possest and caused hym King of Man to be called and crowned king of that I le Then King Edward returning towards the south parts kept solemn torneymentes at Dunstable beyng accompanyed wyth 230. Knightes The same yeare was a Parliamente at Westminster wherein the Archbishoppe of Canterburie was reconcyled to the King before whom the Archbishoppe sware that althoughe the Kyng by hys counsell and consente hadde done homage to the French King for the Dukedome of Aquitaine and the Earledome of Poytowe yet he neuer consented therto as to be anye hurte or preiudice to the Kyng or that by hys counsel he myghte incurre fauoure or séeke to please the French King but for that presente tyme he thoughte it beste to be done both for the obtayning of peace and also for the profit of the Kyng and Realme After this Parliament the king commaunded Florences of golde to be made at the Tower of London that is to saye the peny of the value of sixe shillings eight pence the halfe penye of the value of thrée shillings foure pence a farthing worthe twentye Florences of golde Sherifes Maior Anno reg 17 pence Iohn Louekyn Richard Rifling bury the. 28. of Septem Simon Fraunces Mercer the. 28. of October In a Parliament at Westminster in the moneth of May the religious men that were possessours of Lands graunted to the king towards the maintenaunce of his warre al their iewels and plate as wel siluer as gold horsses carts wagons whervpon the kings treasure was notably enriched The same yeare auctoritie was giuen to the kings escheters 1343 to enquire and certifye the Counsell of al such persons which helde of the King any landes in Capite or by any A general suruey of the vvhole realme of England other fée to the value of one hundred shillings and that the names of all suche shoulde be enrolled and giuen vp for recorde Also certaine other were put in aucthoritie to signifie howe many sufficient and able bow-men were in euerye shire also what other sufficient men were able to beare armour for the defence of theyr Country and to sée them practised with suche kinde of weapon wherein they had beste skill and being thus assembled in all parts of the Realme speciallye suche as were of lawfull age commaundemente was giuen out that they shoulde be readye at the Kyngs commaundemente to fyghte agaynste theyr enimies King Edwarde and his nobles perceyuing the derogation Ro. de Auesbury Gual Homingford that was done to the realme by such reseruations prouisions and collations of benefices as the Pope practised here in England wrote to him requiring him that sith the Churches of Englande had bene founded and endued by noble and worthy men to the ende the people might be instructed by people of their owne language and that he beyng so farre off coulde not vnderstande the defaultes yet hys predecessours and he more than had bene vsed by diuerse reseruations prouisions and collations made to diuerse persons some straungers yea and some enimies to the Realme whereby the money and profits were carried forth theyr cures not prouided for according to the founders mindes they therefore vpon due considerations therof signifyed to him that they coulde not suffer such enormities any longer and therefore besought him to reuoke such reseruations prouisions and collations wholy to auoyde suche slaunders mischieues and harmes as mighte ensue and that the cures might be committed to persons méet for the exercises of the same beséeching him further wythout delay to signify his intention sith they ment to bestow their diligence to remedie the matter and sée that redresse might be had Giuen in ful Parliament at Westminster the xviij of May in the yeare 1343. Iohn Steward Iohn Aylesham the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Hamonde the. 28. of October Many being called to ayde the King against the Scots but not being ready they contributed their money wherewith the king might hyre souldiours in place of them that remayned at home King Edward caused to be called togither a great many Anno reg 18 Tho. Walsing 1344 Round Table at VVindsore of Artificers to the Castell of Windsore and began to builde an house whiche was called the Rounde Table the floure wherof from the Center or midde point into the compasse was an hundred foote and the whole Diameter 200. foote the Circunference thereof is 600. foote and thrée quarters The same time Phillip de Valoys king of Fraunce buylded Round Table in Fraunce Scala Croni a Rounde Table in his Countrey to the ende he mighte allure the menne of Warre of Germanie and Italie and so to kéepe them from the Kyng of Englandes Rounde Table Kyng Edwarde in succour of Iohn Mountfort Duke of Th● de la More Brytaine and of his wife and children who then remayned in the kings custodie sent the Earles of Northampton and of Oxforde Hugh Spencer and Richard Talbot Knightes and maister William Kilesby Clearke euerye one of them hauing vnder them many mē of armes and archers into Britaine who entred there-into in despight of al theyr enimies whych resisted them making many conflictes They toke as well walled Townes as other with diuerse Fortresses and Castelles both by assaulte and surrender by whiche meanes they had the whole Countrey vnder theyr subiection conquering till they came to the Towne of Morleis where Charles de Bloys mette them wyth a greate armye Therfore in the Champion grounde nygh vnto Morleys the Battayle as Morleys two armyes made greate and moste stoute battayle wherin the worthinesse of both sortes dyd full well appeare for they fought so stout on both sides that in the first conflict it chaunced as the like had not bene séene for the chiefe Captaines Charles de Bloys to whom the Frenche king hadde giuen the Dukedome of that Countrey and William de Bohune Earle of Northamton who for the defence of y e right of Iohn de Mountfort naturall heire and Duke of that lande the king of Englande had made a generall ouer the army of the English men who foughte so long wyth hande strokes in the fielde that daye that no manne but a lyar coulde giue more prayse to the one than to the other Thrée tymes that daye they beyng wearied on both sides wythdrewe themselues to take breathe and then fell to it again with Speare and shielde and sworde and Targe but in y e ende the right worthy and stoute Charles de Bloys his men fléeing away was also forced to flée himselfe wherevppon after many slaine on both sides the victorie fell to the Englishmen Geffrey Wichingham Thomas Legge the. 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Iohn Hamond the. 28. of October King Edwarde sente ouer Henrie Earle of Darbie son to the Earle of Lancaster his cousin
to Caleis with victualles the sayd Earle of Northampton méeting with him valiantly put him to flight This séege during in such sort from the feast of the Natiuitie of our Lady and all the whole winter with a great part of the sommer and still waxing stronger and stronger on Monday next before the feast of Saint Iames the Frenche King came to the Castell of Gysnes with his eldest son Iohn The French King came to reise the seege of Caleis and the Kings sonne of Boheme and a great power to haue remoued the séege from Caleis Also the Emperour promising by oth that he would remoue the séege eyther by warre or peace or at the least he would victuall them that were beséeged came with his armie towards the English Camp and lodged scarse a mile from thence requesting by messengers a treatie of peace He sent the Duke of Detenes and the Earles of Bulone and Darminake who parleing with the Duke of Lancaster and the Earles of Northampton and Huntington touching a truce could not obteyne their consente whervpon after they had exercised a little warlike iusting they returned to their Tentes The second day following the French King offered the King of England a day of battell The French King profered battayle which the King on certayne conditions accepted very gladlye In the meane season they which were beséeged made knowne their state to the French King by signes and tokens for at his first comming they within the Towne set vp his auntient on the chiefest Tower of the Castell and also they set out Banners of the Dukes and Earles of France and a little after the shutting in of the euening they made a great light on the toppe of one of the highest Towers which was towards the armie of the Frenchmen and therewithall they made a greate shoute and noyse wyth Trumpets and Drommes the second night they made the like but somewhat lesse the third night a very small fire giuing forth therewith a sorrowfull voyce signifying thereby that their strength touching the kéeping of the Towne was quite spent and done and the same night they tooke in all their flagges and antients except their Standart At the last the day of battayle drew on against which tyme there came out of England and Dutchland toward the helpe of King Edwarde seauentéene thousande fighting men wherevpon the French King betimes in the morning of the The French King fleeth second day of August making fire in his Tentes he fledde whose tayle the Duke of Lancaster and Earle of Northampton Wil. Norwell cutting off they slewe and tooke many of them When they of Caleis perceyued thys they tooke their Standart downe and with greate sorrow cast it from the Tower downe into the ditch and on the Saterday following Iohn Caleis is yeelded de Vienna their Captayne a man very skilfull in warlike affayres opening the gates of the Towne came out to the The order hovv Caleis vvas yeelded King of England sitting on a little nagge for that he being lame on his féete could not well goe with an halter about his necke with the other burgesses and souldiours following on foote bare headed and bare footed hauing halters about their neckes The Captayne comming thus before the King offered him a warlike sword as vnto the chiefest Prince of armes amongst all Christian Kings and as one that had taken that Towne from the mightiest Christian King by noble cheualrie Then he deliuered to him the keyes of the Towne Thirdly he requesting of him pitie asked pardon and deliuered him the sword of peace wherewith he should giue right iudgement spare and forbeare the humble and lowly and chasten the proude harted The King receyuing that which was offered him sente the Captayne with fiftéene Knightes and as many burgesses into England enriching them with large giftes The common sort of people and such as he found in the towne being somewhat refreshed with the Kings almes he commanded to be safe conducted to the Castell of Guisnes Guisnes After the taking of the Towne of Caleis the Souldiours at the Kings commandemente tooke the Mannour of Markes Hoy. Markes and of Hoy and with great difficultie they built in them Fortes setting in order where walles wanted Hoggesheads filled with stones against the enimies whilest the walles were a building within Immediately after the taking of Caleis there began in those partes a generall Bloudy Flix pestilence of the Flix cōming frō the East partes into many other partes of the world wherevpō it came to passe that a great multitude of people died This pestilence gaue occasion y ● certayne Cardinals were sent on y e behalfe of the French King to craue a truce from that time vnto the feast of Saint Barnabe next following which was agréed vpon on the 28. of September Adam Brapsen Richard Bas the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Thomas Leggy Skinner the 28. of October The truce being takē as afore is said K. Edward built a Castell at Risebanke builded Castel at Risbanke betwixt y e towne of Caleis and the Hauēs mouth to the intent to kéepe off all y e enimies force of ships frō the said towne and he made Captaine of the towne Sir Iohn Mongomery and thence conueying the Quéene his eldest sonne with a great company of noble men he tooke hys iourney towardes Englande by water and béeyng on the Sea he was beaten with suche a Tempest that hée King Edvvard returned from Caleis into England not vvithout great danger of drovvning lost many of his Shippes and hardly escaped himselfe notwithstanding he came on land the fourtéenth of October and came to London This peace being made it séemed through England as a new Sommer had followed bycause of the plentie of all Commodities of peace things for there was no woman of any name but she had some of the prises of Cane and Caleis or of other Cities beyonde Anno reg 22 the Seas whereof the matrones being proude did bragge in French matrones apparell At the feast of Easter Iames Dowglas who was taken at Durham in the warres and brought to London wyth the 1348 King of Scottes was licenced to departe home agayne swearing to the King peace and fealtie who afterwarde liuing peaceably in the marches and being requested by William Dowglas to ride a hunting with him was by him comming behind his backe most trayterously slayne After Easter the King held a Counsell wherein it was decréed that none of his seruantes should take vp any victualles of any man against his will nor but that he payde for it ready money vpon payne to be punished and banished the Courte Richarde Talbot high Stewarde of the Kings house being appoynted to fée execution of that Proclamation The Earle of Ments was racked areigned and conuicted for that contrary to his faith and homage sworne to the King of Englande he did againe beare armes agaynste him and for that
●●nall peace vnlesse that Caleis were restored to thē againe which would not be granted and the truce whiche was taken for a yeare was so continued But the Earle of Flanders who would not in any case receyue conditions of peace vnlesse the French King were quite forsaken notwithstanding his solemne oth not long after entred into Flanders with a great power of Frenchmen burning and killing where euer he came but the people of the Countrey with a few Englishmen withstoode him stoutely and gaue him a sore skirmish in the which beside that many Frenchmen were slayne the Earle himselfe was forced to flie for the whiche worthy acte many Knightes were made amongst the which was Iohn de Filebert and English man In the feast of the Natiuitie of Saint Iohn the Quéene was purified at Windesore where were solemne Iustes and running at the Tilt at the which Dauid King of Scottes Iustes at VVindsore was present and the Earle of Ewe the Lord Tankeruill Lord Charles de Valoys and many other Strangers captiues who by the Kings licence were permitted to runne also at the Tilte at the which pastime the price of the field was adiudged to the Earle of Ewe After in Sommer season these Strangers passed their time in hunting in the company of the King and other nobles of the Realme at Claringdon in Wiltshire nigh Salisburie and in diuers other Forrestes Whiles the King was thus occupyed the Frenchmen notwithstanding the truce entred the marches of Britaine but the sonnes of Sabater with a few other who went out a forraging tooke Thomas Dagworth Knight a man of great experience who but with a few men to wéete sixtéene armed men entred the woodde against these robbers and inuaded them slaying to the number of thrée hundred but at the length being stricken fiue times in the face with Quarels Sir Thomas Dagvvorth slayne all his men being first slayne he himselfe was thrust through the body with a sword Adam of Burie Ralph of Linne the. 28 of September Sherifes Maior Ro. Auesbery Adam Mer● William Turke Fishmonger the. 28. of October About the feast of Saint Michael more than 120. persons of Sealande and Hollande comming through Flaunders vnto London sometime in the Church of Saint Paule sometyme in other places of the Citie twice in the day in the sighte of all people from the loynes vnto the héeles couered in lynnen A bloudy Procession of publicans clothe all the rest of their bodies being bare hauing on theyr heades hats with red crosses before and behinde euery one in their right handes a whip with thrée cordes eache corde hauing a knotte in the middest beat themselues on theyr bare bloudie bodies going in procession foure of them singing in theyr owne language all the other aunswering them The same yeare the Earle of Lancaster the Barons of Stafforde and Greystocke also the heires of the Lordes Percy and Neuel and the Lord Burniual with Barthelmew Burwash and diuerse other about the feast of Al-saintes passed ouer sea into Gascoign to delay the furious vprore that Iohn de Valoys sonne to the French king had made in that dukedome greatly spoyling and wasting the same Also the kings counsel ordained that none of the kings Justices during the time of their offices shoulde receyue any fée gift or reward of any man except it were of the king himselfe Also thys yeare in the Countie of Oxforde nyghe vnto A Serpent vvith tvvo heades in Oxfordshire a towne called Chippingnorton there was founde a Serpent hauing two heades and faces like women and being shaped after the newe tyre of that time another after the manner of the old attyre and it had great wings after the manner of a Flyndermouse or Bat. About the feast of Al-sainctes kyng Edwarde beyng accompanyed K. Edvvarde sayled tovvards Flaunders with the Earle of Lancaster and Southfolke and diuerse others passed ouer the seas into Flaunders and thēce leading his armie towardes Fraunce the French men made meanes vnto him to renewe their truce and nowe the Earle of Flaunders submitted himselfe the thirde time vnto the kings mercie and dominion Then the king returning toward Englande to solemnizate the translation of S. Thomas the Confessour and Bishoppe of Hereforde dyd wyth his presence and Nobilitye honoure the same to the greate expences of Nicholas Cantulupus Baron and cousin to the sayde Saint Thomas during whiche feaste and solemnitie it was signified to the King by the Secretaries of Emericus of Padua who was a féed manne to the king of Calleis like to haue bin betrayed Englande that on the fourtéenth day of Januarie nexte comming Geffrey Cherney Knight and manye other Frenche men shoulde be receyued into Caleis vnto whom the sayd towne was solde by the sayde Emericus but the Towne beyng presentlye rescued by king Edwarde the sayde Emericus of Padua with other Genoways cōtinued in Caleis beyng maintayned there at the costes of the Frenche king againste the king of Englande when he besieged it who also after the yéelding of it to the King of England being pardoned bothe of life and lymme from thenceforth continued and dwelte as a féed man of the kyngs in the sayde Towne for the defence thereof At that tyme the sayde Geffrey was Lorde of Matas a man more skylfull in warfare than anye Frenche man in Fraunce Wherefore he was greatelye estéemed euen to the time of his death This craftie deuiser indeuored by his letters wherin he made promise of large giftes of golde and other sophisticall perswasitions quite to subuert the fayth and loyaltie of the sayde Emericus Finally thys craftie deuiser agréed with this false man that for twentie thousande French crownes he shoulde lette in the Frenche menne to the Towne and as muche as laye in hym delyuer vppe to the Frenche menne both the Towne and Castell This bargaine being most traytorously made by othe and breaking of y e Sacrament betwixt them yet all this notwythstanding he wrote letters vnto the Kyng touching the state of the whole matter but verye priuilye howe that hée was readie to shewe friendshippe to the Frenche menne yet meanyng to make frustrate theyr purpose whereby they shoulde be conuicted of breakyng the truce and also manye of them shoulde be taken to bée raunsomed wherefore kyng Edwarde spéedilye passed ouer beyng accompanyed wyth hys eldest Sonne the Earle of Marche and a fewe other commyng before the tyme appoynted for the yéeldyng of the Towne certayne dayes Therefore Anno reg 24 hée beyng come to Callayes hée sayde certayne men of armes wythin the Uaultes whyche were betwixte the outter gate and the inner parte of the Castell buyldyng a thinne and stender Wall before them newelye sette vppe not made of Playster but of counter●ayte matter whyche ioyned to the other Wal craftilye deuised and made like the olde worke so that no manne woulde Judge that that anye were enclosed therin Also he caused the maynepostes of the drawe bridge to bée sawed
therof came to death and destruction neither Eustachius himselfe escaped scot frée frō the snares for he within a while after being taken by the French men was burned aliue with a hotte yron and degraded frō the order of Knighthood by the cutting off his héeles and depriuing of his tong by alsitiō afterward he was hāged vp and laste of all beheaded and quartered receyuing iust punishment for his treason and false forswearing This yeare the Lord Fur●uall giuing a rash enterprise vpon his enimies was taken prisoner in Gascoign Not long after king Edwarde prepared to make a voyage into France but the Earle of Lancaster returning out of Gascoigne signied that there was a truce taken by him by reason whereof the passage prepared by the king was layde aside This yeare on Saint Georges day the kiug held a great Tho. de la Mor● Great feast at VVindsor of Saint George solemne feaste at his Castel of Windsor where he had augmented the Chappell which Henrie the firste and other hys progenitors kings of England had before erected of eight Canons he added to those eight Chanons a Deane fiftéene Chanons more and. xxiiij poore and impotent Knightes with other ministers and seruauntes as appeareth in his Tho. Walsing Ex charta regia First founders of the noble order of the Garter Records of the Garter Charter Dated the two and twentith of hys raigne Besides the king there were other also that were contributors to the foundation of this Colledge as followeth 1 The soueraigne King Edward the thirde 2 Edward his eldest sonne Prince of Wales 3 Henrie Duke of Lancaster 4 The Erle of Warwicke 5 Captain de Bouch. 6 Ralph Erle of Stafforde 7 William Montacute Erle of Salisburie 8 Roger Lord Mortimer Erle of March 9 Sir Iohn de Lisle 10 Sir Bartholmew Burwash 11 Sir Iohn Beauchampe 12 Sir Iohn de Mahune 13 Sir Hugh Courtney 14 Sir Thomas Hollande 15 Sir Iohn Grey 16 Sir Richard Fitz Simon 17 Sir Miles Stapleton 18 Sir Thomas Walle 19 Sir Hugh Wrothesley 20 Sir Nele Lering 21 Sir Iohn Chandos 22 Sir Iames de Audley 23 Sir Othes Hollande 24 Sir Henrie Eme. 25 Sir Sechet Dabridgecourte 26 Sir William Panell Al these togither with the King were clothed in gownes Tho. de la More of Russet poudered in gartiers blew wearing the like garters also on their right legges and mantels of blewe with First feast of Saint George scutcheons of Saint George In this sort of apparell they being bareheaded heard Masse which was celebrat by Simon Islipe Archbishop of Canterburie and the Bishops of Winchester and Excester and afterwardes they went to the feaste setting themselues orderlye at the Table for the honoure of the feast which they named to be of Saint George the Martyre and the chosing of the Knightes of the Garter In the Sommer following variaunce rysing betwéene the fléetes of Englande and Spaine the Spaniardes besette the Brytaine Sea with foure and fortie great ships of warre with the whiche they sonke ten English ships comming frō Gascoigne towardes Englande after they had taken and spoyled them thus their former iniuries being reuenged they entred into Sluce in Flaunders King Edwarde vnderstanding hereof furnished his nauie of fiftie shippes and Pinaces forecasting to méete wyth the Spaniardes in theyr returne hauing in his companye the Prince of Wales the Earles of Lancaster Northampton Warwicke Salisburie Arundale Huntington Glocester and other Barons and Knightes with their seruauntes and Archers and vpon the feast of the decolatiō of Saint Iohna about Euensong Ro. de Auesbery time the Nauies met at Winchelsea wher the great Spanish vessels surmounting our shippes and foystes like as Castels to cotages sharply as●ayled our men y e stone quarels flying frō the the tops sore cruelly wounded our mē who no lesse busie to fight alofe with launce and sword Battaile on the Sea with the foreward manfully defende themselues at length our archers perced theyr Arbalisters with a further retch thā they coulde strike againe and thereby compelled them to forsake their place and caused other fighting from the Hatches to shade themselues with tables of the ships and compelled them that threwe stones from the toppes so to hyde thē that they durst not shew theyr heads but tumble down then our men enfring y e Spanish Uessels with swords Halberds killed those they met w tin a whyle make voyd y ● vessels furnish them wyth English men vntil they being beset with darknesse of the night could not decern the. xxvij yet remayning vntaken our men cast ancker studying of the hoped battayle supposing nothing finished whilest any thing remayned vndone dressing the wounded throwing the myserable Spaniards into the Sea refreshing themselues with victualles and sléepe yet committing the vigilant watche to the armed bande The night ouerpassed the Englishe men prepared but in vaine to a new battayle but when the sunne began to appeare they viewing the seas coulde perceyue no signe of resistaunce for xxvij shippes fléeing away by nighte lefte xvij spoyled in the euening to the kyngs pleasure but agaynste theyr wil. The King returned into England with victorie and triumphe the King preferred there 80. noble ympes to the order of Knighthoode greatlye bewayling the losse of one to witte sir Richard Goldesborough Knight Thys yeare Phillippe de Valoys Frenche Kyng Phillip the frēch king died deceased and hys eldest Sonne Iohn was crouned Iohn Notte William Worcester the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Richard Killingburie the. 28. of October Two hyred souldiours of the Kyng of Armenia came into Englande into the presence of the King where they shewed the letters of the aforesayde King of Armenia wherein it was signified that the one of them to witte Iohn de Viscount a man borne in Cipres had slanderou●ly charged the other that is Thomas de la Marche a Frenche man borne and bastarde sonne to Phillippe late King of Fraunce saying that the sayde Thomas shoulde haue receyued of the Turkes a certaine some of Golde for the betraying the armye of the Christians vnto the Emperour of the Turkes and for the proofe of this slaunder this Iohn chalenged a combat wyth the sayde Thomas to be tryed by the iudgement of Edward King of Englande and that by him as by a moste worthy Prince all strife shoulde be ended For this therefore were these two worthy souldiours appointed to fight which they performed within the listes of the Kings Pallace at Westminster on Mondaye nexte following after the feaste of Saint Michael where Thomas in declaration of hys innocencie in that he was accused of ouercame his enimye but yet killed him not for he could not bycause he was not able to wounde hym beyng so armed with anye kynde of piercing weapon except it were in hys face whiche was bare For after that they hadde runne at the Tilte and foughte on foote as they were striuing togither on the
grounde wyth certaine prickes bothe shorte and sharpe then called Gadlings being closed in the ioyntes of hys righte Gauntlet the sayde Thomas strucke the sayde Iohn in the face and sore wounded hym but on the other side Iohn hadde no suche shorte kinde of weapon wherewyth hée myght hurte Thomas face and therefore cryed out aloude moste horribly whervpon by the kings commaundemente the combatte was ended and the victorie adiudged to Thomas who gaue the sayde Iohn being thus ouercome to the Prince of Wales for a Captiue and offered by his owne armoure to Sainte George in Sainte Paules Churche at London wyth greate deuotion These matters beyng thus finished the Cipres man is manumitted and fette at libertie as a frée man againe And Thomas thinking boldely to goe into the presence of his brother the Frenche King toke hys iourney thyther and at his comming founde the sayde King and the nobilitie of Fraunce greatlye offended and in indignation against him for that he agréed that the combat shoulde be tried before the King of England Wherefore Thomas thinking secretly with himselfe howe to winne the false friendship of his brother being desirous to shewe that therein hée hadde done well among all other things he greatelye praysed the nobilitie of Edwarde and his worthy fame spredde ouer al the worlde and also the iustice whiche he vsed in iudging not accepting the person of the manne of Cipres yea thoughe he loued the Kyng himselfe verye well neyther suffered him to be preferred before me whiche am a Frenche manne and brother and friende to thée my Lorde Kyng of Fraunce iudge ouer the sayde King Edwarde my aduersarie Also the Earle of Ewe hyghlye praysed the King of England for that hée hadde receyued greate comforte and commoditye at hys handes during the tyme of hys Captiuitie in Englande shewing also howe farre that good Kyng hadde banished enuie and hatred from hys hearte who at a time of iustyng beyng in the fielde at that exercise and the Kyng also was commaunded by the Kyng hymselfe to beare awaye the price and pricke from them all These commendations did the Frenche Kyng enuie at and for indignation he moste wickedlye commaunded the setters forthe of those prayses to be beheaded And for to colour the matter the better he fayned that the Earle vsed too muche familiaritie with the Quéene his wife and that his brother was guiltie of treason againste the king of Fraunce bycause he committed his cause and the combat to be tryed by the iudgement of the king of Englande After he had thus murdered his brother he tormented his wife to death by famine who was daughter of the noble King of Boheme lately slaine in battayle by Geffrey William Edington Bishoppe of Winchester and treasurer Groates and halfe groates Anno reg 25 Tho. Walsing Histo Au●●a of England a wise man caused a newe coyne called a Groate and halfe Groate to be coyned but these were of lesse wayght than the pence called Esterlings by reason wherof victualles and merchandice became the dearer thorough the whole realme After the Octaues of the Purification of our Lady in a Parliament at VVestminster Parliament holden at Westminster Henrie Earle of Lancaster was created Earle of Lincolne Leicester Derby Grosmount and Ferrers and Duke of Lancaster vnto whome also was giuen great priuiledges suche as neuer any Erle had before his time Also Lionel of Antwerpe the kings sonne is made Earle of V●star in Irelande Iohn of Gaunte his brother is made Earle of Richmonde and Ralph Baron of Stafforde is made Earle of Stafforde In the Lent following Walter de Maine and Roberte Herle Captain of Caleis rod into France making gret praes and doing great domage brought away gret store of beasts A fat Covv sixteene pence 1351 shéepe and swine so that at Caleis a fat Cowe was scarcelye solde for sixtéene pence sterling About Easter the Duke of Lancaster departing from Caleis marched alongst the Sea coastes of Artoys and Picardie brent the suburbes of Bulloign but assaulting the Town he preuayled not for that only the ladders were too short Therefore he wasted the Cities of Tirwin and the hauen also the Townes of Fauconbridge and Staples and in the same hauens he brent aboue 120. ships of diuerse moulds After this brenning the Champion Countrey he rode vnto Saint Omers and winning by force manye Fortresses with a great pray and many prisoners he returned to Caleis About the feast of Saint George things prospered wel in Gascoine for the Marshal of France with a greate number of armed men spoyled the Countrey about S. Dangel where Edmond Rose a Norffolke man was Captayne who with the garison valiauntly encountred the enimies flew many of them and toke the sayde Marshal and manye other nobles of Fraunce chasing aboue 400. Knightes The same yeare the Spanish shippes by a treatie of peace came into Englande where the last yeare they were restrayned but nowe a truce was taken for twentie yeares betwixt England and Spaine and a truce betwixt Englande and Fraunce for one yeare whiche the French men brake by reason of taking the Castel of Guisnes as in the next yeare shall be shewed Iohn Wroth Gilbert of Steineshorpe the. 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Andrew Auberie Grocer the. 28. of October About this season the old coine of gold was changed into a new the olde Noble was worth muche aboue the taxed rate of the newe and therfore the Marchauntes boughte the olde and conueyed them out of the Realme to the greate losse of the king and kingdome to the whiche there was a remedie prouided by the chaunging of the stampe About the beginning of Januarie the French men béeing occupied about y ● repayring of y e wals of Guisnes town being afore that time destroyed by the English men some mē of armes of Caleis vnderstanding their doings deuised how they might ouerthrow the work it was done in this sort There was an Archer named Iohn Dancaster in prison in Anno reg 26 the Castel of Guisnes before that time takē who not hauing wherwith to pay his raunsome was let lose with condition that he shoulde worke there amongst the French men The getting of Guisnes by the Englishe This fellow chaunced to lye with a Laundres a strumpet and learned of hir where beyond in the principal ditch from the bottome there was a Wall made of two foote broade stretching from the bottome to the brimme of the ditche within forthe so that being couered with Water it coulde not be séene but not so drowned but that a man going alofte theron shoulde not be wette paste the knées it beyng made for the vse of Fishers and therefore in the middest it was discontinued for the space of two foote and so the Archer hys Harlot shewyng it to hym he measured the heygth of the Wall wyth a thréede These things thus known one day slipping down from the Wal he passed the ditche by that hydden Wall and
he was forsaken of them that when King Edward wasted France the French King had not men to encounter him but fledde before him as he followed brenning his owne Townes and destroying victuals that the King should find neyther harborough nor meate After the moneth of August the King of England and the Duke of Lancaster with seauen thousand armed men and their retinue entered France and by the space of nine dayes iourney as they went wasting all by fire that came in their way and returning to Caleis the King heard that the Scots entred by stealth and had taken the Towne of Berwike the Bervvike taken by the Scottes Baron of Graystoke being in the armie with the King to whome the charge of that Towne had bin committed wherevpon the King hasted vnto Berwike and within fiftéene dayes recouered the Towne againe being deliuered Bervvike taken by the Englishmen vnto him life and libertie to depart being giuen vnto them that were found therein After this he passed through Scotlande vnto the Scottish Sea but bycause victuals fayled for his armie the King giuing them licence they all returned towarde Englande There followed on the tayle of the armie by the space of twelue miles Robert Herle Almerike de saint Edmond Robert de Hildesley and other whome the Scottes in the night season found asléepe and at rest doubting nothing of any misaduenture wherefore they gaue a cruell assault vppon them with an hideous noyse and cry where after long resistance Robert de Hildesley and Iohn Brancester Knightes were taken prisoners Robert Herle and Almerike hauing much ado to escape for the said Knightes perceyuing the Scottes to be too strong for them thought with themselues that their Lords being Barons of whome they held in fée would redéeme them and so wylie withdrawing deliuered them from the Scottes captiuitie The Duke of Lancaster being appoynted chiefe Admirall of the English Nauie landed it at Hogges about the feast of Saint Barthelmew and from thence rode towards Normandie being accompanied with Philip brother to the King of Nauarre who desired aide of the sayd Duke and requested him to come to help him At this season the French King hauing the King of Nauarre Geffrey Harecourt and diuers other noble men in greate suspection touching the Realme and Kingdome bidde them all to a feast where he tooke the saide King of Nauarre and cast him in prison and murthered the rest of the noble men sauing Geffrey Harecourt whome he caused to be beheaded with an axe The King of Nauarre being thus emprisoned his brother Phillip seased many Castels and holdes into his hāds which were in Normandy and there about strongly fortifying them with men and victualles through the help of the Duke of Lancaster being manned as well with Englishmen as with the men of the same Countrey to withstande the Frenchmen Walter Forester Thomas Brandon the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Simon Frances Mercer the 28. of October The same time when the King passed ouer to Caleis and France his eldest sonne Prince of Wales hauing with him the Earles of Warwike Suffolke Salisburie and Oxforde tooke shipping in the beginning of October at Sutton Hauen in Deuonshire and luckely sayled and landed at Burdeaux where he was honourably receyued by the Bishop and Cleargie being accompanyed with all the common people in the first Sonday of that moneth The Monday following the Prince going out lodged two miles from Burdeaux in the Castell of Vrnoun On the nexte daye he passed through a streight woodde and so through the middle of the Towne of Lougan sometimes walled but nowe defaced and so passing on a long iourney he lost many Horsses and came at length to the strong Castel of Dandert On Thurseday he came to the Citie of Besas hauing in it a Cathedrall Church and a couent of Friers Minors On Friday Proclamation was made in the armie that euery man should beare the armes of Saint George and it was said that his enimies bare the same also On Saterday he passed to the Castell of Nan where stand thrée Castels of thrée Lordes whereof one sheweth a farre off On Friday the twelfth of that moneth his armie passed the lands of Wordiux whiche are belonging to the Earle of Flux this dayes iourney being long and tedious he lost many of his Horsses in the wast grounde called the Laundes Two miles from the Towne of Areule he displayde his Banners and deuided his armies into diuers troupes In the vaward wherein was thrée thousand men of armes were the Earle of Warwike high Connestable Reignold Cobham Lord Marshall Lord Beawchamp a Somersetshire man the Lord Clifford and the Lord Thomas of Hampton belonging to the Auntients and with them seauen Barons of Gascoigne In the middleward wherin were seauen thousand men of armes besides Clearkes and Pages there was the Prince himselfe with a double Auntient the Earle of Oxford the Lord Barthelmew Burwash the Lorde Iohn de Lile the Lorde Wilowby the Lord Le Ware y e Lord Maurice Barkeley son to Thomas Lord Barkeley then liuing very old the Lorde Iohn Boursers Lord Iohn Rose the elder of Burdeaux Captayne de la Busch the Lord Camount the Lord Mountferraunt with their Auntients In the rerewarde was foure thousand mē of armes cōmitted to the charge of the Earle of Suffolke the Earle of Salisburie and the Lord Nemers who led the Bernences In the whole armie was of mē of armes Clearkes Pages Archers Brigants other aboue 60000. men and this day was Ienken Barefort and diuers other made Knightes and the village of Aurule with thrée other villages wherof Wil. Lord Raymond was Captaine were deliuered vp vnto y e Prince wherin he lodged his armie resting there two dayes as many as would wer suffered to go out tooke victuals and brenned their enimies coūtrey On Tuesday they lodged in y e towne of Mount Clere where y e Castel belonging therevnto was giuē vp to the Prince after he left it againe to the Frenchmen by the reason of fire which brake vp in the towne wherevpon the Prince went out into the field lodged in his tentes euer after refusing to lie in any towne This day hauing taken thrée Townes brenning them he made Knightes Gilotus de Straton and diuers other Also Iohn de Lile stricken with a Quarell at Austage died On Wednesday Thurseday he lay stil on Friday he came before the strōg town of Loegeron where he lodged in his tentes On Saterday he came before Placence a very faire towne a strong the inhabitants whereof fled away into y e Castell where the Earle of Molesni and many Knightes were takē by Captaine de la Bouch and the Lord Mountferrant de Loachis who was y ● day made Knight On Sonday S. Lukes day they staid at Ewant taking the fort of Galian by force they set it on fire brent it On Monday casting fire in the townes of Placence they passed along leauing
fifth of May and the. 24. of Maye entred London with them where he was receyued with greate honour of the Citizens and so conuayed to the kings pallaice at Westminster where the King sitting in his estate in Westminster Hall receyued them and after conueyed the French King to a lodging where he lay a season and after the sayde French King was lodged in the Sauoy which then was a pleasant place belonging to the Duke of Lancaster In the Winter following were gret and royal iustes holden in Smithfielde at London where many knightly sights of armes wer done to the gret honour of the king realm at the which were present the Kings of England Fraunce and Scotlande with many noble estates of all those Kingdomes wherof the more part of the strangers were prisoners Henrie Picarde Uintener Maior of London in one day dyd sumptuouslye feaste Edwarde King of Englande Iohn King of Fraunce the King of Cipres then arriued in England Dauid king of Scottes Edward Prince of Wales wyth many noble men and other and after the sayde Henrie Picarde kepte his Hall against all commers who soeuer that were willing to play at Dice and Hazard In like maner the Lady Margaret his wife did also kéepe hir Chamber to the same intente The King of Cipres playing wyth Henrie Picarde in hys Hall dyd wynne of hym 50. markes but Henrie being verye skilfull in that arte altering hys hande did after win of the same king the same 50. markes and 50. markes more which when the same king began to take in ill parte although he dissembled the same Henrye saide vnto him my Lord and King be not agrieued I couet not your golde but your play for I haue not bid you hyther that I might grieue you but that amongst other things I might trie your playe and gaue hym his money agayne plentifully bestowing of his owne amongst the retinue besides he gaue many riche giftes to the King and other Nobles and Knightes whiche dyned wyth hym to the greate glorie of the Citizens of London in these dayes Stephen Candish Barthelmew Frostling the. 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Stody Vintener the. 28. of October This sir Iohn Stody gaue vnto the Uinteners of London all the quadrant wherein the Uinteners Hal now standeth with the tenements round about from the lane yet called Studis Lane where is founded thirtéene houses for xiij poore people whiche are there kept of charitie rent frée About Halowntide Dauid le Bruce king of Scots was deliuered from the long imprisonmēt of a. xj yeres in the castel of Oldiham his raunsome being set a 100000. markes to be payde the next ten yeares following Normandie and Brytaine were soare spoyled and wasted Tho. Walsing Anno reg 32 Rob. Knovvles by Phillippe the King of Nauers brother Iacob de la Pipe and Roberte Knowles wyth manye other Englishe menne whyche were Captaynes of that companye who raged in warlike sorte in these Countryes the space of thrée yeares and more contrarye to the Kyng of Englandes pleasure Thys Roberte Knowles béeyng a meane man of birth became Captaine of many souldiours and did manye maruellous actes Isabel daughter to Phillippe the fayre king of Fraunce 1358 now wife to King Edward the second deceased apnd Risinges Registrum fratrum minorum iuxta London the. xxij of August and was buried in the Grey Friers Quire at London in a Tombe of Aliblaster Iohn Barnes Iohn Buris the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 33 Iohn Louekinstoke Fishmonger the 28. of October Iohn of Gaunt the Kings sonne by dispensation tooke to wife Blaunch dauhter of Henry Duke of Lancaster his kinswoman The French King vnder coulour of peace offered to King Edward Flanders Picardie Aquitayne and other lands which the Englishmen had ranged through and spoyled for the perfourmāce wherof messengers were sent into France but the Frenchmen would not perfourme the offer wherfore King Edward being angrie with a Nauie of Shippes passed the Sea to Caleis wherefore deuiding his armie into thrée partes committed one companie vnto Henry Duke King Edvvarde inuaded Burgundie of Lancaster another to Prince Edward and the third he reserued to himselfe and so passed into Burgundie In the meane season the Normans with a small Nauie 1359 Frenchmen arriued at VVinchelsea arriued at Winchelsey and partly brent the Towne and slew such as did withstand them wherefore the Prelates of England assembled from all partes in armour to withstande them but when they had prepared themselues to battayle the French were gone Simon of Benington Iohn of Chichester the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Anno reg 34. 1360 Simon Dolseby Grocer the 28. of October King Edward with his power rode through France by Picardie Artois Roan Champaine and so to Briteine destroying the Countrey before him And héere is to be noted that the fourtéenth day of Aprill and the morrow after Easter day King Edward with his host lay before the Citie of Paris which day was full darke of mist and hayle and so bitter colde that many men died on their Horsse backes with the cold wherefore vnto this day it hath bin called the blacke Monday The King of Nauarre vexed sore the marches of Normandie Thus was the Realme of France miserably beset on all sides At the last a finall peace was concluded on Peace vvith France this condition that King Edward should haue to his possession the Countreys of Gascoine Gwyen Poytiers Limosin Baleuile Exantes Caleis Gwisnes and diuers other Lordships Castels Townes and all the Landes to them belonging Tho. Wals without knowledge of any soueraigntie or subiection for the same This peace being confirmed by writing and by oth King Edward came into England and so streight to the Tower to sée the French King where he appoynted his raunsome to be thrée millions of Florences and so deliuered French King releassed him of all imprisonment and brought him with great honor to the Sea who then sayled ouer into France Iohn Denis Walter Berney the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Wroth Fishmonger the 28. of October King Edward the 24. of Januarie beganne a Parliament at Westminster where the forme of the agréement was redde and allowed of all estates where the King on the last of Januarie caused his Nobles to sweare to holde and Anno reg 35 1361 kéepe the sayde agréement especially those as well Prelats as other that were not at Caleis where he sware and other that were there with him A great dearth pestilence hapned in England which was called the second pestilence in which died Henry D. of Lancaster The seconde mortalitie in March at London and was buryed at Leycester in the colegiate Church which he had founded with a Deane twelue Chanons Prebendaries as many Uickers and other ministers accordingly There dyed also Reginald Lord Cobham and Walter Lib. Lichfield Fitz Waren valiant and famous
Knightes and fiue Bishops to wéete Reginald of Worcester Michael of London Thomas of E●lie Iohn of Lincolne and Robert of Cicester To Worcester was preferred Iohn of Barnet to London Simon Sudburie to Ely Simon Langham to Lincolne Iohn Bokingham to Cicester William Linlinere Leonell Earle of Hulster by his wife and sonne to King Edward went into Ireland to recounter the Irishmen that vexed the English Edward Prince of Wales tooke to wife by dispensation the Countesse of Kent daughter vnto Edmond Earle of Kent brother to King Edward the second she had bin before wife vnto Thomas Holland and before that she was wife to the Earle of Salisburie and diuorsed from him A route of the great company of the Englishmen were cōmanded to depart out of France and they discomfited in Anuerne the Frenchmen and tooke diuers prisoners of the nobles of France that had bin afore takē of the Englishmen and there was slayn Iaques de Burbon and the Countie of Salbrig Also a route of Britons part of the great company aforesayd were discōfited in Limosin alias Garet by Wil. Felton knight of England at that time Steward of y e Countrey for K. Edward William Holbech Iames Tame the 28 of September Sherifes Maior Sore rempest of vvinde Iohn Peche Fishmonger the 28. of October The King helde his Christmas at Windsore and the xv day folowing a sore and vehemēt Southweast wind brake forth so hideous that it ouerthrew high Houses Towers Stéeples and Trées and so bowed them that the residue which fell not but remayned standing were the weaker The first fiue dayes of May at London in Smithfield were Anno reg 36 Iusting in Smithfield Justes holden the King and Quéene being present and the most part of the Chiualrie of England and France and of other Nations to the which came Spanyards Cipriets and Armenians Knightly requesting the King of Englands ayde againste the Pagans that had inuaded their confines The 1362 First Staple of vvool at Caleis staple of wools notwithstāding the oth receiued of the King of England and other great men of the land is sent to Caleis In the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paule King Edward at Westminster by his Charter gaue to the Abbot of Westminster and Couent two Stagges of his Uenison yearely to be taken in the Forest of Windsore Edward Prince of Wales about the feast of Saint Margaret Edvvard the Kings eldest sonne Prince of Aquitayne at Westminster in presence of the great men of y e Realme receyued of his father the principalitie of Aquitayne fealtie and homage first made to him but yet he left not the principalitie of Wales the Duchie of Cornewall the Counties of Chester and Kent Simon Islip Archbishop of Canterburie did ordeyne that Priestes became theeues for lacke of liuing ● more should not be giuen to Priestes for their yearely stipend than thrée pound sixe shillings eyght pence whiche caused many of them to steale Iohn of Saint Albons Iames Andrew the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Stephen Candish Draper the 28. of October The sixtéenth day of October began a Parliamente at London which continued till the feast of Saint Brice the thirtéenth Tho. Walsing of Nouember on which day the King was borne hauing now accomplished the 50. yeare of his age wherevppon he pardoned such as were giltie of Treason to his person releassed prisoners reuoked outlawes and at the petition of the commons he commanded pleas to be vsed in English and not in French as they had continued since the Conquest He made Leonell his sonne Earle of Hulster then being in Ireland Duke of Clarence and his son Iohn Earle of Richmond he made Duke of Lancaster and Edmond his sonne he made Earle of Cambridge In the saide Parliamente was granted to the King for Subsedie of vvoolles thrée yeares following sixe and twentie shillings eyght pence of euery Sacke of wooll to be transported beyond the Seas Ioane Quéene of Scottes and wife to Dauid Bruse and sister to King Edward the third dyed and was buried in the grey Friers Church at London by hir mother Sea Cro. A Priest in London was murthered and being cutte in four quarters was cast contemptuouslie in foure partes of y e Citie y ● doers wherof were not knowne what they were Sir Iohn Cobham Knighte founded the Colledge of Cobham Colledge Anno reg 37 1363 Three Kings came into England The French King dieth Cobham in Kent The French King the King of Cipres and the King of Scottes came all into England to speake with King Edwarde who receiued them with great honor and gaue them great giftes the Kings of Cipres and of Scotland returned home shortly but the French King fell sicke at London whereof he shortly after died A Frost in England lasted from the midst of September Great Frost Adam Merim● to the moneth of Aprill Richard Croydon Iohn Hiltoft the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Cro. col reg ●●x● Iohn Not Peperer the 28. of October This yeare the Castell of Quinborough was builded by King Edward The ninth day of Aprill died Iohn King of France at the Anno reg 38 1364 Sauoy beside Westminster through griefe of minde that the Duke of Angiow one of his pledges had deceyued him and came not into England according as he had promised and sworne His corps was honourably conueyed to Douer and so to Saint Denis in France where he was buried Iohn de Mitford Simon de Mordon the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Anno reg 39 1365 Sherifes Maior Adam of Bury Skinner the 28 of October Ingram Lord of Cowsie married Lady Isabell the Kings daughter at Windsore Iohn Bukulsworth Thomas Ireland the 28. of Septemb. Iohn Loukin Fishmonger Adam of Bury Skinner The 28. of January Iohn Louekin Fishmonger was elected Maior and Adam Bury remoued by the Kings commandement The King commanded that Peter pence should no more Anno reg 40 Peter pence forbidde be gathered nor payde to Rome Saint Peters pence is the Kings almes and all that had twentie peny worth of good of one manner cattell in their house of their owne proper should giue that penie at Lammas The third day of Aprill was borne at Burdeaux Richard 1366 sonne to Edward the blacke Prince who was after King of England by the name of Richard the second Iohn Ward Thomas at Lee the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Louekin Fishmonger the 28. of October This Iohn Louekin Stockfishmonger four times Maior of London twice by election and twice by the Kings appointment Iohn Leyland for that he was borne in the Towne of Kingston Hospitall at Kingston vpon Thamis vpon Thamis he builded there a Chappel called Magdalenes ●o the which he ioyned an Hospitall wherein was a Mayster two Priestes and certayne poore men and for that the Saint Michael● Church in Crooked Lane builded parish Church of Saint
of the people and falling away from the King whiche hapned shortly after Roger Mortimere Earle of March and of Vlstar in Ireland Earle of March slaine in Irelād Cro. Pet. Coledge W. l. Wilum lying there in a Castel of his there came on him a great multitude of wilde Irishmen to assayle him and he issuing out fought manfully till he was by them hewen to péeces whose death the King determined to reuenge About Candlemas dyed Iohn of Gaunt D. of Lancaster at the Bishop of Elyes Inne in Holborne by London and was Duke of Lancaster deceased 1399 honourably buryed in S. Paules Church at London his sonne Henry Duke of Hereford being then beyond the seas About Whitsontide King Richard with a Nauie of 100. Ships sayled from Milford Hauen towards Ireland and arriued King Richarde sayled into Ireland at Waterford on the last day of Maynfrem whence he marched with his armie of thirtie thousande to Kilkenny fourescore miles within the Countrey and there remayned xiiij dayes tarying for Edward Duke of Aumarle On Midsommer euen he went from thence toward Mackmore who Anno reg 23 remayned amongst the woods with 3000 mē right hardy and such as séemed but little to feare the Englishmen At the entring of the woods the King commanded fires to be vsed so that many a house and many a village was brent there the King made the Duke of Herefords sonne Knight with ten other 2500. Pioners were appoynted to fell the woods and make wayes for y e Englishmen The Irishmē feared greatly the shot of the Englishmen but yet with their Dartes they assayled and slewe diuers as they caught them at aduantage The Unkle of Mackmore came in and yéelded himselfe The Vnkle of Mackmore submitted to King Richard to the King with a withie about his necke and many other naked and bare legged did the like all which the King pardoned After this the King sente to Mackmore promising him that if he would come in as his Unkle had done with the withie about his necke he should be pardoned but he vtterly refusing sayd he would fight to death in defending his right for he knew the Englishmen wanted victualles and more than they had brought with them could not be bought for Gold or Siluer There was already such scarcitie that there were some four some sixe that had but a small lofe of bread to liue by the day and some that eate not a grayne in fiue dayes togither The King therefore departed the 28. day of June toward Diuelin at what time Mackmore sent a beggar with notice to the King that hée would be his friend and aske him mercy or else if it pleased him to treate of peace to send some noble mē to him whervpon the Earle of Glocester was sent who led with him the reregard wherof he was captayne being two C. Lances a M. Archers betwixt two woods farre from the Sea they mette with the Irish Mackmore himselfe rode on a white Mackmore a good horseman Horsse without saddle or other furniture that cost him as was sayde foure hundred Kowes whiche Horsse he ranne downe the hill that the beholders reported they neuer had séene Hare nor Déere to haue runne so swiftly In hys righte hande he bare a Darte greate and long whiche he threwe excéeding well He was a mightie strong man of personage There the Earle and hée talked a good whyle aboute the murthering of the Earle of March and after of other thynges but agrée they coulde not and so departed The Earle aduertised the King what he had foūd which was nothing but that the enimie woulde crie mercie so as he might be sure to haue peace without other griefe otherwise he would so long as he liued defend himselfe wherefore the King in his wrath not knowing what lette might happen sware that he would neuer depart Irelande till he had him eyther aliue or dead The host dislodged for lacke of victualles they were a thirtie thousands at their comming ouer that lay then at Diuelin fiftéene dayes the King forthwith deuiding his armie into thrée partes sente them out to séeke Mackemore promising an hundreth Markes to him that could bring him in which offer was well hearkened vnto for it sounded well but he could not be caught and the same day Edwarde Earle of Rutlande Duke of Aumarle Connestable of Englande arriued with an hundreth Sayle of whose comming the King was verie glad though he indéede had taried long and mighte haue come muche sooner They remayned sixe wéekes at Diuelin and heard no newes out of Englande the passage was so dangerous the winde béeing contrary and tempestes so greate at length came a Shippe with heauie newes how the Duke of Hereforde and now by the deceasse of his father Duke of Lancaster was arriued in England at Rauenspore The Duke of Hereford returned into Englande beside Wadlington in Yorkeshire and had beheaded William Scrope Earle of Wilshire Treasourer of Englande Iohn Bushy Henry Greene and other and had caused Thomas Arundell Archbishop of Canterbury to preach againste King Richarde who also shewed a Bull procured from Rome promising remission of sinnes to all those whiche should ayde the sayde Henry in conquering of his enimies and after their death to be placed in Paradise which preaching moued manye to cleaue to the Duke Upon this newes the King being perswaded to make hast ouer the Duke of Aumarle sayde it was better to stay till hys Shippes mighte bée brought togither for there were but an hundreth readie to make Sayle wherevpon Iohn Mountacute Earle of Salisburie was sente with a power whilest the King going to Waterforde mighte gather hys Fléete who promised within sixe dayes to haue followed hym The Earle of Salesburie landed at Conwey where hée was soone aduertised howe the Duke had taken the more parte of Englande and that all the Lords were got to him with more than thréescore thousand men The Earle of Salesburie caused to sommon the Welchmen and them of Cheshire to come to him so that wéening the King had bin arriued at Conwey within foure dayes there were come togither fortie thousand men ready to goe against the Duke of Hereford where they stayd fourtéene dayes but when they saw the King came not they stealed away and left the Earle of Salisburie in manner alone so that vnneath he had a C. men with him The Duke of Hereford aduanced towards the Earle of Salisburie who withdrew him into Conwey The King through euill counsell King Richard returned out of Ireland and landed at Milford Hauen stayd after the Earles departure eyghtéene dayes and then arriued at Milford Hauen from whence about midnight following desguised like a Priest for feare to be knowne with thirtéene persons only who went to Conwey thinking the Earle of Salisburie had there helde the fielde There were with him the Dukes of Excester and Surrey and the Earle of Glocester that continued faithfull vnto the last
Shippes of oures laden with Merchandizes and slew or hanged all the marriners The olde Countesse of Oxforde mother to Robert de Vere Duke of Ireland who as we sayde before died at Louaine did cause suche as were familiar with hir to brute throughout all the parts of Estsex that King Richard was aliue and that he should shortly come and chalenge his old estate and dignitie She caused many Harts of Siluer and some of Gold to be made for badges such as King Richarde was wont to bestow on his Knightes Esquires friends that distributing them in the Kings name she might the sooner allure the Knightes and other valiant men of the Countrey to be at hir will and desire Also the fame and brute whiche dayly was blazed abroade by one William Serle sometimes of King Richards Chamber that the same King Richard was in Scotland and tarried with a power of French and Scottishmen caused many to beléeue that he was aliue This William Serle had forged a priuie Seale in the said King Richards name and had sent diuers comfortable letters vnto such as were familiar with King Richarde by which meanes many gaue the greater credite to the Countesse in so much that some religious Abbots of that Countrey did giue credite vnto hir tales who afterward were taken af the Kings commandement and emprisoned bycause they did beléeue and giue credit to the Countesse in this behalfe and the Countesse had all hir goodes confiscate was cōmitted to close prison and William Serle was drawne frō Pomfret through the chiefest Cities of England put to death at London About the feast of S. Iohn Baptist at the Kings commandement the Earle of Northumberlād came to Pomfret brought with him his Nephues nephues sonnes by which doing he mitigated the mindes of many whiche thought that he had giuen the yong men counsell to rebell There came also with him William Clifford Knight who brought with him that William Serle K. Richards chamberlain whom we spake of before who by a wile he had caught Anno reg 6. and apprehended by which doing the King held him excused and pardoned him for that he had kept the Castell of Berwike against the Kings will and pleasure William Louth Stephen Spilman the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Hinde Draper the 28. of October About the feast of Saint Faith the King called a Parliament at Couentry and sent processe to the Sheriffes that they should choose no Knights nor burgesses that had any knowledge in the lawes of the Realme by reason wherof it was called the Lay mans Parliamēt These piked out Knights Lay mans Parliament and Burgesses could deuise none other way to reléeue the Kings lacke of money but to depriue the Cleargie of their temporall lands and goodes but Thomas Arundell Archbishop of Canterbury made answere that the Cleargie did alwayes giue the King as much as the Lay people did considering that they did of●●er giue the King tenthes than the laytie gaue fiftéenes and moreouer that more of their Tenants did serue the King in his warres thā of the Tenants of the lay fée and besides this they prayed for the prosperitie of the King and of all them that faithfully serued him And whē the speker of y e Parliamēt said with a loud voice that he little regarded y e prayers of the Church the Archbishop of Cāterbury answered then quoth he I know to what end the fortune of the Realme will come whē the suffrages of y e Church are not set by wherwith y e Godhead is wont to be appeased surely that Kingdome neuer cōtinueth stable y ● is voyde of prayer deuotion notwithstanding thinke not that thou shalt without punishmēt take away the possessiōs of the Church for if the Archbishop of Canterburie liue thou shalte haue euill taking of any thing that is his Then the Archbishoppe rose vppe and knéeled downe before the Kyng desiring hym to consider howe gratiouslie and by Gods fauour he had atteyned to the Kingdome that he would cōsider his first promis which was that he would preserue vnto euery man their right and title so farre as lay in him He also willed him to remember the oth which he voluntarily made which was that he would honor and defend the Church and Ministers thereof wherefore he desired him to permit and suffer the Church to enioy the priuiledges and liberties which in time of his predecessors it did enioy and to feare that King by whome all Kings doe raigne When the Archbishop had said these and like words the King commanded him to go to his seate againe and sayde that his intent and purpose was to leaue the Church in as good state or better than he found it And then the Archbishop speaking to the Knightes and burgesses sayde you and such like as you be haue giuen such counsell vnto our King and to his predecessors to confiscate the goodes of the In Edvvard the thirds time Celles whiche the Frenchmen and Normans did possesse in England and sayd that by them he should heape vp great riches as in déede they were woorth many thousands of gold notwithstanding it is most true that the King at this day is not the richer thereby of halfe a Marke for you haue extorted or at the least begged them out of his handes and haue appropriated the saide goodes vnto your selues so that it may be coniectured that your request to haue our temporalities is not for the Kings profite but for your owne couetousnesse for without doubt if the King as God forbid he should fulfill your wicked purpose he should not be one farthing the richer the next yeare following and surely I will sooner let my head be cut off than that the Churche should be destitute of the least right that perteyneth to it c. The Cleargie granted a tenth and a halfe and the commons two fiftéenes on condition the Lord Furniuall should receyne it to spend in the Kings warres The same time such abundance of water brake sodeinly ouer the bankes in Kent as was neuer séene the like in those partes whereby were drowned Beastes and Cattell without number neyther did England only bewayle theyr losses but also Zeland Flanders and Holland susteyned the like by the great excesse of waters This yeare died William Wikeham Bishop of Winchester Colledge at Oxford by whose charges and trauell the Cleargie of England was much encreased for he builded a notable Colledge in Oxford for the encrease of learning where he placed the Warden and his company to the number of lxx besides children seruants and tenne Priestes to kéepe dayly seruice enduing the sayd company with sufficient lands He beganne the foundation of a new Colledge at Winchester Colledge at VVinchester and in sixe yeares finished the same where he placed the like number of Schollers to learne their Grāmer and other principles to be sent afterward to his other Colledge at Oxford These two
man might iudge which way the victorie would encline but at length the men of King Charles began to breake and then the Englishmen began to thrust in among them and did so much that they discom●●ted their enimies There were slayne the Earle Dowglas Duke of Turon Iames Dowglas Earle of Wighton Iohn Earle of Boughan with the Uicount Nerbon and many other to the number of tenne thousand sayth Fabian foure Robert Fabian thousande sayeth mine Author a Frenchman who sayeth that the Duke of Bedford bare himselfe most valiantly fighting with an axe so fiercely as he had the prayse of all other The Earles of Salisburie and Suffolke gouerned themselues also right valiantly The Lord of Torsy and other Lords of Normandy which before had taken part with the Englishmen this day turned to the French hoping that the Englishmen shoulde haue lost the battell True it is that the Frenchmen would neuer suffer their King Charles to be present in person at any battayle but when they thought to pitch a fielde they sent him into some strong Towne By the losse of this battayle fought on the seauentéenth of August before Vernole in Anno reg 3. Perche King Charles was put to great hinderance so that he was not able in puissance to giue the Englishmen any battayle hauing ynough to defende and kéepe his Townes and fortresses against them The Duke of Bedford returned into Normandy where he punished many that fledde from him the day of the battayle Then went he to Paris where he found the Duke of Burgoigne who receyued him and the Dutches of Bedforde The Duke of Burgoigne enamored vvith the Countesse of Salisburie vvhere of came great displeasure and losse to England by the breach of amity betvvixt the English and the Burgonions his wife the sayde Duke of Burgoignes Sister right ioyfully and made to them great feast at whiche feast also were the Earles of Salisburie and Suffolke the olde Quéene of France mother to King Charles and many other greate estates of diuers nations amongst the whiche the Duches of Bedford was holden for the most gallantest Lady of all other and with hir the Countesse of Salisburie a very faire Lady The Duke of Bedford that had neuer iusted before iusted there The Duke of Burgoigne was a very goodly amiable mā of personage doing excellently well whatsoeuer he tooke in hand and especially in dansing and iusting he excéeded all other of his Countrey At this feast he became desirous of the Countesse of Salisburie and some messages passed betwixt them which came to the Earle of Salisburies eare whereof he was nothing contented with the Duke and therfore sought to do him displeasure afterward This feast being ended the Duke of Burgoigne went into his Countrey of Burgoigne and there tooke to wife the Duches of Neuers which had bin wife to his Unkle the Duke of Neuers and had by hir two Children She was halfe sister to the Duke of Burbon but she liued not long with him The D. of Burgoigne also gaue his sister the yongest named Agnes The second cause of breach of amitle betvvixt England and Burgoigne in marriage vnto Charles de Barbon Earle of Cleremont for the which the Duke of Bedford and other Englishm● were wroth for that he made suche alliance with the enimies without their accord This yeare the Frenchmen repaired the Castell of Mouns in Champaigne which had bin a little before destroyd by the Englishmen and now it was well stuffed with victuals and men which began to make sore war to the Countrey but shortly after the Earle of Salisburie beséeged thē and with him Messire Iohn de Luxenburg who did so much that the Castell was yéelded to him The D. of Bedford with his wife the Duches lay for the most parte in Paris leading there a pleasant life with the Lady whom he greatly loued and was lodged in y e house of the Tournels ●éere to the Castel Saint Anthony where he made faire buildings and his men still made sore warres againste the French towards the Riuer of Loyre and other places vpon base Normandy and toward the Duchie of Alanson This yeare in Englande Edmond Mortimere Earle of March with many other Lords a great retinue were sent Earle of March sent into Irelād into Ireland where the sayd Earle of March ended his life Simon Seman Bythewater the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Michaell Stockfish monger the 28. of October This yeare 1424. the warres began in Henault by reason of Iaqueline Duches of Henault daughter to Duke William Iaqueline Duches of Henault of Henault Unkle to Phillip Duke of Burgoigne and also daughter to Duke Iohn of Burgoignes sister wife to the ●●renamed William and so double Cousin german to Phil●●p Duke Phillip now liuing This Iaqueline was married ●● Iohn Duke of Brabant hir Cousin german Cousin ger●●n also to Duke Philip of Burgoigne and before that she ●●s married to the Earle of Pontioue son to King Charles le ●●●n aime eldest Brother to King Charles now liuing ●●t notwithstanding that she was thus married to the Duke of Brabant yet was she conuayed by Sir Robersart Knight and brought into England to the Duke of Glocester and there married to the sayd Duke of Glocester and so she Iaqueline married to the D. of Glocester had two husbandes aliue at once Brabant and Glocester ● thing thought vnreasonable both against God the world and the Church for she had bin four or fiue yeares in companie with the Duke of Brabant but there had fallen some variance betwixt them and so she was come from him into Henault About the last of Aprill began a Parliament at Westminster wherein was graunted a Subsedie of twelue in the Robert Fabian Parliament at London First Subsedie payde pound of all manner Merchandize comming in or passing out of this Realme thrée Shillings of a Tunne of Wine for the tearme of thrée yeares to be holden And furthermore it was enacted that all Merchant strangers should be set to an English host within fiftéene dayes of their comming to their port sale and to make no sale of any Merchandize ere All Strangers to be lodged vvithin English hostes they were so lodged then within fortie dayes following to make sale of all they brought and if any remayned vnsold at the sayd fortie dayes end that then all such Merchandize vnsold to be forfeyted Also that all Strangers that caried any woolles out of this land should pay xliij shillings four pence for a sacke custome where the English Merchants and Denisons payde but fiue nobles c. After the marriage had bin solemnized betwéene the Duke of Glocester and Iaqueline Duches of Holland as is aforesayde The Duke of Glocester goeth into Holland within a moneth after the Duke of Glocester assembled an armie of twelue hundred fighting men at the least all Englishmen and taking the Duches with him in cōpanie
to fall hereafter in your sayde Realme which God defende but if by your highnesse prouision couenable be made for due reformation and punishment in this behalfe Wherfore I your humble subiect true leigeman Richard Duke of Yorke willing as effectuallye as I can and desiring the suretie and prosperitye of your moste royall person and the welfare of thys your noble Realme counsell and aduertise your excellency for the conuersation of good tranquility and peaceable rule among all other subiectes for to ordain and prouide that true iustice be had against all such that so bée endited or openly named wherin I offer my selfe and wil put my endeuour for to execute youre commaundemente in the premisses for the punishing of suche offendours and redresse of the sayde misrules to my might and power And for the hastie execution hereof like it your highnesse to addresse these letters of priuie seale and writs to your officers and ministers to doe take and arrest all suche persons so noysed and endited of what estate degrée or condition soeuer they be and them to committe to the Tower of London and to other of your prisons there to abyde without Bayle or mayne prise vntil the tyme they be vtterly tryed and determined termined after the course of your lawes COosin as touching your Bill last put vp to vs we vnderstande Aunsvvere of K. Henrie to the Duke of Yorke well that yée of good harte counsayle and aduertice vs to y ● setting vp of Justice and to the spéedy punishing of some persons endited or noysed offering your seruise to bée readie at commaundemente in the same sithe it is that for manye causes mouing vs to haue determyned in our soule to stablishe a sadde and a substancial counsell giuing them more ample aucthoritie and power than euer we did afore this in the whiche we haue appointed you to be one but sithe it is not accustomed sure nor expedient to take a conclusion and conduct by aduise or counsell of one Person by hymselfe for the conseruation it is obserued that the greatest and the beste the riche and the poore in libertye Uertue and effect of your voyces be equall we haue therefore determyned wythin our selfe to sende for our Chauncellour of England and for other Lords of our Counsel yea and al other togither within short time ripelye to common these and other our greate matters in the whiche communication suche conclusion by the grace of God shal be takē as shal sound to his pleasure the Weale of vs and our land as well in these matters as in any other At length it was agréed by the King that the Duke of Somerset shoulde be committed to warde there to abyde and answere suche Articles as the Duke of Yorke would laye against him vpon which promises so made by the Kyng to the Duke who sawe that the people of Kent and of other places came not to him as they had promised and that they were not strong ynough for the Kings part was much more than his he brake vp his fielde on the first of Marche and yéelded himselfe to the King at Dertforde where contrarie to promise before made he founde the Duke of Somerset chiefe about the King Then was the Duke of Yorke sent before to London and holden partly as prisoner and streighter shoulde haue bene kepte but it was noysed that sir Edward Earle of March sonne to the sayde Duke of Yorke was comming towarde London with a strong power of Welchmen whych feared so the Quéene and Counsell that the Duke was set at full libertie And on the tenth of March the saide Richarde Duke of Yorke made his submission and toke hys othe to be true faythfull and obedient subiect to King Henrie the sixth King of England in Saint Paules Church at London there being present the King and most of his nobilitye that is to saye the Dukes of Buckingham Northampton and Somerset the Earles of Warwicke Arundale Salisburie Shropshire Deuonshire Wiltshire Northumberlande Stafford and Dorset viconnts of Beaumount and Welles Barons Fitz Warren Sainmounde Cobham Douglas and others Bishoppes the Cardinall Archbyshoppe of Yorke and Canterburie Winchester Ely and London in these wordes following I Richard Duke of Yorke confesse and beknowe that I am and oughte to bée humble subiecte and liegeman to you my soueraigne Lorde King Henrie the sixth and owe therefore to beare you Fayth and trueth as to my soueraigne liege Lorde and shall doe all dayes vnto my liues ende shall not at any time wyll or assente that any thing attempted or done againste your moste noble person but where so euer I shall haue knowledge of anye suche thing imagined or purposed I shall with all spéede and diligence possible to mée make that youre hyghenesse shall haue knowledge thereof And ouer that doe all that shall be possible to me to the withstanding and lette thereof to the vttermoste of my lyfe I shall not anye thing take vppon me agaynste youre royall estate or obeysaunce that is due thereto nor suffer anye other man to doe as farre forthe as it shal be in my power to let it And also shall come at youre commaundemente whensoeuer I shall be called by the same in humble and obeysaunte wise but if it be letted by any sicknesse of impotence of my person or by such other cause as shal bée thoughte by you my soueraigne LORD reasonable I shall neuer hereafter take vpon me to gather any row●e nor to make any assembly of your people without your cōmaundement or licence or in my lawfull defence in interpretation or declaration of the which my lawfull defence I shall reporte me at all times to your highnesse and if the case require to my péeres nor any thing attempt againste any of your subiects of what estate degrée or condition y e they be But when soeuer I finde my selfe wronged and agréeued I shal sue humblye for remedie to your highnesse and procéede after the course of your lawes and in none otherwise sauing in mine owne lawfull defence in manner aboue saide and otherwise haue to your highnesse as an hūble and true subiecte oughte to haue him to his soueraigne Lorde All these things aboue sayde I promise you truely to obserue and kéepe by the holy Euangelistes contayned in the booke that I laye my hande here vpon and by the holye Crosse I here touch and by the blessed Sacrament of oure Lordes bodye that I shall nowe with hys mercye receiue And ouer I agrée me and wil that if I any tyme hereafter as by the grace of our Lord God I neuer shall any thing attempt by waye of feate or otherwyse againste your royall Maiestie and obeysaunce that I owe thereto or any thyng take vppon me otherwise than is aboue expressed I from that tyme forth be vnabled helde and taken as an vntrue and openly foresworne man and vnable to all manner of worship estate and degrée be it such as I now occupye or any other that
cast hym a lande beside Saint Marie Oueries When Quéene Margaret heard that the king was takē she wyth hir sonne and eight persons fled to the Castel of Hardlagh in Wales and was robbed by the way in Lancashire of all hir goodes to the valewe of ten thousande markes from thence she went into Scotland The tenth of August Iames King of Scottes besieging the Castle of Rockesborough was slaine with a Gun that brake in his Campe. The one and twentith of September the Duke of Somerset came from Gwines into England Anno. reg 39 Sherifes Maior Richard Flemming Iohn Lambert the 28. of September Richard Lee Grocer the. 28 of October The vitj. of October a Parliamēt was begun at Westminster vnto the which came Ri. duke of Yorke that a little before Parliament was come out of Irelande and being lodged in the Pallaice the Kyng being there he brake vp the dores of the Kyngs Chamber so that the King giuing hym place tooke an other Chamber Then the sayde Duke as right heyre by lyneall descent from Richard the seconde chalenged the realme purposing to haue bin crowned on Alhallown day next following and herevppon sente to the Parliament in wryting hys sayde clayme title and pedigrée The whych clayme after diligent deliberation had and approued by the sayde Parliamente peace and concorde betwéene the king and Duke on the Uigil of Alhalow was established and cōcluded as in Articles followeth BLessed be Iohn in whose handes and bountie refieth The Articles betvvixt King Henrie the Duke of Yorke and is the peace and vnitie betwixte Princes and the Weale of euerye Realme I knowe by whose direction agréed it is appointed and accorded as followeth betwixte the moste high and moste mightis Prince King Henrie the sixth King of England and of Fraunce and Lord of Irelande on y ● one party and the right high and mightie Prince Richard Plātagenet Duke of Yorke on that other party vpon certain matters of variaunce moued betwixt them and especially vpon the clayme and title vnto the Crownes of England and of Fraunce and Royall power estate and dignitie appertayning to the same and Lordship of Irelande opened shewed and declared by the sayde Duke afore all the Lordes spirituall and Temporall being in this present Parliament First where the saide Richarde Duke of Yorke hath declared and opened as aboue is sayde title and clayme in maner as followeth That the right noble and worthy Prince Henrie Kyng of Englande the third had issue and lawfullye got Edwarde his first begotten sonne borne at Westminster the xv Kalendes of July in the yeare of our Lord 12●9 and Edmond his second sonne which was borne on Saint Marcels day the yeare 1200. the whiche Edwarde after the death of Kyng Henrie hys Father intituled and called Kyng Edwarde the firste had issue Edward his first begotten sonne called after the decease of his Father Kyng Edward the seconde the whiche had issue Edward the thirde which Edward the third had issue Edward Prince of Wales William of Hatfield hys seconde sonne Leonel the thirde Duke of Clarence Iohn of Gaun● fourth Duke of Lancaster Edmond of Langley fifth Duke of Yorke Thomas of Woodstocke the sixth Duke of Glocester W. of Windsor the seuenth The said Edward Prince of Wales which dyed in the life time of hys Father had issue Richard which succéeded Edwarde the thirde his grandsire Richarde dyed without issue William of Hatfield the second sonne of Edwarde the thirde dyed without issue Leonel the thirde sonne of Edwarde the thirde Duke of Clarence hadde issue Phillip his daughter and heyre whych was coupled in matrimony vnto Edmond Mortimer Earle of Marche and had issue Roger Mortimer Earle of Marche hyr Sonne and heyre which Roger had issue of Edmond erle of March Roger Mortimer Anne and Elianor which Edmonde Roger and Alianor dyed without issue And the sayde Anne coupeled in matrimony to Richard Earle of Cambridge the sonne of Edmond of Langley the fifth sonne of Henrie the third and had issue Richard Plantagenet commonly called Duke of Yorke Iohn of Gaunt the fourth son of Edward the yonger brother of the sayde Leonel had issue Henrie Earle of Darby whiche incontinent after that King Richard resigned the Crownes of the Realmes and Lordship of Irelande vnrighteously entred vppon the same then being aliue Edmonde Mortimer Earle of Marche sonne to Roger Mortimer Earle of March sonne and heyre of the saide Phillippe daughter and heyre of the sayde Leonel the thirde sonne of the sayde King Edward the thirde to the whiche Edmonde the right and title of the sayde Crownes and Lordship by lawe and custome belonged To the whiche Richard Duke of Yorke as sonne to Anne daughter to Roger Mortimer Earle of March sonne and heyre of the sayd Phillip daughter and heyre of the sayde Leonell the third sonne of Kyng Edwarde the thirde the righte title dignitie Royall and estate of the Crownes of the Realmes of England and Frāce and the Lordshippe of Irelande pertayneth and belongeth a fore anye issue of the saide Iohn of Gaunt the fourth sonne of the same King Edwarde The sayde title notwithstanding and without preiudice of the sayde Richarde Duke of Yorke tenderly desiring the wealth reste and prosperitie of this land and to set apart all that might be trouble to the same and consyderyng the possession of the sayde Kyng Henne the sixth and that he hathe for hys tyme bene named taken and reputed for Kyng of Englande and of Fraunce and LORDE of Irelande is contented agréede and consenteth that hée bée hadde reputed and taken for Kyng of Englande and Fraunce wyth the Royall estate dignitye and preheminence belonging therevnto and Lorde of Irelande during hys naturall lyfe And for that time the saide Duke without hurte or preiudice of his saide righte and title shall take worshippe and honor him for his soueraigne Lorde Item the saide Richard Duke of Yorke shall promis and binde him by his solempne othe in maner and forme as foloweth In the name of God Amen I Richarde Duke of Yorke The othe of Richard Duke of Yorke promise and sweare by the faith and truth that I owe to Almightie God that I shal neuer consent procure or stirre directly or indirectly in priuie or aperte neyther as much as in me is shall suffer to be done consented procured or stirred any thing that may sound to the abridgement of the natural life of King Henry the sixth or to y ● hurt or diminishing of his raigne or dignitie royall by violence or anye otherwise againste his fréedome or libertie but if anye person or persons wold do or presume any thing to y ● contrary I shal with all my might power withstande it and make it to be withstoode as farre as my power wil stretche there●herevnto so helpe mée GOD and his holie Euangelistes Item Edward Earle of March and Edmund Earle of Rutlande sonnes of the saide Duke of Yorke shall make like
Thomas Harington Knighte Sir Thomas Neuil sonne to the Earle of Salisburie and Syr Henrie Ratforde Knight and other to the number of 2200. The Earle of Salisburie was taken aliue and ledde by the Duke of Somerset to the Castell of Pomfraite and had graunte of hys life for a greate summe of money but the common people of the Countrey whyche loued hym not toke hym out of the Castel by violence and smote off hys heade When the death of these Lordes was knowen ●● the King he commaunded writs and commissions to be sent into the shires to the people and to goe againste the Rebelles into the Northe to suppresse them but they of the Northe came sodainelye downe to the Town of Dunstaple robbing all the Countrey and people as they came spoyling Abbayes Priories and Parish Churches bearing awaye Chalisses bookes ornamentes and other whatsoeuer was worth the carriage as thoughe they had bin Sarisens and no Christians againste whom the twelfth of Februarie the Duke of Norffolke and Suffolke the Erles of Warwicke and Arundale the Lord Bonuile and other with the King wente out of London towarde Saint Albons and when they heard that they of the Northe were so nyghe they tooke a fielde beside a little Towne called Sandriage not farre from Sainte Albons on Barnarde Heathe in a place called No mans Lande where the Kyng stoode and sawe hys menne slayne on bothe sydes tyll at the laste throughe the wythdrawyng manye of the Kentishmen with their Captaine Louelace that was the vaward King Henries parte lost the fielde the Lords fled and the King wente to Quéene Margaret that was come w t the Northerne men and hyr sonne Edwarde The Earle of Warwicke wente towarde the Earle of Marche that was comming towarde London out of Wales The Lord Bonuile woulde haue withdrawen him but the King assured hym to haue no bodylye harme neuerthelesse at the instance of the Quéene the Duke of Excester and the Earle of Deuonshire he was beheaded at Saint Albons and wyth hym Syr Thomas Kyriell of Kente This battayle was fought on Shroue Twesday the seauentéenth of February Exlibre Norwicensis in the whiche was slain 1916 persons The same day Thomas Thorpe Baron of the Exchequer was beheaded at High Gate by the commons of Kent Then the Citizens of London dreading the malice of the Quéene and the Duke of Somerset sente vnto them the Dutchesse of Buckingham with other to treate for to be beneuolent to the Citie for the which a summe of money was promised and that they shoulde come to the Citie wyth a certayne number of persons where vpon certayne speares and men of armes were sente to haue entred the Citie before the Dukes commyng whereof some were slayne some sore hurte and the remnaunte putte to flighte by the Commons who tooke the Keyes of the gates and manfully defended the Citie vntill the comming of Edwarde Earle of Marche where-throughe King Henrie wyth Quéene Margaret and the Northerne men were forced to return again Northwarde The thirde of Februarie Edwarde Earle of Marche foughte wyth the Welchmen beside Wigmore in Wales neare vnto Mortimers Crosse whose Captaynes were the Earle of Penbroke and the Earle of Wilshire where he put them to flight and slewe of the Welchemen aboute foure thousande Owen Tewther whome Iohn Leylande sayeth shoulde be called Me●●dicke Father to the sayde Earle Penbroke whiche Owen hadde married Katherin mother to King Henrie the sixth was there taken and beheaded and afterward buried in the a Chapel of the Gray Friers Church in Hereforde the day before this battayle about tenne of the clocke before noone were séene thrée Suns in the firmamēt shyning a like cleare which after closed togither all in one The eight and twentith of Februarie Edward Earle of March accompanied with the Erle of Warwicke a mightie power of Marchmen came vp to London where he was ioyfully receyued and on the seconde day of March being Sonday all hys hoste was mustered in Saint Iohns fielde where was redde among the people certaine Articles and pointes that King Henrie had offended in and then it was demanded of them whether the said Henrie were worthy to raigne still and the people cryed nay naye Then was it asked if they would haue the Erle of March to be theyr King and they sayde yea yea then certaine Captaynes were sente to Erle of March elected King the Earle of March at Baynardes Castel and tolde the Erle that the people had chosen him King whereof he thanked God and them and by the aduise of the Archbyshoppe of Canterburie the Byshoppe of Excester and the Earle of Warwicke wyth other hée tooke it vpon hym The Dutches of Yorke mother to Edwarde Earle of Marche fearing the fortune of the worlde sente hyr two yonger sonnes George and Richarde ouer the seas to the Citie of Vtricke in Almaine where they remayned tyll their elder brother had got the Crown Also Phillip Malpas Alderman of London Thomas Citizens of Lōdon fled Vaghan Esquire Maister William Atclife with many other fearing the Quéenes comming to London shypped them in a shippe of Antwerpe purposing to haue sayled thyther but by the way they were taken by a French shippe named the Colmapne and at length delyuered for greate raunsome Edwarde Earle of March being elected as is abouesaid Edvvard Erle of March toke on him the kingdome on the next morrowe went in procession at Paules and offered there and after Te Deum beyng sung he was with gret royaltie conueyed to Westminster and there in the Hall sette in the kings seate with Saint Edwards Scepter in his hand and then asked of the people if they would haue him King and they cryed yea yea Then after certaine homages by hym receyued he was with Procession conuayed into the Abbay there and sette in the Quire as King whyle Te Deum was singing that done he offered at Saint Edwardes Shryne and then returned by water vnto Saint Paules and was there lodged wythin the Bishops Pallaice Thus tooke he possession of the Realme vpon a Tuisday being the fourth of Marche and was proclaymed King of England by the name of Edward the fourthe when King Henrie hadde raigned thirtie yeares eight monthes and odde dayes ⸪ ¶ Edward Earle of March EDvvarde Earle of Marche borne at Roane sonne and heyre to Anno. reg 1 10. Rouse Richarde Duke of Yorke about the age of eightéene yeares began his raigne the fourth day of March by the name of Edward the fourth in the yeare 1460. he was a man of noble courage and greate wit but in his time was muche trouble vnquietnesse in the realme The twelfth of Marche Walter Walker a Grocer that VValter VValker beheaded dwelt in Cheape for words spoken touching King Edwarde was beheaded in Smithfield This Grocer is he whom Maister Hal mistaketh to be Burdet of whom ye shal finde in the xvij yeare of this King The same xij day of Marche in the afternoone
King Edward with great triumph rode through the Citie of London 1461 to Bishops Gate and so toke his iourney towarde the Northe where betwéene Shirburne in Elmet and Todcaster all the Northe partye mette hym and on Palme Sondaye the. xxix of Marche fought a greate battaile betwéene Towton and Saxton in which were slaine Henrie Percy Erle of Northumberlande Iohn Lorde Clifforde Iohn Lord Neuil Leo Lorde Welles Ranulph Lorde Dacre and many other on both parties to the number of fiue and thirtie thousand seauen hundred and eleauen persons but King Edwarde gatte the fielde Many of the Bones of these men were buried Iohn Leyland in the Churchyard of Saxton they were firste buryed in fiue pittes halfe a mile off by North in Saxton fielde yet appearing Towton village is a mile from Saxton where a gret Chappell was begonne by Richarde the third but not finished in whiche Chappel were buried also many of the men flaine at Palmsonday fielde This fielde was as muche in Saxton Parishe as in Towton yet it bare the name of Towton The Duke of Excester the Duke of Somerset the Lorde Roos the Hungerford and many other fled to Yorke to king Henrie and then they with the King Quéene and Prince King Henry fled into Scotlande fled towarde Scotlande to Barwicke and so to Edenborough King Edwarde wente to Yorke and then to Durham and when he had quieted the Countrey returned Southwarde Thomas Courtney Earle of Deuonshire was taken and beheaded in Yorke Castell Iames Butler Earle of Wilshire was beheaded at Newcastell the Lord Fitz Walter was drowned at Ferybridge The town of Barwicke was deliuered to the Scots by king Henrie the sixth on Saint Markes daye The. xxvj of June the Mayor of London with the Aldermen in Scarlet and the Commons in gréene broughte King Edwarde from Lambeth to the Tower of London where he made eight and twentie Knightes and on the morrowe he dubbed foure mo and on the eight and twentith of June he was crowned at Westminster with greate solempnitie of Bishops and other temporall Lordes And on the morow after the King was crowned againe in Westminster Abbay in the worship of God Saint Peter and on the next morow he went Crowned in Paules Church of London in the honour of God and Saint Paule there an Angell came downe censed him at which time was so great a multitude of people in Paules as euer was séene in any dayes And soone after his Coronation the King made his States created brother George Plantagenet Duke of Clarence and his other brother Richard duke of Glocester Williā Stafford Esquier Lord Stafford of Southwike sir William Hebert Lorde Herbert and after Earle of Penbroke and the sayd Lord Stafford Earle of Deuonshire After this he made Edward Lord Grey of Ruthen Earle of Kent Henrie Lorde Bourcher Earle of Essex Iohn Lorde of Buckingham Lorde of Mountioy sir Iohn Heyward Lord Heyward William Hastings Lord Hastings and after that great Chamberlaine Richard Woodvile Lord Riuers Denham Esquier Lord Denham c. Not long after Iohn Dauy had his hand striken of in Cheape the Coronation of King Edward one Iohn Dauy had his hand striken off at the Standard in Cheape because he smote a man before the Judges in Westminster Hall contrarie to the Lawe George Ireland Iohn Locke the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Hughe Wiche Mercer the 28. of October The. iiij of Nouember began a Parliament at Westminster wherein King Henrie his Quéene and his sonne were disherited of the Crowne Henrie Duke of Excester Henrie Duke of Somerset Thomas Earle of Deuonshire c. to the nūber of 140. were attainted disherited Shortly the Earle Anno. reg 2. of Oxford and Awbrey his sonne sir Thomas Tudenham Knight William Tirrell and Iohn Mongomerie Esquiers 1462 were detect and at seuerall times beheaded at the Towre hyll and after that many other The. xxvij of Marche King Edward went Northwarde so farre as Stamforde where he was informed that King Henrie had procured the Frenchmen and Scots to enter this land in resisting whereof King Edwarde sent his Priuie Seale through England to moue men to giue him a certaine sūme of money which they graunted liberally The Lord Fauconbridge Earle of Kent was appointed to kéepe the Seas with the Lorde Audeley Lorde Clinton Sir Iohn Heyward sir Richard Walgraue and other to the number of ten thousand which landed in Britaine and wanne the towne of Conqnet with the Isle of Reth c. In Michaelmas Terme king Edward sat in the Kings bench thrée dayes together in open court to vnderstande how his lawes were executed William Hampton Barthelmew Iames the 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Thomas Coke Draper the 28. of October Quéene Margaret wyfe to Henrie the sixt landed in the North where hauing but small succour and euill fortune she was faine to take the Sea againe by tempest of weather was driuen to Barwicke where she landed but lost hir shippes and goods In December King Edwarde laide siege to the Castels of Bambrugh Dunstonbrugh Alnewike Henrie Bowfort Duke of Somerset sir Ralph Percie and other yéelded Bambrugh on Christmas euen and were taken to the Kings fauour King Edward graunted to the Duke of Somerset a. 1000. marks by the yéere where of he was neuer paid the Earle of Penbroke sir Thomas Fyndern and other went into Scotland On S. Iohns day Dunstonburgh was yéelded On y ● Twelfe euen Peirs●e Brasile the great warrior of Normandie came to helpe the Quéene Margaret with Frenchmen xx thousande Scots to remoue King Edwardes men from Alnewike siege and the residue of other Castels there By whose comming King Edwardes men were afearde of the Scottes as reculing from the siege and the Scottes afearde of Edwardes men least they had reculed to bring them into a trap And Henries mē issuing out of too much boldnesse gaue Edwards mē opportunitie to enter into the Castle on the morow after the Twelfe day the Earle of Warwike made xv knights Anno reg 3. these iij. Castels were committed to y e kéeping of sir Ralph Grey and after againe King Henrie with his Quéene and 1463 their felowship entred them and kept them About Midsomer the Scots with many French Englishmen laid siege to the Castle of Norham but were forced to leaue it as they found it The Earle of Warwike wan the towne of Barwike where he made fiue Bannertes xxij knights and went into Scotland where he burnt Lawghmaban Iedeworth Galowey and many other Townes and returned to Barwike The Minster of Yorke the stéeple of Christes Church in Norwiche were brent Robert Basset Thomas Muschampe the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Mathew Phillip Goldsmith the 28 of October In the moneth of Aprill King Edwarde made great Anno. reg 4. 1464 preparation against King Henrie and on Saint Markes day Ralph Percie Lorde Hungerforde with a great power purposing
to haue distressed sir Iohn Neuil Lorde Mountacute was himselfe slaine with many other The. xv of May King Henries power beyng at Hexham the Lorde Mountacute with a power came thither and enclosed them round about There were taken slaine many Lords that were with King Henry but he himself was fled iiij dayes before into Lancashire where he and other liued in caues full hardly vnknowne more than a yéere On Trinitie Sonday King Edward made the Lord Mountacute Earle of Northumberland and warden of the Marches The Earles of Warwike and Northumberlande tooke Bambrugh Castle and beheaded sir Ralph Grey at Doncaster The Earle of Warwike was sent into Fraunce to conclude a mariage with the French Kings sisters daughter for K. Edward which he did K. Edvvard maried but in the meane while on the first of May King Edwarde tooke to wife Elizabeth Daughter to Iaquet Duches of Bedforde sister to the Earle of Saint Paule late wife to sir Iohn Grey slayne at Courton fielde on King Henries parte which mariage was kept secret almost halfe a yéere King Edward tooke the Chauncellorship from the Byshop of Excester brother to the Earle of Warwike and gaue it to the Byshop of Bathe In the moneth of May the Duke of Somerset the Lord Roos the Lord Molyns Talbois Earle of Kyme sir Philippe Wentworth sir Thomas Finderne gathered an hoste in the Duke of Somerset and other beheaded North Countrey sir Iohn Neuill Earle of Northumberland with x. thousand men came vpō them whom the commons forsaking their Captaines were taken beheaded King Edward searing the Lord Moūtacute the Earle of Warwike whom he had of late made Earle of Northumberland he caused the men of the Countrey to desire the rightfull heyre Percie sonne to Henrie y ● was slaine at Yorke fielde so Percie Earle of Northumberland made Marques Mountacute was restored and Mountacute was made a Marques his sonne Duke of Bedforde which shoulde wed the Kings eldest daughter which by possibilitie should be King of Englande Aboute Michaelmas the King held a Counsell at Reading where the Quéene was shewed openly and receiued as Coine enhaūsed Quéene After this wedding knowne the Earle of Warwike and King Edward were neuer friends The King changed the Coyne both gold and siluer and ordained that y e newe Pestilence Grote waied scantly iij. d. and that the Noble of vj. s̄ viij d. should go for viij s̄ iiij d. c. A great Pestilence and the Thames ouer frosen In Michaelmas Terme were made Sergeantes at Lawe Thomas Young N. Geney Richard Serieants feast Regester of maiors Neale Thomas Brian Richard Pigot I. Grenefield I. Catesby and Gwy Fairfax which helde their feast in the Bishop of Eles place in Holborne to the which feast the Maior of London with the Aldermen Sherifes and Commons of diuers Craftes being bidden repayred but when the Maior looked to be set to kéepe the state in the Hall as it had béene vsed in all places of the Cittie liberties out of the Kings presence vnknowne to the Sergeauntes and against their willes as they sayd y ● Lord Grey of Ruthin then Treasurer The Maior of London departeth from the Serieants feast of England was there placed wherevpon the Maior Aldermen and Commons departed home and the Maior made all the Aldermen to dyne with him howbeit he and all the Citizens was greatly displeased that he was so delt with and the newe Sergeaunts and other were right sorie therfore and had leauer th●n much good it had not so happened This was then as my Recorde reporteth more at large recorded to be a president in time to come Iohn Tate Iohn Stone the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Nevv coyne Anno. reg 5. Ralph Iosseli● Draper the 28 of October A newe Coine was made a Rose Noble at x. shillings the halfe Noble fiue shillings the farthing two shillings sir pence an Angelet six shillings eight pence y e halfe thereof thrée shillings foure pence On the. xxvj of May Quéene Elizabeth was Crowned at 1465 Westminster beyng Trinitie Sonday against the which time King Edward made xxxix Knightes King Henrie was taken in Cletherwood beside Bungerley King Henrie taken Hyppingstons in Lancashire by Thomas Talbot sonne heire to sir Edward Talbot of Basshall and Iohn Talbot his cosyn of Colebry which deceiued him being at his dynner at Wadington Hall and brought him toward London with his legs bounde to the stirops where he was mette by the Earle of W●rwike and arested at Esyldon Doctor Manning Deane of Windsore Doctor Bedle and yong Ellerton being in his companie with their féete bound vnder the horse bellyes were brought to the Towre of London A licence was graūted to conuey certaine Coteswold shéepe Sheepe trāsported ouet the seas Long piked Shone forbid into Spaine which haue since greatly multiplyed there It was proclaynied throughout England that the beakes or pikes of Shoone and Bootes should not passe ij ynches vpon paine of cursing by the Clergie and forfeting xx s̄ to be payde one Noble to the King one other to the Cordewayners of London and the thirde to the chamber of London and for other Cities and Townes the like order was takē Before this time and since the yéere of our Lord. 1282. the pikes of shooes bootes were of such length that they were fayne to be tyed vp to their knées with chaynes of siluer and guilt or at the least with silke laces Henrie Wauer William Constantine the 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Sir Ralph Verney Mercer the 28. of October The. xj of Februarie Quéene Elizabeth was deliuered at Westminster of a Daughter also named Elizabeth who was long after married to King Henrie the seuenth whose Christening was done in the Abbey with y e most solemynitie that might be and the more because the King was assured by his Phisitions that the Quéene was conceyued with a Prince which proued otherwise as ye haue heard This yéere was the Lord Hungerford beheaded at Salisburie Anno. reg 6 1466 Also sir Thomas Hungerford Knight sonne to the Lord Hungerford and Henry Courteney of right Earle of Deuōshire were beheaded at Salisburie The Lord Stafford of Southwike procured the said Courteneys death to be made Earle of Deuonshire as in déede he was shortly after Iohn Browne Henrie Brice the 28. of September Sir Iohn Yong Grocer the 28. of October Sherifes Maior Iohn Stocton the 26. of Iune The. iij. of June beganne a Parliament at Westminster Anno. reg 7. 1467 All the Kings giftes reuoked wherin was resumed to y e Kings honor all maner of giftes that had bin giuen from the first day he tooke possession of y ● Realme to that time except certaine things then named On Thursday next after Corpus Christi Antonie Wooduile Iustes in Smithfielde Lorde Scales iusted in Smithfield with the Earle of the Roche called the Bastard of Burgoygne
deliuered til he had paid 8000. ● to y e K. 800. ● to y e Quéene In the ende of August the Castle of Harlowe was wonne Harlovv Cas●l● vvonne by the assaulte of the Lorde Herberd the which Castle was one of the strongest holdes in Wales This yéere many murmurous tales ran in the Citie betwene y e Earle of Warwike and the Quéenes blood y e which Earle was euer had in great fauour of the Cōmons of this land by reason of y ● excéeding houshold which he dayly kept in all Countries where euer he soiourned or lay and when Earle of VVarvvike his house keeping he came to London he held such an house that vj. Oxen were eaten at a breakefast and euery Tauerne was full of his meate for who that had any acquaintance in that house he should haue had as much soden and rost as he might carrie vpon a long Dagger Simon Smith William Hanot the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Cordvvainer streete discharged of fiftens Anno reg 19. William Tailour Grocer the 28. of October This W. Tailour gaue to y e Citie of London certaine tenements for the which y e Citie is boūd to pay for euer at euery fiftéene graunted to y e King for all such as shall dwell in Cordwainers stréete warde seised at xij d. a péece or vnder The Duke of Clarence went to Calleis there wedded Isable one of y e daughters to y e Earle of Warwike Sir Iohn Coniers 1469 knight Robert Hiltard who named himselfe Robin of Ridsedale other gathered an host of 20000. mē in y e North Robert of Ridsedale against whō K. Edward sent W. Herbert late made Earle of Penbroke with 18000. Welch men and Humfrey Stafforde of Southroike late made Earle of Deuon w t 6000. good archers which ij Erles falling out for lodging in y e towne of Bābery Edgecote field Hūfrey Stafford departed w t his power wherby W. Herbert Richard Herbert his brother were ouercome taken by thē of the North 5000. saith Hall of the Welchmen slaine in a plaine called Danes more néere to y e towne of Edgecote iij. miles frō Ba●bery y ● 26. of July The men of name slaine of y ● Welch party were sir Roger Vaughā knight Henry ap Morgan Tho. ap Richard Vaughā Esquier W. Herbert of Brecknocke Esquier Watkin Thomas son to Roger Vaughan Inā ap Iohn ap Meridik Dauy ap Iankin ap Limorik Harrisdon ap Pikton Iohn Done of Kidwelly Rice ap Morgā ap Vistō Iankin Perot ap Scots Burg Iohn Euerard of Penbrokeshire Iohn Courtor of Hereford The Northrē men of name slain were sir Henry Latimer sonne heire to y e Lord Latimer sir Roger Pigot Knight Iames Coniers sonne heire to sir Iohn Coniers Knight Oliuer Awdley Esquier Tho Wakes sonne heire to W. Mallerie Esquier Richard Woodvile Lord Riuers w t Iohn his sonne were takē in y ● forest of Dene brought to Northamptō where they with sir W. Herbert Richard his brother were all iiij beheaded by y ● cōmaundement of y e duke of Clarence the Erle of Warwike T. Herbert was slaine at Bristow Humfry Stafford was by the commōs taken at Bridgewater and beheaded King Edwarde was taken at V●nar a village beside Northampton by y e archbishop of Yorke brought to Warwicke Castell thence to Yorke from whence by faire promises he escaped came to London Richard Gardiner Robert Drope the 28 of September Sherifes Maior Richard Lee Grocer the 28. of October The 29. of Sept. Humfrey Neuile Knighte and Charles his brother were taken by the erle of Warwike beheaded at Yorke King Edward being present In the moneth of Anno reg 1● March the L. Willoughby Rich. Lord Wels sir Roberte his son sir Tho. Delaband sir Tho. Dimoke the Kings Champion draue out of Lincolnshire sir Tho. Burgh a Knighte of the kings house pulled down his place and toke al his goods cattels with 30000 of the commons cried King Henrie K. Edward gaue Lorde Wels his pardon sente for him hauing him in custody cōmanded him vpon paine of death to cause the Lincolneshire men i● lay down their hoste and so he wrote but all in vaine Wherevpon the Lorde Wels head was cutte off King Edward sprinkeled the Lincolnshire men with his ordinance and slewe many of them Sir Robert Wels sir Thomas Delaband sir Thomas Dimoke were taken and beheaded beside Stamforde the 13. of March and the 19. day the Lorde Willoughbey was beheaded at Doncacter The Duke of Clarence and the Earle of Warwike fledde into Fr●unce where they made a marriage betwixte Prince Edwarde sonne to King Henrie the sixth and one of the Earle of Warwikes daughters At this marriage was concluded that King Henry shoulde raigne againe and Prince Edwarde after him and for lacke of their heires George Duke of Clarence and his heires ●● The. xiij day of Sept. George Duke of Clarence Iasper Earle of Penbroke Richard Earle of Warwike the Earle of Oxford with the bastard Fawconbridge and many other ariued at Plymmouth and an other sort at Dartmouth of whome the Earle of Penbroke went into Wales the other toward Excester proclaiming in the name of King Henry that all men betwixt the ages of xvj and. lx should be ready to assist the saide Lordes on the behalfe of King Henrie against King Edward Also on the Sonday next after the feast of Saint Michael the Archangell Doctor Godard preaching at Doctor Godard preached at Paules Crosse againste King Edvvarde Paules Crosse declared by the reading of byls and diuers other arguments and proofes that Henrie was true lawfull King of England and not King Edward Moreouer the Marques Mountacute who had gathered a. vj. thousand men in King Edwardes name and was come néere vnto the said Edward he told them how King Edward had serued him first making him Earle of Northumberland and after giuing the same Erledome to T. Percie made him Marques Mountacute allowing him a Pies neste to maintayne it with all wherefore he would leaue to serue him and take part with the Earle of Warwike his brother Whereof when King Edwarde vnderstoode he fled from his host besides Notingham King Edvvarde fled beyond the Seas and the. iij. day of October he with the Lorde Riuers Lorde Hastings his Chamberlaine the Lord Say and other to y e number of vij or viij Earles tooke shipping at Lynne Phil. Kom●in●● sayled toward the duke of Burgoigne his brother in lawe The Quéene had before that to wit on y ● first of October The Queene tooke sanctuary at VVestm●ster stolne secretly in y e night out of the Towre of London by water to Westminster there taken Sanctuary This time was great watch kept in y e Citie of London for the Kentishmen had Kentishmen robbed the Flemings chased ●hem oute of London assembled themselues in
October was created Earle of Winchester openly in the Parliament Chamber Iohn Broune Thomas Bledlow the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir William Hampton Fishmonger the 28. of October This Maior aboue al other hys predecessours corrected Strumpets and caused them to ride about the Citie wyth Rey hoodes vppon their heades and after banished them the Citie for euer He also caused a paire of stockes to be set in euery ward of London The sixth of October beganne a Parliamente at Westminster by authoritie wherby an ayde was graunted to the King towards the charge of his Wars whiche was leuied of mens lands as well of Lordes as of other The Duke of Burgo●gne hauing greate Warres wyth Anno. reg 13 1473 the French King sente Ambassadours into Englande to require King Edwarde hys brother in Lawe to make Warre on the Frenche Kyng vnto the whiche requeste Kyng Edwarde easily graunted bycause hée wished to be reuenged on the Frenche King as of hys enymie for ayding the Erle of Warwicke Quéene Margaret and hyr sonne Prince Edwarde and their complices wherevpon he promised and also determyned in the beginning of the next yeare to bring a greate armye ouer to Caleis and to inuade the Kingdome of Fraunce And forthwith with all diligence prepared all things readie for hys iourney makyng manye shiftes for the prouision of money to serus hys turne William Stocker Robert Ballisdon the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Tate Mercer the 28. of October Thys yeare the Duke of Excester was founde deade in the Sea betwéene Douer and Caleis but howe he came there the certaintie coulde not be knowne King Edwarde hauing prepared hys armye ledde the Anno reg 14 1474 same to Douer from thence to crosse the seas to Caleis The force that passed wyth hym at thys presente was the greatest that euer came into Fraunce moste of them beyng Horssemenne all in verye good order well armed All the Nobles of the Realme were there a fewe excepted they were fiftéene hundered menne of armes very well mounted and the moste of them barded and richly trapped after the manner of the Frenche Warres and well accompanyed with horssemenne of theyr retinue they were at the leaste fiftéene thousande Archers on horssebacke and a greate number of f●●temenne and others as well to pitche theyr Tentes whereof they were well furnyshed as also to attende vppon theyr Artyl●erye and inclose theyr Campe and in all theyr armye they hadde not one pledge Besides thys were thr●e thousande Englishe menne appoynted to lande in Brytaine When King Edwarde came to Douer the Duke of Burgoigne to helpe his passage sent 500. boates of Hollande and Seland called Cuttes whiche are flatte and lowe builte verye commodiously for transporting of horsses but notwithstanding all thys helpe they hadde from the Duke and all the Kyng of Englande coulde commaunde hymselfe hée was aboue thrée wéekes in passing betwéene Douer and Caleis one shippe of Ewe tooke two or thrée of his small passengers before Kyng Edwarde embarqued hée sente from Douer to the Kyng of Fraunce one Heralte alone called Gartera Norman borne who broughte a letter of defiaunce from the King of Englande in verye good language and so excellently well penned that myne Aucthour was perswaded it was neuer Englishe mans doyng The contentes whereof were that the Kyng shoulde yéelde vnto hym the Realme of Fraunce beyng hys inheritaunce to the ende he might restore the Cleargye and Nobilitie to theyr auntient libertye ease them of the greate charges they sustayned and deliuer them of the miseries they were in whyche if hée refused to doe he protested what greate mischiefe shoulde ensue thereof in manner and forme as in suche cases is accustomed The Kyng read the letter softlye to himselfe and afterwarde all alone withdrewe hymselfe into a wardrobe and commaunded the Heralte to be brought to hyepresence to whom hée made thys aunswere Fyrst that he knewe well that the King of Englande had not passed the seas of hys owne frée motion but by the perswasion of the Duke of Burgondie and the comminaltie of England Secondelye that the Sommer was nowe almoste paste and that the Du●● of Burgoigne was returned from Nunz as a man discomifited and vtterlye vnfurnished of all things Thirdlye as touching the Conestable of Fraunce he knew wel he sayde y t the intelligence wyth y e K. of England bycause he hadde married hys niece but would deceyue the Kyng his Mayster as he ●ad him notwithstandyng all the great benefits that he had receiued of him which he that rehearsed adding therevnto that the saide Conestable ment to liue in continuall dissimulation and entertaine euerye man to make his profit of him Last of all he alleaged to the Heralte diuerse reasons to perswade the Kyng hys Mastor to peace and gaue hym with hys owne hand 300. crownes promising him 1000. more if the peace were cōcluded further opēly he gaue him for a present a goodly péece of Crimson Ueluet of thyrtie Elles The Heralte aunsweared that he woulde trauayle the beste he coulde for peace and thoughte the Kyng hys Mayster woulde easilye be wonne therevnto but he willed the Kyng of Fraunce to sende an Haraulte to the Englishe Campe to demaunde a safeconduite for certaine Ambassadours that he woulde sende to the Kyng of Englande and to directe hys letters to the Lorde Hawarde or to the Lorde Stanley and to hymselfe also to conuene hys Haralte At one tyme in a ma●oure bothe the King of Englande landed at Caleis and the Duke of Burgoigne departed from before Nunz who in greate haste rydde streyghte to Caleis to the sayde Kyng wyth a verye small trayne for he hadde sente his armye to spoyle the Countrey of Barroys and Loraine The Kyng of Englande departed from Caleis in companye of the Duke and passed through Bolloigne and from thence marched to Peronne where the Duke gaue the Englishe men but colde entertaynemente for he caused the Gates to bée streightly kepte and woulde suffer but fewe to enter so that the greatest parte of them lodged in the fieldes After they were come to Peronne the Conestable of France sēt to y e Duke of Burgoigndie one of his seruants by whom hée ●●●used himselfe for the wythholdyng of S. Quintins alleaging that if hée had restored it he could haue stoode hym in ●● stée●e in the Realme of Fraunce for he shoulde vtterly haue loste hys credite and intelligence but nowe séeyng the Kyng of Englande was come ouer in person he promysed to doe hereafter all that the Duke shoulde commaunde hym whereof the better to assure hym hée sente hym a letter of credite to the declaration of the Duke Further hée gaue the Duke hys Faythe in wryting to serue and suc●●ure hym hys friendes and confederates as well the King of Englande as others against all men none excepted The Duke deliuered the Kyng of Englande hys letter and all the matter of credite adding somewhat thereto of hys owne heade for
he assured the King that the Conestable woulde deliuer into his handes both Saint Quintines and all his other places whiche the Kyng easilye beléeued partly bycause hée hadde marryed the Conestables Nie●e and partlye bycause hée sawe hym in so greate feare of the Kyng of Fraunce that hée thoughte hée durste not fayle hys promise made to the Duke and hym and the Duke beléeued i● also But the Conestable meante nothing lesse for the feare he was in of the Frenche Kyng was not so greate that it coulde force hym thus 〈…〉 but he vsed s●yl his ●onted dissimulation The King of Englande reioycyng at thys message sente by the Conestable departed from Peronn● wyth the Duke of Burgoigne towarde Saint Quintins wherevnto when hée approched a greate bande of Englishe menne ranne before thynkyng that the belles shoulde haue bene rong at theyr commyng and that the Citizens woulde haue receyued them wyth Crosse and Holye Water but when they drewe néere to the Towne the Artill●●●e shotte and the Souldi●urs ●●●ed for the 〈…〉 he 〈…〉 she bothe on hors●e backe and on foote so that two or three Englishe menne were slayne and some taken ● and in thys state returned they in great rage to theyr Campe 〈…〉 againste the Conestable The nexte morning the Duke of 〈…〉 woulde haue taken hys leaue of the King of Englande to departe to hys armye in Barrays promising to do maruayles in hys fauour The Frenche Kyng sente a seruaunte of the LORD Halles in the lykenesse of an Herraulte wyth a coate made of a Trumpets Banner to the Englishe Campe where when hée came hée was broughte to a Tente and after dynner talked wyth the Kyng hys message was chielely grounded vppon the greate desire the Kyng hadde of long time to bée in peace wyth the Kyng of Englande saying further that since hée was Crowned Kyng of Fraunce he neuer hadde attempted anye thyng againste the King of England or his realme Secondly he excused himselfe for the receiuing in times paste the Earle of Warwicke into his Dominions saying that hée dyd it onely● agaynste the Duke of Burgoigne and not him Further he declared that the sayd Duke of Burgoigne had for none other cause called hym into Fraunce but that by the occasion of hys comming hée mighte conclude a bett●r peace for hymselfe wyth the Kyng And if happily anye other furthered the matter it was onely to amende the broken estate of theyr owne affaires and for their owne priuate commoditie but as touching the Kyng of Englandes good successe they were altogither carelesse thereof Hée putte hym also in mynde of the tyme of the yeare alleaging that Winter approched likewise the great charges he sustained Lastlye he sayde that notwithstanding a great number in Englande desyred Warre with Fraunce yet if the Kyng o● Englande inclyne to peace the Kyng for hys parte would condescende to suche conditions as he doubted not but hée and hys Realme woulde allowe of finally he demaunded a sa●e conduite for certaine Ambassadours to come well enformed of his maisters pleasure The King of England and part of his Nobles liking these ouertures very well graunted to the Harrault of Fraunce as large a safe conducte as he demaunded and gaue him foure Nobles of golde in rewarde He also sente an Englishe Harrault with him to bring the like safe conducte And in the nexte morning in a Uillage neare to Amience the Commissioners of both Princes met being these For the King of France the bastard of Bourdon Adm●ral of France the Lord of Saint Pierre and the Bishop of Eureux called Heberge And for the King of Englande the Lord Howard one Chalenger and Doctor Morton Many articles of peace were treated of but the laste resolutions were these That the French King shoulde paye to the King of Englande presently before his departure out of Fraunce 72. thousande crownes that the Dolphine shoulde marrye King Edwardes eldest daughter and that she shoulde haue the Duchie of Guien for hir maintainaunce or 5000. crownes yearly to be paid in the Tower of London the space of nine yeres which terme expired the Dolphine shoulde peaceably enioy the reuenues of the whole Dutchie of Gnien and then the Kyng of France to be clearly discharged of all payments to the King of Englande Further it was decréed that the two Primes shoulde méete togither and be sworne to the treatie which méeting was obserued in a town called Picquigny on the 29. of August The King of England vppon receit of hys money departed towarde Cal●is in great haste fearing the Duke of Burgoignes malice and his subiectes At his departure he lefte for hostages with the King of Fraunce till his returne into England the Lorde Howarde and the Maister of his horse called sir Iohn Cheyney King Edward tooke shipping at Calais and landed at Douer and was receyued on the Blacke-heath by the Mayor of London and his brethren in Scarlet and 500. commoners all clad in Murrey and so conueyed to London through the Citie to Westminster on the 28. of September This yéere was one Iohn surnamed Gose brent on she Towre hill in the moneth of August Edmond Shawe Thomas Hill the 28. of September Maior Sherifes Robert Drope Draper the 28. of October This Robert Drope Maior of London inlarged the Condite vpon Cornehill making an East ende therevnto The. xvi●j of Aprill were inhaunced to the honour of Anno reg 15 1475 Knights made by the King Knighth and after the custome of England in the time of peace his eldest sonne Edward Prince of Wales Duke of Connewall and Earle of Chester his seconde sonne the Duke of Yorke and with them the Earle of Lincolnes sonne and heire the Duke of Suffolke the Lord Thomas Grey y e Quéenes sonne Richard his brother the Earle of Shrewsburie the Earle of Wilshire Master Edward Woduile the Lorde Neuib● the Lorde Barkleys sonne and heire the Lord Awdeleys sonne and heire the Lord Saint Ainand the Lord Stanleys sonne and heire the Lorde Sturtons sonne and heire the Lorde Hastings sonne heire the Lorde Ferrors of Chartleys sonne and heire Master Harbert brother to the Earle of Penbroke Master Vaughon Brian chiefe Judge Litilton one of the Little 〈…〉 Judges of the Common place Master Bodringham Master Brian Stapleton Kneuit Pilkinton Ludlow Charleton c. The same day the King created the Lord Thomas Marques Dorset before dinner and so in the habit of a Marques aboue the habit of his Knighthood he beganne the table of Knights in Saint Edwards Chamber At that time he ordained that the Kings Chamberlaine shoulde goe with the auncient and well nurtred Knight to aduertise and teache the order of Knighthood to the Esquiers being in the bayne The King himselfe came in person and did honour to all y e companie with his noble Counsell and his handes Hugh Brite Robert Colwitch the 28. of Sept. Robert Basset Salter the 28. of October Sherifes Maior This Maior did sharpe correction
vpon Bakers for making Anno. reg 16. 1476 of light bread he caused diuers of them to be set on the Pillorie in Cornehill And also one Agnes Daintie a Butter-wife for felling of butter new and olde myngled together Agnes Daintie set on the pillerie being first trapped with butterdishes was then set on the pilery The Countesse of Oxforde deceassed and was buryed at Windsor Richard Rawson William Horne the 28. of Sept. Sherifes This Richard Rawson one of the Sherifes of Londō caused to be builded one house in the Church yarde of S. Marie Hospitle without Byshopsgate of London where the Maior of that Cittie and his brethren the Aldermen vse to sit and heare the Sermons in the Easter holydayes as in tymes past appeared by an inscription on the front of the same house now by wethering defaced which I haue red in these wordes Pray for the soules of Richard Rawson late Mercer and Alderman of London and Isabel his wife of whose goods this worke was made and founded Anno Domi. 1488. Ralph Io●celine Draper the 28. of October Maior By the diligence of this Maior the Wall about London was newe made betwixte Aldgate and Creplegate the caused Part of London vv●●● nevv builded the Moore field to be fearched for Clay the Bricke ●o be made burnt there he also caused Chalke to be brought out of Kent and in the same Moore fielde to be brent into Iohn Rouse Lyme for the furtheraunce of that worke The Maior with his company of the Drapers made all that parte betwixte Byshops gate and Athalowes Church in the same Wall And Byshops gate itselfe newe builded by the Marchauntes Almaynes Byshops gate nevv builded of the Stillyard and from Alhallowes Churche toward Mooregate a great part of the same was builded of the goods and by the executors of sir Iohn Crosseby late Alderman of London as may appeare by his armes in two places fixed Anno reg 17. 1477 The companie of Skynners made that parte of the wait betwéene Aldgate and Buryes Markes towardes Byshops gate as may appeare by their armes in thrée places fixed the other companyes of the Cittie made the other deale of the sayde Wall which was a great worke to be done in one yeare Thomas Burdet an Esquier of Arrowe in Warwikeshire Burdet for a vvord spoken beheaded sonne to sir Nicholas Burdet who was great butlar of Normandie in Henry y ● sixt dayes was beheaded for a worde spoken in this sort K. Edward in his progresse hunted in Tho. Engwarant Burdets parke at Arrow flew many of his Deare amongst the which one was a white bucke wherof Tho Burdet made great account therfore when he vnderstoode therof he wished Register of the Grey Friers the buckes head in his belly y ● moued the King to kyll it Which tale being told to the King Burdet was apprehēded accused of treason for wishing the buckes head hornes all in the Kings belly he was condemned drawne from the Towre of London to Tyburne and there beheaded then buried in the grey friers Church at London Henrie Collet Iohn Stocker the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Humfrey Heyford Goldsmith the 28. of October The. xv day of Januarie K. Edward the fourth solemnized the Matrimoniall feast of his sonne the Duke of Yorke and Lady A●●e daughter sole heire to Iohn Duke of Norfolke The. xvj day of Januarie began a Parliament at Westminster Duke of Clarence murdred Anno reg 18 where George Duke of Clarence K. Edwards brother was attainted of treason and y ● xj of March after he had offred his owne Masse penny in y ● Tower of Londō made his end in a vessell of Maluesey after buried at Tewkesburie by his wife somtime daughter to y ● erle of Warwike which being with childe died of poyson but a little before him Margaret Dutches of Burgoygne sent to hir brother King 1478 Edward of England for aide against the Frenche King which he would in no case graunt to do but sent Ambassadors to y ● French King with le●ing letters requiring him to growe to ●●●e reasonable agréement w t the sayd Lady of Burgoygne Robert H●●ding Robert Byfield the 18. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Anno. reg 19 1479 Richard Gardiner Mercer the 28. of October This yere was a great mortalitie death of y ● pest not on●●●● Londō but in diuers partes of y ● Realme which begā in the ●●tter end ●●●●pt in the yéere la●● befor a passed continued all this yéere till the beginning of Noue ●●her which was aboute xiiij monethes in the which space dyed innumerable of people in the sa●d Citie and else where This yéere the Maior of London being in Paules knéeling in his deuotions at Saint Erkenwaldes shrine Robert Byfield one of the Sherifes vnaduisedly knéeled downe nigh vnto the Maior whereof afterward the Maior charged him to haue done more then becommed him but the Sherife answering rudely and stubbornly would not acknowledge to haue committed any offence for the which he was afterwarde by a court of Aldermen fyned at fiftie pounde to bée payde towarde the reparations of the Condites in London which was truely payde Thomas Ilam Iohn Ward the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Bartholmew Iames Draper the 28. of October This Thomas Ilam one of the Sherifs last before named newly builded the great Condite in Cheape of his owne charges This yéere King Edward began his Christmas at Waking and at fiue dayes end remoued to Greenewich where he kept out the other part of his Christmas with great Royaltie The. xxij day of Februarie were fiue notable théeues put to death for robbing the Church called S. Martins le graund Anno reg 20 1480 in London and other places thrée of them were drawne to the Towre hill hanged and brent the other two were pressed to death Thomas Daniell William Bacon the 28. of Sept. Iohn Browne Mercer the 28. of October King Edwarde required great summes of money to bée tent him the Citizens of London graunted him 5000. marks Anno. reg 21 1481 which was sessed of the. xxv wardes which 5000. markes was truely repayde againe in the next yéere following This yéere on Whitsonday King Edward the fourth created the Lord Barkeley Uicount Barkeley at Grenewiche An house on London bridge called the common siege or priuie fell down into the Thames where through it fiue persons ●ala tempo were then drowned Robert Tate William Wiking the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Richard Chawrie the first of Februarie William Harriot Draper the 28. of October This yéere King Edward with his Quéene kept a Royal Christmas at Windsor About the ende of Januarie deceassed William Wiking one of the Sherifes of London In whose place was chosen Richard Chawrie on the first of Februarie King Edwarde so greatly fauoured this Maior that he Anno
the Duke desirous to be magnified and also he perceyued the inwarde hatred whiche he bare towarde King Richard hée opened hys stomake to the botome and saide my singular good Lorde sith the tyme of my capti●itie whyche béeyng in your Graces custody I maye rather call it a libertie then a straight imprisonment in au●yding of ydlenesse mother of all vyces in reading Bookes and auncient Pamphlets I haue founde this sentence written that no manne is borne frée and at libertie of himselfe onely for one part of duty he oweth to his parents an other parte to his friends and kinsfolkes but the natiue countrey in the which he firste tasted this pleasaunte and flattering worlde demaundeth a debte not to be forgotten whyche saying causeth me to consider in what case this realme my natiue countrey nowe standeth and in what estate and assuraunce before this time it hathe cōtinued what gouernor we now haue and what ruler we might haue for I plainely perceiue the Realme being in this case must néeds decay be brought to confusiō but one hope I haue that is whē I consider youre noble personage your iustice and indifferencie your feruent zeale and ardent loue toward your naturall country in like maner the loue of your countrey toward you the great learning pregnant witte eloquence which so much doth abounde in your person I muste néedes thinke this realme fortunate whyche hathe such a Prince in store méete and apt to be gouernor But on the other side when I call to memorie the good qualities of the late Protector and nowe called King so violated by tyranny so altred by vsurped authoritie so clouded by blinde ambition I muste néedes say that he is neither méete to be King of so noble a realme nor so famous a realme méete to be gouerned by such a tyrant Was not his first enterprice to obtaine the Crowne begunne by the murther of dyuers noble personages Did he not secondarily procéed againste his owne naturall mother declaring hir openlye to be a woman giuen to carnall affection and dissoulute lyuing declaring furthermore hys two brethren and two nephewes to be Bastardes and to be borne in aduo●trey yet not contented after he had obtayned the Garlande hée caused the two pore innocents his nephewes committed to him to be shamefully murthered the bloude of whiche little babes dayly cry to God from the earth for vengeaunce what sure tie shall be in this realme to any person eyther for life or goodes vnder suche a cruell Prince whych regardeth not the destruction of his owne bloud then the lesse the losse of other but nowe to conclude what I meane toward your noble person I say affirme if you loue God your linage or your natiue coūtry you must your self take vpon you y ● Crown of this Realme both for y e maintenāce of the honour of the same as also for the deliueraunce of your natural Countreymē from the bondage of such a Tyrante And if your self wil refuse to take vpon you y e Crown of this Realme Thē I adiure you by the faith y ● you owe to God to deuise some way how this realme may be brought to some conuenient regiment vnder some good gouernour whē the B had ended his saying the D. sighed spake not of a gret while so y ● night they cōmoned 〈…〉 ore The next daye the Duke sent for the B. vnto whom he sayd my L. of Ely I must néedes in hart thinke and with mouth confesse that you be a sure friende a trustie counsaylour and a verye louer of your Countrey And sith at our last communicatiō you haue disclosed the secrets of your hart touching y e new vsurper of the Crowne and also haue a little touched the ●●auncement of the two noble families of Yorke and Lancaster I shal likewise declare vnto you my priuie entents and secrete cogitations and to beginne when King Edwarde was deceased I then beganne to studye and with deliberation to ponder in what maner this realme shoulde be gouerned I perswaded wyth my selfe to take part wyth the Duke of Glocester whom I thought to be as cleane without dissimulation as tractable without iniurie and so by my means he was made Protector both of the king and realm whiche auathoritie being once gotten he neuer ceased printly to require me other Lords as wel spirituall as temporall that he might take vppon hym the Crowne till the Prince came to the age of xxiiij yeares and were able to gouerne the realme as a sufficient king which thing when he saw me somewhat sticke at he then brought in instrumēts autentike Doctors Proctors and notaries of the law with depositions of diuers witnesses testifying King Edwardes children to be bastards whiche depositions then I thought to be as true as nowe I knowe them to be fayned When the sayde depositions were before vs read and diligentlye hearde hée stoode vppe bare headed saying Well my Lordes euen as I and you would that my nephewes should haue no wrong so I praye you do me nothing but right for these witnesses and sayings of famous Doctours be true for I am onelye the vndubitate heyre to RICHARDE PLANTAGENET Duke of Yorke adiudged to be the verye heire to the Crowne of this realme by aucthoritie of Parliament Whyche thynges so by learned men for veritie to vs declared caused me and other to take him for our lawful vndoubted Prince and Soueraigne Lorde so agayne by my aide he of a Protector was made a King but when he was once crowned King and in full possession of the realme he caste awaye his olde conditions For when I my selfe sued to him for my parte of the Earle of Herefords landes which his brother Kyng Edward wrongfully detained from me and also requyred to haue the office of the highe Conestableship of Englande as diuers of my noble auncestours before this time haue hadde and in long descent continued in this my firste sute hée did not only first delay me and afterward deny me but gaue me suche vnkind wordes as though I had neuer furthered him al which I suffred paciētly but whē I was informed of the death of the two yong innocentes O Lord my heart inwardly grudged in so much that I abhorred y e sight of him I toke my leaue of the Court and returned to Brecknocke to you but in the iourney as I returned I had diuerse imaginatiōs how to depriue this vnnatural vncle Frst I santi●ed y ● if I list to take vpon me the Crowne now was the way made playne and occasion giuen For I sawe he was dysdayned of the Lords temporall and accursed of the Lordes spiritual After diuerse cogitations of this matter As I rode betwéene Worcester and Bridgenorth I encountred with the Lady Margaret Countesse of Richmonde now wife to y e Lord Stanley which is the very daughter and sole heire to Iohn Duke of Somerset my grandfathers elder brother so that she and hir sonne the Garle
and temporal from thence wēt to the Tower of London by land ouer London bridge his nobles riding after the guise of Frāce vpon small Hackneys two and two vppon a Horsse and at London Bridge ende the Maior of London with his brethren and the Craftes met and receyued the King and the King procéeded to Grace Church corner and so to the Tower On the morrowe being the feast daye of Simon and Iude King Henrie created Thomas Lord Stanley Earle of Darby Edwarde Courtney Earle of Deuonshire and Iasper Earle of Penbroke was created Duke of Bedforde all at one time in the Tower of London On the thirtith of October King Henrie was Crowned at Westminster and ordayned a number of chosen Archers being strong and hardie persons to giue dayly attendaunce on his Parson whome he named Yeomen of the Guarde The seauenth of Nouember beganne a Parliamente at Westmi●ster for the establishing of all things in the whiche he caused to be proclaimed that al men were pardoned of al offences and shoulde be restored to their landes and goods which would submit themselues to his clemency After this he began to remember his especial friendes of whom some he aduannced to honor and dignitie and some he enriched with possessions and goods and to beginne the Lord Chandew of Brytaine he made Earle of Bath sir Gyles Dawbeney was made Lord Dawbeny sir Robert Willoughby Lorde Broke and Edward Stafford eldest sonne to Henrie late D. of Buckingham he restored to his dignitie and possessions The Parliament being dissolued the King redéemed the Marques Dorset and sir Iohn Bourcher whom he had left as pledges at Paris for mony there before borrowed And sent also into Flaunders for Iohn Morton Byshop of Ely The eightéenth daye of Ianuarie King Henrie married the Lady Elizabeth eldest daughter to Edward the fourth by whiche meanes the two families of Yorke and Lancaster which had long bene at great diuision were vnited made one King Henrie sente the Lorde Treasurer with Maister Bray and other vnto the Lorde Maior of London requiring 1486 Loane to the King hym and the Citizens of a Preste of 6000. markes wherefore the Maior with hys brethren and Commons graunted a prest of two thousand pound which was leuied of the cōpanies and not of the wards which prest was repayred againe in the yeare next following Anno. reg 2. Wheate was sold for iij. shillings the Bushell and Bay salt at the like price In the moneth of September Quéene Elizabeth was deliuered of hir first son named Arthur at Winchester Iohn Perciuall Hugh Clopton the 28. of Septemb. Sir Henry Collet Mercer the 28. of Octob. The beautifull Crosse in Cheape was newe builded towarde the building whereof Thomas Fisher Mercer gaue 600. markes Sir Richarde Simon a wily Priest came to Geralde erle of Kildare and Deputie of Irelande and presented to hym a lad his Scholler named Lambert whom he fained to be y e sonne of George duke of Clarence lately escaped the Tower of London And the childe hadde learned of the Prieste such Princely behauiour that he lightly moued the Earle and manye Nobles of Irelande tendering the bloude royall of Rycharde Plantagenet and George his sonne as also maligning the aduancement of the house of Lancaster in Henry the seauenth eyther to thinke or make the world wéene they thought verily this childe to be Edward Earle of Warwicke the Duke of Clarence lawfull sonne And althoughe King Henrie more thā halfe marred their sport in shewing the right Earle thorowe all the streates of London yet the Lady Margaret Dutches of Burgoigne sister to Edwarde the fourth Iohn de la Poole hir nephewe the Lorde Louell sir Thomas Broughton Knight and other Capitaines of thys conspiracy deuised to abuse the colour of this yong Earles name for preferring their purpose which if it came to good they agréed to depose Lambert and to erecte the verye Erle in déede nowe prisoner in the Tower for whose quarrell had they pretended to fight they déemed it likely he should haue béene made awaye wherfore it was blazed in Ireland that the Kyng to mocke his subiects had schooled a boye to take vpon him the Earle of Warwickes name and had shewed hym aboute in London to blind the eies of simple folke and to defeate the lawfull inheritor of the Duke of Clarence theyr Countreyman and Protectour during hys lyfe to whose lynage they also diuided a tytle of the Crowne In al y e hast they assemble at Diueline and there in Christes Church they crowned this Idoll honouring him with tytles emperiall feasting and triumphing rearing mighty showtes and cries carying him thence to the Kings Castel vppon tall mens shoulders that he might be séene and noted as he was surely an honourable boy to looke vppon In thys meane tyme the Earle of Lincolne and the lord Edward Hall Louell hadde gotten by the ayde of the sayde Margaret aboute 2000. Almaines with Martin Swart a Germaine and in martiall actes verye experte to be their Capitaine and so sayling into Ireland and at the Citie of Diuelin caused yong Lambert to bée proclaymed King of Englande and so with a greate multitude of Irishemen of whome Thomas Gerardine was Capitaine they sailed into Englande wyth the newe king and landed at Fowdrey within a little of Lancaster trusting there to be ayded with money by sir Thomas Broughton one of the chiefest of thys conspiracy Kyng Henrie not sléepyng in his matters when he had gathered hys host togither ouer the whych the Duke of Bedforde and the Earle of Oxforde were chiefe Capitaines he went to Couentrie where he being certified that the Erle of Lincolne was landed at Lancaster with his newe King he remoued to Notingham to whom shortly after came George Talbot Earle of Shrewsburie the Lorde Straunge sir Iohn Cheyney with manye other In this space the Earle of Lincolne beyng entred into Yorkeshire directed his way to Newarke vppon Trent and at a little village called Stoke thrée or four miles from Newark nighe to the King and his armye planted his Campe. The nexte daye following the king diuided hys number into thrée battailes and after approched nighe the town of Stoke where bothe the armies ioyned and foughte egrelye on bothe partes but at the length the Kyngs forewarde sette vppon the aduersaries wyth suche a violence that they slewe manye and putte the reste to flighte For there their chiefe Capitaines the Earle of Lincolne and the Lord Louel s●r Thomas Broughton Martin Swart and the lord Grardin or after Champion Morise Fitz Thomas Captaine of the Irishemen were flaine and other aboue foure thousande This battaile was fought on the sixtéenth of June Lambert and the priest wer both taken to the no small griefe of Margaret Dutchesse of Burgoine Anno. reg 3 Sherifes Maior Iohn Fenkell William Remington the 28. of Septem Sir William Horne Salter the 28. of October The xxv of Nouember Quéen Elizabeth was Crowned at Westminster In the
at sixe pence the bushell Anno reg 10 Bay Salte for thrée pence halfe peny the Bushell Na●●wiche Salte was solde for syxe pence the Bushell white hearring nine shillings the barrel red hearring at thrée shillings the cade red sprots sixe pence the cade and Gascoine wine for sixe poundes the tunne Nicholas Alwine Iohn Warner the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Richarde Chawry Salter the 28. of October Sir Robert Clifford bearing fauor to the house of Yorke had long since sayled ouer to the Lady Margaret Dutchesse of Burgoigne by whome he was there persuaded and broughte in beliefe that one Perken Werbecke a Fleming born was the verye sonne of King Edwarde the fourth but afterwarde béeyng sente for by King Henry and pardon promised him he returned into Englande and comming to the Kings presence in the Tower of London hée on hys knées moste humblye cr●●ed pardon which shortely he obtained and after accused manye amongest whome he accused sir William Stanley whome the Kyng hadde made his chiefe Chamberlaine and one of hys priuie Counsaile The reporte is that this was hys offence When communication was had betwéene him and Sir Robert Clifforde as concerning Perken Werbecke sir William Stanley affirmed there y ● he would neuer fight nor beare armor agaynst the yong man if he knowe of a trueth that he was the vndoubted sonne of King Edward the fourth For this offence sir William Stanly was apprehended araigned and on the xvj day of February beheaded on the Tower hill This sir William Stanley was the chiefest helper of King Henrye to the Crowne at Bosworth fielde againste King Richard the thirde He was a man of greate power in his Country and also of great wealth insomuch as the cōmon fame ran that there was in hys Castell of Hol●e founde in readye coyne plate and Jewels to the value of fortie thousand markes or more and his lande and fées extended to thrée thousand poundes by yeare In Lent white hearring being good were sold for iij. ● 1495 iiij ● the barrell at London Sir W Capel Aldermā of London was condemned to the king in xxvij C. and xliij pound sterling Cronicl● of Lond. for the breaking of certain statuts made before times for the which he made his end with the King for xvj C. and fiftéene pounde sixe shillings eight pence Pierce or Perken Werbecke which by the counsaile of Margaret Dutches of Burgoigne named himselfe Richarde of Yorke King Edwards seconde sonne arriued at Deale in Kēt the thirde daye of July where when he and his companye sawe they coulde haue no comforte of the Countrey they withdrewe to their shippes againe at which so withdrawyng the Mayor of Sandwich with certaine commons of the countrey bickered with the residue that were vpon land toke aliue of them an hundred thrée score and nine persons among the which were fiue captaines Mountford Corbert Anno reg 11 Whitbelt Quintine and Gem●●e And the xij of July Iohn Peche Esquier Shriue of Kent brought vnto London bridge thos● 169. prisoners where the Shriues of London receiued them and conueyed them in cartes and long ropes vnto the Tower of London and to Newgate who were shortly after to the number of 150. hanged in Kent Essex Sussex and Norfolk the residue were executed at Tiburne Wapping in the Wose besides London Thomas Kneisworth Henry Sommer the. 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior Sir Henry Colet Mercer the. 28. of October The. xvj of Nouember was holden the Serieants feast at the Bishops place of Ely in Holborne where dined the King Quéene and all the chiefe lordes of England The new Serieants names were maister Mordant Higham Kingsmill Conisby Butler Yakesley Frowicke Oxenbridge and Constable In digging for to lay a new foundation in the Church of S. Mary hill in London the body of Alice Hackeney which had bene buried in the Church the space of 175. yeares was ●●●ud whole of skinne and the iointes of her armes pliable whiche corps was kepte aboue grounde foure dayes without anoyance and then buryed againe In Aprill was concluded an amitie and entrecourse betwéene this lande and the Countrey of Flaunders c. In September the Scots entred England by the setting on of Perkin Werbecke and did much harme to the borders but when they hearde of the Lorde Neuels commyng against them they sped them away Iohn Shawe Richard Haddon the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Tate Mercer the 28. of October This Iohn Tate newly builded and enlarged Sainte Anthonies Churche in London a goodly foundation with a Frées●hoole and certaine almes houses for poore men Iasper Duke of Bedforde vncle to King Henry the seauenth dyed the eightéenth daye of December and was buried at Kensham By meanes of a payment that was granted to the king 1497 a new commotion was made by the commons of Cornewal whiche vnder the leading of Iames Tuchet of Audley Lorde Audley with Michaell Ioseph a horse farrer or Blacksmith of Bodman and other came to Blackeheath where the Kyng met with them and discomfited the rebels and tooke their Captains the two and twentith of June where were slain of the rebels about 300. and taken aboute 1500. the Kyng gaue to them that tooke them their goodes The Lord Audley was beheaded on the Tower hill the xxviij of June The blacke Smith and Flamoke a lawyer were hanged headed and quartered at Tiburne In July the King sente an army into Scotland vnder the guyding of the Earle of Surrey and the Lorde Neuell which made sharpe warre vppon the Scots At Bartholmewtide in Bedfordshire at the Towne of Haile stones hightene ynches aboute Saint Needes fell haile stones that were measured eightéene ynches aboute Perkin or Pierce Werbecke landed at Whitsondbay in Anno reg 13 Cornewall the seauenth of September hauing in his company not paste a hundred and twentie persons hée wente to Bodman where beyng accompanyed wyth a thrée or foure thousand rascalles and almoste naked men he proclaymed himselfe King Richarde the fourth second sonne to Edward the fourth from thence he wente to Excester and besieged it which Citie was valiantly defended by the inhabitants the Earle of Deuonshire being their Generall who hymself was hurt in the arme with an arrow of the rebels but many of the rebelles béeyng slaine they wythdrewe them to Taunton but sir Giles Dawbeney Lorde Chamberlaine approching with an armye the people fledde and Perkin got him to Beudley where he tooke Sanctuary but vppon couenauntes offered he came to the King and was pardoned his life Bartholomewe Rede Thomas Windought 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior William Purchas Mercer the 28. of October The eight and twentith of Nouember Perkin Werbeck Perkin VVerbecke broughte vp to London was conueyed vppon horse backe through Cheape and Cornhill vnto the Tower of London and from thence back againe through Candleweeke streate to Westminster with many a cursse and muche wondering The one and twentith
familie of Franciscane Friers which are called conuentuals at Canterbury Newcastell and Southhampton This noble Prince King Henry dyed at Richmond the Smart Henry the vij deceassed ●●ij of Aprill when he had reigned thrée and twenty yeares and eyght monethes and was buryed at Westminster in the 〈◊〉 Chappell which he had caused to be builded on the eleuenth of May. He left issue Henry Prince of Wales which succéeded in the Kingdome Lady Margaret Quéene of Scottes and Lady Mary promised to Charles King of Castile The Altare and Sepulture of the same King Henry the Sepulture of Henry the seauenth seuenth wherein he now resteth in his new Chappell at Westminster was made and finished in the yeare of ours Lorde 1519. by one Peter T. a Paynter of the Citie of Florence for the which he receyued one thousande pounde sterling for the whole stu●●e and workemāship at the hands of the Kings exequetors Richard Bishop of Winchester Richard Exequetors to Henry the seauenth Fitz Iames Bishop of London Thomas Bishop of Duresme Iohn Bishop of Rochester Thomas Duke of Norffolke Treasurer of Englande Edwarde Earle of Worcester the Kings Chamberlayne Iohn F. Knighte chiefe Justice of the Kings Benche Robert R. Knight chiefe Justice of the Common Place c. King Henry the eyght HEnry the eyght at the age Anno. reg 1. of eyghtéene yeares begā his raigne the xxij of Aprill Anno. 15●9 Of personage he was tall and mighty in witte and memorie excellent of suche maiestie with humanitie as was comely in such a Prince The The King married The King and Queene crovvned third of June he marryed Lady Katherine his first wife who had bin late the wife of Prince Arthur deceassed The sixth of June Iohn Darby ●owyer Iohn Smith Carpenter Iohn S●mpson ●ulle●●●ingleaders of false ●nes●es in London r●de about the Citie with their faces to the Horsse taytes and papers on their heads and were set ●● the Pillorie in Cor●ehill and after brought agayne to ●awgate where they dyed all within seauen dayes after for very shame On Midsomer day the King and Quéene were crowned ●● Westminster The nine and twentith of June the most noble and verrtuous Princesse Margaret Countesse of Richmond ● Darbye mother to King Henry the seauenth and Grandmother to King Henry the eyght dyed at Westminster whose noble Actes and most charitable déedes all hir life executed can not be expressed in a small volume The seuentéenth of July Edmond Dudley was arraigned at the Guild Hall of London and after Michaelmas Sir Richard Empson was arraigned and condemned at Northhampton and sent agayne to the Tower of London George Monex Iohn Doget Mer Taylor the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Thomas Bradbury Mercer the 28. of October Sir William Capell Draper the 12 of Ianuary Maiors The one and twentith of January began a Parliament at Westminster In February was a great fire in Thames streete néere vnto Wooll Key which began in a Flaxe wiues house and did much harine The xx of Aprill a peace was proclaymed betwixte England and France during the ●●ues of Henry the eyght King of England and Lewes the French King but it lasted not lo●● Doctor Colet Deane of Paules erected a frée Schoole in 1510 Paules Church yard in London and committed the ouersight thereof to the Mayster and Wardens of the Mercers Paules Schoole Anno. reg 2. bycause himselfe was ●o●●e in London and was sonne to Henry Colet Mercer sometime Maior of London On Midsomer ●igh● the King came pe●●●ly into Cheape in one of the ●oates of his 〈◊〉 and on Saint Peters night the King and Quéene came riding royally to the Kings head in Cheape there to behold the watch of the Citie o● Sir Richard Empson Knight and Edmond Dudley ●●●uier Empson and Dudley beheaded Edward Hall who had bin gr●●●● C●●●●ay 〈◊〉 ●● the late Kyng Henry the seauenth were beheaded at the Tower hill the seauenth of August Richarde Empson was buryed at the White Friers and Edmonde Dudley at the Blacke whose attacheme●●●● was thoughte ●● 〈◊〉 procured by the malice of the 〈◊〉 ●h●●wyt● they 〈◊〉 ●●●e were offended or else to shift the noyse of the streight execution of penall Statutes in the late Kings dayes This Edmond Dudley in the tyme of his emprisonmēt in the Tower of London compiled one notable Booke whiche he entituled The Tree of common wealth a coppye whereof The tree of common vvelth a Booke I haue giuen to the right honourable Earle of Leycester now liuing The xx● of September William Fitz Williams Merchāt Election of a Sheriffe Taylor was agayne the seconde time chosen Sheriffe for the yeare following whereof the sayde William hauyng knowledge absented himselfe and woulde not be founde wherevpon the time drawing néere that presentation must be made of the newe Sheriffes they in a full Court of the Maior and Aldermen with assent of the common Counsayle being present in solemne and due forme caused him to be thrice called and commanded to appeare vpon payne that should fall thereof but he would in no wise appeare nor any other for him wherefore in auoyding the ieoperdie of forfeyture of their liberties if they should not prepare an hable man of themselues to be Sheriffe with that other which the Maior yéerely chooseth they called a new assemble of the commons and then chose Iohn Rest Alderman Nevv election of a Sheriffe and Grocer for the other Sheriffe the whiche with Iohn Milborne his fellow before chosen by the Maior was presented before the Barons of the Kings Exchequer and there admitted and shortly after for so much as the sayde William Fitz William would not submit himselfe to the authoritie of the Citie he was disfranchised and dismissed of VVilliam Fitz VVilliams disfranchised his Aldermanship and ●ined at a thousand Markes to bée le●yed of hys goodes and Cattayles within the Citie Iohn Milborne Iohn Rest the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Henry Kebell Grocer the 28. of October The eyghtenth of Nouember was holden the Seriants feast at the Bishop of Elyes in Oldborne the new Seriants Seri●ants Feast were Mayster Newport Newdigate Fitzherbert Iohn Brooke Pigote Cariell Brooke of Bristow Palme Senior and Mayster Roo Henry the Kings first sonne was borne on New yeares Prince borne day but dyed on Saint Mathies day next following In the monethes of June and July the Scottes made sundrye 1511 Anno reg 3. entryes vpon the borderes of England with Shippes well manned and victualled who kept the narrow Seas against the Portingales as they sayd wherevpon Sir Edward Haward Lord Admirall of England and Lord Thomas Haward sonne and heyre to the Earle of Surrey wente to Andrevv Barton a Scottish Pirate the Seas by the King of Englands commaundement wyth certayne Shippes who about the end of July mette with the sayde Scottes and gaue vnto them a sharpe battayle wounded theyr Captayne Andrew Barton
his traine came to the Kings Campe the thirtéenth of August and there was receyued wyth greate magnificence The thrée and twentith of August the towne of Turwine Turvvine yeelded to K. Henry was giuen ouer vnto the Kyng of England wyth condition that all men in the Towne mighte safely passe wyth horsse and harnesse and so on the foure and twentith of Auguste there came oute of the towne foure thou●and men of warre and moewell appointed whereof sixe hundred were well horsed theyr standardes borne before them The sixe and twentith of August the King remoued to Singate and there it was agréed that the walles gates bulwarkes and towers of Turwine shoulde be defaced razed and caste downe of whyche conclusion the Emperoure Turvviue raced and brent sent word to Saint Omers and to Aire whych being ioyous of that tydings sente thither Pioners and so they and the Englishe Pioners brake down the wals gates and towers and filled the ditch and fiered the towne except the Cathedrall Churche and the Palaice and all the ordinaunce was by the King sente to Aire to be kept to his vse After this it was concluded that the King in person shoulde laye hys siege to the Citie of Turney wherefore hée sente forwarde thrée goodly battayles the firste was conducted by the Earle of Shrewsburie the seconde battell led the King hymselfe wyth whome was the Emperour The rerewarde was conducted by the Lorde Harbert and so the firste nyghte they laye in campe beside Aire The fourtéenth of September the King and hys armye came to Beatwin and on the morrowe passed forwarde and came to a straite where was a Forde whiche with greate difficultie they passed and the next day they passed a bridge called Fount Anandiew c. The one and twentith daye of September the Kyng remoued hys Campe towarde Tourney and lodged wythin thrée myles of the Citie the whyche nighte came to hym the Emperour and the Palsgraue the people about King Henry be●ieged Turney Tourney were with theyr gòodes fledde to the Citie and yet the Citie hadde no menne of warre to defende it but wyth multitude of Inhabitantes the Citie was well replenished The Kyng came in aray of battell before Tourney planted his ordinaunce rounde abonte the Citie dyuers frenches were caste and rampiers made so that no Citizens coulde issue oute nor no ayde come to them Wherevpon at length to wéete on the nyne and twentith of September the Citie was yéelded Then the King appointed the Lorde ●isle the Lorde Burgeyny and the Lorde Willoughby to take possession whyche wyth sixe thousande menne entered the Citie and tooke the market place and the walles and then Mayster Thomas Wolsey the Kings Almoner called before him all the Citizens and sware them to the Kyng of Englande the number of whiche Citizens were four score thousande On the seconde daye of October the King entred the citie of Turney and there ordayned sir Edwarde Poynings Knight of the order of the Garter to be hys Lieuetenaunt wyth Captaines horsemen archers and artillerie conuenient hée made hys Almoner Thomas Wolsey Byshoppe of Tourney and then returned to Callaice and sayled Thomas VVoolsey Bishop of Turney from thence to Douer on the foure and twentyth of October In this meane tyme Iames King of Scottes notwithstanding he was sworne to kéepe the peace inuaded this lande with a mightye armye but by the good dilligence of the Quéene with the pollicie and manhoode of the Earle of Surrey the Kings Lieuetenannt he himselfe was slaine at Bramstone vpon Piperd hill with thrée Byshoppes two Abbots twelue Earles seuentéene Lords besides Knights and Gentlemen and seauentéene thousande Scottes and all the ordinaunces and stuffe taken the ninth of September there were slaine of the Englishe men aboute fiue thousande The dead body of the King of Scottes was broughte vp to London and so conueyed to Sheene where I haue séene the same lapped in Lead lye in an olde house vnburyed Iohn Dawes Iohn Bridges the 28. of September Sherifes Roger Bafford William Browne Mercer the 28. of October Iohn Tate Maior Mercer On Candlemasse daye the Kyng made Thomas Howard Earle of Surrey Duke of Norffolke Thomas Lorde Howard Earle of Surrey Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolke Charles Somerset Earle of Worcester at Lambeth in the Archbishop of Canterburies palace and not long after he maoe sir Edward Stanley Lorde Mountegle In March folowing Thomas Wolsey the Kings Almoner 1514 T. VVolsey B. of Lincolne Anno reg 6 Hedges plucked vp ditches filled and Bishoppe of Tourney was consecrate Byshoppe of Lincolne as successour to William Smith late deceassed All the hedges wythin one myle and more euery waye aboute London were pulled downe and the ditches fylled vp in a morning by a number of yong men Citizens of London bycause those enclosures hadde bin hinderaunce to their shooting The ninetinth of May was receyued into London a Cap of Maintenance and a sworde sente from Pope Iulie the seconde which was presented to the King on the Sonday nexte with greate solempnitie in Saint Paules Churche The seauenth daye of August a peace was proclaimed betwixte the Kings of England and of Fraunce duryng theyr lyues In October a marriage was made betwéene Lewis the twelfth King of Fraunce and Ladye Mary the Kyngs sister of England Iames Yarford Iohn Mundy the 28. of September Sherifes Maior George Monox Draper the 28. of October This George Monox Mayor of London of his godly disposition reedified the decayed stéeple of the parishe Churche of Waltham Stowe in the Countie of Essex adding thereunto a side I le with a Chappel where he lyeth buryed And on the North side of the Churchyarde there he founded a fayre large Almose house for an Almose Prieste or Schoolemaywomenster and thirtéene poore almes folke eight men and fiue women appointing to the sayde almes Priest or Schoolemayster for his yearely wages 6. l. 13. s̄ 4. d. and to euerye one of y e almes folke 7. d. a wéeke 5 l. to be bestowed yéerely 1515 among them in coles And ordeyned that the sayd almes Priest should on Sondayes and festiuall dayes be helping assistant to the Uicar or Curate there in the celebration of Anno reg 7. diuine seruice and on the wéeke dayes fréelie to apply and teache yong children of the saide parishe to the number of Free Schoole at VValtham Stovv thirtie in a Schoolehouse by him there builded for that purpose Moreouer he gaue to the parish Clearke there for the time being a yearly stipend of 26. s̄ 8. d. for euer a Chamber by the sayde Almes house to the intent he should helpe the sayd Schoolemayster to teach the said children And hath giuen faire lands and tenements in the Citie of London for the perpetual maintenance of the premisses to Gods glory foreuer He also for the great commoditie of trauellers on ●●●e made a continuall cawsey of Timber ouer the mar●●●s from
Waltam-stow to Locke bridge towards London The vij of August a peace was proclaymed betwixt the Mary sister to King Henry married to the French King Kingdomes of England and of France And on the ninth day ●● October King Lewes of France marryed the Lady Mary sister to King Henry the eyght in y e great Church of Abvile Richard Hunne hauged in Lovv lards Tovver Richard Hunne a Merchant Taylor of London dwelling ●● the Parish of Saint Margaret in Bridgestreate who for de●●ing to giue a mortuarie such as was demaunded by the Parson for his childe being buryed had bin put in the Low●●ds Tower about the ende of October last before passed was ●●we the fift of December found hanged with his owne ●ir●le of silke in the sayd Tower and after he was burned ●● Smithfield This yeare dyed at Rome the Archbishop of Yorke Cardinall called Doctor Banbredge which was the Kings Embassador there And King Henry gaue the said Archbishop●●ke to Thomas Wolsey then Bishoppe of Lincolne who ●●rtly after gate to be Cardinall and Lord Chancellour On Newyeares euen dyed the French King Lewes the 1515 twelfth and the ninth of Aprill a new peace was concluded betwéene the King of England and Francis the new King of Anno reg 7. France In the moneth of May Charles Duke of Suffolke wedded Duke of Suffolke married he Kings sister the Lady Mary the Kings sister late Quéene of Fraunce And héere I thinke good to set downe some part of the procéedings of this so oft named Thomas Wolsey Archbishop his ascending vnto honorious estate and sodeiue falling againe from the same as I haue bin enformed by persons of good credite This Thomas Wolsey was a poore mans sonne of Ipswich The ascending of Thomas VVolsey 1516 in the Countie of Suffolke and there borne and being but a child very apt to be learned by the meanes of his parents he was conuayde to the Uniuersitie of Oxford where he shortly prospered so in learning as he was made Batcheler Anno reg 8. Batcheler of Art xv yeares old of Art when he passed not fiftéene yeares of age and was called most commonly through the Uniuersitie the boy Batcheler Thus prospering in learning he was made fellow of Maudelin Colledge and afterward appoynted to be Schoolemayster of Maudelin Schoole at which time the Lorde Marques Dorcet hadde thrée of his sonnes there a● Schoole committing vnto him as well their education a● Schoolemayster to the Marques Dorcets Children their instruction It pleased the sayde Lorde Marquesse a gainst a Christmas season to send as well for the Schoolemayster as for his children home to his house for their re● creation in that pleasant and honourable feast Then béeing there the Lorde their father perceyuing them to 〈…〉 right well employed in learning for their time he hauing a Benefice in his gift being at that time voyde gaue th● same to the Schoolemaister in reward of his diligence at his Thomas VVolsey gate a Benefice departure after Christmas to the Uniuersitie and hauing the presentation thereof repaired to the Ordinarie for hy● induction and being furnished of his instruments mad● spéede to the Benefice to take possession and being there fo● that intent one Sir Iames Paulet Knight dwelling there about tooke occasion against him and set the Schoolemayster Thomas VVolsey set in the stockes by Sir Iames Paulet by the héeles during his pleasure which after was neyther forgotten nor forgiuen for when the Schoolemayster mounted the dignitie to be Chancellour of England he sente for Mayster Paulet and after many sharp words enioyned him to attend vntill he were dismissed and not to depart out of London without licence obteyned so that he continued therewith VVolseys imprisonment reuenged in the middle Temple the space of fiue or sixe yeares who lay then in the Gate house next the stréete which hée reedifyed very sumptuously garnishing the same all ouer Gatehouse of the middle Temple nevv builded the outside with the Cardinals Armes with his hatte cognisances and other deuises in so glorious a sorte that he thought thereby to haue appeased his olde displeasure Now after the deceasse of the Lorde Marquesse thys Schoolemayster considering with himselfe to be but a simple beneficed man and to haue lost his fellowship in the Colledge which was much to his reliefe thought not long to be vnprogided of some other help and in his trauell thereabout he fell in acquayntance with one Sir Iohn Naphant Sir Iohn Naphant Treasurer of Caleis Thomas VVolsey his Chaplayne a very graue and auntient Knight who had a great ●●me in Caleis vnder King Henry the seauenth this Knight hée serued and behaued hymselfe so discretely that he obteyned the especiall fauour of his Mayster in so muche that he committed all the charge of hys office vnto hys Chaplayne and as I vnderstand the office was the Treasureship of Caleis who was in consideration of hys greate age discharged of hys roome and returned agayne into Englande and through hys instant labour hys Chaplayne Thomas VVolsey vvas Chapleyne to Henry the vij was promoted to bée the Kyngs Chaplayne and when hée had once cast Ancker in the porte of promotion how he wrought I shall somewhat declare He hauing there a ●ust occasion to be in the sight of the King dayly by reason hée sayde Masse before hym in hys Closet and that bée●ng done he spēt not the day in ydlenesse but would attend vpon those whome he thought to beare most rule in the Counsell the which at that tyme was Doctor Fox Bishop of Winchester Secretarie and Lord of the priuie seale also Sir Thomas Louell Knight a sage Counsellor Mayster of the Wardes and Connestable of the Tower these graue Counsellors in proces of time perceyued this Chapleyne to haue a very fine witte and thought him a méete person to be preferred to wittie affaires It chanced at a certayne season that the King had an vrgent occasion to send an Embassador vnto the Emperour Maximilian who lay at that present in the low Countrey of Flanders not farre from Caleis The Bishop of Winchester and Sir Thomas Louell whome the King counselled and debated with vppon this Embassage saw they had a conuenient occasion to preferre the Kings Chapleyne whose witte eloquence and learning they highly commended to the King the King commanded them to bring his Chapleyne before his presence with whome he fell in communication of great matters and perceyuing his witte to be very fyne thoughte hym sufficiente commaunding hym therevpon to prepare hymselfe to hys iourney and hauing hys depeach tooke hys leaue of the King at Richmond about noone and so came to London about four of the Clocke where the Barge of Graues ende was ready to launch forth both with a prosperous Thomas VVolsey Embassadour to the Emperour tyde and winde without any abode he entred the Barge and so passed foorth with suche spéede that hée arriued
into Englande Claude de Honne 〈…〉 highe Admirall of Fraunce who broughte with hym the Sacre of Deepe and twelue Galleis he landed at the Tower Admirall of France came to London Wharffe where he was honorably receiued and broughte to the Byshop of Londons Palaice where he lodged two nights and then ●ode to Hampton Courte where the King laye By the waye Prince Edwarde receiued him with a companye of 500. coates of Ueluet with one sléeue of cloth of Golde and halfe the coate embrodered with Golde there was in all to the number of 800. horses In September the water of Finsburie was brought to y e Condit in Loth burie Conduit at London wall Saint Stephens in Colmanstreete and Saint Margarets in Lothburie Richard Iaruis. Thomas Curteyse the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Duke of Norf. folke and Earle of Surrey sente to the Tovver Henry Hobrethorne Merchant Taylour the 28. of Octob. The twelfth of December Thomas Duke of Norffolke and Henry Earle of Surrey his son was sent to the Tower of London the one by water the other by lande The thirde of Januarye the Churche of the late Grey Friers in London was opened Masse sung there and that day preached at Paules Crosse the Bishop of Rochester who declared the Kings gifte to the Citie of London for the reléeuing King Henry his gift to the Citie of London of the poore people whiche was by Patent vnder hys greate Seale Saint Bartholomewe Spittle the Churche of the Grey Friers two Parish Churches the one of S. Nicholas in the Shambles the other Saint Ewine in Newgate Market all to be made one Parish Church of the Grey Friers Churche in lands he gaue for y e maintenance of the same 500. marke by yeare for euer and this Church to be named Christchurch founded by King Henrie the eight Henrie Howard Earle of Surrey was beheaded on the Tower Eatle of Surrey beheaded hill the xix of Januarie The xxviij of January king Henry deceased appointing King Henry deceassed his first son Prince Edward y e second Lady Mary his daughter by Quéen Katherine and the thirde Lady Elizabeth ●● Quéene Anne Bolloine He deceassed when he had raign●● 37. yeares 9. moneths and odde dayes and was buried ●● Windsore ¶ Edward the sixt EDvvarde the sixt began his Anno reg 1. raigne the eyghte and twentith of Januarie Anno 1546. whē he was but 9. yeares olde King Henrie his father by his will had appoynted for hys priuy councel Doctour Cranmer Archbishoppe of Canterburie Lord Wriothesly Lord chāce celour Cuthbert Tonstall Byshop of Durham wyth other to the number of sixetéene The first of February the Earle of Hertford was nominate Earle of Hert forde made L. Protector elected and chosen by all the executors to be protector and chiefe Gouernor of the Kings person The sixt of February the Earle of Hertford Lord Protector King Edvvarde made Knight in the Tower of London endued King Edwarde with the order of Knighthoode and then immediatly the Kyng standing vp Henrie Hoblethorne Lorde Mayor of London was called who knéeling down the kyng tooke the Sword of the Lord Mayor of London made Knight Lorde Protectour and made hym Knight whiche was the firste that euer he made The fourtéenth of February the corps of King Henry the eighte was with great solempnitie and honor conueyed towardes Windsore and there buried in the Colledge The seauentéenth of February sir Edward Seimer Earle Duke and Lordes created of Hertforde and Lorde Protectour was created Duke of Somerset the Lorde Parre Earle of Essex was created Marques of Northampton sir Iohn Dudley Lorde Lisle Lorde Admiral was created Erle of Warwike and Lord Chamberlaine of Englande sir Thomas Wriothesley and Lorde Chauncelour was created Earle of Southampton sir Thomas Seymer was made Lorde of Sudley and highe Admirall sir Richard Riche was made Lord Rich sir William Willoughbey was made Lord Willoughbey of Parham sir Edmond Sheffeld was made Lorde Sheffielde of Buterwike King Ed. rode through y e citie of London towards Westminster and as he passed on the South side of Paules Churcheyarde an Argosine came from the Battlements of the Stéeple of Paules Churche vpon a Cable being made faste to an Paules steeple lay at ancker Ancker by the Deanes gate lying on his breast aiding himselfe neither with hande nor foote and after ascended to the middest of the Cable where he tumbled and played manye preasie toyes where at the King and the nobles hadde good pastime He was crowned at Westminster on the xx of February King Edvvarde crovvned The sixth of Marche the great Seale of Englande was taken 1547 from sir Thomas Wriothesley and on the morrowe the same was deliuered to the Lord Sent-Iohn Lord great Maister The fiftéenth of May Doctour Smith recanted at Paules Doctor Smith recanted Crosse The Lorde Protectour and the rest of the Councell sent Images forbiddē Commissioners into all partes of the realme willing them to take all Images out of their Churches for the auoyding of Idolatrie wyth them were sent diuers Preachers to perswade the people from their beades and suche lyke ceremonies and at that time the going in Procession was forbidden Proces●ion forbidden to be vsed the Gospel and Epistle were read in English In the moneth of August Edwarde Duke of Somerset Lorde Protectour as Generall and Iohn Dudley Earle of Warwike Lorde Lieuetenant with a noble army were sente into Scotlande and neare to Edenborough at a place called Musclboroughe fielde Williom Patyn Muuscleborough the Englishemenne and Scottes mette where betwéene them the tenth of Septeptember was foughte a cruell battel The victorie whereof fell to the Englishmen and of the Scottes were slaine fouretéene thousande and taken prisoners fiftéene hundred whereof many were Gentlemē and not aboue thrée score Eeglishmen slaine The xxiiij of October Richarde Lorde Riche was made Lorde Rich L. Channcelor Lorde Chauncellour Thomas Whit Robert Chersey the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Free schoole at Holt. Sir Iohn Gresham Mercer the 28. of October This sir Iohn Gresham founded a Fréeschoole at Holt a Market towne in Norffolke Also at hys deceasse whiche was in Anno 1556. on the xxiij of October he gaue to euery warde in London ten pound to be distributed to the poore And to 60. poore men women euery one of them thrée yards of broade cloth of eight or nine shillings y e yard to be made in gowns readye to theyr backes He gaue also to Maides marriages and to the Hospitals in London aboue two hundred pounds in ready money The fourth of Nouember the Parliament beganne at Hestminster in the which was graunted to the King al Chātries Chauntries and Chappels giuen to the King frée Chappels and Brotherhoodes and an acte was made for the receyuing of the Sacrament in both kindes of Breade and Wine Ther vij of Nouember was pulled
also builded Almes houses for sixe poore almes Almes houses people nigh to the parish Church of Saint Helen within Bishopsgate of London and gaue Landes to the companye of the Skinners in the same Citie amounting to the value of thréescore pound thrée Shillings eyghtpence the yeare for the which they bée bound to pay twenty pound to the Schoolemayster and eyght pounde to the Usher of hys frée Schoole at Tonbridge yearely for euer and foure Shillings the wéeke to the sixe poore almes people at Saint Anno reg 5. Helens aforesayde eyghtpence the péece wéekely and fiue and twentie Shillings fourpence the yeare in Coales amongst them for euer On Saint Valentines daye at Feuersham in Kente ●n● Arden a Gentleman was murthered by procuremente Arden murthered of hys owne wife for the which fact she was the fouretéenth of Marth brente at Canterburie Michaell Mayster Ardens man was hanged in cheynes at Feuersha● and a mayden bre●te Mosby and hys sister were hanged in Smithfielde at London Gréene which had fledde came agayne certayne yeares after and was hanged in cheynes in the high way agaynste Feuersham and Blacke Will the Ruffian that was hired to do that acte after his first ●scap● ●a● apprehended an●●●rente on a Scaffold al Flis●ing i● Z●la●d The fourtéenth of February Stephen Gardener Bishop Bishop of VVinchester depriued of Winchester was depriued of hys Bishopricke and committed to the Tower agayne into his place was ●●anslated Doctor Poynet who before was Bishop of Rochester The fifth Aprill Sir Thomas Darcey ●i●●ham●ertaine 155● and Captayne of the ●ard was created Lord Darcey at Greenewich The four and twenty of Aprill George of Paris a Dutchman An Arian brent was brent in Smithfield for an Arian The fiue and twenty of May about noone was an Earthquake Earthquake at Blechingly Godstone T●tser Rig●te Croydon B●n●ng●●●● Al●erie and diuers other places in Sout●ery The ninth of July the base moneys coyned in the time First fall of the base moneys of King Henry the eyght and King Edward the sixth was proclaymed the Shilling to goe for nine pence the grete for thrée pence which tooke effect immediatly after the Proclamation was made The fiftéenth of Aprill the infections sweating sickenesse Svveating sicknesse beganne at Shrewsburie which ended not in the North part of England vntill the ende of September In this space what number dyed it can not be well accompted but certayne it is that in London in few dayes nine hundred and Iohn Cai●s sixtie gaue vp the ghost it began in London the ninth of July and the twelfth of July it was most vehement which was so terrible that people being in best health were sodeinly taken and dead in four and twentie houres and twelue or lesse for lacke of skill in guiding them in theyr sweate And it is to bée noted that this mortalitie fell chieflye or rather on men and those also of the best age as betwéene thirtie and fortie yeares also it followed Englishmen as well within the Realme as in strange Countreys wherefore this Nation was much afeard of it and for the time beganne to repent and remember GOD but as the disease relented the deuotion decayed The first wéeke dyed in London eyght hundred persons The seauentéenth of August the Shilling which of late Second fall of the base moneys was called downe to nineyence was called downe to sixe pence the grote to two pence the halfe grote to one pennie the pennie to an halfe peny Iohn Lambert Iohn Cowper the 28 of September Sheriffes The ●● of October at Hampton Court Lorde Marques Duke● and E●r●es created Dorset was created Duke of Suffolke the Earle of Warwike was created Duke of Northumberland the Earle of Wilshire was created Marques of Winchester Sir William Harbert mayster of the hor●●e was made Lorde of Karmarden and created Earle of Pembroke He also made William Cicill his Secretarie Knight Mayster Iohn Checke one of hys Schoole maysters Knight Mayster Henry Dudley Knight Mayster Henry Deuell Knight The ●●● of October Edward Seymer Duke of Somerset Duke of Somerset brought to the Tovver the Lord Grey of Wilton Sir Ralph Vane Sir Thomas Palmer Sir Miles Partridge Sir Michaell Sta●hope Sir Thomas Arundell Knightes and diuers other Gentlemen were brought to the ●ower of London The next morrow the Dutchesse of Somerset was also brought to the Tower The liberties Liberties of the Stilyard seased Maior Nevv Coyne of the Stil●ard were seased into the Kings handes Sir Richard Dobbes Skinner the 28. of October The xx● of October was proclaymed a new coyne both of Siluer and Gold So●e●●●es of thirtie Shillings Angels of ●e●ne Shillings c. The vj. of Nouember the olde Quéene of Scottes rode through London towards Scotland with a great company of Queene of Scottes rode through London Englishmen way●ing vpon hi● after she had layne four dayes in the Bishop of Londons p●●●ace The first of December the Duke of Somerset was arraigned Duke of Somerset arraigned at Westminster and there acquited of trea●o● but condemned of ●el●nie The vij of December was a muster of Horssemen before the King at Saint Iames. The xx of Muster of horssemen December the gre●e Sea●e was taken from the Lord Rich and ●●●●●ere● to D. G●●●●●e●e Bishop of E●ly Doctor Dunstall Bishop of Durham was sent ●o y ● Tower of London The xx●● of January Edward Duke of Somerset was beheaded on Duke of Somerset beheaded the Tower h●ct The ●ame morning early the Constables of euery warde in London according to a precept directed from the Counsell to the Maior st●eightly ●h●●●ged euery h●●●●hold of the same ●●●●e not to depart any of them out of their houses before tenne of the clocke of that day meaning therby to restreyne the great number of people that otherwise were like to haue bin at the sayde execution notwithstanding by seauen a clocke the Tower hill was couered with a great multitude repayring from all partes of the Citie as well as out of the suburbes and before eyght of the clocke the Duke was brought to the Scaffold inclosed with the Kings Gard the Sheriffes Officers the Warders of the Tower and other with halberds the Duke being ready to haue bin executed sodeinly the people were driuen into a Great feare vvith small cause great feare few or none knowing the cause wherefore I thinke it good to write what I sawe concerning that matter The people of a certayne Hamlet which were warned to be there by seauen of the clocke to giue their attendance on the Lieutenant now came through the posterne and perceyuing the Duke to be already on the Scaffold the for●●st began to runne crying to their fellowes to follow fast after which ●odelnesse of these men being weaponed with billes and halber●s thus running caused the people which ●●●●● saw them to thinke some power had come to haue rescued the Duke from
manye Merchaunt Aduenturers vnto whom by the Councell was se●●da●●y declared the death of King Edwarde and also ho●e he hadde ordained for the succession of the Crown by his letters Patents to the whych they were sworne and charged to kéepe it secrete The tenth of July in the afternoone aboute thrée of th● Lady Iane proclaimed Queene clocke Lady Iane daughter to Frauncis Duchesse of Suffolke 〈…〉 Ian● was ma●●●●● to the Lord Gilford Dudley fourth ●●nne to the Duke of Northumberlande was con●●eyed by water to the Tower of London and there receyued as Quéene After fiue of the clocke the same afternoone was proclamation made of the death of King Edwarde the ●●●th and howe he had ordained by his letters Patents bearyng ba●● the 〈…〉 and twentith of June laste past that the 〈…〉 Iane as is afore saide shoulde be heyre to the Crowne of Englande and the heire males of hir bodye c. The eleauenth of July Gilbert Potte Drawer to Ninion Gilbert Potte punished in Cheape Saunders Uintner dwelling at Saint Iohns head wythin Ludgate who was accused by the said Saunders his Maister was set on the Pillorie in Cheape with both hys eares nayled and cleane cutte off for wordes speaking at time of the proclamation of Lady Iane at which execution was a Trūpet blown and a Harrault read his offence in presence of one of the Sheriffes c. Aboute fiue of the clocke the same day in the afternoone Men drovvned at Lon. bridge Ninion Saunders Maister to the said Gilbert Potte and Iohn Owen a Gunner comming from the Tower of London by water in a Whirrie and shooting London bridge towardes the Blacke Friers were drowned at Saint Mary Locke and the Whirrie men saued by their Ores The twelfth of July worde was broughte to the Councell beyng then in the Tower with the Ladye Iane that the Lady Marie eldest daughter to King Henrie the eighte was at Keninghall Castell in Norffolke and wyth hir the Earle of Bathe sir Thomas Cornwallis and other and also that the Earle of Sussex and Maister Henrie Ratcliffe his sonne were ●●mmyng towardes hir wherevppon by spéedy Councell it was there concluded that the Duke of Suffolke with certayne other Noblemen should go towards the Lady Mary to ●●●che hir vp to the Tower thys was firste determined but by night of the same daye the saide voyage of the Duke of Suffolke was cleane dissolued by the speciall meanes of the Lady Iane hys daughter who takyng the matter heauily wyth wéepyng teares made request to the whole Councel that hir father might ●arry at home in hir company Whervppon the Councel perswaded with the Duke of Northumberlande to take that voyage vpon him saying that no man 〈…〉 so ●●t therefore bycause that he hadde atchieued the victorie in Norffolke once already and was therefore so feared 〈…〉 none durste once li●●e vp their weapon against him be 〈…〉 that he was the beste man of warre in the Realme as well for the ordering of his Campes and Souldicures bothe in battaile and in their tentes as also by experience knowledge and wisdome he coulde bothe animate his army with wittie perswasions and also pacifie and alay hys ennimyes pride wyth hys stowte courage or else to dissuade them if néede were from their enterprise Finally said they this is the short and long the Quéene will in no wise graunte that hir father shall take it vpon him wherefore quoth they we thinke it good if it may please your Grace it lyeth in you to remedy the matter Well quoth the Duke then since ye thinke it good I and mine will go not doubting of your fidelitie to the Quéenes Maiestie whych now I leaue in youre custodie so that nighte he sente for bothe Lordes Knightes and other that shoulde goe wyth hym and caused all things to be prepared accordynglye then wente the Councell in to the Ladye Iane and tolde hir of theyr conclusion who humblye thanked the Duke for reseruing hir father at home and beséeched him to vse hys diligence whereto he aunswered that he woulde doe what in hym laye The morrowe following greate preparation was made the Duke early in the mornyng called for his owne harnesse and sawe it made ready at Durham place where he appointed all his retinue to méete The same daye Cartes were laden with Munition and Artillerie and fielde péeces were set forwarde The same forenoone the Duke moued efte soones the Counsell to sende their powers after hym as it was before determined the same to méete wyth hym at Newe Market and they promised they woulde He sayde further to some of them My Lordes I and these other noble Personages with the whole army that nowe goe forth as well for the behalfe of you and yours as for the establishing of the Quéenes highnesse shall not only aduenture our bodies and lyues amongest the bloudy strokes and cruell 〈◊〉 of our aduersaries in the open fieldes but also wée do leaue the conseruation of our selues chyldren families at home here with you as altogyther committed to youre truth and fidelities whome if we thoughte ye woulde throughe malice conspyracie or dissention leaue vs youre friendes in the Bryars and betraye vs wée coulde as well sundry wayes foresee and prouide for our owne safegards ●● anye of you by betraying vs can doe for yours But nowe vppon the onelye truste and faithfulnesse of youre honors whereof we thinke our selues moste assured wée do hazarde oure liues whyche truste and promise if ye shall violate hoping thereby of lyfe and promotion yet shall not God coumpt you innocent of our blouds neyther acquite you of the sacred and holy othe of allegeaunce made fréely by you to thys vertuous Lady the Quéenes highnesse who by your and our enficement is rather of force placed there●● than by hir ownséeking and request Consider also that Gods cause whyche is the preferment of hys worde and ●●a●e of Papistes entraunce hathe béene as yée haue here before alwayes layde the originall grounde wherevpon ye ●●en at the firste motion graunted your goodwils and con●●●ts therevnto as by your handes writing appeareth and ●●inke not the contrarye but if yée meane deceyte thoughs not forthewyth yet hereafter God will reuenge the same I can saye no more but in thys trouble some tyme wysh you to vse constant heartes abandoning all malice enuye and priuate affections and therewithall the firste course for the Lords came vp wherefore the Duke shut vp his talke wyth these wordes I ha●e not spoken to you in thys sorte ●ppon anye mistruste I haue of youre trueth● of whyche alwayes I haue euer hitherto conceiued a trusty confidence but I haue put you in remembrance thereof what chance of variance so euer might grow amongst you in mine absence and this I pray you wish me not worse good spéede in this iorney than ye woulde haue to your selues My Lord saith one of them if ye mistruste anye of vs in this matter your Grace is farre
Glastenburie brent Pag. 213 Gorbodug king Pag. 24 Gorbomanus king Pag. 29 Gorbonian king Pag. 30 Gospell preached in England Pag. 57 Godwin Sands Pag. 173 Good Parliament Pag. 467. euil Parliament Pag. 519. lay mans Parliament Pag. 559 Golden Rose sent from Rome Pag. 933 Gold enhaunsed Pag. 941 Grantham builded Pag. 29 Grantbridge or Cambridge Pag. 122 Grey Friers in England Pag. 259 Grifithe of Wales brake his necke out of the Tower of London Pag. 269 Grauesend Bishop of London Pag. 315 Groates halfe groates coyned Pag. 420 Grey Friers in Londō an Hospital Pag. 1053 Great and wonderful tempestes Pag. 1106 Gardner made Lord Chauncellour Pag. 1071 deceased Pag. 1099 Great Hary a slip brent Pag. 1071 Great seale taken from the Lord Riche page Pag. 1050 Greenewich Towne builded Pag. 240 Giles Church brent Pag. 1032 Great flouds Pag. 1099 Great fishes Pag. 1053 Great muster in London Pag. 1015 Gwindolen Queene Pag. 19 Gurgustus king Pag. 23 Gurgustius King Pag. 28 Guinthelinus king Pag. 28 Gurguinus king Pag. 30 Guinouer wife to Arthur Pag. 81 Gurmondchester builded Pag. 88 Guy Earle of Warwicke slew Colbronde Page 131 Guisnes gotten by the English Pag. 421 Gunnes muented Pag. 480 Guilde Hall in London builded Pag. 573 Gunne shot at the Preacher Pag. 1091 H. HAdrianus a Romaine Pag. 54 Hadley in Essex Pag. 124 Harold a Dane King Pag. 141 Hardicanutus king Pag. 142 Harold king Pag. 146. slaine Pag. 147 Hartes leapt into the Sea Pag. 240 Hales Owen reedified Pag. 251 Halfepence and farthings round Pag. 299 Handes of men cut of for rescuing of a prisoner Pag. 306 Hastings brent Pag. 472 Harlow Castel wonne Pag. 721 Hayle stones Pag. 18. ynches about Pag. 870 Hayle in Northamptonshire did muche harme Pag. 1174 Hailestones figured like mē heads Pag. 103 Hangman hanged Pag. 1013 Helius king Pag. 31 Helen mother to Constantine Pag. 69 Hengest Saxon. Pag. 80. king of Kent Pag. 83 Hengest first king of Kent Pag. 190 Hereforde Bishoppes Sea founded Pag. 106 Hereford brent Pag. 164 Hen●ie the first Pag. 176 Hereford brent Pag. 189 Henrie the seconde king Pag. 200 wenteagainst the Welchmen Pag. 201 Hergelius Patriarke Pag. 214 Hedges burned Pag. 237 Henrie the third King Pag. 252 Herdesmen go toward Ierusalem Pag. 340 Hugh Spencer executed Pag. 349 350 Henrie Percy created Erle of Northumberland Pag. 471 Henrie bastard of Spaine Pag. 475 Herfleete besieged Pag. 589 Henrie sonne to Iohn of Gaunt created Duke of Hereforde Pag. 527 accufeth the Duke of Norffolke Pag. 528 banished Pag. 529 returneth into Englande Pag. 532. chosen king Pag. 540 crowned ●42 conspiracie againste him Pag. 544. entreth Scotlande Pag. 547. in great daunger Pag. 549 marieth the dutches of Brytaine Pag. 553. conspiracie against him Pag. 563. writeth to the Pope Pag. 571. ended his life Pag. 576 Henrie Beauchamp created duke of Warwicke Pag. 648 Henrie Lord Bourcher made Earle of Essex Pag. 713 Henrie son to Henrie the seauenth borne Page 865 Henrie sonne to Henrie the fourth made prince of Wales Pag. 541. his demean of at his fathers deathe Pag. 576. crowned king Pag. 583. entreth Normandie Pag. 588. Pag. 599. returneth home Pag. 597. deceased Pag. 614 Henrie the sixth borne at Windsor Pag. 612 King of England and of Fraunce Pag. 618 crowned Pag. 633. at Paris Pag. 635. fled into Scotlande Pag. 712. disherited Pag. 713 taken Pag. 717 ●estored Pag. 725. sent to the Tower prisoner Pag. 727. murdered Pag. 729. his cōmendation Pag. 730 his Colledge Pag. 731. his death Pag. 756. buried at Windsor Pag. 84● Edward Prince borne in Sanctuarie Pag. 726 Pag. 807. King of Englande Pag. 7●● his aunswere to his mother Pag. 805 murdered Page 828 Henrie Earle of Richmonde landed at Mylford hauen Pag. 851. proclaymed king Pag. 858 drowned Pag. 861. besieged Buloigne Pag. 866 builded a Chapple at Westminster Pag. 875. Hospitall of the Sauoy Pag. 891. deceased ibidem his sepulchre Pag. 892 Hingwer the Dane slayne Pag. 123 Honorius Emperour Pag. 73 Hokenorton a towne Pag. 129 Houndsdich Pag. 139 Hofen a payre for a king three shillings Page 168 Howses blowne down in Cheape Pag. 170 Hospital of Saint Leonard at Yorke foūded Pag. 175 Hospitall of Saint Giles Pag. 183 Hospital of Saint Crosse builded Pag. 185 Hospital of s Thomas in Southwark Pag. 244 Hospitall at Oxford Pag. 263 Hospital of Saint Marie at London Pag. 265 Hospital at Lecester founded Pag. 365 Hogges in Normandie brent by Edward the third Pag. 394 Hospitall at Kingston founded Pag. 461 Housekeeping of the Earle of Warwike Page 722 House at London bridge fell into the Thames Pag. 748 Humber a Riuer Pag. 18 Humfrey Duke of Glocester chalengeth to cōbat with Philip D. of Burgoign Pag. 625. marieth Elianor Cobham Pag. 631. dyed at Bury Pag. 650. debate betwene the D. of Glo. and the Bi. of Winchester Pag. 627 I. I Ago King Pag. 23 Saint Iames in Bristowe builded Pag. 181 Iames Churche at Garlike Hithe builded Pag. 349 Iaqueline Dutchesse of Henalt Pag. 623 married to the Duke of Gloucester Pag. 624 Iames son to the King of Scottes taken Pag. 567. released of his imprisonment Pag. 629 Iacke Cade a rebel Pag. 652. Pag. 653 entred London Pag. 659. pardoned Pag. 661. beheaded Page 663 Iames house purchased by the king Pag. 798 Ida firste King of the Northumbers Pag. 107 Iewels hāged and left in the high wayes not touched but of the owners Pag. 127 Iewes robbed Pag. 220. imprisoned Pag. 238. spoyled Pag. 246. their Synagogue Pag. 262 Iewes borne in Englande Pag. 273. hanged Page 275 Iewe drowned Pag. 277. Iewes spoyled Pag. 278 Iewes executed Pag. 298. their Synagogues destroyed Pag. 301. banished Pag. 304 Iewes and Leapers poysoned waters Pag. 341 Iedworth in Scotland brent Pag. 933 Iewels and Church Plate called into the Kings hande Pag. 10●7 Ioseph of Aramath ●7 Iohn the Kings sonne made Lord of Irelande Pag. 294 Iohn the Kings brother rebelled Pag. 221. 223 Iohn King Pag. 230. diuorced Pag. 231. sommoned to the Frenche Courte Pag. 232. resigned the Crowne and absolued Pag. 243. crossed to Hierusalem Pag. 245. fled Pag. 249. hys treasure drowned Pag. 250 Iohn Eure helde landes in Scotlande Pag. 319 Iohn Kirby hanged Pag. 480 Iohn Ball hanged Pag. 489 Iohn Wraw hanged Pag. 491 Iohn Philpots worthiness● Pag. 476. Pag. 479. deceassed Pag. 495 Murder in Westminster Church Pag. 477 Iohn Northamptons sedition Pag. 493 Iohn Holand created Erle of Huntingtō Page 507 Iohn Duke of Lancaster entreth Spaine Pag. 500. made Duke of Aquitaine Pag. 510 marryeth Katherine Swinford Pag. 518. dyeth Pag. 530 Iohn Gower Pag. 548 Sir I. Oldeastel cōuict Pag. 584. executed Pag. 599 Iohn Beaufort made Duke of Somerset Page 647 Iohn Dauy loste hys hande in Cheape Page 713 Iohn Duke of Bedford regent of France married Anne daughter to the Duke of Burgoigne Pag. 619 Saint Iohns in Smithfielde suppressed Page 1019 Ione Butcher brent Pag. 1047 Ile of Shepey Pag. 115 Ile of Wight
sixe miles and in the great Hall at Westminster men tooke their Horsebackes bycause the waters ranne ouer all Anno reg 28 Richard Earle of Cornewall maryed the thirde daughter of the Earle of Prouence Hugh Blunt Adam Basing the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1244 Miserable death of Griffin Mathew Paris Ralph Ashnye Peperer the 28. of October Griffyne the eldest sonne of Leolin Prince of Northwales which was kept prisoner in the Tower of London deuised subtilly how to escape wherefore one night hauing deceyued the Watch made of the hangings shéetes towels c a long line and put himselfe downe from the toppe of the Tower but as he was sliding a good pace with the weight of his body being a very bigge man and a fatte the rope brake and he fell on his necke whose miserable carcase in the morning being founde by the Tower wall was a pitifull sight to the beholders for his head and necke were driuen into his brest betwéene the shoulders the King hearing thereof punished the watchmen and caused Griffins son y ● was imprisoned with his Father to be more straightly kept The King tooke of the Citizēs of London 1500. Markes for that they had receyued into their Citie agayne Walter Bokerell who had bin banished twenty yeares notwithstanding the Citizens had proued that before that time the said Walter and his brother Andrew by their suite to the King had gotten him to be reconciled and restored to the Kings fauour Robert Grosted Bishop of Lincolne with other Robert Grosted Anno reg 29. Prelates complayned to the King of the waste made of the Church goodes by aliant Bishops and Clearkes of this land where vpon they were shortly voyded Ralph Foster Nicholas Bat the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1245 Anno reg 30 Michaell Tonny the 28. of October Quéene Elianor brought forth a sonne named Edmond The King enlarged the Church of Saint Peters in Westminster pulling downe the olde walles and stéeple and caused them to be made more comely Robert Ros being made a Templar died and was buryed at London in the new Temple Robert of Cornehill Adam of Bentley the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior 1246 Iohn Gisers Peperer the 28 of October In the Dioces of Lincolne there was a woman of noble birth welfauoured and beautifull which was maried to a rich man and did beare him children she also got another Monstruous Anno reg 31 Gentlewoman with childe and begat thrée sonnes of hir one after another or euer it was knowen the womens names were Hauisia and Lucia Harold King of Man was made Knight at London Simon Fitz Meger Laurence Frowike the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior 1247 Queene Hyue Customes of London Iohn Gisers Peperer the 28. of October King Henry let to ferme the Queenehiue in London to Iohn Gisers then Maior and his successours and comminaltie of London for euer for the summe of fiftie pounde the yeare to be payde at two payments at Clarkenwell Dated at Windesore the xxxj of his raigne The Church of Saint Mildred in Canturburie and a great Ger. Dorobor part of that Citie was brent A great Earthquake was in many places especially at Earthquake London about the banckes of the Thamis The Coyne was so sore clipped that it was thought good Coyne base to change the same and make it baser A great plague was in England so that in September Pestilence Mathew Pari● there was euery day nine or tenne buried in the Church-yard of Saint Peter at Saint Albons Elianor Sister to Arthure Duke of Briteyne was buryed Anno reg 32 W●l Wasion Sherifes Maior 1248 at Ambresburie among the Nunnes Iohn Viell Nicholas Bat the 28. of September Peter Fitz Alwyne the 28. of October By reason of the embasing of the Coyne a great penurie followed Robert Bacon preaching Frier deceassed at Oxforde The King required a great ayd of money whiche was denyed him whereby through counsell he was forced to The King selleth his Iev vels sell his plate and Jewels to the Citizens of London The Towne of Newcastell vpon Tine was burned bridge Earthquake and all By a strange Earthquake the toppes of houses were Anno reg 33 throwen downe walles did cleaue the heads of chimneys and Towers were shaken but the bodyes and foundations did not moue Nicholas Fitz Iosey Ge●●rey Winchester the 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior 1249 Mathew Paris A Mart at VVestminster Michael Tonney the 28. of October The King deuising how to exact money from the Citizens of London made a mart at Westminster to last fiftéene dayes and cōmanded that all trade of Marchandise should ceasse in the Citie those fiftéene dayes which the Citizens were fayne to redéeme with two thousande poundes Besides this the King tooke victuals and wine wherein could be found and payde nothing for it Two Marchants of Brabant complayned to the King at Mathew Paris Strangers robbed and Pirats hanged Winchester that they had bin robbed by men of that Countrey who had taken from them to the value of two hundred markes which théeues they had séene in the Courte wherevpō such as were suspected were takē to be tryed by y e Countrey but y e Coūtrey purged thē by oth bycause they were for the most part all infected and giuen to théeuerie but the Marchants continuing their suite to the King sayd that if they could not haue iustice they woulde stay so much of Englishe Marchants goodes in Brabant Then the King caused twelue men of Winchester to be chosen who also did quit them that were accused whiche thing when the King did sée he caused those twelue to be imprisoned and sware that in short space they should be hanged as Théeues accessarie and periured and caused other twelue to be empaneled which last quest found and confessed all and appeached many especially of Hamshire which were hanged Great dissention arose in Cambridge betwixt the Schollers Discord at Cambridge and Townesmen so that houses were broken downe and spoyled and many men wounded and slayne In the Moneth of June fell great Raynes especially aboute Anno reg 34 Abingdon whiche caryed away many trées houses beastes milles bridges and one Chappell not farre from Abingdon Richard Hardell Iohn Thollason the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1250 Mathew Paris Roger Fitz Roger the 28. of October The Friers Augustines beganne to inhabit at Wales at Wodhouse Boniface Archbishop of Canturburie in his visitation Mathew Paris came to the Priorie of Saint Barthelmew in Smithfielde where being receyued with Procession in most solemne wise he sayd he passed not vpon the honor but came to visit them vnto whome the Chanons answered that they hauing a learned Bishop ought not in contempt of him to Archbishop of Canturbury visiteth Saint Barthelmevves in Smithfield beateth the Supprior and Channons c. be visited by any other which answere so much misliked the Archbishop that
next morning by meanes of the Bishop of Worcester and Reignald Abbot of Glocester a truce was taken betwixt the Barons in the town and the Kings sonne in the Castell but shortly after the Barons fled and the Burgesses submitting themselues were some of them hanged the residue cast in prison grieuously raunsomed and the towne destroyed from whence the Kings sonne departed spoyling and wasting the Country contrarie to his othe made to the Barons till he came to Oxforde where he lodged in the house of the Frier Prēchers and ioyned his power with the King his Father who was lately come thyther to make his offering to Saint Friswide not fearing the superstitious opinion y t if any King entred y e town the Uirgin there would be auenged on him The Kyng hauing now with him his brother Richard king of Almaine his sonne Edward William de Valence his brother on the mothers sidē and Iohn Cumyn of Scotland with a multitude of Scottishmen Iohn de Bailliol Lord of Galoway Robert le Bruse lord of Anandale Roger de Clifford Phillip de Marmiō Iohn de Vallibus Roger de Laborne Henrie Percy Phillip Basset Roger de Mortimer with an army went and besieged Northampton Nothamton besieged and the fourth of Aprill breaking the Wall toke y e towne and in it fiftéene Knightes bearing Banners Simon Mountfort the yonger William de Ferrers Peter de Mountfort Baldwine Wake Adam de Newmarche Roger Bartrandi Simon Fitz Simon Berengario de Wateruile Hughe Cubion Thomas Maunsell Roger Bonteuileyne Nicholas Wake Robert de Newenton Phillip de Derby Grimbald de Paunsevent of whom Simon the yonger was sent to Winchester the residue to other places to be safely kepte Other Knightes of meaner degrée were taken to the number of xl and not a fewe Esquires from thence the king wente towardes Notingham wasting with fire and sworde the maner places of the Barons and there he gathered his Lordes and great men Earle Simon went to London and from thence to Rochester Rochester besieged whiche Iohn Earle Warren defended the bridge and first gate wherof when he had wonne being informed that the king was comming towards London he lefte the siege went backe to méete hym but the king turning his waye from London toke the Castel of Kenington Kingston which was Castel at Kingstone taken the Erle of Glocesters then going to Rochester chased away some that remayned at the siege but slewe many moe from thence he went to Tonbridge the Castel whereof he toke and the Counties of Glocester within it leauing a garrison there Castel of Tonbridge taken he went to Winchester where he receiued thē of the v. Portes to his peace passing further to Lewes was receiued into y e Priory his son into the Castel wher whiles he remained the Barons writ to him letters as ye may read in Mathew Paris Nicholas Triuet but they taking no effect y e Barons in armes approched towards Lewes inuading y e kings people Battel at Levves y ● wer gone forth for forrage wherof the king being warned he goeth forth to méete thē with his army deuided into thrée sorts The first was led by Edward the kings son hauing with him William de Valence Erle of Penbroke Iohn de Waren Earle of Surrey and Sussex The seconde was guided by Richard K. of Almain w t his son Henrie The third the K. himself had in gouerning The Barons army was deuided into four wardes The first led Henrie de Mountfort w t the Erle of Hereford The seconde led Gilbert de Clare wyth Iohn Fitz Iohn Williā de Moūtchance The third in which the Londoners were Nicholas Segraue The fourth Erle Simō himself led with Thomas de Pelueston Edwarde the Kings sonne with hys battayle brake on his enimies that he made them to giue backe of whom many were drowned The Londoners were put to flyghte whom whilest the kings sonne pursued for the space of foure miles he made great slaughter but being separate frō the rest of the army he weakened his part sore In the meane time manye of the Kings battayle were slaine and the King of Almaine taken in a Windmil by Syr The King of Almaine taken Iohn de Beuis so was Robert le Bruis and Iohn Commyne which had brought the Scottes King Henrie also hauing hys horsse slaine vnder him yéelded to the Earle of Gloucester King Henrie taken who sent him prisoner to the Priory Edward returning is receyued with sharpe battayle and the Earle Waren William de Valence Grey de Lesmute the Kings halfe brethren Hugh Bigod with mē of armes to the nūber of 400. Haberions gotte then the Castel of Pemsey and when many were slayne on eyther side the Lorde Edwarde ryding aboute the towne sound his father in the Priorie In the meane time an assault being giuen to the Castle which was valiauntly defended the Barons withdrew thē wherevpon the Lord Edward being greatly incouraged and hauing gathered his people about him woulde haue made a new battayle so that the Barons sued for peace whiche by y e meanes of the Friers Preachers and Minors was brought to passe that on the Friday following the Lords Edwarde Henrie for theyr Fathers of England and Almayne kings deliuered themselues to Earle Simon vpon hope of quietnesse Edvvard the Kings son taken and peace that might be concluded On the Saterdaye the king licenced them that were aboute him to depart to theyr houses writ vnto thē that were in Tonbridge Castel that they shoulde not molest the Barons as they returned homewardes but they notwithstanding being in armes when they heard that the Londoners which were fled from the battaile were receiued into Croydon they hasted 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 the kings sonne was deliuered There was slain in the battayle at Lewes which was fought on the xij of May aboute Robert of Glocest VVestchepe in London brent 4500. men About that time a gret part of Westcheape in London was brent by treason Erle Simon led the K. his son Edward about with him W. Pakenton Chro. Glaston till he had gotte all the strong Castels of the lande into hys hands and then put Richard King of Almaine in y e tower of London and Edwarde the Kings sonne in Douer Castle In the mean time Roger Mortimer Iames Audeley Roger Leyborne Roger Clifforde Haymo Lestrange Hugh de Turberuile with many other rose against Simō who to restrayne theyr boldnesse associating to him the Prince of Wales entred the Castell of Hereforde and caused Edward the Kings sonne to be brought thyther from Douer after thys he wanne the Castell of Hey whiche belonged to the Earle of Hereforde and toke the Castel of Ludlow and after wastyng y e Castel of Ludlovv taken landes of Roger Mortimer goeth towardes Mountgomerie there taking pledges of peace of y e sayd nobles he turneth to the south parts to méete thē power which was sayd to come
in Normandy beseeged by Edvvard the third of Cane making their entrance by a Bridge whiche was strongly defended There was slayne an hundreth thrée and fortie Knightes among the whiche was the Earles of Ewe and Camberlin de Tankeruill with dyuers other Captaynes whyche were sente into England and the Lady Abatesse of Cane and of them of the Citie were slayne aboue one thousande thrée hundred At this Citie the armie remayned sixe dayes and the spoyle thereof they solde to those Marriners whiche followed the coast as the King went Then they wente to the Monasterie in the Towne of Toward a very strong thyng and well defended Afterwarde they came vnto Argons by nighte burning still as they wente till they came to the Citie of Licens where they founde the Cardinalles of Clarimount and of Naples and one Archbishop who offered the King a treatie of peace and there the King continued thrée dayes refusing to treate of peace Then they wente to Lestentnoland and to the Towne of Briue and lodged at New Burge and after at Selelefe vpon Sayne and there the Welchmen ●●amme through the water of Segan and béeing resisted by the inhabitantes they slewe many of them Then they passed nigh to the Towne and Castell of Pount Darch béeing strong places and not sautable Thys nighte he lodged at Lury vpon Segan nigh vnto the good Towne of Louars whiche they did burne After they passed by the Towne and Castell of Gaylon whiche they tooke and brente and lodged at Lingeuie whiche is nigh the good Towne and Castell of Vernon whiche they touched not and there they first entred into France and the same night they brente the Castell of Roche Blanche whiche standeth on the other side of Segan and lodged at Fremble vpon Segan After that they passed by the Towne de Maunt lodging that night at Oporne On the nexte day they passed to Frigmas and the nexte daye to the good Towne of Poecie where béeyng a Bridge to passe ouer the Riuer of Segan the Frenche had spoyled it but the Kyng caused it to bée reedifyed and the nexte daye they came vnto Amias where were thrée greate Armies appoynted to kéepe the King from passing that way but hée making a greate conflicte with them slewe thrée hundreth of them at the firste charge put the residue to flighte and spoyled their Tentes burning thrée hundreth and two Cartes and Wagons ladē with Crossebowes Quarels Armor victuals the King staying there two dayes they went to Gresile nigh vnto Pountoys then to Antell the next day they passed by the Citie of Wenneys which they touched not and so by Tr●solours at the water of Some where they lodged The next day they wan the Towne of Poys and brent the Castell From thence they went to Aregnus then to Achen where they lodged The next day they came to Noell vpon the Sea side the Frenchmen of Dabuile and the Countrey came to the f●●rdes side to hinder their passage with whome the King had a sore conflict but the enimies were put to the worsse and more than two thousand slayne and the Towne of Croytoy taken and brent and aboue thrée hundred Germanes slayne The next day they followed the King on the Riuer of Some and on the banckes side where the King with his host were lodged came trauelling Phillip de Valoys the French king Tho. de la More with the Kings of Boheme and Malegre leading an army of men innumerable deuided into eight great battels King Edward sent to the French King offering him frée passage ouer the Foorde if he would come and choose a place apt to fight a field in but this Phillip would not fight but went to another place of passage On the morrow King Edward remoued to Cresifield where y e armie of the French King met him The King therefore set his sonne the Prince of Wales to gouerne the vaward The middle warde the Earle of Battayle of Crecy Northampton The third he tooke to guide himselfe The army of the Frenchmen were deuided into nine troupes The vaward was committed to the King of Boheme The French King commaunded his banner called Oliflam The French Banner of oyly flame signifyed no mercy more ●han fire in oyle to be set vp after which time it was not lawfull vnder payne of death to take any man to saue his life This banner that it might differ from his standard had in it Lillies of gold very broade On the other side King Edward commanded his Banner to be erected of the Dragon which signified fiercenesse and crueltie to be turned against the Lillies These armies being thus appoynted stoode in the fielde from one of the clocke vntill the euening Aboute the Sunne setting after the armies had iusted they beganne by sound of Trumpettes to giue signe of battayle but they themselues felt the force of the English Archers and as for their Quarels they fell short a great way Moreouer their footemen being placed among their owne horsemen were by them when they were gaulled with the English shotte of arrowes ouerrunne and troden vpon that a great outcrie was made as it were to the Starres and the whole forme of the array was broken and they fighting with the English armed men are beaten downe with Poleaxes In this so terrible a bickering the Prince of Wales being then but sixtéene yeares olde shewed his wonderfull towardnesse laying on very hotely with Speare and Shield This battell dured thrée partes of the night in the which time the Frenchmen gaue fiue great assaultes againste oure men but at the length they being conquered ranne away On the morrow there came four armies of fresh Souldioures to the French side and making semblant as though their part had suffered no harme they come against the Englishmen and gaue them a fresh battayle On the other side the Englishmen withstoode them very stoutely and after a sharp conflict they forced their foes to flie and in chacing of them togither with them that were slayne in the conflict they slew thrée thousand men in the sayd two dayes There were slayne in the battayle of Crecy the Kings of Boheme and of Maiorica the Archbishop of Zanxinus the Bishop of Noyone the Dukes of Lorayne and Burbon the Earles of Alanson Harecourt Awmarle Sauoy Nois Mountbilliard Niuars and of Flanders with the graund Priour of the Hospitall of France and foure thousand men of armes beside common souldioures without number The third day after King Edward passed by the Abbey of Mounteney and the next day they came to the Towne of Mountney and from thence to the Nunrie of Saint Ioce and after they passed ouer a Foorde and came to Newcastell where they stayde two dayes and from thence they came to Caleis which presently they entrenched to beséege being King Edvvarde beseeged Caleis the fourth day of September Iohn Croydon William Clopton the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Geffrey Witchingham the 28 of October The French King in
emptied their quiuers in vain being armed only with swords and Targets are fayn to encounter with them that were laden with armour Then bestirreth hymselfe the worthye Prince of Wales cutting and hewing the French men with a sharp sword In the mean time Captain de la Buch marcheth a compasse about vnder the hangyng of the Hil which he with the Prince a little before forsoke and priuily compassing about the fielde at the length commeth close vnder the place where the Frenche Campe laye from thence he ascended to the toppe of the Hill that waye whiche the French men had beaten with theyr trauayle and so sodainely breaking forth vnloked for and shewing by the ensigne of Saint George that he was our friend the Prince with great courage giueth a freshe charge on the French armye being desirous to breake their ranckes before the captaine aforesayde shoulde set on the side of the battayle The Prince lustilye encountring with his enimies goeth into the middle of the throng and where he séeth most companye there hée layeth aboute hym on euerye side In the meane time on the other side his friends which serued with Captaine de la Buche were at the backes of the enimies beating down and killing without pittie and the Archers also placed for the purpose shot so thick wounding the backes and sides of the French men in suche sorte that the forme of the battayle was quite spoyled neyther could they put themselues in order or array any more This was the courage of the Prince who at the lenghth thrusteth thorough the throngs of them that guarded the Frenche Kyng then shoulde you sée an auntient beginne to nod and stumble the bearers of them to fall downe the bloud of flaues and Princes ran mingled togither into the waters whiche were nigh In like sort the Bore of Cornwal rageth who séeketh to haue none other way to the French Kings standard thā by bloud only but when they came there they met w t a ●ōpany of stout men to withstand them the English mē fight the Frenche men also lay on but at length Fortune making hast to turne hir whéele the Prince preaceth forewarde on his enimies and like a fierce Lion beating down the proud he came to yéelding vp of the French Kyng The French men being scattered abroade in the fieldes of Poycers perceyuing that the standard with the flouerdeluce was beaten down fledde with all spéede towards the Towne which was not farre off the Englishe menne perceyuing them to be fléeing though themselues were eyther sore wounded or wearied followed them in chase euen to the gates of Poyters wher in a great skirmishe and verie daungerous they slewe a great number of French men At the last our mē being called back by retreate with y e sound of trumpet assembling togither there were diuerse Pauilians and tentes set vp in the fieldes and the whole company being throughlye comforted wyth this victorie gaue theyr whole endeauour to prouide for them that were wounded for the quiet rest of them that wer wearied for safe kéeping of them that wer taken prisoners and for the refreshing of them that were almoste famished vntill they had ful vnderstanding who and how many were wanting among them which were founde halfe dead was founde the Lord Iames Dawdeley by reason of his broade bucklet and being caried in the armes of his souldiours was brought to the Princes lodging and the Prince hymselfe rise from his supper and came to him and caused him to be stripped and layd in a soft bedde and being somewhat better come to his remembraunce the Prince comforted him swearing vnto him that he had the Frenche King yéelded vnto him whiche newes when the languishing Noble man hearde he streight wayes reuiued The Prince returning to the French King willed him not to deny that to bée an vnworthy déede of his that rose from his supper to comfort him that was almost deade who spared not hys owne bloude to purchase victorie After that they hauing had some talke concerning the warres whiche Iames Dawdeley made the Frenche king sayde that amongst all other stoute Champions which valiauntly that day behaued themselues he did gretly wonder at the noble déeds of that knight and he spake not muche more in all his supper but what he spake to the Prince who comforted his noble praye Such like wordes it is sayde that the French king spake Although it be our chaunce to fall into an euerlasting sorrowe yet for all that we thoughte it good to refrayne from the same by a kinde of measure for though we be vnder subiection by law and righte of war vnder our noble cousin yet are we not as rascals or faint harted runne-awayes or taken lying hidde close in a corner but after the maner of the fielde by the end and successe of warre where we were as readie to dye as liue for iustice sake And in the same fielde were many richmen taken whose liues were reserued for raunsome the fainte harted and lewde chased away but the worthyest and stoutest were spoyled of theyr liues This battayle of Poyters was fought on the ninetéenth day of September The nexte day after the battayle al the prisoners were numbred to wit the French king also Phillip his sonne the Archbishop of Senon the Erle of Pontue the Erle of Longuile the Earle of Ewe the Erle of Tankeruile the Earle Daunter the Earle of Vendadour the Earle of Slauncer the Earle of Wademount the Earle of Vandome the Erle of Iuyny the Erle Don Martin the Earle of Selabruse the Earle of Sasso Vicount Nerbon the Lord Daubeny Marshal Dawdenam the Lord Guinc●arde de Angle Seneshal de Seintong the Lord Mores Mawnimet the Lord Leonard de Guilhoy the Seneshal of Poyters the Lord great Maister the chiefe maister of the Hospitall of Spaigne the Lorde of Saint Tigre the Lorde Damboyd Seneshal of Annar the Lorde Tower the Lord Dars the Lorde Durual the Lorde of the Towne of Ernell the Lorde Maugeler the Lorde Planke the Vicount de Belimount and the Lorde of Suly there were also the bodyes founde of many that were slayne as the Duke of Burbon the Duke Dasines the Conestable of Fraunce Marshal de Garimount the Lorde Geffrey de Charney the Lorde Pounce y ● Bishop of Chaloner the Lord of Laundas y t Lord Ripemoūt the Lord Chaneny the Lorde Io●e the Lord Nele the Lord Aunger the Lord de Mount Iohn the Lord Dargenton the Lorde Groose the Lorde Ruas the Lord Rochechicheward the Lord de Vilem The Prince bought all the prisoners Captiues of them that kept them and carryed them wyth him to Burdeaux there to remain in safe custodie during his abode there Richard Notingham Thomas Dossel the. 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior ●● 1●57 Anno reg 21 Henrie Picarde Vintener the. 28. of October Edward Prince of Wales returning into Englande wyth Iohn the French King Phillip his son and many other prysoners arriued at Plymouth on the
and Katherin and of the Duke of Burgoigne departed from Troys and toke his iourney to Paris and from Paris not many dayes after they all went to laye siege to the Citie of Sens whiche was to them contrarie but before the whole hoste were setled in their places the Captaine Citizens and Garisons submitted their bodyes and Citie with all that they had to the King Then they hasted to Monstrean which Towne they toke by force On the xv of July they went to the Citie of Melune and inuironed the same with a strong siege for there were the Kings of Englande of France and Scotlande the Duke of Burgoigne Tho. Wals Bauier Clarence Bedforde and Excester the Earles of March Warwicke Huntington and Somerset c. This siege cōtinued xiiij wéekes and odde dayes from the feast of Mary Magdalen to the feaste of All Saintes not without in a maner euery day a conflict and sore skirmishe but at length for wante of victualles the besieged yéelded themselues to the Kyngs of Englande and Fraunce from whence the forsayde Kyngs with a greate parte of theyr armye wente to Paris Iohn Butler Iohn Wels the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior William Cambridge Grocer the. 28. of October King Henrie kept hys Christmasse in the Citie of Paris in the Castle of Saint Anthony And after he had holden a Parliamente there he went to Roane and therewith hys Titus Liuius Normans and Englishmen helde a Parliament And thē when he had established sure guarde for this Realme of Fraunce Dutchie of Normandie he passed throughe Picardie to Caleis and so to Douer where with his Quéene he landed on Candlemasse day The fourtéenth of Februarie Quéene Katherin was Crowned at Westminster vnto whom the King assigned to hir dowrie 10000. markes also he consented to the deliuerie of the King of Scots who had bin long prisoner in Englande with condition that before his departure out of Englande he shall take to wi●e the Duke of Somersets sister niece to the Cardinal of Winchester Anno reg 9. 1421 The. xxij of March the duke of Clarence with many other Lords were slaine beyond the Water of Leire in Fraunce many Lords were taken prisoners of the which the Earle of Huntington and the Earle of Somerset were principal In a Parliamēt at Westminster it was ordayned that no man should profer gold in payment but if it helde waight wherfore was ordayned Balances and weightes The king suppressed the French houses of religious Monkes and Friers and such like in Englande bycause they thought ill of the Conquest ouer Fraunce theyr lands were giuen by him and Henrie the sixth to Monasteries and Colledges of learned men In this Parliament was demaunded subsidie The Bishop of Winchester lent the king ●0000 pounde to straine y ● matter The King hauing disposed all thing in order cōcerning the realme of England and the wars in Scotland leauing in Englande his Quéene with a greate power to the number after Enguerant of thirtye thousande returned into Fraunce where after he hadde visited the King and Quéene of Fraunce at Paris he tooke the Castell of D●wex by assault And when he heard that his enimies prepared themselues to battaile he approched the floude of Loyre aboute whyche Titus Liuius floud it was said his enimies were but against him came no man Wherfore the Kyng ledde his hoste to laye siege to the City of Sens commonlye called the Kings new Town whiche Towne for lacke of victualles yéelded themselues and the Town to the King Iohn Mortimer brake foorthe of the Tower of London and beyng afterwards taken hée was drawen and hanged Richarde Gosselin William Weston the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior Sir Robert Chicheley Grocer the 28. of October This Syr Robert Chicheley when he deceased in Anno 1439. willed in his Testament that vppon his mind day a competent dinner should be ordained for 2400. pore men housholders of the Citie and twenty pounde in mony to be distributed amongest them whyche was to euery man two pence He also with his brother William Chicheley Alderman of London gaue liberally to the Almes houses founded by his brother Henrie Chicheley Archebyshop of Canterbury at Higham Ferrers in Nothamptonshire in whych Towne they were borne In the Moneth of October when King Henry had deliuered Ti●us Liuius the Citie of Paris from all annoyaunces he with his h●ste went to bes●ege the Citie of Meaulx in Brye to whych City nigh adioyning is a place called y ● Market of Meaulx betwixt which two places floweth the riuer of Marne whiche also enuironeth bothe the same places Thys Citie was besieged all the Winter wherein were so manye and so greate stormes and flouds of raine that the kings host was often annoyed with hūger colde The sixth of December Lady Katherine Quéen of Englande broughte forth hir firste begotten sonne in the Castell of Windsore and his name was gyuen him Henry for there receyued hym at the Fonte Iohn Duke of Bedford hys vncle Lord Warden of England and Henrie the Kings vncle B. of Winchester and Iaquelyn dutches of Holland that remained then in England Henry Archbishop of Canterburie doing the office of Baptisme In the moneth of Februarie the Knights that were in Garison and the principall of y ● Citie of Mealx perceyuing that the Sommer comming shoulde cause the siege to be more light and lesse painefull to the Englishmen and difficil vnto themselues departed the Citie and wente into that Anno reg 10 1422 place that is called the Market of Mealx as to the more defensible holde after whose departing the cōmon people hauing none ability to resist the Kings power yéelded themselues and the Citie to the King After this in the moneth of May when the King had sore beaten the forsayd Market of Meaulx he constrayned the Frenchmen that were besieged to condescende vnto certaine couenauntes and to deliuer the place vnto him and shortly after were deliuered to the King the towne of Orepy in Valois the Castle of Pier Pountmeralaw Offemoūt and many others After the rendering of these Townes and Castles the King returned to Paris In the moneth of Aprill Katherin Quéene of Englande shipped at Hampton and sayled ouer into Fraunce with a strong power vnder the conducte of Iohn Duke of Bedforde y ● kings brother Humfrey Duke of Glocester being appointed Warden of England in the Duke of Bedfordes place whē the comming of Quéene Katherin was knowne to Kyng Henry hir husband and to Charles king of France both these Kings and with them the Quéene of Fraunce accompanyed with many great Lordes and estates as well of Englande as of Fraunce went to méete hir at Boys de Viscenne wher she was ioyfully receyued of them as if she had bin an Angell sente from God The. xxx day of May the two Kings of Englande and Fraunce with theyr Quéenes departed from Bois de Viscenne and went to Paris the king of
in my owne realm For I shall knowe what traytour dare be so bolde to arise anye people in mine owne lande where through I am in great disease and heauynesse by that Faith I owe vnto Saint Edwarde and vnto the Crown of England I shal destroy them euery mothers son and eke they to be hanged drawn and quartered that may be taken afterward of them in example to make all suche traytours to beware for to make anye rising of people within mine owne land and so trayterously to abyde theyr king and gouernour And for a conclusion rather than they shall haue any Lorde that here is with me at this time I shall this day for their sake in this quarrell my selfe liue and dye The wordes of the Duke of Yorke to all Gentlemen and other assembled with hym SIrs the king our soueraign Lord wil not be reformed at our beséeching ne prayer nor wil not in no wise vnderstād the intente wherfore we be here assēbled gathered at this time but only is in ful purpose to destroy vs al and there vpon a great othe hath made that there is none other waye but that he with all his power will pursue vs and if we be taken to giue vs a shamefull death léesing our liuelodeand goods and also our heyres shamed for euer Therfore sirs now sith it will none otherwise be but y t we shall vtterly die better it is to vs to die in the field than cowardly to be put to an vtter rebuke and shamefull death for the right of England standeth in vs. Considering also in what perill it standeth at this time and for to redresse the mischiefe thereof let euery man helpe to his power this daye and in that quarrell to quite vs like men to the crowne of England praying and beséeching vnto that Lord the which is eternal that raigneth in the glorious kingdome celestial to kéepe and saue vs thys day in our right and throughe the giftes of his holy grace we may be made strong to withstād the greate abhominable and horrible malice of them that purpose to destroy vs and the realme of England and put vs to a shamefull death praye we therefore vnto that Lord to be our comfort and our defendour saying these wordes Domine sis clipeus defensionis nostri And when these wordes were sayde the Duke of Yorke and the Earles of Warwicke and Salisburie with their hoste betwéene eleauen and twelue at noone breake in in thrée seueral places of the sayd stréete The King thē being in the place of Edmond Westby Hundreder of the sayde Towne of Saint Albons hearing of the saide Dukes comming commaunded his hoste to slaye all manner Lordes Knightes Squiers Gentlemen and yeomen that might be taken on the party of the foresayd Duke of Yorke Thys done the Lorde Clifforde kepte so strongly the barriours of the same Towne that the forsayde Duke of Yorke might in no wise with all the power that hée hadde enter nor breake into the sayde Towne The Earle of Warwicke knowyng thereof tooke and gathered hys menne togyther wyth hym and brake in by the Garden side into the sayde Towne betwéene the signe of the keye and the Exchequere in Holywel stréete and anone as they were within the fayde Towne they blew vppethe Trumpet and cryed with an high voyce a Warwicke a Warwicke that maruayle it was to heare And tyll that tyme the Duke of Yorke might neuer haue entry into the Town and then with strong hande they brake vp the Barriers and foughte a fierce and cruell battayle in the whiche were slayne Lordes of name Edmonde Duke of Somerset the Earle of Northumberlande the Lorde Clifforde sir Barton Entewsell Knighte William Souche Iohn Botreaux Ralphe Balithorpe and his sonne William Coruin Williā Cotton receyuer of the Dutchie of Lancaster Gilbert Faldinger Reignalde Griffin Iohn Dawes Ellis Wood Iohn Cyt●e Robert Woodwarde Gilbert Scarlocke and Ralph Willowby Esquires a Gentleman of the Courte Roger Mercraft the Quéenes messanger Hawbin the Kings Porter Malener Padington and William Butler Yeomen and fiue and twentie moe whose names were not knowne and of them that were slayne bene buryed at Saint Albons eighte and fourtie persons And at that battayle were wounded Lordes of name the King was shotte into the necke wyth an arrowe The Duke of Buckingham and the Lord Sudley in the visages wyth arrowes the Earle of Stafforde in the right hande with an arrowe the Earle of Dorset was so sore hurte that he might not goe but was fayne to be carried home in a carte and Syr Iohn Wenloke Knighte in likewise hurt and carried from thence in a Chayre and diuerse other Knightes and Esquiers sore hurt and the substaunce of the Kyngs hoste dispoyled of theyr harneis at their owne requeste made deliuerye to the Dukes hoste for sauation of theyr liues and fled The Earle of Wiltshire and Thorpe with many other fled and cast away their harneis in ditches and woods This done the Duke of Yorke the Erles of Warwicke and Salisburie came vnto the King where hée was and besoughte hym on theyr knées of grace and forgiuenesse of that they had done in his presence besoughte him of his highnesse to take thē to grace as his true liege men The king desired them to cease their people that there shoulde be no more hurte done and to obey hys commaundemēt did cause to be proclaymed in the Kings name that all maner of people shoulde cease off theyr malice and not to smite one stroke more and so ceased the battayle And vpon the day next after the King and the Duke of Yorke the Earles of Warwicke and Salisburie came to London and were lodged in the Bishoppes Pallaice of London where they kepte theyr Whitsontide with great ioye and solemnitye concluding there to holde a Parliament the same to begin on the ninth of July next following This yeare in the moneth of June appeared a comet or starre called Stella Cometa betwixt the North and the East extending his beames towards the South In the Parliament begun the ninth of July as is afore saide Richarde Duke of Yorke was made protectour of the realme The Earle of Salisburie was made Lord Chauncellour of Englande and Richarde Earle of Warwicke was made Captaine of Caleis Iohn Yong Thomas Owlgraue the. 28. of September Anno. reg 34 Sherifes Maior William Marrow Grocer the 28. of October This yeare by meanes of the Quéene and the Lordes of hir Counsell the Duke of Yorke was discharged of the Protectourship and the Earle of Salisburie of the Chauncellourship and being called by priuie seale to Couentrie they were like to haue bene intrapped there and hardlye escaped In the moneth of Maye an Italians seruaunte walkyng 1456 Robert Fabian throughe Cheape of London wyth a dagger hangyng at hys gyrdle a Merchauntes seruaunt that before tyme had bin in Italy and there blamed for wearing of the like weapon chalenged the straunger howe hée durst be so bolde
whereof he dyed slew many of his men and tooke many prisoners with two Shippes the one called the Lion the other a Barke called Ienny Perwine which Shippes were brought to Shippes taken from the Scots Blacke Wall the seconde of August and the Scottes to London where they were kept as prisoners in the Bishop of Yorkes Place and after sent into Scotland Nicholas Shelton Thomas Mirfine the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior Roger Acheley Draper the 28. of October The fiftéenth of January began the Parliamente at Westminster Sir Robert Sheffeld Knight sometime Recorder Parliament of London was speaker for the Commons During this Parliamente in the moneth of March a Yeoman of the Crowne one of the Kings Gard named Nevvbolt hanged Newbolt slew within the Pallace of Westminster a sernant of Mayster Willoughbyes for the whiche offence the Kyng 1512 cōmanded to be set vp a new payre of Gallowes in y e same place where the sayde seruante left his life and vppon the same the sayd Newbold was hanged and there remayned on the Gallowes by the space of two dayes King Henry sente the Lorde Darcy with a goodly company Anno. reg 4. of men into Spayne to ayde the King hys Father in law against the Moores but ere he arriued a peace was concluded betwéene them In August Sir Edward Poynings accompanyed with the Lorde C●nton and diuers other was sente into Gelderland with fiftéene hundred Archers to ayde the Prince of Castell at the request of Margaret Duchesse of Sauoy and Regent of Flanders Edward Haward Lord Admirall of England through hys too much hardinesse was slayne before Brest in Britayne after whome hys brother Thomas Haward was made Admiral About the moneth of August the Nauyes of England and France méeting at Briteine Bay fought a cruell battayle in the which the Regent or Soueraigne of England and a Carike of Brest in France being crappeled togither were burned and their Captaynes with their men all drowned the English Captaine was Sir Thomas Kneuet who had with him Sir Iohn Carew and seauen hundred men In the Frenche Carrike was Sir Piers Morgan with nine hundred men which were all brent or drowned Robert Holdernes Robert Fenrother the 28 of Septemb. Sherifes Maior William Copinger Fishmonger the 28. of October Richard Hadden Mercer The Stéeple and Lantarne of Bow Church in Cheape Bovv Steeple builded was this yeare finished By Friers this yeare a great parte of the Kings Pallace Kings Pallace at VVestminsier brent Sca. Tempo of Westminster and the Chappell in the Tower of London and many other places in England were brent In a Parliament at Westminster was granted to the king two fiftéenes and four demies and head money of euery 1513 Duke tenne Markes an Earle fiue pound a Lorde four pound a Knight four Marke and euery man valued at Great subsedie eyght hundred pound in goods to pay four Markes and so after that rate till him that was valued at fortie shillings payd twelue pence and euery mā that tooke fortie shillings wages xij d. euery mā womā at xv yeres or vpward 4. d. In Aprill the King sent a great Nauie of twelue thousand men to the Sea On May euen Edmond de la Poole was beheaded on the Tower hill his brother Richard was after slayne in France King Henry hauing sent ouer a great and puissant Armie King Henry beseegeth Turvvyne into France to beséege the Citie of Turwine himselfe accompanyed with many noble men and vj. C. Archers of his Gard all in white gabberdines tooke his Ship at Douer on the last of June in the morning When the King was shipped and made Sayle all his armie followed to the number of foure hundred Shippes and the winde was so that they were brought the same night into Caleis Hauen On the nexte morrowe being the first of July Thomas Lord Howard Admirall of England landed at Whitsandbay and entred spoyled and brent the Towne and returned to his Shippes The xxj of July the King passed out of the Towne of Caleis in goodly array of battell and tooke y e field and notwithstanding that the fore-ward of the Kings great Armie were before Turwine yet the King of his owne battayle made thrée battayles the Lord Lisle Marshall of the host was Captayne of the fore-warde and vnder him thrée thousand men Sir Richard Carew with thrée hundred men was the right hand wing to the fore-ward and the Lorde Darcy with thrée C. men wing on the left hand The scourers and fore-riders of this battayle were the Northumberland men on light geldings The Earle of Essex was Lieutenant Generall of the Speares and Sir Iohn Pechy was vicegouernour of the Horsemen Before the King wente viij C. Almaynes all in a plump after them came the Standert with the redde Dragon next the Banner of our Lady and nexte of the Trinitie vnder the whiche were all the Kings houshold Then went the Banner of the Armes of England borne by Sir Henry Guildford vnder which Banner was the King himselfe with diuers noble men and other to the number of thrée thousand mē The Duke of Buckingham with vj. C. men was on y e Kings left hand On the right hād was Sir Edw. Poynings with other vj. C. mē egall w t the Almains The L. of Burgainie w t viij C. mē was wing on the right hande sir William Compton with the retinue of the Byshoppe of Winchester Fox and Maister Thomas Wolsey afterward Cardinall of eighte hundred was in manner of a rerewarde sir Anthony Oughtred and sir Iohn Neuell with the Kings speares that followed were foure hundred and so the whole armye was eleauen thousande and thrée hundred men The Maister of the ordināce set forth the Kings artillerie as Faulcons Slyngs Bombards powder stones bowes arrowes and suche other things necessarye for the fielde the whole number of the carriages were thirtéene hundred the leaders and driuers of the same were ninetéene hundred men The King laye the firste nighte betwixte Calkewell and Freydon the nexte night before the Castel of Gwisnes at Bocarde the next night he laye beside Arde a good waye wythout the Englishe pale when he was a little beyonde Dernome there came a greate hoste of French men that purposed to haue sette vpon him but the Kyng with his hoste kepte their ground and shotte their greate ordinaunce wherewyth the aray of the French men was broken The fourth of August the King in good order of battell came before the Citie of Turwine and planted his siege in warlike wise The eleuenth day of August Maximilian the Emperor came to King Henrye who was receiued with greate triumph betwéene Aire and the campe The Emperor and all his seruants were reteyned with the King of Englande in wages by the daye euery person according to his degrée and the Emperor as the kings souldioure ware a Crosse of Saint George with a Rose and so hée and all
June being Saint Peters daye at eleauen of the clocke in the forenoone the Sheriffes of London accordingly as they were appointed were readye at the Tower to haue receiued the saide prisoner and him to haue led to execution on the Tower hill but as the prisoner should come forth of the Tower on Heire a Gentleman of the Lord Chancelors house came and in the Kings name commaunded to stay the execution till two of the clocke in the afternoone whyche caused many to thinke that the King woulde haue graunted his pardon But neuerthelesse at thrée of the clocke in the same afternoone he was brought forth of the Tower and delyuered to the Sheriffes who led him on foote betwixte them vnto Tyborne where he dyed His body was buryed in the Churche of Saint Sepulchres he was not paste foure and twentie yeres of age when he came thus throughe greate mishappe to hys ende for whome many sore lamented and likewise for the other thrée Gentlemen Mantell Frowdes and Roydon but for the saide yong Lord being a right towardly Gentlemā and such a one as many had conceiued great hope of better proofe no smal mone and lamentation was made the more indéede for that it was thought he was induced to attempt suche follis which occasioned his death by some light heads that were then aboute him The firste of July a Welchman a Minstrell was hanged and quartred for singing of songs whiche were interpreted to be prophecying againste the King In the moneth of August the King tooke his Progresse Progresse to Yorke towarde Yorke About this time Westminster and Bristow were made Bishopricke ● Rowland Hill Henrie Sucley the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Michaell Dormer Mercer the 28. of October On Christmasse euen at seauen of the clocke at nighte beganne a great fire in the house of sir Iohu Williams Maister of the Kings Jewels where many of those Jewelles were brent more imbezeled The Lady Katherine Haward whom the King had marryed for hir vnchaste liuing committed with Thomas Culpeper and Francis Derham was by Parliament attainted Culpeper and Derham were put to death at Tyborne y e tenth day of December The xxiij of January the King was proclaymed King of King Henry K. of Irelande Queene Katherine beheaded Irelande The 1● of February the Lady Haward otherwise called Quéene Katherine and the Lady Iane Rocheforde for beyng of hir Councel with Thomas Culpeper were both beheaded within the Tower of London The twel●th of March Iohn Dudley was created Viscount Lisle by the right of his mother Lady Elizabeth sister and heire to sir Iohn Grey Viscount Lisle who was late wife to Arthur Plantagenet Viscount Lisle late deceassed The seauentéenth of March Margaret Dauy a Maid was A Maide boiled in Smithfielde boyled in Smithfielde for poysoning thrée housholdes that she had dwelled in The eight and twentith of Marche the Parliament sitting 1542 George Feres Burgesse for the Towne of Plimmouth was arrested in London vpon a condemnation wherevppon the Sergeant at armes of the Common house was sente to the Counter in Bredstrete to fetch him but the Clearks would not delyuer him till the Sheriffes came them selues who in the ende deliuered him howbeit this matter was so takē in the Common house that the Sheriffes the Clearks and fiue officers wyth the partie plaintife were sent to the Tower The Sheriffes of London sent to the Tovver Anno reg 34 and there laye two dayes and were then deliuered by y e Speaker and common house the Sheriffes were deliuered from all charges excepte twentie pounde for their fées In Maye the Kyng tooke a loane of money of all such as were valued worth fifty pound or vpwarde In the moneth of August Iames Erle of Desmond in Irelande The Earle of Desmoude came and submitted himselfe to the King and so returned The firste of October the greate Oneale of Irelande was The greate Oneale created Earle of Tiron and hys base sonne Mathew Oneale Baron of Donmagan for Shane Oneale the onely sonne of his bodye lawfully begotten was then little estéemed The Duke of Norffolke entred Scotland the one and twentith Duke of Norffolke entred Scotlande of October burning and wasting all the Marches and there tarried wythoute anye battel proffered by the King of Scottes vntill the middest of Nouember Henry Hoblethorne Henry Hancots the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Coates Salter the 28. of October After the departure of oure armye from Scotlande the Kyng of Scottes made a roade into Englande and did muche harme but at the laste sir Thomas Wharton and sir William Scots ouerthrovvne Musgraue wyth a fewe of the bordurers met the Scots where they being in number 15000. were ouerthrowne in whiche conflicte was taken the Lorde Maxwell the Earles of Glencarne and Sassilles wyth all the Capitaines of the army to the number of one and twentie and on Saint Thomas euen the Apostle they were broughte to the Tower of London where they laye that night the nexte daye they were by the Kings charge apparelled in silke and rode through the Citie to Westminster where they were sworne to be true prisoners and then were deliuered to the custodie of dyuers noble menne whyche honorably entertained them At New-yeares tide they were sent home againe agréeing to certaine articles The 9 of February a proclamation was made whereby VVhite meate licenced to bee eaten in Lent the people were licenced to eate white meates in Lent but straightly forbidden the eating of fleshe Wherevppon shortly after the Earle of Surrey with diuers Lords Knights and Gentlemen were imprisoned for eating of fleshe in the same Lent contrarie to the saide Proclamation The 8. of May one Leche sometyme Bayly of Lowth who 1543 Anno reg 35 Somerset an Herault kylled had killed Somerset one of our Herraults of Armes at Dunbarre in Scotlande was drawne to Tyborne and there hanged and quartred And the twelfth of June Edwarde Leche hys brother and with him a Priest for the same facte were lykewise executed at Tyborne This yeare the firste caste péeces of yron that euer were Firste yron peeces caste made in Englande were made at Buckestede in Sussex by Ralfe Hoge and Peter Bawde The thirde of June the Obrine a Lorde in Irelande and dyuers of the wilde Irishe submitted them to Kyng Henrie In July the saide Obrine was created Earle of Clawricarde The 12 of July King Henrie married Ladye Katherine King Henrye marryed Ladye Katherine Par. Parre late wife to the Lorde Latimer and sister to the Marquesse of Northampton at Hampton Courte King Henry sent ouer 6000. men to 〈…〉 whether An army sent to Landersey also came the Emperou● with a greate armye ●●● 〈…〉 after came downe the Frenche King wyth a great army and offered to gyue battaile to the Emperour by reason whereof the siege was raysed then the Frenche men victualled the Towne and on the morrowe
xxiiij of Nouember the Quéenes Maiestie had caused the sayd Earles of Northumberland The Earles of Northumberland VVestmerland proclaymed Traytors and Westmerland to be proclaymed Traytors with all their adherents and fauourers and forthwith prepared an army to be sent out of the South for their suppression The Lord Scrope warden of the West marches had called vnto him the Earle of Cumberland and other Gentlemen of the Countrey and they kepte the Citie of Carelile The Earle of Sussex the Quéenes maiesties Lieutenant generall The Earle of Sussex the Queenes Lieutenant generall in the North against the Rebels in the North had on the xvij of Nouember there published the like Proclamation in effect as after was published by hir Maiestie against the sayde Rebels and also sent out to all such Gentlemen as he knew to be hir Maiesties louing subiects vnder his rule who came vnto hym with such number of their friends as he was able in fyue dayes to make aboue fiue thousand horsemen and footemen and so being accompanyed with the Earle of Rutlande his Lieutenant the Lord Hunsdon general of his horsemen William Lord Eure who had the leading of the rereward of the footemen and Sir Ralph Sadler Treasurer who all came to Yorke with their seruants on Sonday the xj of December they marched from Yorke towards Topclife the x●j they tarryed at Sezay where Sir George Bowes with his power comming from Barnards Castell as is a foresayde mette him and was made Marshall of the Armye then they wente to Northalarton to S●icto● to Croftbridge and so to Actay on the which day the Rebels fledde from Durham hauing called their companye Christopher Neuill frent Hertlepoole who were fortifying there to Exham where they abode thrée dayes The Earle of S●●ssex Lieutenant with his power wente from Actay to Durham then to Newcastell and the twentith of December to Exham from whence the Rebels were gone the nighte before to Naworth where counsayling with Edwarde Dacres concerning theyr owne weakenesse as also how they were pursued by the Earle of Sussex and hys power of seauen thousande euen almoste at theyr héeles and moreouer that the Earle of Warwike the The Earle of VVarvvike sent against the Rebels Lorde Clinton Lorde Admirall of Englande and the Lorde Ferrers Uiscount Hereford with afarre greater armye of twelue thousande out of the South whereof the sayde Earle of Warwike was Generall was not farre behynde them at Borowbridge The nexte nighte the two Earles of Northumberlande and Westmerlande wyth sundry of their principall Gentlemen The Earles of Northumberland VVestmerland fledde vnknowne to theyr associates fledde to Herlaw in Scotlande the other Rebels were shortly after taken by the Earle of Sussex and hys power without any resistance The fourth and fifth of January did suffer at Durham Rebels executed at Durham to the number of thréescore and sixe Constables and other amongst whome an Alderman of the Towne and a Priest called Parson Plom●ree were the most notable then ●●●r Gro●●● Bowes Marshall finding manye to bée faultors in the foresayde Rebellion● dyd sée them executed in euery Markette Towne and other places betwiete Nowcastell and Wetherby about thréescore miles in length and fortie miles in breadth The one and twentith of January a Prentise was hanged on a gibbet at the North end of Finke Lane in London to the ensample of other for that he y ● thirtéenth of December had striken hys mayster with a knife whereof hée dyed The two and twentith of February Leonard Dacre of Leonard Dacr●●●edde into Scotland Harlsey in the Countie of Yorke Esquire hauyng raysed a number of people the Lorde Hunsdon and other setting on hym with a companye of valiaunt Souldyers flewe manye of hys people and forced hym to flée into Scotlande On good Friday the seauen and twentith of March Simon 1570 Digby of Askewe Iohn Fulthorp of Isilbecke in the Countie of Yorke Esquires Robert Peneman of Stokesley Rebels executed at Yorke Thomas Bishop the yonger of Poklinton in the same Countie of Yorke Gentlemen were drawne from the Castell of Yorke to the place of execution called Knauestmire halfe a mile without the Citie of Yorke and there hanged headed and quartered their foure heads were set on the four principall gates of the Citie with foure of their quarters the other quarters were set in diuers places of the Countrey Oscolph Clesbe was with them drawne to the gallowes and returned agayne to the Castell William Earle of Pembroke Baron of Cardiffe Knighte The Earle of Pembroke deceassed of the Garter one of the priuie Counsell and Lord Stewarde of the Quéenes maiesties housholde deceassed the eyghtéenth of April and was buryed in Saint Paules Church at London The seauentéenth of Aprill the Earle of Sussex Lieutenant The Earle of Sussex made a iourney into Scotland generall in the North with the Lord Hunsdon Lorde gouernour of Barwike Warden of the East Marches and mayster William Drewry high Marshall of Barwike with all the garrison and power of the fame began a iourney into Scotlande and the same night came to Warke twelue miles from Barwike and so the next morrow entred into Tiuidale and marching in warlike order they brēt ouerthrew rased spoyled all the Castels Townes villages of their enimies till they came to the Castell of Mosse standing in a strōg marish belōging to the L. of Bucklugh which likewise was rased ouerthrowne and brent and so marched forward and brent the whole Countrey before them till they came to Craling The same day Sir Iohn Foster Warden of the Sir Iohn Foster vvith a garrison entred Scotlād middle marches with the garrison and force of the same entred likewise into Tiuidale vpon Expes gate sixtéene mile from Warke where in like order they brent rased and spoyled the Countrey before them till they came to a strong Castell called Craling in the possession of the mother of the Lord Ferniherst which likewise they ouerthrew rased and brent There both the Armies mette and so marched by the Riuer of Tiuite rasing burning and spoyling Castels and pyles along the Riuer till they came to Gedworth where they both lodged and were curteously receyued The next day the Lorde Ses●ord Warden of the middle Marches of Scotlande came in with all the principall men of hys kinred to the Lorde Lieutenante and did submitte themselues and were assured for that they had not receyued the English Rebels ayding or assisting them neyther had made any inuasion into Englande The ninetéenth the Armie deuided into two partes the one parte whereof passed the Riuer of Teuite and brent the Castell of Ferniherst and all other Castels and Townes belonging to the Lorde of Ferniherst Huntill and Bedrell and so passed to Mint where both the Armyes mette agayne and so brente on bothe sides the Riuer till they came to a greate Towne called Hawicke where they intended to haue lodged but the Scottes had vnthatched the
order of the Garter one of the Quéenes Maiesties priuy Counsell and Lorde high Treasorer of England at his Manour of Basing Thys worthy man was borne in the yeare of our Lorde 148● the firste yeare of King Richarde the thirde and lyued aboute the age of 87. yeares in sixe Kings and Quéenes dayes He serued fiue Kings and Quéenes Henrie the seauenth Henrie the eight Edwarde the sixth Quéens Marie and Quéene Elizabeth All these he serued faithfully and of them was greately fauoured Hymselfe did sée the chyldr●n of hys children● children growen ●o the ●●●ber of ●03 A●●●● blessing gyuen by God to men of hys ●●●●ing The xxv and xxvj of March by the commaundement of the Quéenes Maiestie hir Councel the Citizens of London assembling at their ●●●●●all Halles the Maisters chose oute ●he mo●●e 〈◊〉 ●●● 〈◊〉 persons of euerye their companies to 〈…〉 e● of thrée thousande whom they appoynted to be Pikemen and 〈◊〉 ●h● Pikemen were forthwith armed in ●a●●●●●r●e●● and ●●●●r furniture according there vnto the Gunners had euery of them hys Callyuer with the furniture and 〈◊〉 on theyr hea●es To these were appoynted dyuers valiant Capitaines who to ●●aine them vp in warlike ●ea●● 〈◊〉 them ●●r●ce euery wéeke sometimes in the Artillery yarde teaching the Gunners to handle their péeces sometime at the Miles end and in Saint Georges fielde teaching them to skyrmishe In the whyche skyrmishe wythe Miles end the tenth of Aprill one of the 〈◊〉 of the Goldsmiths company was shot in the 〈◊〉 wyth a péece of a scowring sticke lefte in one of the Calyuers whereof he dyed and was buryed the twelfth of Aprill in S. Paules Churcheyarde al the Gunners marching from the Miles end in battaile ray shotte off theyr Calyuers at hys graue On May day they mustred at Grenewich before y e Quéens Maiestie where they shewed manye warlike feates but were hindred by the weather whych was all day showring they returned that nighte to London and were discharged on the nexte morrowe The fourth of May Walter Deueroux Lorde Ferrers of Earles of Essex and Lincolne created Chartley and Viscount of Her●fonde was created Earle of Essex And Edwarde Fines Lorde Clinton and Say hyghe Admirall of Englande was created Earle of Lincolne The eight of May the Parliament beganne at Westminster Barons made and that same daye in the Parliament by the Quéenes Maiesties Writtes sir Henrie Compton Knight Lorde of Compt●n in the Hole sir Henry Cheyney Knight Lorde of Tudington sir William Pawlet Knight of Basing and sir Henrie Norrice Knight Lorde of Rycote were called Barons into the higher house In this Parliament for so muche as the whole Realme of England was excéedingly pestred with Roags Uagabonds and sturdy beggers by meanes wherof dayly hapned diuers horrible murders theftes and other greate outrages it was enacted that all persons aboue the age of fourtéene yeres beyng taken begging vagrant and Roags brente through the ●are wandring misorderly shoulde be apprehended whipped brent through the gri●●le of the right eare with a hote yron of one ynch compasse for the firste time so taken The foure and twentith of May Martin Bulloke was hanged on a Gibbet by the Well with two Buckets in Bishoppes gate stréete of London for robbing and most shamefullye murdering of a Merchaunt named Arthure Hall in the Personage of Saint Martine by the saide Well Thys Martin hadde procured the saide Arthure Hall to come to the sayd Personage to buy of hym certaine Plate but after the saide Arthure hadde well viewed the same he saide this is none of your Plate it hathe Doctor Gardeners marke I knowe it to be his that is true said Martin Bullocke but he hath appoynted me to sell it c. After thys talke whyles the said Arthure was weighing the Plate the same Martin fetcht out of the Kitchen a thicke washing Bée●le and commyng behinde hym strake the saide Arthure on the head that hée felled him with the firste stroke and then strake hym againe and after tooke the saide Arthures Dagger and sticked hym and wyth hys knyfe cut hys throate and after woulde haue trussed hym in a Danske Cheste but the same was too shorte wherevppon he tumbled him downe a paire of stayres and after thinking to haue buryed hym in the Seller hys legges being broken with the fyrst fal and stiffe he coulde not drawe hym downe the Seller staires béeyng wynding wherefore he cutte off hys legs wyth an Hatchet and in the ende trussed hym with Strawe in a drye fat and saying it was his apparell and Bookes caused the same to be carryed to the water side and so shipped to Rye The sixe and twentith of May the right honorable Earle of Lincolne departed from London towardes Fraunce Embassador being accompanyed with the Lords Dacres the Lord Riche the Lord Talbot the Lord Sandes and the Lord Clinton sir Arthure Chambernowne sir Ierome Bowes and sir Edwarde Hastings Knightes wyth dyuers other Gentlemen who takyng ship at Deuer cutte ouer to Bolongne where they were very honorably receyued from thence conueyed by iorneys to Paris where they were lodged in a house of y e kings named Le Chasteau de Loure being attended on by the Kings Officers Fiue dayes after they wente to the King at a house called Madril where the Kyng wyth his two brethren the Admirall and the moste parte of the Nobles of Fraunce mette them a distance from the place and broughte them into the house where they dyned and remayned till Sondaye followwyng from whence the Kyng and hys nobles with the nobles of Englande came to Paris the Kyng his two brethren and oure Embassador ryding in one Coche togither and the Nobles of England and Fraunce being so placed also in Coches came to the saide Castell of Loure and there dyned After dinner the King our Embassadour with the Nobibilitie of bothe Realmes wente to a Churche named Saint Germaine where the Frenche King his brethren and Nobilitie hearde Euensong the Noble men of Englande withdrawing them into a Chappell til Euensong was done were then fetched thence by the Nobles of Fraunce to the Kyng and hys brethren that awayted their commyng where was League vvith Fraunce confirmed in Fraunce confirmed the league whyche hadde bin concluded at Blois the ninetéenth of April deputies beyng there for the French partie Frauncis Momorencie Reignold Virago Sebastian de Lanbespine and Paul de Foix. And for the Quéene of Englande sir Thomas Smith and Maister Walsingham Embassadors Thys being done they departed without the wals of Paris to a Garden of pleasure where they supped after supper the King departed to his place of Madrill and the nobles of Englande to the Castell of Loure On Monday the Admirall feasted the Nobles of Englande On Tuisday the Duke of Aniow the Kings brother and on Wednesday the Duke of Alanson hys yonger brother and so passed in banquetting and feasting wyth riche giftes on bothe partes On Fridaye the Nobles of
Chancellor to the Uniuersitie as is testified by the Charter of K. Henrie the sixth bearing date the 37. yeare of his raigne whyche was the yeare of Christ 1459. Iesus Colledge was founded by Iohn Alcocke the 29. Byshop Iesus Colledge of Ely who did conuert the Monastery of Saint Ra●●gond the Abbesse liuing a dissolute life the Monasterie then destitute of gouernement the edyfices fallen in ruine and in conclusion the Nuns departing thence leauing it desolate into a Colledge of Chaplaines and Scholers the yeare of Christe 1446. This Iohn Alcocke was borne in Kingstone vppon Hull and therefore builded there a Fréeschoole The rentes of Iesus Colledge hathe bin more amplified by sir Robert Reade Knight Doctour Eleston Doctor Royston and Doctor Fuller Christes Colledge was founded by King Henry the sixth Christs colledge who named it Gods House as it was sometime a greate Hostell so called King Henry the seauenth granted hys Charter to Lady Margaret hys mother Countesse of Richemont Darby to encrease the Students there translating it at hir disposition so that from thenceforth it should be called Christes Colledge 1505. Saint Iohns Colledge being firste an Hostell of religious Chanons was erected by Nigellus the seconde Bishoppe of Ely Treasourer to King Henrie the firste the yeare of Christe 1134. Those Chanons lyued by the name of the Hospitall and brethren of Saint Iohn vntil the yere of Christ 1510. though at that time so farre decayed that there was but a Prior two brethren and by the dilapidations of their goods moueable and vnmoueable they abased their reuenues within the space of ten yeres last paste from the summe of an hundred and fortie pounde to thirtie pounde c. Wherevpon King Henrie the eight Richarde Byshop of Winchester Iohn Bishoppe of Rochester Charles Somerset Lorde of Herbert Thomas Louell Henry Marne Iohn Sent-Iohn Knights Henry Horneby and Hugh Ashton Clearks executors of y e testament of Lady Margaret Countesse of Richmont Darby grandmother to King Henry the eight mother to King Henry the seuenth vpon the suppressiō of the said priorie she being preuented by death leauing behinde hir sufficient goodes and committing the same to those hir friendes and executors they erected the saide Colledge Magalene Colledge was firste an Hostell or Hall inhabited Magdalene Colledge by dyuers Monkes of sundrye Monasteries Edward Duke of Buckingham translated the same to a Colledge naming it Buckingham Colledge who builded vp the Hall in the yeare of Christe 1519. After him Thomas Audley of Walden sometime Chauncellor of Englande tooke on him to be Founder of the saide Colledge and going aboute to establishe the same was preuented by death so that what he had begonne he left vnperfect and altogither vnfinished Trinitie Colledge was founded by King Henrie the eighte Trinitie Colledge in the yeare of Christ 1546. This Colledge was builded in the plot where somtime Edwarde the thyrde builded his house called the Kings hall in the yeare of Christ 1334. There was ioyned vnto this Hall a Colledge called Michael house with an Hostell called Phisicke Hostell and after the building there being made of thrée King Henrie the eight named it Trinitie Colledge Michael house was firste founded by Harnious de Stanton Priest Chauncellor of the Exchequer to Edwarde the second of whome he obtained licence to erect the saide Colledge in the yeare of oure sauiour Christ 1324. ¶ And thus farre of the Uniuersitie of Cambridge with the Colledges and Halles in the same ¶ The Vniuersitie of Oxford was instituted by King Alfred a Saxon after the byrth of Christe 873. yeares And hathe Colledges VNiuersitie Colledge founded in the time of King Vniuersitie Colledge Alfred by sir William Archdeacon of Duresme in the yeare 873. The Uniuersitie Church alias Saint Marie Church was begun to be reedified in y e time of Doctor Fitz-Iames after Bishoppe of London he procured much money towardes the building of it The battlements of it were full of Pinacles but by tempest were most of thē thrown down in one night Balioll colledge Baliol Clledge was founded in the tyme of Edwarde the first by Iohn Balioll K. of Scotland in the yere of Christ 1263. Merton Colledge was founded in the time of Edwarde the Merton Colledge firste by Walter Merton Byshoppe of Rochester the yeare of Christ 1276. Excester Colledge was founded in the time of Edward the Excester Colledge seconde by Walter Stapleton Bishoppe of Excester 1316. And augmented in the time of oure Soueraigne Ladye Elizabeth by sir William Peter Knight in the yere of Christ Anno. 156● Oriall Colledge was founded in the time of Edwarde the Oriall Colledge seconde by sir Adam Browne Almoner of the said King the yeare of Christe 13●3 Queenes Colledge was founded in the time of Edwarde the Queenes Colledge thyrde by Robert Eglishfielde in his owne grounde and by him called the Queenes hall he was Chapleine to the Lady Philip wife to the same Edward the yeare of Christ 1340. Newe Colledge was founded in the time of King Richard Nevv Colledge the seconde by William Wickham Byshoppe of Winchester the yere of Christ 1375. Lincolne Colledge was founded in y ● time of Henry the fifth Lincolne Colledge by Richard Fleming Bishop of Lincolne 1430. and augmented in Richard the thirds time by Thomas Rotheram Byshop of Lincolne in the yere 1479. Alsoule Colledge was founded in the time of King Henry y ● Alsoule Colledge sixth by Henry ●iche●y Archbi of Canterburie in y ● yere 1437. He also founded Barnard Colledge in Oxford since suppressed by K. Hēry the eight now reedified by sir Thomas White and by him called Saint Iohns Colledge Diuinitie Schoole was founded in the time of King Henry Diuinitie schoole the sixth by Humfrey Duke of Gloucester 1447. Magdalen Colledge was founded in the time of king Henry Magdalen Colledge the sixth by William Wainflet Bish of Winchester 1459. He builded a good part of Eaton Colledge begon by Henry y ● sixth he builded a Fréeschoole at Wamflet Brasen nose Colledge was founded in y ● raigne of King Henry Brase nose Colledge the seuenth by Wil. Smith B. of Lincolne in the yere 1513. The same William Smith sometime Bishop of Lichfielde ordayned an Hospitall there for pore folkes and a Gramer Schoole for pore folkes children Also at Farneworth where he and his parents had their originall he bestowed x. pound the yere foreuer to one that should teach a Gramer schoole Corpus Christi Colledge was founded in the raigne of Henrie Corpus Christi Colledge the seauenth by Richard Foxe Bishop of Winchester himselfe being a Fellow in Pembrooke hall in Cambridge he endowed the same Colledge with 40. ● 8. s̄ 11. d. of yerely rent for euer the yere 1516. Christes Churche was founded in the time of Henry the Christes church eight by Thomas Wolsey Cardinal Archebishop of Yorke in the yere of
firste christned Pag. 115 Ile of Ely besieged Pag. 247 Ipswiche besieged Pag. 198 Iron gunnes first cast Pag. 1026 Irelande inhabited Pag. 28 Issue of William Conquerour Pag. 167 Istleworth by the Thamis Pag. 279 Isabel the Queene sent into France returned and made an army againste the King hir husbande Pag. 348. shee besieged Bristow Pag. 347 Ithancester a Citie in East Sax. Pag. 99 Iuall King Pag. 30 Iulius Frontinus a Romaine Pag. 45 Iulius Agricola a Romaine Pag. 45 Iulius Seuerus a Romaine Pag. 54 Iulius Amilianus Pag. 64 Iulius Maximus Pag. 64 Iulius Philippus Pag. 64 Iulianus Apostata Pag. 71 Iustices punished Pag. 304 Iustes at Lincolne Pag. 405. at Windsore Pag. 408. at Woodstocke Pag. 431. in Smithfielde Pag. 459 Iustes in Smithfielde Pag. 718. at Richmont Pag. 866. in the Tower of London Pag. 874 Iur●rs on the Pillerie Pag. 718 Iusting of Chalengers Pag. 1018 Iustes at Greenewich Pag. 1006 Iustes at Westminster Pag. 1151 Iustices condemned Pag. 507 Insurrection in the North. Pag. 864 Ill May day Pag. 923 Iuogo de Can a pastime at Court Pag. 1096 Images brent at Chersie Pag. 1013 Images forbidden Pag. 1036 Image of Thomas Becket defaced c. Pag. 1110 K. KInimacus king Pag. 23 Kymarus king Pag. 28 Kingdome of Northumberland Pag. 87 Kentish Saxons Pag. 89 Kings euill healed Pag. 145 Kensham builded Pag. 181 Kenelworth Priorie Castel built Pag. 181 Kenelworth Castel besieged Pag. 290. yeelded Pag. 291 Knighten guilde Pag. 102 Knarisborow Pag. 251 Kenington or Kingston Castle Pag. 283 King of Man Pag. 387 Kings a Prince and other Pag. 455 King Castle Pag. 465 King and Queene of Denmarke arriued in England Pag. 932 King Henries marriage with Queene Katherine called in question Pag. 959 King Henrie supreme head of the church Page 978 King Henrie the eighte besieged Turwine Pag. 898 Kings stable brent Pag. 1003 King Henrie married Lady Iane. Pag. 1007 King Henrie his gift to the Citie of Lōdon Pag. 1034 Sir Edmund Kneuet araigned for striking one in the Court Pag. 1021 King Henrie married Ladye Anne of Cleaue Pag. 1017 King Henrie Pag. 8. went to Boloigne Pag. 1029 Knightes made by the Earle of Sussex Page 1144 L. LAncaster builded Pag. 28 Lanthony founded Pag. 178 Late haruest Pag. 364 Labastie in Frāce brent by the Eng. Pag. 425 Lambert brent Pag. 1014 Lambeth Ferry drowned Pag. 1010 Leil King Pag. 21 Legion of the Romaines Pag. 21 Lecester built Pag. 22. repayred Pag. 130. Monasterie Pag. 206 Legetoun or Lutone in Hertfordshire Page 129 Leedes Castle in Kent built Pag. 163. besieged Page 342 Lewes in Sussex Pag. 172 Lesnes in Kent founded Pag. 212 Lewes arriued in England Pag. 249. returned into Fraunce Pag. 253 Legat put to his shiftes Pag. 266 Leaden Hall builded Pag. 649 Lewes de Bruges Lord Grantehuse made Earle of Winchester Pag. 738 Legate from Rome Pag. 959 Letanie in English Pag. 1029 Llhanpatren Vaier Castel builded Pag. 298 Licinius Valerianus Pag. 64 Licinius Gallicinus Pag. 64 Lichfielde an Archbish Sea Pag. 105. 110. 130 Lincolne Minster founded Pag. 109. a Bishops Sea Pag. 166. burned Pag. 183. besieged Page 191 Lincolne Colledge in Oxford Pag. 1217 Librarie at Yorke Pag. 112 Liganburge Pag. 114 Limen a Riuer Pag. 124 Lieth taken and spoyled Pag. 1028. besieged Page 1115 Lincolneshire men executed Pag. 1011 Liberties in Southwark purchased Pag. 1046 Liberties of the Stilyarde seased Pag. 1050 Lightning and thunder Pag. 1121 Londō builded Pag. 18. tooke name of Lud. Pag. 31. repayred and made habitable Pag. 124 empaired by fire Pag. 134. brent Pag. 166. Pag. 185. Pag. 187. bridge brent Pag. 241 Liberties of London seased Pag. 274. taken and helde by the Earle of Glocester Pag. 292. vncurteous to the King Pag. 512 Liberties seased Pag. 513 London the Kings especiall Chamber Page 814 Locrine King Pag. 18 Lollius Vrbicus a Romane Pag. 54 Lombards goodes confiscate Pag. 376 Lord Cassels slayne Pag. 557 Loue to King Henry the vij Pag. 861. 864 Lord Dacres of the North arraigned Page 1003 Lone of money to the King Pag. 861. 864 Lord of merrie disportes Pag. 1055 Lord of misrule Pag. 1055 Locke and key weyed but one wheate corne Pag. 1195 Lud King repaired London Pag. 31 Ludgate builded Pag. 31 Lucius King Pag. 54. baptised Pag. 55 Ludlow Castell taken Pag. 285. towne spoyled Pag. 691 M. MAdan King deuoured Pag. 19 Marcus Antonius Pag. 64 Macrinus Emperour Pag. 64 Maximius a Romane Pag. 66 Maximus Emperour Pag. 71 Malgo King Pag. 87 Maldune in Estsex Pag. 99. 129 Martins Church at Douer founded Pag. 93. by Ludgate Pag. 88 Malmesbury buylded Pag. 115 Marius King Pag. 58. ●●ew Roderike King of Pictes Pag. 54 Manchester repaired Pag. 130 Maior of London repaireth to Paules wherefore Pag. 158. Pag. 219. yearely chosen Pag. 237 rowed to Westminster Pag. 674. conseruer of the Thamis and Medway two Riuers Pag. 864. feast kepte at the Guild hall Pag. 874 Mawde the Empresse Pag. 190. obteyned the crowne Pag. 191. fled Pag. 192. beseeged Pag. 194. flyeth Pag. 194. Walingford beseeged Pag. 190. Pag. 195 Marleborough Castell beseeged Pag. 224 Mart at Westminster Pag. 271 Mad Parliament Pag. 276. at the new Temple Pag. 277 Martins Churche in the Vintrey newe builded Pag. 309 Margaret daughter to Edward the fourth marryed to the Duke of Burgoigne Page 719 Martin Swart Pag. 863 Merchants of England receyued with procession Pag. 872 Merchant Taylors Pag. 876 Maltot Pag. 490 Mayd boyled in Smithfield Pag. 102 Margraue and Marquesse of Baden landed at Douer Pag. 1127. returneth out of England Pag. 1129 Memprisius King deuoured Pag. 19 Merianus King Pag. 31 Mercians or middle England Pag. 88 100 Medeshamsted now Peterborough Pag. 101 Medway a Riuer Pag. 124. drie Pag. 181 Measures reformed Pag. 176 Men brought from new found Ilandes Page 875 Men drowned at London bridge Pag. 1059. againe Pag. 1067 Mercers Chappell in London Pag. 292 Midleton or Milton in Kent Pag. 125 Min●s or coyning places Pag. 130. in Ireland Page 239 Michelney Pag. 131 Minories without Aldgate founded Pag. 306 Middleton in Dorsetshire brent Pag. 330 Michaels Church in Crooked lane builded Pag. 462 Morgen King Pag. 22 Mortalitie Pag. 23. Pag. 336. more of kine Pag. 340 Mother slew hir sonne Pag. 24 Morindus King deuoured by a mōster Pag. 28 Morgan King Pag. 30 Mordred the Traytor slayne Pag. 86. hys children slayne Pag. 87 Monkes Pag. 1200. slayne Pag. 108 Monasterie at Winchester founded Pag. 127 Monster Pag. 235. 270 Monsters appeare Pag. 553. Monster Pag. 1053 Monstrous birthes Pag. 1117 Montgomery Castell founded Pag. 258 Monasteries rifled Pag. 162. 307 Monmouth Castell rased Pag. 286 Mortimer escaped out of the tower Pag. 346 Mortimer beheaded Pag. 362 Mayden of God Pag. 633. brent Pag. 634 Mouing of the earth Pag. 1150 Monkes goodes confiscate Pag. 376 Mooregate of London builded Pag. 587 Mercers prentises of London against the Pag. 8● strangers Pag. 679 ● Monox his almes deedes Pag. 902
their horsses to the Courte then was taking of menne on all sides It is saide that in thys conflicte one Pikeman setting his backe to the wall at Saint Iames kepte seauentéene horssemen off hym a greate tyme and at the laste was slaine The whole number on bothe sides slaine at thys battaile passed not fortie persons as farre as coulde be learned by them that viewed the feld but there were many sore hurte The noyse of women and children when the conflicte was at Charing Crosse was so greate that it was hearde to the toppe of the white Tower and also the great shotte was well discerned there out of Saint Iames fielde there stoode vpon the Leades the Marques of Northampton sir Nicholas Poines sir Thomas Pope Maister Iohn Seimer and other About fiue of the clocke Thomas Wiat William Kneuet Thomas Cobham two brethren name Mantels and Alexander VViat sent to the Tovver Bret were broughte by sir Henrie Ierningham by water to the Tower prisoners where sir Philip Deny receyued them at the Bulwarke and as Wiat passed by he saide goe Traitor there was neuer suche a Traytor in Englande to whome sir Thomas Wiat turned and saide I am no Traitor I woulde thou shouldest well knowe thou arte more Traitor than I it is not the point of an honeste man to call me so and so went forth when he came to the Tower Gate sir Thomas Bridges Lieuetenant tooke in through the Wicket firste Mantele and saide Ah thou Traitour what hast thou and thy companye wrought but he holding down hys head saide nothing Then came Thomas Kneuet whome Maister Chamberlaine Gentleman Porter of the Tower tooke in Then came Alexander Bret whome sir Thomas Pope tooke by the bosome saying oh Traitoure howe couldest thou finde in thy hearte to worke suche a villany as to take wages and being trusted ouer a bande of men to fall to hir enimyes returning againste hir in battell Bret answered yea I haue offended in that case Then came Thomas Cobham whome sir Thomas Poines tooke in and said alas Master Cobham what wind headed you to worke such treason and he aunswered oh sir I was seduced Then came in sir Thomas Wyat whome sir Iohn Bridges tooke by the collar and saide oh thou villaine and vnhappy traytour howe couldest thou finde in thy hearte to worke such detestable treason to the Quéenes Maiestie who gaue thée thy life and liuing once already althoughe thou diddest béefore this time beare armes in the fielde against hir and now to yéeld hir battel c. if it were not saith he but that the law muste passe vpon thée I woulde sticke thée throughe with my Dagger to the whyche Wyat holding hys armes vnder his side and lookyng gréeuouslye with a grimme looke vpon the Lieutenant said it is no maistery nowe and so passed on Thomas Wyat hadde on a shyrte of Maile wyth sléeues very fayre thereon a Ueluet Cassocke and a yellow Lace with the windlace of his Dag hanging thereon and a paire of Bootes on his legges and on his head a fayre Hatte of Ueluet with broade bone-worke Lace aboute it William Kneuet Thomas Cobham Bret were the like apparelled On the morrow and the next day folowing were brought into the Tower prisoners George Cobham sir Wyllyam Cobham Anthony Kneuet Hugh Booth Thomas Vain Robert Rudstone sir George Harper Edwarde Wyat Edward Fogge George Moore and Cutbert Vaughan The tenth of February the Earle of Huntington and other Gentlemenne and to the number of thrée hundred horssemenne broughte into the Tower as prisoner the Duke of Suffolke and the Lord Iohn Grey hys brother from Couentrie where the Duke hadde remayned thrée dayes after his taking in the house and custody of Christopher Warren Alderman there The eleauenth day sir Henry Isley who had fledde was brought into the Tower prisoner in an old Fréese coate and olde payre of hosen all his apparell not worth foure shillings the same daye came in twoo of the Culpepers one Cromar Thomas Rampton the Duke of Suffolks secretary The twelfth of February being Monday about tenne of the clocke there went out of the Tower to the Scaffold on the Tower hill the Lorde Guilforde Dudley sonne to the Duke of Northumberlande husband to the Lady Iane Grey daughter to the Duke of Suffolke and without the Bulwarke gate Maister Thomas Offley one of the Sheriffes of London receyued hym and brought him to the Scaffolde where after a small declaration he knéeled downe and said his prayers then holdyng vppe hys eyes and handes to Heauen wyth teares at the last he desired the people to pray for hym and after was beheaded hys body beyng layde in a Carre and hys head in a cloth was broughte into the Chappel within the Tower where the Ladye Iane whose lodging was in Maister Partridges house did sée hys deade carcasse taken oute of the Carre as well as she did sée hym before aliue going to his death a sight to hir worse thā death By this time was there a Scaffolde made vpon the Gréene ouer againste the white Tower for the Lady Iane to dye vppon who béeing nothyng at all abashed neyther with feare of hir owne death whyche then approched neyther wyth the sighte of the dead carcasse of hir husbande when he was broughte into the Chappel came forth the Lieuetenaunt leading hir w t countenance nothing abashed neither hir eies any thing moistned with teares with a Booke in hir hande wherein she prayed vntill shée came to the said Scaffolde whereon when she was mounted she was beheaded whose deaths were the more hastened for feare of further troubles and stirre for hir Tytle lyke as hir father had attempted The fourtéenth and fiftéenth of February aboute the number of fiftie of Wyats faction were hanged on twenty paire of Gallows made for that purpose in diuers places about the Citie The xvij of Februarye was proclamation made that all Straungers shoulde auoide the Realme within xxiiij dayes nexte ensuing vpon paine of their goodes to be confiscate al Frée denizens Merchants and Embassadors excepted The xviij of February Bright one of the Captaines of the Londoners that fledde to Wiat and two and twentie persons more of the Kentishmen were deliuered to the Sheriffe of Kent to be executed in dyuers places of Kent but for the Kentishmen pardoned moste parte they were all pardoned The xxij of February certaine of Wiats faction to the number of four hundred and more were led to Westminster coupled togither with halters about their neckes and there in the Tylt yarde the Quéene who looked forth of hir Gallery pardoned them Duke of Suffolk beheaded The xxiij of February Henrie Grey Duke of Suffolke was beheaded on the Tower hill The xj of Marche William Lorde Howard Admirall of Englande was created Baron Howard of Effingham at Westminster Erle of Deuonshire sent to the Tovver The xv of March the Earle of Deuonshire was apprehended and committed to the Tower for suspition
to haue cōsented to Wiats conspyracie The xviij of Marche being Palmsonday the Lady Elizabeth the Quéenes sister was by the Lord Treasurer and the Earle of Sussex conueyed to the Tower of London from Parliament Westminster by water The tj of Aprill the Parliament beganne at Westminster whyche was appoynted to haue béene kepte at Oxforde Barons created The v. of Aprill sir Iohn Williams was created Baron of Tame and Saint Iames. The vij of April sir Edward North was created Baron of Chartlege at Saint Iames. The viij of Aprill sir Iohn a Bridges was created Baron Chondoys of Sudley Saint Iames. Catte hanged in Cheape The same viij of Aprill then being Sonday a Catte with hir head shorne and the likenesse of a Uestment caste ouer hir with hir fore téete tyed togither and a round péece of paper like a singing Cake betwixte them was hanged on a Gallowes in Cheape neare to the Crosse in the Parish of Saint Mathew whyche Catte being taken downe was carryed to the Bishoppe of London and he caused the same to be shewed at Paules Crosse by the preacher Doctor Pendleton The x. of Aprill Doctor Cranmer Archbyshop of Canterburie Disputation at Oxforde Doctour Ridley Byshoppe of London and Hugh Latimer once Bishop of Worcester were cōueyed prisoners from the Tower of London to Windsore and after from thence to Oxforde there to dispute wyth the Diuines and learned men of the contrary opinion The xj of April sir Thomas Wiat was beheaded on the Thomas VViat beheaded Tower hill and after quartred hys quarters were set vppe in dyuers places and hys head on the Gallowes at Hay hill neare Hyde Parke from whence it was shortly after stolne conueyed awaye The xxvtj of Aprill Lorde Thomas Grey brother to the late Duke of Suffolke was beheaded The xiiij of May Gerrard Fitz Garret was created Erle of Kyldare and Baron of Ophelley for him and his heyres at Saint Iames. William Thomas Gentleman and other were apprehended for conspyring Quéene Maries death the same William Thomas for the matter was drawne to Tyborne and hanged and quartred the xviij of May. The xix of May Ladye Elizabeth was conueyed from the Tower of London by water to Richemonde from thence to Windsore and so by the Lord Williams to Ricot in Oxfordshire and from thence to Woodstocke The xxv of May Edward Courtney Earle of Deuonshire The Erle of Deuonshire sent to Fodringaye was deliuered oute of the Tower by sir Ralph Chamberlaine of Suffolk and sir Thomas Tresham Knights who conueyed him to Fodringay Castel in Northamptonshire there to remaine vnder their custodie The x. of June Doctoure Pendleton preached at Paules A Gunne shotte at the preacher Crosse at whome a Gunne was shotte the pellet whereof went very neare him and lighte on the Churche wall But the shooter coulde not be founde The xxtj. of June was Proclamation made forbidding the shooting in handgunnes and bearing of weapons The fiftéenth of July Elizabeth Croft a wenche abo●●● Anno reg 2. A Spirite in a vvall the age of eightéene yeares stoode vppon a Scaffolde at Paules Crosse all the Sermon tyme where shée confessed that she being moued by dyuers lewde persons therevnto hadde vppon the fouretéenth of Marche laste before passed counterfaited certayne speaches in an house withoute Aldersgate of London thoroughe the whyche the people of the whole City were wonderfully molested for that all men mighte heare the voice but not sée hir person Some saide it was an Angell and a voyce from Heauen some the holy Ghoste c. Thys was called the Spirite in the Wall she hadde laine whistling in a straunge whistle made for that purpose whiche was giuen hir by one Drakes then were there dyuers companions confederate with hir whiche putting thēselues among the preasse tooke vppon them to interprete what the Spirite saide expressing certaine seditious words againste the Quéene the prince of Spaine the Masse and Cōfession c. The xix of July the prince of Spaine arriued at Southampton the fourth day after he came to Winchester in the euening and there going to Churche was honorably receyued of the Byshoppe and a greate number of Nobles the nexte daye he met with the Quéene wyth whome he had long familiar talke On Saint James daye the marriage was solempnized betwéene him and Quéene Mary at whyche time the The marriage of King Philip and Queene Mary Emperors Embassadour being present pronounced that in consideration of the marriage the Emperor had giuen vnto his sonne the Kingdome of Naples The solempnitie of thys marriage being ended the King of Harraults proclai●●ed their Tytle as foloweth Philip and Marie by the grace of The Kings stile God King and Quéene of Englande Fraunce Naples Hierusalem and Ireland Defendors of the Faith Princes of Spaine and Sicile Archdukes of Austrich Dukes of Millaine Burgundy and Brabant Counties of Aspurge Flaunders and Tyrroll whyche being ended the Trumpets blewe the Kyng and Quéene came forth hand in hande and two Swords borne before them Shortly after King Philip and Quéene Marie remoued frō Winchester to Basing frō thence to Windsore then to Richemont from thence by water to Southwarke acompanyed with the Noble men Ladies the King in one barge the Quéeni● an other and landed at the Bishop of Winchesters staires neare to S. Mary Oueries Church so passed through that place and parke into Suffolke place where they rested that night And the next day being the xviij of August they rode thorough Southwarke ouer the Bridge and so thorough London where they were with great prouision receiued of y e A man slyding from Paules steeple citizens passing through Paules Churchyard a man came ●lydyng as it were flying vpon a rope from Paules Stéeple The second of September sir Anthony Browne Maister of the Horse was put by and made Marques Mountague for him and his heires Males with the gifte of xx markes the yeare of Surrey at Hampton Court Dauid Woodroffe William Chester the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Lion Grocer the 28. of October The xxvj h● October a Spaniard was hanged at Charing Crosse for killing of an Englishman there was offered A Spaniard hanged for his life by other strangers 500. Crownes but all that woulde not stay Justice The xij of Nouēber the parliament began at Westminster The xxiiij of Nouember Cardinall Poole came out of Brabant into England and was receiued with much honour he was by Parliament restored to hys olde dignitie that he was put from by King Henrie and shortly after came into the Parliament house where the King Quéene and other states were present Then he declared the cause of his Legacie first exhorting them to returne to the Communion of the Churche and restore to the Pope hys due aucthoritie Secondly he aduertised them to giue thankes to God that had sent them so blessed a King and Quéene Finally he signified