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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09916 A shorte treatise of politike pouuer and of the true obedience which subiectes owe to kynges and other ciuile gouernours, with an exhortacion to all true naturall Englishe men, compyled by. D. I.P. B. R. VV. Ponet, John, 1516?-1556. 1556 (1556) STC 20178; ESTC S115045 90,036 182

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the kyng and haue the greatest offices Thus were our countreymen the Britaynes remoued from their king straungers placed in all offices and holdes and at leynght the lande was ouerrunne and possessed of Straungers And the mane of Britayne put awaye and the realme called Englande The Danes after vnderstanding how fertile and pleyntifull England was sought meanes by litle and litle to place themselues in Englande and after a king of Dēmarke in his owne persone inuaded Englād in the Northe ād made wōderfull cruell warres they spared none they burned and wasted Yorkeshire Northumberlande and all places so that the enhabitauntes were forced to sue for peace at the Danes han des Then built they the towne of Dancastre that is the Castle of the Danes and whiles they had peace sent for moo Danes and whan they thought their for ce and power bigge ynough they passed not vpon promyses and leagues that they had made but renued the warres killed burned ād spoiled in euery place til thei came to Excestre the people and realme was most miserably tormented and made tributarie to them Diuerse of the nobilitie of England vpon light yea no occasiones but only bicause they were thought not to fauour the Danes were taken their nose trilles most villanously slytted their handes cut of ▪ Ah good God who can remembre these thinges without weping Who that feareth thy wrathe lorde will not am●…de his life ād call to thee for mercie What naugh tie nobilitie were that that wolde oppresse the commo nes and afterward be vsed and oppressed them selues by straungers as their predecessours haue ben before tyme What deuillis he Cōmones might that be called that wolde repyne or rebelle against the nobilitie and gentilmen and than to be ouerrunne them selues with priestes and forayners and to be pyned with suche miserie as ye heare that our auncettours were and all bicause the gentilmen and cōmones agred not among them selues Who is a natural Englishe man that will not in tyme forsee and considre the miserie towarde his countreye and him selfe ād by all meanes seke to let it who is it that cā hope for quietnesse pea ce healthe pleyntie and such like giftes of God without Goddes fauour and mercie And how is it possible that God should vse mercie with them that beare inwarde hatred and grudge one to an other ād will vse no merci with others If ye forgeue other mē their offenses that thei cōmitte agaīst you saieth Christ your heauenly father will forgeue thoffenses that ye haue cōmitted against him But if ye doo not forgeue other mē their faultes neither will your father forgeue you your faultes No whilest ye saye the lordes praier ād be full of rācour malice hatred ād ēuie towarde your neighbour ye cōdemne your selues and desire Goddes plages and vengeaunce to fall on your selues for ye meane vēgeaūce to your neighbours ād wishe all euill to fall on them And so it dothe fall on you as ye see by experiēce of the playes ād miseries that are ād shall come to you But from inwarde sedicion and ciuile discorde that briedeth so muche mischief let vs come to outwarde warres and inuasiones made by straūgers But ye will saye ye haue no warres with any forain prince It is true but shall ye haue none yes yes the tyme is not yet come all is not hatched that is vnder the henne Your winges must be dubbed your fethers must be pulled your cōbes must be cut you must be cleane piked your substaunce shalbe gotten by littel and littell out of your handes by taxes and subsidies by beneuolences and loanes and so frō a litell to more and frō more to more and at leynght all the marchauntes goodes to be confiscate in Flaunders by an inquisitiō and others in England by an opē excōmunicatiō And whan ye be ones cleane stripped of your stoare and thus weakened out of courage ād your harte in your hose as they saie than shall your king returne to his welbeloued wife England with great pōpe ād power and shall cōpell you in despight of your hartes to rē dre and deliuer her holly in to his handes Than shall the easter linges vpon hope to recouer their olde and greater priuileges aide him with mē money and ship pes as allready they haue offred and promised as diuerse credible lettres haue declared Thā shall they in uade Englande and shalbe by shiploades if no worse happē vnto you caried in to newe Spaine ād ther not lyue at libertie but bicause ye are a stubburne and vn faithfull generaciō ye shalbe tyed in chaynes forced to rowe in the galie to digge in the mynes ād to pike vp the golde in the hotte sande And so with soro we to your soppes your three mānes song shall be Alas and Weale awaye Than shall ye knowe the pride ād lorde lynesse of the Spanyardes though for a while til they maie get the ouer hande they crepe and crouche fede men with swete wordes Baso las manos and women with confettes swete wynes pleasaunt pfumes gaye apparail and suche like vayne to yes but wh●…n they be ones alofte ther is no naciō vnder the cope of Christ like thē in pride crueltie vnmercifulnesse nor so farre frō all humanitie as the Spanyardes be which thig the realme of Naples the Dukedome of Milane the citie of Siena many partes of Duchelande and the lande of Iulike Cleuelande and Geldre lande can to theyr coste right well testifie And maie it not be thought that the Frēche kìg whā he seeth oportunitie wil set in a fote makìg clayme to Englande in the right of the Quene of Scottes as heire to hing Hēry theight by his eldest syster And maie it not be suspected that the pope to doo the Frenche king a pleasure shall saye the Diuorce betwene king Henry and the dowager was by the canon lawes laufull and shall excommunicate the realme onles they reuoke thacte of parliament wherby the Dyuorce of late was iudged vnlaufull Remēbre remembre good countrey men and true English hartes the miserie that folowed in our poore countrey vpon the conquest made by thambicious William Duke of Normādie vpon how small a title he entred ād how tyrānously he vsed him self His only colour was a bequest or promise made to him by king Edward brother to Cauntus and Heraldus kinges of England whā he was a banished man in Normandie if he should dye without issue as he did At his first en trie he had a great batail with the newe chosē king of Englād ād slewe hì ād twētie thousaūt of our coūtreye mē which put suche a feare in all men the Nobilitie the cleargie the Lōdoners ād others the cōmons that it m●…de thēsue for peace ād to geue pledges for their ●…delitie whom he sent in to Normandie At the first he made thē many fayre promises of peace quietnesse ād iustice wherwith the folishe fōde people were sone begyle●… They thought they had
punished as a traitour for that by necessitie and extremitie of force he rēdred vp Boloigne to king Hēry theight and did not die in the defense of it But thou wilt saie he did it without commaundement of his m●…ister and these shall doo it by cōmaundement of their maistres But what if the commaundement be not laufull doest thou not saie thy self it is not to be obeied Thou saiest to others that non maie do that is not laufull for any commaundement But thou wilt saie it is the Quenes owne and she maye laufully doo with her owne what she lusteth What if it be denyed to be her owne But thou wilt saie she hathe the crowne by enheritaunce and maie dispose of the realme and euery parte of the Realme as pleaseth her But I answer that albeit she haue it bi enheritaunce yet she hathe it with an othe lawe and condicion to kepe and mayn tene it not to departe with it or diminishe it If she ha ue no more right to the Realme than her father hade and her father as muche as euer ani king of Englande what neded he to require the consent of the Nobilitie and commons by parliament to geue the Crowne to his daughter or any other But thou will saie it was more than neded for without consent of the parliamēt he might doo with the Realme ād eueripte therof what it pleased him Take hede what thou sayest If that be true that king Henry might do with it without cōsent of the parliament how is the Ladi mari Quene Why might not King Edwarde his some a prince borne in laufull matrimonie and right heire to the Crowne bequeathe the Crowne wher he wolde and as he did Take hede what thou doest If the king and Quene geue thee a thousaūt perdones yet shalt thou be foun de a ranke Traitour to the Realme of Englande For albeit the king or Quene of a rea●…me haue the Crowne neuer 〈◊〉 iustly yet maye they not dispose of the Crowne or realme as it pleaseth them They haue the Crowne to minister iustice but the Realme being a bodi of free men and not of bondemen he nor she can not geue or sell them as slaues and bondemen No they can not geue or sell awaye the holdes and fortes as Calese and Barwike or suche like without the consent of the Commones for it was purchaced with their blood ād moneie Yea ād thine owne popes lawes wherby thou measurest all thīges to be laufull or not laufull saie that if a kīg or gouernour of any realme goo about to diminishe the regalities ād rightes of his crowne he ought to be deposed Thus did Pope Honorius the thrid cōmaunde tharchebishop of Collossa ād his suffraganes to depriue a kīg of Vngarie which wēt about to waste sell ād geue awaye the Regalities ād rightes of his crowne o●…les in tyme he ceassed ād called backe that he hade done It is so plaine thou canst not denie it But I see Boner I haue chafed thee to muche thi chekes blushe ād swell for very āgre M. D. Cheadsei M. D. Pēdletō M. Cosins or sō of you Chaplaines get my lorde a cup of secke to cō fort his spirites My lorde ād I agree almost like belles we iarre sōwhat but not muche his lordship meaneth that mē ought to be alwaies but not at all tymes honest But I saie thei must be honest alwaies ād at al tymes His lordeship wolde fayne haue a placarde or prouiso for hī ād his that they might sōtimes that is frō the begīnīg to thēde of the weke plaie their partes But Isaie albeit his lordship haue suche a priuilege yet maie no honest mā at any tyme doo that is not honest iuste ād laufull bi kaisers kīges Quenes no neither his cōmaundement For if those thinges which only in mennes opiniones seme to be vnlaufull maye by no autoritie be done and those that doo thē be no lesse to be punisshed than if they had done them without autoritie how muche lesse maye suche thinges by any commaundement be committed that are in dede vnlaufull but shalbe punished according to the desertes by what so euer power or autoritie they be executed Men therfore ought to take hede that by going about to come out of the smoke they fall not in to the fire and by pleasing of men they runne not in to the displeasure of God If mennes ordinaunces and lawes or the gouernours autoritie and commaundement were a sufficient discharge for men to doo what so euer were prescribed or cōmaunded vnto thē tell me I beseche thee why did Esaias the Prop het suffre rather to be sawed in pieces than to folowe the procedinges of Manasses why did Daniel not folowe king Darius and his counsailles commaundement forbearing to worship the true God but was content to be cast to the lyones why did not the three children Sadrach Mesach and Abednego obeye Nabuchadnesar in worshipping the golden idole ād so auoide the hotte burnīg fornace why did Eleazarus submitte him self to deathe and not dissemble why did he not eate his owne meat ād absteyne frō porke fleshe that the king cōmaunded the Iewes to eat cōtrary to the lawes ād saye that he hade eatē it as his olde trustye frēdes of the court coūsailed hī whi did he not sue for a bul or perdō of Antiochus that he might vse his owne religiō as our En glishe haltīg gospellers doo of the pope cōfessing his autoriti which is the thīg that he ōly passeth vpō ād ●…areth not how many soules be ledde to the deuil why did not the seuen brethrē and their mother obeie the kinges commaundement and saue their lyues and goodes as thauncient Catharistes and newe puri stes doo saieng all thinges be pure to the pure and no Idolatrie nor filthynesse can infecte him that is pure and cleane Or why did they not saie as the Priscianistes and Papistes did in tyme past and as the marchauntes Hill and Petresonne with their double tongued traine ād dissembling secte at this present saie that it is laufull and no sinne to saye one thing and meane another to lye with the lyppes so they haue the truthe in the heart to denye God in wordes and workes so they cēfesse him in thought ād mynde to daunce with the deuil all daye and lodge with Christ at night why did Paule suffre so many imprisonmētes so muche beating scourgeing and tormenting And why at leinght did he not saue his life and folowe Kaiser Neroes commaundement why did not the Prophetes thapostles and so many thousauntes of martirs folowe the wicked tirannes commaundemētes and procedinges but resisted them and with their blood testi●…ied that they allowed thē not But all these holy mēnes doīges in confessīg ād obeiēg the highest power God ād not thinferiour powers in wicked ād euil thīges are cōmēded ād lefte bi the holy gooste to vs in holischrift to folowe ād doo the like If mēnes lawes ād cōmaundementes were a sufficient waraūt to mē