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A09568 A briefe chronicle of the foure principall empyres To witte, of Babilon, Persia, Grecia, and Rome. Wherein, very compendiously, the whole course of histories are conteined. Made by the famous and godly learned man Iohn Sleidan, and englished by Stephan Wythers.; De quatuor summis imperiis. English Sleidanus, Johannes, 1506-1556.; Wythers, Stephen. 1563 (1563) STC 19849; ESTC S114630 119,109 230

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was elected Emperour A litle before this time occasiō of great warre did arise betwen the Frenchmen the Englishemen Charles y● fourth For as Charles the faire king of Fraūce was disceased without men children the which befell the yere a M. CCC XXVII Edward the third of that name king of England contended that the kingdome appartained vnto him Warre betwene the Frenchmē and the Englishemen because that he was sonne of Isabel the sister of Charles The chiefe of the kingdome who are named Petes elected king Philip of Vallois cosin of king Charles disceased excluding not only Edward sōne of the sister but also the kinges daughter who was borne after the dyscease of her father For they sayd that the heritage of that kyngdome dyd nothyng appartayne vnto daughters Herevpon sprong a terrible warre the which yet at this day is not wel appeased The affaires of the Emperour Charles were very troublesome at the beginning Edward king of England was also chosen Emperour but he wold not accept it as it is reported because of the war where in he was occupied against the Frenchmen The Emperour Charles hauing appeased diuers innimities thorow Germany drew into Italy at the consent of Pope Innocent the .vi. who was in Fraunce was crowned at Rome by certain Cardinalls vnder conditiō that he shuld not soiourne neither at Rome nor in Italy Institution of the viccaires of the Empyre Wherfore he returned to Millan where he graunted to the family of Vicontes who then were of great power in that towne that they shuld be perpetual Viccaires of the Emperour through Lomberdie For the which benefite he receiued a great summe of monny of them not of them only but also of other people vnto whom he had gyuen certaine priueledge The which dyd greatly weaken the powers of the Empire in that country After he was returned from Italy he assembled the Princes made the decree of the Empire which is cōmonly called the bul of gold Last of all he declared Wenceslaus his sonne successour of the Empire The goldē bull the which he obtained as the bruit goeth by great summes of money Shortly after he disceased In the time of his Empire Iohn king of Fraunce son of Philip of Vallois g●ue battaile against the Englishe men who then held the most parte of Aquitania and the towne of Bourdeaux He was taken in the battaile very nere Poitiers with Philip the least of his sonnes Iohn kyng of Fraunce taken of the Englyshe men who was afterwards duke of Bourgony surnamed the Hardy Diuers of the chiefe nobilitie were slain in that battaile They that haue writen the Annales witnes that the Englishemē were no more then vii thousand and on the cōtrary that that Frenchmē were come thether in an infinite nūber euen about sixtie M. This came to passe the yere a M. CCC L. VI. the xx of September The king was led captiue into England where he died .vii. yeres after Wenceslaus as writtings do mentiō was very vitious aswel of his nature and bringing vp Wenceslaus as of his maner of liuing toke no care of the publike weale He hauing receiued pēce of Iohn Galeatius who was of the house of Vicontes Galeatius the first duke of Millan he made him duke of Millan of Lomberdy notwithstanding that he was a couetous and cruell man In his raigne Iagello duke of Lituanie was elected by the will and consent of the Princes king of Polonia after the death of king Ludouicus He was then fyrst baptised and named Vladislaus He is the double great grandfather of Sigismondus the .ii. who now raigneth The king of Hungarie defeicted by the Turcke Sigismundus King of Hungarie was vainquished nere vnto Nicopole by Baiazeth Emperour of the Turcks the last of Septēber The king of Fraunce Charles the .vi. of that name had sent a braue cheuallry vnto the succour of the Hungarians wherof Iohn sonne of Philip the Hardie duke of Burgony had the conduction who was taken in the battaile presented vnto the greate Turke being in extreme danger of his person not withstanding he escaped after a straunge maner Iohn of Bourgonie deliuered by a strang meanes which reciteth the Annales of Fraunce Baiazeth had one of his familiares who was of them that make profession bost themselues to know the dispositions natures of mē in beholding the body the eyes the visage the forhead He hauing cast his eye sight vpon the prisoner perswaded that Emperour to let him go safe seing that at his returne into his country it would so come to passe that he shuld kindell a fier wherewith the most part of Europa or of Christendome shuld be enflamed Baiazeth beleued him let go the prisoner with the other gentill men after he had receiued their ransome which did amount vnto CC. M. crownes Iohn being returned into Fraunce begāne to set himself against Ludouicus duke of Orleans who was the kings brother For he seyng the king his brother to be holden wyth an incurable disease would handle the affaires haue gouernment be cause that he was his nerest kinsman Iohn of Bourgony on the contrary perceauing himself to be the kings cosin and greater in age Philip his father being dead would goe before Their quarel increased dayly in such sort that the duke of Orleans was at length slaine at Paris as he returned to his lodging after supper The murderers were hired by the Duke of Bourgonie the whiche he denyed not and likewyse approued that whych was done this befell in the yeare a M. CCCC VII the ninth of December Twelue yeares after when the said duke of Bourgonie came to the place appointed for the parising of the matter The death of Iohn of Burgonye not withstāding the assurance made vnto him he was dispatched bi certain familiars of the aforesaid duke of Orleans who had conspired against him The murder was done in the presence of the Dolphine who preseded in the leading of the matter This is the original beginning of the war which from that time hath not ceased euen vnto this day to be renued from time to time betwene these two famalies Because that the Emperour Wenceslaus was dispised for his vnmanlines the princes dyd put him from besides his estate elected in his place Robert Palatin Robert Palatin Emperour This mā forthwith applied his mind to correct that which Wenceslaus had done amise would not ratifie the graunt that his predecessor had made vnto Iohn Galeatius so that he was minded to bring Lōbardy again in the obedience of the Empire But as he forcasted to go into Italy aswel for this cause as for others he was letted yea repulsed by the aboue said Galeatius The estate of Italy was then very troublesome through the faute chieflye of Charles Wenceslaus who had ouermuch licenced graunted vnto those people For besides Galeatiꝰ who of late was
For both of them were slaine afterwards by the Emperour Theodosius Maximus was taken and slaine in Aquileia the other slewe himself The tirantes beyng oppressed Theodosius remayned onely Mayster and ordained his sōnes Honorius Arcadius for to be compainions of the Empyre And in asmuch as they were but of tender age he assigned them for theyr guides as it were for their gouernors Rufinus and Stilico Rufinus vnto Archadius and Stilico vnto Honorius Which done he dyed also shortly after A Synode or counsell at Constantinople By his commaundement a coūsell was holden at Constantinople in whoch the opinion of Macedonius was condemned who denied the diuinitie of the holy Ghost The fathers which were foūd there assistaunt to the number of an hundreth and fyfty did institute Bishops both there and at Antioche whych they call the most auncienst true catholyke Church and in Ierusalem also which they call mother of all Churches And they sent these their actes vnto Damasus Bishop of Rome who sought by all meanes to cal them to Rome Iherome being but yet yong was the familier frend of Damasus It is he of whō we haue this notable sentence that in what place so euer the bishop be be it at Rome or at Eugubia at Constantinople Hieromes sentence or at Rhezo or in Alexandria he is of lyke merite and Priesthode It is sayd that Theodosius was very religious in such sort that beynge on a certayne tyme rebucked of Ambrosuus Byshop of Milā Theodosiꝰ patience and excōmunicated the Temple he toke it patientlye Arcadius ruled in the Easte makynge hys habitatyon in Constantinople Honoryus raygned at Rome But Rufynus myndynge to transferre the Empyre to hym selfe dyd entyse and incitate the Kynge of the Gothes to putte hym selfe in armes agaynst Arcadyus But hys wickednes beyng knowen he was slayne by the souldiours Innocentius Bishowe of Rome the fyrste of that name excommunicated the Emperour Arcadius because he had consented that Ihon Chrisostome should be put out of his Church The Emperour excommunicated by the Pope as it is sayd in the right Canon Then florished Angustine Byshop of Hipponen who was assistaūt at the third coūsel holden at Carthage afterwards at the fourth in which amongest other things it was ordained that the Pryestes should haue a lyttle lodge or house neare the Temple furnished wyth symple housholde stuffe should liue basly And as concerning aucthoritie he should obtaine the same by fayth integritie of liuing that he shuld vse the goods of the Church as commytted vnto him not as his owne The aforesayd Innocentius write vnto Augustine and to Aurelius Bishoppe of Carthage exhorting them to praye one for an other callynge them Priestes and fellowe brethren After Innocentius the fyrst Zozimus succeded who praisyng the decrees of the Fathers of antiquitie sayth that it is not lawfull euen to the Romain sea so they call it to alter any thing in them or do to the contrary He rebuketh also correcteth the custome of his tyme for that certaine vnlearned sought to attayne to the order of priesthoode Bonifacius the fyrst succeded Zozimus and then The sixte counsell of Carthage was holden wherat were a great number of Byshops amongest them Augustine The syxte Counsel of Carthage Bonifacius sent his ambassadors thether giuing them to vnderstand that the counsell of Nice had giuen this priueledge to the Romain sea The falls allegation of Bonifacius that the general coūsells shuld be holdē there he required then the fathers that they would confirme ratifye the same They made aūswere that no such thing was decreed at Nice as farre as they knew notwithstandyng to be certifyed of the veritye they would aduise to send vnto the Churches of Alexandria of Constantinople for to haue the true perfect coppy of the Sinode That being brought thether the statute was foūd cleane contrary for it contained that euery prouince should plead and take knowledge of their affaires that the Bishops should be called vnto the Synode prouinciall or generall the deceipte of the bishop of Rome disclosed as they cal it Cirillus was then Byshop of Alexandria Before that the coppye was come Bonifacius was disceased And forasmuch as Celestinus his successour did make the like demaund he had aunswere made hym accordyng to the tenour of the decree Arcadius beyng deade Hys sonne Theodosius the second succeaded hym In whose time and at whose commaundement the Counsell of Ephesus was assembled and Nestorius there condempned Nestorius condēned who denyed that Christ as beyng God was borne of the Virgin Marye Augustyne dyed aboute that tyme. The treasō of Stilico On the other syde Stilico Honorius tutour dyd behaue hymselfe as vnfaythfullye as Rufynus For hauyng gyuen habytatyon vnto the Gothes in Fraunce he incited theym to come into Italye vnder the conductyon of Alarycus and so to take Rome the whyche came to passe in the yere of the foundatyon of the Cyty a thousand one hundreth thre score thre foure hūdreth and twelue yeares after the natyuity of Chryst Rome takē by the Gothes The Gothes abode not long at Rome but went from thence robbyng and proying to Rhezo and from thence saylyng into Sicilia they were drowned wyth their Kyng In the meane whylle as Stilicus ceassed not to imagyne new enterpryses and conspyraties for to make the Empyre fall into the handes of hys sonne Eucheryus the treason beyng knowen he was taken and executed at the commaundement of Honoryus Alarycus the Kyng beyng deade the Gothes toke Adolphus hys kynsman to be theyr Kyng and vnder hys conductyon they retourned to Rome where they consumed and proyed all that was left He was mourdered and Gensericus raygned after hym and he beynge dead Wallys helde the kyngdome wyth whom Constantinus Honoryus Lyeutenaunt in Fraunce also hys brother in lawe and afterwardes compaynion of the Empyre dyd contracte alliaunce and amitye grauntyng hym the countrye of Aquitania whych is a part of Fraunce for to dwell in The Scots and * they were the auncyent inhabitauntes of England Who as Ceser sayeth vsed to paint them selues with woad to seme more terrible vnto their enemyes Pictes did vexe trouble England but they were defeycted by the succour that the Emperour Honoryus sent thether The Wandales also and Albanois forraged in Spain vnder the conduct of Gensericus After that Honorius was disceassed in the Citye of Rome Valentinianus his sisters sōne succeded him onely in the sayd Towne and towardes the Weast parties forasmuch as at that time Theodosius the sonne of Arcadius gouerned in Constātinople the other part of the world as it hath bene said About this tyme the Wandales beyng moued incited through the strifes seditions of the Romaine Captaines whych were in Afrike they lanced out of Spaine into Affrike put the whole countrye to fyer and sworde Sence this spoyle The Wandales enter into Affrik
the fyrst election was not rightly constituted required again to be solemnly elected the which was done albeit that Pope Bonifacius the eight did say there against and did not approue that which had bene done of other princes Shortly after as a great quarell was moued betwene him Philip the faire king of Fraunce he confyrmed him Emperour spake meruelous things in the laud praise of his house At length Albertus was murdered of his kinsmē at such time as being furnished with al things he had put himself in iourny for to bring the Bohemians to this point for to receiue Fridericus his son to be their king bonifacius the eyght This Bonifacius added vnto the epistles decretalls of Gregory the ix contained in v. bokes another boke named the sixte Amongst other thyngs he ordayned that it was lawful for the Pope to forgoe his estate For it is sayd that by subtyll and vnlawfull meanes he had perswaded that vnto Celestinus the fyfth hys predecessour After Albertus Henry the seuenth of that name of the house of Luxembourg Henry the seuenth came to the Empyre He founde meanes to make Iohn hys sonne king of Bohemia by mariage makyng and drew into Italye whose estate was then most miserable For since the death of the Emperour Fridericus the seconde about fyftie fyue yeares space the Emperours made no count of Italy Wherthrough befell that it was meruelously re●t in pieces by thē that were of most power namely by the Gelphes and Gibellins The Gelphes and Gibellins the which two factions and seditions haue many clients in those coūtries He first then set gouernours through the townes and fredomes of Lumbardie made the inhabitants swere vnto him Afterward hauing soiourned a certayn time at Millan he could not with his labour accord the factions wherof I haue spokē And forasmuch as Turrianus went about to take him at vnwares after the conspiratie was disclosed and the aduersaries repulsed he gaue the ouer sight gouernment of the towne vnto the vicoūt All the townes of the country did yeld vnto his power and deuotion Brixe only rebelled the which he toke after long seige brake downe the walls From thence he passed by Genes by Pise for to go to Rome where he was crowned by certain Cardinalls because that Pope Clement the v. had left the town being retired into Fraunce dwelt in Auignon The popes in Auignō The Cardinalls demaunded of him the oth which they said ought to be made vnto the Pope but he refused it would not so make it that therby he should be bound vnto the Pope The Pope hearing this he declared afterwards at large this forme of othe for to encrease alwaies his power and regestred it wyth the other decrees which now remaine For he also cōposed diuers lawes which beare his name The ouerthrow of the templiers are called Clementines At this time the Templiers were with the same fury ouerthrowē in an instant diuers places Philip the fayre king of Fraunce toke the most part of their goods by the Popes permission since their name and memory was condemned and at the counsell of Vienna which was held in * A coūtry in Fraunce so called Dauphine their possessions were geuen vnto them who are called horsmen of the Rhodes At this tyme also the vniuersitie of Orleans was erected by the aucthoritie of king Philip and Pope Clement After that the Emperour Henry was dead not without great suspiciō of poison and that he was buried at Pise sharpe contentions were moued in Germany for the election For Fridericus duke of Austrich son of the Emperour Albertus did contend for the principallitie wyth Ludouicus duke of Bauieres Two Emperours crowned The archbishop of Mense crowned Ludouicus at Aix in germany but the bishop of Coloigne crowned Fridericus at Rome Herevpō pope Iohn the xxii named thē both Emperours howbeit he was more affectioned on Fridericus side Which was cause to enflame the hatred so that they came euen to take weapon in hand and to giue earnest battaile nere vnto Eling a towne of Swane Neuertheles they departed from the conflicte almost equall Afterwards they fought yet again more fierslye in Bauieres in the whych battaile Fridericus was taken the most part of his men put to the sword but he was let go and retired home where certayn yeres after he dyed Ludouicus then hauing gotten the seignorie marched into Italy with his army The Emperour Ludouicus that against the Popes wyll There he ordayned Lieutenantes through the townes and fredomes was crowned at Millan by the archbishop Which done he sent Ambassadours into Auignon once or twise for to be crowned solemnely which forasmuch as he could not obtain he hauing left order vnto the affaires of Millan toke iourney towards Rome Where being ariued he wanted no gretings and honour at his entraunce was crowned by one or two Cardinals Herevpon the pope did redouble his excommunicatiō Wherthrough came to passe that by the counsell of the princes the Emperour created another Pope so by his meanes there was a deadly hatred betwene them The fyrst tenthes did impute great crimes the one vnto the other The Annales of Fraunce recite that Charles the faire son of Philip permitted first of all vnto pope Iohn to leuie tenthes vpon the ecclesiasticall reuennes that they shuld deuide the bootie betwen thē for the popes purpose was no other then to haue pence against the Emperour After the Emperours retourne into Germany the pope died whose successour Benedictus the xii excommunicated also the Emperour depriued him of his dignity The Emperour then cōuocated the princes at Francfort Oration of the Emperour against the Pope where he made a trime oration by the which he complained of the desloiualties of Popes declared what was hys faith set forth desplaed the ancient lawes of the Empire shewed that the popes had nothing to do in the gouernment of the Empire forasmuch as he is lawfull Emperour who is elected by the consent of the princes albeit that the Pope do not accord thervnto nor wil not cōsecrate him For al this is but a ceremony the which by litle litle hath crept in now is ouer much auctorized to the great dishonour domage of the Empire Clement the .vi. succeded Benedictus Clement the sixth who surmoūted all the residue in violence was the most terriblest He propounded certain cōditions very ignominius became more enraged for that they were refused Wherfore he aduertised the princes very expresly that they shuld procede to the election of another yea in such sort that he limited thē the time Which if they failed to do he would giue order that the church shuld not be any longer without a protector patron The estate of the publike weale being so mutable variable Charles king of Bohemia sonne of Iohn nephew of Henry the .vii.